#as if this summer hasn't been hard enough with my boyfriend in the hospital and my best friend moving away cause of her asshole ex
nomattertheoceans · 11 days
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mrsseverussnape · 3 years
Love Is You - chapter 11
A/n: hopefully this is gonna be posted… It was very stormy and the power is off for hours because of it. I tried to create a moodboard and i am trying to post it but even my own data is not working very well, the storm was that bad and probably damaged something… I deserve some comments after trying that hard to post that😂
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    Christmas was around the corner, but Scarlett wasn't as excited as she used to be even it was her favourite time of the year. She was planning to celebrate it with her kids but apparently, they had other plans which she found out quite late. Sirius has invited Leo and Remus over for a boys Christmas celebration and Carina would celebrate it with her boyfriend's family this year. Actually both of the kids have offered to stay with her but she didn't want to ruin their plans for her own enjoyment. Then Scarlett thought to spend the day with her parents just like the old days but it turned out they have already booked a holiday, they would be in Switzerland during Christmas week. So this plan has cancelled too for her. Normally she wouldn't mind staying alone but on special days she would like to have a company, especially this year she needed it more. Scarlett thought if she could invite someone over for Christmas but she didn't have many friends and the ones she had already married and would celebrate it with their families or they were living in abroad. Then one possible person came to her mind but she wasn't sure if he had someone special to celebrate the Christmas with. But she wanted to give it a try and wrote a letter to Severus and invited him over for dinner.
    Christmas had a special place in their relationship. They have started dating on December, couple of days prior Scarlett's 18th birthday then she has invited him to her house for Christmas break when she found out he would stay at Hogwarts and with that he could meet with her parents. And the best memory of that Christmas was the present that Severus gave to her. He has got her a white British long hair kitten that she fell in love with immediately. Severus has gotten that idea since Scarlett was such a cat lady and actually she was a cat herself as an animagus, also she has told him about her late cat who passed away a year ago. Scarlett has named the new kitten Pearl and she has become basically their baby and in the summer of the same year they got another kitten together and named him Paul. The warm feeling of the memories made her smile, these happy memories has become her comfort zone lately.
    It was the Christmas evening and the kids were ready to leave while Scarlett was busy decorating a cake. Leo and Carina came to the kitchen to say goodbye to her.
"Mum the cake looks delicious but isn't it way too big just for you to eat?"
"I will have a friend over, i won't be alone."
"Oh you didn't mention that. Now we don't feel as guilty for leaving you alone. Who is coming?"
"Professor Snape."
The kids exchanged looks for a moment. They still haven't said anything to her about the trunk so she had no idea that they know about her past relationship with Severus Snape.
"It will be great for you two to remember good old days, I am sure you have missed them. Have fun!"
Scarlett looked at Carina rather suspiciously after what she just said. She was asking and talking a lot about Severus and her lately. "Thank you... Are you leaving?"
"Yep, take care and don't drink much mum."
"Okay mother." Scarlett rolled her eyes at her daughter. "You two have fun and say merry Christmas to everyone from me." She kissed their cheeks goodbye. "Love you."
"Love you too mum, bye!" Carina and Leo both apparated at the same time, leaving Scarlett by herself.
She did the final touches on the cake and put it in the refrigerator to set. Now she needed to get dressed before he came. Scarlett decided on a velvet bodycon dress which is off shoulder and its emerald green colour was complimenting her copper red hair beautifully. She brushed and styled her wavy hair and finally put her signature red lipstick. Scarlett looked herself in the mirror and enjoyed her view truly for the first time in a while. She hasn't dressed up fully for a long time and she has missed seeing herself like this.
    The knock on the door took her away from her thoughts. She rushed to the door and took a deep breath before opening it. When she opened the door and saw him standing there with a winter bouquet and wine bottle in his hands. It was such a coincidence that he has picked a velvet emerald green jacket to combine with his black trousers and shirt.
"Welcome Severus, come in! It is snowing outside."
"Hello." He smiled and entered the house once he lived in together with her, handed her the bouquet and the wine he brought. “These are for you.”
"Ah thank you, the flowers are so pretty!" She inhaled the flowers’ scent.
"Not as pretty as you..." Severus couldn't take his eyes off of her, Scarlett has aged like a fine wine.
She blushed lightly at his statement and looked away from him. "You can directly go to the dinner table; we better eat them before they get cold. And you know what, i cooked everything by myself, no help from the house elf!"
"Today is the big day then huh? You are showing me your improved cooking skills?"
"Oh yes today is the day!" Scarlett giggled while they were taking their seats.
He looked at the small feast that she prepared for them. It wasn't a classic Christmas feast since both of them were vegetarians but everything was looking more than perfect.
"I must say, i am already impressed Scarlett. Everything looks and smells splendid."
"Everything tastes splendid  too, i guarantee." She winked at him. "Help yourself, bon Appetit!"
    After the dinner they moved to the couch with their drinks in hands. Severus has really enjoyed the foods even he admitted that Scarlett's cooking skills have moved from 1 to 5 point. Scarlett was more than happy to hear that because cooking wasn't her best skill at all.
    Hours have passed and they have talked little bit of that and little bit of this, ate the cake Scarlett has baked and listened to some music from the record player. After 4 glasses of wine, Scarlett had an unnecessary amount of courage and suddenly asked him if he had anyone in his life even though she wasn’t sure if she wanted to hear the answer. Severus wasn't expecting that question at all but he had the answer.
"No, i don't." Severus finished off the wine in his glass. Starting a new relationship didn’t even cross his mind after their breakup. It was either Scarlett or no one for him.
"How come you are still single? You would make a great husband, i am sure."
Severus sighed and shook his head. "Scarlett, you are the only one who value me, every part of me that i don't even like myself... And i am so stupid that i let you go..." He wasn't planning the say those things but they did flow from his mouth, apparently wine has affected him too. But he didn’t care, if they had to do the talk they would now.
"I didn't want to go, you left me..." Scarlett whispered while playing with the wine glass. He hasn't even given her a proper reason, just left her. "Why did you leave? I deserve an answer Severus... It has been years, won’t you tell me still?”
Severus still didn't want to tell her the reason, he was sure it would make Scarlett very upset but he knew he should eventually. The reason has made sense to him at the time but the moment he broke up with her, Severus has regretted his decision deeply but he couldn't turn back because he has thought she wouldn't want him back anymore after how much he hurt her.
Severus took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly, this talk wouldn’t be easy at all for both of them. "I will tell you but please let me finish it before saying anything… You remember that nightmare-like times between us and Sirius… I have visited Sirius when he was at the hospital after his suicide attempt, this was before your dad informed you about it. All he talked about was you and how much he loves you, how much you mean to him. And i thought maybe he loves you more since he tried to kill himself after you cut the ties with him, because of me... Scar i don't know, i just thought that he could give you more things than me and you deserve the best so i decided that you would be happier with him than being with me... Don’t look at me like that…"
Scarlett couldn't believe the things she just heard. She has always thought that he fell in love with someone else or he didn't love her anymore. "Severus, that is the stupidest thing i've ever heard from you... Didn't i show you enough that i was in love with you deeply and i was so happy with you...? I didn't want anyone or anything else but you Severus. I loved you… but apparently you didn’t love me enough…"
“That’s not true…” He couldn't dare to look into her eyes or say anything else, the words stuck into his throat. Now he knew it is a stupid reason but as a young boy it made sense to him. Severus has never thought a beautiful and rich girl like Scarlett would be his friend, let alone be dating someone like him. And there was Sirius, Hogwarts's most handsome boy and Scarlett's lifelong best friend, plus he was in love with her like crazy. Sirius looked like a better fit for Scarlett rather than himself, he never felt confident against Sirius, Severus didn’t have the looks nor the money while Sirius had both. But now looking at Scarlett and Sirius's divorce, it was clear that his thoughts were nonsense because he would never cheat on Scarlett, ever.
Scarlett’s trembling voice brought him back to reality from his thoughts. Severus looked into her tearful eyes, she always told more with her eyes and Severus liked that silent communication but now her eyes had an effect of a dagger and stabbed his heart. Then his eyes moved to her red lips and unconsciously he leant into them ever so slightly but he pulled himself back in the next second he noticed what’s he doing, he shouldn't have kissed her even he wanted nothing else. Scarlett was the same; her heart was wanting to kiss him but her brain was saying it's not a good idea at the current situation.
"I better go... Thank you for the dinner." Severus stood up to leave suddenly;  If he stayed any longer, he was scared that he wouldn't control himself and the conversation had a tool on both of them.
Scarlett just nodded, she still couldn’t process the things Severus revealed. "Good night..."
"Good night Scarlett..." And he vanished in the air.
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hustlemeanokay · 3 years
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Vemados Manuel Garcia a.k.a. "V"
Name Meanings & Other Info
Vemados | Origin : German | Courage of a Bear
Manuel | Origin : Spanish | God is with Us
Garcia | Origin : Mexico | Surname meaning "Son of Garcia" | Garcia : Spanish form of Gerald | Gerald | Origin : German | Rule of the Spear
Age : 24
Pronouns : He/Him
Orientation : Bisexual
Place of Birth : La Paz, Mexico
Parents : Noel Garcia & Helen Rosen
Eye Color : Red | Natural Eye Color : Brown
Hair Color : Blue/Black | Natural Hair Color : Black
Height : 6'0'' | Weight : 180 lbs.
Languages Spoken : English, Spanish, Yiddish, German
Interesting Facts : V speaks four languages and has since he was a child. V was Jewish until he was ten years old at which time, his Mother passed away, thus he was converted to Catholicism, his father's religion. V's eyes were the first thing he changed. V met Jackie when he was 15 but didn't move to Night City until he was 18, when his father died. V's parents never married but lived together as husband and wife for their entire relationship. V was born a fraternal twin to his sister, Mariposa. The butterfly he has tattooed on his chest is actually for her. Jackie was V's first boyfriend though it only lasted the first summer they met. Despite his actions and affiliations, V is deeply religious. V can't stand the taste of cherries but he loves the smell of roses. He always sleeps on his stomach, always.
Background : V was born in La Paz, Mexico to a native Mexican Father and an immigrant Jewish Mother from Germany. Born as a twin, his sister died ten days after their birth. They named her Mariposa Grace. V's childhood was pleasant enough, his father worked hard as did his mother. Both were very religious people though their religions were separate. His father, Noel, insisted that V be raised in his mother's tradition - as there "were enough Catholics in the world" - his words. However, Noel never converted, keeping his own faith "as God intended". Noel and Helen lived as husband and wife though never married. Helen would later die of pancreatic cancer when V was ten. V left the Synagogue and began attending mass with his father and hasn't stepped inside or near a Synagogue since the day his mother was interred, where he went to spend time in solace afterwards and said his goodbyes to not just his mother, but his mother's world. Though young, he grew up quickly after that. Growing up in La Paz was a lesson in controlled chaos. His father and himself both worked in the tourist industry. Hotels, tours, etc. V met his first love when he was fifteen. Jackie Welles. One crazy summer later and their time as a "them" came to an end but they remained close friends ever since and when Noel was killed in an accident in one of the hotels' boiler rooms - V left La Paz and made his way north to Night City, turning up on Mama Welles' doorstep when he was just one week out of his 18th birthday. He hasn't been home since. His time in the Valentino's with Jackie was a life that fit him too well. He was too good at it, and Mama Welles told him as much. The night Jackie was shot and he made his promise to her from his hospital bed, she cornered him in the hall and demanded he make the same promise. He did. But while Jackie went solo, V tuned his sights on the corporate machine. Hiding his tattoos had been the hardest thing about getting the job. Keeping it, was another thing all together.
Head Canons : The cyberwear that Jackie has - I have this HC that all Valentino's have the same cyberwear because that's the only kind their ripper knows how to do. So, Vemados has it too. I wanted to give him those red eyes because of his name, and his name because of what it means. So, the red eyes are very "berserker", which is usually tied heavily to bear symbolism. So, Vemados... bear... berserker... red... you get it. Also, got this thing that he seriously had to hide his tattoos when he worked at Arisaka, like - none of those shitheads knew he used to be a Valentino. Also, in my HC, those fuckers in the start didn't get to leave Lizzies. Not really. They left the bar, but not the parking lot. V managed to get to his feet... and both he and Jackie tailed them. Before they got back to the city center... well... no one really knows what happened to them. Honest, no one knows... why, they never showed up?! You don't say... ;) Also, also... Vemados doesn't drink. Like... ever. At least not yet. Once Jackie leaves... then he starts to drink. Then he gets mean. Because Jackie? Jackie was his rock. His choom, his man. And damn, without Jack? Who the fuck was he? Who the fuck did he belong to now?
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