#art: Etroveria
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screeeedelicacies · 1 year ago
The Barbie Meme Commission
Art by etroveria https://twitter.com/etroveria
Artwork: https://screeee.com/yrk4jsac
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fae-fire · 6 years ago
“ tell me your most awkward date story ?”
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He had more than a few to drink. The normally completely sober Keeper, unable to hold his alcohol. Face flushed, he laughed. It was as though he was a completely different person, “And so we were in the mountains,” he had been rambling about Toz’o, drunk, for hours now. Mostly cursing the man for this and that. Trivial things that didn’t usually afford such complaining. “Having just had my back nearly cleaved open by this giant demon, and stabbed by my brother, andddd had my eye ripped out by my father, we went to a festival of all places! In the MOUNTAINS!” He shook his head, though he was laughing about it. “And then, this child made fun of my ears. Hingan children are little pigs, you know that? Having never seen a miqo’te in their life...” he clicked his tongue.
“Anyways, he wanted to play festival games! The leader of the Ko, Toz’o. Festival games,” he shook his head, “And then...he had me win my own scarf for me. It was a contest with a bow but I used my daggers because bows are primitive. Nothing works better than a good ‘ol blade,” he grinned and downed the rest of his cup. “I guess it wasn’t awkward. But ridiculous?” he canted his head slightly, “The leader of one of the biggest crime rings in Hingashi going to a festival in the mountains...though we were in hiding, and then he made me leave to go find himself, or whatever,” he frowned again, “Ridiculous.”
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foxlike-ffxiv · 7 years ago
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FFXIV - Kitsuno Ishida by @etroveria -- I am so, so delighted by this lovely portrait of Kitsuno!! I adore the lovely shoujo manga style and wanted to see Kitsuno drawn in it, and I am so happy!! It looks like a true princess portrait, and her shiny jewel scales are so gorgeous! Thank you so much for such swift and wonderful work!
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alabaster-flames-blog · 8 years ago
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@etroveria did a piece I commissioned for my little Lizard. Nhhhhnnnn.  She was wonderful to work with and I will go back for more. If you haven’t, go check out her stuff!
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roger-holmes · 8 years ago
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Got a commission earlier in the week from the artist @etroveria about Roger ICly sneaking up on Chi with a gift. It came out preeeetty awesome, if I do say so myself! Go check out her other works!
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savanaclawserval · 4 years ago
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I commissioned etroveria on Twitter for art of fairy gala Leona and Terra 💛 I wanted it to have a fashion magazine cover kind of vibe ✨
(no reposting please! reblogs are ok) 
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furubafashionzine · 6 years ago
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Say hello to all of our amazing contributors! Their art truly blew us away and we cannot wait for you all to see what they’re made of! From here on out they’ll be posting their WIPs for us to share with you all! We have a lot planned for this zine, so we hope you continue to support us! Listed below are links to their profiles, check them out!
Cover artist
Arcadechan   Twitter || Tumblr
Ayilings    Instagram || Twitter || Tumblr
Milk   Instagram || Twitter || Tumblr
Blanketboard   Twitter
Chun hee   Portfolio
Clays   Twitter || Tumblr
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Mango Lord    Twitter || Tumblr
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TheChibiRascal   Instagram || Tumblr || DeviantArt
Tomoe   Instagram
Kareshirt   Twitter
Dmochii    Instagram || Twitter
Cloverchan    Twitter || Tumblr
Erin   Twitter || Tumblr
Lilbeehive   Instagram || Twitter || Tumblr
Etroveria   Instagram || Twitter || Tumblr
Mimi Aguilar    Linktree
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Kira Night   Instagram || Twitter || Tumblr
Leecheedoodles  Instagram || Twitter || Tumblr
NualaBear   Instagram
Plasticbottru   Instagram
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fallen-beelzebub · 6 years ago
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My half of an art trade with @etroveria.
I had so much fun drawing this character! Thank you for trading with me!
[ Patreon ] [ Commissions ]
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ajisai-gen · 6 years ago
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Art commission by the lovely @etroveria
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ranier-layarte · 7 years ago
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A lovely piece of art done by the talented @etroveria of my OC Ranier Layarte and Alisaie Leveilleur. I can’t state how much I really love this piece she looks beautiful.
 They are currently open for commission if you’d like something. 
This was posted with their permission and all credit is to @etroveria
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aetherstitchold · 7 years ago
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“No matter what, we’ll be best friends for life- you and I, through everything.”
ACTUAL BIRTHDAY ART for @sunlitpeony
There aren’t enough good things I can say about you, and you know most of them already- so, again, wishing you the happiest of birthdays bes fran 💖
Art is by the wonderful @etroveria! Thank you!!
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flyntknoltros · 8 years ago
Art Commission
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Last commission done! Gone one done for the Knoltros pair renewing their vows. Want to thank @etroveria for taking up both of my commissions and for how awesome they came out. Look ‘em up to see their other works if you’re looking for one as well!
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fae-fire · 6 years ago
 🍻+ “ what is the most embarrassing thing in your room ?”
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The Keeper’s already alcohol-flushed features depend in color as the question passed his ears. Fur tipped flesh twitched as the earrings clinked together from the movement. “It is not to say that there is one single item that is embarrassing,” he paused briefly. His mind ticked like overly-oiled clockwork. Cogs slipping as he attempted to find a way to talk around the answer. “I wasn’t afforded much, if anything, in my younger years. In the village, we were poor. In Hana’s home, my life was poor, so now... well,” he pinched the bridge of his nose, staving off the headache, “I have poor impulse control when buying things. I see it, I buy it. Or take it. And now my room and home have become that of a hoarder’s,” he sighed heavily, downing the rest of his cup. “I’m certain I can break the habit. But I fear I will regret not getting what I wanted to get.”
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fae-fire · 6 years ago
🍻“ what takes for you to fall in love, trust someone ?”
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The Keeper’s eye shifted slightly to glance at the person talking to him, and then back towards his drink. His ears tilted forward and he frowned. Lifting his sake glass, Rei sighed heavily, the porcelain touching his lips but he doesn’t take another sip. “To trust and love, I do not equate the two....” he muttered, words slightly slurred. “Trust... Well, that depends. I don’t trust anyone, said for two,” he lifted his hand. “Sato no Kagemitsu,” one finger,”Toz’o,” another finger. “Sato is my right hand. He would risk arm and leg and eye for me and my cause. He is my brother in war and in life--more so than any of my familial brothers,” he smirked slightly, sipping from the cup, “if I were to fall, the Sekiro would go to him. I would see to that, even in death.” He paused for a moment. “As for why I trust him, well,” Another sip, “He has not once tried to use me for his own gains. That is how you gain my trust.”
He refilled his cup with a small pitcher, something he rarely did. The Yakuza heir rarely had to serve himself, but this was different. He was alone, and remincing. And sad. “As for the other...” Rei shrugged, “How do you explain such an emotion?” he smirked, “Toz’o and I stand as equals at the height of the Hingan underworld. But as for love, it is an emotion I cannot explain,” he frowned, “It is as though our very souls--our aether--is attached. Tied together by an unseen thread. I cannot put it into clearer words than that. If I were to give a blunt answer, I’d say, ‘I just do.’” The Keeper shrugged slightly. It wasn’t a coherent answer, but then again, he wasn’t coherent.
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fae-fire · 6 years ago
oc questions
((bitch I did sleep and then I woke up!!
🍼 Do they want to start a family? If they already have one, describe it.
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“A family?” The miqo’te narrowed his gaze sharply, “I lost my family the night the Sekiro fell into chaos. Though...” he paused, “In our world, our followers and our men are like a family. They are brothers to each other, and I their leader. Sato Kagemitsu is like my brother, and then there’s...” he paused again, going noticeably quiet before taking a deep breath, “The Ko leader...” Rei’s jaw tightened, “We spent three months in the mountains together before he made me leave. For my own good. Is he my family?” Rei shrugged, “My chest hurts...” he muttered under his breath, gripping at the hem of his collar.  He didn’t continue...
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fae-fire · 6 years ago
💖, 💞, 🌙 and 💫 please!
oc questions
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@niamhrunlaeth​  (I can tag you here and not on your other blog apparently?)
💖 Do they have a significant other? If so, who?
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“Significant other?” The miqo’te looked away, his cheeks flushing red. Such concepts like affection were still very much foreign to him. His life of murder and revenge had only been recently been turned upside down and turned around... “The Ko leader, Toz’o...probably,” he said slowly. “It’s complicated, right now...”
💞 What’s their friend group like? What role do they play (leader, mom friend, etc.)?
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“Friends?” he repeated the word, “There is no such thing. But I am the leader of the remnants of the Wolf triad. With the Sekiro falling apart under Ichiro’s control, many of the members have left to come to my side. Same with the Aoiro and Ginro who have faced Ichiro’s warpath. I am their leader, not their friend.”
🌙 Which D&D class would they play as? and 💫 What’s their favorite expletive?
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OOC answer! Koko and I were working on a d&d campaign. I think...monk or shifter?? Is what was being talked about. Shifter goes along with some of the current development for him but monk worked for our two person campaign set up. As for his favorite expletive... Probably “Fuck” I think he says it a lot? Or dammit. He curses a lot under his breathe or in his head. It’s like his internal monologue is expletives mainly. He needs some manners...
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