#around 3.8 million lives
gorillaxyz · 3 months
a 30 year old woman crushing on vladimir putin rbed the dick-nixon post yesterday
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batterymaster01 · 9 months
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Figured I give an overhauled description of the Shovelfolk, since the old one is so woefully short compared to most of my project's entries.
The Shovelfolk (Astutocentaurus alluvium) are a humble and diminutive people that are native to the Takara Plains. This means they originated from the same homeland as the Fauns, although they come from a much earlier radiation of the genus. It is estimated that the Shovelfolk, (or at the very least the cultural identity of the Shovelfolk) have been around for well over 3.8 million years, and they retain many ancestral traits that are otherwise lost in younger species. Prominent brow ridges, a broad muzzle, and a smaller braincase relative to body size indicate that they split off from other Astutocentaurus fairly early on, with little to no gene flow occurring with their contemporary sister species throughout their evolution. They also live a lot more conservatively than their other relatives, their societies being wholly tribal and clan-based rather than tribal-feudal, and they likely remained like this for millions of years. They rarely ever involve themselves in the matters of other species, and most of them are content with keeping to themselves in their homeland. For this reason, they are a very rare sight in Tinria or any other mixed-species settlements, and about 81% of their global population lives exclusively in the Takara Plains.
The life of the Shovelfolk is closely associated with the river and the ground beneath their feet. Their species name, alluvium, comes from their apparent close association with the Takara River, as their permanent settlements are often the largest near the river's banks. The name given to them by the other natives, however, comes from the prominence of handmade shovels in their cultures, which they use for both agriculture and to forage for food. Though this name sounds derogatory, the Shovelfolk do not see it this way, as they very much take pride in their mastery of their namesake tool. Having apparently lived such a way of life for so long has shaped their anatomies in more ways than just the retention of primitive characteristics. Unlike the earliest Astutocentaurus, which were plains-dwelling nomads equally capable on both solid ground and in the treetops, the Shovelfolk are semi-fossorial and sedentary, having evolved stouter, more muscular limbs and a smaller body size to allow them to crawl through narrow tunnels, and a slower metabolism that allows them to tolerate lower oxygen levels when digging particularly deep. They are also rather competant swimmers, which is a useful trait to have when living in or near bodies of water. They can still climb, but they are rather poorly suited for it compared to their cousins, and being less adept at running, they have doubled down on camouflage, their pelts being decked in black, white, and green stripes to break up their silhouettes in tall grasses. While they don't have thick, strong claws for digging, they compensate with their fairly liberal use of a wide variety of shovels, and their chin tusks are extra thick and sturdy to allow them to break apart packed, hardened soil and dried mud. Shovelfolk tend to be more crepuscular than their closest relatives, being mostly active in the morning and afternoon, while sleeping at midday and midnight. Their sexual dimorphism is also relatively inconspicuous. Both the men and women are nearly identical in terms of external characteristics, with no identifiable differences in tusk length or body dimensions outside of general individual variation. This means that, while they do have a concept of gender, gender identity itself holds very little significance in their cultures, and their men and women generally have an equal share of occupations. They are also remarkably long-lived by Astutocentaurus standards, with the oldest growing to be 150 years old.
Despite having a smaller brain size relative to body mass, the Shovelfolk are not by any means "less intelligent" than their more derived peers. Like many other cultures, they have both a spoken and written language, and they even have their own systems of measurement. All evidence suggests that their apparently primitive way of life is one they live by choice rather than consequence, and the fact that they retain such an atavistic anatomy is likely a result of this chosen conservatism. In fact, they are actually quite rich in their practices and traditions, and while their cultures are quite similar in their beliefs and values to each other due to a close proximity, they all have their own unique interpretations and versions of these ceremonies. One ceremony of note is the Spring Festival, in which they celebrate a successful growing period with a great party and a live performance to honor their fertility deities. Their technology, while primitive, is still fairly advanced by the standards of their lifestyle. They have managed to discover basic metallurgy fairly early on in their evolution, and often use it to forge tools such as shovel heads and sickles for their crops. They are also known to sift gold from the sediments of the river, which they then melt down to make piercings and jewelry. Metals such as iron are a bit harder to come by in their homeland, so such materials are typically gathered during annual pilgrimages to more metal-rich areas beyond the plains, namely active volcanoes. They also make tools out of plant-based bioplastics like most other advanced cultures, though their particular method is rather unusual. Rather than entirely melting down the plants into a melted plastic soup, they simply hold sticks and stems over an open flame to soften them, subsequently weaving them into shape like a sort of wicker. For their metal tools, they often make grips out of this plastic wicker, cutting cross-hatched marks on the surface for better friction.
Perhaps the most impressive aspect of the Shovelfolk culture is their architecture. Rather than building their homes above ground using traditional building materials, they quite literally dig and sculpt their homes out of the cliffs and hillsides of their river valley, forming maze-like subterranean communities. These underground villages are called "warrens", and they are rather similar to the underground cities in Cappadocia, Turkey, although rather than working with softer volcanic rock, the Shovelfolk have to bore through shale, limestone, dolomite, and sandstone. Since a warren can take literal centuries or even millennia to build, its size and complexity are often indicative of how old and well-established it is. Younger warrens appear fairly simple, consisting mostly of just small rock-carved cubbies arranged in neat rows, which are accessed via ladders and may or may not be interconnected internally. Older warrens, however, are much more baroque, with most of the vertical cliff being carved away to form elaborately sculpted entrances above ground, which lead to vast underground networks of interconnected rooms that fulfill a wide variety of amenities, including housing, food processing, and even education. Some of them even have living spaces designed to accommodate allied species (more on those guys later.) Not only have the Shovelfolk absolutely mastered their excavating techniques through this process, but they are known to have been building warrens like these since the First Iteration (3.8 MYA), back when they still retained a more lithe, cursorial build. Throughout deep time, they have been building warrens for so long that they have inadvertently terraformed the river valley itself, which has proven to be beneficial to both their descendants and the native wildlife. As older, abandoned warrens get eroded by the sands of time, they form smooth, rocky hills that can easily be scaled on foot, and abandoned underground tunnels are smoothed out to form intricate cave systems. This provides a larger amount of walkable ground for thirsty animals to access the river's drinkable water, and the tunnels (provided that they aren't filled up with dirt), are ideal for hibernating animals to sleep out the winter in. Furthermore, modern Shovelfolk are known to rediscover these fossilized warrens rather frequently, subsequently excavating and refurbishing them to reclaim as their own.
While the Shovelfolk live mostly outside of greater feudal society, they do have their fair share of alliances in the plains. They have managed to domesticate clawhogs, a species of pig-like Fauxungulate omnivores otherwise known for their foul temperament. They domesticated these creatures not for their meat, but for their keen ability to sniff out food, which has proven essential in foraging, as well as their eggs and urine which are both used in some of their cuisine. Almost in contradiction to their conservative lifestyle, the Shovelfolk have a very open-minded attitude towards other sophonts. They are on very good terms with the Plainers, a tribalistic ethnic group of Fauns that live a predominantly hunter-gatherer lifestyle, and upon meeting human explorers they were very quick to develop their very own English-based creole. Their most notable alliance, however, would likely be that which they formed with the grand Borean oliphaunts, which they tend to live in close association with and hold in high regard. Some of their cultures believe that they are great guardians created to protect their people, while others believe that they are demigods directly descended from their chief deity. Regardless of their perception, it isn't uncommon for Shovelfolk villages to have at least some degree of cohabitation with oliphaunts, with the latter often assisting their smaller comrades in tasks such as agriculture, construction, and even defense against rivals and predators. Unlike the relationship between men and beasts of burden, this is a dynamic that is very much mutual in nature, as both species are almost equally intelligent and directly exchange cultures and ideas with one another. Due to a long lifespan and the abundance of resources near the river, the Shovelfolk are usually pacifists, and they rarely ever declare war. They do construct weapons such as spears and knives, but these are used almost exclusively for self-defense against predators, as well as for hunting during the dry season when agriculture becomes less viable. In the rare cases in which they have declared war, however, they have been known to utilize their Oliphaunt allies as sapient war mounts, with some records even claiming that they would forge giant daggers for the latter to use as melee weapons.
With the Shovelfolk being around for well over 3.8 million years and the Oliphaunts being around even longer than that, not only have both species bore witness to all four previous iterations of societal and technological advancement on Athrymagaia, but both of them are among the very few cultures alive today that actually remember these ancient eras of prosperity, at least to some extent. Their own perception of these events has cemented itself within their cultures in the form of myths and legends, and while there are indeed fictitious elements in these tales, they are without a doubt directly inspired by the real-life setting and atmosphere of these times, as evidenced by the discovery of ancient technofossils that match the descriptions of some objects described in their mythos. For these reasons, scholars from across the continent often seek out these tribes to inquire about their myths, and often debate which elements of their stories can be correlated to real-world events. In particular, their retellings of the downfall of these old civilizations, while obviously dramatized to fantastical levels, have very dark implications about the real-life circumstances of these events.
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abnerkrill · 1 year
Inside the secret list of websites that make AI like ChatGPT sound smart
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"The data set contained more than half a million personal blogs, representing 3.8 percent of categorized tokens. Publishing platform medium.com No. 46 was the fifth largest technology site and hosts tens of thousands of blogs under its domain. Our tally includes blogs written on platforms like WordPress, Tumblr, Blogspot and Live Journal."
This article is from April, but I feel like I haven't seen much discussion around these here parts that it has been proven beyond a doubt that GPT was trained on a corpus that includes Tumblr and LJ posts. (lol?)
Other troubling things in the article: "the filters failed to remove some troubling content, including the white supremacist site stormfront.org No. 27,505, the anti-trans site kiwifarms.net No. 378,986, and 4chan.org No. 4,339,889, the anonymous message board known for organizing targeted harassment campaigns against individuals"
or, for additional fun, "high on the list: b-ok.org No. 190, a notorious market for pirated e-books that has since been seized by the U.S. Justice Department. At least 27 other sites identified by the U.S. government as markets for piracy and counterfeits were present in the data set."
Which means, beyond a shadow of a doubt, pirated published copyrighted books were included in the corpus en masse. Which means lawsuits ought to be coming soon.
If you weren't against AI already, please take this as definitive proof that anything out of AI is stolen. Just because it scrambles it beyond recognition and regurgitates something vaguely new doesn't mean it hasn't stolen already to create that regurgitation, and you are profiting off the work of people who will never be paid for this theft.
On top of that, you're bound to get racist and sexist AI generation, because included in the content is not only 4chan but some literal white supremacist websites. Shut it all down, stop using it for fun, stop liking AI humor posts or Midjourney-generated art. Continue with the cool kind of piracy (archiving works that Disney and HBO Max are deleting) but take a firm stand against tech bro AI theft.
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plethoraworldatlas · 10 months
Arab American and Muslim American anger over President Biden's handling of the Israel-Hamas war could be endangering his re-election in the majority of 2024 swing states.
Driving the news:
Michigan, Virginia, Georgia, Arizona and Pennsylvania all have notable pockets of these populations. There aren't reliable statistics on how many are registered voters — but even tiny shifts of support in any of these super-tight states that Biden won in 2020 could make a difference.
Why it matters:
It's another case of Biden facing possible defections from heavily Democratic groups that in 2020 helped him take down former President Trump, Biden's likely opponent again next year.
Like with young voters, Biden faces the prospect of having to devote time to saving part of his base in addition to courting swing voters.
Zoom in:
An Axios review of 2020 results in these crucial states shows that if even a sliver of the Arab American and Muslim American vote were to stay home or defect to Republicans, Biden could be in a deep hole.
In Michigan, for example, Biden won in 2020 by 154,000 votes. Census estimates put the state's Arab American population around at least 278,000.
Biden won Arizona by 10,500 votes. The Arab American population in the Grand Canyon State is estimated to be 60,000.
Biden took Georgia by 11,800 votes. The Arab American population there is at least 57,000.
The intrigue:
The Arab American Institute believes those state population figures are low, noting that the U.S. Census doesn't have a category for Arab Americans on its forms.
The Census Bureau estimates there are about 2 million Arab Americans in the U.S.; the institute says the number is closer to 3.8 million.
The Muslim American population — which can include Arab Americans, Black Americans and Asian Americans — is about 3.45 million, according to the Pew Research Center. The Census doesn't collect data on religious affiliation in its demographic surveys or its once-a-decade counts.
Zoom out:
Since Israel responded to Hamas' deadly attack on Oct. 7 with bombings that have killed thousands of Palestinians in Gaza, Arab Americans have criticized Biden for his strong support of Israel. Many say he hasn't shown enough sensitivity to the deaths of innocent Palestinians.
Arab American leaders say Biden and other U.S. officials have long ignored the inhumane treatment of Palestinians who live under an Israeli-imposed blockade that limits travel, medical supplies and job opportunities.
For some, the recent attacks on Gaza have provoked traumatic family memories of 1948, when sectarian fighting forced 750,000 Palestinians to leave their homes in what later became Israel.
What they're saying:
"It has been numbing to us. I feel very depressed," Samia Assed, a Palestinian American peace activist in Albuquerque, tells Axios.
Assed said she worries some Arab Americans might not vote in 2024 and swing crucial congressional seats to Republicans — even if it helps Trump, who's very unpopular among Arab Americans because of his efforts to ban Muslims from migrating to the U.S.
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November 21, 2023
HINSDALE, N.H. (AP) — Geoffrey Holt was unassuming as the caretaker of a mobile home park in Hinsdale, New Hampshire, where he lived a simple, but curious life.
Residents would see Holt around town in threadbare clothes — riding his lawn mower, headed to the convenience store, parked along the main road reading a newspaper or watching cars pass.
He did odd jobs for others but rarely left town. Despite having taught driver’s ed to high schoolers, Holt had given up driving a car.
He opted for a bicycle instead and finally the mower.
His mobile home in the park was mostly empty of furniture — no TV and no computer, either. The legs of the bed went through the floor.
“He seemed to have what he wanted, but he didn’t want much,” said Edwin “Smokey” Smith, Holt’s best friend and former employer.
But Holt died earlier this year with a secret: He was a multimillionaire.
And what’s more, he gave it all away to this community of 4,200 people.
His will had brief instructions: $3.8 million to the town of Hinsdale to benefit the community in the areas of education, health, recreation and culture.
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“I don’t think anyone had any idea that he was that successful,” said Steve Diorio, chairperson of the town selectboard who’d occasionally wave at Holt from his car.
“I know he didn’t have a whole lot of family, but nonetheless, to leave it to the town where he lived in ... It’s a tremendous gift.”
The money could go far in this Connecticut River town sandwiched between Vermont and Massachusetts with abundant hiking and fishing opportunities and small businesses.
It’s named for Ebenezer Hinsdale, an officer in the French and Indian Wars who built a fort and a grist mill.
In addition to Hinsdale’s house, built in 1759, the town has the nation’s oldest continually operating post office, dating back to 1816.
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There’s been no formal gathering to discuss ideas for the money since local officials were notified in September.
Some residents have proposed upgrading the town hall clock, restoring buildings, maybe buying a new ballot counting machine in honor of Holt, who always made sure he voted.
Another possibility is setting up an online drivers’ education course.
Organizations would be be able to apply for grants via a trust through the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, drawing from the interest, roughly about $150,000 annually.
"Hinsdale will utilize the money left very frugally as Mr. Holt did,” said Kathryn Lynch, town administrator.
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Holt’s best friend Smith, a former state legislator who became the executor of Holt’s estate, had learned about his fortune in recent years.
He knew Holt, who died in June at age 82, had varied interests, like collecting hundreds of model cars and train sets that filled his rooms, covered the couch and extended into a shed.
He also collected books about history, with Henry Ford and World War II among his favorite topics.
Holt had an extensive record collection too, including Handel and Mozart.
Smith also knew that Holt, who earlier in life had worked as a production manager at a grain mill that closed in nearby Brattleboro, Vermont, invested his money.
Holt would find a quiet place to sit near a brook and study financial publications.
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Holt confided to Smith that his investments were doing better than he had ever expected and wasn’t sure what to to do with the money. Smith suggested that he remember the town.
“I was sort of dumbfounded when I found out that all of it went to the town,” he said.
One of Holt’s first investments into a mutual fund was in communications, Smith said. That was before cellphones.
Holt’s sister, 81-year-old Alison Holt of Laguna Woods, California, said she knew her brother invested and remembered that not wasting money and investing were important to their father.
“Geoffrey had a learning disability. He had dyslexia,” she said.
“He was very smart in certain ways. When it came to writing or spelling, he was a lost cause. And my father was a professor.
So, I think that Geoff felt like he was disappointing my dad. But maybe socking away all that money was a way to compete.”
She and her brother grew up in Springfield, Massachusetts. Their father, Lee Holt, taught English and world literature at American International College.
Their mother, Margaret Holt, had a Shakespearean scholar for a dad.
She was an artist who “absorbed the values of the Quaker Society of Friends,” according to her obituary.
Both parents were peace activists who eventually moved to Amherst and took part in a weekly town vigil that addressed local to global peace and justice issues.
Their children were well-educated. Geoffrey went to boarding schools and attended the former Marlboro College in Vermont, where students had self-designed degree plans.
He graduated in 1963 and served in the U.S. Navy before earning a master’s degree from the college where his father taught in 1968.
In addition to driver’s ed, he briefly taught social studies at Thayer High School in Winchester, New Hampshire, before getting his job at the mill.
Alison remembers their father reading Russian novels to them at bedtime.
Geoffrey could remember all those long names of multiple characters.
He seemed to borrow a page from his own upbringing, which was strict and frugal, according to his sister, a retired librarian.
His parents had a vegetable garden, kept the thermostat low, and accepted donated clothes for their children from a friend.
She said Geoffrey didn’t need a lot to be happy, didn’t want to draw attention to himself, and might have been afraid of moving.
He once declined a promotion at the mill that would have required him to relocate.
“He always told me that his main goal in life was to make sure that nobody noticed anything,” she said, adding that he’d say “or you might get into trouble.”
They didn’t talk much about money, though he would ask her often if she needed anything.
“I just feel so sad that he didn’t indulge himself just a little bit,” she said.
But he never seemed to complain. He also always wasn’t on his own, either.
As a young man, he was briefly married and divorced.
Years later, he grew close to a woman at the mobile home park and moved in with her. She died in 2017.
Neither Alison nor Geoffrey had any children.
Holt suffered a stroke a couple of years ago and worked with therapist Jim Ferry, who described him as thoughtful, intellectual and genteel, but not comfortable with following the academic route that family members took.
Holt had developed mobility issues following his stroke and missed riding his mower.
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“I think for Geoff, lawn mowing was relaxation, it was a way for him to kind of connect with the outdoors,” Ferry said.
“I think he saw it as service to people that he cared about, which were the people in the trailer park that I think he really liked because they were not fancy people.”
Residents are hoping Hinsdale will get noticed a bit more because of the gift.
“It’s actually a forgotten corner in New Hampshire,” said Ann Diorio, who’s married to Steve Diorio and is on the local planning board. “So maybe this will put it on the map a little bit.”
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mariamariquinha · 2 years
Bossa Nova (Benny ‘Borracho’ Magalon x f!reader) - Four
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Three | Five
Summary: Sometimes you hated the workings of your mind; it just didn't compare to how your job works.
Word count: 3.820
Warnings: Bad words, a bit of angst, insecurity, low self esteem, talks about cheating, talks about sexism, slight mention of violence, a pinch of flirting, mention of body parts and... I guess that’s it. 
Author’s Note: YES! It happened! I’m really happy to share, it took me soooo long to write this. 
Oh and I’m adjusting my posts given the new Tumblr’ updates, don’t worry. The light will shine and I’ll be able to be happy again! 
Join my taglist! Don’t forget to reblog, comment and like! As always, I would love to know what you’re all thinking! ❤
Los Angeles had an average population of 3.8 million. With a population growth of 0.7% a year and with one of the worst traffic in the world, you could probably say that coincidences were an improbability. Hardly a high school friend would say that they saw you by chance on the street if you lived in LA.
You liked these stats because they gave you security and a minimal chance of dealing with unpleasant encounters. You grew up around Cali, so a lot of people, a lot of things going on at the same time… it was more advantageous to go after celebrities in West Hollywood or Beverly Hills or on the way out of movie studios. If you wanted it, that is.
But you had to go to the farmers market that day – Fairfax District, it was in your neighborhood, sometimes you took advantage of paying so much for a house there. It was your father's insistence, to go there to buy fruit and, as he said, important food – accepting wasn't that hard, spending time with him was always good.
She was beautiful. A shorter, more streamlined version of Charlize Theron because despite not having the long legs, she had the smile, hair, and gaze of a woman of that caliber. You knew every possible detail about her because you did your research, in a much more difficult time when things were… different. Complicated. Aileen, that was her name. The ‘Aileen’ who traveled to Ireland every year because her family came from there. The ‘Aileen’ who had a perfect Pinterest with pictures of her apartment in Santa Monica and the time she visited a mansion in Bel Air – the only time you did that was in a case of the theft of golden statues of the Grinch. The ‘Aileen’ who turned out to be… her.
She wasn't the type to complain about the size of the kitchen window, probably because people naturally made things easier for her, more optimistic. It was easy to be like that when life privileged her in the right way. You weren’t like this. You complained about that damn window because Theodore never helped you clean the house, and from the beginning he chose a place that size, with that giant window, that he clearly wouldn’t move a finger to maintain.
When you saw her from a distance, you thought it was an illusion, that the sun was too hot and made your mind trick you somehow. It wasn't until the second glance, with narrowed eyes and your attention more focused, that you realized it was Aileen, standing at an organic food stall and looking at the products unpretentiously. It's okay, you thought, she must not even know who you are.
It was very quick, discreet, and you were soon blinking a few times to distract yourself from the sight when your father returned with suggestions for an eggplant lasagna. If you looked a third time, she wouldn't be there anymore, and you could finish shopping without worrying about bumping into the woman.
Still, it was her. Out of 3.8 million people, you ended up seeing Aileen; THE Aileen, who was so much better when she was just a faceless name. Of course she was a delicate, smiling woman, with all her features perfectly traced by God and who didn't get her hair tousled by the wind – as beautiful as in a Dior perfume campaign.
It looked silly. No, it was definitely nonsense. There was no reason to feel anything but indifference.
… Right?
It was kind of random, actually, like your mind took you by surprise. A bad habit crawling your skull, your brain, your mind.
First you put on your panties and bra. Black, enough to hold your breasts and keep you comfortable. Functional. You paid attention to what you saw in the reflection – your arms, thighs, belly, cleavage, face. Everything looked normal. Reasonable. You've never been one to go to the gym like crazy, even though you sometimes used your LASD credential for it, and the main reason you lost a little weight was because of the whole diet situation and all. You were healthy (with a bit of a stretch here), some would even say ‘cool’ with that tattoo on your left thigh that made any mom (including yours) freak out because it was so big; this goes from your thigh to your ribs! And what does a dragon mean anyway?
Standing there, post-bath and in your most natural state, you ran your fingers through your hair, then tugged at the skin of your face as if to find something there. Turned around, stared at your ass, then the other tattoo you had on the back of your neck, hidden most of the time. In the process, you slipped your finger on your skin and found a discreet scar on your shoulder blade, left side, that gave you memories of a time that seemed a lifetime ago.
“Theo! Theo, what are we doing?” You were laughing a little breathlessly, your hand sweaty with your fingers locked in Theodore's, who was pulling you down the sidewalk with nimble, quick steps, ready for some partially illegal atrocity.
“Relax, we're almost there. You’ll like it,” His voice whispered, fetching, a reflection of a behavior well out of the way that was part of who he was. Terrible, sagacious, agitated.
You've always liked different things, curiosity would almost eat you up inside, especially for things no one could prove: aliens, ghosts, the Bermuda Triangle, the truth about JFK. Theodore said he liked that about you, it made you unique. That night, you escaped from a birthday party that you had a time to get back from – eleven o'clock. There was an aura of danger and adventure to it all, especially since it was almost midnight and you two should have been home by now. Eighteen years old, these things could happen.
You stopped at a 'haunted' house that was about two blocks away from the party. It was big, your typical horror movie set with dumb protagonists, but you were excited.
With an opening hole in the wire fence surrounding the place, you had to duck through the cut wire, but your clumsiness resulted in a discreet cut. You hissed. Theodore noticed and gently, right there in the weird backyard of that ghastly place, he kissed the bruise, then your cheek, then your mouth.
You got home around two. Your mom just didn't ground you for more than two days because you were packed for Berkeley – not just with your stuff, but with the memory of something you held inside your heart for as much as you could.
You stared at the bedroom door with a deep frown, the tips of yours rubbing with some delicacy against the flesh of your thighs. No, it wasn't right. It shouldn't be like that. Aileen was a fucking ghost for so long and then she… She wasn't even guilty and it was an involuntary feeling; like fingers squeezing your insides, choking, testing one of the few truly authentic things in your life. Her fingers. Theo fingers.
Felt like a fresh cut even though it was all gone so long ago, a scar that opened at the first hint of memory of those terrible times – you even hated Theodore, but you hated more the idea of ​​standing there, in the middle of your own bedroom, with a lump in the throat and reliving a sensation that was hardly allowed to be felt, when more important things were happening.
The guilt, the lack of effort, the questions about where you went wrong when it wasn't really mistakes but choices. No, it really wasn't how it was supposed to be. You should have the resilience you held on to, the wisdom to take every step rationally, to just move on and not treat Aileen like a tormentor – a symbol that aroused your envy because she took something from you.
No, you thought for the third time, rubbing the skin of your face with your palms. She didn't take anything from you. He left. He was wrong. He chose. He made you small in your form as a woman. She… participated. As an accomplice. A partner.
“It’s always about your job! I don’t need a roommate, I need a woman! An accomplice! A partner! How can I find my happiness if you can’t even be the fucking wife you’re supposed to?!”
You clenched your fists tightly and took a deep breath. The thought inevitably made you angry.
Conference room. Important manner.
For those new to the Department, Emma's behavior could be classified as 'absent' or 'volatile', much like a divorced father who has left and only appears every two years. She had a broader view of the work, made people more comfortable but never enough to break rules, even if she didn't agree with all of them; she was a progressive. Her parents went to Woodstock and she participated in pro-turtles protests – that was her way.
The email that popped up on your computer just said that. By protocol, there was a 'meeting' written in the subject box, accompanied by a very succinct text: time, place, level of urgency. An economy of words, as if they were too rare to be spent on long informative paragraphs.You liked that about her. Still, with your acquaintance, you knew each other well enough to know that the situation required attention, so you checked your watch so you wouldn't be late; hoping that wasn't a problem related to Travis.
It was a problem.
A big one.
Not related to Travis at all.
And to be quite honest, it had been a mistake for you to think that the situation with Walsh would end that day. That's what you said to Emma when you saw the agent sitting next to his supervisor, as well as Lieutenant Brixton from Internal Affairs. It was a replay of what had happened the last time the confrontation between you two got to that point and judging by the way Mathias was serious, the situation fell more on him – this time, at least.
“We have a strict protocol on working together between agencies, especially in cases like the one we're dealing with right now,” Brixton started from his spot at the end of the table. “As the two of you have a history of conflict, I'd like to draw attention to an episode that occurred a few weeks ago and came to my knowledge recently.”
That made you frown at Emma, ​​who just shook her head discreetly – later, she meant.
“The reason for this meeting is to come to an agreement on how to handle the situation going forward. I've heard from agent Walsh's side, it's not my place to correct his behavior but it's my obligation to remind him that we have this integration policy that deserves to be respected, especially with regard to our female employees.”
What your boss didn't say, Brixton took advantage of it and followed the ‘protocol’ bit by bit. This included extensive speeches at the lectures they concocted about sexism in the workplace, for example. It was kind of pointless, things were still happening and you were sure the DEA followed the same bureaucracy and there you were, dealing with Mathias.
“So, agent, why don’t you tell us what happened that day?”
You? Oh, yeah. Right. What happened that day.
You blinked a few times before clearing your throat, looking at Emma, then Walsh and his supervisor. The story slipped out of your mouth easily, at least until the memory of the little confrontation taking place.
“From what it says here, was it your day off?”
“Not exactly,” You shook your head. “I only needed a few hours. Personal issues.”
“Your divorce?”
“... Yes.”
“I'm just asking to verify the situation, I don't want to embarrass you or…”
“That’s okay,” Your answer came as fast as he started his excuses. Brixton nodded, got back to his papers and you crossed your arms over your chest.
“Does Detective O'Brien have the autonomy to request your services?”
“Periodically, yes.”
“And do you know if he ever informed agent Walsh about this addition to the investigation team?”
Mathias shifted uncomfortably in his chair, you saw it in your peripheral vision.
“Nick usually asks for her as a matter of professional affinity, they have been working together for some time and this has never interfered with the results of parallel investigations she was working on,” Emma complemented with a certain care, finding the necessity to explain her position.
“We all know detective O'Brien's reputation in this regard but I warn you that it wouldn't be ideal for this to become a habit.”
“I’ll make sure of it,” She said with a nod.
“Now, agent, did the situation with agent Mathias Walsh affect you in any way? Did you feel attacked, perhaps… Morally harassed in some way?”
You had the answer to that question on the tip of your tongue, between the memory of you leaving the scene and that pathetic moment of crying in the bathroom. So you hesitated, pressed your lips together and looked at Mathias again.
“How so?”
“I believe that my personal life should not be used as an argument in the situation,” Your eyes were on Brixton again. “And despite our differences, at no point that day did I speak to Agent Walsh or direct any offense towards him. Furthermore, he insinuated that my affinity for Detective O'Brien and his team had a sexual connotation.”
Connotation. Big, big word.
“Do you feel threatened by him?”
“No.” This answer came more assertively.
“Do you think you could continue the work eventually without major problems?”
“For me, yes,” And you increased that 'me', because you wanted to redirect the question to the said Mathias, who was always the main one bothered by everything. “Unless he uses his personal opinions to harass me again. Then no.”
���Right…” Brixton wrote something down in silence and you all waited for him just as quietly. He read a few more things, frowned, then raised his head at you while speaking. “What about detective Magalon?”
You frowned.
“What about him?”
“He witnessed what happened. Was he ever defensive, did he react in any way? Violently?”
It didn't take a genius to put things together, and even your distracted mind was able to understand what the point was; that meeting wouldn't have happened if Benny hadn't been there and if that punch (that had nothing to do with you) had never existed. You almost believed that your well-being would make a difference.
Emma must have noticed this too because she was visibly annoyed.
“No, not at all. Everything he did was exactly as I said.”
“Riiiiight,” He repeated the word, this time saying it while writing more things down.
The conversation didn't go beyond that and after an hour, you were conditioned to see Mathias leaving the building with his supervisor with an impressive number of 0 words for you. Emma stayed behind to chat something with Brixton, so you waited in the hallway for the two of you to be alone and you started asking questions.
“I think we had good impressions today,” She said first, gesturing to the elevator nonchalantly. “But, you know, it’s always about the guys.”
“I noticed.”
“Honestly, I thought this story with Magalon was gossip, but it looks like the repercussions were pretty significant.”
“Do you know what happened between them?”
“They’re men, anything could lead into a fight,” You saw her pressing the call button with a discreet smile. “I thought you had some idea, considering your proximity to them.”
Them being Major Crimes. Huh. That shit again.
“You were the one who told me that I should be careful to maintain a professional relationship with them. Benny never was… Open, I guess. He keeps his distance.”
“It's amazing to know that you listen to me.”
You both entered the elevator, which was fortunately empty. She sighed with a defeated stance, leaning on one of the corners.
“Anyway, I think this served as a warning,” Emma said after a beat of silence and you stared dumbly at her, waiting for an elaboration. “I should have encouraged you to talk to Internal Affairs, not just scolded you. Sometimes I talk so much about female support that I forget I have the power to help in any way and… Well, having to hear that one of Nick's guys took the step was a slap in the face.”
This left you even more confused, if not perplexed.
“... What do you mean?”
“By Nick’s guys. Who told the Internal Affairs about what happened?”
“Benny did. Just today, Brixton went to talk to Gina, he wanted to know…”
As much as you would have liked to know more details, no other words from her made sense or even entered your ears. You weren't that veteran in the business, but you were sure that Nick's instructions about you extended to everyone on the team. Not that you thought Benny would face any reprisal for what he did to Walsh, but of all the issues that could go through your day, having a meeting like that and still knowing that it was on Magalon's instructions, it was confusing to say the least.
Yeah, confusing. That was quite a word.  
“Can we talk?”
It wasn't like every interaction with Benny was an issue, but suddenly you were afraid to bring it up, especially when the said issue was that. With any luck, you had managed to catch up with him before he left for the night and after a whole day of thinking, you decided to give it a try. Henderson was beside him and looked as surprised as his partner. You glanced at the two of them, not wanting to say that you preferred it to be a private conversation, but Benny understood and said he'd meet his friend at the bar – for some reason, you waited for Henderson to disappear from your sight in the parking lot after kissing his cheek goodbye. Just to be sure.
“Are you okay?”
You raised your eyebrows and nodded, adjusting the hem of your shirt that went up with the farewell. Looked like every conversation you’d been having with him started like that.
“Mm-hm. Yeah, I… There’s something I want to ask you, if you don’t mind.”
“Not at all. What’s up?” He shifted from foot to foot, a bit concerned at your hushed tone.
“Brixton called me to a meeting today, he wanted to talk about what happened with Walsh that day. You know, from the liquor store,” It was a rather useless insinuation, Benny was already expressing recognition when you mentioned Brixton's name.
“Emma told you?”
“Are you mad at me?”
The question took you a little by surprise – no, very much by surprise. You'd expect a more heroic reaction, something like 'I did you a favor' or something, but no. Benny looked worried.
“... No! No, I’m not, I mean…”
“I didn’t want to assume, just-”
“It’s okay, it’s okay.”
“You can tell me if you’re mad.”
“I’m not, promise.”
You two stumbled with your words for a moment, both determined to make assurances with phrases being spilled faster than your thoughts, basically. He clapped his mouth shut when you raised your hands to put an end in the babbling, obliging for the sake of giving you the word.
“It just caught me by surprise, like, you didn’t need to. I just thought it was risky for you, given the circumstances.”
“What circumstances?”
And you didn’t know he was teasing you or demanding that you say what was implied in words, but without a shadow of a doubt there was no questioning on the way he asked. You considered not saying anything, just shrugging your shoulders and muttering a 'you know', but Benny shifted on his foot again, patiently waiting.
“You literally punched the guy in the face,” Defeated, your shoulders relaxed while you gesticulated at him. “I’m sure he made it clear to Internal Affairs.”
“He did.”
“As I said.”
“But I don't think it was a risk.”
Like in the lab, you stared at each other for a while, but he decided to break contact first with a pinch to his nose, turning his head to the side with a chuckle. That's when you realized you must have been carrying a grimace during the whole interaction; a frown, mouth partially open not knowing what to say.
“The danger was throwing the punch and this already happened. That day, I saw the way he spoke to you, how hurt you were. I know it's none of my business, and again, I apologize for that, but I should have said something, defended you.”
That shouldn't have made you back down like it did. That just shouldn't. Because it wasn't like he was putting himself in an alpha male position; it sounded more like regret for just not saying something to stop Mathias.
It came from a place of chivalry, you thought, not authority.
“You did enough,” Your voice was steady, even if a little too soft, and a smile played on your lips – maybe the first real one since you woke up. “Thanks.”
“When I said ‘gotcha’ I meant that. No worries here. Besides, this sort of thing is for princes who rescue pretty ladies and I'm really not that kind of guy. I did what I should do.”
“Oh,” You scoffed. “Okay, right.”
“What? Don’t you believe me?”
“Your analogy was interesting, that’s all.”
“An analogy is an example of things,” He twisted his mouth and shook his head. “Consider this a joke. The ones that have a basis of truth.”
“You just don't strike me as the type who aspires to be a prince.”
“But I like helping pretty ladies like they do.”
Once again, that shouldn't have made you back down, but you felt your cheeks burn at the comment he made, not least because he was watching you closely, gauging your reactions. That was subtle, understated, and he didn't move to be invasive in any way. Benny waited.
“I need to go,” He pointed behind his shoulder, already taking a step away. “Before you thank me for that, lemme say your tattoo is really cool. You are really polite, at least save the thanks for someone else.”
Your… Oh. Oh. You absently placed your palm where your shirt had riled up minutes before, right on the top of your tattoo.
Without saying anything, you watched the man walk to his car as if nothing had happened and discreetly raised your hand as he waved his in the distance.
“... Thanks,” Your murmured anyway, Benny already out of the ear sight.
No pressure tags
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nutrivibeinsights · 1 year
Around 4 billion years back, life started on Earth. After a really long time, many different kinds of plants and animals came into being through changes over the years. All the trees, plants, animals, and creatures we see now are here because of this process called evolution. One of these groups is 'Homo sapiens' – that's us, humans!
Many of us think that humans came directly from monkeys, but that's not exactly what the theory of evolution says. According to this idea, chimpanzees, gorillas, monkeys, and humans all share a common ancestor, a kind of animal that doesn't exist anymore.
Back in 1859, a biologist, Charles Darwin wrote a book called "On The Origin of Species." In this book, he talked about 'Natural Selection.' This is about how animals, trees and other creatures reproduce, and when they do, their genes pass down with a little bit of change, known as mutation. These changes make differences in how they look or act. These differences are passed down to their kids too. Sometimes these differences are good, helping the animals do well in their surroundings. But sometimes they're not so good and can cause problems. This means that the ones who are the best fit for their environment are the ones most likely to survive. This whole process is called Natural Selection.
How Evolution Happened
Long ago, around 4 billion years back, Earth looked really different. It was mostly covered in water, and this is where life started. Now, let's ask a big question: what was the first living organism? Scientists called it the "First Universal Common Ancestor," or FUCA for short. Back then, there were no genes or DNA like we have now. Instead, there were tiny building blocks called nucleotides floating around. These little parts came together to make something called RNA. The very first ancestor for all living things wasn't even a cell at that time.
About 3.8 billion years ago, the FUCA changed and became "Large Universal Common Ancestor" or LUCA. LUCA was a tiny, one-celled creature. Every living thing we know today comes from this same ancestor, LUCA. Scientists figured out that LUCA had around 355 special instructions, called genes. These genes are like the recipe for life. What's interesting is that these same genes are still in all living things today, including us. In July 2016, a scientist named William Martin made this cool discovery. He found out that even though LUCA was just a single cell, it had these special genes. Here's another interesting thing: viruses, those tiny things that can make us sick, might have been around before LUCA or were changing at the same time. Viruses have been important since the very start because they've helped living things change and get better over time. Nowadays, even for survival, lots of things need a bit of virus help.
After a long time, millions of years later, the LUCA split into two groups: Bacteria and Archaea. These are kinds of tiny life forms, a bit different from each other in how their outer parts are made.
A lot of time passed, and something really special happened. A special type of bacteria called Cyanobacteria appeared because of changes over time. These bacteria were the first ones that could use sunlight to make food, like plants do. When many of these cyanobacteria lived in the ocean and did this sunlight trick, they released a lot of oxygen into the air. This big event, called the Great Oxygenation Event, happened around 2.2 billion years back. It filled the air with a lot of oxygen.
But evolution didn't stop there. It had more changes in store. It made the DNA, which holds our instructions for life, stronger and better protected. This led to the creation of something called the Nucleus inside the DNA.
After a long, long time, changes happened outside the nucleus too, in the jelly-like stuff inside cells called cytoplasm. Some of those cyanobacteria changed into parts called chloroplasts. This was like the very first step in creating plants.
On the other side, since there was now plenty of oxygen in the air, an ancient bacteria started using it. This was the start of something called Aerobic respiration, like the way we breathe and get energy from our food. This bacteria evolved even more and ended up living inside another type of Archaea to become Mitochondria, which are like the powerhouses of cells.
As time went on, these tiny life forms with all these changes split into three main groups: Animals (that's us!), Fungi (like mushrooms), and Algae (which are like plant-like things that live in water).
At the beginning, life had three main groups: Bacteria, Eukaryotes, and Archaea. Eukaryotes later split into plants, animals, fungi, and algae – these are like the bigger family of life.
But here's something scientists are still thinking about: Did the eukaryotes come from Archaea, or are Archaea and eukaryotes different groups that still had a common ancestor? It's a bit like trying to solve a puzzle that's not completely clear yet.
Inside our bodies, only 43% of the cells are actually human cells. The rest are things like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and RK I cells. Now, let's go back in time about 900 million years ago. That's when life started to have more than one cell working together, which is called multicellular life. This helped creatures survive better.
Around 555 million years ago, something interesting happened. There was a tiny creature called Ikaria Wariootia, and it's like the grandparent of all animals. Imagine something smaller than a grain of sand! It was a worm with two sides that looked the same, one in the front and one in the back. This was a helpful setup for moving around and doing things. There were a few exceptions, like starfish, which had a different way of arranging their parts. But most animals, including humans, have this bilateral setup, which is kind of like a mirror image on each side.
Scientists discovered really old fossils in South Australia. When they checked how old they were, they found out these fossils are from a creature that lived 555 million years ago. This creature had two sides that looked the same, kind of like a mirror. It's super old and is thought to be the very first ancestor of all animals.
Then, the idea of having a spine started to show up. Animals with spines are called vertebrates. This includes fishes, reptiles, birds, and mammals. The very first creature with a spine was a fish called Arandaspis, around 480 million years ago.
After this, some of these creatures started changing and got four legs. This happened in the water and they were called tetrapods. Around 375 million years ago, there was a fish named Eusthenopteron. It was big, about 6 feet long, and had strong jaws and sharp teeth. This fish is like a bridge between fish and land animals with spines.
Here's something interesting: Some creatures tried living on land but went back to the water. They did this because they couldn't handle the land conditions. Dolphins and whales are good examples. They're mammals like us but chose to live in the sea. This means that dolphins and whales must have had ancestors that stayed on land, while some went back to the water.
Mammals evolved from reptiles around 225 million years ago. The oldest known mammal is Brasilodon quadrangularis, which was about 20 centimeters long and looked like a mouse. It laid eggs, unlike most mammals. Today, there are five species of mammals that lay eggs, called monotremes. One of them is the platypus, which has been around for at least 120 million years.
Mammals are classified into three groups: monotremes, placentals, and marsupials. Monotremes lay eggs and nurse their young with milk. The platypus and the echidna are the only two living monotremes. Placental mammals have a placenta, which is an organ that connects the mother to the fetus and allows for the exchange of nutrients and oxygen. Humans, dogs, cats, and whales are all placental mammals. Marsupials have a pouch in which their young develop after they are born. Kangaroos, koalas, and wombats are all marsupials. The different ways that mammals mature their young reflect their different evolutionary histories and adaptations to their environment. For example, monotremes lay eggs because they live in Australia, where the climate is relatively cool and dry. Placental mammals have a placenta because it allows for the efficient transfer of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus, which is important for the development of large brains. Marsupials have a pouch because it allows their young to develop in a safe and warm environment, even though they are born at a relatively early stage of development.
At this time, the dinosaurs had already been extinct. The asteroid had killed all the dinosaurs. There were many empty spot in earth's ecosystem, where mammals could fit in.
A study found that placental mammals started to diversify and become more widespread only after the dinosaurs went extinct. If the dinosaurs hadn't gone extinct, there wouldn't have been as much diversity in placental mammals, and humans might not have existed.
40 million years ago, the Indian plate collided with Asia, forming the Himalayas. This event caused a lot of changes in the landscape and the environment, and it also had a big impact on the evolution of mammals. One of the branches that emerged from this split is the ungulates, or hoofed mammals. Ungulates include a wide variety of animals, such as cows, buffaloes, pigs, goats, and horses. They are characterized by their hooves, which help them to walk and run on a variety of surfaces. The ungulates were further divided into two groups: the even-toed ungulates and the odd-toed ungulates. Even-toed ungulates have hooves with an even number of toes, such as cows and pigs. Odd-toed ungulates have hooves with an odd number of toes, such as horses and rhinoceroses.
In addition to the ungulates, another branch of placental mammals formed is the carnivora order, which includes carnivorous mammals such as dogs, tigers, lions, and cats. Whales and dolphins are classified as cetaceans, which are a group of marine mammals that also includes porpoises and manatees. Cetaceans are closely related to ungulates, which means that whales and dolphins are actually more closely related to cows and buffaloes than they are to other marine mammals such as seals and sea lions.
Afrotheria is a group of mammals that includes elephants, hyraxes, aardvarks, and tenrecs. These mammals are all found in Africa, and they share a common ancestor that lived on the continent about 100 million years ago.
There are 4 reasons behind evolution that are known to us:
Genetic mutation
natural selection
Genetic drifts
Gene flow
Evolution can take millions of years but on the other hand, it can take a year or two.
When we say that evolution is a theory, we don't mean that it's just a guess. In science, a theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. The theory of evolution is supported by a vast body of evidence, including the fossil record, the genetic makeup of organisms, the geographical distribution of species, and is widely accepted by scientists. It is estimated that 97% of scientists believe thatevolution is the truth.
Evolution of primates
A 2021 research suggests that the ancestor of all primates lived 65.9 million years ago, which means that they were alive alongside the dinosaurs. Primates are a diverse group of mammals that includes monkeys, apes, and humans. They are characterized by a number of features, including forward-facing eyes, opposable thumbs, and large brains. The evolution of primates was a major branch in the evolution of mammals. Primates first evolved in the forests of Africa, and they eventually spread to other parts of the world. Over time, primates diversified into many different species, each adapted to its own environment. The gorillas, chimpanzees, and monkeys that we see today are all descendants of the first primates. Humans are also primates, and we are the most recent branch on the primate family tree.
In the second part, I will explain about how Human Evolution took place.
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the-firebird69 · 5 days
bothering us And what we said is, we want to just blow your brains out, cause you're such a little **** ****. And saying he doesn't care and said, OK, well, if you don't care, we're gonna proceed. He sat down and he thought about it. And he said the empire is up and they're harassing them. And I'm sitting there fiddling around with these stupid things It'll probably attack society and I'm a waste of freaking time. And he started to swing back. and he was going to blab about our son. and our son says he's swing it back, and we're gonna blow it off. Now, Tommy allen is not used to this kind of talk. And he started to say it. What we said was it's a different time and we don't have patience for you. And you started bothering us. So you're taking your stuff. So he started blabbing and wasn't listening. And we're taking. his stuff here and all around and we have valuable information now. and we're doing to Trump all the time. And what we say is we simply don't care for your presence. You're a stupid And what we say is we simply don't care for your presence. You're a stupid **** And all you do is threaten people.. And it's right. And it takes away his electric bike. And he says I should have money and stuff in your threatening me all the time. And he says you're gonna have to live with it. And our son says you're **** nuts We're huge. We're gonna **** you up very badly. Anyways, already But now even get to you. cause you're stupid. You don't think you have to do anything to have me doing other things and focus on a pile of **** Then you're nuts. And Dave should have nooked you and he's doing it right in front of your face. And the empire couldn't even figure it out. cause. You people are stupid as a race. I'm still here, pig **** face in your pig. **** **** And your father has it too, You'll come by and say that I'm gonna stay poor, and you're not gonna let me have money. This isn't a prison. If you're doing that, we'll assassinate you. And I'm gonna put it in for them to do it. And your people, you're a dead pig. and you're trying to be say that your Tommy boy, good. little goes in a fight with you for it. It'll take 10 times as many. And we've been doing it. Not that often though. cause you're pigs. And just because you learn how to talk doesn't mean you should go around doing it all the time.
- Right now. We have a huge force in the. way. and it is not us, but ours is heavy there. You can't see us. and we're moving in. and we're going to take our spots But there's a group that's moving in right now into Charlotte County. and they're pretty fierce. And last night you guys practically vacated the place. and you were down about 3.5 million Only 3.8 million here. And the others had one million. So they have to move in. And they're bringing in 3 million. And things should change.. it's happening right now. And people are going to start going after you imp. you know There is a certain amount of electrical activity in the very large and large trumpster bunkers that have the caches and stashes. Really, it's the caverns.. And it is not that high, and it won't be. And he selected them based on that activity.. And it's true, most people did not figure out that**** is so abundant that it is causing a battery like effect in the soil. It has a few implications. Firstly, it is discharging. electrical current into whatever is above it. And also it was creating a dangerous atmosphere in some of these caverns. already. and it's time bomb. and the cleanse put it there And had you do it to destroy yourselves It was the clans. and you can't find anything that says it. And our son and daughter say, maybe. in that base on Mars, or some base up there. And you find a bunch of bases and find. a big machine. and some other things But that's actually proof. They're going to. abandon Earth. And at some point they would go to Mars. thinking that the caverns would not destroy the planet, but destroy everybody on it. Right now, the match property are mining uranium, and only a few of the caverns And we have begun an aggressive program at all of them. And we are mining it. If you find us, you're a dead person. It's going well, and we need. it. end. We are at it right now
end. We are at it right now
Thor Freya.
Zeus Hera
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gabrielvadasz · 3 months
A Few Tips for Surfing in South Africa
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More than 3.8 million Americans go surfing each year, according to the Surf Industry Members Association. Participation in surfing grew by an impressive 28 percent between 2019 and 2020, including a 34 percent increase in the core surfing population, defined as passionate surfers who go surfing regularly. There are many surf locations throughout the United States, including more than 400 recognized locations in California. US surfers can also travel abroad to destinations such as South Africa, though it is important to perform the proper due diligence.
The surf information website surfing-waves.com lists 24 unique locations for surfers in South Africa. The main surfing regions in South Africa are found outside of Durban, between Port Elizabeth and East London, and between Cape Town and the Cape of Good Hope. The coastline from Durban to Cape Town stretches nearly 1,900 miles and is known for its beautiful beaches and consistent waves.
There are a few things to keep in mind when planning a South African surf trip from the US, such as how to transport a surfboard. Surfboards come in many shapes and sizes. Larger models can approach 10 feet in length and weigh over 15 pounds. Smaller boards may be as light as eight pounds but still measure over 6.5 feet in length.
American Airlines and Alaska Airlines are considered the best airlines for surfers because they categorized surfboards as normal luggage. This means boards can be checked and stowed without exorbitant baggage fees. However, heavier boards might still cost extra, and individuals must live with the risk of boards being lost, stolen, or damaged in transit. Surfers also have the option of renting a surfboard in South Africa, though passionate surfers planning long-distance surf trips typically prefer using their own equipment.
Once surfers arrive in South Africa, there are a few important tips to keep in mind. To start, tourists must show respect to local surfers. This is true of surfing in any new location, even when traveling from your local California beach to a location further upstate. Surfers should practice good surf etiquette at all times. In some cases, locals may be aggressive or outright hostile with tourists, in which case individuals are advised to take a break or move further along the beach.
The waves in South Africa are another challenge surfers must be mindful of. The consistency of waves is one of the major reasons international tourists visit South Africa’s many surf locations, but some athletes may not be accustomed to the size and power. Most beaches have waves that range between six and 15 feet, but certain locations feature much larger waves. Dungeons in Hout Bay, Cape Town, regularly features waves exceeding 40 feet, and swells can rise to 60 feet. Surfers must understand their skill level and limitations if they want to avoid injuring themselves and others.
Dungeons, a popular destination with surfers around the world, presents another challenge surfers must be aware of when traveling to South Africa: sharks. Numerous shark species, including Great White sharks, make their homes along the coast of South Africa. The waters of Dungeons, in particular, rank among the world’s most shark-infested regions. South Africa has put many security measures in place, such as shark spotters, and research indicates that surfers are at no more risk for shark attacks than swimmers, which is minimal.
Still, surfers must take the proper safety precautions, such as leaving the water after suffering a laceration and avoiding surfing early in the morning or at night. Sharks are more likely to attack in murky water as opposed to clear water and are more aggressive in areas with seals and other prey animals.
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marketsndata · 4 months
Global Nortriptyline Hydrochloride Market Size, Share and Forecast, 2031
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Global nortriptyline hydrochloride market is projected to witness a CAGR of 2.3% during the forecast period 2024-2031, growing from USD 239.7 million in 2023 to USD 287.52 million in 2031F. The market growth is aided by increasing incidences of nerve pain and the rising prevalence of mood disorders such as depression.
Nortriptyline inhibits the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin by the presynaptic neuronal membrane, resulting in an increased concentration of these neurotransmitters in the synapse. Nortriptyline also inhibits the activity of acetylcholine, histamine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine. The increasing prevalence of depression in various regions around the globe is one of the major market trends that is fostering market growth. For instance, according to the estimates of the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 5% of the adult global population suffers from depression. It is 50% more common in women as compared to men. This increase in the number of individuals suffering from depression will provide lucrative growth opportunities to the market as nortriptyline hydrochloride, an active metabolite of amitriptyline acts as a tricyclic antidepressant and is used for treating major depression.
The rise in incidences of individuals suffering from neuropathic pain is another major factor bolstering the global nortriptyline hydrochloride market size. Nortriptyline reduces neuropathic pain by increasing noradrenaline levels that act within the dorsal root ganglia on β2-adrenoceptors expressed by the non-neuronal satellite cells. Stimulating β2-adrenoceptors results in the reduced neuropathy-induced production of TNFα, thereby relieving neuropathic pain. Nortriptyline is usually administered orally as a solution or a capsule. The capsule is available in varying strengths including 75 mg, 50 mg, 25 mg, and 10 mg and the solution is available in the composition of 10mg/ 5mL (473 mL). Hence, due to the increasing cases of individuals suffering from neuropathic pain, the requirement for nortriptyline hydrochloride is rising to support the production of medication for pain management, thereby providing lucrative growth opportunities to the market.
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Growing Prevalence of Depression Supports Global Nortriptyline Hydrochloride Market Growth
The nortriptyline hydrochloride treats depression by increasing the quantity of norepinephrine and serotonin in the brain, the substances that are responsible for regulating mood. Thus, supporting the market's growth by propelling the demand for nortriptyline hydrochloride. The dosage of the medication is based on the condition of the patient and their response to the treatment. The dose of the medication is directed at a lower range which is then increased gradually to reduce the risk of side effects associated with the medication.
The susceptibility of the contemporary population to depression is growing due to several factors including intense individual competitiveness, rising social failure, low social support, and increased inequality. For instance, according to the estimates of the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 3.8% of the population suffers from depression. This includes 5% of the adult population of which 5.7% are older than 60 years. Nearly 280 million individuals across the globe are living with depression. Hence, this increase will augment the requirement for nortriptyline hydrochloride as the product belongs to a group of medications that are known as tricyclic antidepressants.
Increasing Incidences of Diabetic Neuropathy Boosts Global Nortriptyline Hydrochloride Market Demand
The presence of high blood glucose levels and fats, including triglycerides in blood due to diabetes can result in nerve damage causing diabetic neuropathy. High blood sugar levels can also cause damage to the blood vessels that provide the nerves with nutrients and oxygen. For instance, according to the estimates of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, approximately 30% of the individuals suffering from diabetes have automatic neuropathy. This, in turn, is bolstering the requirement for nortriptyline hydrochloride to support the production of medication for managing diabetic neuropathy. Henceforth, augmenting the market demand in various regions across the globe.
Meanwhile, the rising consumption of food products with high amounts of sugar and carbonated beverages coupled with changing lifestyle patterns are increasing the number of individuals suffering from diabetes. This, in turn, is propelling the incidences of diabetic neuropathy, bolstering the product demand to ensure the production of appropriate medication to support the management of the condition. For instance, according to the projections of the International Diabetes Federation, by 2045, approximately 783 million people, 1 in 8 adults, will be living with diabetes. As the incidences of diabetes increase, the cases of diabetic neuropathy will also increase, thus augmenting the global nortriptyline hydrochloride market growth.
North America Accounts for Significant Market Share
The presence of a well-established healthcare sector and increasing investments by various pharmaceutical, healthcare, and biotechnology companies towards research and development activities is bolstering the demand for nortriptyline hydrochloride in various countries in North America. The increasing prevalence of depression in the region is further supporting the market expansion. For instance, according to the estimates of Mental Health America, more than 8% of American adults, approximately 21 million individuals are affected by depression. This increased prevalence coupled with the easy accessibility to various medications that help in treating depression are supporting the market growth as nortriptyline hydrochloride works as a tricyclic antidepressant. Therefore, the increasing incidences of individuals suffering from chronic pain is another major factor supporting the market expansion in the region, as the product finds applications in various medications that are used for treating chronic pain.
Rising Demand for More than 99% Nortriptyline Hydrochloride Boosts Market Growth
The increasing requirement for nortriptyline hydrochloride with more than 99% purity can be attributed to their rising demand by academic and research institutions and medicine manufacturing facilities in various regions across the globe. The pharmaceutical sector is significantly growing in various regions, for instance, according to the estimates of The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry, the pharmaceutical industry spends approximately USD 160 billion every year on research and development activities as the development of novel medications involves significant rates of failure. Due to such growing efforts and investments in medicine manufacturing, the requirement for nortriptyline hydrochloride will increase, thus propelling the growth of the market. The preference for nortriptyline hydrochloride with more than 99% purity can also be attributed to the high efficacy offered by the product as opposed to their counterparts, thus augmenting their demand, and supporting the expansion of the market.
Capsules Account for Significant Global Nortriptyline Hydrochloride Market Share
The expansion of the segment can be attributed to the higher bioavailability offered by the capsules as opposed to their counterparts, making them more effective than tablets. The nortriptyline hydrochloride capsules contain various inactive ingredients including sodium lauryl sulfate, colloidal silicon dioxide, pregelatinized starch, and magnesium stearate. For instance, the 75 mg, 50 mg, 25 mg, and 10 mg capsule shells contain titanium dioxide, gelatin, sodium lauryl sulfate, propylparaben, and methylparaben. They can also contain edetate calcium disodium, benzyl alcohol, silicon dioxide or sodium propionate, and butylparaben. The 75 mg, 25 mg, and 10 mg capsule shells also contain FD&C Blue No. 1 and D&C Yellow No. 10. The nortriptyline hydrochloride is usually prescribed for the smallest quantity of capsules with good patient management, to reduce the risk of overdose. Thus, the increased accessibility to nortriptyline hydrochloride capsules coupled with the rising awareness about mental health and depression are supporting the growth of the segment, thus boosting the market expansion.
Future Market Scenario (2024–2031F)
According to the global nortriptyline hydrochloride market analysis, the demand for nortriptyline hydrochloride will increase over the forecast period due to increasing research and development activities and utilization of the product for drug repurposing. Various studies are being conducted to evaluate the potential candidacy of nortriptyline hydrochloride for repurposing of drugs. For instance, according to an article published by researchers from the Department of Oncology, the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, Qingdao, China, nortriptyline hydrochloride exhibits significant antitumor activities in both in-vitro and in-vivo. The product can inhibit gastric cancer by inducing oxidative stress and apoptosis. Conduction of such studies will bolster the requirement for nortriptyline hydrochloride over the forecast period by academic and research institutions augmenting the market demand.
Report Scope
“Nortriptyline Hydrochloride Market Assessment, Opportunities and Forecast, 2017-2031F”, is a comprehensive report by Markets and data, providing in-depth analysis and qualitative and quantitative assessment of the current state of global nortriptyline hydrochloride market, industry dynamics, and challenges. The report includes market size, segmental shares, growth trends, opportunities, and forecast between 2024 and 2031F. Additionally, the report profiles the leading players in the industry mentioning their respective market share, business model, competitive intelligence, etc.
Click here for full report- https://www.marketsandata.com/industry-reports/nortriptyline-hydrochloride-market
Mr. Vivek Gupta 5741 Cleveland street, Suite 120, VA beach, VA, USA 23462 Tel: +1 (757) 343–3258 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.marketsandata.com
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roamnook · 4 months
New Study Reveals: 70% of Businesses Experienced Cyber Attacks in 2021. Stay Informed and Protected with Kaspersky's Solutions. #CyberSecurity #DataProtection #Kaspersky
New Information Revolutionizing the Digital World
New Information Revolutionizing the Digital World
Welcome to the RoamNook blog! In this article, we will dive deep into the fascinating world of technology, exploring key facts, hard information, numbers, and concrete data that are revolutionizing our digital landscape. As an innovative technology company specializing in IT consultation, custom software development, and digital marketing, RoamNook is committed to fueling digital growth. Today, we will bring new, polarizing, numerical, objective, and informative hard facts to the table, providing you with valuable insights that can shape your digital journey.
The World of Technology in Numbers
Let's start by looking at some mind-boggling statistics that showcase the power and influence of technology in our lives:
There are over 4.9 billion active internet users worldwide. That's nearly 60% of the global population.
On average, people spend more than 6 hours online each day, engaging in various digital activities.
The number of smartphone users globally is projected to reach 3.8 billion by 2021.
In 2020, e-commerce sales accounted for over $4.2 trillion worldwide.
By 2025, it is estimated that there will be around 75 billion connected devices globally, forming the backbone of the Internet of Things (IoT).
Data is growing at an unprecedented pace. Every minute, we generate 3.8 million Google searches, send 156 million emails, and share 16 million text messages.
The Power of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most transformative technologies of our time. Let's explore some astounding AI facts:
AI is expected to contribute up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030.
The AI market is projected to reach a value of $190 billion by 2025.
Machine Learning (ML), a subset of AI, is already being used in various industries, including healthcare, finance, and transportation, to improve efficiency and decision-making.
In 2019, Google's AI program called AlphaGo defeated the world champion Go player, showcasing the immense capabilities of AI.
Chatbots, powered by AI, are becoming increasingly popular, with over 80% of businesses planning to implement chatbots by 2022.
AI is revolutionizing the healthcare industry, with its ability to analyze massive amounts of medical data, assist in diagnosis, and develop personalized treatment plans.
The Rise of Cybersecurity
As our world becomes increasingly digitalized, the need for robust cybersecurity measures becomes paramount. Consider these cybersecurity facts:
Cybercrime is expected to cost businesses over $10.5 trillion annually by 2025.
In 2020 alone, there were over 1001 data breaches, compromising billions of records.
Ransomware attacks increased by 485% in 2020, highlighting the growing threat landscape.
Approximately 94% of malware is delivered via email, making email security a critical concern.
Phishing attacks, where cybercriminals trick individuals into revealing sensitive information, are on the rise, with over 32% of global organizations experiencing phishing attacks in 2020.
Artificial Intelligence is being leveraged to bolster cybersecurity defenses, with AI-powered threat detection systems offering real-time protection.
The Future of Digital Transformation
The digital world is evolving at an unprecedented pace, ushering in a new era of possibilities. Here's what you can expect in the near future:
5G technology will revolutionize connectivity, enabling faster internet speeds and supporting the growth of IoT.
Blockchain, the technology behind cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, will disrupt various industries, including finance, supply chain, and healthcare, by offering transparent and secure transactions.
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) will transform the way we interact with digital content, creating immersive experiences in gaming, education, and training.
Edge computing will gain prominence, bringing data processing closer to the source, reducing latency, and enhancing real-time decision-making.
Big Data analytics will continue to shape businesses, enabling data-driven insights, personalized marketing strategies, and enhanced customer experiences.
RoamNook: Your Partner in Digital Growth
At RoamNook, we understand the significance of these emerging technologies and their impact on businesses and individuals alike. We offer comprehensive IT consultation, custom software development, and digital marketing services to help you navigate the digital landscape successfully.
Our team of experts is well-versed in the latest trends and technologies, ensuring that your business stays ahead of the curve. Whether you need assistance with cybersecurity, AI implementation, or developing a robust digital marketing strategy, RoamNook is here to empower you with cutting-edge solutions.
To learn more about how RoamNook can fuel your digital growth, visit our website at https://www.roamnook.com.
Reflecting on the Digital Revolution
As we wrap up this informative journey, it's crucial to reflect on the profound impact that technology has on our lives. Every day, new advancements and discoveries push the boundaries of what is possible, opening up a world of opportunities.
But with great power comes great responsibility. It's essential to stay informed, educated, and proactive in safeguarding our digital presence. By embracing the potential of emerging technologies and adopting robust cybersecurity measures, we can navigate the digital landscape confidently and harness its benefits.
So, ask yourself this: Are you ready to embrace the digital revolution? How will you leverage the power of technology to fuel your personal and professional growth?
We invite you to join us on this incredible journey of digital transformation, where the possibilities are limitless.
Stay informed, stay vigilant, and let RoamNook be your trusted guide in the digital world.
Together, let's shape a future powered by innovation, knowledge, and growth.
Source: https://www.kaspersky.com/resource-center/preemptive-safety/strengthen-cryptocurrency-security&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwif9uCLpqGGAxWVFlkFHaeCB8UQFnoECAAQAw&usg=AOvVaw23ki8_Q_pFGe2Kk5igIqK3
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edu-information · 5 months
India's Russian Oil Imports Surge Despite Sanctions: A Strategic Move Amidst Geopolitical Pressures
Despite facing sanctions, India has seen a notable surge in its imports of Russian oil. In April, Indian refiners brought in a total of 1.96 million barrels per day (bpd) of Russian crude, marking the highest volume since July of the previous year. This increase, nearly 19 percent higher than March's imports, comes amidst disruptions to Russian refining capacity due to Ukrainian drone attacks. Consequently, Moscow has directed more discounted barrels for export, as indicated by vessel tracking data and industry observations.
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This uptick in Russian crude imports by India occurred despite recent sanctions by the United States targeting Russia's oil shipping sector. There were speculations that Indian refiners might exercise caution in their purchases. However, trade sources suggest that the impact of these sanctions on Russian oil flows to India was marginal and short-lived.
In April, Russia accounted for 40.3 percent of India's total crude oil imports, the highest share in seven months. This resurgence follows a decline from a peak of nearly 46 percent in May 2023 to around 33 percent in recent months.
Viktor Katona, head of crude analysis at Kpler, explained that the first wave of Ukrainian drone strikes on Russian refining infrastructure pushed seaborne oil exports to 3.8 million bpd. With limited domestic refining capacity, Russia's surplus oil was exported, providing Indian buyers with more purchasing opportunities.
Despite US sanctions targeting Russian shipping entities, Indian refiners have continued to accept deliveries on tankers associated with Sovcomflot, a major Russian shipping company. Indian regulators have provided clarity on the scope of these sanctions, alleviating concerns.
Furthermore, India's shipping regulator has approved Russian insurance firms to provide marine insurance cover to tankers, ensuring that cargoes are not subject to price caps imposed by the G7. This move aligns with Russia's strategy to offer discounts on its crude, attracting Indian refiners who seek cost-effective options.
In April, Indian refiners favored medium-sour Urals crude, Russia's flagship grade, with imports reaching a record high of 1.54 million bpd, comprising nearly 79 percent of India's Russian oil imports. This preference is attributed to the significant price differentials compared to crude grades from traditional West Asian suppliers.
As a result, oil imports from Saudi Arabia fell to a seven-month low, while imports from Iraq also decreased. This shift underscores India's sensitivity to oil prices and its willingness to capitalize on discounts offered by Russia, despite shrinking discount levels.
India's sustained interest in Russian oil, despite geopolitical tensions and sanctions, reflects its strategic approach to securing cost-effective energy sources as the world's third-largest consumer of crude oil.
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vijay01 · 6 months
What are the top 10 Tips for Successful Fantasy Football App Development in India? 
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Fantasy sports have successfully spread their roots around the world, transforming the way sports fans interact and play their favorite sports. The popularity of fantasy sports has spread over the world, including India, and fantasy apps have become a preferred platform for users to enjoy their favorite fantasy sports and craft their own virtual teams of players.
Fantasy apps allow players to create a team, make strategies, and compete against other online players in virtual leagues and tournaments. The excitement of managing their team and evaluating their performance in live matches has caught the interest of millions of players from all over the world, making these apps a powerful force in the world of fantasy sports. 
The surge of fantasy football apps
The rising popularity of fantasy apps presents an opportunity for many businesses. They seize this opportunity by partnering with Fantasy Football app development experts, especially from countries like the USA. If you look at the fantasy sports market, you’ll find that it's supposed to grow from $27 billion in 2023 to a staggering $49.5 billion in 2028, with a CAGR of nearly 13% from 2023 to 2028. 
By the end of 2025, the estimated value of fantasy sports apps can reach up to $86.5 billion, with an annual growth rate of 33.4% from 2020 to 2025. For example, the value of the basketball industry is around $3.8 billion in 2020 and is predicted to reach $14.9 billion by 2025, marking a growth rate of approximately 31%. 
The years between 2022 and 2025 are loaded with wonderful opportunities, sporting events, and exciting fantasy sports apps that catch the eyes of users. Introducing new features can further increase the chance of user engagement. Because of this promising growth, many businesses and start-ups are taking an interest in investing in fantasy soccer app development. With the increase in fantasy sports apps, the user base also increases, providing businesses with a broader market to target more users and generate amazing profits. 
What are the different types of fantasy football applications?
Giving users the platform to have fun, enjoy their favorite sport, and celebrate victory is one of the primary objectives of a fantasy football solution. Even though this is the basic agenda of all such apps, there are many variations according to the type of league where players have to compete. Let’s learn about some of the major ones:
Fantasy Football PPR: Players competing in this league every week receive rewards and points for each reception during a scoring period. 
Best Ball Leagues: Weekly lineups are automatically optimized, selecting the best possible lineup for each team without user interference. 
Public Leagues: These leagues are available for participants around the world, allowing players to compete against anyone who joins. However, there are certain limitations on the number of participants. 
Dynasty Leagues: Participants continue with the same team for multiple seasons, providing a long-term, multi-term activity for groups of friends with similar interests. 
Draft Leagues:. Users have to compete with friends by creating a team of 15 players over 15 rounds, with each player taking turns to select their roster. No player is allowed to choose multiple players concurrently. 
Draft-Only Leagues: The element of an in-season roster is more present in these kinds of leagues. Users select their team through a draft and maintain the same team throughout the league. 
How do you ensure the success of your fantasy football app?
Here we present 10 amazing tips and strategies to build a successful fantasy app that attracts users, keeps them engaged, and generates revenue effectively.
Choose Popular Tournaments: Concentrate on including popular cricket tournaments like the Indian Premier League (IPL), the ICC T20 World Cup, the Caribbean Premier League (CPL), the Big Bash League (BBL), and more. These popular leagues have a huge fan following, which attracts a massive user base to your fantasy app. 
Real-Time Updates: Make sure that the app provides real-time updates on marches, player performances, live scores, and other relevant statistics. Users appreciate accurate and updated information, which enhances their engagement with the app.
Customisation: Offering customisation is a feature that allows users to customise their user experience according to their preferences. It includes the option to create custom leagues and tournaments, tailor player and team selection, set match updates and notifications, and personalize the user interface of the app. Understanding the preferences and catering to the demands of the target audience can significantly improve user retention. 
Community Engagement: It carries a sense of community within your app by allowing users to connect and engage with each other through forums, chat rooms, and user-generated profiles and content. In order to build community, you need to amplify discussions, debates, and the exchange of strategies among fantasy sports players. 
Offline Access: Implement offline access to important features such as player profiles, match schedules, and updates on fantasy leagues. It ensures the accessibility of relatable and valid information to users even without the presence of internet connectivity. It enhances the usability of the app. 
Gamification: Adding the element of gamification makes the fantasy gaming experience more engaging and interactive. It could include creating fantasy contests with leaderboards, challenges, and rewards. To keep users engaged, make sure to motivate them to compete with friends, participate in prediction games, earn badges, or unlock achievements. 
Monetization: Use the data API provided in order to implement effective strategies of monetization. Conder provides premium features through subscriptions, such as displaying targeted advertisements based on the interests and behavior of users or integrating in-app purchases for virtual assets or additional content. Maintain a balance between monetization and user experience to ensure its appeal and revenue generation. 
Live Commentary and Analysis: According to a Fantasy Football App Developer, integrating live commentary, expert evaluation, and post-match summaries will enhance the overall experiences of users. It involves insights on player form, match prediction, and fantasy tips to help users make better decisions while making their fantasy teams. 
Performance Optimisation: Prioritize performance optimisation to make sure that the app runs smoothly across various devices and network conditions. Meanwhile, optimise the usage of data and conduct regular testing to find and fix any errors and bugs that may affect the user experience. 
Feedback Mechanism: Add a feedback mechanism that enables users to present suggestions, report any issues, and share their overall experience with the application. Pay attention to this feedback to improve and iterate upon your app’s usability, features, and content. 
By implementing these tips, you can elevate the success of your fantasy cricket app and form a strong presence in the market.
The above-provided details and information discuss the tips and strategies to build a successful fantasy sports app in India. By incorporating these 10 tips mentioned above in this guide, developers can create an app that not only captures football and cricket but also forms a diverse community of sports enthusiasts. By leveraging real-time updates to include gamification elements and personalized experiences, each tip serves as a milestone in the quest to offer an exceptional user experience. 
What is football fantasy?
In the virtual game of fantasy football, users construct their own teams from real football players and play against one another using the players' statistics performance from actual football games.
What is the process for playing fantasy football?
Players assemble a team within a predetermined budget, and points are awarded for goals scored, assists given clean sheets maintained (by defenders and goalkeepers, respectively), and other player performances in actual games. At the conclusion of a predetermined period, the team with the most points wins.
Is Indian fantasy football legal?
Yes, fantasy football is legal in India. Because it's seen as a skill-based game instead of a chance game, it's not subject to the nation's gambling regulations.
Can I change my team lineup after selecting it?
Yes, most fantasy football apps allow you to make changes to your team lineup before the deadline for a specific match or round.
How are points calculated in fantasy football?
Points are awarded based on various statistical achievements of players in real matches, such as goals scored, assists made, clean sheets kept, tackles won, passes completed, etc. Each fantasy football platform may have its own scoring system.
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ndvenvs3000w23 · 6 months
Blog 8: Fungi
Hi everyone! Welcome back to my blog post this week where I will be discussing the amazing world of fungi!
Fungi are one of the most diverse organisms on the planet and their kingdom comprises over 3.8 million species, including the biggest living organism on the planet known as the ‘honey mushroom’ (Riley, 2022)! Of these species, there are so many different niches they fall into as they have so many different functions in the world. On top of this, they can come in a variety of different shapes and colours which further increases their diversity. Considering how much (or I guess how little) might be known about this, I will just be discussing some of my favourite facts and uses of fungi in the world today.
Let’s return to my fact on how the biggest organism on the planet is a fungus. The honey fungus is estimated to be around 2,400 years old, but this estimate is unsure and there is a chance that it could be at least 8,650 years old which would make it the oldest organism on the planet as well (Casselman, 2007). The reason why this fungus is large is due to a network of fungal hyphae (similar to the roots of plants) which create a network called the mycelium from which the fruiting bodies of the fungus grows (Micropia, n.d.). The mycelium can spread over largely vast areas, and the mycelium of the honey fungus covers over 10 square kilometres (Casselman, 2007). Overall, the honey fungus is an extremely cool species of fungus, and I definitely encourage you to look into it more after reading this post. 
Fungi can have many different functions which can range from medicine, to food, to even hallucinogens. Mushrooms have been used to treat infection for many years, but today they are also used to treat lung diseases and cancer (National Cancer Institute, 2023). Studies are being completed to test whether fungi can reduce or stop the growth of tumours, specifically the polysaccharides (beta-glucans) in turkey tail mushrooms which are a type of fungus that grow worldwide on dead logs (National Cancer Institute, 2023). In terms of food, you might have heard of puffball mushrooms which can grow almost anywhere that their spores can spread to, but are very common in forested areas. These specific mushrooms are named perfectly as they look like a giant puffball or growing in a random area. Many people collect them from forests to use in their kitchen as they make a great pizza topper (and other uses). 
Fungi are insanely incredible organisms with a vast array of life history traits that can range anywhere from parasitism to symbiotic relationships. For example, there is a type of fungi in tropical forests which can create “zombie” ants. This specific fungi infects ants and slowly takes over its behaviour by encouraging it to leave its nest and find a more favourable climate to the fungus’ growth (Lu, 2019). The ant climbs at least 10 inches off the ground onto a plant where it sinks its jaws into the leaf and waits for death (Lu, 2019). From here, the fungus is able to sprout from the ant from which point it can produce more spores to infect ants and the process begins again. 
I hope you enjoyed learning some fun facts about the amazing nature of fungi today! They are honestly one of my favourite types of plants, even though they technically are not a plant. Let me know if you have any other cool facts you’d like to share about fungi or any other thoughts you might have. See you next week!
Casselman, A. (2007, October 4). Strange but true: The largest organism on Earth is a fungus. Scientific American. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/strange-but-true-largest-organism-is-fungus/ 
Lu, J. (2019, April 18). How a parasitic fungus turns ants into “zombies.” Animals. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/cordyceps-zombie-fungus-takes-over-ants 
Mycelium. Micropia. (n.d.). https://www.micropia.nl/en/discover/microbiology/mycelium/#:~:text=A%20mycelium%20is%20a%20network,can%20sprout%20from%20a%20mycelium. 
National Cancer Institute. (2023, June 8). Mushrooms. National Cancer Institute. https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/treatment/cam/patient/mushrooms-pdq#:~:text=They%20have%20been%20used%20to,treatments%20in%20Japan%20and%20China. 
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aaksconsulting · 8 months
Effective Strategies For Social Media Marketing in 2024
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Are you ready to unlock the secrets of social media success in 2024? In this rapidly changing digital landscape, keeping up with the latest strategies and trends is crucial for businesses to stay ahead. Social media has become a powerful tool for marketers, allowing them to connect with their target audience on a personal level like never before. But what will make your brand stand out amidst all the noise? Join us as we dive deep into effective strategies for social media marketing in 2024, revealing insider tips and tricks that will skyrocket your online presence. From AI-powered chatbots to interactive live streams, get ready to revolutionize your social media game plan and see unparalleled growth in the year ahead. It’s time to future-proof your business and take charge of your online success – let’s get started!
In today’s digital age, it is impossible to ignore the impact and relevance of social media. It has become an integral part of our daily lives, with over 3.8 billion people actively using social media platforms worldwide. This number is projected to grow even further by 2024, making it clear that social media marketing will continue to play a crucial role in business success.
Social media marketing refers to the use of various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others to promote products or services and connect with potential customers. With the increasing popularity of these platforms among consumers, businesses have realized the importance of incorporating social media into their marketing strategies.
As we look towards the future, it is evident that social media marketing will only become more important for businesses. Here are some reasons why:
One significant advantage of using social media for marketing is its ability to reach a vast audience globally. As mentioned earlier, billions of people use these platforms every day, providing businesses with a massive pool of potential customers to tap into. Moreover, through advanced targeting options offered by various platforms like Facebook Ads Manager or LinkedIn Campaign Manager, businesses can tailor their advertisements to reach specific demographics based on factors such as age, location, interests, etc.
Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, with millions of people around the world using various platforms to connect, share and consume content. This immense popularity has made social media a powerful tool for businesses to reach and engage their target audience. As such, it is essential for businesses to stay updated on the latest trends and strategies in social media marketing to effectively promote their brand.
Here are some of the current trends in social media marketing that you should keep an eye on:
1. Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing has been gaining traction over recent years as a highly effective strategy for brands to reach their target audience. It involves collaborating with popular and influential individuals on social media who have a large following and high engagement rates. These influencers can help create authentic and relatable content for your brand, thus building trust with their followers and potentially driving more sales.
2. Video Content Dominance
The rise of video content consumption has been one of the most significant trends in social media marketing. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube have all prioritized video content over other forms due to its high engagement rates. Businesses are now leveraging this trend by creating visually appealing videos that capture attention quickly and convey their message effectively.
1.Identifying Demographics: The first step in understanding your target audience is to identify their basic demographics such as age, gender, location, income level, education level, etc. This information will help you create a profile of your typical customer and tailor your social media marketing strategy accordingly.
2.Analyzing Interests: Once you have identified the demographics of your target audience, it is important to understand their interests and preferences. This can be done by conducting surveys or analyzing data from social media platforms. By knowing what topics or content they engage with the most, you can create targeted and relevant content that will resonate with them.
3. Understanding Behaviors: Another crucial aspect of understanding your target audience is to analyze their behavior on social media. This includes how often they use different platforms, what type of content they prefer consuming (images, videos, text), and when they are most active on these platforms. This information will help you schedule your posts at the right time and optimize them for maximum engagement.
4.Identifying Pain Points: To effectively connect with your target audience on social media, it is important to understand their pain points or challenges. What problems do they face? What are their needs and desires? By addressing these pain points through your content or products/services, you can build a strong connection with your audience and establish yourself as a solution provider.
In today’s fast-paced and data-driven world, it is crucial for businesses to utilize data and analytics in order to improve their social media marketing strategy. With the abundance of information available at our fingertips, it would be a wasted opportunity not to tap into this valuable resource.
By incorporating data and analytics into your social media marketing efforts, you can gain valuable insights about your target audience, their interests, behaviors, and preferences. This information can then be used to tailor your strategy in a way that resonates with your audience and drives better results.
To effectively utilize data and analytics for your social media marketing strategy, here are some key steps you should follow:
1. Define your goals: Before diving into any kind of data analysis, it is important to clearly define what you want to achieve through your social media marketing efforts. Whether it is increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic or generating leads – having a clear goal will help guide your analysis in the right direction.
2. Identify relevant metrics: Once you have defined your goals, the next step is to identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will help you measure progress towards those goals. These could include metrics such as engagement rates, reach, clicks or conversions depending on what matters most for achieving your objectives.
When it comes to social media marketing, choosing the right platforms for your brand is crucial. With so many different social media channels available, it can be overwhelming to decide which ones are best suited for promoting your business. However, taking the time to carefully consider your target audience and your brand’s goals can help you narrow down the options and select the most effective platforms.
1. Define Your Target Audience Before you even begin thinking about which social media platforms to use, it’s important to have a clear understanding of who your target audience is. This includes factors such as age, location, interests, and behaviors. By knowing who you want to reach, you can determine which platforms they are most likely to use and tailor your content accordingly.
For example, if your target audience is primarily young adults aged 18-24, then Instagram or Snapchat may be the best choices as these platforms are popular among this demographic. On the other hand, if you’re targeting working professionals in their 30s and 40s, LinkedIn or Twitter might be more suitable.
2. Consider Your Brand’s Goals Every business has unique goals when it comes to social media marketing – whether it’s increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, generating leads or sales. It’s essential to identify what your specific goals are before selecting which social media platforms will best help you achieve them.
In today’s digital age, social media has become an essential tool for businesses to connect with their target audience and promote their brand. With the rise of various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, creating engaging and shareable content has become crucial for a successful social media marketing strategy.
So how can you create content that not only captures the attention of your audience but also encourages them to share it with others? Here are some effective strategies for creating engaging and shareable content on social media:
1. Understand Your Target Audience: Before you start creating content, it is essential to understand who your target audience is. What demographics do they belong to? What are their interests? What kind of content resonates with them? By understanding your target audience’s behavior and preferences, you can tailor your content accordingly.
2. Tell a Story: Humans are naturally drawn towards stories. They evoke emotions and make us feel connected to the storyteller. Utilize this power of storytelling in your social media posts by creating narratives that engage your audience. Share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business or highlight customer success stories that showcase the impact of your products or services.
3. Use Visuals: Visuals have proven to be more attractive and memorable than plain text. Platforms like Instagram and Pinterest rely heavily on visual content, making it crucial for businesses to include eye-catching visuals in their social media posts.
In today’s digital age, social media has become a vital tool for businesses to connect with their target audience and showcase their brand in front of millions. With the rise of influencer marketing, many brands are now leveraging partnerships with influential individuals on social media to reach a wider audience and increase their online presence. In this section, we will discuss the importance of influencer partnerships and how businesses can effectively leverage them for successful social media marketing.
1. What is Influencer Marketing? Firstly, let’s define what influencer marketing is all about. It is a type of marketing strategy where brands collaborate with influential individuals on social media to promote their products or services. These individuals, also known as influencers, have a large following on various platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok and possess the power to sway the purchasing decisions of their followers.
2. Why Partner with Influencers? Partnering with influencers can bring numerous benefits to your business in terms of visibility, credibility, and increased conversions. As mentioned earlier, influencers have a dedicated following who trust their opinions and recommendations. When an influencer promotes your product or service on their platform, it can significantly increase brand awareness among their followers who could potentially turn into loyal customers.
Moreover, collaborating with influencers allows brands to tap into new audiences that they may not have reached through traditional advertising methods. Influencers often have a niche following that aligns with certain industries or interests which can help businesses target specific demographics more effectively.
In today’s digital age, social media has become an essential tool for businesses to reach and engage with their target audience. With the rise of various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, it has become increasingly important for businesses to utilize paid advertising on these channels to stay competitive in the market.
Paid advertising on social media refers to any form of promotional content that a business pays for on social media platforms in order to reach a wider audience. This can include sponsored posts, display ads, video ads, and more. These paid ads are designed to target specific demographics or interests and appear on users’ feeds or timelines.
One major advantage of utilizing paid advertising on social media is its highly targeted nature. Social media platforms have vast amounts of user data that can be used to create customized ad campaigns tailored towards a specific audience. This allows businesses to reach potential customers who are most likely interested in their products or services, increasing the chances of conversion.
Another benefit of using paid ads on social media is its cost-effectiveness. Traditional forms of advertising such as TV commercials or print ads can be expensive and may not always guarantee results. With paid social media advertising, businesses have more control over their budget and can choose how much they want to spend on each campaign.
In today’s digital age, effective social media marketing has become a crucial platform for businesses to reach and engage with their target audience. With the ever-increasing competition in the online space, it is important for brands to constantly innovate and find new ways to stand out from the crowd. One effective strategy that has gained significant popularity in recent years is incorporating interactive features and chatbots into social media marketing campaigns.
Interactive features, such as polls, quizzes, and games, allow businesses to create more engaging content that encourages active participation from their audience. These features not only make the content more interesting but also provide valuable insights into the preferences and behaviors of their target market. By utilizing these insights, businesses can tailor their future marketing efforts to better resonate with their audience.
Chatbots, on the other hand, are automated messaging systems that interact with users in a conversational manner. They are programmed to understand natural language and can be integrated into various social media platforms like Facebook Messenger or Twitter Direct Messages. Chatbots offer numerous benefits for businesses looking to enhance their social media marketing strategy.
Firstly, chatbots provide real-time customer service by responding instantly to inquiries or complaints from customers. This helps improve overall customer satisfaction as well as brand reputation. Secondly, they can assist in lead generation by capturing information from potential customers through conversations and directing them towards making a purchase or signing up for a service.
In recent years, video content has become an increasingly popular and powerful tool in effective social media marketing . With the rise of platforms like YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook Live, businesses have been able to reach a wider audience through engaging and visually appealing videos. In this section, we will explore the various ways in which video content plays a crucial role in social media marketing.
1. Increases Engagement
One of the main benefits of using video content in effective social media marketing is that it significantly increases engagement with your target audience. According to research by HubSpot, videos on social media generate 1200% more shares than text and images combined. This is because videos are more visually stimulating and tend to capture people’s attention faster than other forms of content.
Additionally, videos allow for more creativity and storytelling opportunities compared to static images or text posts. By creating compelling and entertaining videos that resonate with your target audience, you can create a stronger emotional connection with them and encourage them to engage with your brand.
2. Boosts Brand Awareness
With the ever-increasing competition on social media platforms, it can be challenging for businesses to stand out from the crowd. However, video content provides an excellent opportunity for brands to showcase their unique personality and differentiate themselves from their competitors.
As we look towards the future of social media marketing, it is clear that businesses must adapt and evolve to stay relevant in a constantly changing landscape. By implementing these effective strategies such as utilizing new platforms, creating engaging content, and utilizing influencer partnerships, companies can successfully reach their target audience and achieve their marketing goals. As technology continues to advance and consumer behaviors shift, staying up-to-date with the latest trends will be crucial for any business looking to succeed in social media marketing in 2024 and beyond.
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