#arnold cunningham reader insert
Do you do headcanons? If you do could you write "Dating Elder Cunningham would include?"
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He hugs you. A lot. Even if it’s only been five minutes since he last saw you he’d run towards you and envelop you in a tight hug
He’d make you watch all his favourite movies with him: a different one every week, probably on a Friday night
But you wouldn’t really hear any of it, ‘cause Arnold would talk over the whole thing, just spewing out random facts about the production and lore
Once you watched a scary movie together. He got so scared he didn’t make it to the end, so it was both the first and last time watching one together
Sometimes you’d catch him just staring at you with a slight smile and glazed over eyes - he’d claim it was because he was ‘just thinking’ but he was actually just admiring you
Late a night, if you two were cuddling together on the couch, he’d whisper “How did I get so lucky”
He did not mean to say that out loud holy frick
That was meant to be an inside thought not an outside statement
Every morning you’d help him with his tie, either tightening it or straightening it up
He would say “I love you” at least 12 times a day
He’s just so in love with you it hurts he’s so cute and loves you with all of his heart
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