#arsenic iron removal plant
ideasengineering · 2 months
Ideas Engineering Works is Prominent and Leading Manufacturer of Arsenic Treatment Plant in Kolkata, Assam, India at Affordable Rate. We Offer Top Quality Arsenic Treatment Plant in All Across India. Contact Us!
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callsign-rogueone · 8 months
keep her safe - g.t.
Garrick Tavis x Marked!Pacifist!Reader  This one is for my fellow tired, chronic pain girls who just want their suffering to serve some purpose, and those who trust everyone they meet, even if they shouldn’t. wc: 4.7k -- the longest work I've ever put on this blog! second chapter is here! 🏷: spoilers for both Fourth Wing books (I’m currently 500 pages into Iron Flame, and y’all... 😭) people refer to you with she/her pronouns, canon-typical violence and torture, mentions of canon character death / death of a family member, bad coping mechanisms, Dain and his memory reading (I tried to make him more tolerable), one (1) reference to sex, I gave you a last name (Avan) and Garrick calls you angel as a pet name, because I refuse to use y/n. Your dragon's name is Tab.
Your stomach drops as your name is called for a challenge. “No weapons today.” Emeterrio adds. “I want you to work on your hand-to-hand.”
The pair of you unsheath nearly a dozen knives apiece, you handing yours to Bodhi. Disarmed, you extend a hand to the boy, as is the Tyrrish tradition before a friendly spar, but he doesn’t take it. No unmarked ones ever have.
He charges first, tangles a hand in your hair and pulls, jerking your head back, and the crowd of freshmen gasp, but you plant your feet and move with him, twisting your spine with practiced ease.
That gives you enough distance to kick a leg out at his right knee, hitting him squarely in the back of it. He releases you. Another swift kick to his legs has them sweeping out from under him. You dig a thumb into his collarbone, finding just the right spot, and he crumples, giving you a split second to wrap your arm around his throat.
He claws at your elbow with blunt nails, wasting breath as he attempts to rise to his feet, but you keep him pinned with your body weight, bearing down as hard as you can. He bucks, and your left boot skids against the mat. 
You bend your knee to brace yourself in a lunge. Your arm is starting to falter, he can feel the muscle straining around his jaw, but he’s tiring too — running out of air. If neither of you moves, he’s going to die.
“Enough,” Emeterrio commands.
You release him, extending a hand to pull him up, but he smacks it away and dives straight at you, clearly not done. “I’m not letting you off that easily, traitor.” 
You squeak in surprise, your back hitting the mat with a thud, and he lands another blow to your jaw. You struggle to take control back, gasping for breath from how hard you’d hit the floor.
He gathers your wrists into one hand easily, the other closing around your throat.
“You are going to die on this mat if you don’t do something, now. Use the failsafe.” 
There’s one dagger you hadn’t removed, that you’d won from Garrick in combat your first year, that he’d let you win, really, and promptly ordered that you never remove it from your reach, for situations like this.
He doesn’t have your legs pinned, so you kick out, catching him in the thigh, and his grip falters. You manage to wiggle one arm free to pull the blade from the inside of your jacket, rolling onto your side and holding the point millimeters away from his chest. “Yield,” you order, loud enough for everyone to hear.
“You won’t kill me,” He snarls. “Everyone knows you’re all bark and no bite. That’s why you keep him around.”
You drag it down, just enough to tear his shirt. “Yield, or you’ll meet Malek today and you can explain to him what a cheating coward you are.” The words surprise you, but you fight to maintain the hardened look on your face, trying to convince him you’re serious. 
“Fine,” he spits, “I yield.”
Heart still pounding, you move to lean against the wall with the other marked ones, Bodhi handing you back your arsenal blade by blade. 
“She cheated!” Jason protests as soon as he’s standing again.
“She did what was necessary after you defied a direct order from a superior officer,” Emeterrio says narrowly.
Jason glowers, but returns to his friends without further argument. The rest of the pack takes note of their faces; they’re likely as conniving as him, and as liable to try to kill you, too.
“I’m gonna end that motherfucker,” Garrick mutters, checking you over for injuries as subtly as he can. He hands you a scrap of cloth and you wipe the blood from your nose, wincing, but grateful it isn’t broken.
“He’s been at this for months. One of these days, he’s going to kill you.” Bodhi says quietly, his gaze not moving from the next sparring pair.
“Why not kill him first?” Imogen asks. “You had a knife to his gut, you should have used it.”
“No.” You say firmly. “To kill anyone unmarked, especially an officer’s son, would confirm what everyone else in this army believes about Tyrs; that we are bloodthirsty animals.”
“Let them believe that,” she scoffs. “They’ll never change their mind.”
You sigh. Maybe she’s right.
You don’t see your friends for the next ten hours, when you’re finally excused for dinner.
“Where the hell have you been?” Bodhi asks. 
“Medical wing,” you rasp, sliding into a seat at the end of the bench. “Mending infantry with Carr.” 
“You should eat,” Liam says softly, pushing a plate toward you, but you shake your head no, every muscle in your body screaming. 
You look like your head is going to hit the table, your neck no longer able to hold it up. Bodhi pulls you into his side and you slump against him, boneless. “Her signet isn’t fully developed yet,” you hear him explain to Violet and Liam. “She’ll be okay. She just needs to rest.”
When you wake, it’s dark out, the room nearly pitch black, but you can tell it’s not yours — the furniture is arranged differently.
“Welcome back to the land of the living, gentle one,” Tab greets as soon as you’re cognizant. He can only be this dry about it because he knew you’d pull through. “If he makes you do that again, I’ll eat him.”
You laugh, wincing at the pain in your ribs. Your entire body aches. There’s no way you got up the three flights of stairs here yourself — you didn’t even have it in you to chew food at dinner.
There’s a comforting scent to the room — all the soap and detergent everyone uses is standard issue, but something about the sheets smells like Garrick. Your theory is confirmed when he walks through the door, the hallway light illuminating the hilts of the two swords strapped to his back. “If you want me in your bed, Gare, you just need to ask,” you say in greeting.
He laughs dryly, waving a hand to activate a small mage light. “The damage can’t be too bad if you’re already cracking jokes.”
“I missed physics, didn’t I? Did you carry me up here?”
“Of course that’s what you’re worried about. You can copy Violet’s notes, they’re way better than mine.” He strips some of the weapons off, shedding his flight jacket along with them. It’s something you’ve seen many times before, but it never fails to make your heart flutter.
He sits on the edge of the bed, a gentle hand moving up to lay against your cheek. “And I did carry you. I’d do anything for you, angel. It scares me sometimes.”
He brushes a piece of hair from your face. You’d been freezing cold when you fell asleep, so he’d draped you with every blanket he owned before leaving, and it seems to have worked — your skin is pleasantly warm against his hand.
“Anything, hm?” You ask, a lazy smile on your face. 
His eyes sparkle at the mischief in your tone, but he’s responsible enough to think before he acts. “Not until you’ve recovered,” he says sternly. 
You yawn. “D’you have section leader stuff to do tonight?”
“That’s what executive officers are for.”
You crack an eye to look at him in disapproval. “Gare, you can’t skip duty. Melgren will have your head.”
He sighs. “Fine. Don’t go anywhere.”
“I won’t. Your bed is more comfortable than mine anyway.”
He presses a kiss to your forehead, tugging the jacket back on and strapping in the swords.
Someone is standing in front of your yoga mat. Dain. “No bodyguard today?” He asks.
You’re silent, your gaze flickering between him and the longsword by your side, the one Garrick had insisted you take with you everywhere when he wasn’t there to protect you.
“You may find this hard to believe, but I don’t want to kill you.” He says with a sigh. “I just need to-”
“Quit talking and join me, or leave.” You interrupt, settling into a deeper stretch, eyes closing as you gesture to the floor next to you with an open hand. By the grace of Amari, Carr had given you enough time off to recover, but he’ll likely be making you work another shift in the infirmary today. This will be your only pocket of calm for the next twelve hours. You aren’t going to skip it for Dain, of all people.
He chooses the first option, surprising you as he drags a mat over beside yours, attempting to copy your movements. “Do you really do this every day?” He asks, uncomfortable.
“Even a soldier must take time to be at peace. Clear your mind. Whatever you’re thinking about is so loud it’s distracting.”
He startles, his foot slipping on the mat.
“No, my signet is not mind-reading.” You say, eyes still closed, though there’s an amused look on your face. “Relax. You’re killing the air in here with that nervous energy.”
For the next five minutes, you both stretch in total silence. “Now,” you decide, bringing your arms back to your body, focusing on your breathing, “what was so important that you needed to find me here?”
He cuts straight to it. “Varrish wants me to… practice on you. He thinks you’re hiding something, that all of you are.” He doesn’t need to specify who he means by you. 
You don’t seem to react to the information, instead looking at him with curiosity. “How do you feel about your signet?” 
He blinks. Nobody’s ever asked him that before. “I don’t know.” He says quietly. You shift again, but he doesn’t follow you, folding his legs underneath him instead. Your silence presses him to speak, needing to fill the air. “I used to think it was cool, but now… now I’m wondering if it’s really a gift at all.”
“What do you see when you view a memory like that? Are you living it through their eyes, or from above, watching it unfold? How far back can you see?”
“Through their eyes.” He answers, throat dry. Why is he telling you this? “A day, maybe two. It depends. Varrish wants me to learn to push it farther.”
You weigh the consequences. If he’s being honest, he won’t see anything confidential — at worst, a gathering of more than three marked ones to exercise, but is he really petty enough to tell Varrish about that, when he’s giving you a warning in the first place?
“Okay.” You say, opening your eyes. Better it be you than one of the kids who can’t shield their memories yet, or Garrick or Bodhi, who would rip him limb from limb if he tried to touch them.
“I’m going to go about my day now as if this conversation never happened,” you say, looking him in the eye, unflinching, “and you’re going to do what you have to do to satisfy Varrish’s demands — with me and only me. Are we clear?”
“Yes,” he stammers, shocked that you’re letting him do this.
“Good.” You pick up the longsword, strapping it back in along your spine. “Dain?” You call over your shoulder. “I won’t make it easy for you.” You say, and he knows that’s a promise.
“That was an incredibly stupid decision, gentle one. A noble decision, but stupid nonetheless.” Tab speaks into your mind on the way back up to your room. “You cannot always assume everyone has good intentions. It would have been your downfall by now, if not for your mate’s protection.”
“Stop calling Garrick my mate. That’s weird.” You deflect, not wanting to unpack his earlier words.
“Forgive me. Dragons do not have a word for a relationship as trivial as a boyfriend.”
You build up a mental wall like Xaden had taught you, ending the argument. 
When Varrish calls you into his office that afternoon, you already know what it’s for. “Take a seat,” he says with a smile that you know isn’t meant to be friendly.
He sees the way your eyes immediately narrow at the sight of Dain — everyone knows how the quadrant’s golden boy feels about marked ones, and how you feel about him. You’re going to be doing some very good acting today.
The door closes and locks behind you, and your stomach flips as you feel the sound shield form and press up against the office walls. There’s no escape, and no screaming for help, but you know what you’ve walked into. You signed up for it this morning.
“To what do I owe this meeting, Major?” You ask respectfully, lowering yourself into the chair beside Dain.
“Professor Carr has made me aware that both of your signets have been slow to develop. We’re going to spend your leisure time today practicing, in hopes that you will finally improve.” A very convincing lie, you’ll admit. If Dain hadn’t come to you this morning, you might have believed it. “No objections?” He asks, waiting for you to protest.
“No, sir.” You say calmly, Dain answering the same a beat behind you.
“Good. Aetos, you first.”
It takes every ounce of self control not to squirm as Dain stands, stepping toward you. You lift your chin, closing your eyes -- a gesture of consent small enough to fly under the Vice Commandant’s radar.
You may be letting him try, but you’d told him this wouldn’t be easy. You block him out completely, raising your mental shield and barring the gates.
“What do you see?” Varrish asks.
Dain doesn’t answer. He does not push, does not attempt to kick the door down or dig below the foundation. He stands outside, waiting for you to give him something. 
The crack of his nose breaking has your eyes flying open, the coppery scent of blood starting to fill the room immediately as he staggers back into his chair.
“Your turn, Avan."
You stand, laying a gentle hand on Dain’s jaw to tilt it up, stopping the blood from pouring down his shirt. 
He looks up at you, stunned, but lets you touch the broken cartilage with your fingertips, and moments later it feels like nothing ever happened. It’s mind-bending.
“Very good. Aetos, try again. What was she doing this morning?”
Dain stands, angling his body between yours and Varrish’s so that the Major can’t see the apology he mouths before his hands touch your forehead. Whether he can see his conversation with you in the gym is unclear. He lies through his teeth either way. “She was alone,” he answers, “on a run to the flight field and back.” 
“And then?”
He shifts uncomfortably, his eyes not leaving yours. “A shower, breakfast. Eggs. An apple. Toast. She sat with Tavis and two other marked ones.” He leaves out Violet from the group, not wanting to implicate her. Interesting. 
That much is true, but it’s part of your everyday routine — he could have easily gleaned that from watching you across the mess hall. Is he still locked out?
Varrish stands, rounding the corner of his desk. “Let’s make this a little harder, shall we?”
Dain screams as a dagger pierces his arm, thrashing in his chair. Varrish twists the blade as he pulls it out, letting Dain’s blood drip to the floor. This is why he needed the sound shield.
Your eyes widen, and the adrenaline has you leaping to your feet to fix it. You press a hand into the wound, apologizing when he winces. It takes you longer than it should for the muscle to repair itself.
“You care more about him than I thought.” Varrish muses.
You turn to him, anger flickering in your chest. “It is my moral obligation to help the wounded.”
He tuts. “You would have made an excellent healer, had your parents not committed high treason. Aetos, again. Find something older.”
Dain trembles as he stands, and you take pity on him. You push an older memory forward, a happy one, remembering it as vividly as you can.
You watch together as you sprint through the forest, stopping dead in your tracks as you see two cadets fighting. The one losing is a smaller girl in your class whose name Dain can’t remember, a tall, muscled boy towering over her, sword ready to strike.
You spring forward, catching him by surprise and effectively disarming him, and he chooses to abandon the sword and run rather than fight the both of you. You extend a hand to pull the girl to her feet and her eyes widen further, staring up not at you, but behind you.
You feel a burst of heat against your back — not hot enough to be fire. Steam. You bow your head in deference, turning slowly to give the girl time to run… And the dragon bows back. What the fuck?
“You did not kill the boy.” It says directly into your mind.
“I did not.” You answer aloud, not sure if humans can do that.
“Have you ever killed before, gentle one?”
“I haven’t.” Should you be embarrassed? Dragons are violent, surely they would see this as a sign of weakness.
“Not all of us.”
“Holy shit, you can read my mind.”
The girl laughs in disbelief, and you realize you’ve just bonded a dragon.
“In time you’ll learn to control that. But your friend needs to get moving, and so do we.”
You wish her luck before scaling the leg of your dragon and taking a seat.
“Hold on.”
You shriek in happiness like a child as he jumps up, and seconds later you’re thousands of feet in the air, looking down at Basgiath and the valley below. When you return to the flight field, you find Garrick there with a giant brown Scorpiontail, bloodied but happy as he stands next to Xaden and the biggest blue daggertail you’ve ever seen. You pull them both into a hug, just grateful they’re alive.
“Careful, angel,” Garrick warns, grinning into your hair, “we just might make it out of here.”
You cut Dain off there, yanking back the memory before slamming your shields back up. He can have that moment, but only that moment.
“Threshing,” Dain says. Thank the gods. “She helped another cadet who was being attacked. That’s why Tab chose her, for her kindness.”
You both look at Varrish for further instruction. Your shields have been weakening with every injury you repair, but so have Dain’s abilities. You don’t know how many more rounds either of you can take. 
“I think that’s enough for today,” He says, sounding pleased. “I’ll see you again on Wednesday morning, to check your progress. You’re dismissed.”
The sound shield dissipates, the door unlocking. The only evidence is Dain’s blood, smeared across his face and arms, drying on the floor and under your nails. You commit the sight to memory, tucking it into the same folder that holds the death of your parents, and slam the drawer shut.
It takes you five minutes to scrub the blood out of the cracks in your palms and from under your nails. Your fingertips are wrinkled when you step into the gym.
“Why did Tab tell Chradh that you were called into Varrish’s office with Aetos?” Garrick asks, remarkably calm as he toys with one of his smaller daggers.
“Because he’s a meddling mother hen.” You answer, avoiding the question.
“Watch it.”  Tab warns. “Tell him the truth, or we will.”
You know he’s not bluffing. “He wanted us to practice our signets on each other.”
“Dain practiced his signet, his memory-reading signet, on you?” He asks, already simmering with anger.
“This morning, he came to me to warn me about Varrish’s plan, and I told him it was okay. I used my shields, and I only showed him what I wanted to. We’re supposed to do it again Wednesday.”
Your eyes communicate something else you won’t say aloud, not in front of everyone, and not when you know Dain might be able to see this conversation in two days. I did this to take the heat off of the others. You know I was the safest choice.
Garrick sighs. “I can’t tell you what to do, but I’d like to state for the record that I hate this plan. Literally everything about it. Except for Aetos being stabbed, maybe.” Of course Chradh told him about that. He’d have been delighted by the news, despising both him and Cath.
You give him a look.
“Okay, fine. I take that back.”
He doesn’t. 
By Wednesday, the pain in the bridge of your nose is gone, but your arm is still tender where Dain had been stabbed. Bodhi joins you in the gym, stretching with you for a few minutes before he settles into a plank at your side, his eyes never leaving the door.
Dain does not make an appearance at breakfast, notably absent from the leadership table.
Garrick excuses himself as soon as he sees you stand with your tray, catching you by the doors. “Remember that you’re stronger than both of them in all the ways that matter,” he says quietly. “I’ll find you as soon as you’re done.” You both tap your chest twice before parting ways, as has been your tradition for years -- a reminder that even though you’re leaving, you still hold the other in your heart.
Each step up to Varrish’s office is another reminder of what’s to come when you reach the top. “Cadet Avan,” he greets with another sickening smile. “Just in time. We were beginning to think you weren’t coming.”
Your jaw drops at the sight of Dain slumped into the same chair as last time, bloodied and exhausted.
“Nothing fatal,” Varrish reassures. “Not if you act quickly. Go ahead, get started.”
The Vice Commandant’s words have you on edge as you assess him, looking for gaping wounds or broken bones. Dain winces as your hands move over his ribs, and you whisper an apology, pressing in deeper. When your chest starts to ache, you know it’s time to move on. You mend two broken ribs, dissolve a purple bruise on his arm, and fix a split lip, but Dain still hasn’t woken up.
You turn back to Varrish. “One left,” he says. “Use your head.”
Oh, gods. He’d given Dain a concussion, because he knows the migraine it’ll give you will make it harder to shield. You cradle the second-year’s head in your hands, breathing out deeply as you transfer the pain from his body to yours, healing the bruised tissue. Dain blinks himself awake as you stumble, the room suddenly spinning.
“Well done. Aetos?”
You fumble for the arms of your chair, vision blurring at the edges, but you manage to sit back down.
“Say the word, and I get your mate,” Tab offers. He can probably feel your disorientation, concerned you won’t be able to block Dain out in this state.
“No,” you rasp back. “If he shows up, Varrish will have us practice on him instead.”
 You need to pick another memory to satisfy Varrish, something older, but your brain isn’t firing on all cylinders. Dain gives you a moment to gather yourself, a small gesture of mercy.
“A moment of pure happiness,” Tab suggests. “Something with the wingleader and your mate.”
You flip back in the book of your life, nearly all the way to the beginning, opening it to the right page to give to Dain and slipping it under the gate with a nod of your head — you’re ready.
Dain’s hands are warm against your freezing cheeks. A boy no older than five that he recognizes as Garrick crouches under a desk across the room, holding a finger to his lips. 
“Wherever could those children possibly be?” Someone muses aloud, and you fight laughter as the voice grows closer, thinking it amusing that this adult has no idea you’re hiding in the curtains.
Footsteps retreat, and Garrick signals for you to move. You make it down the hallway before you see someone searching — presumably whatever parent you’d convinced to play with you. Small hands tug you both behind a plush velvet couch. Xaden. 
You press yourselves up against it, trying to be as quiet as possible, watching as a shadow forms on the wall in front of you, then a head peers over the back of the couch — that must be your father. He looks just like you, has the same warm smile.
“One more, and then I need to get back to work,” He says, already moving to cover his eyes and starting to count to one hundred. You each run off in a different direction, and the scene fades there.
“A childhood memory,” Dain says. “Playing hide and seek in her father’s office with Riorson and Tavis.”
Not good enough for Varrish. “Give me something I can use,” he snarls, a Freudian slip, but nothing either of you hadn’t known already. 
You flip forward in the book, settling on a page you never look at, that you can’t bear to, but that Varrish will revel in. You rip it out, sliding it under the gate. “Bad,” you whisper, the only warning you can manage.
Dain nods in permission, ready to watch whatever memory you’ve pushed forward.
Someone presses a small stone into your hand, an intricate overlap of shapes and lines engraved on one side, the other perfectly smooth.
“Do not put it down, even for a moment,” your father says. He’s aged between now and the last memory, starting to go gray at his temples. “Keep it in your hand until the end. It will protect you when we can’t.”
He looks next to Garrick. “She is everything good about the world.” He says quietly. “Take care of her.”
Garrick promises he will, and your father pulls you into one last embrace before he leaves. Tears blur your vision, Garrick pulling you close. “It’ll be okay,” he soothes. “They’ll come back.”
Hours pass that Dain can’t see, because you don’t remember them. 
There’s an ache in your palm from clutching the stone so hard, the rounded corners digging into your skin. Garrick takes your free hand in his, interlocking your fingers. Then there’s only screaming and fire and rage, heat burning up your arm as it’s marked with inky swirls. Until the end, your father had said. This must have been what he meant.
“Her parents’ execution,” Dain says, a note of genuine hurt in his voice. “They gave each child a runestone before they left, as protection.”
Varrish’s eyes rake over to you. He leans forward, yanking on the leather cord that disappears into the neck of your shirt hard enough to pull your body with it. “A runestone like this one?”
“Yes,” you answer before Dain can, saving him the lie. You shut your eyes, wincing as the cold edge of a knife brushes against your neck and the cord breaks, a single drop of warm blood running down your collarbone. You don’t protest, you can’t, your mind still hazy and eyes wet with tears from reliving the memory with Dain.
“That will be all.” Varrish dismisses. He doesn’t make an appointment for you to come back. He has what he needs.
You stand, relying on your knowledge of the office’s layout to navigate your way forward until the door closes behind you.
“I’m so sorry,” Dain breathes once you’re down the hall far enough to avoid being heard. “If I had known,”
“It’s okay. The rune is long dead, and he has no idea how to recreate it. I’m just glad he didn’t hurt you again.” You blink, trying to clear your head. How are you going to get down all these stairs? You can hardly see.
“Here,” he says quietly, extending a hand. You take it, letting him loop an arm over his shoulders — your right, the one that Varrish hadn’t bruised black and blue on Dain — and lead you one step at a time.
You’re halfway down when you hear heavy footsteps running up the stairs. Garrick. He’d promised he’d find you when you were done. He doesn’t spare a glance at Dain, gathering you into his arms and apologizing when he puts pressure on your not-broken ribs.
Dain watches as the older boy carries you down the rest of the stairs, murmuring reassurances to you all the while. Your father’s words echo in his mind. “Take care of her.”
Garrick Tavis is a man of his word.
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bacteriashowdown · 7 months
Aerobic vs. Anaerobic bacteria
In my last metabolism post, I tried not to get too weighed down in the weeds of cellular respiration. But now I want to talk about it.
I've mentioned before that aerobic bacteria are those that "breathe" oxygen, while anaerobic bacteria are those that don't. But what does it even mean for a bacteria to breathe?
If you read that last post, I think it's quickest to explain like this:
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But this process of respiration, that all known lifeforms partake in, deserves a more detailed explanation.
Cellular respiration happens when a cell oxidizes a chemical (called the "electron donor") by transferring an electron from it over to an "electron acceptor". For aerobic bacteria, the acceptor is oxygen. For anaerobic bacteria, it could be any number of things. The electron acceptor is also known as the oxidizing agent.
To clarify some terminology: in chemistry, "oxidation" can be thought of as the process of adding charge to an atom (More precisely, it is increasing the atom's oxidation state, which can also be done by sharing an electron though a covalent bond). The opposite is "reduction", or the process of reducing charge. Since electrons are negatively charged, this translates to oxidation being the removal of an electron, while reduction is the addition of an electron. Thus, for example, an "iron-reducing bacteria" is a species who uses iron as an electron acceptor, and an "iron-oxidizing bacteria" is a species who uses iron as an electron donor.
Let's do an example to tie all the elements of metabolism together: plants. We can pick up from where I left off in the last post, but a bit more accurately. Plants use light for energy (phototrophy), and they are lithotrophic because their electrons are sourced from an inorganic source: water. They are autotrophs because they use carbon dioxide as a carbon source. The aerobic/anaerobic part of respiration happens after all of this, when the energy is extracted from those carbohydrates. Plants use aerobic respiration: the carbohydrate molecules react with oxygen, where they convert back into water, carbon dioxide, and energy in the form of a molecule called ATP (adenosine triphosphate).
This is why my chart clarifies that the respiration is about the final electron acceptor: plants do not use oxygen in the initial reaction, during photosynthesis. It is only when the plant extracts energy from the carbohydrates produced via photosynthesis that oxygen plays an important role.
The reason why we care about whether or not organisms use oxygen in cellular respiration is because, among other things, oxygen is an extremely efficient oxidizing agent. Perhaps that's not very surprising, given the name, but I'm talking on the order of aerobic bacteria being some 15 times more efficient in synthesizing ATP than their anaerobic counterparts.
...okay, I really should talk about ATP. I'm no biochemist, so just know that it is a molecule that can be thought of as the energy "currency" of cells. Fun fact: all cellular respiration, aerobic or anaerobic, is for the purpose of creating ATP. Literally every living thing on the planet makes and uses it.
But if ATP is so good, and it's easier to make with oxygen, then why do we have anaerobic bacteria? Well, the ability of anaerobic bacteria to use electron acceptors other than oxygen makes them remarkably adaptable as organisms. This flexibility allows them to thrive in diverse environments. Also, Earth was not born with the oxygen-rich atmosphere it has today, and so the earliest lifeforms were anaerobic. Only when the cyanobacteria invented oxygenic photosynthesis, and filled the atmosphere with oxygen, was aerobic life able to develop.
Some more common molecules for anaerobic bacteria to use as final electron acceptors are nitrite, nitrate, sulfur, and sulfate. Some bacteria use metals, including iron, manganese, cobalt, and even uranium. Other metals are used in oxidized forms, such as selenium (as selenate) and arsenic (as arsenate), which is toxic to nearly all other life. I think that's pretty neat.
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pigeonflavouredcake · 2 years
I'm procrastinating my grimoire section on baneful magic so I wrote about salt instead
Salt is another incredibly common tool used by practitioners, second only to candles. Salt is often referred to as a pure element by practitioners due to the harvesting process. This makes salt the basis for many spells and rituals, using it to cleanse vessels, represent earth or given as offerings. Because it doesn’t go off or get mouldy it is a great tool to have in your arsenal.
Types of Salt
Black Salt: There are two types of black salt, witches black salt; a mixture made by the practitioner using their choice of salt and ash from coal or incense, this type of salt is inedible and is an option for banishment spells and baneful magic. The other type is kala namak or Himalayan black salt; a kind of rock salt with a dark red/purple hue harvested in northern India and Pakistan around the Himalayas. Kala namak is composed of sodium chloride, iron sulphide which gives the product its purple colour and hydrogen sulphide which gives it its strong smell and savoury taste. (Krishna, K. 2021) 
In cooking, kala namak can be used to replace regular table salt. The hydrogen sulphide can result in an eggy flavour so it is best used sparingly in savoury dishes. You can find it online or from Asian food or health food markets.
Pink Salt: Pink salt or Himalayan salt is a type of rock salt mined in Pakistan near the foothills of the Himalayas. It gets its pink colour from the trace minerals of potassium, magnesium and calcium. Like regular table salt, pink salt contains 98% sodium, because the additional trace minerals are so small there are no proven health benefits to using pink salt over table salt. (Leonard, J. 2018.)
In cooking, pink salt can be used in replacement for regular table salt but due to the larger surface area of the granule compared to table salt granules I recommend using slightly less than required. Pink salt typically has a stronger flavour with a slight metallic after taste. It is often used in love spells because of its pink colour. You can find it in your local supermarket in the 'continental' section. 
Red Salt: Red salt, also called Alaea salt or Hawaiian red salt, is a bright red and unrefined sea salt rich in iron oxide it gets from being rolled in alaea clay found in the Waimea mountains of Hawai'i. Alaea salt is used in traditional Hawaiian practices for blessings, purifying and healing, the religious/spiritual use of Alaea salt is exclusive to Hawaiian culture. Because Alaea salt doesn’t meet U.S food grade requirements it is not commercially sold. (University of Hawai’i)  
Rock Salt: Rock salt (not edible) is typically produced through blast or drill mining; the process is done in stages, first a cut is made in the face of the rock to allow space for drilling and blasting, the next stage, holes are drilled into the face that are then filled with explosives and fired. After the blast the resulting roof is scaled to remove any potential loose debris. The fragments of salt are then hauled on to trucks to be transported to a crushing plant. When they are crushed they’re mixed with anticaking agent to prevent the salt from recrystallizing, it is then stored and shipped. (Irish Salt Mining)  
The salt produced is not safe for consumption and is instead used to grit and de-ice surfaces in the winter, it can also be used for grounding and protective spells like sprinkling it at your front door. You can find it in your local supermarket or hardware store under rock salt, road salt or de-icing salt. 
Sea Salt: Sea salt is the name given to salt harvested from sea water via evaporation. Depending on the climate of the company’s farm, the evaporation process can either be man made or entirely solar based, sea water is collected, filtered for impurities and left under a heat source to reduce the water level and saturate the brine, the brine is then moved to be crystalised where more heat is applied, as salt crystals star forming, they’re harvest and separated, some are then processed with an anticaking agent before being packed and shipped, some are left alone. (Cornish Sea salt Co.)
Sea salt production has been around since the 5th Century BC, being mentioned in the Buddhist scripture, Vinaya Pitaka. (Prakash, O. 2005. p 479) 
The religious use of sea salt varies widely depending on the culture but in general neo-pagan practices sea salt is often given as an offering to the gods. In cooking, sea salt and table salt can be used interchangeably as they have the same nutritional value.
Table Salt: Table salt is your standard refined salt that is typically mined. Table salt production requires turning salt from chunks, to flakes and then finally to granules followed by anti-caking agent to prevent it from recrystallizing.
The standard use in cooking is to reduce the sweetness of dishes, salt also helps create a stronger flavour by decreasing the water content as you cook, concentrating the flavour.
Everything is great in moderation so take care of how much salt you consume on a regular basis. The NHS suggests adults should be eating no more than 6g (1 teaspoon) of salt per day, a diet high in salt correlates to high blood pressure and increases risks of heart disease and strokes. (NHS. 2021)
Cornish Seasalt Co. (DNA). How is Sea Salt Made?. Cornish Seasalt Co. cornishseasalt.co.uk [Webpage]
Irish Salt Mining & Exploration Company LTD. (DNA). Process. Irish Salt Mining & Exploration Company LTD. irishsaltmining.com [Webpage]
Krishna, K. (2021). Kala Namak/Black Salt: How It Is Made, Nutritional Values, Benefits for Health, Skin and Recipes. NetMeds. Netmeds.com [Webpage]
Leonard, J. Olsen, N. (2018). Does Pink Himalayan Salt Have any Health Benefits?. Medical News Today. medicalnewstoday.com [Web Article]
NHS. (2021). Salt: The Facts. nhs.co.uk [Webpage]
Prakash, O. (2005). Cultural History of India: Food and Drinks (800 B.C. to 300 B.C.). New Age International. India [Book]
University of Hawai’i. (DNA). Exploring our Fluid Earth. Teaching Science as Inquiry: Traditional ways of Knowing: Salt Harvesting. University of Hawai’i. manoa.hawaii.edu [Webpage]
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commercialroplants · 7 days
Who Is The Best Commercial RO Plant Manufacturer In Gurgaon ?
Netsol Water is the leading commercial RO plant manufacturer in Gurgaon. We have the Stainless Steel RO plant, with capacities ranging from 100 LPH to a higher level greater than 5000 LPH.
What kind of contaminants or impurities can a commercial RO plant remove?
The RO membrane in a commercial RO plant removes dissolved impurities solids like arsenic or fluoride, among other pollutants. Carbon filtration helps to provide a wide range of reduction in the amount of sediments.
Carbon filters integrated in a Commercial RO system also helps in removing chlorine as well as are capable of preventing bad odor & taste.
A commercial RO plant can be implemented at any location demanding it to remove all kinds of these impurities & pollutants.
The pollutants which are listed above, are some of the most usual contaminants that are managed as well as handled by a common Commercial RO Plant, however the RO system also removes a wide spectrum of other types of contaminants.
Commercial RO plant proves to be environment-friendly machinery
When water from home or offices washes of into the drains, chemicals along with other pollutants must be removed so as to be recycled or re-utilize. Wastewater is then sent to a water treatment plant then diluted to make it easier to treat, or it is diverted to the to areas of rivers where it is naturally purified through water cycle.
As a commercial RO plant manufacturer in Gurgaon, we usually optimize waste treatment efficiency. Because contaminants are eliminated or removed during the carbon filtering process, RO water released from your home or offices is already chemical-free. For the increasing implementation of these RO Plants has also made Netsol Water as the largest supplier in the city.
The dissolved particles which are now mostly inorganics in the remaining impure water is a little higher. Since, new impurities do not enter into the water supply then when RO wastage water drains from our residents or houses, the recycling process is accelerated.
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Commercial RO Plants can be applied in Agriculture Practices as well
Even though RO purified water is perfect for cultivating hydroponic means crops specifically vegetables that are growing on the water directly but such technique of growing or cultivation is applicable only for limited number of crops. RO is the most suitable form of the treatment process in greenhouses as well as in small gardens, depending on the type of plant while giving showering water.  
Since hydroponic cultivation does not required soil instead grows fruits-flowers- vegetables with nutrient-rich RO water, high-quality water is very important for hydroponic cultivation to be successfully occurring. Even tiny amounts of impurities like silt, salt, or even other dissolved organics can cause mishap in the hydroponic farming.
RO water gives you total control over your crop-plants' requirements for nourishment. Thus, pre-post treatments can assist provide high-quality water for agricultural applications.
If you use well water for agriculture, Commercial Reverse Osmosis Plants are a viable solution.
For residential wells, a Commercial RO system ensures clean water. An effective system is suitable for eliminating difficult contaminants found in well water, such as nitrates & iron.
We should be looking if RO plants can be utilized for the entire domestic residential house?
Reverse osmosis can treat the whole house's water supply with an ease. However, unless your water has a specific pollution that requires Reverse Osmosis, setting-up & installing an RO system for the entire house may be viably unnecessary.
A simple commercial-based RO system will not supply or deliver the same flow rate required to pressurize an entire house & which might irritate the users. A large booster pump must be installed for that to provides adequate water pressure in the unlikely event where a whole household be needing or requires RO water. 
To disinfect the water as it departs the tank, a UV system, a large water pump, & a storage tank are necessary.
Commercial RO Plants has a major role in the application of purified water in the Swimming or Recreational Pool Water. The only time a commercial RO plant is utilized for a pool is if the water has a contaminant that no other filtration technology can remove. Contaminants if left in the swimming pools can cause skin problems to the users, so it is better removing the harmful impurities in it.
That is why a reputed as well as a fine Commercial RO Plant manufacturer in Gurgaon is very much important for this developing city where the recreational pools are increasing on demands.
For larger aquariums & farming of fish for commercial sellingalso requires purified water upto the level fishes can easily survive in it. So, giving a supply of RO water from a commercial RO Plant in the fishing ponds or farms can help re-mineralize the salt-content which will allow the fishes to survive.
Netsol Water is currently stand as one of the Best Commercial RO Plant Manufacturer In Gurgaon. Netsol Water provides water & wastewater treatment services, as well as chemical goods. We provide our clients across India with a unique along comprehensive range of traditional, creative, yet ecologically friendly solutions.
Netsol Water breadth, knowledge, therefore abilities are fairly wide, & as a solutions-focused firm, we are confident in resolving any water-related issues, including Commercial RO Plants for huge office buildings or schools.
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netsolwatersblog · 2 months
Who Is The Best Commercial RO Plant Manufacturer In Noida?
In a commercial RO plant here in Noida, the RO membrane eliminates dissolved solids such as excess of arsenic & fluoride in addition to other contaminants. For a broad spectrum of reduction, this plant system incorporates sedimentation & carbon filtering. In a commercial RO plant system, the carbon filters remove poor taste & odour, & chlorine, while the sediment filter removes dirt & debris.
Commercial RO plants because of their excellent environmental friendliness involve many advantages.
Before the water from your home or place of business can be recycled, chemicals & other impurities must be removed. Either wastewater is dumped into riverbeds, where the cycle of hydrology mainly involves of water cycle will naturally filter it, or it is brought to a water treatment plant to be diluted to aid treatment.
Netsol Water is a top commercial RO plant manufacturer in Noida, our treatment plant system enhances the efficacy of waste treatment. Before reverse osmosis water is released from your residence or place of business, contaminants are removed through the carbon filtering process. There has been a small rise in the quantity of dissolved inorganic compounds in the residual saline water.
Geographic Location for the Proper Utilization of Commercial RO Plants
RO Plants can be installed in a small cabin or in a remote geographic location like the basement, service department, or roof. Your palatable drinks will taste better & be clearer once you remove minerals from your water by connecting your commercial RO plants to a point-of-entry. It's an easy & worthwhile process.
Commercial RO plant manufacturer In Noida is available for Various Swimming Spots
For a pool, a commercial RO plant is utilized solely when the water has a contaminant that cannot be removed by any other filtration method.
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Commercial RO Plants have various applications in agricultural fields.
High-quality water is essential to the success of hydroponic farming since it employs only nutrient-rich water instead of soil to grow crops such as flowers & fruits.
Plant life is delicately balanced, yet small quantities of sediments, dissolved organics, & even salts can upset this equilibrium. The nutrients that RO water provides to your plants are entirely within your control. Implementing techniques that promote the supply of clean water for agriculture as a result.
These days, commercial RO systems are an excellent alternative if you require well water for farming. These types of treatment systems are perfect for eliminating nitrates & heavy contaminants like iron from well water.
You need commercial RO plants at your offices!
Reverse osmosis is an increasingly popular method in commercial settings & a great way to get rid of paints, dyes, & various other industrial contaminants.
Commercial RO Plants for your large Pisciculture!
In saltwater pisciculture, a commercial RO plant is required if you wish to cultivate fish. Reverse Osmosis is an effective method for removing each of the elemental ions from water, which means you can then add just the right quantity of salt to restore the minerals. RO as well as De-Ionized water is an amalgam implemented by most experts to safeguard that their fish & to be fish are submerged in incredibly pristine water.
Netsol Water offers a comprehensive range of innovative, eco-friendly, & customizable solutions to its clients with best commercial RO plant manufacturer in Noida, with an emphasis on chemical products, & water, including wastewater treatment services.
Netsol Water is a problem-solving company with a wide range of abilities, expertise, & experience. Any type of water-related issue, including Commercial RO Plants for your sizable commercial buildings or educational facilities, can be handled by it. Our skilled & knowledgeable technical teams offer water treatment solutions to a range of businesses & residential, commercial, along with industrial systems in both the public & private sectors across the nation.
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tatastructura · 9 months
A Guide to Choosing the Right Tata Structura Products for Your Needs
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It is not an exaggeration to say that steel significantly influences human lives. It is everywhere, such as the cars people drive, the premises they live and work in, and many other facets. Engineers use them in power grids, line towers, machine tools and equipment, oil and natural gas pipelines, and military arsenal. and even in the fabrication of sturdy and reliable steel gate. The list is endless and continual. Steel is undoubtedly the most distinguished, multi-functional and highly adaptable material for domestic and industrial use.
When people talk about steel, they should not forget the contribution made by Tata Steel in the Indian and global markets since its inception in 1907 in Jamshedpur. The company has succeeded in manufacturing a broad range of superior quality steel products, which are always in high demand and have made them the world's top leaders.
One of the premium steel products launched in 2005 is Tata Structura. It is presently the most dominant hollow section brand in project construction, such as airports, metro rail, stadiums, etc.
Know More About Tata Structura YST 355 Encouraged by its vast popularity and ongoing demand in the Indian market, the Tata Group upgraded the brand in 2016, namely Tata Structura YST 355. It was the first brand in India YST 355 grade hollow section to meet the rising market demands. The structural tubes conform to IS: 4923, and Rectangular/square and circular open sections conform to IS: 1161.
These high-strength steel hollow sections comprise exceptional standards and are manufactured using top-grade inputs (HR Coils) from Tata Steel’s high-ranking Hot Strip Mill. Tata Structura is lightweight, durable and highly resistant to seismic forces. These state-of-the-art structural tubes cater to construction needs under infrastructure, architectural, industrial, and general engineering applications.
The making of Tata Structura Steel Hollow Sections
Tata Structura's seamless hollow sections involve a distinct manufacturing process. The process requires extruding a solid steel billet into a concave shape, removing all seams or joints. It produces an output with even, sustained, consistent dimensions and material strength.
Consequently, it becomes an automatic choice for precision engineering projects and high-pressure applications. Besides, these seamless hollow sections offer high resistance to corrosion, stress, and extreme weather fluctuations. These products ideally match the industries, namely, automotive manufacturing, power generation and oil and gas. where the use of stainless steel tube is crucial for enhanced durability and performance.
Tata Structura Steel is produced via two prominent routes:
• (BF-BOF) The blast furnace-basic oxygen furnace route
• (EAF) Electric arc furnace route
The critical distinction between these two routes is the type of input inducted on them. The BF-BOF route consumes coal, iron ore, and recycled steel. On the other hand, the EAF route takes in electricity and recycled steel. The EAF route can also use other sources, such as DRI (direct-reduced iron) or hot metal, depending on plant configuration and the availability of recycled steel. Approximately 70% of Tata Structura hollow steel sections take the BF-BOF route, aiming to maintain a pollution-free environment.
For more information on Tata Structura products, visit: https://www.tatastructura.com
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stockplaner · 1 year
Arsenic Removal System
Arsenic, carcinogenic element, a poisonous element presents in water to filter it out before use for drinking and in pre-treatment of wastewater treatment plants. As the problem of drinking water contamination alone affects more than 150 million people worldwide. Therefore, several conventional techniques have been used to remove arsenic (As), including oxidation, coagulation, adsorption, etc., but due to their maintenance costs, there is a push for sophisticated, affordable nanofiltration membrane-based technology.
With the aid of catalytic, nano adsorbent filter media for drinking water and for the pre-treatment of industrial wastewater, WATERMAN ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA designs, manufactures, and commissions arsenic removal systems to fulfil the growing need for fresh and drinking water. In order to pre-treat for wastewater treatment, it is required to remove Iron and Manganese, which this catalytic, nano adsorbents filtration media will help to do. In order to protect water security, we as arsenic removal system manufacturer focuses on an improved nanofiltration (NF) approach for removing arsenic (As).
Need of Arsenic Removal Plants
Chemical precipitation, adsorption, coagulation, filtering etc. are some of the developed techniques for removing "As." In the area of separation technology, nano adsorbent filtration is a technology that is advancing. Nano adsorbent technology for the filtration of drinking water has recently gained popularity due to its ease of use, adaptability, stricter restrictions, lower costs, and expanding commercial availability of a wide range of membranes.
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ghjngj · 1 year
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It is very worthy to recover precious metal like Gold, Cobalt, Copper, Nickel, Zinc, Platinum, Palladium, Cadmium, Scandium, Gallium, Rhenium, Molybdenum and essential to remove Mercury, Arsenic, Fluoride, Iron, Boron Radium, Phosphorus , Perchlorate, Nitrate and Lead from effluent. WATERMAN ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA manufactures metal recovery plants from various effluents, streams
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frenchwillaume · 1 year
Arsenic, carcinogenic element, a poisonous element present in water to filter it out before use for drinking and in pretreatment of water wastewater treatment plants. We design, manufacture and commission Arsenic removal systems with the help of catalytic, nano adsorbents filtration media for drinking water and for pretreatment of industrial water wastewater. And with Arsenic removal it will help to remove Iron and Manganese which is necessary in case of pre-treatment of water and wastewater.
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ideasengineering · 2 months
Get 100% Quality Commercial Arsenic Removal Plant From Ideas Engineering Works - We are Manufacturer and Exporter of Commercial Arsenic Removal Plant in Kolkata, Assam, India at Reasonable Rate.
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waterfiltergurus · 1 year
Is Well Water Good for Plants? (The Ultimate Guide)
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Choosing the right water source for watering plants will help you to sustain a green, healthy garden. Here, we've looked at well water as a possible water type for your plants, and discussed its benefits and setbacks, compared it to other water sources, and more. 📌 Key Takeaways: - Well water is groundwater that's sourced from a private well. - Well water is usually good for plants due to its lack of additives and its healthy mineral content, but certain well contaminants may be damaging to plants. - You can test your water to find out what it contains. 💧 What Is Well Water? Let's start with a quick overview of well water. Well water is groundwater that's delivered from a water-bearing layer known as an underground aquifer. Well water varies in composition and quality, depending on local geology. Most well water supplies are naturally filtered, but may contain contaminants that are unique to groundwater sources, such as iron, arsenic, and nitrates. 🌱 Is Well Water Good Or Bad For Plants? Well water may be good for plants - but it may also be bad for plants. It depends on the water's pH, hardness and mineral content, and contaminants, as well as the plant's specific needs. Let's look at these in more detail: - Water pH - Extreme pH levels may be dangerous for your plants. Some plants prefer high pH levels, while others prefer water with a lower pH. - Water hardness & mineral content - Well water is typically hard, meaning it has a high mineral content. Most garden plants need essential nutrients for healthy growth, but some prefer soft water with a low mineral content and may be damaged by too much calcium. - Contaminants - Certain contaminants in well water, like nitrates, heavy metals, and pesticides, may harm your plants. Some plants are more tolerant to these contaminants than others, and these contaminants aren't guaranteed in all well supplies - it depends on your location and geology. Ultimately, whether well water is good or bad for plants depends on your plants' specific preferences. For instance, if your plants prefer a certain pH or are less tolerant of certain contaminants, you will need to take this into account when determining the safety of your well supply as a water source. With that said, unless your well water contains very high concentrations of metals or chemical contaminants, it's unlikely to have any harmful effects if you use it to water your plants. 🔎 4 Factors To Consider When Using Well Water For Plants Consider these four factors when using a well supply to water your plants: Your Well Contaminants First, consider the different contaminants that your well water might contain. Certain well water contaminants, like heavy metals (arsenic, cadmium, mercury), salts, nitrates, pesticides, herbicides, some pathogens, and organic matter, can all potentially damage your plants or affect their growth in different ways. You've probably already tested your well water if you use it for drinking. Use these results to determine the suitability of using water from your well on your plants. The Water pH Your well water pH may also affect your plants' ability to thrive, so it's another factor to consider when deciding whether or not the water is suitable for gardening purposes. Well water typically has a lower pH level of around 6-7. If your well water has a low pH and the majority of your plants thrive in alkaline soils, watering the plants with slightly acidic water might affect their growth. Again, you can test your water pH, and you may have done this already. Once you know the results, you can decide whether or not your well water is best for watering plants in your garden. Your Methods Of Water Treatment You may already treat your well water to make it suitable for drinking or remove aesthetic contaminants - and some of these treatment methods may make your water less suitable for watering plants. For example, if you treat your water with a chlorination system, the chlorine content in the water may damage your plant roots and kill good bacteria and microorganisms that are beneficial to your plants. Or, if you soften your water with a salt-based water softening system, the sodium content in your water could damage your plants with long-term use (although it should be fine in the short term). 👨‍🔧 Learn more: Can I Water My Plants With Soft Water? (Your Questions Answered) Your Watering Requirements Finally, it's also worth considering that using your well supply for irrigation purposes means that you'll be using more water than if you solely used your well for indoor purposes (showering, drinking, running your water-using appliances, etc.). This shouldn't be a problem if you only have a few plants to water several times a week, but if you have a very big garden and a shallow well that's susceptible to drying out, make sure to be careful of how much water you're using on your plants during the hot, dry summer months. Your main priority should be to provide your family with a constant supply of water. If your garden watering demands are too high for your circumstances, you might need to consider another water source. 🚱 Which Well Water Contaminants Are Harmful To Plants? Here are the well water contaminants that are possibly harmful to plant health: - Large amounts of calcium carbonate and sodium ions - These could reduce a plant's ability to absorb other beneficial minerals. - Iron - Iron is an essential nutrient for plants, but excess iron can lead to plant cell toxicity and make plants lose their pigmentation, hampering their oxygen and food production. - Heavy metals - Lead, mercury, arsenic, and other heavy metals from groundwater or your well system could have a range of effects, including hindered nutrient absorption, stunted growth, and death of the plant. - Nitrates (present in fertilizers and human/animal waste) - Large quantities of nitrates may hinder root development, lead to leaf discoloration and have other toxic effects. - Pesticides/herbicides - While pesticides protect many target plants, they may be harmful to non-target plants and cause chemical plant injury, known as phytotoxicity. - Microorganisms - Some bacteria and other pathogens are healthy for plants, but others, including many types of fungi, may lead to contaminated soil and cause disease in plants, affecting the leaves, roots, stems, and flowers. The effects of these contaminants depend on the concentration of contaminants present, and the plant's own growth preferences and tolerance to these contaminants. Many of the contaminants on this list are actually beneficial to plant health, and are needed to keep plants alive in small amounts. But there's a fine line between enough and too much. Very high levels of calcium, nitrate, and iron may have damaging effects. 🆚 Well Water Vs City Water For Plants Well water and city water have different sources, contain different contaminants and impurities, and have different effects on plants. Here are some of the biggest differences between well water and city water, and what these mean for plant health. Source And Treatment Well water comes from an underground aquifer. The water in the aquifer has filtered through layers of rocks and soils on its journey underground, which acts as natural filtration. Well water isn't treated (unless you treat it with a whole house water filter). City water is typically sourced from surface waters aboveground, such as lakes, rivers, and streams. Municipal suppliers treat city water to make it safe for drinking, removing the pollutants that are commonly found in surface sources. Treatment involves filtration and disinfection (usually with chlorine or chloramine). Well water is usually better than city water for watering plants in this respect because it's naturally cleaner and doesn't contain trace levels of chlorine, which is harmful to plants. Mineral Content Well water is often rich in natural minerals, which are found in the rocks and soils surrounding the aquifer. These minerals include magnesium, calcium, iron, and potassium, which are beneficial for plant growth (plants need minerals to grow their stems, leaves, and roots). City water usually contains minerals, too, but because it's derived from a surface water source, the minerals are naturally present in lower quantities. That means well water is once again a better option for watering plants because its healthy mineral content is higher. Contaminants Well water is less likely than city water to be contaminated by pollutants from runoff, rainfall, and airborne particles. Plus, when water travels underground to a well aquifer, it filters through layers of rock, which removes many potential contaminants. But well water may still contain arsenic and heavy metals, nitrates, pesticides, and other contaminants that could negatively impact plant health and growth. City water is treated to reduce most contaminants down to trace levels, but this treatment process poses problems of its own. Disinfection with chlorine introduces harsh chemicals to the water, which may inhibit plant growth and damage plant roots. In this area, both well water and city water may pose a risk to plant health, depending on the contaminants they contain. pH Levels Well water has a varied pH that depends on local geology. Typically, well water has a slightly lower pH than city water. City water typically has a neutral pH of around 7, which is suitable for most plants. There's no ideal pH for plants - it depends on your plants' specific preferences for alkaline or acidic conditions. The suitability of well water vs city water for your plants depends on the pH of these water sources, and the pH your plants prefer. ✅ Benefits Of Well Water For Plants Here are some of the benefits of well water for plants: - Consistent & reliable water source - Plants need access to fresh water regularly to stay alive. Well water is a reliable source, even during periods of drought when there's very little rainfall. - Natural mineral content - Well water contains calcium, magnesium, and other natural minerals that support plant health. - Cost-effective - Well water is free to access, so even if you need to water a large garden regularly, you don't have to worry about your water bill. - Additive-free - Well water doesn't contain any additives, like chlorine and other impurities added during municipal water treatment. It's purer, cleaner, and safer for plants as a result. ⛔️ Potential Setbacks Of Well Water For Plants Some of the potential setbacks of well water for plants are: - pH levels might not be optimal for plants - Certain plants can only grow in alkaline or acidic environments. If your well water's pH isn't optimal for the plants you're watering, the plant's growth rate could be inhibited. - Cool water may hinder root growth - Water from a well is usually cool, even in summer. While this makes for a refreshing drink on a hot day, cold water will lower soil temperatures, potentially stunting root growth. - May contain damaging contaminants - Well water isn't treated like municipal water, so it may contain contaminants in concentrations that are detrimental to plant health. 💀 Can Well Water Kill Plants? Yes, well water can kill plants if it contains high levels of contaminants that are very dangerous to plant health. If you live in an industrial or agricultural area, your water is more likely to contain metals, pesticides, and other chemicals that could kill plants. Some of the contaminants in well water that could kill your plants in large quantities are: - Nitrates/nitrites - Iron - Salts - Fluoride - Chlorine (if used to disinfect your well water) You should notice signs of plant deterioration, including wilting, stunted growth, and browning or yellowing leaves, before your plant dies - so there's time to resolve the issue before it's too late. 🚰 How To Determine The Safety Of Well Water For Plants Many well water contaminants are invisible. So, if you fill a glass with tap water, you won't be able to see, smell, or taste these contaminants - even if they're present in dangerous levels. The safest and most accurate way to determine the safety of your well water for plants is to conduct a water test. If you use tap water from your well for drinking, you've probably already tested your water. But you might want to test again for specific contaminants that may be damaging to your plants. There are two testing methods available: - Laboratory testing - DIY at-home testing A laboratory test is more expensive but provides a more accurate, comprehensive analysis of your water quality. Your local county health department may offer free laboratory testing for certain contaminants. If you just need to determine the safety of your well supply to water your plants, you might prefer to spend less money on a DIY test kit. This will give you an indication of the contaminants your water contains. Once you know which contaminants are in your tap water, you can decide whether you need a water filter to remove anything that could damage your plants. 🤔 How To Make Well Water Safer For Your Plants The best way to make well water safer for your plants is to address the contaminants in your water that could be dangerous. Here are the best methods of water treatment for common well water contaminants: - Reverse osmosis filter - A reverse osmosis filter is the most effective method of water treatment available to eliminate chemical and biological contaminants, heavy metals, minerals, and salts. Look for an RO system with a remineralization filter, which adds healthy minerals back into water before you use it on your plants. You might need to install a pre-filter to protect the RO membrane from contaminants in your water supply, like iron. - Air injection/oxidation filter - Iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide are all best treated with an oxidation filter. This water filter system treats contaminated water at its point of entry, supplying your whole home with clean water. - KDF filter system - A whole house water filter that uses KDF filter media is one of the best ways to target heavy metals in your well water. A multi-stage system might also remove chemical contaminants, further improving your water quality and safety for watering plants. - UV water purifier - If your well water is susceptible to pathogenic contamination, a UV water purifier is the most effective chemical-free treatment that kills harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi. 🔚 Final Word Ultimately, the safety and suitability of well water depend on your local geology, the contaminants the water contains, and your plants' preferred growing conditions. If you've treated your tap water to make it safe to drink, it probably won't have any detrimental effects on your plants. But if you're really concerned, you can test your water and install a suitable water treatment solution to remove certain harmful contaminants. Related Articles: - The Ultimate Debate: Is Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water Suitable for Plant Watering? - Filtered Water for Plants - Everything You Need to Know ❔ FAQ Is well water healthy for plants? Yes, well water typically supports healthy soil and plant growth because it's usually higher in calcium, magnesium, and other healthy minerals. However, certain minerals and other well water contaminants may be harmful to plant health. For instance, too much iron, nitrates, harmful bacteria, and agricultural chemicals present in your water could inhibit growth or even lead to plant death. Is hard well water good for plants? Yes, hard well water is good for plants because it contains minerals that are beneficial to plant health, like calcium carbonate and magnesium. However, excess minerals are associated with a high pH, and some plants love low-pH water and might be affected by hard alkaline water. Is it safe to eat vegetables grown with well water? Yes, it's safe to eat vegetables grown with well water as long as the water doesn't contain high levels of contaminants that are toxic to humans or cause diseases. Is well water with iron good for plants? Yes, well water with iron is good for plants. Both ferrous iron and ferric iron are absorbed by plants and play an important role in photosynthesis, growth, and respiration in plants. However, only small amounts of iron are needed - so if your water contains high levels of iron, this could damage your plants. How do you make well water safe for plants? You can make well water safe for plants by removing any contaminants that might be harmful to plant health, including metals, biological contaminants, and sources of chemical contamination. This can be achieved with an at-home water treatment system (the exact system depends on what you want to remove). Is well water or rain water better for plants? You can water your plants with either well water or rainwater, but rainwater tends to be the best option because it's low in minerals and is unlikely to contain microorganisms (depending on how it's captured). However, rainwater isn't as consistent or reliable as well water, especially if you live in a region with a warm, dry climate. Read the full article
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aquapharm123 · 1 year
Let’s Learn About Chelating Agents
What are they? 
Chelating agents are chemical compounds that have the ability to form multiple bonds or coordinate covalent bonds with a metal ion. This bonding process is called chelation, and the resulting complex is called a chelate.
Chelating agents have multiple sites on their molecules that can interact with the metal ion, and they can enclose the metal ion like a claw, hence the term "chelate" (which comes from the Greek word for claw).
How are chelating agents produced? 
Chelating agents can be produced through a variety of methods, depending on the specific type of chelating agent being synthesised.
One common method is through the use of organic synthesis techniques. This involves starting with a precursor molecule that contains functional groups capable of coordinating with a metal ion. The precursor molecule is then modified through various chemical reactions to create a chelating agent with the desired properties.
Another method is fermentation. Some bacteria are capable of producing chelating agents as part of their natural metabolism. By growing these bacteria under controlled conditions, it is possible to isolate and purify the chelating agents they produce.
Chelating agents can also be obtained from natural sources such as plants or animals. For example, the compound EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is found in many plants and is commonly used as a chelating agent in industrial processes.
What are the uses and benefits of chelating agents? 
Metal detoxification: Chelating agents are commonly used to remove toxic metals such as lead, mercury, and arsenic from the body. Chelation therapy is a medical treatment that involves the administration of a chelating agent to remove heavy metals from the bloodstream.
Industrial applications: Chelating agents are used in a variety of industrial applications, such as in the production of detergents, water treatment, and metal extraction. They can aid in improving the performance of industrial processes and reduce environmental pollution.
Agriculture: Chelating agents are used in agriculture to improve the availability of micronutrients such as iron, zinc, and copper in the soil. This can help to increase crop yields and improve the quality of crops.
Pharmaceutical applications: Chelating agents are used in the development of some pharmaceutical drugs. They can help to improve the solubility and bioavailability of certain drugs, making them more effective.
Antioxidant properties: Some chelating agents have antioxidant properties, which can assist in protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals. This can have potential benefits for health, particularly in reducing the risk of certain diseases.
What are some common chelating agents? 
EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid)
DTPA (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid)
HEDTA (hydroxyethylenediaminetriacetic acid)
NTA (nitrilotriacetic acid)
EGTA (ethylene glycol-bis(2-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid)
CDTA (cyclohexanediaminetetraacetic acid)
IDA (iminodiacetic acid)
Penicillamine (3-mercapto-D-valine)
Deferoxamine (desferrioxamine B)
Deferiprone (1,2-dimethyl-3-hydroxypyrid-4-one)
In case you’re looking for good chelating agent manufacturers, Aquapharm Chemicals has the expertise to produce the highest quality chelating agents. The company also focuses on providing highly satisfying customer service! You should definitely check them out! 
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kataloxlight · 1 year
Water Iron Removal Plant in Kerala
Iron Treatment Systems: A Guide to Removing Iron from Your Water
Iron is a common problem in many water sources, and it can cause a range of issues,from stains on clothing and dishes to foul odors and tastes in the water. Fortunately,there are iron treatment systems available that can effectively remove iron from waterand improve its quality. In this article, we'll explore the different types of iron treatment systems and how they work.
Types of Iron Treatment Systems
There are several types of iron treatment systems available, each with its own benefits and drawbacks.
Here are some of the most common systems:
1 Water Softeners: Water softeners use a process called ion exchange to remove iron and other minerals from water.The water flows through a tank filled with resin beads that attract and remove the iron particles. Water softenersare effective at removing iron, but they can also remove beneficial minerals from the water, which may affect its taste and health benefits.
2 Oxidation Filters: Oxidation filters use a process called catalytic conversion to convert iron particles intoa solid form that can be filtered out of the water. This process typically requires the use of a chemical oxidizer,such as chlorine or hydrogen peroxide, to convert the iron. While oxidation filters are effective at removing iron, they can also add chemicals to the water that may affect its taste and health benefits.
3 Greensand Filters: Greensand filters use a material called greensand to remove iron from water. Greensandis a natural mineral that contains manganese oxide, which can effectively remove iron particles from water.Greensand filters are effective at removing iron, but they require regular backwashing to prevent clogging.
4 Reverse Osmosis: Reverse osmosis systems use a process called membrane filtration to remove impurities from water. These systems are effective at removing iron, as well as other contaminants like lead, fluoride, and arsenic. However,reverse osmosis systems are typically more expensive and require regular maintenance.
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commercialroplants · 2 months
Are You Looking For The Best Commercial RO Plant Manufacturer In Gurgaon?
In a commercial RO plant, the RO membrane eliminates dissolved solids such as arsenic & fluoride in addition to other contaminants. For a broad spectrum of reduction, this plant system incorporates sedimentation & carbon filtering. In a Commercial RO Plant system, the carbon filters remove poor taste as well as odor & chlorine, while the sediment filter removes dirt along with debris.
Commercial RO plants are very beneficial to the ecology hence eco-friendly
Chemicals & various other contaminants must be removed before your house or place of business's water may be recycled. Water treatment facilities either receive wastewater & send it to riverbeds, where the hydrologic cycle will naturally filter it, or they transport it there & dilute it before treating it.
As a leading commercial RO plant manufacturer In Gurgaon, we can assert that the effectiveness of our waste treatment system has increased. Contaminants are already eliminated throughout the carbon filtering process when RO water is discharged from your home or place of business. In the leftover brine water, the amount of dissolved inorganic materials has somewhat risen. Residential RO water systems speed up the recycling process since they remove impurities from the water supply as soon as the system drains.
Where in Gurgaon is suitable to operate a commercial RO plant?
Most RO plant systems are comprised of point-of-usage systems. It can even be fitted in a chamber as well as in remote site like the underground room, garage, or rooftop. Your beverages will taste better & be purer after the removal of excess of minerals from your water by connecting your commercial RO plants to a point from where it enters. It's an easy & valuable process.
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Commercial RO Plant serves purposes in agriculture.
RO water is ideal for hydroponic farming, but not all plants can grow or live in it. RO is most effective for spraying plants in small gardens or greenhouses, depending on the type of plant. Since hydroponic farming relies on only water rich in nutrients to grow fruits as well as flowers instead of soil, so high-quality water is crucial to its success.
Complete control over the good rich minerals of plants is received from RO water. Therefore, by means of pre-post treatments supplying of high-quality water can be adided for farming.
Commercial RO plants are a great option if you utilize well water for farming. If the water originates from a private well, a commercial RO plant system is a great method to ensure that it is safe. An efficient treatment system is ideal for removing hard impurities from well water, such as iron as well as nitrates.
Almost all working places are in need of commercial RO plants!
Because they make it possible to recycle drain water back into the feed supply, commercial or industrial RO plant systems are quite popular. Reverse osmosis is frequently utilized in commercial facilities & is an excellent method of removing paints, dyes, & other industrial pollutants from industries.
Commercial RO Plant Manufacturer In Gurgaon belongs to the leading Netsol Water & its Subsidiary Commercial RO Plant. With a focus on chemical goods & water as well as wastewater treatment services, Netsol Water & Commercial RO Plant provides its clients in India with a wide range of customized, cutting-edge, & ecologically friendly solutions.
With a wide range of skills, knowledge, & experience, Netsol Water is a solutions-focused company that is confident in its ability to handle any type of water-related issue, including Commercial RO Plants for your sizable office buildings or educational institutions.
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softwater3452 · 2 years
Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy: Benefits And Unwanted Facet Effects
Enhancing whole nitrogen removal from wastewater of a science and industrial park using entrapped biomass. Diclofenac removal dechlorinators palm beach from water with ozone and activated carbon. Dehalogenation, sulfate reduction and lactate fermentation.
Have I created conditions that will enable for anaerobic pockets underneath the 12 by 12"s and glass tank bottom. Plan to add less than inch of sand as soon as stay rock cures. I assume the gentleman who was helping me meant properly. But I had some experience earlier than with such gravel in a freshwater tank I at present have. This substrate is NOT like having a couple of small rocks. Keeping such substrate may be very messy and requires extra upkeep than I am capable of deal with.
This work expanded the choice supply of n-damo inoculum and benefited the additional research of n-damo course of. Effect of enriched Brachionus plicatilis and Artemia salina nauplii by ... Of PTDES with Mg 2+ could additionally be considered as an additional post-treatment. Is getting contamination from southern part of IRE campus and the possible source dechlorinators palm beach for these contaminants might be the Fertilizer and Chemical of Travancore business. Within the Rio Actopan Basin watershed is comparatively young and the vast majority of recharge occurs within the basin uplands and strikes in the course of the coast. Arsenic and fluoride within the groundwater of Mexico.
Nitrogenase and glutamine synthetase, and such compounds as ammonia and glutamine. Whether you’re trying to take away iron or color out of your water or attempting to eliminate your sulfur scent we will clear up your problems. It begins with their philosophy to produce the highest high quality, lowest upkeep products out there.
Be carefull maintain your fish in areas that have drafts or quickly changing temperatures like home windows. Use a small submersible heater to help maintain issues secure. Chlorine really evaporates out of the water over the course of a few hours and has little or nothing to do with the plant. If you have chlorinated water, simply fill a bucket or jug with water the day earlier than you intend to use it and the chlorine shouldn't be a problem. While bettas can be saved in tanks or large bowls with no filter, the shortage of filter implies that the water would have to be modified extra frequently.
The possible causes of the obvious cyanide formation phenomenon were investigated in this study. Our research reveals that CDD/F contaminated sediments include native populations of dechlorinating bacteria with Dehalococcoides spp. We also provide evidence for a combined bioaugmentation/biostimulation approach dechlorinators palm beach to the bioremediation of sediment contaminated with chlorinated diphenyl ethers, dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans. We have shown that the addition of halogenated co-amendments might be one software to reinforce dechlorination of CDD/Fs in historically contaminated sediments by selling growth of dehalogenating micro organism.
Aquaticum might feasibly be used to construct wetlands for top N-loaded animal wastewater therapy. Chlorine isotope results from isotope ratio mass spectrometry suggest intramolecular C-Cl bond competitors in trichloroethene reductive dehalogenation. It is evident that the effectiveness of DNAPL source zone remediation is mainly affected by traits of the spatial heterogeneity of porous media and the variable DNAPL distribution. In anoxic environments is through sequential reductive dehalogenation, and information concerning dehalogenation processes that occur in environments containing various electron acceptors is limited.
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