#army helicopter crash
tommystummy · 6 months
The callout of Taylor and helicopter accidents… in a single swoop we’ve made Helicopters the new Couch Theory
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memenewsdotcom · 1 year
Kentucky Black Hawk helicopter crash
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sunflowerwemadeit · 1 year
It is as deranged as it sounds
They even made a joke about it in 911 Lonestar which is the gay spinoff of 911 and they said something like "you won't believe it a guy survived a rebar through his skull and came back to work after a couple of months as well" 😂😂😂😂
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head-post · 8 months
US Navy helicopter crashes into Southern California bay, all survived
The MH-60R Seahawk crashed into the waters of San Diego Bay around 6:40 p.m. while performing a training exercise. All six crew members survived the crash, US Air Force Pacific Fleet spokesman, Navy Cmdr. Beth Teach, confirmed.
“Due to the nature of the training, a safety boat was on location and, with the assistance of Federal Fire, all six crew members survived and were promptly moved ashore. All personnel are undergoing medical evaluation at this time.”
The cause of the crash of the US Navy helicopter is under investigation, with the severity of injuries not yet known. According to Teach, none of the crew suffered serious or potentially fatal wounds.
According to the Navy, the aircraft belonged to the 41st Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron, located at Naval Air Station North Island on the Coronado peninsula, which trains flight personnel on the MH-60R Seahawk.
Read more HERE
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kupwaratimes-fan · 2 years
Three die in Army helicopter crash
Three die in Army helicopter crash
Three die in Army helicopter crash Itanagar, Oct 21 (PTI) Three persons were killed in an Army helicopter crash in Upper Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh on Friday morning, a defence official said. The advanced light helicopter, carrying five Army personnel, was on regular sorties, he said. The incident took place at 10.43 am at Singging near Migging, around 25 km from district headquarters…
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boc-news · 2 years
অরুণাচলপ্রদেশে ভেঙে পড়ল সেনা হেলিকপ্টার
ফের দুর্ঘটনার কবলে সেনা হেলিকপ্টার (Helicopter)। ভেঙে পড়ল সেনা হেলিকপ্টার। শুক্রবার সকালে অরুণাচলপ্রদেশে (Arunachal Pradesh) ভেঙে পড়ল সেনা হেলিকপ্টারটি। সংবাদ সংস্থা সূত্রে খবর, অরুণাচল প্রদেশের সিংগিং গ্রামে সেনা কপ্টারটি ভেঙে পড়েছে। ইতিমধ্যে উদ্ধারকারী দল ঘটনাস্থলে রওনা দিয়েছে। এই ঘটনার জেরে এখনও পর্যন্ত কোনও হতাহতের খবর মেলেনি। জানা গিয়েছে, কপ্টারটি যে জায়গায় ভেঙে পড়েছে, সেই অঞ্চল…
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tawaifeddiediaz · 6 months
wait eddie finding someone with similar interests actually goes beyond buck's jealousy or anything else because he's finding someone who embraces these parts of him that that previously were framed around his trauma (or rather, he's finding someone to embrace these parts with, even if tommy isn't necessarily aware):
the army
like...this isn't just him getting a new friend. it's also him embracing all these things as hobbies rather than the depths of things he struggled with. (army, being shot out of the sky, street fighting, crashing his dad's truck/buying one with illegal money, etc)
anyway im gonna go cry about him
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newsreadersin · 2 years
Cheetah helicopter crashes in Arunachal Pradesh, one pilot killed
Cheetah helicopter crashes in Arunachal Pradesh, one pilot killed
An Indian Army Cheetah helicopter crashed in Tawang area of ​​Arunachal Pradesh this morning. According to the information, two pilots of the Indian Army were flying Cheetah helicopter. Official release from the Army, one of the two pilots martyred by serious injuries while other is undergoing treatment. The incident took place at around 10:00 am on October 5, about 65 km from Tawang district…
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rocketbirdie · 5 months
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listen i am obsessed with this single line of dialogue. it's a Final Fantasy game full of people named crazy shit like GENESIS RHAPSODOS and WEISS THE IMMACULATE and then there's this dude. some random ass guy from the in-game lore equivalent of rural Louisiana whose name may as well be Jim.
And Jim Has Seen It All. he fell 300 meters and crashed through the roof of a church and he walked it off like it was nothing. he's seen his mentor grow one single wing and take to the skies majestically like an albatross. he survived when an alien brain fungus consumed his coworker's consciousness spurring the guy to commit arson and a small genocide. fresh outta high school he's abducted by scientists and trapped in a large petri dish for four years. he escapes and then singlehandedly mows down an entire goddamn army of hundreds of troopers and gets shot like at least twenty times. he tears a metal tree out of the ground and chucks it at a helicopter like a toy shovel, acting cool about it. "ugh mondays am i right? haha"
the rapture is coming. the sky has ripped open like a wrestler's t-shirt and everyone is mourning their impending doom and Jim is just like "it'll be fine lol" but then SEPHIROTH arrives and shoves him into a wormhole. he wanders the empty backstage of reality, and only then does he start to slightly freak out just a tiny bit. no problem. hop in hop out, quick boss battle against the brain fungus coworker, easy peasy. he gets savewarped to another universe, kinda annoying but he can deal, he thinks.
But now there's a fucking meteor crashing down on top of him. And finally, finally— Jim cracks. He can't handle this. What the actual fuck is my life, he finally wonders. "What the hell is going on!?" he finally asks.
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evansboyfriend · 1 month
im just noticing that at the end of the harbor station tour buck is like, trying so hard. to keep it going a little longer. tommy asks him is that why you wanted the tour and buck is so obviously running out of reasons to hang around. like. he Saw The Place During The Day and he's Not Interested in becoming a pilot or leaving the 118. so what's left? he's not going to admit The Tour is nothing but an Excuse to hang out with tommy??? and he's scrambling. trying to find ways to connect with tommy. like btw i met an ex attending to a call about a helicopter crash! and i have a friend who was also in the army! uhh what else. beer? guys like beer, right?
what an adorable little nerd. i love him so much.
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memenewsdotcom · 1 year
Army grounds aircraft after accidents
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mysterious-shelf · 8 days
all this new content and speculation and discourse has distracted me from equally important matters, namely the (platonic) eddietommy of it all … because the potential there is for their relationship this season??? so many possibilities and i’d eat up every one of them
eddietommy bonding over all things buck
eddietommy butting heads over who gets to spend time with buck
alternatively, eddietommy being sympathetic towards each other regarding buck time — tommy insists eddie spends more time with buck while eddie swears he’s fine (he’s not)
eddietommy, in the midst of the buck time drama, confessing that they miss hanging out with each other just as much; tommy was eddie’s friend first, after all!
this post because eddietommy should be able to exist independent of buck
tommy desperately trying to keep eddie from going down the same path he did 20 years ago and turning into a gerrard minion (this scenario has had me frothing at the mouth since the s7 finale. like you don’t understand i need tommy to beg)
veering into fic territory with this one, but tommy reassuring eddie that he is a good dad. bonus if he uses his own shitty dad as a contrast. bonus bonus if he’s angsty about it “do you even understand how lucky christopher is to have a dad who loves him like you do?”
(now this is very much fic territory but i want the last two points to be combined and turned into a dramatic scene where they’re both yelling at each other but they’re not really fighting and they both just break down in front of each other because big men being sad is like crack to me)
eddietommy performing michaelbobby-level shenanigans
eddietommy bonding over their army experiences
this fucking post about eddie’s potential reaction to tommy’s helicopter crashing
eddie just having someone else who he can bro out with and also be vulnerable with. 7x04 sets thier friendship up as one that’s so unique and intriguing and if it isn’t explored in s8 i will be pressing charges
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jj-the-hobbit171 · 2 months
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Well, I’ve seen dom reader, cute reader, bad ass reader, but, I’ve never seen something for the anxious peps. So! I present to you, anxious reader.
• so reader is bacically an anxious hobbit. They have a hard time talking to people, and get super worried about stuff. They like to stay inside, in their comfort zone, where nothing goes terribly wrong.
• but, one way or the other, they found themselves joining the army as a teck person.
(its was their mom’s advice taken the wrong way. Reader, she meant join a club, not the army!)
•they’re super good with computers, to the extent it landed them with one of the best task forces, tf141. Well, that can’t go wrong. Right? Please say right.
• uhm, it went as well as you’d expect. Reader tripped when coming down the helicopter, falling face first into the hard concrete, while their very expensive laptop slid away from their fallen form, right to the feet of their new captain. John price. Shit.
• he raised his eyebrow, before holding a hand out for reader, pulling them up. They quickly apologized to price, fidgeting with the Clarence key in their pocket, showing a nervous smile.
• price sighed before leading them into the base, showing them all around before being startled by a crash of something metal on the floor and heavy steps coming closer from the far side of the base.
*a flash of brown hair crashed into you, making you fall once again to the hard floor, and once again, your (I think I need to emphasize) very expensive laptop slid across the floor, hitting the wall of the hallway.
• you stutter, looking at your life savings most definitely broken. You don’t notice the man on top of you before he shouts into your ear. “Bonnie!!!”
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Honestly, I’m not in a good place right now, but I’ll finish this later but if f you have any questions or suggestions, please just knock on my door.
From the hobbit hole,
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andavs · 5 months
It seems like there's some common misconceptions about Eddie's time in the army, which is understandable because the show is very vague about it. And I think there’s still a bit of this outdated idea of the pregnant wife waving her handkerchief from the porch as her husband goes off to the front lines, and then he comes back years later to their six year old child he’s never met.
Which is very much not the case.
So some quick definitions: Enlistment is not the same as deployment.
Enlistment: The eight year contract during which a person is employed as a servicemember of the armed forces. The clock starts after basic training. The minimum is two years active duty, followed by six as a reservist. Four years active would be followed by four years as a reservist, six active would mean two in the reserves.
Deployment (tour): a time period where personnel are sent from the base where they’re stationed to a theater of operations (not always warzones). Most deployments in the US Army are about a year or less, with time at home between to decompress and reintegrate into everyday life.
Not everyone who enlists gets deployed or even leaves the US. Even fewer see combat. This depends entirely on what’s needed and also on units; individual soldiers don’t get deployed, their units do.
Now, Eddie.
The show tends to make it sound like Eddie was in Afghanistan for like five years straight, but he was not. There's a minimum period of time between deployments during which he would’ve been working regular hours at the base where he was stationed, presumably in El Paso. It’s possible he was stationed outside of Texas while Shannon stayed behind with his parents, but he’s never mentioned living anywhere else.
Eddie was enlisted active duty from at least 2011 (possibly 2010) until sometime in 2015 when he was injured and discharged. During that time period, he did "multiple" tours—the exact number is never said, but presumably more than two.
Eddie enlisted when they found out Shannon was pregnant. He went off to basic training (10 weeks) and then additional medic training (16 weeks) after that, and then he was deployed to Afghanistan for his first tour very shortly after. He was home on leave when Chris was born; Shannon said he was going back the following week.
After his first tour ended, he would’ve returned to his home base. If he was stationed at Fort Bliss in El Paso (again, he’s never mentioned living elsewhere), he would’ve been working fairly regular hours on base and going home to Shannon and Chris every night. 
The reenlistment argument is hard to pin down, timeline-wise. Eddie said he reenlisted at the end of a tour, and the argument we see says it was in 2015. That would mean Eddie signed up for four years of active duty and probably did two or three shorter tours in that time, but Chris doesn’t look like a three or four year old, and they have a different and much older kid playing him later that same year..
If it was supposed to be around 2013 and he only signed up for two years active duty, that would mean he probably did a couple shorter tours.
Reenlisting wouldn’t guarantee he’d be deployed again, but the uncertainty and not knowing how long he’d be home would put a ton of strain and stress on his family, especially with Chris having recently been diagnosed with CP. Long term planning is especially difficult.
He got deployed again in 2015, which is when the helicopter went down. I tend to think this was his third deployment, but it could’ve been his fourth. His welcome home party is three months after the crash, and Shannon seems to leave very shortly after.
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lyjen · 5 months
Under Attack
Summary: Dropped out of high school, joining the army to follow her brother’s footsteps. When the group of soldiers gets attacked while they are flying in the helicopter, (y/n) is the one to try and get them out of the situation. But when they’re celebrating the 4th of july, it brings her right back to that day on the field.
Request by: @shauna-carsley
✨My requests are open! You can send them in by sending me a chat or in “ask me a question” ✨
9-1-1 masterlist
Taglist: @oliviah-25 @shauna-carsley
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Afghanistan, 2015
With the sound of the blades of the helicopter slicing through the air, (Y/n) let the scissors slide through the fabric of the soldiers t-shirt.
They were on 10.000 feet high in the air, flying back to their homebase as they picked up wounded and hurt soldiers that needed treatment back on base.
“Base, this is actual. We’re ten clicks out heading back with wounded. Prep the med tents.” The voice of the helicopter pilot sounded through the radio.
(Y/n) placed a piece of gauze on the wound and grabbed the tape from the bag. She held the tape between her fingers as she took a length and tore it off by placing her teeth on the tape and giving it a pull. She could hear her boyfriend grinning by the way she struggled with tearing the tape. “Something funny Buckley?” she asked as she quickly connected the tape with the soldiers skin and the gauze so she could secure the wound from getting dirty and protect it.
“Just admiring your work” Evan smiled as he gave her another glance.
Evan and (Y/n) were together since high school, he was a senior while she was a junior. He would be the one who always got into trouble, which made him a walking red flag. But they became inseparable as they started hanging out more and more together.
Her brother was already in the army, and she looked up at him. She really did.
One day she decided to turn the wheel, and join the army when she was in senior year, she was already getting bad grades, and she already had problems with her parents. So why not make them more angry by dropping out of school and joining the army with your boyfriend, who was also her best friend.
She was now a medic in the army, and helped treat the wounded just like her older brother did.
She focussed herself on the last tape she needed to connect on the gunshot wound of the soldier, she was alerted by a loud beeping sound.
“Incoming!” a terrified voice called through the small space of the helicopter they were in. A rocket had been aimed at the helicopter. The chopper makes a hard left turn, trying to avoid the explosive they had fired. But the chopper was too slow.
The vehicle they were in started to spin as they received a hard bang on the side and the chopper started to fill the space with smoke.
The helicopter made a nose dive, crashing right into the desert sand and they came to a stop and her vision went black.
A loud frequency sound through (Y/n)’s ears as she slowly gained back consciousness. A groan left her lips as she sat down on the floor with her back pinned against the inside of the helicopter. When her hearing went back to normal, she could hear bullets hitting the metal sides of the helicopter, multiple times per second.
She quickly scanned the small space she was in, she was on the floor, with her back against the side of the chopper. “Break, break, break” she spoke into her radio as she pressed the button. “We’re pinned down. Taking fire.” her voice panted as adrenaline started to build up inside her body.
“Two clicks north of our last reported position.” she groaned as she pushed herself up to her feet. (Y/n) moved inside the helicopter, patting the pilots on their shoulder to hear if they were alive and okay. As she heard them groan, she knew enough.
She turned around to face Evan, who was still in his seat.
“Buckley!” She grabbed his upper arm and pushed and pulled him back and forth. “Buck wake up!” she called out again.
It felt weird for her to call him Buckley or Buck. Normally she would call him Evan. She knew the majority of the people called him Buck, and he preferred that. But since she was the only one calling him Evan, apart from his sister and parents, it was like a nickname for him.
Evan’s eyes opened slowly as she patted his cheeks and in his reflex his hand shot up to grab her wrist. “We’re under attack. Come on.”
“We gotta get everyone behind those rocks over there.” She pointed to the rocks that were lightened up slightly by the lights of the helicopter. “Yeah. Copy.” Evan absently said as he realized what had happened just a few minutes ago. Evan was sure he had some bruised and maybe some broken ribs, but he was okay.
(Y/n) grabbed her rifle, which hung on her back and slung it over her shoulder as Evan unbuckled from his helicopter seat belt. “You ready?” She looked Evan in his ocean blue eyes, and her heart made a jump as his eyes connected with hers.
“Ready” he said, determined as he threw his rifle over his shoulder. (Y/n)’s foot stamped against the crushed and broken side door of the helicopter. With one hard kick her foot the door broke open, smooth as butter.
She stepped outside as she aimed the rifle towards the attackers so Evan could jump out after her, with also his rifle in his arms.
“Let’s go!” she said as loudly as she could so her voice would overtake the sounds of the bullets which were swinging around her head.
In order to get more of their people out. She needed someone over at the rocks to cover her, so she could get people out. Some bodies and some wounded but alive. She couldn’t live with herself as people died in the helicopter and their families didn’t have a body to bury.
She wanted to bring them home.
They speeded across the open field as they shot their way through. Evan and (Y/n) dropped down behind the rocks as they made it to the otherside of the field.
“Hey!” (Y/n) spoke up. “Cover me.” she commanded Evan, it wasn't a question. “Copy!”
Evan leans over the rocks, and starts shooting at the enemies.
(Y/n) reaches the crashed helicopter again, as bullets were flying around and hit the side of the helicopter she was passing by as fast as she could. She crouched down and swung her rifle back on her back. When she reached the nose of the helicopter and made contact with one of the pilots in the cockpit. “Okay, time to get out of there. Let’s go.” she said as she tapped his shoulder through the broken door of the helicopter.
“Come on.” she grabbed his arm as she put it around her neck so he could lean on her. A groan fell past his lips as his body dropped down to the ground and he grabbed his arm. “Hey hey! Can you move?” she asked as she tried to get his attention, as he was currently focussed on the pain he felt.
“Yeah.” he panted.
“Get over there with Buckley, I will cover you!” She said as she grabbed her rifle from her back again and started shooting back at the shots which were clearly aimed on her.
The man she helped get out of the helicopter ran as fast as he could to the rocks where Evan was shooting.
“Diaz, I’m stuck!” The other pilot called out. She shot a few more bullets. “I got you!” she said as she made her way towards the other side of the chopper. “My leg!” he groaned as he reached out for it. “The bone broke through” she concluded as she took a quick look at his leg. The bone broke through his skin, snapped in two. ”I got to get a tourniquet on it.” she said as she looked around for something to use as a tourniquet. “This will do.” she gasped as she cut a large piece of seatbelt off with her knife and binded it above the man’s wound as tight as she could so the blood flow to his leg was cut off.
“I have got to get out.” a voice from the back sounded through the narrow space of the helicopter. “Norwahl! Stand down!” she warned him, but he got out of the helicopter as if he was just going to take a peaceful stroll. “Fuck.” she whispered to herself as she just finished up tightening the tourniquet and saw the other soldier walking along the side of the chopper.
“Norwahl!” She called out his name repeatedly as she ran around the chopper to reach her teammate. Her eyes fell on him, as she could see blood splashing from his chest into the air. He falls down on his knees, while the enemies are still targeting Norwahl and (Y/n) now.
Bullets kept on flying around her head, as she pushed Norwahl to the ground and Evan kept on shooting to cover them.
(Y/n) puts his arm over her shoulder. “Hold on Norwahl!” she spoke as she helped him back onto his legs and he leaned on (Y/n) to reach the rocks again. But when she reaches the rocks. A shocking pain ran through her right leg.
A scream fell off her lips as her leg fell down to the ground as if hands came out of the floor and dragged her right leg down to the ground. “(Y/n)!” Evan called out her name with a terrified sound.
When that scream fell off her lips, he could feel his heart dropping down to the ground.
She had to hold on. She had to fight, and drag herself to safety. She pushed her hands into the sand as she pushed herself up on her left leg. She limped towards the rocks as she let herself fall down against the rocks.
“Diaz? You okay?” Evan tried to remain professional. Keeping his emotions to himself as he asked that question. A groan fell past her lips. “Yes. I’m okay.” she panted as she squinted her eyes at the torturing pain her leg was giving her.
“Switch with me Diaz!” Evan commanded his girlfriend.
She crawled towards Evan, and when she was on her stomach next to him, she swung the rifle from her back towards her chest.
They were switching roles.
But when Evan started running across the open field and towards the helicopter, a grenade launcher launched its explosive towards the helicopter and landed a few feet beside Evan’s body.
Evan’s body connected with the helicopter, as if he got pushed in the back. Evan groaned as he rolled onto his stomach, trying to stand up again. He coughed, his ears were ringing of the loud boom when the pin was pulled from the launcher.
The man in front of the chopper needed his help.
The soldier who was dead had to be brought back to his family. They needed to bury his body, not an empty basket. Evan grabbed his arms and slung his limp body over his shoulder and ran.
He ran so hard he could almost feel his feet slipping away from underneath his body.
Evan placed the body of the deceased soldier on the floor against the rocks and slung his rifle back over his shoulder and helped (y/n) with shooting.
“Shit!” (Y/n) said as her rifle refused, she pulled the trigger a few more times, but nothing. ”I'm blank!” she spoke as she got down and pushed her back against the rocks again. Her hand traced down to her leg as she got her gun out of its holder. It wasn’t good enough, but at least it would buy them some time.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Evan cursed as his rifle did the same thing after he shot a few more bullets.
That was it. That was their story.
The bullets were still flying around their heads. He leaned with his back against the rocks, just as (Y/n) did. He could hear her cries, the one that broke him, the one which made his heart drop down in his chest.
Her leg hurts. She saved every single one of them, only to see them die just minutes after the disaster. She squeezed her eyes shut as tears were flowing over her cheeks. She didn’t want to die. Not like this.
Evan panted. With every explosion, every gunshot he could feel (Y/n) moving closer.
He grabbed her hand, and let their fingers intertwine with each other. He held on as tightly as he could and pressed a kiss to the back of her hand.
“I love you (Y/n), I want you to know that.” At that moment, she only wanted to cry more. This sounded like a goodbye. “No. Don’t do that.” she said as she shook her head. “Our story doesn’t end like this.” she continued as she tightened her grip on his hand, like it was her mission to push all of the blood out of his hand. “I’m afraid it does.” Evan said as he looked her in the eye.
But not even a second after that, a helicopter flew by and started raining fire. They were coming to rescue them. Evan looked up at the sky as a smile spread over his face. “Tell me you love me in a few hours again, Buckley.”
“Hey! How was your appointment?” Evan said as (y/n) opened the front door and limped inside.
She shrugged her shoulders as she closed the door behind her. “It was fine. I guess..” she sighed. It wasn’t her best day. She had hoped for better news from her physiotherapist, but unfortunately he didn’t have that for her.
“Are you sure? Because the way you just told me, doesn’t really make it sound fine to me.” Evan said. As he folded his arms over one another and pressed his lower back against the kitchen counter. She really didn’t want to talk about it, which became clear to Evan as she let her keys slide onto the dining table and dropped her bag on the flat surface loudly.
“Hey what’s up?” Evan asked as he could see her face going from a slightly sad one morphing into an annoyed one and she tried to walk away from the conversation.
She stopped in her tracks as her name fell once more off of Evan’s lips. “I really don’t want to talk about it, Buck.”
“Well, that’s too bad. Because I do want to talk about it.” he told her.
(Y/n) knew she couldn’t talk him out of that thought. Whenever Evan had a goal, he was determined to reach it no matter what. And right here, right now the goal was: getting (y/n) to tell him what was on her chest before she could burst and fall back into a dark place.
Her body spun around as she rested her hands onto her waist. “It’s just… my physiotherapist.. he told me that the chances of my kneecap healing are low. Like.. really low. He was talking about fifteen to twenty percent.”
She pressed the palm of her hand against her forehead as she shook her head. She couldn’t believe it. After all the time and effort she spent on physiotherapy, little exercises she had gotten as homework from the therapist and this is what came out. All her hard work felt like nothing now that he told her the odds of the further healing process.
“Wait what?” Evan pushed himself off the kitchen counter he was leaning against.
“My kneecap isn’t healing anymore.” she sighed as she started fidgeting with her fingers, something she always did whenever she was anxious. The bullet she received during saving her team, ended up fracturing her entire kneecap.
Evan moved closer, moving along the kitchen island until he met his girlfriend who was standing a few feet next to the dining table. He laid his hands on her upper arm as he tried to comfort her. “So I’ll probably be stuck with this stupid brace for god knows how long.” She pointed at her hand at her right leg with the brace secured to her knee..
Evan sighed. He didn’t know what to do or to say. He had been there for her these past months, years, just like he promised her on the side of that hospital bed back in Afghanistan. “Come here.” Evan said as he opened his arms and pulled (y/n) to his chest. He folded his arms around her body, he was almost like a human blanket.
She laid the side of her head on his chest as he let his head rest onto her head. His hand rubbed her back, following her spine up and down.
The sound of his beating heart made her body calm down and her anxiousness leaving her body. “You know, a low chance doesn’t mean that there isn’t a chance at all. There’s still hope.” Evan tried to make the best out of it, and pressed a kiss on the top of her hair.
Her arms tightened around his body, it felt comforting standing like this. No flying bullets, no alarms sounding, it was just them. “I know.. it’s just.. hard to be positive after all the time and patience I have put into it.” She mumbled into his chest.
It had been months, years, since the bullet had crushed her kneecap and destroyed her entire career along with it. A lot has changed over the years. They left the army, both of them, (Y/n) because of medical reasons, and Evan wanted to support her and be with her. Evan searched for a new purpose and started with the fire academy, while (y/n) had to take a break from all the action and started applying for jobs that didn’t require putting too much pressure on her leg. So she was now working as a receptionist at an office in Los Angeles.
She didn’t like it, sitting and waiting around. But she didn’t have a choice. Not if her leg was torturing her like this.
“You know, I know I said we would go out today. But, I’ve got a proposal.” Evan spoke up as he looked around the space they were in. “What if.. instead of going out, we did a movie night, hmm?” Evan asked.
She pushed her head off his chest and pressed her chin into it instead, looking up as her eyes met Evan’s. “Are you sure? I mean.. It’s the fourth of july?” she asked him with a soft voice. Evan nodded his head, “Yeah.. It has been a while since we did that, and besides I really don’t have the energy to party right now”.
A smile spread widely on (y/n)’s face. “Ugh, good. Because I’m exhausted.” she sighed as Evan pressed a soft warm kiss to her forehead.
“I’ll make the popcorn” Evan said as he loosened his grip, and moved his hands to her waist. “No you’re not.” (Y/n) spoke up. An offended look flooded over his face, as he furrowed his eyebrows. She straightens her spine as she smiles at Evan’s reaction. “You always burn the popcorn. Let me do it. You can choose the movie.”
Evan looked up at the ceiling, pretending to think about his answer. But as soon as his eyes fell back on hers, he gave her a small smile. “Hmm.. okay.” She pressed a quick kiss to his cheek as she wriggled herself out of Evan’s grip and proceeded to walk towards the kitchen.
Microwaved popcorn, it wasn’t that difficult to make, but somehow Evan succeeded in burning the popcorn multiple times. She opened the hot package of popcorn she had just microwaved, filled a bowl with it and added some melted butter to it.
She grabbed the bowl and walked towards the living room, “We’re going to watch Mean girls!” Evan said as he leaned forwards on the sofa with the TV remote in his hand. A chuckle left her lips, “After all these years, you still know how to surprise me-”
Her head shot to the right as a loud bang entered her ears. She was taken by surprise, she was so shocked that the glass bowl she was holding in her hands dropped to the ground and fell into a hundred little pieces.
The colorful fireworks burned onto her retina, as she squeezed her eyes shut when another bang roared in her ears.
“We’re pinned down. Taking fire.”
Her heart thudded in her chest as her hands were starting to tremble. “Woah, you okay?” Evan’s muffled voice asked when he took place in front of her, which she didn’t even notice.
Her breathing started to fasten as she looked with panicked eyes through the window and flashes from that night flashed before her eyes. Short, shallow breaths were leaving her lungs. She was terrified.
“Buck wake up!”
“We’re under attack. Come on.”
It’s all coming back to her now, that night she wanted so desperately to forget, but her mind clearly didn’t and couldn’t. Tears were starting to fall down her cheeks as she was still focussed on the fireworks outside.
“(Y/n)!” Evan’s voice sounded over the radio as a scream fell off her lips.
Breathing was hard, it felt as if she had just run the Los Angeles marathon. She brought her hand up to her chest as she tried to take deeper breaths. “(Y/n)!?” Evan’s voice sounded as he tried to figure out what was happening to her. Evan had called out multiple questions to her, that didn’t seem to come through.
But when Evan wanted to reach out his hand, to comfort her and try to help her, she lashed his hand away and stumbled backwards. Her vision was starting to become blurry, she blinked to try and gain back her vision, but nothing worked.
She couldn’t hear any words Evan was asking or telling her, she couldn’t even read his face.
It became harder and harder to breathe, as if her airways were being pushed together and the trachea became smaller with every breath she took. As another bang sounded dull through her ears, she ran.
She ran towards the first door she saw, the closest one of them all.
Their bedroom door.
As she was running, another firework exploded in the air. The explosion made her right knee feel weak and broken again, it made her limp her way towards the door. It was almost like the bullet hit her kneecap all over again.
With a bang she closed the door shut behind her and locked it. A horrifying scream came out her mouth as she cried. Before she could even process what she was doing, her hand lashed out and multiple photo frames hit the floor.
(Y/n) pushed her back against the concrete wall, as she slid down to the floor while she could still hear and see the flashes of that night back in Afghanistan roaring in the back of her mind.
Tear after tears were falling down her cheek as her boyfriend called out her name on the other side of the door.
“Hey, thanks for coming so fast.”
Evan opened the front door of their apartment, almost getting pushed to the side as Eddie barged in. “I didn’t know what else to do.” Evan said as he closed the front door.
“Where is she, Buck?” Eddie asked his brother-in-law as their eyes connected.
“Bedroom, I tried to talk with her.. But it seems like she’s.. not here, mentally?” Evan asked himself if what he was saying made any sense. Eddie placed his hands on his hips and nodded. “Okay, I will talk to her.”
Evan nodded, as he ran a hand through his hair and he let out a deep sigh. While Eddie turned away from Evan and walked towards the bedroom door.
Eddie gently let his knuckles knock on the wooden door as he tried to catch his breath. He didn’t have the time to wait on the elevator to reach the ground floor, so he chose to run up the stairs to the fifth level.
“(Y/n)? Are you in there?” Eddie’s voice carefully asked, as he panted and let his hand rest on the doorframe while he let his other arm rest against the door. He waited a few seconds for a response.
“It’s me. Can I come in?” He asked as he tried to open the door, which was locked. “Shit.” He cursed as he tried to turn the doorknob, but it didn’t move. “(Y/n).. please.” Defeated he lets his fist fall against the door.
Eddie could hear her crying through the door, the ones that made his heart ache.
“(Y/n) stay away from the door okay? I’m coming in.” Eddie said as he pushed himself off the door and walked backwards to let him create more momentum. He kicked the door in with his right leg, and it swung open.
His eyes scanned the room he had just kicked open. “(Y/n)?” his worried voice filled the room. He could hear the sobs falling from her lips, when his eyes finally found his sister, he rushed towards her.
With her legs up to her chest locked into place with her arms and her head dangling between her thighs, she cried.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Eddie asked calmly as he let himself fall down onto his knees next to her. She shook her head as sobs fell off her lips and slowly looked in front of her. “We’re under attack.”
Eddie furrowed his eyebrows, “What? No, you’re safe.” he reassured her.
She shook her head. “They’re out there, I’ve heard them.” A sigh left Eddie’s mouth as he realized what was going on here, he let his hand rest carefully onto her shoulder. When his hand connected with her skin, her eyes shot at her brother’s.
“It’s okay” He gave her shoulder a slight, soft squeeze. ”You’re having a panic attack.” Eddie concluded.
“No. That can’t be. I’m.. I’m not crazy.” She said as a tear traced down her face, when she tried to calm herself down as she huffed out oxygen. “It’s okay.. we’re going to get through this.” Eddie says as he grabs both her hands, and looks her in the eyes.
“Take deep, slow breaths with me. Okay?” His thumbs rubbed over the back of her hands as she closed her eyes and copied her brother’s breathing.
“Good. That’s it.” He supported her as she cried through her attempts to take deep slow breaths.
When her breathing calmed down, Eddie sat down next to her, folding his legs over each other. “Now, you want to tell me what happened?” Eddie carefully asked (y/n).
She remained silent as she looked at her legs and fidgeted with her fingers. “I’m not leaving until you tell me, you know that.” he reminded her.
(Y/n) let her head fall against the wall so she was looking up at the ceiling as she shook her head. She knew that Eddie was going to sit there for another twenty four hours if he had to, maybe even days. And if she wouldn’t talk, he’d find a way to get her talking. He may be a firefighter just as Evan, but he could just be as much as an interrogator.
“I was making popcorn.. and when I walked back, I heard fireworks.”
“And the fireworks triggered something.. I get it.” Eddie finished her story. She nodded and a sigh left her mouth. “Fireworks and explosives don’t sound the same. But somehow.. I was back again. In Afghanistan. With a damn bullet in my leg.” her voice was on the edge of breaking down, it was shaking as she tried to stop crying, holding back her tears.
A loud silence sounded through the bedroom.
“I’ve had them too.” Eddie confessed. He could feel his sister’s eyes drawn to him. “Panic attacks, flashbacks..”
“You never told me that.” she reacted. Normally Eddie would be an open book to his sister, and yes she knew that of course he would have secrets. But she wasn’t exactly expecting him to keep something like this from her.
“I know.. I should’ve told you. But the point is.. I told myself I was fine, until I had a panic attack in the middle of a store. And I ended up in the ER with a cardiologist.” Eddie told her as he didn’t look her in the eye.
“ I wish I could promise you that it will get better. But it won’t.” he tells her as he looks her in the eye now. “We chose back then, for that life, for the consequences. And we may as well just have to live with it.”
She knew exactly where she signed up for when she dropped out of high school. Her mom and dad asked her a hundred times if she had thought this through.
“But please, when this happens again. Accept the hands we’re holding out, to keep you from drowning.” Eddie begged his sister. “That’s what you had then, and that’s what you have right now. No one wants to see anyone suffer like that.”
Eddie held out his hand with his palm up towards his sister. She took a glance at the hand he was holding out, and laid her hand on top of his. Her head turned to his as he gave her a small smile.
“Come here.” Eddie says as he opened his other arm and moved the one her hand was resting on towards her back, as she moved hers behind his. “You can always talk to me.” Eddie whispered as he felt her arms tightening around his back.
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Good Fences (Fluffuary #07)
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FEB07: Missing Them
You fumbled with his keys as you went to retrieve his mail. It was stuffed full of packages, letters, and bills, but you were prepared this time. You shuffled them all into your tote bag and made for the long trek up the stairs to his apartment. 
You cracked open the door and entered the dark space. That light in his pantry was on again, and you made a mental note to call your building supervisor to get it checked out. You’d taped the switch down into the off position, so it had to be a short fuse. 
Once you dropped his mail, you turned to leave, but you hesitated. You just wanted to smell him, just a little hint of him to jog your memory. Or at least that’s what you told yourself. 
You padded into his bedroom and pushed open the door. It was clean, meticulously so, and he’d made his bed with mitered corners. You figured he would. He’d been in the army for more than two decades, so that made sense. There was still a jarring clash between your bohemian quilts and throws and his Spartan styling. 
It felt wrong, and you knew you shouldn’t be snooping, but you opened one of his dresser drawers and found his tee shirts. You rubbed your hand against the soft cotton, feeling its cool threads beneath your fingers, and you tugged it out of its folded position. You held it up to your nose and took a deep breath. 
All of a sudden, it was as if he was there, holding you to his chest, petting your skin with his huge, callused hands, breathing his smoke across your neck and mouth; he was your big, protective dragon. 
You missed him. It was as if you couldn’t remember a time without him, and you wanted him to be home again. If you let yourself think about it too long, you started to get worried. Your mind began to fabricate all sorts of things that couldn’t possibly be true; helicopter crashes and terrorist threats and poison gas bombs. 
It was all fantasy, you knew. That was just stuff that happened in the movies. In real life, they used drones and long-range missiles like they showed in those army recruiting commercials. He wasn’t involved in hand-to-hand combat like James Bond. You felt silly for even considering it. 
But, what if he was, your mind interjected. What if your terrifying, dragon-like neighbor was out there, breathing fire down terrorists’ necks, sinking his knife deep into their chests, sneaking up on them and tackling them to the ground with his powerful legs? 
You shuddered. You were a little ashamed of yourself, but you held the shirt to your face again and imagined him rushing through a decrepit building, taking the stairs three at a time, flying up to the roof to save you from the clutches of some horrible enemy. 
He would kill your assailant without much fanfare, cigar hanging from his mouth, sweating and filthy from a day of chasing after you. And he’d catch you, right before you fell, hauling you into his arms and gripping you so tightly. He’d toss the cigar off the roof, and he’d smell like his tobacco and sunlight and clean detergent. And when he kissed you, it would feel like you were the only person in the whole wide world. 
You folded the shirt and put it back in the drawer, taking pains to ensure it looked exactly how you found it.
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