cornpickerart · 2 years
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The next 4:)
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violetren · 2 years
The Master of Puppets Chapter 17
“It’s not my back I’m worried about,” Jakari said. “I know I can trust you to watch it, right up to the day Arthan orders you to kill me.” “He wouldn’t do that,” Dubari said.
What fucking rock have you been living under? Hang on where is that meme...
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@butch-kickassidy this truly is the gift that keeps on giving.
Anyways where was I? Oh yeah.
Not only are they a fucking idiot if they think Arthan wouldn't order it, they're showing their entire ass when their answer to that statement is "He wouldn't order it" and not "I would have your back regardless."
I have no faith in Dubari to ignore a direct order from Arthan, so even if they had said the "I'd still have your back" thing I would have thought they were lying, but still.
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doolallymagpie · 2 months
The Arthan-Kallur Compact: *sees a Dalek*
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moved2024 · 2 years
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Adorable Woodland Soft-Sugar Cookies Recipe
Some tips for when making the cookies:
Keep these cookies thick, we recommend rolling to a thickness of around 1/2 an inch, never thinner as they will dry out when baking.
Never overcook, unlike normal cookies, you do not want the edges to turn golden. They will continue cooking a little when you take them out the oven so you want them to be just set when you take them out.
Once your cookies have been out of the oven for a few minutes seal them up in a container, this will keep in their moisture.
Serves 12-18 cookies
¼ cup Unsalted Butter, room temperature
½ cup Coconut Palm Sugar
1 Large Egg
1 teaspoon Vanilla
1½ cups Almond Flour
¾ cup Tapioca Starch
½ teaspoon Baking Powder
½ teaspoon Salt
Royal Icing:
3 tablespoons Meringue Powder.
4 cups Confectioners’ Sugar
5 tablespoons warm water
Food colouring as choice
Place the butter and coconut sugar in a mixing bowl. Beat with an electric mixer for 2-3 minutes until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg and vanilla.
Add the almond flour, tapioca starch, baking powder, and salt to the mixture and beat in until well combined. Dough should be thick. If dough is too sticky, stir in another tablespoon or two of almond flour.
Place the dough on a strip of plastic wrap. Flatten into a disc and wrap up with the plastic. Refrigerate for one hour.
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Unwrap the dough and place it between two sheets of parchment paper. Roll to a thickness of ½”. Do not roll any thinner, if you roll the dough too thin it will dry out quickly.
Cut shapes out of the dough and place on the parchment lined baking sheet. We love these woodland cookie cutters from Etsy, view here.
Bake in the preheated oven for 8-10 minutes. Watch closely – you want the cookies to be only just cooked. Don’t cook them to the point of browning. They should be just set and pale in colour. This will also ensure that your cookies are super soft.
Remove from the oven and let cool for 2 minutes. Place cookies in a large covered container – Placing them in a sealed environment before they have cooled will help with the soft factor.
Once the cookies are cool you can begin frosting!
Beat all ingredients together in a mixer until icing forms peaks, do this for around 7-10 minutes.
Separate the icing into individual dishes depending on how many colours of icing you want to decorate with.
Begin piping and filling until your cookies are beautifully decorated to your liking!
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wherekizzialives · 2 years
Working with the Wheel: Winter Solstice
On the eve of the Winter Solstice I bring the first post in my new blog series - Working with the Wheel - which will offer eight glimpses into my Witchcraft practice over the next twelve months:
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child-of-frigg · 2 years
Ancient Druidry: Alban Arthan. Midwinter, the Great Bear, and the Hero King.
For the ancient Astronomers of the Iron Age, Midwinter was a time to observe and celebrate the heavens as the days grew longer once again, pushing back the perils of the dark and cold. For more than five-thousand years the Druidic people have honoured the suns rising in the Eastern sky, shining its light unto Mother Earth as to conceive new life in the Spring season. While sharing some traditions with Jul such as the use of evergreens in decoration, and the burning of a Jul log, there are still many important distinctions to be made between the two Sabbats.
Alban Arthan, meaning 'Light of Winter' or 'Light of the Bear' in Brythonic, is the Celtic festival of Midwinter. Marked by the constellation of the Great Bear in the Northern Winter sky, and the shortest day of the year, the Winter Solstice, it is a time when the power of darkness is honoured. A time of great fear for the people of the ancient Winters, as the grounds froze and crops died leaving many to starve, ceremonies were held in the name of the Divine Mother, Womb of Creation. Believed by the ancient Druids to promote fertility in the earth, and usher in a prosperous year, these ceremonies welcomed the sun as it rose in the Eastern sky and days began to lengthen gradually.
During these ceremonies, as with many Winter traditions, candles and fires were lit to honour various deities and to warm the frozen land. Brighid, 'the bearer of the flame of inspiration', represents the reborn sun shining into the darkest days of the year, as his flame shines into the darkness of the mind and soul. The Cauldron of Dagda, the God of life and death, is held as a symbol of promise during this time as it was said he could feed each of his many followers from the cauldron, and so it would be that nature would bear fruit once again and care for all beings living on Earth.
In modern times Alban Arthan is also seen as a celebration of the Hero King, Arthur Pendragon, who was believed by the Druidic people to be the reincarnation of the Mabon, or Sun Child, who would bring warmth, light, and life back to earth in its time of greatest need. Just as the sun brings life back to earth each spring, it is said that the Mabon will be resurrected when the people need him most. A symbol for peace and freedom, the story of Arthur Pendragon shows us that nature, and magic, are forces to be reckoned with, to be understood, not controlled.
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thelittlehedgegrove · 9 months
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My Alban Arthan/Yule Altar /|\
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kityote · 9 months
It's the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere! Blessed Yule/Alban Arthan/Winter Solstice to all those who celebrate! May you find light and warmth in this time of darkness, and look forward to the bright future that is to come!
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albanarthan · 2 years
anyways, happy me day
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sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 11 months
I'm getting emotional on my lunch break thinking about merthur and Stonehenge again.
In druid folklore, the winter solstice (Alban Arthan) represents Arthur’s return. And Stonehenge was built to frame the winter solstice sunrise. And according to Geoffrey of Monmouth's legend, Merlin built Stonehenge as a memorial for the dead.
Is this not the most romantic image you've ever seen?
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cornpickerart · 2 years
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And the last of them!:) A truly great year of dnd!❤️❤️
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violetren · 2 years
The Master of Puppets Chapter 24
Napati nodded her head. “Yeah. I do. For what it’s worth, tell Rayak he has my approval.” “Like he gives a shit.”
True, but it's nice knowing someone up top has given approval even knowing that Arthan will probably loose his shit over it when he finds out.
I get the vibe he's the type of asshole to go on about "gadan purity" or some shit. "We don't cower and fight like the Char but we don't weaken ourselves by mingling with other species" type assholery would seem very on brand for what we've heard so far.
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doolallymagpie · 2 months
The Arthan-Kallur Compact were, at one point, Arthan’s Wild Hunt (in Low Gothic), a Kinhost following the path set by a Heresy-era “monster hunter” who’d led a large Votann fleet out of the core specifically to battle the legions of demigods she’d heard were ripping the galaxy apart.
Occasionally, Kin joined the Hunt in its unending circuit through the Halo Stars from other Kindreds, and this fleet grew from a half-dozen ships to hundreds over the millennia, peaking in mid-M39, which is also when they became “mired”, in their words, in the Deadzone of the Kallurax Segmentum Minoris. Warp phenomena and xenos threats forced the Hunt to abandon its nomadic ways and fortify its position. Here, they adopted their current name, and applied Arthan’s to the Deadzone.
Now, the Arthan-Kallur Compact act as guides and big game hunters in the Arthan Deadzone and the Skaro, Padishah, and Valkyria Sectors coreward of the region. Occasionally, they’re found as far west as Nyfarra, and, rarely, Kurokumo. They’re known for providing their services at an unusually low price, compared against most Imperials’ experience of Squats, and seem more interested in the opportunity to hone their skills and test out new weapons than profit.
The Inquisition has been unable to confirm it, as the Compact’s stellar fortifications are quite impenetrable, but it’s suspected, based on some of their weaponry and some non-Kin individuals seen in their proximity, that they harbor the Heretek Forge World Argotha in their domain.
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thethirdromana · 11 months
His bundle of names links all our little band of men together; but we call him Quincey.
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greenwitchcrafts · 10 months
December 2023 witch guide
Full moon: December 26th
New moon: December 12th
Sabbats: Yule December 21st-January 1st
December Cold Moon
Known as: Drift Clearing Moon, Frost Exploding Tree Moon, Moon of the Popping Trees, Hoar Frost Moon, Snow Moon, Winter, Aerra Geola, Maker Moon, Heilagmanoth, Long Night's Moon, Oak Moon, Wintermonat, Moon of the Long Night, Little Spirit Moon, Wolf Moon & When the Deer Shed Their Antlers Moon
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Sagittarius & Capricorn
Nature spirits: Snow, Storm, & Winter Tree faeries
Deities: Athena, Fates, Hades, Hathor, Hecate, Ixchel, Minerva, Neith, Norns, Osiris & Persephone
Animals: Bear, deer, horse & mouse
Birds: Robin, rook & snowy owl
Trees: Fir, Holly & Pine
Herbs: Bay, cedar, chamomile, cinnamon, English ivy, evergreen, fir, frankincense, holly, mistletoe, myrrh, pine & sage
Flowers: Christmas catus, holly & poinsettia
Scents: Cedar, cinnamon, frankincense, ginger, lilac, myrrh, nutmeg, patchouli, pine, rose geranium, rosemary, saffron, violet & wintergreen
Stones: Bloodstone, blue topaz, cat's eye, garnet, jacinth, obsidian, peridot, turquoise, zircon, ruby & serpentine
Colors: Black, blood red, gold, green, red, silver, black & white
Energy: Alchemy, darkness, endurance, death & re-birth, higher education, publications, reaching out to others, religion, spiritual paths, travel & truth
Today, December’s full Moon is most commonly known as the Cold Moon—a Mohawk name that conveys the frigid conditions of this time of year, when cold weather truly begins to grip us.
This full Moon has also been called the Long Night Moon (Mohican), as it rises during the “longest” nights of the year, near the December winter solstice. This name is doubly fitting because December’s full Moon shines above the horizon for a more extended period than most full Moons.
In Europe, ancient pagans called the December full Moon the “Moon Before Yule,” in honor of the Yuletide festival celebrating the return of the sun heralded by winter solstice.
Also known as: Alban, Arthan & Winter Solstice
Season: Winter
Symbols: Baskets of clove studded fruit, Christmas catus,  decorated evergreen trees, evergreen boughs, gifts, gold pillar candles, hung mistletoe, poinsettias, wreaths & Yule logs/small Yule log with three candles
Colors: Gold, green, orange, red, silver, white &yellow
Oils/incense: Bayberry, cedar, cinnamon, frankincense. Myrrh & pine
Animals: Bear, boar, deer (stag), pig, squirrel & tiger
Birds: Eagle, goose, kingfisher, lapwing, owl robin & wren
Stones: Bloodstone, garnet, ruby, alexandrite, blue topaz,  cat's eye, citrine, clear quartz, diamond, emerald, green tourmaline, jet, kunzite & pearl
Foods: Caraway cakes, cookies, eggnog, fruits, ginger tea, nuts, pork, spiced cider, turkey, wassail & lamb's wool (ale,  sugar, nutmeg & roasted apples)
Herbs/plants: Bay, bayberry, birch, blessed thistle, cedar, chestnut, cinnamon, evergreens, fir, frankincense, ginger, holly, ivy, juniper, mistletoe, moss, myrrh, oak, pine, rosemary, sage, valerian & yellow cedar
Flowers: Chamomile, poinsettia & yarrow
Goddesses: Alcyone, Aphrodite, Ameratasu, Bona Dea, Brighid, Cailleach Bheur, Demeter, Diana, Fortuna, Frau Holle, Frau Perchta, Frigga, Gaia, Hel, Great Mother, Idunn, Isis, Ishtar, Kolyada, La Befana, Maat & Tiamat
Gods: Apollo, Attis, Balder, Bragi, Dionysus, Divine Child, Green Man, Helios, Holly King, Horned one, Horus, Janus, Lord of Misrule, Lugh, Mabon, Marduk, Mithras, Odin, Ra, Saturn & Surya
Issues Intentions & Powers: Darkness, divination, light, messages/omens, purification, rebirth/renewal & transformation
Spellwork: Earth magick, happiness, harmony, love & peace
• Set up & decorate a Yule altar
• Clean, organize & cleanse before decorating your home
• Make witch's balls to hang on your tree (protective & pretty!)
• Decorate & bless & Yule tree
• Stay awake until dawn to observe the cycles of nature
• Give gifts tomyour family & friends
• Donate your time or helpful items to charity
• Go caroling
• Hang mistletoe in your doorways
• Make Wassail
• Prepare a Yule Log
• Host a Yule feast
• Craft your own decorative wreath
• Decorate your house with Yule colored candles
• Welcome the Sun
• Go on nature walks & leave offerings to nature
• Meditate & reflect on the passing year
“Yule” comes from Old English geol, which shares a history with the equivalent word from Old Norse, jól. Both these words referred to a midwinter festival centered around the winter solstice, which traditionally marked the halfway point of the winter season. After the solstice—the shortest day of the year—the days again begin to grow longer, so it’s thought that Yule was a celebration of the re-appearance of the Sun &the fertile land’s rebirth. 
The celebration of Yule is one of the oldest winter celebrations in the world. Ancient people were hunters & spent most of their time outdoors. The seasons & weather played a significant part in their lives. The customs and traditions associated with it vary widely.
Scholars have connected the original celebrations of Yule to the Wild Hunt, the god Odin, and the heathen Anglo-Saxon Mōdraniht ("Mothers' Night")
Some believe it marks the rebirth of the Sun (the God) from the Earth (the Goddess) & the cold days of winter will soon begin to wane. The Goddess is seen in her virgin Maiden aspect
In towns and cities throughout Sweden during the Christmas season, large goats are constructed out of straw. It is thought that the tradition originated in ancient times, perhaps as a tribute to the god Thor, who was said to ride in a chariot pulled by goats. In Sweden the goat came to be associated with the Christmas celebration, and the Yule goat is now considered by many to be a companion or counterpart to Santa Claus.
Related festivals:
Christmas- An annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ as the son of God, primarily observed on December 25th
Hanukkah- A Jewish festival commemorating the recovery of Jerusalem & subsequent rededication of the Second Temple at the beginning of the Maccabean Revolt against the Seleucid Empire in the 2nd century BCE.
Hanukkah is observed for eight nights & days, starting on the 25th day of Kislev according to the Hebrew calendar, which may occur at any time from late November to late December in the Gregorian calendar. The festival is observed by lighting the candles of a candelabrum with nine branches, commonly called a menorah or hanukkiah. 
Kwanzaa- An annual celebration of African-American culture from December 26 to January 1st, culminating in a communal feast called Karamu, usually on the sixth day. It was created by activist Maulana Karenga, based on African harvest festival traditions from various parts of West & Southeast Africa. Kwanzaa was first celebrated in 1966. 
A Kwanzaa ceremony may include drumming and musical selections, libations, a reading of the African Pledge & the Principles of Blackness, reflection on the Pan-African colors, a discussion of the African principle of the day or a chapter in African history, a candle-lighting ritual, artistic performance & finally, a feast of faith (Karamu Ya Imani).
is an ancient Roman festival and holiday in honour of the god Saturn, held on 17 December of the Julian calendar & later expanded with festivities through to 23 December. The holiday was celebrated with a sacrifice at the Temple of Saturn, in the Roman Forum & a public banquet, followed by private gift-giving, continual partying & a carnival atmosphere that overturned Roman social norms: gambling was permitted & masters provided table service for their slaves as it was seen as a time of liberty for both slaves and freedmen alike.
 A common custom was the election of a "King of the Saturnalia", who gave orders to people, which were followed & presided over the merrymaking. The gifts exchanged were usually gag gifts or small figurines made of wax or pottery known as sigillaria. The poet Catullus called it "the best of days".
Other celebrations:
Feast of Epona-
Eponalia is the feast day of Gaulish Goddess Epona, the Divine Mare & in the time of the Roman Empire it was celebrated on December 18th.
Epona is known to be one of a very few Gaulish deities whose names were spread to the rest of the Roman Empire. This seems to have happened because Roman cavalry units stationed in Gaul followed Her & adopted her as their Patroness. This may have started because many of the cavalry troops were conscripted from Gaul as they were superb horsemen. From Gaul the Romans took Epona with them including to Rome where She was given her own feast day on the 18 December. They worshipped her as Epona Augusta or Epona Regina & invoked her on behalf of the Emperor. She even had a shrine in the barracks of the Imperial Bodyguard.
Hunting of the Wren-
A traditional custom carried out on the Isle of Man on the 26 December, St. Stephen's Day. It consists of groups of people going around villages and towns singing and dancing a traditional song and dance around a decorated wren pole.
The earliest and most common folklore story accounting for the origin of hunt the wren tells of a fairy/enchantress/witch whose beauty lures the men of the Isle of Man to harm, for which she is chased and is changed into the form of a wren. It is therefore in punishment for her actions that the wren is hunted on St. Stephen's Day
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Llewellyn's 2023 magical almanac: practical magic for everyday living
Encyclopedia Britannica
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corpsekittin · 2 years
Helping A Bro Out
Hunter and Jake were getting really annoyed by just how nerdy, faggy and weak their little bro was so they decided they needed to do something about it. They were REAL men , but Arthur was an embarrassment to them. He was a short, skinny blond twink nerd. They needed a plan of action that would make him into the man he should be... A strong, confident stud jock bro who could fuck any woman he wanted.
They tried to force Arthur into working out a couple days ago and they tried to hook him up with some chicks they knew despite knowing him to be gay, which caused them to have a huge fight and they haven’t talked much since.
A few days later Arthur heard a knock on his bedroom door and opened it to see his brothers.
"Hey, bro," said Hunter, holding out a small box that looked like it probably had clothes in it. "We're here to apologize for the other day”
Arthur smiled at them both and took the box from Hunter's hand. He then closed the door behind him as he opened it up. Inside was a shirt of his favorite superhero.
He texted them and thanked them both for the gift and put the shirt on. As he did this, he felt himself wanting to work out for some reason, despite him hating getting sweaty.
He ran out to his brothers as they were about to set off for the gym. They grinned as he approached, knowing what he was about to ask. “Hey can I come with you,” Arthur asked. The pair obliged, pretending to show amazement at this.
Once inside the gym, he found himself wanting to lift more weights than he ever had before and to work out. He went over to the stack machine to begin his work out. As he was working out, his changes started to progress further. Arthan felt his muscles begin to grow in size and his shirt began to become looser and smaller. Athan’s pecs bubble up and jut out with thick hard muscle, his abs grew thick and tight and his legs grew longer and became hunks of thick meat.
His face was also changing, becoming recognizable. When he saw glimpses of it in the mirror, he only saw the face of some masculine stud.
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After he finished his workout, he looked at himself and saw just how much he had physically changed and the fact that at some point he had entirely lost his shirt. He looked around to see where it could’ve gone. He felt quite embarrassed at being half naked in the gym, as he hadn’t been like this before.
Hunter saw his bro was clearly uncomfortable being shirtless, so he pulled off his own and tossed it to him, telling him to put it on and to stop being a wuss about showing his muscles off.
When Athan put on his older bro’s shirt, he felt his muscles explode to even more massive proportions. His blond hair grew to a dark brown color and his face grew facial hair on it. He felt his mind and memories alter and change. Ethan suddenly remembered playing sports growing up, joining the football team just like his older bros had done, getting any chick he wanted, bullying the nerds and the fags and wanting to become a professional bodybuilder.
Ethan turned around to see a hot buxom woman checking him out and he walked up to her.
Hunter and Jake eagerly watched as their little bro wooed her back to the men’s room. As he opened the door he caught them and winked before falling in behind her. The pair bumped fists and grinned as their little bro was just how they wanted.
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