#as in rin is like tsk no she doesnt tell me what to do... but also she didnt let me go so i will not be joining you
celestair · 2 months
rin "my girlfriend doesnt tell me what to do" itoshi, except yes she absolutely does. acts like he doesnt need to ask for permission for anything but still does anyway, makes sure to get you everything you need, even when you dont need anything he still gets you something. when he has to go out he still asks you if he wants to go and if you say no he doesnt he simply wont.
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lovingumi · 4 years
hii can i request for a suna angst to fluff where suna hasnt been spending time with his gf cause hes been planning a surprise party for her birthday but one the day of her birthday he decided to not greet her because he wanted to surprise her but then he sees her crying in a corner when they were about to go home and she doesnt tell him why then he brings her home then boom surprise hehe thank you
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— surprise.
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⤷ hii can i request for a suna angst to fluff where suna hasnt been spending time with his gf cause hes been planning a surprise party for her birthday but one the day of her birthday he decided to not greet her because he wanted to surprise her but then he sees her crying in a corner when they were about to go home and she doesnt tell him why then he brings her home then boom surprise hehe thank you
synopsis: suna surprising his girlfriend for her birthday, only to hurt her in the process because of the lack of communication.
pairing: suna rintarō x fem!reader
warnings: none
+ i’m sorry for taking so long, really. and i’m sorry if you meant this in way that they would be adults and not high schoolers, i realized that it could be that after almost being done with writing it. not too happy with this one, but my skills have gotten a bit rusty </3
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“_____? hey, _____!” you woke up from your daydream and stared in to osamu’s eyes, blinking as realization came back to you. “we’re done, we can go home.” you looked around in the classroom and saw that it was already empty besides the two of you and the teacher.
he was already gone too.
“rin already left and went home, didn’t he?” you mumbled, packing your bags as you glanced at the miya. he grimaced and nodded. “yeah, he’s been kinda busy lately.”
you cocked your head and let out a bitter chuckle. “i’ve noticed.”
the two of you met up with atsumu and started walking home together, since the three of you lived close by each other.
“say, twins.” you kicked a stray pebble, watching it flick to the side of the road as you heard them both hum.
“is he planning on breaking up with me? is that it?” your grip on your bag tightened as you sunk your teeth in to your lower lip, not wanting to get emotional at the thought of losing him right before your birthday.
“what? no—!” your head snapped up to look at atsumu, your brows furrowed as you realized that they wouldn’t say anything to you. they wouldn’t betray their friend for some girl they happen to know.
“should’ve figured you guys wouldn’t say anything.”
the rest of the way was silent, with some occasional jokes coming from atsumu that no one laughed at and osamu just telling him that he should stop.
you were about to go left as the twins were about to go right until osamu called your name. “please don’t doubt him, _____. he really does love you, just be a little more patient.”
your eyes were cast down as you nodded, smiling while waving them off as you were on your way back home.
you didn’t receive a goodnight text either.
the next day the twins arrived at your home earlier than normal with grins and a birthday cake. a sweet smile appearing on your face as you saw these two dorks at your doorstep.
“gonna invite us in and eat the cake or do you wanna stay here and do nothing?”
you giggled, opening the door wider for them to enter and start your day with some cake and two boys that would probably eat everything.
although you secretly hoped for someone else to come.
after having eaten a tiny piece and gotten ready for the day, you left with each twin by your side and started the school day with a smile accompanied by some anxious feelings that were brewing inside of you.
and him avoiding you didn’t help in the slighest.
the day passed with you barely seeing your boyfriend. every time you spotted him and had a split second of eye contact, he immediately dashed and left you alone by yourself. so you just stopped trying for the rest of the day and focused on your lessons while watching the clock tick slowly.
you walked outside to the tree that started blossoming it’s pretty pink flowers after you were done for the day, leaning against it as a soft breeze went through your hair. the sky was blue with faint clouds decorating it, the sun shining bright and giving you a perfect birthday.
if it wasn’t for him acting like this.
yet you decided to wait for him at your meet-up place, wanting to know what this was all about, even if it meant that it would break your heart in the process.
but you just couldn’t stop your frustration and anxiety from tipping over.
“hey, thanks for waiting, let’s g-“
the second his eyes settled on you, he stopped his sentence. he noticed your puffy eyes and red nose, guilt immediately filling his body at the thought of him abandoning you for a day or three having this much effect.
“can you bring me home, please?” you whispered, avoiding his eyes and crossing your arms over your chest.
he nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets and walking quietly besides you. “that was the plan anyways, i’d never let you walk home,” he tried, glancing at you for a second.
you nodded, eyes dead set in front of you as your legs took you to your home.
“i know.”
the birds singing and the leaves shuffling against each other filled the quiet air, your once tensed face easing up at the serene environment around you.
moments later you arrived home, turning around to face suna who shifted his weight from one leg to the other. “thank you fo-“
“can i come in?”
you blinked at him, not understanding why he suddenly wanted to be around you and daring to interrupt you after everything he pulled. you just shook your head, not having the energy to give him an answer and turned around, unlocking the door.
you took off your shoes and felt his chest pressed against your back in the tiny entrance. you quickly stepped into the living room, only to be greeted with your friends and family members with balloons of your favourite colours hanging around.
you stared at them, your mouth slightly open and eyes wide.
“.. huh?”
atsumu stepped forward and brought you in for a hug, your side pressed against his as he pulled you further down the living room. “why is our birthday girl lookin’ so sad, huh?”
you blinked, the function of talking having disappeared as you quickly pulled away from atsumu and turned around to suna who stood there awkwardly.
“happy birthday, _____”
you squinted your eyes for a split second and turned to the rest and thanked them, telling them you’d be back in a moment after talking with suna.
he raised his brows and turned around, walking back outside with you following quickly after.
“this is why you ignored me? you planned this?” he nodded, grimacing at the way you were being to straight with it.
tears filled your eyes once again as you punched his chest weakly. “y-you had no reason to do that to me! you could’ve remained how you were, why did you need to make me feel like i did something bad?” you cried, your fists on his chest as your head fell between them.
“i- i thought you were going to break up with me.”
he hesitantly wrapped his arms around you, pressing you closer to himself as the two of you just stood there in front of your door.
“i’m.. sorry. i could’ve handled it better.” you nodded, sliding your hands away from his chest and around his waist instead. “yeah, indeed you could have,” you sniffled, starting to feel better as all the negative thoughts and energy left your body.
you felt his chest vibrate, his soft and low chuckle ringing through your ears as you lifted up your head and stared into his emerald green eyes.
“but.. thank you. i appreciate it, rin.”
he hummed, leaning down and pressing a kiss against your forehead. “it was no problem, baby.”
you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and pulled away from him. “now, let’s see if you got a good present that can make up for your stupid way of handling this.”
he grinned and rolled his eyes. “please, my present is easily the best, tsk.”
you cocked an eyebrow and laughed. “oh yeah? let’s find out, mr. i’mthebest,” you mocked, only to receive a lazy mocking back.
and so you grabbed his hand and pulled him back inside with you, immediately being greeted with osamu’s smile that basically told you ‘i told you so, didn’t i?’
and you just nodded, tightening your grip on suna’s hand as atsumu told you to open his present first with a mouth full of onigiri.
these guys weren’t perfect and didn’t necessarily execute the things how they should be executed, but their intentions were always pure and you’d forever be grateful for their presence in your life.
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Girl Back Home (Jimin x You x Jungkook) // Chapter 8
A/N : And also, I’m trying a new thing here. if anyone here like my stories and want to give some support, why not buy me a coffee? ☕💜
“Who are you?”
The girl lets out a long sinister laugh.
“Me? I’m your guardian angel Hara. I’m going to help you get you precious Jiminie back,” she lets out another evil laugh and walks towards Hara with confidence, sitting in the chair opppsite her, crossing her legs.
“H-how do you know me? And why do you want to help me?”
“Tsk,” the girl crosses her arms and smirks. “How hurtful it is that you dont know me. We are going to be sisters after this and you dont know who I am?”
“Urgh you are really oblivious arent you?” The girl rolled her eyes. “I’m Chae Rin, Jungkookie’s girlfriend. Dont you read the papers? And we are going to be sisters after you marry Jimin and I will surely marry Kookie,” she smiles. Jungkook’s girlfriend? Hara cracked her brain to try and remembers. Isnt Y/N Jungkook’s girlfriend? She take a good hard look at Chae Rin’s face and something familiar starts to popped up in her mind. Right, the recent news said Jungkook and Y/N has broken up and this girl right here is his new girlfriend.
“Chae Rin?” Hara lets out a wide smile and puts out her hand for a friendly handshake. “I look forward to being sisters with you then,” she giggles. With this girl’s help,Hara is sure she can keep Y/N away from both Jimin and Jungkook. What does those two sees in a country girl like that is above her. They have two beautiful idol right here and they are still chasing after that country bumpkin Y/N. Something must be really wrong with those two. But no worries, Chae Rin and her will make them see again.
“So I’m guessing you want that bitch away from your fiancee as much as I want her away from my Kookie am I right?” Chae Rin leans forward in her chair.
“Yes of course. Jimin just broke off our engagement because of her! There is no way in hell I’m going to let her steal Jimin from me! Jimin is mine and mine alone!” Hara shrieked, making Chae Rin laugh.
“Chill out. I know how you feel,”
“But wait. Didnt Kookie and her broke up? You are his new girlfriend now arent you? Then what is your issue ?”
“He might have broken up with her, but I can tell Kookie is still pining over her. I need to get rid of her once and for all. To get her as far away as I can from Kookie,” Hara nodded at her explanation but something is bothering her. How? How are ywo girls with a packed schedule and high profile image is going to do it?
“But how Chae Rin? Do you have a plan?” Hara is curious.
“Not yet. But I have someone who can help us,” she grins.
“Help us? Who? Should we really involve more people in this?”
“Oh dont worry. He is the one who suggested this partnership to me. And ask me to reached out for you,” Chae Rin play with her nails cockily. “And you know him quite well too,”
“Know him?” Hara looks puzzled and confused. Who would volunteerily help them? And why? “Who? Who is he? And when can I meet this person?”
“Right now,” Chae Rin lets out another evil grin and the door open once again, a man standing there, smiling.
“Hello Hara,”
Jungkook pulled his hat low as he leans behind the tree. He feels like a damn stalker. Come to think of it, he is a stalker. Thats is exactly what he is doing, stalking Y/N.
After he accidentally heard Jimin’s confession to Taehyung the other day about how nothing happened between him and Y/N, so many things starts to run in his mind. He realized what a huge mistake he made for jumping to conclusion and dissing Y/N just like that. Without even hearing any explanation from her he broke up with her, living her with no money, no help and no choice, all helpless on her own to go back home all the way to Busan. He even dared to showed off Chae Rin in front of her when she is obviously just a random idol he flirted with to pissed Y/N off. The boys even told him that Y/N sold all her things in order to find enough money to go back home and it kills him inside to know how much damaged he has done to her. Jungkook should have just left her alone. Happy and peaceful back at home, away from all this drama. If he did, Jimin wouldnt see her again and would have just ask for a divorce through their lawyers and if they are really fated together, Jungkook is sure they will still meet one way or another. And even if they didnt,at least Jungkook wouldnt know what being in love with and thats better than falling in love with her and all this shit happened.
Without anyone knowing, Jungkook has been secretly buying back everything that Y/N sold. Even if she hates him for the rest of eternity, the least he can do is to return back everything she has ever own. Things that are precious to her. Jungkook knows chances to be with Y/N again is slim to never, but he can atleast try to make her happy from afar.
Jungkook sighed as he leans into the tree. He has been coming back home to Busan without anyone, especially Jimin, knowing in his free time, to spy on Y/N. He wanted so much to talk to her, but he cant. Y/N slammed the door right at his face when he tried the first time after he heard Jimin’s and Taehyung’s conversation the other day and he never tried again ever since. Instead, he follows her around like a coward all day. If Y/N really wants nothing to do with him, the least he can do is to follow her to soothe down the feeling of missing her. Atleast until he figures out his next move to win her again.
Hara looks at the man, the last person she would have ever imagined to help her get rid of Y/N.
“You looked surprised Hara. Didnt expect to see me I presumed?” he chuckles and take a seat besides Chae Rin.
“Y-yeah. I didnt expect this at all…” Hara avoided his eyes and takes a deep breath before looking at him again.  "Is this real? Are you really going to help us get rid of Y/N?“
"Yes of course,” he laughs. “Why else would I be here?”
“I-I dont know. I have so many questions. I’m just confused,” she fiddled with her fingers.
“Then ask me what you want to know,”
“Why are you helping me? Helping us, I mean?” She looks at Chae Rin. “I mean… isnt Jimin and Jungkook your close friend? Your brother? If they really do love Y/N like they claimed they do,wouldnt it hurt them if you get rid of Y/N? Why would you want to get rid of Y/N then?”
The man laugh at her question, looking at her and smirks.
“I can sense that you have a lot of doubt Hara. Are you sure you are willing to see Jimin get hurt when we get rid of Y/N?”
“I-I dont want to see him hurt. I really love Jimin..” she looks down for a moment before lifting her eyes up again. “But I cant lose him. I will die if I lose him. Jimin is my life. I cant imagine my world without him,”
“Tsk, this is why love is stupid,” the man laugh. “I am never one to believe in this feeling call love. I know for sure that emotions only give us problems. But those two idiots went ahead and fall in love anyway,”
“If you are not doing it for their happiness… or for love… why are you here? Helping us?” Hara starts to doubt the whole thing even more. She really doesnt want to hurt Jimin. She really sincerely loves him. She wants to get out of this deal with the minimum amount of hurt for Jimin.
“Oh Hara. Dont get me wrong. I am not doing this for your precious love for Jimin. Or for this gold digger over here,” he points to Chae Rin who just laughs.
“Hey, Jungkook is also very hot and amazing in bed,” she laughs.
“Whateter,” the man rolls his eyes. “I’m doing this because I care. I care about both Jimin and Jungkook. You are right, they are like brothers to me and that is exactly the reason why I’m doing this,”
“What do you mean?”
“Y/N is breaking our brotherhood, the band and the bond we have apart. And I cant have that. Jimin was happy with you, and Im sure he will be happy again. And Jungkook.. well, he was fine without Y/N in his life before and he will be fine again. Afterall, Chae Rin over here can help him lick his wound,” he laughs. “So believe me Hara when I said I will help. Because I’m being honest here. Its not because of you or her, its for my own selfish reason. I want my brotherhood to be intact again,”
Hara kept quiet as she digest everything that the man just said. Everything makes more sense now. She cant believe it if he said hes helping because he wants her and Jimin to be together, but now that he admits his own selfish reason, Hara knows what he said is true. There is no reason to doubt him anymore.
“Okay. I’m in,”
“Thats good to hear,” he leans back in his chair.
“So… whats the plan? Do we already have one?”
“Well, I have one. And its a good one too,” he smirks. “And I need you two to pay Y/N a visit to deliver this little news to her,”
“Jimin, if thats you, go away! I changed the locks and I told you to not come here anymore!” Y/N yells out as she makes her way to the door after the excessive knocking didnt stop for a full 15 minutes. Sighing and huffing, sure that its Jimin outside, Y/N swing open the door in exhaustion, ready to give him a piece of her mind. But to her surprise, standing in front of her are two very beautiful woman, woman she recognizes and unfortunately not from a happy occasion.
“H-Hara? A-and I’m sorry I dont know your name but you are Jungkook-ssi’s girlfriend right? We met that day at the lobby,” she gave a tiny smile and bows.
“Oh wow, so sweet and polite,” Chae Rin rolls her eyes and turn to Hara. “No wonder your fiancee is in love with her,” she smirks and pushed her way inside the house, pushing Y/N to the side along the way. Hara gave Y/N a tight smile and bows back and follows Chae Rin in. Yes, she hates Y/N for stealing Jimin from her, but theres just something in her eyes that feels wrong. Its as if Y/N is deeply hurt and in pain and is just exhausted.
Y/N follows the two who already make themselves comfortable in her small living room.
“Uh… do you want some tea? I-I can go and make some,”
“No. Its fine. Just sit,” Chae Rin points a finger to Y/N and the empty chair opposite of them, and Y/N follows nervously. What are these two doing here? Why cant anyone and anything to do with Jimin and Jungkook just leave her alone?
“I’m pretty sure you know why we are here?” Chae Rin starts off.
“N-no. Not really no. But I’m guessing its something to do with Jimin and Jungkook?”
“What a smart girl she is Hara!” Chae Rin laughs sarcastically and clapped her hands and Hara just glare at her. “Why are you glaring at me for? Shes the one who stole your fiancee!”
“Shut up!” Hara sneered.
“Anyway,” Chae Rin roll her eyes at Hara’s remark. “You are right. We are here because of Jimin and Jungkook. As you already know, this beautiful lady here is Hara, Jimin’s fiancee,” she enunciate the words fiancee, just in case Y/N didnt get it. “And I am Chae Rin, Jungkook’s girlfriend. Hopefully, soon to be fiancee and wife too,” she smiles.
Y/N swallowed the bitter taste in her mouth. Just a few weeks ago Jungkook was declaring his undying love for her and now he is going to marry this girl. Its true Jungkook hurts her, but Y/N cant deny that she still loves him. He loves him very much and Chae Rin’s remarks are hurting her so much.
“And we are here to tell you to leave our man alone,”
“Leave them alone?” Y/N’s brows furrowed. “But Hara, Chae Rin, I dont have anything going with them anymore. Nothing,” Y/N’s innocent wide eyes fuel the anger in Hara. How dare she denies it when she already heard the truth from Jimin’s own mouth!
“Oh yeah? Then why the hell did Jimin broke off our engagement after he came back from spending weeks in Busan?! And dont even lie to me. I know for a fact that hes here with you and he even told me himself the reason is because he is in love with you, you shameless bitch!” Hara growls.
“I-I,” Y/N was taken aback by Hara’s outburst. Jimin broke their engagement off? This is news to her. She didnt know. She really didnt. She also didnt want anything to do with Jimin anymore. “Hara I didnt know. And I swear I didnt ask him to break it off with you. In fact I ask him to go back to you. I dont want Jimin!”
“How about Jungkook then? You say you dont want Jimin. So you want Jungkook then?!” Chae Rin suddeny interfere before Hara can say anything.
“I- Jungkook and I-”
“So its true then. You do love Jungkook!” Y/N looks down, not being able to deny her feelings, which makes Chae Run boils in anger. She stood up and was about to walk towards Y/N to give her a tight slap across the face but Hara held her back.
“Control yourself Chae Rin! And remember what we are here for!” She pulls her hand back, making the angry woman sits down.
“Urghh fine! But this bitch has the nerve to tell me that she loves my Kookie. Mine!” She yells out, hands busy rummaging through her expensive handbag to take out an envelope. Chae Rin throws the envelope on the table.
“W-whats that?” Y/N, who is trembling in fear looks at them.
“That is the reason we are here. The only way to make sure you truly stay away from Jimin and Jungkook,” Chae Rin sneered.
“B-but I dont want Jimin nor Jungkook. Theres nothing between us. I swear. I swear!” Y/N trembles as she reached out for the envelope.
“It doesnt matter if you dont want anything to do with Jimin or Jungkook, Y/N. What matters is that the two of them wants you. And we are going to make sure there is nothing about you left for them to love anymore,” Chae Rin smirks. “Or even worse, we are going to make sure you stay so far away from them that they cant even reach you even if they want to,”
“W-why? Whats all this? I didnt do anything,” Y/N’s tears starts to flow out from her eyes as she reads the papers in the envelope. A law suit. A million dollars lawsuit.
“Its a law suit honey. For illegal distribution of information and blackmailing,” Chae Rin grins as Hara just kept quiet, guilt in her eyes. “Let me make it clear for you in case your simple country mind couldnt understand hmm?"she smiles sweetly. "This is a lawsuit that says you breached the contract you sign when you pretend to be Kookie’s girlfriend by providing information and pictures to the press that is not sanctioned by the company to make money. And this one,” she picks up another,“ is a lawsuit for blackmailing. You are apparently blackmailing the company to pay you a certain amount of money if they want you to stop providing the photos,”
“But I didnt do any of this!”
“Well, too bad. The PD receive information from someone that he trusts that you did,”
“Why? Why are you doing this to me?!”
“Well honey. You are free to get a lawyer if you say you didnt do it. And get a good one at that too hmm?” Chae Rin snickered.
“B-but I cant afford a lawyer. I dont even barely have enough money to even eat!”
“Well then I guess,enjoy prison!” Chae Rin laughs as she stands up, ready to leave, with Hara following behind. “Hey, at least you get free food in prison right?”
“No. Please dont. Dont do this!” Y/N chased after them to beg, getting hold of Hara’s hand.
“I’m sorry Y/N… but I cant lose Jimin. And I cant forgive you for stealing him from me,” Hara looks at Y/N softly with guilt in her eyes before walking away, but Y/N pull her hand again.
“Hara, listen to me! I didnt steal Jimin. If anything you are the one who steals him from me!” Y/N is desperate. She doesnt want Hara to find out this way. She can see how she truly loves Jimin but she has no choice.
“What do you mean?”
“Hara,” Y/N looks into her eyes. “Jimin is my husband. We have been married even before he debuted. Even before he met you,”
“What do you mean? There is no way Y/N would do that! No she would never!” Jungkook slammed his fist on the table,making the PD frowns at the maknae’s behavior.
“Jungkook…” he warns.
“I’m sorry PD-nim. But I have to agree with Kookie here. There is no way Y/N would sell information on us! Nor would he ever blackmail for money!” Jimin frowns. The two of them were called into the office one day, where the PD sits them down and tell them that the lawsuit has been filed and hopefully everything will be over. The news came as a shocked to the both of them. Lawsuit? Blackmailing? There is no way Y/N would do what he said she did. The two of them are sure of it. Also, they are in panic knowing Y/N is facing a lawsuit and is alone and helpless right now.
God damn it. She must be scared to death.
“I’m sorry guys but the evidence is there. All the information that the press received are information that only her and the seven of you would know. She also told them about you two being married Jimin,” he looks at Jimin with a glare. “Which is something we will have a talk on soon and Jimin, you better pray hard that the press will heed to our warning and not publish the story or all hell will break loose,”
“But its not possible,” Both Jimin and Jungkook said helplessly.
“Guys, I know you trust her. We did too. But you will be surprised to know what people will do for money hmm?” PD gave them a sympathetic look and stood up. “I need to go now. We will talk about this further,”
Jimin and Jungkook sits facing each other after the PD left. Yes, they are enemies, but they are facing a greater enemy right now. Trust. Did Y/N really did it?
“Its not possible Kookie. I have known her for so long. This is not Y/N!” Jimin huffed.
“I know hyung. I dont believe it too. Something is fishy. Real fishy,” Jungkook nodded.
“We need to get to the bottom of this. We need to help her Kookie. We cant leave her like that. This is our fault. We drag her into this,”
“I know and I regret ever bringing her here. I should habe just left her alone. What are we going to do hyung?” Jungkook looks at Jimin with fear and panics in his eyes.
“Are you two seriously thinking of ways to help Y/N after what she had done to you? Revealing information about you, blackmailing and putting our career and band in danger?” A voice leans against the door.
“Hyung! You already know about this?” Jungkook looks up.
“Then help us hyung. Y/N didnt so this. We know she didnt,” Jimin stood up,walking towards his hyung.
“How do you know for sure? She might really only be using you two for her own benefit!”
“No. I can swear on it!” Jimin shakes his head. “She didnt do it,”
“Hyung. You have to help us. Please!” Jungkook  begs.
“No! Im not going to let you two ruin your lives over her!” The two were surprised at their hyung’s answer.
“Hyung? What are you saying?” Jimin looks at him in the eye.
“Yeah hyung. What are you saying?” Jungkook marched forward, anger in his eyes. “Hyung, it doesnt matter if you help us or not, we will do anything and everything to get Y/N out of this mess. I love her and I wont let her suffer because of us!” Jungkook walks out but his hand gets pulled  back into the room.
“No. No motherfucking way! I didnt work this hard and do all this just so you two can ruin your life and crawl back to that bitch!”
“Hyung? Y-you did this?” Jimin’s eyes widened.
“You fucking did this?!” Jungkook screamed out. “Why would you?! We trusted you! You are our brother!”
“I’m sorry but one day you will know that this is for your own good. I dont care about Y/N, I only care about the two of you. And her being here is ruining everything. Cant you see? Her presence is only breaking you two, all of us, apart! We dont need her. You two were happy before her and we can be that again. We are Bangtan! We only need each other!”
Jungkook shakes his head and walks forward, gripping his hyung’s collar.
“I cant believe you of all people would do this! I was wrong about you, Namjoon-hyung,”
A/N: soooooo who had guessed it was Joonie raise your hands!
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