#as mentioned in the hcs i think john would have a very different reaction
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A drabble for an anon asking about the prisoners watching their music videos! This is focused on specifically Mikoto’s initial shock at seeing MeMe for the first time, but just know that Double comes with a whole new set of shocks as he truly listens to John for the first time ;-;
Mikoto was no criminal.
He didn’t know how to break into locked rooms, or hack into complex prison security systems. He figured there was no way in hell he’d be able to see these so-called incriminating videos that the Warden was recording, and had resolved himself to an eternity of wondering what they could be. He was shocked when he didn’t need to do a single thing to gain access to them – Es simply adjusted the computer monitor and told him he could hit play when (and if) he wished. Then they left the room.
“A-are you sure?” he called, but they were already gone.
Mikoto blinked at the screen. It showed a stretched version of his apartment couch, near his bathroom wall, broken to reveal sky above. He thought he could spot his tarot cards at the bottom of the frame. Had Milgram broken into his home to film this?
He scoffed, and hit play.
Distorted guitar started up. He flinched as his own face appeared for a moment – looking directly into the camera and making a wild expression he would never have made if someone was recording. His body tensed up more as he heard his own voice start to sing lyrics he’d never spoken before in his life. He wasn’t even a good singer, and here he was sounding like a professional.
There were plenty of ways to accomplish all of this, of course. Software could mimic one’s voice, making him say anything these crazy reality hosts wanted. A team could easily add some digital effects to a stunt double and match his appearance perfectly. Knowing that didn’t make the experience any less unsettling.
He watched himself commit a nasty murder. He watched himself return home bloodied. But it was all ridiculous. How could Milgram even claim that this was him? He’d never raised a hand to anyone in his life. Were the other prisoners’ videos as outlandish as this one?
But then, a switch.
The song shifted to a new melody. He appeared to wake up from his couch, and suddenly Mikoto got the sense that this was him.
He was struck with how familiar this new segment sounded. It simultaneously felt like a favorite song he must have played on loop not too long ago, and one that he’d never heard before. As it played, each new note and lyric felt right on the tip of his tongue.
It ended as quickly as it began. The song returned to the heavy-metal-murder aesthetic it had started with, and once again he felt like he was watching a cheap copy of himself onscreen. He watched another murder, a shower scene (had the warden seen all that? How embarrassing…) and then he turned to his bathroom mirror.
At the same time as his musical counterpart, Mikoto leapt backwards in horror.
His eyes remained glued to the screen. His hand flew up to grab the lower half of his face. It was fake, he told himself. AI and CGI and all that. It was fake. It had to be.
Something deep inside of him said “no. That’s real. That’s me.”
Something else deep inside of him echoed the sentiment.
The video was less than four minutes of music, but by the end he was panting and tugging at his hair as if he’d endured hours of prison torture. He burst out of the room. He sucked in breath after breath. The melodies still played in his mind, lines repeating in his memory as he tried to put as much distance between himself and that little television screen.
He found the others in the common room. They gave him a knowing look, but somehow he knew his experience had been very different from their own. Es approached him.
They studied his expression for a moment. Thankfully, they didn’t ask anything stupid, like “how did it go?” or “what did you think?”
Instead, they just told him, “if you ever want to watch it again, just let me know, I can get it set up for you.”
He would want to see it again. Of course, it would be better, then. He would take a moment to calm down. He’d watch it later and everything would be okay. He’d have a clearer mind. He’d pick out all the little camera tricks they used to make it. He’d be sure it was a fake, and laugh about how ridiculous he was being now.
Of course. Of course.
He nodded to Es, unable to produce any words. Es left him.
The rules in this prison never made any sense, but in this case, he was grateful. He wouldn’t need to figure out any snooping or hacking to get access to the video again. After all, he was no criminal.
… he wasn’t, was he?
#milgram#mikoto kayano#thanks again!! this was super fun to do 👀#i was so sad that they cant see their videos in canon so it made me so happy to work out how it may work/feel#you know when theres a song you used to love but its been too long and you sort of forgot the words#but as theyre playing youre like ‘ahhh i knew that’#thats what im picturing#something unnervingly familiar#as mentioned in the hcs i think john would have a very different reaction#hed be happy to see himself but upset to see mikoto so afraid of him#:(#i like to think that john watching meme is what prompts some of his lyrics in double#i think the opening shots of bring it on would convince fuuta that someone had just hacked his cameras#but then there would be shots they shouldnt have any way to get#and the same for mikoto seeing his apartment/the train station and then suddenly himself in the shower…#he probably laughs it off with the others knowing that they came back a bit more calm than hes currently feeling#so he fakes it as long as possible before having another Moment alone in his cell that night#OUGH#drabbles
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Hi! Rüdeger anon here!!!
Rüdeger's reaction at Andreas finding them at the library it very telling to me personally. He doesn't reject or distance himself from Mathieu or their relationship, implying to me that he might not necessarily feel guilt over their relationship, rather like you said fear over the consequences of being found out. That's not to say he's never felt guilty or the guilt might come in waves, (because I do think that in all likelihood he might) but I think what might actually worry him is the breaking of his vows rather than loving Mathieu. I also think the fact that monastic being separated from secular life is precisely why he is able to be in his relationship, and acess/understand his queerness. A lot of monks/priests/nuns do describe being "married" to God and I suppose in that sense there is a fulfilment and comfort if you are queer and part of the clergy, maybe not being able to be in a relationship with person, but being able to acess that same affection through God. I think Rüdeger would have a complicated but not entirely fraught relationship with his faith and queerness.
Personal hc: this is totally not projection onto a fictional character lmao. But I think Rüdeger could have OCD. Especially in regards to scrupulosity/routine/his anxiety. Someone needs to get him some St Johns wort stat!!!
I have a lot of thoughts/feelings about Rüdeger/Mathieu that I can't articulate rn but I'd love to hear more of your thoughts if you're willing!!!! I hope this isn't too much spam!!! ❤️🔥🕊️
hi! not too much spam at all, thank you for writing back! <3
I also think the fact that monastic being separated from secular life is precisely why he is able to be in his relationship, and acess/understand his queerness
good point!! i mentioned the monastery course i took, and as an atheistic (partially anti-theistic) queer person, it was during the first lecture that i really got why someone would want to join a monastic community (sorry if that sounds condescending, i mean it sincerely). like, it's entirely possible that if i were to have lived in a different era, i would've become a nun just to escape secular obligations of marriage/children/whatnot. obvi it would've been different for men vs women but still. and also co-signed on the rest of your points
re: ocd, i admittedly don't know much about it, so i'm sorry in advance if i say very obvious OR stupid things. but i'm curious if the daily schedule of monks, which would've by its nature been very repetitive/structured/consistent, would be helpful? like finding a sense of peace and stability in the knowledge that most days are the same. and that's another reason why the town riot is so hard on him - it disrupts these routines, displaces his place in the world, potentially triggers compulsive thoughts - hence why mathieu says he's "been deep in prayer" ever since they fled to the library. like he's going back to his routines as a coping mechanism (compulsively repeating the prayer, because something is wrong > if i do x y and z it can be fixed?)
sidebar since i went back to look at that scene again, it's so so sweet how, when andreas is encouraging him to sing to the others, he says "i believe in you and mathieu believes in you" :( they're in love your honour. in general mathieu being so comforting and gentle here gives me brainrot
if at any point you have more rüdeger/mathieu (or pentiment in general) thoughts i'd love to hear them! thanks again for sending these asks <3
#oh to be a neurotic 16th century monk being cared for by my stoic partner who only let's himself relax around me........ anyway#pentiment#asks
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I absolutely A D O R E D your Laszlo’s long lost daughter HCs! Such an interesting concept & I loved reading about their relationship developing! I would love a sequel, maybe other people’s reactions? Like Sara, John, Isaacsons, Roosevelt? Would they be told or would they figure it out? & when? Or just generally Society™️? I’m curious if you think they’d go public/be open about the info or keep it secret or just private, etc.? I wanna hear how you imagine the aftermath (a part of me can’t help but remember the opera scene in 1:02 where that guy has all his ‘nieces’ & people assuming that’s what’s going on w Las & this ‘mysterious young woman’ & their mortified/tired af reactions to this nonsense)
- 🦇
Bat anon!!! How are you? I love getting your requests, they are always so detailed 💞
Link to the first part here
- When you and Laszlo had first learnt about your connection, you both agreed it would be best to keep it a secret between the both of you. You two wanted to grow closer, to learn more about each other without the watchful or curious eyes of your friends and wider society. Both you and Laszlo had gained quite the reputation within the newspaper for your antics, Laszlo for his profession and beliefs, the way he would but himself into places people didn't want him to be. And for you how you were working with Sara at a woman's detective industry, that in on its self caused rumours to fly about you. You and Laszlo knew if they caught wind of it, the newspapers would have a felid day.
- However, with the increasing amount of time you two spent together your friends did begin to grow suspicious. John most of all. He considered himself Laszlo's best friend, he considered himself the only person who would be able to stand Laszlo for so long. So to suddenly see Laszlo spending more time with you, cancelling appointments in John in favour of you, it did upset him to some degree. But John could also understand. Though there was a certain age gap. so the same could be said with him and Sara and after all the heart wants what the heart wants. John started to tease Laszlo about it, joking that when Laszlo's mind was adrift with thoughts, that he was thinking about you, When Laszlo said he was heading out for the evening John would joke he was going to see you. Laszlo was in fact but he hadn't quite grasped what John had been hinting at, and so instead gave John a confused glare before leaving.
- It was only when you went round to Laszlo's house when John was realising did everything boil down. John made another remark and instantly it clicked in your mind what John thought. Turning to glare at him with your arm resting upon Laszlo, you inform him that Laszlo was your father.
- John's face paled and his eyes widened as he glanced between the two of you as you both stared at him. He would move wordlessly and the glass of wine within his hand almost slipped out. Finally, his voice cracked as he looked at Laszlo and said "you're daughter?" to which Laszlo replied sarcastically. It took a while for John to adjust to the thought of Laszlo being a father, often he would stare at the two of you, analysing your faces to find all the similarities but as he watched you more even he could start to realise just how similar the two of you were. He had always joked about the horrors of having a mini Laszlo within the world but seeing everything you did, he felt proud for Laszlo for having an amazing daughter, Now now he considered yourself like your uncle and would occasionally steal you away from Laszlo to treat you to a day out, one which Laszlo would grumble at when he found out.
- Sara was less dense than John. She was able to figure it out on her own without you or Laszlo needing to tell her. You two were just too similar for her not to notice. It left her in the unfortunate position however of trying to inform you that she had figured it out. One day she had invited you out to the park in an attempt to inform you about it. Gradually she moved your polite conversation onto the topic of fathers, trying to fight back some of the tears as she was reminded of her own father and how that had ended. You gently reminded her that you didn't know your father and she followed that on by saying how close you and Laszlo seemed to be, that one could mistake you two as if being daughter and father. That is when you knew she had figured it out. The conversation ended with you and Sara hugging each other, tears streaming in happiness.
- Laszlo felt comfortable with his two closest friends knowing, but he knew eventually John wouldn't be able to keep the secret within himself, and that proved true when Laszlo opened the door to find Theordore awkwardly standing on the other side. Laszlo sighed letting him in. As it turns out John and Theodore had gone horse riding outside in the park and their conversation had turned to their nights out, especially of all the times Laslzo ended up drunk and John knowing what had happened on one of those said nights, couldn't hold it within himself and told Theodore. Theodore was quite shocked by the news, for he had his own daughters but they were much younger than you, still he felt now that Laszlo himself had a daughter it was only just right he came over to congratulate Laszlo and discuss father antics, even though there was a significant age range. Laszlo found the topics awkward but amusing and appreciated Theodores attempts at making Laszlo feel more accustomed to fatherhood.
- You had met the twins before with yours and Sara's own cases, you'd worked with them and found them both quite charming. Certainly, you enjoyed the company of Marcus. He always tried to find ways to make you laugh, showing you in detail his work and explaining it carefully to you. You found he had the loveliest of smiles. You were delighted when you discovered they were well acquainted with your father as well but you had the urge to tell them but you didn't know exactly how to go about it. So you broke the news casually to them. Marcus briefly mentioned something about Laszlo and you just replied, "ah yes, my father" both of the men froze in shock, Marcus dropping what was in his hand. After you the situation they were fascinated by it and we're eager to talk to Laszlo about it next who was still quite bashful about the situation and their numerous questions, but you found Marcus talking to Laszlo a lot more afterwards as if trying to gain his good opinion.
- Of course with your and Laszlo's fondness for the opera you two often visited it together and often people used operas not for the entertainment but for the number of rumours they could spread. Now that you and Laszlo had made quite a few frequent appearances at the opera, the rumours were starting to grow. Laszlo the man who seemed so alienated and different from the rest of the society, turning up to lots of operas accompanied by a young woman, one also known for her striking disposition. Everyone latched onto it and the rumours spread quickly. You and Laszlo were rather detected from people like that and therefore were not aware of what people were saying about the two of you. It was John who found out when someone was about to publish the rumours in the newspaper. He rushed to the institute where he found Laszlo and explained the situation. Laszlo became very angry at the audacity people had to spread such rumours about you. It also made him extremely uncomfortable knowing what people were thinking about him and his own daughter. With urgency, he and John went to the newspaper office and the next morning the story of Laszlo and his daughter emerged.
- Laszlo was nervous thinking you might not have wanted everyone to know yet and would leave town not wanting to be around him, but instead, you were happy to finally be able to acknowledge your own father without having to try and hide any of it from society, that you could finally say to people that Dr Laszlo Kreizler was indeed your father and you were exceedingly proud.
TAGS: @wonderwoman292 @justreadingficsdontmindme @thehuiabird @that-stupid-head-tilt-thing@shrekboobies @arianalilyblack @zemosimp420 @kadeuuijib @lieutenantn @neoarchipelago @cable-kenobi @edencherries @faustlyaccused @julyvegan @prestigious-tea @hannahbal-the-fannibal @my-blood-is-maple-syrup @competitivepomegranate @welcometothemxdhouse @flutterskies @rumblelibrary @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @sky-writes-stuff @rhinestxn-e @davianos-blog @everythingbeginsineternity-blog @mywinterivy @the-webkinz-killer @xxlumos @cathana2264 @ajokeformur-ray @nev3rfound @unbeatablecurlgirl @barnesxnobles
#laszlo kreizler headcanons#laszlo kreizler hcs#laszlo kreizler headcanons#laszlo kreizler imagine#laszlo kreizler#the alienist#dr laszlo kreizler#daniel bruhel#daniel bruehl#daniel bruhl#daniel brühl#bat anon
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Can you write hcs for RFA +minor trio with a MC who is a popular standup comedian
Anon, you’re not slick. I know you’ve seen my John Mulaney Posts and the MC that @just-mysme-headshots made. I know what you’re doing here.
Yoosung is surprised to learn that you’re somewhat famous. He’s never really been invested in a lot of celebrity culture but he does know that he feels like he’s seen your face somewhere before but he can’t put his finger on why he thinks that he knows you. It doesn’t click for him until you one evening he’s browsing through YouTube and happens to come across a video with you in it. He clicks that and swiftly realizes, oh, oh my God, you’re famous and you’re hilarious, why didn’t you tell him?
Seven hits him quick with those memes when he tries to get help from him about dealing with this. The next time that you see him, he can’t help but blurt out “Y/N, why didn’t you tell me you were famous?” You’re a little red in the face but you just laugh it off and confirm it. Yoosung is even more surprised when you mention that you’ve been writing about your relationship with him because it’s made you so happy and when you mention any of that, he is gonna be embarrassed and happy that you want to talk about him in such a positive light. He loves to watch you work and he’s always as close as he can get whenever you let him be.
Jaehee is only really invested in Zen and keeping up with him, so apart from that she doesn’t really keep up with who is popular or who is trending at the moment like other people do. She knows that you’ve got a good sense of humor but she does not know how far that reaches in your life until one evening you mention to her that you’ve got a gig to get to and that you won’t be coming home until later than usual. Color her surprised when you post a selfie on your personal account from a pretty famous location. She’s even more jarred when she turns on the television and hey, you’re on.
She’s never been into comedy but you show her something that she never thought that she would enjoy. You manage to get her laughing and she didn’t realize how much she needed that. She lets you know that she found some of your work and she wants to know if you have anything else that she can watch. You offer to just perform in front of her if she’s that interested. She gets stars in her eyes whenever she sees you working or on the stage. Zen, look out, Jaehee has eyes for another famous person.
Zen keeps up with a lot of other people in the industry because you’ve got to be on your toes and ready to work with anyone. He tends to know what’s up except he isn’t really invested in comedy, so he hasn’t seen your work before. He didn’t even know you were moderately famous until he noted the social media articles about your and his relationship, he expected that but what he didn’t expect was that people already knew who you were and you evidently had your own fan base out there. You didn’t even mention this to him before!
You basically admit that you were a little nervous about telling him because some people tend to give you a look when you tell them what you do. But, he loves it and lets you know that he’s proud of you. You’ve built your career just as he’s trying to build his. He loves that you’re basically a celebrity power couple now more or less. He always comes to see you just as you always come to see him. Loud cheering from the boyfriend when you mention him.
Jumin would have gone on without knowing your status if it hadn’t been for the fact that Luciel let it slip in the chatroom that you were famous. Evidently, there are a lot of memes with your likeness out there and that leads him to check out your act. He doesn’t make a big deal of it, he knows what it feels like to have people know who you are before you know them, so he takes his own leisure to get invested in you. He appreciates your sense of humor and actually thinks you’re quite good, and he lets you know that just, out of the blue one day when you’re together.
He supports your career no matter what. He knows that you provide humor and support to all sorts of people. He comes every once in a while when he finds the time to watch you and he loves to see it. You’re always charming and delightful in your own way. You tend to make everyone laugh, and even he can’t stop himself from chuckling. You get to see a side of him that no one else does.
He knows. Seven knows because he wastes so much time making memes and gag articles for the web and to torment the others. So, he knew who you were the minute he saw your face. He was already a fan, somewhat, so you could not escape him knowing you from the start. He thinks you’re hilarious and he spends so much time cracking jokes and shooting you your own memes that have been made. He’s also goofy enough to redo some of them as himself just to see if you will crack a smile or laugh in the apartment.
Seven loves to watch you perform. You’ve got an aura about you that is like nothing else when you’re in front of people. You make your marks and hit the timing every time. He practically can do the show for you if you need to step out of the way through, he practices with you and knows every line. If you mention him, he turns red in the face. God, he’s so proud of you.
V had no idea whatsoever that you were relatively famous. He’s spent so much time working on everything else that he didn’t have time to get involved in the popular culture or know who was doing what or who was popular. He has his own fanbase but honestly, he pays no mind to that. He would have never know if it weren’t for the fact that you told him. You mentioned it casually, oh, you’re a comedian, you do shows every now and again. He doesn’t figure out how big you are until you’ve he noted that you’ve got specials on a few streaming platforms. You blush when he points that out but yeah, you admit that you’ve got your work cut out for you.
V thinks that you do a good job making people smile. He’s always never far from your side when you’re working. If you gush about him or make jokes about your relationship in a good light, he’ll appreciate that. He knows that you love to gush about him just to see his reaction.
Well, he knew that you were sort of getting off your feet when you first met him and he understood that you were popular in culture but honestly, he did not understand the gist of it. He gets the outside world is different than him but learning how people at and use memes and jokes? Yeah, that’s sort of beyond him but he appreciates that you know how to make people smile and laugh. That is very hard to have naturally. You always manage to make him smile and yeah, he used to watch your routines before he spoke to you because you made him feel better. It was like you understood him.
You’re the only person that will ever know that he’s capable of laughing. It is kind of sweet, honestly. He admires what you do and he supports you. He doesn’t mind that you’re often busy or working on new routines to tell, he just loves that you run everything with him to test how people will react. He may not always get it but he does do his best to show that he cares.
God. You’re a prankster? You love jokes? You have the power to be like Seven Zero Seven if you want? Vanderwood cannot believe this but Seven has been sending them memes for a while with your likeness. They never understood the context until you mention that yeah, you’re a comedian and you’re rather popular these days. Those memes are your jokes taken out of context or used as react images. They don’t see the point or the purpose but hey, you’re kind and rational around them and not an utter fool,, so they respect you. It’s a joke and it does not seem like an easy one.
Vanderwood does not try to get it but they will support you. They know that it’s something that you love and they will listen to you if you want to run acts by them but that’s about it. Once in a while, if you’re lucky, they may send you one of your memes if you mentioned how much you love them.
#anon#ask#mod kait#mysticmessenger#mystimessenger#mysme#saeran choi#choi saeran#choi saeyoung#saeyoung choi#yoosung kim#kim yoosung#mary vanderwood 3rd#hyun ryu#ryu hyun#jaehee kang#kang jaehee#jumin han#han jumin#jihyun kim#kim jihyun
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