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artroe · 6 months ago
hiiihi! i’m new to posting art online and new to (trying to) interact with the starlight express fandom soo here’s a drawing i did last night of slick and hydra<3<3
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sudexro · 1 year ago
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DEEP MVMT Podcast #282 - Artro
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antwanholt · 2 years ago
Zašto Je Zdrava Ishrana Toliko Važna?
Zdrava ishrana je presudna za odr��avanje fizičkog i mentalnog blagostanja. Uravnotežena ishrana voća, povrća, integralnih žitarica, nemasnih proteina i zdravih masnih kiselina može pomoći u smanjenju rizika od hroničnih bolesti poput dijabetesa, bolesti srca i neki oblici raka. Takođe može pomoći u poboljšanju nivoa energije, raspoloženja i opšteg blagostanja. Takođe je važno ograničiti nezdravu hranu, poput slatke prerađene hrane i zasićenih masti. Iako ponekad može biti teško dati prioritet zdravoj ishrani, unošenje malih promena tokom vremena može dovesti do značajnog poboljšanja vašeg ukupnog zdravlja.
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carlosblack2022 · 2 years ago
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sanguine-squid · 6 months ago
Noooo my biggest weakness inects insect artro podes the little guys little baby boys inests
wuh oh!!!! the bugses are GETTING you crazystyle, it would appear
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italo-paulista · 3 days ago
Testo du Direttos Umanos
Ista è una adataçò bagavena d'a Universal Declaration of Human Rights, che in nostra lingua potemo chiamà per «Digraraçò Universale dus Direttos Umanos»
Alembrano che isto inda stà in su virsò non ufficiale i ingumpreta, esseno ansì, apena una dimonstraçò.
In ingreze:
This is an Bagavenian adaptation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which in our language we can call the "Digraraçò Universale dus Direttos Umanos."
Please note that this is still an unofficial and incomplete version, and therefore, it is merely a demonstration.
Artigulo 1
Tutt’os esseres umanos son natos liberos i uguales in dinità i diritos. Son dutatos di razò i gunscienza i deve agì unos cum artros in spirito di fraternità.
Artigulo 2
Tuttos té direttos a tutt’os direttos i libertà agunsolidatos in ista Digraraçò, sé distinçò di quarchè tipio, gome raza, gulore, sèsso, lingua, riligiò, opiniò o artra di origine nazionale o suciale, pruprietà, nassimento o quarchè artra gundiçò. 
Non sarà feta nisciuna distinçò bazata in status pulittigo, legale o internazionale du paìse o teritòrio che a pirsonna fà parte, segia soto tutèla o sé un guvernimo pròprio.
Artigulo 3
Tuttos té direttos a vita, libertà i sigureza pissoala.
Artigulo 4
Ninghé sarà mantito in sgravidò o servidò; a sgravidò i o gumèrcio di sgravos sarà pruibitos in tuttas sus fòrmas.
Artigulo 5
Ninghé sarà sugeto a turtura o tratamentos di puniçò, grudèles o digradantes.
Artigulo 6
Davante a legge, tuttos té o diretto di essere arrigunossitos in tutt’os lugaros gome una pirsonna.
Artigulo 7
Tuttos son uguales davante a legge i té diritos, sé quarchè disgriminaçò, a pruteçò d’a legge. Tuttos té direttos a mesima pruteçò gontro quarchè disgriminaçò che aviòle ista Digraraçò i gontro quarchè incitamento a tale disgriminaçò.
Artigulo 8
Tuttos té diretto a un rigurso efetivo davante d'as giuridiçòs anazionalas gumpetentes gontro atos che viola os direttos fundamentales arrigunossitos per a gunstituiçò o per a legge.
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lucslucs · 17 days ago
Artro 100 Funciona? Artro 100 Para Que Serve? Artro 100 Como Tomar? Artr...
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malixse · 22 days ago
En tidig morgon med funderingar och framtidsplaner Ibland blir morgnarna tidigare än man tänkt sig. Idag var en sådan morgon. Ryggen värker och magen krånglar, och jag kan inte låta bli att undra om de två hänger ihop. Sjukgymnasten säger att det är artros och diskbråck  i ryggen, men vad vet jag? Så här sitter jag, dricker mitt te och funderar över livet medan dagen sakta vaknar. Tankar över…
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artroe · 6 months ago
hii purse hi purse hiiii
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Artist Nikki Leone Reflects on Tufting and the THREAD of Human Connection
“Making utilitarian objects that are also beautiful?! It just doesn’t get any better than that.”
The THREAD of human connection has been a tenet of Nikki Leone’s art career, and certainly, many of those connections were in attendance at The Garage on this chilly fall morning to hear Nikki reflect on her inspiring artistic journey.
That journey began during her senior year of high school in Virginia Beach, when graffiti-writing first introduced her to the art world. Using “Artro” as her tag, Nikki learned not only how vast and nontraditional a “canvas” could be but also how challenging  – albeit empowering – proving herself as “more than just a girl” would be as a female artist.
Nikki first attended college as a soccer player with the hopes of becoming a marine biologist but found herself uninspired and uninterested. Failing out, however, would prove to be a necessary and life-altering reset for the budding artist. Reflecting on her time graffiti-writing, Nikki decided to revisit art, signing up to take foundational art classes at Tidewater Community College. It was during this time that Nikki would discover her calling as a multidimensional artist and tap into her gift for building, sculpting and crafting.
“My still lives just started popping off the canvas, and I knew this is how my brain works – in the three-dimensional. I suddenly found myself expressing everything I couldn’t say verbally.”
Getting accepted into the Sculpture department at Virginia Commonwealth University changed everything. She flourished as a dynamic artist, unearthing new ways to express herself freely and authentically.
While earning her MFA in Studio Arts from the University of California, Santa Barbara, Nikki learned about prop-making and set design, an artform that relies on some of what Nikki does best: envisioning, designing and building. “What’s the worst that can happen?” she asked herself, emboldened by the chance to challenge herself as an artist.
That opportunity would appear unexpectedly in nearby Norfolk, Va., where Nikki became a display artist for Urban Outfitters after having earned her chops, so to speak, as a gallery assistant and museum preparator. After two years at Urban Outfitters, Nikki served as a display artist for Anthropologie in the Virginia Beach Town Center for more than seven years, a role in which she once handcrafted 5,000 paper crabs from toilet rolls she had donated!
Committed to balancing her career with family and motherhood, Nikki sought ways to downshift her schedule. It was in this exploration that she discovered tufting, an art practice she could feasibly take on at home. It wasn’t long before she acquired a home tufting gun and got to work. The rest, as the cliche goes, is history.
Today, as the founder of Poplar and Pine Studios, Nikki designs immersive activations for events and retail spaces. She continues to design colorful and playful tufting creations but has since outsourced their fabrication to award her more time for her personal art practice – a lesson in relinquishing control and in trusting others’ mastery of the process.
Nikki’s commitment to freeing herself from constraints and diving into her curiosity has paid off. She currently has a solo exhibition at Virginia MOCA titled “Rule Breaker,” which runs until Jan. 5. She also has her eyes set on creating larger-scale works, all while continuing to push her artistry in colorful, conversational and community-minded ways.
“Everyone is on a different timeline. I am just getting started.”
Written by CMVB volunteer blogger Valeria L. Palmertree
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thiagoarantesousa · 8 months ago
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daniela--anna · 9 months ago
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ETYMOLOGY OF THE NAME/HISTORY AND TRADITIONS: the name Menta derives from the Latin word “mentis” which means mind.
In fact, one of the main properties of the plant is its ability to stimulate and strengthen intellectual functions.
PART USED: leaves.
HOW TO USE IT IN COSMETICS: in the cosmetic field, essential oil is mainly used.
Thanks to its refreshing, anti-itching, disinfectant, pain-relieving and anesthetic properties, it is included in oral hygiene products, throat disinfectants, deodorants, to counteract itching and joint-muscle pain.
Applied to the temples, appropriately diluted (2%) in a cream or vegetable oil or diffused in the environment, it helps relieve headaches and promote concentration.
HOW TO USE IT IN THE COOKING: it is one of the aromatic plants used in the Mediterranean tradition to flavor various types of dishes.
Very suitable for the preparation of liqueurs and confectionery products.
In Arab countries, traditional mint tea is prepared.
The leaves are one of the ingredients of a famous cocktail, the mojito.
ETIMOLOGIA DEL NOME/STORIA E TRADIZIONI: il nome Menta deriva dalla parola latina “mentis” che significa mente. Una delle principali proprietà della pianta infatti è la sua capacità di stimolare e fortificare le funzioni intellettive.
COME SI USA IN COSMETICA: in campo cosmetico viene utilizzato soprattutto l’olio essenziale. Grazie alle sue proprietà rinfrescanti, antipruriginose, disinfettanti, antidolorifiche ed anestetiche rientra in prodotti per l’igiene orale, disinfettanti della gola, deodoranti, per contrastare il prurito ed i dolori artro-muscolari. Applicato sulle tempie opportunamente diluito (2%) in una crema o in un olio vegetale oppure diffuso nell’ambiente aiuta ad alleviare il mal di testa e a favorire la concentrazione.
COME SI USA IN CUCINA: è una delle piante aromatiche utilizzate nella tradizione mediterranea per insaporire varie tipologie di piatti. Molto adatta alla preparazione di liquori e prodotti dolciari. Nei paesi arabi si prepara il tradizionale the alla menta. Le foglie sono uno degli ingredienti di un famoso cocktail, il mojito.
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apotheke-kaufen · 1 year ago
Arthritis-Behandlung: Verkaufen Apotheken-Shops in Rheinland-Pfalz Artro...
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tedouumadica · 1 year ago
ARTRO GOTA 2024⚠️[ ALIVIA A DOR? ]⚠️ Artro Gota Review - Artro Gota Supl...
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kwebtv · 1 year ago
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The Corn is Green - CBS - January 29, 1979
Running Time: 93 minutes
Katharine Hepburn as Miss Lilly Moffat
Ian Saynor as Morgan Evans
Bill Fraser as The Squire
Patricia Hayes as Mrs. Watty
Anna Massey as Miss Ronberry
Artro Morris as John Goronwy Jones
Dorothea Phillips as Sarah Pugh
Toyah Willcox as Bessie Watty (as Toyah Wilcox)
Huw Richards as Idwal
Bryn Fon as Robbart
Dyfon Roberts as Gwyn
Robbin John as Ivor (as Robin John)
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rianepimentel6 · 1 year ago
ARTRO GOTA REALMENTE FUNCIONA? Artro Gota para a Dor? Artro Gota Vale a ...
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