#art by allie lynee
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5ummit · 2 days ago
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by allie_lynee
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rabiozasims · 4 years ago
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Pinky Room
CC List:
* Apple Computer
* Fashion pilar decorative
* Tacitum Box
* Sonic-printer
* Neonsign Lips  (Comes in the dinner pack PART 1)
* Neonsign Pink Panther & White Wall (Comes in the dinner pack PART 2)
* ebonix-mac-make-up-case
* ebonix-clear-purses-deco
* ebonix-kush-love-tray-weed-jar
* lyne-curtains-sheer-curtains-2x1
* calligaris-purse
* calendar-by-sims41ife
* deodorant-pack
* allie-bedroom (Pillows In this set)
* pastel-goth-poster-set-by-tanmoon
* Cloud (From a kids room set)
* maris-misc-clutter-and-art (Book used from this misc pack)
* girl-wire-clip-board-wall-decor
* neon-heart
* rustiko-hamper ( Requires Laundry Day Pack)
* LivingFramePinboard (From a followers gift pack)
* Peace Hand Figure Deco
* starbucks-frappuccinos
* Dressers (From a set)
* Magazines ( in Loft set )
* jules-chair
* neon-signs-set-of-10
* ebonix-stephanie-priscilla-wall-art
* wine-champagne-pt-1-10-items
* Beauty-Products-clutter-slox
* modest-luxurious-bedding
* neon-signs
I hope you enjoy all these beautiful creations as much as I do.
Credits to all those creators! 
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ultraisabarrosmartins1978 · 6 years ago
Noitão Caixa Belas Artes tem maratona com veteranos do Oscar
Prepara o look digno de um red carpet! O próximo Noitão da Caixa Belas Artes tem como proposta destacar diversos veteranos do Oscar, vencedores ou não, que este ano concorrem novamente à mais prestigiada premiação do cinema, que tem data marcada para o dia 24 deste mesmo mês. Como de costume, no Noitão Caixa Belas Artes são três salas especiais para a programação. Nesta edição, as salas vão se chamar “Glen Gaga“, “Viggo Bale” e “Alfonso Lee“.
Na sala com programação batizada “Glenn Gaga”, estão Glenn Close e a estreante Lady Gaga, ambas indicadas como Melhor Atriz, por “A Esposa” e “Nasce Uma Estrela”, respectivamente. Glenn Close, sete vezes indicada e jamais premiada, é representada com a exibição de dois dos seus maiores trabalhos: “Atração Fatal” (1987) e “Ligações Perigosas” (1988), pelos quais ela disputou o Oscar. Lady Gaga, por sua vez, dá ao Noitão grandes doses de emoção com o seu surpreendente talento dramático em “Nasce Uma Estrela”.
Na sala “Viggo Bale” é a vez de Viggo Mortensen, este ano indicado pela terceira vez como Melhor Ator, e Christian Bale, indicado por quatro vezes e vitorioso em uma delas. O sempre ótimo Viggo Mortensen será o “motorista” da noite, função que coincidentemente ele exerce nos dois longas selecionados, “Senhores do Crime” (2007) e o novíssimo “Green Book: O Guia”. Na mesma sala, o camaleônico Christian Bale marca presença na maratona com “O Vencedor” (2010), em uma impressionante caracterização que fez dele, literalmente, o vencedor como Melhor Ator Coadjuvante no Oscar de 2011.
Por fim, mas não menos especial, a sala “Alfonso Lee” recebe os diretores Alfonso Cuarón e Spike Lee. Indicado como Melhor Diretor por “Roma”, o mexicano Alfonso Cuarón, vencedor do Oscar de direção por “Gravidade” (2013), tem na maratona “E Sua Mãe Também” (2001) e “Filhos da Esperança” (2006), dois dos seus filmes mais aclamados pelo público e pela crítica.
Já Spike Lee, que até hoje recebeu apenas um Oscar Honorário, em 2016, estará representado por “Infiltrado na Klan”, pelo qual finalmente foi indicado como Melhor Diretor. Com grandes atuações, suspense e muito humor, este já é o maior sucesso de público de Spike Lee, um dos mais autorais e mais respeitados cineastas do cinema americano contemporâneo.
E por falar em coisa certa, quem são aqueles que realmente merecem ganhar o Oscar 2019? O Noitão propõe aos seus notívagos uma divertida análise na noite do dia 22 de fevereiro, a partir das 23h30. Os ingressos para o Noitão custam até R$ 36 e podem ser comprados pela internet.
Confira a sinopse dos filmes exibidos no Noitão:
1. Atração Fatal
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(Fatal Attraction)
EUA, 1987, cor, 119 min., suspense, idioma: inglês (legendado), 18 anos.
Direção: Adrian Lyne
Elenco: Michael Douglas, Glenn Close e Anne Archer.
A vida de Dan Gallagher não poderia estar melhor. Advogado de sucesso, ele vive um casamento feliz e tem uma linda filha. Até que um dia ele conhece a executiva Alex, com quem tem um caso. A amante começa a exibir um comportamento descontrolado e obsessivo, e logo Dan termina o breve relacionamento. Alex não aceita ser rejeitada e começa a fazer da vida de Dan um verdadeiro inferno.
2. Ligações Perigosas
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(Dangerous Liaisons)
EUA/Reino Unido, 1988, cor, 119 min., drama, idioma: inglês (legendado), 14 anos.
Direção: Stephen Frears
Elenco: Glenn Close, John Malkovich e Michelle Pfeiffer.
  A Marquesa de Merteuil e o Visconde de Valmont passam o tempo brincando com as artimanhas mais sofisticadas e cruéis de sedução, na corte real francesa do século 18. Mas suas ações podem acabar arruinando a vida de uma jovem romântica.
3. Nasce uma estrela
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(A Star Is Born)
EUA, 2018, cor, 136 min., drama, idioma: inglês (legendado), 16 anos.
Direção: Bradley Cooper
Elenco: Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper, Andrew Dice Clay.
O experiente músico Jackson Maine descobre a artista desconhecida Ally, por quem se apaixona. Ela está prestes a desistir de seu sonho de se tornar uma cantora de sucesso, até que Jack a convence a mudar de ideia. Porém, apesar de a carreira de Ally decolar, o relacionamento pessoal entre os dois começa a desandar, à medida que Jack luta contra seus próprios demônios.
  4. Senhores do crime
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(Eastern Promises)
EUA/Canadá/Reino Unido, 2007, cor, 100 min., idiomas: inglês e russo (legendado), 16 anos.
Direção: David Cronenberg
Elenco: Viggo Mortensen, Naomi Watts e Vincent Cassel.
Anna é uma parteira que trabalha em um hospital de Londres. Um dia ela testemunha a morte de uma jovem, durante um parto realizado em pleno Natal. Ela decide dar a notícia de seu falecimento pessoalmente, o que a faz pesquisar sobre sua identidade e família. A busca acaba colocando-a em contato com o lucrativo tráfico do sexo, comandado por uma organização criminosa da Rússia. Logo Anna conhece Nikolai, um homem violento e misterioso que é mais do que aparenta.
5. Green Book – O Guia
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(Green Book)
EUA, 2018, cor, 130 min., cinebiografia, idioma: inglês (legendado), 12 anos.
Direção: Peter Farrelly
Elenco: Viggo Mortensen, Mahershala Ali e Linda Cardellini.
Tony Lip, um dos maiores fanfarrões de Nova York, precisa de trabalho após sua discoteca fechar. Ele conhece um pianista que o convida para uma turnê. Enquanto os dois se chocam no início, um vínculo finalmente cresce à medida que eles viajam.
6. O Vencedor
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(The Fighter)
EUA, 2010, cor, 113 min., drama, idioma: inglês (legendado), 14 anos. Direção: David O. Russell Elenco: Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale e Amy Adams.
Dicky Ecklund é uma lenda do boxe que desperdiçou o seu talento e a sua grande chance. Agora, o seu meio-irmão Micky Ward  tentará se tornar uma nova esperança de campeão e superar as conquistas de Dicky. Treinado pela família e sem obter sucesso em suas lutas, Micky terá que escolher entre seus familiares e a vontade de ser um verdadeiro campeão.
7. E sua mãe também
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(Y Tu Mamá También)
México, 2001, cor, 105 min., idioma: espanhol (legendado), 18 anos. Direção: Alfonso Cuarón Elenco: Gael García Bernal, Diego Luna e Maribel Verdú.
Tenoch e Julio são dois adolescentes de 17 anos que são controlados pelos seus hormônios e desejam se tornar adultos rapidamente. Em uma tarde festiva eles encontram Luisa, uma garota espanhola 11 anos mais velha que eles e que é casada com o primo de Tenoch. Eles a convidam para uma viagem à praia de Boca del Cielo, convite este inicialmente recusado e posteriormente aceito, após Luisa receber uma desagradável notícia. Porém, tanto Julio quanto Tenoch não conhecem o caminho até a praia e nem mesmo se ela realmente existe, fazendo com que os três se aventurem em uma viagem onde inocência, sexualidade e amizade irão colidir.
8. Filhos da Esperança
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(Children of Men)
EUA/Reino Unido, 2006, cor, 110 min., suspense, idioma: inglês (legendado), 16 anos. Direção: Alfonso Cuarón Elenco: Clive Owen, Julianne Moore e Clare-Hope Ashitey.
2027. Não se sabe o motivo, mas as mulheres não conseguem mais engravidar. O mais novo ser humano morreu aos 18 anos e a humanidade discute seriamente a possibilidade de extinção. Theodore Faron é um ex-ativista desiludido que se tornou um burocrata e que vive em uma Londres arrasada pela violência e pelas seitas nacionalistas em guerra. Procurado por sua ex-esposa Julian, Theodore é apresentado a uma jovem que misteriosamente está grávida. Eles passam a protegê-la a qualquer custo, por acreditar que a criança por vir seja a salvação da humanidade.
9. Infiltrados na Klan
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EUA, 2018, cor, 136 min., ação, idioma: inglês (legendado), 14 anos.
Direção: Spike Lee
Elenco: John David Washington, Adam Driver e Topher Grace.
�� Em 1978, Ron Stallworth, um policial negro do Colorado, conseguiu se infiltrar na Ku Klux Klan local. Ele se comunicava com os outros membros do grupo por meio de telefonemas e cartas, quando precisava estar fisicamente presente enviava um outro policial branco no seu lugar. Depois de meses de investigação, Ron se tornou o líder da seita, sendo responsável por sabotar uma série de linchamentos e outros crimes de ódio orquestrados pelos racistas.
  Veja também: CCBB recebe supermostra sobre Scorsese
Noitão Caixa Belas Artes tem maratona com veteranos do Oscarpublicado primeiro em como se vestir bem
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courtneytincher · 5 years ago
This Isn’t the Madman Theory. This Is a Madman President.
Photo Illustration by Lyne Lucien/The Daily Beast/GettyAt this moment, on another Earth, a man is locked in a padded cell, nodding to the gibbering chorus of voices in his head and smearing out his manifesto on the grimy walls of the asylum using a jagged fingernail and his bodily fluids.This chorus tells him things, you see. They warn him of the many hands posed to strike him, and demand revenge for every slight. They praise him, stroke his ego, and feed his rage.On this Earth, the asylum is the bedlam of 1600 Pennsylvania, the inmate is the President of the United States, and instead of managing this dangerous patient, the staff sings his praises and encourages his worst behaviors.The recognition that Donald J. Trump—President of the United States, Commander in Chief of the U.S. armed forces, leader of the Republican Party and now King of Israel and Chosen One—is, to use the psychiatric term of art, batshit crazy is dawning even on the slowest members of society. Also, that there’s not a damn thing we can do about it until November of 2020.The Trump Doctrine Is Sicker and More Terrifying Than EverThe big cons of the first term haven’t just been embarrassing flops but concatenating failures putting our economy and security at existential risk. The tax bill blew out the debt and deficit to unimaginable depths. North Korea’s serial humiliation of Trump proved to Kim Jong Un that he could pants the President of the United States and move the DPRK closer to full nuclear capabilities to threaten our allies and even our own shores.The cruel nostalgia of Trump’s promises to restore coal, steel, and auto jobs are shattered on the altar of President Bigly Negotiator's moronic shitshow of an unwinnable trade war. The fact that he was spanked by Denmark, a country the size of Delaware, after his absurd “Buy Greenland” campaign was just one more humiliation of a President who clearly likes having his ass handed to him by bijou nations. The Trump campaign and the early days  of his administration were marked by the charming window when most of his supporters—and frankly, much of the mainstream media—believed that the vomitus spraying out of Trump's mouth was part of some clever psychological game, quantum chess to own the libs. Only idiots and zealots believe that now. The howling vacuum of need within Trump's soul had already distorted every normal human emotion for decades, but now the stress of the presidency and the realities of his lasting failures have pushed him closer to a very public mental breakdown. In business, Trump could paper over his bankruptcies, flops, asinine remarks, and failed cons.The presidency is different. His rising mania and rage come from the sure knowledge that history’s cold, brutal eye will allow no later revision, no long-term rethinking of his legacy, or even wry nostalgia over the grim era in which he presides. His failures, cruelty, caprice, corruption, and hairstyling tips will be graven in stone as a warning to future Americans. This isn’t madman theory. This is just a mad man.Gradually, and then suddenly—as Hemingway said of bankruptcy—came the realization that the lies Trump tells and the claims Trump makes aren’t deliberate or strategic. They are a roadmap of his pocked and scarred mental landscape. What the boobs defended for three years as sales talk and typical Trumpian bullshitting is more and more indefensible. From economic claims to immigration scare stories to his constant mendacity about the wall, the lies—or whatever they are, given how inclined he is to trust what the voices in his head tell him—are seen as less crafted, and more crazy. Jeb Bush once promised us that Donald Trump would be the chaos president. Call me crazy, but I’d trade the low energy candidate for President Nutjob in a hot second. Donald Trump is America's Loki, only without the charm and wit.On that other Earth where Trump is getting the help he needs and the rest of us have a normal President, 50 percent of the nation would disagree that man or woman on any given day. But no one would wake up thinking, “Hey, I wonder if this is the day that  Barack Obama nukes Denmark?” or “Is George H.W. Bush gonna declare war on Belize because they tweeted something critical of him?” No matter the partisan differences, we had the luxury of going about our lives with the knowledge that the men charged with running the country were, fundamentally, mentally sound. Only his most deluded followers still buy that the phrase “Stable Genius” can be applied without irony to this president.Donald Trump, the conqueror of Greenland, victor of World Trade War I, King of the Jews, richest man in the world, number-one lover man of all ladies, and golden god astride the Fruited Plain is the tallest, smartest, most handsome, best-hung President in this or any era. Just ask him. Or the voices in his head.Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
Photo Illustration by Lyne Lucien/The Daily Beast/GettyAt this moment, on another Earth, a man is locked in a padded cell, nodding to the gibbering chorus of voices in his head and smearing out his manifesto on the grimy walls of the asylum using a jagged fingernail and his bodily fluids.This chorus tells him things, you see. They warn him of the many hands posed to strike him, and demand revenge for every slight. They praise him, stroke his ego, and feed his rage.On this Earth, the asylum is the bedlam of 1600 Pennsylvania, the inmate is the President of the United States, and instead of managing this dangerous patient, the staff sings his praises and encourages his worst behaviors.The recognition that Donald J. Trump—President of the United States, Commander in Chief of the U.S. armed forces, leader of the Republican Party and now King of Israel and Chosen One—is, to use the psychiatric term of art, batshit crazy is dawning even on the slowest members of society. Also, that there’s not a damn thing we can do about it until November of 2020.The Trump Doctrine Is Sicker and More Terrifying Than EverThe big cons of the first term haven’t just been embarrassing flops but concatenating failures putting our economy and security at existential risk. The tax bill blew out the debt and deficit to unimaginable depths. North Korea’s serial humiliation of Trump proved to Kim Jong Un that he could pants the President of the United States and move the DPRK closer to full nuclear capabilities to threaten our allies and even our own shores.The cruel nostalgia of Trump’s promises to restore coal, steel, and auto jobs are shattered on the altar of President Bigly Negotiator's moronic shitshow of an unwinnable trade war. The fact that he was spanked by Denmark, a country the size of Delaware, after his absurd “Buy Greenland” campaign was just one more humiliation of a President who clearly likes having his ass handed to him by bijou nations. The Trump campaign and the early days  of his administration were marked by the charming window when most of his supporters—and frankly, much of the mainstream media—believed that the vomitus spraying out of Trump's mouth was part of some clever psychological game, quantum chess to own the libs. Only idiots and zealots believe that now. The howling vacuum of need within Trump's soul had already distorted every normal human emotion for decades, but now the stress of the presidency and the realities of his lasting failures have pushed him closer to a very public mental breakdown. In business, Trump could paper over his bankruptcies, flops, asinine remarks, and failed cons.The presidency is different. His rising mania and rage come from the sure knowledge that history’s cold, brutal eye will allow no later revision, no long-term rethinking of his legacy, or even wry nostalgia over the grim era in which he presides. His failures, cruelty, caprice, corruption, and hairstyling tips will be graven in stone as a warning to future Americans. This isn’t madman theory. This is just a mad man.Gradually, and then suddenly—as Hemingway said of bankruptcy—came the realization that the lies Trump tells and the claims Trump makes aren’t deliberate or strategic. They are a roadmap of his pocked and scarred mental landscape. What the boobs defended for three years as sales talk and typical Trumpian bullshitting is more and more indefensible. From economic claims to immigration scare stories to his constant mendacity about the wall, the lies—or whatever they are, given how inclined he is to trust what the voices in his head tell him—are seen as less crafted, and more crazy. Jeb Bush once promised us that Donald Trump would be the chaos president. Call me crazy, but I’d trade the low energy candidate for President Nutjob in a hot second. Donald Trump is America's Loki, only without the charm and wit.On that other Earth where Trump is getting the help he needs and the rest of us have a normal President, 50 percent of the nation would disagree that man or woman on any given day. But no one would wake up thinking, “Hey, I wonder if this is the day that  Barack Obama nukes Denmark?” or “Is George H.W. Bush gonna declare war on Belize because they tweeted something critical of him?” No matter the partisan differences, we had the luxury of going about our lives with the knowledge that the men charged with running the country were, fundamentally, mentally sound. Only his most deluded followers still buy that the phrase “Stable Genius” can be applied without irony to this president.Donald Trump, the conqueror of Greenland, victor of World Trade War I, King of the Jews, richest man in the world, number-one lover man of all ladies, and golden god astride the Fruited Plain is the tallest, smartest, most handsome, best-hung President in this or any era. Just ask him. Or the voices in his head.Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.
August 22, 2019 at 09:44AM via IFTTT
0 notes
davidisen · 8 years ago
NYC Music I Like Mar 8-14
...trad jazz, Gypsy, swing, bluegrass, choro etc. w/ folk roots & virtuoso ensemble playing... Explanation/disclaimer.
[Caution! Please verify with musician, venue, etc. before going. Send updata here.]
Allied music listings with overlapping tastes: Jim's Roots and Blues Calendar.  Eileen's Lindy Blog - This Week in Swing.
This Week
Wednesday, March 8, 5:30 PM: David Ostwald's Louis Armstrong Eternity Band, Birdland (Most Wednesdays.) 6:30 PM: Margi Gianquinto (vocals) & the Aaron Johnson Quartet w/ Aaron (clarinet/sax), Sam Raderman (guitar), Kyle Colina (bass). Vaucluse, 100 East 63rd. 7 PM: Dan Levinson (reeds), Mark Shane (piano), Kevin Dorn (drums) play the music of Benny Goodman. Shanghai Jazz, Madison NJ. 7 PM: Jeanne Gies (vocals) w/ Bruce Edwards (guitar). Andanada.   8 PM: Bill Scorzari. At Finley's of Huntington, Huntington, NY. 11 PM: Avalon Jazz Band hosts Hot Jazz & Gypsy Jam. The Keep. (Most Wednesdays.)
Thursday, March 9, 7 PM: Olli Soikkeli (guitar), Julien Labro (accordion), Alex Wintz (guitar), Shawn Conley (bass) Labella Showroom, Brooklyn. 7:15 PM: Julian Lage & Chris Eldridge (guitars). Rockwood Two. 8 PM: The Blacktail Songbirds w/ Molly Ryan (vocals), Dan Levinson (reeds), Mike Davis (cornet), Terry Waldo (piano). Blacktail. (Most Thursdays.) 8 PM: Andy Statman Trio w/ guest Pete Rushefsky. Charles Street Synagogue. 9 PM: Sam Raderman Quartet w/ Sam (guitar), others. Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill. 9 PM: Jason Prover and his Sneak Thievery Orchestra. Radegast. 8:30 PM: Gene Bertoncini (guitar) and Josh Marcum (bass). Ryan's Daughter, upstairs, 350 E. 85th Street between 1st and 2nd Avenues. (Most Thursdays.) 9 PM: Gypsy jazz jam, Fada. (Most Thursdays.)
Friday, March 10, 7:15 PM: Julian Lage & Chris Eldridge (guitars). Rockwood Two. 8 PM: Tony Trischka (banjo) & Territory. The Emelin Theatre, Mamaroneck NY. 8 PM: The Crimson Ragdolls w/Lisa Liu (guitar), Ellie Goodman (violin), Lauren Hendrix (bass), Zoe Christiansen (accordion/clarinet). The Diana Center at Barnard College. 10:30 PM: Fridays at Mona's, this week The Megg Ryan Jass Bandw/ Sweet Megg (vocals), Ryan Weisheit (reeds). Mona’s, 14th & Avenue B.
Saturday, March 11, 11:30 AM: Tara O'Grady Quartet w/ Tara (vocals), Michael Howell (guitar), Trifon Dimitrov (bass), Dan Pratt (sax). Tanner Smiths Tipsy Tea Jazz Brunch. (Most Saturdays.) Noon: Sweet Megg & the Wayfarers w/ Sweet Megg (vocals), Sam Raderman (guitar), Jim Robertson. Brunch at Row House, 2128 Frederick Douglass Blvd. 12:30 PM: Amos Rose jazz duo w/ vocals. Jules Bistro. (Most Saturdays.) 1 PM: Garden Party Quartet frequently with Emily Asher (trombone). (Most Saturdays.) Fraunces Tavern. 2 PM: Lisa Liu's Gypsy Jazz Experience w/Lisa Liu (guitar), Andrew Louis Willens (bass). Rosamunde Sausage Grill. 4 PM: Roy Williams & Friends. The Shanty. (Most Saturdays, personnel varies). 8 PM: Eddie Barbash & his Orchestra w/ Eddie (sax), Roy Williams (guitar), Duncan Wickle (fiddle), others(?). The Roxy. 8 PM: Celtic Appalachian Celebration w/ Mick Moloney, Athena Tergis, and The Green Fields of America, w/ Billy McComiskey (button accordion), Liz Hanley (fiddle and vocals), Jerry O'Sullivan (uilleann pipes and whistle), Brendan Dolan (piano), Niall O'Leary (dancer) and special guests Erynn Marshall (fiddle), Carl Jones (guitar, mandolin, banjo), Sheila Adams (singer), Megan Downes and City Stompers (dancers), Haley Richardson (fiddle), Jake James (fiddler and dancer). Symphony Space. Info/tix. 10 PM: Alash (Tuvan throat singers). Barbes. 10:30 PM: Sweet Megg & the Wayfarers w/Sweet Megg (vocals), Ryan Weisheit (reeds), Jason Prover (trumpet), Rob Adkins (bass), Rich Levinson. St. Mazie's.
Sunday, March 12 11:30 AM: Tara O'Grady Quartet w/ Tara (vocals), Michael Howell (guitar), Trifon Dimitrov (bass), Michael Hashim (sax). Tanner Smiths Tipsy Tea Jazz Brunch. (Most Sundays.) Noon: Megg Ryan Jass Band w/ Sweet Megg (vocals, guitar), Ryan Weisheit (reeds). House of Yes. (Most Sundays.) 1 PM: Chris Thile. Rockwood Two. (Sold out.) 1:30 PM: Koran Agan (guitar), others. Radegast.  (Most Sundays.) 6 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Tony Scherr (bass) & Josh Dion (drums). 55 Bar. 7 PM: Alex Simon's Gypsy Swing Ensemble. Radegast. 8 PM: The EarRegulars w/ Jon-Erik Kellso (cornet), and this week Scott Robinson (miscellaneous wind instruments), Matt Munisteri (guitar), Patrick O’Leary (bass). The Ear. (Most Sundays.) 8 PM: Glenn Crytzer Trio w/ Hannah Gill. Blacktail. 9 PM: Stephane Wrembel & his band. Barbes. 10 PM: Baby Soda Jazz Band w/ Jared Engel (banjo), others. St. Mazie. (Most Sundays.) 10 PM: Sweet Megg & the Wayfarers w/ Sweet Megg (vocals), Ryan Weisheit (reeds), others. The Wayland.
Monday, March 13, 6 PM: Phoebe Hunt (violin, vocals), Dominick Leslie (mandolin). Porchlight. 7 PM: “Ella is Present” w/ Terri Lyne Carrington (percussion), Casey Benjamin Charenée Wade (vocals). Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Info/tix. 7 PM: The Brain Cloud, the full band w/ Tamar Korn (vocals), Dennis Lichtman (clarinet, mandolin), Andrew Hall (bass), Raphael McGregor (lap steel guitar), Kevin Dorn (drums) and Skip Krevins (guitar). Barbes. (Most Mondays.)  7 PM: Baby Soda Jazz Band. Hofbrau Bierhaus. 8 PM: Mike Davis (cornet) and friends celebrate Bix Beiderbecke. The Bickford, Morristown NJ. Info/Tix. 8 PM: Vince Giordano & his Nighthawks, with an array of the best traditional jazz musicians in New York, Iguana. (Most Mondays). 8 PM: Sweet Megg & The Wayfarers. The Belfry. (Most Mondays.) 9 PM: Svetlana & The Delancey 5 - Svetlana (vocals), Jon Weber (piano), Mike Hashim (reeds), Charlie Caranicas (trmpt), Rob Garcia (drums), George Delancey (bass). Back Room Speakeasy - 102 Norfolk Street. (Most Mondays.) 10 PM: Mona’s Bluegrass Jam, Mona’s, 14th & Avenue B (Most Mondays.) 10 PM: Terry Waldo & The Rum House Jass Band w/ Terry (piano), Jon-Erik Kellso (cornet), Jim Fryer (trombone), Eddy Davis (tenor banjo) and frequently Dan Levinson (clarinet) & Molly Ryan (vocals). The Rum House. (Most Mondays.) 10 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Tony Scherr (bass) & Josh Dion (drums) plus Margo Valiante. Rockwood Two.
Tuesday, March 14, Noon: Gotham Jazzmen. New York Library for the Performing Arts. 8 PM: Vince Giordano & his Nighthawks, with an array of the very best traditional jazz musicians in New York, Iguana. (Most Tuesdays).  8 PM: Tara O'Grady & the Black Velvet Band w/ Tara (vocals), Michael Howell (guitar), Trifon Dimitrov (bass). Winnie’s Jazz Bar. (Most Tuesdays). 9 PM: Brother Roy w/ Roy Williams (piano, vocals). Rockwood Two. 9:30 PM: Mama Juke w/ Amos Rose, others. East Village Social, St Marks @ Ave A. (Most Tuesdays.) 10 PM: Michael Daves (guitar). Rockwood One. 10 PM: Svetlana & The Delancy Band. Brooklyn Speakeasy at Bedford Hall, 1177 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn. (Most Tuesdays.)  10:15 PM: Michael Daves' Wax Lion. Rockwood Three. (Most Tuesdays.) 11 PM: Jordan Tice & Horse Country w/ Jordan (guitar), Dominick Leslie (mandolin), Zoe Guigueno (bass). Rockwood One. 11 PM: Trad Jazz Jam hosted by Mona’s Hot Four. The Hot Four house band is Dennis Lichtman (clarinet, etc.), Gordon Webster (piano), Nick Russo (guitar, banjo) & Jared Engel (bass). Mona’s, 14th & Avenue B.
March 15, 8 PM: Phil Lesh & Friends. Capitol Theatre, Port Chester NY.  9:30 PM: Gordon Webster Band CD Release w/ Gordon (piano), Charles Turner (vocals), Danny Jonokuchi (cornet), Danny Lipsitz (reeds), Rob Edwards (trombone), Ricky Alexander (reeds), Danny Zieman (bass), Kevin Congelton (drums). Joes Pub. Info/tix.
March 16, 8 PM: Phil Lesh & Friends. Capitol Theatre, Port Chester NY.  9 PM: Gordon's Grand Street Stompers. Radegast.
March 17, 8 PM: Phil Lesh & Friends. Capitol Theatre, Port Chester NY.  5 PM: The Glenn Crytzer Quartette. Broadway Lounge in the Marriott Marquis in Times Square.   8 PM: Leann Rimes. Patchogue Theatre, Patchogue NY. Info/tix.
March 18, Noon: Glenn Crytzer Quintette. Brunch at Minton's. 8 PM: Rhonda Vincent. Ramapo College, Mahwah NJ. Info/tix. 7:30 PM: Margi Gianquinto and the world famous TBD band featuring TBA (wtf) and TBA (ftw). J House, Riverside CT. 10 PM: Brain Cloud Trio w/ Dennis Lichtman (mandolin, clarinet), Tamar Korn (vocals), Andrew Hall (bass). Fox & Crow, Jersey City.
March 19, 12:30 PM: Brunch with w/ Hilary Gardner (vocals) plus Greg Ruggerio (guitar) & Joel Forbes (bass). North Square. 4 PM: The Stride Piano Jam w/ Terry Waldo (piano) & Ehud Asherie (piano). Fat Cat. 4 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Chris Morrissey (bass) & Josh Dion (drums). The Greenwich Library, Greenwich CT.
March 20, 10 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Chris Morrissey (bass) & Josh Dion (drums). Rockwood Two.
March 21, Noon: Gotham Jazzmen. New York Library for the Performing Arts.
March 22, 7:30 PM: Cole Porter’s “The New Yorkers” (a story of the 1930s & prohibition) w/ Cyrille Aimée & many others. City Center, 130 W. 56th Street. Info/tix. 7:45 PM: Chris Eldridge & Julian Lage plus Aoife O'Donovan. Fairfield Theatre Company, Fairfield CT. Info/tix. 9 PM: Emily Asher's Garden Party. Radegast.
March 23, 7:30 PM: Cole Porter’s “The New Yorkers” (a story of the 1930s & prohibition) w/ Cyrille Aimée & many others. City Center, 130 W. 56th Street. Info/tix. 9 PM (unconfirmed time): Jon-Erik Kellso Quartet. Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
March 24, 8 PM: Cole Porter’s “The New Yorkers” (a story of the 1930s & prohibition) w/ Cyrille Aimée & many others. City Center, 130 W. 56th Street. Info/tix. 8 & 10 PM: Bucky Pizzarelli  (7-string guitar), Ed Laub (guitar, vocals), Larry Fuller (piano), Martin Pizzarelli (bass). Kitano. 
March 25, Noon: Glenn Crytzer Quintette. Brunch at Minton's. 2 & 8 PM: Cole Porter’s “The New Yorkers” (a story of the 1930s & prohibition) w/ Cyrille Aimée & many others. City Center, 130 W. 56th Street. Info/tix. 8 & 10 PM: Stephanie Nakasian (vocals) & Veronica Swift (vocals) with the Tardo Hammer Trio. Kitano. 9 PM: Noam Pikelny. The Bowery Ballroom. Info/tix.
March 26, Noon: Women of the Guitar w/ Sheryl Bailey, Jiji Kimm, Kaki King & Ann Klein. 92nd Street Y. Free but limited seating. Info 2 & 7 PM: Cole Porter’s “The New Yorkers” (a story of the 1930s & prohibition) w/ Cyrille Aimée & many others. City Center, 130 W. 56th Street. Info/tix. Time?: The Peewee Russell Memorial Stomp w/ Midiri Brothers Quintet, Peter and Will Anderson Quintet, Dan Levinson's Russell of Spring Band & Professor Cunningham and his Old School. Birchwood Manor, Whippany NJ. Info/tix. 4 PM: Roy Williams & The Human Hands. Skinny Dennis.
March 27, 7 PM: “J’adore Ella,” w/ Les Nubians (sisters Hélène and Célia Faussart). Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Info/tix. 10 PM: 10 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Chris Morrissey (bass) & Josh Dion (drums) plus Adam Levy. Rockwood Two.
March 28, Noon: Gotham Jazzmen. New York Library for the Performing Arts.
March 29, 12:30 PM: Jayme Stone's Lomax Project. UBS Atrium, Weehawken, NJ.
March 30, 9 PM: Glenn Crytzer Trio w/ Hannah Gill. St. Mazie.
March 31, 5 PM: The Glenn Crytzer Quartette. Broadway Lounge in the Marriott Marquis in Times Square.   7:30 & 9:30 PM: John Pizzarelli. The Emelin Theatre, Mamaroneck NY.
April 1, 8 PM: John Prine. NJPAC. Tix. 8 PM: Acadia Swing w/ Svetlana & The Delancy Five, Sweet Megg & The Wayfarers, others. Connollys on W. 45th. Tix.
April 3, 7:30 PM: Richard Dowling (piano) & Jeff Barnhart (piano) play the music of Scott Joplin. Bickford Theatre, Morristown NJ. Info/tix. 7:30 & 9:30 PM: Danilo Brito Quinteto. Dizzy’s. Info/tix. 10 PM: 10 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Chris Morrissey (bass) & Josh Dion (drums). Rockwood Two.
April 10, 10 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Chris Morrissey (bass) & Josh Dion (drums). Rockwood Two.
April 11, 6 PM: Bucky Pizzarelli (7-string guitar), Ed Laub (guitar, vocals), Martin Pizzarelli (bass). Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
April 17, 8:30 PM: Frank Vignola's Guitar Night w/ Frank (guitar), Bucky Pizzarelli (7-string guitar), Gene Bertoncini (7-string guitar), Olli Soikkeli (guitar), Vinny Raniolo (guitar) and Nicki Parrott (bass). The Iridium.
April 20, 9 PM: Frank Vignola & Vinny Raniolo (guitars). Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
April 21, Doors open 7 PM: Squirrel Nut Zippers. Brooklyn Steel w/ Ozomatli. Info/tix. 8 PM: Del (McCoury) & Dawg (David Grisman). Ridgefield Playhouse. Ridgefield CT. Info/tix.
April 24, 10 PM: Jim Campilongo Trio w/ Jim (electric guitar), Chris Morrissey (bass) & Josh Dion (drums). Rockwood Two.
April 28-30, Brooklyn Folk Festival. St Ann's Church. Full Line-up here.
May 9, 6 PM: Bucky Pizzarelli (7-string guitar), Ed Laub (guitar, vocals), Martin Pizzarelli (bass). Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
May 13, 7:30 PM: Rhiannon Giddens (violin, banjo, vocals). Alice Tully Hall. Info/tix.
<<<SPECIAL>>> May 15-21. New York Hot Jazz Camp directed by Molly Ryan & Bria Skonberg . Info & registration info here.
May 18, 8 PM: David Crosby. Westbury Theatre. Info/Tix. Tix on sale February 3.
May 27, 7:30 PM: Battle of the Big Bands. Info/tix.
June 6, 6 PM: Bucky Pizzarelli (7-string guitar), Ed Laub (guitar, vocals), Martin Pizzarelli (bass). Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
July 12, 9 PM: Pokey LaFarge. Bowery Ballroom. Info/tix.
October 13-15, Jeff & Joel's House Party, Branford CT. Info.
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5ummit · 6 months ago
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by allie_lynee
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davidisen · 8 years ago
NYC Music I Like Mar 1-7
...trad jazz, Gypsy, swing, bluegrass, choro etc. w/ folk roots & virtuoso ensemble playing... Explanation/disclaimer.
[Caution! Please verify with musician, venue, etc. before going. Send updata here.]
Allied music listings with overlapping tastes: Jim's Roots and Blues Calendar.  Eileen's Lindy Blog - This Week in Swing.
This Week
<<<SPECIAL>>>: Tuesday, Feb 28 through Sunday, March 5, Django a GoGo, an amazing week of workshops and concerts presented by Stephane Wrembel. More info here. Concerts that are open to the public listed below.
Wednesday, March 1, 5:30 PM: David Ostwald's Louis Armstrong Eternity Band, Birdland (Most Wednesdays.) 7 PM: Jeanne Gies (vocals) w/ Bruce Edwards (guitar). Andanada.   7:30 PM: The Robert Edwards Quintet w/ Rob (trombone), Joe Magnarelli (cornet), Dave Barron (bass), Aaron Kimmel (drums), Adam Birnbaum (piano). Smalls. 8 PM: Django a Gogo presents Django Flamenco w/Alfonso Ponticelli and Juanito Pascual (guitars).  The Woodland, Maplewood NJ. Info/tix. 10 PM: Tatiana and the Mood Swings w/ Tatiana Eva Marie (vocals), Amos Rose (guitar), Joanna Sternberg (bass). Jalopy. 11 PM: Avalon Jazz Band hosts Hot Jazz & Gypsy Jam. The Keep. (Most Wednesdays.)
Thursday, March 2, 7 PM: Bill Scorzari, Live in the Lobby. The Patchogue Theatre, Patchogue, NY 8 PM: Django a Gogo presents Rhythm Future Quartet w/ Olli Soikkeli (guitar), Max O'Rourke (guitar), Jason Anick (violin), Greg Loughman (bass).  The Woodland, Maplewood NJ. Info/tix. 8 PM: The Blacktail Songbirds w/ Molly Ryan (vocals), Dan Levinson (reeds), Mike Davis (cornet), Terry Waldo (piano). Blacktail. (Most Thursdays.) 8 PM: Andy Statman Trio w/ guest Pete Rushefsky. Charles Street Synagogue. 8:30 PM: Gene Bertoncini (guitar) and Josh Marcum (bass). Ryan's Daughter, upstairs, 350 E. 85th Street between 1st and 2nd Avenues. (Most Thursdays.) 9 PM: Abbie Gardner. Rockwood One. 9 PM: Gypsy jazz jam, Fada. (Most Thursdays.) 10:30 PM: Linus Wyrsch Birthday Celebration Jam Session w/ Gene Bertoncini (guitar), Josh Marcum (bass) and special guests. Ryan's Daughter, upstairs, 350 E. 85th Street between 1st and 2nd Avenues.
Friday, March 3, 5 PM: The Glenn Crytzer Quartette. Broadway Lounge in the Marriott Marquis in Times Square.  7 PM: Peter & Will Anderson (reeds). Shanghai Jazz, Madison NJ. 8 PM: Django a GoGo w/ Al DiMeola, Stochelo Rosenberg, Ryan Montbleu, Stephane Wrembel (guitars), others. Stern Auditorium / Perelman Stage at Carnegie Hall. Info . . . tix. 10:30 PM: Fridays at Mona's, This Friday Reggae w/ The Brooklyners featuring David Langlois (washboard), others. Mona’s, 14th & Avenue B.
Saturday, March 4, 11 AM: Songs inspired by “Cool Hand Luke” by Glass Carnival w/ Sasha Papernik (vocals), Justin Poindexter (vocals, guitar), Dave Speranza (bass), Mark Dobbyn (guitar), Peri DiLorenzo (fiddle). Nighthawk Cinema136 Metropolitan Ave, Brooklyn. Followed by the movie. Info. 11:30 AM: Tara O'Grady Quartet w/ Tara (vocals), Michael Howell (guitar), David Shaich (bass), Michael Hashim (sax). Tanner Smiths Tipsy Tea Jazz Brunch. (Most Saturdays.) 12:30 PM: Amos Rose jazz duo w/ vocals. Jules Bistro. (Most Saturdays.) 1 PM: Garden Party Quartet frequently with Emily Asher (trombone). (Most Saturdays.) Fraunces Tavern. 4 PM: Roy Williams & Friends. The Shanty. (Most Saturdays, personnel varies). 7 PM: New York Mandolin Ensemble w/ Steven Antonelli, Wayne Fugate, Richard Robinson, Roy Goldberg, Bob Green, Barry Kornhauser and Barry Mitterhoff, (mandolins). Church of St. John Nepomucene, 411 East 66th Street in Manhattan. Info. Tickets at the door ($10). 7 PM: Hazmat Modine, w/ musicians such as Joe Daley (tuba), Pam Flemming (cornet), Kevin Garcia (drums), Reut Regev (trombone), Michaela Gomez (guitar, steel guitar), Erik Della Penna (guitar, banjo & vocals), Steve Elson (wind instruments), Wade Schuman (diatonic harmonica, lute guitar, vocals). Terra Blues. 7:00pm Tara O'Grady Quartet w/ Tara (vocals), Darren Wallis (guitar), David Shaich (bass), John Campagna (sax). Chappaqua Station, Chappaqua NY. 8 PM: Django a GoGo w/ Paulus Schafer.  The Woodland, Maplewood NJ. Info/tix. 8 PM: Mama Juke Duo w/ Amos Rose (guitar) and Elijah Bridges (guitar). Santos Anne, Williamsburg. 8 PM: Eddie Barbash & His Orchestra. The Roxy. 9:30 PM: Svetlana & The Delancey Five: Born To Swing! w/ Svetlana (vocals) Billy Test (piano), Rob Garcia (drums), Endea Owens (bass), Corey Wallace (trombone), Charlie Caranicas (cornet), Michael Hashim (sax & other reeds), Dewit Flemming Jr (tap dancing). Joe's Pub. Info/tix. 9:30 PM: Jovino Santos Neto (piano) w/ Itaiguara Brandão (bass), Mauricio Zottarelli (drums). Club Bonafide.
Sunday, March 5, 11 AM: Songs inspired by “Cool Hand Luke” by Glass Carnival w/ Sasha Papernik (vocals), Justin Poindexter (vocals, guitar), Dave Speranza (bass), Mark Dobbyn (guitar), Peri DiLorenzo (fiddle). Nighthawk Cinema136 Metropolitan Ave, Brooklyn. Followed by the movie. Info. 11:30 AM: Tara O'Grady Quartet w/ Tara (vocals), Michael Howell (guitar), David Shaich (bass), Michael Hashim (sax). Tanner Smiths Tipsy Tea Jazz Brunch. (Most Sundays.) Noon: Megg Ryan Jass Band w/ Sweet Megg (vocals, guitar), Ryan Weisheit (reeds). House of Yes. (Most Sundays.) 1:30 PM: Koran Agan (guitar), others. Radegast.  (Most Sundays.) 5 PM: Roda de Choro with Regional de NY. Genuine Brazilian choro with a slight NYC accent. Beco. 5 PM to midnight. Django a GoGo party & jam session hosted by Stephane Wrembel, including many great players. Barbes. 5:45 PM Terry Waldo’s Gotham City Band. Fat Cat. 6:30 PM: Glenn Crytzer All Stars. The Row Hotel. 8 PM: The EarRegulars w/ Jon-Erik Kellso (cornet), and this week Scott Robinson (miscellaneous wind instruments), Matt Munisteri (guitar), Patrick O’Leary (bass). The Ear. (Most Sundays.) 8:30 PM: Dan Levinson (reeds) plays the music of Django Reinhardt, hosted by Koran Agan (guitar). Cornelia Street Cafe. 10 PM: Baby Soda Jazz Band w/ Jared Engel (banjo), others. St. Mazie. (Most Sundays.)
Monday, March 6, 7 PM: The Abbie Hollander Band. Rockwood Three. 7 PM: “Divine Ella” w/ Brandee Younger (harp), Jean Baylor (vocals), Camille Thurman (alto sax and vocals), Courtney Bryan (piano), Dezron Douglas (bass) and Kassa Overall (drums). Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Info/tix. 7 PM: The Brain Cloud, the full band w/ Tamar Korn (vocals), Dennis Lichtman (clarinet, mandolin), Andrew Hall (bass), Raphael McGregor (lap steel guitar), Kevin Dorn (drums) and Skip Krevins (guitar). Barbes. (Most Mondays.)  7 PM: Peter & Will Anderson (reeds) w/ Julliard alumni & students. Paul Recital Hall, Julliard. 8 PM: Eddie Barbash Bluegrass Band. Rockwood One. 9:30 PM: First Monday Bluegrass Jam hosted by Michael Daves. Rockwood Three. 8 PM: Vince Giordano & his Nighthawks, with an array of the best traditional jazz musicians in New York, Iguana. (Most Mondays). 8 PM: Sweet Megg & The Wayfarers. The Belfry. (Most Mondays.) 9 PM: Svetlana & The Delancey 5 - Svetlana (vocals), Jon Weber (piano), Mike Hashim (reeds), Charlie Caranicas (trmpt), Rob Garcia (drums), George Delancey (bass). Back Room Speakeasy - 102 Norfolk Street. (Most Mondays.) 10 PM: Mona’s Bluegrass Jam, Mona’s, 14th & Avenue B (Most Mondays.) 10 PM: Terry Waldo & The Rum House Jass Band w/ Terry (piano), Jon-Erik Kellso (cornet), Jim Fryer (trombone), Eddy Davis (tenor banjo) and frequently Dan Levinson (clarinet) & Molly Ryan (vocals). The Rum House. (Most Mondays.) 10 PM: Jim Campilongo, Roy Williams, Luca Benedetti (guitars). Rockwood Two.
Tuesday, March 7, Noon: Gotham Jazzmen. New York Library for the Performing Arts. 6 PM: Bucky Pizzarelli (7-string guitar), Ed Laub (guitar, vocals), Martin Pizzarelli (bass). Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill. 8 PM: Vince Giordano & his Nighthawks, with an array of the very best traditional jazz musicians in New York, Iguana. (Most Tuesdays).  8 PM: Tara O'Grady & the Black Velvet Band w/ Tara (vocals), Vinny Raniolo (guitar), David Shaich (bass). Winnie’s Jazz Bar. (Most Tuesdays). 9:30 PM: Mama Juke w/ Amos Rose, others. (Most Tuesdays.) East Village Social, St Marks @ Ave A. 10 PM: Svetlana & The Delancy Band. Brooklyn Speakeasy at Bedford Hall, 1177 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn. (Most Tuesdays.)  10:15 PM: Michael Daves' Wax Lion. Rockwood Three. (Most Tuesdays.) 11 PM: Trad Jazz Jam hosted by Mona’s Hot Four. The Original Hot Four house band is Dennis Lichtman (clarinet, etc.), Gordon Webster (piano), Nick Russo (guitar, banjo) & Jared Engel (bass). Mona’s, 14th & Avenue B.
March 8, 7 PM: Dan Levinson (reeds), Mark Shane (piano), Kevin Dorn (drums) play the music of Benny Goodman. Shanghai Jazz, Madison NJ. 8 PM: Bill Scorzari. At Finley's of Huntington, Huntington, NY.
March 9, 7:15 PM: Julian Lage & Chris Eldridge (guitars). Rockwood Two. 9 PM: Sam Raderman Quartet w/ Sam (guitar), others. Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
March 10, 7:15 PM: Julian Lage & Chris Eldridge (guitars). Rockwood Two. 8 PM: Tony Trischka (banjo) & Territory. The Emelin Theatre, Mamaroneck NY.
March 11, 8 PM: Celtic Appalachian Celebration w/ Mick Moloney, Athena Tergis, and The Green Fields of America, w/ Billy McComiskey (button accordion), Liz Hanley (fiddle and vocals), Jerry O'Sullivan (uilleann pipes and whistle), Brendan Dolan (piano), Niall O'Leary (dancer) and special guests Erynn Marshall (fiddle), Carl Jones (guitar, mandolin, banjo), Sheila Adams (singer), Megan Downes and City Stompers (dancers), Haley Richardson (fiddle), Jake James (fiddler and dancer). Symphony Space. Info/tix. 10 PM: Alash (Tuvan throat singers). Barbes.
March 13, 7 PM: “Ella is Present” w/ Terri Lyne Carrington (percussion), Casey Benjamin Charenée Wade (vocals). Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Info/tix. 8 PM: Mike Davis (cornet) and friends celebrate Bix Beiderbecke. The Bickford, Morristown NJ. Info/Tix.
March 14, Noon: Gotham Jazzmen. New York Library for the Performing Arts. 9 PM: Brother Roy w/ Roy Williams (piano, vocals). Rockwood Two. 10 PM: Michael Daves (guitar). Rockwood One. 11 PM: Jordan Tice & Horse Country. Rockwood One.
March 15, 9:30 PM: Gordon Webster Band CD Release w/ Gordon (piano), Charles Turner (vocals), Danny Jonokuchi (cornet), Danny Lipsitz (reeds), Rob Edwards (trombone), Ricky Alexander (reeds), Danny Zieman (bass), Kevin Congelton (drums). Joes Pub. Info/tix.
March 17, 8 PM: Leann Rimes. Patchogue Theatre, Patchogue NY. Info/tix.
March 18, Rhonda Vincent. Ramapo College, Mahwah NJ. Info/tix. Margi Gianquinto and the world famous TBD band featuring TBA (wtf) and TBA (ftw). J House, Riverside CT.
March 19, 12:30 PM: Brunch with w/ Hilary Gardner (vocals) plus Greg Ruggerio (guitar) & Joel Forbes (bass). North Square. 4 PM: The Stride Piano Jam w/ Terry Waldo (piano) & Ehud Asherie (piano). Fat Cat.
March 21, Noon: Gotham Jazzmen. New York Library for the Performing Arts.
March 22, 7:30 PM: Cole Porter’s “The New Yorkers” (a story of the 1930s & prohibition) w/ Cyrille Aimée & many others. City Center, 130 W. 56th Street. Info/tix. 7:45 PM: Chris Eldridge & Julian Lage plus Aoife O'Donovan. Fairfield Theatre Company, Fairfield CT. Info/tix.
March 23, 7:30 PM: Cole Porter’s “The New Yorkers” (a story of the 1930s & prohibition) w/ Cyrille Aimée & many others. City Center, 130 W. 56th Street. Info/tix. 9 PM (unconfirmed time): Jon-Erik Kellso Quartet. Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
March 24, 8 PM: Cole Porter’s “The New Yorkers” (a story of the 1930s & prohibition) w/ Cyrille Aimée & many others. City Center, 130 W. 56th Street. Info/tix. 8 & 10 PM: Bucky Pizzarelli  (7-string guitar), Ed Laub (guitar, vocals), Larry Fuller (piano), Martin Pizzarelli (bass). Kitano. 
March 25, 2 & 8 PM: Cole Porter’s “The New Yorkers” (a story of the 1930s & prohibition) w/ Cyrille Aimée & many others. City Center, 130 W. 56th Street. Info/tix. 8 & 10 PM: Stephanie Nakasian (vocals) & Veronica Swift (vocals) with the Tardo Hammer Trio. Kitano.
March 26, Noon: Women of the Guitar w/ Sheryl Bailey, Jiji Kimm, Kaki King & Ann Klein. 92nd Street Y. Free but limited seating. Info 2 & 7 PM: Cole Porter’s “The New Yorkers” (a story of the 1930s & prohibition) w/ Cyrille Aimée & many others. City Center, 130 W. 56th Street. Info/tix. Time?: The Peewee Russell Memorial Stomp w/ Midiri Brothers Quintet, Peter and Will Anderson Quintet, Dan Levinson's Russell of Spring Band & Professor Cunningham and his Old School. Birchwood Manor, Whippany NJ. Info/tix.
March 27, 7 PM: “J’adore Ella,” w/ Les Nubians (sisters Hélène and Célia Faussart). Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Info/tix.
March 28, Noon: Gotham Jazzmen. New York Library for the Performing Arts.
March 29, 12:30 PM: Jayme Stone's Lomax Project. UBS Atrium, Weehawken, NJ.
March 31, 7:30 & 9:30 PM: John Pizzarelli. The Emelin Theatre, Mamaroneck NY.
April 1, 8 PM: John Prine. NJPAC. Tix. 8 PM: Acadia Swing w/ Svetlana & The Delancy Five, Sweet Megg & The Wayfarers, others. Connollys on W. 45th. Tix.
April 3, 7:30 PM: Richard Dowling (piano) & Jeff Barnhart (piano) play the music of Scott Joplin. Bickford Theatre, Morristown NJ. Info/tix. 7:30 & 9:30 PM: Danilo Brito Quinteto. Dizzy’s. Info/tix.
April 11, 6 PM: Bucky Pizzarelli (7-string guitar), Ed Laub (guitar, vocals), Martin Pizzarelli (bass). Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
April 17, 8:30 PM: Frank Vignola's Guitar Night w/ Frank (guitar), Bucky Pizzarelli (7-string guitar), Gene Bertoncini (7-string guitar), Olli Soikkeli (guitar), Vinny Raniolo (guitar) and Nicki Parrott (bass). The Iridium.
April 20, 9 PM: Frank Vignola & Vinny Raniolo (guitars). Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
April 28-30, Brooklyn Folk Festival. St Ann's Church. Full Line-up here.
May 9, 6 PM: Bucky Pizzarelli (7-string guitar), Ed Laub (guitar, vocals), Martin Pizzarelli (bass). Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
May 13, 7:30 PM: Rhiannon Giddens (violin, banjo, vocals). Alice Tully Hall. Info/tix.
<<<SPECIAL>>> May 15-21. New York Hot Jazz Camp directed by Molly Ryan & Bria Skonberg . Info & registration info here.
May 18, 8 PM: David Crosby. Westbury Theatre. Info/Tix. Tix on sale February 3.
May 27, 7:30 PM: Battle of the Big Bands. Info/tix.
June 6, 6 PM: Bucky Pizzarelli (7-string guitar), Ed Laub (guitar, vocals), Martin Pizzarelli (bass). Luca's Jazz Corner @Cavatappo Grill.
October 13-15, Jeff & Joel's House Party, Branford CT. Info.
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