#as a kid I scared the adults with facts and bugs without realising it and didn’t understand why they didn’t like me
bdh-oncopium · 26 days
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more nephews and niece content bc it makes me happy
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kingreywrites · 4 years
The Smolder Tragedy
Fandom: Tangled
Word Count: 3314
Summary: A very concussed and very out of it Eugene Fitzherbert comes to a devastating conclusion about his smolder. His kidnappers are not all that sympathetic about it.
Note: that title is so corny god asgfdgh anyway, this is a self-indulgent hurt/comfort fic, but there’s quite a bit of hurt!! So be warned that there is talk of a concussion, some violence (because he’s kidnapped), and also a mention of spiked water (he’s mostly fine though but I’d rather be safe)
Read on ao3
Now that he was thinking about it, Eugene realised that the smolder never... truly worked on anyone. Well, when he was younger, adults tended to go easier on him if he made a somewhat cute face at them, and in the following years, doing it never hurt his chances with the people who were already attracted to him. But neither of these facts actually attested of the efficiency of the smolder in itself, and if Rapunzel was left particularly unimpressed, Eugene wasn't sure anyone had ever really swooned because of it.
Oh, the demon Rapunzel from the weird mirror dimension did swoon that one time. Was that a good sign, or a bad one?
"The hell are you talking about?" someone growled, entering the room loudly and making Eugene's headache worse, if that was even possible.
That guy was one of the reasons Eugene was thinking about his smolder's actual abilities - or lack thereof. Because see, if the smolder worked, which he was now doubting, he could simply use it on this guy, and that would make him swoon, and Eugene would use the distraction to get free from the chair he was tied on, and get out of here quickly. But Eugene didn't think the smolder would work. Not because Mr Beetle here (lovingly named after the bug which landed on his head during Eugene's kidnapping - he'll get to that part later) was immune to his charms, but because maybe... perhaps... the smolder had never been effective?
This was devastating news. Truth really was the heaviest burden a man could bear.
Beetle grabbed his hair and pulled his head back roughly, making Eugene see stars and forget, for a moment, the whole smolder dilemma. But then he was being yelled at things he could barely understand between the buzzing in his ears and the concussion he got earlier - without forgetting the stuff they made him drink that made his head all fuzzy and his thoughts completely muddled - and he couldn't help but wonder if he could smolder his way out of here. That'd be nice. It had been what, four days since they got their hands on him? Five? Eugene was bored now.
"If-," he coughed, feeling like the hoarse voice he could hear wasn't his own, "if I tried to seduce you, would you break my nose?"
Going by the way his head was slammed back again, Eugene took it as a yes. That was a shame, truly. He knew that his life was different today, that he had changed for the better and was now the Captain of Corona's Guard, so really, he didn't need the smolder - but he loved that silly little trick. It felt like discovering that Santa wasn't real all over again. Not that he ever believed in Santa, since the matrons didn't see fit to talk about that particular tradition when everyone knew that orphans wouldn't get Christmas gifts, but that's what Eugene thought it must feel like.
His head hurt a lot.
A big hand tipped his chin up, since he had been looking at his pants and the stains on them (would he be able to get the blood out?), and he realised that Beetle was trying to make him drink that weird stuff again. The one that made his head feel like it was floating above his shoulders, and made him feel warm in the most disgustingly sweaty way. Eugene hated it. So he kept his lips as tightly closed as he could, and trashed in the chair to make it more difficult on that goon.
This was becoming ridiculous. The fact that he even got kidnapped already hurt enough as it was - they got the best of him after a very exhausting day, and pointed a crossbow at his heart before hitting him so hard over the head he was pretty sure he stayed unconscious for a few hours straight... which Rapunzel would probably think was pretty concerning. For his part, he was more annoyed about the constant headache than anything. Mostly, he couldn't believe he got kidnapped.
He didn't even remember if anyone had seen him, and hoped no one had gotten hurt during the whole ordeal. In any case, he was pretty embarrassed and, to add insult to injury, they didn't even care about him. He was Captain of the Guard for god's sake, you'd think that would make him interesting enough, but no, they only wanted him to pressure the royal family.
Being used as leverage sucked. Thinking that they might hurt the people he loved by using him made him feel sick, even more than their weird drugged water did.
"If you keep being difficult you're gonna regret it," Beetle threatened, and Eugene would have told him that he was the one who would regret stuff soon, if he hadn't been also preoccupied with keeping his mouth shut. Which, ironically, was something people had asked of him a lot in his life, and that he had always refused to do - until someone tried to force him to keep it open. He never did like authority, after all. The matrons would always tell him that he was a troublemaker of the worst kind, and that someday, life would get back at him for the chaos he created. They were yet to be proved right about that one but-
Beetle punched him in the gut, making Eugene gasp and cough in pain, before his nose was pinched and he was forced to swallow the water, nearly choking on it.
"Rude," he noted weakly when it was over, his throat on fire as he heaved. Already, he could feel the fuzziness coming back with a vengeance, his vision blurring at the edges because of whatever mysterious compound they forced him to drink. He'd have to ask Varian about it. The kid would know, certainly, or would at least be excited to research it, and it was fun when Varian was excited. He still had that weird maniacal villain vibe mixed with his genuine and adorable love for sciency things, and that was an interesting combination to see in action.
The door to Eugene's cell was slammed shut and, in the dim light, he understood that he was alone once again. Beetle didn't even say goodbye. It was okay, though, because Eugene didn't think he could have answered without puking - the entire world was swimming in front of his eyes. Closing them only made everything even more unsteady, and now Eugene wondered if he could even try to do a good smolder in that state. He couldn’t feel his face.
His eyes were heavy, and it didn't take long before he passed out again.
Next time Eugene woke up, it was to the sound of yelling outside the door of his cell, loud and definitely not the kind of voices he wanted to hear. Maybe it was stupid, but each time he opened his eyes, he hoped to find Rapunzel here, ready to rescue him, but it hadn't happened… yet.
Trying to raise his head only awakened the ache in his neck and back from the terrible position he was in - he hated sleeping on chairs. Being homeless for a good part of his life had taught him that the bare ground was always preferable, but he didn't think he could argue about his sleeping conditions with his kidnappers. He pulled on the rope that was keeping his hands tied behind his back, and noticed that it was giving a little. If he could just-
"Your plan better work!" someone yelled, startling him - but it was still coming from behind the door. "You don't realise what we're risking with this!"
"Of course it'll work! Do you really think that the son-in-law of the King and the husband of the Princess is worthless? They're gonna listen to us because they'll want him back."
That was… touching, in a strange way. Not that Eugene enjoyed being taken for ransom, or whatever it was they wanted to do, but it did remind him that he had a family, and that they would fight to get him back. Rapunzel was probably worried out of her mind, right now, and this was enough to spur him into action again, because he didn't want to simply wait here for rescue like an idiot.
"What if they attack us?" the scared guy yelled again, as Eugene pulled on his bounds again, ignoring the sharp sting of the rope cutting into his skin, and his ever-present nausea. "What if- what if instead of paying, the guards find us and destroy our base?"
In Eugene's opinion, the guards weren't really the threat here - this guy didn't want to know what Rapunzel would do to him if she found them. The thought was enough to make him chuckle, which in turn made him realise that the weird water might still be having an effect on him, because he hadn't managed to keep himself quiet. Not great.
His fingers fumbled with the knot he could feel, trying to get it to loosen even more. Unfortunately, the door of his cell -more like a closet than a cell to be honest- was thrown open, and he had to act as innocent as possible.
Going by the glare he received, he was doing a poor job of it.
The new guy (he'd call him Martin, because he had a Martin face) seemed to enjoy kicking him around a bit more. The only silver lining was that he seemed intent on kicking his ribs, and consequently left his poor head alone. Still not the best, but Eugene would take it. He didn't have much choice anyway, since Martin decided to greet him with his fists today.
"Feeling better yet?" Eugene breathed when he thought it was over. He earned another kick for the trouble.
"You better hope they pay what we ask of them," Martin snarled, way too close for Eugene's comfort. "Because I can't say that I won't enjoy killing you if it comes to that."
"Aww, I'm touched, truly," was all Eugene could say, before a hand ended up around his throat, and he couldn't talk anymore. He vaguely heard Martin threatening him again, but honestly, the guy should realise that it was difficult to be afraid of him when Eugene was barely conscious enough to understand him.
It went down the same way as it always did, these days. Eugene was forced to drink that damned drugged water -it was getting more disgusting each time-, and he couldn't breathe, and the Martin guy said something about hurting Rapunzel, and if you think you're gonna be able to touch her you've got another thing coming you assho-
And Eugene lost consciousness. Again.
When he woke up again, Eugene couldn’t breathe. The world was loud, too loud, his vision was swimming and the room spinning under him, and he couldn't- it was as if his breaths were getting stuck in his ribcage, and was he still being choked, what-
"Hey, Eugene, it's okay, look at me-"
Dragging in air painfully, he opened his eyes to a slit, meeting the frantic and oh so green ones of- Rapunzel?
"Come on, it's okay, breathe with me," she said, voice low, and he listened to her - how could he not? For a moment, when it felt like he was still dangerously tethering on the edge of choking, he wondered if she was even real, or if it was all a dream conjured by the lack of oxygen. Then, she brushed his hair back, her palm warm and tangible on his cheek, and it felt real enough that he melted into it.
"That's it," she encouraged him gently, one hand resting lightly on his heaving chest. "That's it, breathe. I won't let them hurt you anymore."
He couldn't hold back a nervous chuckle at that, but going by the pinch of her eyebrows, that wasn't the right reaction. After a few seconds, when he finally felt like his lungs weren't about to explode, he tried to smile at her. It only seemed to worry her more.
Her fingers trailed along his jaw, tracing what he knew were dark bruises on his skin. She went higher, to his hair, and touched something that immediately made him flinch.
"Sorry, sorry, I-" she exclaimed quickly, pushing his hair away again. "I'm gonna get you out of here."
His perceptions were still blurred, as if he was underwater, but he could hear now the sounds of fighting and chaos coming from behind the door. Rescue. He was being rescued - Rapunzel was rescuing him. He knew she would do it.
"Well, I wish I had been a little quicker," Rapunzel said, her voice wobbly.
"You're just in time Sunshine," he whispered, his throat raw.
"Am I?"
He didn't like the self-deprecation in her tone, nor the worry that didn't seem able to leave her features, and he felt guilty for being the cause of it. If he hadn't been kidnapped-
"Eugene? Eugene, stay with me," Rapunzel asked, with an urgency that made him realise he had closed his eyes. Huh. He was dizzy. "I know, I'm sorry, just- I'm gonna free you, okay?"
He blinked, trying to look at her so she would stop sounding so… scared. She was fumbling with the ropes holding his left hand in place. There was the sound of an explosion outside, right as she got rid of the first one, and she threw an indecipherable look at the door.
He wanted… He wanted her to stop looking so sad. He didn't like it when she was sad. Could he do something about it? Well-
"The smolder doesn't work," he mumbled dejectedly. Rapunzel was taking care of his bound legs now, though he didn't remember her freeing his right hand. He moved it slowly, feeling as if the limb wasn't his own, and wondered how much the weird water was still affecting him.
"Weird water?" Rapunzel repeated. He wasn't sure how to not voice all his thoughts aloud, apparently, which he's sure his dad would find amusing.
Since Rapunzel was still looking at him, Eugene took a few seconds to remember her question and simply hummed, head swimming. That seemed to make her even more unhappy, and he could get disliking the water, but he didn't like when Rapunzel was unhappy. "Do you... think the smolder ever, uh... worked?" he asked, trying to distract her.
"I'm sure it did," she answered, in the same gentle tone she used on people she disagreed with.
"It- it never worked on you, though. And it wouldn't have worked on Beetle, or- or- Martin," he pressed. His tongue was heavy in his mouth, and now his feet were free but he really didn't have the energy to try and get up. He didn't want to puke on Rapunzel, too.
She didn't reply. Instead, she looped one of his arms around her neck, and braced her hand against his ribs. He winced, and she apologised quietly, but before he could try to argue that he didn't think he could do it, she made him stand up swiftly, grip tightening around him when his knees inevitably buckled. He closed his eyes tightly, ears ringing painfully and stomach churning, and he was grateful that he could count on Rapunzel to not let him fall on his face.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she kept repeating, adjusting his weight to stop him from sliding down further. "I know it's hard, but I'll get you to safety, I promise, just hang on-"
Eugene could guess that he really didn't look great if she was that desperate to comfort him. To be fair, he didn't feel great either. He could barely follow her words, couldn't stand up on his own, and had to focus all his energy into not being sick as Rapunzel helped him walk. It clearly wasn't his best day.
He tried to regain his footing, so she didn't have to drag him with her, but his legs were shaky and he nearly fell again. He thought Rapunzel was going to toss him over her shoulder and run, which he knew she could do, and he also knew his body wouldn't appreciate as much as usual given his current dizziness, but that was exactly the moment Maximus arrived to the rescue. Or maybe they arrived to Maximus? There were more people around them, more noises and voices too, and Eugene couldn’t follow anything of what was happening. He thought he heard Lance, and felt another hand holding him up, but all he could focus on was Rapunzel being here, and Rapunzel talking to him, and calling his name, his one beacon of light when the pain in his head grew to be too much to bear.
He felt her hand in his, and realised that he had been laid down somewhere. He wanted to reassure her, but couldn’t do much more but feebly squeeze her fingers, hoping she would understand. And then, because he was tired and in pain, and because he knew that, now that she was here, he was going to be okay, Eugene passed out.
“You are evil,” Eugene moaned, hiding his face under his pillow while Rapunzel laughed innocently.
"What, I'm trying to help!" she smiled, coming to sit next to him on the bed. He felt the mattress dip under her weight, and took a peek at her, groaning again when he saw how smug she seemed. "I even made flyers and everything!"
She didn't seem to care about the annoyed look he threw her way, instead putting a bunch of papers in his hands. On it, his face, lips pursued and eyebrows raised, with the text asking the people of Corona to come test his “infamous smolder” by themselves. At this moment, Eugene would have preferred to have his old wanted posters thrown in his face - it would be way less embarrassing than… this.
“Come on Eugene, what better way to know for certain than to experiment? You seemed really bummed out about your smolder!”
“I wasn’t in my right mind,” he grumbled. “You can’t hold me accountable for my concussed ramblings!”
Her expression softened at that, and her hand came to caress his cheek, gently trailing up to the bandages still around his wound. Her touch was soft enough to not sting, and he couldn’t keep up his facade of annoyance when it was so obvious she simply wanted to make him laugh.
“I love you, you know?” he breathed, and she had a second to look pleasantly surprised before she leant down and kissed him.
“I love you too, Eugene,” she smiled fondly.
“You’re the only person I care to seduce anyway,” he laughed. “I guess I’ll have to live with the smolder being ineffective.”
“If that helps,” she murmured, climbing fully on the bed to lie down next to him, “I feel pretty seduced by you already.”
“Ah yeah?” he grinned. “Well, I’m pretty seduced by you too, Sunshine. You’re my hero after all,” he said, and though he had intended it as a joke, his tone was too earnest to be mistaken as anything but the truth. He could still see glimpses of guilt in Rapunzel’s expression, when he knew she had done everything in her power to find him as quickly as she could - he’d repeat it as much as she needed to finally see it too.
Rapunzel watched him, before cupping his cheek and bringing their lips together once again. He knew he would need to rest again soon, and that his constant headache would probably spike if he didn’t, but for now, he kissed her back, and it felt like everything was alright again. Because it was, in all the ways that mattered.
She saved him, and they were together - he wouldn’t ask for anything more.
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orangenfrottee · 4 years
Hey ho there, feel free to ignore this and I hope I'm not bugging you as I awkwardly slide in here, but I must ask: if you had full creative control of the show, how would you run season 5? You can pick and choose whatever leaks you want to include.
Ah!!! Thank you for your ask <3 I might have spent a couple nights typing out my answer, but in short: I'd cherry pick old story arcs, bring back everyone I like and who doesn't run when they hear Riverdale's calling.
I'd definitely get some decent writers (I'm partial to Jane Espenson, but no idea if she'd be a good fit) and definitely some diversity. I might accidentally fire all men and then play up all their shitty recurring themes for fun as a weird inside joke between me and the show.
I think if they ever gave me creative control of the show it would swerf hard to the crazy and not leave that lane because honestly, i think that's what Riverdale does best.
So, where would I start...
Instead of giving season four a decent ending, I would start with an extra long pilot with the title 'previously on' where the best and most important bits of the teens' school lives is shown with a heavy focus on Jason and the Farm. Parallely, we get to see the lovestory of Chic and Charles. The episode ends with a few very short scenes of the prom where everyone's happy and pretty.
Then we'd start on the real season five. It's been seven years and our characters are older and more grown up.
The show would at first only present the present lifesbof our characters and the barest bones structure to keep as much a little mysterious as possible (but here I tell you what happened during timeskip, too).
Archie is often considered the main character, so let's start with him:
Archie went to the Army after school (though he didn't actually pass his exams and thus didn't graduate, Mr Honey was quite amused). On his most recent tour he met someone special: Eric, his new friend.
Archie was wounded in battle with a... giant mutated elephant with sharp teeth and hallucinogenic venom. Or something. He isn't really sure what happened, but he's got a huge new scar all over his torso. The abs stayed in tact, but oh his pride. During recovery he met new wheelchair user (and on occasion crutches) Eric who has trouble walking since his legs are misshapen/he only has one. Archie thinks Eric got maimed by the same elephant he was, but thinks it rude to ask.
For Eric I'm picturing Sabrina's Ambrose.
With his hurt pride, Archie can't stay with the military and decides to go back to Riverdale.
Eric doesn't have a place to go, so Archie invites him along.
They need a job and since Eric has a calendar full of sexy half naked firefighters AND since they both have abs, Archie decides that type of uniform is the perfect fit for them and trades his newly renovated and well running boxing gym against the old fire station Penelope Blossom owns. (Literally, they even meet at Pop's to exchange keys and sign papers Penelope brought that Archie doesn't even skim.)
The fire station is quite out of everything, but it has a huge pool Eric likes to swim in and a fire truck. To make ends meet Archie sells his sperm to the Greendale sperm bank.
Archie is of course in love with Eric but unfamiliar with the concept of bisexuality and struggles to identify his attraction for what it is. Eric is a foreigner to Riverdale (or is he?) and unfamiliar with the town's culture and quirks. Still, something going on in Sweetwater River seems to be related to him.
Archie and Eric share the Andrews' House - and in the house next door... live Gladys Jones and Polly Cooper!
After Jughead and Betty left for College Alice' horrid mom impulses settled on Jellybean who didn't stand back, grind her teeth and took it but instead broke Alice' teeth. Her and FP were not amused (though FP was also angry at Alice for being too strict). Alice moves out but stays as a journalist in town.
FP gets in trouble for being a brutal gang leader without a gang beating up criminals behind the boxing gym on tape. Not wanting to go to an illegal fighting club prison, he hides with Canadian Serpents behind the border. (Joaquin's identical twin brother and Ricky live there, too. They're happy there.)
Maybe he'd call once or twice with misleading wrong snake facts that have nothing to do with the current mystery of the episode but fit into perfectly by chance.
Jellybean was invited along, but she chose to stay because she thinks Riverdale is rad and the old Cooper House is luxurious as hell. Also, her mom came back to become the new Sheriff!
Nearly seven years in, Gladys still holds the position because no one legally qualified wants it and she manages to keep gang violence at an all time low for Riverdale. Plus, she and Mary Andrews are not exactly friends but able to work well together. When there's another serial killer running wild in town she has no problem with having another girlfriend of Mary who happens to be a skilled professional in the most relevant field take over for a bit. If needed, the Riverdale gangs are usually willing to add muscle to good causes, too.
Jellybean has left Riverdale for university and will only be present for holidays and breaks. She'd still be played by Trinity because I love her and honestly, real nineteen year olds look like fourteen year olds everywhere in the world. Also this gives the viewers 'Archie vision': he will always see his best friend's toddling baby sister in the young woman which makes her the only undatable (legal) female on this planet for him.
While attending Riverdale High she lead the Andrews Boxing Gym and made it the most successful gym in the area. It won't be a plot point in the show (apart from her being angry at Archie for just trading it against trash) but there will be framed newspaper articlesband the like in Gladys' house.
Around the time everyone graduated, Polly was released from Shady Grooves and is back to her old smart self - and really missing her babies! As Choni leave for whatever private college Blossom women have always gone to, Polly takes them and goes home - just to learn on the porch that not only did her mother sell her childhood home more than a year ago without anyone ever telling her, the college fund she never had gotten legal access to and planned to use for the twins is gone too and her sister left town without saying goodbye.
Gladys has always taken care of all the stray kids she found no matter how tight the budget was and now there's this young desolate mother with twin toddlers in front of her posh murder house she'd gotten for cheap and she has this new gig as sheriff. Of course, she takes them in.
They stay in Betty's old room at first, but they soon get to remodel the attic to give Polly her own room. At present, Dagwood has Polly/Chic/JB's old room and Juniper the one facing Archie's. (When Archie sees her in the room, he actually has a flashback once to when he and Betty used to be so young, but then Juniper turns her gead, stares at him really creepily and smiles weirdly. Archie will be somewhat scared from then onwards and be reminded of when everyone thought Polly might gave killed Jason. Juniper would murder.)
At first, Polly's a full time, stay at home mom, but once the kids are older, she starts working part-time: for Gladys.
It turns out they work amazing together. Gladys tends to jump to convenient conclusions and threatens violence way to freely. Also, she is intimidating as fuck.
Polly is everything she isn't: level headed (to a point, in comparison at least), brilliant at combining clues and steering people (remember how she infiltrated Thornhill and made Cheryl unknowingly assist in her snooping plans?). On top of that, she has these stepford smiles and all the ways to appear unthreatening drillend into her head. Honestly, she and Betty are quite alike. While Betty has the lockpicking skills and knows her way around cars, Polly used to be really into fashion (or something) and, with all her experiences at the Sisters, the Farm and Shady Groves, Polly knows psychology.
She started solving some of Gladys' cases at the breakfast table, but now she's officially a deputy or an advisor or something. They're essentially like FP and Jughead, just that Polly is an adult (and that she wouldn't be in a gang beating suspects up regularly).
(These characters would all be mostly in the background though.)
Veronica finally gained perspective on her relationship to her father and grew up. Hiram's cut out of her life for good. They won't ever interact. (In fact, Hiram either moved to New York or he had a minor traffic accident where he lost all of his memory for good and now lives as Ram Rod and works as a trainer at Penelope's newly acquired boxing gym. Everyone is confused about it but doesn't care to ask.)
Veronica is successful at whatever she's doing and doesn't plan on ever moving back to Riverdale, but maybe something is up at Pop's that requires her checking up on in person and she just happens to cross paths with Betty who is also just there for the weekend. And they haven't had quality time together for years, because it's so hard to stay in contact sometimes even with people you love so much you'd die to keep them safe.
If I could come up with something meaningful for them to catch up on emotionally, I'd have them sitting together in a booth at Pop's for a whole episode just talking (but I'm not that deep).
Veronica might be engaged, but we see it fall through without really getting to meet the guy. She mostly just talks to Betty about him on occasion but in a somewhat messed up way. Ultimately, she realises how she treats him in some regards like Hiram treated her and her mother. She wants to grow up further and not be like her father anymore. Since the fiance was only a trophy pawn, she breaks it off and concentrates on introspection/ maybe therapy for a bit.
Later that season her sister comes back and surprise: Hermosa embraced becoming Daddy.
(These would have to be restricted to two half episodes only, she definitely deserves story arcs that aren't about her dad.)
Careerwise: she has a couple businesses, maybe a restaurant chain or a franchise and she seems to collect startups. She reinvests a lot and has to travel quite a bit but can work remotely too.
Everyone seems to want FBI agent Betty and if I'd go that route I'd have her demask Charles as the fraude fake FBI who hires guns for hire and fake emergency teams while making up fantasy horror stories about serial killer genes to scare his biological family into killing each other that I wholeheartedly believe he is. But I also like Betty's interest in mechanics and would love for her to have a career in mechanical engineering. Maybe she switched majors at uni and now works for a company developing prosthetics. Maybe she tries to get Eric into joining a study. (I mean, prosthetic legs would help his work as a fire fighter...).
She's in town to visit Polly and the twins but after talking to Veronica she spontaneously stays in town. She can do her work remotely, really. The two of them move into a two bedroom 'shared bnb' (or whatever it was called in season two) and we finally get to see their friendship on screen.
Betty isn't in a relationship at the moment abd she's so into her work, she isn't looking for one either.
Jughead had broken up with Betty seven years ago and never really had a well working relationship after. He's grown obsessed with finding a way to recreate what he had with Betty.
Not in a totally creepy psycho way, he's simply not understanding that he might be sex positive and he had been in love with Betty, but he is ace and quite aro, too. It doesn't help, that he finds people sexually attractive on their online profiles just to be repulsed by the tought of even kissing them goodbye in person.
(I don't think tv is generally a fitting medium for this, but I guess he can narrate for himself and make it work.)
I guess he has to be an author. Obsessed as he is about finding love again (he wouldn't call it like that) he figures it had either been the location or the constant fear for his life. He chooses to return to Riverdale. He probably instantly moves with everything he owns to Riverdale (not that it's much beside a modern laptop, the typewriter and his camera).
Archie gives the great advice how Jughead is obviously still innlove with Betty, duh.
He of course runs into Betty some day, they end up investigating some random murder together and find themselves in familiar positions and kiss - but it just isn't there anymore. Jughead feels nothing and Betty isn't really into it either.
Veronica later points him in the direction of maybe not being allo (because she used to question herself as aro).
Funfact: Jughead would have failed graduation with Archie if Mr Honey didn't forge some records that weren't actually submitted from Stonewall (they claim all records were deleted during a power outage). Jughead knows and is deeply shamed.
Thornhill has been renovated! Toni is pregnant! Choni will be raising their kids (surprise, it's going to be twins!) in Cheryl's ancestral home. Choni are married and happy.
Toni has reopened the White Worm with Fangs somewhere at the Southside and yes, let's make her the official Serpent Queen. Let her work lots of social causes (remember toys for tots?), grey area rule bending for good and of course she works well with Gladys. I've seen talk about her being a social worker floating around and honestly, I think that works amazing. She's working the local cases (and a few unofficial ones) and I think she and Cheryl are registered foster parents. On occasion (like once) they'd be shown taking care of a random kid.
Cheryl used her College time to study two things: business and Riverdale town history. Remember how in season two she took so much pride in her ancestors because she believed them to be good people? She might be disillusioned but she is the Blossom heiress and her and Toni's as well as Jason's kids will one day inherit a better family legacy. She'll invest in Southside rebuilding projects, advocate for new town memorials, maybe rebrand some of the Blossom product lines. Something like that
She won't run for mayor yet, but she's definitely invested in (local) politics.
Of course the pregnancy was with artificial insemination, the donor was either an unsuspecting red head from the Greendale Sperm Bank or they use some of Jason's that has surly been saved to guarantee the Blossom line when everywhere was scary talk about sperm counts going down due to mobile phones.
In addition: the maple factories need worker bees! Cheryl has a few programs with Toni to get Serpents/random Riverdalians newly released from prison or just with bad luck into a steady job and a cushy appartement overlooking the ex prison on the Southside. Pop's is also participating. Ethel works as a landlady for said appartement complex.
Also, why not add a second Blossom-Topaz lovestory to underline this incest-adjacent show and bring back Toni's grandpa and set him up with Nana Blossom. XD
Then during this season's arc, the Blossom uncle's corpse will be found in the river and the mistery is whether the FBI will figure out who the corpse us and what happened or not.
I love Reggie. Since Varchie is unlikely thanks to Eric, him and Veronica rekindling their relationship would definitely be a possibility I'm into, but he also seems to have an interesting connection with Kevin and Fangs that could be built on.
He would definitely have a car he'd love very much and I think it would still be Bella.
I'm not sure about his career, but it wouldn't include his father's car dealership. Maybe he'd be a successful movie star just in town between movie shootings.
Kevin was doing something with musicals on Katy Keene, I think? Writing or directing? He was trying to nake it big, but some plans fell through. Now he's back in Riverdale. Luckily, they are just about to open Riverdale's first theater in the relatively newly built but forever closed prison. Next to the Southside Theater the complex holds a mall and the White Worm.
Fangs works full time as the manager of the WW that he co-owns with Toni. He meets Kevin again once he's back in town.
Sweet-Pea somehow ended up as a junior doctor at the Riverdale hospital. He spends all of his scarce free time at the WW.
Some of the background Pretty Poisons officially work for the police now. Different than Gladys, they are actually ccccc for the positions they hold.
Peaches works as a manager for one of Cheryl's companies. She's happily married and has a kid (or something).
How long in prison do you get in the US for standing in as the head figure of a crazy pen and paper cult that has literal murders committed in his name? As a blond white dude probably just parole? So honestly, once they actually bring his case to court (and they have nothing against him because anyone could have been under the mask at any one time and people know of different gargoyle kings) he's released of all charges. No one in Riverdale actually knows though since his case took forever, Bughead had already left Riverdale and Alice didn't step up to follow the case. No one wrote about it, so no one knows. They just assume that of course the guy will be locked away forever, he's guilty.
In reality, he and Charles have bought a house somewhere in a different street of Riverdale where they aren't quite known and have adopted a couple kids.
Charles meets Alice regularly for lunch and she thinks he's this workaholic FBI agent only living for solving crime. They play a long con game I don't know the goal of.
(They have been behind the tapes even if that storyline gets totally ignored. They pretend FP being in exile is their doing, but the tape responsible was just a random security camera in the area.)
Josie's plans in New York sadly fell through (I haven't seen any Katy Keene but I want her back)
Lot's of bonding scenes with her brother Kevin who's also back in town. The two share a flat and on occasion burst into song together. Since I've already invented the Southside Theater, maybe she'd find a job there, too.
Val and Melody stayed in Riverdale aftee highschool and made careers in town for themselves. Maybe Melody at city hall and Val as a marketing specialist at the farm, Riverdale's most outstanding new grocery mart. Half of all Riverdalians don't get the controversy of the name, the others either think it's brilliant or tasteless. (Kevin for example has repressed the nemories so gard, he doesn't get it. Josie is very protective and angry at Val for working there.) The store belongs to the eccentric redhaired Eva Everafter or whatever pseudonym Evelyn can come up with to thinly hide her identity behind.
Somewhere in it I'd throw in a few lines vaguely referencing older happenings like "I still can't drink tap water" and the very first time Veronica sees Archie again after seven years she identifies him through his ab muscles.
So in short: Archie would be very dumb, everyone else is just there.
Also: Pop's would serve 50% vegan burgers and milkshakes so I could dig in with gusto.
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eatingfireflies · 5 years
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I can’t believe we’re doing this in 2019 AD, but I rise back from the dead because I heard shit-talking about my boy.
Yosuke’s character development--the ones covered in his social link and not counting how he grows with the rest of the IT as a group--is imo one of the best-written progressions in P4 and I won’t stand for this. P4 has its flaws and one of the themes that didn’t sit quite so well for me when I first played it was how the characters seem to have gone a full 360 when it came to their plans for their futures. Yukiko, for example, has gone from the independent girl who wants to live on her own back to accepting that she has to take over the Amagi Inn someday. Not exactly the best message, is it? 
But sometimes, it’s what people need to hear. After all, the main point of P4 is acceptance and in the same way adults accept and make the best of a situation they don’t necessarily like, so did our P4 protags. 
Unlike the others though, Yosuke’s problem didn’t come from the outside pressures of society so much as himself. 
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Which isn’t to say there’s no pressure coming from outside. There’s a lot he has to deal with just being the Junes kid in Inaba. He’s also a teenager on the brink of manhood who had been recently transplanted into the countryside. Come on man, his problem isn’t just that he wants to be interesting. And even if it were, what’s wrong with that? How hard is it to admit you’re mediocre? Is it weak to admit you’re scared of having zero reason to be in this world because you have no connections with other people and no place in society?
Buckle up, I have 100 screencaps and I’m not sure if it would all fit in one post but would we try. Pics taken from here and here.
One of the things we keep seeing in Yosuke’s social link is how good he is at PR. He’s a good kid. He has to be: he’s the Junes kid, the son of the manager. What he says and does will reflect on his family and the business.
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This even though almost everyone in Inaba distrusts him because of his connection to the department store that’s killing the local business. Above, we hear women implying Yosuke is a brazen shithead for showing his face in the shopping district when his classmates’ family businesses are failing because of Junes. And still he ‘minds his manners’.
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Here he finally loses his temper with the part-timers who kept bugging him about weekend work and talking shit about Saki, and it’s only because the girls told Yu to shut up. Otherwise? I bet he’d just take it all in. He’s ignored them before and there are other things to worry about:
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‘Sorry dad, they said some bad things about our murdered schoolmate, kept missing work, and yelled at my best friend, but I shouldn’t have lost my temper because that’s not what the Junes kid does.’
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He admits as much in the P4G additional scene. So there’s that: people expect Yosuke to be polite because of his connection to Junes even though they treat him like shit because Junes is bad for the economy. (Which it is, but they worked around that in the end.)
But that’s not the only reason Yosuke tries to be nice. There’s also what his shadow said: he’s terrified of being alone and his move to Inaba has made him more aware of how shallow his bonds with people are:
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He says so when he talked about how he hasn’t changed his email address because he's hoping his friends from the city would keep in touch. Spoiler: they don’t. 
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Had he not moved to Inaba he probably wouldn’t have thought different, but I guess having no excitement in the countryside and no friends to spend time with, he has a lot of free time to ponder on his loneliness and mediocrity. 
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Again, it’s hard to accept mediocrity. It hurts knowing we don’t mean anything to the people around us, that we could vanish and nothing would change. He’s 17, for pete’s sake. He’s trying to figure things out while dealing with his loneliness. And he thinks the reason he has no friends is because he’s not good enough. He pretends to be nice and carefree like his shadow said, because he thinks showing people the real him (the loneliness and insecurity) would drive them away. He also has to be nice because Junes kid, remember? And in the case of getting along with his friends, he overcompensates and gets annoying/oversteps his boundaries because he’s scared and it’s all bravado. And also he’s a bit of a shit, but that’s okay Yu is also a bit of a shit and they deserve each other. 
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Can I just take this moment as SouYo trash to point out that Yu walks him home and that is probably one of the gayest things ever. Especially coming after the hug which is like P4 code for ‘we’re dating now’.
Did I mention Yosuke has a lot of free time to think about his mediocrity? Not really. Like every kid on the brink of adulthood worrying about their future--college? Work? Career? What? Yosuke is worried too. Except his path has sort of been decided because of his family. 
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He’s good at PR, he does the whole Junes kid shtick well, but is that what he really wants?
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Ofc he usually changes the subject after bringing that up--again, he’s so scared of you thinking he’s boring and that he only complains when you hang out that he does a 180 and starts talking about the goods under your futon. 
But also can I just say Yosuke is so busy? I see Chie and Yukiko chatting in the classroom after classes and I’m like ‘Hey I have a best friend right? Why don’t I have anyone to chat with?’
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He’s a busy pal. You know I always thought Yosuke might make more friends if he joined some clubs and met people outside of the Junes thing, but he has to work part-time so. 
How does Yosuke deal with this? Well he accepts that while working for Junes is tiring and maybe not what he actually wants to do with his life, there are actually some good things about it: he likes being needed. 
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Is it what he wants to do for the rest of his life? He doesn’t answer that. What’s important is that, right now, he’s happy where he is.
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He realised that he doesn’t have to overcompensate for being boring or being a loser. That he can show people the ‘bad’ side of him without them hating him for it. That even if he is mediocre, it doesn’t mean people don’t need his support or his company. He didn’t have to try so hard. He just had to have a bit more confidence in himself. 
And tbh he went from this:
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To this:
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I think there was a reason we couldn’t date Yosuke in game: it was too soon, it would feel like Yu is a rebound, that Yosuke latched onto the first person to show him kindness and interest since Saki’s death. And perhaps for the hugging scene (social link 8?) it was too early. But after social link 10? I think that would be a good time. Ofc, the game doesn’t work that way so I can see why they took it out, and yet. And still. 
But none of that takes away from the fact that he grew from being an insecure kid who wants to prove himself into someone you can trust and count on. There’s a reason the games keep giving you the option to thank Yosuke: he’s your partner and he has your back. 
I know I’m biased af because I’m like  
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whenever I talk to Yosuke, but he’s just as complex as the other characters, come on man. He’s a top notch bro and this is the hill I choose to die on. 
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xxx-cat-xxx · 5 years
Just a Bend in the Road
Something is wrong with Tony, Peter is sure. 
At least they’re only three hours out from the lakehouse now; Pepper will be able to figure out whatever it is that’s going on with him. Just a few hours, Peter thinks. They can do that. 
Turns out, that was a bit optimistic.
Happy Birthday to @ravenclaw-lair, who asked me for a carsickness-turned-worse fic with the Iron Family. This is set in my favourite post-Endgame AU where Tony lives and Peter finally gets to meet Morgan and Pepper.
A million thanks to @whumphoarder for beta reading and coming up with an ending :) And special thanks to @heyjupiter for the East Coast university expertise.
“You know Pete,” Tony starts for the nth time this weekend when they pull back onto the road after a rest stop, “you could still go for MIT. I know the person in charge of the admissions office. And when I say know, I mean”—he glances through the rearview mirror at Morgan, who is contentedly listening to audiobooks through her tablet before lowering his voice—“we had some pretty  intense late-night study sessions in the physics lab together back in the day. And by intense, I mean -”
“Stop, please stop,” Peter protests, rapidly shaking his head to get rid of the mental image. “I don’t even wanna think about that. And besides the fact that May would never let this happen, I don’t want to get into MIT just because you know someone there. That would be unfair to everyone else who had to apply. Plus, I really liked Culver.”
“Whatever you say, kiddo…” Tony sighs. “But let me know if you change your mind.”
Peter is sure he won’t. His grades are good, but, due to his nightly superhero activities, not quite outstanding enough for MIT, and he’s actually fine with that. He did like what he saw of Culver University during their open day - it’s not as top ranked as MIT or the Ivy League schools, but the quality of teaching and their hands-on research approach sounded cool. Plus, it’s Bruce Banner’s old university, and he comes there to give guest lectures from time to time, something Peter would be thrilled to witness.
Peter just hopes that Tony isn’t too disappointed in him for not trying out MIT - he’s seemed a bit distant throughout the whole trip.
“Do you want some trail mix?” Peter offers. Food is usually a failsafe way to lift his mentor’s mood.
“Nah, I’m good,” Tony declines. 
“I WANT TRAIL MIX!” Morgan shouts from under her headphones, about six times louder than necessary.
“Morguna, keep your voice down,” Tony scolds. 
“Sorry,” Morgan stage-whispers. “Can I have some now?”
(Needless to mention, food works wonders on her, too.) 
Peter holds out the bag and Morgan reaches into it with both of her hands, grabbing so much at once that half of it spills back into her lap. Grinning, Peter turns back to Tony and offers the bag once more. “You sure? It’s the good stuff - half M&Ms and no raisins.”
Tony seems to pale a little bit. He shakes his head tightly. “Not hungry.”
Peter frowns. There is no way Tony can’t be hungry. He skipped breakfast that morning, claiming that he’d rather have a long and undisturbed shower, but by the time Peter and Morgan came back, stuffed full of hotel food delicacies, he’d still been in bed. And, thinking back to last night, Peter recalls that Tony barely finished the small pizza he’d shared with Morgan. 
Now that he’s paying attention, Peter notices the thin film of sweat forming on his mentor’s forehead despite the almost too-cold temperature in the air conditioned car. “Are you alri-”
“What’s that shrieking noise?” Tony interrupts, nodding at the radio playing something from the local station. “Doesn’t even deserve to be called music,” he grumbles, passing Peter his phone. “Here, play something decent.”
Peter connects the device and pulls up one of Tony’s playlists, but the worry in his gut only increases at the man’s not very subtle attempt at changing the topic. At least they’re only three hours out from the lakehouse now; Pepper will be able to figure out whatever it is that’s going on with him. Just a few hours, Peter thinks. They can do that. 
Turns out, that was a bit optimistic.
Forty-five minutes later, Peter is idly texting with Ned about their current Lego project when Morgan suddenly takes off her headphones. “Daddy, are we almost there?” she asks, her tone just bordering on a whine.
“It’s at least another two hours,” Tony replies, glancing at her through the mirror with a frown. “What’s bugging you, Morguna?”
“My tummy doesn’t feel good,” Morgan complains, bending forward and wrapping her arms around herself. 
“Do you feel carsick?”
Morgan nods, pressing her lips together. 
“Okay bud, hold on a second,” Tony reassures calmly, already taking his foot off the gas. “I’ll find us a rest stop and we take a break.”
They reach the rest stop without incident, much to Peter’s relief. He used to get carsick a lot as a kid and remembers just how awful it felt. Tony makes Morgan walk around the car a few rounds to get some fresh air and then coaxes her into drinking half a bottle of Sprite. 
Tony is kind and patient as always when he talks to Morgan (something Peter still isn’t used to, despite having had a few months now to get used to Dad Tony™), although Peter can’t help but notice that his mentor seems a little out of it. 
After ten minutes, when the colour has returned to Morgan’s cheeks, Tony moves gingerly around the car to put her back into the booster seat, his lips pressed together almost as if he’s in pain. Both his real and prosthetic hands are shaking slightly when he clicks the seatbelt. 
“Break’s over, back to the road,” Tony’s voice knocks Peter out of his thoughts. He tosses the car keys to Peter, who catches them in confusion. “Your turn, Underoos. I’ll sit in the back with Morguna until she feels better.”
“What? No!” Peter protests. “I can’t drive!”
“What do you mean, you can’t drive?” Tony rebuts. “Do you have a license or not?”
“Well, yeah, but...” Peter does have a license, and he’s definitely come a long way since the day he nearly wrecked Flash’s car, but that still doesn’t mean he feels comfortable behind the wheel. “This car is crazy expensive! What if I break something?”
“Then I’ll buy a new one,” Tony says simply.
That was definitely not the answer Peter was looking for. He lets out a sigh and Morgan giggles a bit from where she’s pressed against Tony’s arm. 
“Come on, kid, please?” The tone is joking, but there’s a hint of desperation under the surface. Something is very, very wrong. 
“Okay,” Peter gives in. “But no comments about me driving below the speed limit.”
Tony gives a half-hearted grin. “Deal.” 
“Deal!” Morgan echoes, which makes Peter smile a little.
Peter is so nervous as he steers them back onto the highway that he hardly dares to draw a full breath. But after a few minutes, he realises that this car runs much smoother than May’s old Toyota Corolla. It’s almost as intuitive as navigating his Spider-Man suit, and after a while, Peter feels himself relax to the point where he is nearly enjoying it. 
Then, he hears a cough from the backseat that quickly turns into a hitching gag. Peter glances in the rearview mirror, fully expecting to see Morgan throwing up. But instead, the girl is staring at her father with a mixture of fear and surprise. It’s Tony who is now white as a ghost and pressing a sleeve-covered hand to his mouth, visibly trying to keep himself from being sick. 
“Pull over,” he says through gritted teeth. 
Peter is flabbergasted. “I can’t just -” 
“Daddy?” Morgan asks, her voice wavering.
“Pete, pull over,” Tony urges, his voice sharp. 
“Okay, okay...” Peter mumbles. He forces himself to concentrate on the road. He indicates to the right to change lanes and then pulls off onto the highway shoulder. 
The car has barely come to a stop before Tony throws the door open and stumbles out of sight behind the vehicle. Peter hears a painful-sounding retch, then the sound of liquid hitting the asphalt. 
“Daddy?” Morgan asks again in a small voice, starting to unbuckle her seatbelt. Figuring the audience of an anxious six-year-old is the last thing Tony wants at the moment, Peter stops her.
“Morgan, wait. Stay here with me,” he says. “Just give your dad a minute, okay?”
She looks at him, her eyes wide. “Is Daddy okay?”
“I- I think he’s a bit sick,” Peter admits. “But he’s gonna be fine,” he adds when he sees Morgan’s eyes fill with tears, irrespective of the worry tightening in his own stomach. 
“Can you look for a water bottle and tissues?” he asks, mostly to give her something to do. 
Morgan nods earnestly and then starts digging in the back pockets of the seats. She finds a packet of tissues and has just pulled out a water bottle when Tony returns. He climbs back into the car rather unsteadily, and sinks down into the seat with a heavy sigh.
“Sorry for that,” he states, his voice hoarse. He looks pretty bad, his face almost grey now and with a feverish gleam to his eyes that makes them stand out even more.
“Daddy!” Morgan exclaims. “Are you okay?”
Tony puts on a forced smile as he turns to face her. “Yeah, I’m okay, sweetie. Sorry I scared you.”
“Did you get carsick?” Morgan asks, mimicking his adult tone.
“Yeah, um, I was carsick,” Tony replies without looking at either of them. 
Peter doesn’t buy it for one second, but he doesn’t want to freak Morgan out. “Morgan, give him the tissues and some water, okay?” he instructs instead.
She holds the items out to Tony. 
“Thanks, munchkin,” he says softly, then takes a sip of water to rinse out his mouth. He leans out of the door to spit it out and can’t suppress a pained groan when he comes back up. “Okay, let’s just get home.”
Morgan snuggles against her father for the rest of the ride, her eyes half-closed, but she doesn’t really fall asleep. Tony seems to be barely holding it together. He is breathing shallowly, wincing slightly every now and then. More than once Peter can hear him gulp as if trying not to puke again. 
“Tony, seriously, tell me when to stop,” Peter whispers when he hears his mentor draw in a sharp breath after a curve. 
“Let’s just get to the house,” Tony mumbles before burping sickly into his sleeve.
Peter has never been happier to turn onto the forest road that leads them off the highway and towards the lake. The moment they stop, Tony is out of the car again, shuffling - almost limping - towards the house as quickly as he can. Peter parks the car and tells Morgan to go find her mom before following Tony to - who would have guessed - the bathroom. 
Peter can hear him throwing up from outside the door. He knocks, but the only response is another retch. Worry takes over, his spider-sense humming in his ears, and he opens the door without waiting any longer. 
Tony is hunched over the bowl, his left arm braced on the toilet seat and the prosthetic one wrapped tightly around his abdomen. He’s in the middle of heaving up bile, his whole body shaking from the strain of it. Peter waits until the current round is finished before tearing off some toilet paper and handing it over for Tony to wipe his mouth with, which the man does clumsily with his left hand. 
“Don’t kill me,” Tony rasps, not looking up at Peter. “I just didn’t wanna freak out Morgan - she’s just always so worried since I lost my arm and all.” He drops the paper into the bowl and reaches up to flush the handle, his face contorting into a painful grimace as he does so.
“And that’s why you didn’t wanna tell her that you got a stomach bug?” Peter asks incredulously. 
“Um...actually…” Tony swallows. “I think it might be appendicitis.”
Peter blinks. “What the hell, Tony? You should be in a hospital.”
“Morgan is really scared of hospitals - it would have terrified her if she'd seen me get wheeled off to surgery again. I’m sorry, kid, but what was I supposed to do?” Tony tries to sit back carefully but then just sort of collapses against the wall, his right knee pulled up to his chest.
A hundred possible answers to this question spring to Peter’s mind, all of which include Tony telling him what was going on about three hours ago. But he swallows them down - now is not the time.
“C-Can you get Pepper?” Tony asks in a sort of pitiful voice.
He’s looking a lot worse than he did just ten minutes ago, and despite his anger, Peter feels a pang of sympathy when he realises just how much Tony must have been holding it together in front of Morgan. 
“Sure.” Peter nods. “But don’t think we’re done talking about this.”
Despite the misery he’s in, Tony manages a weak grin. “Yes, Dad,” he teases.
Peter just sighs.
He almost bumps into Pepper when he opens the door to the living room where Morgan is watching TV.
Pepper takes in the look on Peter’s face and frowns. “What did he do this time?” she mouths. 
“Appendicitis,” Peter whispers back. Pepper’s eyes widen a bit in concern, but otherwise she doesn’t seem nearly as shaken as Peter feels. Two decades of life with Tony Stark seems to have brought her anxiety threshold to an entirely new level. She steps out into the hall and pulls the door shut behind her.
“Are you sure?” she asks. 
“Tony seems sure. And the symptoms match - I think he’s been feeling sick at least since yesterday, and it’s just getting worse.” Peter bites his lip, suddenly overcome by guilt upon thinking about how long it took him to figure out that something was off. 
Pepper seems to catch on to this. “Hey, enough of that. It’s not your fault, okay? Tony is a stubborn idiot who’d rather have the whole world believe that he’s a class-A asshole than admit to being sick.” 
Peter swallows, thinking back to the little he knows about the palladium poisoning period of Tony’s life. His admiration for Pepper instantly increases tenfold.
“I’m gonna drive him to the hospital,” Pepper continues. “I know we were supposed to drop you back with your aunt later, but do you mind staying with Morgan until Happy can get here?”
“No problem,” Peter reassures. Pepper nods gratefully and then walks briskly past him to the bathroom, where, from the sound of it, Tony is being sick again.
Peter’s enhanced hearing picks up Tony’s croaky, “Hey, Pep,” when she enters.
“Oh, Tony,” Pepper replies. “You’re burning up. You’re a hot mess, you know that?” 
Tony chuckles weakly. 
“Do you think you can get up?” she goes on. “We need to get you straight to the hospital...” 
He’ll be fine, Peter tells himself. He’ll be alright.
He straightens up and opens the door to the living room. “Hey kid, what are you watching?”
Several hours later, Peter and Happy are sitting in front of the TV, Peter pretending to study his chemistry notes and Happy pretending to watch Grey’s Anatomy while mostly being caught up in their own thoughts. It took Happy a while to get to the lakehouse, and then Peter decided against driving home. It’s exam season and he can just as well study here. Plus, he wants to be able to visit Tony in the hospital the next day.
Morgan has finally succumbed to sleep after Happy read her four different picture books. She was cranky all evening, first asking for pudding and ice cream for dinner and then demanding extra TV time, but no one had the heart to stop her. Both Happy and Peter realised that that was just her way of dealing with the worry they’re all experiencing. 
Happy has almost fallen asleep on the couch when his phone starts to ring. He startles, then reaches out to pick it up. “Pepper,” he informs Peter. 
Peter shamelessly eavesdrops when Happy answers the call. 
“Hey,” Pepper greets on the other side. “It’s over. He’s awake now.”
Happy lets out a small exhale the same moment Peter feels the tension leave his own body. “Everything went well?” Happy asks. 
“Yeah, the operation went as planned. He was kind of out of it when he came around just now, sort of confused and anxious. Seems like Morgan isn’t the only one carrying around bad memories from the snap.”
Yeah, Peter thinks, you don’t say. 
“They gave him a light tranquilliser and he’ll probably sleep for the next few hours. I’ll stay here overnight if that’s alright with you, and if everything’s fine, you can bring Morgan here first thing in the morning. Peter too, if he wants to come.”
Happy raises a questioning eyebrow and Peter nods emphatically. 
“Yeah, he’ll come with us,” Happy reports. 
“Great.” Pepper lets out a sigh. “Tell Peter thanks for getting him home safely. Tony was asking about them - Morgan and Peter.”
“I will,” Happy says. “Try and get some sleep, boss.” 
“You too.” Peter practically hears the tired smile in Pepper’s voice. “Good night, Happy.” 
“So,” Happy turns to him after setting down the phone. “I suppose after today I should extend an official invitation to the official ‘Stark’s a Stubborn Idiot’ support group. We meet every other Thursday from seven to eight,” he deadpans. “Activities include dragging his ass to the hospital, dragging his ass to bed, dragging his... actually, mostly just a lot of ass-dragging.”
Peter laughs a bit at that. “Do I get a free t-shirt?”
Happy snorts. “I think that could be arranged.”
If you liked this, you might also enjoy my 13k Irondad Endgame fix-it.
All my fics
Taglist: @toomuchtoread33  @yepokokfine
@badthingshappenbingo This is my fill for the ‘Appendicitis’ square.
174 notes · View notes
Visitors From 616
Requested by: Anonymous (Here are the specifics)
Pairing: Reader x Avengers (Platonic!) Word Count: 2.7K Warnings: Swearing, meta
A/N: Reader is 16 years old. Set before Infinity War.
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"Just give me a second honey,” your father notes to your mother before turning to address you, “Now, Y/N,” he says while staring at you intensely, and as your mother tugs on his sleeve and complains about being late, “I would say don’t go into my workshop, but as you are my daughter, I know you’ll do it anyway. And I would say don’t fiddle with any of my inventions, but again... My daughter,” he chuckles before trying to look stern, “So, my only rule is this: Do not, under any circumstance, messy around with the Stargate,”
You nod at his words, trying to look as innocent and trusting as possible, and luckily your dad believes you; he finally gives in to your mum’s pulling and bids you a goodbye with a hug, “Be good while we’re away, kiddo... And try to brain storm some new names for the Stargate, there’s got to be something better,”
You can’t help but laugh - he was definitely right about the dumb name - and sweetly wave at your parents as they leave. They were going away for the weekend, and you couldn’t wait to finally get your hands on the beta versions of Anthony Stark Tech. Your dad had been promising to allow you to help with his inventions for years now, but he never stayed true to his promise. You’d been throwing around some ideas that you think would actually make some of the inventions work.
It took only 30 minutes of you attempting to follow your dad’s rule to break it. Now you were hunched over a steel desk, your eyes darting back and forth between his notebook on the Stargate and your own - he had no idea that you had been secretly sneaking into his lab and fiddling with his inventions for 5 years now.
You had your dad’s genius mind - maybe it was genetic, or maybe because you’ve spent almost all of your spare time with him for as long as you can remember. You knew that you still had a lot of study and learning to do before you were as smart as your dad, but he was convinced you were smarter than he was at 16.
Scribbling down your newest idea to get the Stargate to work, you push off from the desk and glide over to the invention in your chair. Grabbing a few tools, you begin to tinker. You’re not worried about what punishment you would receive if your parents discovered you’d broken your dad’s rule - ‘he’ll be thanking me for making it work,’ you cockily think to yourself as you start working on the machine.
You wake from a nap you don’t remember taking - you must’ve passed out. You wipe drool from the side of your mouth and huff a sigh, realising you weren’t gonna crack this tonight. The lab was creeping when it was dark and silent, so you hurriedly leave and take the well lit elevator to the Tower’s penthouse - your parents house.
“Jarvis?” you call into the intercom,
“Yes, Miss Stark, what can I do for you?” the Tower’s night time head security manager’s voice sounds back,
“Can you please double check the private levels are locked down,” you request,
“Triple checked,” he replies, making you feel reassured you were safe in the big Tower, alone,
“Thank you,” you say, “Over and out,” you add with a tone of amusement. Your parents had employed Jarvis long before you were born; you’d known him for as long as you can remember and you thought of him as an uncle,
“Sleep well, Miss Stark,” you hear his voice from the intercom at the elevator as you make your to your room, “Over and out,” you can help but let out a small snicker - the two of you had upheld the ‘over and out’ thing ever since you were older enough to understand that the intercom connected to the security managers, and it wasn’t a weird robot stuck in the metal panel in the wall.
Loud blaring and shaking jolts you from sleep. It takes you a few seconds to shake off the sleep before you’re springing out of bed and racing to see what was happening. A monitor in the lounge room tells you that a fire has started in the lab, and your heart jumps into your throat as you begin to panic.
“What the fuck did I do?!” you curse yourself as you desperately punch the elevator button.
You sprint out of the elevator and desperately search for the fire extinguisher. That is until you realise there isn’t a fire, but instead a white cloud settles and reveals 5 figures standing around the Stargate invention.
“Hey!” you yell. But that only sends your heart racing as you realise that you had absolutely no way to fight off 5 fully grown adults - you could hardly carry a 10kg weight for more than 3 metres, you were a nerd!
As the white cloud settles - which you deduce is the fire extinguisher powder - your mouth falls open as you recognise the 5 people in front of you. They all look very confused and almost like they were ready to fight at a moments notice.
“What the fuck,” you drawl out in a whisper,
“Who are you?” Captain America asks - not a man that looked like Captain America, not Chris Evans (he had a full beard these days) - but actual Captain fucking America.
Your brain practically short circuits as you stare at the Avengers. You’d think that Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Hemsworth were all standing in your father’s lab if you didn’t know for a fact - thanks to paparazzi photos and Instagram - that all of the actors had changed their look after filming the latest MCU film.
You can’t fathom how you managed to fuck the Stargate so much that you created living beings from one of your favourite franchises, but some how it happened. Or were you dreaming? A thought hits you as you remember why your father had created the invention in the first place, and without even thinking, you step forward and reach out. You poke Tony Stark, making him jump back and the others tense.
“Okay,” you say out loud, even though you were talking to yourself, “You’re real,”
“Who are you?” Thor booms, jolting you from your catatonic state,
“M-My name is Y/N Stark,” you stammer, your mind still moving at half speed.
Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner and Thor all whip around to stare at Tony Stark; their faces conveying different shades of confusion. Tony Stark’s eyes dart from staring at the others to you with a look of horror and confusion painted all over his face.
Tony leans forward, “W-Who’s your mother?” he whispers, his eyes wide and full of terror,
“Virginia,” you state, oblivious to his confused and scared demeanour, “Virginia Potts,” Tony makes a chocking sound before forcefully coughing - as if he’d chocked on his own saliva, “Oh, shit,” you add, realising why he was so taken aback, “I always thought it was a coincidence,”
You were speaking to yourself, and get lost in your thoughts for a few moments before you realise that the Avengers are staring at you expectantly, “Right,” you note, trying to think of how to put your thought process into words, “My father’s name is Anthony Stark and... I-I think I proved the multiverse theory... By accident,”
“The multiverse theory,” Tony breathes out, clearly impressed. Bruce’s eyebrows have disappeared behind the rim of his glasses and Thor just nods.
“The what?” Steve asks, looking like he was the only one that was truly lost by your explanation. Natasha looks as if she kind of gets what you mean.
“Multiverse theory,” Tony turns to you and mockingly rolls his eyes, “We’ve been transported to a different universe,” Steve and Natasha’s mouths drop open with shock,
Bruce turns to Steve and Natasha, “Ah, okay,” he starts before clearing his throat to speak louder. Knowing the simplistic explanation for the multiverse theory, you quickly grab a nearby white board and start drawing - remembering how your father had illustrated it to you when you were younger.
“Imagine there are multiple versions of Earth,” he continues as you draw circles on the board to signify different Earths, “One where, let’s say, the Nazi’s won World War 2. Another where Loki won the Battle of New York-” your eyes bug out of your head as you hear about these fictional characters talking about fictional events in real life as though they really happened, “-One where, uh-”
“Where we’re all evil,” Tony offers.
Bruce just nods and continues, “So all of these Earths,” he points at the few circles you’d drawn on the board, “Occupy the same space, but they vibrate at different frequencies so they can’t see one another,”
“Then how the hell did we end up on a different Earth?” Natasha asks, her head tilted to the side as if she was trying to make proper sense of the science,
“Uh, I think that was me,” you pipe up. Your stomach knots as all of your favourite superheroes stare at you, “Well, it’s my dad’s invention... I just tweaked it a little,” you point to the Stargate invention behind the heroes and they all turn to look at it.
“That looks like your machine, Stark,” Thor notes. You’re confused for just a second before you realise he isn’t talking to you.
“That’s because,” Tony sighs, “I was working on the exact same invention... Well, kinda. I was trying to create a portal to the different realms,” he explains, “Mainly so you could stop ruining my lawn, Thor,” you can’t help but laugh at Tony’s annoyed tone.
Tony flashes a glance at you but Steve talks before anyone else, “But how does that explain her being your child?”
“I’m not his kid,” you speak first, cutting Tony off, “My parents just have the same names as Tony and Pepper - oh and our night security manager is named Jarvis - but none of them look like your versions,”
The room falls silent as the Avengers stare at you, confused and worried. You don’t know what you said wrong until Bruce speaks, “How do you know our names?” a deep frown is set between his brows,
“Uhh...” you can’t think of a lie fast enough, and with all the intense pairs of eyes staring at you, you just telling them the truth, “Well, here on my Earth, you’re all comic book characters,”
“What? Like Superman and Batman?” Steve asks with a frown.
His question surprises you, you would never have guessed that their Earth had DC comic books, “Uh, yeah, exactly,”
“Thor, look at this,” Tony hands the Asgardian a comic book, “Jane takes your throne in this one,”
Thor frowns down at the comic as he mumbles something inaudible to himself. You’re sat in the corner of the room, your head resting in your hands as you watch on in horror.
The Avengers had insisted they see the comics you claimed they were from, and for the past 3 hours they had been combing through them.
“Why don’t we see what these movies are all about?” Natasha states as she moves to grab your laptop.
You’re out of your seat and snatching the laptop from her extended arms before she can even blink, “No!” you practically scream, making all the Avengers stare at you, “U-Uh, I have the DVDs, let’s watch it on the wide screen,” you hope you’ve successfully covered your ass.
You dabbled in writing fanfiction about the MCU characters, and the last thing you want them to find is anything the internet writes about people presumed to be fictional.
Luckily, the Avengers shrug off your outburst and follow you out to the living room. You put on the first Avengers film, figuring it would the most exciting for all of them rather than going through each and every solo film.
It only took 30 minutes for your new guests to start pointing out the differences between what the film portrayed and what actually happened. You’re glad you’ve seen all of the film multiple times, because you can hardly hear the movie as they all complain about the inconsistencies.
After watching Avengers, Age of Ultron and Civil War, you finally put your foot down and voice the worries that had been bugging you all day. You’d convinced the Avengers to follow you back to the lab and help you fix the broken Stargate. You didn’t need your parents coming home tomorrow and finding out that you’d broken your dad’s rule, and that the characters you were ‘obsessed with’ - their words, not yours (but they probably weren’t wrong) - we’re sitting in their living room, eating popcorn and watching themselves on the tv.
Bruce, Tony and yourself work all night and well into the morning to repair the Stargate, but eventually it seems to be in working order. You did have to stop Steve from leaving the penthouse - you had to remind him that he looks exactly like a famous actor that would be swamped the moment he stepped outside, not to mention confuse every one of your Earth when they saw Chris Evans grow a beard back in a matter of days - but thankfully, nothing went wrong.
“Alright, fire her up,” Tony instructs, causing you to pause, “What?” he asks as he sees your hand hovering about the machine’s interface.
A frown is set between your brows as you think, “I didn’t do anything to transport you here the first time,” you note, “I don’t even know what to punch in to send you back to the right Earth,”
“Shit,” Bruce mutters. You cock an eyebrow at Steve, waiting - and kind of wishing - for him to say his iconic ‘language’ line from Age of Ultron.
But Steve only scoffs, “I have the biggest fucking potty mouth out of everyone,” the others laugh as your cheeks flush.
“What does it matter what you put into the machine?” Natasha asks, staring at the machine as if she was waiting for it to suddenly show something other than a blank wall through the circular frame,
“Without the right Earth code,” Bruce helpfully explains, “We could be transported to any Earth in the multiverse,”
“Well, how many can there be?” Steve queries,
“Infinite,” both you and Tony say in unison.
The others begin to worry that they won’t get home, ever, but you begin to think. Without saying a word, you punch in E-616 and the Stargate begins to whir.
The circular frame transforms and suddenly, instead of a blank wall, it looks as though a mirror was reflecting the lab back at you. But none of the 6 of you were reflected.
“What the-” you hear a familiar voice and you have to hold back an excited squeal when you see Bucky Barnes step into view in the machine.
Tony punches the air with both fists in triumph as the others visibly relax.
“Steve?” Bucky asks, squinting at you and the Avengers,
“Hey, pal,” Steve smiles, “Missed us?”
“Where the hell are you?” Bucky asks in confusion, “Sam has been driving me fucking insane,”
Everyone laughs and you see Sam Wilson step up behind Bucky, “Woah, there you guys are! Who’s the girl?”
“Long story,” Natasha simply says,
“We’re famous here!” Thor booms,
“We’re famous there too, Thor,” Tony states bluntly. Sam and Bucky look to be growing more and more confused by the second.
The Stargate’s frame begins to shake and you begin to panic, “Oh no,” you say as looking at the interface, “It’s not going to hold for long,”
The Avengers bid you quick goodbyes, thanking you for your hospitality and for getting them home, and cross back over to their world. As you wave back at your fictional heroes, the view of Tony Stark’s lab blinks away and the Stargate sparks before bursting into flames.
“Shit!” you promptly extinguish the flames before slumping back against a nearby chair, “Dad’s going to kill me,”
You were exhausted and now you only had 24 hours to fix his invention, again. But you can’t help but smile to yourself - knowing that you’d met the Avengers. Even if you could never tell anyone - for the risk of being labelled as crazy - it was something just for you to know.
Tags: @sgtjamesbuchananbarnes107th, @multifandom-slytherin, @redstarstan, @rosyfluffyprincess, @heismyhunter, @coffeeismylife28, @klutzly, @leahhavoc, @invisible2niall, @addictwithafandomblog, @hantu369mc, @thegreatestpilotinthegalaxy, @impala-moose, @stratmoxphere, @bearded-bucky, @meep-meep22, @caitsymichelle13, @pleasefixthepain, @strangermarvelthings, @specs15, @sebstanwassup, @sebstanismylife, @wunnywho, @thedarknesswarrior, @girlwith100names, @melconnor2007, @ipaintmelodies, @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked, @spookydoritos, @fanboyswhereare-you, @yoinkpeter, @tcmhollnd, @providence-impoverished, @lilya-petrichor, @hells-princess, @sarahp879, @indecorousthoughts, @geeksareunique, @courtneychicken, @peter-spider-parker-man, @mizzzpink, @lovely-geek, @httpmcrvel, @glitteringsarah, @stardustandbucky, @lena-stan-xavier, @princess76179
Tags that didn’t work: @mo320, @hesitant-poison, @xplumsceptrequeenx, @spn-worm, @addictionmarvel, @mrs-stan-barnes, @yoyolovesbucky, @janellexox0, @impossiblyteenagestudent96400
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secret-rendezvous1d · 7 years
can you do a Harry blurb on the last ask? like about the missus being insecure and it causing a small fight between them. it starts with them just having a stressful day and she's getting lots of comments about Harry being too good for her and she gets angry with him even if it's not his fault. she says am i not good enough and are you only here for our daughter and am I holding you back blah blah and it ends with a bath and him making sure she KNOWS that she's the ONLY one for him
Stemmed from this answer.
He hates fighting with her.
And she hates fighting with him.
But it’s been building up and building up and building up within her, for ages and ages and ages, and she’s struggling to keep her emotions trapped inside of her to keep something from blowing up; having to shift between having time to herself to recuperate and looking after their poorly two-year old, who had come down with the sickness bug, and packing up their belongings from tiny, first-bought, flat for moving day, it was safe to say that she was juggling more than she could handle. Unwillingly letting people help because she thought she could do it. Her day having gone from okay, and incredibly productive without a single rest being taken, to terrible, and exhausting and had her wanting the day to be over already, in the span of a few hour. 
His day hadn’t gone much better; with Christmas and New Year around the corner, band meetings, and travelling to the American office to speak with the bosses, were much more frequent and taking him away from what would have been spent as a productive day at home. A day that would have included plenty of cuddles with his poorly daughter to get her feeling herself again, had instead included a lot of signing his autograph and reading contracts over and planning appearances and a tour and award events that they would perform at. He’s tired when he steps through the door… but he knows he won’t be getting a rest squeezed in before dinner… deciding that sitting down would only make him worse and freeing his hands, of his keys and his wallet, to help her move packed up and heavy boxes from one room to the next.
“I don’t need help with this, okay? I’m fine doing things by myself. Been doin’ it all bloody day without anyone here. Have to do, at least, something in this fucking relationship to make me not look like I can’t do anything,” she hisses beneath her breath. He knows, deep down, that it’s not a dig at him, but it feels that way and it doesn’t stop the frown from pulling his features together, “have always been doin’ stuff alone whilst you gallivant your way around the world. There’s nothing new there,” she mutters, “do you even think about me and Amelie or do you just think about yourself? Do you even miss us when you’re gone all day, all week, all fucking year, or are your text messages not coming through to see how we are?”
“Oi, no. Hey, where’s all of this coming from? What’s gotten you so angry?” He grabs her hands, stopping her from piling up tea-towels from the kitchen area. Her eyes rolling in her head as she tugged them from his hold. “Don’t get angry with me. I’ve not had much of an easy day, either.”
“Oh, boo-hoo. So, poor Harry’s had a shit day at work. What’s new?” She retorts. Confusion taking over the frown as he followed her through to the living room, on stand-by in case she dropped anything. “Try being a mum to a poorly two year old who’s throwing up all the time and never wants to leave your side. Try packing up a home into crap boxes that got damp in the storage unit. Try being a proper boyfriend who wants to help other than a boyfriend who thinks it’s okay to leave his girlfriend struggling when she needs help. To leave her at home whilst he parties with the pretty girls and has the time of his life. Try having your life criticised every single second of the day, Harry. Then talk to me about not having much of an easy day.”
“Alright, that’s enough,” he warns her, grabbing hold of her shoulders to keep her in place and to stop her from wandering away from him. His voice deep and rough and extremely hard in tone. Green eyes no longer homing confusion but instead anger. “What the hell is your problem tonight?”
“My problem is you! It’s all you,” she wiggles in his hold but to no avail. His hands clamping down tighter. “Everything that happens, every nasty thing that happens, is your fault, okay? I’m never good enough for anything you do. I’m never good enough for you. You got me pregnant. You got famous and got thousands of horrible fans who forget I’ve got feelings. You go out every night and leave me at home, like I’m just the babysitter of your kid. You’re always being seen with models and you don’t care who sees it. You’re the reason my life never went the way I wanted it to go!”
“In case you’ve forgotten, it takes two to make a baby! Maybe we should have waited for a kid because clearly you know nothing about biology,” he snaps, dropping his hands to his side and huffing out a heavy breath, coming short as she pushes his chest and storms away from him. In the direction of their bedroom, slamming the door behind her. “You don’t get to walk away from me! You can’t just blame me for everything, not tell me what is happening, and walk away! We’re in this together! You tell me everything. You don’t just erupt on me as soon as I walk through the front fucking door!”
He hears a muffled ‘fuck you’ come through the bedroom door, before a pillow comes into contact with the oak. His daughter, crying out for her daddy, soon sounding around the tiny flat that catches his attention. Guilt flooding through him as he poked his head into her bedroom and saw her sat up on her bed, sick bucket on the floor, with wet cheeks and knotted hair. 
“Daddy,” she cries, arms stretched out as her hands clamp into fists, her voice hoarse and rough, “daddy, m’sick.”
“I know, little love. I know. You’re not feelin’ so good, are you? I’m sorry me and mummy woke you up from your nap,” he coos, striding across the floor and perching down on the edge of her bed, letting her climb into his lap as he held her tightly, “c’mere. I love you, yeah? Love you and yeh mummy so much.”
“Me and mummy were just talking, okay? Nothin’ for you to worry about, alright? There won’t be anymore shouting, ever again, I promise you, little love,” he hums softly, pressing a kiss to her sweaty forehead and letting his nose nudge into her hair. Cuddling her close as she curled up on his thighs. “Mummy’s done so good in looking after you today, hasn’t she? M’sorry I wasn’t here to help her. I wanted to be, but, work had me all day so I could make money for you both. So I can spoil you rotten with Christmas presents and birthday treats,” he grins softly as she looks up at him, sleepy eyes glossing over as she tried to fight the tired feeling, “go back to sleep. M’still here and I’ll always be here, okay? Never have to worry about me disappearing anywhere. Love yeh, and I love yeh mum, to absolute bits.”
It’s not long before Amelie has passed out and it’s not long after that, when he’s tucking her back up into her bed and tiptoeing out of her bedroom, closing the door behind him, whilst making sure her night-light was switched on. His hand wrapping around the door to their main bedroom, seeing his girlfriend curled up on her side as he scuffed through room and towards the en-suite bathroom.
“You’ve got some nerve telling our daughter all that and then coming in here,” she murmurs and he ignores the pang in his heart, “what makes you think I want to see your face?”
“I’m doing what I do best and looking after you because you need to relax. You’re stressed from everything and upset with what’s being said online and that’s not okay. I don’t like it, at all, when you’re grumpy and angry. I’m running you a bath and I’m going to call up the Chinese and get us a takeaway and I’m going to finishing packing this place up so that you don’t have to worry,” he informs her, flicking on the bathroom light and disappearing into the room, “and you, you’re going to tell me everything that’s happened and what’s been said and we’re going to work through this like adults, yeah? We’re going to apologise to one another, we’re going to forget it happened, and we’re going to enjoy this process of moving from this tiny flat to our first big home.”
There’s silence that swallows the both of them, apart from the occasional creak of the bed as she gets up and the squeak of a floorboard as she walks closer to the bathroom and it’s broken when she sighs softly and wraps her arms around his waist from behind. Holding him and squeezing him tightly as he stands straight from twisting the faucets on.
“I don’t feel good enough for you. You have all these pretty women throwing themselves at you and looking at you with their tongues wagging and I hate it. It makes me feel like I’m nothing compared to them. I hate knowing that you could drop me and Amelie at a bat of their eyelashes because they’re beautiful and skinny and don’t have kids. You could wake up one morning and realise that m’not what you want. That Amelie isn’t what you want,” she whispers, muffled against his t-shirt, “people are always telling me that you could do better. That I’m tearing you down and that I’m holding you back from what you really want. They hate me,” her voice cracks, and at the same time, so does his heart, “and I don’t want them to hate me because of the fact that I love you. I want to be good enough for everyone. But I don’t.”
“I love you so much. I don’t think it’s even possible to stop,” he admits, twisting in her arms and wrapping his own around her shoulders, holding her close to his chest. Lips pressing against her cheek. “I don’t need a model or a pretty woman because I have my own. In fact, I have two pretty women in my life. You and a little lady who looks so much like you that it scares me half to death, sometimes. Are all of our kids going to look like you?” He chuckles softly, feeling her snicker under her breath, “you’re always going to be good enough for me. If they don’t get that, then, that’s their problem. Me and you know what’s best for each other, yeah? I love you. I wouldn’t dream of ever getting rid of you.”
“Even if someone really fit and skinny with the biggest boobs came towards you?”
“Not even if Rihanna walked passed me. Why would I need someone else when I’ve already got an absolutely lovely and beautiful and gorgeous girlfriend in my life?” He pulls away and looks down at her, a sheepish smile on his lips. “Especially when said lovely and beautiful and gorgeous girlfriend gave me an incredibly gorgeous little girl. How could I ever ruin a life that I deem as a perfect, huh? S’only perfect because I’ve got you two.” xx
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kaepop-trash · 7 years
OTEverybody: Arrival
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Rated: </unavailable/>
Pairing: I’m sure you’ve gotten the hint by now
Summary: Being NCT’s manager was challenging as it is, add to that the fact that suddenly half of them feel the need to win your affection.
Proposal | Practice Room | Meeting | Third Floor | Airport | Arrival
“It’s very warm here.” Win win said once they left the air conditioned airport.
“What else did you expect from a tropical island?” Ten asked him confused, Winwin let out a loud ah in realisation earning a chuckle from you.
“Come on, you guys have two vans so divide yourself without fighting.” Taeyong laughed at what he assumed was a joke made by you.
“The only time these kids don’t fight is when they’re too tired, and even then there’s annoyed kicking. You only handle three of them, you’re in for a real treat.” Taeyong provided helpful information. You turned to him, evaluating his words.
“Haechan go to the car at the back with the kids.” You told him pointing at the car in question.
“But-” He was already prepared.
“You’re in charge.” You let him know and he happily complied.
“Yuta you can go to the same car.” You told him next.
“I don’t want to sit with the kids.” He frowned at the prospect.
“Take Sicheng with you.” You allowed quickly before he could say something else.
“Okay.” He answered before pulling Winwin to the car, telling him something about the food he wanted to try here.
“The rest of you can sit in this car.” You said.
“I don’t have to listen to you.” Doyoung said between sniffling.
“Fine, go to the other car. Here take another pill.” He looked like he wanted to say something else, but coming short of a retort he just took the medicine and walked away.
She turned to Taeyong with a satisfied smile while he stared in stunned silence.
“I’m spreading rumours that you’re the NCT whisperer.” He said before getting into the car after everyone else.
You were on your way to the staff bus when a voice diverted your attention, it was Minho.
“There’s place in our car if you want a ride.” He was walking up to you with a smile.
“Thank you so much but I need to go match schedule with the staff.” You backed away apologetically.
 From inside the second car Donghyuck watched Minho give her his best dazzling smile, when a equally bright idea popped into his head.
“Winwin hyung your Korean hasn’t gotten any better since you started.” He turned around to Winwin who was focused on a korean book till he looked up, pouting at the criticism.
“What do you mean?” Yuta spoke up defensively almost immediately, “You wouldn’t be able to learn Chinese even if it’s all you did all day, and he has so many different things to do.” Donghyuck just shrugged.
“You’re too loud.” Doyoung complained, nursing a headache.
“Shut up humdrum Bugs Bunny.” Yuta responded.
“Excuse me!” Doyoung raised his voice, thoroughly offended.
 From outside, you had to divert your attention from Minho to the increasing noise in the car. With a sense of dread you realised that you put Yuta, Doyoung and Donghyuck in the same car. This wasn’t going to end well.
“I have to go, take care of this.” You said quickly before turning away.
 “What is wrong with all of you?” You opened the door, annoyed at the immature behaviour. All of them, who seemed to be in different quarrels stopped and looked at you like children being caught stealing from the cookie jar.
“Haechan started it.” Yuta was the first to respond, voice still raised from being in fight mode.
“I don’t care,” You snapped. “Behave yourselves, you aren’t 10 years old. Do I have to sit with you?” You threatened.
“Yes.” Donghyuck said far too quickly.
“I don’t mind.” Yuta’s eyes lit up.
“You can do what you like.” Doyoung mumbled grumpily.
“I’m scared.” Renjun said.
You looked around at all of them confused at the quick compliance.
“Renjun can you sit beside Donghyuck? Let me sit with Chenle.” You asked him with a softer voice and he nodded.
“The seat beside me works fine.” Donghyuck spoke immediately.
“Chenle is sick.” You explained.
“So am I.” Doyoung mumbled.
“Yes, but you aren’t as miserable as him, and you’re an adult.” Your response flustered Doyoung, who didn’t expect you to hear, “You can come up at sit with us if you want.” You offered and he tried to hide his blush.
“N-No Thanks. I’m good.” He turned away and you chuckled.
As the car finally made it’s way, Donghyuck stared at you once longingly before turning away.
“What was the point of starting that spat.” He mumbled to himself, sulking.
“Did you say something?” You asked.
“Just that this will be a great trip.” He smiled before turning away, still seething.
 When you arrived at the hotel, your work was cut out for you. You still had to coordinate schedules, which got delayed, and you had to do many other tiny things like give the restaurant a list of allergies and speak to the staff about clothes and makeup. You were already dreading the insane schedule ahead of you when you turned to see your group of boys already looking lost without helpful guidance. You sighed and proceeded to the reception to get their key cards.
“Here, four of you have to share a room. The order is decided so don’t even try fighting.” You warned before they could intervene, “You also have adjoining rooms. So it’s essentially eight of you sharing a space. Please try not to scream too much. Seventeen complained about us at Kcon. Even Seventeen thinks you’re too loud!” You chastised.
“Go rest a little for now, there’s a company dinner in the evening. I’m sorry you guys can’t go out today but I have too much work to do.” You were deeply apologetic but they nodded.
“You need to rest too. You look very tired.” Johnny spoke looking worried, you smiled at him gratefully.
“I just have a few things to do and then I can get some sleep.” Your voice was softer now, “Now go all of you. Your seniors are all on the same floor so don’t be loud.” You left them with that warning, walking away to the staff waiting for your instructions.
 “You were on the phone with the social network director of the company when one of the stylists who was sharing the room with you walked in looking like she’d seen a ghost. You watched her clumsily walk around the room for a while till you ended your phone conversation.
“What’s wrong with you?” You asked her.
“There are a bunch of idols outside our room, quarreling. Sorry I was just a little rattled.” You got up immediately groaning loudly.
“Is it my kids?” You asked already dreading her response.
“No see, I see them all the time, I wouldn’t be this shocked.” Your eyebrows knit further together as you decided to just approach the door.
When you opened your room door you were shocked to find Minho and Baekhyun in the middle of a serious round of rock paper scissors and Jeno standing at the back with Jisung looking like they would rather be anywhere else.
When Jisung noticed you his eyes blew wide and he tugged on Jeno’s shirt eagerly.
“We were coming to call you for dinner but these hyungs came with us, I’m very confused.” Jeno said looking as lost as he sounded.
“(Y/N)” Minho breathed out when he noticed you, both of them turned to look at you and hurriedly put their hands behind their backs.
“What’s going on?” You asked, you seemed to be very confused all the time lately.
“I was just wondering if you’d join me for dinner?” Minho asked.
“Come with me!” Baekhyun said a little forcefully but added a smile.
“We’re going to the same place for dinner.” You clarified and they all went quiet from the realisation. You gave them another perplexed look before leaving with the two kids.
“Noona I’m going to say it now, these hyungs are getting seriously scary.” Jisung said and you laughed, ruffling his hair.
They watched you walk away. Minho scoffed.
“Sure the kid gets a pat, I don’t even get coffee.” He laughed again.
“Honestly hyung, why are you so obsessed over coffee?” Baekhyun asked animatedly, “She’s just a game to you isn’t she? Wow! Here I thought you were a decent guy.” He shook his head in disbelief and Minho glared at him.
“My intentions are pure!She choose work over spending time with hot and sexy Minho, I was impressed.” Minho admitted in a fit and then blushed, heat creeped into Baekhyun's cheeks too but he laughed at the ‘hot and sexy’.
“She told me I was very loud backstage once, to my face.” Baekhyun was suddenly in checking his nails.
“That’s why you like her?” Minho asked seriously. Baekhyun nodded biting his cheek.
“But you are loud!” Minho exclaimed and Baekhyun faced him with fresh rage.
“You know she’s too young for you! She’s not exactly your very pretty noona.” Baekhyun did the dance step and Minho smacked his chest. He clutched his chest dramatically, his face scrunched up in pain. Minho just rolled his eyes, knowing the boy all too well. He peaked from an eye and when Minho didn’t show any signs of caring he dropped the act.
“Let’s go for dinner.” He said with a straight face.
“Do you really think these kids have a better chance than us?” Minho asked and Baekhyun was uncharacteristically silent.
“They spend more time with her than we do. Also the kids aren’t lacking you know.” He gestured to his face to imply visuals.
“But we’re Minho and Baekhyun? From Shinee and Exo? Does that mean nothing anymore?” Minho asked incredulously. Minho put an arm on Baekhyun’s shoulders, both of them sharing a moment. When they finally reached the Restaurant they saw you waiting outside.
“Since you were thoughtful enough to come to call me for dinner I didn’t want to go in without you. As a simple staff member I’m grateful, but as a fan I can get a little flustered, I’m sorry if I come of standoffish.” You bowed politely and Minho dropped the hand on Baekhyun’s shoulder going up beside her.
“You listen to our songs?” He asked with wide eyes.
“Ofcourse!” She said like it was obvious, “You’re all legends, who hasn’t listened to your music?” Minho grinned at her words.
“What about me?” Baekhyun demanded.
“I always listen to your songs when it rains, your voice really calms me so I’m grateful.” He grinned.
“I’ll sing for you if you want.” Baekhyun laughed flustered.
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minahraven · 7 years
Current Ask Statuses
TBD – To Be Done
IP – In Progress
RtP – Ready To Post
 alicemad-hatter said:
Can I request a Bom scenario where after the group disbanded she came home upset and y/n (preferably female) cheered her up with food and loving sex - TBD
Anonymous said:
Amber x girl reader smut where she admits all of her kinks to you and you have kinky sex (dirty talk, spanking...) - IP
Anonymous said:
Hi! Can I request a Jimin fluff where he is like the outcast of the school and he's always alone, and one day you see him sitting alone at lunchtime, and you go sit by himself bc you don't like how he's always alone, and treated by others, and you want to be his friends. And then, you are always together, and Jimin starts developing feelings for you. And then you could add some smut, but it's up to you. - IP
Anonymous said:
Can I request something where the reader has been long time friends with Jimin ❤️❤️😭😭 but then one day one thing leads to another from him being jealous o(≧▽≦)o and ends up semi smutty???? - IP
nvmphadora-tonks said:
Hello darling! Could I request a BTS ship please? I have an about me page on my blog with information, but if you want any more let me know! Thank you so much, have a wonderful week! - RtP
 before-i--fall-in-love said:
Hey there!! I was wondering if I could get a written ship with BTS? I'm very cuddly, loving, motherly in nature. Really nice a friendly to everyone including strangers, good with kids (and animals!!), polite around adults. In my spare time I dance and work-out, as well as watching movie (horror, animation and romantic comedy movies) and cooking. I love cuddling and skinship in general. I really want to get married :D I spend a lot of time with my family. Thank you so much and have a nice day 💗  - RtP
 chanitnim said:
Can I have a ship with BTS, please? I’m very carefree, open and happy in general. I’m the type to say ok to anything with no regrets 😂 I tend to be easy to read and be able to get over lost/sadness faster than others. Friend say I’m bubbly, funny and reliable. Observing people is one of my favorite thing. Arts, languages and a long nice walk are LOVE ❤️Just no bugs. I’m very forgetful and pretty laid-back myself. I get scare easily but horror movies are my fav! Thank you! - RtP
 chana-ninja said:
Hi~. Can I get a ship with BTS please?? I’m caring and honest. I always keep my word. Others may see me as either a sweet or a quiet one but actually I’m kind of a dork 😬unconscious humming song when in a good mood, bad at lying and pretty clumsy tho. I’m not really girly but love sweets (let’s say all kind of food😆)animal and flowers. I'm adventurous, love nature, prefer walking to driving, like drawing and enjoy listening to music. I'm a fan of Horror movies. Thank you❤️ - RtP
 channynipa said:
Hi! I would love to request a written ship w/BTS,pls? I'm the eldest of 4,making me reliable & a good leader. I'm very caring,affectionate,kind & strong both physically & mentally. I get competitive & fearless sometimes. I'm a good listener so as a good adviser. I'm not the type to open my worries to others fast & likely to say it's fine. In fact,I just need someone who will face me and tell me to be honest w/them. I have so much love to share w/everyone,especially my family & people I care. (1)
 channynipa said:
Everyone can be my friends! I'm good w/children,they make me super happy😍 My friends say I'm funny,very friendly & warm. I LIKE flowers,animals,coffee & LOVE cuddling,skinship and watching movie (horror movies are my fav). I enjoy theme park & advanturous things. I really like listening to music & going for a walk at night. I don't really like changes,hate heat & worst w/directions. I'm always there for my sis. Smile's always on my face & I hope everyone can smile,too :) TYSM! & take your time❤ - RtP
 thebreathbeforethekiss said:
Hi! May I get a ship with bts? I'm 1,68 m with long dark hair and even darker eyes, almost black. #1 thing about me is that I'm a mix of introvert and extrovert. I tend to take care of others before I take care of myself. I'm a perfectionist but not to an extreme. I believe that life is easier when you share your positivity to others. All in for skinship. My hobbies; relaxing, daydreaming, listening to music and playing video games (i get pretty competitive when it comes to games) Thanks <3 - RtP
 sorry-ionlydrinkmilk said:
Hello :) Could I pretty please get a written BTS ship? I'm actually kind, friendly, down to earth and also clumsy. I well have the mind of 19+ lol I cannot live without talking and really love taking care of others. Good adviser. Yet, there is a time I need someone to hear me pour out about anything and give me courage. My goal is to have a big family. Love running, dancing and advanturous things even though I'd rather choose to lay down all day lol Thank you so much for your effort. - RtP
Anonymous said:
Hi!! i'd like to request a drabble from the drabble challenge if thats alright :) number 88 with V when he's confessing his feelings for you and wont let you finish your sentence because he keeps on apologising? thank you!!  - RtP (How have I not posted this yet?! This was the first drabble request I had and I….UGH. I am awful, I am soooo sorry!!)
Anonymous said:
I was wondering if could request a react of BTS or Amber seeing their male partner lifting something heavy. (I.E. weights at gym, a heavy box while moving etc.) – IP (This one’s tricky because I did it and then I realised I was an idiot and did it from a female perspective, so I need to redo it from a male one)
Anonymous said:
Helloo!! Could you please possibly do a BTS reaction to their s/o never tried masturbating before cause they're too scared? – IP (just needs gifs!
Anonymous said:
Can you do a bts reaction to their girlfriend trying to lift them up to carry them to bed when she sees them sleeping on the couch but she's too weak to carry them all the way over so she accidentally drops them? – IP (You would not believe the time I’ve had with this one. I don’t know why it fights me! But, it will be done within a day or two. I swear it.)
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