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angelofsmalldeath-codeine · 6 months ago
The trolley problem in corporate life.
Me in a business review meeting:
Idiot 1: we have to change the process
Me: nope, you have to get your team in order and actually follow it for the process to work. Then give me concrete examples of what is not working so we can improve. And if they don’t have the capabilities and skills to deliver even to the bare minimum standard it’s a you problem. They also need to work on their basic business vocabulary. It is not my responsibility to explain adults and very expensive professionals at that what common words mean.
Idiot 2: the process is bad, cumbersome and it’s too much documentation required.
Me: you haven’t launched a single product in the past ten years. 86% of the post mortem sessions of the past two years are your failed projects. The root cause of each one of them was failure to adhere to the process leading to non-compliance with government agencies, quality controls, financial decisions made by the wrong people failing SOx and a total lack of documentation that would allow us to dispute the patent infringement claims as well as maintain the certifications that cost a lot of time, money and effort to get. I can pull the figures for the money to at went down the drain with all of this if you like me to illustrate it for better understanding.
Idiot 1 and 2: it would be better if take this offline
Me: nope. You were ready to slander me, my competence and expertise in public. We will continue to discuss it in this forum since it is a point in the agenda. We are not dropping because you can’t prove that the process is inherently bad but you exposed yourselves on how incompetent your teams are. And how you are working against my function and failing to lead by example.
And this, kids, is how I solved the trolley problem today.
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essentialise · 5 years ago
How To Do Great Work by Doing Less and Resting More
Here are my musings on how we can work less to become more creative, productive, and have more time to rest and play. With extracts from ‘Rest’.
Only in recent history has ‘working hard’ signalled pride rather than shame.” Nassim Nicholas Taleb
  “These studies convinced … neuroscientists that the resting brain isn’t inactive. The brain automatically switches on a default mode network (DMN), a series of interconnected sections that activate as soon as people stop concentrating on external tasks, and shifts from outward-focused to inward-focused cognition. As they’ve explored it further, scientists have realised that the DMN and resting-state are doing critical work on our behalf. …
In other words, a set of activities that we’re not conscious of (pretty much by definition), and which we didn’t even know existed until the 1990s, turns out to be implicated in just about every significant cognitive and emotional activity. Intelligence? Check. Moral and emotional judgment? Check. Empathy? Check. Sanity? Check.
That’s a lot of benefit for something we call ‘rest.’ And if your ‘resting’ brain is much more active then you realise, giving your brain the right kinds of ‘rest’ is critical to its development, health, and productivity.”
Ever wonder what’s going on with your brain when it’s not “on”/working/focused on something?
Well, meet your default mode network. DMN for short.
And, know this: Your brain is doing a LOT when you are doing nothing. As in, way more than you can imagine. Which is why deliberately training our rest and developing the ability to flip the switch into a deeply restorative DMN state is so essential for our flourishing.
I’ve covered this before when talking about embracing boredom, and leading yourself first.
In that context, we talked about the importance of reducing the “inputs” we allow into our lives during our days—creating large quantums of time for solitude in which we engage in deep, meaningful work and by making sure we reduce inputs during all those “non-working” chunks of time that so easily get swallowed up by the tsunami of smartphone stimuli.
Why is that important? Well, a lot of reasons but right at the top of the list is to make sure we’re giving our DMN plenty of room to roam.
Alex Pang tells us: “Just as great athletes seem able to draw on reserves of energy that the rest of us cannot or are more effective at getting oxygen to tired brains and muscles, so too do the DMN’s of creative people have stronger connections between areas associated with functional abilities like verbal acuity, visual skill, and memory, connections that allow their brains to keep working on problems when in the resting state.”
A big reason why creative exemplars have such great brains is that they prioritised REST. They weren’t grinding away all day every day. (And then blowing their brains up with nonstop digital inputs the rest of the day!) In fact, they’d only work four hours/day. Which leads us to…
  “When you examine the lives of history’s most creative figures, you are immediately confronted with a paradox: they organize their lives around their work, but not their days.
Figures as different as Charles Dickens, Henri Poincaré, and Ingmar Bergman, working in disparate fields in different times, all shared a passion for their work, a terrific ambition to succeed, and an almost superhuman capacity to focus. Yet when you look closely at their daily lives, they only spent a few hours a day doing what we would recognize as their most important work. The rest of the time, they were hiking mountains, taking naps, going on walks with friends, or just sitting and thinking. Their creativity and productivity, in other words, were not the results of endless hours of toil. Their towering creative achievements result from modest ‘working’ hours. …
If some of history’s greatest figures didn’t put in immensely long hours, maybe the key to unlocking the secret of their creativity lies in understanding not just how they laboured but how they rested, and how the two relate.”
Four hours? Yep. That’s about how much some of history’s greatest creators put into their most important work.
So… Want to stimulate your creativity? Work less.
Well, more accurately, work wisely.
When I looked at endurance guru Phil Maffetone’s brilliant work, he talks about how to tap into your potential as an athlete. He has a very simple training equation (that he tells us all to put up somewhere such that we see it all day every day): Training = Workout + Rest.
Some people “undertrain.” They need to get off the couch and get out there. But, he says, most people with some athletic ambition, overtrain. They work too hard. And, they don’t rest enough.
So… Want to tap into your creative potential? Well, then… Our equation may go something like this: Creativity = Work + Rest. We need to Work hard AND Rest equally “hard.”
Again, most of us aren’t creative couch potatoes so the issue isn’t “underworking.” It’s overworking. Therefore, to optimise we need to deliberately constrain our work time, really go deep during that limited, focused time and then train our recovery just as well.
As Jim Loehr says in all his books, we want to create really big “amplitudes”: SUPER ON and then SUPER OFF. Making waves throughout our days. Nice, beautiful, oscillating rhythms. Which happens to be the subject of our next idea.
Something that also comes through Anders Ericsson’s research when dissecting his work in Peak.
He tells us: “But there was something else that Ericsson and his colleagues noted in their study, something that almost everyone has subsequently overlooked. ‘Deliberate practise,’ they observed, ‘is an effortful activity that can be sustained only for a limited time each day.’ Practice too little and you never become world-class. Practice too much, though, and you increase the odds of being struck down by injury, draining yourself mentally, or burning out. To succeed, students must ‘avoid exhaustion’ and ‘limit practise to an amount from which they can completely recover on a daily or weekly basis.’
How do students marked for greatness make the most of limited practice time? The rhythm of their practise follows a distinctive pattern. They put in more hours per week in the practice room or playing field, but they don’t do it by making each practise longer. Instead, they have more frequent, shorter sessions, each lasting about eighty to ninety minutes, with a half-hour break in between.
Add these several practises up, and what do you get? About four hours a day. About the same amount of time Darwin spent every day doing his hardest work. Jefferson spent reading the law, Hardy and Littlewood spent doing math, Dickens and Koestler spent writing. Even ambitious students in one of the world’s best schools, preparing for a notoriously competitive field, could handle only four hours of really focused, serious effort per day.”
Four hours of deep, focused (!) work on the most important stuff. Recover. Repeat.
  “An early start also opens space in your day for rest and allows you to establish a clear division between working and resting time. One should ‘either work all out or rest completely,’ Cambridge mathematician John Littlewood advised. Even for people whose minds naturally gravitate to their work, having clear boundaries between periods of work and rest allows them to get more from each. ‘It is too easy, when rather tired, to fritter a whole day away with the intention of working but never getting properly down to it,’ Littlewood said. ‘This is pure waste, nothing is done, and you have had no rest or relaxation.’ Virtually every prolific author and scientist would agree. A day that starts with work creates rest that can be enjoyed without guilt. When you start early, the rest you take is the rest you’ve earned.”
That’s from a chapter called “Morning Routine” that kicks off with a story about how Scott Adams starts his day. Every day.
He also profiles Stephen King and talks about his “basement guy” muse we chat about in our Notes on On Writing. Get this: “Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, works about four hours a day on the strip and other writing; as he points out, ‘My value is based on my best ideas in any given day, not the number of hours I work.’ Stephen King describes four to six hours of reading and writing as a ‘strenuous’ day.”
So… The Big Idea from this chapter on morning routines? The creative geniuses above tend to start their days early. They’ve created routines that match their best energy to their most important work and don’t allow unnecessary inputs to distract them.
They created rhythms in their lives in which they either “work all out” or “rest completely.” How about you? How do you start YOUR days? Have you matched your best energy to your most important work? Baked in plenty of nice oscillations of intense ON and equally intense OFF?
In other words: How are your optimal days?
And, most importantly, how can you optimise a little more today?
  “For many thinkers and doers, a walk is an essential part of their daily routine, a source of exercise and solitude. Thomas Jefferson advised his nephew to walk for mental relaxation and for physical endurance and added, ‘Never think of taking a book with you. The object of walking is to relax the mind [and] divert your attention by the objects surrounding you.’ Jefferson practised what he preached, walking in the mornings before breakfast ‘to shake off sleep,’ taking five-mile tramps around Paris during his posting as ambassador, and, as president, reserving time during the afternoon for walking or riding.”
Here lies a phenomenal sales pitch for the power of walking, sharing the walking habits of a bunch of great modern and historical figures—from Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg to Charles Dickens (who took 10 to 12 mile (!) walks; 18 miles (!!!) if he was troubled!) and Charles Darwin (who leased land from a neighbour so he could walk his “Thinking Path” every day). Plus, fun facts: “Ernő Rubik made the critical design breakthrough that yielded the Rubik’s Cube while walking along the River Danube.”
And: “The uncertainty principle came to Werner Heisenberg during a late-night walk-in Copenhagen in 1927. Heisenberg had been struggling with the fact that the equations he had developed could precisely predict the momentum of a particle but not its position. While walking in Fælled Park, he had an insight: what if there was no problem with the mathematics or the models? What if this uncertainty was actually a property of particles?”
Of course, to be clear: Genius ideas didn’t just randomly show up in these genius minds. They WORKED incredibly hard and had prepared their minds for the insight. And… They also RESTED their minds and flipped the switch on their default mode networks and voila!
Creativity = Work + Rest.
Alex touched on the same theme in The Distraction Addiction in which he introduced us to the Latin phrase Solvitur ambulando: “It is solved by walking.”
And, I love Thomas Jefferson’s wisdom. If he was alive today I am quite confident he’d still be an advocate of walking AND an even bigger advocate of making sure our walks were an opportunity to relax our minds.
So… Think of Jefferson the next time you head out on a walk. Relax your mind.
Never think of taking your smartphone (with all your audiobooks and podcasts and music and email and phone and…) with you! RELAX. YOUR. MIND. Genius DMN thoughts won’t bubble up if you’re constantly drowning in inputs, my friend.
Short story, exercise is REALLY powerful.
Especially AEROBIC endurance exercise. “Running seems to be particularly effective in stimulating neurogenesis.” Why? Well: “Aerobic activity is beneficial in several ways. Exercise strengthens your cardiovascular system and improves your circulation, which means your body can deliver more blood to your brain when it’s working. … A firing neuron uses as much energy as a leg muscle cell during a marathon. Further, sustained aerobic exercise stimulates the body to generate more small blood vessels in the brain, and a better-developed cerebral vasculature can deliver blood to the brain faster and more effectively. A 2012 study found that episodic memory improves as maximal oxygen capacity increases. (Conversely, comparative studies of adults who do and don’t exercise find that couch potatoes have lower scores on tests of executive function and processing speed and in middle age have faster rates of brain ageing and memory decline.)”
Note: Although high-intensity workouts and strength training have benefits, we’re not talking about hard-core ANAEROBIC exercise here. We’re talking about AEROBIC training.
This is one of the reasons I’m so focused on upping my athletic game and spent a week reading five of Phil Maffetone’s books on endurance training. Check those out for more on how to get your aerobic training on optimally!
Another pointer: all the world-class creative thinkers who were ALSO elite athletes. From Nobel Prize winners who run 2:49 Boston Marathons to other Nobel Prize winners who are elite mountain climbers. Super inspiring. Which actually perfectly leads us to the next idea.
  “For creative and prolific people, seeing outside activities as expressions of the same interests that guide their professional lives builds a bridge between the worlds of work and rest and helps turn these activities into deep play. For Michelson and other creative figures, deep play didn’t compete with work; it was a way to express the same fascination with nature, need to challenge ones’ self, and passion for focus and concentration and problem-solving. Seeing them as connected helps turn what could be seen as a time-wasting distraction into an important, valuable part of their lives. It helps justify pursuing these activities even if they’re timeconsuming.” That’s from a chapter called “Deep Play” in which we learn that “Deep play is a critical form of deliberate rest and an essential part of the lives of creative people.”
As we discuss often when talking about play, the best way to set up our lives is to make it ALL one big game. That’s what some of the greatest creative geniuses have done. Their work IS play. AND… Very importantly: They deliberately invest a significant amount of time and energy into non-work endeavours that give them an opportunity to simultaneously totally check out of their primary work while challenging themselves at the same high levels.
Done right, our Deep Play isn’t a distraction. It’s an integral part of our creativity equation. (In fact, look up the research on super-elite scientists vs. average scientists. The average ones overworked and didn’t prioritize rest and play as much as the elite scientists.)
This section gave me even more clarity and confidence to invest more of my energy into my own physical training.
One more musing from Alex. He tells us that deep play “provides a way to unify what might otherwise be disparate and scattered activities into a unified whole, a life that is greater than the sum of its parts.”
All of which brings us back to you: How’s YOUR play and how can you go even deeper?
Let’s remember our new creativity equation: Creativity = Work + Rest!
Feeling enlightened? Download my ebook for free, for a limited time only at: 80 Ways To Find Your Purpose
The post How To Do Great Work by Doing Less and Resting More appeared first on Life Coach Preston | Business Coach Preston | Essentialise.
source https://www.essentialise.co.uk/rest-more-work-less/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rest-more-work-less
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angelofsmalldeath-codeine · 6 months ago
Update 2:
Idiot 1 has been requested to provide concrete examples of which parts of the process are unmanageable and propose an improvement plan. If no examples are provided by next Wednesday, they better shut up.
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Idiot 2 has been told to take a seat because they are already walking on a tight rope. Also that if I bring any of this up to the board with the figures down to pence and shillings like I have prepared, he will most likely be escorted out of the building.
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Exec 1 (my boss): next time you waste my time like this, I am asking your bosses to write you up. You two were aggressive and condescending, Hemmy was assertive. And overall, mind your manners, you interrupted her more times than she should’ve put up with.
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Exec 2 (the one who footed the bill for the failed projects of Idiot 2): sends me a calendar invite for Monday. Agenda: bring the post mortem documentation and the pence and shillings analysis. Meeting marked as confidential. HR on copy. My boss as optional.
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The trolley problem in corporate life.
Me in a business review meeting:
Idiot 1: we have to change the process
Me: nope, you have to get your team in order and actually follow it for the process to work. Then give me concrete examples of what is not working so we can improve. And if they don’t have the capabilities and skills to deliver even to the bare minimum standard it’s a you problem. They also need to work on their basic business vocabulary. It is not my responsibility to explain adults and very expensive professionals at that what common words mean.
Idiot 2: the process is bad, cumbersome and it’s too much documentation required.
Me: you haven’t launched a single product in the past ten years. 86% of the post mortem sessions of the past two years are your failed projects. The root cause of each one of them was failure to adhere to the process leading to non-compliance with government agencies, quality controls, financial decisions made by the wrong people failing SOx and a total lack of documentation that would allow us to dispute the patent infringement claims as well as maintain the certifications that cost a lot of time, money and effort to get. I can pull the figures for the money to at went down the drain with all of this if you like me to illustrate it for better understanding.
Idiot 1 and 2: it would be better if take this offline
Me: nope. You were ready to slander me, my competence and expertise in public. We will continue to discuss it in this forum since it is a point in the agenda. We are not dropping because you can’t prove that the process is inherently bad but you exposed yourselves on how incompetent your teams are. And how you are working against my function and failing to leas by example.
And this, kids, is how I solved the trolley problem today.
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