#as an old grumpy man enjoyer I am in heaven
thealogie · 11 months
The other doctors were also like “I’m gonna save the world because it’s such a beautiful place filled with wonder and beauty <3 i love to go on adventures with my friends” and capaldi is like “it’s rotten work especially to me especially if it’s you but someone’s gotta do it”
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
15x20: Carry On
Warning: Boris is a salty, sad fangirl right now so the first part of this recap might be more bitter, reductive venting than is necessary. Please skip ahead to enjoy Natasha’s far more nuanced and enjoyable second half of the recap.
The Road So Far: Cue Carry On Wayward Son
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Salmondean Winchester, the boy with the demon blood and daddy’s blunt little instrument, finally defeats Chuck and gets a taste of true free will
*Fun domestic montage*
Sam Dean gets a dog! (Okay, fine, Miracle is super cute, and a complete stand-in for Cas --but that thought just sends me on another anger spiral.) 
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Dean squeezes the shit out of that dog, and I hurt for that touch-starved man. 
Sam goes for a run, so like, I guess his life is the same. (thanks to Dean always protecting him and allowing him some normalcy in life) (I’m bitter, remember?) 
Dean Sam makes breakfast! Dean brushes his teeth! Sam is SHIRTLESS one last time! 
*Shirtless Sammy Alert*
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Dean’s room is INEXPLICABLY messy! I do get what this whole montage is doing, and it’s nice, but I’m pretty sure when Becky said the fans like the domestic stuff, it was supposed to include CAS AND OTHER FAMILY. Basically, overlay the Where’s the Angel? gif all over this sequence for me. 
And finally, we find the boys are still hunting. Because freedom is just a length of rope. 
Dean finds a case, but first they have to stop and get pie! Yay! Dean loves pie, and women, and fast cars. Grumpy-faced Sam humors his big, dumb brother. Yay! 
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Dean Sam thinks about Cas and Jack. Dean brushes off the thought with a Wherps, gotta keep moving attitude, and I already WANT TO SET THE WORLD ON FIRE. Sam then pies Dean in the face, so we have that. 
In suburban America, a mother starts to ready her children for bed. There’s a knock at their door and the father answers it. There’s nobody there, and as he turns around, he’s knifed in the back, his wife looking on in horror.
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Skull masked killers enter the home. The mother and children run upstairs. The mother is quickly dispatched, and the kids soon follow. 
Agents Singer and Kripke check out the crime scene.
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They learn more about the parents: exsanguinated and throat ripped out father, tongue ripped out mother. The children are missing. The cop shows a drawing of the killers. Dean (in a wildly out of character move!) uses his photographic memory to remember a case his fucking father botched back in the day. Dean pulls out the journal (MY GOD THERE’S BEEN NO GROWTH) 
For TFW Science (because Cas is the tree):
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They determine they’re dealing with a roaming band of vampires. 
At night, a couple of vampmimes arrive at a house. Dean beheads one right away. Sam shoots the other with dead man’s blood. Dean removes the mask to reveal a normal looking vampmime. Why the masks?? Dean wants answers, and Dean “I’m not a killer” Winchester threatens the vamp with a quick death or slow death (with a spoon). The vamp spills the kids’ whereabouts. 
*Much Anticipated Barn Scene Alert* 
(Psych! Don’t get your hopes up, what lies ahead is bullshit.) 
The masked vamps are crawling all over the joint, but Dean and Sam Winchester can handle it! This is a milk run! They get the kids free and face the big bads. 
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Fight! Chop! Slice! The boys are overwhelmed. Sam gets knocked out one last time. Dean’s held down to the ground so OMG GUYS!!! JENNY IS BACK!??!?!!? I CAN’T FUCKING BELIEVE THEY GOT HER BACK!! (This joke is so old by now and it’s only been 3 days, sigh.) I did not remember her at all (but then I’m a TFW purest and tend to not watch the early seasons ---and I NEVER HAVE TO AGAIN!) (Natasha: coughs and points at our recap list.) (Boris: shit.) Dean remembers though, and talks just long enough for Sam to wake and chop her head off. See ya, Jenny! 
More fighting! 
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Sam takes out another vamp and Dean tussles with the last one ---and is pushed backwards right into the rebar hook in the wall. So that happened. (I’m trying to stay calm, but I’m a ROILING CESSPOOL OF ANGER AND CONFUSION AND BITTER RIGHT NOW.) 
Sam kills the vamp. He’s ready to find the kids and leave. “Sam, I don’t think I’m going anywhere.” 
Dean pulls Sam close. HE’S BEEN IMPALED! Poor little snowman. Dean makes Sam promise not to try to resurrect him. He tells Sam that he’s proud of him and that he’s always looked up to him. That he was scared to be rejected by Sam in that very first episode when he went to get him from college. “I must’ve stood outside your door for hours. Because I didn’t know what you would say. Tell me to get lost or to get dead.” JESUS SHOW JUST LET DEAN LIVE AND BE LOVED. (Boris: In the alt version where Cas is there too, he’s instead telling Cas about watching him outside the Gas ‘n Sip. why do I do this to myself?) 
Sam cries, afraid to go through the world alone. Dean tells Sam to always keep fighting, tells him he loves him, and DIES. He dies clutching his chest and the whole season we think we’ve been getting heart and chest imagery as a symbol of love but instead it was just? Foreshadowing? Of getting impaled through the chest cavity and dying? 
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Dean dies, and Sam is wrecked, and I call up 911 to inform them that I have been ROBBED of one Dean Winchester finally getting to live his life. (This is indeed, a beautifully acted scene. I just...wish I couldn’t feel a damn thing about it.)
Sam burns Dean on a lonely pyre, with nobody else around but the dog.
For Sam Gets a Dog but at What Cost Science:
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Sam wakes alone, in mourning. There’s no dialogue - only a Sad!Sam montage of remembering the people he’d lost in the bunker. (Was this script only like 5 pages?) One of Dean’s cell phones rings. It’s a sheriff who’d been referred to Dean by Donna. (DONNA DOESN’T KNOW FML) There’s a case, so Sam takes off. He shuts down the bunker and it goes dark.
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We cut to Dean in Heaven. It’s beautiful - a wilderness of mountains. Dean’s greeted by Bobby sitting at the quiet Roadhouse. Bobby tells Dean that he’s free - and Heaven’s free. Jack opened Heaven and tore down the walls before he took off for places unknown. I am GLAD ABOUT THIS. It’s about time for Heaven to be a true reward, but this show took Dean TOO SOON. “It ain’t just Heaven, Dean. It’s the Heaven you deserve.” Bobby drops one last reveal: “Cas helped.” 
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They drink together. “it’s almost perfect,” Dean says. 
“He’ll be along,” is Bobby’s quiet response. (Our hearts rise thinking about Cas.) Time’s different in Heaven, Bobby explains. (Boris: Jeremy Bearimy, baby!) “What are you gonna do now, Dean?” Dean decides to go for a drive. He gets into Baby and drives away to the tune of “Carry on my wayward son.”
Cut to a montage showing Sam raising a child with “Dean” on the coveralls. (To quote a friend of mine: That goes against basic child safety, Sam!) While Dean drives, Sam raises a son.
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In Sam’s house, the portraits only show pictures of the original Winchesters: Sam, Dean, Mary, John. Me to set dressers: EXTREME SIDE EYE - way to show Sam’s “full life.” Sam kept the Impala in storage, and possibly sits in it and weeps from time to time, as one does.
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Much later, Sam dies in his home of “old age disease,” as someone on Tumblr put it. “It’s okay, you can go now,” baby Dean tells Sam, mirroring Sam’s words to his brother. AAAAAND Sam out. Remember, words can kill, kids!
Dean stops on a beautiful bridge and gets out to survey the world.
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Dean smiles and the camera pans out. “Hey, Sammy,” he says. The boys are wearing the same outfits as the first episode because SYMBOLISM. (Boris: Symbolism? Like there was no growth or change or...Boris will stay out of your mentions.) (Natasha: Exactly.) They hug, and I do get emotional, because I’m not the burnt and broken shell of a fan that I may appear to be.
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We get a “thank you” from Jared and Jensen on the bridge, and then the camera pans away to show the crew. We send them a giant box of MASKS FOR FUCK’S SAKE. And then we set this episode aside as unfulfilling fan fiction and move on with our lives.
Am I sad to see this show end? Yes, I am! Were there things I liked about this episode? Sure! Were there things I so viscerally disliked that I’m still sleeping poorly? Absolutely. That’s love, right? We’re still raw, but we WILL BE BACK on Monday with a new recap of an old episode. See you all then!
Quote on My Wayward Son:
I don’t have a choice. This is my destiny
It’s like running into somebody from high school, you know? Somebody you don’t want to see
Stay with me, please
I’m not leaving you. I’m gonna be with you right here, every day
Cas helped
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80s-roger · 5 years
road trip: 80s!roger taylor x fem!reader
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summary: you recently got your drivers licence and you decide to spend your whole day on a road trip with your fiance Roger in the countryside with the car he bought you, a Nissan 200SX. But things turned out different since you ran out of gas.
words: 2,236
portray: early 80s!Rog, 30yrs!FemR
warnings: fluff, oral sex, fingering, riding, cumshot
You were getting ready for a road trip Roger had promised to you if only you got your drivers licence. You finally got your licence two days ago and now you’re eventually driving the car Roger bought for you, a beautiful Nissan 200SX.
You weren’t married yet, close enough at church’s stairs but your diamond ring at your finger promised a wedding coming soon. You were his fiance for three years. You’ve had a really good time with Roger. A really good time. In everything. And you’re still happy with your relationship and the love you feel for him.
“Love, are you ready?” You heard his voice when he entered the house. He’d be here to pick you up.
“In a minute!” You replied from the bathroom, in where you were still making up yourself. You heard his footsteps approaching because he knows what in a minute means. You’re not ready.
“Can I come in?” He politely asked before coming inside the bathroom.
“Yes of course.” You said and covered your lips with some lip gloss.
“Oh there you are, love. You’re not ready yet?” He asked and came closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and leaving you a gentle kiss at your neck.
“Just some tiny details and we’re leaving!” You tried to keep him entertained by moving your hips left and right over his bulge area.
“Oh love, you better not do that right now. It’s not the time.” He appealed to you trying not to sound horny.
“I’m sorry baby, I was trying to distract you from me being late!” You said in a rush trying to look completely fine with your make up look.
“It’s fine y/n, just don’t take long… Your new car is waiting outside.” He smirked at you and left the bathroom, leaving you to fix the last details.
You were ready, wearing a simple blue dress up your knees and flat white shoes. You were this cute wife Roger wasn’t used to but still, he loved very much. Your hair was laying down your shoulders casually and the red lip gloss on your lips, gave another vibe to you.
“You’re amazing!” He gasped while looking at you and opened the door for you to walk outside.
“Aww, thank you Rog!” You smiled at him and you both entered the car. “I am driving!” You said excited, rushing to the driver’s seat.
“Of course you do…” he looked at you proudly. He knew how much excited you were for your driver license. You wanted to drive so bad. You didn’t want Roger driving you off wherever you wanted. You wanted to do it on your own.
“So you know how to start the engine, don’t you?” He laughed at you, making soft jokes.
“No, I don’t!” You said back to his joke, laughing. You inserted the key to the starter and the car made the characteristic noise. The engine began working and you pulled first.
As you were driving to the ring road there was that traffic light that turned red and you slowed down. You looked Roger, who was enjoying the speed you were going with. It was all smooth and enjoyable. He gently rubbed your knee and smiled. “You’re such a pro, already!” He supported you.
“Ah, thank you!” You were in awe as he said that to you and kissed your cheek. The light turned green and some other car behind you horned. “Oops, someone’s in a rush!” You checked the mirror as you saw an old man rushing to move.
“Grumpy old man… You’ll get used to it.” he rolled his eyes as you pulled second by now and that man crossed you, disappearing from your eyesight.
You were driving for five hours now. You didn’t know where exactly where you going but since there were huge signs upon you, you must have been close to Lancaster.
“Do you think we should stop somewhere to rest?” Roger asked, wishing you’d both find a takeaway restaurant-cafe. He was right, you started getting tired. You wanted him to drive by then but you wanted him to prove how good you really are. He wouldn’t bother but this trip was all about you.
“Of course, we’ll stop at the first one we’ll spot.” you agreed with him and you were impatient to find one.
Half an hour passed and you saw not a single soul. It was also getting dark. You planned to stay in a motel but there’s literally nothing out there. You began feeling insecure about the way you’d spend the night.
“We’re surely inside the UK, aren’t we?” You asked your fiance, with your voice full of insecure.
“Of course we are, love.” he caressed your unmoved and uncovered leg, sending you shivers.
The car started making weird noises. That worried both you and Roger. He looked at you and the gas meter, worried. You also looked in the same direction as him. “Oh fuck.” You gasped and he was at the same mood as you. You instantly pulled over, having a decent distance from the road. “Please tell me we have some gas, in the trunk…” You leaned in the seat, finally relaxing your back.
“Let me check…” He got out of the car. “Open.” you heard him say and pulled the trunk’s valve.
You heard him murmuring words under his breath such as “fuck my life”, “this can’t be happening” and so on. You could tell he was irritated and there was no fallback. You got out of the car, checking both on him and the trunk. You exhaled and looked at him tenuously due to lack of brightness at the area. Just a huge lamp a few meters away.
“It’s okay, we’ll manage. Someone may drop by…” You chilled him out by rubbing his shoulders and his eyes stared at the ground. He slightly nodded and gently pulled your hands from him. “I am sorry, we shouldn’t have gone this far…” You apologised and turned his gaze at you again. “I guess you have to go to work tomorrow morning…” you said, feeling sad for the current situation.
“Baby, we’re together on this, it wasn’t your fault. We just didn’t consider stopping at a petrol station.” he gently grabbed your hand, leading you inside the car, at the back seat.
You were inside his arms, silent. You could feel his heartbeat pounding steadily. He didn’t say a word. You were really going to spend the night at bleakness. However, you had to stay optimistic. You had to do your duty as a woman, as a partner, as a fiance.
“Hey, you alright?” You asked him placing your hand at his knee. He looked at you with affection. “Yes, as long as I am with you.” He leaned in to kiss you. “It’s just a night…” he added.
“Do you think we should…” You started and your hand moved closer to his bulge. You had noticed it was erected, minutes ago. You and him, alone, in the middle of nowhere, there’s nothing better. His eyes moved at the direction your hand was travelling.
“Should we what?” he smirked and helped with your hand. He had his hand on top of yours, leading it on top of his bulge.
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“You know…” You bit your lip. You felt his heartbeat rising.
“I want to hear it from this innocent mouth of yours.” he placed his finger at your chin, pulling you closer for a kiss. He knew how innocent you were when you both met each other. You still act innocent around him when it comes to sex. You let him take control as he always does so you just let him make the first move. “I know how dirty your thoughts are.” he moved his hand between your thighs, going below your dress, close to your panties.  "Say it.“ he whispered at your ear, giving you chills. You just moaned at his hands close at your panties. He gently rubbed your labia without taking off the cotton fabric. “What do you want me to do on your body?” He softly whispered in your ear and now his hand went under your panties, rubbing you entirely.
“A lot of things…” You moaned and grabbed his arm, helping him move faster down there.
“Such as?” He teased, inserting a finger inside you. “You’re not really helping me… I need some guidance.” he bit your neck and rubbed your sensitive clit with his thumb. At that touch, you softly moved your thighs and accidentally sat at his one left leg.
“Am I not wet enough for you?” You whimpered below his head. His smell was so masculine at you. He smelled like heaven.
“You are baby… But I want to be hard for you.” he bit your lobe and you knew you had to say something dirty. He wouldn’t stop rubbing and fingering you. You couldn’t stop moaning. “So tell me… What do you want me to do?” He asked again and placed you at his lap, between his legs.
“Fuck me…” You whispered and felt his bulge at your lower back getting hard as you said these two words. “Fuck me hard in here…” You whispered and with his help, you took off your panties.
“How hard do you want me to fuck you?” He gently pulled your body, facing his chest. You unbuttoned his shirt, leaving him shirtless and somehow you began kissing his chest area. You heard him moaning as your hands, unzipped his jeans. “How… F-fuck…” he tried to say but you bit his neck, leaving him marks. “How hard…” he attempted asking when his hands, left your waist and went through his panties, taking out his horny hard dick.
“Make me unable to walk.” You eagerly said in his ear and a few seconds later you felt his top touching your wet pussy. He got inside you slowly so you could adapt to him. You let out a big breath until he checked on you, caressing your neck and kissing it.
“If you say so…” He kissed your lips and then his dick got inside you with no warning. “Ride me…” he obliged and you harmonically moved your body on top of him as you finally felt comfortable with bouncing up and down, giving him a pleasant view.
“Fuck…” You whimpered as his hands touched your hips, helping you move fast, in the way you wanted him you fuck you.
“Take it inside like a slut…” he moaned and spanked your butt cheeks multiple times, leading you to the end of your orgasm. His thrusts as you rode him, filled you up entirely. You knew you were close but you wanted him to end you.
“Baby, I’ll cum…” You whined as you were bouncing up and down his dick.
“I’ll have to take good care of this sensitive clit of yours…” He spanked your butt and his other hand moved at your clit, rubbing it aggressively and on circles. You can’t handle that, you were almost screaming and he loved that. He loved the effect he had on you. “Scream, Y/N…” he bit his lip and later your neck. “There are no neighbours here. They won’t hear you this time. It’s just us.” his voice was so deep and his eyes mirrored yours and then everything went all-stars and black background as you screamed his name while his hair was inside your palms. Your legs were shaking and he knew you came as you cummed around him. “Suck me, baby, taste your cum.” he pulled you out of him and a small cry of yours was echoed as his dick wasn’t inside you anymore.
You sat below his feet, where space wasn’t really big but whatever. You wanted to please your man. You grabbed his cock on your hand and began sucking it like a whore. You were so thirsty to suck him. “Jesus-” he loudly moaned and placed his hands around your head, pulling you closer to his base. You were tasting your cum around him and you couldn’t get enough of him. “Shit, I’m gonna cum…” he warned at you like he was going to shout you or something.
“Cum, baby…” You looked at him as you jerked him off and placed his dick on your mouth again, swallowing his cum. He was heavily moaning as you cleaned him up.
“Ah fuck…” he exhaled when it was over, zipping his jeans again and helped you wear your panties. “You’re not so innocent as you look and it shows.” he teased your nose and he made some space for you to la.
“I’m flattered, you get the dessert.” You winked and he smiled at you, his eyes were glowing.
“Oh I don’t only get the dessert. You’re an unholy meal.” he laughed and you laid next to him. It was uncomfortable but as his arms pulled you closer to him it was all so much better.
“I love you Roger. And I’m sorry about our situation.” You apologised again and he kissed your back, sending you shivers.
“Don’t even apologise babe. We had so much fun at your new car.” he laughed. “And I love you too.” he played with your hair and by then, you close your eyes sleeping in the middle of nowhere with your fiance who just banged you good.
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