artroe · 12 days
hiiihi! i’m new to posting art online and new to (trying to) interact with the starlight express fandom soo here’s a drawing i did last night of slick and hydra<3<3
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simmingonthelow · 2 years
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Theo and Arturo Pointdexter
The Gangster and his brother (not in that order though)
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mariocki · 6 days
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New Scotland Yard: Shock Tactics (1.6, LWT, 1972)
"Nobody's hurt. I went down to get the truth and I got it."
"The truth? Or a conviction?"
"Both. Well, alright, we already knew the truth, but this way we get our conviction too."
"Not 'our' conviction. And the Crown only gets it if this stands up."
"Well, why shouldn't it, it was voluntary. No duress, no threats, no promises."
"That's what you say."
#new scotland yard#shock tactics#lwt#classic tv#patrick alexander#john reardon#john woodvine#john carlisle#john normington#ray smith#john quentin#sheila gish#artro morris#frank middlemass#hugh morton#joyce cummings#pauline stroud#gareth forbes#derrick gilbert#mischa de la motte#a man kills his wife by scaring her; this leads into a fairly interesting thought experiment‚ as the onus of the police becomes#proving malicious intent rather than proving the act (which he freely admits). this leads to our first sight of our characters in court#indeed the third act is entirely courtroom drama‚ the prosecution case complicated by Carlisle's heavy handed attempts at#shocking the killer into admitting guilt naturally enough this drives another shouty wedge between him and Woodvine.. i am enjoying#this series but im struggling to think of another crime drama featuring main characters who so clearly do not enjoy nor#appreciate working together like this pair. it's an odd choice. Normington is our killer and cuts a rather pathetic figure‚ despite the#audience knowing up front that he did indeed plot his wife's death. the question of whether or not it is murder becomes a point#of purely legal technicality‚ out of our leads' hands‚ with just jolly old Ray Smith (on loan from Public Eye) to fight the good fight as#the prosecuting counsel. Middlemass has a rather scene stealing turn as a heavy drinking police surgeon (and gets the best moment in the#episode‚ serving Carlisle a drink in a dirty piece of medical apparatus but assuring him not to worry 'the whisky will sterilise it')
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sudexro · 1 year
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DEEP MVMT Podcast #282 - Artro
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antwanholt · 1 year
Zašto Je Zdrava Ishrana Toliko Važna?
Zdrava ishrana je presudna za održavanje fizičkog i mentalnog blagostanja. Uravnotežena ishrana voća, povrća, integralnih žitarica, nemasnih proteina i zdravih masnih kiselina može pomoći u smanjenju rizika od hroničnih bolesti poput dijabetesa, bolesti srca i neki oblici raka. Takođe može pomoći u poboljšanju nivoa energije, raspoloženja i opšteg blagostanja. Takođe je važno ograničiti nezdravu hranu, poput slatke prerađene hrane i zasićenih masti. Iako ponekad može biti teško dati prioritet zdravoj ishrani, unošenje malih promena tokom vremena može dovesti do značajnog poboljšanja vašeg ukupnog zdravlja.
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carlosblack2022 · 1 year
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notesonfilm1 · 2 years
The Place Without Limits/ El lugar sin limites (Arturo Ripstein, Mexico, 1978)
A film that shocked and delighted with the unexpected; a film that makes one re-think a history of queer representation and 70s cinema. A transnational project in the sense that it’s based on a Chilean novel by José Donoso, with a script on which Manuel Puig (Argentina) collaborated and producedin Mexico. It brings to mind Tennessee Williams and Puig’s own Kiss of the Spider-Woman. It’s a funny…
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bobnelson · 2 years
ARTRO GOTA FUNCIONA? ((Alerta Importante!!!)) Artro Gota é Bom? Artro GoTA
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sanguine-squid · 3 days
Noooo my biggest weakness inects insect artro podes the little guys little baby boys inests
wuh oh!!!! the bugses are GETTING you crazystyle, it would appear
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artrodrake · 2 years
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Say Hello!
info about my commissions
& Socialmedia:
Twitter: twitter.com/ArtroDrake
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artroe · 7 days
hii purse hi purse hiiii
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troyetta · 2 years
vorresti vorresti, e intanto la fotobbocchino l'hai fatta co 'n artro mbecille 😢
ao e fateve li cazzi vostri
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rebelandoutlawrock · 2 years
Noi pe' esse scemi come loro, se dovemo da fa' le canne porca troia! Artro che picchiatelli Jack!!!
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Si, ma qu''a stronza d'infermiera ce sta sempre addosso, io gira gira un giorno o l'altro je faccio fa a fine da gallina! Je tiro er collo!!!
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- Statte carmo, nun ricomincià eh Jack, tie' 'ntanto fatte du' tirate và!
Certo che pure te guarda che fine c'hai fatto, dar calumet a li spinelli!
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- Mbe' mejo che 'n carcio a le palle!
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Lo sai che c'hai ragione grande Capo, canne o no, eccome quà, sarò pure 'n po' 'nvecchiato ma 'ntanto so' vivo e pure divertito.
lan 🙃 🤣
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thiagoarantesousa · 3 months
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daniela--anna · 4 months
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ETYMOLOGY OF THE NAME/HISTORY AND TRADITIONS: the name Menta derives from the Latin word “mentis” which means mind.
In fact, one of the main properties of the plant is its ability to stimulate and strengthen intellectual functions.
PART USED: leaves.
HOW TO USE IT IN COSMETICS: in the cosmetic field, essential oil is mainly used.
Thanks to its refreshing, anti-itching, disinfectant, pain-relieving and anesthetic properties, it is included in oral hygiene products, throat disinfectants, deodorants, to counteract itching and joint-muscle pain.
Applied to the temples, appropriately diluted (2%) in a cream or vegetable oil or diffused in the environment, it helps relieve headaches and promote concentration.
HOW TO USE IT IN THE COOKING: it is one of the aromatic plants used in the Mediterranean tradition to flavor various types of dishes.
Very suitable for the preparation of liqueurs and confectionery products.
In Arab countries, traditional mint tea is prepared.
The leaves are one of the ingredients of a famous cocktail, the mojito.
ETIMOLOGIA DEL NOME/STORIA E TRADIZIONI: il nome Menta deriva dalla parola latina “mentis” che significa mente. Una delle principali proprietà della pianta infatti è la sua capacità di stimolare e fortificare le funzioni intellettive.
COME SI USA IN COSMETICA: in campo cosmetico viene utilizzato soprattutto l’olio essenziale. Grazie alle sue proprietà rinfrescanti, antipruriginose, disinfettanti, antidolorifiche ed anestetiche rientra in prodotti per l’igiene orale, disinfettanti della gola, deodoranti, per contrastare il prurito ed i dolori artro-muscolari. Applicato sulle tempie opportunamente diluito (2%) in una crema o in un olio vegetale oppure diffuso nell’ambiente aiuta ad alleviare il mal di testa e a favorire la concentrazione.
COME SI USA IN CUCINA: è una delle piante aromatiche utilizzate nella tradizione mediterranea per insaporire varie tipologie di piatti. Molto adatta alla preparazione di liquori e prodotti dolciari. Nei paesi arabi si prepara il tradizionale the alla menta. Le foglie sono uno degli ingredienti di un famoso cocktail, il mojito.
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heliocentrisk · 5 months
Fåglar, kontraterrorism, kvinnor, misshandel, liljekonvaljer, spökstäder, terrorism, småpojkar, män, mer fåglar, alla är terrorister, kontraterrorism, CT, PCB, död späckhuggare i Bohuslän, tårar i regnet, BDSM, DDLG, ännu fler fåglar, skjutningar i Malmö, skjutning i Borås, obesvarad kärlek på internet, femtio skjutna harar, fyrtionio döda, kontraterrorism för harar, gula fåglar, pappa sköt skator när han var ung, blommor, lägenhetshus som går att blåsa bort som döda maskrosor, elektricitet, artros, förvirring, tusen skadade leder, de binder vänskapsband över sin gemensamma smärta,
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