#arren/arran debate
ghosts-of-love · 5 days
If you're still Charlie I think Arren flows really well as a middle name!
yes I think so too! Charlie would definitely be easiest to stay as my legal first name in terms of work but I feel like I could start telling people my middle name is Arren/Arran and give them the choice of what to call me?
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ghosts-of-love · 6 days
do we think I could suit the name Arren? probably just as a middle name that some people use sometimes as I can't be fucked with changing my name legally again. could also be spelt like Arran.
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ghosts-of-love · 5 days
To add to the Arran propaganda: the Isle of Arran in Scotland is the most beautiful place ever, and that’s another great reason to choose that name.
I may be biased bc my name was almost Arran (bc my dad’s side of the family was from there) but my mom thought the spelling was too masculine so my dad changed the spelling to Aerin (after the main character from Hero and the Crown, which I highly recommend if you like fantasy).
Idk if you’re looking for a name that is specifically masculine, but hope this assures you that there’s a lot of people including my mom who think the name has masculine vibes (although I still believe I could’ve pulled off the she/her Arran).
Great choice!!
yes!!!! the scottish link is another part of the reason I wanted to go for the name! (my family is/was Scottish) another reason was the character in a book I like (spelt Arren though). third being that I just always liked the name in various different spellings lol
also this ask sent me on an absolute tangent while I was supposed to be doing work bc instead I was like hey I've got a significant amount of holiday left. what if I did something mad and went to Arran for a couple of days? 🤔🤔 and now I've got fifteen tabs open. I'm feeling that money may be a slight issue but also that I do want to visit Scotland again so we shall see!
I also think you couldve pulled off she/her Arran very well!
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ghosts-of-love · 5 days
arren is such a good good name. i love it lots and i think it suits you (its very cool n fun but the spelling makes it 100%)
aaaaa thank you!! I am getting more and more convinced now yippeeee
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