#artificial inteliigence
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kamreadsandrecs · 3 months ago
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survivalsmartsblog · 6 years ago
Are You Afraid Of Artificial Intelligence?
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reportcrux · 5 years ago
At 25.0% CAGR,Artificial Inteligence(AI) Market Share 2020,Size and Impact Analysis
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corvidprompts · 6 years ago
markwatneythespacepirate replied to your post “You’re just a kid!” “I am not a- human, I’m not your kind. You don’t...”
As a programmer and CS I can assure u I have 100% considered attempting to build a connor. I however have enough common sense to recognize a failed mission when i see it
hell yeah
my brother has already tried to give me the artificial inteliigence v human intelligence lecture and i didnt understand a lick of it 
im looking forward to whatever science inspired rants i can drag out of him during a playthrough
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sintyajes-blog · 6 years ago
Apa Itu Artificial Inteliigence?
Demistifikasi artificial intelligence: Inilah semua yang perlu Anda ketahui tentang A.I.
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Singularitas gila, pemberontakan robot, jatuh cinta pada komputer: Kecerdasan buatan memunculkan banyak bagaimana-jika liar. Namun di dunia nyata, A.I. melibatkan pembelajaran mesin, pembelajaran mendalam, dan banyak kemampuan lain yang dapat diprogram yang baru mulai kami eksplorasi. Mari kita tunda hal-hal fantasi (setidaknya untuk saat ini) dan bicarakan tentang dunia nyata A.I. Inilah apa itu, bagaimana cara kerjanya, dan ke mana ia pergi.
A.I. atau artificial intelligence adalah untuk memproses dan menanggapi data seperti manusia. Itu mungkin tampak terlalu luas, tetapi harus: pengembang memadukan kecerdasan seperti manusia ke dalam berbagai aplikasi. Secara umum, A.I. termasuk dalam tiga kategori - yang kami perhatikan masih ada beberapa ketidaksepakatan mengenai definisi yang tepat, apalagi jika itu benar-benar mungkin.
Sempit: Sempit A.I. (kadang-kadang disebut "lemah A."). Di sinilah sebagian besar pekerjaan manusia sejauh ini. Seperti namanya, itu difokuskan pada melaksanakan satu tugas, dan interaksi dengan A.I. terbatas. Contohnya adalah memeriksa laporan cuaca, mengontrol perangkat rumah pintar, atau memberi kami jawaban atas pertanyaan umum yang ditarik dari basis data pusat (Wikipedia, dll.). Beberapa A.I.s sempit dapat dirangkai untuk menawarkan layanan yang lebih komprehensif: Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri, dan Cortana adalah contoh yang bagus, bahkan bentuk mobil otonom saat ini. A.I. Sempit tidak dapat berpikir sendiri: inilah sebabnya terkadang Anda akan mendapatkan jawaban yang tidak masuk akal, karena tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk memahami konteks.
Umum: Umum A.I. (atau "A.I." yang kuat) adalah tujuan kami. Di sini, A.I. memperoleh kemampuan untuk memahami konteks dan membuat penilaian berdasarkan itu. Seiring waktu ia belajar dari pengalaman, mampu membuat keputusan bahkan di saat ketidakpastian atau tanpa data yang tersedia sebelumnya, menggunakan alasan, dan menjadi kreatif. Secara intelektual, komputer ini beroperasi seperti otak manusia. Sejauh ini kami belum dapat melakukannya, meskipun sebagian besar percaya bahwa kami mungkin dapat melakukannya sekitar abad ini.
Super: Di masa depan yang jauh, A.I. mungkin menjadi lebih unggul secara intelektual daripada manusia dalam segala hal. A.I. robot akan dapat berpikir untuk diri mereka sendiri, mencapai kesadaran, dan beroperasi tanpa keterlibatan manusia, mungkin atas arahan A.I. Ini terdengar seperti omong kosong Skynet nyata lengkap dengan akhir kemanusiaan seperti yang diperingatkan oleh beberapa orang, tetapi itu juga bisa menjadi fajar era inovasi yang mungkin membuat kemajuan sebelumnya terlihat seperti pejalan kaki.
A.I. juga dapat diklasifikasikan berdasarkan bagaimana operasinya, yang sangat penting ketika mempertimbangkan seberapa kompleks suatu A.I. sistem dan biaya utamanya. Jika sebuah perusahaan menciptakan A.I. solusi, pertanyaan pertama harus, "Apakah itu akan dipelajari melalui pelatihan atau inferensi?"
Pelatihan: A.I.s ini dirancang untuk belajar dan meningkatkan dari waktu ke waktu, dan menyesuaikan set data dan bagian-bagian tertentu dari proses mereka untuk menjadi lebih efisien. Umum dan super A.I. platform akan dapat melakukan ini, namun sempit A.I. biasanya tidak, karena jumlah daya pemrosesan yang diperlukan sangat besar sehingga cukup mahal.
Kesimpulan: A.I.s paling sempit dirancang untuk melihat data dan menarik kesimpulan dalam langkah-langkah cermat, metode yang jauh lebih murah dan lebih murah secara komputasi. Misalnya, untuk menjawab pertanyaan "Berapa skor pertandingan kemarin?" Sebuah A.I. mungkin menyimpulkan, "Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, saya harus menemukan data untuk skor pertandingan kemarin dengan mencari daftar dataset olahraga yang andal, saya akan membandingkan data itu dengan tim favorit yang tercantum dalam pengaturan, dan melaporkan kembali skor dalam audio." pengguna akhir, jika responsnya tidak persis seperti apa yang dicari pengguna, AI memiliki sedikit kemampuan untuk beradaptasi sendiri seiring waktu. Manusia harus dilibatkan untuk membuat tanggapannya lebih relevan.
Seperti yang telah kami sebutkan sebelumnya, definisi atau pengertian artificial intelligence hanya dimaksudkan sebagai panduan umum (artikel Menengah ini adalah diskusi yang hebat tentang apa yang baru saja kami bicarakan), dan beberapa mungkin memiliki deskripsi yang sedikit berbeda. Tetapi ada contoh-contoh A.I. saat ini yang layak dibahas.
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englishedge · 3 years ago
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E-Learning with Artificial Inteliigence * AI Offers Personalized Learning * AI Is An Online Teacher * Quick Solutions To Problems * Learn Anywhere Anytime Don't miss out this golden chance!! Set the reminder for March 1, 2022 Time: 5:30pm to 6:15pm http://bit.ly/shapelive Join at above link To know more about our software, visit our website www.englishedge.in #englishedge #englishlanguage #learnenglishonline #onlinelearningplatform #digitallanguagelab #englishforkids #englishforwork #learnenglishlanguage #learningsoftware #livesessions #englishlearning
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osamu-jinguji · 4 years ago
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So interested in this event. 
At least, I'm sure that the most correct equational of "ARTificial Intelligence" must:
ARTificial Intelligence (AI) = (ART + New Technology + Humanity + Good Philosophy + Ethic + Conscience + Nature + Science) x "how to correctly lead both present severe situations of the mankind and the earth to both the best ideas and the best forecast of their better safe sustainability".
#AI #artificialinteligence #equation #art #technology #safe #sustainability #forecast #ideas #humanity #philosophy #ethic #conscience #nature #science #mankind #situation #earth #inteliigence
[AI LAB] Bewerbt euch jetzt! Das SETI Institute und das European ARTificial Intelligence Lab laden zu einer Residency, bei der nicht nur die Künstliche Intelligenz, sondern die Anfänge des Lebens und unsere anthropozentrische Weltsicht kritisch reflektiert werden sollen. #EU_AILAB https://ars.electronica.art/ailab/de/opencall/
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sigmainfousa · 7 years ago
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prtlblog · 7 years ago
Amadeus Code (http://amadeuscode.com/) - artificial inteliigence powered songwriting assistant coming soon.
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techiexpert · 6 years ago
Six Artificial IntelIigence Applications that will boost Agriculture
The estimated population of the world by 2050 will be 9 billion, according to a credible environmental study source. The food requirement is gradually going heights with the growing population. To meet with these requirements, the farming should upgrade and update with the newer technologies.
With IoT already in the house of agriculture, to give easy agriculture another boost, Artificial Intelligence has made it much more flexible to the farmer’s earnings. This will also boost the growth of production of vegetables and will help the nation develop. Proximity Sensing and Remote Sensing are two technologies which are used primarily for intelligent data fusion.
Various robots, bots, drones that are powered with AI can be deployed into a farm and can be powered with the advantages of IOT that will connect directly to the farmer’s handy devices: mobile phones and other screens.
Applications in the Agriculture industry:
 Soil and crop monitoring:
The primary requirements of remote sensing techniques along with hyper spectral imaging and 3d laser scanning that are powered with algorithms with AI can monitor the crop and soil health. Drones, which are always active in the farms, are powered with High-resolution cameras and RGB colors. They help understand and identify areas with weeds, which crops need water, plant stress level in mid growth stage. In terms of infected plants, by scanning crops in both RGB and near-infra red light, it is possible to generate multi spectral images using drone devices.  This makes the farmers usually find this easy to monitor their crops and soil, with less humanly effort.
Precision Farming:
With AI powered gadgets in the irrigation fields, precision farming is put into practicality. With right amount of water being used while farming, a lot of waste is reduced. The usage of right amount of water, pesticides, seeds and land, there is a lot of saving on the revenue. With less budget, the farmers will gain a better profits in the proportions accordingly. The ratio will likely double to the input budget and the output profit. According to mindtree, Key technologies that enable precision farming are: • High precision positioning system • Automated steering system • Geo mapping • Sensor and remote sensing • Integrated electronic communication • Variable rate technology
Yield management:
This is one of the other key applications of AI in agriculture. With satellite technology, IoT and AI, sowing date, farm yard manure application, seed treatment, optimum sowing depth, land preparation, soil test-based fertilization, are monitored easily. The farmer can know his convenient and suitable time to sow and reap the crops on his fingertips. With the help of Artificial intelligence, the farmers get notifications and updates regarding the rainfall and soil health which will lead to a rise in the yield. Real time Moisture Adequacy Data (MAI) is tested and sent to the farmer’s screen every single day.
Pesticide spraying:
Fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides can be sprayed aerially with the help of drones. The drones carry the pesticides and all the necessary requirements that are required for the crop health. The drones spray them accordingly with the monitor crop health. The drones predict the need and requirement of pesticides in the crop. This gradually reduces the chance of spraying less or excess amount of pesticides in the farms. Technology takes its turn with the Artificial intelligence in agriculture along with the health of the crop.  The drones are also capable of carrying liquid medicine. This will keep all the crop eating bugs away.
Seed selection:
Choosing hybrid or other types of seeds is made possible with AI. Satellite intelligence monitors the overall crop land health. This predicts the water and soil situation and analyses the kind of seeds that can be sowed soon after the current crop. Climatic changes, soil erosion, weather and crop conditions, that can be calculated using Artificial intelligence will sum up to sowing hybrid seeds in the fields. The information reaches the farmer through his mobile phone application.
Disease identification:
Identification of various diseases: both spreadable and un spreadable of crops can be monitored by remote sensors. Farmers are notified immediately when the crop is being affected by any internal or external means. Reprocessing of image ensure the leaf images are segmented into areas like background, non-diseased part and diseased part. The diseased part is then cropped and send to remote labs for further diagnosis. It also helps in pest identification, nutrient deficiency recognition and more. These bots can also identify the remedy and prevention of further capabilities in the crops.
However, Artificial intelligence in agriculture in India can also be challenging. India is a country with 40% of its population employed as farmers. AI requires a huge revenue as it will require a continuous monitoring of the drones. Storage is expansive, but access and retrieval may not lead to connections in memory as well as humans could.
The post Six Artificial IntelIigence Applications that will boost Agriculture appeared first on Techiexpert.com.
source https://www.techiexpert.com/six-artificial-inteliigence-applications-that-will-boost-agriculture/
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funkoneblr-blog · 8 years ago
The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK is to trial an artificial inteliigence powered medical advice mobile phone app with an aim of reducing ...
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