#artist: goombot
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delightfullyevil · 4 years ago
How can one apply to become a royal nightmare guard?
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She stands proud, her preference towards discussing military matters shows through as she explains, "Well there are a few ways you can go about it. If you're looking to just join the guard then you'd set up a meeting with a local recruiter, they'll get you assigned to a guard training camp and things will go from there."
Moon pauses to emphasize that she was going to talk about the next option. "If you'd like to be a soldier it's similar. Every so often a recruitment fair will be hosted in your city. They go town to town and stay for a week. Talk to them and you'll be given a test. Based on the results you'll be assigned to an appropriate boot camp, or even sent to the Military Academy in Baltimare for officers schooling."
A smug smile appears on her face, "And if you think you have what it takes you can talk directly to a... special recruiter. They'll get you the fun position you seek."
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delightfullyarchived · 6 years ago
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cosmalumi · 6 years ago
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A quick giftart for @goombot, of her bby Selene.  I just wanted to do a pretty arts for Gloomy~ Something of a long-overdue thanks for drawing my darlings Sonar and Morn back during the last(?) Pony Prom. c: 
That and prettty horsies deserve fanarts~ <3
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askthetrojanvirus · 3 years ago
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Reference for my OC Trojan Virus by - @goombot thank you so much! I will pay this kindness forward and keep practicing until I can be as great an artist as you! Also I love @askqueenmoon 's story! I'm excited for the next pannel!
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delightfullyevil · 5 years ago
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"Why hello my loyal and ever loving subjects! It's been so long since I have done something like this!" The queen lounged about, not being too formal about the address she was giving.
"Let it be known that from here on out I, your gracious Queen of the Night, will be accepting mail and granting audiences to my subjects. Now, I understand talking to ypur ruler can be a bit intimidating..." She says, as a matter-of-fact. "But there is no reason to be shy! I'm happy to answer your questions, concerns, and humbly take your compliments." The alicorn chuckled, amusing herself with that last one.
"So go ahead, get to it! Let's see where this goes, shall we?"
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delightfullyevil · 4 years ago
Care to share what these "universal bad omens" are with us all, your highness, so we can like, watch out for them?
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"Something something, black cat. Something something, under a ladder. Something something, number 13. I think you get the idea."
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delightfullyevil · 5 years ago
"To where if I may ask has the moon been gone to for so long? Been busy or taking a really long nap?"
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"Busy, of course. It takes several years to rebuild a kingdom in your own image. Especially after an arrogant sister builds it in her own for so many years." She sounded disgusted even mentioning what her sister did to their kingdom. "But now that it's taken care of, for the most part, I finally have time to do this."
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delightfullyevil · 4 years ago
"How are the defenses on the castle lately? Need me to buff them up at all, my queen? I could add a few more geese."
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"Oh they are going great! Don't you worry your pretty little head Shining Armor." She answers, blatantly condescending. "Go play with your little empire of crystal, it needs your attention more."
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delightfullyevil · 4 years ago
It sound a little stupid but... Could Celestia get out using a spoon to make a tunnel? You commented how the castle was protected and any exit warded, but a spoon is not magical and she in theory have all the time of the world to make a tunnel.
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"That sounds more than just a little stupid..." She had no idea what else to say...
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delightfullyevil · 5 years ago
Queen Nightmare Moon, we noticed your cute fangs and if we can ask... Did you change your diet after the moon or use them like carnivores?
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"They aren't cute! I use them to rip into meat! Nothing is cute about that..."
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delightfullyevil · 5 years ago
Hail Nightmare Moon, full of grace and beauty that doth outshine the stars themselves! Do forgive the lack of a face in my message, my Queen. I'm afraid the tumblr is being like, most.. difficult. Your humble servant, Silver Spoon.
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"No worries, my loyal subject. The praise matters most. Whatever some weird administrator made such a silly decision will likely be beheaded by the end of the week for a different, more pressing, issue. Worry not, justice always comes."
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delightfullyevil · 4 years ago
With all due respect, the power you wield can not be compared to the combined might of a nation of Dragons. And even if I am wrong, millions of innocent equine lives would be lost before you could gain the upper hoof, even if that were possible. I know not who leads the dragons but it would be wise, my Queen, to keep to diplomacy with that leader. They could literally burn the Earth to ashes and be just as happy as pigs in slop rolling around in the dust of our dead.
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"Even if there were some kind of... dragon nation, there are more ways to beat one than just power. But luckily there is no nation of them. Just disorganized cults that are made up of a dragon and their small brood, worshipped by fanatics too insane to tell the difference between a stick and a sword. They won't be that big of an issue."
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delightfullyevil · 4 years ago
Hey, how encouraged is free speech and fantasy (stories that inspire while giving the readers an escape from the world) in the kingdom?
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"Everyone is free to speak freely about what they wish. But with that freedom comes my right to freely decide if your opinion is wrong and take away your freedom to speak freely. So I suggest you freely speak correctly if you want to stay free." She opened her eyes and looked at you with warm smile, giggling innocently. "You are free to interpret that how you wish."
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delightfullyevil · 5 years ago
Character question 74.
100 Random Character Development Questions
74. What's her favorite game.
"Very clever of you! I see what you did there." She giggles, actually somewhat amused. "I'd have to say this little game of ours has been fun so far! As much as I don't want to reveal too much, a part of me enjoys having to answer this character question game truthfully... I might do more of these in the future."
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delightfullyevil · 4 years ago
Wait...what if the part of you missing was put into the sword, or another object, like the Lich King. Or maybe the part of your soul became a new person, or fused with another person. If its in another person, my guess is its in Celestia, cause that's how life is at times
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"I know the ritual to make a sentient sword well enough to know where my soul went. The knowledge I lost was what replaced that piece of my soul. But after some thinking, I've got it... I think." She goes to open a scroll that had some stuff scribbled and jotted down.
"That cave was inhabited by what's called Living Darkness. A step up from what Noxus was as a shadow wraith. While it doesn't technically have a soul... it works similar enough to one that it can be used to repair or replace a soul. Which means I am part Living Darkness, so in theory I can learn their powers and harness it. That also explains my sudden predatorness, Living Darkness feeds on wearing travelers trying to escape storms or find shelter fir the night."
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delightfullyevil · 4 years ago
If I may be so bold, it sounds perhaps like you are LOOKING for a reason to declare war?
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"Not so much looking, as much as hoping. Reasons to declare war don't just go away with time. Once I find a reason I can put it away for another time. Eventually if they keep stacking up, the world will have to think twice about joining in. That is my goal. Preparing, more than seeking."
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