#arnie hammer
guillotineman · 2 years
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At least rayn reynold has his likes on hidden which is the healthiest, wisest... setting you can pick
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trulymadlykiki · 2 years
cannibal alert on desperate housewives
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dynared · 6 months
I've been hammering on Transformers Earthspark a lot lately (partially because I think the Energon Universe has shown the fandom there's a better way to bring in new fans and excite older ones), but even beyond the superiority of the Energon Universe and the hope it gets animated one day, something I've discussed with people that annoys me about it is that while the show is not devoid of good ideas, it often pays mere lip-service to them, and is shockingly insistent on tackling concepts it does not have the ability to tackle. Case in point, an episode around Kali of all things.
Kali, for those of you who don't know (because it's not like Earthspark bothered to explain it!) AKA Arnis or Escrima, is a Filipino martial art based on both weapons and hand-to-hand combat, favoring sticks and knives. It actually became popular in the martial arts community when Dan Inosanto, a student (some would argue the most prolific student) of the late Bruce Lee, began teaching it alongside Jeet Kune Do as part of his "JKD Concepts", an attempt to expand Bruce's Jeet Kune Do with additional ideas from other martial arts. The old Fight Quest show on the Discovery Channel tackled Kali in its second episode, showing training methodologies and the philosophy behind the art with the two hosts, including an ending where the hosts have to engage in sparring with stick fighting, which is as rough as it sounds.
Now Kali gets bought up in Earthspark as part of Alex Malto's Filipino background, but the show does virtually nothing with it, other than Alex waxing poetic about his heritage in one episode and then hitting a few Arachnamecs. You'd think that the idea of training the Terrans in a native martial art would have a lot of potential, especially since Cybertron in certain continuities has martial arts, particularly Metallikato and Circuit-Su. But instead, the concept is dropped almost immediately, making it seem like mere window dressing to show that the show is "diverse" rather than actually having some substance with the main plot.
The idea seems pretty simple to integrate. Have the Terrans be put in a situation where they would deem learning a martial art necessary, either a poor performance on the field, their instructors telling them that their skills in close-range-combat are poor, or being forced to fight someone like Bludgeon or Drift, a Metallikato practitioner who the Terrans feel outmatched by and who Alex volunteers to train in kali so they can fight their opponent on an even footing. Hell, that could be directly linked to the whole issue of culture, with the Terrans finding kali far less flashy than Metallikato and kind of lame, only for its effectiveness to show itself in combat.
And while Kali isn't the only example of such, it's probably the biggest example of the issues with shows that are surface-level in their concepts, and why Earthspark seems to have utterly failed to capture the imagination of kids and casual audiences.
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vintagerpg · 2 years
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This is Hour of the Knife (1994). Weird cover! That’s a John and Laura Lakey jam. I gotta say, Ravenloft has, pretty much from House on Gryphon Hill, flirted with the faux-Victorian aesthetics of Universal and Hammer horror films. It is refreshing to have this cover just embrace it. More bowler hats in fantasy, pls. Arnie Swekel on the interiors. He’s not Stephen Fabian, but I’m not gonna complain. Just gonna point out he isn’t Fabian (I love Arnie’s work, I’m just funnin’).
So, I love this adventure. It’s an open-ended investigation (honestly don’t understand why there isn’t more of this in the Ravenloft line, but there isn’t really). As you can guess from the name and the cover art, there’s a murderer loose and the players need to find the clues to bring him and his evil knife to justice. There is a very large (though strangely bland) city map to aid in the detective work. There are annoying things (death fake outs are the worst) but overall, this is a bit of much needed freshness. It doesn’t last, but eh, whatever, nothing does.
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gogalaxtical · 6 months
i cannot and will not stand for matt bomer slander… he is not the same as Henry Cecil not by a long shot… matt bomer will be getting an egot by the time he’s 50 and Henry cabin will still be doing movies with Arnie hammer
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vrbanmouse · 6 months
Hammer Girl from The Raid sequel is a huge inspiration for Mouse's weapons of choice and fighting style (along with Arnis/Eskrima).
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mpreghotties · 6 months
Rafael Silva swallowed Arnie hammer while
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msclaritea · 1 year
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy: The Story Within A Story
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In Tinker, Control resigns his post on November 14, 1973. I thought Control to be an odd name, and I know how dates are very important to the Brits. They lost Control....control of what? Recall all of the references to Gold, Gold Dust, Treasure, so on.
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The full description of dropping the Bretton Wood structure makes it clear that Connelly was behind the push to remove gold reserves.
According to Wiki, the Nixon Shock as it was called has calamitous results:
The Nixon Shock has been widely considered to be a political success, but an economic failure for bringing on the 1973–1975 recession, the stagflation of the 1970s, and the instability of floating currencies.[citation needed] The dollar plunged by a third during the 1970s. According to the World Trade Review's report "The Nixon Shock After Forty Years: The Import Surcharge Revisited", Douglas Irwin reports that for several months, U.S officials could not get other countries to agree to a formal revaluation of their currencies.[citation needed] The German Mark appreciated significantly after it was allowed to float in May 1971. Further, the Nixon Shock unleashed enormous speculation against the dollar. It forced Japan's central bank to intervene significantly in the foreign exchange market to prevent the yen from increasing in value. Within two days August 16–17, 1971, Japan's central bank had to buy $1.3 billion to support the dollar and keep the yen at the old rate of ¥360 to the dollar. Japan's foreign exchange reserves rapidly increased: $2.7 billion (30%) a week later and $4 billion the following week. Still, this large-scale intervention by Japan's central bank could not prevent the depreciation of US dollar against the yen. France also was willing to allow the dollar to depreciate against the franc, but not allow the franc to appreciate against gold. Even much later, in 2011, Paul Volcker expressed regret over the abandonment of Bretton Woods: "Nobody's in charge," Volcker said. "The Europeans couldn't live with the uncertainty and made their own currency and now that's in trouble."
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A note about Armand Hammer, the grandfather of actor, Arnie Hammer. An American of Soviet descent, he was singlehandedly responsible for the reviving of the Soviet Union. As for Billy Graham...
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Mendel: "My friend just wants peace and quiet to work, Mrs. Pope-Graham. No Disturbances."
To Smiley: "Real name is just Graham. Added the Pope for a touch of class."
"Billy Graham. We know that his messages are solid gospel. Few in or out of the Christian World have not heard of him. Since 1949 he has held the spotlight as the most prominent evangelist in Christendom. He has just finished his 416th crusade in Pasadena, California that drew over 300,000 people in four days. 13,000+ responded to his altar calls. Graham is now 86 years old and has one more crusade scheduled in New York City next year, health permitting.
The Pasadena crusade was on the anniversary of his first Los Angeles revival 55 years ago. It was after that meeting that Graham was "kissed by William Randolph Hearst" according to Dr Cathy Burns in her book, Billy Graham and His Friends. This meant that Hearst had decided to promote Graham's ministry in his nationwide chain of newspapers.
Immediately, reporters and photographers were crawling all over the Graham meetings. Front page articles began to appear in the leading local papers wherever Graham held meetings. One reporter was assigned full time to travel with Graham's team.
In 1991, Graham claimed that this sudden attention remained a mystery. Burns describes a more complex scenario. Regardless, the publicity propelled Graham into the national, if not international, limelight.
Jesus warned, "Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you." Over the years, Graham became the friend of presidents and kings, a beloved "America's Pastor."
But the fame came with a price. In his book, Smokescreens, written in 1983, Jack Chick describes how Roman Catholic leaders viewed and used Graham as a key player in their ecumenical plans. As early as 1965, he was a guest speaker at Catholic Belmont Abbey College in North Carolina where he received an honorary doctor's degree. A college official's letter describes Graham's address as "theologically sound" as may have been given by "any other Catholic preacher." The letter further states, "I would state that he could bring Catholics and Protestants together in a healthy ecumenic spirit." Graham was also speaking at several other Catholic colleges at that time..."
Connelly was said to be on secret peace mission with Hammer. Richard Nixon gave a speech that talks of 'the challenge of peace' in unveiling his new economic plan. In Tinker, Irina is taken and killed by Russia. Irina means Peace.
John Le Carré really is a genius writer because this was brilliant.
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cantstayawaycani · 1 year
Another woc here, ty for your intellectual honesty! For a lot of women the situation will be very triggering - reminds me of Arnie Hammer in some ways actually. As a black woman there is also a lot of emotional and social labor unrecognised and unappreciated in being in communities.. Take the time for yourself if you can.
I'm glad I saw this before I try to go to bed.
Thank you. I'm sure you know, but I can't even begin to tell you how hard it is to catch myself and rejigger my way of thinking on a regular basis. Being a progressive person, especially a feminist, is constant work. It's not easy. It never will be. Other women will tell you to piss off. And that rejection can be a hard pill to swallow.
I am constantly looking internally to check myself. I look to the work of others to set as a barometer for my own progression.
Today, just by happenstance, one of my favorite womanists, Kimberly Nicole Foster, posted this on her For Harriet YT channel:
Black feminism teaches us to love men even when they ain't sh**. |
She is speaking specifically to the symbiotic relationship BW have to BM, and how hard it is to be both a feminist, AND a pro black, anti-racist idealist as a Black Woman when the men we love don't love us. It HURTS when we are rejected by and abused by the men we want to save and love.
In the case of Tenoch -- he is not black, but a persecuted dark skinned man of color. I REALLY wanted to believe that he was for us. He could be -- down the road. But I can't save him. I gotta let my idea of who that man is GO.
Thank you for recognizing what this took -- to do this work publicly. To go through this back and forth with myself where everyone could see it.
All I want is to be honest and fair, learn, grow, and treat people with kindness and respect.
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Remember when I said Arnie hammer's image rehab campaign is starting up soon
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number1girl · 2 years
not cat marnell defending arnie hammer lmfao
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ronandhermy · 2 years
✨Fic Writer Interview✨
Tagged by the amazing @goodkwuestion Thanks for thinking of me ♥
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 58 fics currently written on that site...we do not speak of the fanfiction.net days.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
636,674 words and growing
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos
Bullets, Blunts and Baseball
A Red Thread of Convenience
The Reason for the Season
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Sometimes I do but I generally don’t. I do greatly appreciate every comment I get, but I get really overwhelmed trying to think of personalized responses. But I do try to address questions that I feel require answers that haven’t been addressed in the fic.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Probably Off Center for the Gallavich fandom. But I really don’t tend to do angsty endings.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Most all of them. But probably Tatta or A Raja for Kate.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have been known to dabble in a crossover or two. My craziest one was the Pacific Rim/Shameless cross over in Stained Kaiju Blue.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Oh yeah. Mostly the Bridgerton fics, not so much the other fandoms.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sorta? I tend to do some light porn with plot sprinkled in to the fics but I don’t usually focus on it overly much.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yup. Sucks but not much I can really do about it.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, several of my fics have been translated into Russian.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. Unless exchanging head-canons count, then no.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Currently I’m super into Natsu/Uk from Alchemy of Souls, but I fully admit to being a Ron/Hermione shipper from the Harry Potter days (check the user name lol), and I loved Ian and Mickey from Shameless and Kate and Anthony from Bridgerton.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Probably Cover Me for the Man from UNCLE fandom. I loved the characters but then everything came out about Arnie Hammer and it really put a damper on my desire to finish the story.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Plot and setting a mode.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Editing. Spelling. Grammar. Basically the nuts and bolts of writing.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in your fics?
Do it!!! I do it all the time lol.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. I was ten. The fic has, thankfully, died a death on some cold geo-site now deleted forever.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Alchemy of Souls Natsu/Uk. I have an idea I’m playing around with for them but I am currently moving so all fic writing has been put on hold.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
It’s a tie between Land of the Falcons and Through the Mountains. Both are for the Shadow and Bone fandom. They’re some of the first real fics I wrote after taking a long hiatus from writing, and they were just fun for me to write. They’re probably some of my least read fics in general but I do truly love them because I did a lot of world building. They were also great reminders that you have to write the fic for you, everything else is just a bonus.
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peerieweirdo · 2 years
on the anne hathaway/prozac post: you're talking about arnie hammer and that's not what happened rlly. no like human remains or shit. basically he was doing some nasty things and repeatedly coercively involving people in violent bdsm/bdsm fantasy. part of that was talking a lot about committing cannibalism. he did not in fact eat people but was in fact pretty predatory and unpleasant. and cannibalism memes are fun to clown on him.
okay so it turns out i was thinking of the remains of three woman who were found near a construction site armie hammer worked on in 2020
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which is definitely circumstantial evidence but when taken into account with the accusations… i mean…….
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Call Me By Your Name (2017)
Over the last two nights, I've finally gotten around to watching Call Me By Your Name, starring Timothee Chalamet, & Armie Hammer and directed by Luca Guadagnino. I don't know what kept me away for so long, it has all the ingredients of a film I'd love: a star-crossed love in a foreign summer haze.
Oliver (Armie) a 24-year-old student of Elio's (Timothee) father comes to visit their family for the summer, in their beautiful Northern Italian home and slowly come together in a passionate and tragic summer romance.
To start with, I don't think I've seen a more visually stunning film. The 80's styling and colours, the Italian-French countryside and faded lighting & aesthetic, the beautiful vivacious colour of the fruits, food and water, and the nostalgic music and dancing. Luca Guadagnino really created one of the most beautiful sets I've seen in a while and the French/Italian-speaking aspect really helped romanticize the plot. The whole film also just revolves around the masculine form, from all the classic statues being recovered & studied, to Elio's shirt at the end, the boisterous rough and tumble that goes hand in hand with their love and even their physical forms - such a visually contrasting image created by the strong, very typically masculine presence of Oliver making Elio feel smaller, dainty, and young. Then there's the filming - some of the shots are phenomenal, including this amazing long take.
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The writing is also flawless, both characters are so well detailed and again contradict in so many ways. Olio feels outwardly more anxious although it seems to the audience it is clear that he wants Oliver. Oliver seems like a confident, self-assured man but actually is covering up some deep-rooted fear of connection and is initially very torn by his desire for Olio. The two characters both feel very deeply about everything and like having intellectual conversations, meaning you're also thrown into thinking about some of the fundamental questions they ask each other e.g. is it better to speak or to die? There is also a wonderful moment towards the end of the film where Elio's and his father are having a heart-to-heart after Elio's sadness at Oliver departing and he tells his son:
"Just remember, our hearts and our bodies are given to us only once, and before you know it, your heart’s worn out. And as for your body, there comes a point when no one looks at it, much less wants to come near it. Right now, there’s sorrow, pain; don’t kill it, and with it, the joy you’ve felt.”"
I know a lot of the writing was lifted from the original book by André Aciman but the screenplay was also beautifully adapted for the cast to shine, specifically Chalamet.
Of course, the final piece of the puzzle is the incredible acting, every actor & actress in this film was phenomenal. From the father delivering those lines, to the intense physicality of Timothee & Arnie in their scenes together, to the closeness to Elio and his parents, it was a true masterclass. The final scene is a 3-minute shot of Elio processing the information his former lover is getting married, and you watch him in the firelight reflect on the physical and emotional warmth of the summer just gone, feeling every single element of the heartbreak alongside him.
The only negative for me is quite a big one, in the book, these characters are definitely supposed to be a lot closer in age. The fact they cast someone that looks much older than 24 (he looks older than me now and I'm 28!) to star across Timothee who has always looked younger than he is means that it gives a bit of a predatory feeling to the film that is just very hard to look past. Elements that are very common in relationships, playfighting, power struggles, and occasionally being too drunk you throw up on yourself are definitely part of growing up, but when it feels like a much older man is pulling Elio towards that life, it definitely perpetuates the horrible and unfair stereotype that gay men are predatory.
Overall an 8/10 for the experience, picking up a -2 for the casting and a little bit of the length.
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holidayvisa · 6 months
16 March 2024 - Woke up at 6:45 am and dragged myself out of bed. I got on the motorbike and rode to Cam's house. Cam offered me some toast with cheese and tomatoes for breakfast. I ate my toast, grabbed the keys to the van, and drove to Auckland. I got to the sky tower and found my clients, three college-aged kids from Utah, Zach, Cora, and Shennai. When I found out that they were from Utah, we bonded over that! They'd heard of Lambs Knoll and Yankee Doodle Canyon! Zach had climbed in and around Zion, and Cora mountain biked all over Moab. In the car ride, we sang along to the "Hercules" soundtrack playing on my ipod from 2007. We stopped at the top of Piha for a quick photo of the beautiful beach and Lion Rock with a clear blue sky above.
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When I opened up the AWOL shed in Piha, I found the afghan that Elise had left for me! Agh, she's so sweet!
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They were all capable and fit clients. We crushed the hike up to the top of Kitekite in like 10 minutes or something like that. The whole day was cruisy and easy. When we got to the final abseil of the canyon, the marker rock was submerged. Uh-oh.
Some background - Piha Canyon is safe to do at low flows. When there's a lot of rain, the flows will increase. Descending Piha Canyon at higher flows is still very safe for the first three abseils, but the fourth abseil (the one that goes right down the center of the full flow of the waterfall) can be questionable at higher flows. The guides have a marker rock that we use to determine if the flow is at a safe level or not. When the marker rock is out of the water, we continue descending down the fourth abseil. But when the marker rock is submerged, we bail out of the canyon before the fourth abseil because the flow is higher than normal.
Today, the marker rock was just barely submerged. Like, the top of the marker rock was less than a centimeter below the surface of the creek. I looked at the marker rock, and I said to the clients, "I've got bad news, you guys. The marker rock is submerged, so we can't continue down the canyon. We're going to have to hike down to the bottom." We all looked down the waterfall at the heavy flow of the waterfall hammering down the fourth abseil. The clients were bummed. I debated with myself about whether this was an appropriate time to break the rules. "These clients are capable," I said to myself. "Do you guys feel comfortable doing this?" All three of them nodded their heads yes. "Okay, let's do it!"
I gave them the talk about the fourth abseil, stressing that it's important to stay calm and not panic if water is hammering them in the face. I also told them that I was going to lower them, and that they wouldn't be in control of their own descent. They all agreed that that made sense. One-by-one, I lowered them down the abseil, and they were whooping and woohoo-ing the whole way down! They LOVED it! I LOVED it! It felt pretty badass to abseil down the waterfall, just getting smacked by the water, the force of the waterfall pushing down on you, beating down on your head, shoulders, arms, and legs. Everyone did so well, and I felt really good about my decision to continue down the fourth abseil instead of bailing out of the canyon before the fourth abseil. We finished out the canyon, and the clients said that this was one of their favorite guided trips ever! I drove the clients to Piha Beach, and while they were walking on the beach, I picked up a sleeping bag, a sleeping pad, and a tent at Elise's house. I drove the clients back towards Auckland, stopping at my house to drop off some wetsuits and harnesses and gear. I dropped them off at their hotel in Auckland, then returned the van to Cam's house.
I drove the motorbike home to Henderson, and Jimmy and I loaded up his car with all the canyoning gear and camping gear. Jimmy and Arnie were detangling the lights that Jimmy had bought for our upcoming barbeque. Jimmy said, "I look like a bloody Christmas tree, and it's not even Christmastime, mate!"
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Jimmy and I drove to Coromandel! We saw the beautiful sunset as we drove towards Sleeping God Canyon.
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We stopped in Bombay for some kebabs for dinner; we ate on the road. We arrived at Trestle View Campsite at the Kauaerunga Valley road end. We ate our kebabs in the warmth of Jimmy's car while waiting for Jordan and Wilson to show up.
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When Jordan and Wilson arrived in Wilson's van, they invited us to come hang out in their van. We all four of us hung out in the back of Wilson's van, chatting and talking about canyoning, hearing about Jordan's and Wilson's day through Bull's Run/Rangihau Canyon today. We hung out in their van for over an hour, just hanging out and enjoying each other's company. It was super fun; I wish I had a photo capturing that. At a certain point, sometime around 11 pm, Wilson gave us a subtle New Zealander hint to GTFO of his van. Jimmy said that he "couldn't be bothered to set up the tent tonight," so he planned to just sleep in his car. That did NOT sound comfortable to me, so I set off looking around the campsite for two suitable trees. I set up my hammock! I slept in my hammock for the first time in a LONG time! I can't even remember the last time I slept in my hammock. I think it might have been March of 2022 during my WFR course in Kanab, UT. Anyway, I LOVED sleeping in my hammock. I was so warm and cozy, snuggled in my sleeping bag in my cocoon of a hammock.
I'm thankful for capable and fun clients. I'm grateful for a wonderful and fun day in Piha Canyon. I'm grateful that the clients I had today were the right clients for descending the fourth abseil at a higher-than-normal flow. I'm grateful for Jimmy and for our roadtrip down to Coromandel. I'm grateful to Wilson and Jordan for sharing their van space with us and hanging out with us before bedtime.
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