#arthur is a mary sue because the movie never explains why he’s able to put together a coordinated outfit
comradeclown · 4 years
Maybe it’s because we’re eternally in March 2020, but I’ve been thinking lately about something I saw over a year ago and which was probably the most galaxy brain take on the Clown Movie ever, but which managed to be incredibly funny in an almost endearing way because it wasn’t, like, politically terrible, in fact this person’s main bone of contention with the movie was that… Arthur’s dance skills were too good? Which, uh, okay, I guess, I mean, Joaquin Phoenix got dance training as a kid, I am told by Professor Wikipedia, but Arthur is not exactly Rudolf Nureyev unless we’re talking about the homosexuality ofc, like???
But anyway, this person had such a problem with it that they even went into a digression about how maybe if the movie had Penny having been a pushy stage mum or something it wouldn’t require so much suspension of disbelief, and honestly that just makes it funnier because it’s a complete misunderstanding of Penny, the whole point of her character is that she isn’t pushy or domineering, she’s basically the way in which “I’m happy as long as you’re happy” can so easily have an underlying subtext of “I’m only happy if you’re happy, therefore you must be happy” and how that can fuck you up in its own way… And also that doesn’t even matter because if you really have to have an ~explanation~ for Arthur being a good dancer, you have the fact that we quite literally see him dancing as part of his clown act, which is his job, that he does every day, and then, just in case you had slept through the earlier scenes, one of his coworkers literally ribs him for dancing being his whole thing, but also you shouldn’t need an explanation because… it’s a completely normal and common human skill…
Anyway, I absolutely love it, it’s CinemaSins “this was implied by the narrative instead of spoon-fed to me/it was actually literally explained on-screen but I didn’t pay attention to it, therefore it’s a pLoT HoLe” brain taken to the most deranged level, someone saw the “Rey is a Mary Sue” discourse and went “you are like little baby, watch this” except much funnier because Star Wars is about literal magical powers and this is about something that most humans are capable of doing and also have being doing for thousands of years. Just… ~chef’s kiss~ outstanding.
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margridarnauds · 6 years
6, 12, 23, and 45 please!
Thank you!
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
So, I have no idea what we’re talking about as far as levels of involvement, but here are the ones I read fanfic RELIGIOUSLY for back in the day. So, behold my shame. 
Cats (oh, my sweet, innocent 12 year old self) - Mistoffelees/Victoria. 
Phantom of the Opera - Raoul/Christine/Erik, tbh. I started off E/C, then shifted to R/C when I realized E was a trashfire, then went to R/C/E when I realized that I loved garbage after all. 
Van Helsing - Anna/Dracula. Which is impressive given I’ve never. Actually. Watched it. Sue me. 
Carmilla - Carmilla/Laura.
The Pirate Queen - Graínne/Donal, one of the first fics I ever wrote. (And then never published.) Yes, he is a garbage fire in the musical, but in my very specific rewrite of it, he wasn’t. Though these days, I kind of lean towards Tiernan/Donal or Tiernan/Gráinne/Donal. Garbage pirate OT3 is garbage. 
Dracula - The Countess (from Makt Myrkanna)/Lucy Westenra. The first explicit femslash I ever wrote, and it might very well never see the light of day because I do not forever want to be known as The One With The Blood And The Lesbians. Though, who knows? It might cleanse me of Printing Press. 
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Yes. Really.): Twilight/Princess Luna. I keep telling myself that my AO3 profile’s eventually going to be nothing but period dramas, my (1) Terra Nova fic, and…a My Little Pony fic, along with various Barbie Movie fics. For old time’s sake. 
Terra Nova - Wash/Mira, due to @janetcarter‘s influence. 
The Flash - Barrison. Specifically, Eobard/Barry. In many ways, it was my prep for 1789 with the whole “I murdered your parent” thing.  
The Avengers - Loki/Tony Stark.  
Les Miserables - Valjean/Javert 
The Golden Compass - Mrs. Coulter/Lord Asriel 
Arthuriana - Galahad/Mordred
Star Wars - Reylo or Finnlo. I don’t particularly have a preference, just let Kylo screw one of his various archnemeses straight to the side of the Light.
Star Wars: Rebels - Kallus/Zeb. Oh. Another enemies to lovers ship. Who would have guessed? 
1789 - Peyrol/Ronan (Was there any doubt? If there was, I need to write more.) 
Revolutionary Maximilien Robespierre - Madame Roland/Marie-Anne. In progress, but A Ship for me. Mainly because I’m a contrarian little shit who writes things when people tell me I can’t and then gets attached to the result.
Brennus, Enemy of Rome - Ahmet/Nissia. Which…I still need to. Write. My fanfic for that one. So that fanfic for it exists.  
Lord of the Rings - Boromir/Aragorn
Friedrich: Mythos und Tragödie - Countess Orzelska/Wilhelmine and Fritz/Katte. Pretty much equally, though Orzelskine (?) Wilhelska (?) is starting to edge out Fratte. 
La Legende du Roi Arthur - Leia/Guinevere in the French and Morgane/Guin in the Takarazuka. 
Irish Mythology - Bres/Sreng. I will defend this one to the death and I will do it with citations and footnotes. 
Scarecrow of Romney Marsh - General Pugh/Dr Syn. Yet another one I. Need to write the fic for. 
Star Trek: …….. 
………You know, my favorite thing about Star Trek is that, regardless of shipping preferences, we can all find something to enjoy. Kor/Kirk. While I can’t speak for DS9 Quark/Brunt, my current favorite from Discovery has to be Michael/Tilly, which might very well be the single most wholesome thing I’ve shipped in a very long time. 
Ace Attorney: Phoenix/Edgeworth. 
12. Who is your current OT3?
Chauvelin/Percy/Marguerite from The Scarlet Pimpernel. I do not accept constructive criticism on this one. Because Percy/Marguerite are sickeningly sweet on their own, Marguerite/Chauvelin has That Sexual Tension in Where’s the Girl and The Riddle, and Percy/Chauvelin fulfill all my requirements as far as enemies to lovers ships are concerned.
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
I’ve talked a lot about Forgiveness being one of the very few things I’ve written that I’ve ever liked and the ONE thing that I feel…gets my idea of how L/R WORK together and probably shows off my style best, along with Fowl Play (WHICH HAS FANART NOW. WHICH I’M STILL NOT OVER BECAUSE MY BABY HAS FANART.) So, instead, I’m going to shift to Pour la Peine, which…is my messy, messy child in many regards, not the least because it’s so much longer + still isn’t finished. 
(Warning for various and assorted personal, squishy feelings, as well as cancer mentions)
When I first got the prompt from @fallenidol-453, it was January of 2018. Two months before, I’d received the news that my uncle had Stage Four Esophageal Cancer and my mother had moved from our house to his house to care for him, leaving me without her help for the first time in my life, which I deliberately kept as low-key about on here as I could be, given that, to be honest, dealing with the endless “I’m so sorry to hear that”s gets very exhausting after awhile and I was a college student with a schedule to keep. And he and I had a very…contentious relationship, despite the two of us being alike in many ways. Possibly because we were alike in many ways. And, by May of that year, he was dead. And I would learn shortly afterwards that my paternal grandfather had died in January, but no one on my father’s side had bothered to tell me. I spent a lot of time trying to deal with the stress of that time, juggling that with my schoolwork and my fanfic, which I tried to work on from the time I received the prompt onwards. (Tbh, I’d had the opening scene in my mind for awhile before, but I hadn’t had a larger plot + ending until the prompt.)
At first, I thought that I would publish it like I’d later publish Forgiveness, in one straight chapter, but as time went on and on and there became less and less of a shot of having it done any time soon, I ended up just publishing the first chapter and deciding to update it from there. And that chapter got a lot of ribbing from friends. “Her brother is dead” really came off as a very melodramatic first line, but I also decided, very early on, that I didn’t care about what the objective quality of it was; all I cared about was creating a snapshot of a time in my life, just like when I go through the stuff that I made when I was twelve and I laugh about the various and assorted OCs and questionable phrases but love them all the same because they’re my twelve year old self’s. And, where I was at that point in my life, writing Solène mourning a family member who she had a difficult relationship with while I mourned a family member who I had a difficult relationship with, it was the only line that felt right to me.  
There’s a lot of things with this one that I’m still not sure about. There’s a plot twist that I’ve tried to be quiet about for all this time (that I’ve probably been really terrible about keeping, tbh) and that is either going to be the Jumping the Shark moment or the defining moment of it, and I’m obviously not sure how that’s going to be received though I want to believe I’ve foreshadowed it enough to not make it too much of a swerve, I’m not sure how I feel about the ending, there’s a lot there that’s murky and probably more reflective of my writing a year ago than not, and I’m not sure about how I’ve handled the character dynamics given what we’ve got in canon or the dynamic I’ve put them into, or whether the choices they’ll make reflect THEM or what I WANTED them to do. Hell, with a few things, I’m not sure how I’m even going to GET to the ending. 
But, I’m really proud of how much I’ve had the chance to work with Solène and Olympe, I’m really happy with a lot of the work I put into sequences like the two chapters long March to Versailles, which involved looking into a LOT of personal accounts as well as secondary sources analyzing it, and I liked trying to flesh out Solène’s world. But, more importantly, of everything I’ve written, it and Le Cri are probably the most directly personal to me, and even though a part of me still says Her brother is dead is a hell of a melodramatic opening line, it fulfilled its purpose. And, tbh, sometimes that’s all a fic needs. 
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic? 
This is so hard for me, because there are so many fics that have left a huge impression on me throughout the various fandoms I’ve been in. In 1789 alone, I was thinking of at least two different fics at a given point, which is both fantastic and minorly stressful given how small this fandom is (one of which, incidentally, was Little Dove Heart, since that really gave me a huge push as far as Laz and his backstory and his characterization and his relationship to Artois, even if I tend to keep the latter more in the background). And there have been so many fics I’ve read that I’ll remember and go back to periodically, and that really helped me as far as looking at how character voices could be developed and how description would work and how to work a time period and a setting into a story. 
Overall though, I think I’m going to have to give it to Vae Victis, which is a work by @sineala‘s. I’ve never been quiet about my undying love for the Gauls and for Brennus in particular. Brennus is one of my historical favs, and I felt like this fic did a really, really fantastic job of bringing that much-neglected period of time to life and developing the characters on their own, without me having any background in the source material. With fanfic, especially with a more active fandom, there’s kind of an expectation that everyone knows the characters involved, so to be able to work in a different time and to get the reader fully invested in the characters and their relationship in their own right is a really fantastic accomplishment, and to be able to show the Gauls and Brennus (in what little time he gets, because my boi’s not the focus and I accept that) as three dimensional figures rather than a rampaging horde is always much appreciated. And it has a WORKS CITED page at the end, AKA the eternal key to my heart. 
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