#aru's liveblog
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Ezio when Leonardo talks about how dangerous it would be to test his flying machine:
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ustalav · 1 year ago
there is a poeticism to the daeran romance on the demon path somethingsomething falling for someone who becomes the thing you despise most
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violet-prism-creatively · 2 months ago
my 2024 year in fandom 
I started off the year by creating my whump sideblog @violets-whumperflies (January 3). I've been into whump for a long time, but never got up the courage to be part of the community and post my own stuff until then. 
My spring was marked by the resurgence of my interest in The Owl House and Avatar the Last Airbender, fueled by the mutual square/triangle/pentagon of hell groupchat. Thank you to Lilac (@itslilacmoon), Crush (@crushpunchh), Aru (@watery-melon-baller), and Never (rip). Chatting with you guys about fandoms and the struggles of college life made my spring a bit more joyful. 
I also participated in two Nimona fan events this year, courtesy of the wonderful @zyrafowe-sny! Nimona Week was a fun burst of springtime energy and the Nimona Big Bang kept me making art throughout the year. Shoutout also to the WIP Wednesday community that encouraged me to write!
New fandoms this year! In May, I finally got around to reading The Locked Tomb series and loved it. I annotated the ebooks of HtN and NtN while reading on a plane, which helped me keep track of my theories and showed some fun reactions that I "liveblogged."
July was a tough month for me in my personal life, and I turned to fic to cope. I somehow stumbled upon Batfam hurt/comfort and kind of got obsessed. Eventually, this extended to actually reading some comics. I haven't posted about this fandom a lot since it doesn't "fit my brand" on tumblr, but I suppose this is the "inflict posts about new fandoms on your mutuals" website. 
In early December, one of my friends got me into Epic: The Musical. Since then, I've already published two fics for it, because it wouldn't let go of my brain. I even revived the old tiktok account I had before tumblr to do cosplay. And it was perfect timing to get into the fandom because the last saga released on Christmas! 
Fics published this year: 
this rot leaking from my eyes (The Owl House, febuwhump, Feb 8)
Refined (Avatar the Last Airbender, final chapter Aug 18)
Study of a Monster (Nimona, whumptober, Oct 5)
Can you make it back to Ithaca? [No] [Yes, but it's no longer you] (Epic, Dec 10)
The blood on your hands (is something you can't lose) (Epic, Dec 29)
Fics started writing that I intend to finish:
Batfam whump 
tlt college au 
toh luz hurt/comfort 
Abandoned projects: 
we're going to ignore these... 
Another update on my personal life: Remember my girlfriend? They're now my queerplatonic partner! They figured out that they're ace and nonbinary and now we're both leaning into our aspec identities. I think this is also reflected in my fandom interests, where I drifted away from shipping and towards platonic and familial dynamics. My new favorite dynamic is "whatever they have going on between them is not romantic or sexual but infinitely stronger and weirder." 
If you read all this, thanks! Whether you're a longtime mutual or randomly stumbled upon this post, I appreciate you!
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kingofthewilderwest · 3 months ago
For anyone confused with my Voltron liveblogging/name-dropping, I'm going to predict what I might talk about and drop useful analogous terms:
Arus = Altea Drule = Galra Sincline = Lotor Sven Holgersson = Takashi Shirogane Ryou Shirogane = Takashi's brother in Beast King GoLion. Also Sven Holgersson. Don't worry about it. Darrell Stoker = Pidge Chip = Pidge's brother in non-VLD Voltron iterations
Different characters and places have different names depending on the iteration of Voltron. Arus is the same planet as Altea, yada yada. The iterations I'll be focusing the most on in this liveblog:
Beast King GoLion (BKG): The original Japanese mecha anime for Lion Force Voltron.
Armored Fleet Dairugger XV (AFDXV): The original Japanese mecha anime for Vehicle Force Voltron.
Defender of the Universe (DotU): The first Voltron TV show, the Americanized Frankenstein which combined BKG and AFDXV together. It had episodes that showcased both the teams of Lion Force Voltron (LF) and the teams of Vehicle Force Voltron (VV). Lion Force Voltron is the Voltron most people think about.
Voltron: Legendary Defender (VLD): The most recent iteration from Netflix that everyone screamed over in the 2010s.
Devil's Due comics (DD): A series of comics from, uh, Devil's Due that I'm reading right now. The omnibus of these comics was released 2008. I've read it before. There is a follow-up that was written in 2009. I own it and haven't read it. I am excited to read both.
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thelreads · 6 years ago
And that was the end of the chapter.
Holy hell, what a trip. I was so worried that everything would go wrong for a moment, but in the end, only Aru drew the short stick and had to pay the price as the butt of the jokes.
Meanwhile, that fucking bird is still fresh on my head. Like Cotton eyed Joe, I have no idea where did it come from or where did it go, but I feel like we’ll be seeing it again...
But, in short, it was a cute chapter. The friendship between Nako and Aru is starting, but I can already see that they’ll be that type of friends, you know, the type that likes to annoy and poke fun at each other, that say that they hate each other but would die or kill to protect the other one. Oh, how happy am I over this, and meanwhile Bocchi has no fucking clue whatsoever about what happened.
Oh, there’s a few panels at the end. Let’s see if there’s something I can edit on them...
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She just yeeted herself into orbit while trying to headbut Nako. Damn girl, that’s a powerful jump right there, fulled by nothing but hate.
Wait... maybe she was trying to hit tokoyami and get her candy back...
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[Muffled Space Oddity playing in the distance]
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doctorguilty · 3 years ago
I'm not sure when I'll be able to play the new delt/aru/ne chapter so please tag spoilers!
#dr spoilers or #deltarune spoilers are ideal tags
EDIT: I’m in progress of playing dr ch 2! but I’m not done yet so please still tag spoilers!
if you want to avoid spoilers via my liveblogging, blacklist #seth plays dr 
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biomic · 8 years ago
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a dekaranger classic
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Coming Attractions
ALRIGHT! Time to put thing in stone, why? Because scheduling and I dunno.
I have ideas and plans and wanna give them an order, but basically I wanna always keep 2 shows running at minumun, an anime or anime related thing and a manga, so in the “schedule I have is”
Infinity Train: Did the pilot one day... and want MOAR! This one will take priority WHENEVER it airs (soonish info August 5th)
A Place Further Than The Universe: not sure why it feels like right to do after Yuru Camp... but it does (and is totally unrelated to the april fools joke we saw this year)
Revue Starlight: OKAY GALE YOU WON I wanted a third thing in the lineup so lets check you gay theater thingy (this one apparently might need some extra stuff to see but will consult when needed)
Yūki Yūna wa Yūsha de Aru: Magical Girls... that’s what I know. Okay I know more than that but all is weird random stuff so not really know, but apparently from the post-Madoka era of magical girls this seems to be the best one, we will see  
Doki Doki Literature Club Purist Mod: Love the story of DDLC, hate its horror elements, but heard this could be wholesome even though serious so I think I can handle this, obviously is a game but is a visual novel so MAYBE it could work? we will see  (is anyone interested in this? I’m unsure so leaving it in the backburner for now)
Komi-san can’t communicate: as you can see this will take a while but until I catch up there won’t be other manga interrupting... I think
School-Live!: I got interested in the differences it can bring cause for what I know... there will be differences to the anime and by the time I caught up with Komi-san I’m surely be done with Ali’s shadowblogging of the anime anyway
The boy who cried wolf tells another lie today: Apparently a “short” story that should not work but does wonderfully... im mostly a sucker for weird ideas that work and is like 32 chapters so why not
Senryu Girl: someone picked my sudden interest in communication problems, cute girls and haikus and trough this upon me! We will see how it goes
The idea is that whenever I finish a Manga/Anime I keep with the next on the list, so currently we should go A Place Further and Komi-san... although there might be some other... stuff to do...
Schedule interrupters:
School-Live: whenever Ali liveblogs an episode I shall go for it too
RWBY Vol 7: as soon as we have a date for this prepare for a reliveblog of Volume 6 (saw it while “retired”) and gonna get ready for the comeback on Volume 7 (cancelled, prefer to enjoy the show by myself, sorry)
OK KO: EVENTUALLY (I wanna do it, just dunno WHEN)
If there’s any changes I’ll just keep updating this post:
May 26th: made it an official coming attractions post
July 11th: cancellations and confirmation of infinity train
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riverdalxhigh · 8 years ago
Okay but did anyone notice the blood on the window that Polly broke? If she broke the window herself, she must have gotten a serious cut
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thegeminisage · 6 years ago
bunnikkila replied to your post “alright now that i’ve finally seen both fullmetal animes here’s my...”
i loved this liveblog even though it gave me flashbacks to working in an anime store hearing weebs scream at me insisting the Real Names were Edo and Aru and Edward and Alphonse were mistranslations.... Should rewatch myself. But I definitively know to skip Shambala!!
oh my god first of all i’m so sorry for everything you went thru
secondly thank you it was a very poor liveblog i burned right thru it i did not stop and savor like i did kh because i have to LEAVE SOON and i kind of wish i had
THIRDLY big mood re shamballa...thats not like me...normally im like “yeah its bad but its worth sitting thru once just to know what happens” but like. it isn’t. you just finish sadder than you began :/
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Ezio: My battles have already been won :D
The two, fifteen hour games ahead of him:
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Welp, ig it's time I give my review :P
Overall, I enjoyed ac1, I had fun playing it!
(More detailed review under the cut)
Animation: The animation was good, I think it still holds up today.
Environment: The environments were distinct, I only found myself questioning what city I was in once! I enjoyed the different architectures present in each city, and the different decorations!
Audio: The voice acting was alright, I found that Altair was a little flat, but he got better around the end of the game. The music was good, and didn't drown out voices, though there were some times when I couldn't understand a character due to sfx.
Story: Altair's story was fun, as was Desmond's, which also intrigued me.
Characters: I'll be honest, Altair's character arc felt a bit flat for me, but it was alright, I appreciate him making amends with Malik (I think that's his name?)
Desmond didn't really have an arc, but that's alright, he spent most of his time living out grandpa's glory days, but what we do see of him establishes his character well, and as I understand it, we'll be seeing him in the next game as well, do he may get developed there.
Gameplay: Combat was alright once I got used to it, as well as most movement options, but the climbing and leaping actions weren't really to my taste.
Climbing was very slow, and at some points Altair would just stop climbing out of nowhere. When leaping, it doesn't always lock on, leading you to fall during chases or into water, and when climbing sometimes Altair would jump off from the wall to his death ¯⁠\⁠_(;-;)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ these lead to some very frustrating moments
Misc: the lack of subtitles was a bit of a dampener, but I could push through it
Overall, 8/10 from me, good game ♥
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Personal headcanon is that the fog that appears when you collect a flag in ac1 is diegetic to Altair, and is the animus interpreting that thing where you stand up too fast and your vision goes funky
Ergo, I believe Altair has iron deficiency
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Just started assassin's creed I
tfw you get kidnapped and forced relive your great grandpa's glory days (those days were murder)
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I- are you shitting me?
AC three isn't compatible?!?!!
Fuck my life.
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Da Vinki time once again!
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