jenna-ortega · 10 months
history of man
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pairing - joelmiller x femalereader ratings - 18+ word count - 4k warnings - arranged marriage AU, dubious con(the whole arranged marriage against readers will thing), angst, brat!reader, softdom!joel, kidnapping, jumpscare!david, salt lake but a very different salt lake than the games (aka no cannibalism) , panic attack authors note - thank you for waiting for this! i really hope you enjoy it, no smut in the first chapter :( (ik boooo) but there will be smut to come. cause you know joel miller is nothing if not a seducer of woman. comment, and let me know what you think! lets have a discourse.
SUMMARY - You thought coming to silver lake would be better than your previous QZ living situation. Come to find out, you had more than freedom waiting for you on the other side of the wall. You had Joel Miller, whether you wanted him or not.
series masterlist
Fuck this. Fuck him. They hold you hostage then offer you food and water? This shit doesn’t feel right. Your whole body turns away from him. Pushing the glass further from you as you pout.  “Drink.”  “No.”   “Now. The growl in his voice startles you. For someone who swears they aren’t going to hurt you, it feels a hell of a lot like he is. Your eyes find his, now dark with a scowl on his face.  “I’m not gonna tell ya again, girl.”  You scoff. “What…you’re gonna force me?” 
Nothing you’ve been through thus far could have prepared you for this. 
It’s dark. So, so dark. 
“Get off me!” you screamed while trashing your body in the man's arms. Earning you an elbow to the side that made you groan at the harsh hit. Your body trembling, wishing you could see through the pitch black area ahead. 
You arrived at Silver lake only a short time ago, not realizing how much of a mistake this stop in your long journey would be. You only made it a few hours into nightfall trying to observe the town from the far woods when a bunch of men caught you from behind. Now dragging you across the snowy town and making a scene of it. 
“I will KILL you!” Your empty threats made the man dragging your left arm along laugh, causing you to turn your head and give him a nasty look. 
“Hear that, ted?” the mystery man nodded his head to the man on your right, “we caught a feisty one. Know just who’d like this one…” the men disregarded your attempts at kicking, laughing as they went back and forth as if this was just another day. 
You made it to what looked like some sort of run down restaurant, your brain working over time to think of every possible scenario that could happen here. Worst is you’re dead. Best is they feed you, cloth you, and tell you this was all a prank. But you doubt it’s the latter. 
You huff out a small ouch as you’re being thrown into a makeshift jail cell at the back of the place you surveyed earlier, hitting the grown so hard dust particles float in the bright white light casting above you. 
“Don’t move.” the taller man shouts down at you, 
Your eyes roll at the request, “Nowhere to go in here, jackass.” you cross your arms and death glare at him from below. 
“Fucking bitch,” his hand grabs your hair from in between the bars and drags you to it. Your whole body moved to follow his hand, trying to shield yourself from the pinching pain, 
“HEY!, get off her, man. You know they’ve gotta be in one piece.” the other man warns, thankfully giving your scalp a break from the pull. 
“Whatever.” he scoffs, turning to walk out with his buddy. Both of their backs towards you. You slap the cell bars and scream in frustration. Quickly realizing you needed to figure out your next move. You need to stay alive, you need to get the fuck out of here. Your body pushes itself against the wall, head falling back as you begin to silently cry. Nobody here but you and your thoughts for the foreseeable future. Your head falls against the wall, and your eyes close. Forcing yourself into slumber. 
Drool begins to dry on your face before you are suddenly awakened by the loud slam of a door. You gasp, waking up and forgetting this is now where you have been staying. A cold, dirty cell floor. You look up quickly and your eyes find a taller man, one you haven't seen before; walking slowly towards you. You instinctively crawl to the further edge of the cell.
“Stay back.” you warned, as if you had any upper hand in this situation. 
“m’sorry to scare you” the strangers hands raise in defense as he stopped walking towards you. “Just wanted to check on you.” He stands with his arms to his side now. Waiting on your next move. 
“Check on me?” you begin, voice dripping with malice. “I was just kidnapped and thrown into this fucking cell.” his eyes follow your body as you kneel to stand up. Wiping down your pants to get the dust off. Fully standing, now closer to his height. 
His face is flat and stern as he begins to observe how you are acting. Deeply in his own thoughts as he looks down at the ground, only to be brought back by your incessant nagging, 
“HELLO! Can you even hear me?” 
“I want to help you” 
You’re confused by his bold statement, but accept his help by nodding slowly as you walk towards him in your cell.
“You’re not leaving this cell until they think you’re calm enough…and you’re not leaving this town. At least not alive, I’m sorry.” 
“What does that even mean? What do you guys even want from me?” 
“It’s not the right time.” the man turns on his heels and begins walking out, leaving you more pissed than you originally were.
“Please, please don’t leave yet!” you whined,
He turns his head over his shoulder slightly to acknowledge your plea, his back still to you.There is a comfortable silence until he breaks it, “What’s your name?” 
You go back and forth with yourself for a little while, wondering if you should be honest. You have to get out of here, and maybe he is your best bet. If you play nice with him, maybe you can bring his guard down enough to get released and escape. You’ll play this role for now, and you tell him your name in a silent whisper. 
He nods in acknowledgement, and you throw his question back to him. Another silence looming before he breaks it, 
It’s been hours.
The metallic clang echoed through the dimly lit room as a new man fumbled with rusty keys. You squinted at the sudden sound as he swung the creaking cell door open. His average figure standing at the opening of your cell, beckoning you to come with him.  
“About time," you muttered, rubbing your eyes and standing up.
The man flashed a wry smile, his reddish beard framing weathered features. "Apologies for the delay. We don't get many visitors here in Silver Lake, and security is tight." 
You stay silent as you give him a shy smile. Following him out of the room, and close on his trail as you walk an appropriate distance away from him as he brings you outside. It’s an oddly calm vibe, and you begin to overthink. Is this your chance to run, he’s giving you so much freedom…would he be able to even catch you? He does look kind of older, skinner than the other men you’ve had the pleasure of interacting with. As if he reads your mind, he breaks your thought pattern, 
“Sorry about my guards. They can be protective of this place.” he eyes your bruises, 
“What is this place?”
The man gestured for you to follow again as he led you through town. "Silver Lake is more than just a town. It's a haven for those who survived the apocalypse, a place where people from different walks of life came together to rebuild what was lost."
As you walked, you noticed families huddled in makeshift homes, the sounds of children playing echoing through the air. The aroma of cooking wafted from a communal kitchen, and people greeted you with nods as you both passed.
"It's been a tough journey, but we've managed to create something special here," the man continued. "We have families, we have friends, we’re a community"
“A community that throws people into dark dungeons and leaves them there for days?” you bite back, causing him to stop in his tracks, turning to you. 
“I am very sorry about that. Let’s start over.” he holds his hand out for you to shake, “I’m David. And who might you be?” 
You give him a funny look, face scrunching in disgust, not wanting to do whatever this is. But you remember what Joel had told you. Remember your plan to play along. 
You shook his hand and told him your name, earning a smile from him, “It’s very nice to meet you.” 
The air was thick with a sense of uncertainty the rest of the walk. You both ended up at a rather small house, the look of it just like every single other one. As you approached the house, the wooden boards creaked beneath your feet. The windows, covered with tattered curtains, revealed only glimpses of the dim interior. A sturdy figure with a graying beard stood on the porch, his eyes scrutinizing the surroundings.
"David," Joel called out, a tight smile breaking through the gruff exterior. "Wasn’t expectin’ you so soon." 
“Thought I’d bring her here, have her rest up by you. Get acclimated to the community.” 
You’re confused by David’s words. Was Joel one of his guards? Like the other two men who had caught you? You have so many questions you wanted to ask, but you were insecure. Didn’t know if these were people you could really trust or not, and you just wanted to make it out of here. You had to push through, had to endure whatever the hell this was. Just until you were able to make it out. 
David begins to introduce you both, but Joel raises his hand stopping David’s words– “We’ve met.” 
David looks at Joel in a peculiar way, a way you couldn’t quite decipher yet. Then back at you, grinning widely, “Glad you’re taking this so well, Joel.” he walks back off down the stairs, turning back just once to shout, “You’re in good hands!” 
You sway back and forth slowly, hands crossing over the other as your gaze is glued to the ground. You don’t know what to think, what to do, what to say…
“You can come in.” 
You’ve been sitting in silence for the past 30 minutes while Joel is simmering something on the stove. His kitchen table is small, and placed in the corner of his modest sized kitchen. It all looks so..normal. So much like how it was before. You watch Joel as he stirs the big pot, banging the spoon handle on the side to watch the sauce drip back down into the pot. He brings the spoon back down onto the counter, turning towards you to sit. You rip your gaze away from him, pretending you haven’t been observing his every move.
“You’re nervous?” His voice is soft. He is still standing at this point, noticing you flinch as he goes to sit. You get the feeling he isn’t bad…but at this point, you don’t know what to think. You look up at him, biting your lip as you stay silent. 
“m’not gonna hurt you.” he reminds you. Joel grabs a cup from his counter, turning on the faucet and pouring you water. Water. You haven’t seen a stable source of water in…oh god it’s been long. 
Joel takes note of the glint in your eyes as he pours you a cup, taking a deep breath in relief. Seeing you nervous only makes the seed of guilt in his stomach grow. The soft look of fear you’ve had plastered on your face since he’s seen you makes him angry. You shouldn’t be here. You shouldn’t have to do this. 
“Here.” He sets the water down in front of you, sitting in the seat next to you. 
Fuck this. Fuck him. They hold you hostage then offer you food and water? This shit doesn’t feel right. Your whole body turns away from him. Pushing the glass further from you as you pout. 
The growl in his voice startles you. For someone who swears they aren’t going to hurt you, it feels a hell of a lot like he is. Your eyes find his, now dark with a scowl on his face. 
“I’m not gonna tell ya again, girl.” 
You scoff.
“What…you’re gonna force me?” 
“f’i have to.” 
“Then go ahead.” 
You hear him grumble to himself, words that resemble “fucking stubborn.” as he pushes out his chair, pushing it back in roughly. He slams a bowl down on the counter, causing you to gasp. You watch as he scoops a few spoonfuls of food into the bowl, turning abruptly to slam it down in front of you. Rushing off after he does. Leaving you to ponder your own thoughts. You’re looking down at the steamy bowl of what looks like a stew as you hear the front door slam open and closed. He’s left you. Has he gone to tell David about your interaction? Shit. You should have listened to him, you wanted to play this smart. Now for all you know this will be the last bowl of food you’ll have in a while. Will they bring you back down to the cell? Your thoughts frighten you into eating scoops of the food, taking huge gulps of water. Your belly burns from the nutrients you’ve been neglecting yourself for weeks. You sip the last remnants of liquid from the bowl and get up to set it down into the sink. With Joel gone, you were free to roam the house. But you just felt like a scared little mouse, too afraid to disturb anything not familiar. 
You’ve decided against your better judgment to take a look at the place. Just until someone eventually comes back to take you away. 
You look around the living room first, a small brown couch, enough to fit three bodies comfortably sits directly across from a fireplace. A mantle with nothing but dust lays atop of the fireplace, not homey at all. You inspect the room, finding nothing that tells you about the man who left you here. You decide to move on. 
There are 4 stairs that lead up into what looks like a small wing of the house, the last square footage you have left to survey. To your left, a small bathroom. A large tub, one that reminds you of yours from home. Bubble baths and candle lit nights fog your memory. You surprise yourself as you feel water run down your eyes. Tears. Shit. This is all too much. 
Just a few feet down, there’s an empty room with nothing but the sunlight of the open window shining through. Directly across, there’s another room. You break through that doorway and find a bed, a nightstand, and what looks to be a 6 drawer dresser filling the room. So empty, yet you wonder how he lives. You walk towards the drawers, opening up the top left one to find a few pairs of flannels. Of course. You open the top right and find it empty. He must travel light. 
You get bored and begin walking to the bed, sitting atop of it to feel how soft the sheets are. You haven’t sat down on a bed in forever. So comfortable. The sheets stretched over the bed softer than you remember sheets being. The pillows are fluffier than you ever felt. The blanket is so warm…so…inviting. Your body does it before your brain thinks of it. Crawls under the covers. Your head hits the soft pillow, and you feel your eyes closing and your brain settling down. Your shoulders relax into the mattress, and your breathing evens out. You’re gone before you know it. 
…You feel a thump on the bed that startles you awake, darkness engrosses the room and you thrash in bed to find your bearings. 
“Joel?” you rub your eyes and see him standing in front of the bed, you look down to see fresh clothes lying next to you. 
“Take a shower. We got somewhere to be.”
You are trying to catch up to Joel as he’s walking ahead of you, “Slow down!” you shouted to him, stumbling over your feet as you grabbed his arm to stay up.
“We’re already late,” 
“For what?” 
He huffs, but begins walking slower for you. Both of you now silently walk into the same restaurant you were kept at just a day ago. Your body goes rigid as you think of all the things that will happen. You fucked up. You did this to yourself, you didn’t follow the—your thoughts pause as you see the place crawling with people. Like a huge get together, chatter and laughs bounce off the walls. It’s so…alive. 
The crowd of people part, and all eyes are now on you and Joel. David at the forefront of the room. “Welcome, Welcome! We’ve been waiting for you two.” he laughs as he walks past the sea of people to you both, grabbing onto Joel’s shoulder and smiling widely,  “Hopefully you were late for a fun reason,” he winks at you two and you shudder, what the fuck was this guy assuming? You rip your hand off Joel’s arm, patting down your dress and making note of all the faces in the room. Your eyes catch the two men from your capture, hand and hand with ladies. How the hell did they land those girls? They were absolute dicks to you. But as you rip those men apart in your head, you notice everyone is coupled up. Kids in the mix as well. Maybe the community wasn’t terrible…seems family oriented at least. 
You follow Joel to the front of the room, wanting to stick by him and not venture off too far. He seemed to be a rigid asshole sometimes, but he was an asshole that didn’t hurt you yet. You stand close to him, arms bumping as you look up at him. He looks down at you, smiling with his eyes turned down, a worried look etched on his face. Maybe he was as anxious at public events as you were. 
“Please, everyone welcome our newcomer into silver lake!” David introduced you by name to the room, the whole room saying hello directly towards you in a cult like manner. 
“Uh–Hi everyone?” you stuttered, heart beating so fast the pounding began to overtake your hearing. 
David’s speech began again, mentioning new updates and new hunts their men had succeeded at. You zoned out again, only brought back to the present by Joel nudging you gently, your head batting to look towards David who had beckoned you to stand on the other side of Joel, sandwiched between the two men. You smiled and nodded, doing as you were told for this one instance. Put on the spot as you got comfortable in your new position, David called upon you, 
“She has been a wonder, ladies and gentlemen. An absolute prize. That’s why I think we should all welcome her with open arms.”
You stood by David's side, feeling the curious eyes of the community upon you. Joel, a stern figure with a rugged exterior, stood nearby. The unease in the room was palpable as David continued his introduction.
"And this, my friends, is a crucial time for us. Unity is our strength, and it's my pleasure to announce that we have a new bond to forge. In the days to come, our friend here will be joining hands with Joel."
Your heart skipped a beat, panic creeping into every fiber of your being. You exchanged a wary glance with Joel, whose expression remained stoic. David's words echoed in your ears like an impending storm.
"Joel," David continued, "our only hermetic guard, will stand as a pillar of strength for our newcomer. Together, they will contribute to the resilience of Silver Lake and ensure the prosperity of our community."
A lump in your throat formed, the weight of the announcement settling in. Arranged marriage—a relic of a bygone era—now thrust upon you in the midst of survival. Your eyes darted between David and Joel, the gravity of the situation sinking in.
"Survival often demands sacrifices," David said, his tone filled with conviction. "And in this new chapter, we come together to build a stronger, more resilient future."
The room buzzed with whispers, but you could only hear the thudding of your own heart. Joel's gaze met yours, and you saw a glimmer of understanding in his eyes, as if he, too, had been thrust into this against his will.
As the community welcomed you both with a mix of cheers and polite applause, you felt the walls closing in. The air grew heavier, and your breaths quickened. This was worse than the cell. This was worse than your impending death. This was something you could have never seen coming. 
As David's words lingered in the air, a suffocating tension settled over the room. The weight of the announcement hung over you like a dark cloud, and you couldn't bear the collective gaze of the community any longer. Without a word, you turned on your heels and bolted from the room, breaths coming in erratic gasps.
The cold night air hit you as you stumbled into the open, the dim glow of lanterns casting long shadows over the uneven ground. Panic gripped you like a vise, and you ran blindly through the narrow pathways, seeking solace in the darkness.
"Wait!" Joel's voice echoed behind, his footsteps closing in. You refused to stop, the desperation to escape overwhelming reason. But he caught up, his hand gently gripping your shoulder. "Stop."
You whirled around, chest heaving, eyes wide with fear. "I can't do this, Joel."
He stepped closer, his gaze softening. "None of us asked for this. But we're survivors, and sometimes survival means making tough choices."
You shook your head, the panic escalating. "I won't be someone's pawn. I won't let them control my life."
Joel's expression softened, and he pulled you into a hesitant embrace. "Shh, babygirl, calm down. Running won't change anything."
The unexpected term of endearment caught you off guard, but the gentleness in his voice began to chip away at the walls of panic. You trembled against him, the tension in your body slowly dissipating.
"We can figure this out," he murmured, his hand rubbing soothing circles on your back. "You're not alone here. We'll find a way out. Told ya I wouldn’t hurt ya."
You took a shaky breath, the warmth of his embrace offering a strange comfort in the midst of chaos. The reality of your shared predicament began to sink in, and you reluctantly nodded. "I don't want this, Joel.."
He pulled back slightly, locking eyes with you. "I know. You gotta smarten up if you want to survive. No more being stubborn."
You wipe your tears from your cheeks, sniffling as you nod at him. “Okay.” 
“If we want to get out of this together. There are some rules ya gotta follow.” Joel began, surprising you with how fast the gentleness in his tone shifted into something more stern…
“This is not a fairy tale. It's about survival. Our survival."
You nodded, a bitter taste settling in your mouth. The harsh truth of your situation echoed in Joel's words.
"First rule," he continued, his eyes piercing through the darkness. "We stick together. There's safety in numbers, and in this world, trust is a luxury we can't afford. You stay close, and you follow my lead."
You swallowed hard, the gravity of the arrangement sinking in. "Fine," you mumbled, my defiance momentarily subdued.
"Second rule," Joel continued, unfazed. "We present a united front. Whether you like it or not, we're bound by this arrangement. Any sign of discord, and it puts both of us at risk. We can't afford internal conflicts."
You bristled at the demand,  frustration bubbling to the surface. "I didn't sign up for this, Joel. I won't be some indentured servant."
He narrowed his eyes, his patience wearing thin. "You're not the only one dealing with shit. I won’t touch you, I won’t make you any kind of servant. You follow my rules, and you don’t fuck with our chance at getting out. Understand me?"
Reluctantly, you nodded, conceding to the harsh reality that enveloped you.
“I said, do you understand me?” he repeats, expecting an answer from you. 
“I understand,” you whispered to him, lips curving down as you felt tears swell in your eyes.
You met his gaze, defiance flickering. "I won't play house just to appease the crowd."
He sighed, the weariness in his eyes suggesting a history of battles fought and lost. "You don't have to like it, but you have to do it. It's the only way we make it out of this mess alive."
As Joel's rules echoed in the silence that followed, you couldn't shake the feeling that your autonomy had been sacrificed on the altar of survival.
taglist - @joeldjarin @love-affair-with-fandoms @punkshort @movievillainess721 @fragilefable
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efoxkitty · 3 years
Lovers of cursed AU's and normal AU's alike, I bring you my arrangedmarriage!AU that I fell in love with. Strap in, it's a bit long :D
So basically in the AU Jimmy is Lizzie's brother and they are from the Ocean empire. When they were younger, their fathet had arranged marriages for the both of them, but they weren't told about it. Lizzie had married Joel and that was it. But then the council asks Lizzie as the queen, what will they do about the marriage between the ocean kingdon (Jimmy) and the lost empire (Joey). Lizzie promises Jimmy she will Joey.
Lore wise, those two kingdoms were at war for a very long time and the mers were nearly wiped out, which is why the marriage proposal was originaly written, to make sure the ocen empire survives. Today, tge situation is reversed, if Lizzie wanted, her and Joel's troops would wipe the lost empire from the map. So Jimmy has to decide if he really wants to start a years old conflict again, just because he doesnt want to marry Joey.
So Jimmy proposed to at least visit his "future husband", to give him a chance. But it's bad. Joey and Lizzie keep threatening each other and Joey clearly hates Jimmy. So Jimmy's looking for alternatives, ways to end the conflict in peace. During a huge argument Joey basically says "The only reason I'm doing this is to save my kingdom, but if you want me to be the bad guy so badly, I'll gladly oblidge. Go on, play martyr for someone who has nothing to lose by killing innocent lives. I'm sure they'll all thank you."
Anyway, they have to announce their marriage at the meeting of the kings (monthly event) and everyone can clearly tell there's no love there, not even friendship. The wither rose alliance teases Jimmy about the wedding. It's so akward and uncomfortable and Jimmy has to leave with Joey, as his fiance.
In the following month Jimmy tries to big brain the marriage and find alternatives, that he could present at the meeting. So when the gather again, he proposes an ambitious plan: "The treaty says that the second child of the ocean king will marry the jungle king's son, unless any of them are married beforehand." so Jimmy presents the maps and the families and then says that if he and Joey marry the Rivendell twins, then they have a mediator for the conflict and they don't have to fight. Some kings don't like that, because it would make the alliance of all the kingdoms too big. Katherine loves it.
Joey is a bit mad, because he had admited to Jimmy in a moment of weakness that he likes Xornoth. Jimmy had met Scott a few times. The elfs laugh at Jimmy too and Xornoth mockingly proposed to Jimmy, to prove his plan was naive and stupid. And Jimmy's angry. He spent so much time, so much effort, he's throwing himself into a loveless marriage. So to the shock of everyone and out of spite he says "Thank you prince Xornoth, I Jimmy of the Ocean empire accept your proposal." and slams the door and leaves.
Jimmy goes to a balcony and freaks out, because Scott and Joey looked both hurt by it. Joey will murder him for trying to marry his crush. Scott will hate him now for sure and "Why did I do that?!" His angsty boy phase is interrupted by the Wither rose alliance who come to "congratulate" him on his new engagement and only the girls sound genuine. As per tradition, Scott invites Jimmy to Rivendell to "meet his future husband properly"
So Jimmy takes his things from the lost empire, trying to avoid Joey, because it looked like they were starting to bond (Joey liked Jimmy's plan to marry the twins and even joked he would help Jimmy woo Scott) and now he betrayed him. The last part I have for the AU, is that Jimmy slowly befriends Xornoth and after the discovery that Xornoth likes Joey, but he's just a bit much sometimes, he decides to wingman them.
The ultimate wingman move Jimmy pulls is by approaching both Joey and Xornoth with another proposal - A three way marriage. "I might not marry for love, but I think you should have the chance." and they both accept. So the next month Jimmy reannounces his marriage for the 3rd time. Now it's up to Scott to make a move :)
Bonus bits:
Jimmy: "Remember my stupid plan to avoid war? The plan when we marry the elf twins? The plan that would never work? The plan you opposed? That plan!"
Scott at the altar: Jimmy please, just say "I do"
Jimmy: "This is my villain speech and I want no interruptions. You see I've recently had three fiancees-"
Xornoth: turns to Joey "Are you sure you still want him as your best man?"
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