#as her first sentence comes from a different h2h's convo entirely
kadoodles-on-ao3 · 2 years
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Artist: mugimugis3 Source: Twitter Archives: Original Post | First Image | Second Image
(Rough) Translation: Melia: "Actually, I fell from a great height when I was young. I must send a bill to your colony's chief [for all of the ether cylinders you took from the crashed airship]." Reyn: "Really?" Melia: "Obviously I am joking." Text in corner of first image: Reyn and Melia's Heart-to-Hearts are extremely cute Text in corner of second image: #Closefriends Melia: "Suppose I were to tell you that I liked you." Shulk: "Huh?" Melia: "I was joking, needless to say." Shulk: "Huuuh?"
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