#arvin russell oneshots
websterss · 4 months
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ONESHOTS: ‣ Fooled. ✻ ‣ If Only. ✻ ‣ Quirks, Smirks, and Bad Words. ‣ The Last Dance. ✻ ‣ The Swear Jar.
REQUESTS: ‣ A Little Bit More. ‣ How To Break A Girl's Heart ✻ ‣ Te Amo. ‣ The British Ranch Hand. ‣ There’s No Crying in the Club. ✻
IMAGINE: ‣ The cast teases you and Tom.
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IMAGINE: ‣ Trying to help Todd control his noise. ✻
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REQUEST: ‣ Venus and Mars. ✻
IMAGINE: ‣ Finding Arvin getting beat up behind the school buses.
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thollandneedy · 3 months
Bellah's Masterlist 🪻
Hey babes! I'm back again, and with another masterlist for now 🤍
You can leave your requests here, and i'll try my best to respond to all of them!
Love ya xoxo
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Tom Holland 🍵
You can leave the glasses on
Only you, my girl. Only you babe
The hot interviewer
Late night notification*
Bed Chem*
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Peter Parker🕸️
Don't Tell 'Em
Princess Leia Situation
Don't you know*
April’s Fool
The homecoming trick
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Nathan Drake 🗺️
Fill Up the Room
Money make her smile*
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k-nayee · 12 hours
Saints and Sinners Devil All The Time
wc: 3.9k a/n: Song Inspiration: Take Me To Church by Hozier; recommend you listen while reading!!
Traveler M.List
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The heat clung to Arvin like a second skin, the late afternoon sun turning the school parking lot into a sweltering wasteland.
He stood next to his truck with a cigarette hanging from his lips, the brim of his cap casting a shadow over his eyes as he waited for Lenora—something he did every day, watching the doors of the school for her figure to appear.
His patience was wearing thin, the relentless humidity weighing on him, but he didn’t dare leave without her.
Not here. Not in this town.
His eyes scanned the yard, and that’s when he saw it: Lenora, standing off to the side, clutching her books like a shield.
She was surrounded by a trio of girls, their voices sharp and mean, cutting thick through the hot air.
Arvin could see the way she shrunk, trying to make herself smaller as their words slicing into her without mercy.
A surge of protectiveness flared—the same way he always did when someone threatened her,
He flicked his cigarette to the ground, stomping it out with a curse under his breath.
Just as he was about to intervene when you appeared, striding through the dust and heat with the kind of confidence that turned heads and stopped conversations.
You walked right into the middle of the scene unbothered by the sneers and whispers thrown your way.
“Didn’t think she’d need a slut to protect her,” the leader of the group spat, her posse snickering behind her.
You didn’t even flinch. Cool as ever, you reached into your pocket and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it with a effortless precision that had Arvin mesmerized.
“Slut, huh?” you echoed. There was something almost playful in your tone, like you were amused by her attempt to insult you. “Ain’t that what your boyfriend calls me when I see him?”
The girl’s sneer faltered, her eyes narrowing as she tried to hold her ground. “Wha...what’re you talkin’ about?”
"Your name’s Gina, right?" you asked, exhaling smoke into the humid air.
Gina stiffened, sensing the shift in conversation. "Yeah, why?"
You shrugged, flicking ash off your cigarette and giving her a once-over that made her bristle. "Just something your boyfriend mentioned."
Gina blinked, her face twitching with confusion. "And what the hell's that supposed to mean?!"
"You know you're cuter than I expected," ignoring her question you blew smoke into her face, making her take a step back. "Then again, don’t remember much he said when his face was buried between my legs."
The other girls gasped as the color drained from Gina’s face. She opened her mouth, but she struggled to find the words in a sputtering rage.
Arvin, caught between surprise and amusement, couldn’t stop the choked chuckle that escaped his throat.
His sudden sound made everyone turn, including you.
Your eyes landed on Arvin, still smirking as if you’d known he was watching the whole time.
Gina, humiliated and seething, took the chance to storm off with her friends trailing behind her.
"You...you disgusting WHORE!" she screeched over her shoulder, her voice cracking in anger.
You didn’t miss a beat. “Funny, that’s not what your boyfriend was saying,” you called after her, your voice dripping with mock sweetness. “Ate me up quicker than a sundae in July!”
Arvin shook his head in disbelief as the trio disappeared from sight, trying (and failing) to suppress his grin.
He glanced back toward you and Lenora, who was still clutching her books like a lifeline, her face flushed with embarrassment.
“You didn’t have to do that,” Lenora murmured, her voice soft, full of gratitude but laced with worry. “People already—"
"—talk about me?" you cut in with a shrug, flicking the cigarette butt to the ground and crushing it beneath your boot.
“Don't worry 'bout it Bible Thumper.” Your tone was playful, the nickname clearly something affectionate between you and her.
You lift your chin, gesturing toward Arvin’s truck. "Looks like your ride’s here."
Lenora gave you a small smile, casting a final glance at the ground as she shuffled over to the truck.
Arvin hadn’t moved though. He was still standing there, watching you.
You were dressed in a tight, low-cut top and a short skirt that hugged your curves—clothing considered vulgar by small-town southern standards, especially for 1965.
The bright red bandana you had tied in your hair made you look even more rebellious, standing out like a beacon among the pastel dresses and modest cardigans the other girls wore.
Then there was the fact your brown skin was a rarity in Knockemstiff, Ohio. The town wasn’t overtly racist, but had an undercurrent of prejudice was always lingering like smoke in the air.
You raise an eyebrow at him, catching him staring. "Got a problem with your vision church boy?"
Arvin flushed, realizing he’d been caught.
"No, uh... no problem," he muttered, fumbling with the brim of his cap before awkwardly tipping it in your direction and stumbling back toward the truck.
Lenora was already in the passenger seat, her wide eyes watching the exchange with mild curiosity.
He shot you a final glance before getting behind the wheel, hands gripping the steering wheel tighter than necessary.
As the truck rumbled to life Arvin couldn’t help but steal one last look at you in the rearview mirror.
You were leaning against the side of the building with another lit cigarette, your form growing smaller as the truck rolled away.
The road stretched out in front of him but his mind lingered behind.
It wasn’t until a few miles down the road did Arvin work up the nerve to ask, “That girl...back there. She, uh...you know her?”
Lenora didn’t look up, instead trained on the frayed strap of her bag that she was nervously fidgeting with.
“Her name’s ____,” she said, her voice soft with fondness. “She’s been helpin’ me. You know, with the girls at school.”
Arvin frowned, his grip tightening on the steering wheel. “Helpin’ you? Didn’t seem like the kind of person who—”
Lenora snapped her head towards him, eyes fierce. “You don’t know her, Arvin.”
“She’s good!” She continued, more certain, like she needed to make it clear before he could form any more judgments. “She’s not what people think.”
Arvin raised an eyebrow, giving Lenora a sidelong glance. He wanted to believe her, but it didn’t add up—not with what he’d heard, not with what he’d seen of you.
“Doesn’t even come to church,” he tries.
Lenora shrug, facing the window. “Doesn’t make her bad Arvin. Jesus loved Mary Magdalene, didn’t he?”
The statement hit him harder than he expected. He wasn’t sure why, but the comparison lingered.
Lenora, despite being the town’s purest soul, seemed to see something in you that no one else did.
“Mary Magdalene,” he muttered, as if testing the words on his tongue.
“Mary was a sinner, wasn’t she? A woman with a reputation. Jesus showed her love and forgiveness. He saw her for who she really was, not what people thought of her.” She paused, her eyes back on her lap. “I think ____ is a lot like that.”
Arvin fell silent. He had grown up hearing stories of redemption, how Jesus saw past sins to the heart beneath.
It was one thing to hear those stories in church—to recite scripture and praise, but to apply it to someone like you? Could it be that simple?
He thought about the way you had stood in that parking lot and how you defended Lenora without hesitation.
You did cared about the insults thrown. You didn't falter when they spat the word slut in your face.
Then there was Lenora, tucked behind you, her wide-eyed innocence protected by someone the town swore was trouble.
Arvin didn’t know what to think. Part of him—the part raised under his grandmother’s strict moral code—wanted to reject it, to cling to the safety of what he’d always been taught.
People like you with a reputation weren’t to be trusted. They were trouble. They’d drag you into the dirt with them if you weren’t careful.
But another part of him couldn’t stop thinking about you.
The way you had looked at him, with that teasing smile like you knew something he didn’t. Like you weren’t afraid of him, or the town, or anything.
There was something so free about you, so untouchable...and it was dangerous.
It stirred something deep in him, something that had nothing to do with right or wrong.
“I don’t know,” he muttered finally, more to himself than to Lenora. “Just seems like the kind of person you shouldn’t be hangin’ around with.”
Lenora’s head snapped up at that. “I mean what would Grandma Emma say?” he added quickly, trying to justify his hesitation.
He didn’t want to sound like he was being overprotective, but the thought of Lenora getting caught up in your world—it didn’t sit right.
“She knows,” Lenora said, her voice surprisingly firm. “She doesn’t like it, but... she lets me. Because she knows that ____ is kind. She helped me, Arvin. No one else stood up for me the way she did.”
Now that stopped him cold.
If Grandma Emma with all her devoutness and strict adherence to Christian values could allow Lenora to be around you, then maybe...maybe there was more to you than what he thought.
Arvin glanced at Lenora then back at the road. The thought gnawed at him, your image lingering in the back of his mind like a half-formed idea he couldn’t quite grasp.
He was caught between two worlds—his grandmother’s moral code and the inexplicable draw you had over him.
Temptation, that’s what it was. Plain and simple.
It didn’t feel simple. It felt heavy, he wasn’t used to feeling that pull,
But maybe Lenora was right. Maybe, just like Mary Magdalene, you were more than what people said.
Maybe he’d been too quick to judge.
The drive home was quieter than usual, each of them lost in their own thoughts.
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The weeks that followed your encounter with Arvin in the parking lot slipped by slowly, each day dragging with the heavy heat of summer.
You had begun to linger in his thoughts, creeping into his mind in the quiet moments when he least expected it.
He noticed you more now. At first, it was accidental—a glance here or there when he’d pick up Lenora from school or drive through town.
Sometimes you’d offer him a nod, a faint smirk playing at the corner of your lips as if you knew exactly what you were doing to him.
You didn’t go to church, not like the rest of them.
Every Sunday without fail he'd catch you: leaning casually against the brick wall near the chapel as you waited for service to end.
It was one Sunday, Arvin stood with Lenora under the oak tree by the steps, half-listening to her talk about something from the sermon.
His eyes drifted across the street, scanning the quiet neighborhood out of habit—and there you were.
The sun caught the edge of your dress, and for a second, you looked like something out of place. Not of this town, not of its rules or restrictions.
Like you were from another world entirely.
Without thinking, his gaze lingered too long, and you caught him. Your eyes locked onto his, and for a split second, Arvin felt that strange tightening in his chest.
Embarrassment crawled up his throat, but you didn’t look away. Instead you smiled—the corners of your lips curling up as if you’d expected him to be watching.
He swallowed hard, quickly glancing back to Lenora who was still talking, completely unaware of the silent exchange.
He tried to brush it off—told himself it didn’t mean anything. But the feeling of being seen by you, noticed in that way, was something new.
The feeling stayed with him long after you were gone.
In the weeks that followed he caught himself looking for you more often. He’d spot you from a distance, sometimes walking by the side of the road as he drove by in his truck.
Your posture was always casual, unbothered. Your dress would sway with your movements, your hips rolling in a way that defied everything about this small, stifling town.
There was nothing modest or demure about you, and Arvin couldn’t stop looking.
And whenever you catch him staring, that same smirk tugged at your lips before you’d nod in acknowledgment.
At night, when the house was quiet and everyone was long asleep, Arvin would lie awake, your image burning in his mind.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. He wasn’t supposed to think about you.
His grandmother’s sermons about temptation played on a loop in his head, warnings about sin and damnation ringing out in her voice.
But you weren’t just a temptation; you were kind to Lenora, protective even. Arvin had seen it, the way you stood by her side without expecting anything in return.
People called you all kinds of names, painted you as something to be avoided, but none of that matched the way you were with her. It didn’t make sense.
As for Lenora, she spoke more often of you now. She adores you—admire even. That always struck Arvin as odd.
There were days when Lenora would beg you to join her in the woods, sitting under the trees while she read aloud from her Bible.
You were nothing like the type of person he imagined Lenora would fall in line with, but then again, Lenora was far more forgiving than anyone in Knockemstiff.
She defended you like she had something to prove, telling him how you’d been helping her and that people didn’t know the real you.
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The afternoon sun was beginning to sink lower in the sky as you and Lenora walked toward the Russell home.
You’d just finished leaving the woods, her familiar chatter filling the silence between you.
Lenora (ever the sweetheart), had invited you in, mentioning that it was Arvin’s birthday and they were planning a small dinner to celebrate.
Knowing the town’s judgment followed you wherever you went, especially in public spaces like the Russell home, you turn it down.
It wasn't until you saw Lenora’s broken expression did you hesitate. Before you knew it, you were walking up the steps with her.
You didn't plan on staying long, just until dinner started.
The idea of sitting down for a family meal, especially at the Russell home, wasn’t exactly something you were comfortable with.
As soon as you stepped inside, the scent of warm bread and mixing chatter of the Russell family greeted you.
Grandma Emma was in the kitchen, her back straight as she prepared dinner. She gave you a brief, suspicious glance when you entered with Lenora.
Earskell seemed to take an immediate liking to you. He was lounging in his chair by the living room window with a grin spread across his face, looking entirely too relaxed.
Arvin stood near the doorway. His hands were shoved deep in his pockets, clearly caught off guard by your presence.
For a moment, the room froze. Your eyes met his and the tension was immediate.
You hadn’t been this close to him since that day at the school, and it was clear he hadn’t expected you here—certainly not for something as intimate as a family dinner.
His gaze flickered over you. It was more modest than usual, a subtle nod to Emma’s old-fashioned ways.
With a black knee-length skirt, your light-colored blouse clung to your shoulders, the neckline dipping low enough to be daring in this town.
Arvin’s eyes traced the curve of your collarbone, his throat tightening at the sight.
“Didn’t expect to see you here,” Arvin muttered, low voice barely hiding the nervous tint beneath it.
You gave him a slow teasing smile, your eyes glinting with amusement as you stepped forward.
“Didn’t expect to be here either. Hope ya don't mind birthday boy,” you replied, the words rolling off your tongue with a soft lilt that made Arvin shift on his feet.
Earskell watched with a grin, clearly enjoying every second of the interaction.
Blissfully unaware of the tension swirling around the room, Leanora hurried back to the kitchen when Grandma Emma called for her, leaving you and Earskell alone with Arvin.
“Well, well, well. If it ain't miss ____." Earskell drawled, his voice carrying a hint of Southern charm laced with mischief. “Didn’t think we’d have such fine company tonight. Sure do brighten up the place.”
You grinned at that, makin your way to sit on the couch next to his chair, arms casually crossed. “You flatterin’ me old man?”
Earskell barked a laugh, eyes twinkling. “Just callin’ it like I see it. Ain’t often we get someone who can keep up with me.”
“You ain’t wrong about that,” you shot back, your voice low and teasing, the crassness in your tone catching Lenora by surprise as she returned from the kitchen. “Though I’m not sure your nephew here knows what to make of it.”
Arvin tensed visibly, his ears burning red at the way the conversation seemed to be shifting toward him.
He stayed quiet most of the time, barely able to meet your gaze. And now, with his uncle egging you on, he felt like a rabbit caught in a trap.
“Boy’s always been a quiet one,” Earskell said, waving a hand dismissively. “But I reckon he’ll come around, especially with someone like you lightin’ up the room.”
Arvin shot his uncle a sharp look, his face flushing even deeper. “Earskell,” he muttered, warning in his tone.
“Ain’t no need to be shy, boy,” he teased, leaning in as if sharing a secret. “Not every day a pretty girl walks through that door, is it?”
You couldn’t help but chuckle, giving Arvin a sideways glance, watching him squirm. He was trying so hard to keep his cool, but the flush on his neck and the way his hands fidgeted gave him away.
“Don’t worry, I won’t bite,” you say to him before giving a flutter of your lashes. “Unless you ask.”
Arvin’s throat bobbed as he swallowed, the tension in the room thickening for just a moment.
He couldn’t bring himself to respond, instead opting to drop into his chair at the far end of the couch, avoiding your gaze entirely.
The older man didn’t miss a beat, clearly delighted by your banter.
“Now don’t go thinkin’ you can outtalk me, girl,” Earskell said, leaning forward in his chair with a grin. “I’ve got years of experience on ya.”
“I ain’t scared of a little experience,” you replied with a smirk, flicking your eyes over to Arvin long enough to catch him glancing away.
He was practically squirming now, clearly unsure of how to handle the banter and the easy way you seemed to command the room despite barely trying.
You stood after a while, brushing your hands off on your dress and glancing toward the kitchen. “I should get goin’ before dinner’s on. Don’t want to overstay my welcome.”
Earskell laughed, waving a hand. “You’re always welcome here, girl. Don’t let these sour faces fool ya.”
Grandma Emma emerged from the kitchen just in time, wiping her hands on a towel and nodding toward you. “You’re welcome back anytime.”
You gave her a nod, offering a respectful smile despite the subtle weight of judgment that always seemed to hang around Emma.
She wasn’t cruel, not like the others in town, but she was set in her ways—rigid in her moral code.
You appreciated her decency, even if it was accompanied by a thin veil of disapproval.
Earskell leaned back in his chair, grinning as he turned toward Arvin to nudge him. “Why don’t you walk her out boy? Least you can do, seein’ as how she graced us with her presence.”
Arvin flushed at the suggestion, his hands immediately coming out of his pockets as he looked between you and his uncle.
“Uh... sure,” he muttered, the nervousness thick in his voice.
He rose from his seat and awkwardly motion for you to follow him to the door. The walk was short, but every step seemed to stretch out painfully for Arvin.
He could feel your presence next to him, the  faint scent of cigarette smoke and wildflowers clinging to the air.
It was intoxicating, and he cursed the way his skin tingled when your arm brushed lightly against his.
At the door, you turned to face him, your expression softening just a little.
The usual teasing glint in your eyes was still there, but something else had crept—something more intimate, more dangerous.
“Happy birthday,” you say quietly, your voice softer now, as if you didn’t want the rest of the house to hear.
Before he could respond you reach into your bag and pull out a small card, pressing it into his hand.
Your fingers brushed his as you passed it over, the contact sending a jolt through his body.
He stared down at the card, blinking as his mind scrambled to catch up. “What’s this?”
“Just a little somethin’ for later,” you murmured, your eyes locking with his for a heartbeat too long. “Don’t forget to read it.”
Giving him one last smile, you turn and walk out into the fading evening light.
Arvin stood frozen at the door, watching as you disappeared down the dirt road. He could still feel the ghost of your touch on his skin, the weight of the card heavy in his hand.
His heart was pounding, the familiar pull of temptation gnawing at the edges of his resolve.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he glanced down at the card.
His name was written across the front in your neat handwriting. And when he flipped it over, his breath caught in his throat:
Meet me at the abandoned barn by the cornfield.
His mind raced, the invitation clear—undeniable. His heart thudded in his chest, and a small voice in the back of his mind reminded him of all the reasons he shouldn’t go.
All the reasons this was dangerous, reckless. His fingers tightened around the card, and for a brief moment he wondered what the hell he was doing.
But he knew, deep down, that he’d be there.
The moon hung high in the night sky, casting a silver-blue glow over the fields.
Arvin could hear the sound of his own heartbeat echoing in his ears as he made his way down the narrow dirt path toward the barn, the folded card tucked tightly into his jacket pocket.
He’d read it at least a dozen times since you handed it to him, each glance sparking a new wave of heat that crawled up his spine. 
He should’ve stayed home. He knew that. He’d spent the last few hours after dinner sitting on the porch, wrestling with himself.
When he reached the barn door he stopped just outside.
His grandmother’s warnings about temptation played on repeat in his mind, endless sermons about purity and righteousness and the consequences that came to those who strayed.
It wasn’t just her voice he heard; it was the town’s, too—the collective judgment of the people he’d known his whole life.
They wouldn’t hesitate to condemn him, to call him a fool for even thinking about following you here.
Because no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t stop thinking about you
The way you’d looked at him when you handed him the card, the softness in your voice when you wished him a happy birthday.
The memory of it made his heart race and he hated how much he wanted more of that feeling. More of you.
His fingers nervously twitched at his sides as he took a breath, steeling himself before finally stepping inside.
You were already there, waiting for him.
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hederasgarden · 4 months
Lewis Pullman Characters Masterlist
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Outer Range
My Favorite Mistake (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 1.8K)
Half the reason you’re in the middle of nowhere Wyoming is because you’ve always been bad at choosing men. You expect Rhett Abbott will be no different.
Show Me The Ropes (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 1K)
Rhett’s talents with roping and knot tying translate well in the bedroom.
The Trouble With Books (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 1.2K)
You and Rhett discover a surprising new kink together.
I’ll Be Your Fantasy (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 2.4K)
Sequel to The Trouble With Books. Rhett helps you play out a new fantasy.
Can’t Keep My Hands To Myself (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 1.5K) Rhett’s a handsy drunk, not that you mind.
Cowboy Trouble (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader x Rip Wheeler | Explicit l 3K)
When your boyfriend loses a game of poker, Rip Wheeler claims a night with you as the reward. 
Take The Weight of Me (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 570)
You go to Rhett when you don’t want to think anymore.
I get on my knees, but it ain’t to pray (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 700)
In the darkness behind the bar, you find yourself on your knees, ready to take everything Rhett has to offer.
Learning to Ride (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 300)
Rhett teaches you the proper way to ride a bull (and him).
Oasis (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Gen l 650)
When you reach your limit, Rhett’s there to help.
Need You Now (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 650)
After the rodeo, Rhett shows you how much he wants you.
Take Me to Heaven (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader x Arvin Russell | Explicit l 700)
If heaven’s a place you’re certain it can be found between Rhett and Arvin.
Take a Breath (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 250)
You and Rhett experiment with breathplay.
Hiraeth (Rhett Abbott x OC | Gen | 400)
A strange hole on the Abbott farm upends Mae Collin’s whole world.
Stand By Me Masterlist (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Ongoing | Explicit)
When a local ranch hand’s attention evolves into something more sinister, Rhett Abbot becomes an unlikely source of comfort and protection for you.
Small Mistakes New Beginnings Masterlist (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Ongoing | Explicit)
After you fall pregnant from a one-night stand with Rhett Abbott, both of your lives change forever.
Jealous Rhett
Rhett and Cowboy!Jake Crossover
Being Rhett’s Housewife
Teasing Rhett
Practical Magic AU
Top Gun
One Shots
All The Right Moves (Robert “Bob” Floyd x Reader x Natasha “Phoenix” Trace | Gen l 1.8K)
Your day takes a turn for the better when you meet not one but two cute Navy Pilots at the hospital. 
Follow the Leader (Robert “Bob” Floyd x Reader x Natasha “Phoenix” Trace | Explicit l 883)
You and Bob love it when Phoenix takes charge.
Eager to Please (Robert “Bob” Floyd x Reader | Explicit l 400)
You learn pretty quickly that Bob is eager to please, but he still manages to surprise you with a request. 
Catch a Fallen Star (Robert “Bob” Floyd x Reader | Mature l 350)
Mermaid!reader x Sailor!Bob. He’s the only survivor from the ship that broke apart on the rocky shores of the island last night. Well, there were others, but your sisters took care of them all too eagerly.
No Wingman Needed  (Robert “Bob” Floyd x Reader x Natasha “Phoenix” Trace | General l 700)
When Hangman realizes you like Bob and Phoenix he tries to help.
The day Bob earns his call sign
A night of absolute devotion and attention with Bob
The Astronaut's Wife AU
Bad Times at the El Royale
Little Games (Miles Miller x F!Reader l Explicit l 1.4K)
Miles knows it’s wrong to watch you but he just can’t help himself. 
Saving You (Miles Miller x F!Reader l Mature l 1K)
Miles has done a lot of bad things in his life but saving you isn’t one of them.
You Can Check Out Any Time You Like (Vampire!Miles Miller x F!Reader | Explicit | Ongoing)
Your life changes the night a mysterious stranger rescues you, but you'll soon learn that salvation comes at a deep cost.
Sleeping Beauty (Miles Miller x F!Reader l Explicit l 820)
Sometimes it’s easier for Miles when you’re quiet.
Press Play
The Small Things (Harrison Knott x Plus Size!Librarian!F!Reader | Mature | Ongoing Series)
A chance encounter on the first day of your new job leads to something wonderful and unexpected
♡Main Masterlist♡
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brain-palace · 1 year
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Notes: This post is created as an archive for myself so I can easily find the fics I love. If you're looking for something new to read feel free to have a look I recommend everything here. I read many different characters/universes, so I'll list them all so you don't waste time looking at something that isn't relevant to you. If you find something you like please show the fics and their authors some love! Also, this is a long post!
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Disclaimer: None of the works below belongs to me unless it explicitly says so. © - All rights reserved to the authors. If a fic does not have a name I will make one up for the sake of archival purposes.
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Characters/Universes TWD (The walking dead) - Daryl & Rick | Criminal Minds - Hotch & Ried | Stranger Things - Eddie, Steve, Billy | MCU - Peter Parker | Peakcy blinders - Tommy, John, Arthur, Alfie | The devil all the time - Arvin russel | Sherlock
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Key ➸ Angst ☁ | Fluff ♡ | Crack ❈ | On-going ✎ | Completed ✓ | Smut 🔞 |
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Daryl Dixon (TWD) ↴ Series ↴
Spitfire | by @rfsak2 | OC (Original character) | "Everyone always thought Daryl was the rough one." | ✎
Close to home | by @paintyoureyeswithavividmind | "When a run goes poorly and Daryl is separated from his group, a stranger and her companion help get him out of a sticky situation. Little does Daryl know this stranger is much closer to home and his life is going to get a bit more complicated" | ✎♡ ☁
Return | by @daryl-dixon-daydreams | "Daryl loses Y/N when they head into Atlanta to rescue Beth. Her absence colours his years until they find each other again." | ♡ ☁ ❈ ✎
Till dead do us part | by @xwritingdixonx | "Daryl Dixon hasn't seen his wife in 3 years until he strolls through the gates of Alexandria. Reunited with his love and his family, he should feel peace, tranquillity, warmth. Instead, he's faced with confusion, shock, and heartache. Just like so many others put through the abuse and torment of the world, it changes people. Twists your mind, makes all your morals disappear. The kind waitress, the brave bartender, Georgia's delight, Mrs. Dixon. Now, mother of nothing - daughter of rage. The whore of Alexandria. A conqueror with tits. Why can't the Blackwell family get a word in before the people of Alexandria point fingers and create storybook titles? It's finally your turn to talk and Daryl's turn to listen." |
Oneshots ↴
The regulars | by daryl-dixon-daydreams | "Based on watching your interactions, Daryl thinks you, a bartender at a local dive, may actually have a thing for his older brother Merle, but a series of events at the bar may begin to show him otherwise" | ♡
All I'm living for | by @alldevilsharehere90 | "Just when you finally got the man you wanted, another surprise could threaten your relationship, especially when a herd of walkers is almost at your doorstep." | ☁ ♡
Old childhood fools | by @r66dus | "Drunk Daryl and y/n fooling around at the CDC" | 🔞
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Rick Grimes (TWD) ↴ Series ↴
The Claim | by @woman-of-balnain | Despite everything that’s going on, despite the world going to shit, despite wanting to stay on Hershel’s good side, despite his marriage falling apart, despite the way he knows he’s broken… despite it all, Rick can’t fight how badly he wants you. | 🔞✓
Undone in sorrow | by woman-of-balnain | "Finally coming face to face with Negan threatens the ties that bind your relationship with Rick together. After that first meeting, the two of you try to pick up the broken pieces of one another and become whole again." | ☁ 🔞
The nurse | by @itsgrimeytime | " Before all this, you were a nurse. A nurse who had patients, one of which was a man in a coma. A sheriff, you think, it was all kinda fuzzy now. When it all went sideways, you set up what you could for the man - but had to leave. You'd always wondered where he'd ended up; until in your search for shelter, you run into a familiar face" | ✎♡ ☁
Magnolia in May | by itsgrimeytime | "Your town was small, not the smallest you knew, but anyone of high fortune was the gossip of the week. Predictably, Richard Grimes was a thing of whispers -rumours of a search for marriage among the grassy hills. You weren't one to buy into town gossip, but something about him... just seemed a little too intriguing." | ✎♡ ☁
Swear | by @daryandricky | "Shane tells reader that Rick didn't make it after the hospital was overrun, causing reader to travel with her former military brother to find somewhere safe." | ✎♡ ☁
Oneshots ↴
The life we could have had | by itsgrimeytime | "Rick knows you're gone, he does. He just keeps seeing you in everything" |
Everything I wanted | by @bloatedandalone04 | "The one where both you and rick are really bad at communicating your feelings." |
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Peter Parker (MCU) ↴ Oneshot ↴
Stacked against you (tasm)| by @delicate-dorothea | "Summary: You confront Spider-Man about his true identity, manila envelope style (literally)." |❈
No chance (tasm) | by @spider-stark | "Thinking he has no chance with y/n as himself, Peter begins approaching them as Spider-Man." |
Are you busy (tasm)| by @luveline | "You’re worried you don’t know how to kiss. your best friend Peter offers to teach you how among other things" | ♡
In the real world | by luveline | "You notice something about Spider-Man during a violent villain showdown, then you have to save his life."
White lies, red & blue tights (tasm) | by @t-lostinworlds | "You and Peter accidentally dressed up in the same costumes for Halloween. But he was not wearing a costume, it was his suit. You simply didn’t know that your favorite superhero and your boyfriend were the same. Who would’ve thought that seeing you in red and blue would be the breaking point of his lies" | ♡
Question (tom)| by @waitimcomingtoo | "Peter accidentally sends you mixed signals when he kisses you for the first time then stands you up" | ♡ ☁
It was fun, being 21 (tom)| by @loverwebs | "In which your boyfriend, Peter Parker, doesn't make it to your birthday dinner. So you walk home alone, only to run into the city's friendly neighborhood Spider-Man." | ♡ ☁
Series ↴
Infinitely you (all of them) | by spider-stark | "In every universe you are the one person Peter Parker will always love more than anything; unfortunately, he always realizes it too late. Now that they've been granted a second chance none of them are willing to miss out on finally making things right." | ☁ ♡ ✎|
The red string | by @never--doubt | "Once a year, everyone over a certain age can see the Red String of Fate that connects them to their soulmate. This year, Peter Parker is ready to find his soulmate, be with them. But the question is…is his soulmate ready?" |
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Steve Harrington (ST) ↴ Series ↴
Nail to the coffin | by @thetargaryenbride | "Y/N Byers wondered what would end up being the death of the small town she lived in. She never expected that the last nail on the coffin would be hammered by monsters from another dimension who would end up hunting down her friends and family one by one…" | ☁
You deserve each other | by @bimrwolf | "You and Steve have been together for five years. He's seemingly the perfect boyfriend, kisses on the cheek, knowing your orders at the restaurant. A great lover. Too bad you've had enough can't stand him." |
Oneshots ↴
The way you call me "Baby" | by @forevermoreharrington | "Steve’s been so patient with his girl but he just can’t take it anymore and neither can she" | 🔞
Love on the brain | by @vendettaparker | "You suffer from a bad case of pregnancy brain, leaving Steve to hover over you, much to your annoyance." | ♡
Almost Got It | by @mentalpolaroids | "She’s a barista at a coffee shop and always screws up Steve’s name on purpose" | ♡
Tainted Love | by @megxplryxb | ☁ ♡
Tornado warnings | by @harringtonwebs | "You and Steve had a very intense relationship now that you're up, hates to see you with someone new." |
I will always be right there | by @familyvideostevie | "you come first. you’re always my first choice." | ♡
Tell me again | by @appocalipse | "Would you stop stuffing your face with candy for one moment and listen?" |
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Eddie Munson ↴ Oneshot ↴
Mechanic Eddie | by @whoahoney | "Reader’s shit box car pooped out on her once again, but at least the cute new mechanic seems eager to help." | ♡
Say you love me | by @marianita195 | "Based on the TikTok trend where girls don’t say “I love you” back to their boyfriends. " | ♡ ❈
Bookworm | by @corroded-hellfire | "Eddie has a thing for the local bookworm he just doesn't show it in the best way." | ☁ ♡
I'm Eddie - Eddie Munson | by @cosmal | "Your father finds Eddie in your room in the middle of something. eddie's a smug bastard." |
His glasses | by @pedgito | "Eddie in his glasses is just adorable" |
Grand Gesture | by appocalipse | "catching feelings for your best friend was never in your plans. when you start distancing yourself from him to protect your heart, eddie vows to do everything in his power to keep it forever." | ♡
Never Kissed | by cosmal | "eddies first date with you doesn't go how he'd planned and he hadn't even expected a kiss. still, you kiss him because you want to."
Series ↴
Worlds Apart | by @munsons-maiden | "You’re the only survivor among the Mind Flayer’s victims, thanks to your friends - but after the Battle of Starcourt, you find yourself adrift in a sea of nightmares. Until an encounter in the woods with Eddie The Freak Munson offers an unexpected lifeline and turns your world upside down." | ☁ ♡
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Spencer Ried (CM) ↴ Oneshots ↴
Passive Agressive | by @ddejavvu | "Spencer’s stressed, and he takes it out on you. You’re sure it would have hurt far worse if he’d shouted, but instead, he broke you down bit by bit, his cold demeanour leaving you crying in your car." | ☁ ♡
Tactic Admissions | by @almostgenerallyalways | "Spencer lands in the hospital, and you have to come clean with yourself." | ☁ ♡
Days off with Spencer | by @justmyheart | ♡
Back to you | by @radiant-reid | "Spencer never thought she would love him the way he loves her, but he also never thought she would come back from the dead" | ☁ ♡
No hair for you, devil! | by @thyme-in-a-bubble |
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Aaron Hotchner (CM) ↴ Oneshots ↴
Self-Made | by @her-storybooks | "The BAU gets a visitor who tares through the bullpen and leaves everyone in puddles of mush and exploded hearts." | ♡
Good for him | by @ptersparkers | "Aaron loves you. he hopes his son loves you as much as he does." | ♡
Better than morphine | by her-storybooks | "Broken Bone. When Y/N gets her leg broken by an UnSub, she clings to Aaron to help dull the pain." | ☁ ♡
Spontaneous phenomena | by @luveline | "Hotch touches your face much more than a boss should. Or, 5 times you have a nosebleed +1 time Hotch does." | ☁ ♡
Old man problems | by @hoe4hotchner | "Can you possibly write an imagine where Hotch pulls his back on a case, and the fem'reader offers to help him work it out in a friendly way because she was once a licensed massage therapist? Aaron of course is hesitant but gives in and allows it. But it gets heated" | ♡
Sweeter than fiction | By @hotchgirlsummer | "The bau decides to throw a small birthday party for Hotch. the reader is tasked with baking a cake, could this be their chance to express feelings?" |
A solitary mistake | by luveline | " You're not sure you're ready to come back. Hotch has total faith in you. Or, your transition back into the team after your abduction doesn't go as smoothly as you'd hoped." |
I'm Sorry | by @14buddy22 | "Aarons been treating you differently lately" | ☁
New mom | by @marvelslut16 |
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Thomas Shelby (PB) ↴ Series ↴
Challenge of a name | by @gypsy-girl-08 | "Y/N is new to Birmingham, she works at an accountant firm. In this part, The Shelby’s arrive at her office to pick up their accounts, where she meets Thomas for the first time. She was in a long-term relationship and is recently single, having moved for a fresh start. Still recovering from the split, she has no intention of meeting anyone else."
Tachipen | by @zablife | "With the flip of a coin, Tommy makes a deal to bring a 20 year old gypsy girl into the Shelby clan. Considering her too young to marry, he employs her as a nanny. When tragedy strikes, he’s forced to confront the truth he has always known." |
Angst | by @murphyoclock | "Your and Tommy's argument gets out of hand when you provocatively try to make him jealous at his charity party." | ☁
Oneshots ↴
Peaky caps and razorblades | by @acewritesfics | "y/n helps Tommy sew his blades into his cap." | ♡
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John Shelby (PB) ↴ Oneshots ↴
Just play along | by @runnning-outof-time | "When the person who (Y/N) feels has been following her gets a little too close for comfort, she makes a quick decision that involves John Shelby and some good acting...or maybe no acting at all." |
Red lipstick | by @kkurades | "You feel flattered when charlie shelby asks to marry you while your husband feels like he could strangle his nephew" |
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Alfie Solomon (PB) ↴ Oneshots
A very Shelby Christmas | by @cillmequick | "Alfie and his sassy little wife find themselves in the midst of the Shelby clan for Christmas because Alfie’s sister is in a relationship with Tommy." |
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Steddie (ST) ↴ Oneshots
Cookies and consoling | by @mangchai | "After a hard day, you return home to your boyfriends who want to cheer you up." | ♡
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Billy (ST) ↴ Oneshots ↴
Bartender Billy | by @billysbabyy |
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Arvin Russel (TDATT)↴ Oneshots ↴
Mockingbird | by waitimcomingtoo | "Arvin joins a book club just to see you but has to pretend to be your boyfriend to stay"
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Notes: This post only contains all longer fics I will be creating a separate post for shorter fics/ i.e. headcanons, imagines, drabbles and scenarios that I love. The link to that will be here → The little things.
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annab-recs · 1 year
what i read this month - january & february '23
❀ = nsfw/mature content, minors dni
reminder to read the warnings before a fic & to support writers by reblogging :)
organized alphabetically by fandom, then by pairing, then by author
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the amazing spider-man
peter parker blurb - @parkerpeter24
type: tasm!peter parker x reader, blurb, genre: fluff summary: he eats all her cookies she made and he tries to make up for it by making some for her but in true peter style he burns them commentary: this is soooo peter i love it
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the devil all the time
arvin russell christmas blurb - @parkerpeter24
type: arvin russell x reader, blurb, christmas, genre: fluff summary: baking cookies with arvin commentary: arvin being all smooth at the end got me
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peter parker christmas blurb - @parkerpeter24
type: mcu!peter parker x reader, blurb, christmas, genre: fluff summary: a and b pinch each other's nose instead of kissing under the mistletoe commentary: come on, it's cookie writing a fluffy christmas blurb, of course it's going to be the cutest frickin' thing you've ever read 🥰
dad!peter parker christmas blurb - @parkerpeter24
type: dad!peter parker x reader, blurb, christmas, genre: fluff summary: sharing a blanket in front of the fireplace with dad!peter commentary: this blurb was just straight 🥰😍❤️
peter parker blurb - @parkerpeter24
type: peter parker x reader, enemies to lovers, blurb, genre: fluff summary: after issues with the quinjet, you and peter are stranded which isn't so great considering you two hate each other commentary: enemies to lovers eats every single time and omg tony at the end bahahah
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stranger things
proving it - @harrysweasleys
type: eddie munson x reader, oneshot, genre: angst, fluff, hurt comfort summary: eddie messes up big time and rushes to you to fix it commentary: when the reader says 'it's fine' and he says 'no, it's not' 😩 the ownership of his actions, i love it
robin buckley blurb - @jellyfishbeansontoast
type: robin buckley x reader, blurb, genre: fluff summary: after a sweet moment, you and robin discuss some daydreams of your future with each other commentary: so stinkin' cute!!! & no catsitting for dustin got me hahah
steve harrington blurb - @t-lostinworlds
type: steve harrington x reader, blurb, genre: fluff, angst summary: you taking steve's self sacrificial role ends in a love confession from him commentary: ahhh i felt all the emotions through this!! loved it! loved it! loved it! the love confession had my heart for sure
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tom holland & co
tom holland christmas blurb - @parkerpeter24
type: dad!tom holland x reader, blurb, christmas, genre: fluff summary: building a snowman with dad!tom commentary: tom and june 🥹 too cute to handle
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nathan drake new years blurb - @parkerpeter24
type: nathan drake x reader, blurb, friends to lovers, new years, genre: fluff summary: heist gone wrong commentary: loved the details in this one!!
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asonofpeter · 3 years
His Girl
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Pairing: Arvin Russell x Reader
Summary: Arvin has to make sure the men in town know you're his girl.
Warnings: Smut (18+), breeding kink, jealous!Arvin
Word Count: 1221
A/N: oooooh I've been waiting for this one! Been in an Arvin mood lately! Don't forget to reblog! Enjoy! 💕💕💕
*My work isn't to be copied, reposted or translated*
“Arvin, honey, I don’t understand why you’re jealous,” you shrugged, placing your bag on the hook as soon as the door was open.
“He was looking at you,” he stated, throwing his baseball cap on the hook next to yours, his hand running through his hair.
“And no one is allowed to look at me?” you crossed your arms, waiting for him to process his absurdness before you scoffed at his silence and made your way to the kitchen.
“Y’know what I mean,” he rolled his eyes, following in your step. “Those men treat you like a piece of meat,” he grumbled, finally meeting up with you. “They make it seem like I’m not there like I’m not your husband,” he huffed, grabbing a bottle of beer from the fridge.
“I swear sometimes you’re just flooded with envy that you don’t even see what you have,” you sighed, crossing your arms over your chest. “Is green the only thing you see?” you joked.
You couldn’t help the way your lips curved upward into a smirk when you saw how he avoided your gaze. You understood Arvin tended to get a little protective over you, but you never saw him be insecure.
“All you need to know is that I don’t want any of them, they could stare all they want,” you walked up to him, wrapping your arms around him as you stared into his eyes. “But at the end of every day, you’re the one I am with, the one I choose,” you stated, cupping his jaw before hovering your lips over his.
“Doesn’t matter, they still disrespect you,” he shook his head, leaning against the counter, your arms still wrapped around him. “Like I haven’t shown them who you belong to enough,” he began, prompting you to roll your eyes again.
“Honey, you’ve made your point plenty of times,” you reached for his hand, running your thumb over his bruised knuckles. “I think you’ve beaten every single man in this town at least once,” you raised your brows before placing a kiss on his skin.
The amount of money spent on first aid kit supplies was enough to make a concerning dent.
“Still not enough, I need to do better,” he placed his beer down, wrapping his arms securely around you. “Maybe if I finally fuck that baby in you like we’ve been talkin’ about,” he traced over your stomach. “They’ll get it in their heads.”
“Arvin,” you trailed, seeing the darkness wash over his eyes, you gulped sensing what was about to come, but you weren’t scared about it.
“You’d look so pretty, plump and round, ‘specially in those cute dresses you wear,” he continued. “Tell me I’m wrong,” he stopped, meeting your gaze. He reached up to slowly cup your cheek.
“I-,” you started but you could only think about what it would be like if he actually got you pregnant.
Ever since you got married it was a hope for the future. You were still a bit young and you two were trying to manage a farm together since that’s what you wanted. But now it’s been two years, you have things under control.
And to be honest, for the past few weeks you couldn’t keep your mind off of it.
“Just picture it,” he pulled you out of your thoughts, rotating you both so you were facing the window that looked out into the yard, your abdomen pressing into the sink. “They’re outside, playing with each other, helping with chores while we stay in here and I have my way with you,” he whispered in your ear, his voice dropping an octave as he said the last part. Only a moan came out in response.
“Oh, Arvin,” you muttered, reaching a hand behind you to tug on his brown locks.
“I know you want this, I could practically see you dreaming of it anytime you stare off into space,” he pressed kisses along your neck. “So cockdrunk the only thing you can think of is me pumping babies into you,” he moved along your shoulder, pulling down the sleeve of your dress.
“Please,” you gasped, arching your back when he reached in front of you and teased your clit over your panties.
Slowly, he reached his hands back, lifting the skirt of your dress and hiking it over your hips. Your undergarments were long gone too.
You heard as he unbuckled his belt, his pants soon hanging at his knees before he brought his cock to your entrance.
“Y’know with all the times I’ve fucked you, I’m surprised you’re not pregnant yet,” he groaned when he thrust all the way, a small gasp leaving you.
“I make you wear condoms when I ovulate,” you muttered out, your hands gripping onto the edge of the sink when he sped up, your body shaking each time he thrust forward.
“I’m never gonna wear those again,” he pressed his chest to your back, holding you close. “Doesn’t feel as good,” he nipped at your ear, your legs shaking when he circled his hand back to your clit, your walls clenching around his member. “I also plan on keeping you pregnant from now on.”
“Oh god,” you mumbled, biting down on your lip. “Keep goin’,” you breathed out, hand resting on top of his that held your hip in place.
“Barely started and you’re already trying to milk me of my seed,” he grunted, squeezing your hip tighter when you squeezed around him.
You threw your head back in response, resting it against his shoulder as your eyes closed shut. Arvin taking this as an opportunity to unbutton the front buttons of your dress, exposing your bra but he was quick to undo that as well as it hooked in the front.
“These tits are gonna grow so much,” he groaned as he kneaded your soft flesh. “Gonna be such a good mother,” he grunted.
“You’re so good to me,” you whined, mouth opening when he pressed his hips against yours. “Can’t wait till I’m growing with our baby,” you moaned, reaching to press your mouths together.
“You close, sweetheart?” he grunted, holding onto the sink for leverage.
“Mhm,” you nodded. “Cum inside me,” you muttered out as he continued to rut inside you.
The way he pressed your body against his drove you wild. His body was on fire as he thrust, your body covered in a sheen of sweat at this point. You always wondered how you managed to keep up with your husband’s stamina.
But knowing how your hormones will change once you get pregnant, hopefully, you’ll be able to match him.
“Oh! Arvin!” you cried out, body falling forward as you come undone.
You heard as he let out a pained groan, hands pulling your hips back as he unloaded inside of you, a small moan leaving your mouth as you felt his cum paint your walls.
“That was so good, honey,” you sighed in content, fixing the front of your dress. Hoping to take a nice hot bath after that, but clearly, your husband had other plans.
“Don’t be so quick to scurry off, sweetheart,” Arvin pushed you back into his hold. “Gotta make sure my seed is planted,” he grinned against your neck when you visibly gulped.
“Everyone’s gonna know you’re my girl.”
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peterspideyy · 4 years
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silkscream · 2 years
it’s missing arvin hourssss if you’re open to a req!! the towns in the midst of a heat wave and arvin can’t get over how you look licking a cherry ice pop on the tailgate of his truck
goddd i miss him sm. you know that humidity is getting the best of him, but he's trying real damn hard to be productive out in the garden pulling weeds so the summer vegetables can thrive.
meanwhile, you're sitting pretty on the open bed of his truck in your halter tank and matching shorts, sprawled under the western sun. you like watching arvin work -- you like the way the veins in his arm flex when he grips the earth, like how when he wipes the sweat off his brow his dirty white tee hitches up just in the slightest to reveal his happy trail. you like those momentary looks he gives you, knowing full well that his eyes are scanning your bare legs before nodding at you casually like he isn’t fully smitten. the twinkly sound of the neighborhood’s ice cream truck’s jingle makes your ears perk up.
“you want a lemonade or somethin’, arv?” you beckon after him once you get to your feet.
“‘m good, baby,” he gruffs, fixated now on some sort of carpentry project in the garage. pouting, you skip your feet less than a block to get a treat, batting your eyes generously enough for the teenage clerk to stammer over his words and fuck his counting over a handful of coins. ultimately, your warm face makes him give in, so he lets you off the hook and lets you buy the little girl in line behind you an ice cream, too. he’s bewitched after you wink goodbye.
arvin doesn’t notice your return, which makes you roll your eyes. and you’re not one to be needy, anyways, so you crank up the radio to drown out the sounds of manual labor with doo-wop, and you suck on your cherry ice pop. it’s refreshing, it really is, but what’s more refreshing is the moment arvin looks up to see you in the bed of his truck blooming like a flower with carnation-red lips. 
“is it getting all over me?” you pout. “or do you want some?”
“i want something, alright,” arvin mumbles under his breath. “you tryna put on a little show for me, pretty thing? chrissake.”
“father benjamin says not to say the lord’s name in vain.”
“fuck father benjamin.”
you giggle, pushing the red popsicle deeper into your mouth until liquid dribbles down to your chin. you struggle to clean yourself up, cupping your palm to collect the excess as arvin stares.
“you’re fuckin’ killing me, doll.”
“huh? i’m mindin’ my own fuckin’ business,” you chuckle. “if you’re so desperate for a break, just take one, vinny.”
he sighs, looking back into the garage as he wipes his face with his t-shirt. he does it deliberately -- arvin isn’t one to show off, but he knows what makes you tick -- as he exposes his bare midriff and the defined lines of his abs.
“think i might take a cold shower. think you might need one, too.”
before you can register it, arvin takes a few steps closer to you just so he can kiss you on your neck, lick you down to your chest where he can lap up the sweet slick of the cherry ice pop that had melted and dripped onto your skin without you noticing. you gasp at the feeling and immediately feel a fluttering in your core.
“you’re getting it all over your hands, angel,” he gives you a low chuckle, lips right near your earlobe. “better clean you up, huh?”
it takes less than two minutes for the two of you to walk back into the house to turn on the shower -- water running cold -- but he doesn’t even bother to get you into it. instead, he’s quick to strip off your matching set along with his t-shirt and jeans, whiplash overcoming your senses when he’s got you leaning over the bathroom sink with his mouth licking up the sweat on your neck.
he loves you like this -- submissive and bent down under him with his hand around your throat while the mirror starts to fog up from your desperate pants. the moment you feel him slide into you from behind, your skin feels like it’s on fire, which may be counterproductive considering the heat wave both of you are trying to escape, but both of you are too busy riding the throes of ecstasy to care.
it’s so much -- the feeling of his thick cock, the sweltering heat, his fingers in your mouth. 
“fuck, honey,” arvin grunts into your shoulder. “most beautiful woman i ever seen. shit.”
you moan back unintelligibly. maybe it’s the heat, the sweat, the pheromones working on overdrive, because arvin doesn’t expect to be this close so fast. he’s got your hair balled up in his fist as he thrusts into you, a much more fulfilling workout than the damn yard work consuming all his days.
when he does cum, so do you. your thighs nearly give out, actually, shaking from the impact of him being so deep that the coil inside of you breaks completely. your stomach aches in inferno, but you suppose the pain is worth it if it’s always going to be this honey-sweet.
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hollands-teabag · 3 years
He Needed It More Than Me
Arvin Russell Gif Imagine
*WARNINGS*  Mentions of violence, cigarettes and 1 swear word
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Arvin Russell was a broken boy. Notice the past tense?
He was the type to send a flirty smile in the direction of any and every woman in a room but never took advantage of them. He'd smoke and beat the shit out of men but only ever for an ethical reason.
Arvin has a good heart and pure intentions but unfortunately didn't have the best role models. Religion had failed on him and it sure didn't help to have such a phony preacher lurking around the "Holy church".
Arvin soon started to get tired of his repetitive life and was in his car one day when he laid eyes on you for the first time. In a field full of wildflower, he watched you in awe with a cigarette between his lips as you picked flowers from the ground and bunched them up in your left hand. With your right hand you pulled the ribbon in your hair letting the beautiful locks fall free.
Arvin got out of his car but kept observing you while you tied the stem of your bouquet with the piece of satin. He noticed every little detail from the way your hair ever so slightly moved in the warm breeze or the way you bit your bottom lip in concentration. His favourite detail must have been when you smiled a breathtakingly angelic smile in satisfaction with your final product.
You lift the bouquet up to your nose to smell the esense produced by the blossoms. You felt someone's gaze on you making you look over your shoulder and smile at the cute but slightly filthy boy around the same age as you standing near a truck.
Arvin takes the cigarette butt out of his mouth and drops it on the road, squishing it beneath his boots. He looks up and sees you walking towards him. Panicking, Arvin wipes his hands on the back of his jeans and takes his cap off for a second to slick his hair back.
"Hi, I'm Arvin." Arvin puts his cap back on his head and offers his hand for you to shake. You accept and shake his hand feeling the calloused and tough skin covered in a thin layer of dirt. Arvin on the other hand felt your soft and small hand radiating a foreign sort of warmth. He looks up when you release your grip and bring your hands back to your body.
You look down at your bouquet of flowers and offer it towards the boy in front of you.
"Y/N." That was the last thing you said before you quickly placed the flowers in Arvin's hands and walked towards the direction of your home.
"He needed it more than me."
"She's...an angel."
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websterss · 2 years
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A/N: Hope you enjoy it! MASTERLIST
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School had been like any other regular day. You’d wait for the bell to dismiss all of you. Then you would start making your way towards your locker to put up or get the books you’d need to use for homework. By then you’d turn around and be welcomed by the gorgeous face that was your boyfriends. However this time when you turned around you were faced with the emptiness of the hallways. Everyone had gone home by now.
You never thought much of it since Arvin was always on time, but this time you couldn’t help but feel uneasy. Your gut was screaming at you to start walking. Not exactly towards home just towards the exit. Once you pushed open the double doors you stood still. Taking in the air. Breathing it in…making yourself aware of the noises. What you were hearing specifically. Your head turned towards the corner of the building, then after another yell was heard you dropped your bag and took off towards the sound.
When you finally rounded the corner you were met with a sight you never wanted to witness again. Being held down by a bunch of jocks was Arvin. His arms were being held back so he couldn’t defend himself. You knew he could, but even then he couldn’t do anything as they were hitting him.
“Hey!” You yelled as you ran towards them. “Get off of him!” You shoved the one that was about to land another blow to his face, and made him hit the pavement. “Arvin!” 
“Y/n, stay out of this!” Arvin groaned.
“I’d listen to him baby doll!” One of them warned you.
“And if I don’t? You gonna hit a girl Travis?” You raised an eyebrow at him. “Or would you rather I tell your daddy you’ve been stashing your weed behind the school’s garbage cans.” Travis grew quiet. “Oh, no then? That’s what I thought. Get lost Travis!”
“Let’s ditch this lot boys. I’ve had nuff of this broad and this idiot.” He ran his hand under his nose and snuffed. His boys shoved Arvin to the ground as they left. You ran by his side and helped him up.
“You’re done for, Travis!” Arvin tried throwing himself at him but you held him back. “Done for!”
“Hey! He’s not worth it, Arvin.” You pleaded as you pressed your hand into his shoulder blade. “Hey look at me. He’s not worth it.”
“The next time I see em-”
You stopped him short and pressed your lips against his. He tensed up and then relaxed as he melted against your lips.
“Not worth it, okay.”
“Not worth it.” He hummed as he pulled you closer by the waist.
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Happy New Year
Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Warnings: some swearing
Word count: I don’t even know
A/N: Okay! So now that the tags are working again, let’s try this one more time. My name is Peter Parker - no I’m kidding but I tried posting this last night for New Years, but then the tags crapped out so yeah. Here ya go and enjoy!
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“Alright team!” Tony clapped his hands together making everyone in the room jump. “Let’s talk New Years.”
“You’re not throwing a gigantic gala are you, Stark?” Wanda said turning the page of her book.
He sat down next to you. “No, I just wanted to do a little something for the team. Do some party foods, watch some movies; I think it’ll be fun. Besides it’s New Year’s Eve today so it would be completely short notice. Otherwise I would.”
“Yeah that sounds great,” Nat started. “What kind of food do we want?” She stood up to grab a piece of paper and a pen.
“We could do homemade pizza,” Peter said.
You perked up. “Ooh yes!” He smiled at you with his perfect smile and you could feel your cheeks heating up. You quickly looked away, ignoring the little smirk Nat was giving you.
Your phone buzzed and you looked down to see a text from Ned
What time is movie night tonight?
Oh shit, you thought. “Hey Pete, we’re gonna be late for movie night.”
Peter’s face lit up at the sound of movie night. He had completely forgot about it even though it was a twice a week thing. “Yeah we better get going. I promised Ned I would have his grape soda for him.”
You both said your goodbyes and started walking towards the doors. “Why he can’t he buy it himself?” You asked.
“Because he said…”
Your voices trailed off as the rest of the team looked at each other.
Nat shook her head. “We’ve got to them together.”
“I agree, but how do we know they even like each other?” Steve asked.
That’s when Wanda looked up from her book. “Oh don’t worry,” she tapped her forehead. “They definitely do.”
Tony looked at her, bewildered. “Um excuse me, how do you know?”
“Because I can read minds, Stark. One day Y/N wore a low cut shirt and I made the mistake of walking past Peter as he stared at her.” She shuddered at the memory.
Tony’s eyes were about to come out of his head. “Nope nope nope.” He shook his head and started walking away.
“And where do you think you’re going?” Steve threw his hands up.
“To replace all of Y/N’s shirts with turtlenecks.”
By the time you and Peter came back the compound was decked out in streamers and party hats lying around. The living room was plastered with paper streamers of blue and green and red and black. Colors were everywhere. Nat and Steve were getting the pizza stations ready in the kitchen. Vision was helping Wanda attempt homemade pizza dough. Everyone had gathered in the living room setting up movies and snacks. It really was a party.
“Wow you guys went all out,” you said as you admired the set up.
“Yeah well it’s been a crazy year so we decided to try and end it on a good note,” Tony came up and kissed your forehead.
You walked over to where Nat was attempting to hang a party streamer over the doorway. “So Y/N,” she started. “Got any plans for tonight?”
“Um not that I know of,” you laughed.
“Not any special someone to spend it with?”
“Nope, but thanks for reminding me that I’m single though.”
“No babe that’s not what I meant.”
You scrunched your eyebrows. “Then what did you mean?”
Nat’s eyes widen with realization that she was about to ruin their plan. “You know what? I don’t know why I said anything. You should um, go play some video games or something.”
“I don’t play video games.”
“Then go read a book or something; I don’t know Y/N.” She went back to fixing the streamer as you walked off, confused.
Everyone was doing something. Steve was moving furniture for some reason, Bucky and Sam were bickering as per usual, Wanda and Vision were still in the kitchen. Your dad was supervising. Everyone was there, except for one person.
You knocked on the lab door. “Hey, Pete.”
He looked up from the table, putting down his tools. “Hey,” he smiled.
“Whatcha doing?” He made room for you as sat down next to him. He smelled of warm vanilla.
“Well everyone’s acting so weird in there I figured I could work on some stuff for my suit.”
“Okay so it’s not just Nat!” You yelled.
“What do you mean?”
“Nat kept asking me if I had any plans and someone to spend it with. And then she got all nervous.”
“Weird. Sam and Bucky were asking me the same thing, but I didn’t think too much about it because they’re always doing that. But this Steve came in and told them to change the subject.”
You were more than confused. “You think they’re planning something?”
“Maybe. But I don’t what.” The situation may have been weird, but Peter couldn’t help but stare at how beautiful you were. The way you laughed, the way you cared endlessly for everyone, the way you looked at him. Call him crazy, but he could’ve sworn that you leaned towards him. He looked down to your lips and back to your gorgeous eyes.
“Um what’s happening here?”
You both jumped at sound of your dad’s voice.
Peter cleared his throat. “Um, nothing Mr. Stark. Nothing at all.”
Your dad didn’t look sure but brushed it off. “Alright well, come make your pizzas.” He eyes you two before walking off.
You stood up. “We should, um.”
“Okay so they definitely like each other.” Tony rushed into the kitchen nearly knocking over Bucky.
Wanda turned it to him. “Stark, I told you that.”
“Yeah okay fine, but I was just in the lab and they were close. A little too close for my liking.”
Nat’s face lit up. “Like they were about to kiss?”
“Yes,” he frowned.
“Okay, so what’s the plan for the Spiderling and Ms. Stark?” Thor asked.
“We’re just gonna have a good time and when we turn on the tv for the News Years countdown, we’re going to subtly push Peter and Y/N towards each other. Like get them together and hopefully they kiss,” Nat explained.
Sam nodded. “Solid plan.”
“Okay guys shut up here they come,” Steve said harshly.
“Hey guys,” Peter waved.
Thor very awkwardly leaned against the counter. “Hey-hey guys. We’re weren’t just talking about you two. What plan?”
“Plan?” Peter scrunched his eyebrows.
“You guys have a plan?” You asked.
“No, Thor’s been hitting the Asgardian ale a bit early. He’s already tipsy.” Wanda hit his arm.
“Well, we were just going to make some pizza,” you started. “So…”
“Oh right! Of course. Come on gang.” Nat practically dragged everyone out of the kitchen.
Peter looked at you when everyone was gone. “That was weird.”
“Yeah they’re definitely up to something.”
The two of you laughed and got to work on your pizzas. Ten minutes and a huge mess later you finished them. You went for the classic pizza look. Pepperonis scattered with cheese covering the bottom. Peter however went for a…unique look.
“Peter what is that?” You laughed.
“What’s wrong with it?”
“Nothing it’s just. You.” His pizza was well, him. Spider-Man. He managed to make the pepperonis and black olives into his spidey mask. It was cute.
“Yeah and it’s amazing.” He threw a pepperoni at you which resulted in you tossing g cheese at him. It soon turned into a mini food fight.
“Stop it,” you laughed as you dodged an olive.
“Hey,” Steve interrupted. “Countdowns on.”
The tv was blaring around the living room. The whole team sat around and was anxiously waiting for the New Year.
They all awaited the ball to drop
“Hey Y/N will you go get me a drink?”
“Sure Nat”
“Hey Underoos get me another slice of pizza.” Tony ordered.
Seven…Six… Five…
You bumped into Peter not hearing him over the yelling. “Fancy meeting you here, spidey,” you smiled.
“Likewise,” he laughed.
You couldn’t help but notice the lighting on Peter’s face. The shadows of the streamers reflecting on him. His curls were of course in his face but it cute. It was him. You looked around his face. Everything was perfect. Maybe the team was up to something. But you didn’t care what. All you could think was Peter. He occupied your thoughts constantly. You wanted to kiss him so badly.
“Y/N…what’s wr-“
“Fuck it; can I kiss you?” You asked.
You leaned him and he caught your bottom lip between his. You were finally kissing him. After months of stolen glances and weary touches this was the moment. It was everything. His lips tasted of his strawberry chapstick you gave him. You both were so wrapped up in the kiss you didn’t even hear the rest of team shouting for the new year. You didn’t care though.
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mortqlprojections · 4 years
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my legs are shaking 💀
photo creds: toms insta
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chezzywezzy · 2 years
Yandere-Writing-Week-Palooza schedule
Friday, April 29th - Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter (dedicated to @kjlewis21.)
Saturday, April 30th - Big Daddy from Bioschock (dedicated to @sweetpotato-97.)
Sunday, May 1st - Batman & Catwoman from Batman 2022 (dedicated to @yandere-batfamily-wife-69 & @bat-otter.)
Monday, May 2nd - Arvin from Devil All the Time (dedicated to @lovehoneypotto.)
Tuesday, May 3rd - Kylo Ren pt. 2 from Star Wars (dedicated to @leandragemstone.)
Wednesday, May 4th - Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter (final part.)
Once again, I encourage other authors to join! If you do, please dm me because I'm interested in what you'll plan on doing.
Look forward to it!
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gxdsfavgal · 4 years
Can you write one where reader and peter are 18 and attend midtown and they go to france like in ffh, but no mysterio, and reader wears a red dress
and gets hit on a lot at a dinner and MJ, Flash (he’s friends w them), Ned, and Betty tease peter about being jealous and it ends in possessive smut?
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That Dress
Pairing: Peter Parker x fem stark!reader
Warning: 18+ MDNI, crazy amount of ‘bub’ pet names, language, SMUT, sexual intercourse (female receiving from male), possessiveness, choking, spitting, degradation, raw sex (wrap it up kids), dom!peter
A/N: Sorry if my French is horrible, I barely know any!! Also, I am not good at writing smut LMAOOO
GIF by @zendayamybabe
It was our senior trip just before we all graduated and went off to college, a few days ago we boarded a plane and wounded up in a rotten hotel in Italy.
Luckily, we were able to get a refund and since I have plugs with many people all over the world because of my late father’s last name, I was able to get the senior class a much better hotel in France.
For the first few days, all the seniors did tourist stuff like take pics and try the new foods. We were able to roam around with each other.
It was now the last night of the two week trip and Peter, MJ, Ned, Betty, and Flash decided that we all should have a nice dinner.
I was able to book us a reservation at the Monsieur Bleu.
Once I told the group what time we were going we all decided to get all dressed up. My roommate for the trip is MJ since there were still teacher chaperones, but MJ is one of my best friends so of course I didn’t mind. Peter and Ned stayed in a room a few down the hall from us. Flash stayed with that annoying kid Remy that grew so much during the blip, and Betty stayed with Zoha.
Peter of course wasn’t mad that we can’t stay in a room together, lord if we did have a room together I don’t think we would ever leave.
MJ and I started to get ready, I lended her a dress since she didn’t bring any. I got to fix her hair, it was almost a similar hair style to mine so she just told me she’ll do it herself.
I was finally done with fixing up MJ so now it was my turn. I bought this gorgeous dress at a boutique in the city, it was a perfect summer dress.
It had this gorgeous red fabric with small flowers on it, the neckline was a sweetheart cut with the edges ruffled. The straps on the shoulders matched the rest of the dress, ruffled too.
It was just stunning. I put it on and checked myself in the mirror. It showed all the right parts, and hugged all the right parts.
The end of the dress was way above my knee, it was short but very cute.
I paired it with some straw platform sandals and some of my favorite jewelry.
“Peter is going to freak when he sees you in that.” MJ widened her eyes from the bed as she predicts my boyfriends reaction.
“Why? Is it bad? Too showy? I should change.”
“No y/n, you look fine. I meant that he was going to freak in a good way.” She chuckled, getting up from the bed so we can put on our shoes and grab our things to go.
We all decided to meet in the main lobby of the hotel at 6pm sharp. MJ and I went down to the lobby with all of our stuff, our canvas tote bags, sunglasses, and other essentials for the night.
We finally got out of the elevator, and went looking for the group.
We finally found them, and wow Peter looked amazing.
He was wearing a white button up and black pants that accentuated his toned body. He recently has been training a lot at the compound so he has gained a lot of muscle.
The sleeves seemed a tad bit tight on him because of how big he got, and just those abs. I wanted to strip him down right there and then.
“W-Wow, you look amazing bubby” Peter held me out by my waist to see everything, giving me a twirl and all.
“And you bubs, look fine as fuck.” I kissed him right under his earlobe as his cheeks began to flush.
“You are heavenly.” he kissed my cheek repeatedly.
“Enough you love birds. I want to eat!” Flash interrupted with his loud voice and a clap of his hands.
We all giggled and went to the bikes that the hotel provided. We hopped on our individual bikes headed towards the restaurant.
The breeze against our skin as the late sun was beginning to set. The orange tint in the sky was beamed on us.
We finally arrived at the building, we locked up our bikes and headed on into the tall building so we can go to the rooftop for our reservation.
We got seated out on the patio, with an amazing view of the Eiffel Tower. The structures lights were being turned on for the night.
We all sat at one table, Peter next to me and MJ on the other side of me. Ned, Betty, and Flash sat across from us.
We were taking our pictures, selfies, and Snapchat videos of our view of Paris. Peter had us send pictures of to May and Happy, while I was sending pictures to my mum and Morgan.
The view was gorgeous, our seats, my friends looked amazing, and my boyfriend is fucking hot. Everything was perfect for this dinner.
“Bonjour beauté [Hello beauty]” A man said from the table behind us as we looked at the menu.
I turned to see the man, and he seemed very nice. Looked a little older than us, but good looking.
“Oh um, Hi. Bonjour.” I scrambled out, hopefully saying the right words.
“Ah. You are from America? Oui?” The man asked me as my friends and Peter were talking amongst themselves.
“Yes, our senior trip.” I nodded.
“Tu es une très jolie fille [you are a very beautiful girl]” the stranger grumbled.
“I- Um. I think you’re saying I’m pretty?” I felt Peter shift next to me, I was now able to tell that he was listening in on the conversations. “Thank you.”
“parle-moi de toi, jolie fille [tell me about yourself, pretty girl]” The man lightly dragged a finger down my arm.
“Peter. I think that random French man I hitting on you girlfriend.” I heard Ned whisper loudly.
“Peen Parker can’t stop his own girlfriend from getting flirted with!” Flashed laughed. I knew Peter was going to get jealous.
“Oh umm. How do I say this? J’ai dix-huit ans [I am eighteen]. Umm. Je veux être un Engineering Technician [I want to be a Engineering Technician].” I answered the stranger. It seemed like he was sitting with his friends.
“Hey the waiter is here.” MJ told me, I smiled to the guy and turned back to the table to order my food.
Everyone seemed awkward, like they were trying to hide something and I knew what it was. Peter on the other hand was stiff in his seat, his face was a little red, and the vein on his neck became prominent.
“Hey do you want anything to drink?” I nudged Peter.
“Hmm?” he hummed.
“I was asking if you want anything to drink.” I repeated myself.
“Anything.” he said blankly, just tearing small pieces of the table bread and plopping it into his mouth.
I turned to the waiter. “Umm and nous aurons une bouteille de ummm— Ah Louis Roederer Cristal please. [Umm and we will have a bottle of ummm— Ah Louis Roederer Cristal please.]” I said with a smile, handing the waiter the wine menu.
“Ooo wine, I like your taste” Betty outed as she was attached to Neds arm.
“Hey, I don’t want you to pay for all of this. I’ll chip in.” MJ said with a soft smile from next to me.
“No MJ it’s alright, I got it. You guys can order as much as you want.” I told the table, they gave me wide smiles as Peter sat their quietly.
“Cristal est cher, joli. Êtes-vous sûr que vos amis peuvent se le permettre? [Cristal is expensive, pretty one. Are you sure your friends can afford that?]” The french stranger said from behind me.
“I’m paying for the whole thing.” I said with a smile to the stranger.
“Ah, you are wealthy” He nodded his head.
“I guess you can say I am.” I chuckled.
I heard the waiter set down the wine with 6 glasses onto the table. I turned around and they were already pouring themselves some of the cristal.
We each held our wine glasses.
“Cheers!” we clinked out glasses all together at the center of the table, the white wine sloshing around the glass. We brought the glass to our lips, taking a small sip to taste.
“Oh this is amazing! Everyone say ‘thank you y/n Stark’! ” Flash exclaimed as he was talking videos for his Instagram.
“This is one of the best wines i’ve ever had. The worst being the communion wine from church.” we all chuckled at MJ’s joke.
“Do you like it?” I pushed my elbow into Peter’s side.
“Yeah.” He dryly said, he quickly engaged in the conversation that Ned and Betty were having. “
“So you are Stark?” the stranger behind me asked.
“Well yes. I am the daughter of Tony Stark. What’s your name?” I chuckled as I sipped my wine.
“Antoine. Your name is pretty y/n.” He said, his fingers drumming on my forearm.
“It’s really not that pretty, but thank you Antoine.” I heard MJ whisper something to Peter about him touching me.
I nodded but then soon turned around back to my table as I heard the waiter was handing out our dishes.
The group took our photos of the food as we saw the fireworks go off from the Eiffel Tower. We quickly began to eat the small proportion of our food.
“Mmmm very small but amazing” I said as I was indulging the flavors and textures.
“That’s what she’s said” Ned and Flash said in sync, earning a laugh from the rest of us.
“Do you like your food?” I ask Peter who seemed to stare off into the sky a lot.
“Yeah, It’s good.” He clenched his jaw.
We all talked together as we finished the bottle of cristal and our food. It was getting late and we had to ride our bikes back to the hotel so we began to pack up.
“Miss Stark?” Antoine asked.
“Yes?” I hummed at I stood up from my chair.
“Puis-je avoir votre numéro? [May I have your number?]” the man asked with a nervous chuckle.
“Garçon stupide, parlant à mon. [stupid boy, talking to my y/n.]” Peter mumbled under his breath.
I stared at him with wide eyes, and my mouth open wide, I was unable to say anything.
“Qu'est-ce que tu m'as dit, petit garçon? [What did you say to me, little boy?]” Antoine asked.
“Elle est à moi, pas à toi. [she’s mine, not yours.]” Peter said sternly.
“Tu ne peux pas la posséder, ce n'est pas un chien. [You can’t own her, she’s not a dog.]” Antoine scoffed.
“nous avons terminé maintenant. Je vous suggère d'arrêter de flirter avec ma copine. [we are done now. I suggest you stop flirting with my girlfriend.]” Peter said from next to me, his hand gripping my wrist tightly.
Peter’s other hand was balled into a fist, his veins popping out more. His jaw was clenched, and his muscles were tense.
“Petite amie? c'est surprenant. [girlfriend? that’s surprising.]” Antoine laughed.
The group quickly left along with Peter and I. He kept his grip on my wrist, basically pulling me out of the restaurant and into the elevator.
The elevator was awkward, not silent at all since the others were trying to make some conversation so the air wasn’t so tense.
We got to our bikes and immediately started biking back to the hotel.
Once we arrived at the hotel, Peter was basically pulling me to the room. Ned followed us but Peter closed the door on his best friend.
“I- I’ll just be with Betty!” Ned said from the other side of the door.
Silence rung in the bedroom for a few minutes. I stood there playing with the bottom of my dress as Peter sat on a chair with his elbows on his knees, and his fingers rubbing at his temples.
“What’s wrong Peter?” I asked him calmly.
“You know what’s wrong, y/n.”
“I don’t understand.” I said as I took a step towards him.
“Don’t fucking play dumb.” He rolled his tongue against the side of his cheek.
“I’m not playing du—“ He stood up from his seat, his hand quickly grasping my neck. He walked me backward until my back hit against the wall.
“Fucking slut.” he spat his saliva right onto my collarbone, it dropped down to the tops of my breasts. “Want Antoine? Go ahead.”
“Peter we should tal—“
“I’m fucking tired of people trying to get with my y/n.” he grumbled into my ear. “Nobody gets to talk to my y/n.”
The use of ‘my’ could make cum right there and then.
His lips assaulted the tops of my breasts, licking up his dripping saliva and leaving bruises. I whimpered at his lips and tongue touching me, my pussy aching and pooling in my panties.
“You think you can just open you legs for random guys?” his tightened his grip on my throat.
“O-Only for you.” I was able to say.
“Only for me huh?” He pulls me away from the wall and slamming my back into the couch. He swiftly takes off his shirt, and standing in between my knees.
He pulls down my dress strap and the top of my dress, revealing my bare chest. His head dodges down to my nipple, tongue twirling, lips sucking.
My back aches against him, giving him more access to my mounds. As he was sucking on one, his fingers were pinching and fiddling with my other nipple. Pinching, flicking, and switching to the other to give it the same attention.
“Peter!” I grinded my hips upwards, trying to get friction onto my clit from his bare chest. I was a moaning mess.
He turned his attention away from my mounds, he quickly began to take off my dress, leaving me in just my black thong.
His hands now pushing down my hips, keeping me away from any friction.
“Pete!” I moaned out as I was clenching around air.
“Needy ass whore.” he spat more of his saliva onto my stomach. “My whore.”
His tongue pressed onto the skin of my stomach, collecting his saliva back into his mouth. His face moved back up to me.
“Open.” he demanded.
I obeyed and opened my mouth, sticking out my tongue.
He spat his saliva onto my tongue, with a smile I closed my mouth and swallowed.
“That’s my girl.” he pressed his lips against mine. His tongue poking around and asking for an entrance.
I opened my mouth and our tongues explored each other’s mouths, twirling and sucking on each other.
He then began to slowly put his body weight onto me, with a thrust of my hips I was able to get some sort of relief.
As we made out, Peter snaked his hand between the two of us. His fingers reaching the cloth over my sensitive bud. He began to slowly rub circles onto it, my mouth opening at the sudden feel.
“Pete, I- I-“
“Finish your sentence bub, you got it.” he applied more pressure onto the bit.
“I- I need you.” I finally got out.
He stopped all of his movements, no more sloppy kisses, no more rubbing.
He removed his fingers away from my clit, lightly dragging them from my pubic bone, over my belly button, through the valley of my breast, up my neck and landing at my chin.
“Who do you belong to?” he held my chin in place, making sure I keep eye contact with him.
“You.” I looked up at him with gleaming eyes, his pupils were blown with lust.
“That’s right. You are only mine.” he accentuated his possessive words.
I nodded with a whine.
He stood between my legs, unbuckling his belt and stripping down to just his boxers. I sat up, leaning onto my elbows to get a better view of my boyfriend.
He looked at me in the eyes, his brown hazel eyes weren’t looking anywhere else but my eyes. His fingers hooked onto his own boxers as he pulled them down.
My eyes headed straight for his hard dock that slapped against his lower stomach. My mouth began to water, my lace underwear began to pool once again from the view of the perfect average thick and veiny dick.
“Since you wanted to be a little fucking slut earlier, I’m gonna fuck my tight little pussy so good, you’re not going to be able to make the flight back home.” he chuckled as he began to stroke himself with his hand.
I began to get so desperate that one of my hands drifted over my underwear, putting pressure onto my clit and rubbing my slits.
“Did I fucking say to touch yourself?” His hand pounced onto my wrist, stopping my motions on my core. “Fucking brat.”
“Bub please.” I whined, tears welling up in my eyes.
“Please what bubs? I need words.” he said with his other hand holding my chin in place to look at him.
My thighs began to rub against each other, trying to relieve the sensitivity.
“Touch me Pete. Fuck. Just fucking touch me please.” I pleaded out as I closed my eyes in embarrassment at the amount of desperation.
“Anything for my girl.” He quickly ripped off my lace underwear, giving me marks from where it was pulled off from. “Now, are you wet because of me or because of that fucking man at the restaurant?”
“You. Just you bub.” I looked at him with a grin as he looked at me with his tongue rolling on the side of his cheek.
He pulled me from my hips to the edge of the bed and began stroking his length onto my slit, collecting my wetness as a lubricant. He began to line up his cock at the entrance of my core.
He looked at me with affirmation, with a nod of my head he began to slowly push the tip of him inch by inch.
Groans coming from the both of us as he stretches my pussy out with his thick length. Once he finally bottomed out, we stayed in the position for a few seconds before I gave the ‘okay’ that I have adjusted to his thickness.
Peter began to slowly move his hips away from me and snapping it into me. He began to pick up his speed, causing me moans to flow out of our mouths.
“You feel so good. Look at you, being fucked and you still look heavenly.” he hyped me with with every thrust of his hips, his hands on my breasts.
“Fuck. Fuck. Pete, oh god.” I moaned out a few times repeatedly from the amount of pleasure I was getting.
“Who’s fucking pussy is this?” he asked with beads of sweat forming on the both of us.
“Y-Yours.” I stuttered out.
“That’s fucking right. Your mine, and this fucking pussy is mine.” he pulled his hips all the way back, where his tip was barely in me before he quickly thrusted his dick back into my core.
“Fucking hell.” I arched my back and clenched down onto his cock.
“Cum for me bub. Cum on my dick.” He encouraged me as he peppered kisses onto my breasts and collar bones.
The knot in my stomach unraveled, sending shocks through my body. My legs shook and my view became white, my high was out of this world.
“Good baby.” He kissed my lips as he kept thrusting in and out of me, as for I was still coming down from my high.
“Cum in me bubby.” I mumbled into his lips as I pulled the hairs on the back of his head.
His thrusts became unsteady and I felt his dick twitch within me.
“Come on babe.” I encouraged him.
With a couple more snaps of his hips he was chasing his high, he emptied out his seed into my core. I felt it paint my walls, warm all around.
Once he was done he couldn’t keep himself up, causing him to drop onto me.
Our chests heaving up and down from our heavy breathing, our sweat and cum mix had us in a sticky mess.
“I’m gonna start flirting with random guys from now on to just get fucked this hard.” I said from under him.
“Don’t ever flirt with another guy.” Peter mumbled into my neck.
“I’ll think about it.” I chuckled at his comment, combing my fingers through his hair.
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asonofpeter · 3 years
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Pairing: Arvin Russell x Reader
Summary: Your midwife predicts the sex of your baby, but Arvin isn't too sure how reliable it is.
Warnings: pregnancy, old wives tales on predicting sex of baby, mentions of sex
Word Count: 1028
A/N: This is part of my Planting Seeds AU with Arvin! Thought it'd be a sweet continuation of "His Girl". Be sure to leave suggestions and requests for more on this story!
“There’s really no telling in what the baby will be, right?” you smoothed your hands over your dress as you cradled your fifth-month bump. “How will we be sure what clothes to buy?” you glanced up, looking at your best friend Diane who was also your midwife.
She was a lifesaver for the past five months.
After you haven’t gotten your period and you were experiencing morning sickness, you called up Diane to see if you needed to go to the doctor. While you were panicking, standing by the doorway of the kitchen, thinking the worst; Diane was in the middle of washing dishes, needing to take a moment to laugh.
Even though she pulled the phone away from her, the sounds of her howling made you frown in embarrassment. But she composed herself, putting the phone back against her ear to tell you what was wrong.
And nothing was wrong, to your relief. You were pregnant.
It was quite a shock at first, but then you realized your husband dragging you towards him every chance he got to knock you up the past month and a half lead to no surprise at all. He was very determined and it worked.
You were actually pregnant.
The sounds of your tears now were heard through the phone and Diane comforted you, but you were able to muster out enough words of reassurance. You wanted this. More importantly, Arvin wanted this.
You were going to be a family.
And when you finally told him the news- you never thought you’d see Arvin happier as he pulled you in for a loving hug before he was leading you back to the bedroom for some “celebratory sex”.
Your body shook with pleasure that night. Arvin was so gentle and careful with you. Eyes burned with desire as he stared at you. He finally did it. He finally got you pregnant.
Now four months have passed and you were enjoying a day out with Diane and her husband. They had invited you for lunch and now the two men were out in the driveway, fixing her husband’s truck.
Two men working hard under the burning sun really was an enjoyable sight.
“Your hips are definitely wider, but you do have that pregnancy glow,” she studied you, grabbing your hands gently to help you sit down.
“What does that have to do with anything?” you furrowed your brows.
“Wide hips mean you’re expecting a girl, but the fact that you look radiant as ever means you’re having a boy,” she explained, taking a seat next to you. “Have you been craving more sweets or savory things?” she asked, the sound of her six-month-old babbling for her attention.
“I’m sending Arvin to the store for potato chips and pickles almost every day,” you chuckled, watching her as she picked up her son from his spot on the floor. “And I used to make a pie every week or something of the sort, but it makes me sick at the thought,” you felt uneasy when you mentioned it.
She sat back down, the boy sitting contently in her arms as she pondered.
“Hmmm, and the way Arvin still seems to be keeping up in shape,” she trailed, eyes tracing over to your husband. “I’d say you’re having a boy,” she grinned, turning back to you.
You glanced your husband’s way and the sight of him dressed in his plain white tee, back muscles showing through as he tightened a bolt really made you horny. But you wondered why his body has anything to do with the sex of your baby.
“It’s common logic that when a husband gains weight during your pregnancy, it means you’re having a girl,” she quickly elaborated, seeing as you weren’t catching along.
“Hmm, well I’ll be dammed,” you mused, staring down at your bump. “How accurate is this?” you questioned, still skeptical.
“All the same things happened to me and I gave birth to my baby boy,” she said, smiling down at her baby.
You smiled warmly at the sight. You couldn’t wait until you were able to do that with your baby. And the thought of Arvin holding them made your heart soar.
“Well, we got the truck all fixed, shouldn’t be an issue anymore,” Arvin spoke as he and Andy made their way up the steps of the back porch.
You watched intently as he wiped the grease from his hands, his veins on his forearms more prominent than ever. Man, you were drooling.
“Thanks again, Arvin, you’re too sweet helping Andy,” Diane praised your husband, pulling you out of your trance.
You saw the way he became slightly bashful, your heart thumping even more.
“No problem at all, Diane, thank you for the lunch,” he smiled.
“See you later, Diane,” you stood, kissing her on the cheek and making sure to say bye to little Jason before you hugged Andy, the two of you make your departure.
“What do you think of a boy?” you turned to Arvin, his eyes focused on the road.
“I thought we were saying it’s a girl,” he looked at you for a split second.
“I know, but Diane was saying there are ways to predict the sex and she had all of them and she’s the one with a boy,” you raised a brow. “But either way, I’ll be happy,” you placed your hands back on your belly.
“Although Diane is your midwife, there is no way you can know, not even those so-called smart doctors can tell,” he reasoned. “Besides, we buy all boy clothes and end up with a girl? That’s one thing I’m not going to have, everyone thinking my princess is a boy,” he scoffed.
“You seem to be very adamant on having a girl, Arvin,” you laughed, reaching over to stroke his hair back. “I’m just saying,” you softly said, running your thumb along his cheek.
“I know, sweetheart,” he reached for your hand to press a kiss to your knuckles. “I’d be happy either way too,” he reached for your bump, rubbing circles with his hand.
“Can’t wait to meet them,” you inhaled deeply.
“Me too.”
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