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riotxblade · 6 years ago
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It’s like they know---wait one of these things is not like the other.
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ladyloving · 6 years ago
armigerxarsenal replied to your post:           “Ah. This looks bad.”
shhh, it’s always a good morning when you’re throwing Lost Odyssey music on the dash. ♥ plus, painkillers are actually working today so that must mean i’m getting better. :)
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outofcalms-archived · 6 years ago
❝ Conserve your strength…You’ve a calling to fulfill. ❞ || Fuck it, saw how you and Su interacted, thought I'd give this a shot. >) Better him than the madman. lol
Episode Ignis Sentence Starters || Still accepting!
[✬☾✬]Their enemies werelicked; on the verge oftucking tail and fleeing. She, however, hadn’t been keen on lettingthem slip away so easily. A furrowed brow marks the gunner’sannoyance, ghosting the pad of her finger along the trigger of onepistol while the other limp at her side; aburning descent into anger pilots those first stalking footsteps,ready to give chase.
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     Then...agrasp holds fast round her wrist. Prompting a sharp turn of her head,she’s surprised to catch sight of the Prince. More so that hebarred her from following Spiritus’minions. In the moments it took for him to reach her withrationality, expressions shift – from pursed lips to a morecrestfallen stare, the once meek and mild summoner lowers her weapon;albeit with some reluctance.
     Frustrationsthat have been building, pent up out of fear and uncertainty, forceYuna to drop the facade she’s taken to emulating for so long.Carefully pulling her arm from his reach whilst her head bows,purposefully avoiding Noctis’ gaze, a nod in understanding is givenin kind.
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    Theyall wanted to return home. Every single oneof them.Thiswasn’t an arms race nor was it an opportunity to strike in recklessabandon, but a chance to methodically turn the odds in their favor.She’s aware of that crucial fact, yet it did very little to quellthe smoldering flames deep down inside.
Howeverdefeated she feels in the moment, she presses on with a heavy heartif it meant claiming the most precious victory they’ll ever come toknow.
❝Thinkyou can leave this bit out when we catch up to the others?❞ Thoughher smile is apologetic when she glances up at Noctis, she relies ona bit of humor to lessen the sting of shame that came from her almost careless mistake. ❝I’ll never hear the end of it, otherwise.❞
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imperialroseking · 7 years ago
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//Wishes to be in Flangst. Has no idea how to enter.
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tenebraeya · 7 years ago
The more she was left to think about things, the more she realised all she had failed to do. She sat there, safe as she could be and surely that was better than danger? And yet she felt as if she’d managed to let all the people around her down in ways unimaginable and irreparable.
A war was raging and she was doing her best, and more than that she was trying to stay out of trouble and allow the people she cared for to do as they did; to take their risks and she believed in them being capable enough to do it... and yet, she was getting more and more anxious as each day passed and the amount of things they had to faced grew stronger and more bountiful. How much longer would they remain safe?
She had to find them (find him, save him) and make sure that everyone (from their world and without) would be safe. Sitting idle was no longer an option, and she knew there would be a mixture of relief and panic from both sides, but she lifted herself in the dead of night and stole through her glass tower of sorts to make her way out... to make her way to them.
Safe wasn’t an option anymore, because fortune favours the bold.
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claireverie · 8 years ago
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thepaintedmadman · 7 years ago
∞ Keepsakes ∞ Project Flangst: Ties To The Great Scourge.
     When one had a lot of time on their hands, they sink to depravity, and listlessness.  So, what happens when one has an eternity to contemplate how useless existence was?  One could say regrets, even anger.  There was plenty for the painted madman who ascended to godhood to regret.  The first was not finishing the job in the colliery mines of Narshe.  
[Ambience: The Evil One]
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     The plan was perfect---absolutely perfect.  Reclaim his most prized doll, and allow her to wreak havoc upon those who dared challenge him.  This would show them that his reign over the world would go unchallenged.  What Kefka had not counted on was the ethereal instability since he claimed the power of the Warring Triad to open ethereal tears to other worlds.
    No no no...!
     He was thwarted by the man with a scar on his face, and his friends from the other world.  He---along with that “pinhead” Locke were able to steal his precious doll yet again from his clutches.  Kefka refused to stand for that, which attributed to his current train of thought.
     No!  NO!  “NO!”
     That last “No” was spoken dialogue, and it echoed in the chamber.  Fingers curled onto his palms, drawing blood as Kefka seethed with rage.  So be it; if the do-gooders of his world would recruit champions from other realms, then he would bring others under the banner of chaos.  If they refused, then he would simply destroy them, just like everyone else that crossed his path.  They would all meet the same fate as Leo, and as Gestahl.  None would escape the God of Magic’s wrath.   The question was, who would he choose?  A thought that was lost in his growing tantrum.
     “She was mine.  She was mine!  How dare they make a mockery of me!  I will show them just who is in charge.  The laughing is going to stop.  Because now we’re going to play by my rules.”  The anger at last began to subside, and there it was again---the sadistic smile that had one voice only: to destroy everything.  All that was left was Kefka’s simper as he vanished to find his next target.
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     “Heh...heh...heh.”     ~
OoC Addendum under the cut:
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This is a plot call that also ties into “Project Flangst” our unaffiliated plotline that spans across many ideas and fandoms---though primarily Final Fantasy.  It is intended for multiple participants, the likes of which are free to group up as they wish and treat it however they would like, though the basis is on events that have transpired over the course of our collective roleplaying tenure.  You are more than happy to participate, or ask questions.  And now, I shall tag the appropriate people who are directly involved in this, or would like to be involved, and even those who want something more specific for them, which will also be included in my tags as a separate rant.  If that word vomit made no sense at all, just consider it an excuse to bother my ass on my muses okay?  >) This is me, branching out.
@riotxblade, @not-a-rogue (Lou is an exception: all her muses are fair game including Ignis @anxlyticum ) @thepricewasright, @chereceles, @royalxshock (When RL doesn’t get to you Eggy;I know you have a wedding in the works. <3), @runexxknight , @girlinthemagitekarmor , @tenebraeya , @artemisxbow , @imperialroseking, @burmecianblackmage, @ladyharken, @armigerxarsenal, @antisocialsavant (The last two being my muses of course.)
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riotxblade · 6 years ago
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runexxknight · 7 years ago
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name.  Celes Chere
nickname.  She doesn’t really have one. 
gender.  Cis female. 
romantic orientation. Heteroromantic.
sexual orientation.  Demisexual. 
preferred pet names.  She doesn’t have one because she’s a bit awkward about these, but she could also get used to them xD
relationship status.  In canon, she’s single, but she’ll be with Locke post-game. I roleplay her pretty much in that direction too. 
opinion on true love. It’s something really rare that not everyone meets in their life.  opinion on love at first sight.  It doesn’t exist. 
how ‘romantic’ are they.  She likes to think she’s not, but is. Maria and Draco’s story moved her a lot more than she wants to admit it. 
ideal physical traits.  Locke As long and he’s in a good shape, she doesn’t really mind. 
ideal personality traits. Locke Someone who considers her as an equal and respects her skills and opinions, and also someone who makes it easier for her to talk. She has to be really comfortable with someone to be in love.  
unattractive physical traits. Someone who’s clearly not in a good shape. 
unattractive personality traits. Someone who never considers her, and who doesn’t respect her. 
ideal date. Something relax, with only the two of them. She’s not really picky. 
do they have a type.  Treasure hunters Not really, as long as she is comfortable around him. 
average relationship length. She can’t say because she had never been into one :P 
commitment level.  Once she loves, she loves deeply, and will probably never love someone else. 
opinion of public affection.  It makes her really shy, so she prefers to keep that in private :P
past relationships.  None. 
favorite canon ship.  Locke/Celes for sure ♥ I love them, it’s just so natural and realistic, and they bring so much to each other ♥
favorite non-canon ship.  Celes is probabaly one of the hardest character to ship tbh, so I don’t really see her with someone else than Locke ?? At least not for now. Bartz could be great though, maybe ?? And her friendship with Sabin is really precious ♥ but yes only friendship :P
tagged by: @armigerxarsenal, thank you :D 
tagging:  @girlinthemagitekarmor @earthmaiden @burmecianblackmage & YOU ;D
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outofcalms-archived · 6 years ago
🍲 >)
Soft & Affectionate Meme || Still accepting!
[✬☾✬] Luluhad warned her time and again, hadn’t she? The spell-singer’s voiceechoing in her head disapprovingly at the summoner’s childishpastime; sternthoughit may have been, it was also out of love and concern – even intheir absence of each other. Of course…perhaps it was nothing morethan the fever taking hold, or the throb drumming against hertemples. Either had been a possibility.
Yetthe day waited for no one. Her responsibilities within the group werestill very much in play, ill or not;she’dnever think to let it fall to another to carry her weight.
     Achingmuscles protested at the mere thought of movement, but she’spersistent. Weakly sitting up, an inch for every breath she took, thecold reared its nasty head. The back of her hand wipes beads of sweatfrom her brow, working up the courage, and subsequent energy it wouldtake, to stand.
Butthe summoner isn’t able to get very far.
     Thefootfalls of another prompt weary eyes to raise, surprised to seeNoctis standing at the mouth of her tent. Complete with a wooden bowland spoon in hand;aribbon of steam coming from the top, shesimply smiles as he explains what she already knows. As obstinate asshe would usually be,in this case, the young woman quietly sniffles with a soft shake toher head.
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❝Youdidn’t have to go through the trouble, Noct, but thank you.❞
     Brothalways seemed to ease away the symptoms, but she also promises not tostay out in the rain. Well…not for that long,anyway….
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riotxblade · 6 years ago
@thepaintedmadman, @armigerxarsenal, @antisocialsavant
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tenebraeya · 7 years ago
armigerxarsenal replied to your post: ♪
:: The Lonely Noctis ::
Aw, baby. /cuddle. Knowing our luck the next two will only get more depressing, if that’s even possible.
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drcgonscrxst · 7 years ago
To do list:
in drafts - 
untitled starter - @kuscrigama untitled starter - @armigerxarsenal untilited starter - @yuraitsja untitled starter - @burmecianblackmage
starters owed - 
@adventurouswind @thefiremaid @ghostlyanon
If I’ve missed anything, just lemme know!
{I’ll be getting to these tomorrow tho. There was sneaky dairy in my meal somewhere this evening and I am sore. Made everything, bar the potatoes, myself from scratch. Partner’s friend was in charge of potatoes, may have put butter in it without my knowledge :x.
Anyway, I’m just popping this up mostly for myself, but also so that people know what I have saved/am owe and haven’t forgotten about.}
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burmecianblackmage · 6 years ago
5 Year Anniversary - Thank You!
Today, February 4, 2019, marks not only Sceada’s 25th birthday, it is also the 5th anniversary of me creating this blog here, and beginning to roleplay as my little Burmecian.
5 years... that’s a long time. Time, during which much has happened. There have been so many adventures and meetings, have been so many encounters and situations I was allowed to write with you lovely people. There has been so much room for my character to grow, to learn, to form friendships and bonds, becoming a better man in the process. There has been so much development, so many ways in which he’s changed, so many people he connected to...
And I wouldn’t want to miss a single one of them.
Sure, there have been bad times too. Times where there wasn’t much happening, or where that which was happening ended up leaving a heavy burden upon us, where it affected us in more ways than we imagined, both positively and negatively, and there have even been tears we cried over it all. Be it because things did not work out as we hoped, be it because we felt the pain of our characters, or be it even because we lost friends. For after all, paths not only cross and align at times, they also separate again, with some never to meet ours again, no matter how sad a thought this may be.
But such is life, and rather than list off all the things that happened, all the stories and ideas that developed and bloomed in those five years, I’d like to do something else:
I want to thank everyone who walked this path together with me, no matter how briefly.
And so I have spent the last week going through my blog and a total of 4682 posts with the goal of listing up everyone that has ever interacted with Sceada and this blog here. Whether that be by simple starters or lengthy plays, by sending in asks or perhaps by drawing a lovely picture of him unprompted, everyone who ever interacted with me and Sceada here on this blog, I wish to thank you.
And so, even though many of you are no longer here, have moved on or perhaps even forgotten about this here all together, I would like to list you all up here, under the cut. All 217 of you that I managed to count.
Consider this a huge thank you for everything, my friends! I do sincerely hope we’ll get to share more stories in the future, and that we’ll get to connect with each other, be it again after a long time, some more, or even entirely new. Thank you for making my time here what it has been, and for turning this hobby into one so very dear to me. I love you all.
Sincerely, Patrick~
Thank you to everyone who ever interacted with me:
Freya Crescent @burmecias-protector | Sin sinixto @captainwithagrin | Looker @asklooker | Yeul paddra-nsu--yeul paddraprincess | Puck @wandering-rat-prince | Ringabell thebellsarerung | Azee daughter-of-eorzea @spearofthemother | Minfilia @sharlayanmistress | Omega @engineofdestruction | Vivi @oneyearsblessing | Edea Lee edeaofeternia @ladyofeternia | Caius timeless-encounters @divine-identite | Steiner @sworndevotion | Millenia @thewingsofvalmar | Garnet @avaliantqueen | Eiko @ladyoflindblum | Demi transientblade noxsicarius | Yda lunaxmonk | Croma Magnolie @cromagnolie | Riboruba riborubaxblade | Alisaie alisaiesresolve @alisaiespath-blog | Aqua azul-tragedy nymphatragicae | Garuda @ladyofgentlebreezes @purplepawnms | Fran shatterheartskypirate @feralstriike | Maria @artemisxbow | Rahela Uillces @rahelauillces | Hikari Devonair @claireverie | Yda sharlayanpugilist | Y'shtola oerlominsanseas @sholarofsharlayan | Amaterasu wolf-oftherisingsun @dis-sasster | Zidane goldentailedthief @gaianforged | Rinoa @angelwingprincess | Tataru taruluv | Ollie shadowturbine @shadowturbine-archive | Quina @worldonlyhavetwothings | Lilith @genomecode | Lenne @zanarkandsongstress | Eraqus departuresmaster | Paine nemuruomoi | Vhaso'a vhasoaamariyo thevermilliongaelicatte | @zezlemet | Garnet @likedovesinflight | Kael Haden beyondreflection @nightscaped | Ventus vvaywardwind | Selphie @sunny-explosions | Cloud swordmechanic @sn-soldier | Leon @imperialroseking | Elisia Dawnbreaker scarletenchantress @vermiculusmagi | Blank @thiefspian | Lancia Almathia eternalharvestpriestess @eternalharvestpriestess-blog | Achtung @trenokingsman | Marluxia @daemonflorescence | Etro etrotheforgottengoddess | E-Sumi Yan @sacredseedseer | Laguna @moombaliberator | DeRosso @reapersofknowledge | Y'landa Naih @majoredinhealing | Namine @scatteredcrayons | Lightning sanctusmilitis @ofetro | Reina Roux @crimsonspellsword | Victoria F. Stein abhorrentxwitch | Tifa Lockheart @nibelheimsweetheart | Faris @fieryseafarer-blog | Crisis gunsmokeprincess cxmbatsecretary | Momoe Nagisa mxrscapone cxgitationum | Blank silkyxthief | Impa regiuscustos @matriark | Beatrix @alexandrianrose | Yda @ydaism | Garnet @beyondtheflyingbird | Axel ist-axel-now @eternefiamme | Aerith @brexthoftheplxnet | Binrril @burmecianpaladin | Angeal @honorofangealhewley | Cecil @asouldivided | technicite | glacious-siren | Artemia Venus @huntressartemia | Leonora @containyourmainposure | Garnet xprincessofalexandria | Celes imperialturncoat | Calisto @burmecianknight | Garnet garnetffix | Garnet queenofsummoners | Eiko angeltriads | queenofalldarkness | Garnet queengarnet | Hylia hyliahergrace @luxaeterna | Zidane @zinidyne-zidane | Arc kindheartedmage | Mr. Sonacore somnusofnavyrealm | Locke @thepricewasright | Nanamo @sultana-dreaming | Leila @seafoamrose | Alisaie @alisaie-leveilleur | Axel @flamesxofxeternity | Vanille @jourdevanille | Terra @magitekelite | Brii briidunviing-a @dovsebrii | Serina Stonereach @ask-the-alchemist-of-gaia | Kairi @irradiancies | Lucienne @lucienneluciscaelum | Ignis @fieryknowledge | beckonlight | Haumeric @hiemalstorm | Gau @raisedbymonsters | Demyx ninthnocturne @baconxkitty | Kain @alphadraconis | Leila @dancing-dagger | Cloud @sacredscar | Aqua valorfindings freezingslash | Setzer @onagamble | Tifa Lockheart @lockedfighter | Ashe divineoath | beyondlores | Roxas trxdxcim | Fran @woodwarder | Aqua lazulaqua | Alphonse Elric @wirecage | Lightning brandedrose @brandedrose-archived | Noel Kreiss @lazuliss | Rydia @evocatress | Adelphel illustrisxarma @azurexheavens | Nymeia spinneroffxte spxnnerisms | Syabelth @diamondoath | Melinoe @pandoragu | Amina @the-shadow-of-a-wielder | Porom elderinwhite @mysidianwhitemage | Ysayle @ysayle-iceheart | Estinien wyrmbloodx | Garnet princessxofalexandria | Nidhogg @ansjahs | Steiner @captainoftheplutoknights | Lily Ember @losteidolon @lilykomatsu | Relm Arrowny @colorfulvirtuoso | Ashe dusksdecree @bnargindalmasca | Beatrix @rosegeneral | Mateus lucifcrisms @lucifcrux | Sequoia @sequoiaofeorzea | Terra @riotxblade | Lenna waterprincessoftycoon | Bianca biancathelopunny | Faris @ask-captain-faris | Ritz Malheur @viera-blessed | Kuja @xkuja | Leo Christophe @golden-heart-knight | Rosa purexmagic | Garnet awakenedcanary devotedqueen | Milleuda guerreradelosmuertos @milleuda-folles | Alleyway Jack @ofgil | Kefka @light-of-judgment | Vani @not-a-rogue | Lamya @bokobreeder | Emerya @atieflingwarlock @emerya | Teledji & Tulala @high-stakes-gambler | Lenora Love @thislovelylady | Vivi @ornoirtier | Rojo @fabulousredkweh | Firion @firixn | Rinoa ibisangelus | Bartz @adventurouswind | Garnet princessofalexandria | Aria spiriitxs @nymphaxea | Nayru @deamaurea | Shachi @heartpiratesorca | Zell @ahmyhotdog | Luneth @blessedbycrystal | Rosalia @rosalia-the-guardian @rebirthxguardian | Carbuncle @crimsonjewl | Aerith adelicatefleur rosenguard | Amalthea @thelcstunicorn | Rydia @in-the-world-below | Etro @solitarixs | GM @dndencounters | Amarant @crimsonsalamander | Tifa Lockheart fightforastar | Mikoto xbranbal @infragments | Palom @mysidiasprodigy | Marcus @tantalizingbro | Garnet thelittlecanary | Ricard Highwind @wyvernblessed | Adara @deriision | Noctis @armigerxarsenal | Klara witchalienanddemons | Ami @shinra-mp-dispatch | Olithier @clericaltendency @gxntil | Hilda @wildrosematriarch @wildrosemonarch | Taylor Gudbrand @tailoringtay | Rinoa residentangel | Garnet mybuttissoft @unspokenchansons | Rachel @thefiremaid | Amarant @arrogancecoral | Minwu @seal-of-heaven | Freya Crescent @drcgonscrxst | Irvine Kinneas @sharpxshootin | Eiko @unspokenchansons | Garnet @bemysclf | Celes @runexxknight | Ashe @dalmascasqueen | Mipha @divineoath @mixtisque | Rapunzel @flordorado | Logan Himura @thecrimsonsageofgaia | Shantotto @chxinspeller | Mikazuki @swordgrandpa | Chi @innocent-ai | Lenne @faythsung | Shantotto @apersonallesson | @garnet77 | Anna @deriisinful-archive @deriisinful | Aranea @dragoonxdive | Freya Crescent @party-of-rpg-muses | Beatrix @save-the-rose @rcsetorn | Kristjan @kristjanstower | Anita @bearxclaws | Argath @lonescion | Scoot @scootpatoot | Biff @biff-adventurer
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adventurouswind · 7 years ago
@armigerxarsenal @phylxrchus @triggerxhappy @photowark
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dweeb bros who can’t take smooching seriously
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riotxblade · 6 years ago
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-Dinguses are Dinguses. <3-
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