#ary mix and zee
artzyxartzz Β· 10 months
Not me Constantly struggling with the color for the Russian girl....well she finally has a name now tho-.... Her name is Ailyn!
-Deffenetly not struggling with colors and jusy casually looking at Paintings for Inspo.
-I'ma probably Keep this current one, IDK!.
-also Lore info about Dreamlocket if you want to know! (HERE and HERE)
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-Also Ailyn is one of the serious characters, and literally is Like Zooble from TADC! but Russian Lmao
-FunFact: when Ailyn is feeling Happy her Red side which is her Current aka nutural emotion, Will turn Yellow! But if she is Sad it will be blue, but if she was mad....that side would becomw A little dark red, a Ruby Red color!
-Also she gets mad VERY easly! she also hates a specific character who i Will soon draw ^^
Also here is a sneak peak how the main character aka, Mix will look like!
(This just a sketch lol!)
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-Btw, Mix has two persona, one is named Zee which is the one on thw right, and the one on the left is Ary (idk how to say them) but their basically two sides of her that she can't control much, but thats why she got a friend who helps her with that!
-Her friend i'll draw soon, i'm just forcusing on the characters that are hard to design lmao
I think i'm going insane, but at the same time it just feels like i know what am doing
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arc4diafm Β· 1 year
you’re invited, MIMI, MITZI, & NORIΒ ! you have TWELVE HOURS to go to the link on your invite to rsvp to the biggest event of the summer ! (Β havana mcdonough, park sooyoung, & jung jinhyeongΒ are now taken )
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( havana mcdonough, she/they, twenty three ) back in town, MIMI KEHLER ? we’re always glad to see you away from SEATTLE, WA, your WITTY disposition always brightens arcadia up. if i remember right, aren’t you a ARIES ? it explains your tendency to be a little VOLATILE. will we see you around SALTY DOG PIER, this much this year ? or are you gonna run off somewhere else to HAVE A BOAT DAY ? either way, hopefully i’ll see you around this summer. / zee, est, she/they
( park sooyoung, any, 25 ) it’s about that time of year, MITZI AN ! even after your 10 YEARS LIVING IN ARCADIA, you never get used to it, huh ? PAPER TRAILS is about to be busier than ever, so visit while you can ! hey, you’ll probably be popular with your MAGNETIC personality, if you don’t scare them off by being DECEPTIVE first ! hopefully you get enough time to MAKE MIXED TAPES FOR LATE NIGHT DRIVES before summer’s over, oh ! and don’t forget to add LOVE DRUNK by BOYS LIKE GIRLS to our summer bash playlist ! i know it’s your favorite. / reezy, cst, they/he
( jung jinhyeong, he/him, 25 ) back in town, NORI SHIM? we’re always glad to see you away from NYC, your CHARMING disposition always brightens arcadia up. if i remember right, aren’t you a LEO ? it explains your tendency to be a little PESSIMISTIC. will we see you around NITRO, this much this year ? or are you gonna run off somewhere else to MAKE SMORES ? either way, hopefully i’ll see you around this summer. / e, est, he/him
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Exit Point Rave Breaks and Future Jungle Session #1: https://www.house-mixes.com/profile/Exit-Point/exit-point-rave-breaks-and-future-jungle-session-1.
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amieravenson Β· 5 years
Magickal Month- April
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Magickal Month April 2019 April is such an exciting month! This time last month, we were seeing the first flowers and signs of new life, but now we’re seeing the real greening of the world. The forests are iridescent green, the azaleas, phlox, red buds, and cherry trees are coming in, and those first signs of life have become a full-on explosion of color. I’ve been seeing the deep purple of hyacinths in important places, though they’re pretty much past at this point. The tulips and wisteria are getting ready to explode in a week or two. I really love Spring. The weather is still back and forth, and the cool days are mixing with days that seem unreasonably warm for the season. And here in the South, at least, the pine pollen is really starting to coat every single surface. So while we desperately want to keep the windows open and feel the warmer air, that’s a recipe for sinus disaster. Ahhh, the paradox of Spring. I’ve been seeing robins for a few weeks, and the hawks and crows that are around all Winter are still here, just more feisty. I just saw a squirrel chasing another one around the backyard, and that reminds me that it’s mating season. Where’s my husbear? The etymology of the word β€˜April’ either comes from the Latin word meaning β€˜to open’, or from Aphrodite (Roman Venus), to whom this month was dedicated. Both seem appropriate, as we get a little randy and find ourselves opening up to our world and our relationships. Go outside and experience some joy! Lunations: April 5- New Moon in Aries, 4:50am EDT April 19- Full Moon in Libra 7:12am EDT Astronomy: April 6- Kappa Serpentids meteor shower begins April 10- Jupiter goes retrograde April 23- Lyrids meteor shower begins April 24- Pluto goes retrograde April 24- Pi Puppids meteor shower begins April 30- Saturn goes retrograde Celtic Tree Month: Alder (Mar 18th- April 14th): Balance, reawakening fertility, accelerated growth (good time for business or creative ventures), harnessing your hidden potential, balancing practical and mystical, release, foundations, determination, confidence, facing things you’ve been avoiding. Willow (April 15th-May 12th): Resonance and harmony, creativity, fertility, feminine rights of passage, inspiration, love, love divination, sleep with a willow wand for vivid dreams, protection for underworld journeying, found near water, spring cleaning physically/mentally/emotionally/spiritually, letting go of the past. Holidays (non-Pagan): April 3: Isra and Mi’raj (Muslim) April 6: National Tartan Day April 14: Palm Sunday (Christian) April 15: Tax Day (a dubious holiday) April 20: First day of Passover (Jewish) April 21: Easter (Christian) April 25: Take our Daughters and Sons to Work Day April 26: Arbor Day April 27: Last day of Passover (Jewish) Holidays (Pagan): April 1: Veneralia, celebrating Venus as the embodiment of love vanquishing Mars as the embodiment of war April 4-5: Greek festival of Hekate April 5-6: Mounikhion Noumenia- Greek festival honoring all gods and goddesses April 7-8: Greek festival of The Charities, goddesses of beneficience April 8-9: Greek festival honoring Aphrodite April 10-11: Greek festival honoring Artemis April 12-13: Greek festival honoring Posiedon April 14-25: Icelandic Summer Days Feast- honoring the gods, where petitions and toasts were made to them. April 20-21: Mounikhia- festival of Greek goddess Artemis April 28- May 5: Floralia- Roman festival of Flora, goddess of flowers April 30- May 2: Beltaine- Celtic festival of Blodeuwedd (goddess of flowers) and Llew (god of Oak)- celebrates love and fertility Themes for the month: Refreshing everything, renewal, growth and greening, clearing out our Winter homes from stagnant energy, leaving our cocoons and moving out into the world. Flowers, joy, excitement, celebration, fertility and creativity. General activities for the month: Getting outside! Planning and building your garden, yardwork, moongazing, birdwatching, shopping for summer clothes, spring cleaning, rebirthing yourself. Herbs I’m using: I’m really feeling connected to everything lunar right now. I’m using almonds, coconut, and vanilla in teas and desserts, and I’m adding mugwort to all my teas as well. After going within all Winter, I’m ready to connect to the magick of the outside world and nature again. Stones I’m using: Apache tears- to work through and clear away grief and mourning, salt- for cleansing and purifying, selenite- for more energetic cleansing and raising the vibration of a space. Goddess of the Month: We’re getting ready to move where we’ll be next to a swampy area that’s actually a slow-moving stream. I’m SO excited. So I’ve been looking at fresh water or river deities, and the Naiads came up in my search. I want to connect with this body of water, and I want to connect with the Naiads as well. I have the perfect place to leave offerings, I just need to figure out what they would like. 3 card reading:
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April 3 card reading First, we see the 3 of Pentacles reversed. This is the card of working, collaborating, and being productive. So in the reversed position, we’re not going to feel like we’re doing good work. We may be too scattered, we may not have the resources we need, or we may just not be able to focus this month. There’s too much going on, and the distractions are making us veer from what we should be doing. Next, we have The Lovers. This is a really appropriate card for this time of year, as most mammals tend to ramp up their mating rituals around now. We’re too distracted by love, romance, and sex to keep our wits about us. That’s nothing to worry about, really. Everyone else is distracted too. And finally, we see The Magician. So from all this distraction and seeming chaos, we can make things happen. We can manifest magick, as long as we take this energy and use it instead of getting lost in confusion. This is the time to take control and create our reality. Use the energy of this crazy time to propel yourself forward! Our special guidance card is One-Ring Circus. Again, we’re looking at a crazy time of action and reaction. But you we can do it! We can harness all this energy and make it into something grand and beautiful. This is our time! The Clote (Water-Lily) By William Barnes O zummer clote! when the brook’s a-glidΓ¨n So slow an’ smooth down his zedgy bed, Upon thy broad leaves so seΓ€fe a-ridΓ¨n The water’s top wi’ thy yollow head, By alder sheΓ€des, O, An’ bulrush beds, O, Thou then dost float, goolden zummer clote! The grey-bough’d withy’s a leΓ€nΓ¨n lowly Above the water thy leaves do hide; The bΓ¨nden bulrush, a-swaΓΏΓ¨n slowly, Do skirt in zummer thy river’s zide; An’ perch in shoals, O, Do vill the holes, O, Where thou dost float, goolden zummer clote! Oh! when thy brook-drinkΓ¨n flow’r’s a-blowΓ¨n, The burnΓ¨n zummer’s a-zettΓ¨n in; The time o’ greenness, the time o’ mowΓ¨n, When in the hΓ€y-vield, wi’ zunburnt skin, The vo’k do drink, O, Upon the brink, O, Where thou dost float, goolden zummer clote! Wi’ eΓ€rms a-spreadΓ¨n, an’ cheΓ€ks a-blowΓ¨n, How proud wer I when I vu’st could swim Athirt the deep pleΓ€ce where thou bist growΓ¨n, Wi’ thy long more vrom the bottom dim; While cows, knee-high, O, In brook, wer nigh, O, Where thou dost float, goolden zummer clote! Ov all the brooks drough the meΓ€ds a-windΓ¨n, Ov all the meΓ€ds by a river’s brim, There’s nwone so feΓ€ir o’ my own heart’s vindΓ¨n As where the maΓ―dens do zee thee zwim, An’ stan’ to teΓ€ke, O, Wi’ long-stemm’d reΓ€ke, O, Thy flow’r afloat, goolden zummer clote! My personal tides: The changes we’ve been building up to are finally underway. We’ve just closed on our new place, and we’re excited and terrified about all the work that needs to be done so that we can move in and start our new life. So our whole lives are all about renewal, transformation, and a fresh start. We can’t wait! I’m looking forward to decorating, gardening, organizing, minimizing, decluttering, and creating a sacred home for myself, Husbear, and the kitties. My personal goals: In spite of all the work that I have coming up, I’m also excited about what happens beyond that. I’m looking forward to setting up my office to be a spiritual, inspiring place to write, create my tarot classes, do in-person readings, and reconnect with my creativity. I’ve been so bogged down with anxiety about this change that I haven’t been able to focus on building or creating anything new, and I miss that. Read the full article
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byulharang Β· 7 years
Tagged by @aranea-hxghwind
THE LAST: 1. drink: water 2. phone call: my bae SABREEBREE 3. text message: muh b oliver 4. song you listened to: Colorful by SHINee 5. time you cried: Maybe a month ago?
HAVE YOU: 6. dated someone twice: what’s dating 7. kissed someone and regretted it: yes 8. been cheated on: nope 9. lost someone special: not really? 10. been depressed: any typical college student stressed has at some point, i’m sure 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: No
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: black, gold, purple
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. made new friends: Yes 16. fallen out of love: No 17. laughed until you cried: Yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: Yes 19. met someone who changed you: Yes 20. found out who your friends are: Yes 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: yes
GENERAL: 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: A big majority, but not all are close friendships 23. do you have any pets: yes, I have three cat boys! Dorian, Lucy and Morningstar. (My mother named the last two. She’s odd.) 24.do you want to change your name: Never! 25. what did you do for your last birthday: Went out to eat like four times tbh, it was amazing. LOL 26. what time did you wake up: 9:52 AM. 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Playing Overwatch
28. name something you can’t wait for: CL’S BLOODY ALBUM WHENEVER IT’LL COME OUT. And I’m going to go to Houston in December!
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Four days ago maybe? 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: My family’s wealth status? I want them to have everything they ever wanted! 31. what are you listening right now: Make Me Proud by Drake ft. Nicki Minaj 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: No 33. something that is getting on your nerves: One specific guy. 34. most visited website: YouTube, AIM, Tumblr
36. mark/s: Birthmarks? Yes, on my upper left thigh.
37. childhood dream: Be a vet 38. haircolor: Weird jumble of black, reddish brown, highlights... 39. long or short hair: Long 40. do you have a crush on someone: Yes 41. what do you like about you: Emotional intelligence, artsy side, and my food love. 43. bloodtype: I don’t know. 44. nickname: Zee 45. relationship status: Single 46. zodiac: Aries 47. pronouns: She 48. favorite TV Show: Empire 49. tattoos: None 50. right or left hand: Right 51. surgery: Thankfully none 52. hair dyed in different color: Yes 53. sport: Basketball and dodgeball 55. vacation: New York, Japan or Korea. 56. pair of trainers: 2 pairs
MORE GENERAL: 57. eating: Ramen and chicken 58. drinking: Iced hazelnut coffee, water and agua de limon 59. i’m about to: drink more water 61. waiting for: CL to update 62. want: Money money money and good food 63. get married: Hopefully? 64. career: Either something with DMP or animation
65. hugs or kisses: Hugs 66. lips or eyes: Eyes 67. shorter or taller: No preference 68. older or younger: No preference 70. nice arms or nice stomach: Doesn’t matter 71. sensitive or loud: A mix 72. hook up or relationship: Relationship 73. troublemaker or hesitant: Both
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: No 75. drank hard liquor: Yes 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: No 77. turned someone down: Yes 78. had sex on the first date: No 79. broken someone’s heart: Probably? 80. had your heart broken: No 81. been arrested: No 82. cried when someone died: Yes 83. fallen for a friend: Yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself: Most of the time 85. miracles: Yes 86. love at first sight: No 87. santa claus: ALWAYS 88. kiss on the first date: No
OTHER: 90. current best friend name: Sabrina, Michelle, Caitlyn, Taylor 91. eye color: Dark brown 92. favorite movie: Too many to name
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newbisskey Β· 6 years
Latest Frequency wise channel list of Dish tv dth updated 11 January 2019. This channel list of Dishtv includes DD Freedish channels and also Ses8 channels.
Scanning 11090 H 30000… – THANTHI TV (TV) – STAR MOVIES (TV) – STAR WORLD (TV) – TIMES NOW (TV) – STAR SPORTS 1 (TV) – COLORS KANNADA (TV) – ETV TELUGU (TV) – CNN NEWS 18 (TV) – COLORS BANGLA (TV) – TEST 2 (TV) – CNBC AWAAZ (TV) – ZEE PUNJAB HARYANA HIMACHAL (TV) – COLORS ORIYA (TV) – ABP MAJHA (TV) – COLORS GUJARATI (TV) – ZEE RAJASTHAN NEWS (TV) – NEWS TIME BANGLA (TV) – CNBC BAJAR (TV) – STV HARYANA NEWS (TV) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 11090 V 29500… – DWDS_Service (Radio) – DD National (TV) – DD News (TV) – DD Sports (TV) – DD Kisan (TV) – DD Bharti (TV) – DD Bangla (TV) – DD Chandana (TV) – DD Girnar (TV) – DD Kashir (TV) – Maha Movie (TV) – Aastha Bhajan (TV) – B4 U Movies (TV) – Wow Cinema (TV) – India News (TV) – IBN 7 (TV) – Big Magic Ganga (TV) – AIR VBS (Radio) – AIR Telugu (Radio) – AIR Marathi (Radio) – AIR Tamil (Radio) – AIR National (Radio) – Rainbow Kolkata (Radio) – AIR Vijayawada (Radio) – Test 108 (Radio) [Scanned in 00:04] Scanning 11170 V 29500.. – DWDS_service (Radio) – DD Rajasthan (TV) – DD Oriya (TV) – DD Podhigai (TV) – DD Punjabi (TV) – DD Sahyadri (TV) – DD Yadagiri (TV) – DD Malayalam (TV) – Lok Sabha (TV) – Rajya Sabha (TV) – Vaa Movies (TV) – Dangal (TV) – Bhojpuri Cinema (TV) – DD Bihar (TV) – DD North East (TV) – DD UP (TV) – Sadhna National (TV) – AIR Gujrati (Radio) – FM Rainbow (Radio) – AIR Punjabi (Radio) – FM Gold (Radio) – Radio Kashir (Radio) – AIR Lucknow (Radio) – AIR Patna (Radio) – AIR Bhopal (Radio) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 11470 V 29500… L:58% Q:36% – DWDS_Service (Radio) – Naaptol Blue (TV) – DD Urdu (TV) – Cinema TV (TV) – DD Saptgiri (TV) – India TV (TV) – Aastha TV (TV) – Manoranjan TV (TV) – News Nation (TV) – Sony Pal (TV) – Dabangg (TV) – Rishtey (TV) – Sony Mix (TV) – Homeshop 18 (TV) – DD MP (TV) – Enterr-10 (TV) – APN News TV (TV) – Air Kannada (Radio) – AIR Bangla (Radio) – AIR Hindi (Radio) – AIR NE (Radio) – AIR Chennai (Radio) – FM Gold Mumbai (Radio) – AIR Jaipur (Radio) – Rainbow Mumbai (Radio) [Scanned in 00:04] Scanning 11470 H 30000… L:58% Q:38% – PRAMEYA NEWS 7 (TV) – HOME SHOP 18 (TV) – VRINDA TV (TV) – GEMPORIA (TV) – TEST D1 (TV) – TEST D2 (TV) – TEST D3 (TV) – TEST D4 (TV) – TEST D5 (TV) – ZEE YUVA (TV) – GEMPORIA (TV) – DY365 (TV) – SD to HD (TV) – ETV RAJASTHAN (TV) – NAAPTOL TAMIL (TV) – PRATIDIN TIME (TV) – ETV BIHAR (TV) – RECHARGE REMINDER (TV) – NAXATRA NEWS (TV) – PRAG TV (TV) – NAAPTOL GREEN (TV) – NAAPTOL GREEN (TV) – NAAPTOL GREEN (TV) – DHOOM MUSIC (TV) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 11510 V 29500… L:58% Q:44% – DWDS_service (Radio) – Big Magic (TV) – Sanskar (TV) – 9XM (TV) – Teleshop (TV) – India 24Γ—7 (TV) – Star Utsav (TV) – Zee Anmol (TV) – Mastiii (TV) – B4U Music (TV) – Dillagi (TV) – News State (TV) – News 24 (TV) – Sony Wah (TV) – AAJ TAK (TV) – ABP News (TV) – Chardikala Time TV (TV) – AIR Ragam (Radio) – Rainbow Bangalore (Radio) – Air Urdu (Radio) – Air Oriya (Radio) – AIR Malayalam (Radio) – AIR Assamese (Radio) – FM Gold Chennai (Radio) – FM Gold Kolkata (Radio) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 11510 H 30000… L:58% Q:37% – MOVIE ON DEMAND 1 (TV) – DEN SNAPDEAL (TV) – ZING HOME (TV) – 05Monster Active (Data) – ZEE 24 TAAS (TV) – DEFAULT PLATE (TV) – 24 GHANTA (TV) – NEWS LIVE (TV) – SADHNA PLUS (TV) – ZEE MP CHHATTISGARH (TV) – TEST D6 (TV) – TEST D7 (TV) – TEST D8 (TV) – TEST D9 (TV) – TEST D10 (TV) – SHOP CJ 1 (TV) – ALANKAR TV (TV) – MOVIE ON DEMAND 2 (TV) – Dish Box Office Premier (TV) – DISH ACTIVE (Data) – NAAPTOL BANGLA (TV) – euro 2 (Data) [Scanned in 00:08] Scanning 11550 V 29500… L:58% Q:41% – Manoranjan Movies (TV) – Movie House (TV) – Housefull Movies (TV) – Star Utsav Movies (TV) – Russia Today (TV) – Zee Anmol Cinema (TV) – 9X Bajao (TV) – RT Movies (TV) – ZEE News (TV) – India News (TV) – 9X Jalwa (TV) – Rishtey Cineplex (TV) – Vision TV Shiksha (TV) – MTV Beats (TV) – Fakt Marathi (TV) – Chitrapat Marathi (TV) – Test 501 (Radio) – Test 502 (Radio) – Test 503 (Radio) – Test 504 (Radio) – Test 505 (Radio) – Test 506 (Radio) – Test 507 (Radio) – Test 508 (Radio) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 11590 V 29500… L:58% Q:42% – MHRD 1 (TV) – MHRD 2 (TV) – MHRD 3 (TV) – MHRD 4 (TV) – MHRD 5 (TV) – MHRD 6 (TV) – MHRD 7 (TV) – MHRD 8 (TV) – MHRD 9 (TV) – MHRD 10 (TV) – MHRD 11 (TV) – MHRD 12 (TV) – MHRD 13 (TV) – MHRD 14 (TV) – MHRD 15 (TV) – MHRD 16 (TV) – DIGISHALA (TV) [Scanned in 00:04] Scanning 11590 H 30000… L:58% Q:35% – NAAPTOL MARATHI (TV) – KIDS ACTIVE (TV) – ZEE PURVAIYA (TV) – SAHARA SAMAY (TV) – MBC (TV) – KANAK NEWS (TV) – RANG TV (TV) – DISH BOX OFFICE 2 (TV) – BINDASS PLAY (TV) – ISHWAR TV (TV) – ETV UP (TV) – ETV MP (TV) – ZEE KALINGA NEWS (TV) – ZING (TV) – RENGONI TV (TV) – DEVI TV (TV) – ASSAM TALKS (TV) – SHUBH TV (TV) – SATSANG (TV) – NAVGRAH (TV) – NEPAL 1 (TV) – CHANNEL ONE NEWS (TV) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 11630 V 30000… L:58% Q:50% – TEST 601 (TV) – TEST 602 (TV) – TEST 603 (TV) – TEST 604 (TV) – TEST 605 (TV) – TEST 606 (TV) – TEST 607 (TV) – TEST 608 (TV) – TEST 609 (TV) – TEST 610 (TV) – TEST 611 (TV) – TEST 612 (TV) – TEST 613 (TV) – TEST 614 (TV) – TEST 615 (TV) – TEST 616 (TV) – TEST 617 (TV) – TEST 618 (TV) – TEST 619 (TV) – TEST 620 (TV) – TEST 621 (TV) – TEST 622 (TV) – Test 623 (TV) – TEST 624 (TV) [Scanned in 00:08] Scanning 11670 V 29500… L:58% Q:49% – MHRD 17 (TV) – MHRD 18 (TV) – MHRD 19 (TV) – MHRD 20 (TV) – MHRD 21 (TV) – MHRD 22 (TV) – MHRD 23 (TV) – MHRD 24 (TV) – MHRD 25 (TV) – MHRD 26 (TV) – MHRD 27 (TV) – MHRD 28 (TV) – MHRD 29 (TV) – MHRD 30 (TV) – MHRD 31 (TV) – MHRD 32 (TV) – Test 2 (TV) [Scanned in 00:08] Scanning 11990 H 43000… L:59% Q:48% – AAJ NEWS (TV) – KTN NEWS (TV) – SAUDI ARABIA 1 (TV) – SILVER SCREEN (TV) – SAUDI ARABIA 2 (TV) – MADANI TV (TV) – METRO 1 NEWS (TV) – SINDH TV (TV) – DAWN NEWS (TV) – ARY QTV (TV) – ARY NEWS (TV) – ARY ZINDAGI (TV) – DISCOVERY TAMIL (TV) – ZEE TAMIL (TV) – MAX (TV) – ZEE CINEMA (TV) – ZEE CLASSIC (TV) – ZEE ACTION (TV) – MAX 2 (TV) – ZEE STUDIO (TV) – ZEE TV (TV) – SONY (TV) – SAB (TV) – ZEE CAFE (TV) – CARTOON NETWORK (TV) – DISCOVERY KIDS (TV) – SONY SIX (TV) – DISCOVERY (TV) – ID (TV) – CNN (TV) – LIVING FOODZ (TV) – ZEE SALAM (TV) – DISCOVERY TURBO (TV) – DISCOVERY SCIENCE (TV) – ANIMAL PLANET (TV) – TLC (TV) – MASALA TV (TV) – POGO (TV) – TOONAMI (TV) – CAPITAL NEWS (TV) [Scanned in 00:05] Scanning 12050 H 45000… L:59% Q:46% – AAKASH AATH (TV) – MUSIC FATAFATI (TV) – POLIMER (TV) – AMRITA TV (TV) – SHALOM (TV) – ASEERVATHAM (TV) – MAIBOLI (TV) – MI MARATHI (TV) – PTC CHAKDE (TV) – NATIONAL VOICE (TV) – SVBC (TV) – TEN 2 (TV) – TEN CRICKET (TV) – TEN 1 (TV) – PUBLIC TV (TV) – SAMACHAR PLUS (TV) – KAUMUDY TV (TV) – REPORTER TV (TV) – PEOPLE TV (TV) – JEEVAN TV (TV) – SAFARI TV (TV) – KAPPA TV (TV) – GOODNESS TV (TV) – JANAM TV (TV) – PUTHUYUGAM (TV) – MUSIC INDIA (TV) – JAI MAHARASHTRA (TV) – SAHARA ONE (TV) – RAMDHENU (TV) – FRANCE 24 (TV) – NEWS 7 TAMIL (TV) [Scanned in 00:06] Scanning 12110 H 40700… L:59% Q:49% – DISHA TV (TV) – MAZHAVIL MANORAMA (TV) – KASHISH NEWS (TV) – WE TV (TV) – BHAKTI TV (TV) – ANGEL TV (TV) – CAPTAIN TV (TV) – ABN ANDHRA JYOTI (TV) – SIRIPOLI (TV) – KALAIGNAR (TV) – MAKKAL THOLAIKATCHI (TV) – MURASU (TV) – SRI SANKARA (TV) – FASHION TV (TV) – CGTN (TV) – GOD TV (TV) – KATYAYANI (TV) – DIVYA (TV) – ISAI ARUVI (TV) – VASANTH TV (TV) – ALJAZEERA (TV) – SUBHAVAARTHA (TV) – V6 NEWS (TV) [Scanned in 00:05] Scanning 12170 H 40700… L:59% Q:48% – EXPRESS ENTERTAINMENT (TV) – ARY DIGITAL (TV) – A PLUS (TV) – PTV HOME (TV) – HUM TV (TV) – EXPRESS NEWS (TV) – AVT KHYBER (TV) – DUNYA NEWS (TV) – SAMAA TV (TV) – KTN (TV) – SL_ZAPPER_EPG (Data) – THE BUDDHIST (TV) – CHANNEL I (TV) – TNL (TV) – SIYATHA (TV) – HIRU TV (TV) – DERANA (TV) – SIRASA (TV) – SHAKTHI (TV) – VARNAM (TV) – SWARNAVAHINI (TV) – ITN (TV) – VASANTHAM TV (TV) – CHANNEL EYE / NETHRA TV (TV) – RUPAVAHINI (TV) – TV1 (TV) – BUZZ (TV) – BBS (TV) – ATN BANGLA (TV) – CSN (TV) – SD_EPG PVR_SL (Data) – EURO (Data) – SHAMSHAD TV (TV) – VERBUM TV / EWTN (TV) – ARY MUSIK (TV) – SD_PVR_EPG_V520 (Data) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 12534 V 43200… L:57% Q:45% – NDTV GOOD TIMES (TV) – ZOOM TV (TV) – ZEE TELUGU (TV) – MAA TV (TV) – RAJ TV (TV) – STAR PRAVAH (TV) – ABP ANANDA (TV) – ZEE TALKIES (TV) – STAR SPORTS 4 (TV) – MOVIES NOW (TV) – SEITHIGAL (TV) – ADITHYA TV (TV) – JAYA PLUS (TV) – SECOND FORCE PLATE (TV) – SONY MAX 2 (TV) – BINDASS (TV) – SONY AATH (TV) – TV (TV) – EPIC TV (TV) – COLORS INFINITY (TV) – NAT GEO PEOPLE (TV) – MINIPLEX (TV) – HD_PVR_EPG_V51_A8 (Data) – SD_PVR_EPG_V51_A7 (Data) – NEO SPORTS (TV) – MEDIA ONE (TV) – SANGEET BANGLA (TV) – BHAKTI ACTIVE (TV) – ABP NEWS (TV) – MYBOX_ZAPPER_EPG (Data) – ETV GUJRATI NEWS (TV) – ABP ASMITA (TV) – Recharge on Time (TV) – TV 10 TELUGU NEWS (TV) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 12595 H 43200… L:57% Q:39% – DISNEY CHANNEL (TV) – GAMES ACTIVE (Data) – COLORS MARATHI (TV) – TV 5 (TV) – STAR VIJAY (TV) – ASIANET PLUS (TV) – ASIANET NEWS (TV) – TEN 3 (TV) – SAKSHI TV (TV) – NTV (TV) – JAYA MAX (TV) – TARANG (TV) – MATHRUBHUMI NEWS (TV) – TV9 MARATHI (TV) – ID (TV) – UDAYA TV (TV) – UDAYA MOVIES (TV) – UDAYA NEWS (TV) – UDAYA MUSIC (TV) – GEMINI TV (TV) – GEMINI COMEDY (TV) – SANGEET MARATHI (TV) – Recharge on Time (TV) – BABY TV (TV) – 9X TASHAN (TV) – HISTORY (TV) – NAAPTOL BLUE (TV) – NAAPTOL BLUE (TV) – DISNEY XD (TV) – COMEDY ACTIVE (TV) – IBADAT ACTIVE (TV) – FOX life (TV) – LIVING FOODZ (TV) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 12595 V 43200… L:57% Q:44% – NEO PRIME (TV) – TV9 KANNADA (TV) – TV9 TELUGU (TV) – SUVARNA (TV) – KOLKATA TV (TV) – MANORAMA NEWS (TV) – ETV ANDHRA PRADESH (TV) – JAYA TV (TV) – ROMEDY NOW (TV) – JALSHA MOVIES (TV) – NAAPTOL TELUGU (TV) – STAR SPORTS 2 (TV) – KAIRALI TV (TV) – PTC NEWS (TV) – SUN NEWS (TV) – SUN MUSIC (TV) – ASIANET (TV) – KIRAN TV (TV) – SURYA TV (TV) – SUVARNA PLUS (TV) – TRAVEL XP (TV) – MH 1 (TV) – NAT GEO (TV) – VH1 (TV) – ETV CINEMA (TV) – T NEWS (TV) – PARAS TV (TV) – MUSIC ACTIVE (Data) – 31MUSIC ACTIVE (Radio) – SARTHAK TV (TV) – BUZZ 2 (TV) – ZERO DAY FS (TV) – MOVIES NOW 2 (TV) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 12647 V 32700… L:57% Q:45% – GEMINI MOVIES (TV) – SUVARNA NEWS (TV) – MAA MUSIC (TV) – MAA GOLD (TV) – MAA MOVIES (TV) – UDAYA COMEDY (TV) – TARANG MUSIC (TV) – PRARTHANA (TV) – PICTURES (TV) – IBN LOKMAT (TV) – ASIANET MOVIES (TV) – ZEE BANGLA CINEMA (TV) – MOVIES OK (TV) – MAHUA TV (TV) – K TV (TV) – CHUTTI TV (TV) – FLOWERS TV (TV) – OTV (TV) – NGC WILD (TV) – 9X JHAKAAS (TV) – SONY SIX (TV) – ZEE CINEMA (TV) – ZEE ETC BOLLYWOOD (TV) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 12647 H 30000… L:56% Q:40% – SONY (TV) – SONY SAB (TV) – COMEDY CENTRAL (TV) – SONY PIX (TV) – TLC (TV) – AXN (TV) – NDTV INDIA (TV) – ANIMAL PLANET (TV) – TEN 1 (TV) – STAR GOLD (TV) – MTV (TV) – DISCOVERY SCIENCE (TV) – DISCOVERY TURBO (TV) – ZEE SALAAM (TV) – ZEE ACTION (TV) – ZEE KANNADA (TV) – SONY ESPN (TV) – SONIC (TV) – DISCOVERY (TV) – BBC WORLD NEWS (TV) – INDIA TODAY (TV) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 12688 V 27500… L:56% Q:47% – ZEE TV (TV) – ZEE MARATHI (TV) – ZEE STUDIO (TV) – ZEE CAFE (TV) – LIFE OK (TV) – ZEE Q (TV) – ZINDAGI (TV) – DISH BUZZ (TV) – SONY MAX (TV) – STAR PLUS (TV) – EURO (Data) – EFDish Information (Data) – 61Games Active (TV) – OTA (CD1004is) (Data) – OTA (VGA) (Data) – SL_ZAPPER_EPG (Data) – SD_ZAPPER_ZING_EPG (Data) – SD_EPG PVR_SL (Data) – SD_PVR_EPG_SL_V520 (Data) – OTA_CD1005/6S (Data) – DFmessaging (Data) – OTA_CD1004S (Data) – MYBOX_PVR_EPG_V42 (Data) – HD_PVR_DFEPG_V525 (Data) – SD_PVR_DFEPG_V525 (Data) – SD_ZAPPER_EPG_525 (Data) [Scanned in 00:08] Scanning 12688 H 32000… L:56% Q:43% – WION (TV) – ETV KANNADA NEWS (TV) – RAJ MUSIX KANNADA (TV) – FYI TV18 (TV) – ZEE CINEMALU (TV) – COLORS SUPER (TV) – ETV ORIYA NEWS (TV) – ZEE CINEMA HD (TV) – PICTURES HD (TV) – ZEE TV HD (TV) – STAR PLUS HD (TV) – COLORS HD (TV) – SONY HD (TV) – TV HD (TV) – STAR GOLD HD (TV) – MAX HD (TV) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 12729 H 32700… L:56% Q:42% – ZEE CLASSIC (TV) – ETV TELANGANA (TV) – STAR MOVIES ACTION (TV) – FX (TV) – PUTHIYA THALAIMURAI (TV) – MEGA TV (TV) – KOCHU (TV) – KASTURI TV (TV) – CHITHIRAM (TV) – STAR JALSHA (TV) – PVOD (TV) – AALAMI SAMAY (TV) – ETV PLUS (TV) – UTV ACTION (TV) – ZEE BANGLA (TV) – ETV BANGLA NEWS (TV) – DISCOVERY KIDS (TV) – ZEE TAMIL (TV) – HUNGAMA (TV) – POGO (TV) [Scanned in 00:03] Scanning 12729 V 32700… L:56% Q:45% – NICK (TV) – HBO (TV) – DISCOVERY TAMIL (TV) – NDTV 24Γ—7 (TV) – ETV URDU (TV) – CNN INTL (TV) – TEN 2 (TV) – STAR SPORTS 3 (TV) – ET NOW (TV) – PTC PUNJABI (TV) – TV9 GUJARATI (TV) – CARTOON NETWORK (TV) – NDTV PROFIT/PRIME (TV) – FF HELP (Data) – UTV MOVIES (TV) – CHANNEL V (TV) – CNBC TV 18 (TV) – GEMINI MUSIC (TV) – SUN TV (TV) – COLORS (TV) – PLAYIN TV DATA (Radio) – PLAYIN TV (Data) – WB (TV) – ZEE BUSINESS (TV) – MTUNES (TV) [Scanned in 00:08] Video Channels: 555 Radio Channels: 46 Data Channels: 29 Total: 630
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