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navree · 9 months ago
ok even if we ignore that the white hart was insanely dumb and hokey and that you should have your asoiaf fan card revoked if you're taking the idea that the gods sent down a mystical fucking deer to magically decide who gets to be an oppressive autocrat seriously, saying "chosen by the people" while showing me a group of, like, six guys on a rock (as if we didn't watch an entire dragonpit's worth of a throng cheering and celebrating aegon afdgshfagsafssd) is so insanely fucking funny to me sorry not sorry
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hrmphfft · 5 years ago
controversial opinion time I guess but
hey gang? hey, gang. gang, hey. blaming your fans for them not reblogging your content enough (and saying that they’re Directly Responsible For Tumblr Dying) is an extremely passive aggressive, mean thing to do, and also completely ignores so many other reasons as to why engagement has changed on this site and posts don't circulate like they used to.
for one thing, whenever I see these posts, I rarely see the ops acknowledge the HUGE HIT to tumblr's userbase following the 2018 policy change/implementation of tumblr's terrible content filtering algorithm. tumblr lost roughly 1/3 of its engagement (https://mashable.com/article/tumblr-lost-a-third-of-its-users-after-porn-ban/) and countless content creators with it. some of them migrated to twitter and other sites, some of them seem to have straight-up vanished into thin air, and countless others lost their biggest or main userbase with barely any time to shift gears to something else. that's a huge, website-shaking change! but so often in these 'reblogs vs. likes' posts I don't see anyone acknowledging that and it makes me really upset!
you can't talk about the ways tumblr has undoubtedly changed these last few years and NOT address the nsfw ban! it's completely unfair to your fanbases to shift the blame of the biggest displacement of users the site has ever experienced on...the users who had no say in the policy change and reacted accordingly when the site started softbanning everyone, and filtering all sorts of tags from the search function (including important sfw ones, lest we forget The Entire Furry Fandom on tumblr discovering that basic-ass tags like #furry and #anthro were being blocked when the ban rolled around), and making uploading anything vaguely beige-colored a dice roll. tumblr still hasn't recovered from that, and unfortunately probably never will, not without some hail mary of policy changes and overhauls.
I've seen some pretty ageist shit regarding content engagement as well that tries to paint younger users as just Not Getting how tumblr functions vs. other social media sites like instagram and twitter, and on top of that just showcasing a really uncomfortable disconnect/animosity towards new users whose only crime is being younger than op and also more experienced with other social media platforms, it also is just. it's really unkind? it's super rude? how can you call your followers too clueless to know how reblogging works and then expect them to support your content via reblogging and not feel like you're insulting them until they give you the result you want?
moreover, lots of young/new tumblr users get the gist of tumblr's controls and get it very quickly! technology literacy is becoming more and more a part of everyday life for everyone, and if you really think that a teenager can't understand that reblogging puts a thing on their follower's dashboards, one of the main functionalities of the site (and also very similar to twitter, one of tumblr's main competitors), I really don't know what to say. sometimes people just straight-up don't want to reblog stuff to their blogs, and that's okay.
there's also a tendency to ignore the ways that blogging on tumblr has changed as its userbase has became more well-versed in its functions and, frankly, a portion of the userbase has grown up on this site. when I first started blogging on here, I was 17, I didn't use tags, I commented unrelated (and frankly sometimes really regrettably rude) replies directly onto artist's posts, and I basically just reblogged whatever I vaguely liked, and a lot of things I didn't totally get but thought Looked Cool/Funny so I reblogged anyways.
and that's fine, that's pretty par for the course of being young on the internet and doing whatever you want and having a good time (barring the rudeness, being respectful to people is the ideal), but as time went on my interests changed, my time spent online changed (I went from highschool to college to a full-time job that limits my time on social media), and I began engaging with tumblr's content differently. I made sideblogs for interests and content themes I didn't want on my main blog, I started liking stuff and then going back through my likes to reblog posts later, and generally speaking my number of posts a day dropped and I stopped being able to catch up on my dashboard every single day. and I'm sure my experience isn't unique for some other people on here.
a lot of the tumblr users I've known for a while just don't have the same level of intensity in fandoms like we did years back, not because of any malice or selfish, content-hogging intent, but because our priorities have changed. I definitely miss a lot of things about years past on tumblr when fandoms were booming and new Big Name Creators were cropping up all the time, and to be fair that's still happening on parts of the site if you know where to look! it's just different now. time has passed. people have changed!
that isn't to be defeatist and say that we can't show up for content we enjoy and reblog it, but instead that people can feel differently about stuff they used to adore, and be more particular about one thing or another they reblog, and straight-up miss stuff that they would have really liked but just didn't catch up on for a myriad of reasons. and that's also okay. engagement on tumblr is really, really tied up in personal preferences, and sometimes it feels like it does that more than most other social media sites. this is kind of the wild west of internet presences and everyone operates differently on here as a result.
and probably the most touchy point of all: no one is obligated to give you validation on the internet. no one. not even if they've read all of your fanfics you've worked really fucking hard on for forever and a day, or your comics that you've spent months, years, a lifetime researching and creating, or your beautifully, painstakingly timed and masked fan videos. they can absolutely consume any of these, and more, and they're still not obligated to reblog your work or promote you. it's not fair, yes, and it's completely understandable and super relatable to want recognition for the work you've done and the ways you've brightened other people's lives, but online most of your fans are still total strangers to you, and trying to control the behavior of total strangers because you’re owed their acknowledgement isn’t a healthy mindset to have.
and you can say that any fan of yours stops being a fan after they drop you for you lashing out at them for not unquestioningly giving you space on their blogs like you're owed, but being upset at being accused of bad behavior for what amounts to not wanting to reblog something this time around and changing your opinions based off of that is also a very understandable thing to do.
and that isn't because of any sort of innate cruelty, or pointed attack towards you. it's just because there is always a disconnect between the creator and the creation, and some people will never bridge that gap and engage with you more, or build a parasocial relationship with you, or seek out ways to support you. and plenty of others will do the exact opposite! it's a total dice roll because you're dealing with a lot more people than you realize scrolling past your content, and every person is different, and some of them don't fully understand how reblogs help a creator, and some of them do but just don't want that content on their feed, and none of them are inherently bad people for that.
I'm not saying creators have to be perfectly kind and civil and praise their fans all the time, but when you engage with your followers like it's a battle where you have to keep devising new ways to get them to share your content, it just comes across as super disingenuous, and people cop to that very fast. 
it also, frankly, can make longtime fans who reblog your work regularly feel like their interest doesn't matter, and wasn't good enough, and that then it really is their fault that other people (other STRANGERS ON THE INTERNET) don't engage with your content the way you wanted them to. you don't owe them perfection, but that doesn't mean it isn't still an unkind thing to do.
so like. what can we do about this?
asking users to reblog your work is totally fine and can help! calls to action work more than nothing at all. it's possible to be respectful when asking people to reblog your work without also guilt-tripping them with "likes < reblogs" banners and passive aggressive tags/comments. generally speaking guilt is a really shitty motivational tool, and tends to breed more resentment than actual outcomes people want. like this post for example! I wouldn't have sat down and typed this all out if I didn't resent the hell out of being told I'm, personally, the reason tumblr is demonstrably not an ideal website for building a fanbase anymore. if I had that much power over this website I would have given the whole thing to the xkit team years ago and reveled in a functional website instead.
changing the way you post content might help! every site has its ideal posting days, times, and reasons for why some are ideal for one site and not another. doing a little research (https://sproutsocial.com/insights/best-times-to-post-on-social-media/) will yield some potentially helpful tips and tricks that might result in a post reaching more people. utilizing tumblr's search function is also important, and understanding the limits of the tag function (ie. only the first 5 tags of a post are used for tag searches) can help change one's habits to something a little more effective. this is why I tend to leave my tag babbling until after the main fandom/category tags on my posts, so that tumblr's jankass search has a better shot, haha
broadening your online presence can definitely help! this is by far the most terrifying option since it involves branching out onto other social media platforms, some of which really don't lend themselves to whatever fandom/content one produces, so like the other two above it's only a suggestion.
I keep coming back to twitter and instagram, but that's mainly because they're the two other powerhouses of social media right now, though admittedly they only really cater towards visual media (and mainly imagery, not longer video pieces), and they have their own weird quirks to learn and jank to deal with. but given how precarious tumblr's status has become in some ways, trying to build a presence on multiple sites means that you reach more people across the internet, and also means that if tumblr does yet another website-shattering policy change, your eggs aren't all in one basket.
of course these options aren't foolproof, and won't work for everyone in some cases or not at all for others, but my main point in all this is this: tumblr has irrevocably changed, its userbase has changed, and we are limited in the ways we can directly influence it, but there are still options. I'm by far not a social media expert, but then again none of the posts I've seen so far were made by social media experts either, so I honestly don't feel too bad for throwing my hat into the ring while we're all thrashing about in confusion
y'all aren't wrong that things have changed, but I'm begging you to have some compassion and to try not to turn the relationship between creators and consumers of content into a battleground, especially when a lot of the influences on these changes are things entirely outside of any of our's direct control.
also because it makes y'all sound exactly like this:
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nr0r · 6 years ago
I am literally copying and pasting from Discord heck
You ever just wake up and get a lot of stuff to write down so you jump on that immediately before sleeping again? Like, jump on your computer to type it easier and all that? yeah. ok so I'm gonna honestly sit and hammer out why ZaDr is so shipped, despite the controversial status. Maybe put some logic/reasoning on this extremely old ship, prolly post this up on Tumblr or Twitter. Cause I'm extra about yesterday, and want to at least give people some form of clarity, cause that's nice to have. Ok uh. aHEM ANYWAY blabbing away aside:
ZaDr is extremely popular, and the biggest thing I hear most outta people other than moral out cries of 'age disputes' (we don't know ZIM's real age at all, and it's very possible he very well could still be a kid. There's stuff that supports this, but I'm not here to post my proofs for my very vanilla 'ZIM is actually a kid' AU. Maybe some other time. Whatever, moving on) and 'they hate each other/are enemies disputes' (enemies -> friends, as well as enemies -> romance is an age old trope and everywhere. Seriously. This is in every fandom just about and is inescapable. It even happens in canon in a lot of them.) So here's some clarity on why this gets shipped to hell and back:
The two have a LOT of common, in fact, a LOT more than the rest of the cast do. Their chemistry is prime for shipping compared to everyone else, despite the 'moral issues': -ZIM and Dib are both EXTREMELY passion/overly zealous about their goals, ambitions and beliefs to the point of ludicrousy and mockery. -People don't believe them and do not believe in them. At all. -They crave acceptance in their beliefs and ability to succeed in their goals. -They also crave acceptance/being commended/acknowledged by their superiors, who regularly put them down/mock them over their goals/ambitions/beliefs -They are so so so stubborn about this, despite the clear odds stacked against them -Both have no friends. Both are incredibly lonely and can only, realistically, confide in each other at this point. This has even happened in canon, tho that episode was never finished and aired (Mopiness of Doom) -This is the only ship with an episode like Mopiness of Doom -They fuel each other's ambitions and would be nothing without each other
These are the primary reasons why this gets shipped like crazy. Other ships exist, and boy howdy do I ship some of them too as I am shipping trash, but I'm willing to admit and accept there's very little in the way of 'proof' or chemistry for them. Some ships I ship that have no hope compared to ZaDr honestly:
RaZr: -A common trope. SuperiorxUnderling. But they got nothing going really -Seriously. RED fucking hates ZIM, and while this argument is used against ZaDr, Mopiness still happened. -RED actually regularly tries to get ZIM killed. Same with PURPLE. Both sent him to a part of the universe they thought would yield nothing in the hopes of ZIM dying off from the long travel/never returning/getting lost -All they have going for them is: 1. That trope and 2. They uh grew up together -ZIM will probably someday kill him and PURPLE tbh
TaGr. This is a VERY popular ship... but like: -What... what have they done together in screen time -Or transcripts -Or comics? -No seriously. What? Hardly anything at all. People just ship them cause they're both grumpy and girls tbh.
RaPr is ACTUALLY the only other ship that's very viable and has canon support that I can think of: -I don't have to explain this  -Just look at them -They're like. Married, dude! -MARRIED!!!
Gonna get into ships that I see are done to spite ZaDr, which... makes no... sense...Like... why do people ship ships to spite other ships...It's like me going up to a buffet of cakes, seeing people eating chocolate cakes mostly so I pick vanilla just to spite the chocolate cake fans and I'm all " -ZIM LAUGHTER- FOOLS!!! YOU INSOLENT EARTH-PIGS!!!! COWER AND TREMBLE AND CRY FOR I HAVE CHOSEN CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" like... what are they seriously gonna do....? Drop their cake and cry? No dude they're gonna keep eating lmao
anyway. anyway. salt aside, let's get into this:
GaDr (Gretchen and Dib romance): -Why? -They never... really... maybe a couple times in the comics and once in the show. But that's literally it. -All the people I have personally interacted with who ship this ship proudly proclaim it's to spite ZaDr like. Good for you?  -Like dawg it's ok if Shadow is my favorite Sonic character man. You don't... you don't gotta stan Cream the Rabbit just because so many people stan Shadow the Hedgehog. Like it's ok. It's ok. It's ok.
ZaSr (ZIM and Skoodge romance): -I actually enjoy this ship. It can be done cutely, but like... -Dawg, ZIM is AWFUL to Skoodge -Fucks him over -Mocks him -Nearly gets him killed a number of times -They got nothing going for them other than being short, being unfortunate and the same species
ZaTr: -The only straight ship I ship lmao -Ummmm -Again. Why. A lot of these 'spite ships' actually contain the problems people complain about most, but ignore in spite ships or when TAK is in the equation (DaTr) which I don't get, but like hey, I said what I needed to earlier already. -No seriously, WHY? I don't... because... enemies->romance, right? They just don't have enough material. It would be like if ZIM and Dib only had Nightmare Begins are their material, and that's it. If that were so, I too would be saying WHY?
I think this concludes my brain vomit, and I can finally get back to bed, but yeah idk. 
Disclaimer: It is fine to like ships, it is fine to dislike ships, but don't be a bully over it. I've seen tireless arguments against ZaDr that are honestly? Easily broken down through a couple google searches. This doesn't invalidate disliking something, but this doesn't mean it's 'right' either. All in all, we're all watching IZ 'wrong' by shipping these characters. Hell, we're watching it 'wrong' by even liking them enough or thinking any of them are cute. Seriously. At the end of the day, Jhonen hates how we're all going about fandom participation, and practically has since day one, even if there was nothing shipped ever (which is impossible tbh.) That's why he stirs the pot. That's why he likes to make crude/random statements just to get easy people riled up, and that's classic 'don't take the bait/feed the trolls' internet 101 at play.
And double Disclaimer: You simply cannot make noise against ZaDr over the joke of ZIM being ‘OLT AF’, and then continue on with TaGr and DaTr. You just cannot. You also cannot make noise against ZaDr for ‘moral’ reasons and then ignore... DaGr (Dib and Gaz). Seriously. That one has absolutely no fucking defense. None. That’s disgusting, that’s incest, that’s sick, that’s   I’m getting off topic but. Still bro.
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chisie12 · 5 years ago
I got to work with the talented @princessu-sumi / @SumiMaoam (Twitter) for the @mxtxbigbang​! The result? An exceptionally cute art and a 16k fic full of fluff and cuteness!  Her art is also embedded in the fic!! 
Fandom: 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Xuanli, Yunmeng Bros and Their Sis, Jin Ling and Lan Sizhui | Lan Yuan, and Lan Sizhui with his aunt and uncle!  Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, Family Fluff, Family Feels, Family Drama, Unresolved Emotional Tension, Mild JC Angst, Post-Sunshot Campaign But Everything Is Okay, Father Figures, Jin Zixuan Feels Like A Family Man, Finger Painting, 'Dogs', Family Bonding, Jin Ling says his first words as a baby!
Wei Wuxian hears a rumour about a certain Jin heir not being around and decides to visit Lotus Pier with little Wen Yuan, so the child can finally (possibly) make a new friend that was his age.
.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。
“Did you hear?” 
“Hear what?” 
“The young master of the Lanling Jin Sect is going to be away.” 
“Do you know why?” 
“I don’t know...”  
The Sunshot Campaign had ended for two years. Qishan Wen sect had been eradicated in the aftermath, but things... weren’t as bad as it should be.  
“Ah! Where’s the usual auntie?” A tall, handsome man held up a potato as he asked the stall owner, the rumours whispering around him. His raven hair waved in the breeze; the red ribbon holding it up in a high ponytail a beautiful contrast in the pool of darkness.  
“Are you here to buy or not?” The middle-aged woman ignored his question as she regarded him disinterestedly. 
“I'm buying, I'm buying!” the young man exclaimed with a wry smile. He picked some potatoes. “How much?” 
“Three taels of silver.” 
“Can you give it to me cheaper ah, auntie?” 
“No can do. It’s three taels of silver for the number of potatoes there,” the middle-aged woman said resolutely as she gestured towards his basket with her chin.  
The frown on his face deepened. The sorrowful expression startled the woman; her eyes going wide as her mouth hung open. Her heart drummed in her chest, a slight heat brushing across her cheeks, and she couldn’t help thinking: ‘Heavens, if only I was a couple of decades younger!’ 
“Alright...” The word slipped out between his lips. With a dejected sigh, he dipped his head as he opened his money pouch. “I’ll only agree because auntie is so pretty!”  
“Aiyo! You think so too? Come, come. Auntie will give you a few more potatoes. I got a lot anyway,” the woman beamed at the compliment, her attitude flipping over a hundred and eighty degrees. She leaned over and dropped some potatoes into the handsome man’s basket. “That old man I married ah; all he does is call me old!” 
“You are old, my dear!” An old raspy voice called out from within the house behind the pop-up store, followed by the rustling of newspaper pages being flipped.  
The woman rolled her eyes and ignored him, dropping another potato into the basket. 
“Eh, auntie! I don’t have enough to pay for this.” Flustered, the young man hurriedly tried to reject the potatoes but the woman stopped his hand.  
“Yi?” The woman looked down at his hand, feeling the rough callouses against her fingertips. “You’re a cultivator?” At his reluctant nod, her smile grew wider. “Like that ah, my son used to be a cultivator too. So, it’s okay. Consider the potatoes a gift from auntie.” 
“But, but...” the young man looked sadly at her before dropping his gaze onto his money pouch. 
“It’s alright. Times are tough now ever since the Sunshot campaign ended. I lost my son because of it too. I know you cultivators are trying to maintain the peace. Please, just take it.” 
The words that the young man had wanted to utter died in his throat as he saw the gentle smile on her wrinkled face. A heavy pressure wrapped around his heart; the guilt for bargaining suffocating. Sure, the Four Great Clans fought hard in the battle against the Wen sect, many killed and many died, but what of the commoners—whose children made up of the outer sect disciples? They were dead. They who were young and valiant, destined to do great things, leaving the world before their parents; what about them?  
Yet, the same was held for the reverse. What if the dead cultivators had children they left behind?  
Because what if— what if, his fairy-like sister had died in the war they had fought?  
A shudder ran up his spine, the tingles cold and unwelcoming. 
It was a horror Wei Wuxian couldn’t hope to imagine.   
With a small shake of his head, he still returned the potatoes and held her hand in his. “Thank you, auntie. I will remember your kindness.” 
The woman was stunned at the flash of his lopsided grin, bright and blooming like a purple lotus, and he took this chance to quickly leave; his absence leaving no more room for arguments. Feeling a weight in her palm, she opened her hand and she couldn’t help shaking her head, a smile curled on her lips; four silver taels sat in her palm—the accurate value of the potatoes he had taken.  
“Aiya, that boy...” 
“What are you complaining about now?” The old raspy voice called out from behind her. 
The woman rolled her eyes and started rearranging the goods on her stall. “Sect Master Jiang should be proud of having a brother like him...” 
  .❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 
 The handsome young man slowly hiked up the mountain. The scenery was bleary and dark, signs of death permeating through the trees and shrubs. Yet, there were soon the sounds of earth being tilled, with heavy grunts and cheerful chatter floating in the air. The young man’s face lit up and he quickened his pace up the temporary stairs, careful of the potatoes bouncing around in his basket.  
“Xian-ge!” A childish voice squealed when the young man finally emerged in the makeshift village. 
Wei Wuxian’s eyes sparkled in delight at the young child of four years old dashing towards him through the tilled soil. “A-Yuan!” 
Happiness bubbled up in Wen Yuan’s chest, surging up his throat and escaping in sweet peals of laughter as he dove for Wei Wuxian’s legs. Wei Wuxian was about to set the basket on the ground when he exclaimed in surprise at the little boy suddenly clutching at his thigh.  
“A-Yuaaaan,” Wei Wuxian cried out dramatically while looking down at the child, the basket of potatoes held high up, “Why are you hugging my thigh?” 
Wen Yuan giggled and rubbed his face onto the cotton robes before looking up with a beaming grin. “Does Xian-ge have anything for me?”  
Wei Wuxian tried to step forward, but the extra weight happily holding onto him only made him stumble an inch forward. He looked perplexed at the giggling boy. “I have potatoes if you want?”  
Wen Yuan pouted and clutched tighter. “I want radishes. Why didn't Xian-ge buy radishes?” 
Wei Wuxian deadpanned and thought to himself, ‘ Should I not have planted him in the soil with the radishes?’   
“A-Yuan!” a chiding voice called. 
Rather than releasing his hold on the thigh, Wen Yuan rested a cheek on the leg and pouted at his aunt. “Qing-jiejie, Xian-ge didn’t buy A-Yuan radishes!” 
Wen Qing sighed and tried to pluck her nephew off the ground, tugging as the child refused to yield. “We already have so many radishes. The crops are growing well.” 
“What if we run out!” 
Wen Qing grumbled under her breath and tugged harder at the child. He was never this disobedient! What happened to her sweet, obedient A-Yuan? 
“A-Yuan wants radishes!” 
“A-Yuan!” Another voice called; it was gentler, softer like the spring breeze. A tall muscular man dressed in black, whose face was a pallid colour and had deep black marks crawling up his neck, walked towards them with a small smile. “A-Yuan,” he bent down and looked at his nephew, “Are you upset cause Wei-gongzi used up all the radishes last time?” 
Wei Wuxian scoffed indignantly and turned his gaze sideways. ‘ It surely wasn’t—’  
Contrary to his thoughts, Wen Yuan pursed his lips and nodded fervently. Wei Wuxian and the Wen siblings stared at the righteous, serious air Wen Yuan was putting. They were slightly baffled at the turn of events, yet the other Wens around the makeshift village laughed at the sight.  
Wen Yuan tilted his head back to look up at a straight-faced Wei Wuxian.  
“Let go of my leg—” 
Wen Yuan repeatedly shook his head. 
“—or I won’t bring you to see a new friend.” 
Wen Yuan’s head immediately shifted to a nod as he scrambled off the limb. “When do we go?” 
Wei Wuxian’s eyes trailed over the robes that Wen Yuan wore; soiled with dirt and dust, colourful with patches of rough stitches. It was furthermore torn at the hems and caked with mud from the child’s curious inspection of the earth. A lump slowly built in his throat when he properly saw just how dirty the child was—unruly hair greasy from the lack of proper baths, mud on his little fingers and chubby cheeks. An indescribable feeling caused him to choke when he saw Wen Yuan’s face split into a toothy smile; an expression of pure innocence and sparkling starlight. 
‘ Even when living like this, he can still smile like that. ’  
At least Wei Wuxian had lived better when he was younger despite being orphaned. The alleys would be warm in winter, safe from the biting winds and there’d only been dust on his person in the city, and the food would be edible— clean— when he begged. Bending down, Wei Wuxian set the basket on his hip and wiped away at the muddy smudge on Wen Yuan’s cheek, causing it to simply streak across the skin. He forced the pity down, the helplessness and regret at not being able to do more, and smiled.  
“We can leave once you take a bath. Sounds good?” 
Wen Yuan’s eyes twinkled, the sight bringing on a larger wave of pain to wash over Wei Wuxian’s senses. “Yes!” 
 .❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 
 A small hand nervously tugged at the robes slightly larger than him, the cotton thoroughly scrubbed and warm from drying in the sun. Wen Yuan craned his head back to look at this robe void of the usual patches, curiosity dancing in his gaze. It felt softer than the other clothes he normally wore. It felt newer and he also felt… happy. It felt nice and he enjoyed the feeling.  
He couldn’t help but giggle in delight as he continuously patted the robes he wore. “Can A-Yuan wear this again after bathing?” 
Wen Qing’s heart ached at his question, the innocence awfully suffocating. Yes, yes—was what she wanted to say, but they couldn’t afford new clothes and the robes he wore now were actually her own old robes that she rarely wore altered to fit him for when he grew up. She kept it for him, so that he may have clothes to wear. That’s why it was larger, that’s why it felt newer.  
‘Why can’t I provide more for A-Yuan?’  
She gently brought a wooden comb through his inky black hair, repeating the motions as she worked out the tangles. She lifted the hair still slightly curled after being washed and dried, and a small, bitter smile subconsciously lifted the edges of her lips. ‘It looks so much like my sister's… Are you still doing well?’  
“Remember, A-Yuan. You must behave yourself when you meet Sect Leader Jiang, his sister Lady Jiang and her son. Do not run around, do not talk too loudly. Always wait for them to take the food first before you eat.” 
“Why are there so many rules?” Wen Yuan whined softly. 
“Are you not going to listen to me?” Wen Qing argued in a flat, strict tone. She stopped combing and simply held onto his hair. 
“A-Yuan will listen, A-Yuan will listen,” Wen Yuan relented with a dissatisfied pout. 
“You're hanging out with Wei Wuxian too much,” Wen Qing pursed her lips as her fingers weaved and neatly tied a half updo on her nephew’s hair. “Remember to behave yourself. Be a good boy and listen to Wei Wuxian.” 
Wen Yuan let out a quiet, confused exclamation and turned to stare at his aunt. Realising what she said after a moment of staring, Wen Qing immediately shook her head and corrected, “Remember what I told you and don’t cause trouble for Sect Leader Jiang. And be polite!” 
“Aiya, A-Yuan is always a polite boy! You don't have to worry,” came Wei Wuxian’s cheery voice. “You look so handsome,” he teased as he squeezed Wen Yuan’s cheeks. “Ready to go?” 
“Ye—mmpfh,” Wen Yuan muttered barely audible through squeezed cheeks, his face looking very much like a goldfish bubbling in the water. 
With a chuckle, Wei Wuxian released his hold on the cheeks and held out a hand. “Let’s go!”  
Wen Yuan’s face had scrunched in displeasure after his cheeks regained their freedom when his eyes blinked at the outstretched hand. Slowly, a smile curved and a small hand was raised. Warmth seeped into his palm when the young man gently held his hand, excitement coursing through his nerves.  
A friend. A new friend! 
‘I hope this new friend is nice !’  
  .❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 
Large eyes, bright and clear, sparkled like the diamonds on the water surface as the boat slowly rowed forward. The sun was shining in all its glory with not a cloud in sight, and the sea of lotus flowers blooming inches above the water was absolutely breath-taking. He had been confused and scared, afraid that this wooden banana-like thing would drop into the ocean once they got on, and he clung and clung so tightly onto Wei Wuxian in fear. The young man simply laughed unhelpfully while the kind, old boatman grinned and coaxed him to try. 
Wen Yuan had shaken his head resolutely, up until Wei Wuxian plucked the wooden butterfly on a stick from his tiny, protesting hands.  
“If Little Butterfly is safe on the boat, will you go?” Wei Wuxian had asked while twirling the stick. 
Warily eyeing the young man, Wen Yuan slowly, and very slightly, nodded his head. His fingers kept their iron-grip on his collar. 
Wei Wuxian grinned and handed the wooden butterfly to the boatman, who had carefully placed it on the seat. Seeing the ‘wooden banana’ thing they called a boat still floating, Wen Yuan had clambered to get down from Wei Wuxian’s embrace and carefully stood by the edge. He stared at his wooden butterfly, watching it for a few more seconds before his head turned back to look at the patient Wei Wuxian. A small hand tugged at his robes, the other pointing at the boat.  
“Xian-ge,” he had called; his silvery voice tinged with curiosity and permission. 
Wei Wuxian had held one of his hands while the boatman carefully helped Wen Yuan board. He had yelped and cried out in fear at the boat teetering, crying to himself: ‘ This didn’t happen when Little Butterfly got on!’  
When Wei Wuxian got on, Wen Yuan had immediately released the chuckling boatman and latched onto him. The warmth was his relaxant, the man his protector. 
And now, they were nearing Lotus Pier, the bustling crowds entering their sights. 
“Welcome back!” 
“We haven’t seen you in so long!”  
Wen Yuan ooh-ed and ah-ed at everything his eyes could devour—from the stalls lining up at the side of the pier, to the many faces moving up and about. Some waved at them, some continued on their business. The marketplace was chaotic, with farmers and sellers trying to sell their goods. There were so many things Wen Yuan never saw before!  
“Thank you, uncle.” Wei Wuxian gave the boatman some silver and deftly disembarked the boat. Grinning down at excited Wen Yuan, he pulled the child up and set him on his hip. Stretching a hand out to gesture grandly at the busy pier, he said, “Welcome to Lotus Pier.” 
On one corner of the pier stood one lone willow tree, tall and strong; its curtain of leaves billowing in the wind. Behind it was the tall walls leading to the residence of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect, the lotus symbol bright in the centre. 
When they reached the main gates, a pair of disciples stood guard.  
“Wei Wuxian and A-Yuan,” Wei Wuxian first introduced with his head held up high, a dignified expression on his usually cheeky face, “We’re here to visit Lady Jiang.” 
Wen Yuan tilted his head at the introduction. Shouldn’t he introduce his full name? 
One of the disciples cladded in purple folded their hands and bowed slightly. “I'll trouble you to please wait. I'll inform her Lady.” 
When he turned around, a gentle voice like the kiss of a butterfly spoke up. “There’s no need. I'm here.” 
“Lady Jiang!” The pair of disciples respectfully called and bowed.  
Jiang Yanli smiled at them and shifted her attention towards her brother-in-all-but-blood. “Good morning, A-Xian.” 
“Shijie! Morning!” Wei Wuxian lightly tugged the young child hiding behind him forward with a smile. “A-Yuan, this is my Shijie, Jiang Yanli.” 
“Yanli-jiejie, good morning,” Wen Yuan politely greeted with a bow of his head. “My name is Wen Yuan.” 
First came the silence as Jiang Yanli continued to smile at him, but the moment her body stiffened didn’t escape either Wei Wuxian or Wen Yuan’s eyes. Nodding at the child, she said, “Welcome to Lotus Pier, A-Yuan.” She then dropped her gaze onto the small baby in her arms. “Jin Rulan, say hi. It's your Dajiu and a new friend.” 
Jin Rulan was a handsome baby at two years old. His facial structure was similar to his mother’s, with fair cheeks rosy like blushing petals, but his pouty lips and sharp eyes were an exact mirror to his father’s. He stared down at Wen Yuan from his vantage point in his mother’s arms. 
Wen Yuan stared back. Unlike the ragged clothes he was wearing, Jin Rulan’s clothes were clearly of the finest silk, the yellow and gold shimmering bright in the sunlight, and silky black hair nicely combed and tied. The clothes looked exceptionally soft and were really fitting as well. Wen Yuan smiled. ‘He’s wearing new clothes too! It must be comfortable!’  
Jin Rulan then blinked at the sweet smile of Wen Yuan. 
“A-Lan, say hi to your Dajiu and your new friend,” Jiang Yanli repeated. 
If possible, Jin Rulan’s pout deepened. His mouth opened, short and brief ‘da-da’ syllables rolling off his tongue, but no full words could properly form. Instead, he settled with an awkward wave of his chubby hand before burying his head in his mother’s neck. Jiang Yanli helplessly smiled and slightly shook her head.  
“Come in. A-Cheng is also busy inside.” 
They entered deeper into Lotus Pier, emerald coloured grass softly swaying in the breeze and fresh blooms of more lotuses proud amongst the still budding ones. They entered the drawing room and sat by the table.  
Wen Yuan curiosity patted the pillow he sat on. ‘Even the pillows are so soft! ’ 
On the wall beside him was a large Chinese-style wooden window that beautifully displayed the lotus lake outside. Black tea was quickly served, the steam an indication of warmth drifting up brought into the air a sweet, floral scent. Wen Yuan idly played with his fingers, the wooden butterfly twirling in his hold beneath the table. He bowed his head, choosing to keep silent as Wei Wuxian caught up with Jiang Yanli. He didn’t dare speak, didn’t dare move about; he remember his aunt’s warnings. 
Seated opposite him, Jin Rulan’s eyes stared curiously at this ‘big brother’ before him. Unlike all the other people his age, trying to play with him or talk to him, Wen Yuan was different—quiet, reserved. Even after a few moments of staring, Wen Yuan paid him no heed. With a furrow in between his eyebrows, Jin Rulan slowly got to his feet, small limbs wobbly and unstable. He took a step forward, the thick cotton pillow cushioning his foot, and the strength suddenly disappeared. Wind blew in his ears, his mouth parting with an ‘ah’, and he unceremoniously dropped back onto the pillow with a soft thump. A grumble rumbled in his chest, incoherent sounds escaping his lips, and his body bent forward.  
He’ll just crawl his way there. Who had time to try to walk? 
Wei Wuxian and Jiang Yanli paused in their conversation, watching the young Jin heir carefully crawl around the table. His palms slapped the floor, a stubborn look on his childish face. A gleeful glint shone in Wei Wuxian’s eyes when Jin Rulan crawled over towards Wen Yuan and him. Unable to help himself, he leaned forward and lifted Jin Rulan—who had Wen Yuan within an arm’s reach—up into his arms. ��
Jin Rulan cried out in displeasure, squirming violently in Wei Wuxian’s embrace, but the man’s grip was like an octopus’s two arms; swiftly and skilfully weaving around the baby’s flailing limbs to hold him in place.  
“Aiya, A-Lan, do you not like your Dajiu?” Wei Wuxian attempted to coax the baby while bouncing him on his lap. At this point, Jin Rulan cried harder, to the point big fat tears began to cascade down his cheeks. “Don’t cry, don’t cry! Why are you crying? I didn’t do anything!” In a fluster, Wei Wuxian was about to return the baby to his mother when Wen Yuan raised his head and scooted closer.  
“Don’t cry,” Wen Yuan murmured as he gently rubbed Jin Rulan’s cheeks with his palm. “Xian-ge can be scary, A-Yuan knows.” 
At the unfamiliar touch on his cheek, Jin Rulan peeked his glistening eyes open to stare into Wen Yuan’s own bright, clear gaze. He blinked. Wen Yuan blinked back. He sniffled. 
Then, an idea came to Wen Yuan.  He turned around to look for it and turned back to raise his wooden butterfly and made it flutter before the baby. “Look! Little Butterfly came to say hi!” 
Baby gurgles escaped Jin Rulan as he reached out a hand towards the butterfly with eyes full of wonder. ‘Different!’ The wooden butterfly flying on the stick was different from all the other toys he’s received and played with. It wasn’t glittering ornately or made with colourful cotton fabric, it was merely a simple insect carved from wood. Jin Rulan retracted his arm swiftly, shocked at how thin, how flimsy, the wings were.  
Seeing the myriad of changes on Jin Rulan’s face, Wen Yuan giggled and grinned at the blissful innocence, dipping and raising the butterfly in imitation of its flight again to further attract Jin Rulan’s attention. A large warm hand rested itself on the crown of his head, and he was met with Wei Wuxian’s proud and gentle gaze.  
Seeing his nephew fully engrossed with the butterfly, Wei Wuxian slowly and gingerly wiped at those tear-stained cheeks with the hem of his robes. Was he relieved? That Wen Yuan and Jin Rulan could get along? They were both of entirely different social standings; a refugee and a sect heir even, and yet, here they sat with a butterfly fluttering between them.  
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 Jiang Yanli chuckled at her son’s giggles, the suppressed wariness easing up at how Wen Yuan was being with her son. ‘ The family’s crimes are not an innocent child’s burden to bear...’  
“Bu—!” Jin Rulan tried calling out the butterfly’s name when Wen Yuan playfully put the wooden butterfly out of his reach. 
“Little Butterfly, mm!” Wen Yuan repeated, patiently teaching the baby a new word. 
Wei Wuxian chuckled and absentmindedly patted his nephew’s hair. “Do you want to give A-Lan to try to hold Little Butterfly?” 
Wen Yuan gasped and nodded his head a few times. “Here.” He carefully placed the wooden stick into Jin Rulan’s grabby hand. “Be careful…” He hurriedly warned, placing his hand between Jin Rulan’s eyes and the wooden butterfly when the wooden butterfly was held too near his eyes, the wings close to poking them. 
“Ohh…” Jin Rulan nodded his head earnestly and raised the wooden butterfly to fly high up in the air. 
Seeing them enjoying themselves, Jiang Yanli excused herself for a moment. Yet, the warm bubble surrounding them was suddenly popped not long after her absence when a harsh voice spoke.  
“Finally want to crawl back here, don’t you?” 
Wei Wuxian laughed nervously at the tall man in regale purple stepping into the drawing room. “Good morning, Jiang Cheng.” He looked at Wen Yuan who was regarding the newcomer curiously. “A-Yuan, this is Sect Leader Jiang.” 
Hearing those words, Wen Yuan scrambled to his feet and stood with his back straight while facing the sect leader. With a strong voice, he bowed and greeted, “Good morning, Sect Leader Jiang.” 
Jiang Cheng softened his scowl slightly at the child showing his respect. “And you are?” 
Wen Yuan steeled himself, gulped the lump in his throat and said, “I am A-Yuan.” 
“A…Yuan? Which family are you from?” 
Wen Yuan flinched and shrunk back. It was a simple questioning tone, one full of curiousity, yet he could only imagine the anger, the hate , that the sect leader would bestow upon him at just knowing— 
“I asked you a question.” A flat, solemn tone. A demand. 
Wen Yuan tightened his fists and gritted his teeth. The fear rose and bundled in his throat, his voice trying to escape, but he couldn’t disrespect the sect leader, he couldn’t not answer .  
‘Behave yourself when you meet Sect Leader Jiang ,’ came Wen Qing’s reminder.  
The reminder caused the fear to spike, but it also commanded his mind differently. Balling his hands into little fists, he dropped his focus onto the wooden floorboards and parted his lips. 
“My family name is… Wen.” 
“...A WEN!?”   
Wen Yuan squeezed his eyes and flinched back, pulling his head back to brace himself at the furious outburst. He thought right. He had noticed it before: the displeasure on Lady Jiang’s expression when they first met and he wasn’t sure why. And he was worried that Sect Leader Jiang would have reacted similarly—or worse—, so he chose to leave his family name out this time. But was something wrong with his family name? ‘No wonder Xian-ge always introduced me as A-Yuan...’  
…Just what did his family do? 
“Who allowed you in here!” Jiang Cheng roared, his voice heavy and laced with all the unbridled fury suppressed in him. Even if it’s been years, even if they won the Sunshot campaign; the Wens were his parents’ murderers!   
“Out!! Get out!” 
Jiang Cheng clenched his fist, Zidian sparkling dangerously on his finger. The purple spiritual energy violently thrashing upon his skin was a painful reminder that his mother was dead, dead from protecting their home, dead from protecting him!  
He suppressed his emotions, his chest heaving in angry breaths, yet Zidian’s energy gradually grew. Lightning began to cackle, whipping in the air strongly. He couldn’t hit a child, couldn’t bear do it, but he could always take his anger out on the disciple that allowed a Wen in! 
“Get the person that allowed them in here now!” he yelled at the curious disciples gathering outside the drawing room, frightening them to scatter away. 
A warm hand urgently pulled Wen Yuan back into a strong chest, an arm snaking around to hold his shoulders; a familiar embrace. Wen Yuan fearfully gripped onto the hems as he buried his head into Wei Wuxian’s embrace. Jin Rulan who was holding the wooden butterfly looked around confusedly before settling his gaze on the kind brother shaking in fear. 
“Jiang Cheng!” Wei Wuxian called in a chiding tone while protectively holding Wen Yuan. 
“Wei! Wu! Xian!” Jiang Cheng snarled. His knuckles cracked under the pressure of his clenching fist, Zidian dangerously close to being unleashed. “You knew! And you still brought him here!” 
“Jiang Cheng! He’s only a child! He didn’t do anything wrong!” 
“His one crime is being born into the Wen sect!” Jiang Cheng roared. He swooped down to pull Jin Rulan away, his protective instincts going on overdrive. “Jin Rulan! Let go!” 
“No!” Jin Rulan cried. He gripped tightly onto the other side of Wei Wuxian’s robes, tears already gathering in his reddened eyes.  
“Jin Rulan! Behave!” 
“A-Cheng!” Jiang Yanli cried out upon returning in a rush with the Yunmeng disciples behind her. Her fairy-like mien was painted with a frown and in her hand was a tray filled with snacks in disarray. 
“A-Jie!” Jiang Cheng called out. “H-He!” 
“I know.” Jiang Yanli pursed her lips and set the tray down. Her expression darkened at the sight of the pair of frightened children in Wei Wuxian’s arms; her heart trembled. 
“A-Cheng,” she slowly started, waving a hand to dismiss the disciples. “I allowed them to enter. A-Yuan is only a child. You've already eradicated the Wens in the Sunshot campaign.” 
Jiang Cheng tried to protest but his older sister turned a serious expression towards him.  
“Are you not going to spare a child?” 
Jiang Yanli was usually gentle, commonly known for her soft and friendly demeanour, but she was also the daughter of Yu Ziyuan, the fierce Violet Spider—a fact always forgotten. After the brief moment she spent with the young Wen, she found him to be rather likable; he was kind and gentle, and he sincerely wanted a friend, unlike the other children her son has mingled with whose parents wanted to hug his parents’ thighs. And seeing her son actually accepting of Wen Yuan, that in itself was something she wished to keep.  
Jiang Cheng slightly winced and took a step back at the hidden ferocity in her gaze. Zidian’s prominence slowly dimmed, his fingers uncurling as the muscles reluctantly relaxed. Her steps softy padded towards her unreconciled brother. 
“A-Yuan had nothing to do with it. He didn’t even know of the campaign. Aren’t we his family’s murderers then?” Jiang Yanli continued in a voice only audible between Jiang Cheng and her. “You’ve already killed the ones that did. You've already given them justice. A-Cheng…” 
Jiang Yanli brought Jiang Cheng’s hands together and held them gently. He lifted his head; a gaze swimming with hurt and unshed tears of a wound being reopened. He called out to her softly, his voice full of emotion; a silent plea. “A-Jie...” 
“You're a great sect leader. A-Die and A-Niang would be proud of you.” She stood on her toes and kissed him on his forehead. “ I'm proud of you. You’re doing well.” 
“Uuuu…” A soft cry sounded at Jiang Cheng’s rising protest. 
Jiang Cheng’s words got stuck in his throat at the sight of his previously calm nephew tearing up, the fat tears already glistening on the edges. “No, no! Don’t cry!” 
Him and his sister had already kneeled down before Wei Wuxian who was holding both trembling and crying children in his arms, but nothing they said could placate the baby. Hearing Jin Rulan’s cries, Wen Yuan hesitantly lifted his head, flinching when he noticed the close proximity of Sect Leader Jiang, but his heart was bleeding, aching, for this new friend, this little brother. 
The term fell from his lips before he even registered the act. This intimacy, this closeness — this protective desire. 
“Don’t cry… Rulan-didi, it’s okay. Don’t cry…” 
Wen Yuan had instinctively raised his hand to wipe Jin Rulan’s tears away when a sharp force slapped his hand away. He cried out in pain, his own tears escaping his eyes as he cradled the smarting, reddening hand. The shock had jolted his nerves, and he stared wide-eyed at the furious sect leader. He felt suffocated in his chest; he felt pained. It hurt, it really hurt.  
‘Qing- jiejie …’  
“Jiang Cheng!” Wei Wuxian scolded. He held Wen Yuan closer to his chest and pulled away, bringing his knees up to cocoon them like the wings of a protective bird. “How can you hit him!” 
Yet as his words echoed in the drawing room, the only woman—the only mother —had exploded simultaneously. “A-Cheng! You shouldn’t have hit him! He’s only a child! What did he do wrong!” Jiang Yanli was enraged. Her gentle expression was twisted into one of anger, of the injustice done onto a child! There was no excuse for hitting a child in that situation, regardless if it was a light slap or not, to a Wen or not! Giving her frozen brother another glare, she reached out to check on Wen Yuan’s arm but the child was already too shaken up. Seeing her near him, he had flinched again and buried himself deeper into Wei Wuxian’s embrace; farther away from both Jiangs with repeated shakings of his head. It was as if that would chase them away, to let him be and leave him alone to his tears. 
‘ They’re scary. They’re scary. A-Yuan doesn’t want to be here. A-Yuan wants to go home.’  
Jiang Cheng paled at the glares he was receiving, the cries he was causing. “He was going to—!” 
“Comfort A-Lan!” Wei Wuxian growled. He protectively held both boys closer, feeling his robes getting soaked to his skin at the both of them crying. “Didn’t you think that you’re the one making them cry!” 
“Wei Wuxian, you! He’s a Wen!! How can you let him near A-Lan!” Jiang Cheng roared indignantly. 
“Because he’s a good child! He’s never had a friend before!” Wei Wuxian roared back. “A-Lan is his first friend!” 
Those words struck Jiang Cheng like thunder in his ears. Shame and anger rose up his throat; guilt and regret stewing in the pits of his stomach. Jiang Yanli frowned; all the words she said seemed to fall on deaf ears. She was angry at the Wens for destroying her family and her home, but… 
The cries never stopped; the sounds growing heavier and pressuring upon them all. 
“I think we should leave,” Wei Wuxian said monotonously after a while of tense silence filled with sobs. “Clearly, we aren’t welcomed here.” He moved to give Jiang Yanli back her son when Jin Rulan dove for Wen Yuan. 
“No! No!” Jin Rulan hugged Wen Yuan by the neck as their tears mixed together. Jiang Yanli felt a pang in her heart at this, her arms still awkwardly raised.  
Jiang Cheng was instantly angered, moving to pull them apart when Jin Rulan turned his tear-stained cheeks towards him. He stiffened. “A-Lan—” 
Jin Rulan jutted his lips out. The bottom lip trembled and he sniffled. He hugged Wen Yuan closer. “Friend! Stay!” 
“No. It’s too dangerous. Please let go.” Jiang Cheng felt his resolution cracking. The flames of his anger, hurt and worry dying into cinders the longer he held Jin Rulan’s puppy pout.  
But the baby only shook his head and stubbornly held on. Perhaps, as if Jin Rulan had given him strength, Wen Yuan peeked at Jiang Cheng; his eyes were equally glistening.  
Jiang Cheng flinched at the double puppy eyes targeting him.  
“A-Cheng,” Jiang Yanli finally turned her attention towards him when her son had quietened down, even if by a little. She may still be angered at her brother’s action but... “It’ll be fine. Everything will be okay.” 
“A-Cheng loves A-Lan just as much as you. A-Lan will be safe,” Jiang Yanli offered him a small smile, but her words felt like they were trying to convince herself more than him. “Do you think he would let A-Yuan near if the boy would hurt A-Lan?” Anything was better than calling Wen Yuan by his full name; as long as she never has to utter his family name.  
Their voices were dim in Wei Wuxian’s ears as he turned his gaze onto Wen Yuan. The child’s hands were trembling, the tremors running through the gradually dampening cotton and to his skin. His own anger died as a gentleness took over. “I won’t let him hurt you… you're safe. It’ll be okay. He only looks scary but Jiang Cheng’s actually soft on the inside.” 
“Who are you calling soft!” 
Wei Wuxian turned his head to look at Jiang Cheng, to snap and snarl, when he shockingly come to the sight of wet eyes. Jiang Yanli softly shook her head, a white porcelain hand affectionately rubbing her younger brother’s cheek.  
“Aiya, you two might as well start fighting on the spot,” she softly chided, trying to alleviate the situation. “We’ll go make lunch.” 
“Hmph. If A-Jie is making Lotus Pork Ribs Soup, you’re only allowed one bowl!” Jiang Cheng scowled in revenge, turning his gaze to the side unhappily. 
“Who put you in charge of that!” Wei Wuxian argued. 
“Since you left me and I became sect leader!” Jiang Cheng left these biting words before stomping away, his robes billowing with his motions. 
“Sect Leader Jiang… he’s so scary…” The pressure lifted off Wen Yuan’s shoulders and he slumped forward when he couldn't see Jiang Cheng anymore. 
“No… cry.” 
Wen Yuan peeked an eye open to look at the tear-stained Jin Rulan rubbing his cheek the same way he did to him before, and a warmth spread out to all his limbs. Jin Rulan searched for the fallen wooden butterfly, lifted it towards him and mimicked his earlier actions. “But…Butterfly!” 
Wen Yuan hummed and tried to smile. “Yes, butterfly. Thank you, Rulan-didi.” 
“Don’t mind A-Cheng, A-Yuan.” Jiang Yanli crouched down and gave him a soothing smile, equally proud that her son learned a new word whilst ignoring the pang in her heart. “Are you hungry? I'll have lunch ready soon.” 
Wen Yuan had flinched and shrank at the close proximity between them. Jiang Yanli’s smile faltered but she remained patient, merely waiting for the child to hesitantly peek at her. He glanced at Wei Wuxian who nodded reassuringly and he looked back at her before dropping his gaze. “...Lunch sounds good.” 
 .❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 
 “Shijie! Your soup is always the best!” 
“Xian-ge… Sect Leader Jiang said you can only take one bowl. Don’t take.” Wen Yuan had remembered his aunt’s teachings, to only reach for food when Sect Leader Jiang and his sister had already taken it, but seeing as that had been after Jin Rulan and Wei Wuxian got their helpings from the siblings, he was the last to receive his.  
At the barely audible whisper, Wei Wuxian looked at Wen Yuan’s worried face, his hand pausing at scooping a second helping for himself. “It’s okay! Jiang Cheng was only joking!” 
“Who said I was?” Jiang Cheng retorted and sharply slapped Wei Wuxian’s hand holding the ladle’s handle with his fingers.  
“A-Cheng, I made enough for everyone. Let A-Xian have some more,” Jiang Yanli said while Wei Wuxian cried out in pain. 
“But A-Jie! He never comes home! We should teach him a lesson!”  
“It’s precisely because he’s never home that’s why we must let him have more. I can always make it for you but not A-Xian.” Jiang Yanli daintily sipped her soup from her spoon.  
“Whose fault is that! He should come home more. I don’t know what’s so good about always staying outside!” 
Wen Yuan kept his head lowered while he quietly ate his food when he heard Jin Rulan struggling next to him. He saw the baby reaching his hands out towards the purple lotuses on the table. They were sweet potatoes shaped and carved out like the lotus shaped mooncakes. Using the chopsticks set aside to pick the food, he took one and placed it in Jin Rulan’s purple porcelain bowl that was painted with peony motifs. 
“Thank you!” Jin Rulan said in his childish voice and grinned. 
Wen Yuan felt his lips curving into a smile and he blurted out, “Yuan-ge. Call Yuan-ge.” 
Jin Rulan tilted his head. “Ge?” 
Wen Yuan nodded his head and encouraged him. “Yes! Ge. Yuan-ge!” 
“Gege!” Jin Rulan squealed, his giggles ringing like silver bells. 
“Yuan-gege?” Wen Yuan tried testing the water. 
“Yuan-gege!” Jin Rulan exclaimed happily with bits of purple sweet potato sticking to the corners of his lips. The name slipped out of his mouth so naturally. It was seemingly so easy to say, to call out for this older brother wearing the plainest clothes he saw. 
Immediately, three heads turned towards the baby. Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng stared incredulously at their nephew, mouths gaping open at what their ears just heard while Jiang Yanli gasped in surprised pride. 
“Hehe, yes! Yuan-gege!” Wen Yuan praised the baby boy and Jin Rulan lifted the purple sweet potato like a trophy.  
“Ehh! A-Lan! Call me too! Dajiu!” 
Jin Rulan tilted his head at Wei Wuxian whose eyes were twinkling in anticipation. He stretched his hand out. “Da!” 
“Yes, yes! Dajiu. Call me Dajiu!” 
“Yes, yes! Dajiu!” 
“No, no. ‘Da—jiu’!” 
“Try calling Erjiu, A-Lan.” 
Wen Yuan silently looked between the exchange, from Jin Rulan to Wei Wuxian to Jiang Cheng, and back to Jin Rulan, before leaning forward to pick up another purple lotus shaped sweet potato. He quietly set it in the purple porcelain bowl next to him and quietly continued eating his rice. He had a feeling that Jin Rulan had wanted the sweet potatoes he was gesturing towards.  
Jin Rulan cheered. “Po! Thank you, Yuan-gege!” 
Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng both stared at the scene laid out them before shifting their gazes onto each other. Their pursed lips parted to release a defeated sigh. 
“Well,” Jiang Cheng started while picking up his chopsticks. “When are you coming back?” 
Wei Wuxian mirrored him and teased, “Miss me that much?” 
Jiang Cheng scoffed and rolled his eyes, leaning over to pick some vegetables to place into his sister’s bowl. Bickering with Wei Wuxian easily brought his mind off the topic of Wen Yuan’s family. That and Jiang Yanli had already lectured him. “And who was it that promised we would be the twin prides of Yunmeng…” 
The chopsticks holding up some rice paused before Wei Wuxian’s lips when he heard those words. A bitter smile slowly formed. Could he really return to Yunmeng— As a demonic cultivator? He minutely shook his head: No. He couldn’t.  
‘I c an't tarnish Yunmeng Jiang’s reputation, their prestige. ’  
The lunch continued in awkward silence. 
 .❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 
 When lunch was finished, Jiang Cheng had excused himself to finish some sect affairs and Jiang Yanli left to handle her own matters as well, leaving Wei Wuxian in charge of the two children. 
“Don’t destroy anything!” were the words Jiang Cheng left them with in his usual scowl. And Wen Yuan was terribly certain that the sect leader refused to look at him. With a heavy heart, the child pushed the thought away and looked at Wei Wuxian. 
‘I'm sorry I got Sect Leader Jiang angry, Qing- jiejie …’  
Waving his martial brother and sister off, Wei Wuxian stood by the pathway with Jin Rulan in his arms and Wen Yuan gripping onto his black robes. Wei Wuxian’s hand dropped back to his side and he was content. His eyes trailed over the familiar eaves and awnings, the beautiful lotuses surrounding them, the floorboards and the sky; they were all a view so familiar… yet not.  
Staring at the clear blue sky, he was hit with a sudden wave of nostalgia. ‘We used to shoot down kites in such a weather.’ 
A tug on his robe. “Xian-ge, what do we do now?” 
“Do you want to see where I used to stay?” Wei Wuxian suggested. ‘It’s been awhile . Do I… even still have a place here? ’ 
Wen Yuan’s expression brightened. He nodded his head. 
Very soon, they arrived at a decently large room. Wei Wuxian pushed aside the bamboo door, the sunlight behind him casting long shadows on the floorboards. The first thing that registered was how fresh the room smelled. There was not an ounce of dust or stale air. Wei Wuxian slowly raised his head, a reluctance in his gaze. Was it cleaned? Would it still be the same? Did they remove his things?  
‘ Shijie wouldn’t have agreed but Jiang Cheng… ’  
Bit by bit, his gaze took in more of the floorboards, noticing from the corner of his eyes the golden sunlight streaming in from the open windows. A slight breeze was wafting in. It hurt to think that they’ve been taking care of the room so well for someone else . He could tell the room was regularly aired and cleaned, well taken care of for its occupant. And of course, Jiang Cheng wouldn’t stay here anymore. He’s the sect leader now. 
Then he saw the small rosewood table, its surface wiped down and gleaming. A few stools stood around the table; left just the way he remembered.  
  ‘A-Xian, A-Cheng, have some soup.’  
 Faint memories of Jiang Yanli settling the tray of his favourite soup on that table resurfaced. How long ago had that been? 
The scrolls of painting on the wall, the calligraphy brushes and rice paper on the writing table... and then he swung his gaze to the left and right, seeing a bed on either end.  
  “No! Go away! This is my room!”  
“But Uncle Jiang said I'll be sleeping in the same room as you…”  
“No! Give Princess, Jasmine and Little Love back to me! Because of you, I don’t have them anymore!” 
 A scene of old; A cold night. 
  “ I'm sorry…”  
“It’s okay! If Uncle Jiang asks, I won’t tell him what happened! I just fell down a tree!”  
“And I'll help chase the dogs away for you!”  
 A promise between brothers. 
With Jin Rulan still in his arms, he quickly made his way to the also rosewood wardrobe. He swung its door open, seeing the sight of robes of purple and black hanging inside. He easily recognised the robes of Yunmeng. He curiously pulled a black robe out, and froze.  
‘They… they…’  
Wei Wuxian jolted out of his thoughts, his gaze shifting onto Wen Yuan. “I'm alright, A-Yuan.” He turned back to the robe and released his fingers to let it fall back in. “Do you want to paint? I saw my old calligraphy brushes.” 
“I want!” 
“Come, come.” Wei Wuxian ushered him to the writing table and set Jin Rulan down next to him. He flatted out a rice paper and grinded some ink. His muscles moved from memory, the rhythmic sounds falling deaf on his ears as his mind wandered off. 
‘They kept my things .’  
 .❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 
 “A-Lan! No!” 
Gleeful baby laughter echoed in the four walls, squealing in absolute delight at Wei Wuxian’s horrified expression. Jin Rulan locked gazes with his uncle, his hands still held up high in the air.  
Wei Wuxian narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “Don’t you dare.” 
Jin Rulan giggled in response and lightly waved his hands. Deep black ink marred his fair fingers, the diluted liquid trickling down his digits and onto his fine clothes, like black roses in a field of golden peonies. 
‘That’s not going to wash off easily…’ Wei Wuxian cringed. 
Then he caught the first sign, the undefined muscles tensing and the lift of chubby fingers. 
“A-Lan! No—!”  
With an excited squeal, Jin Rulan flung his fingers forward. Wei Wuxian watched the ink fly in slow motion, finally splattering across the rice paper and onto the floorboards. 
‘That’s not going to wash off easily too. ’ 
Wei Wuxian flinched when drops of ink hit his cheeks, the cold liquid slowly cascading down like a bloody scar on his handsome mien. Jin Rulan giggled at his masterpiece.  
A head peeked out from behind the second sheet of rice paper held up high, his large, clear eyes blinking at the mess before him. Calligraphy ink was spilled over the table, splattering across the floor and Wei Wuxian’s lightly scowling face. Wen Yuan’s mouth fell open. 
“Are you okay?” 
“Do I look okay?” Wei Wuxian wrinkled his nose in displeasure.  
Wen Yuan immediately nodded while still holding up his shield of ink-splattered paper. “Yes! Xian-ge always look good!” 
Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes. “That’s not what I meant.” He reached forward to try clean Jin Rulan’s face. Wen Yuan, who was safe from the flying dangers quietly rearranged the brushes, rice paper and ink slab to avoid a bigger mess being created. 
“Huh?” He gingerly spread out a rice paper that Jin Rulan had been using and examined the black blobs. They seemed organised, as though they were meant to be something. 
“What’s wrong, A-Yuan?” Wei Wuxian inquired while scrubbing his nephew’s face of the ink, only to have more smear over the squishy cheeks. 
“Rulan-didi drew something?” Wen Yuan replied questioningly. He peered closer, counting the blobs. There were eight large blobs in total, standing in a line, and they were made up of smaller blobs. Two pairs of blobs—each one a small blob on top of a big one—had two lines connecting them, as if… “They’re holding hands?” 
Curiosity peaking, Wei Wuxian looked over as well. There was one particular blob that caught his attention; it was a big blob with a smaller one on top, and a long curvy line was stretched out from atop; like a head on a body with hair, maybe? Seeing Wei Wuxian’s finger pointed towards it, Jin Rulan giggled and patted his uncle's cheek with his hands. 
Wei Wuxian quirked a brow. “Me?” 
“Da!” Jin Rulan slapped his cheek harder with a pout.  
“Oww— Oh , me!” 
Wei Wuxian’s pained expression softened. Warmth tickled his heart like Jiang Yanli’s soup warming him insides. “Then who’s this?” He pointed at one of the pairs with the two lines; they were slimmer and shorter than the other pair. 
“Mama! Papa!” 
Jiang Yanli and the Peacock. 
“Them?” Wei Wuxian pointed at the other pair. 
“Yeye! Nainai!” 
Jin Guangshan and Madam Jin. 
Wei Wuxian had his suspicions but… Was this a family portrait? He continued pointing at the different blobs, somehow being able to distinguish the different figures as Jin Rulan listed them one by one. He bitterly smiled when he realised Uncle Jiang and Madam Yu weren’t painted, but then again, they hadn’t the chance to meet their grandson. 
Ah, Fairy the Dog. 
Jin Guangyao? Understandable since he did give Fairy. 
“What the—What happened here!?”  
“Oh, Jiang Cheng! Finished with work?” 
“Wei Wuxian! What did you do!” 
“What do you mean me! It was all A-Lan!” 
Jiang Cheng rushed into his old bedroom and picked up his nephew. Before he could say anything, Jin Rulan already patted his cheek, slapping on a black blotch of ink, and said, “Jiu!” 
Both Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng immediately looked at him.  
“Jiu?” Jiang Cheng repeated in confusion. 
“Jiu? Jiujiu? Erjiu?” Wei Wuxian listed off and realisation dawned. 
The last blob was Jiang Cheng! 
“What are you so shocked for? Unhappy that he called me first?” The sect leader eventually realised the situation as well, turning his nose up into the air in absolute pride.  
“Why are you so proud? He called me too!” Wei Wuxian harrumphed. “Right, A-Lan? Call ‘Dajiu’!” 
Jin Rulan, “Hehe. Da!” 
“See?” Wei Wuxian puffed his chest out proudly. 
Jiang Cheng scoffed and rolled his eyes. “He didn’t even call you ‘Dajiu’. Just ‘Da’. He called me ‘Jiu’ and that’s better! At least we know it’s ‘uncle’!” 
Wen Yuan watched them bicker endlessly and wordlessly looked down at his own painting. His fingers tensed, the muscles straining under his wavering emotions, but he couldn’t bear ruin the rice paper, couldn’t bear ruin their moment . Wouldn’t someone— anyone —look at his too?  
“Are the two of you arguing again?” 
Wen Yuan turned his attention towards the door where Jiang Yanli was entering. When she caught his gaze, he saw her give him a smile—tender and sweet—with the earlier situation seemingly forgotten, and he quickly dropped his gaze. ‘Would my mummy look at me like that too?’  
“Why is A-Lan so dirty?” 
The same question. Wen Yuan inwardly sighed and simply stared at his painting. Everyone was simply just too busy paying attention to the baby. He looked over every part of his art, feeling a small smile lifting the edges of his lips. Soon, he felt a presence looming over him.  
“You painted these pretty well,” Wei Wuxian complimented; his face was still covered in ink.  
Wen Yuan looked back at his finger painting, at the figures depicted as his family. He did think that it was good, and that he did well for his first try. 
“I see Wen Qing and Wen Ning… Grandma and Uncle Four. But who’s this?” Wei Wuxian pointed at the high ponytailed figure next to who he could guess as Wen Yuan himself.  
“That’s…” Wen Yuan averted Wei Wuxian’s gaze and murmured under his breath, “…Xian-ge.” 
Wei Wuxian was taken aback. Him? He’s part of... “Oh, A-Yuan…” He pulled the boy into his arms and cuddled him tight. “You’re the sweetest!” 
Wen Yuan gripped onto the ink-stained robes, hid his face into the chest and smiled. ��Mm.” Wei Wuxian wasn’t related to him by blood, but he was every bit of a brother to him; sometimes, even as a father.  
“I'm going to give A-Lan a bath,” Jiang Yanli informed while she stood up with her son in her arms. “I'll ask someone to clean up the floorboards now as well.” 
Wei Wuxian hummed in agreement. “Wait, Shijie! Do… you think it’s okay to allow A-Yuan to bathe together too?” 
If only just to let the child experience living life properly. He was safe from the flying ink after all. 
Jiang Yanli smiled. “Of course, A-Xian.” 
 .❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 
 “Xianzi!” Jin Rulan cried. He clutched at the bathtub’s edge as his cries echoed in the steamy room. Fat teardrops rolled down his flushed cheeks. “Xianzi!!” 
“W-Why is he crying!” Wei Wuxian panicked. “Is the dog here!?” 
Jiang Cheng lightly slapped his martial brother on the back of his head. “Stop panicking. Xianzi is not here. A-Lan just misses it because the puppy usually accompanies him while he bathes.” 
“A-Accompany him b-bath?” Wei Wuxian paled. His hands froze in the midst of soaping Wen Yuan’s hair, the child’s eyes shut tight as he patiently waited.   
Tacitly understanding the panic-stricken man, Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes while his hands worked to soothe his dog-loving nephew. He stressed the words again. “ S he’s not here .” 
“Here, here? ” Wei Wuxian gulped, forgetting the bubbles rolling down Wen Yuan’s forehead and onto his closed eyes. 
Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes again. “Not here, here. Not in Lotus Pier at all.” 
He turned his gaze away. ‘Because you might not come if you knew she was here.’  
Jin Rulan continued to cry. Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng had volunteered to help bathe the boys, seeing as it was a rare opportunity to do so...  
‘Together.’ They had thought simultaneously. 
“A-Lan, you're going to become a dried peach if you keep crying,” Wei Wuxian groaned, unable to wipe the tears away with the bubbles covering his hands before crying out in apology at finally realising the patient child’s head covered in soap. 
Jin Rulan merely paused and stared at his oldest maternal uncle before bawling his eyes out once more, causing Wei Wuxian to cringe and shy away. 
“Stop crying,” Jiang Cheng grumbled as he continuously wipes the tears away with the pads of his un-soapy thumbs. 
“Will be home when you go back,” Jiang Cheng continued, but the sole heir refused to accept it. 
A smaller figure, whose hair was washed twice today, the second time with soap, scooted closer and raised a hand. Warm water dripped from his fingers, his pats sounding wet on Jin Rulan’s head. As though finding solace, Jin Rulan immediately latched onto Wen Yuan’s free arm. When Wen Yuan stopped patting his head, he’d pout, glare and retrieve the hand to pat his head again while sniffling. 
Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian: ‘ ...is Xianzi the dog or is A- Lan the dog?’  
They quickly cleaned the boys up and towel-dried them properly while Jin Rulan wasn’t crying. Jiang Cheng’s gaze had been constantly shifting onto Wen Yuan, but not once did he say a word, nor stop him from nearing his nephew. 
“Jiang Cheng,” Wei Wuxian called as he gently squeezed and patted Wen Yuan’s hair dry with the towel. 
“What?” Jiang Cheng didn’t bother turning his head, his attention now solely on fluffing Jin Rulan’s hair with the towel.  
“I got an idea.” 
“You didn’t even hear it.” 
“When did you have any good ideas? Saving Mianmian? Getting thrown into Burial Mounds? Choosing to stay in Burial Mounds? Telling—” Then, no more words came. Jiang Cheng closed his mouth and carefully pulled the yellow garment down and over Jin Rulan’s head.  
‘ Telling me we’ll be twin prides but breaking that promise. Leaving Yunmeng Sect when you had a home here, ’ was what he couldn’t say. Because he knew, he knew . The public and the other sects would never accept Yunmeng Sect if Wei Wuxian were to stay, for demonic cultivation was exactly that—demonic. It was something righteous, heavenly cultivators do not dabble in, and this was the only way to protect them, to protect Yunmeng. 
Wei Wuxian glanced at the now silent Jiang Cheng and dropped it back to the string of Wen Yuan’s white inner robe he was tying. With a small knowing smile, he too stayed silent. There were shuffling sounds beside him but Wei Wuxian wholeheartedly focused on Wen Yuan and the warmth in his heart. All those things Jiang Cheng listed? All he heard was worry and care in that biting tone.  
Wen Yuan looked up at Wei Wuxian with a questioning gaze. He was unaware of a cold glare watching him from the side, of the hundreds of thoughts running through the young man’s mind. He only wondered of the reason why Wei Wuxian had kept silent and not retort like he normally would; of why there was a despairing glaze in his usually bright eyes. 
Wei Wuxian sighed and picked up Wen Yuan’s robe hanging on the rack— 
—when, a calloused hand, hardened from the many hours of sword training and bearing a ring he knew all too well, stopped Wei Wuxian from putting the oversized robe on Wen Yuan. The other hand came into view. Wei Wuxian stared at the child-sized purple robe that was a distinctive characteristic of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect. Shaky fingers caressed the robe, the material warm and soft under the fingertips and pride swelled up within Wei Wuxian. Yes, this was Yunmeng Jiang’s colour, its symbol; this was his pride, his home . He instinctively blinked his eyes repeatedly, the long lashes fluttering in the steam. He quietly released the robe and tilted his head back, feeling the pooling tears seep back into his eyes, the emotions drowning in his gaze. There had been a time he donned this proudly too. 
“What? Don’t want to let him wear it? The Wens are already gone,” Jiang Cheng reminded coldly when he saw Wei Wuxian not moving. Was he reminding Wei Wuxian or himself? 
With a bitter smile, Wei Wuxian cocked his face to the side to face the scowling young man. “Would it kill you to have more patience?” 
“Just say it if you don’t want it!” Jiang Cheng seethed. 
But before he could pull his hand back, Wei Wuxian had already swiftly removed the garment from his grasp and grinned cheekily at him. “You can’t take back what you give. Just don’t come crying cause a Wen is wearing the Jiang’s robe.” 
Jiang Cheng simply tutted and combed the-suddenly-obedient Jin Rulan’s hair. “The Wens are gone.” 
“Well? Do you want to hear the idea or not?” Wei Wuxian deflected the statement as his hands skilfully tied Wen Yuan’s hair into a half-updo after pulling Yunmeng’s robe around him.  
Jiang Cheng flicked his gaze sideways in a bored manner, his fingers threading through Jin Rulan’s hair to tie it up as well. “What is it?” 
Wei Wuxian’s grin widened and a giggled escaped his lips. He may not stand the real thing, but this… this he could do. “Hehe. I'll show you.” 
 .❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 
 “Aren’t I pretty good?” 
“Yeah—” Wei Wuxian started to beam at Jiang Cheng’s compliment of his intelligence. “—pretty good at disgusting me.” 
Wei Wuxian’s face fell into a pout. He stood up from his prior posture of crouching on the floor with his arms in front and between his legs; exactly like a dog ordered to sit. With a harrumph, he ignored Jiang Cheng’s judgmental scowl and bent down to come face to face with Jin Rulan on eye level. A pair of snow-white dog ears sat atop his head, the pointy ears held together with a needle and thread, and a thin, white string tied up and over Wei Wuxian’s chin kept it on. Scraps of cloth and cotton laid by his side, a pair of scissors and string on the pile. 
When Wei Wuxian turned around, Jiang Cheng’s scowl faltered. ‘Dog ears… I want them too. Really, really want them too,’ he mentally sobbed but he had to maintain his image and pride as a sect leader for he was no longer a child.  
“A-Lan, A-Lan,” Wei Wuxian continued sitting like a dog before his nephew. His eyes were bright with the sense of playfulness, dog-like whines sounding from the back of his throat, and he leaned forward, rubbing the tip of his nose with Jin Rulan’s. 
“Doggy!” Jin Rulan happily cheered. Excited fingers patted Wei Wuxian’s head, his desire for his puppy Xianzi already pushed to the back of his mind. Wen Yuan, cladded in the purple robe of Yunmeng, sat to his side with eyes full of fascination. With a straight back and bright eyes, the child released an intelligent, noble and kind aura so unlike the ‘commoners’ feeling from before. 
“Arf! Arf!” Wei Wuxian mimicked. Jin Rulan squealed and hugged Wei Wuxian by the neck, rubbing his face in the crook of his shoulder. With a victorious grin and an eye roll at his brother, he asked proudly, “Is this a good idea or not?” 
“All I see is that you have too much time on your hands,” Jiang Cheng scoffed while folding his arms over his chest.  
“Up to you then,” Wei Wuxian shrugged and grabbed another old pillow, his fingers deftly making another pair of snow-white dog ears connected by the same white string. “Here.” 
“What’s it for?” Jiang Cheng stared at the second pair of dog ears.  
“Yours! I'm giving it to you, of course!” Wei Wuxian impatiently waved his hand, causing the white string to sway. 
But it looked like the alluring beckoning of a siren’s temptation to the sect leader instead. 
“You keep standing there and staring. All I see is that you have too much time on your hands,” Wei Wuxian repeated Jiang Cheng’s words from before with a roll of his eyes. 
“You!” Said sect leader was immediately incensed.  
Wei Wuxian closed an eye and dully regarded his brother, lazily waving the dog ears in his hand again. “Do you want it or not? I'm not going to ask—”  
Jiang Cheng swiped the dog ears away.  
Wei Wuxian nonchalantly shrugged. “If you wanted it, just take it next time.” 
Jiang Cheng merely responded with a scoff as he tied the dog ears tight on his head. Soft cotton teased his calloused fingertips, the pleasurable sensation tickling his senses. ‘ Oh my god. They’re so soft!’  
A tug on Wei Wuxian’s sleeve. “Yes, A-Yuan?” 
“Can Rulan-didi and A-Yuan get one too?” Wen Yuan politely asked.  
“Of course! I was already going to make them for you.” 
Very soon, the four of them had a pair of white dog ears atop their heads, with both Wen Yuan and Jin Rulan sporting also an equally coloured dog tail hanging off their tailbones with the same whits thread. Behind the closed doors and away from prying eyes, the disciples of Yunmeng would have never imagined their grouchy, stern and temperamental sect leader would be rolling on the floor with his brother, wrestling with him like a pair of playful dogs trying to assert their dominance. To the side, the baby and child pair were happily barking and circling each other like newly acquainted puppies meeting in a park.  
 .❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 
 “Hahaha! I can’t believe you agreed!” 
“Shut up! It’s all because of you!” 
“Hahahaha! And you fell for it!” 
A muscled hand adorned with only a single purple ring shot forward, the five fingers curled menacingly into a claw. Its target easily spun on his heel and avoided the grab, the accompanying laughter annoying to Jiang Cheng’s ears. Jiang Cheng heavily planted a foot onto the wooden flooring of the pier, his calves bursting with strength as he abruptly changed directions and lunged for the grinning young man.  
“Aiya, why are you so angry. Jiang Cheng?” 
The sect leader couldn’t find the words to properly unleash his fury, only managing to roar out Wei Wuxian’s name when his lunge failed to connect to the nimble young man. “Stop running!” 
“And let you hit me? No way!” Wei Wuxian laughed while he leapt forward, causing a confused Jiang Cheng to step back reflexively. With the same shit-eating grin, Wei Wuxian slapped Jiang Cheng on the shoulder in the blink of an eye, and immediately broke into a run. 
“Wei Wuxian!!” 
Further behind…  
Wen Yuan held tighter onto the small hand in his. The baby’s steps were unsteady, occasionally wobbly but Jin Rulan stubbornly continued on. He shook his head, the pair of cotton dog ears shifting slightly with his actions. 
“Slowly,” Wen Yuan reminded as he readjusted the dog ears on Jin Rulan’s head and tightened the white string. 
“Mm!” Jin Rulan nodded earnestly, but the dog ears slid again. 
Wen Yuan sighed and lamented on how soft and smooth the baby’s hair was before untying the string and carefully, tightly tying it into a perfect little bow. “Not too tight? Not painful?” 
Jin Rulan moved to shake his head when he paused. Instead, he simply said, “No pain.” 
“That’s good,” Wen Yuan smiled.  
Jin Rulan stretched his arms out. “Yuan-gege.” 
Wen Yuan hummed in confusion and crouched down. Did the baby want a piggyback? 
Jin Rulan shook his head, stumbling around the older child and planted his chubby hands on Wen Yuan’s head. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“Ears not straight,” Jin Rulan whined, his voice high and childish. He very carefully, very seriously, straightened out the ears.  
Wen Yuan stayed still, observing the wood grains of the pier by his feet as he focused on Jin Rulan’s unhappy huffs and thoughtful hums while he tried to straighten the dog ears. Then slowly, his smile was beginning to twitch, faltering at how long it was actually taking the baby to finish. His legs were aching, his muscles were trembling, and his blood was starting to not flow between his limbs. Yet, he held on, smiling despite the pain when he heard—felt—Jin Rulan’s earnest efforts. 
The humid breeze blew, a chill on their bodies. 
“Are you cold?” Wen Yuan asked when the shudders ran on his skin. He tilted his head back when Jin Rulan stepped back, his clumsy fingers now running across the white string below his chin.  
“Not cold.” Jin Rulan giggled when Wen Yuan brought his hands up and placed it over the younger boy’s because he couldn’t figure out how to tie it. Gentle fingers carefully held each end of the white bow, and he felt the small hands perfectly covered in his palms also reach out to mimic his actions. 
Wen Yuan’s lips curled into an amused smile. With a slight strength, he tugged at both ends of the bow and Jin Rulan promptly followed; together, they tightened it.  
“Mm! Yuan-gege, done!” 
“Yeah!” Wen Yuan laughed when Jin Rulan flushed with pride. “Thank you, Rulan-didi.” 
Jin Rulan stood straighter at the praise. 
They then continued bumbling towards the still bickering and fighting duo at the end of the empty pier.  
“Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng. Look.” 
Jiang Cheng’s arm was wrapped around Wei Wuxian’s neck, locking the young man in a chokehold. Automatically at Wei Wuxian’s prompting, Jiang Cheng turned to glance at the direction he was pointing at; a temporary pause in their fight. His scowl dropped at the sight of the children supporting each other while they made their way over.  
“Finally,” he scoffed, though a smile played off his lips. 
“Yeah,” Wei Wuxian echoed. 
They had already noticed when the children fell back at the first instance, but instead of walking over, they chose to watch and covertly stay alert—and of course, to determine the winner between each other. Wei Wuxian ducked and slipped out of Jiang Cheng’s loosening chokehold when the boys were within arm’s reach and the sect leader let his arms drop.  
Wei Wuxian dropped onto all fours, shook his butt so that the tail swayed side to side, and playfully rubbed his nose against Jin Rulan’s pink nose. “Arf!” 
With a giggle, Jin Rulan released his hold on Wen Yuan’s arm and mimicked his oldest uncle. “Arf!” It was higher pitched, sounding more like a yip than a bark. 
Jiang Cheng groaned and covered his eyes with a palm. Hearing that, Wei Wuxian grinned and asked, “Get on your hands and knees, Jiang Cheng.” 
“It was a deal.” 
“It was a trick!”  
“That you still lost.” 
“But —!” 
Jiang Cheng pursed his lips and stared hard at his baby nephew crouching before him with Wen Yuan by his side, his eye twitching at the glistening sheen in Jin Rulan’s doe-like eyes. Jin Rulan tugged at Wen Yuan’s sleeve, making the older boy sit like a puppy waiting for food, and they simultaneously turned towards Jiang Cheng with similar expressions.  
“Not the puppy pout.” 
“Please,” Jin Rulan whined, leaning forward to pitifully tugging at the hem of the purple robes. Wen Yuan chose to stay in his position with his large, clear eyes blinking woefully at the sect leader.  
The uncle-nephew pair had a long stare-down. The breeze blew in anticipation. Jiang Cheng glanced at Wen Yuan, twitched and turned back to Jin Rulan. 
Jin Rulan’s eyes, so soft and gentle, blinked once very slowly. His pink lips were jutted out in high hopes, before they slowly curved downwards and the very pair of eyes widened bit by bit, filling up with waves of unshed tears. 
Jin Rulan wiped the pearls of tears hanging at the corner of his eyes, staring at the sight before him in amazement. “Wah,” he lightly gasped in awe and immediately dropped to all fours. With a giggle, he raised his head, rubbing his cheek against his uncle’s shoulder—who was crouched down like a dog as well. 
Blushing roses painted the proud man’s face. He dropped his head to return his nephew’s ministration and softly bumped their noses together. He prayed, prayed and prayed and prayed so hard that there would be no one around to view Yunmeng’s sect leader like this (and never ever find out his weaknesses). The pier was already empty but it might not stay that way! 
Why would he ever say no to his baby nephew? Or dogs for that matter—even if it wasn't real! 
Wei Wuxian laughed in utter glee at the sight. He crouched down, an arm resting on his knee, and then tapped Wen Yuan’s nose with a finger. “How do you feel?” 
“Happy,” Wen Yuan smiled, his lips curving wider when Wei Wuxian patted his head, careful to not mess up the dog ears. Happy to have a friend the same age as him. Happy to spend time together laughing like this.  
‘Happy to see Xian- ge this happy too,’ Wen Yuan added.  
“I'm glad to hear that.” Wei Wuxian turned to sit by the edge of the pier and called out to Jiang Cheng and Jin Rulan softly cuddling each other. “Come. The wind’s nice,” he patted the space next to him. 
Jin Rulan’s face lit up and had rushed over. A stumble near the edge. A fall in extreme slow motion. Jiang Cheng’s, Wei Wuxian’s and Wen Yuan’s eyes widened. Their faces paled.  
Screams pierced the sky, scaring a few sparrows that had been perched in the willow leaves nearby. A long arm in a purple sleeve stretched out, his fingers catching onto one of Jin Rulan’s arm while a smaller hand caught onto the flowing hems. Jin Rulan blinked and “ah”-ed, feeling that the large hand on his back was steady and strong, supporting him from actually falling over the pier. 
“Don’t run like that. You'll hurt yourself,” Wei Wuxian chided as he carefully shifted his hand that was supporting his nephew on his back to bring him onto his lap once Jiang Cheng and Wen Yuan released their holds. 
“Sit! Da!” Jin Rulan happily bounced on Wei Wuxian’s lap with his arms spread wide open towards the lotus-filled sight. 
“You want to sit with your Dajiu?” Wei Wuxian deduced, holding his nephew’s two hands with his own and waved them in the air. “You love Dajiu that much? Hehe, Dajiu is the best, right?” 
“As if!” Jiang Cheng scoffed, taking the space next to Wei Wuxian. He glanced back and cocked a brow at the lonely boy clutching at his robes. “Come.” 
Wen Yuan hesitated. 
“Are you afraid of me?” 
“No, sect leader—” 
“Sect leader really makes me sound so old. I'm not even 30 yet!” 
“But A-Yuan cannot disrespect the sect leader, so—” 
“Sounds too old.” 
“Jiang Cheng, you’re being too harsh on him.” Wei Wuxian interjected. “If calling you a ‘sect leader’ is old, why not ‘uncle’ then?” 
Wen Yuan pursed his lips and lowered his head until his chin pressed against his chest. ‘Please don’t be angry, please don’t be angry… Qing-jiejie will be disappointed in A-Yuan.’ 
“Uncle!? Doesn’t he call you ‘Xian-ge’!” Jiang Cheng protested and then snarled, “Why call you an ‘older brother’ but me an ‘uncle’!” He turned a fierce look onto Wen Yuan. “Call me Cheng-ge!” 
“That is not a title befitting a—” 
“—sect leader, yes. But this sect leader is ordering now to not call me a sect leader! I'm not even older than you! I'm younger!” Jiang Cheng cut Wei Wuxian off with an unhappy scowl. 
“Yeah, like six days.” 
“Still younger,” Jiang Cheng crossed his arms and turned his attention back onto the silent Wen child. Releasing the frustration with a long exhale, he tried to gently call out: “… A-Yuan.” 
Hearing the young sect leader calling him like that startled the young boy. He quickly looked up. “A-Yuan is listening.” 
“And? Call me Cheng-ge.” 
Wen Yuan ducked his head again. “Sect leader, A-Yuan doesn't think…” Catching the merciless glare, he quickly assented. “C-Cheng-ge.” 
“Now, come here.” 
Wen Yuan stepped into his arm’s reach. Not once did he lift his head again. 
“Am I really that scary?” 
At Jiang Cheng’s sigh, Wen Yuan instantly looked up and tried to explain. “No, no. Cheng-ge isn’t scary! Not anymore!” Jiang Cheng’s expression darkened and Wen Yuan hurriedly backpedalled. “A-Yuan, A-Yuan just didn’t want to make C-Cheng-ge angry again! …A-Yuan knows he is not welcomed.”  
A hand was stretched out towards him, the silver ring shining under the sunlight. Wen Yuan blinked and caught Jiang Cheng’s noncommittal gaze. Wei Wuxian and Jin Rulan watched expectantly. 
Jiang Cheng’s fingers curled and uncurled at the tips a couple of times; a motion for Wen Yuan to come. The child was wary of the palm, his gaze instinctively shifting towards Wei Wuxian as if to ask if it was a good idea, if it was safe, if he should . 
“Why’re you looking at him for?” Jiang Cheng couldn’t help but snarl, feeling the shame and embarrassment colour his cheeks. “I'm not going to bite! Don’t tell me you’re just going to stand there and not sit with us? Or did you want to sit by yourself?” 
‘ Didn’t you hate me? ’ Wen Yuan flinched at the biting tone of the older man. 
“Jiang Cheng—” Wei Wuxian began, feeling uneasy at how harsh Jiang Cheng still was while talking to Wen Yuan. 
“I’m too harsh, yeah, yeah.” Jiang Cheng scoffed and rolled his eyes, but his hand remained afloat in mid-air. “I'm not letting a child sit at the edge of the pier by himself,” he then snapped. 
‘It’s dangerous,’ he thought with a piercing glare. He wasn’t sure if Wen Yuan could swim if he did accidentally fall, and even if he could —that still shouldn’t be happening on his watch! 
Jiang Cheng’s head turned back towards the stammering Wen Yuan who spoke up. 
“If… Cheng-ge doesn’t mind? A-Yuan will be happy.” 
The snipe of his words was stuck at the tip of his tongue when he took notice of the hopeful flick of Wen Yuan’s gaze, that his perception of the child was inherently important to him. In the end, he swallowed the words he had wanted to say and settled with: “Tch. Just come here.” 
Beamingly, Wen Yuan walked over to Jiang Cheng who spread his thighs open wider and carefully sat the child in between, moving so that the cotton tail was nicely positioned to the side. He wound an arm around Wen Yuan’s middle, holding him secure in his embrace as their legs dangled off the edge. A calm breeze blew.  
Jiang Cheng glanced down at the child in his arms, an odd feeling arising. He could see the carefree smile curved upon his face, the warmth of someone so small— so innocent —was somehow calming on his nerves. That thought struck him odd... because he only ever felt like this with... 
Jiang Cheng shifted his gaze towards Jin Rulan, coincidentally catching the baby’s own questioning gaze. It felt... It felt exactly like when he was holding his nephew. But this was a son from the family of murderers. 
‘ They... they...’  
Jiang Cheng startled at Wen Yuan’s soft voice, who had looked up when he felt the man’s arms tightened. He blinked at the clear eyes staring up at him, the sun’s rays reflecting off them and he relaxed his muscles. Harmless; Wen Yuan was harmless.  
“Eh...” Wen Yuan softly exclaimed when he saw the sudden lift of the sect leader’s lips, the smile a sight he never saw before. 
Jiang Cheng patted his head and then hugged Wen Yuan tighter, motioning with his chin to look to the front when a stronger breeze blew. It felt like he was holding onto a small sun, warm and soothing, and just at this moment, he couldn’t help but think to himself: ‘ I’m sorry, A-Yuan. You are a good boy. I... just was not strong enough like you.’  
Fully grown lotus flowers swayed. Petals were dancing in the air following the wind’s masterful orchestration, dotting the blue sky and murky waters with pastel star-like colours of white, pink and yellow.  
“Jiujiu!” Jin Rulan suddenly exclaimed as he leaned over to Jiang Cheng. In his hand was a purple lotus petal slightly brown at the tip, having gotten plucked from its bloom by the wind and blown over. 
Jiang Cheng’s eyes that were half-lidded in regret widened in surprise. He gently took the lotus petal with a small sound of thanks. He lightly rubbed the petal between his thumb and forefinger; it was extremely soft. “Call ‘Jiujiu’ again! Or Erjiu!” 
“Erjiu!” Jin Rulan giggled and patted heavily on Jiang Cheng’s arm. He suddenly reached out to Wen Yuan. “Yuan-gege~” 
“It’s dangerous, Rulan-didi.” Wen Yuan gently set Jin Rulan’s hands back on his lap while Wei Wuxian shifted to sit comfortably after his nephew moved, but there was a smile on the child’s face. 
“A-Lan, call ‘Dajiu’ too!” 
Jin Rulan craned his head up, stretching his small chubby hands to touch Wei Wuxian’s face. “Da!” 
“Yes, yes! Dajiu!” 
“It’s ‘Da—jiu’,” Wei Wuxian pronounced each syllable slowly and carefully. 
“Da! Hehe.” 
“A-Lan,” Wei Wuxian whined. “How can you call Jiang Cheng and A-Yuan properly but not me?” 
“Da!” Jin Rulan suddenly kissed his palm and slapped it on Wei Wuxian’s cheek. 
The sulking Wei Wuxian immediately brightened. He gave his nephew a loud, wet kiss on the head. “I knew that A-Lan loved me more!” 
“Tch. He can’t even call you properly,” Jiang Cheng scoffed. 
“Erjiu!” Jin Rulan called out and slapped a kissed palm onto Jiang Cheng sleeve too. 
Pride coloured the young sect leader’s face as he smirked at the gloomy Wei Wuxian. It didn’t end there. 
Wen Yuan received a palm kiss on his cheek too, who with a giggle, Wen Yuan similarly returned the gesture. Wei Wuxian pouted and left it be. He believed Jin Rulan can properly call him next time! 
“Family!” Jin Rulan exclaimed, throwing his hands up into the air and one accidentally smacked Wei Wuxian square in the face. With a helpless laugh, Wei Wuxian rubbed his cheek and said nothing. 
Two adults, two children, all with snow-white dog ears and tails, then watched the lotus flowers softly danced amidst the elegant crystal sparkles glittering of the water. 
“Is… this your first time in Yunmeng, A-Yuan?” Jiang Cheng asked under his breath after a moment of silence.  
“Hmm?” Wen Yuan strained his head back to look at the sect leader. “It is, Cheng-ge.” 
The term easily rolled off his lips now, invoking a sense of joy in him. He never thought he’d be able to call a sect leader an older brother. He could understand calling Jiang Yanli an older sister, but a sect leader was different after all. And a sect leader that once hated him? Was he finally accepted? 
“A-Yuan really likes Yunmeng. There’s a lot of flowers.” Wen Yuan continued as he grinned at Jiang Cheng. “We don’t have a lot of flowers at where A-Yuan stays with Xian-ge. Xian-ge tried to plant lotus flowers but A-Yuan isn’t sure if they’re alive.” 
“I'm sure they are, okay? They’ll definitely grow!” Wei Wuxian protested weakly while Jin Rulan giggled. 
“You… tried planting them?” Jiang Cheng asked in a disbelieving murmur. 
Wei Wuxian pursed his lips and refocused his attention on his nephew. “Yeah, I did. It… just feels like Yunmeng you know. If I did.” 
‘ Closer to home, ’ he finished with a thought. 
The silence again fell over them. The warmth was comforting to the pair or children, lulling them into a slumbering state as their eyes began to droop. 
“Will you ever return?” Jiang Cheng suddenly asked softly. 
“… I don’t know,” Wei Wuxian replied in an equally quiet voice. 
“I'm sorry.” 
The silence came again, this time heavier. Wen Yuan opened his eyes when he felt a tickle in his nose. His nose twitched a couple of times, feeling uneasy at losing the sensation to sneeze. He glanced at Wei Wuxian and blinked the sleep away.  
“Xian-ge, why are you sad?” Wen Yuan softly asked as he rubbed his eyes with the heels of his palms. 
“Huh?” Wei Wuxian broke out of his reverie. He had been certain that the sadness was properly concealed, the pained thumps of his heart ignored. A smile was immediately plastered upon his face. “I'm not sad.” 
“Xian-ge…” Wen Yuan frowned, feeling that something wasn’t right. He glanced up at the young man holding him, noticing the incorporeal pressure turning heavy before looking back at Wei Wuxian. 
Seeing Wen Yuan’s questioning and confused gaze, Wei Wuxian swore in his heart. Was it good or bad that Wen Yuan somehow had the ability to discern the smallest things? He squeezed his interlaced fingers that were wrapped around a napping Jin Rulan and locked his gaze with Jiang Cheng’s. It was questioning, hoping, expecting—Wei Wuxian bit his bottom lip.  
The pressure tightened around Wei Wuxian, almost to the point of suffocation and his nerves slowly tangled up in the pit of his stomach. He took a deep breath in, the tense atmosphere harsh and unforgiving in his heart, and then the words tumbled out of his mouth like a desperate clutch at forgiveness. “I broke a promise to Jiang Cheng.”  
“It’s not good to break promises,” Wen Yuan’s frown deepened. 
Wei Wuxian’s smile turned bitter. “You sound exactly like a Lan disciple…” He sighed and shook his head. “I couldn’t keep the promise. I'm no longer part of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect.” 
“What promise was that? Must you be in the sect only it can be fulfilled?” Wen Yuan asked and then looked up at the sect leader of said sect. “Why isn’t Xian-ge part of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect anymore, Cheng-ge?” 
Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth and dropped his gaze, casting shadows over his eyes. Instead, Wei Wuxian lied without batting an eye, the black flute on his waist somehow feeling exceptionally heavy. “I quit the sect.” 
The real reason was something only Jiang Cheng and he would know, and he’d rather take on the hate than shoulder it with his brother-in-all-but-blood. Let this be his silent contribution to the sect.  
“I promised Jiang Cheng we will be the twin prides of Yunmeng. I cannot do that if I'm no longer part of the sect,” Wei Wuxian continued. 
“Rulan-didi and A-Yuan can keep that promise for you!” Wen Yuan suddenly exclaimed. “Oh, is Rulan-didi part of the sect? Can A-Yuan join? Then we can help keep the promise!” 
Jin Rulan’s mother and uncle were from the Yunmeng Jiang sect. Maybe he was a member too? Then Wen Yuan could join and always play with Jin Rulan, and keep the promise! 
Wei Wuxian stared. His mind processed the words before he burst out into laughter, the bumpy movements arousing Jin Rulan awake. Wen Yuan was already wearing the Yunmeng Jiang robe and personally, he did find it endearing to have his nephew wear the same. Who would know? They could be the twin prides of Yunmeng! 
Jiang Cheng scowled when he noticed Jin Rulan waking up, hiding the fact that despite having given the robe to Wen Yuan, it didn’t change the fact that he was— 
“He’s a Wen,” Jiang Cheng seethed through gritted teeth.  
“He’s a child ,” Wei Wuxian easily countered. 
Jiang Cheng held back from squeezing Wen Yuan, his muscles tense and straining against his will. “His family is—” 
“—gone,” Wei Wuxian interrupted with a tone of finality. 
They stared at each other.  
‘ He is from a family of murderers. ’  
‘ He is only a child. Their sins are not for him to bear.’  
“Who are your parents, A-Yuan?” Wei Wuxian asked after raising a hand to lightly pinch a sleepy and confused Jin Rulan’s cheeks. 
Wen Yuan shook his head, painfully aware of the suddenly heavy atmosphere. He felt as though anything he said would simply make it worse. “A-Yuan doesn’t know. Qing-jiejie said that they… died when I was born. If... it isn’t good for A-Yuan to join, then I won’t join.” 
Wei Wuxian glanced at Jiang Cheng once he said those words. Being dead when the child was born meant four years ago, and the death of the Yunmeng Patriarch and his Lady happened after that. A parent’s sin could—should—be taken by their child, but not an entire sect.  
Jiang Cheng remained quiet. 
Wen Yuan carefully and slowly lowered his body back to lie in Jiang Cheng’s embrace. ‘A-Yuan said something wrong again… ’ He mentally sighed.  
It fell silent once more. 
“That's always a thought.” 
“You’d actually allow it?” 
“It's only a thought .” 
 .❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 
 Light footsteps tapped against the wood. The humid breeze picked up the locks of her silky hair not tied into the braided buns and the hems of the thin coat wrapped around her slender shoulders. A graceful smile adorned her pink lips. 
Jiang Yanli stopped by the edge of the pier, feeling her heart grow tender soft and warm at the sight. In the setting sun painting the waters and white lotuses red and orange, two young men sat shoulder to shoulder. Jiang Cheng’s head comfortably rested against Wei Wuxian’s shoulder, who had his own head resting atop Wei Wuxian’s. Hours had passed since they left for the pier and they hadn’t return, so she thought to come and check. 
She giggled at the white dog ears peeking from under Wei Wuxian’s thick hair that was slipping out of the ponytail, and the pair of matching dog tails curled on the pier. Her slender fingers gripped at the shoulder of her coat and noiselessly slipped it off. With quiet steps, she stepped forward and draped the coat across Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng’s shoulders. It wrapped around them just right with no signs of falling.  
She suddenly paused mid-way in straightening her back. Her breath hitched in her throat and her heart was filled with a mix of emotions: despair, relief… warmth. Biting her bottom lip, she slowly retreated and blinked the pooling tears away after seeing the child in purple. Yes! The Qishan Wen Sect massacred her parents and burnt down Lotus Pier, but the past was the past, and Wen Yuan… really was innocent. Hatred would lead her and Jiang Cheng nowhere; anger just a catalyst for more destruction. 
A shadow loomed over her and a thin cotton coat suddenly draped over her head and shoulders. A familiar scent; a familiar presence. Strong, calloused hands turned her around and planted themselves upon her pink cheeks. The thumbs tenderly wiped the tears away as warm lips met with her forehead. She giggled under her breath, the beads of tears sparkling on her eyelashes. Jiang Yanli held onto the coat covering her with a thumb when her head tilted up, gladly meeting the inviting lips with hers. Warmth travelled from the tall man’s shy kiss and the love suddenly burst in her heart. Stepping closer, Jiang Yanli held the coat higher with a hand, allowing it to dance with the breeze as her free one snaked around her husband’s neck, pulling the stiffening man deeper into the kiss. With a gentle nibble on his bottom lip, she lightly sucked on his tongue, massaged it with hers one last time before cheekily pulling back. 
She came face-to-face with an entirely red-faced Jin Zixuan. From the skin peeking out from his collar and to his ears and forehead, his blood boiled from shyness and embarrassment, but his gaze was adoringly tender and gentle while he stared into his wife’s eyes. 
“How was today?” Jin Zixuan asked softly while adjusting the coat to properly cover her shoulders before making their way back home. 
Jiang Yanli held his hand and smiled. “It went really well.” She hummed in surprise when the hand she held slipped out of her grasp, only to giggle when her husband’s blush deepened from snaking the arm around her waist. She stepped closer and teased. “How was staying cooped up in my room?” 
 Contrary to her expectations, Jin Zixuan smirked and leaned down to whisper in her ear. The warmth of his skin and his breath caused her cheeks to blush like red roses in full bloom, and he couldn’t help but plant a wet kiss at seeing her adorable expression. She playfully slapped his shoulder and huffed. 
Jin Zixuan laughed heartily, pulling his wife flush against his side. “I wasn’t wrong, was I?” 
Jiang Yanli chuckled and rested her cheek on his shoulder. “We should get A-Cheng to babysit A-Lan more often.” 
“Of course, he should. I want more alone time with my beautiful wife,” Jin Zixuan said proudly as they crossed the threshold into the home. 
“What happened to my shy, blushing husband? Your compliments are flowing today,” Jiang Yanli glanced at him from under her lashes.  
At hearing her calling him ‘husband’, love and warmth would always permeate through his entire being and soul, and this moment was no exception. His confidence cracked as the red blush reappeared upon his skin. “What? I can’t compliment my wife?” he snapped unhappily and averted his gaze, though he was giddy inside. 
Being married for two years really did wonders on him. He wouldn’t exchange it for anything; these years were the best years of his life. And he was still learning; learning how to love, learning how to express himself, and learning to treat her right. 
Jiang Yanli simply giggled and tugged at his collar. Jin Zixuan turned back, complying with her actions when his eyes shot open. His blush could only deepen again when Jiang Yanli kissed him—in front of all the Yunmeng disciples. Though it was brief, he swore his soul ascended to heaven. 
“W-W-What’d you do that for!” 
“Hehe. Come on, there’s still dinner.” 
With a grumble, Jin Zixuan replied while lowering his head when he noticed all the pretending-to-be-blind disciples, “I'll help you.” 
 .❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 
 “What do you mean I'll never find a wife?” 
“Tch. Of course, you won’t.” 
“Hmph. I think you're talking about yourself. How can we even find a lady that’s—” 
“Sh-shut it!” 
“Tall, soft-spoken—” 
“Shut up, Wei Wuxian!” 
Wen Yuan easily ignored the bickering around him and picked some scrambled eggs for Jin Rulan to eat. Jiang Yanli smiled and watched her son eat independently, unperturbed by the porridge smudged all over his mouth; she could always clean after. 
“You’re the Yiling Patriarch. What girl would marry you?” Jiang Cheng shot but his chopsticks picked up the braised pork ribs near to him and placed it in Wei Wuxian’s rice bowl. 
“Maybe I won’t marry a girl then!” Wei Wuxian righteously said while picking the boiled vegetables and putting it in Jiang Cheng’s own rice bowl.  
Their bickering lasted a long time. As usual.  
Meanwhile, in Jiang Yanli’s room… 
Jin Zixuan sulkily stabbed at his rice with his chopsticks and chomped down on it. Smaller dishes of what was being served his wife and company was on the tray before him.  
He was eating alone. But he wanted to eat his wife’s cooking with his wife, damn it! 
 .❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 
 When dinner was finished, Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng offered to look after the boys when Jiang Yanli excused herself. The four of them were now in Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng’s old bedroom, and the boys were already dozing off as they laid on the floor. Pillows, not the ones sacrificed for their dog ears and tails, were placed on the ground to support Wen Yuan and Jin Rulan’s heads. Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng watched over them in silence, but even they started feeling drowsy in the comfortable atmosphere and full stomachs.  
Darkness consumed them. The moon hung high in the sky. 
A shadow appeared in the dark and it drew closer and closer. Its silhouette was blurry in the haze but there was a smile on the angular jaw. He was tall, the black robes blending with the darkness. The silhouette stepped closer; inky black hair and a handsome face. A hand reached out and Wei Wuxian mirrored his action. 
His arms encircled the figure, feeling a toughness under his touch. There were warmth and a familiar scent—a scent not his father’s!  
Wei Wuxian’s eyes snapped open and he stared wide-eyed at an awkward Jin Zixuan. They were the closest they’ve ever been in their life, so close that Wei Wuxian could see the thick eyelashes of his brother-in-law trembling from his darting gaze. Jin Zixuan had one hand patting Wei Wuxian’s head, as a father would comfortingly to his son. Feeling his arms wrapped around something, Wei Wuxian looked down and scrambled away in panic. His face paled and his mind went blank.  
“W-Why!” Wei Wuxian hissed in a whisper as he heavily breathed against the wall, afraid of waking up his nephew. 
“How would I know?” Jin Zixuan snapped back equally soft and willed the blush to go away. If he knew his brother-in-law hugged in his sleep, he wouldn’t have gone to pick his son up!  
‘Jin Rulan just had to sleep next to Wei Wuxian,’ he lamented. 
He had seen Wei Wuxian’s pained expression while asleep when he bent down to pick up Jin Rulan. He blamed it on the newly acquired fatherly instincts, but he had lifted a hand and softly patted Wei Wuxian’s head. Who knew the young man would cry out “Dad” and hug him!? 
 Hearing Jin Zixuan’s explanation, Wei Wuxian grimaced and apologised. He continued to stay far away from the other man, memories of nearly killing him when he lost control of Wen Ning resurfacing in his mind. He had no face and no confidence to look at Jin Zixuan, otherwise, why would he visit once he heard he was away? 
Seeing the downcast expression, Jin Zixuan glanced at the still sleeping Jiang Cheng and Jin Rulan, and whispered to Wei Wuxian, “I don’t hate you; you know?” 
“Huh?” Wei Wuxian glanced up. 
But Jin Zixuan was focused on his son’s adorable sleeping face. Rather than repeating himself or explaining himself, he said, “You can visit.” 
Wei Wuxian’s confused gaze bore into Jin Zixuan’s resolute ones. “What?” 
“You can visit.” 
“…A-Lan. At home.” Jin Zixuan wondered if this young man before him was really as smart as he ought to be. 
“But I…” Wei Wuxian’s words died in his throat. “You hate me.” 
“I don’t.” 
“The sect does.” 
“Are you pretending to be an idiot? You can easily get in and out of Carp tower anyway! So, you can visit A-Lan whenever you want without the sect knowing! Hmph!” Jin Zixuan harrumphed and stood up. He left the bedroom without even a glance back.  
Wei Wuxian sighed and glanced at the fully awake Jiang Cheng, who was staring at him with a flat look with his head propped up on an elbow; Wen Yuan was happily asleep before him, a blanket was drawn up to his chin. Seeing the smile slowly curve on Wei Wuxian’s face, Jiang Cheng flatly said, “No chance.” 
“Why not?” 
“I'm not going to invite you to come home,” Jiang Cheng snarled before dropping his head back onto the pillow and closed his eyes. “But when you come, make sure to bring A-Yuan with you too.” He kept his eyes closed as if he hadn’t uttered a word; as if he hadn’t just invited them back.  
With a chuckle, Wei Wuxian crawled back to his pillow and laid down. His gaze would flicker from the door to Jiang Cheng and Wen Yuan. 
‘Yeah, I'm home. ’ 
 .❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 
 “Hopefully we wouldn’t have to resort to rumours again to get him to visit,” Jin Zixuan scoffed, grumbling under his breath, as he removed his outer robes while in Jiang Yanli’s private room. 
“A-Xian wouldn’t visit if he knew you were here.” 
But it had managed to work out in the end, and Jin Zixuan could (hopefully) settle things between Wei Wuxian and him. He wanted to see the young man sneak into Carp Tower and surprise his son one day—or not. Jin Rulan might learn some bad habits. 
Shrugging his shoulders, he pulled Jiang Yanli who was properly putting his robe away close to him. This time, it was she that flushed in the endearing, delicious red. She could feel his hard muscles under the thin inner layer brimming with strength. Every bumps and dips under her fingertips, she could see them in her mind. 
“Should we give A-Lan a younger sibling?” He kissed her neck at the spot slightly lower than the back of her ear, grinning at the pleasurable shudders racking her body like he knew it would. 
Without first replying to his question, she smiled and pulled her man down for a kiss. “Sure.” 
 .❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 
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fandomboy15 · 7 years ago
Shiro and Keith are parallels of Aang and Katara
I’ve never done anything like this before but this popped in my head and thought it would be fun to write. Okay so for a long time now we’ve seen people comment on their ships and how they parallel other shows, the most common that i’ve seen is The Legend of Korra. However Voltron creators Joaquim Dos Santos and Lauren Montgomery also worked on Avatar the Last Airbender, with JDS joining in season 2 and LM in season 3. After seeing screenshots and watching season 7 episode 1 it made me think as a whole how the relationship of Shiro and Keith parallels close to that of Aang and Katara. This is just my own idea and people can disagree if they want to but this is my own personal interpretation. Also would like to add that people can ship whatever ship they want as all ships are valid in fanon, and again this is my own idea of what could happen in canon. So let’s start by analysing Aang and Kataras relationship and how it then parallels Shiros and Keiths. 
1) The brother complex: One of the biggest things people use to discredit Sheith is the use of the brother line. People often use this to call Sheith an incestuous ship and that it means nothing else. I feel like i have to say that it’s obvious that they’re not actually brothers due to multiple reasons, such as season 7 episode 1 showed them meeting for the first time as well as confirmation that Shiro never knew Keiths dad and Krolia upon meeting Shiro never referred to him as her son. Instead the brother line in my opinion is more used to confirm either one of two things. One tumblr blog called ‘Arahir’ mentioned that Keith uses the brother line as a way to ignore his feelings as he saw Shiros relationship with Adam and didn’t want to get in the way of Shiros happiness. Or alternatively the brother line is more Keith mistaking his own feelings as in season 6 episode 5 he also says I Love You, confirming that Keith does love Shiro which shows how deeply they’re connected. 
In ATLA Katara once referred to Aang like a little brother and in another episode as a good friend. This automatically doesn't mean that these two characters are related or their friendship discredits them ever being in a relationship, its shows that their is a bond between them with a mutual level of respect and care for one another. As well as the fact that feelings develop and change over time as Katara learned to stop viewing Aang as a brother and started to develop real feelings for him which eventually them to be in a relationship at the end of the series. This is what I see happening with Sheith which I will go into more detail later that it is a slow build, it’s not going to happen until the end as their feelings are still developing and growing in that Shiro and Keith are learning to realise their true feelings for one another go deeper than that of a friendship. 
2) The Mentor / mentee relationship
In ATLA we can see this with Aang and Katara. When these two first met Katara was fascinated by Aang and the fact that he could help her learn Waterbending. Katara soon becomes a master and eventually becomes Aangs Waterbending master to help him reach his full potential as the Avatar. 
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This can be seen with Keith and Shiro, as Shiro became Keiths mentor and helped him get into the Galaxy Garrison as Shiro believes that Keith has a lot of potential and wants to help him reach it. In both of these ships I feel like it signifies the the mutual level of wanting to help one another and support and lift each other up to do the best they can, which we know was a problem that Shiro had in his relationship with Adam. (also I feel bad but i’m not trying to hate on Adam at all but based on what the creators of the show said and what happened in the episode with him it does portray him in not the best light but I think he’ll be an interesting character to know). 
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Also would like to add in this part the age difference. With the introduction of Adam it makes sense that Shiro would not have had feelings for Keith pre-series for a couple reasons. Number one is that it would be pedophila which is not okay at all and also is something that people use to discredit them since its not true nothing romantic happened between them before the series began. Number two is that Shiro and Adam before they broke up, which people are seeming to ignore, where in a loving relationship and Shiro doesn't seem like the kind of guy to be eyeing some-other guy, especially one that is about seven years younger than him in the pre series. Also by the start of the series we know Keith is 18 and with the two years on the space whale and the fact that a year has passed since they’ve been in space it puts his age at 21 and Shiros age to 25-26 which is not that big of a difference and it further help show that they are two consenting adults. 
Also on another note to signify their closeness and support of one another is the parallels of dealing with responsibility and how the mentor helps the mentee. With Aang he never wanted to be the avatar he just wanted to be a normal kid, but Katara is the one who helps him realise the responsibility he needs to take on in order to save the world which she does by supporting him and eventually helping him master waterbending. This parallels Sheith as Keith had to deal with the responsibility of becoming the future leader of Voltron and it was Shiro who helped him realise his potential to be the leader that Voltron needed. 
3) You saved me: 
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“You Saved Me”
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“You saved me”
“We saved each other”
This is another parallel i found interesting is how both they are saving one another. The first image was Aang realising Katara saved his life after he was shot by Azula, and the second image was Shiro grateful for Keith rescuing him. That ones interesting since it was more Allura saving Shiro by being a magical USB haha, but it shows that Shiro thought more of Keith saving him. Also it was so cute how Keith never once let go of Shiros pod because he could never leave him. 
Also holding the other in their arms there was a parallel for this as well. 
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Katara holding Aang after she revives him.
Keith holding Shiro after he wakes up. 
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Not even reaching they are literally holding each other the exact same way, if that ain’t a parallel then I don’t know what is. One cradling the other in their arms after being hurt really bad. 
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“You’re Okay”
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“You Found Me” 
Fuck my heart hurts i love them all so much. We stan two people holding each other and in love aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
4) Its a slow build relationship: With Aang and Katara their relationship was a slow build between them falling in love with each other. You can see how Aang obviously has a crush on Katara but it eventually turns into love and Katara slowly falling in love with Aang as the series progresses. They didn’t immediately become a couple even though they kissed three times before the end of the series they still needed to grow as characters and eventually fall in love. 
As for Voltron many of the cast and crew have also talked the show being a slow build. It’s the reason why characters like Lance haven’t had a pivotal arc yet because it takes time to properly set up these characters and how it affects the story. With Keith and Shiro their relationship has also been a slow build that I feel like with Kataang won’t happen until the very end of the series. But yeah this was kind of short but also I just feel like we need to be patient cause it yields focus, get it haha. So yeah just based on everything that has happened between these two I can just see it slowly growing more and more from friends to eventually boyfriends and then husbands cause if Shiro almost got engaged once so he’s gonna do it again. I feel like since Shiro and Adam broke up he probably needed the time to find himself and wheres a better place to do that in space, and eventually Shiro is slowly growing more and more in love with Keith, and as for Keith he also needed to find himself and I think him spending those two years with his mom really helped him grow and become the leader that Voltron needs him to be and now he can focus on other things... like Shiro. 
5) Other characters to ship them with:
It’s not really a secret that a part of the Voltron fandom has been about shipping and a lot of times it has turned toxic which is stupid because people should be allowed to ship whatever they want. This also happened in the avatar fandom with the ship war of Aang and Katara vs Zuko and Katara. This was a really big deal and there was a lot of people who shipped Zutara and were not happy when they didn’t end up together . 
In all honesty since I think that Sheith parallels Kataang then I believe that Klance parallels Zutara. Again I am not hating on Klance this is jut my opinion (it’s funny i act like people will actually read this) but with Klance and Zutara they are similar in that they're opposites you know the whole red/blue contrast, fire and water, ones cool headed and the others hot headed. To me thats how Klance is they started off not really fond of each other but they have had moments which has led to a friendship and trust between the two similar to that of Zuko and Katara. But also with Sheith like i’ve said in this whole post is that its slowly building up to a romantic relationship just like Aang and Katara and even JDS mentioned and its on the official Voltron twitter that Shiro will have a stronger relationship with Keith, i mean like seriously the only place that they're relationship could possibly be stronger is if they start dating, in my opinion thats the only way it can become stronger with them both admitting how much they love each other, but again I don’t think this will happen until the very end because once again its a slow burn and it takes time to build up even more. 
Also another parallel that I can imagine is comparing Shiro and Adam to to Katara and Jet. Obviously Shiro and Adams relationship was more serious than Jet and Katara, but I do see a parallel in their relationships. Katara wanted Jet because she thought he was this amazing person but of course his true intentions were shown and he tries to convince Katara that he is right and that her opinion is wrong. This is similar to Adam in that I don’t think he is a bad guy just that he doens’t truly have what Shiro wants at heart and I feel like when we meet him in season 7 it will be similar to when Jet returned in season 2 of ATLA where it was awkward but eventually they’ll make up but won’t get back not because Adam will die like Jet, but because Adam just isn’t the one and Shiro has found someone who truly supports and accepts every part of him, *cough Keith cough*. 
6) Earthly attachment: 
Okay so we in ATLA there was an arc for Aang where we could learn to control the avatar state. However in order to do so he would have had to let go of his love for Katara as she is what bounds him to the earth. However Aang is like nah fam i love her and then leaves. Eventually he gets his avatar state powers back but basically this shows how to Aang, Katara is his entire world. 
Now while there hasn’t been any spirity parallels between Sheith I can see the parallel of them being the one that ties the other to the earth. The first comes from Haggar in season 6 where she says that Keith and Shiros bond runs deeper than any of the other paladins showing how much they mean to one another and that literally their fucking connected on a spiritual level. The second example comes from another blog which you can find here: 
Basically they talk about how in season one when the paladins focus on their important memories, and in it Shiro doesn’t think of Adam because they broke up and Shiro doesn’t see him as being him home anymore, instead Shiro thinks  of the Kerberos mission and the rocket which is where he took Keith to say goodbye to him showing how Keith and his dreams of being in space is what is most important to Shiro.
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Also on Keith’s side we can see how important Shiro is to him back in season 2 i think when Keith was fighting the blade of mamora. in this episode we learn that Keiths greatest fear is Shiro leaving or abandoning him. I feel like this says that Keith can literally not live without Shiro as he is the only person in his life that he truly cares for and feels love for. 
Also speaking of spirit magic i do have a headcanon that something like this could happen, cause of how they said the white lion isn’t done with Shiro so what if Shiro tries to gain cool powers from the white lion but he’d have to let go of Keith but he can’t do that, my heart would burst but this is just a headcanon though I would love it if that were real. 
7) Flustering mess: I saw this and thought it was a funny parallel that i wanted to include. 
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Aang literally becoming a mess at the sight of Katara wearing a different necklace. 
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Shiros gay panic when Keith came back older and hotter. They are both actual messes when they see their baes looking good. 
So maybe this is a really interesting theory or maybe i’m just crazy. But honestly i loved making this I thought it was really fun to see the parallels between two of my favourite shows ever and two of my favourite couples ever. If people can think of anymore parallels then let me know. Also again please don’t hate me on this just wanted to share my own opinion of this and am not trying to invalidate any other ships as people can ship whatever they want. But yeah I just really love Sheith and pray to god everyday it becomes canon haha.
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writteninsunshine · 5 years ago
Teacher’s Pet - Saïx/Marluxia - SFW
Title: Teacher’s Pet Author: Donnie Fandom: Kingdom Hearts Setting: The World That Never Was Pairing: Saïx/Marluxia Characters: Saïx, Marluxia, Xemnas Genre: Romance Rating: T Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1003 Type of Work: One-Shot Status: Complete Warnings: Gay, Slash, Yaoi, MLM, Fluff, Marluxia is Sassy, Promotions, Headcanons, AU - Canon Divergent Disclaimer: I don’t own anything. Summary: Saïx didn’t often help those beneath him, but Marluxia was a special, deserving case, indeed. AN: Hey guys, it’s me again! Just thought I ought to say, if you want vague updates and to talk to me more, I have Twitter and Tumblr, too! Twitter is Sunshinecackle, and Tumblr is Writteninsunshine! I also have a writing Discord that is currently pretty dead. xD I can PM it to people who want it on FFN, for everyone else, it’s here: discord.gg/FyaWw25 Here we have some headcanon stuff and a gift to my husband, @punkocalypse! Some SaïMar stuff for him, and also a little bit of headcanon stuff for me. If you want to make headcanon fic requests, please go to my Tumblr or my writing Discord! I’m currently having fic requests like this open for now, because I’d like to do some more writing!
Kingdom Hearts Fic Masterlist Teacher’s Pet ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ “Well, aren’t you two close,” Marluxia commented, watching Saïx portal in, presumably from seeing the Superior, “I’ve been waiting to report for twenty minutes.”
“I apologize,” Saïx replied with a sigh, resuming his usual spot in front of the window and folding his hands in front of him. “It was an urgent matter that the Superior needed to discuss with me.” The pink-haired male rolled his eyes. Everything the Superior wanted was always urgent, even if it held varying levels of importance. The man could want someone to braid his hair and call Saïx away for ‘urgent business’ on a whim. If he were honest, Marluxia thought it was a rather large waste of time, because as frivolous as he could be, he didn’t take away the only person that accepted reports from the entire Organization. “What was it this time? His tea get cold?” Marluxia’s tone let Saïx know exactly how he felt about it, and the blue-haired man frowned, lips a firm line. “He needed to talk to me.” Came the deadpan tone of the Luna Diviner, “I cannot say much more than that.” “Naturally.” Marluxia sighed flippantly, absently peering at his curled fingers as if inspecting his nails. The gloves were still in the way, but the action did not go ignored. “If you ask me, he wants you to take care of everything for him. If he wants a surrogate leader so badly, why not ask me?” “Perhaps he does not ask you because you want it so badly.” Saïx offered with that same monotonous tone, though his words were good insight. The Superior did enjoy bothering people with jobs they didn’t want. If Marluxia kept pressing, he’d get nowhere. “And you didn’t?” “I proved loyal to him.” Saïx sighed a little, “Are you going to report or simply talk at me about this?” “I’m talking to you.” “Are you?” Marluxia hesitated. Perhaps he was more complaining in his general vicinity, but he had been kept waiting. Probably for something below him. Finally, he sighed, shifting his weight to his other foot and shrugging. “I am. And I’d like to report.” “Very well.” Saïx accepted the report easily enough, taking down mental notes about the numbers of Heartless in Wonderland. It was promising, certainly, but he wasn’t quite sure it would yield the results they wanted. He would have to take this to the Superior immediately. Pausing before making a portal, he looked Marluxia over as he seemed to wait for some kind of acknowledgment. Sighing, he nodded. “The Superior has a pet project that he wants to put Sora through.” “Oh?” “He calls it Castle Oblivion.” Saïx told him easily, “He plans to test Namine’s abilities with Sora there. I could suggest you for the position of Lord, if you like.” “I would like that very much.” Perking, Marluxia smiled, running a gloved hand against Saïx’s cheek. “Thank you.” “It should not be a problem.” Saïx replied with what could have been a hint of a smile, “I shall let him know as soon as I present your report to him.” “Of course.” Clapping definitively, he nodded and turned on his heels, “I have some things to tend to in the greenhouse. Let me know of his answer.” “I shall.” The two disappeared into their own portals, heading to handle their current objectives. Marluxia would be delighted in two days’ time when the project was officially announced and he was told he would be the Lord of Castle Oblivion. He knew, deep down, that he had Saïx to thank for that. The minute that he had Saïx alone, Marluxia tugged him close from behind. Resting his chin on the other’s shoulder, he kissed at his neck softly, relishing in the way the other melted into his arms. “What are you doing?” The question didn’t seem accusatory, and Marluxia punctuated his answer with another kiss to his pointed ear. “Thanking you.” Marluxia practically purred against his ear, “You did this for me, didn’t you?” “I did.” Saïx’s smile could be heard edging into his voice, and he leaned back into Marluxia’s strong chest. “You are welcome.” “I really, really appreciate it.” Marluxia nuzzled his neck, gently turning the other in his arms and kissing his lips softly. Saïx smiled against his lips, running a hand through those beautiful pink locks as he deepened the kiss, pulling him in close to lap into his mouth. Cupping Marluxia’s cheek with one hand to help him tilt his head just right, the blue-haired male gave a soft growl as he tugged at the other’s bottom lip with his teeth. “I know that you do.” Saïx replied against his lips, gently kissing the one he’d worried, “You are always so good at showing your appreciation.” “Of course… How better to show I love what you do for me than this?” Marluxia asked, hands on the other’s hips as he swayed a little, leaning down to kiss along his neck again. “So complimentary…” Saïx purred, closing his eyes gently as he ran his hands through the other’s hair again. Even through his gloves, he was certain that the pink locks were soft as all get out. Marluxia made his own shampoo and conditioner, and it was no secret that he was proud of it. “Do you have somewhere you need to be?” “Unfortunately.” Marluxia sighed against his skin, sucking at his Adam’s apple for good measure, “It would seem that I’m a little behind schedule. He wants me to go to the jungle to look into a new plant that might aid us at the Castle, and I’m afraid he wants me gone as soon as possible.” “Well,” Saïx began, “We can work with that, I’m sure. You can come to see me once your report is in.” “I’ll be there.” Marluxia winked, slowly backing up with one last kiss. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.” “Very good.” ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ AN: There we have it! Saïx is the one that landed Marluxia his promotion to Lord of Castle Oblivion! I sure hope you guys enjoyed this, I know I had fun writing it! Prompt: Headcanon
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megacircuit9universe · 6 years ago
Self Driving Economy?
This entry is gonna sound a bit out of place, but with the subject of AI having just been touched on at the same time that the economy, and specifically, fears of a coming recession have been in the news... well, I have a theory that maybe is worth exploring, even if it turns out to be wrong.
I’m old enough to have experienced several recessions in America, but by far the two worst... and the two which most affected the course of my life, were the Dot.Com Bust in 2001, and then the Housing Bust which hit full force in 2008.
Before the former, during the Dot.Com Boom, all well respected economic authorities were honestly out there saying there was no reason the economy couldn’t keep growing forever.  And when that bubble burst (in early 2001, months before 9/11) it really took everybody by surprise.
In retrospect, everybody saw that all the booming internet start up companies everybody was scrambling to invest in, lacked any plan for turning an actual profit. The internet was still too much of a wild west, and... like the actual wild west... sparked a kind of gold rush that for many, did not pan out.
But, that was okay because there was still one reliable thing that everybody could invest in, whether the economy was booming or busting... good old real estate!  Home equity!  Always keeps growing over time... like a law of physics.
And while the broken Internet economy slowly nursed itself back to health for five years after 2001... everybody got really hyper about houses.  New ones were being built. Old ones were being flipped. And mortgage loans became easier and easier to get for more and more people...  and home values began to dramatically inflate.
That modest old bungalow on the East side, which had taken many decades to get to where it was worth a modest 60K, overnight went up to 90K, then 120K.... just sitting there... without being renovated in any way.
It got to the point where any shoebox sitting on any plot of dirt was worth 100K automatically, and everything else was correspondingly overvalued across the spectrum, and across the country.
Once again, economists weren’t too worried.  Maybe they seemed a bit less ecstatic than during the Dot.Com Bubble, but they weren’t super worried.
Until, BLAM!  Housing prices suddenly began to slide for the first time in seventy years... which began happening in late 2006... leading to the big bank collapse two years later in the Fall of 2008.
So, I’m gonna stop here and make the analogy of the economy being like a car.
Like a car, it’s a complex machine with a lot of moving parts that performs best when it gets regular maintenance... is well oiled... and has plenty of fuel.
But also like a car... if it’s being driven by a drunk... or a maniac... then the rest doesn’t matter, because it’s going to crash.
So in 2001, the car crashed... and it was a pretty bad accident.  And in 2008, it crashed even worse... actually bursting into flames and requiring all kinds of first responders to put out the fire, and do a ton of damage control.
But since 2008, something’s been different...  since 2008, the car has driven longer and faster than in it’s whole history, without a crash, or even a minor fender bender.
and weirder still... over the past two years, with history’s worst President at the wheel... the drunkest of drunk drivers... the stock market has been plunging and peaking, plunging and peaking.... like a crazy roller coaster ride... and yet... it never crashes.
Most recently we just had what they call an “inverted yield curve” which... in this analogy, is basically a loop the loop... but we did not fly off the rails.
And, knowing as I do, how fragile the economy used to be... not just in the early 2000s, but all through the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s... this weirdly unshakable stability is not just new... it's beyond belief, and should not be possible!
Unless... this is an upgraded car, that now has more safety and self-driving features than ever imagined before.
Now, clearly if such self-driving features exist, they were not put there by legislation... I mean... they did try to pass some legislation in the Obama years to keep a crash like 2008 from happening again, but most of that got watered down or actively repealed in years quickly to follow.
Rich people hate regulation, and are famous for never learning their lessons, after all.
But legislation is not the only form of regulation... there is also just... administrative policy... namely, in Obama’s case, policies that once again favored science and technology... as well as global economic integration.
Clinton era policy, in the late 1990s, gave us the World Wide Web to begin with, but it was early on Obama’s watch that we saw the advent of the smart phone, which, transformed the internet all over again, as well as technology in general... and both on a global scale.
This, in turn, not only globalized the economy like never before, but created whole new avenues for it to explore.
In the early 1990s, you were paid with a paper paycheck that you deposited at the physical bank and then... you kept track of your bank balance in your checkbook or in your head.
If you wanted to buy something you got in your car and spent the day shopping the different stores to see what they had and who had the best deal.
The biggest convenience you had back then was your ATM card, with which you could get cash to pay for your thing at the cash register, before lugging it home in your vehicle.
By the early 2000s, you probably had direct deposit, and could do your banking in real time on the desktop PC at home.  You could pre-shop the stores by going to their websites, before getting in the car, and you also had a debit card that functioned anywhere the same as cash.
But that was nothing compared to what was possible in the twenty-teens.
Now, thanks to a hand held device 1000 times more powerful than my 2001 desktop PC, that I carry on my person wherever I go... and thanks to an economic infrastructure which has entirely grown around that device... I can bank wherever I am... I can shop, and purchase nearly anything wherever I am standing, and have it delivered to my doorstep... and I can also give my money to any person, or cause I feel like, instantly, in whatever increments I wish, large or small.
Also, I can be part of, say... a fandom... and just by being a fan of some franchise, like Iron Man, can enable Marvel to spend ten years on a cinematic universe that employs hundreds of thousands of people to make movies that bring in billions of dollars, and also support a secondary economy of comic book movie reviewers online, etc.
Money moves more freely in the twenty teens than ever before... on the dollars and cents level. If my nephew, 2000 miles away, needs twenty bucks, I can give it to him immediately, in bed, in my underwear.
If my favorite YouTube channel needs twenty bucks, I can give it to them.  If Amazon allows me to buy some new socks with one click... or Pokemon Go wants to sell me a few extra pokeballs with another click... you can bet I’m clicking to buy that stuff right now!
But it’s not just pocket devices and people making impulse buys.
If that’s all it was, it would still be a much larger buffer against recession than we had in the days of old, when money didn’t move around so freely, so quickly.
No, there are also the algorithms.
Two of the most famous algorithms, the Google search algorithm, and the YouTube algorithm (YouTube is owned by Google) predate the era of the smart phone, but definitely have come into their own post smart phone.
And now we live in a world where every single app worth it’s salt has an algorithm designed to learn your preferences, help you discover more preferences you weren’t aware of before... and ultimately help you either make some kind of purchase, or at least bring your eyeballs to something that will profit from your having viewed and liked it.
And all the modern algorithms arise from theories of computer learning.  They learn how better to serve both you, and their corporate masters. And this is done kind of inside a black box, where random tweaks are made to each new generation of algorithms... without knowing what the effect of that tweak might be, and then, the tweaked algorithms are field tested, with only the top performing ones left to survive and be tweaked again.
It’s a process very similar to the breeding of animals and plants that humans did throughout the history of civilization... starting with some basic forms... getting them to fuck... keeping the good ones we like, and letting the failures die out... without any need to understand the molecular details involved on the level of the DNA.
Who knows how exactly they bred the husky?  Doesn’t matter.  They pull sleds and love snow so... they can stay!  Same with corn... how did we mutate grass into doing that?  Not sure... but we worked it for a long time, and we got there.
So, by the time Donald Trump took office in 2017, we had a fully developed smart phone economy (no coincidence he’s the first president to be a problem on Twitter) and a next gen internet teeming with AI in the form of learning algorithms... growing more effective every day... at the one job they were all conceived to do...
...keep the money flowing.
This is all to say nothing of the algorithms that must be out there for stock traders online, by the way.  
While retailers and app developers have been busy making it as easy as possible for everybody on Earth with an income and a bank account to move the tiniest amounts of money anywhere instantly... all of the investors out there, playing with the big money, have also come to rely more on their AI algorithms, than their own gut instincts.
Now... I’m not saying all of this makes the economy crash proof...
But all taken together, it makes the global economy a hell of a lot more crash resistant than it ever was before.
It’s a different kind of car now... such that if you have a crazy drunk driver like Donald Trump at the wheel... well... those pedals and that wheel are no longer direct input devices.  
He can be as violent as he wants with them, but the computer... in this case, the sum total of all economic algorithms out there, now controlling the real levers of commerce automatically... all working toward the common goal of maintaining the status quo no matter what... just ignores violent inputs that fall outside a given range.
This results in a stock market that peaks one day, and plummets the next... with the overall effect being that the spikes and dips cancel out over the week, and even the loop-the-loops, like that inverted yield curve... are just momentary thrills that amount to nothing over the week or month.
Now, if I’m wrong about this... then I’m not totally wrong.  I’m still right that more globalism and better technology has given us a more stable economy for longer than ever before.
So even if there is a crash... I’d say tech and globalism are still the way forward... maybe with some actual government regulation... depending on what exactly caused the crash?
Whatever the case... AI is the future and... within the next ten years, everybody’s gonna have a Jarvis who handles their affairs in ways that make today’s Alexa, Siri, etc... look like silly pull string talking dolls... and make us wonder how we ever survived without them.
READ: even acts as your primary council in a court of law... level of effective cyber assistant.
That is my crazy take on things tonight.
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