amassofhumanity · 5 months
The ice storm cometh.
Starting tonight and going until tomorrow they’re predicting a quarter to a half inch of ice.
That’s not too big of a deal for my sister and me as we don’t go anywhere.
However, the potential to wreck havoc by bringing down power lines is a real threat. Sometimes it’s taken a week to restore power.
I braved a trip to the grocery store today and luckily didn’t have any trouble. The store is a local chain and they never seem busy. I honestly don’t know how they stay in business.
If I had gone to Walmart I’m sure the scene would’ve been different.
If you’re not familiar with how people in the South prepare for snow or ice it’s a mad dash to the grocery store for milk, eggs, and bread. Apparently we like to bake during winter storms. Like a crazy “the stock market is crashing” run.
Now I’m going to charge my backup cell battery and find all the flashlights.
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getoutofthisplace · 1 year
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
Bad weather hit Central Arkansas this afternoon and the tornado sirens went off right before Gus's school let out. Mom called me because she was torn on whether to take cover in the basement with Mags and Suki or try and go get Gus before any weather hit our neighborhood. She was worried that if she didn't go get Gus, the school would let him out anyway and then he'd be walking home alone -- something he hasn't done before -- and then the tornado would hit. But she also didn't want to take Mags out into the weather. I was watching news coverage at work and it seemed like it was west of us, so I told her to go get Gus. But then Sasha, who was in line for pick-up at PHE commented in my work chat that the kids had been locked inside for safety. I called Mom and she and Magnus turned around went to the basement.
I've always told her that the absolute safest place in the basement is underneath the stairs, in the small little storage cupboard. A few minutes later, Mom called me back and said they had made it to that small space, but that the door had latched behind them and locked them in. She told me not to come let them out, but to be ready to come do so as soon as the tornado had passed. The news reported that the tornado was in Riverdale, just down the hill from us, but they were showing footage of it crossing the river to the north, so I felt certain I could drive from downtown to our house safely. I didn't like thinking about Mom and Magnus being stuck in that small space in the dark. And what if the tornado did hit our neighborhood and they really got stuck in there, but I couldn't get to them because of debris and road closures or whatever? Or what if Gus got stuck at school and I couldn't get to Hillcrest?
I grabbed my keys and ran to the parking deck. A man taking cover in the stairwell opened the door for me and said, "Come on in!" When I told him I had to drive to Hillcrest, he told me not to, and then wished me luck. I raced through downtown along 2nd Street, and then 3rd, just like I do every day, but faster and more alert to everything around me. By the time I reached our house, the weather had settled somewhat, but my adrenaline had peaked. The air reminded me too much of the day Nene and I rode out the tornado in the hallway in Beebe in 1999. (In that linked video, you can see an 11th grade version of me at the 7:04 mark, sitting behind the dude in the black shirt.)
As soon as I opened the basement door in the kitchen, I could hear Mom reassuring Magnus underneath my feet. I heard her say, "There's Daddy," and even though I knew they were safe before that moment, hearing Liz's voice broke me. I had tears in my eyes when I unlatched the door and saw them standing there. But I also couldn't help laughing because I hadn't expected to find Mom wearing Magnus in the carrier, I hadn't expected them both to be wearing bicycle helmets, and there was also something funny about seeing Suki standing there with them. Mom laughed through tears, too. The three of us stood there and held each other for a few minutes.
"I told you not to come," Mom said.
We went upstairs to keep an eye on the news. The tornado had continued on its path northeast and we kept an eye on Beebe. Sasha called and said she was with Gus and could drop him off at our house.
After she did, I could finally feel myself start to relax. It felt good to have us all in the same place. It always does.
Little Rock, Arkansas. 3.31.2023 - 3.00pm.
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mobarbq · 1 year
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Esteban Carreras Chupa Cabra 10th Anniversary Toro. #cigars #chupacabra @estebancarrerascigars @cigar.page #arwx #moderaterainshower⚡️☔️☔️💦 (at Sulphur Springs, Arkansas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CplKaDHuzh4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rrrbailbonds · 1 year
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If you have court this morning? Please allow for additional travel time from last nights #arwx rain 🌧️ If you happen to be on professional #bail and have travel issues >>> contact your bondsman. #bailtip #arkansas #bailbonds (at Triple R Bail Bonds, Inc. Main Office) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm9KDIKOXQV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jeffdmontgomery · 2 years
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#arwx #thunderstorms (at Searcy, Arkansas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkkRkSWs0v7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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toddwr88 · 3 years
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art-by-sable · 4 years
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Possibly a small shelf cloud? It was in front of a line of storms advancing from the southwest. Apologies to the highway department dump truck for briefly blocking their driveway lol. I hope tumblr doesn’t compress this panorama like it did the last one I posted.
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brento90-blog · 4 years
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thetwistedpurl · 3 years
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A toy, emerges from the snow, feeling like most of us after last week. #arwx https://www.instagram.com/p/CLkSE49JjuB/?igshid=46zehu61x6lz
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amassofhumanity · 6 months
Ah, the weather in Arkansas…53 degrees and Severe Thunderstorms at 11 p.m. Eight hours later it’ll be 28 degrees and snowing.
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akvalley · 3 years
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When the time and the temperature almost match. #SnowDay #arwx (at North Little Rock, Arkansas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLUZM8NjzY9/?igshid=vdfa5k0yaipj
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mobarbq · 1 year
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5 Vegas Series A "The Animal" #cigars #unicorncigarsquad #costaricanmadurowrapper🇨🇷 #multicountryblendfillers #figurado #cincovegas #madeinhonduras🇭🇳 My last 5-Pack. #floodwatch #arwx (at Sulphur Springs, Arkansas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpTu6F6jbaw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rrrbailbonds · 2 years
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Super proud of the “Ole Grey Mare” #bail truck this morning. Current #arwx temp is -6 in Sharp County and she started up this morning first try for a #bail run. 12 years and 224k miles and still going @gmc (at Triple R Bail Bonds, Inc. Main Office) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmg3ilMOWwc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kaicaddy · 6 years
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Avoided another storm on today’s ride. #outsideisfree #fromwhereiride #cyclist #bikearkansas #cycling #bikes #arwx (at Lollie, Arkansas)
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The boardwalk at my park (and now it's raining hard again, so...it'll just get worse.)
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theexpressoutlet · 4 years
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3-29-2020 Jonesboro, Arkansas – Drone – Tornado Destruction – SOT with Girl who saved 5 Children ***NOT FOR BROADCAST*** Contact Brett Adair with Live Storms Media to license. [email protected] Significant damage from the Elizabeth Lane and Prospect Drive.
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