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danielamasia · 5 years ago
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[YELLOW STAR: beautifies - elegance - art] Coming soon ➡️ the Mayan calendar of this year 2020/21, project and graphic by @manoa_zul , illustrations by me. This is the yellow star. Key words: BEAUTIFIES ~ ELEGANCE ~ ART The gift of your cosmic identity is to be an emissary of harmony ~ an agent of beautification ~ a witness of nature's majesty ~ a messenger of refinement and wholeness ~ a starseed of our ancient future ~ a keeper of the new octave. As a Yellow Star, you have the capacity to behold yourself as a planetary artist - every moment a new canvas to paint upon; to shine, intentionally uplifting your outer environment with your inner light; to walk your life as an ever-unfolding mandala; to see beauty and wonder in all of nature's creations; to perceive every facet of our world as an opportunity for soulful interaction; to invoke grace and effortlessness to guide your journey; to express your own sense of the aesthetic; to consciously contribute coherence and harmony to collective dynamics; to convey a higher octave of stellar consciousness to the planetary whole; to sculpt your reality with intention, knowing every thought, word, and action is coloring the art of your life! Time is Art! Life is Art! You are Art! . . . . . . . . #arterituale #pitturaintuitiva #yellowstar #mayanastrology #mayancalendar #estrella #watercolour #wateecolour_gallery #naturalpaint #artandnature #natureisart #artforthespirit #artenaturaleza #arteterapiaitalia #arteterapia #paintbrushes #cansonpaper #imaginativeuniverse #creatività #discoveryourcreativity #creativityforlife https://www.instagram.com/p/CCvztpsH0sN/?igshid=oti7jqfui1uw
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danielamasia · 5 years ago
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[From the nucleus, branches] This is an old painting, which I have abandoned for a long time. Two days ago I decided to take it back and give it a new chance, I added some details and now I quite like it. Did it never happen to you to paint and to go back to that paint after a loooong time? . . . . . #organicpaint #naturalpaint #intuitiveart #intuitivepainting #watercolourabstract #pitturaastratta #artecontemporanea #ritualart #arteterapia #watercolortherapy #paintwithwater #organicshapes #circledrawing #nucleus #arteterapiaitalia #stonespainting #artofnature #emergentartist #artistaemergente #deeppainting #watercolourist #acquarello #abstractart #textureart #patterndesign #patterndesign #textiledesign https://www.instagram.com/p/B_-ZMrmnd9G/?igshid=1cz3vs4nfwwbb
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danielamasia · 5 years ago
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[YELLOW HUMAN INFLUENCES ~ FREE WILL ~ WISDOM] The gift of this kin cosmic identity is to be a wayshower ~ a sovereign cultural agent ~ a cosmic vibratory root ~ a chalice of ancestral wisdom. As a Yellow Human you have the capacity to be a wisdom-keeper; to be a vessel of the higher mind; to activate our evolutionary powers of self-reflection and conscious choice; to conspire to inspire positive change; to influence your fellow humans to align their free will with their wisdom; to champion the infinite possibilities of our human potential to raise the vibrations on the planet; to be the conscientious being you wish to see in the world; to celebrate the divinity of our human spirit, honoring the oneness in our diversity! As humans we exist as the continuum of countless generations, yet today we are fueled by rays from the sun that have never touched this earth before… Direction: South: Ripens ~ Chakra: Heart ~ Planet: Earth the Mayan calendar of this year 2020/21, project and graphic by @manoa_zul , illustrations by me. Link in bio . . . #mayanastrology #mayancalendar #yellowhuman #humankind #kin #tzolkin #landscapeartist #landscapewatercolour #naturalwatercolors #naturalcomposition #mountain #watercolournature #watercolortutorial #watercolor_guide #watercolor_zone #watercolor_planet #watercolorstudy #spiritualconnection #spiritualpainting #arteritual #arterituale #arteterapiaitalia #arteterapia #arteterapeuta #dreamypainting #dreamworks https://www.instagram.com/p/CEMYRZHH6_b/?igshid=1gywjq0xdekju
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danielamasia · 5 years ago
[From the nucleus, branches]
This is an old painting, which I have abandoned for a long time. Two days ago I've decided to take it back and give it a new chance, I added some details and now I quite like it.
Did it never happen to you to paint and to go back to that paint after a loooong time?
#organicpaint #naturalpaint
#intuitiveart #intuitivepainting #watercolourabstract #pitturaastratta #artecontemporanea #ritualart #arteterapia #watercolortherapy #paintwithwater #organicshapes #circledrawing #nucleus #arteterapiaitalia #stonespainting #artofnature #emergentartist #artistaemergente #deeppainting #watercolourist #acquarello #abstractart #textureart #patterndesign #patterndesign #textiledesign
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