#arsenal da rebel
withbellzon · 3 months
feat. Albee Al
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mrmorsh · 6 months
Information about the characters (Swap au —Chaotic swap. The idea of au is simple, the characters change roles, but their characters remain unchanged. And their appearance is changing thanks to the skins and costumes from the Sonic games.)
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Agent Shadow is an elite agent of the Gun organization. His specialties are espionage and theft of important data. Trained by the best special forces fighters, thanks to which he is able to fight back even the strongest robot. His rocket boots allow him to temporarily levitate as well as make a series of short but fast jerks. During his time at Gun, his senses had dulled and Shadow had become more cool-headed. The hedgehog has a side type of earnings — the New Babylon Casino as well as a series of bars. Loves :Successfully completed tasks, money, as well as strong girls. He usually acts with cold and businesslike indifference, only occasionally showing his vulnerable side. It has a set of different types of gadgets, bombs, special glasses and pistols. Despite his cold nature, Shadow has a narrow circle of personalities that he can call friends without doubt or sarcasm. Just that the hedgehog hides his real emotions behind the mask of a harsh and cold agent. Of all of them, perhaps only two saw the real emotions of the hedgehog. Most often, it separates the eternally arguing Rouge and Lien-da, Which is why most often it becomes a beacon of reason for Rouge and Lien-da.
Rouge is a perfect life form created by Professor Gerald Robotnik as a universal medicine. Extremely dangerous due to the power to control the energy of Chaos, as well as because of the abilities that were added thanks to the altered dna. She is able to destroy stones and metal with her scream, but this ability requires great strength and concentration. Her element is air, so anyone who decides to arrange a fight in flight will instantly fall to the ground due to a barrage of attacks. She is a little obsessed with the power of Chaos Emeralds, so she tries to collect them. Rouge communicates quite easily and playfully—this behavior is associated with watching a lot of old movies on vhs, in which the main roles were played by spy girls. Rouge took the manner of her communication and behavior from the heroines of similar Films and TV series. Despite her cheerful demeanor, Rouge is still plagued by nightmares about the Ark colony, perhaps she has post-traumatic stress disorder. Her main connection is that Agent Shadow is her personal psychologist, he often calms Rouge at night when she wakes up from Another nightmare. Agent Shadow may be Rouge's main love interest, but due to her inexperience, all she can do is flirt. She is very proud and ready to fight dirty when faced with a formidable opponent. The carefree and playful attitude of the bat, due to its abilities, can strain some characters. To most people, Rouge seems brave, ambitious, independent, flirtatious, calculating narcissist who thinks only of herself. Although in fact this is just an image that she plays out in public, her closest friends know that the girl is actually kind, although she has moments of depression.
E.G.G-123—The most dangerous and intelligent of the E-series robots, is the creation of Dr. Vanilla, which as a result got out of control. It has a large arsenal of weapons and ammunition.Initially, E. G. G -123 was created as a robot that would kill Blaze the cat. However, as a result, Vanilla turned the robot into a guard for Rouge, who was in stasis at one of Vanilla's bases. However, the rapidly developing intelligence of the robot rebelled against Vanilla, wanting power as well as revenge for being locked underground for three years. In his arsenal there is :Rockets, miniguns, flamethrowers, plasma and laser weapons. In addition, the robot is very smart, which allows it to create its own weapons, which often work against its master due to mortality. E. G. G -123 likes to gloat and joke during battle, praising his fighting qualities as well as his mind. He often underestimates his enemies because of too much confidence in his abilities. The robot likes to compete with those individuals whose powers are not inferior to his own. He likes to arrange friendly fights with Rouge, considers her a worthy opponent. Despite his hidden desire to take over the world, E-123 himself wants Agent Shadow and Rouge to share rule over the world with him. As a result, he tends to be extremely headstrong, reckless, aggressive and destructive - destroying everything that gets in his way.
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Dr. Vanilla is a brilliant scientist and a villain with a huge ego. Her main goal is to take over the world and prove that she is the greatest genius. Her main weapon is intelligence, which allows her to create robots and various equipment.Dr. Vanilla is a misanthrope and a passionate technophile. Meeting the criteria of a classic sociopath, the doctor does not care about anyone except himself and his cars. She will gladly stick a knife in the back of anyone who ceases to be useful, or uses it for her own personal gain, without thinking twice.However, her main weakness is her confidence in her invincibility, and because of this, she sometimes underestimates her opponents during combat. Arrogant and narcissistic, she creates countless technological wonders that fuel her huge ego, usually bolstered by her goal to finally build an empire, and she doesn't care where it starts. Determination and stubbornness can be called strong character traits, because she never gives up when most would accept defeat. Rare moments of losing control of anger turn Vanilla into a dangerous tornado of rage that threatens both allies and her enemies. Basically, he behaves calmly and coolly, showing emotions only in moments of victory or defeat. She despises Blaze so much that she refused to make her robo copy, because of the losses during outbursts of anger, she could easily destroy Blaze's Robo copy and at the same time half of her base. He considers Blaze unworthy to be captured even in the form of a Robo copy.
Gemerl is a robot created to copy other people's abilities as well as destroy the heroine cat Blaze.Jimerl is as fast as Blaze, and is also able to copy the abilities of other heroes, but he cannot copy more complex ones such as Chaos control. He is very restrained and calm; he never seems to be in a hurry, but he manages everywhere. On the surface, he seems quiet and modest, but in fact, he is probably no less insidious than Vanilla, with the only difference that he is very good at hiding his true feelings, thoughts and intentions.Other robots know that he is vindictive and vindictive, and will always figure out how to ruin the offender's life. Therefore, everyone tries to maintain the appearance of a good relationship with him. Jimerl himself is quite satisfied with this state of affairs. The only thing that can break his usual equanimity is the appearance of a possible competitor.He is a violent, aggressive, cold-blooded and intelligent killing machine with a great superiority complex. However, from the very beginning, he had a habit of imitating Blaze's gestures, if not in a mocking manner.Jimerl's most dominant trait is his hatred and obsession with Blaze the cat. Programmed with the sole purpose of surpassing and destroying the cat, the robot is obsessed with the belief that it surpasses Blaze in all parameters. The robot considers itself as it says:"Jimerl is excellent, Blaze is insignificant!"
Agent Vector is Dr. Vanilla's devoted assistant, who may be in love with her. As a rule, he performs secondary work, collecting materials for the construction of bases, checking factories for the production of robots and making coffeeAgent Vector is the most calm of their henchmen Dr. Vanilla.Vector is used to Vanilla's not always obvious plans and understands her better than most other people. He obeys the doctor, taking all insults in his direction and doing some humiliating things without unnecessary questions. Vector tends to consider himself the smartest in any situation. This may not always be true, but he is really quite smart, considering that he lasted the longest as Dr. Vanilla's assistant.Vector usually shows a calm side of himself. However, he speaks in a rude tone and may not pay attention to the details of the conversation. At the same time, Vector himself does not mind and frankly deceive and mislead, imitating Dr. Vanilla, whom he admires and respects.
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Amy Rose is a combat soldier created by former subordinate Vanilla -Tails. Amy was originally created to destroy Blaze the Cat, but then Tails directed his forces to create his empire. Rose has become a leading force that helps Tails with his plans. Amy is gloomy, speaks little and is cold-blooded towards any battle or opponent. It can release lightning bolts from its body and also move at equal speeds with the Blaze the cat. Her main ability is dark inspiration, which causes the worst and most evil in the personality to wake up. She does not show emotions even during the battle, because she is gnawed that she is just a living weapon created for destruction. But despite this, she finds the company of the robot convenient for her, to some extent she considers the Metal unit her only friend. She is ready to listen to the ideas of others when she admits that she does not really have a special plan of her own that could be implemented, which makes her more open to suggestions. In the future, she will hate Tails and will be obsessed with finding her real family, although it is still unknown whether she was created in a laboratory or was kidnapped for experiments. He likes to use a bat that can absorb energy from Emp or other sources and then release it in the form of lightning. She hides that she likes to be read bedtime stories.
Metal unit v.3.0—Was created as an attempt to replace Jimerl, but now monitors the state of the Amy. Metal was created with an eye on the doctor's past work, trying to do everything so that the Robot would not get out of control and rebel against the creator. However, due to the advanced adaptive artificial intelligence, he soon overcame the program. He was programmed to take care of Amy, but then the program turned into true emotions. He likes to cook , but because of the imperfection of his program, the food he prepares becomes a biological weapon. The unit is able to use its powers to control water, is able to create whole storms and even tornadoes. Due to the connection and trust with Amy, he is able to combine his attacks and non-attacks. However, he can be too obsessed with Amy's safety, which is why after her defeat he can retreat, taking the hedgehog with him. He speaks politely and formally, addressing others as "sir" or "ma'am." Despite his restrained behavior, he is capable of moments of strong emotions: when he thought that Amy had been fatally injured, he flew into a rage and destroyed everything he saw.
Tails Miles Prower is a former fan of Dr. Vanilla, who decided that he would outgrow his idol and that he would be able to take over the world. He has a lot of knowledge in the field of creating cyborgs, mutants and robots. Uses Warp Topaz and its energy to open portals, hypnosis, and energy shots from a prosthetic eye. He voluntarily replaced some parts of his body, which is why he received additional abilities:Shooting a laser beam from the eye, hacking techniques, strengthening strength thanks to a robo hand. Initially admired the work of Dr. Vanilla, an unrecognized scientific genius and a big ego forced Tails to enter the road of crime. In addition to his intelligence, the fox is a pretty dexterous manipulator. He could masterfully use other people to his advantage to get them to cooperate with him or lure them into traps, and he knew exactly how to strike his enemies where it hurt the most.The fact that he had been an outcast for so many years made him bitter and cynical. A selfish genius who puts his own well-being above everything else.He is very easily ready to say goodbye to the life of another living being, so he immediately put Amy in front of a choice either she serves him or dies. Tails managed to sew a device inside Amy's heart that can stop the girl's heartbeat. He has absolutely no sympathy and considers Amy and Metal as ordinary instruments that can be replaced.
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josefavomjaaga · 3 years
Murat’s last decree
In the appendix, Helfert cites the decree that was found in Murat’s wallet and that sealed his fate (if there was still any doubt about it). The author follows a copy made by Austrian ambassador Jablonovski. the document is once more in Italian which I do not speak, so I’ve done my best with the help of online translations. The decree is of some interest because, as Helfert points out, there are notes in Murat’s own hand on it:
Royal Decree of Joachim Murat.
(Written in French in Ajaccio around September 25, later translated into Italian by Galvani. Murat seems to have had some textual changes in mind. This is indicated by the various additions or improvements made to the copy on which the Jablonovski copy is based, which undoubtedly originate from Murat's hand, and which are shown in italics in the following print, and the passages in the manuscript that have been crossed out are enclosed in brackets. In a final note appended to the Jablonovski copy, it says of these "aggiunzioni" [additions] that they were "nell' originale scritto col Lapis di un carattere poco intelligibile e che dalla sua ortografia sembra di essere stato fatto da un Francese". It should be noted that the "Decree " was found with Murat only in manuscript, not like the "Proclamation" in a printed copy, so it seems that only the latter, but not also this one, was printed in Ajaccio. Since, by the way, most of the handwritten additions and improvements are also found in Franceschetti a. a. D. p. 65-70, they must have been retranslated from the Italian and subsequently added to the French handwritten text).
- nell originale…: in the original written in pencil in a barely intelligible handwriting and which from its spelling seems to have been done by a Frenchman
Joachim Napoleon King of the Two Sicilies
We have decreed and declare the following
Article 1
The Constitution will be executed as from 1st January 1816. Provisions will be made for the prompt meeting in Naples of the Parliament and the House of Commons. The Members of Parliament and the House of Commons shall assemble at ... immediately upon receipt of news of our landing.
The order of convocation
Arrangements will be made for the prompt convening of Parliament in Naples.
R. d. Ma.
Article 2
All employees dismissed after 21 May of this year shall return immediately to the exercise of their duties.
Article 3
All persons employed by Ferdinand after the aforesaid time shall cease their functions from the day of the publication of the present decree or from the day of the new publication of our landing. Those who, after this publication or after the new one, will persist in maintaining their posts or in giving any disposition, will be considered as Rebels, Traitors of the Homeland, and as such will be punished with all the severity of the Laws.
Article 4
Any Minister of Ferdinand, any employee who, after the publication of this decree or the news of our landing, retains the power to execute the orders of his Sovereign, or who orders measures or dispositions to impede the execution of our orders, will be declared a Rebel, a Provocateur of the Civil War, a Traitor of the Fatherland and the King, banished from the Law and judged as such and every good Napolitano is ordered to commit their persons to public force.
Article 5
Any official who, having sworn an oath of allegiance to us, wishes to continue to exercise his functions in the name of Ferdinand shall be declared perjured and shall lose his employment forever.
Article 6
All Our Ministers and Councillors of State, upon the publication of this decree or upon the news of Our landing, shall return to the exercise of their functions.
Article 7
All Grand Officials of Our Crown, all Civil and Military Officials of Our Royal House shall immediately return to the exercise of their functions.
Article 8
The ancient organisation of the Army is maintained. However, numbers 11 and 12 in the Infantry Line are provisionally suppressed because they are composed of foreign soldiers. The officers of these two regiments will be employed in the other Corps to replace foreign officers who have had to leave the Kingdom.
Every soldier, whatever his rank, who has asked for his discharge or who has received it without having asked for it, shall be reinstated.
All promotions made and all rewards awarded by Us during the last campaign shall be retained.
We reserve the right to rule definitively on those that Ferdinand granted after 21 May.
Article 9
The Swiss Regiment is preserved in its present organisation.
Article 10
Soldiers who have received rewards on the Domain of the Marches of Ancona will receive the equivalent on the Domain of the State.
Article 11
Those of Our subjects who, in return for their services, have been endowed with titles or donations, and who have been dispossessed of them, shall return to the enjoyment of their property.
Article 12
The good and faithful Security Guard of Our good City of Naples is maintained; it will continue to do the same service it did at the time of 21 May. We declare the faithful officers of the Security Guard as Guards of the Corps.
Article 13
Our Royal Houses of Naples and Portici, the Royal Museum and all public establishments, as well as the persons and properties of Our good Napolitans, are under the special protection of the Security Guard.
Article 14
All Our properties are under the responsibility of the Grand Bailiffs, each for the part that concerns him.
Our First Squire, and all Our Squires in the absence of Our Grand Squire, shall guard the King's horses, crews and carriages.
The Security Guard shall support them in case of need, as well as Our Grand Marshals.
Article 15
All Public Treasuries will be closed at the time of the publication of this Decree or of the news of our landing.
All employees of the Royal Treasury, those of the Bank, of the Amortization Fund, of the General and Particular Receivers of the Lottery, of the Customs and reserved or consumer rights, and those of the Civil List shall be responsible for all funds that will arise from their respective coffers after the publication of this Decree or of our new landing.
Any operation of annuity or transfer of any kind shall be temporarily suspended.
Article 16
All our vessels, our frigates, in a word, any armed or unarmed ships, all our ar-
land all weapons
senals and the Marine Artillery are under the safeguard and responsibility of the Marine Corps.
(to the land arsenal)
and the land and sea artillery
Article 17
The Chiefs of the Provincial Legions are appointed Commanders of their respective Provinces, except for Naples,
e rittimentar [word does not make sense, according to Helfert’s footnote].
which will have its own government: they will immediately gather their Legions in the capital of the district closest to the Capital and they will have the high police until Our entry into Our good City of Naples. I am specially charged with the (Provisional) execution of Articles 2 3 4 and 5.
Article 18
All Our Field Marshals and Ordnance Officers who are in the Kingdom shall immediately report to Our Headquarters.
Article 19.
All Our Subjects, all those who are true Neapolitans and true friends of the King, are authorised to decorate themselves with the
being [???]
Medal of Honour. The colour Amaranth is declared the national colour (the Neapolitan ladies are invited to wear this colour) in person and in all the Kingdom.
Article 20
All Patriotic Societies in the Kingdom are under the special protection of Our Government.
Joachim Napoleon.
Given on October 1815.
What can I say? Count on Joachim Murat to make me laugh at least once even in the saddest of moments. That Article 19 and Murat’s additions to it just are hilarious.
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videcoeur · 3 years
Sziyans’ Bio
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Art by plenii on DA
“ Where, when, and how many casualties? ”
Name:  Sziyan Age: 32 Age at Death:  25 Height: 5′5″ Occupation:  Disaster Agent Sexuality:  Gay
Extended bio under the cut.
Sziyan is generally cold to strangers, and it takes him a while to warm up. He has the kind of personality that's not easy to deal with at first, but he can and will warm up if people can stand him long enough for that. He's a bit arrogant, pompous, and sometimes a know-it-all, but he cares a lot about those he considers close to himself.
Sziyan is a strong man with a sturdy backbone and he doesn't get cold feet easily. Don’t let his baby face fool you. If there's a job to be done, he will do it, no matter what the consequences are.
Sziyan has a youthful look and generally doesn't look really intimidating. It's when he opens his mouth that everything is ruined. While definitely not the friendliest character, Sziyan doesn't go out of his way to appear meaner than he is.
Cold weather
The smell of freshly cut grass
His comfort
Restraints (chains, ropes, cuffs)
Being seen as prey
Sziyan doesn't remember much of his previous life, except for a few noteworthy thing. He remembers being a prince, and being worshiped. He remembers that his family was murdered, and that his life too had probably been taken with theirs. However, Sziyan doesn't remember the reasons of his passing and what led to their kingdom rebelling against them. He also still had the use of his powers on Asphodel, so he's still able to caste powerful spells. One of those spells allow him to summon a gigantic wave, another one a blizzard. He also has two defensive spells to his arsenal that allows him to increase his defense as well as regenerate if he goes to sleep.
He still hates fighting...but he'll gladly put his powers to use if it means making money and staying comfortable.
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midoriyasbones · 4 years
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so i drew for the first time in a while, just a head, but it turned out pretty well considering i’m not an artist. 
she’s a rwby oc, her name is vibrancy, and did i choose her name just so her nickname could be vibes? p e r h a p s. anyways, her character is inspired by akali from the k/da popstars video. i just really enjoy her color scheme, so i kind of stole that. another character that i used as a reference was ashnikko, the rapper. her stage personality that’s just bright colors and electro vibes. that’s kind of what i wanted to go for. vibrancy is also inspired by graffiti too. in fact, her abilities are focused around paint and colors. 
i’ll spare y’all who don’t care and put the rest under the cut. if you do read, please drop some feedback!
she’s really colorful in my head, i wish i could do her justice. she’s got silvery hair that glows in uv light. it’s constantly flecked with paint and the tips are just stained with neon colors at this point. in a casual setting she wears a dark jacket/hoodie over a white shirt with a neon sort of graphic design. then, pain splattered jean shorts, and similarly stained sneakers. i think she’d probably wear overalls at home maybe, but always long sleeved shirts/a jacket that she can roll up and down. the mask is really only used in battle and when doing art so she doesn’t breathe in fumes, and i might add goggles too, like the laboratory goggles. 
god i wish i could actually draw because i have so many more ideas for her outfit and design over all. 
her semblance is called ‘life drawing’ and basically what she draws comes to life. she can manipulate these drawings in various ways. they can take may forms, but are most commonly animals. her favorite thing to draw is a dragon as she can get really creative with them. her drawings can’t exactly replicate the forms they take. though they can move and deal damage (through directly attacking the aura), they can’t speak and if anyone but vibes tries to communicate with them, they won’t understand. they can’t impact the surrounding environment or do anything supernatural even if vibrancy draws them with that power. so no breathing fire or anything like that. 
the drawings’ durability, strength, and other properties are tied to how they are drawn. to maximize her ability, she uses a special kind of ink that fuses with her aura. this also means she has limits to how much she can use. if she knows she’ll be needing something big, she can draw it before heading out on the mission and activate it later. she keeps them on scrolls. she also has stampers of her most commonly used designs. the downside of stamping is that they can’t be as large and they aren’t as durable or powerful. usually, her drawings can take up to 4 blows if well put together (though if slashed they ‘bleed out’ quickly’), but stamps can only take one hit, two tops. 
vibrancy can also use her blood to create her drawings. her blood actually creates the most powerful results, but she can’t just use her blood all the time. it’s a sort of emergency thing. she can get quite a lot out of just a few drops, but it’s not sustainable. likewise, she can also draw with her saliva and tears, but they are not nearly as reliable. 
when she doesn’t use her semblance, she fights in various paint themed ways. she has spray ‘paint’ infused with dust. she just sprays it on and just has to activate it like anyone else. great for explosions. she also has smoke bombs that create thick, dense clouds she conceal herself in. they can also be filled with dust if they need to be. her arsenal includes a paint gun too. it’s not technically a paint gun, though it can be used as one (and often is). the bullets, real or pigment, are always colorful. 
paint is a pretty versatile medium, so i feel like this gives me a lot of options to play with when it comes to what she can do. i kind of want to incorporate painter’s tape into it? but i don’t know how yet. also, i imagine that staying undercover can be a challenge for her as she probably leaves every fight scene an absolute disaster. god same though. 
for her personality, she’s pretty spunky and high energy, but i wouldn’t call her a hot head. she can stay pretty level headed in stressful situations. when insulted, she tries to just let it bounce off her even if she can’t come up with a good comeback to counter the remark. by acting unaffected she hopes to make the other guy look foolish. overall, she just tries to keep her cool.
that’s not to say she can’t get passionate. she’s pretty strong headed and defiant at times. she doesn’t mind following people’s directions if there is a clear goal and a solid reason to do so, but she won’t just blindly listen to anyone. if she doesn’t see a reason to go along with someone, she won’t. she can be a firebrand in that way. a rebel with a cause. when she is causing mayhem and uproar though, she causes a LOT of it. she gets loud, and nothing is off limits.
vibrancy is a control freak, plain and simple. she’s fine with creating physical mess with paint and being disorganized in general, but the minute something in her life falls out of place, she’s prone to anxiety and depression. in desperation to fix things, she often makes it worse. these moments are when her mask of calm slip to reveal a girl who’s actually terrified of how the world sees her. she feels doomed to be unsuccessful because she isn’t like the long line of traditional artists in her family. it manifests most prominently in her interpersonal relationships causing a lot of strife. 
songs for vibrancy: 
pop/stars (k/da), 
trantrum (ashnikko)
flutter (virtual riot)
we came to smash (martin solveig)
i won’t let you walk away (mako)
firebird (galantis)
beat of my drum (POWERS)
don’t worry (madcon)
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heresiae · 6 years
I venerdì sera di Heresiae
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In foto potete ammirare il certosino lavoro di recupero dei miei set dal bidoncino.
In senso chiocciolina da sinistra:
- Pirate Lookout 1464 ancora la sua isola, ma senza barile, vegetazione e pistola
- Rebel Roadster 6538 a cui manca motore, un sedile, un vetro e i fari
- Outback Racer 6550 a cui mancano le ruote davanti e pure il guidatore
- Mobile Police Truck 6450 a cui mancano: ruote dietro, placchettina 1x2 elettrica sotto le luci, volante, sedile, portiera destra, cappello e mano del poliziotto (si, questo ha le luci. ero una bimba fortunata). il portellone dietro c’è ma è rotto e non regge più le ante (per questo quello in foto è giallo. per qualche motivo sono riuscita a non perdere i segnali stradali che contiene)
- King’s catapult 1917. di questi ne avevo due, perché ho due ometti e due catapulte e due archetti, il che forse è il motivo per cui è l’unico set che sono riuscita a costruire completamente. in foto i catapultari li ho messi assieme che lasciare da solo quello che ha pure perso l’elmetto mi faceva tristezza
- Police helicopter 6642, di cui mi mancano giusto quei pezzi che mi hanno impedito di costruirlo anche a metà. ma quando ti manca proprio un pezzo del pattino su cui appoggia la base è dura
- boh. lì dentro ci sono pezzi che oramai ho imparato non fanno parte del set generico dei barattoloni rossi, ma non so se se riuscirò mai a capirci qualcosa
- Trail Ranger 6514, a cui mancano tutte le ruote
- Knight Arsenal 6016, a cui manca una ruota del carro con relativo supporto, le due asce e una clip per tenerle, i tre pezzi flessibili per coprire il carro
La parte divertente è stata non solo essere in grado di recuperare tutti i set da https://www.toysperiod.com/, ma anche vedere la mia memoria fare un balzo ad alcuni pezzi e urlare “ME LO RICORDO” e presentarmi i filmini stile Addams family con Gomez che cerca di riavvicinarsi a Festern. Senza brandy però e seduta sul pavimento col pc addosso.
Naturalmente ho poi passato una quantità di tempo indecente su Bricklink a cercare negozi che potessereo vendermi la quantità maggiore di pezzetti in una volta sola. Alla fine comprerò da due negozi, ma ero partita da sei...
Naturalmente sono fissata da ieri sera a cercare di capire cosa diamine io possa aver costruito per ultimo con un vetro di elicottero, rotore, sei ruote, un volante e un sedile prima di stufarmi del tutto. Perché potrei anche tranquillamente aver ‘perso’ le fogliette e altre minuzie (avevo una sorella piccola in casa), ma il vetro dell’elicottero e il rotore erano due dei miei pezzi preferiti, tanto che sono al momento scolpiti a fuoco nella mia memoria.
Ma no, non entrerò in soffitta xD (ci sono i ragni ed è lontana).
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infinitasvezesaga · 5 years
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𝕀ℕ𝔽𝕆ℝ𝕄𝔸ç𝕆̃𝔼𝕊 𝔹𝔸𝕊𝕀ℂ𝔸𝕊: • 𝑵𝒐𝒎𝒆: Evlan Eresrod Haugan • 𝙎𝙞𝙜𝙣𝙞𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙙𝙤 𝙙𝙤 𝙣𝙤𝙢𝙚: aquele que colhe almas
• 𝑪𝒐𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒆 𝑻𝒊𝒕𝒖𝒍𝒐𝒔:
Morning Lord
(Nome no qual se apresenta em Celitheos, príncipe herdeiro do trono élfico o Senhor das Manhãs brilhante como o Sol.) 
• 𝑰𝒅𝒂𝒅𝒆: 3013 anos élficos, 17 anos humanos. • 𝑺𝒆𝒙𝒐: masculino.
• 𝑹𝒂𝒄̧𝒂: híbrido. filho de um elfo luminoso e da deusa Alma.
• 𝑶𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒄̧𝒂̃𝒐 𝒔𝒆𝒙𝒖𝒂𝒍: bissexual. • 𝙎𝙞𝙜𝙣𝙤: gêmeos. • 𝑬𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒅𝒐 𝒄𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒍: prometido em casamento.
• 𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒂: palácio do sol — Celitheos (presente)
• 𝑶𝒄𝒖𝒑𝒂𝒄̧𝒂̃𝒐: príncipe
• 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒔: vivo
• 𝑹𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒐: Celitheos.
• 𝑨𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒉𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒐: caótico bom.
• 𝑰𝒅𝒊𝒐𝒎𝒂: capacidade para se comunicar em qualquer lingua existente..
• 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆: guerreiro • 𝙎𝙪𝙗𝙘𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙚: místico • 𝘼𝙥𝙩𝙞𝙙𝙖̃𝙤: necromante
• 𝘼𝙡𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙖: 2,10
• 𝙋𝙚𝙨𝙤: 103 kg.
• 𝘾𝙤𝙧 𝙙𝙖 𝙥𝙚𝙡𝙚: branca
• 𝘾𝙤𝙧 𝙙𝙤 𝙘𝙖𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙤: loiro.
• 𝘾𝙤𝙧 𝙙𝙤𝙨 𝙤𝙡𝙝𝙤𝙨: vermelhos rosados.
• 𝙏𝙧𝙖𝙘̧𝙤𝙨 𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙞́𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙤𝙨: lábios em formato de coração.
• 𝘾𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙯𝙚𝙨/𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙘𝙖𝙨 𝙙𝙚 𝙣𝙖𝙨𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙘̧𝙖 (𝙨𝙚 𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙡𝙜𝙪𝙢𝙖): tem uma marca solar-lunar no olho direito, a mesma que Aarflot tem abaixo dos seios, é vermelha como uma cicatriz. tal marca é comum entre todos os elfos porém em cada indivíduo aparece em uma região diferente do corpo.
• 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙙𝙖 𝙙𝙖 𝘾𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙖: 88 cm.
• 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙙𝙖 tórax: 92 cm.
• 𝑭𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒂: mãe: Alma pai: rei Daahrvos ii irmãos: Aarflot Haugan. primos: - tios: -
• 𝑨𝒎𝒊𝒈𝒐𝒔: - Maedhros Thalbo - Ileana Welal
• 𝑰𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆 𝒂𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒐: - Aarflot Haugan - Marsha Alvar
• 𝑰𝒏𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒈𝒐𝒔: - dama do caos
• 𝑯𝒐𝒃𝒃𝒊𝒆𝒔: bailes caça
• 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒅𝒂/𝒃𝒆𝒃𝒊𝒅𝒂 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒂: vinho lunar (encontrado em Celitheos), peixe reluzente (também em Celitheos).
• 𝑭𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒂𝒔: Evlan tem medo do escuro Tem medo de ficar sozinho Medo de lugares apertados • 𝑶 𝒒𝒖𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒔 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒂 𝒗𝒊𝒅𝒂: o que ele mais quer na vida é se casar com Aarflot.
• 𝑴𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒔 𝒑𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒂𝒊𝒔: Quer ser capaz de curar as almas sombrias e trazer todos para a luz.
• 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒄̧𝒂𝒔 𝒑𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒂𝒊𝒔: Sua força vem da saudade, eles quer com todas as forças reencontrar a irmã e por isso se mantém forte todos os dias.
• 𝑭𝒓𝒂𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒛𝒂𝒔 𝒑𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒂𝒊𝒔: Ele tem medo da irmã um dia se voltar ao seu lado sombrio
Ele acredita que Aarflot é realmente uma traídora porque não teve a oportunidade de ouvir a versão da irmã.
• 𝑶𝒃𝒔𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐̃𝒆𝒔: Ele é obcecado em casar com a irmã, para isso faria qualquer coisa. Desistiria do trono, se voltaria contra o próprio pai, faria o que fosse preciso para ficar com ela se ela o quisesse.
• 𝑸𝒖𝒂𝒍 𝒆́ 𝒂 𝒎𝒆𝒍𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒄𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒂 𝒒𝒖𝒆 𝒑𝒐𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒂 𝒂𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒆𝒓? sob a percepção dele, a melhor coisa que poderia acontecer é Aarflot ser apaixonada por ele.
• 𝑽𝒊́𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒔: hidromel.
• 𝑫𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒂𝒍 𝒅𝒐 𝒒𝒖𝒂𝒍 𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒐𝒏𝒉𝒂: Evlan tem uma mania de perseguição, ele tenta fazer de tudo para ficar mais próximo ou mais parecido com quem ele gosta. Já pintou o cabelo de preto para ficar mais parecido com Aarflot, ficou por um ano fumando tabaco sem gostar só para se parecer com ela.
• 𝑶 𝒒𝒖𝒆 𝒆𝒍𝒂 𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒔 𝒈𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒂 𝒅𝒆 𝒎𝒖𝒅𝒂𝒓 𝒆𝒎 𝒔𝒊 𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒎𝒂? 𝑷𝒐𝒓 𝒒𝒖𝒆̂? ela não consegue enxergar defeitos em si mesmo, foi criado para acreditar que era uma criatura luminífera perfeita. 
acrobacia — o personagem pode realizar façanhas acrobáticas, manter o equilíbrio enquanto está caminhando sobre superfícies estreitas ou instáveis, escapar da manobra agarrar ou de amarras e reduzir o dano de uma queda. nobiliarquia — representa o seu conhecimento sobre a aristocracia (ou estamentos dominantes), a política e seu funcionamento. representa também o seu conhecimento do lado obscuro do poder, como conluios, traições e alianças perigosas. cavalgar — é perito em cavalgar uma criatura, geralmente um cavalo, mas possivelmente também algo mais exótico, como um hipogrifo ou um pégaso. conhecimento erudito — envolve tanto conhecimento geográfico como histórico. encampa o conhecimento sobre terras, terrenos, climas, povos, realeza, guerras, colonias, migrações, fundações de cidades, lendas, costumes, tradições e leis.
adestrar animais — é treinada em trabalhar com animais, pode ensiná-los truques para fazê-los seguir seus comandos simples.
diplomacia — esta perícia representa sua capacidade para persuadir os outros, negociar conflitos, ou angariar aliados, utilizando‐se da linguagem e costumes apropriados para conversar, aliás, ela representa o seu conhecimento local e a capacidade de oratória. ela quase sempre envolve uma negociação respeitosa - sendo o oposto de intimidar.
liturgia — perito nos rituais sagrados e consegue identificar milagres e magias divinas enquanto são conjurados. a perícia também representa a sua concentração e conhecimento técnico para evitar perder uma magia divina enquanto é distraído ou atacado. por fim, tudo envolvendo o sagrado, o divino, ou mesmo as criaturas e seres que são inimigos da fé fazem parte desta perícia como conhecimento.
• 𝑷𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒐𝒔:
𝑨𝒈𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒎𝒆𝒍𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒂 — o usuário com essa habilidade pode passar de um movimento para outro sem esforço, efetivamente esquivar ataques, dar mortais facilmente, escalar paredes, fazer aberturas no ar e inúmeros outros movimentos de ginástica, atletismo e marcial com pouco esforço. 𝑩𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒛𝒂 𝒎𝒆𝒍𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒂 — é o poder de ser especialmente bonito e usá-lo para afetar os outros. é um sub-poder de condição melhorada e uma versão menor de beleza sobrenatural.
𝑰𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒆̂𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒂 𝒎𝒆𝒍𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒂 — a inteligência melhorada é a capacidade de possuir um nível de inteligência acima do comum em sua espécie. é um subpoder da condição melhorada e uma forma menor da super inteligência.
𝑹𝒆𝒇𝒍𝒆𝒙𝒐𝒔 𝒎𝒆𝒍𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒔 — o usuário tem uma tremenda velocidade de reação, permitindo desviar de balas, capturar moscas no ar, esquivar de ataques complexos, pegar objetos em queda, bloquear danos e reagir instantaneamente ao que os outros demoram mais para reagir.
𝑬𝒏𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒉𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒐 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒐  — o usuário ou envelhece mais lento do que o normal para a sua espécie ou é de uma espécie que tenha vida útil alongada.
Memória Fotogáfica — Tudo o que ver ou ler ficará gravado em sua memória para toda eternidade.
Intimidade — Só pelo olhar ou toque, o mentalista sabe como é a personalidade das pessoas. 
• 𝑨𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒐𝒔:
Almas Rebeldes — É capaz de fazer com que a alma do seu inimigo se rebele contra seu corpo.
Comando necromante — Pode convocar um exercito de Almas de todo o planeta.  
Possessão — O corpo dele é apenas sua alma, ele poderá possuir o que desejar e ter o poder do mesmo, incluindo divindades.
𝑴𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒂  — o usuário, através de diversos meios (encantamentos, rituais, artefatos místicos, etc.), pode acessar e manipular as forças místicas que se ocultam no universo, adquirindo suas vastas capacidades. essas forças místicas podem afetar a matéria e a energia de formas estranhas, causando efeitos inimagináveis para a lógica científica. assim sendo, ele se apropria de um arsenal praticamente infinito de capacidades.
𝑰𝒍𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒎𝒐  — pode criar ilusões tão realistas que nem percebe que o faz. sua distorção da realidade é tão autêntica que as pessoas presas são incapazes de perceber a diferença.
𝑬𝒙𝒑𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒐̃𝒆𝒔 𝒅𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒊𝒂 𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒆́𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒂  — o usuário pode transferir energia cinética de um objeto para outro, fortalecendo assim seus ataques, ou rasgado buracos em paredes com um simples toque, transformando a energia potencial de um objeto em energia cinética, tornando-a explosiva ou fazendo com que o alvo seja incapaz de se mover ou incapaz de parar se em movimento.
𝑴𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒑𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒄̧𝒂̃𝒐 𝒅𝒐 𝑴𝒂𝒏𝒂  — o usuário é capaz de gerar, moldar e manipular o mana para uma variedade de fins, podendo criar objetos, incluindo plataformas, campos de força, etc. pelo fato de o mana estar presente em todos os seres vivos, o usuário é capaz de detectar vida.
𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒄̧𝒂̃𝒐  — o usuário é capaz de reanimar os cadáveres e os corpos daqueles que já morreram, dando-lhes uma nova vida. porém, diferente do que acontece na ressurreição, os alvos reanimados geralmente voltam à vida sob pleno controle daquele que os reanimou, podendo ter suas mentes, desejos e sentimentos totalmente manipulados por ele.
Animar Objetos — Capacidade de dar vida a objetos inanimados. Os objetos passarão a se mover por conta própria, tendo uma consciência própria, com vontade, desejos e poderes próprios. Os objetos poderão seguir as ordens do personagem, realizar ordens simples, ou podem pensar por si mesmos inclusive indo contra o personagem.
Copiador — É um memorizador nato. A simples visão de um movimento seja ele de qualquer habilidade de luta ou algo complexo, poderá refazê-lo sem quaisquer dificuldade.
Reversão de poderes — Capacidade de fazer com que um poder manifeste uma habilidade exatamente oposta à que ele teria normalmente. Um personagem com "Supervelocidade", ao invés de ser mais rápido que o normal, ser mais lento. Um personagem com "Visão Telescópica" só poderia enxergar a poucos metros de distância
𝕀𝕋𝔼ℕ𝕊 𝔼 𝔸ℝ𝕄𝔸𝕄𝔼ℕ𝕋𝕆: Coroa Luminífera — Artefato da realeza élfica passado de geração para geração, é capaz de invocar os poderes do deus Solar.
Espada Colecionadora — Uma espada que aprisiona almas dentro de sua lâmina aumentando seu poder de dano de acordo com as quantidade de almas armazenadas.
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mrmorsh · 1 year
Chaotic swap
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Keeper Lien-Da is the last of the remaining echidnas, at the moment is the Keeper of the Master of the Emerald. Her physical strength and clan war skills make her a very dangerous opponent. She easily breaks stones with her bare hands as well as robots. She is also able to easily capture the flow of chaos energy. She doesn't really like communication and mostly stays away from some conflicts. She can be very cunning , but she knows when to bend over and ask for someone else 's help . despite her harsh behavior, she is also capable of positive feelings. She respects strength, is very patriotic — considers her people the greatest. Her main rival and enemy is u.l.f Rouge, with whom she has various conflicts. Perhaps only Agent Shadow is able to calm them down. Few people know, but apparently the last echidna has very warm feelings for Shadow, and they are not friendly at all. Her probably only friend is the mysterious spirit Sticks —who is paranoid, it was from her that Lien-da adopted her distrust and total closeness. Echidna probably only behaves openly to some individuals, although sometimes she is rude and very unrestrained.
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The ghost of the Sticks is an ancient spirit that lives in the Alatyr region with the master emerald. She knows a lot about the secrets as well as the history of the lost Echidna civilization. Her character remains the same as that of the canonical Sticks
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E.G.G-123—The most dangerous and intelligent of the E-series robots, is the creation of Dr. Vanilla, which as a result got out of control. Initially, E. G. G -123 was created as a guard for Rouge, which was in stasis at one of Vanilla's bases. However, the rapidly developing intelligence of the robot rebelled against Vanilla, wanting power as well as revenge for being locked up for three years underground. In his arsenal there is :Rockets, miniguns, flamethrowers, plasma and laser weapons. In addition, the robot is very smart, which allows it to create its own weapons, which often works against its owner due to mortality. E. G. G -123 likes to gloat and joke during the battle, praising his fighting qualities as well as his mind. Often underestimates his enemies, because of too much confidence in his abilities. The robot likes to compete with those personalities whose powers are not inferior to his own. Likes to arrange friendly duels with Rouge, considers her a worthy opponent. Despite his latent desire to take over the world, E-123 himself wants Agent Shadow and Rouge to share the board with him.
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Prince Knuckles is the ruler and prince of the Sol dimension. Echidna possesses great physical strength and is also able to control fire. His behavior remains the same as that of the Canonical Brass Knuckles.
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fireredrules’ pokemon team dynamics rp meme
(please repost with everything attached!) answer each prompt with whichever of your muse’s pokemon fit it best. feel free to include multiple pokemon per answer or extra details as to why they might fit the prompt. if one doesn’t apply, just put N/A
who is most likely to steal their trainer’s food? For Fred, it could be any of them, especially the canines, but Beelzebub would do it maliciously. For Ted, it’s easily Squibble. who is most likely to rebel or ignore orders during a battle? - Beelzebub or Grumpy for Fred and... any number of Ted’s pokemon. Definitely Cadmium for Ted, since she was a traded pokemon, but Argentum and Lithium are just as fickle. who is the least welcoming of new pokemon/people? -Sir Clop- He doesn’t welcome anyone. Argentum is the most aloof, but Romana is very possessive of her Master. who is the laziest? - Artemis might look the laziest, but she’s just slow! It’s really Tramp. Ted’s laziest is Calypso- she’s a lady of leisure. who wakes up the earliest? - Artemis is an early riser. We can’t tell with Ted, because they’re all kept in a ball O u O. who stays up the latest, or doesn’t sleep at all? - Any of Ted’s pokemon who stay up with him while he works- Lithium comes to mind, staying up as a guard. who is the messiest? - Beelzebub and Arsenic. who is the loudest? - Beelzebub (can you see a pattern) and Squibble. who considers themself the ‘leader’? - Percival, Sir Clop and Artemis have big clashing egos. Squibble thinks he’s the leader, but Argentum easily holds the most authority. who is the weirdest? - Caramel&Cherry are the most bizarre by far. Although Calypso seems an odd duck, Lithium is the oddest. who is the biggest cuddler? - Tramp and Romana. who gets themselves into trouble the most often? - Beelzebub and Squibble. who hates bath time? - Tramp, Sir Clop, Pawla and Arsenic. Incidentally, Calypso LOVES bath time. who gets the most visibly excited from seeing their trainer after a long absence? -Tramp (after any amount of time) and Romana. who is most protective of their trainer? - Percival, Artemis and Romana. who uses their charms/cuteness to try and get away with things? - Sorbet and Versailles. who messes with other trainers for fun? - Beelzebub and Lithium. who is the most submissive to their teammates? - Tramp who is the purest angel? - Tramp and Calypso. Lil’ babies. who gets jealous the most? - Romana. Romana does. who is the one laying on their trainer’s face in the morning - Tramp, Sophie and Pawla. Ted might be snuggling Leonardo Da Bun Bun... but that’s not really a pokemon, is it? who is the most distant from their trainer? - Cherry&Caramel and Lithium are distant in general... comes with being a product of the labs. who is closest to their trainer? - Tramp and Percival, and Romana. who is most alike their trainer in personality or habits? - Percival for Fred and Lithium for Ted... :^) who races ahead when on a walk? - Tramp! Ted doesn’t take his pokemon for walks. who is the most loyal/obedient? - Percival. For Ted it has to be Lithium and Argentum... although a short lead can be broken. who eats the most? - Pervical and Cadmium. She tends to hork down Raticate too big for her belly, but Ted’s too soft to say no. who is the quietest? - Solange and Titanium. who is the clumsiest? - Well, William doesn’t have any arms or legs... and for Ted, it has to be Calypso. who is the most hotheaded? - Beelzebub and Squibble. who is the ‘mom pokemon’? - Artemis, for sure, and Argentum
tagged by - @pxgtails tagging – ummmm... pretty sure pxgtails tagged everyone ever but I’ll try to get a few in @magma-odor-sleuth @silveragenda @aquatrey @magmagrunthiro @shadyxdealings and u can just steal this off me if u wanna~
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comicteaparty · 6 years
November 26th-December 2nd, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from November 26th, 2018 to December 2nd, 2018.  The chat focused on Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R by snuffysam.
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Featured Comment:
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R by snuffysam~! (http://sgkdr.thecomicseries.com/comics/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PST), so keep checking back for more! You have until December 2nd to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 3. Since the comic utilizes a wide variety of comedy, what have been some of your favorite jokes to appear in the comic so far? What about the joke worked for you? Name as many as you would like for this question.
QUESTION 4. Do you believe that Mizuki will eventually discover her own magical talent, or will she be stuck stealing others’ abilities forever? What might her magical talent be? Also, regardless of your answer, how might this issue change Mizuki?
DA-POW! (Yayao Yuying Studio)
Okay, so I haven't actually gotten to reading this comic yet-- just started like... right now. But OMG. XDDDDDD I'm loving how they're breaking the fourth wall and poking fun at stuff. My favorite scene so far is this one:
And of course the follow up:
I really like the guard so far, though I have absolutely no idea if he'll ever appear again seeing as I'm still in the first chapter. ;v;
The fact that he makes fourth wall breaking remarks is what sort of sold me. If he doesn't appear again, hopefully someone else along with the main character will make better jokes that will sell me good.
BUT OMG!!! This one really caught me off guard:
The comedy here is really up my alley man. ;W;
O v O
Just found my new favorite character.
Mr Holy Tree:
AH! Btw, I love how the siblings who are governers of the Sikode plain's clothes sort of match up with the work hours they took. <333
Just finished Chapter 3. 8^U!!!! If I have more time tonight, Imma try to read a few more chapters yo! But this comic is really snatching me with dem scripts.
glad you like it so far!
DA-POW! (Yayao Yuying Studio)
Of course! >W< Thank you for creating this silly hidden gem!!! <33333
I love that it’s not perfect, and this is not an insult. My favourite character so far is the guy who sliced that squid in half he seems like a boss
It’s also amazing to see how far the author has come in their art, I looked at the original pages a bit.
Cahe Is A Good Boy
Cahe is good, but I do wonder about the magic of how quickly they had their baby... Maybe it's one of their magic love powers.
also yeah, I've changed a lot over these past three-ish years lol
there's been exactly one hint as to why that happened, and it's in probably the most obscure place imaginable
the game where you can play as everyone's favorite archery ace
I obviously didn’t get to any baby yet whups
oh no that's not for a while
Snuffy is pretty good at lighting and shading too. I still have plenty to learn about that
the baby doesn't happen for another like 350 pages from where you are
Oh hi snuffy!
My bad lol
hi lol
i'm in blue this week
Hey how do you know where I am?
oh i just assumed given your comments
Yeah I know
Oh okay
I’m in the middle of chapter 2 I think
yup so i was right lol
Daaaaaang. That's some good accuracy. I'm lucky if I can remember my own name some days
i did have to look up the page numbers lol. it was just a matter of guessing that sharose hadn't started chapter 3 yet
anyway yeah i wrote a shader script for blender to do the lighting properly. took me a couple years to figure it out but i got there eventually lol
Oh my word I can barely use blender yet
So it IS CGI! I couldn’t tell for sure I thought maybe it was supposed to mimic CG
a lot of stuff is drawn in with photoshop. and i think i just recently passed the point where more than half the comic is CG as opposed to being drawn.
but ye
Wow. I don’t think I’ll be doing my comics with CG but I do wanna be an animator one day. Good for you!
No prob. I just got to more doodley pages
yeah haven't updated chapters 3 onward yet
Oh okay. I can relate lol. I’m glad to see this up here, you’re a brave artist
thanks ha ha
They are so innocent ohmiword
“I thought for sure 1+1=2!”
mizuki may not have gotten an A in all her math classes, but she at least knows that much
QUESTION 5. Who exactly are/were the Galaxy Knights? How did they come to be, and what goals did they have? Do you think we’ll see more former or current members? Also, what are your theories about their involvement in the story given they’re in the title?
1) it's still the end fight of book 1. which i wont go into too much detail cause i dont want to spoil for those just starting up. but i still love the entire choreography of that fight. seeing mizuki solve everything in the most unconvenentional ways possible is so immensely fulfilling. 2) cahe's mustache. i cant wait till it gets fed up with cahe, rips itself off his face, and joins mizuki to fight the good fight. (but also probably electric zebra because he believes in the power of love) 3) there's too many jokes to name. theres a lot of great ones. although one of my favorite more recent ones has actually been a callback to the fact that cahe never names his village. and lo and behold his village is revealed to be unnamed village. i was slain by the joke. 4) i think eventually mizuki will discover her own thing. but at the same time i dont think thatll stop her from using others' abilities cause i think she turns what others view as a weakness into a strength. so basically mizuki will just have more ammo for her mind magic arsenal. 5) i mean the obvious answer is that they were protectors of ppl and that mizuki is gonna join them. but idk. i def think were gonna see more former and current members though given the title. and mizuki will thrash them all with the power of stealing their abilities and stubbornness. in the end, there is only one super galaxy knight deluxe and that person is mizuki. lets not ask what the r stands for.
I haven’t even finished chapter one yet but I love this guard guy.
lodu is best boy. i'm actually planning on having him show up again for real in the next chapter. and by book 3 he may even have enough screentime to jump up to major character status.
also rebel you really have a knack for asking questions that will be straight-up answered within a month or two.
like in the weekly chat back in may one of the questions was "what is the plot of book 2"
not saying which of the questions you asked will be answered in a month but just overall, it's an impressive skill lol
and yeah chapter 8 is my favorite arc in hindsight. i'm not sure i'll actually manage to out-do the 1v1 fight choreography there for a while.
I have to admit, I'm really enjoying the current fight scene. The banter's top notch. >:3 Dramatic text meets no-nonsense. Now give Mizuki that damn generator so she can win the talent show!
talent show > crimebusting
he can get it back after the crimes are solved... But the bigger crime really is that the King--- wait the King gets to make the laws doesn't he
....wait, what I just said doesn't make sense. Oh well. He can get it back after the talent show is done -- it's a crime Mizuki can't win it!
the two of them should bring criminals to the talent show and bust them on-stage
mizuki should get back to the talent show if only because i bet the old man is still on stage trying to tell horrible jokes
get that man a google assistant... or sub him to r/dadjokes
https://www.blog.google/products/assistant/ok-google-tell-me-a-joke/ I'm sorry, I can't get over how bad some of these jokes are.
it's been well over 12 hours, and it's the middle of the night now. do you really think he's still on stage?!
(the answer is yes)
Of course! He's waiting for Mizuki
of course he is, he is an angel. and everyone is too polite to tell him to get off the stage and go home
well they're waiting for mizuki too
interested to hear what the caught-up folks' reactions to today's page will be...
don't say that, now I want to throw all my homework out the window and catch up all the way
as much as i want to tell you to go for it... put your homework first lol
I am definitely planning to catch up once I have homework and finals out of the way. Unfortunately…that will also be after this week's bookclub will be over and we'll be discussing someone else's comic by then.
aww oh well
I hope to read more before, then, though, so I can discuss some things. I just won't be fully caught up, hehe.
and of course, no reason you can't keep reading after your finals are done and just comment in the comic itself
(though this is a much better place for people to get theories out there)
-procrastinates from homework-
Okay this restaurant owner
"Everyone does horrible things sometimes. So really, I was completely justified."
I love this so much
Protection from indecency!
QUESTION 6. Why do you think Mizuki drifted apart from Cahe and Pejiba so much between Books 1 & 2? Why did the couple not invite Mizuki to their own wedding? Will Cahe and Pejiba make a comeback, or are they settled down into domesticity forever?
im gonna be optimistic and say her letter just got lost in the mail
because cahe asked someone terrible to deliver it
maybe the anecestral tree
and cahe walked away before the ancestral tree could remind him that hes rooted to the ground
or the ancestral tree was pissed he wasnt invited
I think Cahe and Pejiba were just so in love they forgot! Or ultimately, they just didn't like Mizuki so much. Granted, it's been ... a very short duration
maybe its gonna be an it was all a dream thing somehow
mizuki has been having trouble sleeping
there is a misunderstanding involved, but it’s less about “why didn’t they invite mizuki” and more “why would they invite zebra over mizuki”
thats easy: zebra is the best
Zebra also is much better at music, so
I don’t mean to be rude but I wish Mizuki would wear more clothes
Actually, me too…
And IMO the boobs are too exaggerated. But I like how she eats the food lol
y'all are on chapters 3-4?
Yeah I'm on 3
I guess she actually doesn’t know what a shirt is? Whoa there are cool animations!! And the lady’s power is cool. @snuffysam I’m not sure hang on I’ll check
No wait I'm on 4, oops.
I’m on chapter 4
she buttons the jacket in chapter 5, and her proportions get fixed when i switch to 3d
Yeah she’s less exaggerated in 3D for sure, and I’m glad she buttons up the shirt
the outfit in chapter 4 is a reference to how in the original short film i made that this comic is based off, her actor decided to wear the jacket with no shirt (which is not something i, like, wanted or expected)
Huh okay
but i changed it because i didn't think it made sense to draw her like that
How did you get gifs in the comic?
(though the in-universe explanation is that it just got windier)
i use photoshop to animate, if that's what you're asking
Oh awesome, I didn’t know photoshop could animate
Oh cool! I've dabbled with PS animations before.
most things are frame by frame, with motion & opacity (like the lights fading in and out, cahe flying around the room) being done with photoshop's tweening
Ow hot sword.
You are a better animator than me so far lol
Or you have more experience
I love how they’re like “Oh no prob!” After the whole fight
I think that whole fight was a test to see if the two main characters were fit to be the new Galaxy knights or something
And that’s a nice sunset drawing in chapter 4. I love sunsets
"What, are you going to throw your sword at people now?" HAHA!
So so,done just got shot in the face
Yikes that!s a mean lady
and a magic mean lady at that
Yeah I can’t believe he’s not dead
captains are very resilient
QUESTION 7. Do you think we’ll see Gynu and Suzigu in Book 2? If so, do you think they have one of the power gems Mizuki needs? Will they give it to her? Alternatively, what other places or characters might reappear do you think, and how will things have changed?
"Maybe we DO want them to get the wrong idea."
Using this as an excuse to finally get caught up with SGK. Should have a remark or two by weekend.
looking forward to it!
(the archive for last week's chat on The Angel with Black Wings is now up! @Mharz https://comicteaparty.com/post/180645388940/november-19th-25th-2018-ctp-archive)
QUESTION 8. Why do you think King Zebugu closed the magic portal? Is he up to something evil, or did he actually turn over a new leaf and is trying to do something helpful that he just won’t explain? Will he succeed or will Mizuki defeat him do you think?
king zebugu turns over new leaves all the time
birch, pine, oak
it's the highlight of the month
what about old leaves?
-is still in chapter five and has no idea who this king is-
if my leaf of the month club sent me an old leaf, i'd probably cancel my membership tbh
unless it was like... historical in some way
this is too plausible not to be true
7) I think we'll see Gynu and Suzigu probably. Although I feel Mizuki might be at a disadvantage since they already lost to her. so now they know what he game is or something like that. and i dont think theyre gonna just give her the gem given the whole food fiasco and i kind of get this sense they want to test her? as for other characters, i hope we get to see our favorite immortal captain again. and electric zebra. electric zebra needs to come and sing about the power of love and all that. or at least be on tour and give mizuki a signed cd. 8) i feel hes not doing the evil, but i feel whatever the king is up to probably is dumb at least. maybe this is an elaborate prank from the wizard guy who is mad about having to put all the food back. he gave the king the wrong prophecy and now the king is trying to undoom the world. at the end mizuki will win, but winning might not matter. i think shell lose the talent competition tho. shell make it back in time but get disqualified over something trivial. like misspelling something on the contest form.
something worth pointing out about both those answers - in book 1, nobody knew what zebugu was up to except for the people in the castle (and the ancestral tree, cause of the omniscience). people like gynu and suzigu wouldn't have agreed with zebugu if they had known what he was doing. in book 2, zebugu has roped other people into his plan by giving them a gem to protect. zaxaty knew what her brother did, and so did the ancestral tree (being specifically instructed by the king to guard the gem and not tell mizuki the reason why). even taci ramino knew that the portal had been turned off, and zebugu didn't even give him a gem! so if gynu and suzigu do have a gem, what did king zebugu say to them to get them on board? and was he truthful to them, or is this all an elaborate ruse?
the fact hes roped other ppl into it makes me believe that it is for the greater good. but on the otherhand blackmail and bribery are also options. maybe zebugu has an embarrassing photo of gynu from their last xmas party.
*life day
QUESTION 9. Do you think Mizuki will be able to win against Sword Warrior? Do you think Sword Warrior could be a potential ally, or is he just a one-off villain? What are Sword Warriors actual goals?
keeping in mind that sword warrior now has twice as many swords as before
i feel like thats a hint
he must want the worlds largest sword collection
that was a hint as to whether or not mizuki can win
but sure
also, interesting how you seemed to describe "ally" and "one-off villain" as the only two choices...
mostly cause i dont want the questions to be immensely long
that's fair
i believe in mizuki to be able to win. shes just gotta punch the swords hard enough to shatter them. and then sword warrior will have to change his name to just warrior
she already shattered a sword though. was sword warrior just "warrior" for that two-page period? are names all but an illusion giving us some sense of identity? is that identity earned?
yes to all that, with a semi yes on the third one. you cant call yourself sword warrior without a sword. thats false advertising otherwise
Okay, so, obviously the baby isn't theirs, unless gestational periods are really short or there was time travel hijinks. My money is on them looking after Zebra's kid, in exchange for him performing at the wedding. That's why they got him on short notice, for free. Though adoption's also possible.
I mean y’all can’t just skip over short gestational periods and time travel hijinks in a world where trees talk and sailors just forget that they’re mortal
But that’s a solid possibility
I mean, there's magic, and then there's magic!
Clever plot twist in the most recent pages. I did not see that coming. I actually thought Taci had lied about getting one of the gems because he was embarrassed that the Swordsman had already stolen it.
Also, magic can be used to change dialogue into cursive, or something.
I'll get to the questions later.
-Scene-wise is tough, I don't even recall what I said last time. ^_^; The fight against the king was pretty epic though. Character-wise, I like Pejiba. Just something about her I guess, helpful, first major magic user, that kind of thing.
-Like Rebel, I'm not sure about grabbing any particular comedic moments. The stuff with the tree is pretty good though. Even more recently with the 'I am a jerk but that's not the reason' sort of thing. Also, used firewood...? O.o
-I dunno, stealing the powers of others can be a power itself, see Rogue from X-Men. Plus I think Mizuki'd be worried that once she finds her own, she'll lose the ability to copy everyone else.
-The Galaxy Knights are actually a bunch of mathematicians, that's why the King's advisor is one (if memory serves). Seriously though, I like how they were just randomly brought up recently. It's kind of like they're their own story running in parallel somewhere else. (Which isn't too far off, Gynu and them were in a guest comic series elsewhere, I think.)
Actually, it's impressive the number of guest comics and literary tie-ins that exist.
-Since only, like, a week passed between Books, idk. Maybe Cahe was given bad information, or their messages were cut off. Though the whole wedding seems like a rush job because honeymoon in an all female hotel what now? I feel like they'll still have cameos.
-Hoping we'll see Zaxaty again. That blush had to mean something. (Also, back to comedy, "Get out of my house", hah.)
-The King's probably doing this as some sort of test, like to see if Mizuki can be a new governor or something. After all, he seemed okay with how she spared him. Alternatively, the Galaxy Knights wanted him to do this, so that they could test for new recruits.
-Related to that answer is the possible answer to snuffy asking about what Gynu might have been told if he has a gem. All in a day's work. (Though a photo would be amusing.)
-Sword Warrior will be useful in terms of giving Mizuki many more magic ideas to steal. (Also, since he can make his own swords, I don't think Mizuki will win that way. Maybe she can get him to zip off the edge of a building.) I think Taci just has a thing for vigilantes.
math, are you completely caught up now? including wednesday and friday's pages?
I'm trying not to be too spoilery though. (I may be failing at that.)
na it's all good lol
also i don't remember gynu being in a guest comic series somewhere else? so if someone did that without letting me know
actually i guess there were the crossover things on comicfury. but that was ages ago
if that's what you're referring to
Yeah, the crossover things. I'd read those for the original Discord chat.
I haven't kept up on the latest literary stuff from StArt Faire though.
to respond to some of your things specifically - - the advisor is a statistician, which... i guess is a mathematician? usually when i think "mathematician" i think of people who write proofs for really difficult problems and not, like, nate silver. also, the wizard is a magic researcher, so he does a lot of math for his work. i guess the active galaxy knights are pretty math-y, except for that third as-of-yet-unnamed active galaxy knight that's shown up. -yeah the wedding was very much a rush job. zuzu was already a member of the family by the time cahe and pejiba were on their honeymoon. -we'll see zaxaty again sooner than you expect. and yeah, there's something there. blushes don't lie. (fun fact: the fight against zaxaty was originally going to be the first time in the comic it's implied that mizuki is into women. when drawing book 1 chapter 6, i changed my mind and worked a love triangle plot into the story. that's the main reason why mizuki never says anything to pejiba about being interested - because it's not in the script. that's also part of the reason why zaxaty's island is "lesbos 2: sappho harder". the timeline for making the comic gay got moved way up, so zaxaty had to be a bit over the top) -won't say much else here, but i like that people's impressions seem to be that zebugu's plot might be morally dubious, but maybe not exactly evil. we'll see how that pans out. -if he had the chance, taci would absolutely start dating sword warrior. he's totally into the tall, slender, vigilante crime-fighter type. (which may lead to some butting of heads down the line...)(edited)
That's very cool... both about having Zaxaty in mind so early on, and for managing to foreshadow Mizuki's interests. Also, I don't know that Zaxaty was necessarily over the top (I didn't see a harem), though she does seem to like putting her interests (frustrations?) into her artwork.
As to Zebugu's plot not being evil, it allows for a scene where Mizuki goes off on him and him having some sort of retort. Even if it is to defer to the wizard or something. (Hey, maybe the wizard wanted all magic off so that no one would know that he was on sabbatical.)
you don't see a harem NOW because zaxaty went into seclusion.
it would be nice if zebugu gave his wizard a vacation, considering that he was kind of a jerk to the guy in the first book
Ahh, right, I vaguely recall that. Missed the free love vibes what with all the tripping out.
To be fair, he was kind of a jerk to everyone.
true. maybe this is part of his new leaf that he's turning over?
I wonder who convinced him to collect new leaves. His other sister, Pokemon? ^.^
he's a big animal crossing fan
he thinks he's stealing people's furniture
I guess his wizard better tell him he's moving to another town soon, so Zebugu can try to give him leaves and present boxes to get him to stay.
wizards love to scam people out of presents like that
... T_T Same with half of my animal crossing townies
ahhhh animal crossing
QUESTION 10. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
one thing i'm really looking forward to as the author is creating book 3. i think it'll answer a lot of your questions about the series, and there will be a bunch of character interactions that I know people will want to see
DA-POW! (Yayao Yuying Studio)
What I'm looking forward to is seeing the creator update all the pages into the 3d model style! <333 Although, I gotta say I really do enjoy seeing the hand drawn pages too. ;V; I'm still behind in reading, but hopefully when I have time, Imma try to get through more pages. But what I've seen, I've liked and enjoyed immensely!
But can I just say, I love how crazy and silly everything has been so far? XDDD Thanks to this discussion, I found this gem and ended up sharing it with a friend of mine. And they loved the golden comedy too! (Not to mention they're favorite scene was the tree saying they were a jerk as well. O v Obbb)
And I'd also like to commend the fact that the creator has been able to power through and draw so much content (not to mention reworking those pages into new ones. OMG!) OAO!!! As an artist myself, I know how much work it is to get to the number of pages I am now. Thank you so much for signing up for the discussion (because if you hadn't-- I probably would have never discovered yer work) and hope you continue to update the awesome sauce of a story Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe is! <333333(edited)
More hints of Galaxy Knights is always fun. Wonder if they're all human, given there's a tree as a character.
@DA-POW! (Yayao Yuying Studio) glad you and your friend liked the comic! I hope you both continue reading after the week ends! and yeah, getting this far has taken a bit of time. I've spent over 1000 hours total on the art aspect alone!
@mathtans i originally planned on one of the galaxy knights being a giant cyclops (in a future book), but i ended up writing him out.
I could see lack of depth perception being a problem.
The big twist is probably that Cahe's kid is a Galaxy Knight. Explains everything.
...i'm trying to remember if zuzu actually does grow up to be a galaxy knight or not...
"marries a killer cyborg" is definitely in there for one of the zuzus, but i'm not sure about being a galaxy knight
im looking forward to finding out if that old man really will just continue on with the talent show until mizuki comes back. and then ironically winning because ppl decided they liked his talent of talking for billions of hours
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R this week! Please also give a special thank you to snuffysam for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://sgkdr.thecomicseries.com/comics/
The Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R Twitter: https://twitter.com/Galaxy_Knights
0 notes
oselatra · 6 years
Master Card
How about a new law? If you want to join a white supremacist organization, you have to take one of those complex DNA tests first. That would cut way down on the membership.
Master Card
How about a new law? If you want to join a white supremacist organization, you have to take one of those complex DNA tests first. That would cut way down on the membership. But if you pass, you would be eligible for a Master Race Master Card. Money back every time you charge Tiki torches, ammo, rebel flags and the large-print edition of Soldier of Fortune magazine.
David Rose
Hot Springs
From the web
In response to an Arkansas Blog item about U.S. Rep. Bruce's Westerman's complaint about a nonprofit that advocates for the disabled getting federal money and his false claim that the director was making a six-figure salary:
I believe Westerman was attacking his own self. He is paid with federal taxpayer money, and his salary is well north of the six-figure threshold. I am sure he will apologize once he realizes he was accidentally addressing the asshole in his mirror.
Arbiter of All Things AOAT
Westerman — perhaps the best example of Arkansans continuing to vote against their own best interests (unless you're the Chamber of Commerce). Any of us, including the congressman, could get hit by a bus tomorrow and be disabled. Westerman no doubt could afford the best of care for the rest of his life. How many Arkansans can say the same? And the arrogant Westerman could not care less.
In response to an Arkansas Blog item on raises handed out at the state attorney general's Office:
So the director of Arkansas Department of Correction probation and parole gets fired for asking for increase in budget to hire more officers to handle their workload but the AG can hand out this enormous amount in salary increases for her staff? After all, I am sure what they do is much more important than monitoring those individuals on probation and parole!
In response to an Arkansas Blog item on more fundraising by state Sen. Jason Rapert (R-Conway) for a nonprofit foundation he runs because, he says, the "Satanic Temple, the American Atheists and the ACLU" wish to destroy the Ten Commandments monument that honors "the historical and moral foundation of law."
Rapert has no concept nor knowledge of "historical or foundation of law" because he does not know Moses copied the Code of Hammurabi, who was in that part of the world long before Moses came along and had his laws posted on stone tablets throughout his kingdom so people would know what the codes were. They are not original with Moses in spite of what Rapert and others may think. Sheesh.
In response to the Aug. 2 cover story, "Blight-buster," about lawyer Richard Mays' environmental litigation:
Elected officials and bureaucrats always think they have the best solutions to public policy issues. When the people actually have better solutions, we often have to go to court to force the deciders there is indeed a better mousetrap out there. Elected officials and bureaucrats aren't very good at listening to better alternatives. Our system of governance shouldn't work that way.
Sound Policy
Comment in an open line on the Arkansas Blog:
I find it very disheartening to see American citizens side with a president who regularly attacks our institutions, our freedoms, our citizens, our allies, and so on. In a nutshell, such people are also attacking America along with Trump.  For me, I've had enough of Trump treading on our freedoms, our rights, our institutions, our friends and our system. Those siding with him are joining a traitorous and treasonous man bent in taking our country apart because some folks don't like him doing such. It's a death spiral feeding on its own insanity and nurtured by the gullible, the ignorant and the selfish.
Jake da Snake
In response to the Arkansas Blog's notice of an observance of the 73rd anniversary of the nuclear bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki:
A terrible occasion and loss of life, but unfortunately necessary to stop a fanatical enemy who placed no value on human life as they demonstrated time and again in committing atrocities against civilian populations. It also saved thousands of American military lives by bringing an end to the war without having to invade the homeland islands.
Although the old (and highly publicized by the government) trope about how 'Murica was "forced" to use the bomb is popular with the Archie Bunker set, the truth is that the unnecessary use of atomic bombs against primarily civilian targets of a beaten Japan had nothing to do with shortening the war OR "saving" American GIs, whose lives, prior to dropping the bombs, had been spent quite freely, but continuing to do so might have presented a PR problem after Germany's surrender and the public pressure to "get the boys home."
The rush to use the bombs before Japan would be ALLOWED to surrender had everything to do with demonstrating to Russia, the only other superpower to emerge from WWII, just who had power, although that wouldn't be true for very long. Now we have an ahistorical, uneducated, raving psycho of rather arrested mental development at the helm of our crazily massive, expensive and unneeded nuclear arsenal.
Master Card
0 notes
tuseriesdetv · 7 years
Crítica Del 1x06 "No Matter The Cost" De The Resident: No Seconds Chances For Everyone
Una semana más, gracias a The Resident, nos sumergimos en el sistema hospitalario estadounidense para conocerlo un poco más a fondo y sacar a relucir la corrupción y la avaricia que campan por sus anchas. Si queréis saber mis impresiones sobre el episodio, no dudéis en seguir leyendo.
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La próxima vez Wilmot se queda sin mano
Después del anterior episodio, donde tuvimos una gran ración de quirófanos, esta vez nos hemos mantenido fuera de ellos y la serie nos ha llevado por el lado más humano de la medicina de la mano de Conrad. Nigel es un bailarín de ballet que lleva muchos años con un dolor crónico en el estómago pero que, tras una larga lista de pruebas, los doctores no han dado con la causa. En un primer momento, como dice él mismo, parece que tiene síntomas de malnutrición y eso podría llevar a pensar que sufre algún trastorno alimenticio, pero no es el caso. Nigel está desesperado, como lo estaría cualquier de nosotros, así que Conrad le dice que le dé veinticuatro horas para averiguar qué le ocurre, cosa a la que el paciente accede, pero se niega a que le pinchen y le hagan más pruebas porque no puede más. Durante el proceso de investigación, los jefes de varios departamentos aparecen en la habitación de Nigel y parece que se están rifando el diagnóstico, algo que me parece alucinante –¡¿QUÉ COJONES, EN SERIO?!– y totalmente despreciable. Tengo la sensación de que, cuanto más arriba estás en la escalera de poder, menos escrúpulos tienes y más oportunista e hipócrita eres. ¿Os imagináis que estáis sufriendo y os viene un grupo de médicos, que supuestamente tienen que ser serios, y tu habitación se convierte en una lonja, donde tú eres el pescado que se pelean por conseguir? Yo no sé si esto tiene un ápice de realidad –no digo ni que sea real directamente, sino que lo sea un poco–, pero si lo tiene, se me caería la puta cara de vergüenza. El Dr. Wilmot –que no sabemos si estará durante más episodios– es el responsable de Conrad, su jefe directo, y son ellos dos los encargados de generar los momentos de mayor tensión del episodio. Aunque el Dr. Wilmot tenga parte de razón al decir que Conrad sólo ve su manera como forma de hacer las cosas, realmente Hawkins se lleva la “victoria” en esta primera contienda: no va a hacerle más pruebas cuando no tiene los resultados de las anteriores; cuando los tenga contemplará qué nuevas pruebas realizarle. Wilmot da la sensación de muchos de los jefazos y jefecillos que hay por el Chastain: a mí me importan tres narices las pacientes, yo vengo aquí a mandar pruebas y a cobrar como un señor. Por eso la labor de Conrad en este episodio me ha gustado mucho. Tras las convulsiones que sufre Nigel por una medida que ha implantado el Dr. Wilmot, Conrad se le enfrenta con un enfado más que comprensible, diciéndole en la cara que, como los apéndices en el cuerpo humano, algunos doctores no sirven para nada y que la nueva prueba que quiere hacerle al paciente es algo que este mismo no quiere, que le escuche. Y eso es precisamente lo que Hawkins hace con su paciente. Se lo lleva para sacarlo de la vista de Wilmot –sí, un método drástico y con el que no estoy de acuerdo, pero parece ser la única manera de que un paciente se rebele–, y le pide que le cuente su historial médico. No es hasta una historia que, aparentemente, puede resultar completamente inocente, cuando Conrad da con ello, síndrome del ligamento arcuato medio, algo de lo que no había oído hablar en mi vida, o al menos que yo recuerde. Con una prueba específica, Nigel por fin puede encontrarse sin dolor en más de una década, y creo que no hay mejor recompensa que ver a un paciente totalmente agradecido y aliviado ante tal hecho. A pesar del final feliz, la guerra entre el Dr. Wilmot y el Dr. Hawkins todavía no ha acabado. Cuando el primero se lo encuentra, no duda en decirle que esta actitud le va a llevar a acabar con un paciente y que, cuando eso pase, habrá una larga lista de personas esperando a joderle la carrera. Sin embargo, Conrad no se achanta y arremete duramente al amenazarle con pegarle si no le suelta del brazo. Últimamente, Conrad tiene que verse las caras con un montón de gente y no le va a dar la vida para tanto.
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¿Anhelando algo, caballeros?
En el terreno personal, este episodio también lo ha tenido bastante movidito. Si la semana pasada ya vimos que su padre estaba en la ciudad, en esta le ha tocado “desayunar” con él. Si sabíamos que Conrad odiaba a su padre, ahora conocemos que llevan sin hablarse una década y que él se fía bastante poco de su progenitor. Parece que Marshall quiere una nueva oportunidad con su hijo, pero lo conoce bastante poco, y diría que aparecer sin avisar no es buena idea si realmente quieres ganarte su cariño y confianza. De todas formas, Conrad no quiere ni a su padre ni a su dinero en su vida, sobre todo un dinero que viene de la avaricia y de aprovecharse de las desventuras de los pacientes. Con lo último que le dice el hijo al padre en ese momento, creo que se entiende mucho mejor la guerra de Conrad contra la corrupción del hospital: está luchando contra los métodos de su propio padre, contra él una y otra vez. Sin embargo, no se puede negar que la oferta de Marshall es bastante jugosa, un caramelo muy atractivo. Quiere abrir un pequeño hospital privado y quiere que, tras terminar este año como residente, Conrad lo dirija, que instruya a los doctores como ya lo está haciendo, pero desde una mejor posición y sin el lío de la burocracia entremedias. Personalmente, no veo a Conrad dirigiendo un hospital. No por falta de experiencia o porque no se lo merezca, sino porque le veo en la batalla del día a día luchando por sus pacientes. La respuesta más acorde, según lo que conocemos de Conrad, sería una negativa, pero nos puede sorprender, a mí la primera. Por otra parte, antes de encontrarse con su padre, vio cómo Nic y Jude se iban juntos en el coche de éste. Pues bien, Conrad los ha vuelto a pillar, esta vez hablando en un plan más de amigos que de colegas de hospital. Esto ha saltado las alarmas de Hawkins y ha hecho que esté enfadado con Jude y con todo el mundo –hasta Hunter se ha dado cuenta–. Es ya al final del episodio cuando tenemos un poco más de información sobre el tema. Al decirle él a Nic que ese hombre era su padre, ella le pide que se abra, que hable, pero Hawkins no quiere –y como ya dije, no se puede forzar a nadie a ello–. Sin embargo, sí que se abre con otro tema, el que les compete a ambos, y parece que Conrad está a punto de tomar una decisión: dejar de luchar por Nic después de que esta le dijese varias veces que lo suyo había terminado por completo. Parecía que le hacía falta algo así en todas las narices para plantearse seriamente pasar página. En resumidas cuentas, AQUÍ VA A HABER DRAMA. ¿De verdad me creo que entre estos no va a pasar nada? NO. En algún momento, alguien se va a dar cuenta de que echa de menos al otro y tendremos jolgorio. Al menos es lo que me imagino.
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Al menos Devon no está tan ciego como Conrad
Siguiendo con Nic, la Dra. Hunter la relevó del cargo de sus pacientes, por lo que Nevin no tiene forma de echarle un ojo a Lily, hasta que ve que Devon está asistiéndola.Nic le cuenta al Dr. Pravesh sus sospechas de que Hunter está estafando a la aseguradora al tratar de más a sus pacientes. Aquí me surge una duda: las técnicas de Lane son, en muchas ocasiones, experimentales, y los seguros son muy reacios a aceptar estos tratamientos. Entonces, me pregunto: ¿está estafando a las aseguradoras o también lo está haciendo con los pacientes en cierta forma cuando las aseguradoras no acceden a los tratamientos? Es decir, sí, les puede ayudar a superar el cáncer, pero, a su vez, está matando sus cuentas corrientes. Además, hablamos de una clínica privada, que cuesta todo mucho más dinero. Devon, a partir de este momento, va a estar más cauteloso con lo que pase con Lily, teniendo en cuenta que las dosis son mucho más altas que en cualquier programa que ya utiliza una mayor cantidad de dosis de por sí. Por eso, cuando ve que la propia paciente empieza a tener dudas sobre el trasplante de médula ósea, Devon es el primero que decide pedir un análisis completo de sangre de Lily. Los resultados son demoledores, sus riñones están empezando a fallar y nadie se había dado cuenta de ello. Al saber esto, la Dra. Hunter se hace la loca y empieza a hacerle un poco la pelota a Pravesh. En un primero momento pensé que se lo iba a creer, pero la segunda conversación que tiene con Nic revela que no y que tienen que hacer algo con Hunter porque, si hubiese seguido hacia adelante el trasplante, Lily tenía todas las papeletas para morir.
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Este sexto episodio empezó con Mina, a quien la estaban intentando robar. Ella, sin dudar, ha decido ir a defenderse y ha llevado al ladrón al hospital para que le traten. Como ya se podía intuir, el chaval estaba colocado y ganador, algo que parece ser lo normal. Mina me encanta, aunque de vez en cuando tenga alguna cosa que haga al personaje patinar un poco –como aquella carrera de pacientes para conseguir el alta–. Pero me fascina que, si ella se hace una herida, se la cose ella sola; que la atracan, se defiende sin pensárselo dos veces; que le tocan las narices más de la cuenta, no le tiembla el pulso para mandarlos a la mierda. Ay, hay que quererla. Gracias a ella y a Nic, han convencido a los padres del chico de que le den una nueva oportunidad y que realmente se aseguren de que se rehabilita. Debido a este momento, hemos conocido una cosa nueva: la hermana de Nic era alcohólica y ahora lleva un año sobria. Durante el episodio hemos podido ver que Mina llegaba tarde a algo. Su gran secreto es que se dedica a tratar a sus vecinos del bloque de pisos en su apartamento y que tiene un arsenal de medicinas para fliparlo –cosa que ha hecho Nic y que me ha representado bastante (“Estás llena de sorpresas”, y ni que lo digas)–. Nic, que es como la madre de todos, por así decirlo, le ha dicho que tenga mucho cuidado, dado que podría perder su licencia y su visa, y que deje de hacerlo, pero Mina ya sabe lo primero y no tiene intención de lo segundo. La historia del tío de la Dra. Okafor trae otro tema a la palestra, la clausura de clínicas locales de los grandes hospitales porque no obtienen grandes beneficios. Esto deja a mucha gente que no tiene recursos sin tratamientos médicos. Creo que lo mejor de esta escena es ver la interacción entre estas dos mujeres, la sorpresa de Nic y esa risa honesta de Mina por la que, personalmente, me siento bendecida. Mina Okafor puede verse como una mujer ruda, parca en palabras y distante con la gente pero, en el fondo, tiene un gran sentimiento de la justicia, quiere lo mejor para sus pacientes y es consciente de que su fuerte no son las personas, pero si puede ayudarlas mediante su técnica y su profesionalidad, no va a dudar en hacerlo.
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"Le voy a hacer una oferta que no podrá rechazar"
Por último, el Dr. Bell se ha dedicado más a la burocracia más que a otra cosa –y mejor. Gracias al cielo–. Claire Thorpe, la directora del hospital, le pide que intente captar –como si esto fuese una secta– al Dr. Edmund Carver, un reputado cirujano que le podría venir muy bien a Bell en su equipo, según ELLA. A él no le hace anda de gracia porque, claro, como su equipo es una pequeña mafia que lo que hace es cubrirle las catástrofes que crea en el quirófano, meter a otro jugador es muy arriesgado. Sin embargo, para no levantar sospechas delante de Claire, le sigue el juego y queda con Carver –menuda sorpresa al ver a El Griego de The Wire por aquí convertido en doctor–. Parece que en un primer momento a Bell le cae bien, pero se tuerce cuando le pregunta por su tasa de errores quirúrgicos y complicaciones, lo cual trae de cabeza a Conrad y cía. Lo que quiere Carver es completa transparencia sobre esos números, hacer un seguimiento de los mismos y terminar con las mafias que se dan en los quirófanos. Francamente, aquí el amigo Edmund me cae bien, tiene un objetivo que me parece estupendo, más dirigido al beneficio del paciente que al suyo propio, lo cual es de agradecer –es como un soplo de aire fresco, sobre todo si viene por parte de doctores consagrados–. Sin embargo, Carver no va a terminar en el Chastain. Aparte de que es un señor al que habría que pagarle mucha pasta, eso de la transparencia, hacer públicos esos números que tanto persigue, los pleitos que tiene el hospital y simplemente la forma del Dr. Bell de vender todo el asunto, se nota que Carver no va a pisar más el hospital.
En general, el episodio me ha gustado muchísimo. Los 43 minutos se me quedan, como cada semana, muy cortos y, con tanta información interesante, más todavía. Me pregunto cómo será el trato hacia Conrad ahora que tanto Claire como Randolph saben que es hijo de Marshall –me encanta que, en un primer momento, se queden alucinando–. Por cierto, menuda cagada del padre, así de claro. Tu hijo no quiere que se le vea contigo, ni que tampoco se le relacione, y va él y suelta la bomba. La madre que lo parió. Por otro lado, parece ser que lo de Mina con los vestidos es un hobby y, mirad, me encanta. Es una forma de crear algo de la nada –con un resultado fantástico– y le sirve como práctica para coser y mejorar su técnica, aunque el soporte en el que lo hace no tiene nada que ver con el que luego se encuentra en su trabajo. La verdad es que tengo mucha curiosidad por ver por dónde va a seguir la serie, cómo la visita de su padre va a resonar en Conrad y cómo va a actuar a partir de ahora que parece que ya no va a intentarlo más con Nic. También tengo ganas de cómo el Dr. Bell y la Dra. Hunter van a intentar seguir saliéndose con la suya cuando cada vez cometen más errores y no todo se puede exculpar con “ha sido un accidente”.
Por mi parte nada más excepto animaros a que dejéis vuestros pensamientos, sentimientos o cualquier cosa que se os haya pasado por la cabeza al ver el episodio. ¿También tenéis curiosidad por saber por dónde van a ir los tiros? Los comentarios son todos vuestros.
¡Hasta la semana que viene!
P.D: Si no había tenido suficiente con el trato condescendiente de la Dra. Hunter a Nic en el anterior episodio, lo han vuelto a hacer con Wilmot y esa palmadita en el hombro a Conrad. Me rechinan los dientes y todo.
P.D.D: Entre lo de Mina pidiéndole perdón a Nic por juzgarla y ese “Eso significa que puedo convertirme en “mejor amiga” con Conrad, ¿no?” me ha matado. Le estoy cogiendo mucho cariño a este personaje. Me mola.
P.D.D.D: Irving mostrándose como todo un admirador de Carver ha sido muy gracioso. Al igual que el momento en el que Bell le dice a Conrad que no la líe, éste le responde que la bronca no es con él, sino con Wilmot, y va al otro y le vuelve a soltar lo mismo.
Irene Galindo (@MissSkarsgard)
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