#artwise I mean
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yours-the-author · 4 days ago
Belated CopperRight Valentine's Comic Incoming!
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Here comes the bride(s)! Featuring Burt as the begrudging officiant!
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Yay, a happy ending! And while it might *seem* like Burt wants to be anywhere else, he's actually very excited for the wedding, especially the bouquet toss!
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Take the freaking hint, Sven.
Sorry for the delay, a lot of things kept popping up, but! Valentine's day art, on the last day of Valentine's month! Now everyone's happy!
The next chapter of The Beauty and His Right Hand Beast will be out on Monday, as usual, so keep an eye out! Let me know if you liked this!
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likesdoodling · 24 days ago
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It's been a little over a year since I started using Photoshop, this piece is from the last few days (February 2025 yeye), while the piece below is the first thing I drew with Photoshop (January 2024). A lot of stuff has happened since then (reaching the end of Ascendance of a Bookworm for example-), but Rozemyne is still a character I draw pretty often, and I still have Photoshop, so this is to see if I've gotten better art wise since then (I would say I have :D)
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owlyjules · 7 months ago
Already all set up my 2 week vacation for october so i can start wisptober on the right foot!!:D Pretty excited about the list too! I have a few more projects this months to focus on but next month will just be to get me back into trad art! So excited!!!:D
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rocketterrier · 1 year ago
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My Cyclizar is better than your Cyclizar.
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c0nn0rsseur · 2 months ago
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I joined the DBH fandom in 2024 and it’s been very Connorful hehe. Artwise I learned a lot and tried new styles and techniques. Can’t wait to learn more!
I’m also very grateful for all the friends I’ve made, I’m so lucky 💗 And thank you for all of your support; all the comments, likes, reblogs, DMs, words of encouragement and other interactions. They mean the world to me, you mean the world to me! ❤️ I love you, Connor Nation, stay unhinged! Happy New Year!
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zhnnveuxpasdrmir · 7 months ago
I wonder if a lot of tumblrs are having a deep think about the effects of power on the human animal, and what's left when you eliminate all the Bad People from your diet lately
fortunately for me I've grown quite accustomed to famous people whose work I liked revealing their horrible sides, intentionally or otherwise
Rosemary's Baby, Cyndi Lauper being mean backstage one time, every rock front man in the history of, Nina Hagen - ow that one hurt! I guess I wasn't even 20 yet by the time I'd grown worldly about celebrity. By the time 2000 rolled around I'd long sworn off ambitions of performance outside the truly creative, studio-free version.
In any case what I'm trying to get down is that these people were never personal friends of their audience, to begin with. That's not how it works.
You have to work out for yourself what you can tolerate, artwise, in your life. We're blessed not to know what kind of asshole Aeschylus might have been. Many of you won't ever know what a blow it was to North America when Bill Cosby turned out to be so horrible. The long term effects of his fall from grace just can't be overstated by this point.
It's always always unwise to make a hero or a saint of anyone. Don't make the mistake of thinking there's a kind of person who was never bad, who can't disappoint you.
It's a rare person for whom wealth and power, in any amount, isn't deeply "corrupting" with regard to how others are treated, sexuality, expressions of control, satisfaction of desire. There's a great deal about humanity that is hard to face, disappointing to learn. That's one of the loudest lessons: those we elevate are changed forever by the attention. It might do well to have some better cultural rules and customs in place than complaint & argument. It might be really smart to organize our real life communities around that understanding.
It might give us a better quality of life to decentralize celebrity.
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eridude · 6 months ago
How do you draw so often without the fear of it not looking good or it’ll look weird? Or what do you do when you feel like art is just, too hard?
You’re someone who has increasingly been motivational and inspirational to me towards my own art in a sense, because it looks like you’re absolutely having a blast doing art, and admittedly I wish to have that same drive.
You’re doing great, I love seeing your stuff! But I am sorry if this sounded like a lot to say randomly on Anon, it’s just been something on my mind for quite some time.
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hi! i cried.
anon, i want you to know that my art journey for so long, was full of trepidation for a lot of those exact reasons. i spent a good deal of my early art years worrying because i felt my work didn't compare to my friends, or the people i followed online - and so I didn't go out of my comfort zone much. which resulted in stagnation. i think, if i had pushed myself to draw the stuff i wanted, i might have been in a much better place artwise then i am today!
this is going to sound super corny and dorky but my number one art tip is to just go for it! sometimes stuff doesn't come out good. hell, i feel like a lot of my stuff still doesn't come out how i'd like! but in my opinion, art that comes out bad, that you still tried on, is better then no art at all. everything, and I do mean everything, that you try is an addition to your skillset somehow. i really hope i am not coming off too much like a dorky middle school teacher right now, lol.
another tip is find something you like or that makes you happy and draw it a million times whenever you have artblock. that is basically what i do with homestuck characters - and is the whole reason i have this blog hehe. i'm definitely not suggesting you post three drawings every day for a year because as much as i loved my dailies, i know that type of shit can be a huge burnout for people. it definitely was for me at times! but keeping a sketchbook or a page where you post silly little doodles frequently allows you to give yourself that goal of practice.
i feel like i have rambled forever now, oops. art is hard! and i am not great at communicating my thoughts. i guess at the end of the day, keep at it! when i was younger- hell, even a year ago, i would never have thought someone would send me a message telling me that my work inspired them. this means so much to me, and i promise someone someday is gonna reach out to you and tell you something similar.
you are awesome and your art is probably awesome too :D keep drawing- as long as you do, you will never stop getting better.
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alynwrench · 4 months ago
I keep forgetting you’re my moot but… I love your art and your artstyle, love the LDR sillies you drew 🥺⁉️⁉️
GEJEHEHEH THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I donnu who this is but sorry if i dont interact a lot >:) my feed is evil and only wants to show me 3 moots at a time most days, BUT IF UR MY MOOT THEN CLEARLY THAT MEANS I FEEL THE SAME ABOUT YOU ARTWISE! I hope youre taking care!
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lyss-butterscotch · 2 years ago
Echo SOS is pretty interesting concept, but it also gave me a realization
Wouldn't it be fucked if the triangulators were right?
If finding the triple affirmative is enough to trigger it and ascend as a result, so imagine that
SOS finds the triple affirmative and her structure begins to die immediately, she has no choice but to send the triple affirmative now. But maybe the realization that "I'm fucking dying" gives her a wave of "I don't want to die! Not now!" Made her unable to slip through the veil
Which would mean that the need for detachment for ascension, the whole reason the iterators were built to circumvent, is an universal rule of nature
I applaud you Lyss, this is some great angst
Falls off stairs dot gif
This is why it isn't canon. God echo iterators would be so pretty artwise but angst wise i'd cry. Urgh the idea that she got attached like a split second before the triple affirmative that caused her to fail is so sad nfndndjdjndndbdbndd
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nuravity · 7 months ago
Well, curious. You got any blogs that you feel are underrated and deserve more attention? :)
Time for positivity!
If we talk non-mha, it's basically the entire Teen Titans rp community imo. But some specific blogs (that are also my favorites) are @starsmuserainbow , @punsandtofu and @greenpuns . If you mean mha, I'd say @historias-multorum and @iamgroundzero . But if you meant more fandom/artwise, I'd have to disappoint cause I can't really pinpoint a specific blog to you. There's simply too many talented artists out there. :)
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saint-vagrant · 2 years ago
over the pandemic especially, i've been in this up and down depression-confusion-experimentation phase with my work which i think like... makes sense, but sucks. i do think i'm climbing out of it artwise, where frustrations are falling away or becoming more precisely-attuned, better-attributed to larger systems. although that's always distressing, i do feel good about some of the headway i've made with overhauling my relationship to my work... i don't want the restrictions and smoothness of social media to alter anything i make or how i talk about it. self-interrogation is only good up to a point, i think.
as a longform story hosted on a world wide web forcibly constricted/restricted, i think about the ramifications of SUPERPOSE being halted a number of times by real life instability. which can understandably interrupt its flow for an audience. it'd be really nice to achieve a world where more time for rest is easy to come by, honoured as natural, a space to embrace recharging or growth in areas that hey, maybe don't directly correlate to Production. instead of hurried along. "languishing." i don't wanna compete for anything or with anyone 🥱😴 i'm really proud of where we've taken the story and that the time spent on it has allowed me to play around with how i want to make comics. i can and will never stop making weirdo shit or building indulgent maximal website museums to house it 💗 i have so much fun exploring in art and stories and their presentation... of all the things i hope not to lose, i hope to never lose interest in the process of discovery, even if it means never slotting neatly into one streamlined path. i hope to be seen as human but moreover treat myself as one and accept nothing less. i hope to always wear my dumb bitch pervert heart on my sleeve, do it even more in fact!, and make art as an invitation to everyone to join in that experience!
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zapsoda · 1 year ago
hey!! give postal dude its derse/prospit pyjamas and maybe his god outfit too, according to what you think his moon and classpect is!
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not my best work artwise, but i DID give the classpecting a lot of thought
so obv my first thought was "haha thief of life" but i feel like the life aspect means more than that, and theres a certain level of altruism to it that he doesnt have. still coould be a good one for him but its not what i wanted to go with.
alsoo just love the idea of him being rage. dunno why though i really cant justify it so i didnt go with it either.
see, no matter what i cannot set aside how PERFECTLY fitting doom is for him. he caused MULTIPLE apocalypses. i think it fits particularly 1, 2, redux, and 4. so fucking doompilled. breath is also an option (esp for 3, 4, shtopor) but i feel like violence and misfortune is such an intrinsic part of him you cannot set it aside at allllll. this is why witch works so well. ive read a lot about witches being SURROUNDED by their aspect (e.g. jade) and god that is so accurate for him, and he is absolutely an active class, way too selfish not to be.
witches change or manipulate, iirc knight/page are the exploitation pair? dont quote me on that- and i think either of those could work but i feel like manipulation specifically is perfect for him. regardless of whether or not you make him kill people (and he really would like you to) he is constantly thrust into terrible situations that he has to maneuver his way through to come out of with as little scathes as possible. he manipulates the death and destruction around him, using it to his own advantage. (at least as he perceives it, in the case of p1 + redux)
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irradiatedsnakes · 2 years ago
i think something i am running up against artwise is that i feel i have nothing interesting to say. i don't have many profound thoughts about society or interpersonal relationships or anything like that, im not good at and don't really enjoy trying to write stories so all i really have is making things that look nice. usually this is fine but ive found it unsatisfying lately realizing i haven't really drawn anything Interesting on a level any more complex than "looks cool". this is all kind of tied up with how i don't feel like i feel/experience a lot of things/emotions as profoundly or intensely as other people and subsequently struggle to find a deeper meaning in my own life experiences. im just kind of here and i experience plenty of things that are cool and nice but so few events or subjects have ever felt like they really get to my emotional core and even then i don't think i have anything original to say about the few things that do. i'm just kind of Here, drifting along pleasantly but passively for the whole ride
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xxjohnnyfiveacesxx · 4 months ago
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Just a silly little dude.
I might be a day late for Halloween, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be fashionably so. Sorry for my general silence artwise, I’ve been going through a substantial artist’s block for a bit now and I’ve been struggling to work through it. BUT! I’ve been doing my best to sketch when I can. So… have this little bear fella from that one Roblox bear game thing.
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vilereign · 1 year ago
I just wanted to tell you how much you inspire me with your content. Your oc’s are so well thought and have personality unlike most oc’s. I really lobe your Amphitrite and Persephone and how you bring them to life with your drawings and Hc’s! I hope you have a wonderful day and I wish to support you in every way i can!
With much love and support,
im so happy to hear all you have to say, and i mean it with my whole heart when i say that this means so much to me as i really do put a lot of thought and love into my ocs and stories regardless of what verse they're from :DD and im especially happy that you love my iterations of amphi and persephone because drawing them and doing stuff abt them is actually what helped me beyond my creative rut and really pushed me to improve on my craft, artwise storywise and writingwise and hearing that it paid off is so amazing !! even though i've fallen significantly out of ror and do need to check up on it a whole lot, i still think about my greek god blorbos often and i even thought about sketching a quick amphi in between my other works, but seeing as i am one hell of a procrastinator that didnt end up being the case,,,
but seeing this pleasant gift warmed my heart so much that i just had to open medibang again and doodle these two sweeties again in their lunar new year fits just to really exemplify my thank you!!
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cozmic-ash · 1 year ago
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I am, as usual, late lol, but Y'KNOW. This is gonna be a long, rambly post lol, sorry, I have a lot of thoughts.
2023 was a weird year for me, artwise. When it began I was still deep in my Art Block From Hell, which had begun in mid-2021 and lasted the entirety of 2022.
Being in the thick of such a ridiculously suffocating art block, for TWO AND A HALF YEARS, is like... I can't describe how fucking life-draining it is. It felt like something was fundamentally wrong with me -- like a part of me, which used to be as effortless as breathing or blinking my eyes, had ceased to function altogether. It wasn't just a regular art block, it was a complete identity crisis. I could no longer trust the instincts I'd honed over twenty-plus years, could no longer trust my sense of observation or my ability to recreate what I saw. I felt BROKEN, and every single time I picked up my tablet pen it was like I was scraping my insides with a spoon, trying to pick up whatever tiny dregs of dried-up, crusty shit I could manage to puke up onto my canvas. It was fucking painful and humiliating and completely demoralizing.
I'm not really sure what finally got me to do so, but sometime in summer (my memory is shit lol) I downloaded Game Maker, found a video tutorial on youtube, and just... gave myself over to it. I made myself learn how to use Aseprite, and working with pixels, making teeny-tiny little sprites, forced me to work in ways I usually don't. It was a lot harder for me to find the flaws in my art when my art was thirty-five pixels tall and the anatomy was stylized to communicate clear information rather than be a recreation or approximation of reality. I think I really do credit that time working on game dev as the thing that finally cracked loose all the gunk that was keeping me stuck -- I could not perpetuate the cycle of toxicity I'd fallen into because I could barely even conceptualize what 'good' or 'bad' pixel art even looked like lol. I just knew that I was making art, and for the first time in two years, it didn't feel like I was having to desperately beg the emaciated husks of my sense of self-worth and confidence to cooperate while doing so.
(I actually sort of abandoned my foray into game dev around August/September lol, as my adhd-brain, flitting around like a little hummingbird to every dopamine-rich-flower, is wont to do 🥲 But I wanna get back into it at some point!)
From there I had a rush of inspiration for an original project I've been mulling around in my head for years, and I wrote thousands of words in my worldbuilding document, made a map, developed the shell of a possible actual STORY. I returned to sketching. Conventional sketching. It was, at first, largely still comprised of that same demotivating struggle against myself, but I was so deep in the throes of inspiration (after several years of this project laying dormant in my google drive) that I NEEDED to sketch. So I kept going. And after a while, it got....... easier. And I started hating everything I made a little less. I painted, properly, for the first time in years. I stayed up late into the night, even if it meant I would be tired at work the next day, because drawing felt so damn GOOD again and I had missed that feeling so much. All I wanted to do was draw. For the first time in two and a half years, I could finally see the light at the end of the fucking tunnel.
I still don't think I'm quite out of the woods yet. My style is changing, as all artists' styles do over time, and that comes with stumbling adjustments. My confidence is still small and shaky and recovering; I still catch myself second-guessing what I've drawn, and even looking at some of the things here on my grid makes me cringe a little bit for one reason or another.
But compared to both 2021 and 2022, the volume of art, and in particular the volume of art I don't actively despise, is WAY higher, and I'm really really hopeful that that means I'm finding my footing again.
So! Here's to 2024, and to continuing to move towards the light at the end of the tunnel 🙏🌟 I'm gonna try.
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