#as i never had the right channel growing up and it wasnt around on youtube
cake-nastyy · 5 years
I just watched the Indaver Zim movie on netflix i can see why kids were so mad for it back in the 2000′s
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surveysonfleek · 3 years
What’s the latest youtube channel you’ve discovered and binge-watched?   hmm during work i found this girl who does true crime style videos. it’s like a visual podcast. so i listened to a couple of those in the bg
What’s one thing that makes your shoulders hurt?   getting a massage and they apply too much pressure but my introvert ass is too shy to say anything lol
Does it snow where you live? no. it snows about 2 hours away but tbh there wasnt much news about it this year
Do you think your hair looks better long or short? long
Do you look best with or without bangs?   i kinda prefer no bangs but side bangs are ok too
What stereotype would you say you fit the most?   none
Do you enjoy editing photos on your phone? haha i cant say i enjoy it but sometimes its needed
What’s your favorite thing to do on your phone?   insta, tiktok, fb. social media i guess
Which season do you wish would last longer?   autumn! love autumn, perfect weather all around
Do you like the name Eliana?   its cute
Do you know anyone named Claire? Veronica? Cescily? Marcella? Miranda?   i have a cousin named veronica
Haw many outdoor birthday parties have you had?   i dont remember having an outdoor bday ever!
How much taller or shorter are you than your mom?   taller by a few inches
Who is your favorite sibling? i only have one sibling, so her!
Do you have neat handwriting? its not neat but its def not messy
Do you enjoy journaling?   haha no. i havent journaled since 2017 maybe
What is your most recent new favorite food you’ve discovered? not super new but i do love poke bowls now
Do you like sushi?   yes! love it
Have you ever tried seaweed? yup :)
How often do you wash your hair?   around three times a week
Do you have an actual pig-shaped piggy bank?   nope
Would you rather hike a mountain or dive into the sea?   omg none. dive into the sea if i really had to but only to snorkel Would you rather grow wings or a tail? lmao wings i guess
Which Barbie doll was your favorite? i had a lot as a kid and its so sad i dont remember any in particular! 
Do you prefer cheetah or zebra print? chevron or polka dots? paisleys or plaid? stripes or stars? cheetah, polka dots, paisleys and stripes
Do you like your natural hair color? yeah its fine
What is your natural hair color?   dark brown
Did you dream of becoming famous as a kid?   yes. that was like my life goal. howeverrrr, i had no creative talent. i couldnt sing, act, dance etc lmao. but i always wanted to be famous. this was way before social media was introduced though
What show did you want to be on? the saddle club lol
Have you ever been to a gynecologist? no but technically my doctor is one. they’re a gp but certified gyno if that makes sense
Do you use the Bitmoji app on your phone? i used to 
Do you get on facebook every day? yeah but nowhere near as often as i used to
What is your Instagram screenname? totally not sharing that here lol
Do you remember the very first episode of Spongebob when it first came out? nope
Did you watch the Kids Choice Awards when you were a kid?   no because i didnt have cable tv lol
What was your favorite girl group when you were growing up? spice girls, duh!
Would you ever consider naming a child after a family member?   nah, im starting fresh
List three names that sound similar to your name.   no List three spelling of your name that you are glad you don’t have. lol haha no
What were you almost named?   erica, so weird
Do you like your name?   yes :)
What are your top three favorite girl’s names? boy names? i dont know. i feel like this question comes up alot but i can never think of an answer. i need to start a note of it on my phone lol
What is something you always wanted to do that your parents never let you? get me a tickle me elmo
Do you have any symptoms of COVID-19 right now? nah, double vaxxed baby!
Have you made your own mask to help prevent the spread of the virus?   no but i wear them anyways
Do you know anyone who has the virus? not personally. actually i had a friend that got it but he lives in cali
What was the last grocery store you shopped at?   coles
What does your name mean? goddess of something
What countries have you visited? plenty. just too lazy to list them
Do you have any regrets? i do but i dont dwell on it
Do you ever wish you had someone to hug?   haha no, i can hug my fiance whenever
Do you ever sleep on your bedroom floor?   no
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gtseven7 · 4 years
My Seven Idols
Tumblr media
this is the picture mentioned in the story
Got7 as highschoolers as they deal with graduation and college at the same time starting up their own Youtube channel as idols. 
So this is chapter 1. Really, I wasnt supposed to write this thing but it has been bugging me for months and I just cant shake it off okay? I tried resisting thinking, dude you're on your way to the juicy parts of Seven Princes. But whelp I lost a battle within myself and wrote this anyway. I hope you guys like it!
The click-clacking of the keyboard echoed in the room as Y/N furiously typed the remaining subtitle of the video she had been editing the last few nights. Hitting the export button, the brunette could finally exhale and relax. The beach aesthetic video she had been working on was now in the process of being complete. She just has to wait till it loads to a hundred and her hard work will pay off. Smiling to herself, she minimized the editing software and opened up her InstaBook. She scrolled leisurely, seeing the pictures of her peers and some from her photographer idols. Y/N was examining an aesthetic cityscape picture from one of her favorite photo blogs, Def, when her notification alerted her of a great news. Ding! And the words that popped up from the right corner of her screen made her screech. As it was almost midnight, she had to restrain herself and not wake her parents. But she can’t help the giggle that escaped her mouth. She quickly clicked the pop up. It said: pjy_01 updated his profile picture. When the picture loaded, Y/N's jaw almost unhinged. Park Jinyoung a.k.a. Mr. Student Council President rarely posts a picture of himself. His feed was usually just books, food and random sceneries. He did have few self-taken pictures and Y/N was happy with it (some of them are really just bad quality but she’ll take it) but this one? This one’s just beautiful, amazing, gift from the heavens. He was sitting on a comfy white couch, staring directly at the camera with puppy eyes. His white button up was slightly unbuttoned(!!) as he wore an innocent face and a cute peace sign as a cherry on top. Y/N was just about to scream and jump around. But before that, she made sure to save the picture in her Jinyoung Stash folder. “Woah. What is this Jinyoung? You should always post things like this. I’ll be a happy woman.” She sighed dreamily, staring at her screen but missed the notification of her software that finished exporting her video. 
Y/N was rudely interrupted when her phone suddenly rang. Not even looking at the caller id, she answered the call with an annoyed tone. “What?” No one would be phoning her at this time other than her best friend. “Yo chill out Y/N.” Youngjae laughed at the other end, knowing he most likely disturbed her from her hobby. Which isn’t entirely false, he just didn’t know that the hobby at the moment was staring at their president and not videography. ”It’s midnight Youngjae, what do you need?” She elicited another hearty laugh from the guy. Any other circumstance, she’ll laugh along since his laugh is contagious but this time was not it. “Well?”
“Geez, aren’t you such a joy tonight. I’m just gonna ask if you already finished the essay homework due tomorrow.” 
Blank silence. It was then that Y/N laughed at the ridiculing situation. Homework? Was there ever one? And she voiced it out, still half cheerful and half threatening. Youngjae might be pranking her once again. “The essay homework Mr. Kwon asked us to do. The one about Romeo and Juliet. Don’t tell me you don’t remember?” Youngjae chuckled a little too, thinking that his friend was making fun of him. When the only sound he heard was the bark of his cute dog Coco beside him, Youngjae started to sweat. “You haven’t done a single thing didn’t you?!”
“I think I’m gonna puke. Youngjae-ahh~ What do I do?!” 
Y/N's eyes bugged out, realizing that yes, there is indeed an essay due tomorrow. And it is for Mr. Kwon’s subject, her most feared teacher. Oh how that teacher terrifies her whole being. How could she be so stupid?! “Youngjae!!! What do I do? What do I do?!” Panic was starting to rise from her gut, her heart beating too fast that even midnight coffee can’t do. Add the obvious panic in her bestfriend’s voice on the other end, it made things worse for her. “I don’t know! Uh… I can lend you mine? Just modify some parts. Paraphrase things…”  
“Oh my God Youngjae I love you. You’re the best!!” 
“You owe me one Y/N.” 
“I do, I do. Thanks so much.” 
They bid goodnight to each other, Youngjae promising to pick her up from her house so she won’t be late; she once again praised his goodness before hanging up. And as promised, he sent her his homework, Jinyoung’s picture on her screen forgotten. Y/N once again typed relentlessly through the night. 
“I bet Jinyoung never had a problem like this. Y/N you must do better!”
That motivation fueled her to write the essay about Romeo and Juliet even if she didn’t understand what it was about aside from it being a romance story. Little did the sophomore videographer know, her high pedestaled president sat on his chair under the dim light of his study desk at the same time as her. He was hunched in concentration on the essay he stalled on doing days before it was to be submitted. 
No words flowed, his pen stuck mid-air. “Argh. What the heck is this shit about anyway?” Jinyoung huffed as he crumpled his nth paper and tossed it in the bin beside him. His brain was not cooperating with him that night and it’s just frustrating. Why does he have to explain why the economy of their country is not thriving as it used to? It’s just plain bullshit to be honest. He had mountains of council work the past few days and he wasn’t able to attend few classes including the class he was supposed to write this essay for. This is why he hates skipping, when things like this essay arrive, he doesn’t know what to do. He didn’t have time to read up everything that’s why he just went straight to bluffing his way out of the conclusion of the paper. The distracting noise of the instrument app on Jaebeom’s phone didn’t help him much either. “You have your own room, your own bed. Why are you always here?” His housemate just shrugged and continued his melody making. It was sounding good to be honest, not that his friend ever made a bad song but the other’s process was just making the writing too difficult for him. “How can I even finish when you distract me like this?”
“One, Jinyoung, it was your fault for not doing it earlier. Two, you are not distracted by my music. You just don’t want to do that stupid paper.” 
And it hit him too well. He’s right. Most times, Jaebeom’s music calms him but this time his brain just straight up refuses to do a thing. His long haired companion exited the app after saving his work. Jaebeom laid down on Jinyoung’s bed. He patted the space beside him, encouraging the other to lie down with him and sleep. “Don’t push yourself too hard. Get some sleep first, you’ve had a harsh week.” 
“Get out of my bed.”
And with that, Jaebeom closed his eyes to sleep. He’s not a fast sleeper per se, he’s just waiting for Jinyoung to join him but he didn’t. He opened his eyes just a slit saw the student body president scribbling again with a determined face. 
Few hours after, it was almost three in the morning. Jinyoung has to get up at six to prepare for their eight o’clock class. He doesn’t like not sleeping properly but for the sake of that damned paper, he had to sacrifice. He sighed once again and turned off the lamp. Looking to his right, he saw his friend sleeping peacefully, facing him from the farther half of the bed. Jinyoung shook his head in exasperation. He sat on the unoccupied side and stared at his friend of ten years. His face lax and serene. The nose ring glints under the soft glow of the stars from the window. Jinyoung’s hand inched towards the other’s face, stopping midway. He clenched his fist and brought it back to himself. ‘Ah, I really wanna remove that nose ring so badly.’
Morning came and the sunlight was harsh on Y/N’s face. She finished her essay in time, luckily. She trudged along the hallways of their small house, the only thing that woke her up completely was the smell of fresh bacon being cooked. She quickly ate her breakfast, showered and said goodbye to her parents with a tired smile. The sound of the bell announced the arrival of Youngjae by their door. She opened it and her friend almost screamed bloody murder. “I thought a zombie came out to eat me.” 
“Shut up.”
Youngjae laughed and slung an arm on her shoulders. He ruffled her already messy hair further. “Did you finish the write up?” She gave a gloomy thumb’s up while yawning, earning a giggle from the boy. “Ah seriously, you should take care of your studies more Y/N.” 
“Says you. You were up all night long playing. I can see it on the bags under your eyes.”
“At least I finished my work before doing so, unlike someone I know…”
Y/N clicked her tongue in disapproval but she knows he’s right though. “I got carried away with the good shots I had when me and Yeji went to the beach last week. Aah, I made such a good video last night.” Youngjae smiled at her friend as he watched her walk half asleep. 
Y/N and Youngjae were friends since they were toddlers. With their mothers practically sisters because of their closeness, and their houses are just one backyard away from each other, the two developed a close friendship. Oftentimes they’d be hanging out in their places, playing video games or reading comics. Although when they started to grow up more, they drifted away slightly, having different circles of friends. That didn’t bother the two of them though. They thought that it’s better to have their friendship outside school so that they won’t get sick seeing each other’s faces all the time. With this, they rarely go to school together anymore. Their classmates are in the dark about their closeness as well.  
Youngjae pulled out his phone and scrolled his pictures. He suddenly got excited about showing his bestfriend about his dog’s new outfit he bought recently. “Y/N, Y/N, look at Coco. I bought a new shirt. It’s so cute.” He practically shoved the phone on her eyes but it didn’t matter much to her as she was as excited as him. They practically raised that cute dog together. “Omo! Coco’s so adorable!” They were both bouncing on their steps as they look at the dog’s pictures posing differently with each new clothing. The two of them were cooing. “Ah, Coco is such a joy.” 
They both stopped on their tracks when they heard a familiar voice. It was Yeji, Y/Ns other bestfriend outside Youngjae (he’s still the bestest but Yeji doesn’t know that). She happily waved at her two classmates, a teasing smile forming on her face already. ‘Youngjae and Y/N walking together eh? How interesting!’
Yeji’s appearance was their cue to head apart so Y/N smiled at Youngjae and said goodbye. “See ya later in class!” He just hummed in agreement, seeing as his peers are also in sight. He waved at Yeji and parted with Y/N He walked towards his other friends and greeted them. 
"So Youngjae huh?”
“What about him?”
“Nothing…” Which wasn’t true because now she is sporting a silly smile on her face. Probably imagining things outside of this world and conjuring up different ways how her friend and Youngjae fall in love. Yeji is a fangirl at heart and she just ships everybody. She never imposes it to everyone though, she’s just happy to think about it and keep it to herself. Amazingly enough though, the people she secretly shipped usually ends up together at some point. But Y/N knows her too well and she knows the outlandish things going in her mind right now. “We just happened to meet along the way Yeji.”
“I didn’t say anything!”
The school entrance as it always is, was full of commotion. More so today than usual. Y/N saw a hoard of students lining up the gate with annoyed expressions. ‘Ah, it’s probably President Jinyoung.’ She giggled to herself, happy to see him early in the morning. She’s still a little bit over the moon with his latest picture. “Do I look okay?”, that question snapped Y/N out of her daydream (the picture still lingering at the back of her mind). Yeji took out a small mirror and checked herself out. She combed her hair with her fingers, checked her uniform, straightened everything that doesn’t look ironed out. “You know he just nags at those who violate badly. We’ll never get reprimanded.” Yeji breathed deeply as she puts her mirror back to her bag. “I’m just making sure you know. I don’t want those cold eyes stare at me. It’s scary.” Y/N wanted to protest, ‘Jinyoung’s not scary! It’s a part of his charm!’ but a whine stopped her from doing so. While they were talking, they have pushed inside the crowd to get in and not be late for class. They reached the front where Jinyoung was standing sternly, his mouth thinned in disapproval. “Bhuwakul. How many times do I have to confiscate that earrings of yours?!”
“Why are you so keen on getting these anyway? Would I do better in my tests if I don’t wear them?” The boy, with his id lace yellow (which means he’s a *freshie), was so close to stomping his feet. But Jinyoung was not fazed and just stared at the boy with a piercing stare. “If you wear them, would you do better? No right? So hand them to me. You violated the school dress code. Come get it at my office after school.” 
The people around them were murmuring, Y/N even caught what the others are saying. They think that Jinyoung was being unreasonable and harsh for no reason. ‘Which isn’t true! He just cares about what the students of this school looks like.'  The sophomore turned to glare at the onlookers that defamed their president. ‘Ungrateful fools.’ But she was startled when the tall boy (oh my he’s tall) beside the one named Bhuwakul spoke innocently. “Let him be, he probably just wants to wear your earrings.” Even Yuna, the student council secretary, was shocked at the carefree manner of his dialogue. The president just raised his right eyebrow, “Kim Yugyeom, button up your uniform and tie your necktie properly.” and reprimanded the other freshie without hesitation. Yugyeom grimaced a bit but did what he was told. ‘You should be the one buttoning your clothes last night President huhu’
Despite the commotion at the front gate (which happens almost everyday as Jinyoung loves to greet the student body with “Rule # 5 under the clause of the dress code law….), Y/N and the students of their campus managed to get to their class safely. When they entered their homeroom, Y/N and Yeji was greeted by Ga Young, another friend of theirs. It seemed that she had only arrived a few minutes before them. “Yo! Entrance was pretty hectic today.” 
Yeji made a face and flipped her brow wavy hair away from her face as if she was hassled on their way over. “Ugh, don’t tell us. We had to push our way out earlier.” They both giggled and chattered mindlessly about the events that morning. 
“Don’t you think the foreigner freshie earlier was kind of cute?” Ga Young said dreamily, looking at the ceiling as if he could see his face there. “Oh, that one with the earrings?”
“Yep. We’re blessed with another foreigner beauty.” That’s true, the videographer thought. He’d look good on camera. 
“Yeon Seo isn’t a foreigner.” Y/N countered, debating that her friend’s crush wasn’t exactly from another country. He grew up in their city just like everyone else is. 
“He’s a half-half though.” 
“The tall freshie had a face too.” 
Yeji and Ga Young started to talk about the new eye candy they found. Those two are fans of idols, especially the amateur ones they have in their school. Y/N absentmindedly listened to the two’s gossip. Sometimes she thinks she’s in a webtoon or something. These kinds of things exist on books and comics even dramas that she consumes. Y/N still can’t believe such things are in her reality. Aren’t groups of popular boys with a cheesy group name only in fiction? She wondered if it’s possible that this is not a real world. 
“But you know, I heard rumors that Bhuwakul's gay.” 
That piqued Y/N's interest. Not that there’s any problem with being gay, the rumor just caught her interest. Not many people are brave enough to admit their sexuality in their community so it was pretty interesting. 
“Eh? Who told you?”
“My freshie cousin told me. He said that he’s close with girls and gives fashion advice. He’s on the softer side as well.”
Huh… Y/N thought it was a baseless rumor after all. “That doesn’t mean he’s gay though.”
“That’s true.”
When the talk about the foreign freshie Bhuwakul ended, the other two started to talk about their favorite topic once again. The Five Roses. Y/N was just done with that subject and had heard enough to last her a lifetime. She couldn’t even understand why the girls in their school seemed to be under their spell. In Y/N’s opinion, they aren’t that good looking. Heck, even Mr. Cold Eyes Jinyoung was much more handsome. ‘Especially if they saw last night’s picture. How come they don’t talk about it?!’ 
“Ji Woo looked handsome today too!” 
‘Oh come on, even Youngjae looks better than that guy.’ At the thought of her bestfriend, she turned to glance at him. He seemed to have caught her and gave him those warm sunny smiles that made her heart beat a bit faster. Even if she doesn’t consider her childhood friend as a man, she’s sure that he’s a good looking guy. 
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tim-lucy · 7 years
so i knew that when teen wolf actual ended i would be an emotional mess so i decided to write this in advance and schedule it (which was the day of the last comic con panel) so i can actually say everything i wanted to say. i really just wanted to tell you guys my full story about what this show did for me and how it literally saved my life. 
(also i’m super nervous about posting this because i’m pretty sure people i know in real life are gonna end up seeing it and i’m honestly kinda embarrassed but i really need to say it so here we gooOoo)
i honestly dont know where to start. and i know this probably sounds super dramatic for a tv show ending, but it’s a lot more than that to me and im sure to everyone on here.
for people who have followed me through the years i’m sure you’ve seen posts about my parents and heard recordings about how they treated me before DSS got involved. during that time i had literally nothing. no will to live, nothing to turn to, and no one to talk to. 
before i was born, my mother was driving home from work when a little boy started weaving between moving cars. he jumped out in front of hers, and she hit him and he died right there on the spot. ever since then my mom has developed OCD and paranoia which she had passed on to me as well.
she was so afraid of the world she kept me trapped inside my house unless i was going to school. she blocked literally all the channels on the tv, monitored every single book i read, and wouldnt let me hang out with my friends because she needed to be there to watch me. my friends obviously werent okay with that so they stopped inviting me places. there was nothing in my life to enjoy, and i still hate thinking about the state of mind i was once in.
so freshman year started and i got into tumblr. i was very limited on it because my mom put a passcode in my computer and i had to ask her to type it in any time i wanted to use it. i also had to sign a “contract” stating that i would put my computer, my phone, and any other electronics back in the “docking station” at a designated time.
freshman year went bye and i noticed myself getting more and more depressed than i thought was possible. sophomore year rolled around and things were still getting worse. i was actually becoming numb, i was a walking zombie who couldnt feel anything and didnt care enough to. then right after 3x11 aired, i saw people freaking out about a stydia kiss on tumblr. 
i never really cared about teen wolf. i was on tumblr because of the vampire diaries (lol), but i wanted to see what the big deal was. so i watched the stydia kiss on youtube and i know this sounds ridiculous but i swear i could physically feel something inside of me change. i don’t know why a kiss between two characters i’ve never seen before changed my life but it did. i needed something to latch onto, and that ended up being it. 
i downloaded start of time on my ipod and i still remember listening to it on the bus ride home the day after. for some reason everything just felt okay that day. i went home and started teen wolf, and i swear on my life i was somehow happy again. there was something about stiles that made me feel good, and like even though i was alone in life, i wasnt really because i had this character to always make me feel better and to come home to at the end of the day. 
whenever my mom would make me feel like shit i would turn to them and i remembered that everything was going to be okay. i started standing up to my mom more and i started doing things for myself. it was a very slow transition, but i started growing into a completely new person. i was always this shy anxious girl who didnt say a word to anyone and everyone thought there was something wrong with me. but since i had teen wolf i started taking more chances, because no matter what happened i always had them to fall back on. they were kind of like my safety net.
so i started talking more, i made friends, i went through one of the top 10 most painful surgeries in the world twice. i survived months of being bedridden, going through withdrawals, and pain that i cant even describe (because it was so bad i blocked most of it out). my sister apparently told the nurse i liked teen wolf, so when i was screaming in the hospital room begging for them to kill me because it hurt so bad, the nurse asked me about teen wolf. and for some (ridiculous, i know) reason, they reminded me that i wanted to live. 
i went to college without the financial support of my parents, dyed my hair bright blue, and became a manager. i dropped out of college to pursue acting, which anyone can tell you is scary as all hell.
but for some reason i believe in myself. i believe that i can make it all work, and i believe that i wouldnt be alive today if stiles stilinski and lydia martin didnt have that moment yeaaaars ago.
teen wolf saved my life. it saved me physically, emotionally, and even though i’ll deny it most of the time because i am still usually a ball of anxiety, it turned me into someone that im proud of being. 
i still dont know how to say goodbye to teen wolf and i’ve never been more nervous about what’s next. but even though im terrified, i know that because of this show and you guys i’m going to be okay.
so thank you teen wolf, thank you teen wolf fandom, thank you stydia fandom, thank you all for keeping me here. i wouldn’t be here if i had never met you, and i can’t even imagine loving anything as much as i love you guys and these experiences.
i know im just blubbering at this point and i sound super dramatic but i mean all of this from the deepest part of my heart. stydia actually own the deepest part of my heart. 
this isn’t a goodbye to you guys i hope. i’ll still be on here and i hope you will too. but this is a thank you. just i love you and thank you for everything :)
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transfagged · 7 years
all 92 😘
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?no way man she’d probably dom the fuck out of me
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?nope.
3. Have you taken someones virginity?n o p e
4. Is trust a big issue for you?YEAH
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?like in terms of romantic??? no. like in terms of “we have a really weird relationship and idfk how i feel @ you”? yeah.
6. What are you excited for?april 19th!!! my friend and i are going to go see phoebe bridgers in madison!!!!
7. What happened tonight?its 10am so ill roll with last night: i played nv and got killed in a beautiful cacophony of deathclaws and the legion :) and then my game crashed.
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?no bc id be right there with them
9. Is confidence cute?very
10. What is the last beverage you had?i think some water? okay not the last but: hot water is so good with wildflower honey pls just drink some its good for your soul okay???
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?opposite is bullshit but i guess like,, 3? half my friends are nonbinary so counting EVERYONE regardless of gender and shit id say 6 people
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?im a proud supporter of boys in skinny jeans and i own 2 or 3 pairs
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?my main ho @thebonerfoy is coming up to visit me and were probably gonna pack all my shit in her car and play cards against humanity
14. What are you going to spend money on next? lmao probably my student loans. unless i can get the hours i asked for at work or a sugar daddy, then im gonna buy a proper lid for my fishtank bc my poor kid has a piece of cardboard rn.
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?no
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?yeah. even in a state of stagnation were changing somehow.
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?probably amanda, but im working on trying to be better with everyone
18. The last time you felt broken?my dude, im broken right now. its okay though. like i said, im working on it. were all fckn broken somehow.
19. Have you had sex today?not unless a ghost and i got in on in my sleep. which would be pretty cool ngl
20. Are you starting to realize anything?on a deep level: i deserve respect and a lot of my issues relate directly to my upbringing, including my inability to receive praise or speak well of myselfon a not-deep level: kinda hungry.
21. Are you in a good mood?i think i just heard fedex or ups outside so my mood just skyrocketed
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?maybe like. nurse sharks. theyre really cute.
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?yeah
24. What do you want right this second?to take a day to go into the city with all my friends that i cant see on a regular basis
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?probably be upset unless we discussed it beforehand. then id be fckn cheering for them like you go get some!!!! do it man!!!! in general tho: if i wasnt with them and they didnt show interest in me and showed interest in someone else id just move tf on.
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?half of it is bc my roots are growing out
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?no. too boring.
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?okay so i went to renew my library books and one of my favorite youtubers is on the library website dressed as one of his characters and i completely flipped because i watch his gaming channel and now hes interviewing authors for my library??? he doesnt even live in my town!! hes in madison!!
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?no? im enjoying my solitude atm
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?depends on the person
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?no! hes my friend and gives really good advice!
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?i think so. i mean, were kind of a thing.
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?yeah.
34. Listening to?killer - phoebe bridgers
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?only if im doing a rough journal spread, which i dont normally do
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?hes probably in class right now. 
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?love at first sight? no. some sort of mutual infatuation/attraction? yes.
38. Who did you last call?my mom
39. Who was the last person you danced with?dancing with as in both dancing at the same time? probably amanda or my mom.
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?we were dating and he was cute lmao
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? a couple months ago? 
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?no bc she leaves for work before i wake up
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?constantly.
44. Do you tan in the nude?lmao no.
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?no. as previously stated, i liked the guy and he was cute. why would i take that back?
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?yeah
47. Who was the last person to call you?my mom
48. Do you sing in the shower?sometimes
49. Do you dance in the car?yEAH
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?yes i love my bow :’) its so good and wow i love archery
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?picture day junior year of highschool, and if that doesnt count: my mother took me in at jcp to have pictures taken when i graduated 8th grade and theyre awful bc my hair is so long and its so not me
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?excuse me, how dare you,, in this house we ask for war and peace for christmas because npgc1812 is so good and then get addicted to ghost quartet (@ anyone reading this: pls listen to ghost quartet it is so so so good)
53. Is Christmas stressful?depends on the year, but i hope in the future i can spend it with my friends :)
54. Ever eat a pierogi?i just had some last night for dinner and im probably going to eat the leftovers in a couple minutes. also, my mother is polish and we see her family for holidays, so yeah. lots of pierogi in this house.
update: i got the leftovers
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?idk??? apple? im basic okay i dont eat pie
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?1. teacher2. ballerina3. both 1 & 2, simultaneously4. paleontologist5. archaeologist6. both 4 & 5, simultaneously7. librarian8. game designer9. author/illustrator
57. Do you believe in ghosts?yeah
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?almost daily
59. Take a vitamin daily?im supposed to ;) vitamin d deficiency like a real champ
60. Wear slippers?real talk i never liked slippers but then i bought these cute pig slippers @ walmart for $10 and i love them so much i tried wearing them to sleep last night. also im wearing them rn theyre so cute
61. Wear a bath robe?i live in a dorm, so yeah. to the bathroom and back when i take a shower. sometimes im lazy and i just run around in a towel but so do half the people on my side of the hall lmao were all lazy and dead inside
62. What do you wear to bed?fluffy pajama pants or sweats, tshirt or hoodie, socks, sometimes slippers.. once i fell asleep with a beanie on. when im being an Adult i wear my actual pajamas!!! like a legit shirt and pants that match
63. First concert?none that i was old enough to remember :’) apparently my mom took me to the rodeo when we lived in texas and saw some country group but i was like 2 so idfk
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?TARGET I AM A CERTIFIED TARGET GAY
65. Nike or Adidas?adidas bc my feet are too wide to fit in nikes
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?yall real talk i used to love cheetos but i think im allergic to them now? last time i had them my throat got all swollen and hurt for like 3 days so im gonna have to say fritos. plus theyre really good if you put them in chili
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?sunflower seeds bc im a slut for anything i can have a spitting contest with
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?lmao i used to like her when i was like. 11. not my scene anymore
69. Ever take dance lessons?i dont think so?
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?anything that makes them happy, but also something fun!!!! like wedding photographer or a baker or maybe zookeeper?
71. Can you curl your tongue?idk??? kinda????? i can tie a cherry stem so i want to say yes.
72. Ever won a spelling bee?no i always got out bc my anxiety made me stutter/rush and miss letters, so i never even got past the classroom levels to the real thing
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?a lot!!! i laugh so hard i cry and get a stomach ache more than id like to admit
74. What is your favorite book?eleanor & park by rainbow rowell :) OR alice’s adventures in wonderland by lewis caroll
75. Do you study better with or without music?depends on if i can get into hyperfocus mode or not. if not, then i pick one song and put it on loop and blast it until it fades and is just loud background noise, but if i can focus then silence is best
76. Regularly burn incense?i used to but no burning anything in the dorms :( then i came home for break and it started giving me a headache
77. Ever been in love?i think so
78. Who would you like to see in concert?kesha, against me!, my chemical romance (rip), bigbang (also rip)
79. What was the last concert you saw?the one i mentioned earlier @ a rodeo
80. Hot tea or cold tea?hot tea
81. Tea or coffee?i live on coffee but i love tea too so both
82. Favorite type of cookie?mmm snickerdoodle. or just sugar cookies. chocolate chip is good when theyre hot and melty but not as good when theyre cold
83. Can you swim well?yeah! i love swimming!
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?yeah?
85. Are you patient?hahahahahahhahahahhahahhaa
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?oo. oooooo. okay so dj would have more variety of music but im a sucker for live music??? idk i feel like a band would be more memorable, but what if they fuck up your favorite song??? but what if they make it more special???????
87. Ever won a contest?yeah! i won an art contest once and got my drawing printed on christmas cards for a nonprofit that did things for cancer patients!
88. Ever have plastic surgery?im 17 i dont have that kind of money
89. Which are better black or green olives?depends on what theyre in?
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?good. live your life fuck the rules
91. Best room for a fireplace?bedroom!!! i love fireplaces in bedrooms its such a Look
92. Do you want to get married?idk. if it happens then it happens. im not planning on it though.
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thelocalshooter · 5 years
The Local Shooter Vs. AR$XNN JARIUS
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(LS) Good afternoon thanks for being able to be a part of a great come up, how about we start with a little introduction for the people that aren’t familiar, where are you from, who are you, how old are you and what do you do?
(AJ) Thank you for having me. I go by Ar$xnn Jarius, I'm from Wichita Falls, TX born & raised, I'm 23, and I'm an artist
(LS) Being from Texas how has music inspired you? Obviously you have many greats from there all the way from Paul Wall To Sauce Walka, who were some people that you grew up listening to that inspired your sound?
(AJ) The people that inspired my music I would have to go with Eminem, Lil Wayne, Tech N9ne, Busta Rhymes, Kid Cudi and Gorillaz. Growing up in my hometown I really never paid attention to the Texas scene like that but i would listened to like Paul Wall, Mike Jones, Chamillonaire and other artists from the state that would be TV at the time. Growing up I had to listen to the radio or the TV, and now having the internet it feels so much better finding the music that fits your playlists.
(LS) We see last year you dropped your project “Don’t Wait Til I’m Dead” which is an underrated project name, why did you choose to go with that title? What was the whole project like for creating that project cause after a listen myself it’s so raw, so much passionate and fired up energy, do you feel you were just tired of holding back or?
(AJ) When I made "Don't Wait Til Im Dead", living in Wichita Falls where its a lot of favoritism and barley having support they never gave me the recognition that I been deserving, after going through being used and taken advantage of, moving out of my childhood home, suicide attempt, getting locked up for the first time, and my first rap beef (which is based on the track "Lucas Mode") I thought about all that has happened so far at the time I put all that anger into making this album. The reason I came with the project title is because I mostly tired of being slept on, most people don't pay attention until someone's death is all over social media. People don't actually f*ck with someone until its too late, I feel that people don't show love until someone's 6 feet in the earth, yeah people say they really care but how much? Things like that made me hit them with the DWTID title there's also a dark vibe with it.
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(LS) How has being in the Texas music scene affected you? What has changed from when you first started up to now? What are looking forward to in the future? Any tours? Any shows?
(AJ) My brother is the reason that I do music I remember seeing him on stage with 2 other people in the school talent show rapping I been in the scene since I was younger from talent shows to venues now everybody around school knew i rap. I went to a studio for the first time when i was 13, one of my brother's friends had equipment at the time I wasnt thinking about looking for my sound that fact that I was young and being a kid I remember watching the first mic pass that they had in the city on Youtube half of them I don't hear from them now days. I remember recording songs on the phone it sucked and it was trash, shortly after that i started working on a mixtape around the time of my last year in high school. After high school I was part of a movement called YB$ (Young Boss Status) with 2 of my friends i went to school with and another friend that was down the from road from us. We had a show opening for Mike Jones the next year we disbanded the movement me and the homies were still on good terms no matter what we moved on was best for us. A year after that one of our friends had passed away due to health issues it made me a stronger person in music, you can tell the fired energy that's in my art, my friend Nappii was one of the best people that anyone could be around from school to studio sessions to shows around town, the best memory I had with him was when I helped him out with an issue, I want to go far with my passion to honor it for him. There's a lot of talent where I'm from. At the time I would always go out to places go meet people around my age and under with a lot of talent that I came across in WF, the fun part about it is doing shows with them and get to know who they are, I remember going to a party there was a show in the backyard, it was really lit but it would've been more lit if i grabbed that mic (that comes from the inspiration of the track "Go All Out Like Its 2017") Im looking forward to meeting fans, making new fans, and meeting more artists through this journey, Im working a few EPs for 2020 shit load of fire and no tour dates for at the moment but I have a couple shows coming up February 22nd in Grand Prairie, TX its a part in Dallas opening for 500GwapGang and March 14th in my hometown Wichita Falls, TX at the Deep End. Those are my 2 main focus, making more music & doing more shows!
(LS) Are there any artist you look forward to working with? Can anyone work with AR$XNN JARIUS or are you picky about your work? Have you expanded throughout Texas at all?
(AJ) Famous wise I would like to work with Tech N9ne, $uicideBoy$, Denzel Curry, & J.I.D, just artists that I enjoy listening to, Im down to work with any artist that are also on the come up I just got to feel and know the vibes, I done shows in a other couple places so far I been making connects out in Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio and many more to come. I'm growing more everyday, my goal is to do shows in 10 places by the end of 2020.
(LS) Besides music is there anywhere else where you’d like to get your foot in? Or is music you’re sole passion and main focus?
(AJ) Music is all got, its the only resort I have, there's nothing else that I'm good at to be honest, I been dealing with music for all my life now, it's my way only way of fun. If it wasn't for this I would be dead right now.
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(LS) We see you’re on many platforms, apple, Spotify and even a couple channels on YouTube have covered some of your tracks like “No Hook” and “Turbo” which are both fire tracks also! Do you plan on dropping any visuals yourself this year or what’s the plan with that?
(AJ) I will be dropping a visual next month for sure. And more to come!
(LS) What’s your long term goal as far as music? Are you looking to be signed one day and really go pop or are you wanting to stay independent, and work as you see fit?
(AJ) My long term goal is keep going til the wheels fall off. Constantly drop that heat for the people! Far as I'm concern I'll stay independent unless if i get signed to labels like Top Dawg Ent. or Dreamville. As an artist my goal is to reach out to every audience of different parts and merge them together.
(LS) What’s the creative process like for you? Do you need a big studio? An engineer etc, or can you just get a mic and do it yourself so you can bring your vision to life?
(AJ) I definitely take my time with music than i ever had before. I treat myself like its homework I'm not done until I get it right, some of those got to understand that it takes time for everything, the longer it takes it'll come out perfect. I have my own studio in my room, I don't like working with somebody else's time for recording so i went out of my way to get my own so I can have all of it right there when I get ready to lay some vocals down.
(LS) Thank you again for being here today( anything else we should be expecting from you in 2020? Any links you’d like new listeners and viewers you’d like for them to check out, or any social media where they can reach you?
(AJ) You're welcome. Thank you for having me once again. Once again I'm Ar$xnn Jarius, anyone that's new to my music I'm on Apple Music, iTunes, Spotify, Youtube, SoundCloud, Google Play, Amazon Music and Tidal. And for my social media outlets follow me on twitter is @arsxnn4lxrn, Instagram: @arsxnnnjarius, Facebook: Ar$xnn Jarius, Snapchat: hicks1596
The Local Shooter Vs. AR$XNN JARIUS
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0 notes
ikonis · 8 years
iKON’s love for iKONICs (long)
Let’s start with the story behind our fandom name iKONIC. Why iKONIC you ask? Because iKON = iKONIC we become one with them
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+ They even gave us a nickname KONIC
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iKONICs Profile according to iKON:
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Our birth date is the 2015.09.15 since that’s the day they released their first song + MV (My Type). Our Zodiac is virgo bcs of the same reason and our Blood Type is a heart for all the love we give them ♥️ 
why #iKONIC is My Life hashtag you ask? First time hanbin said it was when iKON won Seoul music award 2016
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It became a sentence which the members often use/d since then. So iKONICs started to use the sentence “iKON is My life” instead.
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June wearing a fan sign with ‘iKON is My life’ around his neck: 
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Chanwoo holding a cupboard made by iKONICs <3:
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they are surrounded by iKONICs, wearing fansigns made  by iKONICs and have slogans in their hands that were made by iKONICs
They named their official instagram account withikonic and use the hashtag #withiKONIC under every post 
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iKON mentioning & thanking iKONICs in DVD photobooks 
iKONCERT in Seoul DVD (Photobook)
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Kony’s Wintertime Season Greetings:
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Kony’s Summertime Season Greetings:
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MMA 2018 Ending Credits:
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Privat Stage KOLORFUL Behind The Scenes Video:
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The amount of respect, love, care, support and appreciation that iKON treats us with and shows us every single day
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“iKON exists because of you”- Bobby
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actual quotes from iKON members:
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Hanbin talking about he wants to be remembered by iKONICs:
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iKON giving out hot chocolate coupons and hotpacks to iKONICs
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During their ISAC Recording they kept on asking if iKONICS have eaten:
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The way Yunhyeong and Bobby hold iKONICs hands and bow to them<3:
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Donghyuk’s & Hanbin’s reaction when K-iKONICs raised a fan with the words ‘I missed you’ during iKON’s debut concert
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Bobby cheering up fans for their exams:
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Hanbin forever showering us with love and love <3 “As much as the love I’ve received, I’d wanted to share it with you.”:
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“Everyone, we can grow with your love” - Hanbin
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after their Continue Tour Encore in Seoul Concert (which btw lastet for 4 whole hours + 10 encore songs):
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Hanbin told a security guard to use honorifics when he talked rudely to iKONICs
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iKON started their concert in Indonesia later, for the muslim iKONICs who had to pray 
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Donghyuk posting the presents they got from arab iKONICs (after their interview with Al arabiya) he even asked the interviewer to help him with the arabic caption:
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Hanbin bowing to vietnamese iKONICs before leaving 
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Hanbin was so impressed by how many iKONICs came to the airport in vietnam to welcome them that he suggested holding a concert there
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After iKON’s 2nd Daesang Win at the 2019 Golden Disc Awards, Hanbin posted this picture with the caption “iKONIC, it’s an honor to live as a part of your memories.” on Instagram:
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after the speech Hanbin even went down on his knees to thank iKONIC
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+ the other members thanking iKONIC on their instagram acc:
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Donghyuk smiling and shaking Indonesian iKONICs hand during a fansign event:
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Yunhyeong replying to a fan on Instagram who had a very hard time: 
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Hanbin added a sentence to the end lyrics of ‘Welcome back’ and repeated it over and over again ‘Let’s stay together until we die.’ 
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Hanbin further talking about & explaining the meaning of the sentence “Let’s take it slow, let’s last real long.”:
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Donghyuk carries the official iKONIC Card in his wallet TT:
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Bobby posted a thank you message to iKONICs on iKON’s 3rd anniversary on instagram and added the caption ‘Let’s get old together’:
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Bobby mouthing I-K-O-N-I-C into the camera during one of iKON’s promotional Love Scenario stages:
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Donghyuk replying “I love you” to iKONICs who were screaming “We love you iKON”
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June helping a nervous fan during a fansign event:
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Donghyuk cheering up an iKONIC who cried during one of their fansign events:
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Hanbin holding a fan’s hand who was being nervous at their 15114 fansign:
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Hanbin once again calming down a nervous fan:
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An Indonesian iKONIC asked Bobby to wish her luck to get pregnant soon and Bobby wrote “Don’t be hasty about girl from heaven.”:
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Hanbin & Bobby encouraging fans who went through a hard time: 
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part of hanbin’s letter at iKONCERT in Osaka:
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Bobby telling iKONICs to do their best in their personal lives while cheering for iKON:
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“Dont live your life just to live but live to do something you want to do.”
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“Love yourself more than you love us.” - Bobby
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“If you have time for iKON, please focus on yourselves first.” - Hanbin
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“I’m just a person just like you. Please buy nice clothes, please eat something delicious. And if you happen to have 25,000 won left over, then you can buy our album. That’s when you should buy our albums.”
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“I didn’t give up because I had my family and iKONICs.” - Hanbin
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iKON & iKONICs feeding each other <3:
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Hanbin thanking iKONICs once again for waiting
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Bobby hugging an iKONIC & caressing her hair/head:
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iKON thanking iKONICs on instagram for getting #1
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Bobby froze when a fan fainted in the audience:
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Helping iKONICs 
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During the filming for SBS midnight TV in Hongdae a fan suddenly fell down and hanbin wanted to help help her, the manager said just leave, but Hanbin said how can I leave when the fan already fell down so he insisted to help her to stand up and said sorry to her. 
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an iKONIC who’s sitting in a wheelchair came to one of iKON’s fansign events but there were stairs so Yunhyeong & Bobby went down to give her their signs:
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when one of iKON’s biggest wishes to hold a dome tour finally came true:
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Hanbin took a fan on stage and treated her like a queen
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Donghyuk giving autographs after their concert in Jakarta:
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Bobhwan never forgets the fanboys:
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Donghyuk dressed as krunk to be closer to iKONICs:
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Donghyuk reveiling that he was Krunk right after spending time with fans (another concert):
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Hanbin chatting with fans on CH+ (he wrote a bit in English for the international fans):
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Bobby taking selfies with fans when he visited his family in virgina, u.s in December 2018:
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He even took a video for the sister of one of them:
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Bobby replying to fans on instagram:
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Hanbin drew the word ‘romance’ in a heart on his white jacket during one of iKON’s freedom promo performances, he previously said during a fansign event that IKONICs are romance to him, which means the heart and the word he drew on his chest represented iKONICs:
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Donghyuk chatting with iKONICs on CH+ chat:
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Yunhyeong planned a special event for iKONICs for ‘Awesome Feed’, he made dumplings and gave them out to them and signed the packaging:
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Afterwards he even went out to thank all fans who came & chatted with them casually, here are some videos 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |  5 | 6 | 7
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Chanwoo promised iKONICs on his youtube account to make them the famous inkigayo sandwitches if his video reaches more than 500k views, since iKONICs broke that number he prepared the self made sandwitches at iKON’s Continue Tour Encore in Seoul with a personal message TT:
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Bobby posted a picture of himself and iKONICs on instagram and replied to fans comments, urgh the trust!:
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Hanbin once again accepting Fans presents at the airport even when he wasnt allowed to by the staff TT:
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Chanwoo gave us a fan name for his youtube channel TT it’s Changu (mix between Chanwoo + Chingu which means friend in Korean):
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Donghyuk saving an iKONIC from a ball during the 2019 ISAC recording:
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June’s letter to iKONICs (ikoncert in Osaka):
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Bobby wrapping himself in a fan sign:
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Yunhyeong gave a fan his handwrist during their Continue Tour show in Jakarta:
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during iKON’s performance for the MBN Hero Concert 2018 in Korea, Bobby went down from stage during their Dumb & Dumber performance and sat down on some fanboys laps to sing and dance along with them:
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when iKONICs said ‘pls say you love us’
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Bobby chatting wiht iKONICs on CH+ chat:
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Hanbin gesturing a fan in the audience not to cry:
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Bobby giving a fan his autograph on her Love and Fall album during iKON’s concert in Jakarta (even tho he wasn’t allowed to do it)
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Bobdong promised a Vapp broadcast for iKON’s 300 Days anniversary, and they kept their promise like always:
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Yunhyeong taking selfies with iKONICs who visited his parents restaurant:
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never breaking their promises:
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Donghyuk gave the stuffed toy he won to a fan: 
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during one of iKON’s concerts:
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during one of their Japan Tours after reading his letter:
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dunring their iKONCERT in Chengdu concert:
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an IKONIC met yoyo and june in japan and they bowed to him and thanked him:
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Bobby flirting with iKONICs again:
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Donghyuk flirting with a fan:
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Hanbin cheering up a fan who was feeling stressed:
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Bobby eating more when a fan told him ‘watching you eat makes me full’:
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iKON members went down on their knees to thank iKONICs at their Continue Tour Encore in Seoul Concert:
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iKON thanking iKONICs after their win at the 2019 Golden Disc Awards: 
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Hanbin ONCE AGAIN thanking iKONICs (on CH+):
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during a fansign event:
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Bobby telling a fan who wants to lose weight to eat:
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iKON talking about iKONICs:
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never forget how hanbin apologized to his fansite for losing win
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Bobby talking about iKONICs
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Bobby recording iKONICs singing ‘Just for you’ at iKON’s 180824 concert in Japan:
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Chanwoo used the normal vapp because he Is aware that there are iKONICs who can’t afford CH+ content TT:
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Bobby talking about the issue regarding iKONICs boycotting iKON’s DVD in 2017 so YG would let them make a comeback again and treat them better:
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Yunhyeong taking pics with fans at the airport before leaving for Law of the jungle:
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Hanbin asking fans to wait for them on CH+:
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Hanbin’s photocard Return album:
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The way iKON looks at us like we are the most precious thing in the whole world:
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June giving out free hugs to fans :
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Yun receiving a fans letter <3
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Bobby receiving a fan’s letter once again:
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Bobby receiving a fan’s letter:
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Bobby receiving a fan’s letter again <3:
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Reading fan letters at the airport 💕
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The amount of fanservice and skinship
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Two little iKONICs went to iKON’s fansign event during their RETURN promotions and Bobdong went to them to give them their autographs, later that year duringig iKON’s Killing Me promotions, iKON held a pikonic day for baby iKONICs, and he remembered the little boy from before and gave him one of his bracelets:
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Donghyuk meeting one of his biggest JPN iKONICs aka Mina:
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He looked so excited waiting for his turn to finally meet her:
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Scarlett, a 7yo iKONIC from the phillippines cried in one of her mother’s instagram posts and saying she wants to meet bobby, Bobby then made a instagram story gratulating her on her birthday:
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Later the same year when iKON had a concert in the phillippines, Bobby finally met her and posted it on his insta story
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iKON never forgets the international fans:
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Chanwoo & Hanbin remembering fans:
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lucky fans meeting iKON members:
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Bobby & Jinhwan kissing an iKONIC’s hand:
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more fanlove <3:
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yoyo and dong took a fans handy and recorded a video
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Bobby trying to get as close to fans as possible:
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literally hugging iKONICS:
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he might me awkward but super adorable:
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Jinhwan stood up from his seat and decided to stay with iKONICs during their 190119 fansign:
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Jinhwan going down to take pics with iKONICS at their 190119 fansign:
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Hanbin showing a heart during one of their concerts:
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Hanbin went down to take iKONICs hands at their 190119 fan sign:
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Chanwoo, Hanbin & Yunhyeong took their fansisites cameras to take pictures of the members: 
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Chanu taking pics with a fan’s phone:
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Bobby accepting an iKONICs plushy and immediately holding it onto his cheek during their 190106 send off (encore concert in Seoul)
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Hanbin caressing a fan’s face while singing his part from today ‘You’ve got perfect make-up on today’ (ikoncert in Seoul)
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Donghyuk being a cute tease:
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Donghyuk playing rock paper scissors with fans (link of three videos)
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June taking selfies with fan’s phones:
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+ Jinhwan, Chanwoo & Yunhyeong
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Donghyuk invented DONGPARAZZI only for iKONICs. Just to show us unreleased and private pictures of the boys 
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“No I put my fans first” 
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Yunhyeong gestured to her eyes bcs she was crying and gave it to her to use it to dry her tears 
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As an iKONIC you won’t be ignored
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An italian fan commented “Remember me” in korean on Donghyuk’s real life broadcast & he remembered her 
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Songs iKON wrote for iKONICs
Starting with “Wait for me” (When WIN ended)
The story behind the song
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Most important lines of the song
“Time go faster, Time go to her so I can reach her.”
“Oh you and me, We’re under the same sky but we can’t meet, but believe in me, I’ll be there for you.”
“Wait because I’ll go to you right now. Wherever you are, I’ll go. 
“Thank you for making me live as the me right now.”
“I missed you, your voice, your face, even your soft breathing.”
“I won’t go anywhere now, I’ll be by your side. Even until the moment the world ends.”
“I can only breathe when I’m next to you. I’m ready for this, you alone are enough for me. I ain’t gonna leave, I promise you.”
“Wait because we’re gonna be forever now. Because I can’t go on without you.”
“I’ll run against time and go to you, Wait for me yeah, so she can remember me.”
Next “Long time no see” (Mix & Match ending)
Story behind the song
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Most important lines of the song
“There’n no one like you. There’s only you.”
“My world I keep stopping when you’re not around. There’s not even a flower around me.”
“Long time no see. This is for you.”
“You were in the center of me – You are now buried in my memory.”
“To stand before you again. I always worked hard. The thought of seeing you again. It makes me excited.”
“I’m so used to calling your name. I talk about you all day. I don’t want nobody else.”
“I ran all the way, baby. Hold on just a bit more.”
“On the other side of my memory, you were waiting. I now stand before you.”
“Long time no see, How have you been? You’ve waited too long. I won’t go anywhere, baby don’t worry.”
“I longed for you a lot too. I got lost on the way to see you.”
“I made you wait crossed our little fingers,I made a promise to you. I didn’t keep it, I’m sorry.”
“Finally I am where I am now. And you are still beautiful.”
“Long time no see. I’ve missed you a lot.”
Next “Welcome Back” (Debut album)
Story behind the song
It’s a song to welcome back their fans and thank them for waiting so long for iKON. It’s also also the title of iKON’s debut album and the first song they performed at their debut concert. Welcome back os a really meaningful song to iKON & iKONIC’s. 
Most important lines of the song
“Baby oh! Welcoming you back here.”
“For me, I’m still the same guy that hasn’t changed a single bit. Except for the fact that I’ve realized how precious you are.”
“Seeing you again for a the first time in a while, It feels like my heart that hurt for so long is getting perfectly well again.”
“Your beauty and grace is still the same. My life without you was really lacking.”
“How were you doing this while? Who did you lean on when you were struggling?”
I found that I couldn’t stand for anyone but you. I mean, I never went searching but there’s not another girl like you in the world, for real.”
“It was really lonely, nothing was new. Every day by day was really just boring. What I want to say is thanks for coming back.”
Welcome back I’m glad you returned, I’ll treat you better now.”
Welcome back I really missed you. Now will you take me into your arms?”
“Without you i was all meaningless. Even my weekends were empty without you.”
When I saw those evening sunsets I reminisced those days with you.”
“I’ll treat you better, please don’t leave me. We’re definitly meant to be.”
“Let’s take it slow, let’s last real long (let’s stay together until we die) Welcome Back!”
Next is “M.U.P/Make You Proud” (Debut Album)
Story behind the song
In M.U.P, they promise that even if they don’t have much to show right now, they’ll definitely make us proud in the future & achieve more. They thank iKONICs for always being there for them & ask us to stay at their side forever. They talk about their struggles & how iKONICs helped them to get over it
Most important lines of the song
“Honestly the ‘me’ of as right now has nothing worth seeing. But I’ll promise to you that someday in this life, girl,  I’m gon make you proud.” 
“Within the trampled of life, I saw the one and only light (talking about ikonics) that illuminated my world. At those times when I couldn’t bear go on living, you whispered in my ear about the holiness of happiness, about the repentance of these 20 years (of his life) and I’m so thankful for you.” 
“It doesn’t matter that gravity’s pressing down on me like always. As long as it’s  with you, nothing better, nothing better.” 
“My goal was always to be your one top source of pride.” 
“Your two frail hands that pulled me into an embrace. You make someone like me want to live once again. I’ll be there at the world’s end, you just need to hold my hand.”
“When my hands were shaking, you took mine into yours. For holding my hand, I’ll promise, girl, I’m gon make you proud.” 
“Just stay at my side, just lean on my shoulder, don’t say nothing. I know that even if you don’t say it, it gonna be something.” 
The most recent song is ‘Just For You’ (iKON TV surprise release + New kids: continue album)
Story behind the song
Hanbin wrote the song a while ago and even talked about it on CH+ long before its release. He was worried that the song probably won’t ever come out. But as you can see he somehow made it possible so that the company would release the song as well as include it to their New kids: continue album later on.
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Most important lines of the song:
“There is nothing I can give to you, there is nothing I can do just yet. Big promises, nice words, nothing comes to my mind.”
“But I hope that someday soon..I’ll be good to you and keep you safe, I’ll make you laugh as much as you’ve cried, I’ll be the star that lights you up”
“For as long as you’ve waited, I’ll be with you”
‘I’ll make good times for you and me’
“In this world, you’re the one I run to, but I don’t know if I can give you the world”
“Hand in hand, even if I can’t keep it, I promise for us both”
“You’re the one I want to protect in this uneasy world, you’re the reason I go on living, you’re my light in this never-ending darkness, The day will come to give us good laughs”
“We’ll be with you’, we’ll keep you safe” (ending)
+ BONUS: Hanbin answering why they named  iKON’s 2nd Album “RETURN”:
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Those times they get surprised bcs of and by iKONICs
 hanbin’s reaction when iKONICs started to sing along to ‘wait for me’ (pre debut)
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Bobby & Hanbin getting super excited and surprised when iKONICs started to sing along
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J-iKONICs surprise event for iKON’s last showtime tour concert in Japan:
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after the surprise event backstage  (another surprise event J-iKONICs prepared huge fan signs for them)
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For iKON’s first debut anniversary, I-iKONICs prepared cake and started singing Happy Birthday for the boys 
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For iKON’S very first concert in the Phillippines, PH iKONICs prepared 2 fan projects to show iKON how grateful and happy they are
1. Yellow Cloth Project: All iKONICs started raising a yellow cloth during iKON’s B-DAY performance:
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2. Rainbow Project: 
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iKON members even posted it on their instagram accounts
And last but not least some family portraits 💕
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Why digital literacy
Part two
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In part one I did not get the chance to clearly point out the advantages of why we should invest in digital literacy. In 2017 together with friends we founded a charity  organisation called Mabvazuva Trust. Our mission was "To raise a generation that does not complain but is optimistic for the future". By not complaining i don't mean roll over and take it from behind i mean stop complaining for a second and see the opportunities around us. People who complain never found out the truth and they never contribute anything. The reason why we don't see the vast opportunities right in front of us sometimes. A dude from America Jeremy Johnson discovered that in Nigeria, Africa's largest country over half of young people were unemployed and he founded an organisation called Andela. This brings me to my first point:
We can create jobs in the field of computer science for those who are unemployed. Andela has a goal to produce 100 000 developers by 2024. Initially they launched in Nigeria receiving funding from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. Andela is trying to solve the global tech talent shortage because their stats reviewed that there are five open jobs for every software developer looking for one in the U.S. alone. That means in the US they are looking for people to fill these job post and we are crying about unemployment here. The good part you don't need to go to America or struggle to get a visa etc you can work remotely. I read an article by Andela that claim that over two thirds of firms in america prefer to have remote employees. I believe we can create more jobs in the technology area if we invest in digital literacy and this is not fiction there are people already doing it. Andela has only accepted 1 200 developers out of 130 000 applications they have received. That means the other 128 800 applicants did not get the opportunity to fill this gap. I guess that's why econet launched Muzinda Hub to try to train as many developers as they can and its another article for another day about what they have done so far, whether they are succeeding and the fact that they can't close this gap alone.
African entrepreneurs especially my fellow zimbabweans need to understand that they can use technology to become competitive in a global world and use social media platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter not just to post how great they were when they went to church last Sunday but to use social media as a business tools. Some try by opening facebook pages  and just post their logo or something and that's it the page is abandoned. Would one claim to be on facebook or whatsapp if they are there once a year. A few months back when i was doing research about digital literacy i bumped into a company based in South Africa called Digify Africa. Digify Africa & Facebook Africa are on a mission to "DIGIFY" businesses owned by young people through their digital PRO STARTUP which is a 12 weeks digital training course to help young entrepreneurs take their business to the next level. The programme is aimed at helping youth enterprises become competitive through digital skills, in particular understanding facebook and Instagram as business tools.
When we founded Mabvazuva Trust it was one of our objectives to equip musicians, actors, poets, comedicians, painters, footballers etc with the digital skills they need to market their talent and expose themselves at a global stage. Having knowledge about technology enables one to use the internet to meet customers, fans, promoters and agents etc. The agent who discovered Lionel Messi by the name Josep Maria Minguella acknowledged in a interview the importance of technologies like fieldoo to discover talent. "Absolutely! Internet has totally changed the way a football agent does his/her job and the transfer industry. There are no more boundaries and limits – you can see, observe and connect with way more players (and other people) than years ago, as you’re not limited to physical presence. Not so many years ago you had to go around the world if needed, to see and meet players, while nowadays you can do it through the internet – with videos, detailed information and all you need to learn about the player you’re interested in." I remember in 2017 talking to football players trying to get them to open youtube channels so that they could upload their videos as a way to get noticed. Josep Maria Minguella also noted it was difficult to discover talent back then because the internet wasnt as developed as it is now. "Back then we hadn’t been operating through the internet on a daily basis as it had not been developed yet in all parts of the world. Because of that, I had to rely on videos I received from Rosario, where Leo Messi was playing." Now life is easy if you know how to use technology. Artists like Ann Kasiime used digital platforms to showcase their talents and it helped her grow. "According to recorded interviews that she gave in 2014, Anne began posting some of her sketch comedy skits on YouTube. She received positive feedback and that encouraged her to post more videos."
Iam happy these days when i see comedians like Comic Pastor using YouTube as a business tool to get their content to their audience and so many comedians are popping up online here in Zimbabwe. Digify Africa realised the need for equiping artist with digital skills and they have what they call OWN YOUR MARK. This programme is designed to give artists the skills they need to grow their creative hustles. The training program is designed to give artists the skills they need to make the most of the digital world and to grow their creative markets.
In this section im going to talk about someone i met on LinkedIn. His name is Taylor Chiyangwa a Digital Marketing and Online Entrepreneurship enthusiast.
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After chatting with him online i started researching anything i could find about him and i started reading his blog. He has posted several blog posts about digital marketing. What inspired me the most was his story about how he was tired of his day job and knew that wasnt it for him until he used the exposure he had to computers and started teaching himself digital marketing. He kept his day job for a while when he was learning until he took a leap of faith quit his job and focused fulltime on his digital marketing and online entrepreneurship passion. Since then Taylor went on to open three online businesses that focus on digital marketing, content and copywriting services to businesses and forex education. He is now an entrepreneur and he has employeed a few guys in his company some working full time some as freelancers. Taylor wrote a free ebook called 25 ways to make money online. This book will show you that they are many ways one can make money online. And guess what all you need is a phone or laptop and internet to get started. 
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Steve Jobs: “Everybody in this country should learn to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think”. I believe i think and have a problem solver mentality because im a programmer. Programmers write programs to solve problems. I think programming doesnt teach you to thing only but it teaches you endurance, perserverance and a never give up mentality. My friend Lionel said to me that the reason my ventures havent succeeded was because i did not have a thick skin. For a second i believed him but then it dawned on me the reason why i have succeeded as a software developer was because i had a thick skin. So maybe i was only thick skinned when it comes to code but if i apply the same concept in my business ventures i will suceed. It was because of my thick skin and never give up mentality that i did the Truworths Zimbabwe in a month with drupal a CMS i had never studied before. It was because of my thick skin i developed a ussd application with technologies i did not know about like nodejs, express, angular and  mongodb that when you dial *558# on your econet line you will see a seedco menu. I did that project with Tapiwa Jeka at Dataage Solutions and i remember we took turns having sleepless night to code that application and we usually slept at the office 2 nights a week until we finished that application. I remember talking to Seth Mutasa one of my students that you dont learn to code but you learn how NOT TO code. Which means you learn through the failures so a programmer should embrances errors and fix them otherwise you are toast. The worse thing for me when im programming is code that doesnt give me feedback where i did wrong that way im clueless what to do next. 
I strongly believe if we had more programmers we wouldn't be whinning too much but do something using technology to change our world one community after another. I taught my brother Rann web design and it 6 weeks he made a site to aware youths in our community about the dangers of drugs they were taking 
I did not point out every reason why we need digital literacy but i think you get the idea.i left out some other good stuff like reducing the digital divide, economic growth and reduced poverty.
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