#armypedia series
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hisunshiine · 3 years ago
— armypedia 🧩 series
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⟢ pairing: none, though mentions of random hookups for some members
⟢ credit: co-written with @heathfritillary​ who JUST MADE a tumblr ♡
⟢ genre: horror au | thriller au | angst | minor smut | thriller/spooky |
⟢ rating: 18+ | mature themes & explicit content
⟢ warnings: Horror, Psychological Horror, Additional Warnings Identified In Each Chapter including: Violence, Kidnapping, Torture, Pain, Delusional Thinking, Explicit Language, Non-Explicit Mentions of Sex and Sexual Activity, Minor Character Death, Weapons, Fire, Blood
⟢ wc: 15,782 total
⟢ summary: Wanna play a game? 🧩The members of BTS find themselves awakening, one by one, seemingly abducted and with no clue as to what is going on. Soon, they'll have to piece together puzzles designed specifically for the KPOP group as they are forced to participate in a sick game of life and death, conducted by someone who has a point to prove. This eight chaptered horror fanfic takes inspiration from the movie franchise, Saw.
⟢ author’s note: *DISCLAIMER* This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. This is a fictional story. The authors do NOT depict the members as written in the story nor do they believe or claim to know the actual lives of BTS. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This is strictly for entertainment purposes, only.
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                                 | back to hisunshiine masterlist |
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Chapter 1: Hoseok: This Little Lie of Mine
Chapter 2: Yoongi: Blind Trust
Chapter 3: Seokjin: True Image
Chapter 4: Jimin & Taehyung: Together 'Til the End
Chapter 5: Jungkook: The Ones That Love Me So
Chapter 6: Namjoon: You A-R e M-Y light
Chapter 7: Epilogue: Teamwork Makes the Dreamwork
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auditioningkpopmemes · 4 years ago
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ggukkiedae · 2 years ago
Love Yourself: Answer
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the black hair stayed especially since she had a drama to film
but the stylists always made sure to add hair tinsel
consistent with the last comeback, she still was constantly styled in tall af heels making everyone have a heart attack with how she danced in them
Album Credits:
Production: dimple, mic drop, go go, the truth untold, magic shop, anpanman, tear, euphoria, trivia: why (solo), i'm fine, idol, answer: love myself
lyrics: dna, best of me, dimple, mic drop, go go, her, fake love, the truth untold, magic shop, airplane pt. 2, anpanman, tear, euphoria, trivia: why (solo), i'm fine, idol
choreography: best of me, go go, anpanman, trivia: why
outside of bangtan: Produce 48( We Together, You're in love right?, Still Dreaming), Waste it on me, Wanna One (the while Power of Destiny album, TXT (Our Summer, Nap of a Star), Iz*one (Violeta, Up)
Line Distribution
also quite a dance centric video so yeah there's that
for her scenes where they're not dancing, the first one is her standing there while the members are hugging her, kissing her head/cheeks, just being affectionate
one "ursoo johda" had a close up of her tilting her head and raising an eyebrow while vibing
then her opening for the bridge was her runway walking in her hanbok style outfit before tossing the fan she was holding backwards where it flew over the others and changed the color of the background
Iconic Moments
first of all "i'm so fine wherever i go"
just the parts in the idol music video where the boys were being affectionate and kissing her head, squishing her cheeks, and hugging her while she did her lines
the last chorus of idol and yet she still somehow dances it it tall heels aksjdnf
bringing nala everywhere (except bon voyage)
literally laughing her ass off when she realized jin forgot their house's passcode plus more friendship moments in general in bon voyage
the partner dance in her solo song during the tour (plus her cute dancer who (spoiler!) is heeseung, but no one knew who he was yet)
just tour moments especially in anpanman and so what
her preparing jungkook's cake for his birthday with the utmost look of concentration on her face then jimin and hobi in giggles bc it's cute
the bangtan bomb of the boys smothering her in affection for the idol music video to the point where she'd laugh instead of doing her lines
casting announcement! sky castle!!!
just her scenes in sky castle
especially the first one where she pulls up in a motorcycle beside the rest if her family who were in the family car
producing the debut evaluation songs for produce 48
receiving the order of merit
doing something between a dance and a gymnastics routine inspired by nongak during mma
airplane part 2 in her white asymmetrical dress for mama japan (also when she showed professionalism after her top broke in fake love)
her and mark seemingly having a long conversation during the finale of gayo daechukjae
the bangtan hug at gayo daejejun for new year
and then when she ran over to wanna one to give them a little pep talk and a hug
her hype during literally every end of year idol performance, but especially the gda mma and mama one like something snapped in her
being excited for txt's debut and tweeting support for seri! (and a selca with yeonjun from 2016)
being cozy in armypedia
the grammys
being the "coach x" on produce x 101
but otherwise she was quite quiet in this era, mostly because she was busy and her schedule was literally packed
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TAGLIST: @sunflower-0180 @seaoffangirling @yourwonderbelle @1-800-enhypennabi @kamiiyou @strwberrydinosaur @uraveragefangirlsposts @caratinylyfe @1-800-minji @one16core @kimhyejin3108 @chansols @akshverse @toriluvsfics @billboard-singer @stopeatread (bolded = can't tag 😭) (taglist/s open! just drop an ask or a dm <3)
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bangtan-translations · 5 years ago
•|Cómo BTS siempre mantiene a sus fans regresando por más|•
Con el lanzamiento de su nuevo álbum, Map of the Soul: 7, BTS una vez más solidificó su estatus como superestrellas mundiales.
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Tras su lanzamiento, el álbum llegó a la cima de las listas musicales y estableció un nuevo récord con las ventas más altas en su primer día en Corea del Sur, vendiendo la enorme cantidad de 2.6 millones de unidades en seis horas.
Ventas récord, cientos de espectáculos agotados e innumerables premios, todos hablan de la magnitud del éxito de BTS. Muchos han intentado descifrar el código de BTS, generalmente pasando por alto una parte simple, pero crucial, del rompecabezas: la capacidad de BTS de atraer a sus fans. Una y otra vez, los fans apasionados de BTS, ARMY, han ayudado a BTS a establecer y romper récords, logrando alturas nunca vistas no solo en K-pop, sino en todo el panorama musical a nivel mundial.
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Atraer y mantener una base de fans tan enorme y altamente comprometida no es tarea fácil, y cómo BTS logra hacerlo es una discusión continua. Si bien las fotos promocionales del grupo, los videos musicales cinematográficos y las coreografías complejas brindan un atractivo visual junto con canciones pegadizas, estos elementos por sí solos no son suficientes para mantener el nivel de devoción que disfruta la banda. Más allá de su música, se encuentran algunos elementos imprescindibles que ayudan a atraer y retener a los fans.
La capacidad de BTS de entrelazar conceptos universales en su trabajo es un gran atractivo para muchos fans. Donde la mayoría de las canciones pop dependen en gran medida de temas de amor y desamor, BTS ofrece una narrativa profunda llena de una amplia gama de conceptos. Las presiones sociales sobre la juventud, la salud mental, la amistad, la tentación, el amor propio y la reflexión son temas evidentes en muchos de sus conceptos y letras.
La narrativa extendida del Universo Bangtan, una historia de realidad alternativa que corre paralela a su otro contenido y presenta personajes basados ​​en cada miembro, permite vínculos con temas más pesados ​​como la pobreza y los hogares rotos. Esta historia fragmentada, presentada a través de medios visuales y textos, alienta a los fans a participar activamente en la construcción de su historia.
Las historias nos afectan, de la misma manera que lo hace la música, y al alentar la participación de los fans e incorporar temas más allá de las quejas comunes o las celebraciones de amor, BTS puede llegar a más personas.
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Eso no quiere decir que BTS evite abordar el tema del amor, ni mucho menos. Sin embargo, su enfoque difiere a veces del tema de la música pop. En lugar de centrarse en el amor externo y las relaciones, BTS opera dentro del marco del amor propio y la introspección, temas que se realizan en sus álbumes más recientes.
Los fans también son atraídos por las distintas plataforma que emplea BTS, superando los límites del “modelo” K-pop. ARMYPEDIA, que se dió a conocer en febrero del 2019, es un archivo digital que permitió a los fans enviar recuerdos de BTS después de escanear códigos QR ocultos en ubicaciones en línea y fuera de línea. Al final del proyecto de cuatro semanas, ARMYs habían escaneado con éxito todos los 2.080 códigos. ARMYPEDIA concluyó con 10,000 fans en Seúl viendo un programa de entrevistas de BTS pre-filmado, mientras que 130,000 fans lo vieron por transmisión en vivo, un número que no puede ser subestimado, especialmente porque BTS no estaba físicamente presente.
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Del mismo modo, el proyecto "CONNECT BTS", que mostró creaciones de arte incluyendo simulaciones digitales, esculturas y una serie de actuaciones en cinco ciudades de todo el mundo, así como un sitio web donde los fans globales podrían experimentar exhibiciones a través de fotos y videos, destacó a artistas cuyas filosofías complementan los propios mensajes de BTS. Algunos fans que vivían lejos de las exhibiciones visitaron las galerías de arte locales, compartieron sus experiencias en línea y alentaron a otros a hacer lo mismo. Al promover el arte fuera de los suyos, BTS ganó el interés de los fans amantes del arte y motivó a aquellos que no familiarizados con el mismo a probar algo nuevo.
Tanto ARMYPEDIA como CONNECT BTS, aunque solo fueron extensiones hacia ellos, lograron atraer e inspirar a miles.
Quizás la atracción más fuerte entre BTS y ARMY es la relación auténtica y horizontal que BTS ha mantenido consistentemente con sus fans. Incluso como aprendices, BTS actualizaba directamente a sus fans a través de su cuenta compartida de Twitter, algo que los ayudó a cultivar una base orgánica de fans que habría sido un poco más difícil de lograr con cuentas individuales o administradas por la empresa.
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A pesar de su popularidad actual, los miembros aún publican activamente en Twitter y suben contenido a Weverse, una red sociales para artistas y fans. Su uso le permite a BTS compartir su vida cotidiana e interactuar directamente con sus seguidores, lo que refuerza el vínculo entre artista y fanático.
En la misma línea, BTS continuamente se esfuerza por comunicarse con sus fans, hablan sinceramente a través de su música e historias, pero también a través de discursos en premiaciones y charlas a mitad de conciertos. No importan sus logros, BTS nunca deja que sus fans olviden que la gloria también es suya. Esta actitud genuina y comunicación activa con el fandom genera confianza y aprecio, permitiendo a los fans sentirse respetados como individuos en lugar de ser tratados como un consumidor monolítico.
Las actitudes y acciones de BTS han inspirado lealtad y dedicación como ningún otro. Al poner su máximo esfuerzo, pasión y determinación en su arte y al mismo tiempo proporcionar formas para que sus fans se involucren con ellos, BTS se ha asegurado de que a medida que continúan en su camino, sus fans estén allí con ellos.
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BTS’ relationship with their haters and with their fans
This post is part of the TSU. It belongs to the first part: Biography.
The relationship with haters
BTS may have had a slight case of obsession with their haters at the beginning of their career. It’s understandable though. The situation was hard for Bangtan, especially the ones coming from the underground scene that had accepted to become idols. The 4 Things documentary about RM and u/baepsayed’s posts about BTS’ pre-debut give a good idea of it.
They mentioned haters in 2 Cool 4 Skool, but the first songs really dedicated to them are “We On” and “BTS Cypher Pt.1” in O!RUL8,2?. They were aimed at all those who thought BTS wouldn’t make it after debuting. People also thought that becoming idols implied to renounce to sincerity and to just make commercial songs. By writing most of their lyrics and talking about society’s problems in their main tracks, Bangtan proved them wrong again. It was a fight, haters attacked Bangtan and Bangtan attacked back, belittling each other without being able to ignore each other though.
“Oh oh my haters, please diss me a little more”
“I’m not in the military service but my hobby is to shoot at you We gave you a blow with We are bulletproof The lame fakers’ consciences are pricked and react”
The next two Cyphers are in the same vein, “BTS Cypher Pt.2: Triptych” and “BTS Cypher PT.3: Killer (feat. Supreme Boi)” are masterpieces of wordplays and metaphors aimed to insult back the haters. Luckily, we have Muish’s ramblings (“Triptych”, “Killer”) and Doolset’s translations (“Triptych”, “Killer”) to appreciate all the work of the rap line.
There’s no song specifically against haters in The Most Beautiful Moment in Life series but the songs with a political message (“Dope” and “Baepsae”) includes mentions of the haters so they’re still on the boys’ mind.
The war ends in WINGS, the album where they reach adulthood. “BTS Cypher 4” is a goodbye to the haters, because while the haters are still obsessed with the boys:
“Even if you don’t like me, YOU KNOW ME Even if you don’t like me, YOU KNOW ME”
BTS is already walking towards their next chapter, namely Love Yourself:
“I love I love I love myself I love I love I love myself I know I know I know myself Ya playa haters you should love yourself”
We thus see that the first step to self-love was to ignore haters, even before the boys started working on themselves.
The epilogue to this series of songs is “Mic Drop”. RM explained in the Comeback Show - BTS DNA that he wrote his rap and realized he had no anger anymore, that these people weren’t important and that therefore it was goodbye. Not only has BTS decided to ignore haters, but they’ve also proved them wrong by conquering the worldwide music charts:
You would’ve thought we’d fail but I’m fine sorry Sorry Billboard Sorry worldwide Sorry that your son’s on such a roll, mum We be good to your parents on your behalf, which you weren’t able to do [...]
Did you see my bag Did you see my bag It’s full of trophies How you think bout that How you think bout that Haters are already fed up
BTS has nothing to do anymore with haters. There are thus low chances we’ll have another song about them - time to mourn “Cypher V ft. V” it seems. Even “땡” (Ddaeng) (Lyrics, Muish’s rambling), the very last song about haters, was released during the 2018 Festa so it was more intended as a gift for ARMY than a message to haters.
Fans replaced haters as BTS’ main obsession
Now that the haters are a matter of the past, Bangtan finally has time to acknowledge their fans. We technically already had “Miss Right” but it’s just an addition to Skool Luv Affair and the lyrics are just about an ideal girl so it’s hard to consider it as a song about ARMY. The next occurrence was “I Know” by RM and Jungkook. However, it was not an official release but a gift for ARMY during the 2016 Festa. Considering the date of release, it can be counted as the beginning of the “fans above haters” phase. And already they’re including everyone with lyrics such as:
“Know you love me girl So that I love you Know you love me boy So that I love you”
“2! 3!” and “Magic Shop” are both dedicated to the fandom. It’s interesting to see they’re both included in dark albums with respectively the theme of temptation (WINGS) and fakeness (Love Yourself 轉 Tear), rather than the hopeful You Never Walk Alone or the happy Love Yourself 承 Her. Same with the lyrics, you could expect something joyful but the boys rather decided to be sorry for all the hardships ARMY had to go through:
“Saying that there will only be good things from now on Saying that you won’t get hurt I can’t say that”
“I know that you’re hesitating because even if you say the truth, In the end it will all return as scars”
However, they also remind us to believe in the future and now that ARMY has helped accomplish their dreams, BTS hopes for ARMY to take care of themselves too:
“It’s okay come on when I say one two three forget it Erase all sad memories hold my hand and smile”
“You gave me the best of me So you’ll give you the best of you You’ll find it, the galaxy inside you”
Even though they’re not officially dedicated to ARMY, “Outro: Wings” and “A Supplementary Story: You Never Walk Alone” can both represent the relationship between the group and their fans. It’s confirmed in the credits of The Wings Tour:
Special thank to our wings, A.R.M.Y
Same with “Answer: Love Myself”:
You’ve shown me I have reasons I should love myself
“But the mask and persona itself is ARMY. BTS=ARMY ARMY=BTS”
 - RM, Map of the soul: Persona behind (11:30)
I don’t know if they know about it, but ARMY often patronize each other with “ARMY is BTS’ face” to remember everyone to behave well and be respectful.
It’s also through the fandom that BTS reached the mainstream level - and they stayed thanks to their talent. Even now, all interviews or articles will have at least one paragraph about the fandom.
But is it what RM meant when he said that ARMY is BTS’ persona?
He described the idea of persona as the social mask we wear outside. It does fit with ARMY being BTS’ representative.
However, our dear leader also explained that the songs - except “Intro: Persona” and “Dionysus” - were a tribute to ARMY. The songs explain how BTS see ARMY: someone with whom they share a relationship of mutual caring and trust.
“HOME” is the song acknowledged as being dedicated to ARMY. It expresses that “the home BTS want to return to when they’re tired and lonely is ARMY” according to the article presenting the album (src 1, src 2).
We’ll be at ease without needing to say a word If I only have you, everywhere will become my home
The idea that wherever they are, the boys feel at home with ARMY resonates a lot with their international schedule and them having their best time during concerts - when they’re with ARMY.
So more than an Adorable Representative MC for Youth for BTS, ARMY is actually a very close friend. Which leads us to the last point.
Recently, BTS has tried to be even closer to us:
they used fans’ phones to film themselves during concerts
they tried to register for music shows pre-recordings (Jin and RM)
they did an unboxing of Persona (J-Hope, Jimin, and Jungkook)
they posted on the Fancafe from ARMY’s side (Suga and V)
Those are typical fan activities that are familiar to a lot of ARMY.
Laslty, they asked about us with the hashtags #curiousaboutARMY #아미의모든게궁금해 (on @BTS_twt, @bts_bighit, and on @MnetMcountdown for an event collecting ARMY’s moments about BTS for MCountdown BTS Comeback Special). And the ARMYPEDIA event was the occasion to collect even more ARMY memories.
Hard to tell if it’s for a future project or just for fun but no matter what, I don’t think a lot of artists try to understand their fans to that point.
Firstly focused on the hate, BTS has progressively learned to rather prioritize what they love and to enjoy the close relationship they have with their fans.
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bangtanitalianchannel · 7 years ago
Schedule 2019
1 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.57 (13 🇮🇹) 
5 - Under Nineteen (J-Hope) + Golden Disc Awards (i BTS parteciperanno ma non si esibiranno)
6 - Golden Disc Awards (i BTS parteciperanno, si esibiranno)
8 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.58 (13 🇮🇹)
9 - Jungkook Day
12 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Nagoya (Nagoya Dome)
13 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Nagoya (Nagoya Dome)
15 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.59 (13 🇮🇹) + Seoul Music Awards 2019 (i BTS parteciperanno)
17 - Inizio del webtoon “Save Me”
19 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Singapore (Singapore National Stadium)
22 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.60 (13 🇮🇹)
26 - Uscita di LOVE YOURSELF IN SEOUL (Film)
29 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.61 (13 🇮🇹)
5 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.62 (13 🇮🇹)
10 - Grammys (2 di mattina del 11/02 🇮🇹)
12 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.63 (13 🇮🇹)
16 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Fukuoka (Fukuoka Yafuoku! Dome)
17 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Fukuoka (Fukuoka Yafuoku! Dome) 
18 - Compleanno di J-Hope
19 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.64 (13 🇮🇹)
26 - Edaily Culture Awards (i BTS non si esibiranno)        2019 GLOBAL V LIVE TOP10        [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.65 (13 🇮🇹)
5 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.66 (13 🇮🇹)
9 - Compleanno di Suga
10 - Primo evento ARMYPEDIA (Seul)   
12 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.67 (13 🇮🇹)
19 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.68 (13 🇮🇹)
20 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Hong Kong (Asiaworld-Expo Arena)
21 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Hong Kong (Asiaworld-Expo Arena)
23 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Hong Kong (Asiaworld-Expo Arena)        Secondo evento ARMYPEDIA (Seul) - Live su BangtanTV
24 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Hong Kong (Asiaworld-Expo Arena) 
6 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Bangkok (Rajamangala National Stadium)
7 - LOVE YOURSELF Tour: Bangkok (Rajamangala National Stadium)
11 - Fine del webtoon “Save Me”
12 - Uscita di MOTS: Persona + Boy With Luv (11 am 🇮🇹)         SiriusXM Hits 1 (13 🇮🇹)         Elvis Duran Show (14 🇮🇹)         BTS 꿀FM 06.13 : Comeback Special (17 🇮🇹) 
13 - Saturday Night Live (Comeback Stage) (5:30 🇮🇹 della notte tra 13 e 14)
17 - Conferenza stampa globale per l'uscita di MOTS: Persona (4 am 🇮🇹 della notte tra 16 e 17)
18 - MCD BTS Comeback Special
19 - Music Bank
20 - Music Core
21 - Inkigayo  
24 - The FACT MUSIC AWARDS (12:00 🇮🇹 - i BTS parteciperanno, non si esibiranno)
25 - MCountdown (11:00 🇮🇹)        Fansign (13:30 🇮🇹)
26 - Music Bank (10:00 🇮🇹)       Fansign (12:30 🇮🇹)
27 - Music Core (8:35 🇮🇹)       Fansign (11:00 🇮🇹)
28 - Inkigayo (pre-registrato) (8:50 🇮🇹)        SBS Inkigayo Super Concert (Gwangju) (12:00 🇮🇹)
30 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.69 (14 🇮🇹)
1 - Billboard Music Awards (i BTS si esibiranno) (2:00 🇮🇹 della notte tra 1 e 2)
4 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Los Angeles (Rose Bowl Stadium)  (4:30am 🇮🇹)
5 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Los Angeles (Rose Bowl Stadium) (4:30am 🇮🇹)
7 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.70 (14 🇮🇹)
11 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Chicago (Soldier Field) (2:30am 🇮🇹)
12 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Chicago (Soldier Field) (2:30am 🇮🇹)
14 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.71 (14 🇮🇹)
15 - The Late Show With Stephen Colbert  (5:35am 🇮🇹 della notte tra 15 e 16)         Festival di Good Morning America (Central Park)
18 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: New Jersey (Metlife Stadium)  (1:30am 🇮🇹)
19 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: New Jersey (Metlife Stadium) (1:30am 🇮🇹)
21 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.72 (14 🇮🇹)        The Voice (3am 🇮🇹 della notte tra 21 e 22)
25 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Sao Paulo (Allianz Parque) (0:00am 🇮🇹)
26 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Sao Paulo (Allianz Parque) (0:00am 🇮🇹)
28 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.73 (14 🇮🇹)
30 - Esibizione a Britain’s Got Talent
1 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Londra (Wembley Stadium) (20:30 🇮🇹)      Conferenza stampa ufficiale Love Yourself: Speak Yourself 
2 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Londra (Wembley Stadium) (20:30 🇮🇹)
3 - BTS FESTA Opening Ceremony - Family Portrait #1
4 - BTS FESTA BTS Photo Collection 18/19 + Anpanman      [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.74 (14 🇮🇹)
7 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Parigi (Stade De France) (20 🇮🇹)      BTS FESTA Choreography Video #1      BTS WORLD - Canzone Jin x Jimin x Jungkook
8 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Parigi (Stade De France)  (20 🇮🇹)      BTS FESTA Bangtan News
9 - BTS FESTA Choreography Video #2
10 - BTS FESTA Family Portrait #2
11 - BTS FESTA Euphoria (Piano Ver.)        [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.75 (14 🇮🇹)
12 - BTS FESTA BTS Profile 2019 Ver.  
13 - 6° Anniversario        BTS FESTA Bangtan Attic
14 - BTS WORLD - Canzone V x J-Hope   
15 - Muster 2019 Magic Shop (Busan Asiad Auxiliary Stadium) (12:00 pm 🇮🇹)
16 - Muster 2019 Magic Shop (Busan Asiad Auxiliary Stadium) (12:00 pm 🇮🇹)
18 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.76 (14 🇮🇹)
21 - BTS WORLD - Canzone RM x SUGA
22 - Muster 2019 Magic Shop (Seoul Olympic Gymnastics Arena) (12:00 pm 🇮🇹)
23 - Muster 2019 Magic Shop (Seoul Olympic Gymnastics Arena) (12:00 pm 🇮🇹)
25 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.77 (14 🇮🇹)
26 - BTS WORLD - Uscita del gioco + Uscita ‘Heartbeat’
28 - BTS WORLD - Uscita dell’album delle colonne sonore
2 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.78 (14 🇮🇹)
3 - Uscita di 「Lights/Boy With Luv」
6 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Osaka (Yanmar Stadium Nagai) (9:30 🇮🇹)
7 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Osaka (Yanmar Stadium Nagai) (9:30 🇮🇹)
9 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.79 (14 🇮🇹)
13 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Shizuoka (Shizuoka Stadium Ecopa) (9:30 🇮🇹)
14 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Shizuoka (Shizuoka Stadium Ecopa) (9:30 🇮🇹)  
16 - Handshake per l’uscita di  「Lights/Boy With Luv」        [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.80 (14 🇮🇹)
17 - Handshake per l’uscita di  「Lights/Boy With Luv」
23 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.81 (14 🇮🇹)        Uscita su AppleTV e Amazon Prime Video di BTS World Tour        ‘LOVE YOURSELF’ New York/Europe 
30 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.82 (14 🇮🇹)
6 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.83 (14 🇮🇹)
7 - Uscita di Bring The Soul (Film al cinema)
11 - Lotte Duty Free Family Concert (11 am 🇮🇹)
13 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.84 (14 🇮🇹)
20 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.85 (14 🇮🇹)
27 - Uscita della docu-serie di Bring The Soul (Weverse)
1 - Compleanno di Jungkook
12 - Compleanno di RM
27 - Uscita “Chicken Noodle Soup” di J-Hope feat. Becky G.
2 - [BANGTANTV] BTS Vacation LOG - Suga (14 🇮🇹)
3 - [BANGTANTV] BTS Vacation LOG - J-Hope (14 🇮🇹)
4 - [BANGTANTV] BTS Vacation LOG - RM (14 🇮🇹)
7 - [BANGTANTV] BTS Vacation LOG - Jin (14 🇮🇹)
8 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.86 (14 🇮🇹)
9 - [BANGTANTV] BTS Vacation LOG - V (14 🇮🇹)
10 - [BANGTANTV] BTS Vacation LOG - Jimin (14 🇮🇹)
11 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Riyad        (King Fahd International Stadium)        [BANGTANTV] BTS Vacation LOG - Jungkook (14 🇮🇹)
13 - Compleanno di Jimin
18 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.87 (14 🇮🇹)         Uscita del remix di “Make It Right” con Lauv
22 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.88 (14 🇮🇹)
24 - Inizio votazioni per i MAMA 2019
26 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Seul (Olympic Stadium)
27 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Seul (Olympic Stadium)
29 - LOVE YOURSELF - SPEAK YOUSELF Tour: Seul (Olympic Stadium)
5 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.89 (13 🇮🇹)
11 - [V LIVE] Run BTS! 2019 - Ep.90 (13 🇮🇹)
19 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Ep.1 (13 🇮🇹)
21 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Behind Cam Ep.1 (13 🇮🇹)
23 - Muster 2019 Magic Shop in Giappone (Zozo Marine Stadium)
24 - Muster 2019 Magic Shop in Giappone (Zozo Marine Stadium)
28 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Ep.2 (13 🇮🇹)
29 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Behind Cam Ep.2 (13 🇮🇹)
30 - MMA 2019 a Seul  
3 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Ep.3 (13 🇮🇹)       Fine votazioni per i MAMA 2019 (15.59 🇮🇹)
4 - Compleanno di Jin       MAMA 2019 a Nagoya (Giappone)
5 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Behind Cam Ep.3 (13 🇮🇹) 
6 - SUGA’s Interlude (6 🇮🇹)       iHeartRadio Jingle Ball
10 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Ep.4 (13 🇮🇹)
12 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Behind Cam Ep.4 (13 🇮🇹)
14 - Muster 2019 Magic Shop in Giappone (Kyocera Dome)
15 - Muster 2019 Magic Shop in Giappone (Kyocera Dome)
17 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Ep.5 (13 🇮🇹)
19 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Behind Cam Ep.5 (13 🇮🇹)
24 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Ep.6 (13 🇮🇹)
25 - SBS Gayo Daejeon 
26 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Behind Cam Ep.6 (13 🇮🇹)
27 - KBS Gayo Daechukje
30 - Compleanno di V
31 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Ep.7 (13 🇮🇹)         Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve con Ryan Seacrest 2020         (in Italia saranno le 2.00 della notte tra 31 e 1)
2 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Behind Cam Ep.7 (13 🇮🇹)
7 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Ep.8 (13 🇮🇹)
9 - [Weverse] Bon Voyage 4 - Behind Cam Ep.8 (13 🇮🇹)
La schedule può essere soggetta a modifiche in qualsiasi momento.
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serendipitybutterfly · 6 years ago
Being a Theorist ARMY...
So... I’m really thinking the title track is going to be a new take on No More Dream...?
It’s just... we’re going back to the beginning to find the ‘map of the soul’ right? 
Like I’ve been thinking about how in the Persona trailer there’s ‘Dream’ above ‘Persona’, ‘Love’ above ‘Shadow’ and ‘Happiness’ above ‘Ego’. If we look at this new series as a trilogy which will track their musical history as well as personal growth as artists and, more personally, as young men (which considering their recent focus on ‘looking back’ it really seems it will), then it would make sense to start at the very beginning... No More Dream. That new version they did for the Armypedia talk show... maybe that was a bit of a teaser in of itself... 
If I’m on the right track (and I know there are other Armys thinking along these lines) then the next album, ‘Shadow’, with a title song called ‘Love’, will probably reference their ‘2nd generation’... so maybe the title track will be a new take on ‘I Need You’?... or maybe (and I am almost shaking to type it) Blood Sweat and Tears (honestly with a album called ‘Shadow’ in this context of retracing their journey... the dark Wings era has got to be referenced a lot) .... Whatever the case... if this is correct...I feel like Yoongi will get the intro for ‘Shadow’... the thought already gives me the shivers. 
So that would mean that the last of the trilogy ‘Ego’ would be referencing their ‘3rd gen’ ... so the LY era, and I think Hobi will take the intro. If the title track is called ‘Happiness’... perhaps we’re going to be looking at a song which references and/or opposes Fake Love?? Or maybe a big climactic celebration song like Idol? Hmmm... 
Of course... It isn’t at all confirmed that ‘Dream’ will be the name of the title track for Map of the Soul: Persona... and if it isn’t then... a lot of this can be chucked out the window... lol... 
0 notes
hisunshiine · 3 years ago
— armypedia 🧩  jungkook
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Chapter 5: Jungkook: The Ones That Love Me So
⟢ pairing: none
⟢ credit: co-written with @heathfritillary​​ ♡
⟢ genre: horror au | thriller au | angst | minor smut | thriller/spooky |
⟢ rating: 18+ | mature themes & explicit content
⟢ story warnings: Horror, Psychological Horror, Violence, Kidnapping, Torture, Pain, Delusional Thinking, Explicit Language, Minor Character Death, Weapons, Fire, Blood, Additional Warnings Identified This Chapter: mentions of death, mentions of sex/sex workers, torture devices, pain: psychological and physical, fear
⟢ wc: 1,552
⟢ summary: Wanna play a game? 🧩 The members of BTS find themselves awakening, one by one, seemingly abducted and with no clue as to what is going on. Soon, they’ll have to piece together puzzles designed specifically for the KPOP group as they are forced to participate in a sick game of life and death, conducted by someone who has a point to prove. This eight chaptered horror fanfic takes inspiration from the movie franchise, Saw.
⟢ author’s note: thanks for reading for spooky season. please remember this is a work of fiction. we love all of the members equally and very much. this is only for spooky season. please respect their privacy irl.
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                  | armypedia masterlist | hisunshiine masterlist |
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Ankles bound, arms spread and unable to move, his voice grew raspier as he kept hollering after help. He had no clue where he was nor how he’d even gotten there. Pitch black. He couldn’t see anything and the only thing he heard was the sound of his own decreasing voice and the shackles that kept him in place. Although he wasn’t able to use his sight, the unbearable heat made the situation worsen. Sweat dripping down his temples as well as his back, Jungkook felt uncomfortable. He had no idea what time it was, let alone how long he'd been held captive.
“Namjoon?” He kept yelling after his bandmates, they were the few memories he could recall of before awakening. “Hyung!”
Defeated, he hung his head and attempted to catch his breath whilst slightly tugging at the heavy chains. He noticed a light begin to glow from below him, a square shaped box lighting up. Gazing down, he bewilderingly frowned at a pink stuffed animal approaching the screen, gasping lightly when he recognized the bunny as his creation for ARMY’s.
“Jeon Jungkook, I’d like to play a little.” The distorted voice of someone using a voice altering filter said. “You claim you love your devoted fans. For years, you have been beloved by many, but how much do you care for those who have devoted their lives for you?” A loud buzzer went off and he hastily glanced around when the place he was being held lit up. “Take a look inside.”
Jungkook blinked repeatedly to adjust to the rapid change from dark to light, and in front of him was a glass window. A flickering light turned on from the other side where he could make out two women; they stood bound and gagged. Disturbed by the vision of them standing on a plank with what appeared to be a noose loosely tied around each of their necks. Both sets of eyes lit up when they adjusted to the light in the room and recognized him. They began to scream at him for help, their pleading voices muffled through the glass, but filled with utter dread.
“You may know these women; they certainly know you, Jeon Jungkook. To your right is your most problematic sasaeng known by her fansite name headliner_jk and on your left,” his gaze moved to the other, who appeared to have wet herself in fear, “meet Carrot NUNA. Both of these women have gone above and beyond to capture your every little move and it is safe to say that they are known as horrible people who deprive artists like yourself of a moment of privacy. Jeon Jungkook, you have a choice to make here.”
“You sick fuck! What is this? Let me go!” he shouted at the screen below him while attempting to rip himself free of his confinements.
“If you love ARMY's, you love all of them, even the bad ones. There is a handle on each side of your hand, and you can only hold on to one, choose one you want to save. If you decide to do nothing, those chains keeping you steady will begin to move apart, eventually ripping your arms from your torso. The choice is yours, Jungkook, save a sasaeng or don’t. You have three minutes.”
The screen turned off and he immediately cursed after the creepy voice that was using his BT21 creation, Cooky, as a puppet for this diabolical game. The same buzzer went off and the timer began to tick seconds away off the clock. Simultaneously, the plank the women were standing on began to move, depriving them from having something solid to stand on, and eventually hanging them when they should lose that last bit of footing.
Whimpering, they called after him to the best of their abilities, and as much as discontentment and disgust oozed out of him, he hastily grabbed each handle on either side of his muscular thighs preventing their planks from retreating. Grunting, he cried out at the sting of his arms being pulled slowly.
Images then appeared on two screens on either side of the glass where the women appeared to Jungkook. To the right was the woman known as headliner_jk,  and images of him slid through the screen on her side, showcasing the footage from when she had recently stalked him. He glanced up at her, teary eyes gazing back at him as he recognized the intimate pictures she had taken of him when he was not aware.
The chains pulled at him, and he screamed in agony as the excruciating pain overwhelmed him. The veins in his arms popped, as he tried to fight the pull. His gaze caught the other screen and images Carrot NUNA took kept appearing, equally as damaging, equally an invasion of privacy.
The timer blinked and the chains kept pulling at his arms. A minute and a half remaining and he couldn’t decide which of the two sasaengs he should help. Were it completely up to him, he would loosen his grip on both handles and watch as they struggled with their feet dangling until they eventually died. But he was, unfortunately, not programmed with such a vindictive personality. BTS loved ARMY’s, even the bad ones, as much as they didn’t want to. But the rotten ones, well, they helped him and his bandmates recognize the good ones; luckily for them, the good outweighed the bad.
The timer kept ticking away, precious seconds disappearing as he grew more and more indecisive. Choose one to save and live, or do nothing and die. It was not an easy decision, tears ran down his cheeks at having to play this role of God. He never wanted to be responsible for someone else’s pain, had spent years being responsible for their happiness, but he was given no choice. Do nothing and lose his life, lose the ability to make others smile... or make a tough decision and live with it for the rest of his life.
Both women cried out after him as their feet barely scraped the remaining wood beneath their feet. His strength was giving out and the deafening pain of his arms made it impossible for him to think straight.
Choose one. Which one?
Both images appearing on the screens were equally damning. They had managed to find and capture private moments of him. His gaze caught a glimpse as a frame slid into view that headliner_jk captured of him: Jungkook, golden maknae of BTS sat in his computer chair, masturbating to webcam girls.
A sense of shame and embarrassment overcame him. The images that were being displayed were all private and he wondered how they had even gained access. It was less of the act he was doing than the violation of his privacy that was upsetting. He was a young man in his prime; this was nothing out of the norm for other men his age.
His eyes then fell on Carrot NUNA’s screen as a picture of him getting a blowjob from a black, female escort appeared. He remembered this vividly, several months ago he had decided to give in to his fantasy and experience the pleasure he watched on his computer screen.
Why she hadn’t used this against him was baffling; she had plenty of time to have sold those images to the highest bidder. His eyes fell immediately onto hers and she pleaded with him not to choose her.
As the pain became overbearing, his hands grew weaker and the strength to hold onto both handles became too much. The mixture of the women’s sobbing cries and the deafening tick of the timer reaching its end made him scream as he made the decision and pulled back one of his hands.
All sound ceased and the only thing that filled the room was the cries of one of the women and his grunts as he held tightly onto Carrot NUNA’s handle. The strangled gasps and choking whines from Headliner pulled his gaze up to the woman as her legs bucked out, struggling to find footing that was no longer there and air that was nowhere to be found. It didn’t take long, before she finally gave in to inevitable strangulation of the noose.
A long moment passed after the chains around his ankles and wrists loosened. Carrot NUNA jumped down as her confinements loosened as well, maneuvering her way into the room with Jungkook. She ran into his arms, gratitude pouring from her mouth at being saved, promising to destroy all the footage she had, but he quickly shoved the woman away from him. His eyes glared, honed in on the woman he chose not to save, her body gently swaying in the air.
A door behind him opened, and a large neon sign showcasing the word EXIT lit up above it and he swiftly made his way through it with his surviving sasaeng. But the door they went through didn’t provide any clues to where he was; it was pitch black on the other side. Obstacles and locked doors made Jungkook feel as if they were mice caught in an impossible maze as he attempted to guide himself and the crying woman behind him away from where they had started.
Would he ever escape this nightmare?
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hisunshiine · 3 years ago
— armypedia 🧩  yoongi
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Chapter 2: Yoongi: Blind Trust
⟢ pairing: none
⟢ credit: co-written with @heathfritillary​​ ♡
⟢ genre: horror au | thriller au | angst | minor smut | thriller/spooky |
⟢ rating: 18+ | mature themes & explicit content
⟢ story warnings: Horror, Psychological Horror, Violence, Kidnapping, Torture, Pain, Delusional Thinking, Explicit Language, Minor Character Death, Weapons, Fire, Blood, Additional Warnings Identified This Chapter: mentions of anxiety, vision issues, open wounds
⟢ wc: 2,313
⟢ summary: Wanna play a game? 🧩 The members of BTS find themselves awakening, one by one, seemingly abducted and with no clue as to what is going on. Soon, they'll have to piece together puzzles designed specifically for the KPOP group as they are forced to participate in a sick game of life and death, conducted by someone who has a point to prove. This eight chaptered horror fanfic takes inspiration from the movie franchise, Saw.
⟢ author’s note: thanks for reading for spooky season. please remember this is a work of fiction. we love all of the members equally and very much. this is only for spooky season. please respect their privacy irl.
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                     | armypedia masterlist | hisunshiine masterlist | 
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Head pounding, it’s hard for Yoongi to lift his chin off of his chest and open his eyes. His neck aches, and his shoulder smarts from the old injury. The muscles must have sat at an odd angle for some time for the injury to flare up. After several seconds, Yoongi is finally able to clear some of the swimming feeling in his brain and take note of his circumstance. A heavy weight is pressed against his lower abdomen, and it’s dark except for the dim glare of a glowing set of keys in front of him. Feeling for the source of the weight, his fingers trace the cool metal of interlocking oval cable chains. 
Yoongi tries to stand, but the chain is too tight; he is unable to move from the chair. His heart begins to race, he doesn’t like feeling confined to this chair, doesn’t like the darkness, and can’t stand the unknown of what is going on. His hands begin to move frantically, searching for the end of the chain, his body leaning over to the side attempting to trace its origin, but it’s no use. His breathing is loud, practically the only thing he can hear other than the sound of the blood racing through his arteries and veins, and it takes everything within him to not yell out in panic, despite the feeling of impending doom in his chest. 
The air in the room feels stale, with Yoongi’s body temperature rising due to his anxiety. He knows he must be turning red, and tries to remember what his therapist taught him. Breathe in deeply for 7, hold for 4, breathe out for 7. Yoongi tries to count in his head, following the technique, and when he places his hands on the desk, he hits the keyboard, which awakens the computer monitor on the desk in front of him.
The glare helps him see, giving awareness to the fact that he is in a rundown concrete walled room. He’s about to grab the mouse, when a rustling sound causes him to freeze. Yoongi’s heart begins to pound. He’s not alone.
“Min Yoongi.” A distorted voice comes from the computer speakers, and the screen that was once blank white now showcases a brown circle with eyes. His BT21 character, Shooky, is on the screen, it’s face contorted into a menacing look. Yoongi’s attention locks onto the screen.
“You once were devoted to the fans, who helped make you who you are. But now, you are self-centered, only caring about what ARMY can do for you, and not what you can do for ARMY.” 
Yoongi doesn’t understand. He has always been about his fans, especially ARMY who support not only BTS but his solo ventures as AgustD and a producer. He tugs at the chain around his waist, trying desperately to get free. 
“On the computer is a deconstructed song of yours. You have so many, but I’m sure you should be able to figure it out. Put this song back together and click submit before time runs out, Min Yoongi, or you’ll never be able to create songs again. The chain will pull you back into position and the jar of screws and nails will detonate in your face. Good luck being able to see after that. Remember Min Yoongi, see what is important, or lose your ability to see what is truly most precious to you.” A timer appears on a screen on the wall above the computer that had previously been overlooked by Yoongi. 
Simultaneously, the computer monitor goes black before opening back up to a screen that looks similar to the program he uses for producing tracks, except that at the bottom right there is now a red button that says SUBMIT. Yoongi can see all the components needed to create a track off to the side, but deconstructed as the Shooky had said. Each sound of the snare or bass is its own sound again, and for a 3 minute or so song, it would take some time to properly place each instrument sound correctly. It appears that some sounds were added to throw him off as well. Yoongi tugs at his hair, unsure of where to start. 
A soft cry sounds from behind Yoongi, who tenses up. He had thought the rustling sound he heard earlier was just a fluke, and once Shooky had delivered it’s message, he had forgotten about it, forgotten to even assess the room now that more light was filtering in from the monitor.  Yoongi turns in the chair quickly. 
“H—Hello? I can hear you! Who are you?!” A shaky voice, scared though trying hard to not show it fills the quiet of the room. Yoongi can make out a blindfolded woman standing about  20 feet from him. Where she is standing is surrounded by broken shards of glass; they litter the concrete floor which she is standing barefoot upon. He rolls a little closer to her, but not much due to the heavy chain around his waist. 
“Answer me! W-Who’s there?”
“My name is Min Yoongi..”
“Stop fucking with me!” The woman takes a step forward, but lets out a painful squeal as the soft flesh of her foot makes contact with a shard of glass. It pierces her foot, enough so that Yoongi can see the blood drip from her foot and coat several pieces.
“I’m not.. Please be careful, there’s glass all around you.”
“Please let me go, please… I promise I won’t tell anyone.” Her voice is panicked, high pitched as she begs Yoongi to free her. “I don’t know what I did to make you mad, I swear, I thought I was going to a BTS event, please I promise I won’t say anything.”
Her bound hands try to go to her eyes but the rope wraps around her waist, not allowing her hands to reach her face.  Despite the blindfold, Yoongi can tell she is crying by the way her shoulders shake and the muffled cries she tries to stifle.
“Hey, hey, listen to my voice. It’s me, Min Yoongi.”
The crying quiets down enough, so Yoongi speaks again. This time the woman appears to recognize his voice.
“Yoongi? Why would you—Why are you holding me here?”
“I’m not, listen, we don’t have much time. I have to get us out of here, but I need to recreate a song in order to do so. Fuck, there’s not much time.”
Yoongi turns back to the computer, swiping at the sweat forming along his hairline. The temperature seems to have gotten hotter, as if the AC is off, and it’s only adding to his inability to focus. He begins clicking on sounds, trying to find something to help him recognize what the song is that he is recreating. He plays several random snare sounds, some high pitched piano notes, and cymbals. 
“That sounds like, um… I think those sounds are from your mixtape, Yoongi.” 
Yoongi had been so immersed in trying to recognize the sounds he almost didn’t hear the soft voice of the blindfolded woman. 
“You recognize this?”
“I told you, I thought I was going to a BTS event… I’m a fan. ARMY. I’m actually Suga biased.” It was weird how calm she was able to share this information, what with her foot bleeding and being kidnapped. But something about Yoongi being with her calmed her nerves, even if only slightly given the circumstances.
“I think, if you find the vocal track, that might help you navigate recreating the track. I think it’s Strange.”
Yoongi turns away from the computer, giving his full attention to the woman.
“What’s strange?”
“The song. Featuring RM. I think those sounds belong to Strange from D2.”
Yoongi feels dumb momentarily, but then realizes something.
“Hey, what’s your name?” 
“Um, it’s Moon Jisoo.”
“Jisoo, I’m going to lead you through the glass okay? I think you’re right.”
“Just trust me, okay. I won’t hurt you.”
“I trust you Yoongi.”
Carefully, almost painstakingly, Yoongi leads Jisoo through a maze of broken glass, guiding her feet cautiously to the spots that are free from glass. It took no more than 5 minutes, but glancing at the clock, Yoongi knows he’s used up almost half of the time, which is precious to putting together a song, let alone one that he knows has so many different components to the beat.
“Yoongi? I’m getting really hot.” Jisoo fans at herself as best as she can with bound hands, and Yoongi nods before remembering that she can’t see him.
“Me too. Shit.” Yoongi pulls his shirt over his head, it’s almost overbearing now how hot it is growing in the room. 
Turning back to Jisoo, she follows the last of his directives and is clear of the glass. She falls to her knees once Yoongi tells her she is free from it, and he beckons her to his voice.
“Let me remove the binding and blindfold.”
She kneels in front of him, and he can’t help but feel like in different circumstances, he would enjoy this a lot more. Searching the desk, he finds kid safe scissors in a pen holder. They take a few tries, but he’s able to free her hands from the binding. A sigh of relief falls from her lips, and Yoongi is gentle as his hands move to her face, careful with disrobing the blindfold.
“How’s that?” He asks, voice gentle as he grips her chin to face him. 
“No difference, Yoongi. I—I’m blind.”
His brows furrow, and her eyes stare at him, but more like she’s staring through him.
“Now solve this thing so we can get out of here. I’ll help you in any way I can.” Jisoo stands, and feels around like she is looking for a chair or table.
Yoongi nods, remembering the ticking time bomb that is literally awaiting him should he fail and takes Jisoo’s wrist in his hand.
“There’s no other place to sit other than my lap, don’t worry, if we don’t solve it, when there’s 30 seconds left you can hide behind my chair.”
“What? No!”
“Yes, Jisoo, but let’s figure this out so neither of us has to worry.”
Pulling her gently, she sits on his lap, and he reaches around her to utilize the mouse. Yoongi zones into the music, following Jisoo’s advice to find the vocal track first, and she was right, it was Strange. That helps Yoongi more than she could know, as he is able to rebuild the track around this piece. It’s meticulous, making sure that it sounds identical to the real version on his mixtape, but Jisoo offers help. 
“I love this song, Yoongi, I would know it anywhere. Don’t forget, since I’m blind, my ears are exceptional.”
He grunts an affirmation of reply, dragging sound bits to their spot in the program. She shifts on his lap, uncomfortable from the heat.
“Fuck, it’s still missing something.” Yoongi tugs at his hair, closing his eyes as he breathes in the humid air. It’s only gotten hotter, sweat dripping uncomfortably down his chest. Jisoo sitting on his lap adds to the discomfort, but with her hurt foot, he refuses to ask her to stand. She’s a victim in all of this too, and has been a great help to him.
“Play it all the way through, let me hear it.” Jisoo asks quietly, and Yoongi obliges, reminding her that they are now down to 9 minutes. 
“I can play it maybe two more times, Jisoo...”
“Shhh!” Jisoo shushes Yoongi, paying attention to the track playing.
“There! Right after RM says ‘oh baby what’s your name’, the beat picks back up in the original. You never have the beat drop off!”
Yoongi clicks the mouse several times, Jisoo can hear him frantically clicking and dragging the mouse across the desk. 
“Okay, one last run through, Jisoo, get behind my chair. And take this, cover your face with it.”
Jisoo feels soft cotton being pushed into her hands as Yoongi scoots the chair back so she can stand.
“No, Yoongi, use it to protect yourself instead.”
“Jisoo, I’m not letting you get hurt anymore than you already have. You helped me an insane amount and I think we did it. I’d feel better if you had it. Please.”
Jisoo wants to argue back, but it’s drowned out by the sound of the track playing. Using her hands to guide her, she moves behind Yoongi’s chair, clutching his shirt in her hands as she kneels down, listening. She hears a strange sound of metal on metal and feels the chair move closer to the desk as she 
“Yoongi!” He can feel her stand to speak over the music in his ear. “It’s missing the cymbals right at the end! When you stop rapping!”
“Oh, shit… fuck fuck fuck.”
Jisoo knows the time must be almost up by now; the song is over 3 minutes long and he’s played it twice now, making minor adjustments.
“Kneel back down, I’m submitting it, there’s seconds left, fuck. Fuck.”
Jisoo hears Yoongi take a shuddering breath in before the click of the mouse. 
Bracing themselves, both tense up as they wait for the explosion. A loud grinding of metal sounds causing them both to flinch as Jisoo cries out.
“Congratulations Min Yoongi. What is most precious to you is not your music, but ARMY.”
The distorted voice is gone as fast as it came, and Yoongi feels the pull of the heavy chain release and he is able to stand up. A loud unlocking sound of the door startles him into movement, and as the chains fall uselessly to the wayside, he takes Jisoo’s hand.
“Let’s get out of here.”
Yoongi leads Jisoo towards the door, as she clings to his bare and sweating torso, hopefully out into safety.
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hisunshiine · 3 years ago
— armypedia 🧩  seokjin
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Chapter 3: Seokjin: True Image
⟢ pairing: none
⟢ credit: co-written with @heathfritillary​​ ♡
⟢ genre: horror au | thriller au | angst | minor smut | thriller/spooky |
⟢ rating: 18+ | mature themes & explicit content
⟢ story warnings: Horror, Psychological Horror, Violence, Kidnapping, Torture, Pain, Delusional Thinking, Explicit Language, Minor Character Death, Weapons, Fire, Blood, Additional Warnings Identified This Chapter: fear, weapons
⟢ wc: 2,473
⟢ summary: Wanna play a game? 🧩 The members of BTS find themselves awakening, one by one, seemingly abducted and with no clue as to what is going on. Soon, they'll have to piece together puzzles designed specifically for the KPOP group as they are forced to participate in a sick game of life and death, conducted by someone who has a point to prove. This eight chaptered horror fanfic takes inspiration from the movie franchise, Saw.
⟢ author’s note: thanks for reading for spooky season. please remember this is a work of fiction. we love all of the members equally and very much. this is only for spooky season. please respect their privacy irl.
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                    | armypedia masterlist | hisunshiine masterlist | 
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The sound of a loud buzzer went off. Once, twice, and a couple more times. Groggily, as if he had been sedated, he lifted his heavy head. The buzzer kept piercing his ears, the prominent sound growing louder by the second. After a few blinks, he tiredly attempted to make sense of his surroundings.
It was dark. A little too dark.
Squinting his gaze, his eyes slowly adjusted. The ferocious sound of the buzzer made it unbearable for him to form any thoughts, so he instinctively stood only to get shoved back onto the wooden chair.
“What the hell,” he breathed when his gaze lowered.
Jolting fiercely at his wrists, he sensed the leather of what felt like a belt keeping him prisoner on the seat. Beat after beat, continuously increasing its frequency, his heart pounded harder as he attempted to break free from the confinements. Grunting, he began to wiggle his feet harshly as they, too, were bound but to the legs of the chair.
“What is this?” he shouted as he kept yanking at his wrists.
For a man who exercised regularly, he figured that he would be able to break free but alas – after many poor attempts – his strength gave out. Leaning into the chair, he stared out in total darkness.
“Hello,” he hollered, “Is anyone there?”
Squinting his eyes once more, he tried to trail the room to make out the layout but there was nothing; pitch black and still with the damn buzzer going off. Suddenly, a flickering lamp above him lit up and his gaze immediately flung up. With a small exhale evading his plump lips, he cautiously began to take in the surroundings.  
It was abandoned, a warehouse.
He could make out some graffiti drawings plastered on the grayish toned brick walls. Numbers and words. Some in English, a language he could recognize, as well as his native tongue. There were no windows or doors. Just him, the small table in front, as well as a small old school television. He was unsuccessful, however, in getting a glimpse of what was behind him.
“Guys, come on,” he shouted as rage replaced his initial instinct of panic, “This isn’t funny anymore,” sweat drops slowly emerging as he sensed the room was incredibly hot.
The flicking lamp above came to a halt and he stiffened. A slight fear rushed over him as it had gotten dark again, but he quickly brushed it aside and continuously shouted after his bandmates.
He was sure they were pulling a practical joke on him but enough was enough. The bickering and teasing had gone on for far too long and he was beginning to feel infuriated by his bandmates’ – especially the youngest – constant disrespectful behavior. Yelling after them, he ferociously kept yanking at the confinements when suddenly, the exhaustingly loud buzzer finally ceased. Simultaneously, the lights above the ceiling turned on, one at a time. These were bigger, brighter, and momentarily made him whimper at the sharpness as his eyes adjusted. Just then did he notice a woman sitting opposite him.      
“Hey,” he said softly, “Wake up.”
Her head was lowered. Skin complexion pale, dark,long hair hanging loosely, covering her face. He frowned as he observed the seemingly knocked out woman. His gaze then fell onto her white t-shirt. Recognizing the logo as a merchandise from his 2019 ‘Speak Yourself’-tour, he bewilderingly gazed intensely at the darkened red stains that covered her chest.
“Hey,” he repeated as he jumped in the seat, pushing the chair closer to the table but was suddenly stopped by two jolts on each side of the chair, making it impossible for him to move it further or shift it to the sides.
His heart raced once again as the unresponsive woman alerted him that this was far from a practical joke. Then a loud zap jolted the woman, and she began to scream fiercely. Wide eyed and taken aback, he stared at her frozen in position as she exclaimed before breaking into tears.
“Hey, hey, hey,” he voiced in order to calm the woman.
“What is this?” she began to pull at the same confinements that kept him bound.
“I don’t know, I just woke up here—”                
“You sick fuck!” she exclaimed. “What the hell is this? Why are you keeping—” she paused when her eyes fell onto his. “W-What are doing here?” she stuttered, mascara running down her cheeks, “W-what is going on?”
A sudden mechanical sound made him and the distraught woman direct their eyes at the center of the table. Then a dark object appeared, and he immediately caught his breath upon recognizing it.
It was a gun.
Slowly, it began to move. Circling around between them a few times when it halted in front of him. His eyes locked in on the barrel when the sound of the gun cocking rushed all blood out of him. Panicked, he began to breathe shallower as the gun slowly began to slide backwards.
“What the fuc—” he stared at the gun’s barrel.
“What is this?”                
His eyes were glued to the gun aiming directly at him, “What,” he breathed as he kept yanking at the confinements.
The sear then engaged the hammer and began to place bullets inside. The gun loaded itself. Frozen, they both stared terrifyingly at the gun as it began to move again. Once halting in front of the woman, sending her to a panic frenzy and then back onto him.
This time loaded and cocked.
Gulping, he kept his gaze firmly on the barrel. Fist tightened as dread overcame him, he watched the hammer get pulled back. Unable to move or help himself, he was forced to sit and take a bullet to his chest. The woman screamed, urging whoever was doing this to stop, going as far as stating his credentials and how important he was to many around the world. Begging desperately as he pulled at the unforgiving confinements, he exclaimed at whoever not to take his life. A small click sound then emerged from the gun and defeatedly, he lowered his head as a sigh of relief escaped him. Whimpering, he eyed the gun and then the woman, who started to shed tears again.
“Kim Seokjin,” a muffled voice said and the television behind the woman turned on, “I would like to play a little game, I call it the ‘ honesty ’ game.”
His eyes widened at the sight of his own creation, RJ, being used as a prompt. The woman hastily glanced around to get a glimpse of where the sound was coming from but much like himself, she was unable to gaze backwards.    
“The gun you see in front of you is, in fact, a real gun. As of right now, there are no bullets in it. Once spun and a target is found, the gun will load a single bullet, and depending on your answers, Mr. Kim, the gun will go off,” the eerie distorted voice of RJ explained, “Think Russian Roulette.”
The gun kept circling, demonstrating what the puppet was revealing. The woman kept cursing at the voice causing his heart to beat faster as he realized that this sick game was intended for him. The dirty alpaca with his signature scarf looked meaner and rougher than he’d experienced. Usually he took care of RJ as did ARMY’s but the one operating the one appearing on the television, did not seem to care about the merchandise. Someone went out of their way to get him here. With no clue as to why, he gripped the arms of the chair, feeling utterly helpless.
“I urge you to think of the answer before submitting it, Kim Seokjin. For every insincere one, you’ll activate the gun and for every unanswered question she will be zapped with a high voltage,” his gaze immediately fell onto the sobbing woman, “The human body is extraordinary in its ability to withstand such damaging shocks but I doubt her tiny frame can handle 600 volts,” the RJ puppet moved slightly closer to the frame, “Take a good look at the person sitting opposite you, Kim Seokjin,” her eyes met his, although teary, he knew that she could recognize him, “This is a Japanese army who runs your fan-site. She has devoted her whole life to you; everywhere you go, she will be. She claims she loves you and you claim you love ARMY, Seokjin.”
“What is this,” the woman yelled out, still unable to find the location of the distorted voice, “Why are you doing this?”
“Seokjin, repeatedly, you’ve expressed a need to be dishonest to your fans, hiding behind excuses for not wishing them to worry but are you willing to bare yourself to the most devoted Jin stan in ARMY? The choice is yours.”
The screen went staticy, flickering a few times before it completely shut off. Then the gun began to circle. The woman sobbed fiercely when it pointed at her.
“Why is this happening?” she exclaimed chokingly.
“Give me the questions,” Seokjin hastily shouted as he ferociously kept shifting in his seat, “What are damn the questions?”
“What are you talking about? How the hell am I supposed to know—” he jumped back in his seat when the woman was interrupted by a dose of electricity.
Crying in agony, she lowered her head as drool slowly ran out of her mouth. She was conscious and he could only assume that the voltage wasn’t as high as RJ claimed it was.
“I don’t want to be here,” she incoherently breathed.
“I think that was a warning,” he frantically glanced around, “Is there anything behind me? I can’t see,” his eyes fell back on the pale woman, “Hey, no, please,” he attempted to slide the chair closer to the table, “Stay with me,” he urged, “Stay awake.”
She was struggling to keep her head up, eyelids open and it seemed as if foam was emanating her mouth. Whimpering, he stared intensely at the woman who was described as his number one fan. This was not how he expected to meet ARMYs. He never wanted this.
“Are you really ARMY?”
“Yes,” she voiced so low that he leaned closer, her voice small as if all energy was drained from her, “I love Bangtan Sonyeondan.”
“You need to stay focused if we want to get out of here. Please, stay with me; lift your head,” the gun began to circle. “Look, it’s starting again,” he tightened his fists, “Please,” he yelled when the gun halted in front of him, “Look around and find the questions.”
Tiredly, she slowly did as her favorite idol requested. Heavy eyelids scanning the surroundings as the sound of the hammer of the gun getting pulled back snapped her back into reality.
“I d-don’t,” she paused as she kept glancing at the walls in search of the questions. “There’s nothing, I can’t see anything.”
“Please, hurry,” his eyes remained glued on the barrel of the gun, unable to tell if the next shot would be a loaded one.
Then far behind him, the woman discovered a television neatly placed on the wall in a top corner and she moved closer to make sense of the bouncing letters. The flickering screen made the words jump and she tried desperately to understand the question.
“I see it.”
“What? Hurry, ask me, please.”
Squinting her gaze, she asked, “Kim Seokjin, do you enjoy lying to ARMYs?”
He halted at the question, never taking his terrified eyes from the gun, “N-no,” he paused momentarily, assuring he wasn’t being insincere with his response, “No, I do not enjoy it.”
The gun began to move again, circling between them for a long moment until it randomly stopped in front of the woman. Sobbing, she grew hysterical, shifting violently in attempts to distance herself from the gun’s line of shot.
“You need to calm down and ask me the question,” he spat, “Tell me, it’s cocking itself.”
Through teary eyes, she hulked as she read, “Kim Seokjin, are you embarrassed to tell ARMYs how you feel?”
“No, of course not,” he exclaimed, “I’m not embarrassed.”
The hammer pulled back and the gun ticked, once, twice before the trigger was pulled. Click. It wasn’t loaded. Angrily, she cursed at him for answering the question with such disregard of her safety and his blatant carelessness.
The gun started again, spinning around itself a few times as the two kept shouting at each other, not paying attention to the threatening object that decided their fates. The numbly and utterly terrifying sound of the gun loading a bullet made them cease their argument as they both gazed at whom it was pointing at.
“The question is,” she eyed the gun and then him, “When you are Jin of BTS, are you playing a role?”
Clenching his jaw, he eyed her as he simply nodded, “Everyday. ARMYs have no idea who the real BTS is. They have an idea but they don’t know.”
The gun left her and began to spin again. This time landing on him. A new question appeared and the woman frantically began to shake her head.
“I don’t care, I can’t believe this question,” she said before hollering after whoever was doing this to them, “I refuse to ask it. This is private,” tears fell down her cheeks, “I don’t want to know this.”
“Hurry up, just ask.”
“Do you feel inferior compared to your other bandmates?”
He froze at the question. Taken completely aback, it pierced his heart as this thought was something he had a hard time shaking off during his trainee and early debut years. The absolute scrutiny and embarrassment he went through as the sole member who didn’t have any experience forever marked his pride. Unlike his bandmates, his passion wasn’t music, but it had evolved as he did. Today, he couldn’t comprehend a life outside of BTS and music. Frowning, he contemplated how he was going to answer.
It seemed as if a simple YES or NO answer was all that the monster who had kidnapped them needed. But this required a far more complicated answer, one he did not have time to process let alone formulate an answer to its complexity. Defeatedly, he simply sighed and answered yes. The loud buzzer went off once more and as it did, the gun descended away from the two of them, sliding through an opening in the middle of the table.
“What’s happening?” the woman yelled, but the loud buzzer drowned out her voice.
The screen behind her lit up once more with a simple message staring at him; ‘Thanks for playing’. The sound of the buzzer came to a halt and as it did, a door opened to their left before the confinements that held them in place loosened.
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hisunshiine · 3 years ago
— armypedia 🧩 prologue
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⟢ pairing: none
⟢ credit: co-written with @heathfritillary​ ♡
⟢ genre: horror au | thriller au | angst | minor smut | thriller/spooky |
⟢ rating: 18+ | mature themes & explicit content
⟢ warnings: spying   
⟢ wc: 342
⟢ summary: Wanna play a game? 🧩The members of BTS find themselves awakening, one by one, seemingly abducted and with no clue as to what is going on. Soon, they'll have to piece together puzzles designed specifically for the KPOP group as they are forced to participate in a sick game of life and death, conducted by someone who has a point to prove. This eight chaptered horror fanfic takes inspiration from the movie franchise, Saw.
⟢ author’s note: *DISCLAIMER* This is a work of fiction. 
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                      | armypedia masterlist | hisunshiine masterlist | 
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“Those that don’t appreciate life, do not deserve life.”
It was easy really, the way you were able to move through each of their rooms. It was night, scattered beams of moonlight filtering through haphazardly drawn blinds, aiding you with your task.
As you entered each room, you paused with bated breath, monitoring closely that the figure in front of your eyes was asleep. Once assured, you reached for their phone, picking each of them up and thumbing through the various apps, easily updating yourself on the private details of their everyday life as you maneuvered through their rooms. Like you did every night.
Taking note of several interesting developments, your fingers were gentle as you set each phone down, making sure to leave them on the original screen you found them on before taking your leave to the next room. You made a mental note to thank your friend for her help with the mobile phones. Although she was not aware of your sinister plans, you smiled at the profound information and private details you acquired of your beloved idols thanks to her aid.
Easing your way across the filtered moonlit darkness, all that could be heard was the click when you exited. Finally done with your evening task, you let out a heavy and spontaneous exhale. You coughed ever so fiercely as a lump caught in your throat. Despite your eagerness and excitement to pursue with the intended plans, you had to brace yourself and take the time needed to strategize. Adjusting yourself in your desk chair, you take a moment to lubricate your moisture-less throat with a glass of water before you proceed to write.
Years of neglect, abandonment, and above all the astonishing lack of affection, you wrote every emotion down on paper. Releasing yourself, momentarily, from the continuous heartache caused by those you once devoted your entirety to. You licked the envelopes of the letters you completed. Feeling accomplished and rather proud of yourself, you collected what was needed for the final steps.
Let the games begin.
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hisunshiine · 3 years ago
— armypedia 🧩  jimin & tae
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Chapter 4: Jimin & Taehyung: Together 'Til the End
⟢ pairing: none
⟢ credit: co-written with @heathfritillary​​ ♡
⟢ genre: horror au | thriller au | angst | minor smut | thriller/spooky |
⟢ rating: 18+ | mature themes & explicit content
⟢ story warnings: Horror, Psychological Horror, Violence, Kidnapping, Torture, Pain, Delusional Thinking, Explicit Language, Minor Character Death, Weapons, Fire, Blood, Additional Warnings Identified This Chapter: fear, mentions of death, torture devices, mentions of declining health
⟢ wc: 1,953
⟢ summary: Wanna play a game? 🧩 The members of BTS find themselves awakening, one by one, seemingly abducted and with no clue as to what is going on. Soon, they'll have to piece together puzzles designed specifically for the KPOP group as they are forced to participate in a sick game of life and death, conducted by someone who has a point to prove. This eight chaptered horror fanfic takes inspiration from the movie franchise, Saw.
⟢ author’s note: thanks for reading for spooky season. please remember this is a work of fiction. we love all of the members equally and very much. this is only for spooky season. please respect their privacy irl.
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                   | armypedia masterlist | hisunshiine masterlist |
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He woke up in a complete frenzy. Thoughts scattered as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. His hands clammy as he felt the heavy metal object that was holding his head captive. Heart pounding, he hastily stood and as soon as he did, the room lit up with a screen in front of him turning on. Moving closer to it, he noticed a string attaching his head gear to the television and without a second thought he ripped it free.
“Park Jimin, you need to remain calm.” A creepy, doll-like voice emerged from the television set, seemingly emanating from his famous Chimmy plushie. “When you stood up, you activated the timer. For every passing minute the reverse bear trap on your head will begin to close, an inch at a time,” his gaze widened at the revelation as he eyed down at the sharp metals peaking within the trap.
“You have until the time runs out or else you will die. But there’s hope, look around,” the Chimmy puppet voiced, and Jimin eyed the room in panic before he noticed a man sitting in a corner with his head lowered. “Kim Taehyung is supposedly your best friend,” the Chimmy doll intoned, and Jimin immediately rushed over to his bandmate and best friend, shaking him in hopes he would wake up. “BTS prides themselves on their friendship and brotherhood more so than anything.”
“Taehyungie,” he kept pushing him, speaking lowly as the doll continued its speech, “please, wake up.” His main concern at this moment was his friend’s safety and well-being.
“What if I told you that only one of you could survive this game. Are you willing to let your soulmate die? The key to remove your head piece is located in his chest.” Jimin froze, ears honed in on the last sentence as he slowly lifted Taehyung’s shirt. “The mark showcases where the key is; a knife is in your inner jacket.”
Terrified, Jimin began to pat his jacket, his face ashen when he felt the object hidden in his pocket as stated. He yanked it free as his teary gaze glanced back at the screen, “Either you prove me right and save yourself, or you can save your friend. But you should know, Park Jimin, in Taehyung’s case, arsenic was given to him. There are three needles in total inside this room,”—his eyes wandered and hastily scanned every nook and cranny—“saltwater, battery acid, and the antidote; find the right one before your skull gets pierced or save yourself. The choice is yours.”
The television turned off.
Screaming profanities at the black screen, he felt a bolt of fear pierce through him when suddenly, a timer appeared. Counting down the minutes he had to make an important decision between life and death.
Panic arose as he stared down at his unconscious bandmate. After a few failed attempts, a rusty metal crack made him jump as the head gear moved an inch. Cursing in total disbelief, he gazed down at the sharp objects within the gear that threatened to penetrate his skull.
Pacing back and forth as the timer kept counting down from seven minutes, he tried to pull the head gear off. The light moans of Taehyung slowly awakening caught his attention. He stared down at his bandmate as he regained his consciousness. Only one would survive . The phrase roamed his mind repeatedly. Uncertain whether he would be able to go through with such a terrifying act against his best friend, he contemplated his options.
“W-where am I?” Taehyung groggily said as he came to. “Jimin,” their eyes met and he hesitantly made his way over to his confused friend, “what’s going on? Wh-what’s on your head?”
“How are you feeling?”
“I’m alright, but Jimin,”—Taehyung moved but quickly stared down at the confinements holding him captive—“what the hell is this?” he exclaimed in disbelief. “What the hell is going on?”
Jimin glanced at the screen once more, noting a little more than six minutes were remaining before he got up and began to search the room for the antidote. Taehyung hollered after him, begging him to cut him loose but he knew the knife he possessed wasn’t enough to break the chains holding Taehyung in place.
The head gear closed a little more and Taehyung couldn’t help but notice the movement.
“Jimin-ah… what’s on your head” Taehyung asked, but Jimin was fully immersed with finding something, anything to jam the metal contraption from closing in on his skull, he didn’t respond. Sweat glistening from his temple, he crouched down upon discovering a hammer hidden behind a water barrel in the corner of the room.
Just then did Jimin notice where the hell he was being held captive at. It looked like a broken down old warehouse of some sort, and the walls were covered in mold and graffiti.
Rushing towards Taehyung, Taehyung can barely hold back his fear as he stutters out his words, “Wh-what do you plan to do with that?”
Jimin gripped the handle of the hammer and attempted with the claw end of the hammer to break the lock of the chains. Cursing under his breath after he tried a few times, he gazed at Taehyung who eyed him, bewildered.
“It won’t budge,” he said out of breath. “I don’t know how to get you out of here.”
Pressing his lips together, Taehyung eyed Jimin for a moment before suggesting that he use the claw end of the hammer to loosen the gear off his head. He did as his best friend suggested, but unfortunately, it didn’t help.
“There is another way,” Jimin murmured when the head gear moved again, startling them as the gap closed more.
“What is it?”
“Here.” He pulled his shirt up, flashing his defined abs as he yanked out the knife once more. “There’s a key inside of you that can free me.”
“There’s a what?” Taehyung glanced down at the question mark painted on his golden chest. “How do you know this? Stop fucking with me, Jimin,” he angrily voiced before he began to cough violently.
“There’s a key in there.” Jimin pointed the knife at the mark drawn crudely on Taehyung’s skin. “I’ll be careful, Taehyungie, you gotta trust me.”
“Get the hell away from me!” Taehyung exclaimed in between coughs. “Don’t touch me.”
The head gear moved once more and Jimin hastily stood and whimpered at the light touch of a nail grazing the tip of his nose.
Four minutes left on the timer.
The sound of his best friend’s ferocious coughs made him halt. Small blood stains escaped Taehyung’s mouth as he seemed to struggle to breathe. He couldn’t help but wonder that his bandmate somehow got the shorter end of the stick.
Sweaty, stuck and unable to collect his breath, Jimin was sure it was only a matter of time when Taehyung would parish and he would be damned if he went down with him.
“Arsenic,” he murmured as the Chimmy puppet’s explanation entered his mind. “There’s poison in your system.”
Dumbfounded, Taehyung looked up at his bandmate, a confused look gracing his sharp features. “What are you talking about?”
“The person who took us, Tae; whoever it is that’s doing this”—he grabbed the gear—“placed this shit on my head and poisoned your body.”
“Did you say arsenic?” Jimin nodded at Taehyung’s question. “I c-can die if I don’t get treatment.”
Treatment. Antidote. His eyes scanned the room and rushed over to a ventilation.
As much as he desired his survival, that his instinct was to keep himself alive, he knew in the depths of his heart that Taehyung did not deserve to demise like this. He had a whole life in front of him, as did he, but Jimin, ever the selfless one, was more than okay with dying if it meant that his soulmate could go on living.
Three minutes remaining.
As he searched, he explained everything the Chimmy puppet revealed while Taehyung was unconscious. The timer rang again and Jimin halted as the gear moved the two parts of the trap closer, this time with the back of the head gear shifting and the sharp nails poked through his hair.
“Jimin, it’s about to close.”
“I know, but there’s an antidote around here,” he stuck his arm in the ventilation and reached for a bag with a needle in it. “Found one.”
“Yes, one,” Taehyung said as he approached him, “but Jimin, we don’t know which one that is and honestly,” he gazed at the timer, “you don’t have enough time.”
Hands shaky, Jimin eyed his best friend’s pleading dark eyes as he suggested that he should go ahead and cut into his chest. Even going so far as to encourage him by proclaiming that at least one of them would be saved.
“I can’t do it,” he whimpered.
“The next time that fucking thing moves, Jimin, that’s your eyes,” Taehyung couldn’t contain his tears, “I’ve already been poisoned, man, just be smart here, please.”
“No, shut up,” Jimin began pulling his sleeve up, “This is the antidote.”
“Dude, you’re wasting time,” Taehyung cried, “You don’t know what you have, just cut me already.”
None of them wanted to hurt the other. It was impossible.
As much as the thought crossed his mind to do as Taehyung suggested, to cut into his best friends chest while he was alive and breathing in order to retrieve the key and guarantee that he survives with the guilt of allowing his soulmate to die, he couldn’t find it in his heart to care more for himself than his best friend. BTS was the best thing that ever happened to him and—despite the heartaches, struggles, and bigotry—he’d do it all over again because with the group, he found his true home and second family.
He wouldn’t betray anyone, but especially not his other half. The only member who’d been there through thick and thin. No matter how often they fought, no matter how many times he’d wished him pain, he would never forgive himself if he didn’t do everything in his power to protect his brother.
But time was of the essence. Two minutes remained and he had to do something...now!
“Shut up, Taehyung. You’re the one leaving here alive.”
“You get to make that decision?” Tears ran down his cheek as he eyed his companion, his breathing growing more and more shallow. “Please, don’t be stupid.”
Jimin stood up, cupping the younger’s face and planted a kiss on the top of his head. “Love makes you do stupid things sometimes,” he giggled softly through teary eyes. “It might be the battery acid.”
“If it is,” Taehyung’s lips trembled as he watched Jimin hover the needle against his skin, “th-thank you for being my friend.”
He let out a sob as Taehyung wept, tears flowing silently down his cheeks. With a few seconds left on the timer, they stared deeply into each other’s eyes. Five seconds remaining and all they could do was watch one another, finding comfort in the fact that—as they defeatedly accepted their fate—that they’d be together until the very end.
A loud buzzer went off as the timer ran out.
Embracing whatever that was bound to happen, they held each other’s hands tightly and waited, braced for the inevitable.
The lights flickered a couple of times before the sound of metal clanking drew their attention to a door behind Jimin that had unlocked and was sitting partly open.
“Congratulations Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung.”Standing up, Jimin approached the door and noticed two items hanging neatly; a needle labelled antidote and a key with his name on it.
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hisunshiine · 3 years ago
— armypedia 🧩 epilogue
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Chapter 7: Epilogue: Teamwork Makes the Dreamwork
⟢ pairing: none
⟢ credit: co-written with @heathfritillary​​ ♡
⟢ genre: horror au | thriller au | angst | minor smut | thriller/spooky |
⟢ rating: 18+ | mature themes & explicit content
⟢ story warnings: Horror, Psychological Horror, Violence, Kidnapping, Torture, Pain, Delusional Thinking, Explicit Language, Minor Character Death, Weapons, Fire, Blood, Additional Warnings Identified This Chapter: mentions of death, mentions of illness, mentions of pain psychological and physical, fear, paranoia, mentions of past triggering events, mentions of sex
⟢ wc: 1,287
⟢ summary: Wanna play a game? 🧩 The members of BTS find themselves awakening, one by one, seemingly abducted and with no clue as to what is going on. Soon, they’ll have to piece together puzzles designed specifically for the KPOP group as they are forced to participate in a sick game of life and death, conducted by someone who has a point to prove. This eight chaptered horror fanfic takes inspiration from the movie franchise, Saw.
⟢ author’s note: thanks for reading for spooky season. please remember this is a work of fiction. we love all of the members equally and very much. this is only for spooky season. please respect their privacy irl. This is the end of the fic so if you stuck by, I appreciate it! It was my first collab with my twinnie, and its amazing to see how much we’ve grown in a year of writing!
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                | armypedia masterlist | hisunshiine masterlist |
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It had been months since the inciting events. It was all over the news; the entire world collectively held their breaths when the guys stood in front of a press conference telling in great detail what happened to them the day they were taken.
Still unsure how the sasaeng was able to drug and move 7 able-bodied, grown men from one point to another, avoiding all security cameras the idols had installed around their dorm, they spoke, sharing their story. ARMY’s around the world listened in horror as the youngest member had to reveal the terrifying position he was forced to be placed in.
A woman was found dead, remnants of mechanical torture devices, weapons, and gasoline filled a warehouse on the outskirts of Seoul, where seven young men had been involuntarily ripped from their home and forced to play games constructed by a deranged fan.
But it had been months.
After weeks of therapy sessions, nightmares, arguments, and growing animosity as well as dealing with the aftermath, the seven young men found themselves able to establish some sort of order and structure.
It wasn’t easy, and days would inevitably occur when they would find themselves lost and scared again, but they reverted to the one thing they knew best, their fans and the eternal love to create music. At the end of the day, they could seek refuge in knowing that they did, in fact, overcome the disheartening trauma. Not only that, but the fact that they overcame it together, as BTS, with the power of teamwork.
A trusted assistant knocked on each of the boys’ rooms delivering a sealed letter to each of them. Upon reading their individual letters, Namjoon gathered the other six, where they revealed to each other that they all had received a letter. Although the content of each members’ letter differed, it was from the same person. Terrified, they sat together in their living room as one after the other read the content of his letter out loud for the others to hear.
The nightmare was supposed to be over. She was found dead, after everything was said and done, yet the guys could sense their fear return as an overwhelming crippling apprehension emerged; even in death the woman still had so much power over them. The feeling that she could somehow still be watching them never faded for long.
The Taehyung biased BTS fan explained in her letter that she was writing to them as she watched over them. For months, she planned how she was going to execute her revenge. Jimin frowned and could not understand what they’d done that was so terrible that an ARMY decided to hurt them. Seokjin continued reading his letter out, and there the kidnapper further explained how she felt neglected by the guys and that they seemed to have lost their sincerity along with allowing fame to take them from her.
“She sounds entitled as hell,” Yoongi blurted and the other members nodded in agreement.
Their schedules, their private lives, any dates or plans they had, she knew them all and listed how she obtained the information. Taehyung shivered and Hoseok embraced him as Seokjin kept reading further. The woman explained in great detail how accessible they were to her and she could potentially keep watching them without anyone ever finding out.
Seokjin couldn’t contain his disgust and Namjoon hastily grabbed the letter from him. “It’s alright, I can read what mine says.”
With a clenched jaw, Namjoon hesitantly read the excruciating motives behind the deranged fan. He knew he was forcing his members to relive the day but when he gathered them, he knew that this was something they had to face as a team…as hard as it was.
She described in great detail how she gained access to their personal information, going as far as hiring people and manipulating others in order to extract what she needed to complete her mission.
“This bitch had zero remorse,” Hoseok spat angrily.
Namjoon nodded as he continued. She was terminally ill and had wished for them to reach out to her as her dying wish but after months of—what she deemed as rejection—she decided to reach out to them instead.
“What letters? How did she reach out?” Seokjin bewilderingly asked.
“We didn’t get anything from a dying fan,” Taehyung chimed in, “I would have remembered that. Hell, I would have even personally driven us to her.”
“The point isn’t her old letters,” Jungkook gazed up at Namjoon, “It’s the fact that she felt rejected by us, right?”
Namjoon nodded once more. He reached out for Jungkook’s letter and began reading it out loud for the members. In this one, she explained how tired she was at seeing BTS everywhere when no one knew of their true colors. At some points, she hated them and wished the worst to happen to them. Often, she wrote, she contemplated whether or not to go forward with her findings and expose them.
Jungkook gulped, “She’s talking about the BTS that ARMY doesn’t know.”
“Like how you like this particular escort?” Seokjin raised a teasing eyebrow.
“Or how Hobi-hyung fantasizes about our ARMYs?” Taehyung teased and everyone glared profoundly at him. Leaning into his chair, he bit his tongue as he apologized. Hoseok, unlike Jungkook, couldn’t handle the guys teasing him about his experience. While the others had someone to lean up against during the horrific day, Hoseok was by himself.
It fell quiet for a long moment after all the seven letters were read out loud. None of them knew what to say, so they simply sat and stared off in the distance as the horrifying memory of that day enveloped their thoughts.
It wasn’t easy to relive that day.
Even after all of the obstacles and hard work the guys needed as a group, as well as individually, to cope with the aftermath of that day, it was all still mind-blowingly fresh in their memories. Jungkook more so than the others. Unlike his bandmates, he’d chosen to kill a life to save himself and another; he desperately needed more therapy than the others.
Namjoon sat beside the youngest and Jungkook immediately leaned into his form seeking comfort.
When the deranged fan kidnapped them, she robbed them of their freedom and even though she justified it to herself as an act to revive the Bangtan Sonyeondan she used to love, she thoroughly fucked them up. As strong as they attempted to seem for their ARMY’s, they couldn’t deny that they were nowhere near healed.
“It’s so vile,” Jimin murmured as he hugged himself. “Why would she feel the need to teach us a lesson?”
“What lesson?” Yoongi stood. “She didn’t teach us anything except that we aren’t safe from anyone that truly wants to fuck with us.” His voice was filled with rage and the remaining members couldn’t do much but agree. “Security? A joke,” he continued, “cameras? A joke.” Yoongi sprung his arms out as he gestured around. “It’s all a fucking joke. We aren’t safe and we will never be safe.”
“We’re safe right now, hyung,” Namjoon murmured and Seokjin agreed while standing up.
“I understand receiving these letters after all this time has you feeling uneasy, Yoongi,” his older brother placed his palm on his shoulder, “we all feel that way, but I think we can learn something from this,” he gestured at Jimin’s letter, “She said we are brothers and we as BTS take pride in our camaraderie. We should remember who we are and that there’s absolutely nothing we cannot survive and do as long as we are together,” Seokjin looked around at his younger brothers fondly.
“As long as we are seven.”
12 notes · View notes
hisunshiine · 3 years ago
— armypedia 🧩  namjoon
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Chapter 6: Namjoon: You A-R e M-Y light
⟢ pairing: none
⟢ credit: co-written with @heathfritillary​​ ♡
⟢ genre: horror au | thriller au | angst | minor smut | thriller/spooky |
⟢ rating: 18+ | mature themes & explicit content
⟢ story warnings: Horror, Psychological Horror, Violence, Kidnapping, Torture, Pain, Delusional Thinking, Explicit Language, Minor Character Death, Weapons, Fire, Blood, Additional Warnings Identified This Chapter: mentions of death, pain psychological and physical, fire, fear, bodily fluids
⟢ wc: 4,135
⟢ summary: Wanna play a game? 🧩 The members of BTS find themselves awakening, one by one, seemingly abducted and with no clue as to what is going on. Soon, they’ll have to piece together puzzles designed specifically for the KPOP group as they are forced to participate in a sick game of life and death, conducted by someone who has a point to prove. This eight chaptered horror fanfic takes inspiration from the movie franchise, Saw.
⟢ author’s note: thanks for reading for spooky season. please remember this is a work of fiction. we love all of the members equally and very much. this is only for spooky season. please respect their privacy irl.
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                 | armypedia masterlist | hisunshiine masterlist |
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Groggily, he awoke as a great sensation of soreness brought him to consciousness. Massaging his neck, he glanced around at the unfamiliar territory. It was fairly dim. A bouncing flame beckoned; made him crawl towards it. The single candlelight was the sole thing keeping the darkness at bay.
Scraping his knee against an unknown object, Namjoon used his hands to make sense of what he hit. His palms carefully caressed the floor when he suddenly found a small square like item. Examining it with the help of the small flame, he quickly realized it was a tape recorder that he was holding in his hand. Upon turning it over, he read the note taped to it displaying Koya, his BT21 character, holding the words ‘play me’. Hesitating for a moment, he decided to do as instructed on the note and was immediately greeted by a distorted voice.
“Kim Namjoon,” the creepy voice began, “you are the leader of BTS and hold a great responsibility. You are someone people can count and rely on. But rest assured that the only ones who can secure your safety and life, are others.”
He stared profoundly at the recorder, unable to make sense of what was going on. Thoughts scattered as his heart began to beat faster. He had no idea how to feel. His analytical mind, however, did not allow him to jump to any conclusions. As much as he wanted to panic, something held him back. So, he simply listened intensely as the voice continued.
“Right now, you’re in a storage unit,” the voice explained, “If you stand up, you’ll be able to see random letters and numbers plastered on the walls. As you can see, this unit is dark, but you’ll have to find the right combination to open the suitcase that’s located somewhere within. Inside it is a present that’ll aid you to free yourself.” Namjoon frowned while moving to stand reaching for the candle. “I’d be careful with that flame, Mr. Kim. You see, while you were unconscious, a highly flammable liquid was poured on you.” Bewildered by the revelation, he halted as he glanced down at his clothing.
“You have until the candle burns out or you’ll be stuck in here for the rest of your very short life.” He began to hyperventilate as the realization occurred to him. “The right combination is on the wall, but which one? I urge you to be extremely careful, Mr. Kim, make sure you keep a level head and steady hand and remain focussed on the task. Do not let anyone else touch the candle. If so, a nerve gas will be released,” the voice revealed. “It is important you are made aware,” horror struck voices exclaiming in terror played in the background of the tape recording, “I have the other members assigned to their own tasks, and as you can hear, some of them are having a difficult time.” He cursed and screamed at the recording as the cries of his members pierced his ears. “You are the only one who can save them, but I’ll be kind and give you a small hint. Think of your ARMY, Mr. Kim, good luck.”
The tape stopped.
He stared intensely at the recorder, hoping more information would arrive but nothing did. Frozen, he kept replaying the tape, assuring that he understood the task given to him, but a part of him wondered why he was there. The voice did not include this. Then his thoughts immediately fell on his bandmates upon the ending of the tape.
What did it mean that he was the only one who could save BTS?
Questions kept forming as his inquisitive mind worked on overdrive. His gaze then fell on to the flame dancing before him. For a brief moment he stopped thinking. Reaching for his shirt, he pulled the fabric closer to his nose, recognizing the supposed sharp scent as gasoline.
The light was his savior but was equally his demise if he made one wrong move. Every step he made had to be calculated.
Cursing under his breath, he remembered all the times his members ridiculed him for being the clumsiest one out of all of them. God of Destruction. Although a small hesitation and doubt grew within him, he assured himself that he would take the advice of the voice and be as careful as humanly possible.
Shakily, he breathed slowly as he reached for the candlelight. He made sure that he held it at arms length, far away from his heavy breaths as well as his clothes.
Using the light as his guide, he found his way to one of the walls. It was made out of concrete. His gaze wandered left to right, up and down as random letters and numbers appeared when he moved the light. Marked on the wall with red spray paint, he bewilderingly and anxiously stared at the findings for a long moment before checking the remaining walls. All looked similar. He could see the main door for the building he was in, clearly locked.
There were 6 other graffitied doors besides that one, smaller and sturdier, spaced out around the room evenly. The letters and numbers had different patterns and structure, seemingly placed randomly. It did not make sense to him.
Tilting his head a bit, he assumed that perhaps it was some sort of crossword puzzle but he hastily dismissed the idea when he noticed that there weren’t any empty spots for him to fill.
“Others will secure my safety,” he murmured to himself, wondering what the voice meant.
Then the bottom right corner of a wall caught his attention. The word ‘ARMY’ was clear and visible to him. Frowning, he lifted the candle at the surrounding letters when it dawned on him that it was, in fact, a crossword puzzle. It was structured differently than a traditional one you’d find on your local newspaper, but it was a word puzzle.
“The words will open the suitcase,” he whispered, “The suitcase, suitcase, where is the suitcase?”
He quickly got up, still keeping his gaze firmly on the candle that slowly burned. Every nook and cranny of the storage unit was searched and just as he was about to give up, he noticed an ‘X’ . It was painted larger than the other letters, and after a closer inspection, he noticed that a suitcase was embedded inside the wall so well that it blended in. His hand pulled at the handle, but it was no use. It was locked. Exhaling, he eyed the safe intensely for a long second before attempting to try the word ‘ARMY’ . A click sound came from the safe, indicating that he was wrong.
Suddenly a clanking sound surfaced, and he jumped back. Unable to see what was happening in the dark, he stupidly pulled the candlelight closer to his chest. Someone else was in the room with him. He could hear cries and grunts as if someone was in pain, but he was utterly terrified of the unknown, so he simply remained quiet.
“Get this thing off me,” a voice said from the depths of the dark.
“Jimin?” he shakily called out and the voice along with noises fell quiet, “Jimin-ah, is that you?”
“Namjoon?” The sound of Taehyung’s voice made his panicky heart ease. “Where are you? I can’t see you.”
“I’m over here,” he hollered and made it a point to not accidentally blow on the candle. “Watch your steps,” he urged as he encouraged the two younger members under him to follow the light.
As soon as Jimin and Taehyung walked away from the door they came through from, it closed, making Taehyung run back to it, “Hyung, we’re stuck,” he then announced.
“Just follow the light, Taehyungie.”
“We can’t go back where we came from,” he blindly extended his hands out before letting out a sigh of relief upon finding Jimin.
Namjoon guided the boys back to where he initially found the tape recorder and proceeded to play it after they’d – in horrid detail – explained what happened to them in the other room. Terrified, Jimin smelled Namjoon’s clothes and suggested either he exchange clothes with Taehyung or that one of them should hold the candle in order to secure Namjoon’s life. But he quickly reminded them that he had to be the one completing the task.
“Fine, but we can help decipher the clues,” Taehyung voiced.
Jimin memorized the keys on the suitcase and stood by it as Namjoon and Taehyung searched for potential combinations. Taehyung spotted a diagonal word and shouted for Jimin to code in the name of their second studio album.
“It made a sound.”
“Wings isn’t it,” Namjoon proclaimed. “The click sound means it's wrong, Jimin.”
Although Taehyung seemed pale and fatigued, he was far quicker than Namjoon. Every two seconds he found a potential word pertaining to their work, songs, dates that were significant to them but none of it worked. He replayed the recording in his mind and contemplated whether these words were part of the combination or a simple but efficient strategy to distraught him. He had to be logical and think constructively, so he chose the latter. These words, Taehyung was finding, were indeed a ploy to deviate him from the actual task.
Combination. The right one. Think like ARMY. But his mind wandered, he couldn’t help but think of what outlandish monster would threaten his and his bandmates’ lives. Perhaps this was the company’s way of adding fuel and passion for music into their lives by creating these damn puzzles but an eerie and bone chilling thought occurred that this perhaps wasn’t a joke.  
He kept analyzing his thoughts, attempting to reach some sort of conclusion as the other guys attempted the words but his thoughts derailed, and he found himself wondering who had an out for the group. Then a heated sting ripped him from his thoughts. Two drops of wax landed on his thumb. The candle was decreasing slowly in length.
Hastily, he pulled the sleeve of his shirt back, hoping that the heat of the wax wouldn’t touch his flammable clothes. Panting, he grew anxious as he eyed the dancing flame. He had to be more careful.
Suddenly another door on the other side of the room opened and Taehyung instantly shouted Hoseok’s name. He rushed over to the door and sure enough, Taehyung was right, the cries and deafening screams were from their dance leader.
“Relax, relax,” Taehyung reassured, and the door closed behind Hoseok. “What happened to you?”
“Tae, m-my leg,” Hoseok sobbed in agony as he held onto his knee. “It hurts, it fucking hurts,” he kept sobbing as Taehyung held him tightly. “It kept hitting me if I didn’t tell the truth.”
“Jimin, don’t move from the suitcase,” Namjoon instructed. “Guys, we are doing this all wrong, I don’t understand,” his mind raced as he tried to make sense of what was going on.
The recorder said that he was the only one who could help BTS, so why were they showing up one at a time?
“Namjoon-ah?” Hoseok called after him, “I can’t see you.”
“I’m holding the light.”
Taehyung reached for Hoseok’s arm and helped him to his feet, “We are in the middle of his task,” he then explained as he guided Hoseok to a corner.
Another door opened and the looming figure of broad shoulders appeared, and the door closed behind the latest edition. A woman’s sudden loud scream startled Jimin when he reached for one of the figures upon their entry.
“Someone touched me!” the woman said.
“I’m sorry, miss,” Jimin apologized, blaming it on the darkness.
“Hyung, is that you?”
“Yes, it is, I’m with an ARMY and we just had a gun pointed at us,” Seokjin explained as he held the woman by one hand and searched for his bandmates in the dark.
“Hyung, Hoseok and Namjoon-ah are here as well,” Taehyung said.
“Thank god,” Seokjin let out a sigh of relief when he felt Jimin’s embrace.
“No,” Namjoon then quietly said, “Yoongi-hyung and Jungkookie are not here.”
It fell quiet as the other bandmates felt the absence of the two members. They knew what they had been up against but had no clue what the remaining two were dealing with. Hoseok revealed if he told the truth, he would be set free and Seokjin explained that his task was centered on telling the truth as well. Namjoon listened intensely as each member explained what their task was but found it odd that Taehyung did not receive one. He and Jimin were together and he kept wondering the reason behind it. Then—a couple of minutes after Seokjin—the sound of his hyung encouraging someone filled the storage unit. A huge sigh of relief escaped him as he immediately recognized Yoongi’s baritone voice.
Spooked, Yoongi chuckled lightly as his deepest fear hadn’t come true. “Thank God, you’re all alright.”
The guys filled Yoongi in and as they did, Namjoon realized that he was wasting precious time. They each had completed the tasks given to them, and although he didn’t have a timer or another life to protect, he did have a slow burning light. If the candle blew or turned off, he would be stuck here with his members forever.
The human body was resilient and could go on a little over a month without food. That’d give them time before someone searched for them, but he quickly shook the thought. There was no water in sight, so most likely they’d die from dehydration in less than a week.
Another door opened and all the members internally prayed that it was their golden maknae. Unsure of what to say or do, they remained quiet and awaited for the figure to say something.
For all they knew, it could have easily been the person behind it. A grunt from a man filled the unit as he clumsily stumbled on something. Instantly recognizing his heavy breathing, all the guys called out his name.
“Who’s there?”
Seokjin caught Jungkook’s hand in the dark and forced him to feel the features of who he was touching. “Hyung?” Jungkook whimpered and collapsed on his knees.
“Koo, what happened?” Hoseok asked, concern filling his voice as Jungkook wildly sobbed.
A quiet voice then averted their attention from the youngest member. “He had to choose between me and another ARMY,” the woman revealed shakily. “S-she was hung.”
Jungkook fought his tears back as he told his bandmates what happened to him, including the women he had to choose between being sasaengs. Namjoon listened to the obvious pain Jungkook was experiencing, but his attention was fully on his task. He was the only one who could save them. Whoever planned this, calculated that the group were eventually going to reunite, he concluded. Perhaps this was the point of it all along. It seemed as if the person wanted them to learn something but the question ‘what’ kept interrupting his thoughts.  
What is the combination?
Think like ARMY , the sentence kept roaming his mind.
“Rest assured,” he murmured to himself as he walked over to the wall to his right. “Those who can secure your safety and life are others.” He placed the candle to the ground as the others comforted Jungkook and his traumatic experience. “Think like ARMY’s,” he said under his breath as he took his shirt off before tossing it to the side, “ARMY’s are others, think Joonie, think.” He reached for the candlelight and lit his shirt on fire. The storage unit gained some light, and the members were able to see each other.
“Namjoon, what are you doing?” Yoongi approached him.
“My task, I’m completing my task.”
Seokjin hastily pushed Namjoon away from the flames. “The answer is on this wall.” His gaze was glued to the random letters and numbers. “It’s here somewhere. It has to be.”
“The combination?” Hoseok asked as he held onto Taehyung.
“Quick, Tae, before the fire dies,” Namjoon directed, “your eyes are quicker than mine.”
A long moment passed and Seokjin noticed the fire was losing its energy, so he casted his shirt in as well and Taehyung followed pursuit. All the members except Jungkook diligently stared at the wall, attempting to find the clue needed to complete Namjoon’s task.
“I purple you,” Taehyung murmured, “That’s it, I see purple,” he exclaimed excitedly. Namjoon approached the spot he was standing, “It’s small but it’s right there,” Taehyung pointed at the upper corner of the wall, the word hidden in between larger letters, “It looks weird but I think it says purple,” he eyed his leader who was deep in thought, “Namjoon-ah, we could try.”
The phrase kept roaming his mind, ‘ think like ARMYs’ but it wasn’t one created by their fans. Contemplating, he signaled at Jimin and he coded the phrase in. A click sound came again, and a defeated sigh escaped Namjoon.
With teary eyes, Jungkook approached the wall and glanced at the word Taehyung announced, “No,” he said as he crooked his head slightly, “It’s PURP13, not borahae, purple,” he examined the small word as he pointed at the ‘13’ , “That’s our debut year.”
Jimin quickly coded the word as Jungkook specified and sure enough, the suitcase clicked open.
Inside lay the last BT21 doll, Van. Based on everyone sharing the details of their experience within their individual rooms, Namjoon concluded that each of their characters were utilized at some point. Last, making its debut appearance, was the one representing ARMY itself.
Namjoon sighed loudly, eyes squeezed tightly as he tried to understand what their kidnapper wanted from them. And did it even matter? His brain connected and reconnected dots as he tried to formulate what the final code could be to open the only remaining door in the room. The candle was almost gone, and most of their clothing burned as well. The room was hot, both from the fire and what seemed to be lack of AC in this warehouse.
The other members gathered by the main door as Namjoon stood with the suitcase, motionless as he tried to wrap his mind around everything.
“Is that all that’s in the case?” Hoseok asked timidly. His eyes had trouble making eye contact with Namjoon’s.
“Let me check...” Namjoon pulled out the Van doll, revealing several small flashlights that were tucked behind the doll, and 3 flowers.
“Fuck, finally.” Namjoon clicked on a flashlight, and upon seeing that it worked, and worked well, he blew out the candle, finally free of the danger of the burning flame. Yoongi had the 3 girls sit in the middle of the room, and approached Namjoon and Hoseok to grab a flashlight.
“Flowers? I know this one is a rose, what are the other two?”
Jin, who had just approached after checking on Taehyung who was still recovering from the Arsenic poisoning, crouched down to see the flowers.
“There’s cherry blossom, and I think those are… Morning Glories?”
“Like roses when blooming,” Namjoon started rapping softly.
“Like cherry blossoms when fluttering, like morning glories when fading.” The other’s all sang along, finishing the lyrics to their song for ARMY, Magic Shop.
“But what does it mean?”
“What is it that—fuck it’s hot as shit now—what in here can make sense with the song?” Yoongi asked.
The ARMY’s who had been with Yoongi and Jin had been lightly singing the rest of the song, seeking comfort in the words of a familiar tune.
“Let’s build a door in your mind, once you open the door and enter, this place will wait for you...”
Namjoon’s thoughts started to unravel the hidden meanings within the clues he had received.
“A door in your mind… The clues have to be on the doors!” Namjoon raced to the nearest door to him, the one that Hoseok had appeared from, and using the flashlight, which was much better than the candle he had originally had, searched the door from top to bottom.
“Joon, I don’t think Tae and Jungkook are doing too well. We need to get out of here,” Jin whispered to Namjoon, trying to point out the severity of the situation. Taehyung, despite Jimin administering the antidote and helping Namjoon find the first code, had just thrown up in the corner of the warehouse, and was still shaky and flushed. Jungkook was almost curled in the fetal position, staring lifelessly at the wall.
“I know we need to get out, what the hell do you think I’m trying to do, hyung?”
Namjoon turned away, back to the door, and the light hit the doorknob. Looking closely, Namjoon noticed that there was the number 4 etched into the doorknob. In his eagerness, he stumbled towards the next door, finding another character, the letter R.
“I think—guys I think I got it!” Namjoon’s voice is loud, and he turns to face the 4 standing members who look startled at his outburst.
“Check each doorknob! Tell me the letter or number you see!”
Namjoon tries to keep track of each character he hears: 4, R, T, E, V, 7, O.
Standing at the main door, he punches in the combination following the order that the doors are in, starting with Hobi’s and moving through the members: Jungkook, Jin, Jimin and Taehyung, and Yoongi, ending with his, the main door, but it blinks red, alerting him that it’s wrong.
A screen lights up, a TV that had been mounted to the wall shining light into the room. A cartoon version of Van appears on the screen.
“Bangtan Sonyeondan. I have some good and bad news. Good news is that you made it this far! You’ve entered in a code of the door to escape! Unfortunately, it was wrong. Which brings me to the bad news… You only get 3 tries. That was 1.” Van totters across the screen, the cartoon's movements creepy as the distorted voice of the character fills the room.
“If you can’t get it in the next 2 tries, that door will remain locked. Forever. I really hope you make it out. If only ARMY could help you! Oh well, good luck! And Hobi, Mang said good job telling the truth today. We’re all proud of you.”
Namjoon can see Hoseok freeze when his name is mentioned, and he can’t blame him, being singled out not once, but twice is enough to have anyone on edge. But the screen fades from the waving Van, to words on a screen, and the blood appears to drain from Hoseok’s face.
On the screen are Hoseok's answers to the questionnaire he had taken, and he can hear the other members read through them. Most are nothing, inconsequential, until they see that these were posted on the Fancafe. Fans have been talking about this for over an hour now, according to the information on the screen, and it was trending on social media sites.  
“Oh, Hobi...” Jimin is the first to say something, a look of pity on his face as he stares at Hobi, but Namjoon breaks the awkwardness.
“We can’t let that distract us. We need to get out. What was it that it said… ‘If only ARMY could help you’... How would ARMY view this code? Hmmm.” Namjoon begins to pace, lost in thought. The others can hear him murmuring to himself, working through the information.
“Codes are in a specific order, ARMY orders things in what way?” Namjoon paces, thinking hard.
“Fanchant.” A soft feminine voice cuts through Namjoon’s musings. It’s Yoongi’s ARMY. Namjoon’s eyes settle on her as she smiles softly to herself, unable to set her eyes on Namjoon’s exact location.
“We order you guys by fanchant.”
It doesn’t take but a few seconds to have each person go to their door, minus Tae and Jungkook, and read out their character in fanchant order.
The light flashes green, and the sound of the mechanism unlocking is one of the most beautiful sounds Namjoon had heard in awhile. They carried out their members who needed help, as well as the shaken ARMY before they all stumble into the abandoned street outside of the warehouse. Hanging from the fence is a tan messenger bag that belongs to Namjoon. Inside they find a worn TaTa plushie, a note saying Teamwork Makes the Dreamwork! Thanks for Playing! taped to its blue and yellow polka dotted chest. Underneath that are their cell phones and wallets.
Jin is quick to call for the authorities, requesting police assistance and an ambulance, and as the sound of the sirens grows louder, Namjoon kneeled into a bow of thanks to whatever exists despite his non-belief in God, a silent message of gratitude that all 7 got out, together, thanks to ARMY.
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hisunshiine · 3 years ago
info about armypedia
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I am trying to update daily at 10 am until Halloween! The next few chapter should take us right up to Halloween Day! I have the next few chapters queued, and tomorrow i’ll work on queueing the rest of them. :) happy halloween!!
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hisunshiine · 3 years ago
ot7 masterlist
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✓- complete 
✎ - in progress 
🔞 - 18+ 
🌧 - angst 
⛅️ - angst with happy end
✨ - fluff 
😏 - smut 
🏆 - favorite
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🗃 CEO Series ✎ 🔞 ⛅️ 😏 🏆
JinHit Conglomerate, a booming corporation under new CEO Kim Namjoon. New employees, divisions, and issues keep this company not only in the news, but on its toes.
🌙 Bangtan Scouts ✓ 🔞 ⛅️✨ 😏 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆
Negative energy has been spiking throughout the city, an ancient evil threatening to be released. With the advancements of technology and society moving away from believing in the supernatural, this evil appears to have taken root throughout campus, seeking souls to power it…You, 29, work in the campus comic book/computer gaming shop while working at the school teaching. Jeon Jungkook, a 24 year old college student, frequents the shop after class to play games and hang out with his friends. After a chance encounter, so unfolds a mystery of how two strangers’ lives lay intertwined to save the world…for the nth and final time.
🏝 Escape Series ✎ 🔞 😏 🏆
It was a running joke within the fandom that you all should just buy an island, move there, and have Namjoon be the president. That is, it 𝘸𝘢𝘴 a running joke, until one day on Twitter, it all came to a head. The fandom was at each other’s throats, people were sending death threats, trash talking each other, trash talking the boys, and everyone just had 𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡….
🤟🏼 Bangtan HandKink Activated ✓ 🔞 😏
7 shot drabble series focused on the members hands and what they do to you with them. A friendly competition while on an In The Soop-esque vacation.
🧩 Armypedia ✓ 🔞 🌧 😏
Wanna play a game? 🧩The members of BTS find themselves awakening, one by one, seemingly abducted and with no clue as to what is going on. Soon, they'll have to piece together puzzles designed specifically for the KPOP group as they are forced to participate in a sick game of life and death, conducted by someone who has a point to prove. This eight chaptered horror fanfic takes inspiration from the movie franchise, Saw.
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