#arthur fleck x sandra dolere
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elusive---ivory · 5 years ago
Circus Act - 15
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Y'all ALREADY KNOW!!!!! PART 15!!!
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Sandy couldn't help but feel a slight pain in her chest. Perhaps, second-guessing herself and her relationship with Arthur. The fact that see could see a different person in Arthur's eyes gave her chills. Of course, she adored him. Arthur was all she had.
She bit her lip, unlocking her apartment door. To her surprise, Des was already in the apartment, sitting on the couch.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Sandy sneered. She see a reason for Des to even be here.
"Sandy. I was wondering where you were. I've been expecting your apology for quite some time now." Des's smile was so smug, it was unbelievable.
"I don't have shit to say to you." Sandy hissed, throwing her car keys on the kitchen counter.
"Come on. It was one time, besides you've obviously moved on. Kinda, geez, you've downgraded." Des commented, looking at a picture of Sandy and Arthur. She continued, "I understand that the gala was a disaster. I mean, how else would I expect you to act. You're insane, Sandy."
Sandy couldn't stand more of this. Des was so snarky, so fucking rude. She grabbed a small knife and hid it behind her back.
"I had to protect him, Sandy. I was sure that you of all people would understand, but clearly you don't." Des huffed. "But, I tried. I tried to be apart of your life. Dennis was way out of your league anyway. I don't get it."
"You're right." Sandy said, blankly. "I didn't need Dennis."
"That's right. See? You're getting it." Des smiled, walking into the kitchen.
"Yeah, I am. You were right all along, Des. I can't believe I didn't see it sooner." Sandy smiled, pulling Des into a tight hug.
Des smiled nervously, trying to push Sandy away. "Yeah? So you forgive me?"
"Yeah, I forgive you, Des." Sandy proceeded to stab Des in the back with the knife. Des slowly felt to the ground with an emotionless shock on her face. Sandy continued stabbing the already deceased woman that laid there on her kitchen floor.
The blood stained her dress as Sandy looked at herself in the mirror. Her glasses laid in front of her, broken. She had accidentally threw them off her face.
Sandy started to laugh. Why was she laughing? She had just murdered someone that had been so close to her for years. Sandy didn't know either.
But, she felt happy. Like a weight was lifted off her shoulders.
She looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. 'Who am I?' Sandy thought to herself. She smiled to herself. She knew exactly who she was.
She stepped into the shower, feeling all the blood drip down her skin.
She then remembered. The Murray Franklin show. Sandy raced to her bedroom and turned on the television.
Arthur sat in the backstage dressing in full suit and makeup, chuckling to himself of the chaos that was displayed on the news.
He knew he caused it. He caused all of it. Arthur inhaled the smoke from his cigarette, as a gentle tear fell, dripping from the blue triangle that was painted just below his eye.
'You look ravishing.' Sandy told him in his head. He imagined her right next to him, and knowing she'd be watching him on television made him feel proud. This made him smile.
He imagined Sandy's hands on his suit, gazing up at him with her big eyes. He sat in a red chair next to a mirror, with writing in lipstick, saying "PUT ON A HAPPY FACE".
Murray Franklin then walked onto Arthur's dressing room.
"Murray." Arthur gasped. It was all unreal to him.
"Hey, it's Mr. Franklin to you, pal." Murray's manager said, rudely.
"Come on, Gene. That's all bullshit." Murray said, brushing him off.
"Thank you, Murray. I feel like I know you. I've been watching your show forever." Arthur said, remaining his composure.
"Thank you," Murray said, "So, what's with the make up? Are you part of the protest?"
"Oh no, Murray," Arthur shook his head, "I don't believe in that. I don't believe in anything."
"I just thought it would be good for my act." Arthur smiled.
"For your act? Didn't you hear? Some clown got killed-" Gene was cut off by Murray, brushing him off again.
"He's heard." Murray said.
"No, I haven't heard." Arthur intervened.
Gene sighed, frustrated. "This is what I'm telling you. The audience is gonna go crazy if you put this guy onstage. This good for a bit, but not a whole segment."
"Gene, it's gonna work. It's gonna work." Murray reassured.
Arthur started feeling gitty. "Thank you, Murray." He said, chuckling a bit.
"Got a few rules though. No cursing, no off-color material." Murray said, just before leaving the room. "Good luck."
"Wait, Murray. One small thing?" Arthur stopped him. "When you bring me out, could you introduce me as Joker?"
"Why not just use your real name?" Gene commented.
"That's what you called me on the show. A joker." Arthur said, ignoring Gene. "You remember?"
Murray looked confused for a second, turning towards Gene. "Did I?"
Gene shrugged. "I don't know."
"Well, if you say so, kid. Joker it is. I like it. It's good." Murray said, walking out the dressing room door.
Arthur smiled. "Thanks, Murray."
Once everyone left, Arthur was alone with himself. The excitement and build up in him grew. He took out a small box from out of his pocket.
A small ring sat in the velvet cushion. He smirked at it. Arthur put the small box away. He leaned back in the chair, taking out his pistol. The tip touched the bottom of his chin. Arthur felt at peace for just one moment.
It was time for Arthur to go onstage. He stood just behind the curtains, hearing the audience laugh at him. Arthur stared intently at the small crease of light, peering through the blue and gold curtains. Time seemed frozen. Everything seemed still. There seemed to be no one besides him and his cigarette.
Then, the music began to start.
Back in her apartment, Sandy was growing impatient for Arthur to show. She sat through each commercial, waiting for his segment.
Sandy sat on her bed intently staring at the television, with a cigarette lit in her shaking hand. Blood was trailed down the hall and into her bedroom. She had to get rid of Des somehow. Why not stuff her in the closet? That's where she belonged, right? Sandy's little joke made her giggle.
Beside her was one of the many clown masks the protesters were handing out. She took a drag of the cigarette.
Arthur's segment began. Sandy glared at the people who laughed at him.
It made her furious. She held onto the cigarette tightly, nearly breaking it.
"So, you might've seen that clip of our next guest. Now, before he comes out, I just wanted to say that we're all heartbroken about what's going on in the city tonight, but this is how he wanted to come out. I honestly believe we could all use a good laugh. So, please welcome Joker." Murray announced.
Sandy's eyes brighten as Arthur was introduced onstage. She smiled widely, seeing him twirl around onstage. She was greatly shocked, when Arthur kissed Dr. Sally. Sandy smirked. 'That son of a bitch.' She thought.
She burned out her cigarette, and continued to pay attention to the show.
"Are you alright, Doctor?" Murray said, on the television.
Arthur was mesmerized by the florescent lights, the audience and the stage. It was almost exactly perfect.
Murray raised an eyebrow. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah", Arthur nodded, "this is exactly how I imagined it."
"Well, that makes one of us." Murray shrugged.
The audience roared and applauded.
"So, can you tell us about this look?" Murray asked. "When we talked earlier, you mentioned that this look was not a political statement."
"That's right, Murray. I'm not political." Arthur chuckled. "I'm just trying to make people laugh." He said, in somewhat funny voice.
The audience stayed silent.
"And how that going for ya?" Murray commented.
And, of course, the audience laughed.
Arthur laughed, mocking the audience.
"So, do you got anyone watching here tonight? Any family members?" Murray asked.
Arthur stated quit for a second, still smiling. "I don't have anyone. Just my Sandy. Hi, honey." Arthur waved at the camera.
The audience awed, slightly.
"How do does Sandy feel about your career in comedy?" Murray asked.
"She loves it. She says I'm the funniest guy in Gotham." Arthur flaunted.
Murray laughed. "Okay."
The audience began to roar again.
Arthur began to look fed up.
"Well, surely, you have a joke for us tonight." Murray suggested.
The audience began applauding.
"Yeah?" Arthur chuckled. "Okay." He got out his journal.
Murray began to laugh at it. "He's got a book. A book of jokes."
Arthur stared at the page silently. The air seemed still.
While Sandy was watching, she could feel his discomfort. She wanted to hold Arthur in her arms, but he was all the way in downtown Gotham.
She grew furious.
"Take your time, you've got all night." Murray commented.
Arthur smirked. "Okay, I've got one. Knock, knock."
"And you had to look that up." Murray laughed.
The audience continued to laugh and praise Murray for his jokes.
"I wanna get it right." Arthur said, softly. "Knock, knock." He repeated.
"Who's there?" Murray replied.
Arthur began chuckling, slightly. "It's the police, ma'am. Your son's been hit by a drunk driver. He's dead."
The audience booed him.
"No, no, no. We don't joke about that." Dr. Sally scolded.
Sandy glared at the television, gritting her teeth. Her hands were balled into fists.
"Yeah, that's not funny, Arthur. That's not the kind of humor we do on this show." Murray said.
Arthur giggled nervously. "Yeah, I'm sorry. It just. It's been a rough couple of weeks, Murray."
"Ever since I," Arthur paused for a second, staring at the camera, "ever since I killed those three Wallstreet guys."
The audience gasped, and whispers scattered across the floor.
"Okay, I'm waiting for the punchline." Murray said.
"There is no punchline. It's not a joke." Arthur confessed.
The audience gasps grew louder, along with a few people telling him to get off the stage.
Sandy's anger shifted. 'What the hell is he doing?' Sandy thought to herself.
"You're serious aren't you? You're saying you killed those three young men?" Murray asked.
"Mmhmm." Arthur mumbled, confirming it to be true.
"And why should we believe you?" Murray asked, again.
"I've got nothing left to lose. Nothing can hurt me anymore." Arthur said, blankly.
'Nothing?' Sandy thought. She felt the anxiety build up in her chest.
Arthur began to chuckle. "My life is nothing, but a comedy."
The audience booed some more.
"So let me get this straight. You think that killing those guys is funny?" Murray asked, in shock.
"I do, and I'm tired of pretending it's not. Comedy is subjective, Murray, isn't that what they say? All of you, the system that knows so much, you decide what's right or wrong. Just like how you decide what's funny, or not." Arthur said.
Murray looked at him confused. "I think I might understand that you did this to start a movement. To become a symbol?"
"Come on, Murray. Do I look like the kind of clown to start a movement?" Arthur turned towards the audience. "I killed those guys because they were awful. Dennis was awful. Everybody is awful these days. It's enough to make anyone crazy." Arthur said, glaring at the audience.
"So, your crazy? That's your excuse for killing three young men?" Murray began getting upset.
"No. They couldn't carry a tune to save their lives." Arthur laughed.
Sandy couldn't see Arthur, anymore. The man onstage was someone new. Someone she had met. A charming devil in a red suit. She had to do something.
The audience booed Arthur some more.
He groaned. "Ugh, why is everybody so upset about these guys? If it was me dying on the sidewalk, you'd walk all over me. I pass you every day, and you don't notice me, but these guys, because Thomas Wayne, cried about them on tv."
"So, you have a problem with Thomas Wayne?" Murray questioned.
"Yes, I do. Have you seen what it's like out there, Murray? Do you ever leave the studio? Everybody just YELLS and SCREAMS at each other. Nobody's CIVIL ANYMORE. Nobody thinks what it's like to be the other guy. You think men like Thomas Wayne, ever think about what it's like to be a guy like me? To be somebody, but themselves. They DON'T. They think that we'll just sit HERE and TAKE IT, like good little boys, and we WON'T WEREWOLF, and GO WILD."
Through the television screen Sandy could feel Arthur choking back tears. She placed her hand over her mouth. She bit it, just slightly, so that she couldn't cry.
"Are you finished?" Murray cut Arthur off. "There's so much self pity, Arthur. Not everyone, and I'll say this, not everyone is awful. This Sandy, you were saying earlier. Surely, she's not awful."
Arthur glared at Murray. "You're awful, Murray."
"Me, I'm awful? How am I awful?" Murray said, defensive.
"Playing my video. Inviting me on the show. You just wanted to make fun of me." Arthur said. His voice was low, like the rage seeping in his eyes.
"You're just like the rest of them." Arthur continued.
"You don't know the first thing about me, pal. Look at what you did. What it lead to. There are riots out there. Two policemen are in critical condition because of what you did. And you're laughing." Murray said.
Arthur began laughing. "I know. How about another joke, Murray?"
"No, I think we've had enough of your jokes." Murray turned over to his manager, Gene, telling him to call the police.
"What do you get when you cross a mental ill loner with a society that ABANDONS him and treats him like TRASH? I'LL TELL YOU WHAT YOU GET. YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE." Arthur blinked as he shot Murray Franklin in the head.
The audience began screaming, and running out of the studio.
Sandy gasped, collapsing to the ground. What she had witnessed was the beginning of something much larger than her and Arthur.
Taglist: @princessgeekface, @jokerflecker, @gloomyladyy, @memory-mortis, @joker-flecked-me, @mr--clown
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elusive---ivory · 5 years ago
Circus Act - 9
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I've been slacking lately on this. I take full responsibility. As a sorry, I made it twice as long. Enjoy!!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
Arthur walked home with a pleasant smile on his face. His date couldn't be more perfect. The events of the played out in his head as he walked home. He could still taste Sandy's lips against his own.
It was marvelous.
He went straight for his apartment door, not even stopping by to check the mail.
His mother was sleeping in a chair next to the television. The ending tune of the Murray Franklin show played as Arthur gently woke her up.
"Uh, what?" She mumbled, as she slowly woke up.
"Come on, time to wake up, and go to bed." He said, as he danced with her in his arms.
"Happy, I wrote a new letter." His mother said, still half asleep.
"Come on, dance with me." Arthur said, as he twirled her around.
"You smell like cologne." His mother commented as Arthur danced about.
"I just had a big date." He said, still dipping his head back.
Arthur led his mother to her bedroom.
"Just don't forget the mail." She said, before disappearing into the bedroom.
Arthur sighed, walking back into the living room.
He picked a small envelope. Gently opening it, hoping his mother wouldn't see.
The letter was directed to Thomas Wayne. Since Arthur knew that Thomas wouldn't read them, he read it himself. What caught his attention were the words underlined.
Your son and I need your help.
Arthur's eyes widened as he began to skim through the next page.
Thomas, you are the only hope for me and your son. Arthur is a good boy. Maybe a little sad, but a good boy nonetheless.
Arthur couldn't hold the paper straight anymore. His anger built up inside of him.
Arthur fought with his mother. His mother using the defense that he was gonna kill her. She ran into the bathroom slamming the door.
"Mom, I'm not mad." He said, calmly. "I just wanna know. Is this real?"
His mom rambled on and on about how her and Thomas Wayne were in love.
"I signed some papers. If anyone knew about us. If anyone knew about you, I couldn't imagine the ridicule you'd face." His mother said, against the bathroom door.
Arthur stood there in shock. Was all of this true? He needed to find out.
Sandy woke up the next day with her telephone ringing again.
She apparently slept through the entire day again, feeling more lethargic than usual.
Her nightmares seem to get more and more real. More visions of Dennis played in her head. Her paranoia seemed to really get the best of her. Her medication had run out a few days ago. Usually, it was Dennis that filled it for her, but now that he was gone, she was completely out of it.
She had took her last dose just a few nights before her date with Arthur.
During her medication, she'd do whatever Dennis said with no questions asked. She could hardly remember why she was on them in the first place, but Sandy knew there was a reason. It just seemed unclear to her.
While Sandy was in deep thought, she'd completely forgotten about the phone, but quickly answered it. "Hello?"
"Sandy, how are you?" A familiar voice said on the line. The voice sounded conceded and pretentious.
"Des, how nice to hear your voice again." Sandy muttered, sarcastically.
"Come on, Sandy, lighten up. I was wondering if you would like to come to Thomas Wayne's campaign gala this Friday?" Sandy rolled her eyes hearing Des's offer.
After Des moved to California, her personality completely changed. She gotten rich by showing up on a tv show and getting married to some high class billionaire. She only came back to Gotham to prove a point to both Sandy and Dee, that she was better than them.
Sandy groaned. "I don't think so, Des."
"Well, Dee said that she'll definitely be here, only if you come. You don't even have to stay for the entire night, just for a hour or so." Des whined, trying to convince Sandy.
"Ok, fine. I'll go." Sandy said, finally. She hated Des's grating voice.
"Alright, I'll see you there, and try not to embarrass yourself. After all, this is THE Thomas Wayne, everyone is talking about. Bye!" Sandy slammed the phone down. She could barely stand Dee.
Des would always put down Dee and Sandy for as long as she can remember.
Des would always take sides with Dennis on issues that were none of her business. She loved to torture Sandy about how she looked and how Dennis didn't deserve her.
Sandy begged Dee to cut ties with Des, but Dee was too nice, and truly loved her sister.
Just then, Sandy heard a knock on her door.
"Hello?" She said, opening the door.
She was greeted with two detectives at the door.
"Ms. Dolere, we need to speak with you." One of the detectives said.
"I am Detective Garrity, and this is my partner, Detective Burke. We'd like to ask you a few questions about your late boyfriend, Dennis Cullen." The other detective said.
Sandy nodded, letting the two detectives in.
"We'd like to ask you about your relationship with Dennis." Detective Garrity said, walking towards the living room.
"Yes, of course." Sandy gulped. "I was with Dennis for five years and 6 months. For the three years, I was happy."
"Then you were admitted into the hospital, is that correct?" Garrity asked.
Sandy nodded, stirring her tea. "Yes, I was admitted into the hospital."
"What for might I ask?" Burke asked.
"Delusional Psychosis." Sandy said, sipping her tea.
"Delusional?" Burke commented.
"Yes, at least that's what the doctors told me." Sandy sighed.
Garrity looked over at Burke, writing stuff down on a notepad. "And these delusions? Do they happen often?"
Sandy shook her head. "No, they don't. They're usually in my dreams. I don't have them during the day."
"Uh-huh, and you don't take medication for this stuff?" Burke asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I did, and Dennis would fill out my prescription." Sandy added.
"That was very kind of him to do that." Garrity said. Sandy could tell he was trying to be compassionate, but it just seemed to hurt Sandy more.
As more and more questions came up, the more difficult it was to answer them.
"And if you have anymore answers for us, Ms. Dolere. We're only a call away." Garrity said, handing her a business card before heading out the door.
Sandy sighed, closing the apartment door. She took a deep breath.
She couldn't remember when Dennis started showing his true colors. She knew that they were happy at one point.
A memory started playing in her head. Dennis was walking with her in Gotham Central Park. It was a summer afternoon.
Sandy remembered Dennis talking to her kindly, saying that her curls looked nice today or that her face was gorgeous. She even remembered him standing up to her.
Then, she thought of last night. Her date with Arthur. It was the same thing, but better. What felt real with Dennis felt real with Arthur.
Soon, thoughts flooded her head.
"Say, Sandy, have you gotten bigger?" Dennis said. "The doctors said the medication would cause you to gain weight. It's a shame, really. Such beauty gone to waste. You're nothing, but a pig now."
The good memories were gone.
There was nothing.
She remembered the night Dennis first beaten her. It was a night she'd wish to forget.
He'd come home late, smelled of perfume and alcohol. He struck her in her sleep. These actions started getting more and more frequent. To the point where, it made Sandy paranoid, and unable to sleep. When Dennis took her to the doctor, he fibbed, saying that Sandy was inflicting pain on herself. She knew it wasn't true.
Sandy opened her eyes, trying to get rid of her thoughts.
All too negative. All too hurtful.
She ran into the bathroom, breathing heavily.
Her vision began to fade as the bathroom walls closed in on her.
It all came to a stop as the phone rang.
Sandy stumbled out of the bathroom, running towards the phone ringing in her bedroom.
"Hello?" She answered.
"Sandy? Co-Could you come over to the hospital? It's my mother. She's had a stroke, and I just don't want to be alone." Arthur's voice cracked as he breathed deeply into the phone.
"I'll be right there, Arthur." Sandy said, calmly.
Soon after that, Sandy got into her car and drove off.
Taglist: @princessgeekface, @jokerflecker, @gloomyladyy, @joker-flecked-me, @mama-mischief, @memory-mortis
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elusive---ivory · 5 years ago
Arthur x Sandy: A compilation
I've spent all day with these edits
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elusive---ivory · 5 years ago
Circus Act - 8
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Arthur felt fresh. He took a nice clean shower to get ready for his comedy gig.
Not only that, he had a big date tonight. A date with Sandy.
He hummed to himself, slicking his hair back. He imagined himself already next to Sandy. Her combing his hair, telling him he looks handsome. All the things couples would do.
Arthur looked over at the steps he wrote in his journal.
Alwayz make sexy jokes
Keep hair slik bac
Know the audensis
He felt ready for the big thing.
Sandy was in her apartment, getting ready and doing her makeup.
She looked at herself in the mirror. She looked healthy. She wore a low cut red dress. A dress she'd been dying to wear since she bought it. Dennis would never let Sandy wear it.
She could still feel his harsh voice, yelling at her from that day. It still cut her deep.
"Do you honestly think you could wear that?" Dennis would shout.
Sandy felt a tear creep down her face. She looked over at a pair of scissors, sitting there on the bathroom sink. She grabbed the scissors from the sink, walking towards her bedroom.
The scissors ran through the thin fabric of the red dress. Furiously cutting it up each piece by piece as tears streamed down her face.
Her makeup was completely ruined, and needed to be reapplied. She threw what used to be a dress away in the bin.
Sandy needed to change.
Pogo's Comedy Club wasn't far from Sandy's apartment building. She was pleasantly surprised that she didn't have to walk far in heels.
The neon lights of the club seemed welcoming enough. She had gotten there a few minutes early, surprisingly.
Sandy took a seat in the far back of the club as the comic in the front was finishing his stand up. The guy's jokes were mediocre at best. They were mostly about sex, and how women and men view sex differently.
It got a chuckle out of Sandy as she waited in anticipation for Arthur to perform.
The man thanked everyone before walking off the stage.
"Alright, so our next comic describes himself as a lifelong Gotham resident who from a young age was always told that his purpose in life was to bring laughter and joy into this cold dark world." The announcer said, taking a brief pause after overlooking the note card.
"Please welcome, Arthur Fleck."
And there he was. Arthur Fleck in all his glory.
Sandy's eyes lit up as he strutted across the stage. Her heart was racing. She stood up, clapping, seemingly a bit over excited to an extent.
Arthur felt the nervousness come over him rapidly. He felt stranded in the florescent lighting shining on him.
Soon, his laughter came over him. He covered his arm with his mouth, still laughing.
Sandy could see the anxiety Arthur was going through. The people in the club didn't have a clue what was going on.
Sandy flashed Arthur a kind smile. His laughter began to calm down.
Arthur continued on with his standup. After it was all over he walked back stage. He was greeted with a small kiss on the cheek from Sandy.
"I'm so proud of you, Artie." Sandy smiled, putting her arms around his neck. "You did fantastic."
"Thank you." Arthur whispered gently, kissing Sandy on top of her head.
"I'd say that we should celebrate." Sandy giggled.
"Yeah? What did you have in mind?" Arthur asked, putting on his old yellow hoodie.
"Coffee?" Sandy suggested.
"Coffee." Arthur nodded.
Arthur and Sandy sat in a small red booth in a local diner down the street from Pogo's.
"Stop me if you've heard this one." Arthur laughed, childishly whilst flipping through his journal. "Why did the man enjoy having insomnia?"
Sandy smiled, rolling her eyes slightly. "Why?"
"Because he didn't have to sleep with his wife." Arthur laughed, closing his journal shut.
Sandy let out an ugly snort, and started laughing more.
Arthur smiled, admiring Sandy's laughter. "You have a nice laugh."
Sandy rolled her eyes. "You're just saying that, Arthur."
"I'm serious. I love making you laugh." Arthur said, holding her hand above the table.
Sandy blushed, looking away from Arthur's emerald eyes. "Thank you."
Arthur led Sandy out of the diner, after paying for the two coffees.
The luminous lights shined against the wet puddles scattered across the pavement.
Arthur stopped in his path, looking at a poster, stapled onto a telephone post.
Killer Clown On The Loose
The picture on the poster showed a vicious depiction of a clown.
Arthur mimicked the face the clown was making.
"Can you believe that shit?" Sandy asked, raising an eyebrow at the poster. Her eyes drifted away from the poster.
Arthur turned to Sandy.
"You know, they were the real monsters. I believe whoever did it is a hero. He got what he fucking deserved." Sandy snapped.
Arthur looked at Sandy, concerned yet proud. He wanted to tell Sandy, but he didn't want to hurt her more than what Dennis had already done.
"I cut up a dress tonight." Sandy confessed.
"Why?" Arthur asked.
"It reminded me of Dennis." Sandy looked down, trying not to cry. She turned away from Arthur.
"Sandy, Dennis is gone. He can't hurt you anymore. You're free." Arthur pulled Sandy into a hug from behind.
In the reflection of a storefront window, Sandy saw the woman that was freed and inside the arms of a the man who truely loved her.
"You're right, Arthur." She whispered, gently. "But, I'm still haunted by pain and torment he gave me." Sandy turned around to face him.
"Sandy, I love you." Arthur said, kissing Sandy on her lips.
Sandy welcomed the kiss. She felt safe in the arms of Arthur. She couldn't remember the last time she really felt safe.
Her eyes were shut in the moment of complete bliss.
Arthur was truly her everything.
Taglist: @princessgeekface, @gloomyladyy, @memory-mortis, @joker-flecked-me, @jokerfleckk, @mama-mischief.
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elusive---ivory · 5 years ago
Y'all, I'm pretty bored, so I'm taking some asks
Flood my ask box with:
Suggestions for stories
Or just to talk
(Now that circus act has ended I need something to fill the void.)
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elusive---ivory · 5 years ago
Circus Act - 1
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This is a rewrite of a classic fanfiction I made back in November. I wanted to rewrite it because I've improved with my writing, and I wanted to change the story a bit.
WARNING: Domestic Abuse
Here's The Woman In Velvet Masterlist!
The woman stared at the building in front of her. The building looked old, and worn down. Big letters on the front of it said "Haha's".
She walked into the building, holding onto a vanilla folder.
Sandra Dolere was trying to find a break in this messed up city, known as Gotham. She had lots of experience with being a party clown, and it seemed to be the only job that was available, besides being a stripper.
She walked into what seemed to be the boss's office.
"Excuse me," Sandy said, "are you the owner of this place?"
A very mean looking man with a silver mustache looked up from his paperwork.
"Yeah, what's it to ya?" He grumbled.
"Oh, well. I saw your ad in the newspaper." Sandy smiled, nervously. It seemed like her anxiety was eating away at her. She felt nauseous from the smell mixed with sweat and paint thinner.
"Ah, I see. Well, have a seat, Ms." The man looked up at her, gesturing for her name.
"Sandy, Sandy Dolere. And you are?" Sandy pulled up a chair, and held her hand out her a handshake.
"Hoyt." The man shook her hand aggressive. Sandy winced from the grip on her hand.
Hoyt began reading through her portfolio, checking for things that seemed out of the ordinary.
"You're all set. You'll start Monday." Hoyt said, throwing Sandy's portfolio to the side.
Sandy sighed in relief. "Good, good."
"While you're at it, I'll introduce you to the guys." Hoyt led Sandy down the hall to the locker room. It didn't seem like a lot of women were in the party clown industry. The locker room smelled just as bad as Hoyt's office, maybe even worse.
"Good morning, fellas. I'd like to introduce you to Sandy, she'll be working with you starting Monday." Hoyt announced, getting everyone's attention, before walking back to his office.
" 'ello, lass. My name's Gary. That big guy right there is Randall, and the guy in the far back is Arthur." A small man with a British accent approached Sandy with a smile.
"It's very nice to meet you all." Sandy smiled back, trying to mask her nervousness.
"Yeah, welcome to the club, toots." Randall chuckled, sarcastically. Sandy didn't find him very amusing.
What Sandy found interesting was the man in the back lacing his shoes. He was without a shirt with some bruises on his back. Without a second thought, she walked over to him.
"Hey, you're Arthur, right?" She asked, sitting next to him on the wooden bench.
The man turned his head towards the woman. Sandy was stunned for a second by his eyes. They were gorgeous. She had never seen eyes like them.
The man nodded his head. "Yeah, I'm Arthur."
Sandy smiled, feeling her nerves crawl up her spine. "My name's Sandy. I'm pretty new here. If you want, maybe Monday, you can show me around."
"Yes, absolutely." Arthur smiled.
"Great, I'll see you then." Sandy waved to the the rest of the boys as she walked off.
Arthur's eyes followed Sandy as he saw her walk away. He had a helpless smile on his face.
Randall scoffed. "Day one, and Artie's already gotten the girl."
Arthur chuckled as well, still struggling to lace his shoe.
Back on Arthur's way home, he couldn't stop thinking about the new girl.
'Sandy, was it?' He thought. Arthur held a dreamy look on his face. He wanted to find out more about her.
Her hair looked soft. Her lips were plump and kissable. Her black framed glasses rested nicely on her face. Surely, everyone at Haha's were dying to have a piece of her. That very thought sickened Arthur.
Arthur slumped up to his worn down old apartment. Of course, who would ever want to be with him?
Arthur's thoughts growled at him. He opened his apartment door, promptly locking it up behind him.
"Happy," his mother called, "did you check the mail?"
"Yeah, ma. Nothing." Arthur called back.
He set his yellow jacket on the coat rack, and placed all his medication on the kitchen counter. Earlier, he had asked for his doctor's to increase his medication. It didn't seem to be working the way it should.
Arthur brought in a tray of TV dinner for his mom as she stared mindlessly at the television.
"Thomas Wayne gonna make a great mayor. Everyone says so." Arthur's mother said, matter of factly.
"Oh, yeah? Everyone who? Who do you talk to?" He smirked.
Arthur didn't have much time to spend with his mother. He was always working or always tired, but when the Murray Franklin show came one. That was their time as a family.
Arthur stared at the TV, imagining himself in the audience. Murray bringing Arthur to the side.
"You know, Arthur, I'd give up these lights, cameras, and studio, just to have a kid as kind as you." Murray would say.
"Thanks, Murray." Arthur would say, softly.
That one moment in his mind was enough to make any bad day disappear. Arthur smiled, barely paying any attention to the television.
Sandy didn't have the high life that she wanted. She had a narcissistic boyfriend, who would drag her out to random dates, then beat her, if she didn't do what he asked.
"What the fuck, Dennis? Do have no common decency?" Sandy yelled running in her heels.
"Those are some heavy words from the shit you just pulled." Dennis growled, hopping off the motorcycle.
"What do you mean? That I wouldn't suck your dick in a gas station bathroom? For a guy that's a Wayne employee, you're fucking trashy." Sandy sneered.
Dennis slapped Sandy hard across her face.
"Do I really need to remind you who you're talking to? It's Dennis Cullen, you filthy bitch. You have lot of nerve to speak to me like that. Looks like you need to be taught a lesson, Sandy." Dennis grabbed Sandy's hair and threw her into the apartment.
Sandy pleaded. "Dennis, please. I'm sorry. Don't do this. I can't do this."
Tears fell down her face. Her makeup began bleed off her face.
Dennis threw her face into the wall, giving her a busted lip and a black eye. Dennis spat in her face, before walking into the bedroom.
Sandy wept, silently. She made it over to the couch, just before passing out.
@gloomyladyy, @princessgeekface, @joker-flecked-me, @memory-mortis.
(If you'd like to be apart of my Taglist, please send an ask or message:) )
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elusive---ivory · 5 years ago
Circus Act - 11
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Y'ALL THIS TOOK SOOO LONG I APOLOGIZE!! Like I said this thing is crazy, I hope y'all enjoy.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11
Sandy drove Arthur up to his apartment. Arthur got out of her vehicle.
"Arthur, wait." Sandy called, stepping out of her car.
Arthur paused, turning his head.
"Could I stay with you? Just for tonight. I don't mean to be an inconvenience, but I just don't want to be alone." Sandy said. She looked stressed.
"Of course." Arthur said.
Arthur wanted Sandy around more. He had notice her unusual behavior, especially after she had told him about her medication.
Sandy had trouble sleeping in Arthur's apartment. Arthur had invited her to sleep in the bedroom with him, but she was too nervous of what he'd think of her night terrors.
Arthur couldn't sleep, mainly because his mind was yelling at him for things that were out of his control.
He embarrassed himself with that clip. He felt stupid. Sandy couldn't possibly still like him now. Insecurity filled his mind. It was unbearable.
Arthur walked out of the bedroom, hearing soft sobs from the living room.
Sandy was crying in her sleep. Soon, her cries turned into wailing. Arthur ran to her side, gently waking her up.
"Sandy." He whispered.
She woke up, distressed, holding onto Arthur.
Arthur kissed her forehead softly, leading her into his bedroom. He held her close throughout the night. Keeping Sandy close to him ms
Sandy felt safe as she laid with Arthur. She was able to slept with him snoring beside her.
She'd never felt this safe before. She couldn't possibly sleep with Dennis in the bed. Dennis would try to make advances on her, or pretend to be cuddly just to whisper mean and horrendous things to her.
Sandy woke up in Arthur's arms, staring at his angelic face. He looked so peaceful. His eyes fluttered open. Arthur smiled at Sandy kissing her lips gently.
Arthur still couldn't believe Sandy was in his arms. Even after the humiliation from last night didn't turn her away.
"Ugh, I just remembered something." Sandy groaned, breaking the kiss. Arthur pouted.
Sandy giggled. "I have to go to Thomas Wayne's Campaign gala tonight."
This peaked Arthur's interest. "I thought you hated Thomas Wayne?"
Sandy took one of Arthur's cigarettes from the bedside table, and lit it. "I do. I have to go for my cousin, Destiny."
Sandy took a long drag from the cigarette. It had been a while since she had one. She didn't have the mental capacity to really go to the store to buy cigarettes.
"Do you have to go?" Arthur asked, looking up at her with his green puppy dog eyes.
Sandy giggled. "Yes, I do. Or else, Des will guilt trip me for not going." Sandy handed her cigarette to Arthur.
Arthur was still concerned, but it seemed reasonable to go. He took a long drag from the cigarette, tasting Sandy's lips on the butt.
Sandy walked into the kitchen, seeing newspaper clippings tapped around the kitchen. She turned on the coffee pot, feeling a slight jump from Arthur, who was hugging her from behind.
"Thank you for letting me stay." Sandy said, hugging him back.
Arthur hummed, still holding her close.
Arthur clinged onto this moment for a while. It was so foreign to him that he even had Sandy in his arms. Arthur thought a lot about what he did during the subway murder. Half of him did feel guilty about it, but he couldn't feel guilty for Dennis.
It disgusted him, knowing that Dennis almost had a baby with Sandy.
Arthur couldn't feel sorry for the bastard, yet he pretended to feel pity for him. Pitiful that his girlfriend was so much happier with Arthur, then she ever was with him.
Sandy was his now. No one else. He was obsessed with that fact. After Sandy had left Arthur's apartment, she accidentally left her coat. It was smaller than Arthur, but he held onto it for a while.
It was like she was still there, holding him.
"Oh, Sandy." Arthur whispered. He needed to give her coat back, but she was at the gala.
'Thomas Wayne.' He thought. This was his chance.
The town hall was massive. Sandy couldn't believe her eyes.
"Sandy!" Des said, sipping on champagne. Her dress was long and flashy, along with that her perfume just smelled of money.
Des gave Sandy a light hug before eyeing her outfit.
"Your prom dress, huh? I wouldn't expect you to wear anything different." Des sneered.
Sandy rolled her eyes. She didn't come here to be insulted right off the back. "Where's Dee? You told me she'd be here."
"She's over there at the buffet table." Des scoffed, disappearing into the crowd.
Sandy struggled getting through the crowd. Her heart started racing as she pushed through all the rich people in the room.
Finally, Sandy met up Dee at the table.
"Talk about flashy, huh." Dee commented.
Sandy nodded. She hated crowds, especially crowds of hundreds of rich people who couldn't give two fucks about anyone, but themselves.
Des began to start the event by getting up on stage, and tapping on the microphone.
"I'd like to thank my cousin, Sandy, for coming. It's been so rough for her since her boyfriend, Dennis, died, but the good news is he doesn't have to look at her anymore." Des laughed, meanly.
Everyone laughed as well, except Dee.
Sandy should've expected this, but she went anyway. Her nerves were bouncing all over the place. How could a large hall feel so goddamn small?
"I think that we all agree that we're all going through a difficult time, but we're all here for Mr. Thomas Wayne, and we're here to support him as he starts his campaign for mayor. So everyone give it up for Thomas Wayne." Des got off the stage after she introduced Thomas Wayne.
Sandy could care less what Wayne was saying. It all was the same.
Throughout his speech, he'd mention the subway killings, giving Sandy the final straw.
She felt captive, suddenly. She felt like she couldn't breathe. Sandy pushed through the crowd, trying to escape the hall.
Sandy found herself in the nearest bathroom, hyperventilating as she was having an anxiety attack. Her makeup was ruined from the tears that feel down her face.
After a while of panicking and crying, Sandy finally composed herself. She had to retouch her makeup, so that Des didn't make fun of her more.
Sandy walked out of the bathroom, still feeling miserable. In corner of her eye, she saw a bell hopper that looked that Arthur, walk into the theater by himself.
Arthur snuck into the gala, wearing a clever bellhop disguise. He saw Sandy walking out of the bathroom. God, did she look like an angel. He needed to focus. He had to confront Thomas Wayne.
He walked into the theater. Playing on the screen was an old Charlie Chaplin movie that everyone really seemed to be enjoying.
Arthur laughed, not the painful laughter, but a genuine laugh. He laughed at Charlie's antics on screen.
This was a rare moment for Arthur. He was happy, and joyous.
He had noticed Thomas Wayne from across the aisle of the theater.
Arthur followed him to the bathroom. While he was in the bathroom, he undid his disguise.
It was just Arthur and Thomas in the bathroom.
"Can I help you, pal?" Thomas asked, while standing at a urinal.
Arthur paused for a second, nervousness overcome him.
"I don't know what to say." Arthur said, in disbelief.
Thomas flushed the urinal, and walked over to the line of sinks across from the urinals.
"Do you want an autograph or something?" Thomas seemed annoyed, and kind of dismissive of Arthur.
Arthur took a gulp, and gently said "no."
He walked up to Thomas, as nervous as he was. Arthur needed to know the truth.
"My name is Arthur," he said, "Penny Fleck is my mother."
Thomas stopped washing his hands. His expression changed from annoyed to a more concerned look.
"Jesus." Thomas said. "You're the guy that came to my house yesterday."
Then, his look turned annoyed again.
"I'm sorry I just showed up, but my mother told me everything. I had to talk to you." Arthur's voice cracked.
"Look, pal, I'm not your father." Thomas interrupted.
Then, Arthur stood there confused.
Thomas chuckled. "What's wrong with you?"
Arthur was still confused, and a little hurt that Thomas was denying the fact that he was his father.
"Look at us." Arthur whispered. "I think you are."
"Well, that's impossible because you're adopted, and I never slept with your mother." Thomas blatantly said.
Arthur was taken aback. He stuttered, nervously. "No, I wasn't adopted."
"Your mother adopted you while she was working for us." Wayne explained, but Arthur already heard enough.
"Why are you saying this?" This was news to Arthur.
Thomas was saying all these things that didn't even make sense to him. It was madness.
"I don't need you to tell me lies. I know it seems strange. I don't mean to make you uncomfortable I don't know why everyone is so rude. I don't know why you are. I don't want anything from you, maybe a little bit of warmth. Maybe just a hug, Dad." Arthur yelled, almost about to cry.
"She's crazy." Thomas said.
Arthur started laughing. His painful laugh.
"You think this is funny?" Thomas proceeded to punch Arthur in his face.
"Touch my son again. I'll fucking kill you." Those were Thomas Wayne's last words before he walked out of the bathroom.
Arthur's laugh turned into hiccups as he looked at himself in the mirror. He had a bloody nose
Sandy walked back into the hall. Des was already drunk out of her mind.
"Hey, I'm sorry about the introduction. It was dumb and I'm sorry." Des yelled, even though she didn't have to yell.
"Yeah, it's fine." Sandy muttered.
"But, yeah it's true though." Des slurred. "That's why he always came to me."
"What?" Sandy was confused.
"Yeah, Dennis started fucking me after you went to hospital because he didn't want your crazy." Des confessed. "I'm telling you now that he's dead, because I didn't want to hurt your feelings."
Sandy couldn't believe her ears. "Are you fucking serious? He fucked you while I was locked up on suicide watch."
"Yeah, but you understand right?" Des said.
"Oh, I understand." Sandy grabbed a wine bottle, breaking it on her head.
Sandy walked out of the hall, while Des was screaming with blood streaming down her head.
"What did you do, Sandy?" Dee demanded as she confronted her.
"I did what I had to do, Dee." Sandy mumbled, with a cigarette in her mouth.
"You didn't have to do that. Look, I understand that Des is a dick. She stirs up old drama all the time. Why is this any different?" Dee asked.
"It's different, because she slept with Dennis. I already knew Dennis never fucking loved me. He destroyed me, Dee. He destroyed me without a purpose." Sandy screamed at the top of her lungs.
"So what, Sandy? You need to fucking grow up. I have to take Des to the hospital." Dee ran into an ambulance, not before Des flipped Sandy off.
Sandy sighed as she lit the cigarette.
She looked over and saw Arthur sitting on the curb.
"Hey." Sandy said, walking up to him. "Let's get you home."
Taglist: @princessgeekface, @gloomyladyy, @joker-flecked-me, @jokerflecker, @memory-mortis, @mr--clown
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elusive---ivory · 5 years ago
Circus Act - Part 14
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Sorry for the long wait!! I've been caught up in school and haven't been overall feeling the best mentally. I appreciate all of your support!! Thank you for sticking with me!!
WARNING: Violence, and Sexual themes
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Sandy could put her finger on it. Her anxiety seemed to get taunt her repeatedly as she drove to the corner store to buy some supplies for Arthur.
A bottle of clover green hair dye, and some face paint. Sandy looked at the bottle for a little while. Arthur's bizarre motives seemed to worry her more and more.
She headed back to the apartment with a small brown paper bag in hand.
Arthur was on the couch, with his head tilted up. His chin was rested under a gun. He quickly hid the gun underneath the couch cushions, before Sandy could see.
Sandy walked into the living room, handing Arthur the small bottle of hair dye.
"It was the last bottle." Sandy said, handing the bottle to him.
Arthur raised an eyebrow, looking at the bottle of green liquid.
He appeared to have a strange glint in his eye like before. His green eyes studied the liquid as it swisher around in the bottle. Arthur seemed so fixated on it, like it was a magic potion.
"I'm gonna be on the Murray show." He said to himself. "Aren't you proud of me, Sandy?"
She nodded, smiling at him. "I'm so very proud of you, Arthur."
Arthur grinned, chuckling a bit. He already knew her answer.
That's Life by Frank Sinatra started blasting on the radio.
Arthur stared intently in the mirror as the hair dye poured down his face. Green dripped from his hair as he danced around the bathroom in his underwear.
Sandy was sitting on the edge of the bed with a cigarette between her lips.
Arthur walked back into the bedroom, picking Sandy up from the bed to dance with her.
She giggled as Arthur twirled her around. He nuzzled into the crook of her neck, softly kissing it while slow dancing with her.
Afterwards, Arthur sat at the vanity in the bedroom, carefully applying white face paint.
Sandy sat back on the bed, staring at Arthur through the vanity mirror, admiring his features.
She did have that feeling in the back of her head, nagging at her. She'd been meaning to ask him about the gun she found, but never brought it up.
'There's probably an innocent reason to have a gun. Maybe it's a prop.' Sandy thought.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door buzzer.
"Coming." Arthur shouted, getting up to answer the door.
Sandy notice Arthur grab something, and put it in his pants pocket. She followed him out of the bedroom, curious to who was at the door.
Arthur opened the door. Randall and Gary were standing outside the door with a wine bottle in hand. Arthur glared at Randall, but his expression changed as he was greeted by Gary.
"Hey, Arthur, how's it going?" Gary said, walking into the apartment.
"Oh, hi guys," Arthur said, "come on in."
Randall and Gary walked inside the apartment.
"Hey fellas." Sandy greeted them with a smile. She was slightly surprised to see them, but happy nonetheless.
"Sandy, I didn't know you were staying here." Randall chuckled. "Looks like you got the girl after all, huh, Art." He teased.
Arthur smirked over at Sandy, who made her way to the kitchen.
"So, did you and Sandy get a new gig?" Gary asked.
"No." Arthur said, shaking his head.
"Ah, you must be heading down to that rally at city hall." Randall smiled, nodding his head.
"Oh, is that today?" Arthur asked, looking kind of surprised.
"Yeah." Randall looked confused. "What's with the makeup, then?"
"My mom died." Arthur said, taking a brief drag from his cigarette. "I'm celebrating."
Sandy looked over at Arthur from the archway that connected the kitchen to the hallway. She couldn't help herself but stare at Arthur's stature. He looked so unbelievably dreamy with his body slanted against the hallway wall.
There was something so hypnotic and charismatic about him, probably why she fell for him in the first place. It almost made her forget her terrifying worry.
"Right, that's why we came by. We figured you needed some cheering up." Randall said, gesturing over at Gary, who was holding a wine bottle.
"That's sweet." Arthur smiled. "But, no, I feel good. I've stopped taking my medication, and Sandy's been taking care of me over the past week or so. I feel a lot better now."
"Well, good for you. I'm sure Ms. Cheekbones feels the same way." Randall said, looking over to Sandy in the kitchen.
Sandy glared at Randall. Cheekbones. God, she hated that stupid nickname. She definitely didn't miss that when she quitted.
"So, hey, listen. The cops have been asking around the shop, about those subway murders." Randall said, trying to get Arthur's attention.
"They didn't talk to me." Gary pointed out.
Randall turned to Gary, shrugging. "That's because the suspect was a regular sized person. If it was a fucking midget, you'd be in jail right now." Randall chuckled.
Arthur let out a high pitched disturbing cackle.
Sandy looked over at Arthur. Something just didn't seem right. She stayed in the kitchen, just to keep watch on Arthur.
"Anyway," Randall continued, "Hoyt said that they talked to you, and now they're looking for me. I just want to know what you said."
Sandy saw for a slight second Arthur take out a small piece of metal.
"-because I just want to make sure our stories line up, and seeing as your my boy." Randall continued speaking.
Arthur nodded his head. "Yes, that makes a lot of sense. Thank you, Randall. Thank you so much."
Sandy's eyes blinked for just a moment, then saw Arthur stab Randall in the eye with the small pair of scissors, he hid in his pocket.
"Arthur, STOP!" Gary cried.
Sandy's mouth laid there agape, as she dropped to her knees. At first, she was in shock. Warm tears fell down her face as she cried silently on the kitchen floor.
Gary began to cry louder and louder.
Arthur slammed Randall's head repeatedly into the wall.
Once Arthur was done, he threw Randall's lifeless corpse to the ground.
Gary hid in the corner, still crying from watching the horror that played in front of him.
"Do you watch the Murray Franklin show?" Arthur asked. The way he said it was so casual as if nothing at all horrendous just happened.
Gary just stood there shaking.
"I'm gonna be on tonight." Arthur smiled. Blood splattered along his painted white face. His eyes looked dark and hollow.
Gary was just confused at this point.
"Fuckin' crazy, innit? Me on the telly?" Arthur said, in a fake British accent. Then, he giggled. "It's okay, Gary. You can go."
Gary was still shaken, trying not to look at the dead body in front of him.
Arthur, of course, gave Gary a quick scare.
Gary screamed as he stumbled towards the door. He tried opening it, but the door was locked.
"Hey, Arthur?" Gary asked, shakily.
"Yeah?" He said, then he chuckled as if it was a silly thing to do. "Oh, sorry."
Gary left in a panic, rushing out the door, just before that, Arthur gave him a small his on the head, and thanked him altogether.
Next, there was the frightening Sandy that was laying on the kitchen floor.
"Sandy." Arthur said.
Sandy gently lifted herself up. Her eyes were still wet from crying. "I know." She said.
Arthur's blood stained hand cupped her cheek, wiping away any tears.
"You're not my Arthur." Sandy said, quietly.
"Not anymore." Arthur replied. "I don't think I could live without you."
Sandy lips began to twitch into a smile. Her smile turned into laughter. "Oh god. That's ironic."
"How so?" Arthur asked, still holding her close.
"Believe it or not. I was gonna kill myself that night. I had nothing going for me. I felt so alone. So trapped in a loveless relationship. Dennis never gave a shit about me, but you. I saw something in you. Something I didn't see in anything else." Sandy began to laugh more. "Because of you, I'm finally free. I'm free, Arthur." She shouted.
Arthur smiled, softly. That's all he needed. He cupped both of Sandy's cheeks and began kissing her, roughly, smudging her cheeks with Randall's blood.
Taglist: @princessgeekface, @memory-mortis, @gloomyladyy, @jokerflecker, @joker-flecked-me, @mr--clown
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elusive---ivory · 5 years ago
Circus Act - 16 (Finale)
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This is it, guys. Unfortunately this is the end of Circus Act. I've had a blast writing this guys, but don't worry that's not the end of Sandy and Arthur.
Thank you all for supporting me. I have more stories on the way. I'd like to shout out @gloomyladyy for helping me a lot on this as well as @princessgeekface. I love you both 💕💕 and you guys are amazing.
Ps. Please check out @gloomyladyy 's story The Eyes of A Clown.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
"Goodnight, and always remember. That's-"
Those were the last words heard before the Murray Franklin show went off the air.
Arthur sat in the back of the police car with his hands cuffed behind his back. He was smiling at the chaos and riots downtown.
He chuckled to himself, seeing the rioters yell and scream. 'If only Sandy could see me now.' He thought.
"Shut up, freak. This isn't funny." The cop scolded. "The whole fucking city is on fire because of what you did."
Arthur giggled to himself. "I know. Isn't it beautiful?"
An ambulance came speeding by, crashing into the police car.
Sandy saw the chaos from her apartment window. She began searching for her old clown costume, but could barely find anything that resembled it. She looked under her bed, finding a small trunk. Upon opening the battered up brown trunk was a black and red satin harlequin costume, with a woven diamond shaped pattern repeating on the fabric.
It spoke to her. She needed to wear it. Quickly, she threw it on, along with a little bit of makeup.
Sandy got in her car and drove downtown. Flames seemed to engulf the scene. Rioters were storming into buildings, breaking windows and creating overall chaos.
Suddenly, a thick smoke spread around Sandy car. She could barely see, and she was coughing profusely.
For a quick second, her eyes met with the eyes of a little boy standing in the road. Sandy quickly made a turn, crashing into a nearby store window.
The impact was strong, and her mask cracked. The little boy ran up to the car, bringing along two men beside him.
Sandy was dragged out of the driver's seat, and onto the pavement.
She opened her eyes to the little boy and clown men in front of her.
"Take me to the Joker." She said hoarsely, grabbing onto the shirt collar of the little boy. The little boy nodded. He appeared to have scars on his face, along with a little clown teddy hanging beside him.
The men and the little boy led Sandy to a crowd.
She looked up to see Arthur dancing on top of the hood of the police car. Her mouth was agape.
Arthur looked over and saw Sandy, standing right in front of him. He reached out his hand, lifting her up onto the hood of the car.
He nuzzled into her neck, whispering sweet nothings as the crowd cheered them on.
"Are proud of me?" Arthur asked, already knowing her answer.
Sandy scoffed. "Of course, Joker."
Arthur cupped Sandy's cheeks, and kissed her, passionately.
She gave in into the kiss, throwing her arms around him.
"You were the only one that ever noticed me. You were always so nice." Arthur ran his fingers through her hair. "My Sandy."
She smiled and nodded.
Arthur handed her a small velvet box. Inside was a small ring.
"Oh, Arthur." Sandy gasped. "Yes."
He held her tightly, with his chin rested on top of her head.
Everything was perfect.
The crowd began cheering them on, announcing them the King and Queen of Gotham.
The woman sat in the wide cell staring at wall.
"Tell me again where you got this ring, Ms. Dolere?" The doctor asked, writing something down on his clipboard.
"Arthur Fleck gave it to me. I've told you countless times, but you won't listen." The woman mumbled with a lit cigarette in her hand.
"Right, and you're engaged to him?" The doctor asked.
The woman seemed to be losing her patience. "Yes. We plan on getting married once we get out of here."
The doctor scoffed. "Well, that's not gonna happen for a long time. Now, we plan on keeping you two distant for a while."
The woman glared at the doctor. "Of course, but I can't say it'll work."
All the alarms in the building went off. She smirked, smoking her cigarette as the doctor ran out into the hall.
The woman walked out of her cell, dancing to the beat of her own drum.
At the end the hall, a man was also dancing along.
The two of them met up, while he had blood at the bottom of his shoes.
"I've been a puppet, a pirate, a pauper, a pawn and a king." He sang softly, as he twirled her around in handcuffs.
The two shared a kiss, before parting two different ways down the wall.
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Taglist: @memory-mortis, @princessgeekface, @jokerflecker, @mr--clown, @gloomyladyy, @driver-phoenix-writes
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elusive---ivory · 5 years ago
Circus Act - 12
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12
The party was a disaster. Sandy had been staying with Arthur for a few days.
His sleeping habits didn't really effect her own, because she was very much awake and on guard all the time.
Sandy was just wearing her nightgown, when she heard something rustling in the kitchen. She walked into the kitchen, confused and a little bit scared, but soon realized it was Arthur.
He had shoved himself into the refrigerator. Sandy opened the door to see Arthur staring blankly at her, whilst shivering from the cold.
"Arthur," Sandy whispered, "please come to bed."
Arthur just turned his head. His eyes were puffy from crying and laughing.
"Arthur, please. This is killing me." Sandy cried. She dropped to her knees, sobbing in front of Arthur.
He hated seeing her cry. He didn't want Sandy to cry anymore. He wanted her to laugh, and be happy. It was so hard for him to be happy, that he just wanted to make someone happy.
Arthur wrapped his cold arms around her shoulders, pulling himself from out of the refrigerator.
Sandy looked up with Arthur with puffy eyes. Arthur kissed her softly, still being aware that she was still emotionally distraught.
Sandy kissed back, feeling all fear, sadness, and frustration disappear. Arthur had his way on making Sandy feel good.
She felt his hands on her body as he led her into the bedroom.
Arthur was still sexually inexperienced. He studied Sandy as she removed her nightgown.
Arthur was still greatly enamored by her. There were still cuts and bruises all over her.
Sandy studied Arthur as he removed his briefs, and positioned himself in front of her. Arthur had bruises and cuts all over him too.
"Arthur." Sandy moaned.
Yes. He was in her. The feeling overwhelmed him as he pushed in and out of her.
The pleasure overwhelmed Sandy as well. Her cries and moans shook the apartment wall. She closed her eyes tightly, feeling the pleasure build up in her abdomen.
Arthur couldn't take it anymore. He was close.
Arthur closed his eyes tight, filling Sandy up with his warmth.
Sandy became flushed, and released all the tension she had building up, flowing in waves of pleasure.
After the rush ended, the two of them held each other close.
Sandy woke up to the phone ringing. She was tempted to just pull it off the wall. Her violent tendencies seem to be getting worse and worse.
Arthur got up, picking up the phone. "Who is this?" He answered.
"Hi, Mr. Fleck. My name is Shirley Woods. I'm the show booker from Live! With Murray Franklin. Is this Arthur?" The voice asked.
"Yes." He answered quietly.
Arthur talked an the phone for a good minute or so, before Sandy walked into the kitchen, surprising Arthur with a kiss.
"What was that about?" Sandy said, throwing her arms around Arthur's neck.
Arthur smirked, slightly as he hung up the phone. "Murray wants me on the show." He said in disbelief.
Sandy smiled wide. "That's incredible, Arthur."
Arthur nodded. He felt like he was dreaming the whole thing.
Sandy smiled, kissing him on the nose.
"You're gonna knock them dead, Arthur. You're the funniest guy in Gotham." She giggled.
Sandy drove to a small playground. She had dropped Arthur off at Arkham State Hospital to recover his mother's files. Sandy didn't want to go in with him, because Arkham was still fresh in her brain. She promised Arthur that she'd pick him up.
Sandy sat on a bench, watching the children play.
A young boy who looked all beaten and battered up was crying by the swing set.
Sandy walked up to the poor boy. "Hey, why are you crying?" She asked.
The boy looked up at her. He seemed to have darling green eyes, almost like Arthur's.
"I'm not crying," the boy fibbed, "I'm laughing."
Sandy could see that he was lying. "It's ok." She whispered.
The boy stopped crying. He was holding a little clown doll, which had a missing eye.
"What's your name, dear?" Sandy asked, kneeling to the boy's level.
"Jack." The boy answered.
"That's a nice name." Sandy said, smiling.
A drunken man stumbled up to the two of them and began yelling at the boy. "You bastard!! When will you ever learn? Come on, boy."
The boy winced as he was grabbed by the man.
"Sir, where are you going with that boy? He obviously doesn't want to go with you." Sandy confronted the man.
Another lady got in the confrontation. "Is there a problem here?"
"Yeah, this bitch right here won't let me take my son home." The man jabbed a finger in her chest.
"Well, your son was just over there crying his eyes out." Sandy yelled.
The little boy was still wincing at his arm.
"See, he's obviously in pain." She said, pointing at the boy.
The lady next Sandy tapped on her shoulder. "I think you should go get your own kid, and leave."
Sandy was left speechless. She began to say something, but it just wouldn't come out.
"I don't have a kid." She said, finally.
Sandy so desperately wanted a child. Scenes from the day she lost her child came back to her.
She remembered being in the bathroom, coughing up blood. She remembered Dennis pounding on the door, yelling at her. She remembered breaking the news to her family that she lost it.
That's when Dennis laughed.
He laughed at her pain.
Then, Des pretended to care, just so she could get fucked by Dennis.
Sandy couldn't forget it.
"Excuse me? Excuse me, miss? If you don't have a child, why are you at a children's park?" The lady yelled, trying to get Sandy's attention.
Sandy didn't say anything, without a second thought, she lunged at the guy.
Her mind when blank. Her hands became bloodied. Sandy would've killed him if it wasn't for the lady pulling her off him.
It began raining. Sandy drove up to Arthur's apartment, wet and bloody.
Arthur walked back home, soaking wet. He felt abandoned, and helpless. Sandy didn't pick him up.
She walked into his apartment, taking off her coat.
Arthur didn't acknowledge her presence. Sandy lit a cigarette and sat on the couch with him.
He didn't notice the dried blood on her pants.
"Why didn't you come pick me up?" Arthur asked.
"I couldn't." Sandy said.
"It was all true. What Thomas said." Arthur handed Sandy the files he stole from the hospital.
Sandy looked through the files. As she looked through them, tears began to fall from her cheeks.
Soon she began to laugh, uncontrollably. This wasn't the laugh Arthur loved to hear. This laugh was hurtful.
"I'm so sorry, Arthur." Sandy cried. "I've given up being happy. Maybe if I just try laughing, it'll work."
Sandy began to laugh into Arthur's shoulder, which had trigger him into laughing as well.
Taglist: @princessgeekface, @memory-mortis, @gloomyladyy, @mama-mischief, @jokerflecker, @joker-flecked-me, @mr--clown.
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elusive---ivory · 5 years ago
Circus Act - 10
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Woop woop, that's the sound of an update. This isn't as eventful as I expected it to be, but the next chapter will be long and crazy. That will possibly be out tomorrow. Thank you for being patient. Another thing is i do have a Taglist that's open to all. Just message me or send me an ask!! Enjoy!!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
Sandy drove up to the hospital, shaking profusely in her car. Her anxiety seemed to really have a grasp on her as she made it up to the hospital.
She saw the exact same detectives from before, interrogating Arthur.
Arthur sat outside smoking a cigarette. He seemed emotionally drained and tired from the stress of the evening.
"Mr. Fleck." Detective Garrity said, walking up to him. "Sorry to bother you, but I'm Detective Garrity, and this is my partner Detective Burke."
This was the last thing Arthur needed. Two detectives nosing around in his business.
"We had a few questions for you, but you weren't home. So we spoke with your mother." Garrity said.
"What did you say to her? Did you do this?" Arthur asked, slightly defensive.
"No, no. We just asked her a few questions, then she started acting all hysterical." Burke commented.
"Yeah, the doctors said she had a stroke." Arthur snapped.
"We're sorry to hear about that." Garrity said, disregarding what he said. "But, like I said. I still have some questions for you."
Arthur rolled his eyes, sighing.
"They're about the subway killings that happened last week. You've heard about them, right?" Garrity asked.
Arthur nodded. "Yeah. They're horrible."
"Right. Well, we spoke with your boss over at Haha's. He said you were fired for bringing a gun into the children's hospital." Garrity commented.
"It was a prop. It's part of act. I'm a party clown." Arthur took a drag of his cigarette.
"Alright, so why were you fired?" Burke asked, raising an eyebrow.
"They said I wasn't funny enough. Can you imagine that?" Arthur said, getting off the bench and finishing his cigarette. "Now, if you don't mind, I have to go take care of my mother."
"Right, but I've got one more question. Dennis Cullen. Do you recognize that name?" Burke asked.
Arthur shook his head, walking up towards the hospital doors. "No. I don't."
"Yeah? What about Sandra Dolere? Your boss said she was a coworker of yours." Burke asked. Arthur turned his head and glared.
"Yeah, she's my girlfriend." Arthur said, confidently.
The detectives looked at each other, curiously.
"And what about this condition? Is this real or just a clown thing?" Burke asked, one more time.
"A clown thing?" Arthur scoffed. "What do you think?" He put out his cigarette, just before running into the automatic doors of the hospital.
Sandy got out of her car, walking up towards Arthur.
"Hey." She smiled at him. Her anxiety died down a little bit as she finally met with Arthur.
"Hey, Sandy." Arthur smiled back, pulling her into a hug. He felt the annoyance of the two detectives wash away.
Sandy and Arthur sat in the hospital room of Arthur's mother. It was quiet in the room, other than the loud television playing above them.
Sandy rested her head on Arthur's shoulder. She couldn't really pin it, but she felt safe around him. Her anxiety wasn't bothering her that much. Her focus was on Arthur.
"You didn't deserve to be treated like that." Sandy said, finally. "I saw it from the parking lot. They were so fucking rude."
Arthur scoffed a little, paying no mind to it.
He appreciated Sandy's company. Arthur couldn't be more grateful with her driving up her like this. She was an angel.
Silence fell in the room as he heard Sandy snore softly on his shoulder.
'She must've had a rough day.' Arthur thought to himself.
Prior to all this, Arthur went out to Wayne manor to confront Thomas Wayne. His butler yelled at him, pushed him around.
It was bad enough that he was in competition with another kid.
Bruce Wayne. That little boy. He seemed sweet, playing around in his custom playground, protected from the outside world.
Arthur's thought were interrupted by the familiar tune of the Murray Franklin show.
A smile appeared on his face, looking up at the television. Sandy woke up from her little dream haze, but she was happy seeing Arthur excited.
Laughter struck the television as Murray was giving his opening monologues.
"So, other night I was telling my youngest son, Billy, you know the not so bright one." Murray said.
The audience laughed.
Sandy smiled, sleepily looking at Arthur.
"I told him the garbage strike is still going on, Billy. And he's says this, and I'm not kidding, he says well where are we gonna get our garbage from." The audience roared with laughter.
Arthur smiled, chuckling at the joke while holding his mother's hand.
"And in a world where every can do my job. Here's a tape from Pogo's comedy club, right here in Gotham. Here's a guy that thinks that if you just keep on laughing, people will think you're funny." The clip began to play.
Only it was a clip from Arthur's stand up. He got from his chair, his eyes glued to the television, whispering a small "oh no".
Sandy got up too, feeling just as shocked as Arthur.
"I always hated school as a kid. But my mother said, you should enjoy it, someday you're gonna have to work for a living. No, I'm not, ma. I'm gonna be a comedian."
He started to laugh, feeling gitty. Arthur hugged Sandy tightly.
She shared Arthur's excitement by squeezing his arm, gently.
Murray chuckled. "You should've listened to your mother."
Arthur's smile slowly faded, looking confused.
Sandy gulped. Her anxiety crept up, still holding onto Arthur's arm, but the pleasant feeling from before faded.
"Let's see one more. Love this guy." Murray proceeded to play another clip.
"It's funny, because when I was a little boy and told people I was gonna be a comedian. Everyone laughed at me. Well, no one's laughing now." The clip finished playing.
"You can say that again, pal." Murray said, and the audience ate it up.
Arthur scowled at the television. His idle, his hero laughed at him.
Sandy sighed, shaking her head. Murray was such a goddamn asshole.
Arthur turned his head to face her. "Can you drive me home? I don't think I want to be here anymore."
Sandy nodded, picking up her coat. "Sure."
Taglist: @princessgeekface, @gloomyladyy, @memory-mortis, @jokerflecker, @joker-flecked-me, @mama-mischief, @mr--clown
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elusive---ivory · 5 years ago
Circus Act - 13
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Woop woop, update time. It's getting real
WARNING: Violence
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13
Arthur sat on the couch in his underwear. His laughter began to grow louder and louder. He held close to him, trying to muffle himself in her neck.
Neighbors began beating at walls, telling him to shut up.
Sandy glared at the ceiling. They couldn't tell what pain he was in. Arthur laughter began to subside into hiccups, as he was still holding onto Sandy's soft skin.
His hands keep touching her, as if he still wasn't sure she was real. Arthur wasn't sure if anything was real anymore.
Sandy ran her fingers through Arthur's hair.
She calmly whispered, "I love you," then kissed his forehead, gently.
Arthur couldn't understand why such a beautiful being could ever be with him, yet he felt at peace with Sandy. She was his sanctuary.
Arthur finally fell asleep in her arms, listening intently to her breathing, like if it was the melody of his favorite song.
He felt so vulnerable and so helpless. Arthur then realized, he didn't need his mother anymore.
All he needed was Sandy.
The next day, Arthur sat in the hospital room with his mother next to him. The only sound in the room was Penny's heart rate monitor.
"Hey Penny." He said, with a lit cigarette in his hand. "Penny Fleck." His words were laced with such disdain and coldness as his mother laid in the hospital bed next to him.
"I always hated that name." Arthur said as he took a drag of his cigarette. "You used to tell me that my laugh was a condition that there was something wrong with me. There isn't."
"That's the real me." Arthur was right. Everything was him. Dennis was killed by him. The other two guys as well, and there was no exact motivation. He just did it. Sure, Sandy did have something to do with it, but she wasn't the reason he did it.
Penny began to deny his claims with a small and weak, "Nuh-uh, Happy."
"Happy." He mocked. "I haven't been happy one minute of my entire fucking life."
"But, you know what's funny. What really makes me laugh?" Arthur said, putting out his cigarette.
Penny's heart rate monitor began beeping faster.
"I used to think my life was a tragedy," he said, pulling the pillow from behind her head. "But now I realize, it's a fucking comedy."
Arthur covered Penny's face with the pillow, pressing down on it hard. He keep pushing down on the pillow, until the heart monitor went completely flat.
Doctors came rushing into the hospital room, officially pronouncing Penny Fleck dead.
Sandy began to clean up around the apartment. As she was cleaning up, she began to find newspaper clippings and strange masks all around the apartment. Arthur seemed really obsessed with this movement, and ask her constantly what she thought about it.
Sandy thought the movement was something that gave people hope. It was moving to her. If it wasn't for her distaste of crowds, she'd be out there protesting.
This sort of thing wasn't uncommon to her. What was strange was, as she was cleaning the kitchen, Sandy found a gun. It still had a quite a few bullets left in the chamber. Sandy studied the gun, getting a sick feeling build up in her stomach.
It appeared to have been used several times.
"Sandy." Arthur called, opening the door.
She panicked, placing the gun in the drawer.
Just as Sandy was about to greet Arthur, her lips were attacked by Arthur's. Sandy's eyes grew wide, as this was uncharacteristic of Arthur. She soon melted into the sloppy kiss, throwing her hands around his neck.
"Did you miss me?" Arthur asked, breaking the kiss. He had a sort of weird glimmer in his eye when he asked.
Sandy noticed Arthur's strange behavior. "Yes, of course." She nodded.
"Good, good." Arthur smiled. "I got you something."
"What is it?" Sandy asked, excited.
Arthur handed Sandy a brown paper bag, with a little note inside.
It was a red and black striped dress, along with a short black blazer.
"Arthur, it's gorgeous." Sandy said, in admiration. It was made of velvet and silk, giving it a soft and smooth texture.
"Yes, I bought just for you to wear tomorrow at my mother's funeral." Arthur said, gladly.
Sandy's mood changed dramatically. "What? Your mother is dead?"
"Yeah, isn't it great? It'll just be me and you." Arthur hugged Sandy tight while she was still in shock.
"Arthur, I don't know. I didn't really know your mother that well." She said, reluctantly.
"It would really mean a lot to me if you'd come." Arthur gave Sandy a big eyed puppy dog look. Almost like he knew what he was doing.
Sandy, still completely baffled by his behavior, said "Sure."
The rain began pouring down on Sandy and Arthur's umbrellas as they looked down at the tombstone in front of them. Sandy wore the dress Arthur had bought her, while he had on a red suit with a matching striped tie.
Sandy looked over at Arthur, who stared intently at it, smoking a cigarette.
The entire time was awkward and quiet, other than a few comments about Sandy's dress.
"Did you have anything you wanted say to your mother?" Sandy asked.
"I think I said enough." Arthur said, putting out his cigarette.
The rain began to stop, as Sandy and Arthur began walking out of the graveyard.
Sandy looked at the graveyard. Something didn't feel right.
She stayed by Arthur as they walked back to the car.
Sandy couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was gonna happen. She was shaking as she turned on the car cigarette lighter.
"Is there something wrong, dear?" Arthur asked.
But, Sandy didn't answer. She seemed more focused on her cigarette lighter.
She felt slightly more calm after her lit her cigarette, and drove back to Arthur's apartment.
Taglist: @princessgeekface, @jokerflecker, @gloomyladyy, @joker-flecked-me, @mr--clown, @memory-mortis, @mama-mischief
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elusive---ivory · 5 years ago
Circus Act - 2
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Woop woop, part 2. I've been extremely exhausted but here we are.
Part 1
Part 2
Ps: Shout out to my girl, @gloomyladyy for drawing Sandy for me. She looks stunning 💕💕
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Soon, it was Monday. Arthur had spent most of the weekend, hanging out with his mother, and writing subtle notes in his journal.
As Arthur got to work, he was greeted with those kind eyes he met last Thursday.
Sandy was setting up her locker, which just so happened to be right next to Arthur's.
"Hey Art, how are you?" Sandy greeted Arthur with a smile. She seemed to have lots of makeup on, and judging by her right eyelid, it was to hide something.
Arthur smiled back, opening his locker. "Good morning, Sandy."
"Morning, Artie. Ms. Cheekbones." Randall walked into the room, making an annoying appearance.
Sandy ignored Randall, pushing past him before walking into a changing room of some sort.
Randall scoffed. "What's her deal?"
Arthur shrugged.
Randall walked over to Arthur, opening up his locker.
"I heard about the other day. Kids are fucking savages." Randall commented.
Arthur sighed, fidgeting with his shoes. "They were just kids. Just leave it be."
"That kind of thinking, they'll just walk all over ya." Randall handed Arthur a brown paper bag.
"What is it?" Arthur asked, opening the bag.
Inside the bag was a gun and about 19 bullets.
Arthur scoffed, thinking it was some sort of prank. When he looked up at Randall, he could see that he was serious.
"Randall, I'm not supposed to have a gun." Arthur hushed, gritting his teeth.
"Relax, Art. You can pay me back. You're my boy. Besides chicks love guns." Randall walked away, pointing at the changing room.
Arthur hid the gun in his bag, and went back to lacing his enormous clown shoes, and promptly placing the shoes directly on his feet. Afterward, Arthur sat at the vanity, painting his face, putting on the mask of his clown persona, Carnival.
Sandy walked out of the changing room, decked in clown gear. Her dress seemed to consist of a red, white, and black color scheme, topped with a silly little hat on her black hair. The makeup she had on seemed to go with her own scheme.
Arthur's jaw laid slightly adjacent as he locked eyes on Sandy's outfit. He was barely finished with his makeup, and she was already dressed.
Sandy walked over to the vanity. "I love your makeup, Arthur. The shades of blue really contrasts with the red."
Arthur blinked for a second. "Thank you. I like your makeup, too."
Those emerald eyes hit her again. Despite feeling anxious from being around all sorts if guys, Sandy felt some comfort around Arthur. He was charming and during. Almost like Dennis, when she first met him. She smile faded.
Sandy cleared her throat. "Anyway, Hoyt wanted to tell you that you should come with me to that old folks home. He says that you could show me the ropes."
Arthur nodded. "Yeah. I could do that."
The old folks home was just down a few blocks from the studio.
"Good afternoon, elders. We have some exciting company today. Meet Ms. Cello, and Carnival." The director of the home introduced Sandy and Arthur, as they got into place.
Sandy got into center. She walked over to what looked to be a very old looking gramophone, and placed a record. The record played Somewhere Over The Rainbow from the Wizard of Oz. The old people in the lounge room seemed to smile as Sandy began to dance around them. She did magic tricks, and pulled a handkerchief out of her tiny hat.
Arthur stood in the back, amazed. Sandy was fantastic, wowing the crowd with her tricks. Arthur couldn't compete with that. When it was his turn, Arthur froze up.
He felt a repressed laugh crawled up in the back of his throat. Suddenly, the laughter erupted from Arthur.
The elderly didn't seem amused. Some of the elders were confused or concerned about the man laughing in front of them.
Sandy was also concerned. She had never heard this kind of laughter come from Arthur before. Sandy grabbed Arthur to the side.
Arthur was hunched over, trying to repress his laughter with his hand.
"Arthur? Are you ok?" Sandy asked, placing a hand on his head.
Arthur looked away from her. He was already embarrassed enough.
"Arthur, it's ok. What's wrong?" Sandy tried comforting Arthur, but the home director had kicked them out.
Afterwards, Arthur's laughter subsided and seemed to be more calm. The walk back to Haha's was quiet.
"I have a condition." Arthur broke the silence after a while.
Sandy looked over at him. "Oh, what kind of condition?"
"It's called the pseudobulbar affect. I was diagnosed with it when I was young." Arthur sighed, looking at the ground.
"That's some heavy stuff, Arthur." Sandy walked back over to Arthur.
"You probably don't want to be around me anymore." Arthur's thick eyebrows furrowed. He looked up at Sandy like a hurt puppy.
"Are you joking? Of course, I want to be around you. You're the only guy I can actually talk to." Sandy smiled.
Arthur's face lit up. He seemed surprised at her answer. Arthur was so used to rejection, and Sandy didn't seem to mind him at all. It was such a relief to meet someone kind and considerate.
"Hey, how about, after work, I treat you to a drink or something?" Sandy asked.
Arthur nodded. "Yeah, that would be great."
His usual coworkers never invited him to anything. He was always casted out of their social group. Even with people like Randall and Gary, he felt invisible. It wasn't until Sandy came that someone actually saw him.
Sandy smiled, grabbing onto his arm. "Well, then come on, silly."
An old joint called Martha's was a place where Sandy's cousin, Deliah, worked. Sandy would go every Monday to get discounted drinks from her cousin.
"Sandy!" Dee exclaimed, giving her a tight hug. "Ooh, and who's this?"
Sandy laughed at Dee's suggestive comment. It was nice seeing her out of rehab. Dee had a long history with ketamine. Sandy was proud to see her every Monday working to better herself.
"This is Arthur. My coworker. Arthur, this is my cousin, Dee." Sandy said.
Arthur hesitantly shook Dee's hand.
Arthur looked around at all the people in the bar. Everyone in the bar made him incredibly nervous. He clinged onto Sandy's arm as they walked over towards a booth.
"So, how long have you been working for Hoyt?" Sandy asked, sitting next to Arthur on the velvet booth.
Arthur thought for a second. "A few months. My social worker recommended me the job."
"That's good. You know, my boyfriend tried to convince me not to get the job. He said 'think about how it'd look on him.'" Sandy sneered.
Arthur raised his eyebrow. "Boyfriend? You've never mentioned him before."
"There's a reason for that. He's a dick." Sandy rolled her eyes thinking about Dennis.
Arthur looked down at his drink, barely even taking a sip.
Sandy opened up a pack of cigarettes, and placed one to her lips.
Arthur studied the cigarette pressed against her lips. How she inhaled the smoke, and then letting it out in the air. Sandy seemed peaceful and content. Arthur noticed in the strobe lights of the bar that Sandy had a nasty bruise on her face. From her cheek, all the way up to her eyelid.
Sandy felt Arthur staring at her.
"What happened to your face?" Arthur asked.
Sandy gulped. "I ran into a door." She lied.
Arthur glared. He didn't like liars. Just before Arthur said anything else. Dee walked up to the booth with Dennis.
"Sandy, I'm so sorry. I tried to stop him. I told him that you weren't here." Dee apologized, profusely.
"It's fine, Dee." Sandy distinguished her cigarette, throwing it on the ground. "I have to go, Arthur. I'll see you at work tomorrow."
Arthur could tell that she didn't want to leave. Dennis walked up to the booth, grabbing Sandy's arm.
"Go wait in the car, kitten." Dennis growled.
Sandy nodded, turning her head away from Arthur.
"Listen here, buddy. If I ever see you hanging around my girlfriend, again. I'll fucking kill you." Dennis grabbed Arthur by the shirt and threw him on the table. "Understand?"
Arthur nodded. As Dennis walked off, Arthur had the urge to grab the gun from out of his bag.
'She deserves better.' Arthur thought. 'Who does he think he is?'
Taglist: @gloomyladyy @memory-mortis @jokerflecker @joker-flecked-me @princessgeekface
(If you'd like to be tagged, message me/send an ask!! I'm always happy to add people)
The Woman In Velvet Series
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elusive---ivory · 5 years ago
Circus Act - 6
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Sandy woke up the next morning. Her bed was empty, but there was a note left on the bedside table.
Deer Sandy,
I haf gone out to work. I wiil b bac soon.
I love you,
Arthur ت
Sandy smiled at the note. Arthur couldn't spell to save his own life, but Sandy found that endearing.
She couldn't help, but wonder where Dennis went off to. It seemed like he just disappeared overnight.
Not that Sandy really cared anymore. As she turned on the television, all her questions were answered.
"In other news, 3 men were killed last night on a subway. They appeared to be heading home, when a man in a clown mask snuck up behind them, and shot them several times. The men identified in the murder were Ryan Travis Williams, Johnathan Richard Wright jr., and Dennis James Cullen. Our hearts go out to the families of these men."
Sandy's eyes widened. Tears were sweeping down her face, but why?
Why was she crying over this monster?
Her face seemed to twitch into a smile. She cried out of the pure joy that he was dead. Her tears disappeared as she showered away the pain and sorrow that Dennis indulged on her.
Arthur arrived at Haha's, cleaning out his locker. The others in the background were discussing the events that happened last night.
"I heard it was a clown mask." One of them said.
"Hey, Arthur. I'm sorry that the boss threw the book at ya, mate." Gary said, walking up to Arthur.
Arthur shrugged, cleaning out his locker.
"Did you really bring a gun to a children's hospital, Artie? What the fuck is wrong with you?" A clown grumbled.
"Where the hell did you did a gun from?" Another clown asked.
Arthur smirked. "Why didn't you ask Randall? I still owe you for that, don't I?" He chuckled, pointing at Randall.
"What? Stop talking out of your ass, Art." Randall growled.
Arthur rolled his eyes, honking a horn. "Oh no, I forgot to punch out." He laughed, punching the clock in box over and over until it fell down off the wall.
Sandy stood outside, smoking a cigarette. Evening had come by so quickly, Sandy didn't even notice. She smiled, watching the sunset from her balcony.
"Did you hear about Dennis? God, it's awful." Dee said, over the phone.
"Believe it or not, Dee. I'm actually glad. This is exactly what I wanted." Sandy had a big smile on her face.
"That's a bit harsh, even for you, Sandy." Dee said, surprised.
"Dee, I feel young again." Sandy sighed, dreamily. "Dennis was such a burden on me. I can't go back to that."
"Well, I'm happy for you. Not to ruin your mood or anything, but Des is coming to town." Dee gulped.
Destiny was Dee's twin sister. She had an ego as well as a very pretentious attitude. Sandy's uncle, Charles, was a rich man that fueled the girl's behavior. Des was very smart, but never put her smarts to good use.
Des was always jealous of Sandy, because she was with Dennis, despite knowing about Dennis, and how much of a monster he really was.
Sandy facepalmed over the telephone. "Ugh. Why?" She groaned.
"Well, she's been saying that California's been boring, and she's been missing home. Who knows? Maybe she's changed." Dee shrugged.
"Yeah right." Sandy scoffed. "I gotta go, Dee. I'll call you later." Afterwards she hung up.
Sandy turned on the television again.
"Tonight, we're giving an exclusive interview with Thomas Wayne about the subway murders that happened just last week."
"Now, Mr Wayne, I know that it's a difficult time for you, and we thank you for being here with us tonight."
Sandy crossed her arms. Thomas Wayne was one of those men that were very scummy deep down. Sandy had met him once or twice at a company party. It wasn't until Dennis made top salesman that he was even invited to those parties.
"Well, I didn't know them, personally, but like all Wayne employees, past and present, they're family."
Sandy rolled her eyes as Thomas Wayne spoke on the television. She knew damn well that Thomas didn't care about his employees. Sandy's darkest moments were caused by Dennis not getting a promotion or just a rough day at work. Sandy deeply despised the man.
"It seems that our less fortunate residents are taking the side of the killer."
"Yes, and it's a shame. It's one of the reasons why I'm considering running for mayor. Gotham has lost its way."
"And what about the eye witness account, saying that the killer wore a clown mask of some kind."
"Well, it makes total sense. What kind of coward would do something so cold blooded? Someone who hides behind a mask. Someone who is envious of those more fortunate than themselves, yet they're too scared to show they're own face. Until those kind of people change for the better, those of us who've made something of our lives, will always look at those who haven't as nothing but clowns."
Sandy could feel her anger boiling through her skin. She could feel herself unraveling, and become violent. Her fist bled as she slammed it into the television. Shattered glass scattered the living room. Shattered glass that she had to clean up.
Taglist: @princessgeekface, @memory-mortis, @joker-flecked-me, @jokerflecker, @gloomyladyy
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elusive---ivory · 5 years ago
Circus Act - 5
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Dennis had left with his friends. A few hours prior, Sandy and Dennis were in a huge fight. That had been the breaking point for Sandy. They had been fighting for five years. It was a loveless relationship.
"You're nothing without me, Sandy." Dennis yelled. "No one will take your shit like I do."
"I don't care anymore, Dennis. You've used me for the last time. You've broken me." Sandy cried.
She locked herself in the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror. Her lip was busted and bruised. Her nose was bleeding. Her eye was swollen, and she had a bruise from her cheek to her ear.
And, just like that, Dennis left.
Sandy didn't recognize herself anymore. She didn't recognize the person she saw in the mirror. The nightgown she was wearing was a present she had bought herself, that hit just below her knees.
Her tears dried on her face. She forgotten how long she'd been crying. She felt empty. She looked over to a pill bottle with a loose cap. She opened the cap, and poured the pills in her hand. Sandy closed her hand, holding the pills, about to pour the pills in mouth.
She stopped as she heard a knock at her door. Sandy placed the pills back in the bottle, as she rushed to the door.
To her surprise, as she opened the door, it was Arthur. He was wearing his clown makeup, and his nose was bloody.
"Arthur? What are you doing here?" Sandy asked.
Arthur studied her face. He gently placed a hand on her bruised cheek. Sandy closed her eyes as Arthur's cold hand soothed her heated face.
He leaned in, kissing Sandy's lips gently. Sandy stood there in shock, but soon leaned into the kiss, leading Arthur into the apartment.
Sandy closed the door, as Arthur started kissing her neck.
The silence between them spoke volumes. Sandy completely forgot about Dennis. Arthur was all that she focused on.
Arthur smirked. Sandy noticed something festering down in Arthur. He seemed more smug, more confident. He seemed to ignore all her warnings.
"I love you, Sandy." He whispered into her ear. He whispered 'I love you' like it was a mantra.
Sandy melted into the touch, his makeup smeared all over her body.
Arthur fiddled with the straps of Sandy's nightgown, slowly taking them off. Arthur tossed her gown to the floor. He had never been this intimate with a woman before. Sandy sat there on the couch, fully nude.
Arthur took off his pants, unbuttoning his shirt, and crawling on top of Sandy.
Sandy moaned as Arthur positioned himself into her.
Arthur's thrusts went in slowly at first. He was fairly new to this all. It was hard to believe that this was real to him.
Arthur grunted, getting close to his edge. Sandy placed a hand on Arthur's chest.
"Thank you." She whispered as she shut her eyes tight from the warm feeling inside her.
Arthur came, falling on top her chest, exhausted from the impact of his orgasm.
He fell asleep on Sandy's chest, feeling her breath fluctuate while she drifted to sleep.
Taglist: @princessgeekface, @memory-mortis, @joker-flecked-me, @gloomyladyy, @jokerflecker
19 notes · View notes
elusive---ivory · 5 years ago
Circus Act - 4
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Yeehaw, I'm sick af.
WARNING: Violence
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Arthur arrived at Haha's feeling more chipper than usual. His mood was soon to shift, when he saw Sandy cleaning out her locker.
"What's going on, Sandy?" Arthur asked, stopping her before the exit.
Sandy placed down the box she was carrying, and looked at Arthur with sad eyes. "I'm sorry, Arthur, but I'm quitting. It's Dennis." She sighed.
Arthur stood there as Sandy walked out the door. He felt helpless. He grew angrier the more he thought about it.
"Good for her. Ya know, you didn't really have a chance." Randall mocked.
Arthur glared out the window. Dennis did not deserve her. Sandy deserved a real man, then some bastard that treated her like shit.
God, how he wished he was that man. The man to take care of her.
Iif itt was MY choise I wood b wif Sandy. And DENNIS wood b dead, bleeding on the siddwalk.
He wrote in his journal. Arthur took more time writing then actually getting ready. He almost ended up late to his gig. Arthur made sure to bring his gun with him in case of emergency. After all that's what the gun was for. He hid it discreetly in his waist.
Arthur and his clown persona, Carnival, loved to entertain the kids at the hospital. With all the cheering and clapping, Arthur was able to forget about Sandy momentarily.
He was too busy having fun and stomping around, he also forgot about his gun.
Arthur stomped to hard, and got too lost in the moment that his gun fell out from his waistline and onto the white floor of the hospital.
Arthur yelped, quickly picking up the gun, but unfortunately, everyone saw.
He was kicked out of the hospital, and forced to walk home.
He stood inside the telephone booth on the phone with Hoyt.
"Hoyt, please, I love this job." Arthur pleaded.
"Arthur, I need know why you brought a gun into a kid's hospital." Arthur could hear Hoyt's frustration grow over the telephone.
"It was just a prop. It's part of my act now." Arthur said.
"That's bullshit, Arthur! What clown carries a fucking gun?" Hoyt shouted. "Besides, Randall told me you tried to by a 38 off him last week."
Arthur stood there in disbelief. "Randall told you that?"
"You're a fuckup, Arthur. And a liar. You're fired." Hoyt promptly hung up the phone.
Arthur felt his world crumble. Not only did he lose his job, but he lost the one person he loved. He slammed his head into the glass of the telephone booth.
Arthur sat on the subway. He turned to his head, hearing a familiar voice.
"Yo, hold the door open." Dennis slurred.
Arthur grimaced as Dennis and his friends sat across from him on the subway. One of Dennis's friends seemed to be messing with a girl. Another guy sat there encouraging them.
"Yeah get it, Johnny." Ryan cheered.
Johnny promptly got a slap before the girl walked away. Dennis and Ryan started laughing.
"Bitch." Johnny yelled.
Arthur soon started laughing along with them, except his laughter didn't stop.
"Something funny, jackass." Johnny spat.
Arthur shook his head, unable to speak. His laughter getting louder, and more uncontrollable.
"Hey, I know you. You're that clown. My girl's awfully sweet on you." Dennis smirked, stumbling over to him.
Johnny started humming a tune, also walking towards Arthur.
Soon, the three guys surrounded him.
"You wanna tell us what's so fucking funny?" Ryan mocked, taking off his wig.
Arthur was still helplessly laughing.
"I'll tell you what's funny. This guy thought he had a shot with my girl." Dennis laughing, meanly.
"Let's teach him a lesson, Denny. He deserves it. Piece of shit." Johnny smirked, grabbing Arthur bag and dangling it over his head.
Ryan grabbed Arthur by his arms, and pushed him back.
Dennis punched Arthur hard in the stomach.
Arthur fell to the ground. The three of them began kicking him hard. Arthur tried to fight back, but the guys only mocked him more.
As he was on the ground, he felt everything flash back to him.
All the times he was hurt. Picked on. Abused.
He could almost hear Sandy whispering his name.
As Dennis was about to give the final kick, Arthur grabbed his gun and shot him in the face.
Bang. Dennis was the first to go. Arthur stopped for a second, breathing heavily at the shot in Dennis's head.
Bang. Next was Johnny.
The subway stopped, and Ryan ran out screaming.
Bang. The third didn't go down easily. It just shot him in the leg.
Ryan began to scream as he ran out of the doors.
Arthur eyed him, playing a hide and seek game with the guy.
Ryan began to run faster, trying to make it up the stairs.
Arthur found him shooting Ryan in the back.
Bang. Ryan fell down, be began crawling up the stairs.
Bang. Arthur delivered the final blow, killing Ryan completely.
Arthur had just realized what he had done. He bolted from the scene of the crime, clenching his stuff up in a fist. He hid in the nearest bathroom.
Taglist: @princessgeekface, @memory-mortis, @joker-flecked-me, @jokerflecker, @gloomyladyy
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