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whencallstheheart ¡ 4 years ago
LOL. The Fans on Instagram are PISSED OFF. They should have turned the comments off on Erin’s s9 announcement. FWIW i was done with this show a long time ago coz the writing is SO bizarre and aimed at milking plot-lines solely for ratings but not servicing the characters meaningfully. Like the TPTB don’t give a shit as long as the ratings hold. But I do enjoy your blog. I like stopping by to check out your posts. In a lot of ways it’s the best way to keep up with the show LOL
Yeah, if you want to feel some validation, go check out the shit show that is the comments of that post.  It’s like 99% negative and that’s not an exaggeration.  How are they going to spin that?
I really thought the series had improved as a whole but they ruined 3 years of meaningful build up in like 5 minutes so 🤷‍♀️ not sure where we go from here.
Thank you!  I appreciate that.
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hopevalley ¡ 5 years ago
I am so sorry to hear about Cici. Our fur babies mean everything to us. Sending you love and hugs xx
Thank you so much. I made the choice to say goodbye to CiCi on Tuesday. It was rough and I feel a little empty inside, but saying goodbye is a choice you make when you say hello, and it’s always hard when you’ve gone that extra step and made room in your heart for them.
You can read the little tribute post I wrote for her here.
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colorado-springs ¡ 5 years ago
I have just done a google search for Beth Sullivan interview dr quinn under images and have unearthed the following - PART 1 Myra would return to CS with Samantha to open a clothing store, Hank would confess his love for her but they hadn't resolved how their story would end. Horace would find this intolerable and leave for a new job in Denver. Dorothy and Cloud Dancing get married and she leaves CS for his world and entrusts the gazette to Brian. Matthew became the town lawyer.
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whencallstheheart ¡ 4 years ago
The rage online continues. So many polls show how upset people are. As I think about the show and it’s ups and downs what strikes me is that the writers and TPTB write these characters carelessly. And they are LAZY AF. Like who is this version of Elizabeth?? Does she still care about her friends? And her son? And about people’s feelings?? She was so shocking to Rosemary. I get Covid meant they barely shot with the kids but what - they couldn’t write more interactions with Jack and Lucas that we didn’t see? She commits to a guy but he barely seems to know her son?? She pushes her nose into other peoples affairs like she knows it all and then doesn’t live her own truth - it’s so disingenuous. Does Lucas have more depth?? We have never seen it - it’s all candles and flashy moves and lots of show and tell. Ask her about Jack. Ask her about her job. Ask her about her family. Like show us you care!! I don’t recognise this Hope Valley and Elizabeth has always been kinda insufferable but as the lead character of the show - wow they have done a real number of her.
She definitely has become a different version and I think’s part of why fans just can’t wrap their head around this choice.  She left Hamilton for a reason... and now she’s going back to the world she left behind by getting with a man who represents that lifestyle.  It doesn’t fit with the story that’s been told for the entirety of the show but apparently that’s what the writers wanted for the character moving forward.  Let’s hope they have a good plan but I can’t picture an interesting, compelling future for them that I’d actually care about.  That’s why I struggled to even consider Lucas as an option this whole time.  It’s not a story I want to see and many people feel the same way.  
Team Lucas will argue that there’s been so much buildup... but clearly there wasn’t if none of us can understand.  We’re not being irrational.  Like, yes, he’s a good guy and they have things in common... but there has to be more.  We never saw it and that’s the problem.
Oh well.  I’m glad Nathan can move on with someone better who actually deserves him.
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whencallstheheart ¡ 4 years ago
I read the comments on BB’s FB post so you didn’t have to LOL. More to see if people were capitulating to Papa Heartie’s (BARF - can’t believe he calls himself that ) entreaty to calm the f down. And they are not! The rage is real.
A lot of people are upset about how this is all went down. It’s not all about the teams. And what’s really coming through is how MUCH they dislike who Elizabeth has become. She was written badly this season. It’s a sad state of affairs when people want your lead character to not be the focus of the show.
I now wonder what the far reaching consequences are for the show. And if Lori is bought back just to assuage the pain caused by this stupid love triangle which was so badly managed. Like I can’t stand who her character became but a lot of fans still want her back. It could be what they do to try and make this better - in which case Kevin McGarry would be side lined even further. It’s all very shitty.
Yeah, he’s trash.  It’d be great if more people realized that and saw him for who he is.  We can just ignore how he responds to fans who disagree with him, and his condescending tone, and his manipulations of gullible people.  If he says he’s a good person he must be one, right?  
I looked at some of them shortly after it was posted.  What I saw was mostly positive actually... because Team Nathan fans already left the group or are just done with commenting on things.  Also, the admins delete unsavory comments so there’s no real discussions to be had there.  That’s important to take into account.
The frustration and the disappoint does go beyond the triangle.  The whole Elizabeth thing... yeah.  What a dumb direction for them to go in.  Let her pick Lucas.  That’s fine.  But don’t turn the character into one we no longer respect.  Nothing was gone about the right way and that creates a huge amount of distrust moving forward.  I get what they tried to do with her and I even supported and respected that storyline... until they ended things the way they did.  Now it doesn’t make much sense.
A lot of fans do want Abigail back.  I really have no idea if Hallmark will allow that or not.  I hope they don’t, honestly.  I hate that that most likely means we’ll never see Henry again.  I’ll be really annoyed if they let him go instead of giving him a new love interest.  It’s a good ending for him if Martin is the one choosing to leave.  Then I can accept that.  I don’t think bringing her back is a fix though because it’s not like 100% of the fans are begging for her to return.  It could make more viewers disinterested and backfire even more.  It’s risky... but apparently they like going the risky route these days and potentially jeopardizing the future of the show.
The only smart thing for the show to do at this point is to give Nathan the attention he deserves.  Plain and simple.  Give the people what they want.  Some fanservice needs to happen to maintain the audience still willing to watch.  If they’re not satisfied within the first few episodes of season 9, those fans on the bubble aren’t going to watch further.  They’re not going to allow themselves to be played like they felt they were before.
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whencallstheheart ¡ 4 years ago
Ugh. BB’s latest FB post. So much BS.
Like just own your bad decision making dude. You are basically saying the last 3 years was just about ratings and you had no confidence in your writers to build a new believable love story for the audience - that’s what we got this stupid love triangle. Like really? Why does anyone want to stick around for more of that??? He still doesn’t get it.
I don’t know why people are expecting an apology or something.  There won’t be one.  They made a choice and they will stick by it.  At least he acknowledged it wasn’t the popular choice.  
A lot of what he’s saying doesn’t add up.  He keeps saying they don’t want to tell the same story again... but viewers never got to see the story in the first place.  They never got to see Jack and Elizabeth as a married couple starting a family so how would that be repeating anything?  And the idea that Nathan is the same as Jack is obviously complete bullshit but they keep making comments like that as if the uniform is all people can see.  It’s frustrating.  It would almost be better for them to not say anything but they’re trying to reassure people and win viewers back.
He also said Nathan won’t be in a rebound romance which I really hope is his way of saying he won’t be with Faith.  But viewers do want him with a new woman.  So even him saying that is annoying.  They better get season 9 right.  I think there’s people still willing to watch even though they’re upset but they could quit at any time.
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whencallstheheart ¡ 4 years ago
Ohhhhhhhmmmyyyyyygodddddddddd like what a total surprise that they went this early with Nathan and his declaration of love when literally they have not even been on a proper date yet?!?!!!! Clearly he’s endgame and we are taking the scenic route with them but wow did not think we would get this angst so early on in the season!!!!
I don’t think anyone could have predicted it and that made it even more powerful.  And that dialogue was AMAZING.
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whencallstheheart ¡ 4 years ago
There’s been no post finale press or even much interest in Carson and Henry leaving.....ouch. Henry I just adore as a character and love Martin - Paul Greene I don’t mind but I think he has been underserved by the writers per normal. But both these dudes deserve some kinda acknowledgement and there’s been none. What’s your read of it ?
I have seen some articles speculating (or at least the headlines I didn’t bother to read them) about it.  We don’t know if the exits are permanent.  Maybe that’s still being decided as they prepare for season 9.  If they’re not permanent, there’s no reason to talk about them.  It would be nice to know for sure either way but they might be saving that for next season and we won’t know until they show up on set or not.  If the exits are permanent, I would expect Martin and Paul to post something about it thanking the fans and the cast and crew and all of that which hasn’t happened... so either they are coming back or they don’t know their fate yet. 
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whencallstheheart ¡ 4 years ago
I have a theory that Nathan will leave the Mounties or maybe become the town sherif or something. Jack was all about being a Mountie. That came first. Nathan has other priorities, Allie being one of them. He knows there are some things and some people that need him more than his job. Jack was never really a husband long enough to make that distinction. I don’t think Nathan would see it as giving up something, rather it would be about making space for more important things in his life. What do you think?
I definitely think Nathan’s outlook on his career is very different.  It’s not his life.  I’m not entirely sure if he will decide to leave but I could see him seriously contemplating what he wants his future to be.  He’s made his home in Hope Valley and wants to settle down and all of that for both himself and Allie, but the Mounties could still take him away.  His life and position in Hope Valley isn’t guaranteed.  Maybe there comes an opportunity where he’s able to still serve the community but in a different way.  The inquiry might play a part in his decision too so maybe we’ll get some more insight next episode.
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whencallstheheart ¡ 4 years ago
Also plssssssssssssssssss don’t kill off Henry or I swear I am done with this show forever.
I’m right there with you.
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whencallstheheart ¡ 4 years ago
After listening to the bubblysesh podcast with Erin and Pascale, I think they are going to have a bust-up this season. I mean, Elizabeth is behaving really poorly, stringing these two men along and if anyone is going to call her on it - it’s going to be Rosemary!!! I hope that’s the case anyway as that would be an interesting plot line....I feel like we have season 2 Elizabeth back and I am not impressed.
Yeah, that wouldn’t surprise me.  Erin did say that Elizabeth is going to treat her friends and the men not so nicely at times.  3 years in, her friends better be talking to her about what the hell she’s doing with these guys.  I imagine it wouldn’t go over well because Elizabeth doesn’t like to be called out even if she knows she’s in the wrong.  This is the side of Elizabeth I’ve always disliked.  It’s why I wished Jack would’ve just gotten with Faith in season 2 instead.  No one needs an Elizabitch in their life. 
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whencallstheheart ¡ 4 years ago
Also I love Henry. I am very pleased to see him finally on the poster and even though he was barely in the first episode, I hope that changes and he gets more screen time. He is just the best.
Henry is the best character to ever exist on the show.  The writers love him too which is awesome.  He was teased in the “previously on” portion which I’m hoping is a good sign.  He still has his health troubles to deal with on top of all the oil business stuff.  There’s more coming his way for sure.
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whencallstheheart ¡ 4 years ago
I am enjoying how they are setting up multiple story-arcs and not wrapping each episode up in a bow, with a tidy ending. The town feels busier somehow which is great!
Yeah, every single character has something going on.  Even some of the kids.  It’s nice to know that there’s so much waiting to be explored this season... and it seems really promising.  I’m genuinely looking forward to so much of it.  Even things that might seem little could turn out to be big.  
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whencallstheheart ¡ 4 years ago
What did you think of the Jesse and Clara stuff? It felt like it was going somewhere and then it resolved....are they building up for something bigger later on do you think ? I generally like Eva and her portrayal of Clara but that crying bit with Rosemary was very put on and forced. The scene with Lee chatting to Jesse though was great. I really gave up on this show entirely after the last season but I am curious about how it’s going so stopped by your blog. Sounds like this season is going to have lots of new characters and hopefully meaningful character development .
I hope it’s not entirely resolved.  I imagine they’ll have more hiccups down the road.  Others didn’t like that Clara scene either but I thought it was meant to be comical so it didn’t bother me.  It wasn’t like she thought her marriage was over... she was just frustrated and I think the way she was crying portrayed that.  It was more of an “everything sucks!” sort of crying and she needed Rosemary to cheer her up.  I liked the scene.
They are expanding a lot and diving deeper which is great.  I’m pretty hopeful about season 8 and what the new showrunner is bringing to the table.
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whencallstheheart ¡ 4 years ago
Also I totally agree with you - if the TPTB can’t write these characters with motivations and behaviours we understand or can see how they came about - then don’t get snotty when fans get pissed!!! Like come on - don’t be so childish as to give us a lecture for feeling how we feel, thanks to your bad writing. Or Erin’s bad acting - whichever way you want to look at it.
I don’t necessarily think it’s bad writing.  There’s clearly a plan in place that we only saw a small piece of.  We can’t judge the season based on one scene.  I do think we’ll get some explanation or at least a reference in 8x02 about Elizabeth backing out.  I mean, we already have that sneak peek of her asking Nathan to get together.  Whether she explains why or not... who knows.  I think it was completely understandable,  however.  Clearly the woman is overwhelmed by the whole situation in that moment but it just really sucked to watch and I think that’s where the frustration is coming from.  No one likes this version of Elizabeth and now that’s what we’re getting this season.  She didn’t purposely do it to be cruel to Nathan and Allie... but it was.  And she’s going to do more things that won’t be like the Elizabeth we’re used to.  I saw people argue that it was out of character but it really wasn’t.  We’ve seen her like this before so we know she’s capable of it.
The show should stand on its own.  Let people be annoyed.  That’s okay.  But the route they take only seems to make it worse.  It’s like they’re not entirely confident in what they’re producing and that leads to mistrust.  First episode out of the gate... that’s not a good look.  What if Elizabeth does something rude in 8x02?  Will we get another lecture about needing to give her some grace?  Just let people watch the show for what it is and leave them alone.  Things will work out in the end but it’s going to be a bumpy road getting there.
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whencallstheheart ¡ 5 years ago
arohaabby replied to your post “Pre-Season 7 Survey Results”
Yikes! No one really feels Carson/Faith as a couple.....it’s so forced it’s telling!! Ugh! Carson has better chemistry with Elizabeth and Faith was so good with Philip’s dad!!
Totally agree.  I wish they would’ve given Carson and Elizabeth a try.
I don’t mind the idea of Carson and Faith.  They make sense and they’re a very convenient couple which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  It’s implied that they’ve spent a lot of time together and know each other well... but we didn’t get to see that.  That’s the problem.  We weren’t given the opportunity to get excited about wanting them together and now they just are and it’s weird.
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