#arthur bigantolle
magicalus-godslayer · 2 years
I think someone really should make a crossover of "Strange Magic" and "Arthur and the Minimoys". If Marianne and Selenia would met, they totally would become BFFs. After all, they are both tiny warrior princesses, who prefers swordfight, have a sharp tongues and love very much their men. And Arthur and Bog King? They're have less in common, but I think they would get along. They both have heart to fight (although I think Bog may be a better warrior, especially when Arthur doesn't use his magic sword), and love their women very much. That's something they both can respect in each other. Also, Arthur befriended Darkos, so I'm sure he wouldn't judge Bog's appearence, so that also could help them bond. I hope someone will see it too and made a fic or fanart with that crossover. It seems here on Tumblr "Strange Magic" has pretty strong and active fandom, but I can't say the same about Arthur trilogy. I wonder, why, these are great movies too. Also they got way better promotion than "Strange Magic", and based on this franchise has been made two good PC games, figures, an animated series and horror spin-off (both awful, but at least they have been made, while "Strange Magic" don't have no continuation, no spin-off, no official toys, nothing). But still it seems like most of the people here don't know about these movies or don't wanna made fanarts, fanfics or anything. It's kinda weird. Oh, wait, I started rambling again and changing the subject, sorry.
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