#as did Eisei just yesterday in an interview
reindeersonmytshirt · 2 years
Don’t want to take anything away from Raw Air, but I also really liked the times when the Lillehammer competition was in the beginning of December. It had this romantic new season and fresh snow feel to it. 
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flying-yellow-bib · 3 years
I did my best transcribing and translating Eisei's interview (his dialect isn't the easiest to understand for me when he's this angry, I'm not from Bavaria), so here's what I got:
Martin Schneider (the interviewer): Markus Eisenbichler is wondering about a good first and a bad second jump. Markus, what was going on, especially with the second one?
Eisei: Yeah, what was going on? Just look up! (at the hill? the jury?) It drives you crazy (literally: I could puke)! It drives me crazy! It's something else. In Neustadt it also was like this. Yesterday was my fault, but today they screwed me over. I'm pissed, I'm mad! That they can't wait... I just don't understand it, because there is a strong updraft, but no, they have to send especially Ito and me down at -10 points. You don't have a chance. The others get -5 or 20, congratulation!
Schneider: Yeah, emotions are high. Understandable! It's okay.
Eisei: It's not right! (I think he said that, he talked over Schneider) Shit!
Schneider: Thanks for the explanation and a good flight tomorrow!
(The last thing Eisei said I didn't catch.)
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