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EMBER TIMBER - The Millennium Saga [Firebreathers ; Echoseers ; Goddess-Touched]
I pay my respects to the quiet rebellion by relighting the candles of their vigil. By snapping the leafy mark-pairs of one of the stolen wreaths out of the slotted wooden ring that held them, and leaving the ring among the other symbols of silent support. If I could do more, I would.
They/them - Genderfluid
Biromantic Gray-asexual - 21 (~23 on Earth)
First-generation Mae Ehlf - Fire Mage
Where they begin:
We meet Ember on a busy street at the height of the Night Market in their hometown of Aree, picking pockets to make up the difference between the week's pay and rent at the inn their family is calling home for the time being. Orphaned at eleven, and losing their last remaining guardian at seventeen, they and their twin brother are the only ones caring for their five other siblings--a task made all that much harder after Ember quit the corps shortly after that number dropped from six, never making it to the front lines and never seeing a paycheck.
But if there's one thing they did get from the corps, it's an aim unlike anything Aree's ever seen in another archer, even their father.
What they find themself confronting:
When Ember picks from the same pocket twice in as many days, their conscience starts to kick in.
When they go to give some of what they stole back the next time they stumble on the poor soul, they're surprised with an entire wallet being pressed into their hands with an invitation to join the rebellion tucked between enough money to cover their rent for months.
They've been wanting to help. Now they can.
But are they prepared for what comes after?
Important connections: (intros will be linked when posted)
Family: Nimbus, Autumn, Dusk, Ash, and Oak Timber. Formerly Starlight, Luka, and Akari Timber, and Lileya Wolfsbane (all deceased).
Friends: Gabbro (partner), Annie (best friend), and Andy Meywin, K'Ron Isa.
Enemies: Genli Rainer (Godfather; former drill sergeant), Artrix Palm (corrupt Citylord of Aree), and Ruti Palm (in solidarity with Gab).
Themes - Knights Templar by Adriel Fair, Between Worlds by Adriel Fair, The Hero Within by James Paget
Vibe(s) - Dirty by grandson, Six Feet by Patent Pending, Brother by Kodaline
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elenaleah3 · 9 months ago
disposable dab pen
Artrix, a explore in vaporizer innovation, has set the vaping world abuzz with their dazzling new DabGo! This extraordinary 2-in-1 wonder brilliantly combines the convenience of disposable vapes with the powerhouse performance of a dab pen, ensuring every puff is pure joy. Its chic design and state-of-the-art SegmHeat™ Ceramic Vaporizing Technology promise an explosion of rich flavors in every inhale, making it perfect for both newbies and seasoned aficionados alike. Get ready to elevate your vaping adventure with Artrix's game-changing creation!
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draamaaaalert · 11 months ago
Any UNUSUAL MUTATIONS youve seen? ive had the WORST LUCK with this one MUTANT who had their HORNS coming out of their FACE
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...Aalright, I do suppose I saaid aask me aanything. Here, I'll give you aan excerpt from aa caase file aabout aanother mutaant triaaled for unlaawful mutaation.
"The defenseless was, at least outwardly, bearing the appearance of a gilled-one; its air bladder, gills, and swimming functions were all perfectly normal, and it... displayed no psionic capability. However, the legislacerator heading the case revealed the... deformity plaguing the defenseless; it seemed to have gold blood, shimmering like any true empirial battery... Of course, this was all the court needed, and he got his desired verdict very quickly."
(From Legislacerative Casefiles And Their Historical Significance; A Long-Winded, Detailed Account Of The Author, Mister Dogene Artrix, And His Experiences In His Many Nobly-Served Sweeps Of Service To The Empire, His Honorable Tyranny, And Her Imperial Condescension; In Which Mister Artrix, Henceforth Referred To As Simply Artrix, Recounts His Journey From Bulge-Sniffing Cullbait To Legendary Legislacerator And Veritable Legislaceration Icon- A Tale That Artrix Was, Is, And Will Be Readily Able To Retell For Sweeps And Sweeps Of Just-Wriggling Tealbloods And Higher Despite The Only Practical Purpose Of This Epic Tale Being The Education And Training Of Teals- Vol. 23 of 64. Sections abridged to meet modern standards of politeness.)
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lgbtbusinesses2 · 1 year ago
Artrix cannabis hardware with its integrated 3 in 1 ODM solution. Achieve new levels of product identity, quality, efficiency, and sustainability
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artrixglobalcom · 1 year ago
cannabis social equity
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Customize your cannabis vape hardware with Artrix Product Quality Standard System that improves product quality
Read more : https://www.artrixglobal.com/sustainability/asep/
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chatgroove · 4 years ago
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So I had this OC DJ Artrix sitting around for a while (old top art from like 2018ish I think? Or 2017 can’t remember.) And new is the bottom. 
And I wasn’t doing anything with him and my discord buddies were talking about henchmen so thus I came up with the idea that Casper (his real name) got corrupted by Umbra but instead of turn to a mindless shell, he got all...messed up in a way similar to Umbra. 
How he has no fear and thinks life is an eternal party because he gave in to his despair and he feels like he owes Umbra the world for opening his eyes to how fucked up the world is so let’s party and forget about our problems! Umbra was quite surprised, but deemed him a success and uses him as a good right hand man. 
Now Casper is a bastard of a reaper but not as much as Umbra. He’s not really out to hurt people, he’s just following Umbra’s directions. Sad boy D: 
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coolinspiration · 7 years ago
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Super Hamlet 64: a spoken word show about video games and Shakespeare! Poster design for @eddydaylia #nonbinary #physicaltheatre #lecoq#spokenword #poetry #ukulele #hamlet#superhamlet64 #videogame #theatre#projectionmapping #retrogaming #artrix #theatreshopclevedon #undertale #norwich #nottingham #bromsgrove#swindon #bath #clevedon #oxford#croydon (at Swindon) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnG75v7Dogq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qkl9nx2vahb6
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lockquinn · 7 years ago
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Cottage rooms for Animals in Teacups
Original Upload
I can finally shared what I have been doing at work. ----------------------- Animals in Teacups is a studio product of Artrix Limited It can be found on Andriod.  It was built within Unity.
I worked as an artist at Artrix. My tasks included creating environments, rooms, props, documenting pipelines, mentoring a junior team, creating animals texture variations, creating icons, concept art and character modeling.
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willstafford · 5 years ago
Puppet Masters
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Artrix, Bromsgrove, Sunday 12th January, 2020
  For their tour this winter, the remarkable Oddsocks turn to Carlo Collodi’s classic for children about a sentient puppet who longs to be a real grown-up.  Written and directed by Andy Barrow, this adaptation is fairly faithful to the source material while remaining an undeniably Oddsocks production.  Puppets are a key…
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K'RON ISA** - The Millennium Saga [Firebreathers ; Echoseers ; Goddess-Touched]
Eventually, threads of wine-red vines grow into twisting thorned stems and the sharp claw-like leaves I saw over and over again throughout my schooling–law in Impalfahr, medicine in Tal'Ren. Bloodvine.  It grows naturally out of fallen carcasses in the shade of the Godwoods. Poisonous leaves, a stem used in popular leisure drug mixes and simple painkillers. Too much, and your body will sprout the vines after burial, if you’re lucky. They’ll start growing in your still-breathing lungs, if you’re not. I never did like the idea of using it to ease the pain of the sick. Actaea made me take it when feverish anyway.
** Note: You'll see him referred to as Isa K'Ron as well; while "K'Ron" is a title in Sieril, it's treated like a surname in the Maelands. As a major political person in both places, he refers to himself interchangeably. I chose this configuration for the intro because he sees Sieril as home.
He/him - gender? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ wasn't raised with them
Pansexual, Polyamorous - 22 (~24 on Earth)
Rill Ehlf - Flesh Mage
Mute; uses Language-Assisted Signs
Where he begins:
When we first meet Isa, we don't know it. But his pocket's just been picked, and it's going to be again.
We first hear about him when Annie gossips about the nobility in Impalfahr and mentions the banished son and grandson of General Actaea K'Ron, and how her granddaughter was supposedly kidnapped by them--an accusation that would allow her to kill them if found.
His father, Emerald--or Elar, in Sieril, the place Isa really thinks of as home--has taken it upon himself to aid in the Arish rebellion. But as Actaea's already proven time and time again, she does not hold back when it comes to punishment.
Even for her kin, who are just as much the descendants of an Eternal as she is. And that Eternal loves them far more than she ever will.
What he finds himself confronting:
Though he has formal training, Isa is not a fighter. That alone was worthy of a beating in Actaea's mind.
But he doesn't want to be running from her for the rest of his life, either. Not when it puts his newfound friends in danger, and his sister at the center of a target.
Especially when he starts to realize that Actaea's not just after them--she's after something only three people in the world hold answers to, and it could spell destruction.
Important connections:
Family: K'Ron Actaea (grandmother; disowned), Elar (father), and Lakia. Eternal Rillmother Veratrum (32nd generation grandchild). Lu'Syr Typha. Dai'Ven Wisteria (deceased).
Friends: Ember and Nimbus Timber, Gab and Annie Meywin, Xavi NoFather, Magnolia Adisa, and Eternal Arthur Shieldstone.
Enemies: K'Ron Actaea (abusive), Artrix and Ranina Palm (Citylord and -lady of Aree), House Polaris (a royal Mae house with a contentious relationship).
Themes - EDEN.Waltz by Kevin Penkin, Song of Storms by ROZEN, For the Rest of Our Days by Adriel Fair
Vibes - Hiding In The Blue by TheFatRat and RIELL, The Sweetest Words by Vian Izak, Promiseland by MIKA
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radiorothingham · 7 years ago
Radio Rothingham #108: Medias lies and slanders
“ In this episode of Radio Rothingham, virtue signalling, why employees don't get all the profits, mainstream media doesn't understand Doki Doki Literature Club, blames it for a suicude and confuses it for another game, Milo Yiannopoulos blamed for shooting at media outlet, and the EU delayed article 13, the system WORKS! “
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playbakmagazine · 7 years ago
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It is out and trending! Playbak Magazine Edition 3. @playbakmagazine #playbakmagazine #artrixs #magazine #africa to the #world @shattawalenima #entrrtainment #music #business #dj #artiste
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ticktockstuck · 4 years ago
Hiveswap Act 2 & Extracanonical Signs
Hello, everyone! Our [Extended Zodiac-themed sideblog] is going to be talking about a couple of new troll signs that showed up in Hiveswap Act 2 soon, but before it does I just want to get everybody on the same page as to what they are and clarifying why I don’t think they’re already-existing signs.
Some notes before I dig into this:
I’m calling these “extracanonical” because they’re in canon material, Hiveswap the game, but don’t appear in the official Extended Zodiac.
There’s only four of these in Act 2, and they’re all in the rust/bronze train car. If you want to see them for yourselves you only need to get that far in the game.
Most of these are obstructed or otherwise not entirely visible, either because something is blocking part of the sign or they’re wrapping around something. Where this is relevant I’ve included attempts at reconstructing what the full sign could look like with what’s presented.
I’ve also included the full canon caste of signs with each extracanon sign for the sake of more easily comparing each sign with its official brethren.
Sign 1:
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This is actually the first extracanon sign we were made aware of in Hiveswap Act 2 since this troll showed up in one of the teasers. It’s also a pretty open-and-shut case in regards to its extracanonicity since it’s not even close to any of the other rust signs.
I won’t dwell too long on this one but I will state here that since we knew about this one earlier than the next three the TickTockStuck Extended Zodiac has already integrated it under the name [Artrix].
Sign 2:
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This one is the most heavily obstructed sign of the four but what can be seen should make it pretty clear it’s not any of the official signs. It’s close to Arcen (left side, left on row 4) but that circle doesn’t touch the rest of the sign, and it can’t just be a hastily-drawn Arrius or Aro because those signs belong to Diemen and Fozzer (right column of the left side for both, Arrius is row 1 and Aro is row 3).
I’ve included two reconstructions here because there’s not really enough to go on for me to say it’s one or the other. The top version would put it among the likes of Arcen, Aro, and Arsci (right side, center of row 1) with having a closed shape as part of the sign. The bottom version would be closer to signs like Arun (left side, right on row 4), Arra (right side, left on row 3), or Arus (right side, right on row 4) in having a little arch for a lower half. I’m personally leaning towards the lower version being the “correct” one but I’m leaving both here.
Sign 3:
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The only bronze sign in these four, oddly enough. At a glance this one is similar enough to Tauriborn (right side, center of row 2) with some zigzagging horns that you might write it off as Just That Sign, But With Perspective but Tauriborn doesn’t have any lines coming off its bottom half. It’s close to a couple other signs but it doesn’t quite exactly match any of them even excusing warping or tilting from perspective. Taursces (right side, right on row 1)? The zigzag in that sign is in the middle of the sign, not the bottom. Taurrius? There’s nothing inside the circle so it can’t be that either.
Basically, any official sign that has lines coming off the bottom half doesn’t have zigzag horns, and any official sign that has zigzagging horns doesn’t have lines coming off their bottom half. Is that enough to call its own distinct sign? I think it is, but YMMV.
Sign 4:
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Out of the four of these, this one is the closest to just being an official sign but drawn hastily. Specifically, it’s very close to Arga (left side, center of row 3) with having an M-shaped structure with curls on the ends, and the main differences from Arga (having that bigger split in the middle, the side curves being harsher and more angular) could be written off as the sign just not having a lot of care taken in drawing it.
My counterargument to that idea is that every other sign in the car that actually belongs to the official Extended Zodiac is drawn in a such a way that makes it very clear which sign it’s supposed to be. While it is plausible, I personally don’t think it’s likely the case that’s happening here. That leaves a sign that’s just a more angular version of some of its official brethren but there’s precedent for similar-enough pairs within the official signs (most notably in the gold caste and between the gold and fuchsia castes).
So, that’s the four of them. I’m looking forward to seeing if we get more of these (if and) when Hiveswap Act 3 comes out because this is a really fascinating bit of background details!
The promotion part of this post is that the TTS Extended Zodiac is going to be integrating the latter three of these into their lineup soon, like how it integrated the first sign as Artrix, and a schedule for that (along with details of the process we’ll be using this time) will be going up very very soon on that blog. The TTSEZ is almost at 500 signs now (!), for anyone who wasn’t paying attention.
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lgbtbusinesses2 · 1 year ago
Artrix Social Equity Program (ASEP) offers 100,000 Units to support social equity business owners in the cannabis vape industry. Apply now!
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artrixglobalcom · 1 year ago
cannabis vape odm
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Artrix works with you to co-create a roadmap to product custom solution with more comprehensive and integrated services focused on leveraging market data and information, cost effective automated manufacturing lines, diverse digital marketing tools and using people that know best, we help you to...
Read more : https://www.artrixglobal.com/odm/
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chatgroove · 6 years ago
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DJ Artrix in the hoooouse. I haven’t drawn my boy in a while! Had to fix that. 
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