#as long as i can get the poetry readings done in a reasonable amount of time i SHOULD be able to bs a poem before class. should.
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skrunksthatwunk Ā· 6 months ago
i have class in like 4 hours (slept like 2.5) and i just found out we have poem #1 due today. girl what poem #1 šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€
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turbulentscrawl Ā· 1 year ago
Any headcanons for Embalmer and Andrew? šŸ„ø
Oh yes! I am systematically working my way through most of the characters ehehe. I actually think I need to do some situational writing for Aesop as practice, he was a little harder for me to pin down than the other characters I've done so far.
As always, feel free to send me requests if you like my stuff <3 these are fun to do before work ;;
Identity(V) Headcanons: Aesop Carl
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-With my current knowledge of the characters, I think Aesop is one of the more dangerous people in the actual horror-story telling behind IDVā€¦. But Iā€™ve been filling these under the game/stageplay setup where the manor is an unescapable, endless game and no one actually dies for realsiesā€¦so weā€™ll ignore his murderous training and tendencies for now.
-That said, heā€™s still going to be a very difficult guy to get along with. Aesop is confirmed as autistic, and most of his related struggles fall into social categories. He does not typically enjoy casual touch or conversations about anything other than his work. In fact, the longer the conversation is, the worse time heā€™s having. If thereā€™s a lot of people around too?? Heā€™s McStruggling.
-It takes him a very long time to become genuinely comfortable and friendly with someone, and only then does he start to explore them beyond his comfort zone. Luckily, since everyone is stuck in this would-be purgatory, youā€™ve got nothing but time!
-One-on-one time is best for Aesop, and while youā€™re first getting to know him itā€™s recommended you do not initiate this unless heā€™s in a public space. Heā€™s mentally prepared to be approached at those times. If you try to barge in on his quiet time or safe spaces before he clears you to do so, itā€™s only going to hurt his opinion of you.
-He most definitely has long-stints of going nonverbal. At times, the amount of conversation expected of him is too much and he just shuts down completely. If heā€™s pressed too much during these times he may fall to tears or lashing out. He may, however, be willing to write out any answers that are very important or time-sensitive.
-The trustworthiness of the living and the dead are flip-flopped in Aesopā€™s mind. When someone is dead, they are a resting summation of all their deeds in life. He learns about who people were through the clues they leave behind: their health, their scars, their effects, the company they receive at their funerals. He considers these things to be more truthful than whatever the deceased would tell or show him about themselves. The living, meanwhile, are all actors, just proxies for what they want to be rather than what they actually are. This is a large reason why he feels closer to the dead than the living.
-Aesopā€™s favorite love languages are a little difficult to pin down, but Iā€™m going to say Quality Time is his number oneā€”especially when youā€™re good with parallel play and keep things quiet. This will foster feelings of safety and comfort in relation to your presence! He also likes Words of Affirmation, but mostly in the form of letters, as heā€™s a little biased for them from all the times heā€™s nosed through a patientā€™s effects. Even when heā€™s head-over-heels (or as close as he can be, since I honestly get AceAro vibes from him) he leans towards written communication but could learn to trust verbal praise in smaller doses.
-When heā€™s very close with someone, he can learn to enjoy a good hug now and then, or lend them his shoulder to lean on, but he always prefers to keep his arms uncaged so itā€™s easier to pull away. Unwelcome physical contact feels like bugs crawling under his skin. Itā€™s obvious when heā€™s had far too much of it because that sensation leads to twitching and spasming, like heā€™s trying to shake it out.
-He likes to read! His favorites are mostly nonfiction. Biographies (not autobiographies) and other works of an educational nature are preferred, but he has been known to pick up some poetry every now and again. This is due in part to not having finished school and thirsting for all the knowledge he wasnā€™t allowed.
-He treats learning about his loved ones like reading these books; they are a list of facts and stories to be memorized. Small exceptions to any major preferences can be confusing for Aesop to keep track of, but in general he is very good at committing peopleā€™s likes, dislikes, and histories to memory.
-He doesnā€™t really care to celebrate his own birthday, but likes to help others celebrate theirs. The kitchen is far from his preferred workspace, but heā€™s actually a decent baker when the situation calls for it. The cake decorationā€¦.well, heā€™ll leave that to someone else. But the cake itself will taste good!
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dxliqhted Ā· 2 years ago
closer: al haitham
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al haitham x fem!reader, mildly suggestive, library date.
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his arms were firmly crossed over his chest, his eyes roaming each of the books spine not stopping until he found the one he needed. he swore it was here last time he checked,
"can i borrow this?" his eyes followed your voice, to see you chat with a man on the ladder, you pointed up to the top shelf indicating what you needed it for.
kindly, the guy grabbed his finds and lended her the ladder, leaving you unattended. which was no option for al haithamā€”not when your two left legs were 10 feet high on a ladder.
abandoning his book search, he slowly approached the ladder, you were already at the top not paying attention to what was down as you read the backs of each book, "no..." you mumbled at a book from what he could see was about the plant poetry. so easily it brought a smile to his lips, he loved watching youā€”didn't matter doing what he just found you so entertaining, your reactions to things were always priceless.
what he didn't know was why you were here, this library of all others.
you finally picked a book that seemed to interest you, managing to get you on the first page, and with another flip you were hooked, leaning more on the ladder to gain more comfort, as if forgetting one mistep was costly.
"the chairs probably more comfortable than this old ladder," he spoke finally, your attention instantly on him, "haitham?" you look down to see the smilely man, "baby come down," he suggested again, "it's actually comfy up here,"
"fresher air. a nice change from down there." you shrug and he looks at you thoughtfully, he doesn't speak but his eyes do it for him, cat like eyes filled with longing mixed with adoration once he scans my body and my face, but also demanding.
"you're lucky i like you." you still step down towards him, his hands cup your waist lifting you down and against him in a hug,
he waits for you to look down at him before pressing a sweet kiss to your lips, distracting you from the hand that was out for your book,
"does my luck still count here?" he snickers, waving the book in front of you teasingly as you finally realized exactly what he's done.
"NO." you shout once you register exactly what he's doing, your cheeks burst with heat as your stomach drops.
not that your embarrassed about your choices in literature...but if he see's he'll never let it go and that'll be it for your book enjoyment.
he presses a finger to your lips asking you to shush, you were in a studying areaā€¦ "why not? you took an awful amount of time picking it out...it has to be good." he whispered, amusement all over his face.
"it is a good book." you confirmed,
"then why can't i flip through it? his brow rose, and to your unsuccess in getting it back you sighed with a nod, "just don't...be you about it." your frustration was taken with a light laugh, "me about it?"
"tease about it for the next year every chance you get."
he smirked wickedly, and you gave up as he read the cover then slowly looked up at you, wordlessly.
"yes?" you asked but he slowly shook his head like theres no reason to the slow stare, there was because when he flipped the page he immediately gave it back to you.
"too much?" you asked as he slowly turned away from you, "you didn't even read the page.." you open the book and scan the words and then suddenly he huffs, "erotic poetry?"
"smut. you read this shamelessly in public?" he asks, turning back to you, seeing you nod, a smile widden on your lips, shameless, "people don't usually notice unless they've read it too...i mean it looks normal." the covers a light shade of green with golden letters in the corner, hand-coverable, and practical.
which is good since you weren't really known for this but more for your innocence, come to think of it you think al haitham likes you more for this.
"are you really that surprised?" i stepped closer to him, he takes a minute but he actually nods,
"i thought it was gonna be something stupid like a travel book."
"travel books aren't stupid.."
strangely, looking embarrassed as he clears his throat, "how about we study the book." he says, pointing to one for the librarys private rooms, this makes you laugh, "study?"
he grabs your wrist pulling you along to the open room, "well your strongly interested aren't you?" he smirks, "and i'm greatly misinformed..." the door clicks shut, and you sure hope the room was sound proof.
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Ā©dxliqhted ā™” please do not steal, modify, plagiarize or repost my works
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blood-teeth Ā· 2 years ago
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howdy everyone! it's been a long time since i've done one of these. also this is going to be a long post, so if you're like "i'm not reading allthat but stay safe tho" im sorry in advance.
i was going to wait until the two year anniversary of TMITAWH to post this, but i've been getting more and more asks about the status of this game, why it's on lockdown, when it's coming back, etc. largely, i've been dodging these questions or answering them with a vague "oh, i'm working on it!" which is very much the truth. just, not the entirety of it.
the truth is this: the story is done.
the real truth is this:
actually, before i get into that, i wanted to mention something else. i know i've waxed poetry over and over again and maybe it's getting annoying to hear it - so i'm very sorry - but it really is important to me to mention this because it's the motivation and the life-force behind everything that i do on this blog. i wanted to say thank you. i remember typing up the intro post to TMITAWH after getting the second COVID shot, delirious, but bolstered by a fever that had rendered me brave. i've been writing this story since 2019, i had the vision, the characters, the aesthetics and the understanding and i wanted to desperately to share. i never expected the level of support and love from so many of you. i've never had people genuinely vested in my worlds or characters. i remember getting the first comment about the prologue and slamming my computer shut and freaking out. i cried when i got my first ask telling me how much they'd love it, despite the small amount of content. the fever may have given me the courage to post it, but y'all gave me the courage to continue. and that means more to me than anything means to me in this world. for two whole years!! you've dealt with my wildly out of pocket thoughts, long absences, and have continued to show your willingness to continue the exercise in patience. i dont have people in real life that would do that for me. so thank you, thank you for being here, thank you for caring, thank you for the sweet comments. i wasn't lying when i said that i keep most asks unanswered because i go back and read them, hold the words close to my chest, and convince myself that i can do what i want to do when it comes to storytelling. thank you. forever and always. i know this feels maybe so much like im baring my soul, but i think it's important. TMITAWH saved my life. I mean that in every understanding, with the breadths and depths of my soul. I mean that with all the fibers and cells and atoms that make up me. This story saved my life. it's important to me that you know that in so many ways you all did, too.
so much of the reason i've been sitting on this is honestly mostly fear. it's choking me now as i write this. i'm scared of y'alls reaction, i'm scared of potentially disappointing anyone, and i'm scared of people just being overall pissed off. which i would get! this is not why the majority of you are following me. i'm asking for grace, for understanding, for mercy.
so, the real truth is this:
Tell Me If There's A Way Home is complete. there's a beginning, of sort, a middle, an end. but, it is not complete in the way you might expect an IF to be complete.
this is, simply, because Tell Me If There's A Way Home has been re-written and re-formatted into a novel.
over this past year, i was struggling with the story. things had along the way stopped making sense. this WAS the story i wanted to tell, i knew what had to happen in order to get the whole point of it across. is it better to get back what you've lost, what does it look like when you do get it back? but there was something that wasn't working. i could force the scenes, have The Traveler spend time with Cain in his little house talking about his past, or provide the option to explore the peaks of a mountain looking for a legend of old. i could do all this. but it was all wrong. the story had become corrupted along the way and the vision of it that i held onto so desperately was fading into obscurity.
so i opened a new word document and just wrote. i wrote for a whole year, and the story unveiled itself to be in the way i believe it was always supposed to. i understand so much more of this story than i did two years ago. sitting at 90k words, book 1 is officially done. it's essentially the same story you all had read, but different somehow. more than it ever could have been in an IF format. there are the characters you love. there's cain. there's silas. alice of course. there's the traveler as *her* own character. and there's the reverie. but the reverie is no longer Ezio/Elena. it's just elena now. its beautiful, gorgeous elena with her quick smile and hemlock eyes and her memories.
what happens now?
i'll be spending the next few months making the book as perfect as i can make it. i've been working through the rough draft - or alpha draft- and then i will ask some people to see if they want to read draft 2, draft 3 , draft 4. however many drafts it takes until i feel as though i can do no more. after this, i'll query agents and pray to god that in the hellscape publishing is in right now that im offered representation. after this, i'll pray to god that an editor likes the book enough to want to work with me on it. after this, i'll pray to god that a publishing house likes the book enough to buy it, put in on shelves. there's going to be a lot of praying to god. a lot of luck. so i think it'll be a while before anybody gets to hold the book in their hands, but god i hope y'all get to. i really hope you get to. more than that. i hope you want to.
after all of this, i'll be working on book 2. i already have the title. i already have the first chapter. i know exactly what happens and how.
i know there's maybe some confusion, so please feel free to send me asks about it. i will happily and gladly answer what i can and discuss it.
i'm so so sorry for the long post. this all felt important to mention and it felt important to be transparent with y'all. this was becoming a secret too hard to keep and i'm glad that i dont have to anymore. i hope you're not mad, disappointed, etc. that would really suck ass. i hope you're excited, maybe. i hope you're curious.
anyway. thank you for getting this far, if you did. thank you. i love you. i'll talk to you soon <3
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ghostofasecretary Ā· 2 months ago
[placeholder, to be filled with more goals later] list
Monday plots:
- (Mon) call that one guy and see if you can become a New Patient (i hate everything) (i don't WANNA) (i do want reliable access to meds 2k25 so. UGH. FINE. GOD) (find office phone number, that's step number 1)
- (Mon) update finances spreadsheet
- (Mon) write cards MONDAY? correspondence, something like "Dear [Name], Happy New Year! I hope you had a peaceful and restful holiday season, and I hope 2025 brings you exciting opportunities and joy. All best, Ghost" is fine
- (Mon) walk cards to post office; also check in re: the fucking "locker" (9400 140 2023 71 001 476 469) (got follow up step for later)
- (Mon) rinse off, shampoo hair
- okay. well. The Guy does not exist (or at least i could not find them) so i'm back to finding a new guy. have a list. gotta decide if i want a psych or pcp; if i trusted the pcp i could theoretically knock out my pap smear with them but this would require me to trust the pcp, so. that seems. unlikely. i trust psychs more than normal doctors for whatever reason. so maybe go with the psychs? but also my last visit with my pcp was March so i WILL run out of refills from that guy in the next three months and DO need a pcp. uuuuuuuuugh. let's...call that pcp office and check c 1pm. next available isn't till mid July! try another guy
- (Mon) make pumpkin bread to share with fremb
- (Mon) sort out Polluted Yarn
- (Mon) hang with J Monday afternoon (2ish) <- solidify plans, send text (done Sat night, Sun morning)
- (Mon) get that jump ring measurement to J for 3d printing so you can fix that cami
- (Mon) what am i gonna make Monday to eat Tues/maybe Wends for work lunch. tofu curry! yum! nice
- (Mon) eat leftover dal + broccoli
- do limited amount of lesson planning. like. more than zero not more than two
- nutrition spreadsheet
- (1/13? 1/14?) use up last two bananas
- make pumpkin seed granola to give yourself more snacky foods
- (try granola bars with dates????)
- (Sun 19) wash blue shirt
(Sun 19) wash clothes:
- (Sun 19) wash misc clothing
- (Sun 19) wash gold sweater
- (Sun 19) wash another sweater
med quest:
- call hospital pharmacies re: med availability
- see about dental etc care here
- call lgbt friendly pcp providers
""Ghost's academic life:""
- poetry (1) type edits to t1, 2) type edits to t2, 3) type draft of M, 4) work on M and/or R (1/10/25), 5) do new smooth English translation (your fav song, that one) + send, 6) set + confirm meeting time)
- new poems! yay!!
- uh. class on Friday??? fuck my lifeeeeeeeeee (or let me rework my priorities)
- i really need to like. do a general Arabic grammar review
- and get back into Anki for Persian
- coral house skirt mending
- pj pant hem maintenance (coral hole, grey hem)
- preventative-ish darning/reinforcement of every canvas bag you own
- (Sun 19) repair main slip
- hem blue pants so you can actually wear them
- sew strap covers onto green dress
- haircut nice for Ghost brain good of long Ghost neck
- could i grow herbs in my room? cilantro (and maybe mint, if controllable, which. it's mint) would be ideal
(Sat 18) plant green onion sprouts
- any free performances in my area? try to go See More Live Art
- give yourself more knitting time
list items 1/2/24 in blue
outfits 2024
outfit spreadsheet?? meh
meal plan for Being Cheap
free grocery store
make list of food banks to explore
1/7/25 list leftovers in purple
"contact" "people" for your ""career""
sort papers for real and not just for fake
make a scarf for A with the other yarn?
bonus Arabic reading practice (prolly not gonna happen)
list items 1/12/25 in black
done list (min. 1 day ago):
- (Fri) change sheets + wash sheets & apron
- (Sat) game with friends
- (Sat) 2025 Calendar
- (Sat) start yogurt making (finish tomorrow (Sun) 7:45am)
- (Sat) roast squash seeds
- (Sat) make banana bread with 3/5 bananas
- (Sat) turn mint skein into a yarn ball
- (Sat) call M
- (Sat) refill meds for the week
- (Sun) job paperwork
- (Sun) request anticonvulsants from doc
- (Sun) clean toilet, bathtub
- (Sun) attempt once again to destain/deep clean bathroom walls and floor boards
- (Sun) repair coat pockets
- (Sun) repair coat lining hem
- (Sun) groceries (stay under $30! thoughts: i would love peanuts and dried apricots but. strugglier items for budget, so select produce (+ milk?) first. sweet potato!! more broccoli/leafy greens. carrots and onions in bags if available. tomatoes, obvs. good on ginger for the next week. could buy an onion bag to cut up + freeze some extras for future use, which could save on future bills. also remember food pantries Are An Option To Explore) (well. got apricots and peanuts AND paper towels which took me over $30 but once my roommates pay me back for their share it should only be over by, like, 4 cents)
- (Sun) help roommate out a minimal amount. or for. two hours, of course i took two hours, fuck me
- (Sun) MAINTENANCE REQUEST FOR BEEPING. GAH. text housemate for advice (Sat) it's on the rent portal, cool, you can do this
- (Sun) CANCEL OBGYN APPT (call tomorrow even tho closed b/c insurance bs)
- (Sun) make tofu + broccoli with peanut sauce. or spiced broccoli + tofu curry? need to use broccoli first and also eat spinach soon. or just cook broccoli! fine!
- (Sun) see what MS texted (re: med advice?)
- (Sun) ask group chat for rubbing alcohol/hairspray/acetone to try on coral skirt marker stains!! (also J + A) (can you borrow from someone)
- (Sun) wash another slip
- (Sun) leisure items: knit, drink tea, finish Jenny Nicholson video, new Cult Flav, check out some cookbooks to browse
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spgothkidsheadcanons Ā· 2 years ago
I was thinking that itā€™d be interesting if the goth kids have that one childhood friend thatā€™s different from their group that they have a soft spot for. I made a yandere Michael fanfic and an OC based on that particular headcanon. My Michaelā€™s a demisexual type of guy and heā€™ll get really close to the person heā€™s known for a long time other than his friends. Like his childhood friend was really close to him before he was goth and they were there for him when his parents divorced.
Goth Kids With A ā€œDifferentā€ Friend
Warnings: mentions of violence, mentions of divorce, mentions of bullying, cigarette smoking
- Michael had always been a lone wolf.
- He had a fair amount of people who would talk to him, but he mostly spent his time with his nose stuck in some poetry or occult book his parents had gotten him
- His tendency to ignore people in favor of reading was massive
- Pre-goth days, he was still cold and off putting from the world
- But when his parents split and his dad forced him to move in with him and away from his mother, he became colder.
- Then, Michael became goth, and his lone wolf life came upon him tenfold
- If it was up to him, he would have never made friends with any normie
- That was, until you had taken an interest in the curly haired boy, and then it had become your life mission to befriend him
Two weeks after graduation, Michael had started packing up to leave town. You sat on his bed, watching as he paced around his childhood bedroom, throwing stuff into one of his multiple suitcases. You were upset he was leaving, but you knew the time would come where he would leave to go spend a few years with his mom in Korea. She had left to go back to her home country after her and his dad split while Michael was still young. You pouted, watching as he zipped up his bags and set them off to the side.
His bed had been stripped bare, as were his walls and shelves. ā€œI get why youā€™re leaving, but I didnā€™t think it would be so soon.ā€ you said, looking up to your tall friend. Michael was tall when you had met him, but he seemed to grow even taller over the years you two had been friends. He looked to you, then back to his bags before he shrugged. He came and sat by you on the bed, resting his back. Being so tall was a blessing and a curse. ā€œWell, the sooner the better. If I have to stay in this hell hole of a place for much longer, I might go crazy.ā€ he explained.
You continued to pout at the loss of your friend. You two had known each other since you were little, you had done everything together. You even helped him through his parentā€™s divorce, being there to listen to him and letting him cry or react however he saw he needed to. ā€œIt still sucksā€¦ā€ you muttered, taking another sweeping glance around the room. ā€œWe used to spend so much time up here.ā€ he reminisced. This was a softer side of Michael that you donā€™t think even the other goth kids he hung out with knew. ā€œPlaying with the ouija board, trying to summon demons, hours and hours of horror movie marathonsā€¦ā€ he trailed off.
You leaned your head against his shoulder, his arm coming up to rest around your shoulders. ā€œItā€™ll only be a couple of years. Then Iā€™ll be back, get a place and we can always get together and do the same thing.ā€ he reassured you. He was amazing at making you feel better. Thatā€™s part of the reason you guys had stayed such steadfast friends. ā€œI know, I know. Itā€™s just gonna feel weird starting college without my best friend being there.ā€ you said, looking up at him. Michael looked back to you, an indiscernible look on his face. He sighed, looking at the time and unwrapping his arm and standing up.
ā€œI know. But itā€™s just whatā€™s gotta happen. I havenā€™t seen my mom in God knows how long, Iā€™d like to go and reestablish a relationship with her. Even if that means leaving Colorado for a little bit.ā€ he explained. ā€œSpeaking of, itā€™s about time I leave. My flightā€™s in 4 hours and Iā€™d like to get through security with enough time to get to my gate.ā€ he finished. ā€œIā€™ll drive you there.ā€ you offered with a soft smile. With that, the two of you packed everything into your car, starting on your last car ride together for a while. It was going to be a long few years without your best friend.
- Henrietta was at one time a very sociable person
- Before becoming goth, she was a social chameleon, trying to be friends with anyone and everyone because it was viewed as the norm
- But she had 1 friend who no matter what, always stayed by her side and never judged her for her looks or for her thoughts
- And that one friend was You!
- Even after she met Michael and joined the goth clique for good, you were always her most trusted friend and confidant
- She tried to get you into her group, but you didnā€™t like to be pinned to one group
- And she understood that. You were like a wild animal, and she had business trying to get you to finally settle into a group
- But even though you were ā€œdifferentā€, you still made a point everyday to go say hello and chat with her before class
It was another cold and snowy morning before class. Henrietta and the other goths were perched in the back of the school steps, just to give the illusion that they were at school to their parents. They had already planned on skipping, and were just waiting for school to start before leaving the campus for the rest of the day. It was Henriettaā€™s 18th birthday, and Michael had come and snuck back to the highschool even though he had already graduated to hang out with her and Pete. Firkle was sick, so he didnā€™t leave his house that morning.
Henrietta had just finished her 3rd cigarette, stomping it out on the snow covered ground. She hugged her jacket closer around her, shielding her skin from the wind. ā€œFuck this fucking weather.ā€ she griped, her anger directed at no one in general. Behind her, Pete was huddled in on himself, his legs tucked up into his oversized hoodie. Michael was leaning against the building, seemingly unphased by the weather, but if you looked close enough, small tremors shook through his body.
ā€œHenrietta, you back here?ā€ a familiar voice shouted out. Michael and Pete turned their heads to look at where the voice was coming from. ā€œYeah!ā€ Henrietta shouted back, questioning if she should light up her 4th cigarette of the morning. Michael and Pete turned their heads now to look at Henrietta, then each other, questioning looks on their faces. Moments later, a person the boys had never seen before came walking up, in their hands a small container.
ā€œHey Hen! Happy Birthday! I made you something!ā€ the person chirped, their positivity practically melting off of them. They quickly passed off the container they were carrying to the goth girl, shoving their hands in their pockets. ā€œThanks, (Y/n).ā€ Henrietta responded, looking down at the box. She could see that it was a cake, crudely decorated in black frosting with red and black spiderwebs scrawled all over it. The words ā€˜Happy Birthdayā€™ were written out in purple frosting, and there were bat and spider sprinkles haphazardly thrown onto it.
ā€œI was in a rush with decorating, sorry it looks bad, but I wanted to make sure you had something for your birthday!ā€ (Y/n) explained, smiling warmly at her lifelong friend. ā€œIt doesnā€™t have to look good, I really do appreciate the sentiment.ā€ Henrietta smiled. ā€œHey, why donā€™t you come to Bennyā€™s with us?ā€ she offered. (Y/n) pondered for a second before shruggin their shoulders. ā€œSure! Anything for you, my friend.ā€ they smiled.
- Unlike Henrietta, Pete was definitely not a social butterly
- He had always been ā€œdifferentā€ than the other kids, so before joining the goths, he stuck to himself most of the time
- That was until you noticed this little kid all on his lonesome
- You decided from that day, to make that kid your absolute best friend
- Even after he started hanging out with the goths, heā€™d still invite you over to his home to play video games or just to talk about life
- Heā€™d even skip out on hanging out with the others just so you and him could hang out
The both of you were sitting on the floor infront of his living room TV, playing another game of Mario Kart. You had beaten him a few times already, and he was trying his hardest to at least get 1 win on you. It was senior skip day, so the both of you had elected to just hang out and play video games, watch movies, and to just fuck around and do jack shit. Michael and Henrietta had asked if Pete would go to the diner with them, but he shrugged them off pretty quickly.
Even Firkle had tried to get him to go do something with him, but Pete had other plans, and those plans were to do nothing but hang out with you all day. After finishing the last race, and being beaten once again, he sat his controller down and stretched his back. Sitting on the floor was definitely not the best idea, but it was a tradition that the two of you had held for multiple years. You looked over at your friend, setting your own controller down.
ā€œHey, Iā€™m hungry. Iā€™m gonna go raid your cabinets.ā€ you told him, standing up from your position, limping slightly from your leg having fallen asleep. ā€œBring me something.ā€ he called, standing up himself and making his way to the couch. He pulled up Netflix on his phone, finding a movie that looked interesting enough to keep on as background noise. Coming back from the kitchen with an armful of assorted junk food and cans of soda, you laid out your items on the table, settling onto the opposite side of the couch.
ā€œThis is the life.ā€ you sighed, popping open a can of soda and grabbing a bag of chips from the pile on the table. Pete silently agreed, grabbing his own snack as his eyes fixated on the movie that was playing. ā€œIā€™m not going to school tomorrow, either. It was dumb as fuck for them to have skip day on a Thursday.ā€ he complained. ā€œShit, if you arenā€™t, Iā€™m not either.ā€ you laughed. ā€œBut to be fair, you hardly ever actually go to school.ā€ you picked at him and his tendency to skip with his other friends.
He cut his eyes at you, rolling them playfully before settling back into his snack. ā€œItā€™s cause Iā€™m not a conformist like you.ā€ he quipped back. It was your turn to roll your eyes. ā€œYeah, thatā€™s why youā€™re hanging out with me and not the other ā€˜nonconformistsā€™.ā€ you chuckled, eliciting a smile from the goth beside you. ā€œEh, I gotta have a piece of boring in my life sometimes. Youā€™re the only option Iā€™d actually choose.ā€ he said. You smacked his arm playfully, choosing the ignore the fact he called you boring as you two sat in silence for the movie.
- Firkle once had many friends. When he was in preschool, everyone pretty much was friends with each other
- Then, he went and had his little accident, and he found out that all preschoolers were just kids who didnā€™t understand that being one finger short didnā€™t make you any different
- Well, almost all preschoolers.
- One decided to stick with him despite the fact he had a missing finger
- And that one was you
- In fact, you thought it made him cool that he had was what he assumed was ā€œdifferentā€
- And the bond that you two had grew with you right through elementary school, middle school, and so far, into the 9th grade of highschool
ā€œCool finger today, Firkle!ā€ you complimented. Firkle had been known to make his own prosthetic fingers from carved pieces of wood, opting for different and unique designs that were anything far from a normal prosthesis. Today, he had chosen to wear a neatly decorated purple one, with black lace details carefully painted on it. The young goth looked at it, then back to you and hummed in acknowledgment. ā€œIā€™ve had it for years. I just found it 2 days ago, so I wore it cause why the hell not.ā€ he stated flatly.
You laughed at his delivery, staring ahead as you two walked down the crouded hallways. People stared at you, judging the fact that you were hanging out with someone who was so unlike you. You were a social butterfly, a part of any clique that would take you. You wouldnā€™t say you were popular, but you did indeed know quite a few people.
Firkle glared at anyone who dared to look at you guys liked you were a circus. He was mentally crushing all of the idiots who tried to judge you. ā€œHey, Firkle. Donā€™t let them get to you. If I donā€™t care, then you shouldnā€™t care either.ā€ you reassured him, patting his back gently. He sucked his teeth in disgust, his brows furrowing. ā€œBesides, if they donā€™t understand weā€™ve literally been friends since the sandbox, then theyā€™ll never understand now.ā€ you shrugged.
You both turned into your shared classroom, automatically taking your seats at the back. Opting to ignore the teacher at the front, the two of you chatted quietly amongst the yelling and tomfoolery of the other students. ā€œHey, (y/n)!ā€ your other friend, Jenny, called from the a few rows over. You looked from your goth friend to her. She pulled a book out of her bag and tossed it to you. ā€œThanks for letting me borrow that!ā€ she chirped happily, turning back to her boyfriend, Filmore.
Firkle gave you a look of disgust, which you caught when you looked to him. ā€œChillax, Firk. She just needed it for science homework.ā€ you laughed. Firkle was a little protective over you, but that was only because you were the only person who has stuck with him since preschool. ā€œIf you ever decide to get a different close friend, Iā€™ll cut you.ā€ he threatened. You laughed, rolling your eyes at his possessiveness. ā€œFirkle, you know that doesnā€™t scare me.ā€ you retorted, turning your full attention back to him. ā€œIt wonā€™t scare you until it actually happens.ā€ he stated. You rolled your eyes again. You knew he wouldnā€™t actually do it.
At least, you didnā€™t think he would. That little motherfucker is kinda spooky.
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baeddel Ā· 2 years ago
oh yeah, since i like, if i'm talking about things, talking about how i'm learning things: (long and extremely boring if you don't care about me)
at the moment i've been trying out some new stuff. as you know i typically just read whatever interested me without very much discipline. then for the last year or so i tried kind of a flexible schedule that involved setting weekly goals for myself, mostly 1ch of my OE book every week. i also started doing 15m of anki every day. well 2022 was a fucking nightmare for me so i wasn't as good at it as i think i coulda been, but when i was 'on' it was pretty good. but i've been trying something new again, which is to work on small daily goals instead.
because i divide my days by meals (cuz my weird diabetes leaves me with an inflexible meal schedule, it's very reliable), i must eat 4 hours apart and must have a snack in the middle. so my day naturally comes in 2hr chunks. so my ideal schedule is something like this:
breakfast meditate 7m [åæƒę–‹ę³• 'heart purification method'] (building it up) LANGUAGES BLOCK do my daily language chores snack break TEXTBOOK BLOCK pick 2-4 books & study 15m of each lunch LITERATURES BLOCK just read something i picked snack CORRESPONDENCE BLOCK reply to emails & IMs i have to reply to dinner free time snack free time supper brush teeth meditate 7m [åæƒę–‹ę³• again] sleep
currently the language chores are:
15m Chinese Assimil book/tapes 10m Old English reading 15m Anki (both OE and Chinese)
the textbooks i'm using are
the OE grammar book still Hock & Joseph Intro to Historical and Comparative Linguistics Hayes Phonology a Lacan essay i'm reading cuz a friend's reading it
the literature part is currently Dante's Divine Comedy
the reason i'm doing it this way is three reasons:
1. learning two languages means i have to do a certain amount of stuff every day no matter what. plus grinding OE every day for over a year really trained my discipline in that respect so it's a lot easier for me now than it used to be.
2. i'm at a point in my learning where i'm kind of starting all over again at something new, re: studying linguistics, so i need to get through a bunch of textbooks and stuff. i needed something more consistent for going through a ton of material.
3. going by chapters or page numbers has a disadvantage, which is that you don't feel like you can skip pages or else you're cheating, and you also don't want to 'read around the subject' and dig into things you find that are interesting because it doesn't help your page number goal. and that's the opposite of what you want, because you want to skip around and do different levels of reading, and you want to follow up on things you're curious about. so going by time rather than page numbers is much better.
the reason for the literatures & emails portions was that i felt so good about the scheduling that i realized i could use it to work on other stuff too. so i'm hoping it helps me reply to stuff on a better schedule and also actually get to read poetry & fiction and stuff more often.
the only one i actually have to do daily is the lanɔuaɔes one. everythinɔ else can be skipped or swapped around dependinɔ on my enerɔy level / interest.
the languages component i've been faithful to for about three weeks, except this weekend when i had a huge fatigue crash & skipped two days. the other stuff i've added later. i've only managed to meet this ideal schedule twice in the week or so i've had it in mind. my hope is that i can work up to being more consistent with it, but it's also not that important that i really do it all every day. it's just an orientation thing. i've still been doing way more, way better than i have done for a long time, so i think it's been helpful. but i'll check back in on it later.
the meditation is interesting. my only reason for it is curiosity. it's part of what i'm studying, so i wanted to try it for myself. åæƒę–‹ę³• is based on a passage of Zhuangzi. i'm following the explanation of it in Wu Jyh Cherng's 'Daoist Meditation.' i've done the best with it out of any technique i ever tried. my problem with meditation is the opposite of most beginners; it tends to produce in me extremely intense experiences extremely quickly. this was also true this time, but starting with a short timer (5m) and being able to focus on the sound of the breath, as is part of this method, was helpful in getting through it. once i got through the initial hurdle i would get very intense blissful feeling and a tingling sensation all over. it's crazy that it really works... but now after a about a week i'm not getting it, and i'm getting distracted by thoughts and fidgeting like a normal person! who knows where it's going...
anyway for linguistics i'm working through those textbooks (which i nabbed from a Harvard historical linguistics class, and constitute my 'intro to historical linguistics block'), then i'm going to do a Writing Systems workout: Rogers' Writing Systems, Page's Intro to English Runes, and Boltz' Chinese Writing System. when i finish my introductory OE grammar i have a kind of 'bridge' text called Old English Historical Linguistic Companion by Roger Lass which is supposed to take you from the introductory grammars to Campbell &c. then Campbell's Grammar > Mitchell's Syntax > Hogg's Grammar. i have a general morphosyntax workout to pair with them at various stages: Payne Morphosyntax, Akajemi & Heny Intro to Transformational Grammar, Haegaman Intro to Government & Binding. at that point i think i can be done with textbooks. obviously i'm not bound to stick to this plan exactly, it's just orientation.
the historical linguistics & phonology textbook are a ton of fucking fun btw. the phonetics chapter of the phonology textbook is amazing because you can make all the sounds yourself, & its like doing a bunch of little experiments on your own body. now i know what i'm doing when i'm making all those sounds. and i inflict this knowledge on my girlfriend who thankfully loves me.
sometime before 2024 i'll start on Latin and work it into the language dailies part. the plan is to ideally get to where i can drop the textbooks & anki vocab grinding & just get where i need w/ extensive reading (and, in the case of Chinese, listening). then i'll change my schedule to have something like: 40m OE reading, 40m ZH reading, 40m Lat reading. and once i work that up enough i can fill that time with the kind of stuff that i'm learning the languages to read, so that my language practice is also actually study/research, and i'm starting to consolidate the different branches a bit and actually freeinɔ up time for other areas. that's the lonɔ term ɔoal, like, 'up to when i'm 35' kind of timeframe. thanks for reading!
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simon-x-billy Ā· 2 years ago
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Simon x Billy
The Year of OTP: January
Chapter 1: Whereā€™s Giuseppe WTF?
January prompt: Historical au (because 2015 counts as the past)
Note: Simon x Billy is a slow-burn m/m fic; turns NSFW (male/male, consensual) beginning tamely at Chapter 7.
Meet the OTP: Simon Lewis, author and star of The Mortal Instruments, who keeps writing himself into his novels; and Billy Delaney, Irish handsome devil and international chef of mystery; and also Italy. Itā€™s sort of like a threesome. TMI AU: Instead of Simon Lewis being only a character in the best-selling YA series, he is now also the author of that series. TW: References to having been cheated on, bad language, bad humor, Irish-isms, calling young people criminals, making fun of Americans, LGBTQIA+ themes, having to wait for the NSFW chapters to show up.
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Chapter 1: Whereā€™s Giuseppe WTF?
OK, fine, baggage claim was a little rough. Finding baggage claim was a little rough. Finding Customs was a little rough. Customs was Customs. I mean, whatā€™s to know, they look at you suspiciously, and if you smile excitedly cuz youā€™re in a new country, they look at you suspiciously some more, and you start wondering if theyā€™ve noticed something you havenā€™t.
At least thatā€™s how I felt. Like, maybe I have a single very long nose hair or something horrifying like that. I donā€™t know? Theyā€™re Customs. They notice shit like that.
On a positive note, theyā€™re just fine communicating with people who only ā€œhaveā€ one language. They asked me if I had Italian, and I kept waiting for them to finish their sentence. You know? Like, do I have Italianā€¦ Food? Relatives? Then they were like, ā€œDo you have any other languages?ā€ And Iā€™m thinking, maybe I caught one in-flight. Planes are well known for making people ill. Or I couldā€™ve caught something cool, like Norwegian! In fact, I couldā€™ve had it my whole life and itā€™s just never had any symptoms. You never know.
Meanwhile, the train ran on time. And the Red Sea parted. Two impossibilities amounting to miracles.
So yeah, sure, Iā€™d done some prepping for the trip. I refuse to reveal my sources as they are completely mortifying. OK fine, it wasnā€™t even an app. It was a book. With pictures in it. More specifically, the one my parents used when they planned their trip to the Amalfi Coast.
I used it to plan Our Trip. The one that became My Trip. Flying solo. In so, so many ways.
Believe me, and you need to trust me on this one: Never propose to a girl you met in costume. And if you did and it turned out great, shut up. And mazel tov. May all your children have bar and bat mitzvahs with a good dj. And puppies.
Just remember, your first impression of her is while sheā€™s cosplaying someone else. You might find youā€™re falling for a personality that isnā€™t really her on the inside. The whole thing is exhausting. Because my beautiful but cruel shiki found somebody else to cosplay with.
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She revealed this shortly after breaking up with me.
No, Simon. I do not choose you. No, Simon. I never choose you. Said every girl ever.
She gave me lots of reasons why. Constructive observations for my next relationship, she said. So at least I had something to think about on the plane to Naples that made me feel really good about myself. For 22 hours including two layovers and a bonus train ride from the airport to downtown Naples. (Trust me, just fly into Rome. Why didnā€™t it occur to me to fly into Rome?)
I once read a book where the most flamboyant, exciting character said something of extreme poetry and wisdom. (Because poetry and wisdom can both be extreme. Whatever.) It went a little something like this: ā€œUnsolicited advice is just criticism.ā€ Ok fine, Iā€™ve read it more like 25-30 times. Alright look, I canā€™t be coy. I wrote it. And 25-30 is how many revisions my editor tried to convince me to take it out. (I won.)
I like stories that stretch out over like 20 books in a series. You get to stay with the characters you love until you finally stop re-starting the series the minute you close the last page of the last book. Again.
I think Iā€™d be a vampire irl. And I have thought a lot about it. I mean a lot of thinking on this topic. And you canā€™t convince me that fairies and werewolves are even in the running for best paranormal destiny.
I like stories where choosing to be a vampire is one of the safer bets. Because youā€™re already dead.
Donā€™t start. Iā€™ve fought table top duels over this and I refuse to go over that ground again. Take my word for it. You want to be a vamp.
She was a vamp. I was a vamp. (D, because who else?) We thought we were made for each other. Until she didnā€™t. Think that anymore. I guess sheā€™d been not-thinking that anymore for months and months. And here I am, presenting her with a trip to Italy where I was going to propose. I had it all planned out. I mean I had it all planned out. Because thatā€™s how I roll. (A 20-sided die, obviously.) Ugh. So when she says she doesnā€™t want to leave the city, Iā€™m like, ā€œBut itā€™s Italy! And me!ā€
Turns out the trip wasnā€™t the only thing she didnā€™t want.
Turns out she was also being quite literal about not leaving the city. And so, like the heartless traitor she is, she abandoned Brooklyn for the Upper West Side and a yoga instructor with a man bun and half a million followers on Twitter.
Half a million? What even is that? I mean, I get 100 followers -- wow, friend, you are on fire! I get a million followers -- wow, somewhat famous person, you are on fire! But, like, whatā€™s halfway between the two?
So the ā€œhot yoga instructorā€ -- her words, not mine -- is a person that exists. I told her that she didnā€™t have to be mean about another, hotter guy. And you know whatā€™s coming next. You totally do.
The hot yoga instructor is an instructor of hot yoga.
But since I mentioned it, she laughed and said he is also a hot instructor, of yoga.
Thanks. I donā€™t feel angry tears at all when I think about that.
Anyways, I was talking about trains in Italy running on time, and somehow I land on vamps. Welcome to the brain of Simon Lewis, enjoy your stay.
Oh my god. Thereā€™s a McDonalds here. Itā€™s like a crime against Italian humanity. ā€œThat should be illegal,ā€ I announce to no one in particular. Followed by ā€œShut up, Lewis, that guy over there is staring.ā€ And yes, I do use my last name when I scold myself out loud in public. Because people find that attractive and charismatic.
So the train in Italy running on time is actually my problem. ā€œMy driverā€ isnā€™t due for another 30 minutes. Which means I get to spend an additional 30 minutes enjoying my own company some more. And also avoiding talking to any strangers. Which is particularly difficult in the Naples train station. And even more unlikely when youā€™re standing in the same spot forever and ever.
Iā€™m full of my motherā€™s dire predictions of criminal young people offering their services to help you find your way around the train station. And when that fails, theyā€™re supposed to start begging for money. And when that fails, Oliver and the Artful Dodger pick your pocket. So put your money and your passport down the back of your underwear or something equally unworkable when youā€™re dealing with Customs.
That little gem was actually written in the margins of the travel book. By my mother. So I wouldnā€™t forget to keep it in my pants. ā€œSimon, donā€™t forget about the criminal young people. Keep it all in your underpants.ā€
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So standing here looking like Iā€™m waiting (and waiting and waiting), Iā€™m an easy target. But as my t-shirt says, Iā€™m from Brooklyn. We do not pay people to tell us where we are and which line to stand in. Itā€™s a matter of pride. Unbelievable. Being from Brooklyn, I understand trains. I can find my way around any train station in the world. Hubris! But itā€™s true. Even in foreign alphabets. Itā€™s in my blood, itā€™s in the East River, itā€™s in the soot-flecked air we New Yorkers are born breathing.
So here I am in the Naples train station with my underwear full of credit cards, IDs, and my emergency contacts laminated in both English and Italian. And now I also have that hot tingling in my eyes and the slight burn in my sinuses that threaten angry tears again.
Iā€™m supposed to see a little old man with a big old mercedes, holding up a sign saying ā€œSimon Lewis.ā€ His name is Giuseppe and he came very highly rated on travelbookie.com. Very highly rated.
So, ok, ummm- This guy is definitely not Giuseppe. He doesnā€™t look that much older than I am. Heā€™s an awfully chatty Irishman named Billy. So Iā€™m like, ā€œWhatā€™s Billy in Italian?ā€
ā€œFuck if I know,ā€ he laughs. ā€œThey just say Beelee. Which puts me off every time, if Iā€™m honest. God bless ā€˜em, theyā€™re beautiful people, right, but Beelee is so wrong.ā€
ā€œWhatā€™s your last name?ā€
ā€œSo in Italian, youā€™re Beelee Day-la-nay.ā€
ā€œYā€™speak Italian then, do yeh?ā€ he laughs.
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ā€œFluently. This app taught me how to say ā€˜dogā€™ and ā€˜blouseā€™ and I leveled up really fast ā€” one of my great talents, by the way.ā€
ā€œLeveling up, is it? Or Italian?ā€
ā€œItalian. Certo. That means ā€˜certainly,ā€™ but you use it kind of like you would use ā€˜obviously.ā€™ Why is it pronounced ā€˜chair toe?ā€™ No seriously, Iā€™m asking.ā€
ā€œObviously,ā€ he snorts, ignoring my lingual curiosity. ā€œAre you mansplainin the language of the place I live to me?ā€
Billy rewards me with a low chuckle. It may have been low and just a chuckle, but it was real. Being a connoisseur and collector of bad puns and dad jokes, I have a finely tuned ear for real laughter, as opposed to the usual laughing-just-to-be-nice.
ā€œSo Iā€™m better off with Beelee Daylanay. Iā€™ll have a talk with my boss and ask him to use my full name or nothin at all.ā€ That at least gets a snort out of me. Until he says, ā€œWhat about you? Are you lookin forward to bein Seemon? Sorry, mate. I think yours might be worse than mine.ā€
Weā€™ve been talking all this time and I forgot to look out the window. As if Iā€™m not on my dream vacation. Runner-up, actually. Iā€™m holding my best dream vacation (Venice) for when Ms. I Do Lewis actually says, ā€œI do.ā€ And I will not book the rooms til after she does.
ā€œSorry, what was that?ā€ Iā€™ve been staring into space and ignoring Mr. Daylanay, who is now looking at me funny in the rear view mirror.
ā€œNothin important. Whereā€™d you go, mate?ā€
ā€œNew York to Frankfurt to Milan to Naples. I flew out of JFK.ā€
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ā€œIā€™ll pretend to know where that is. No,ā€ he says, ā€œI meant just now. You disappeared behind your face.ā€
Umā€¦ ā€œI did what?ā€
ā€œIā€™ve been the only one enjoyin the sound of my voice, apparently, since you went quiet about five minutes ago. So whereā€™d you go? Back behind your face,ā€ he prompts.
ā€œThatā€™s an awfully private question, Mr. Daylanay. Iā€™m not sure weā€™re good enough friends for letting you behind my face.ā€ I kinda stumble on the word friends, cuz, well, weā€™re not.
ā€œWhat. Is that like bein let in to visit the little man behind the curtain? That sounds a bit-ā€
ā€œYeah, yeah, I know how it sounds.ā€ I make sure to roll my eyes loudly so he can hear. My mother always says she can hear my eyes rolling from the next room.
ā€œCagey one, arenā€™t ya?ā€
ā€œNosey, intrusive one, arenā€™t ya?ā€ I counter.
He bobs his head and gives me a simple, ā€œOk.ā€
And now itā€™s gone quiet. I decide to disappear behind my face again for a while. I quite like it there. Maybe one day the whole world will join me. (Obscure movie reference, donā€™t bother.)
ā€œDoes she have a name?ā€ he breaks into my sinking mood.
ā€œWhat- Why?ā€
ā€œWell, Seemon, because every story worth tellin about people generally has a name or two in it. Unless yer feelin all avant-garde while you're busy behind your face, contemplatin. Things.ā€
Ok, now Iā€™m starting to get tired of his persistence. ā€œI like to think of her as She Who Shall Not Be Named.ā€
ā€œLike Voldemort. In a nighty.ā€
The bark of a laugh just erupts out of me before I can stop it from encouraging him. ā€œThat is the most disturbing image Iā€™ve ever had.ā€ My dull ache of a mood evaporates as quickly as it came, uninvited and unwelcome on this trip.
ā€œYouā€™re off the hook for now, but if I see you again, Iā€™ll want to hear more about Ms. She Who Shall Not Be Named.ā€
And just like that, Iā€™m annoyed again. ā€œNo.ā€
ā€œOk,ā€ he says again.
While apparently spending more time behind my face, I realize Iā€™ve ignored over 45 minutes of the view in a foreign country. Again Iā€™m annoyed. Isnā€™t he supposed to be narrating the countryside or something? Giuseppe would be narrating the countryside. I frickin paid for that narration.
ā€œSo what am I looking at?ā€ I lob at him.
ā€œFunny.ā€ I hope he can hear my eyes rolling.
ā€œHold up, I havenā€™t finished! That great U-shape, right, thatā€™s the Bay of Naples. The city herself is over there in the distance, all the way at the far end of the bay. All the wee towns strung out and all bunched up against the sea as tight as can be sketch out the shape of the bay and on along to the Sorrentine Peninsula -- where weā€™re goin. The big blue bit beyond the bay-ā€
ā€œIs the Mediterranean. Yeah, I got that much.ā€
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ā€œNah, mate. You donā€™t. See, itā€™s the Tyrrhenian Sea, which is just the part of the Mediterranean between the boot of Italy and Spain.ā€
ā€œThanks so much for the oceanography lesson.ā€
ā€œBit tetchy, arenā€™t yeh?ā€ he says, eyeing me in the rearview mirror. ā€œLook, mate. Iā€™m sorry if I rubbed ye up the wrong way with makin conversation. Iā€™m just not used to fillin in on the guest delivery service. Thatā€™s a specific kind of hospitality. Mine might be a bit more suited to conversatin across a bar. In that situation, all of this would have been charming.ā€
I can see him smiling at me in the rearview, trying to reset the mood.
ā€œSo youā€™re a bartender, not a driver. But you do work at the hotel. Right? Orā€¦ā€
ā€œYeah sureā€™n Iā€™ve been known to fill in at the bar when Iā€™m needed.ā€ He clarifies, ā€œAcourse itā€™s the height of the high season, and all the staff are absolutely inundated with guests. Itā€™s a busy kitchen, and no mistake.ā€
ā€œSo youā€™re not a bar-ā€
ā€œAaaaand, here we are,ā€ he declares, pulling off the road going way too fast into what appears to be open air. But when I donā€™t feel us driving off a cliff, I open my eyes to see an ornate iron gate, a tile roof, a million flowering bushes, and more than one fountain.
ā€œAllow me to be the first to welcome yeh to the Hotel Terrazze di Limoni. Iā€™ll just fetch your bags, shall I?ā€
ā€”ā€”ā€”/Read More/ā€”ā€”ā€”
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Iā€™ve stolen liberally from Cassandra Clare, TJKlune, and all m|m authors Iā€™ve ever read.
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moldygreenblue Ā· 2 years ago
'The Chaperone'
I once began writing a fic in late 2020, and completed it in late 2021. I planned on posting it, but never did. The fic is about Widdershins and his chaperone. Said chaperone is an OC, and making an OC original schism generation member made sense because it's pre-canon and it's a sandbox to play with. I called the fic, uh, 'The Chaperone', because I couldn't think of a better name.
Some point last year (late-mid 2022), I re-read The End. Due to what Ishmael said in passing, it had me going, "Hm, considering this canon detail, could he work as a chaperone?" And I ended up deciding to rewrite 'The Chaperone' with Ishmael replacing the OC. The rewrite is still a WIP, with the first section done. If I never get around to finishing the rest, I'm glad to share what I have finished.
Widdershins flattens his shirt, and sighs as he looks upward, letting the raindrops hit his face directly. He has been waiting on the bench for his chaperone to pick him up in the Beverage District for a few hours. Widdershins isnā€™t sure why the Beverage District is the location, but that what he was told this morning by Montgomery ā€”Montyā€™s fatherā€” after picking his chaperone from a list of seven names: K.W. Anderson, I. Basehart, Alexander ā€˜Alexā€™ Denouement, Dorothea S. Markson, Y. Ichihara, Charlotte Haze, and William ā€˜Billyā€™ Shears-Campbell.
It was list that had him doom from the start. No captains of a submarine are listed. Six of the seven names Widdershins is familiar with he knows arenā€™t in any fields of his other interests, like mythology or poetry. Picking I. Basehart was because he had no other choice.
Widdershins continues to wait on the bench. He moves the balls of his feet up, and then moves the heel back down. Widdershins soon stares at the small suitcase resting beside him.
Widdershins doesnā€™t have an umbrella, because he thought the weather would be wrong. But he doesnā€™t mind waiting in the rain. Heā€™s used to getting drench in the rain. However, he can only handle the rain for so long. What also doesnā€™t help is that underneath his shirt is an envelope. Inside it, is a letter meant for Basehart. Montgomery told him that Basehart must read it, and under no circumstances should Widdershins read, as well as get ruin.
ā€œI hope the letter isnā€™t ruin by the rain. I donā€™t want to get in trouble with my chaperone before meeting him. Or her.ā€ Widdershins gives out a sigh and leans back against the bench.
ā€œIt depends on the letterā€™s content,ā€ answers a male voice. Itā€™s a male voice that Widdershins unfortunately, know all too well. ā€œWould you kindly give me the letter? Iā€™m curious to know what my associate wrote.ā€
Widdershins slowly turns his head towards the direction of the voice. Standing several inches away in front of him is an old man with a beard. The beard isnā€™t what he would call a full-grown beard though. Itā€™s smaller, as well as more neatly trim. Not a rogue hair in sight.
The man is wearing a grey rollneck sweater and white slacks, cover up by an old blue bridge coat that goes down to his knees. The man is frowning, and a ā€˜tchā€™ escape from his lips as he stays dry underneath the black umbrella heā€™s holding. Widdershins isnā€™t shock to hear the manā€™s disgust upon seeing him. Ishmael never like him for being an ā€˜outsiderā€™, as well as other things.
Widdershins had hopes he wouldnā€™t see Ishmael again. Ishmael months ago, moved back to his home of New England for reasons no amount of eavesdropping could discover. To think he was free of Ishmael, only to once again be back in Ishmaelā€™s care again.
He keeps his mouth set as he stands up, and pulls the letter from underneath his shirt. Widdershins hands the letter to Ishmael. He hates how the manā€™s hands are still the same. Warm and rough. Warm and rough that hurt when getting slap across the face.
Ishmael takes the letter, and then gives Widdershins the umbrella to hold. Widdershins watches the old man tears open the envelope, stuffing into his right pocket. Widdershins swallows the suddenly form lump in his throat as Ishmael reads Montgomeryā€™s letter. Ishmael gives a scoff and shakes his head, folding the letter carefully, placing it into his left pocket.
ā€œI thought you were a chemistry teacher, Ishmael,ā€ says Widdershins, handing the umbrella back to the man. ā€œWhy are you on the list of chaperones? When did you even came back?ā€
The corner of Ishmaelā€™s mouth twitches; Widdershins suspects heā€™s fighting the urge to say, ā€œCall me Ish.ā€, or some variation. Ishmael keeps quiet as he holds the umbrella over himself, allowing Widdershins to get soak in the rain again. ā€œMontgomery sent out a dispatch saying he needed volunteers to be potential chaperones to an unexpected group of neophytes a week ago. As my time in New England is now done, I responded, and came back. I never thought youā€™ll be part of that expected group, considering your background and circumstances.ā€
ā€œAnd I never thought Iā€™ll be force to learn about chemistry against my free will again.ā€ Widdershins quickly slaps his hands over his mouth. He shouldnā€™t have said that at all.
ā€œBelieve it or not, I have other interests,ā€ says Ishmael, narrowing his eyes. ā€œI have a minor degree in oceanology, and have experience out on open-waters on ships such as the Pericles, the Penelope, and the Persuasion. Most importantly, Iā€™ve done numerous deep-sea missions in the bathyscaphe Starbuck. Iā€™m no stranger to the ocean. My experience at sea is greater than you think, Widdershins.ā€
Widdershins slowly removes his hands from his mouth, and briefly curls a lock of his wet hair upward. ā€œI doubt itā€™s more than a submarine captain could experience. How will you be being my chaperone work if you only ever controlled a bathyscaphe? Itā€™s a deep-sea submersible, yes. But itā€™s not a submarine.ā€
Ishmael keeps quiet as he outreaches a hand, and tucks the same wet lock of hair behind Widdershinsā€™ ear. The man then gently pats Widdershinsā€™ face, before turning around, and walk away. ā€œAll in due time. Now, would you kindly grab your belongings and follow me? I asked you to meet me in the Beverage District because my lodging is here. I donā€™t want you getting lost and in trouble in such a place like this.ā€
Widdershins rubs the patted spot on his face, and quickly grabs his suitcase. As he runs after Ishmael, Widdershins hates how unlucky he got with picking his chaperone. But he figures, having survived the manā€™s care once before, he can do it again. He endured much more and worse before Ishmael. Yes, Widdershins can endure it all over again.
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mmaurysiek Ā· 11 months ago
a few supplementals (sorry, the infodump below grew long on me) :
- Chinese braille
Chinese braille is pinyin-based, which means essentially Latin alphabet with accent symbols, but no capital letter symbols, as far as i know; while it didn't exist in the time period the show is stylized as - that time period also had much lower literacy rates than the show suggests, so we've got some wiggle room here;
specifically about literacy: the characters used in the show are characters, not letters - so the literacy is more of a scale: learning to read means learning whole words, starting from the most common ones; a lot of people would know more common characters and be unfamiliar with the less common ones
more complicated characters have repeated elements, so one could technically try to guess the meaning, with varied (mostly wrong) results (what a woman carrying rice to a - is that a silo - has to do with maths? it's about that level of abstract)
so much like real Chinese people without access to formal education occasionally had done - some characters may invent a writing system to use between themselves; it might be even sound-based too, though probably not tied to a Latin alphabet like pinyin is, so the character length may be even more consistent there than in the pinyin-based braille; it may also be written vertically, top to bottom, like traditional Chinese writing and even modern poetry often would šŸ¤”
braille as a tactile medium is limited to the maximum amount of detail that would be relatively easily decipherable in minimal time; it's a raised-dots sixpoint that fits under a fingertip for a damn good reason; that means a finite amount of characters - any extras, e.g. larger characters or new characters that would have a line instead of two dots - would take a little longer to read per character, but it's still plausible that people may come up with that; any indents (instead of raised bits) would take much longer time to check for, and are therefore impractical;
China and the cultural significance of paper aside, i was wondering why an earthbender country wouldn't use clay tablets (probably due to the low percentage of earthbenders in the general population). these are more suited to making indents than ridges tho, but would make sense as easily erasable (just press it blank) stuff that children could draw on, so if the characters are trying to metaphorically reinvent the wheel before finding a writing system that already exists - that could be a fun plot device
before the typing machines became the main writing method for braille, currently much cheaper braille writing tablets were a way to go - nowdays they're made of plastic; they're shaped like a book cover without any book, with one side full of rectangular holes the size of a standard braille sixpoint, the other with round indents that make sure that the resulting ridges are nice and even and pleasantly round to the touch; you put a thick paper sheet inside and write by pressing the stylus into the specific parts of the sixpoint holes, mirror-like so that the letters on the other side would be written in the right direction
these braille writing tablets can also be used to draw mazes and stuff, though the easier way of flat-drawing is to glue appropriately thick thread to a flat surface; that way of drawing allows not just for lines but also for using shapes and varied textures, too
btw, getting used to braille means training up one's touch sensitivity; new readers tend to sometimes press letters back into the paper
also, it's customary to cut or fold a specific corner of the paper sheets to quickly indicate which way the text is going; the gaang obviously didn't know that when hanging the lost Appa posters
do what you want with that information :)
- the Moses / skewer / sword-cut maneuvre
when it comes to using long cane (sorry if that's not an appropriate term in English; here the users tend to call it a long cane because it's a vibration-conducting lightweight long cane, calling it a white cane is a more of a sighted people thing - but it may be just a regional custom for all i know -- when it comes to using the long cane, there are a number of ways to do it, depending on what the user wants to achieve (e.g. prevent collisions with people? hold diagonally; check the terrain? a sweeping motion in front of oneself)
the Moses / skewer maneuver is a rare one, because it takes a really very specific kind of person to even consider it - and Toph is very much that kind of person:
we call it a Moses / skewer maneuver here because you do it to pass crowded areas by raising the cane in front of you like a sword - (which also means no tracking of the terrain for the duration of the maneuver) - and march forward at a steady pace, so that the crowd has no choice but to part aside to avoid getting skewered
Toph so would
(the question is - what would be a setting-appropriate name for this maneuver? i came up with a "sword-cut" but there may be something better.)
as for the long cane length, the standard length is a cane that reaches an armpit, shorter for the people who walk slowly and cautiously, and longer for the speedsters; i imagine that Toph may opt for one long enough to touch her face when held vertically šŸ¤”
- the hoop and stuff
there are stand-ins for the cane in circumstances where it can't be or isn't efficient to use; the most basic ones are the back of one's outstretched hand or a stack of papers to maneuver between writing desks
since my country doesn't hand the stabby but fragile and expensive long canes to toddlers, we've got the hoops put to use - basically a hula hoop that a kid can either hold in front or around themself to avoid all collisions; there are no convenient hoop skirts in the setting, but i imagine that there must be some tools that Toph could have used in a similar manner? baskets, perhaps? šŸ¤”
- searching trick
i think Toph discreetly does that in canon, i can't guarantee it tho - i tend to miss moments that weren't audiodescribed - the searching trick is simple - it's using a circular motion of one's hand (starting from a spot in the middle, going in increasingly larger circle) to locate a thing that should be there, or to check one's seat against pranks and leftover stuff
- pouring liquids
frankly, i don't know how how the tea was done before the battery-powered beepers that beep when the water (or touch) reaches the prongs and thus closes the electric circuit; the level of room-temperature and cold drinks can be checked with a thumb inside the cup, but hot drink may be too hot; and with how diligently China sterilised water for drinking by boiling it shortly before use -- i can't think of anything better than use an oddly lare cup and only pour in about half of it, to make the error margin bigger šŸ¤”
- basic echoes and other supplementals
if one's hearing works fine, there are basic echoes one can use regardless of not having any advanced echolocation skills: open space makes sounds travel (like outdoors), flat surfaces make sounds bounce back (like a mostly empty tunnel / room with good acoustics), intensely patterned surfaces mute sounds (like sound barriers that cancel noise of the streets); echoes like that would give Toph information that she wouldn't be able to access through earthbending, like the long curtain separating the room in half ends roughly about here sort of stuff
along with smells, more generic noises, and warmth levels (btw, dark fabrics heat up much more in direct sunlight than bright fabrics do) -- it's going to significantly supplement Toph's navigation, both clarifying stuff she's already perceived through earthbending (like the wall that ends here is mostly bare here and prbably covered in some stuff over there) and alerting her of stuff she did not (like the soup smells ready)
- seismic sense navigation and how Toph sees people and stuff
the clarity of Toph's seismic perception depends on the quality of the ground: solid rock seems best, small highly mobile grains like sand and mud give her a lot of difficulty, and floors from non-rocky materials like wood block her seismic sense (i imagine Toph might have a love-hate-mostly-hate relationship with carpets)
Toph cannot seismic-sense flying objects, so she can't seismic sense through air; her area of earth-sight is fairly far through whatever solid rock she's standing on or touching with her hands, more "fuzzy" if she has to parse through that rock to another touching it, and her horizon ends where the rock ends and air / water / wood / etc. begins
that suggests that Toph perceives the pressures exerted on the rock and estimates the objects' qualities from that; it's very different from seeing; (that indirect perception style is more similar to echolocation than to touch)
immobile objects that aren't a stone conduct that could carry Toph's seismic perception further -- these exert a steady downwards pressure on the rock based on their weight; let's take a wooden chair as an example - Toph can see the pressure points where the chair's legs weight on the stone floor (a staple in the earthbender country); she can see how heavy is the weight on each leg based on that, but she can't directly see whether there is anything suspended between the chair's legs nor the chair's shape; but she can take an educated guess. it's light and small enough to be an empty chair rather than a wardrobe.
and if someone sits on that chair without directly touching the floor, their added weight and the uneven weight distribution (heavier on the leg they're leaning towards) -- is also something that Toph can see, and take an educated guess that either the chair is occupied or it's a coat rack with more coats on one side... nah, the coats don't just shift weight by themselves, must be an occupied chair
i don't know if she would be able to notice whether the thing touching the rock is stiff or soft just based on pressures, or is that another educated guess based on weight distribution - a softer thing creates more of a flat surface contact point with the floor, lighter pressure on the edges, compared to a stiff thing that doesn't change shape under the weight
as for the people (or animals), they move, so the pressure from their contact points with the ground isn't going steadily downwards as is the case with objects -- instead, it goes at an angle, as the living being pushes themself away from the ground / surface to a particular direction; similar as happens with objects that bounce off the ground / surface -- the trajectory of the movement is yet another educated guess
so specific people (and animals) have their own individual gaits, (and a person's gait shifts to reflect how they're feeling! or whether they're carrying bulky / heavy stuff around!), though there are some patterns -- e.g. i think Toph would be able to guess which stranger is an earthbender just based on how rooted their gait is; Aang is the opposite of that, so airbendingly light on his feet, hard to spot (which is a funny contrast with how easy he's to spot visually, with his yellow-orange clothing xD)
now, there are seismic signals that are more obvious and the subtle ones that require much more focus to notice: a person's gait is way more obvious than whether they're wearing shoes; i think it's most likely that Toph can recognise the gait of a person without much effort, but she has to actively look for more details like e.g. whether they're wearing shoes
- seismic sense truthtelling
speaking of minute details that require concentration, feeling someone's pulse through the skin which that person happens to press against the rock -- that sounds like a feat that requires a whole lot of focus! thus - probably only done on purpose; a person's gait may alert Toph that there's something to look for, though
- shape of rock
with rock being a thing that Toph perceives through rather than outside of, Toph would probably have a good grasp on volume, distances through, and maybe the mineral structure of rock she's using; quite a different perspective from the things that she perceives by either seismic proxy or by touch
i think that makes sculpting a fun challenge to Toph, that shift of perspective; i imagine it feels a bit similar to crawling into inside the empty space of a large sculpture to find these all-reversed bits that face away from you now (indents and outdents, all reversed) -- she gets this sense through solid rock, no crawl space required
- sense of time
btw, being completely can't-see-light blind, Toph's internal clock would be disconnected from the daylight cycle; there are still cues she gets from noise levels, meals (fats may make one more energetic and carbohydrates more restful), air temperature and how much of a workout she gets -- sill, Toph (given her general attitude towards society rules) might easily be not an early bird, not a night owl, but a secret third thing (sleeping when she feels like it, possibly operating on a different length of day than others do)
(for full disclosure and context, i'm sighted with visual processing issues, like, good vision with a somewhat noticeable delay in actually seeing things plus an occasional colour perception glitch; i have some training in non-visual navigation as we call the O&M here, and i had accidentally taught myself to echolocate as a kid prior to that, which totally makes sense for a kid who hears way faster than sees, lol)
Writing Toph Beifong, Advice from a Blind Writer
Iā€™m Mimzy, an actual visually impaired writer and blogger who talks a lot about writing blind characters accurately and sensitively. A while back someone sent me an anon asking how to write Toph more accurately and sensitively.
Anonymous asked:Ā Hi there! Your blog has been super-helpful already - I thought I knew a bit about writing with blind characters, but it turns out there was a lot to learn - but this is more specific. Iā€™m writing a The Last Airbender fanfiction, and one of the characters is Toph. I think the fandom has done a fairly good job of respecting her blindness, but what are some things youā€™d like to see when people write her? I want to represent the character as best as possible; thanks in advance!
Itā€™s taken a while for me to answer because I have a lot of thoughts about it as both a blind writer and someone who has read a lot of atla fanfiction. So here we go:
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mariyekos Ā· 8 months ago
- the most interesting topic youā€™ve researched for a fic
- pick three keywords that describe your writing
- share a fic youā€™re especially proud of
Link to the ask meme here.
the most interesting topic you've researched for a fic
Oh boy, this is a hard one when you have nearly 10 years of fic writing under your belt (and if you're thinking wait, 10 years, what did you write before 2016? the answer to that is many, many unpublished ffvii and ffviii fics among other things). And nearly 70 published works, ohhh boy. I enjoyed looking up some sapphic poetry for inspiration for a F/F piece I wrote. I just used it as a title in the end, but despite loving poetry I don't really go looking for it very often, so it was lovely to go through some for inspiration. Oh! And I was part of a Mini Bang (like Big Bang) where I read a bunch of folklore and fairy tales for inspiration for my own fic. I put a lot of effort into figuring the kind of language and patterns were used in fics to guide some of my own, and even if I didn't write all of my fic in those styles, I took sooooo many screenshots and spent a good amount of time identifying what it was that gave the things a "folklore-y" feel. The vast majority of my fic research goes into making sure I'm aligned with series canon. I've definitely done some research to make sure things align with their real life counterparts, but when I say I've put hours into researching just canon materials for fics, I mean it. For my most recent one I went through two game scripts, two extra novels, and then as much information as I could scrape from the wiki... I love being canon compliant as much as a story will allow, so I always do it when I can (and when it's reasonable)! Sometimes I do it to include it, while other times I do it so I can at least know what the canon thing that I'm not aligned with is, for the purposes of assessing what's necessary to include in the story to explain or "earn" the difference.
pick three words to describe your writing
Long, bittersweet, contemplative
share a fic you're especially proud of
Forevermore is, I think, the fic I was most proud of upon publishing, and am still proud of today. It captured a certain feeling I absolutely adore but struggle to produce, and it exists in a sort of high I try to capture time and time again. The writing style is great imo, I like that I was able to do shorter scenes, and it still gets me teary eyed. Same for my readers. I haven't read it in a year or so, but it's very dear to my heart and I think it will always remain that way.
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Thank you for the ask! This was fun :) For anyone that might be interested in hearing me ramble more, check out the link at the top (or here) to see the rest of the prompts.
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nella09archive Ā· 1 year ago
Marriage. 5
Chapter 5: Year 1. Part 2
If I could land 3 kicks and 3 punches, before lunch, Iā€™ll count that as a success. And so, it began.
By the time lunch time came around I was surprised at myself. For the fact I landed more hits than excepted. I was so proud of myself that I thought I should have made training a game from the start. At least, put a challenge on myself. I was so happy that I didnā€™t notice the looks Kami and Mr. Popo gave me. ā€œGoku, are you ok?ā€
ā€œYeah, why?ā€
ā€œJust that youā€™re eating more than your usual amount.ā€
ā€œIs that a bad thing? I just used up a lot of energy, is all.ā€ Kami nodded and walked out the room. Once lunch was done, I follow Mr. Popo to the steps in front of the temple. Todayā€™s lesson was about nature.
ā€œGood Chichi. Letā€™s take a break.ā€
ā€œIā€™m ok dad. I would like to get a few more in before we return for lunch.ā€
ā€œChichi, you sure you havenā€™t done enough sit-ups?ā€ Dad is right. After one more, I sat up and crossed my legs. I decided to meditate before I got up fully. Today already felt like a long day, yet it wasnā€™t over. After meditating for half an hour, me and dad went into our capsule home. Itā€™s been two months since he promised to train me.
At first, it was just like it was when I was a kid. But then, dad forced me to stop wearing my armor. By now I already understood why. Doesnā€™t make any less sad. I had to except I was no longer a child, with a child body. So, I adopted more of a tai-chi uniform. I like how it flows with my movements, and it looks nice. Instead of a traditions gi, I wear a cheongsam on top. Even though dad trains me, I still try to practice my katas on my own, when heā€™s not looking.
Once inside the home, I started up cooking our lunch. Also, since starting training, I started teaching myself other things. Since my dream was still to be a simple house wife, I had to learn how to be one. Whenever we made it a new town or city, along our training path, I always made sure to buy plenty of books. Once I sat lunch on the table, I called out to dad to join me.
As we sat down to eat, I couldnā€™t help myself to read a book. I made sure it wasnā€™t a book I recently bought. It was a simple book filled with romantic poetry. Itā€™s actually one of my favorite things to read. It was not until I finished one of the poems that I noticed dad looking my way. ā€œIs something wrong, dad?ā€
ā€œIā€™ve noticed you been buying a lot of books lately. Is there a reason why?ā€
ā€œBecause I want to learn so much. And if, at the end, I was to become queen, shouldnā€™t I know as much as possible to help others?ā€ This answer seemed to pleased dad, even though it wasnā€™t a lie either. I do want to help other, and I want to learn so much.
ā€œAre any of them new cook books?ā€
At this I got excited and ran to my temporary room, to get my latest book. I came back and went on a rant how I want to try cooking all these foods. Once or twice I mention how I hoped Goku would like my cooking. Without me knowing, daddy frown every time I mention Goku. I was just too excited to notice.
Once lunch was over it was time for my ā€˜proper ladyā€™ lessons. I didnā€™t really like this part of the day. I had to learn to hide any emotions. I had to learn to stay calm, no matter how angry something got me. But can you blame me? I after all, have my dadā€™s famous temper. I remembered one time I punched a boy for bullying a smaller girl. The group with him called me names, but I ignored them. They werenā€™t worth my time.
Soon after that girl and I became friends. She was the only friend I had in our village. I didnā€™t understand why nobody liked me. But it didnā€™t bother me, cause at least I had one friend. And there was always Goku.
After our two-months training away home, dad was ready to go home. I was a different story. I wanted to train more. Once back at our village we were greeted by one of our eldest maid. With her was her grandson, Li. He was a weird boy. Whenever his grandma brought him over, he would always follow me. It bugged me a lot. Whenever I was in the garden, trying to get a workout going, he would show up and watch. At the beginning, I didnā€™t mind. After a few times, he tried talking to me, that what annoyed me.
Li would go on and on about how cute I looked. He would then question why did I even want to be strong. ā€œItā€™s not like it matter. Grandma says itā€™s a waste, and itā€™s not proper.ā€ Whenever he said that I left and went to my room to finish my work out. There were times he would even try to get into my room, while Iā€™m trying to change.
I told dad this, but he insist that Li is just trying to be my friend. It sure didnā€™t feel that way. How would my Goku react to this? Would he be like daddy? Or would he be on my side? Whatever the answer might be, I just hope Li never touches me. If he did to damn what daddy says.
We stood home for a month. During that month daddy threw parties, and invited everyone who had a son my age. During these parties I had to dance which of the boys. While dancing with one of them, he tried grabbing my butt. I reactivity punched him. I did so hard he flew to the back wall. I was so angry I failed to notice how disappointed my father looked at me. After taking shallow breaths to calm down, I left the ball room.
Halfway to my room I noticed Li was following me. ā€œSo what now princess?ā€ The way he said that pissed me off. I had every mind to punch him too, but I ignored him and went to my room. I had enough! I changed out of this big stuffy dress, and put on my uniform.
I packed up, and left a note for dad. In the note I stated I was going off training to cool off. And for him to not worry about me. I then took my bookbag, made sure I had capsules and left. I aimless traveled to the ocean. I was chased by dinosaurs and other monsters. Times like this I wish I had my helmet, but I canā€™t rely on that anymore. I had to find my own strengths.
3 days had passed and I have finally returned home. I was greeted by a very worried daddy. He was sobbing as he picked me up, in a tight hug. He said we should throw a party to celebrate my return. I kindly asked that we didnā€™t do that. I donā€™t need parties and being surrounded by people. At first it seemed my father understood. While, until 4 months later, he threw another party when we returned for a training mission. At this rate I will never be strong as Goku.
I confronted my dad about this and told me how everyone needs rest. Rest? ā€œYou call this rest!ā€ I was so mad. I could understand if we came home and all we did was relax, and catch our strength. But nope, we come home and he plans a huge party. Parties are nice, but I donā€™t even get a chance to relax for a few days. Well time to put up my perfect princess attitude and get on with it.
Two months into these lessons and I swear I was getting more and more bored. The math stuff was helpful when putting it into my training. The reading and writing I didnā€™t get but I tried reasoning with Mr. Popo about it. Surprised he agreed to end those. But he did teach me other stuff, like health and biology. It made sense, since I could imply it into my training.
I was getting better each day with understanding living energy. I was even able to officially beat that damn doll. So today Mr. Popo was going to spar with me. I still couldnā€™t beat him, but I was getting close. Sometimes he would mention something about a temper. I asked him once what that was. He answered by simply punching and I got mad and was going to try to punch him. He then said, ā€œThatā€™s a temper.ā€
So guess itā€™s another word for mad. So, another word added to the list of things I need to control. Lately living up here I been making a lot of list. Like things I had to get a better hand of, things I wanted to ask my friends, and stuff I would never tell a soul.
It was almost a year into this training and Kami stated it was time I trained with weighted clothes.
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charkyzombicorn Ā· 3 years ago
More One Piece HCs because I dropped my brain cells when I was busy crying over Noland and Calgara
-Sanji is bothered by Garp's introduction in Water 7, especially the 'Luffy you act like I abused you' before describing a third of the ways he was abused by him. That shit makes Sanji's skin itch.
-Luffy is actually far from an ugly person, it's just something people don't pick up right away because of his presence and personality take up a lot of space. This makes people that know him by his wanted poster slightly off-balance at first
-Nami was very dubious and hostile of Zoro when she first learned that it was just creepy intense guy traveling with a boy who Nami firmly dubbed a child in their first interaction.
-Luffy doesn't particularly like pickpocketing because it avoids confrontation, but he can do it well when he needs to
-Usopp always tells stories to the people recovering in the medbay (Even Zoro and Nami, they appreciate the effort)
-Zoro actually isn't the prettiest peach. His forehead's too big and his jaw and teeth are slightly misaligned because they were broken more than once in his training days(seriously lifting boulders with your jaw is a bad idea kids), pre timeskip people said his laugh was too loud and post TS people were off-put by his early frown lines. He doesn't give two shits though, being nice to look at isn't a requirement of being the greatest swordsman and his personality put people off long before his looks did. (Maybe he gets a little hurt sometimes, when people don't call him ugly but walk up to Luffy not knowing who he is and asking what a pretty little thing like him is doing with the green-haired troll. He doesn't acknowledge argue, neither does Luffy, they just leave when the nobody's are done, they're not worth it.)
-Nami and Robin have learned the hard way to never compliment Sanji back. Doesn't matter if he spent the last half hour reading them poetry about his undying love, Do Not, not even with a 'those were very kind words', Don't. First he freezes for about 9 seconds just long enough that he's actually stopped breathing and not just paused, then his entire body goes rigid and beat red, then he somehow catches fire, then he falls to his knees and sobs at their feet with the amount of thank yous that are only reasonable when that person has saved/freed their entire island (and the Strawhats know that number well), then he passes out into a 'Love coma' until the next meal he needs to cook.
-Robin is the most comfortable in her sexuality, her being 30 and having much different things about herself she's not okay with. This means she subtly flirts with Nami because were Robin a younger woman, Nami would have been her type.
-Nami gets a lil giddy because getting a flirt from hot guys and getting a flirt from hot women hits vastly different (neither are actually interested in a relationship, it's just nice)
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kandybarre Ā· 11 days ago
i think things are rather mixed up at the moment. my partner is a classically trained painter who has been able to convincingly copy vermeers since high school -- she started out in "fine art" in college, but almost none of the classes actually had anything to do with "fine art" in any reasonable sense of the word - she transferred to computational logic after two semesters of being assigned to make "performance pieces," "mixed media sculptures," etc...she of course got As on hers, but she didn't feel like she was learning anything, or at least anything she cared to learn.
i sort of likewise had taken latin through translating the aeneid in high school, & i had read a fair amount of shakespeare & translated classical greek works by the time i started college...i took one poetry class in college & it was a funny experience. quite a few of my fellow students were pretty reasonably good, i thought, but every single bit of reading assigned for the class was "modern poetry" and it was all the same tortured, tired kind of thing...that gumbo is not poetry. the poet laureate should've been a rapper every year of the last fifty.
so i studied chemistry - not to work in it, though! it's just interesting. the natural sciences & mathematics were studied intensely by just about every learned person in earlier times - as were rhetoric, latin, and philosophy. there simply did not exist this distinction that we now have. and taking a science is the only way you get to use a lot of big expensive machines...i can read books quite well by myself, but there's no such thing as a home nmr spectrometer. it is extremely difficult, if i may say, to do what i have done, which is to learn a science (chemistry) at the highest level, as well as all the other sciences in reasonable degree, and at the same time progress in latin & the study of english to the point where i can read chaucer with no notes. no class they had taught that anyhow.
suffice it to say, i know a lot...if i were in charge, no one would get a degree of any kind until they'd finished what would now earn a degree in every damn science and several arts. and i don't care if it takes them until they're thirty. that's how long it took me.
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4th page of The Wandering Wayfinder, dreamsong (excerpt):
The night is deep, the stars are still The waters too had fallen asleep Beneath this dark and moonless sky Nestle down and hear my lullaby
This poem was originally written for a play-by-post roleplay, or roleplay forum (RPF), that I used to be a part of. One of my characters I play is a bard, and this was meant to be a spell/song for inducing sleep.
Both the title of this piece, as well as the overall mood of the words, were heavily inspired by Secret Garden's song, "Sleepsong", which I consider the best lullaby songs ever.
In fact, "Sleepsong", along many other indie composers such as Thomas J. Curran (FanTaisia Ambience), Joshua Messick, candy_wind, Neal K, Tido Kang, July, October, etc., had become a great sanctuary for me to go to and relax in, when I'm in my despondent moods.
It was during this period of being in the troughs that I realise the delight of discovering new musical instruments, such as the hammered dulcimer, harpejji, bandura, hurdy-gurdy, nyckleharp, guzheng, erhu, kora, cifteli, duduk, panpipe, crystal harp... (even if I don't intend to ever play them), and also how important it is to have these wonderful form of art available to us.
I suppose this following quote by C.S. Lewis rings even more true now:
ā€œFriendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art, like the universe itself (for God did not need to create). It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.ā€Ā 
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majwrites Ā· 3 years ago
Captain Tuttle reloaded, Part 1
M*A*S*H x reader (platonic)
Summary: Reader gets injured, their recovery takes a complicated turn when they start hallucinating
Warnings: mentions of injury and surgery, hallucinations, cursing, fever, mentions of war and violence, mentions of throwing up
Notes: probably none of this is medically accurate, got the idea after rewatching Tuttle and it kind of got out of hand so I had to make it multiple chapters
The first thing you saw when you woke up was nothing. The second thing you saw after waking up and blinking a few times was Hawkeye which was weird because you couldn't remember spending the night at the swamp and Hawkeye had no reason to be in your tent this early in the morning. "How's it going?", Hawkeye sat down on the edge of your bed. You looked up and realization hit you.
"How's my patient?", you really wanted to know. "Your patient is alright, he just developed a nasty little fever throughout the night, which is what you both have in common". "I wasn't done with fixing him up out there", you looked around the room some more and relaxed when you saw the boy on one of the other beds. "You fixed him up alright, there's no chance of perfection out there", Hawkeye turned around to your patient. "We were under heavy fire", you closed your eyes, trying hard not to remember it too vividly. "I figured, judging by the amount of shrapnel we took out of your leg". "How long til I can work again?". "How do you already know that it's not enough to send you home?", Hawkeye pulled a blanket over you and it dawned on you that he had changed a bandage without you even noticing. You sure were out of it. "I'm a surgeon too, remember? I know the procedure", you suddenly grew very tired again. "How could I ever forget that...now go back to sleep, I'll visit you later", he got up. "Keep me updated on my patient", you called after him. "Sure thing", and he walked away.
"How are you doing?", you looked around to see who was speaking. "Who are you?". "Don't worry, I know you didn't forget me. It's like Hawkeye said, you all had already forgotten about the sound of my voice very shortly afterward", the person sat down on the floor, "it's alright, I could never be mad at you". "Wait, this can't be happening. This is ridiculous", you really needed to wake up right now. "So you remember me?". " Of course I do. Who could ever forget Captain Tuttle?"
You woke up very confused. You still had a fever, but it didn't feel like it was bad enough to make you delirious. You looked around the room. It seemed pretty normal. At least as normal as it could get here. "Oh, fuck", you turned your head to the other side, you blinked a few times, you turned back and looked at the floor. Tuttle was still there. "This is probably not good", you mumbled to yourself. As an unlucky side effect you had now caught Frank's attention, apparently it was his shift. "Shit", you tried to focus on anything else than Frank or your hallucinations and the only other direction you could look was the ceiling. Frank made his way over to you, every step adding to your annoying headache that almost overshadowed all the other pain. He looked at you in the same condescending way as always: "Captain (L/N), I won't allow this kind of language in here". "Could you please stay quiet", you decided to just close your eyes again, "I'm suffering". "Well, you can keep suffering in silence for now. I just know that once Pierce or McIntyre show back up you will cause chaos once again", he finally stepped away. "Whatever you say, Major", and you went to sleep once again.
You didn't sleep for long though because someone kept reciting poetry and you had a strong feeling that it would be someone imaginary. "Tuttle, I love your poetry, but I'm trying to sleep here", you interacted with him just out of politeness. "I thought you might need some distraction", he kept reading in silence. "I'd appreciate it if you kept out of my field of vision. You're dead and never existed in the first place". "(Y/N), are you okay? I thought I heard some noise from you", Trapper approached you in the same way Hawkeye did earlier. "I'm alright, just a bit foggy", you focused on Trapper in hopes of getting some kind of distraction out of it. "Don't lie to me, just a few hours ago you looked like you've been through the meat grinder", Trapper started poking around on your leg and you hissed in pain, "now be honest (Y/N)". "I haven't been in that much physical pain since I caught pneumonia when I was twelve". "Sounds about right. Your patient might feel the same way, but someday he'll walk again", Trapper read through your paperwork. "I didn't damage his spinal cord?". "You didn't". "I'm sorry for making all of you work extra shifts", it just dawned on you that the 4077th was lacking a surgeon now. "We don't mind, we're just glad you didn't die on our table", Trapper still looked a bit concerned. "I could take my shift, I'm here anyways", you didn't sound very convincing. "Just relax, we'll take care of everything else", he turned to leave, "and don't move too much, you'll regret it later". "If you say so", falling back asleep seemed impossible right now, but there wasn't anything in sight that promised distraction so you decided to just relax like Trapper told you. A few hours went by without incident, but as soon as the next shift began you let out a frustrated groan.
Henry Blake wasn't the only person entering the room. Captain Tuttle followed right after. It seemed like he had remembered that you wanted him to stay silent though. He was now watching over your patient while Henry was checking the boy's bandage. It grew increasingly louder and you weren't sure if it was caused by people having actual conversations or because you had gotten more noise sensitive after last night's incident.
Your mood changed for the better when you saw your best friend approaching: "Klinger, over here!". You didn't consider how much the movement that came with getting his attention would actually hurt so you let out a rather pathetic sounding whimper right afterwards. "There you are, I worried about you the whole night through", he looked at you, concern still showing in his eyes. "I told you not to worry about me when I went out there", you didn't sound very convincing. Klinger would be fussing over you like a mother hen for the next few weeks, you could already see it coming. "Klinger, I have to ask you a favor". "What is it?". "Would you help me take a walk outside", you hoped a change in environment would make Tuttle go away, who right now made his rounds, checking on every single patient. "I'm not sure about this, your leg is heavily injured and Hawkeye sewed it up not even a whole day ago". "No, I'm ready. Just trust me on this one", you really needed to try this. "Should I trust you as my friend or as a doctor", he didn't look very convinced. "Probably both. I'll just have to convince Henry to clear this", you didn't even need to call out for Henry. He wasn't that far away.
Soon he reached your bed: "How are you doing?". "Like Hawkeye butchered my leg". "That is because he did", Henry read through your papers that hadn't really changed throughout the past few hours. "Henry, I have to ask you a question". "Go ahead". "Could I make a trip outside? I think I'll go insane if I spend another minute in here", you glanced at Tuttle who was now standing right next to Henry. "If this is another try of you getting a section 8 and trading with Klinger it won't work", stated Henry. Captain Tuttle nodded in agreement. "It isn't, I promise. I just really need some fresh air". "The fact that you're a doctor doesn't mean you get out of being watched after surgery", he stated. "Klinger will go with me", Klinger nodded in agreement to back you up. "Alright. Corporal, you'll make sure that (Y/N) doesn't try to take a step on their own. They're glued to a wheelchair", Henry gestured around. "Yes, sir", Klinger already got up to get a wheelchair, "I'll make sure they don't try anything". So Klinger took you to the mess tent. You sat down at a table. "Do you want to eat anything?", Klinger asked in the same worried tone as earlier. "I don't think so, I'd throw up", you already felt it coming, food wouldn't do any good right now. "Then we'll just keep sitting here and the second it gets too much I'm taking you back to post op", he retrieved a set of cards from out of his pockets. "Thanks for getting me out of there", you started a game of go fish. "Anything for you". "I think you did everyone else a favor too". "What do you mean?". "I might be a decent doctor, but I'm a very bad patient", you remembered all the previous times you had been sick. Cooperating has never been your strength. You spent almost an hour in the mess tent before you were ready to fall asleep right on the spot. You let your head drop onto the table when someone sat down heavily next to you: "I think you should go back to bed". "Yeah, probably", you answered to the air next to you. "(Y/N), do you need a break", Klinger's hand rested on your shoulder. "Please", you had already shut your eyes again. So Klinger took you back and tucked you in. The next few hours went by in a haze, but at least Tuttle had stayed at the mess tent.
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airlock Ā· 3 years ago
airlock grades the villain archetypes: Three Houses edition
(so, this post is going to be, in fact, long as fuck -- which is a good opportunity to once again plug my dreamwidth, where you can read this post with more tidily organzed sections, as well as individual spoiler warnings on each one!)
you know, it's an interesting coincidence, it really is. when I originally started making those villain grading posts, we were just a few months away from a long-anticipated new Fire Emblem release, and that moment gave me the idea to take on that little exercise for a number of reasons. and then, here we are, about three months shy of three years later. for a number of different reasons, I started to think about finally making a follow-up post, seeing how I'd compare the antagonists from Three Houses to their predecessors. freshly boosted on new meds, I whip out a very long draft for a post in just a few days. and then, the day after I was done, a long-anticipated new Fire Emblem release is announced. and so, just on a whim of fate, I'm technically returning to this text post series under the same conditions as I started it! isn't it poetic? maybe it is, but perhaps the poetry of the situation isn't all that important when it's being blasted into dust beneath the bad guy's iron boots. so let's go to war; let's see how Three Houses measures up on this front. ... at least, that's what I would be throwing us straight into, but, there's a little snag. when I started this analysis, I noticed that Three Houses has a relatively unique relationship to the archetypes of Fire Emblem, and it didn't sit right with me to just leave the classificatory endeavors at "this character is a Gharnef", "this character is a Camus", etc. so I'm going to be leading here with a foreword on that topic, a much longer foreword than the other ones I've written in this series -- one that's going to be less for getting technicalities out of the way and more an analysis in its own right. (and of course, just like the other times, I have to note: there will be spoilers. spoilers for every route and every moment of Three Houses itself, naturally, but there's more than that; discussing where the one title fits in with the rest of the whole franchise naturally comes with spoilers for the rest of the whole franchise as well. the Dreamwidth version of this post, again, has individual spoiler tags on each section, but if you're reading on here, just be warned that there may be spoilers for any game in the Fire Emblem series!)
(plus there's the other thing I always warn about: I will criticize and/or blam some characters, possibly including the ones that you like, in this post.Ā  there will not be a small amount of that, frankly. I will have a lot of spicy opinions to share here and you'd best not be caught off guard if we disagree strongly on some point or another. but if you're now fully well aware of what you're about to trip into, well... amazon espionage device, play Paths That Will Never Cross.)
to understand how Three Houses's relationship to Fire Emblem archetypes is different from the norm, we'd have to start by understanding what the norm is, precisely. which begs these questions: why are there archetypes? what purpose have they served in the series up to this point? in the early stages of the franchise, this is not exactly a great mystery. from Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light up to Thracia 775, our ever-controversial former director Shouzou Kaga was pretty much the reason why archetypes existed; he was, and is, a man of habit, one who's often innovating but is also resolved not to fix what ain't broke. he just really thought that having a red cavalier guy and a green cavalier guy was a neat enough concept that it should be done three times. eventually, he would part ways with Intelligent Systems in an equally controversial move, but at first brush, not much seemed to have changed -- Binding Blade also had a red cavalier guy and a green cavalier guy. and it also had an assload of tropes that it got clean off earlier titles, especially Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light. perhaps something about a freshly decapitated series returning to its roots in order to figure out where it could even go from then onwards... or perhaps they just needed to keep it quick and simple as they moved from the SNES to the GBA. just looking at this inertia doesn't quite answer our question, however; we've had roughly another entire half of a franchise since those times. not every Kaga-ism survived after Binding Blade. but archetypes persisted, and arguably became even more entrenched than before. not a single main series title since Blazing Blade has failed to include a red cavalier guy and a green cavalier guy, even if some titles tinkered with the idea more than others (and yeah, the ninja guys from Fates: Birthright count). when I try thinking about why archetypes have stuck around for so long, I strike upon a few reasons that I feel that I can point to. archetypes are usually at least one of these three things: a good game design element; a language that communicates with veteran Fire Emblem players; and/or a story element that resonates with the themes that are common to the whole franchise. as for good game design elements... I couldn't in good conscience praise the Fire Emblem series on that front for very long; the games are often chock-full of information and tricks that would be useful to know and that you're really not likely to attain just by playing through. it can be tough to get new crowds into the game, and although certain significantly lower-difficulty modes in recent titles have somewhat alleviated this, the player still has to be dedicated in their own right if they want to improve enough to really be able to play on a tactically engaging level, or if they want to improve enough that they could take on older and more challenging titles as well. all of that said, though! some of the archetypes are actually pretty handy for developing a new player's skills, and this would have pretty much been the best they could do on this front way back in the NES. when you meet those perpetual red and green cavalier guys from the first time, you get a visually vivid hint to the fact that two characters can have the same class and still have wildly different statlines. the powerful veteran paladin without much room for further improvement forces players to start pondering early on when to send in the most powerful unit to solve a situation quickly, and when to leave an opportunity for the weaker units to grow. and if you want to introduce these players to the idea that enemy units can sometimes be recruited to your side, it's not a bad idea to deliver it in the form of a visually striking character, unusually dangerous to fight head-on, but who can easily be overcome by a player who has been attentive enough to the writing that they figured out what sort of person could bloodlessly bring that scary sword down. but of course, if this were just about the new players, there would be no need for the archetypes to be so internally consistent; if you're meeting your very first pair of red and green cavalier guys, then things wouldn't be all that different if they were, I dunno, yellow and purple instead. here's where that "language" thing come in -- veterans of the series often know what to expect from a unit at a glance, absent a better mechanism for setting those expectations. that surly fellow with the Killing Edge that you just recruited off the enemy? their Skill and Speed are likely to grow at a frenzy pace, but you'd best cross your fingers that they'll also manage to get enough Strength to make the cut. however, if you meet another swordfighter who is musclebound, scarred, and giant-weapon-wielding enough that they could substitute for Guts from Berserk, that's one who won't have any problems with Strength! in fact, they're probably great at ever stat and will just break the game silly-- so far, all of this conversation has been about game mechanics, and the way they integrate with the writing and aesthetics. some of the archetypes have everything to do with the story and nothing to do with the gameplay, though. in fact, all of the archetypes I covered in this post series are exactly that way. the enduring presence of such character types is, I believe, a way that each title can discuss, connect to, and/or reinforce certain themes that the broader franchise holds close to heart. for one thing, if you think about it, a lot of the villainous archetypes are ultimately about Fire Emblem's strongly anti-war messages. the Camus and the Michalis are talented people who would have thrived and done good deeds in a peaceful world, but war culls the innocent and the brave without a second thought. the Conqueror always believes that they have good reasons to go to war, but their platitudes blind them to the disaster and injustice that they create. the Gharnef desires war for their own individual benefit, and their willingness to manipulate others in service of that goal is what makes them a grave danger to the world. now, not every individual instance of the archetypes fit cleanly into these descriptions -- and indeed, even the more mechanically-focused archetypes have also been known to lob the occasional curveball at people -- but broadly speaking, bringing those types of character back constantly is a way to continue meditating on themes that span the whole series, bringing them in contact with each individual title's specific themes in order to say something new each time. boy, that took us seven entire paragraphs just to kinda get started, huh? we're just now going to talk about Three Houses. starting with how it throws everything we've just discussed off the window. in most other Fire Emblem games, you have a large cast of playable characters, of which you're only able to ever field a handful at a time; it's sensible, then, that newcomers and veterans alike should have a wealth of clues to help them quickly determine who's who. however, the cast of Three Houses is smaller and more concentrated -- and most importantly, they're not meant to be figured out quickly. they have hidden talents, they have certain skills and combat arts that they can learn along the way without you knowing upfront what it'll all turn out to be, they sometimes come out at you at the beginning of the month with an unexpected idea as to what their lesson plan should be moving forward. characters in Three Houses were meant to be explored; it's part of the game's very core loop. designing these characters in a way that would make them obvious at a glance would run directly anathema to that. on the story side of things, it also gets a little more complicated than usual. see, as you might just very well know, Three Houses is Intelligent Systems's latest take on attempting to run multiple possible storylines within the same setting. there's a lot of debate that can be had on whether it was a success this time (tip: I do not think so-), but I think it's definitely fair to say that the concept has been deepened quite a bit here since Fates. it's no longer an arrangement where every character is basically either with you or against you. instead, each route has the potential to give characters entirely different roles and arcs. you've got characters like Felix, who has an entirely different development track in Azure Moon than if you recruit him in other routes -- therefore, him being playable or not at a given run isn't the sole determinant of how his story plays out. and you've also got characters like Dedue, who plays dramatically different roles in Crimson Flower and Verdant Wind despite being an unplayable character in both. Claude has a different role in each of all four routes (even if his role in Silver Snow is... offscreen casualty,). all put together, most characters in Three Houses are polyvalent, so trying to lock them down as singular storyline archetypes is an exercise in futility. and yet, despite all of this, when you take a look at the cast of Three Houses... it wouldn't be right to say that it's absolutely done away with the traditional archetypes. on the contrary, veterans were quick to notice how the Blue Lions in particular field a cast full of characters who allude to the archetypes in some way or another. Felix may not be a recruitable enemy -- he's not even one of the characters you might have to re-recruit after the timeskip -- but he is a surly raven-haired twunk who favours the sword, so he has the Navarre aesthetic down pat. Sylvain and Ingrid have the color schemes and clashing personalities of your usual red and green cavalier duo, even though they don't have the same class "canonically". even outside of the Lions, Edelgard's post-timeskip design alone was enough for a lot of veterans to accurately suss out some of the story roles that she plays. all put together, I'd conclude that characters in Three Houses don't truly belong to archetypes, but they do sometimes evoke archetypes. having thusly distilled the dynamic, I'd say that there are two ways I'll be making this list different from others prior. the first is that I will not be evaluating entire characters, for the most part; I will, instead, evaluate them specifically under the circumstances where they evoke a villainous archetype. for example, Claude is going to be on the list somewhere, but I'm going to be looking exclusively to the route where he dons the antagonist's mantle -- everything else will be considered to be out of this post's scope. and then, the other necessary provision is that I won't be concerning myself too strictly with whether the characters I'm evaluating do at any point fit exactly into a certain archetype -- it will have to be more about the extent to which they embody the trappings of a given archetype really. and now, at long last...!
nuclear gharnef
Gharnef in Azure Moon, Verdant Wind, Silver Snow
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we're starting off pretty straightforward, really; the surface trappings are all obviously here. there's a dark magic user, with an unique class and a spell that playable characters can't learn, and who also shares in the barely-human looks. although, reversing the trend, his skin is unnaturally pale -- diversity win? in any case, he is also certainly the shadowy figure secretly instigating the conflict on all routes... although Crimson Flower relegates actually facing him to the distant offscreen epilogue future, so, I don't know that we can quite name him as an antagonist at all on that route. plus, there's someone else who actually plays the Gharnef in Crimson Flower, and you'd best be looking forward to finding out who, it's going to be a hot take and a doozy- now see, though, there is one little sad thing about starting out simple, and it's that, as you may have gathered from the score, we're also starting off on a negative note. this guy is pretty much Validar all over again. his schemes are confusing, inconsistent, and don't all pay off. he does a number of things that impact the story, but it always feels like just an awful thing that happened and that he was technically involved with, and not anything that really feels like it has his fingerprints on it. when you look at the scene where he takes Byleth out of commission for 5 years to come, does it feel like he trumped the hero, or does it feel like the writers just needed an excuse to skip forward? Thales is a walking, gloating plot device who barely even makes anything interesting happen in the plot. he's Behind It All, but he never feels like a real threat. especially not on Azure Moon where he just dies in the stupidest possible way short of dying offscreen. (but hey, at least his design isn't super racially charged; doesn't that entitle him to that one mercy point? and the answer is... not this time. the guy may be white as a bleached sheet, but what the character design lacks in Problematique, the storytelling delivers. see, riddle me this: does any character ever entertain the idea of peaceful coexistance with the Agarthans for more than a brief passing moment? not that I recall; most everyone just quickly concludes that killing every last Agarthan is good and necessary. this may not even be necessarily incorrect on the facts of the story -- the Agarthans themselves are openly genocidal, after all -- but I just don't think it's right to tell a story where wiping out an entire civilization is unambiguously good. plus, I can't help but think of the Loptyrians that the Agarthans were clearly inspired by, and well... the idea of genociding Loptyrians was so thorougly opposed by the text of Genealogy of the Holy War, it was literally one of the things that incited the entire plot. so, in what's unfortunately not the first time, we're seeing a new title manage to be less progressive than a SNES game from the 90s. good show! by which I mean, really bad show.)
milf gharnef
Gharnef in Crimson Flower
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hot take and a doozy, I said! ... okay, yeah, you may be staring at me like I just transformed into The Immaculate One in front of you. unlike Thales above, Rhea sure doesn't look like any Gharnef we know; she does have a decidedly inhuman form that she can take on, but it's not inhuman in the way that a Gharnef is normally inhuman. and factually speaking, it'd be a pretty controversial statement to claim that Rhea is the secret instigator of the conflict in Crimson Flower. you might remember, first of all, that I told you to put the strict facts back inside the box before we ever got started here. I would state very confidently that Rhea is portrayed as a Gharnef-like figure in Crimson Flower. she's involved in all sorts of secret schemes that the protagonists in this route are tasked with unraveling -- both as far as the shadier side of Church of Seiros's history goes, and inasmuch as she subtly-unsubtly takes over the Kingdom after losing Garreg Mach. and hell, she wouldn't even really be the first take on a Gharnef who looks beautiful, but also looks increasingly unhinged as time goes, up until their most monstruous possible form appears as the final boss. Lyon did that stuff first. ... but also, actually, let's take those facts back out from the box, because they may not be so useful as far as classifying this particular segment of Rhea's character goes, but we will need them in order to evaluate the quality of that segment. because there's the most fundamental problem with having Rhea evoke the Gharnef here: it is baffling. see, Rhea is pinned to the center of the conflict in Crimson Flower by this sillogism: Rhea is responsible for the culture surrounding crests, and that culture is responsible for Edelgard's suffering. A -> B is correct. B->C is blatantly false. as a matter of fact, you spend the entirety of Crimson Flower doing the bidding of the people who actually ARE responsible for Edelgard's suffering!! and see, I do think that one could possibly tell a story that contains those contradictions but still makes sense; I bet you could even do it without changing the facts given here at all. but that's just not what happened in this case. the story was not told logically, plain and simple. Crimson Flower's Rhea screams, burns cities, kicks puppies, and wants you dead -- but never ever are we given an actual meaningful reason to think of her as a villain. and I think that holds true no matter if you only played Crimson Flower or if you've played other routes and are made less inclined to see all of her roaring and insanity as anything truly character-defining. in fact, if the writing were working here, you could easily be exposed to a more sympathetic side of Rhea in other routes and still go through this one seeing yourself face-to-face with a character who is a villain still, just one who also has depth. with all this blamming, it might seem like Rhea was supposed to be getting a 0/10 for no effort, but there's the thing: I do not think that she's a nothingburger villain on the level of like, Veld or Validar (or iunno, Thales). I think that she would actually have made for a phenomenal villain if the writing were not so goddamn wonky. she could have been a compelling, complex antagonist. and see, Gharnefs often play at instigating conflict actively -- here, we could have had someone who is villainous for passively creating an unjust environment that breeds conflict on its own. that's a type of villainy that I'm far more interested in seeing in stories, so I would have loved to see something like that actually materialize here. alas, it has not, and little more than the disappointment remains. still, though, an interesting idea that failed to execute lands more score at the end of the day than a total non-idea. (however, this whole interesting idea is still getting docked by one point, because, well. I hardly have to explain how the narrative around Rhea also contains unquestioningly genocidal elements. you know things are going very not good when your plot is reminiscent of antisemitic conspiracy theories.)
gharnef who is technically in smash
Gharnef in White Clouds
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surprise, surprise! I'm covering White Clouds as its own individual narrative unit as well. I'm mostly doing it that way because it'll give us more stuff to talk about, really. if you were to sweat the specifics, Solon wouldn't quite be a Gharnef, at least no more than, say, Ephidel is. but surely you remember why we're not, in fact, sweating the specifics here. we can just take this wrinkly barely-human dark-magic-using scheming figure here for the ostensible Gharnefness that it portrays. hell, I remember thinking "oh, that's our Gharnef" when he was first briefly shown on a trailer!Ā (Thales was shown too, but his slice of a cutscene is so visually noisy, I don't think I even discerned that there was a person in the middle of the lightshow.) see though, there is one problem with covering White Clouds in-depth, and it's that White Clouds is... easily the worst written part of the game plotwise. it's all this bunch of weird little mysteries, "the blood of that girl" this and "the darkness of Zaharas" that, nothing that gets raised has an important conclusion, nothing that happens is built up properly. you can play this part of the game four times over and still have no fucking idea what was actually supposed to be going on the entire time. Solon is the "mastermind" of all this nonsense, and just as flat of a character as his superior. if the ~twist~ that Tomas is actually this dude was supposed to be a player punch, in Golden Deer it's more like a light fingerpoke, and in the other versions of White Clouds, it's more like standing 6ft apart and avoiding physical contact. so, woe, 0/10, that was about as surprising as any of the twists that this dude went for.
upside-down camus
Camus in Crimson Flower
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boy, this whole thing has been pretty negative so far. how about I start talking about my favorite character now? ... well, bias or no bias, I still find that I have a lot of criticisms to lobby about how well the game has done this fave of mine. but let's not stray off the scope here. for now, I'll only be talking about Claude's appearance as an antagonist in Crimson Flower. so, how did he fare in that capacity? well, Crimson Flower has this persistent problem where they continuously fail to establish the motivations and stakes for the protagonists' faction. so far we've already gone over how this makes conflicts muddy and illogial with one villain, and things aren't all that different here. it's rather difficult to sustain the pathos from a tragically inevitable battle if you fail to establish that it is inevitable; the narrative never really reveals its hand on why exactly the invasion of the Alliance is happenning at all. it just lobs that at you fresh off your 5-year nap as if it's a natural step forward. now, one could argue that the reason for it is to break the deadlock at the Roundtable and secure Leicester support of the Empire, lest the anti-Imperial faction should turn the tables at a troublesome time; you could also argue that there's no good reason, and it's nothing more than naked Adrestian imperialism. the problem, ultimately, is that there's a need to argue at all. there would be no real argument if the narrative had just managed to establish this properly, and this failure in turn makes it harder to sell the tragedy of the conflict with Claude. fortunately, though, everything else works out brillantly actually. this might be my bias showing, but I think the pathos throughout the Alliance invasion segment is one of the strongest emotional beats in the entire game. everytime a known face falls before your blades, someone else openly grieves; it's usually very touching. and when we get as far as Claude, well, he may not have any associates left to mourn him, but what he does have is... chatter from your units at the monastery. if that sounds dismissive, then allow me to clarify. I loved playing Three Houses, it's up there with the other titles I adore, and this is despite the fact that the game's central plotlines are, largely, a hot mess barely held together by duct tape. the best writing in the game often comes from other places, and dialogue from roaming the monastery often does more for the story's current events than their actual presentation does. it's something like the natural evolution of Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn's base conversations and Shadows of Valentia's town conversations, which are two other favorites of mine. it's through this elegant, phenomenal, probably-handled-by-Koei-not-IS instrument that Claude's departure is given its poignancy. you see a lot of mixed feelings, admiration and regret and the sense that it was unfortunate but inevitable, and it's so compelling it manages to distract you from the sentiment that this wasn't really all that inevitable actually. (in fact, while I'm singing the praises for monastery chatter, permit me a quick tangent that has absolutely nothing to do with any part of this post. you know what my favorite chapter is for monastery chatter? the one right after Jeralt dies. like, Jeralt's death itself is nothing, just so excessively telegraphed that the residents of the city have taken to stealing copper wire from the lines; that sequence afterwards, though... it's bittersweet, intimate, in a way that I feel few scenes in the entire franchise have come close to matching. I legitimately cried in real life seeing Bernadetta out of her room (a significant feat as you may well know) to place flowers on Jeralt's grave. and I don't cry all that easily at media!Ā I only cry easily at arguments and other situations where crying would inconvenience me severely.) as nice as this all is, though, you all know how much I hate it when this series does that thing where you only get the depths of an antagonist after they're already out of the picture, and this does run the risk of landing in that zone. fortunately, though, I believe that Claude was spared from that treatment. I still feel they could have done a little more with him, but Crimson Flower does well enough at making his character nice and established even to people who only played that route. his wits and the good intentions in his heart of hearts manage to come across and make some difference. I don't think it's for no reason that many of the folks who are exclusively into Crimson Flower like to imagine scenarios where Claude joins the team; it's common even beyond the simple fact that many of us saw "these three protagonists can never walk the same path!" and went "but... what if they did" (and now it seems like they will, even!). this ardent wish that you wouldn't have to fight the Camus is a feeling that usually comes from the best of 'em, and while Claude's tenure as an antagonist is marred by some errors of execution, it could have been on par with the Eldigan standard.
dilf camus
Camus in Crimson Flower
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we're not done talking about camus characteres (I did it again!!! I AM INVINCIBLE!!!!) in Crimson Flower just yet! although... it might be surprising to hear that we're almost done talking about this archetype overall. the other routes seem to aim for more of a longitudinal way of camus, so to say; there are many tragic deaths but seldom do we linger very long on any single one. anyways, with the schematics out of the way, let's talk about murdering our priest daddy. if Crimson Flower's problems with unclear motivations and stakes were forgivable when it came to Claude, here they just about reach their nadir. see, by all rights, Seteth is such an easy character to write as a Camus that it's astonishing to me that they managed to screw it up. you're fighting Rhea, Seteth is strongly loyal to Rhea, therefore there's no way around fighting Seteth, right? if they'd put in the writing to establish that angle, it would have worked effortlessly. so, how come they didn't go with that? fighting Seteth feels pointless despite the fact that it does have a point if you think about it. fighting Seteth feels like it's not happenning for the reasons you'd more readily assume, but rather kinda just because Edelgard doesn't like lizards. and see, I've complained a lot up to this about unquestioningly genocidal writing angles in this game, but this here was the absolute worst of it, I'd say. writing that justifies a genocide is one thing; writing where engaging in genocide is just something that's done, not even a big deal? that's even worse. much of the pathos of a Camus comes from having to take an innocent life, ostensibly in the name of a greater good. here, an innocent life is taken in the name of nothing in particular that's named, besides that it sounds like it might be for evil purposes. just casually coming from characters who are not otherwise written as evil exactly, on this route or others. I still won't bring it down all the way to 0/10, though, on account of how ridiculously easy it would have been to write this in a way that actually works; unlike what goes for a truly nothingburger antagonist, the materials were all there, it was just the execution that was an unspeakable catastrophe.
michalis on ghostface's phone
Michalis in White Clouds and Azure Moon
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he's called the Death Knight, he's bristling with scary dark armor covering his physique from head to toe, his true identity is a mystery (if a hilariously brief one), he was clearly angled to have a rivalry with a protagonist where part of the thrust is a competition between two skilled and passionate warriors...Ā  yeah, there's something a little more than archetypal resonance going on there, obviously. this is a rehash, and we can't really talk about the Death Knight without bringing up the Black Knight. so, how do the old and the new compare against each other? the Black Knight was a 4/10 in my book. the Death Knight... is worse. you might be wondering, first of all, why I've pitched the Death Knight in with the Michalis archetype despite that he's rehashing a character that I considered a Camus. I might as well get into the weeds of that spot of organizational trivia because at least it's an entry point; there are so many writing failures to belabor here that I wasn't sure where to start. see, the Black Knight had a great deal of his individual personal motivations on the table, but when it comes down to it, he was taking orders from his master and that was always the #1 reason for him to be up to the shit that he got up to. this is, ostensibly, not quite how the Death Knight operates. the idea was that the tragedy would be lurking in how he was once a caring young man, but trauma and extreme circumstances turned him into a maniac. he rushes into warzones intent on pure murder, no matter what his orders are. ... this is not at all how he comes across. instead, what we see in practice is this dude who keeps going "i DoN't TaKe OrDeRs" and then does exactly what he was being told to do anyway. that's not an unhinged motherfucker, that's a teenager. and the whole tragic angle falls flat on its ass when it's basically told just like some sort of supervillain backstory; he found himself forced to kill one guy, and then he snapped and became an incoherent plot device. how touching. but at least Azure Moon even bothers to go there; in Verdant Wind and Silver Snow, the Death Knight is really just a plot device that behaves incoherently, nothing that even attempts at being interesting happens with him, and the only emotion he ever inspires is a resounding "this guy again??". so far, though, the Death Knight's not running all that unfavorably compared to the Black Knight, who also struggled with execution problems on the part of the story that was supposed to humanize him, who also struggled with being relegated to a plot device a lot of the time instead of taking actions that suit his established motivations better. what's putting that 4-point gulf between them, then? well, for one thing, it's that the Black Knight is an actually intimidating colossus of iron while the Death Knight is strutting around in this goofy ass armor that only really makes him look like he belongs in a Halloween shitpost, but besides that, there is one thing that the Black Knight actually did right most of the time, and which also fell through here: the rivalry angle. at least half of the Black Knight's enduring success with fans -- to the tune of being the antagonist to get the most votes in nearly all installments of the Choose Your Legends poll -- comes from how epic his rivalry with Ike can be at times, further amplified by Ike's status as having been the de facto most popular character in the entire franchise until the release of Three Houses (and hell, technically we can't possibly know how Ike would perform in a new popularity contest vs Edelgard, even if she did get more votes than him by a good margin). I do feel that there was a lot about that whole rivalry that could have been written better -- including NOT THROWING ON AN EPIC FINAL CONFRONTATION AND THEN JUST WALKING IT BACK IN THE SEQUEL -- but I still can't deny that the pull is there. what I can deny, trivially, is that the Death Knight's antagonization of Byleth lands anywhere near that standard. he just kinda goes "YOU HAVE A COOL SWORD. MEET ME AT THE DENNYS PARKING LOT SO THAT WE MAY KILL EACH OTHER" and that's the end of it. Byleth doesn't much respond to it -- and yeah, I know, mute audience-surrogate character, but the writers sure do give Byleth opinions when they actually want to. plus, I'm not sure that even a fully-realized character would necessarily have had an actual reaction to all that nonsense beyond "okay, cool, this certainly is happenning to me right now". there isn't any sort of personal dynamic happenning between Byleth and the Death Knight at all, whereas the Black Knight's rivalry to Ike is very deeply personal. the only connection that fans see between Byleth and the Death Knight is that it'd be kind of kinky if they had a hot gay fuck, and even this seems to come almost exclusively from Crimson Flower where the Death Knight is not an antagonist. (and this is where I'd poke fun at how abruptly Crimson Flower drops the Death Knight as an antagonist, but that'd be out of scope. and you've seen a million jokes to this tune by now anyway, probably) after such a thorough lambasting, the only saving grace that the Death Knight might have is that at least he's not also written offensively, right...? oh, nevermind, the DLC introduced a shitty ass stereotype-DID angle here. this technically doesn't come up in White Clouds or Azure Moon, so ordinarily it'd be out of scope for this post, but there's not much of a point isolating the shitty-to-real-people writing where it can still retroactively color our view of the stuff that does fall within the scope. and so! forget about the 1 mercy point, have a flat 0 for the perfectly complete disaster.
Michalis in Verdant Wind, Silver Snow
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perhaps you remember how I unleashed this whole tirade on the relationship between Three Houses and classic Fire Emblem archetypes before I would deign to launch off into this whole post about using those archetypes as a framing device to evaluate characters. I've got to tell the truth by now: one thing that made me really feel the need for that is that I've seen people try to classify the Three Houses cast as archetypes before, without sparing much thought for the methodology of it. that seems to work fine if you're just claiming that Felix is a Navarre because he obviously has the aesthetic, even though he's not a recruitable enemy myrmidon who wields a Killing Edge. this exercise has a tendency to unravel spectacularly as you get deeper into it, though. eventually, you might find yourself boldly stating that Hubert is a Camus, and if that thought made you burst out laughing when you read it, then yeah, we had the same reaction. it's not that I can't even imagine how someone would argue for that stance. Hubert may not be an innocent exactly, but Verdant Wind and Silver Snow do give him the kind of mournful "why must we fight"Ā sentiment that we often see with the Camus; and the reason why we must fight is because Hubert is utterly devoted to his master, like many Camus characters (WOOP WOOP DAB DAB) are. still, taking the more loose approach I've generally taken to classification around here, I find that Hubert has very little in common with the Camus crop despite these resemblances on the definitional level. for one thing, he's got that style of self-aware villainy that I don't think the Camus goes for, but that is reasonably common with the Michalis (and also, you might have seen it in my Michalis post but I'll reiterate anyway, that I fucken adore that style actually). stiil, I think the most crucial part of it is that your average Camus is typically found going "well, I don't agree with my master's plan here, but who cares what I think, I'm just a Camus, following orders". Hubert is not quite so obliged, and not quite so obedient either. Edelgard tells him constantly that he's free to, and probably should, leave her to walk her bloody path on her own. he's willing to go behind her back, he's willing to contradict her openly, he's not on any level just following orders. but there's one aspect of him that has him prisoner for good and all: he simply does not want to live any life other than one where he is at Edelgard's side, changing the world. any other possibility can never be more than a contingency plan to him. this is all really interesting, but there's a snag: the buildup to it leaves one wanting. Silver Snow at least shows you Hubert's dedication to Edelgard through all of his playable character dialogue; there's an advantage to the whole traitorous party member setup after all. that alone doesn't suffice to fully illustrate the tragedy at hand when you fight him, and even this much is absent from Verdant Wind altogether. no, the part that really comes out to smack you with the whole scope of the sad yet fascinating turn of events is the reveal of Hubert's letter, instructing your party to go after the Agarthans if they should claim victory over him and Edelgard. the presence of that thing makes it plain to see, Hubert definitely believed that the protagonists would be inclined to help him go after the real threat if he just told them what the situation is, and still he never deigned to seek common cause, because it just wasn't in his DNA to do that. Claude even makes a rather unsubtle, rather meta-feeling comment on it in Verdant Wind, just directly lamenting that Hubert should have sent in the letter from the start. there's a problem with unveiling the tragedy that way, though. perhaps you'll see it coming if you've read enough of my posts in this series, because this is a problem that we just keep on having lately with this hell franchise. let me then throw my hands up to the sky, scream out this plea, and hope against hope that it's the last time I ever have to. please, Intelligent Systems. please, Koei, if you have a say on this one. for the love of all that is right, just, benevolent, or generally Eliwood in this world. STOP PUTTING UP THIS STUFF AFTER THE SHOWDOWN!! YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME IF YOU WANT ME TO FEEL WORSE ABOUT THE DEAD GUY AFTER I JUST KILLED HIM!!Ā THE CONFRONTATION ITSELF IS MEANT TO BE THE APEX OF THE PATHOS!! THE TRAGEDY SHOULD BE ALL CLEAR TO ME BEFORE THE WEAPONS ARE DRAWING!! I SHOULD BE CHEWING ON IT AS THE FIGHT TAKES PLACE!!Ā STOP DOING THIS THING WHERE YOU WANT TO HAVE AN EVIL VILLAIN BUT YOU ALSO WANT TO EULOGIZE HIM AFTER THE FUN EVIL VILLAIN SHIT IS DONE!! EVEN IF YOU WERE READY TO TACKLE THE CHALLENGE OF WRITING IT BOTH WAYS, YOU'D HAVE TO WRITE IT BOTH WAYS AT ALL TIMES, NOT ONE WAY AND THEN THE OTHER!! PLEASE JUST DECIDE HOW YOU'RE GOING TO WRITE A GIVEN ANTAGONIST AND THEN DO IT, WRITE IT, CONSISTENTLY, WITHOUT CHANGING YOUR TUNE AT THE SINGLE MOST INOPPORTUNE TIME POSSIBLE FOR IT!!! whew, okay, sorry you had to see that, but it's out of my system now. if we're lucky, I won't have to go there again for the rest of this post. anyway, there are glaring execution flaws, but in the end, I don't think you can possibly not enjoy duking it out with Hubert. if the conflict against him doesn't always succeed at being deep, at least it never fails at being entertaining. here's something you should do, as a gift for yourself, if you have not before: have Claude battle Hubert in Verdant Wind and bear ye witness to the most fucking hilariously dorky exchange in the entire game (not something I'd say lightly). Hubert is one of the most fun characters in all of Three Houses, and while his role in Azure Moon is much too small, he's a star whether you're with him or against him. if Hubert had a little more narrative space to himself, I feel that he'd have been an evolution on Gangrel! and Gangrel was a 6/10, so, I'd say that's as well as Hubert fared.
michalis with two eyes actually
Michalis in Crimson Flower
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but airlock, how could you claim that Dimitri is a Michalis, against whom conflict is inevitable because of his personal flaws, when it's hardly a personal flaw of his that we went and invaded his country? trick question, I've made no such a claim, I'm only stating that Dimitri evokes the Michalis as antagonist in Crimson Flower! you've understood the process by now, right? so even if the facts of it aren't exactly lining up, it's more about the nature of the portrayal. Crimson Flower's Dimitri is quite a bit different from the versions of him that we meet in other war phase routes; he is kinder, stabler, and has twice as many eyes. and yet, there is no mistaking it: he still 100% wants to hang Edelgard's head from the gates of Enbarr. that vengeful violence is the truly established reason why conflict with him is inevitable. if it's either him or Edelgard, then Edelgard chooses Edelgard, even if the choice can't be made quite so lightly. and see, here's the breath of fresh air that I've been waiting for this whole post: Dimitri's death IS tragic. there are no gaping flaws of execution to be seen around here. the conflict that I described above is intended and delivered by the narrative. for once in all of Crimson Flower, you know exactly why you're doing the tragic thing that must be done. I don't think it's for no reason that there's a number of Azure Moon fans out there, who otherwise hate every micron of Crimson Flower, but who still deeply appreciate Dimitri's scenes on that route and are willing to take them uncut into interpretations of the character. the sorrow of Dimitri and Dedue on that route is very solidly written, and its mark is plain to see on the fans. ... still, I feel that I must beg to differ a little from that popular opinion, becuase personally I don't find it that compelling. maybe it's just such a short and dilluted affair, that also has to split screentime with Rhea all along the way, and also, when it's over, you're thrust straight into the final confrontation. some of the monastery dialogue that I praised to high heaven might have come in clutch here. now, even if it hasn't viscerally made me feel all that much, I appreciate solid writing for what it is, and especially for how much less easy to accomplish it is than it might seem -- and even moreso because boy, you know if you've been reading these posts, solid writing is not something we get everyday with Fire Emblem- so yeah, flawlessness alone counts for a lot in my scale, even if you'd also need some qualities on top of it to reach the highest echelons of Fire Emblem antagonists.
fuck bodysnatching
Punchable in White Clouds
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another White Clouds antagonist, another 0/10; there's a pattern here, no four ways around it. surely by now you can see what I meant when I opined that White Clouds is the worst part of the game plotwise. let's recap for a little bit, from my previous post on this Punchable archetype. it speaks to characters who aren't designed for appeal, but instead, to draw negative attention. and I made the further stipulation that they must be recurring antagonists who impact the plot beyond just the map that they're fought on, because otherwise I'd be tearing through every unlikeable miniboss around. most importantly, I noted that I couldn't quite evaluate these characters based on how well I liked them -- they weren't meant to be liked in the first place -- so instead, I set down two standards, of which at least one must be fulfilled: the Punchable character should be entertaining, and/or the Punchable character should feel good to finally take down. a character who can do both of those is great, but just doing one of those particularly well is enough to score a 10/10. (still the highest score any of the Punchables have gotten from me so far was 9/10, but I digress) now, the question is, are we doing this all the same way as usual, or are we tinkering with this formula in any way to go along with the whole different methodology that I've been using so far? well... the thing with the Punchable archetype is that, to be frank, it may have been a bit of a stretch for me to consider it an archetype at all. there's one of those people in just about every game, but there's not a common library of character traits and design cues that they draw from. it's not even something that I could claim to be a Fire Emblem thing when it's very much common for stories of any sort to have characters like these. so... just for this section, there's nothing really to change about how I classify and evaluate. it feels like a waste to explain all this before going on to examine Kronya. she's not entertaining, she's not particularly fun to take down, and she's not much of anything at all. she's a major villain alright -- major enough that they revealed her in Three Houses's pre-release season and added her to Heroes pretty early on. but she also just stands there, taking up narrative space and not doing anything at all with it. first, she spends a bunch of her time in the storyline just going "heeeeeheeehee they don't know that Monica is actually really me", and at no point does this infiltration of hers seem to trigger any effect on the plot. then she kills Jeralt! that should've been very significant, but she pulled it off as just another arm of her villainous group -- another one of them could have easily done it instead. hell, maybe if the Death Knight had done, he'd have succeeded just a touch more in being a Black Knight pastiche. we then go to take revenge on her for the murder, but that affair feels just as impersonal, least of all with the emotional weight being carried by the mute audience-surrogate protagonist. and finally, Solon sacrifices her to unleash Zaharas, and not a single part of that is established previously or makes sense despite how much the whole sequence wants to be Byleth's big moment; therefore, Kronya dies a death just as nonsensical and pointless as everything else about her character. (also, the scene of the death wants to be grotesque and terrifying, but it also wants to do a bunch of weird boob shots, badly enough to utterly sacrifice visual clarity. so that's just great) along this post series, I've put a lot of characters on blast for being nothing more than plot devices with a face, but Kronya is probably the epitome of it. she's just as much of a nothingburger character as her fellow Agarthans, with the further issue that it's hard to affirm that she even technically does anything important at all. it doesn't seem as if she was brought in for anything besides putting an additional booba villain design in the game. if she really was meant to be The One Who Kills Jeralt, that alone could have served to provide a little direction on how to write anything at all into her. something like, say, if Kronya and Jeralt were to build some rapport between each other, providing a real reason as to why he'd let his guard down around her. then, when the knife plunges in, Kronya could have eschewed the generic villain dialogue (really, all the Agarthans could have eschewed the generic villain dialogue in general--) to say something about that connection, perhaps to spit on their friendship and state clearly that ever second of it was false and annoying to her, something like when Sonia let down her mask and let Nino have it. that's just one idea, but also, it's one idea that I came up with effortless off the top of my head; how hard could it possibly be to actually write one thing, anything? (... you take those eyes of yours off my WIPs this instant--) I don't really go into negative scores around here, but boy, Kronya would have needed more character just to accomplish as little as being 0/10 on the same level as her fellow Agarthans. (also, yadda yadda, unquestioningly genocidal story element, I'm not getting into it for the third time.)
fucking backpain
Punchable in Azure Moon
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there's a curious contrast, though, isn't it? our next character is also an Agarthan villain with a booba design, but so much has been done differently that she's hitting one of the highest marks in this entire post. I'm not here to try to convince you that Cornelia is any sort of exceptionally deep or compelling character. she does have a surprisingly detailed backstory, but it's just details, without much of anything that enhances her sense of character. still, the Punchable folk need not be deep characters. there's just one of two things they need to do well, and Cornelia nails the part about being great to take down. she's a smooth operator -- the only Agarthan whose machinations make sense actually. she makes Dimitri's life a living hell and loves every second of it. she's the very face of Faerghus's fall before the Empire, and her defeat is crucial for the country to ever begin healing. when the protagonists overcome this imposing challenge, Cornelia comes down with a mighty crash, taunting Dimitri one last time. and then, this defeat heralds in one of the true highest points of all of Azure Moon -- a moment that may not have been quite as momentuous if Cornelia were a lower quality of villain. (there's still one thing she has in common with all the other Agarthans, though, and it's that -1 point for being a vector for an unquestioningly genocidal narrative. thankfully, this is the last time I have to do this for this post.)
the scourge of garreg mach
Conqueror in White Clouds
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right, so, I'm not here about to try to convince you that the Flame Emperor is not the same character as her true identity. I realize what a "you can vote for the Flame Emperor in CYL5"-ass choice this is. I would argue, though, that the Flame Emperor plays a different role in the story than her unmasked self does -- I'd even say that the moment of the unmasking is the real point where White Clouds ends and the war phase begins. but, most importantly, splitting this up gives me more to talk about, and the more post, the better, right? woefully for the Flame Emperor, though, having her role in White Clouds isolated means that she's not getting graded for a better-written part of the game. pretty lucky for her, then, to be the only antagonist in White Clouds to earn more than a 0/10. (of course, 1 point of this is just the mercy point that the others were denied. that still leaves us 2 whole points to discuss!) there's not that vast of a difference for the most part. the Flame Emperor is another anonumous entity among masked or practically-faceless villains, appearing in a bunch of curscenes that consist of nothing more than Vague Villain Chatter that doesn't make any sense in the first playthrough and doesn't matter on subsequent playthroughs. plus, the Flame Emperor in particular has all these lines that feel like they're trying to be cool and mysterious but are just stilted and bizarre ("halt. you're having too much fun", anyone?). still, there are a couple of scenes where an actual character almost starts to shine through the robes and helmet. ... and it's not good, but it's better than the absolute non-characterization that we otherwise get from White Clouds's villains. it starts in the aftermath of the disaster in Remire, with the Flame Emperor appearing before Byleth and Jeralt, dropping this limp-wristed disclaimer of responsibility followed by a limp-wristed proposal to join forces. then, in the aftermath of Jeralt's death, we see a villain chatter cutscene where this picks up more steam: Thales launches on a non-sequitur about his people's salvation, at which point the Flame Emperor openly contradicts him, putting him on blast for his group's gruesome deeds and saying that no, they will not be saved. in those moments, we see the Flame Emperor right on the edge of actually doing something interesting and self-motivated instead of acting exclusively as another one of the live plot devices. this cuts through the spoooooky vagueness otherwise permeating these pointless cutscenes, telling us something discrete and clear about the characters involved: that they're not in agreement. that there's even an outright conflict between them. ... and then that angle goes nowhere. you'd think that the Flame Emperor's words right there would be fighting words, but Thales just ignores the open defiance, spouting one line in response to the accusation that he's responsible for some atrocities, after which the scene just ends. he doesn't seem pressed to address the fact that his subordinate just said directly to his face that she opposes his ultimate goal. and neither does said subordinate follow up on those words from there; the net time we see her, it's back to working with the group as usual, without any indication that something happened to pull her back in line like this. (there's a tangent to get into that I feel might be clarifying as to what that whole thing was all about. the Flame Emperor, as well as her true identity, draws a lot from our here Conqueror archetype, and especially from a certain fiery justice-bringer in particular. so, a scene like that one, featuring the Flame Emperor talking back to the shadowy cabal, strikes me as having been inspired by the scene where Arvis does the very same thing. it's a very iconic scene! it's a brillant double feint -- it first misleads us into thinking that Arvis may be ditching the villains to throw his lot in with the protagonists, only for it to surface that nope, he is betraying everyone. it then misleads us into thinking that Arvis has beaten back his shady associates and is taking charge, when truthfully, the lurkers are playing the long game, knowing that Arvis's ascension will make him more vulnerable, not less. of course, that would not have been such a fantastic scene without having both everything that built up to it and every way in which it paid off later, and that's where the Flame Emperor's take on it becomes a pale imitation.) now, before we're done here, there's just one more particular moment of the Flame Emperor's that we can dig our claws into: the reveal of her true identity. the thing is, I played the Golden Deer version of White Clouds first, and so, I can only speak with absolute confidence as to how effective the twist was on that version. and I'd say that, under that specific circumstance, it was... actually very effective. it caught me off guard without coming out of absolutely nowhere, as any good plot twist should do, and it even fired off with more than enough time left in the clock for the story to follow through on the reveal. ... but see, as best as I can tell, I was pretty lucky to have experienced the twist that way first in Golden Deer, because boy, it seems like Black Eagles and Blue Lions both telegraph this one directly to death, what with the respective unsubtle hints of Edelgard's wink-wink-wink dialogue and the business with Dimitri's gift dagger. and see, I can't totally discount that the twist still works in one version of the story, least of all when twists well done seem to be such a dying breed these days, but on the other hand... if the storyline for which this twist is the least important, the one that does less to build up to it, is the one where it works best, that sure is an indictment, isn't it? so I think we can conclude on this: the Flame Emperor has a little more substance than the other White Clouds antagonists, but she doesn't quite make a more compelling character than the rest of them. more fixable, but not less broken, so to say. and with that done... what say you folks we finally let that mask fall?
the scourge of fĆ³dlan
Conqueror in Azure Moon, Verdant Wind, Silver Snow
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I can't very well stall it any longer, now can I? I imagine that there might be people out there who would check this post out just for the sake of this particular section here. it's not remotely an analysis that I'd be the first or last internet rando to partake in, but the hunger for meta is neverending, especially among the people who really love or really hate this character. I suppose all I can do in this scenario is step into the arena, and hopefully contribute something worthwhile to the greater debate. at least, if the analysis might be challenging, the classification is perhaps the easiest in this entire post. Edgelord here isn't any sort of rehash, but she has plunged deeply and thorougly into the pool that Conquerors past have drawn from. even further than just happily adopting the Big Red aesthetic, she has some things in common with just about all of her predecessors. like Hardin, she is (in Silver Snow) a character who journeys by your side at first, but eventually becomes an enemy. like Arvis, she manipulates the powerful to secure herself as a mighty emperor, with continental ambitions -- and yet, she's also chafing under the dominion of a creepy secret cabal. like Rudolf and Walhart, she believes that the people of her world are overreliant on religion and challenges them to take destiny into their own hands instead. like Ashnard, she hopes also to upend her society's rigid structures of birthright, giving rise to a more meritocratic system (or, well, Ashnard would call it power instead of merit, but the principle is similar enough). and like with Zephiel, all of this rationally held philosophy ultimately belies a broken, suffering, and vengeful heart, lashing out against the world with a military aplomb. this bevy of send-ups doesn't only make it very easy for me to connect Edelgard to the archetype, though; it also carries a metatextual message. if Edelgard is so much like all of these villains past, then the intent was likely for us to see her the same way we did them: as a complex villain. ... instead, though, we find ourselves endlessly hurtling our digital saliva at each other, arguing over whether Edelgard is even a villain at all. there may be an impulse there to assume that this disconnect exists because not everyone in the audience would know enough about Fire Emblem to see the metatext clearly; Three Houses did draw many newcomers into the series, after all. still, I don't think this can be summarized as something like "woe, people have opinions on Edelgard and yet they don't know about Red Blorbo from my old ass untranslated games"; my personal, anedoctal experience is that many new players do see Edelgard as a villain, and many veterans of the fandom do see Edelgard as an antihero. and I wouldn't say that the latter isn't a sensible reading of the character, either. the thing there is, that abundant metatext is definitely not the only message that Three Houses puts forth about Edelgard. in fact, how about we go over a somewhat infamous example of another such message? in the intro to Chapter 12, Seteth says that Edelgard has a wicked heart, at which point you're prompted to respond -- and your choices are to either contradict him, or change the subject. to agree with him, and acknowledge Edelgard as a villain, simply isn't an option. and I know, it may not be as if the dialogue choices you're given in this game normally mean very much, but this is also exactly what I meant when I said this earlier: the mute audience-surrogate protagonist sure does have opinions when the writers want them to. all throughout the game, you'll keep finding a similar assortment of mixed messages. the story wants to say that Edelgard is a villain, but the story also wants to say that Edelgard is just a parallel hero that we shouldn't really have been fighting against. the story wants to say that Edelgard personally made the decision to go war, being propelled along the path by one of her central character flaws -- but the text also doesn't want to
ascribe agency and responsibility to her for it. she's just so so so sorry that it had to be this way, you see. perhaps it's really no wonder that the fandom can't reach any sort of agreement on how to judge Edelgard's moral character -- even the game disagrees with itself there. now, don't take that as me claiming that a character can only be good if everyone walks out of the story feeling the exact same way about them. I've praised other villains in this post series highly for containing multitudes. but there's a line somewhere between ambiguity and plain self-contradictory nonsense. now, hopefully, within those six paragraphs, I'll have managed to sufficiently address that hot-button issue of Edelgard's morality -- because it's not the only thing I want to talk about here. moral complexity is great and all, but it's the last thing in your mind when you see Ashnard's wicked grin spread open. when you hear Zephiel's theme song, you forget all about who's right and who's wrong; you just run for the hills. Conquerors are very often the ones most directly in charge of the enemy's armies, the ones who are out in the front making the plot happen with their fists. and so, I believe we also have to talk about whether Edelgard fits in with this legacy of badass motherfuckers. and I'd say, she certainly manages a strong start on that one. that last stretch of non-CF White Clouds is an absolutely phenomenal show of force. she belts out a bombastic speech and galvanizes the people, drives them to energetic war cries. she outplays Garreg Mach's defenders completely, to the extent that it's even hard to grasp just how thorougly outplayed you are at first, and it has to sink in gradually. she proves herself a formidable enemy. she has a keen mind for strategy, and she applies it through the continent's most powerful military force. once Garreg Mach falls and Byleth gets taken out of commission, it seems for a moment that all hope is nearly gone; that you'll be awakening five years later to a world that's being completely ground under Edelgard's iron boots. I still remember being on my first playthrough, and feeling incredibly pumped to start that hopeless battle from the brink. especially if that battle was going to be set to Chasing Daybreak. oh, but how unfortunate!Ā it was my great disappointment to then discover that the Edelgard who pulled off all this awesome shit was left five years behind. after the timeskip, it feels like any clash between you an Edelgard is at most a show of token resistance. Azure Moon lets Dimitri dither back and forth about which front of the war he wants to push, and somehow, the ground that he abandons each time isn't being swiftly retaken by Imperial forces. five years of war and denounciation against the church, including the conquest of their central temple, seems to do precious little against your prospects for rallying people to a religious cause in Silver Snow and Verdant Wind -- the latter route even puts this forth as a pragmatic motion. and in all three of those routes, your nabbing of Garreg Mach as a base goes barely opposed. Edelgard does notice it and throws some soldiers at it one little time, but then, for the rest of the game, you're somehow not in danger of being attacked on your base, that your enemy knows the exact location of, that your enemy once successfully conquered, and that your enemy is still sitting on all of the priceless intel that she used to pull that off the first time. (and I mean, I'm not saying I wanted every second chapter to be Defending Garreg Mach all over again, but god, at least let us have done something clever to earn such security, y'know?) perhaps it's a reflection of the game keeping the brisk and relaxed pace from the Academy Phase in the War Phase, instead of playing it a little more like the near-breathless succession of chapters that's normally seen in Fire Emblem -- but the long and narrow of it is that Edelgard seems to just spend that whole stretch of the story waiting for you to come take the fight to her, like she's some sort of PokĆ©mon Champion. (which brings me to my second tangent on how Arvis Did This Too And It Was Better! Arvis isn't a very active villain anymore by the second generation of Genealogy of the Holy War, either -- but there are two reasons why that works much better for him. the one reason is that he's not in the middle of a war; he WON the war, he conquered the world! Seliph has to start a new war to take him down! the other is that this angle is played intentionally by the story -- Arvis has, indeed, become little ore than a pale shadow of the glorious conqueror that he was 20-odd years in the past, and there's a striking tragedy there regardless of whether it was ever a good thing that he took over in the first place.) over the course of all the discourse, I've seen many fans settle on this moderate-seeming stance: Edelgard is a good villain, but not a good character, they say. let me then be dangerously bold... and claim the exact opposite stance, actually. I think Edelgard, removed from the context of Three Houses's plotlines, is a fantastic character. she has an amazing personality, one that makes her both compelling and just fun to watch. she's deep, interesting, and richly connected to the world that she lives in. but the stories where she plays the antagonist fail to draw out these good qualities; they just trip all over themselves instead of making use of the amazing thing they have at hand. Edelgard is something like what I'm told many of the better Fates characters are -- pretty cool and interesting in any other context. that may frankly be something that goes for a lot of Fire Emblem characters out there with small roles, but it's naturally not a sufficiently high mark to be hitting with your de facto main antagonist. so, y'know, don't get it twisted. on the one hand, I'm evaluating each character's performance in antagonistic roles, and on that front, I don't have much good to say of Edelgard. on the other hand -- she's awesome, okay. and hopefully, these last two sentences, if not the entire tenor of this analysis, are just right to piss off extremists on both sides of The Edeldiscourse. thanks for making it this far without throwing bottles at me -- and for giving me enough time to find cover. you'll never get me alive!
with the high score sitting at 7.5 -- no 10/10s, and certainly no hope of unseating the one 11/10 -- it would seem that I didn't have much good -- and plenty of bad -- to say about Three Houses in this post. despite that, Three Houses is a title that I greatly enjoyed, one that I could easily place up there with my favorites (but not above the favorite -- Blazing Blade is still bae!). it's pretty much the exact same thing that I said about blamming almost every Awakening villain and a majority of the Thracia 776 ones too: sometimes, antagonist writing is just not the strong suit of a given title, and it may still be very solid on other fronts. it's certainly sensible to me that Three Houses falls short on writing the villains, when it falls so short on writing the core plot. I'd probably have much greater praises to sing for the game if I were to talk some more about that monastery chatter that I adore, or about the worldbuilding... maybe that'd be a pretty fun idea for another post series. but I'd probably have to blam Blazing Blade's very own Elibe on that front, so, I am hesitant-- but, I picked the post series that I picked and I'll probably go on to keep on adding to it as we proceed with this series, so... what are we looking forward to seeing in the upcoming Three Hopes's antagonists? if everything else I've gone into here hasn't given you a reason to drop a reply or reblog with some comments, then at least, that's a question to bite into
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