#armando aretas lowrey
scftpcws · 2 months
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Star Crossed| Armando Aretas | Teaser
✩Description: Requested by @nelo0wesker : “Enemies to lovers Armando X reader. Readers in the mafia while Armando in the cartel”
✩ Pairing : Armando Aretas x Fem!reader
✩ Genre : Dark Mafia Romance
✩ Warnings: 17+ (smut in later chapters, Violence, Drug usage, Gang Violence, Sexual/Dark themes, Child endangerment, source accurate violence, bad language, death, my awful spelling and grammar, my terrible Spanish translations (i’m a little rusty), made up characters
✩ Fandom: Bad Boys
✩ Taglist : @nelo0wesker @twinklestarslight @mzbeautii96 @geneziesm @mcotton0928 @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @sunrisesfromthewest
✩ A/n: i didn’t know how i could put this in one post so its going to be a multi part fic! i really hope yall enjoy this . i should be updating weekly (hopefully..) pls lmk if you wanna be added to the taglist or if you would like a rundown of the characters xx
Teaser under the cut !! * *‧.₊˚*੭*ˊᵕˋ੭.*
enjoy!! :)
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Star Crossed| Armando Aretas
“But Dad, why?” she huffed, throwing her arms in the air in frustration.
“Because i said no.”
“But thats not a good enough answer.”
“Y/n, seriously, leave it alone.” he responded, shooting her a glance.
“But I have been training my whole life for this! How am i supposed to take over one day if you can’t trust me to do this?!” she was seething with rage, her nails digging into her palms. She had been told she could ‘go out in the field’ once she had completed her training and was now being denied that right. To say it pissed her off was a serious understatement.
“Mom would want me to do this!”
“Your mother is dead! She cannot want anything! You’re not going and that is final!”
She took a step back, tears welling in her eyes. Ever since her mother had died on a mission, her father had become cold and distant. It was almost as if he never cared for her.
“Thats not fair , and you know it,” she spoke through gritted teeth, her hands balled up in fists at her sides. “If you really don’t want me there despite me being your best agent, fine. But when it all goes to shit, don’t ask me to help.”
She left her fathers office, the thud of her boots following her. Her father sighed, holding his face in his hands. Y/n was just like her mother, dedicated, hardworking, and undeniably stubborn. She couldn’t understand why her father wouldn’t allow her to assist the team on this mission. She thought he was coddling her, holding her back from her full potential. But in reality, he was protecting her.
She stomped all the way to her room, throwing herself on the plush mattress. Her bedroom door clicked open, the sound of kitten heels on the hardwood floors piquing her attention.
“Little one, what did i tell you about shoes on the bed?” the sweet and comforting voice of her childhood nanny, Rosetta, made her huff out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding. “Sorry Miss Rosetta.” she apologised, unlacing her boots and placing them by her bed. “Good, now what’s with that face? Pretty girls like you shouldn’t frown like that.” Rosetta smiled softly, sitting next to her. Her hair was bouncy and smelled like shea butter and coconut oil. Her makeup was light and refreshing, making her look younger than she really was, though Y/n would never point that out because she knew how sensitive Rosetta was about her looks. she dressed unlike the house staff you would expect to find in a home like Y/n’s, more like a rich aunt rather than a nanny.
“Dad is being difficult again.” Y/n grumbled, crossing her arms, her lip slightly jutted out. Rosetta smiled softly at her, the wrinkles by her eyes becoming more prominent. “Now Miss Y/n, you know he is just looking out for you. He doesn’t want you to get hurt, or worse.” she reasoned, petting y/n’s hair. Rosetta was painfully aware of what had happened to Y/n’s mother, and knew it was a sensitive subject, so she made sure to tread lightly.
Y/n stood from her place on the bed, pacing around her lavish room. “But i am not a baby anymore and he knows that! I am one of the most skilled people on the team but he still treats me like a child. It’s not fair!” she argued, her frustration becoming more and more apparent in the way she spoke.
Rosetta smiled, “Well i can’t blame him when you act like this. If i didn’t know any better, i’d say you were having a temper tantrum,” she joked, her tone light, a gentle grin on her face. Y/n rolled her eyes in response, walking back to her bed. Rosetta held her arms open for her, as she used to when Y/n was younger. She laid her head in Rosetta’s lap, allowing the older woman to rake her fingers through her hair, the tension melting from her body.
“Look, Munchkin, your Baba cares about you. He wants you to be safe, and so do i. He has already lost so much, he cannot lose you too.”, Rosetta affirmed, looking down at the sweet girl in her lap. She looked almost the same as she did when she was a child, still soft and precious, but fiercer and somehow more headstrong.
Y/n often despised the way that no matter what Rosetta said, she made sense, she always made sense. “Now dinner will be ready soon, will you be coming down?” She asked, looking down at the girl curled up in her lap.
“I will, but i’m not talking to him.”
The dinner was quiet as ever, just Y/n and her father sat at the table on opposite ends, the same way it had been since her mother died. Rosetta stood off to the side, refilling their glasses whenever they emptied.
“Silent treatment? Real mature Y/n, real mature.” he father stated, taking a sip from the glass of water Rosetta had poured for him. Y/n stood her ground. She wasn’t trying to be childish or petty, she was trying not to to say something she would regret later on, for she did not have a good grasp on the sharp tongue she inherited from her father. Though, it did make arguments with him all the more interesting. “The target is called Benit-”
“Im not going remember? why would you tell me?” she interrupted harshly, her jaw clenched and eyes glaring daggers at her father. “You exhaust me, daughter, you really do.” Her dad sighed, taking a forkful of food and putting it into his mouth. “I’m just trying to fill the silence that you insist upon, because you are too spoiled to take no for an answer, but i guess that is not good enough for you, because nothing ever is.” he grumbled, knowing perfectly well that she would hear every word.
“I insist on the silence, because at least when it’s silent my very existence isn’t being insulted.” she quipped back, cutting up her food and shoving some in her mouth in a hurried attempt to shut herself up. Her father may be head of one of the most powerful mafia families in the world, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t her dad.
“Well maybe if you just did as you were told for once, without questioning my every decision i wouldn’t have to call you out on your petulance!”
“Oh I’m petulant? Says the man who won’t let anyone do anything because he’s too afraid!”
“You are just like your mother, always flying off the handle, not thinking before acting!”
“Mom never listened to your stupid demands and orders!”
“Look where that got her!, the silence was so deafening you could hear a pin drop. “Honey I-”
“How could you say something like that? She did nothing but love you and this is how you talk about her? You berate her for the only mistake she ever made, which was protecting me! She was perfect, never cursed, was polite and knew how to handle herself without getting herself into trouble. You tell me i am just like her?! Well i wish i was like her, maybe then you wouldn’t view me so negatively . Or maybe you would, because that’s exactly how you view her.” Her fists slammed against the table as she rose from her chair.
“Miss Y/n-”
“Miraculously my appetite has gone, thank you for the food though Rosetta.” and with that, she left to her room.
“I dont even want to hear it, Rose” her father huffed, his brows furrowed and his hands clenched together.
“You are both in the wrong. That’s all.” She smiled, placing her hand on Claude’s shoulder, her thumb grazing the fabric of his well tailored suit.
“I know.”
“Hey Boss?” a tall man, of a muscular build walked up to the table, papers in hand. “Yes Lorenzo?” Claude responded, rubbing his temple with his fingers. “I got everything i could on our target from our guy inside, but his tracker just went dead.” Lorenzo admitted, his head low, making sure not to make eye contact with his boss.
“What do you mean his tracker went dead?” Claude breathed, his fist slamming on the table top, causing Rosetta to jump while she cleaned up. “I mean his tracker was on and then it wasn’t.” Lorenzo asserted, huffing out a breath.
“You think this is funny, Enzo?” Claude stood up, grabbing the collar of Lorenzo’s shirt in his fist and and pulling his face closer toward his own.
“No boss.” Claude stared right into Lorenzo’s eyes, his teeth clenched in fury.
“Fix it.”
“Well, we think he may have been discovered, and you know, blown his cover.” Enzo responded calmly, knowing if he reacted the way he wanted to he’d be out of a job, and possibly a life. “Damn you Aretas.” he sighed, his knees suddenly becoming weak.
“Claude!”, Rosetta ran to his side, holding him up as Lorenzo helped her situate him in the chair. “Kill him, i dont care what you have to do to make it happen. i want him dead.”
“Miguel. Ven aqí (come here)” a gruff voice demanded silence from a small group of men playing a round of Cheat, at a table in the middle of a worn down garage.
“Yeah Jay?” Miguel answered, a sweet smile gracing his lips, his two gold canines on full display.
“Did you do what i asked you to?” he was strangely calm, his left eyebrow slightly raised in mock amusement.
“Yeah of course i did.” Miguel answered, his hands moving straight to his pockets. He was lying.
“What did i ask you to do, hmm?” Jay’s hand made its way to Miguels face, squishing the skin in his hand, as the panic started and sweat began to settle on his forehead. ‘oh shit, what did he ask me to do,’ he thought, trying hard to remember the simple task he was asked to complete.
“I asked you to count the money.”
“Oh yeaaah count the money,” his response was delayed and drawn out, a clear indication that he had not in fact counted the money like Jay had asked him to.
“You see, Compa (friend), i asked you to do one thing,huh? Una cosa (one thing) , and you couldn’t even do that,” Miguel looked his ‘friend’ up and down, he was clearly upset, he fucked up.. bad.
before he could utter an apology for his incompetence he felt the cool end of a gun against his temple. “One thing buddy, thats all i asked. Look man, I knew you were stupid, but i didn’t know all that food you ate inhibited your brain functions!” Jay’s words were like venom. He was never nice to anyone but this was too far, even for him.
“Look man, i got distracted, I’m sorry, i’ll count the racks up before Boss gets back, i swear just don’t shoot.” he begged, tears beginning to well in his eyes.
“I should shoot ya’ in ya’ head, maybe it’ll rearrange your brain, make you useful, hmm?” he spat, digging the barrel of the gun further into his skull. “Or maybe i should shoot ya’ dick off, maybe then you’ll spend less time thinking about las putas (the whores) we see on the street and more time thinking about the simple fucking things i ask your dumbass to do!”
“Please man, you know i have a wife and kids, man. I am begging you.”
“Damn, i forgot about that pretty little thing you call your wife. fuck, you think if if i shoot you i could play step daddy for you, hmm? Keep your side of the bed warm. Snuggle up with ya’ Mrs, give her some good- ”
The sound of a gunshot resounded through the garage. Miguel checked himself over for bullet holes as Jay’s body hit the ground with a heavy thud, his gun falling from his grasp.
“Louis.” Armando said, watching the blood pour from Jay’s lifeless body and pool around him. “Yeah boss?,” a young boy, no older than 19 stood abruptly from his seat at the card table, almost knocking his chair over.
“Clean that up will you? I hate rats.”
“Yes boss.”
“And Miguel? Go count the money before i bury you with him.”
“Yes, boss.”
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Hope you enjoyed the teaser!! the first part will be out soon xx
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cloveroctobers · 2 months
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A/N: this was honestly inspired by typical family functions + a vid I saw on Instagram (possibly belonging to Tiktok) where we all have that universal experience where we spend the night at grandma’s lol.
SYNOPSIS: your grandmother’s always been in your business, you had a good job? Great! That job got on your nerves? Just be thankful that you have a job when there’s plenty that can’t even find one. You finally moved out of your parent’s house? Good for you, it’s about damn time. Now when you upgraded even more, hearing that you have finally got yourself a boyfriend after being single for only the lord knows how long…she opens up her home for you and Armando to crash instead of spending money (you both had it) out of the kindness of her heart—mostly.
<- read my previous anthology piece here.
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Your grandmother smelled like fresh baked cookies with a hint of peppermint, Armando thinks as the smaller woman embraces him at the front door. The ranch styled house is more fitting than the coastal one she offered you two to stay in last summer out in The Hamptons. From what Armando’s learned about the elderly woman is that she may have the sweetest face but her lip was more deadly than anything. He would have never guessed that Granny Bessie would ever want to be bothered with the folks out there but it was evident that she held her own.
He shouldn’t have suspected anything less.
“Oh you’re so handsome,” Granny Bessie pats Armando’s cheek before staring up at his hair, “You got Indian in you? Looking like you got that Arabian grade of hair.”
Armando casted a glance at you who deeply sighed at the slight ignorance in the entry way of the home. He kept a smile on his face, finding this humorous more than anything, “No, ma’am. I’m Hispanic: Mexican…and black. I used to get Guyanese all the time though.”
The woman nods in agreement as she waves him into the home, “I thought your daddy was coming too?”
Armando inhaled at the mention of the man, who your granny had no issue inviting to her home as well for the upcoming festivities, “Detective Lowrey’s flight got delayed, probably won’t be here until early morning.”
The woman raised a brow at Armando as she closes the door behind him, “You call your father by his profession?”
“Well he hasn’t been much of a father so, yeah.”
“Hold on now, that’s still your blood—
“Granny! How’s the garden been treating you?”
“Oh, It’s flourishin’, baby.” She grins as you slip an arm across her shoulders and sent an apologetic look at your boyfriend, “your cousin Saleema and I went out to the Lowe’s and picked up a bunch of flowers. She helped me plant half of them but I know you’ll help me do the rest.”
She had a whole lot planned it seemed, considering you two came up for a couple of days for the upcoming family reunion at her house. You honestly thought about not attending, since you didn’t feel like socializing with half of your father’s side (1. they were either in your business to make sure you weren’t doing better than them—it wasn’t a competition in the first place but apparently it was in their eyes, 2. acted like they didn’t know you and expected you to roll out the red carpet for them—meaning if you didn’t speak to them first then that automatically became a problem, or 3. simply weren’t wrapped too tight in the head) but pushed through it since your granny got sensitive about not seeing her grand babies as often now that you were all adults.
Armando chuckled to himself at that, you knew your granny would bring this up since your cousin wouldn’t stop boasting about their outing in the: first cousins group chat. Saleema was older, just touched forty and was single living in her condo with her funny looking cat. She was always your granny’s favorite—perhaps it had to do with her being the first grandchild since your aunt had her young—although Saleema was a true hell raiser throughout her teenage and college years apparently, she hardly got shit on out of the grandchildren and it showed.
“Sure thing…anything you want me to help with on the inside first? You know I’m not built for this type of heat.” You whistled, fanning at the back of your neck after swiping some of the braids to your boho Bob to the side.
Granny Bessie scoffs, “stop that lyin’ baby, you chose to live out there with them gators and those strange Florida folks so you have to be built for some of it.”
Armando laughs as he follows you two into the living room, spotting old photos of: Granny Bessie during her bowling tournaments with her voluminous hair, various of family members, and childhood photos of yourself and many more cousins from previous family reunions.
“Oh you should see her Granny.” Armando speaks up after putting a picture back above the piano, “I think she got bougie on you, she even walks outside with umbrellas.”
Not this man snitching on you?
Granny side eyes you, hand still latched on your waist, “…you not one of them demonic people now are you?”
Now it was your turn to send a dark stare to Armando, who bit down on his bottom lip trying to hide his laughter. He knew what he had started, knowing that your grandmother was religious and always had something to say about other aesthetics? The goths and the emos received no love from Granny Bessie.
“No, grandma!”
You only ever called her by that to show that you were serious.
“Good,” she states with a pat to your hip before adding, “you haven’t contracted high blood pressure yet have you? I just knew it would hit you like it hit your father and me.”
Shaking your head you reply, “Nope, still dealing with low blood pressure actually.”
“That’s why I told you to up your vitamins and eat better foods. Good thing you’re here with me for a few days, I’ll send you on your way brand new,” she dusts her hands off with a clap, “your doctor will be thanking me.”
“As he should, granny Bessie knows all!” You rested your head against the shorter woman.
“Damn straight, now y’all come on in here and get you something to eat.” The elderly woman with the Mother Nature braids waves you two along.
Armando starts to squeeze his way by at the news of eating, hands rubbing together in excitement as his stomach rumbled before he steps to the side to continue letting you two go ahead.
“…ah a gentleman! I think I like him so far.” Granny Bessie whispers up at you, carrying into the kitchen.
It was 7pm by the time Granny Bessie was packing it up and getting ready for bed. She made the arrangements, sticking Armando in the back room while it left herself and you on opposite sides of the home. She of course let the home be open to you two but you knew not to stay up too late since the woman liked to be up early and active. Granny Bessie was in her seventies and still moved quickly even when her Arthritis was acting up. Everyone told her to slow down but granny Bessie has proven that she was always going to what she damn well wanted to.
Which definitely stood when she sent her last warning to you two of where you two would be sleeping for the night.
The both of you stood at the entry way of the ranch home, lips attached and battling each others as Armando swung you towards the wall, hand going to your waist then down the side of your ass to hook your leg over his hip.
“You said Granny Bessie was a snorer didn’t you?” Armando breathed against your neck.
You nod as you lick your lips, “yeah but she’s still a light sleeper and I’m not in the mood to get cussed out when we get caught.”
“When?” Armando quirked up his brows to look up at you, “All you have to do is keep quiet, mami.”
“And you think you’re going to help me do that?” You question while Armando thinks about it, “Yeah no.”
You pecked his lips while running your fingers over his facial hair, “just call me on FaceTime if the night gets too bad.”
For as long as you’ve been dating Armando, you weren’t completely oblivious. You knew that he didn’t adapt well to new spaces and it only got worse at night. The nightmares kept him up and anxiety was a bitch, he was trying to get through it on his own and even tried to hide it from you plenty of times before he moved in but there wouldn’t be any secrets in your relationship.
And you wouldn’t disrespect your granny’s home—never did and never will.
“Alright,” Armando sighed as he kissed your forehead, “better keep your phone charged, we both know how you are.”
You scowl as he pushes the creaking door back that led down the narrow hallway, “that was only a few times and I had valid reasons.”
“Uh huh,” Armando holds his hand out back for you to interlock your fingers before stopping in the middle of the hallway, “…goodnight baby.”
“Sleep tight, don’t let the dolls bite.”
Armando halts at kissing the back of your hand as he steps towards you, head dipped as he quizzes with a soft whisper, “…what fucken dolls?”
You’re trying to silence your cackling at the deadpan angle of Armando’s face on your phone screen as you settle into bed. There’s no cable in this room so you’re stuck leaving the tv on some court show that’ll help you fall asleep. It only took maybe a minute or two for Armando to start calling you, you on your side and arms tucked underneath the comfy blankets that made you feel like you were back in your childhood.
Granny Bessie had all sorts of trinkets decorating the dresser drawer by the side of the door and you had to remind yourself that if you needed to get up during the night to not stub your toe.
“It’s not that bad is it?” You ask while Armando just simply blinks at you, which said enough.
Eventually you’re the one that falls asleep on Armando although you promise that you wouldn’t. He knew that was a lost cause after you decided to shut the tv off, welcoming the pitch black and snuggle deeper into the sheets without him. You were closer to the opposite end of the hallway with your granny right across the hall but her bed sat deep in her own room yet that didn’t stop you from hearing her lawn mowing snores. You even popped an earphone in one ear to drawn out the noise and just enjoyed the company of your man on charge.
He ends up falling asleep after you but it takes him much longer, browsing social media, checking up on his side business, ignoring a text from Marcus, and simply sending a thumbs up to Mike’s text that he was finally boarding. Armando managed to keep himself busy, fighting the urge to snatch up all the weird looking dolls, rip their heads off and shove them in the closet.
He guessed this was a thing with Grandma’s having obsessions with odd items?
He makes sure his own phone in on charge, bringing it back to the FaceTime call of your closed eyes before completely covering his head underneath the covers then dozed off himself.
That doesn’t last long being woken up out of his sleep. There’s a loud booming noise in the distance and he’s tempted to find his piece just to make sure no one was breaking in. Granny Bessie had an alarm system and that didn’t seem to be going off but that didn’t stop Armando from sitting up in bed. He looks at the dolls and it suddenly feels as if their soulless eyes are still watching him.
He tossed the covers back, feet on the carpet, eyes finding a random blue light that he couldn’t find the source of as he passed by the edge of the bed. This room was suffocating and he feels like he’s been sweating underneath the sheets. The house was cool before the both of you went to bed and now it felt like being inside of a sauna.
Armando pulls the door back, peeking out into the abyss of a hallway and he just hopes there’s no one else in the house but you three. Leaving the door open a crack he moves back into the bedroom to grab his phone to use the flashlight since he can’t remember where exactly the hallway light is.
The floor creaks underneath his feet as he moves from the back of the house. As he gets to the middle of the hallway, he picks up on Granny Bessie’s snoring and stops at your room. His fingers rack against the door and he gets no response so he moves forth with twisting the door knob. Your back is to the door now, phone abandoned on the floor but still charging.
He picks it up for you and steps back out.
Armando lets you sleep, heading towards the front of the house. He’s in the entry way and the home feels much bigger in the dark, more eerie but knows he’ll find comfort in the dining room or kitchen—where the snacks are.
It’s 3 in the morning when you get the violent urge to use the bathroom. You try to fight it but the pressure in your belly isn’t pleasant so you throw the covers back in annoyance. It was your own fault chugging that ice cold water before you started making out with Armando but you didn’t need to acknowledge that. Shoving your fuzzy socks on, you pull the door open and head out into the dark hallway. Eyes half lidded as you use the wall for guidance to the bathroom, your head turns to the left to see the hallway door is left open just a crack but you carry into the bathroom.
Leaning against the door after doing your business, you feel a pull to head out into the main areas of the home. You see a light from the right of the dining room and walk through the sitting room towards it. Turning to the right you spot Armando immediately, snacking as you plop down beside him in another chair.
Balling your arms up on the table, you rest your head against them as you ask, “Can’t sleep?”
“You didn’t hear that big ass noise?” He says around the dried fruit he’s chewing on, “Sounded like a whole bomb.”
You hum, “yeah we’re near the military base…I thought I mentioned that.”
“No. You didn’t.”
“My grandad was a vet. They moved here in the early 2000’s, it’s a whole community.” You yawn.
Armando shakes his head, “that sounds like nothing but triggers. I don’t know if that’s worst or the creepy ass dolls following me with their laser blue beams as I snuck out of the room.”
Frowning you sigh, “did you take an edible before bed?”
Armando feels his eye twitch, “no I didn’t take a fucken edible—I’m for real. Is this supposed to be normal? The dolls? The random lights? The bombs? The clicking and buzzing?”
You shrug, “…I didn’t hear any of that…or maybe I just learned to tune it out.”
“I see you didn’t get the light sleeping from your granny then.” Armando mumbles while you snort, moving one arm to latch onto his wrist.
Slowly lifting your head you say, “…well we can’t stay out here for the rest of the morning. Granny gets up at six and probably will let us rest until eight if we’re lucky so…”
Waking up early had no effect on Armando since he barely slept anyways. He already scoped out the area once the two of you got closer to Granny’s home from the airport for a good workout.
You just didn’t know it yet.
Working out with Armando in the gym was a death sentence and you’ll be damned if you do it out in this heat too? You rather go to hell in a pretty hand basket and Armando was willing to take you there honestly.
No pain, no gain.
*Cue the eye roll*
“That’s cool,” Armando shrugged, “but I’m not goin’ back in that room.”
Sitting back against the chair you huff, “fine you big baby…set the timer to 5:45 so you can go back to your room. Don’t think she won’t check once she’s up for the day.”
Armando scowls as you scrape back from the kitchen table, reaching over to slap your backside, “I’ll show you a baby if you keep getting smart.”
Rubbing the sting on your back side, you fan your hand back at him, which he snatched to hold while setting a timer as you both make your way to the hallway. Too tired to give him any lip, you were just ready to get back into bed and cuddling with your man didn’t hurt.
Your back is to Armando, he tucks himself right into you, feet intertwined, his hairy legs prickling your shaven ones, chin buried into the space of your neck and shoulder while cradling your stomach.
“…how long were your grandparents together?”
You heard him but take a minute to respond as you fight sleep, “They’ve been married since the early 60s…all the way up until pa’s passing in 2019.”
Armando breathes you in, “how’d they do it for so long?”
“That’s something you’ll have to ask Granny but they were everything good you can imagine—nothings perfect but they felt like it you know?”
“…Think he was used to all the noises here?”
You snort, “he’s always been a night owl so if any of us couldn’t sleep, he was always up in the living room in his chair, eating that a disgusting banana ice cream just waiting for any of us to talk. If we had a nightmare, he’d do anything to make us laugh until we forgot it.”
“Sounds like a special man.”
“He was.”
“…I want that you know? With you. The kids and the gran’s. The creaks and the strange, a loving home. A place where anybody can stay and feel like life’s worth revisiting, like it was nothing but a breeze once you see who you’re surrounded by. A less lonely life.”
You shuffle to face him now, resting your head underneath his chin, not finding this conversation to be new. Most nights when Armando couldn’t sleep, he would ramble about what a future could look like with you.
It warmed your heart just as much as how warm your granny kept the back of the house.
“Then let’s do it.” You mumble into the night as Armando squeezes you, placing a kiss right on top of your bonnet.
That sealed the deal.
“Morning, dear. How did you sleep?” Granny Bessie asks with a mug of coffee as Armando makes his presence known.
Armando glances at you who sips at your own mug with a hidden small smile, “Good. Thanks, Granny Bessie. I’m actually about to head out for my daily run…would you like to join us?”
That gets you to cast a glance at the man over your shoulder who softly squeezes your shoulders with a grin, “us?” You whisper.
Granny Bessie laughs, “oh no. I need to tend to some things around the house but make sure you eat something because the heat will rise by the time you’re out there. Also did you speak to your daddy about what time we should be expecting him?”
“He probably should have landed by now.” Armando shrugs, trying to ignore the feeling that he felt when Granny Bessie labeled the man as such.
You say, “He texted me about twenty minutes ago. He was heading to baggage claim, maybe in the next hour he should be here.”
“Alright, well you two best be going and stay away from the houses from the next two streets over…nothing but confederates on that side.”
The woman wags her finger in warning.
Armando nods, “Thanks Granny,” he pops a red grape into his mouth, “these are delicious.”
“Take as much as you want, darling.” The woman squeezes his elbow on her way by, “Now I’m going to go get fully ready for Mr. Lowrey.”
Frowning you ask, “now what do you mean by that granny?”
“Just that I need to be presentable in my own home.”
“Uh huh. I know you’ve been on Facebook and know what Mike looks like.”
“I am a woman of God, do not sass me.”
Armando snickers while you raise your hands in surrender, finishing off your morning juice.
“I see you Granny Bessie.” Armando teases while the woman fans her hands at him.
“Hush! Don’t make my bad list, Herman.”
You gently reminded, “It’s Armando, granny.”
“That’s what I said.”
“Okay! love you.”
“I love you too, baby.” She grins.
As you’re locking up the screen door, you and Armando walk around the path to the driveway to exit the home. He silently stops you, encouraging you to stretch while you send him an unimpressed look.
Armando was lucky you didn’t go into hiding around the house and shouldn’t be so bossy but you knew better.
“When did Granny see a pic of Mike?”
You switch to bending to the other toe, “when she wanted to see a picture of you. Then she proceeded to rate you, Dorn, Rafe, and of course…”
Armando laughs as he finishes, “Mike. your granny is a trip.”
“Tell me about it.” You try to prolong this morning exercise but he picks up pretty quick and isn’t having it.
He stops jogging in place, hand going out to slap your ass before pulling you along by the hand.
You’re wheezing, ready to throw a whole tantrum, legs stinging, wrists limp as you drag yourself up Granny’s driveway. There’s a Porsche parked to the right in the driveway by the rental you picked up from the airport. Mike’s already out of the car, at the trunk as he’s pulling out his luggage.
“Hey y’all! uh oh, Armando what did you do to my girl?” The smile vanishes from Mike’s face as his son glances back at you.
If the ground wasn’t so damn hot, if the air, if everything wasn’t on temperature hell you would have face planted right on the gravel.
Armando also looks back at you, hands on your knees as you give a wave to Mike, whose brows are deeply furrowed before he raises them to the twenty-eight year old closest to him.
“She’s aight.” He shrugs, “we needed to get our cardio in and she’s the one who wanted to tone that hot girl body up—her words not mine but I don’t disagree.” Armando looks at you again, biting down on his bottom lip, “she’s lucky I didn’t strap any weights to her ankles.”
Raising your hands above your head, you actually feel yourself sway doing that movement over touching your knees and Mike actually takes a step toward you but Armando presses the back of his knuckles against his bio dad’s chest. Mike takes his eyes off you for a second and sizes Armando’s hand as he’s now analyzing you closely himself.
“I don’t know how many serious girlfriends you done had in your life man but I’m telling you right now, if that girl ends up in the hospital with heat stroke because of you pushing her too hard, that’s your ass.” Mike warns Armando, who glares up at him.
He didn’t need Mike to tell him about you.
He was the one who took the time to get to know you mind body and soul.
Mike’s missed out on twenty-something years and didn’t get to give Armando any advice.
And that’s on Kanye!
Armando does move over to you the moment you feel your stomach clench, ready to upchuck any light breakfast you had. He doesn’t waste time picking you up and over his shoulder, you resting limply against him before he’s walking by Mike.
He pauses, “your room is the last room at the back of the house, padre.”
And with that Armando continues towards the house, ready to cater to you because what Mike Lowrey didn’t know was that Armando would die for you.
Mike is mumbling to himself, trying to control his temper since it felt like he was building a connection with Armando one minute and then in the next he was pulling ten steps back. The kid didn’t even offer to come back and help him bring his things in—not that Mike needed it but it was a decent thing to do.
Respect was earned and the duo had a long way to go.
So Mike lets it go, slamming the trunk shut before meeting a very excited Granny Bessie at the front door.
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sunrisesfromthewest · 3 months
First Encounter Part 5
Warnings: SMUT+18,Armando finally getting that 🐱,R-rated Language ,Armando causal taking a piss like it’s normal between y’all 😂Very little Breeding kink,Shower Sex, (Poor Kitty Abandoned and Marcus still traumatized by his decision😭) Previous Parts: 1 2 3 4 5 6
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As you enter the shower you moan in relief as the hot water cascades against your exhausted body. Soaking up the heat, that is now surrounding you, you grab your exfoliating sheet and favorite body wash, eager to wash off today's stress and worries. 
As you run the soapy sheet against your legs you couldn’t help but to let your mind wander to the steamy make out sesh with Armando. Running your hands over your thighs you sigh with need, ”Damn..maybe I should’ve asked him to join me.”  
Continuing your shower routine, you began to hear water running, confused you take a peek from around the curtain only to freeze at the sight before you. Armando stood in front of the toilet; shirt tucked under his chin, tan muscled stomach flexing slightly, as he peed. 
Eyes trailing down his figure you let out a gasp as he turned, giving you a beautiful view of his thick lengthy member. Hearing a gasp Armando looks up only to see you gazing at him, specially at a certain body part. "Enjoying the view, princess.", he says with a smug look while shaking his member lightly before tucking himself back in his boxers. 
Realizing you been caught you pull the shower curtain back, blocking his view as you yell, "Why didn’t you knock!” 
Hearing a laugh and a flush, you step back away from the water already knowing that it would briefly become cold before returning back to its normal temp. “The real question is do you want me to join you, princess.” tensing at his words, you stop, brain spitting out multiple reasons on why you should decline, but you feel a light throb between your legs at his offer. 
Sticking your head out the shower, you see him drying his hands, while leaning against your bathroom sink. Brown eyes meeting yours while he gives you a teasing smile,” What’s it gonna be mamá?” 
Biting your lip trying to contain your smile, you open the curtain partcially,allowing him to get a view of your chest. Watching as the water rundown the valleys of your pretty brown breast, Armando releases a hungry growl,” Definitivamente te voy a dejar embarazado, cariño(I'm definitely getting you pregnant).” 
Giggling in excitement as you see him strip, you move back under the water, thanking your past self for getting the wet and wavy sew ins. Watching as his tan sun kissed body steps in the shower with you, you let out a sigh in anticipation and admiration. 
“Are you sure that this is what you want,cuz once I start ain’t no stopping." he says as he wraps his arms around your waist pulling you into him. Moaning from the embrace you nod your head not trusting your voice at the moment. “Don’t go mute on me Y/N, I need to hear your pretty mouth say yes."  
Lifting up your chin, with a single finger, your brown eyes connect with his, "Use your words, mamá”.Letting out a breathy yes, Armando brings you into a sloppy kiss, arms wrapping around his neck you run a hand against his head pressing him forward. 
Sucking on his tongue, Armando groans into the kiss, body shaking from the sensation, hands gripping your waist he pulls you closer grinding against you. Not breaking the kiss, he nips at your full lips, while giving your ass a smack. "Keep teasing me like that Y/N and Imma make sure you have a limp while you attempt to walk.", he says in between kisses. 
Shuddering from his words you pull back running your hands against his firm pecks” Promise", you say already feeling dazed by the kiss alone. Feeling his dick jump at your words, you smile trailing a hand down his wet chest and pass his stomach.  
Hearing him release a sigh, you began to jerk him off, wrist moving up and down, at a slow pace. Moaning he grips your ass harder, sucking at your neck while deeply muttering, “"Te lo prometo… A la mierda nena…. ¡Lo prometo!(I promise.... fuck baby.... I promise!)” 
Tracing your thumb over his tip, you feel him shiver against you, while you rub his precum against him member. Armando bites your neck, while trailing kisses down your chest, feeling him flick your nipple with his tongue made you moan loudly.  
He growls as he began to nip, suck and bite your breast: listening as he sucks on your breast made you slick between your legs. As he gives the same attention to the other breast you feel his hand wonder down to your inner thighs.  
Gasping he begins to rub your clit in hard circular motions, throwing your head against the shower wall you moan, which only seemed to make him move faster. Moving away from your breast his eyes darken as he watches your expression change, "You like that baby, does it feel good." he says eyes trained on you waiting for a reply. 
 To loss in the sensation, you failed to hear what he said resulting in him pinching your clit,gulping you say, "What?" Smirking at your loss expression he says,”Y/N you better start listening or this is going to be a long night." Nodding your head, you feel him roughly rub your clit,”What I say about that nodding, shit.” Sighing as he begins to run his fingers through your wet folds, you moan while saying "Okay, Daddy!" Feeling his hands freeze you look up at him confused on why he stopped.  
Licking his lip he gives you an intense stare, "What you just say, baby?”, blinking as you watch his eyes switch to predatory, you say Daddy raising an eyebrow. Seeing you give him a confused innocent look only made him, harder as he grabs your left leg wrapping it around his waist.  
“Say it again,” he says rubbing his thick length between your wet folds, blinking you look into his eyes moaning Daddy. Armando grinds into you hard repeating his words, again as he kisses your moist lips.  
Kissing him harder your breath hitches as his tip rubs against your clit.” No sabes lo que me estás haciendo, princesa(You don't know what you do to me,princess),” he says chuckling darkly, "I haven’t even given you my dick yet and your already about to cum.” 
 Trembling from his words and his merciless grinding you kiss at his neck begging. "What you want baby?” he says as he hears you plead, while dragging his dick against you, "Use your words, I ain’t telling you again.” Smacking your ass hard, he waits for your reply, "I want you inside of me!" you whine as you feel a stinging sensation from the slap. 
Carefully picking you up Armando presses you against the shower wall, body getting soaked by the shower head. Giving you a soft kiss on the lips, he presses his toned body against your soft one while grabbing his member eagerly. Lining his tip up with your entrance he asked if you were ready. 
“I’m more than ready, Mando.” you say sucking at his neck, while running your nails against his back. After hearing you confirm that you were ready, he pushes in the tip letting out a shaky sigh. Reaching a hand up to grab your chin he pulls you into a bruising kiss, as he eases his thick dick into your wet pussy,inch by inch. 
“Damn,baby you taking my dick so good." he groans, voice deep and raspy. "I barely done anything to you,Y/N and your pussy is soaking!" Wrapping your thick legs around his tan waist tighter, as he begins to slide in and out of you, made you shiver with pleasure. 
“If this was any other time, I would’ve made you wear a condom," you say in between pants, while kissing his shoulder. Gripping your ass harder, he starts drilling into your shit,which in return caused you to hold onto him for dear life. 
“Cariño, este coño es mío, ya no tienes que preocuparte por la protección.(Baby, this pussy is mine, you don't have to worry about protection no more.)”, he says growling in your ear, while pounding into you. 
You couldn’t tell if it was water or slick running, down your legs but the way your body was twitching against him, leaned you more towards the second option. Gasping as he hit a certain area had you moaning like crazy, while throwing your head back.  
"Is that it baby....is that the spot." He said thrusting into you, more anxious to see you come on done. Locking your low lidded brown eyes with his dilated ones almost made you cum on the spot. Running a hand through his hair you give him light praises, while shifting your hips against his hungrily. 
“Fuck,right their baby.... you're making me feel so good!" you said trying your best to grind against him from the position you were in. Clenching around him, you set one of your legs on the shower floor, attempting to meet his thrust with your own, as he hits that spot again. 
“I’m close Mando...so fucking close!" you said kissing at his neck, while reaching between y'all to rub your swollen clit. “Damn it, baby, I can feel you gripping me, warm pussy just sucking me up......and the noises your making is driving me crazy......” he says, breathless, thrusting harder as he tries to hold back and savor the feeling of being inside of you. 
 Your orgasm sneaking up on you caused you to throw your head back, eyes closed as you let out a loud moan, body freezing up. Kissing against your open mouth, his movements begin to studder as he feels you clench around his dick hard. Gulping he talks you through it, "There you go baby... just like that...keep sucking in my cock, baby......I'm so close!"
Hammering into you he chases after his on release, pulling your head back by your hair as he attacked your already bruising neck. Becoming overstimulated you didn’t know whether to push him away or pull him into you. As he gets close to the edge his thrusting turn into a frantic uncoordinated thrust, he asked you where you wanted him to cum. 
Mind to fucked to think straight you mumble, "Inside....I want you.... inside." Hearing you say that sent him over the edge as he cums,inside you ,hips stuttering, eyes squeezed shut as he holds onto you tightly. 
Laying boneless against him while the now warm water trails, down your combined bodies had you relaxed. Pulling you closer to him, as he rocked against you, had your nerves trembling, thrusting up once more into you, made you slap his back. 
Letting out a breathless laugh, he asked if you were okay, moving his head back to look at your flustered fucked out expression." Peaches and cream......literally, "you say giving him a content but teasing smile. 
Bursting out laughing, he reached for what he assumed was your body wash and proceed to rub the soap against your body, opting to use his now wrinkled tan hands. Pouring some in your wrinkled hand as well you began massaging it in to his skin. 
Once you two were done washing each other bodies (more like groping), you turn off the water and stepped out the shower with shaky legs. Grabbing two towels out your cabinet you handed Armando one, which he accepted, and begin drying off. 
Wrapping a small towel around your head, you paused in realization, "Where's my baby at?” Towel wrapped low around his waist ,he smiles brightly, "Like I said I wanted to play with his mamá pus-” not even giving him the chance to finish, you walk away or at least attempt to, in search of your abandoned kitty. 
Kelly and Dorn have returned to their lake house after saving Rita who was almost killed by Lockwood. Kelly looks around for you to see if you can check out Rita's bruises, but is only left confused when you and..... Armando is nowhere in sight. 
Kelly walks up to Marcus to ask where you went; who she just noticed bawled up on the couch looking traumatized, "Hey, did Y/N go to her house?” Mike looks up as he heard the question but before he was able to cut in, Marcus still bawled up started rocking, whispering quietly. 
Kelly screws her face together, not quiet hearing him, Dorn walks over to see what is going on but is pulled back by Mike who sent him a ‘trust me on this’ look.
Grabbing his shoulder to ask what’s wrong, Marcus sits up suddenly, giving Kelly a dead serious look, "You think Latino Mike is going to force my baby to birth little gangsters?” 
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Authors note:I ain’t even gonna lie y’all,I struggle so hard writing this😃,I never realized how hard it was to write Smuts…………………………………..
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But for now Imma stick to reading them hopefully y’all enjoy💕💕💕(I tried y’all 😭😭)
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nelo0wesker · 3 months
Who is she?
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Relationship: Armando Aretas X Reader
Tagging: @nobodygetsza
Dorn is tirelessly working on tracking down the elusive drug kingpin, who has managed to stay one step ahead at every turn. The breakthrough comes when the kingpin makes a critical error kidnapping a girl Dorn had been keeping track of because the kingpin's underlings seemed to always be around her area.
“Hey guys I got a hit!” Dorn yells out to the others. The others go to the computer. Dorn plays the video of the women being kidnapped and put in a car. License plate being showed in the video. “Dorn track those plates” Mike says watching the video ends with the car driving away. Dorn nods and goes to track the car plates looking to where it goes in security cameras that are on the streets.
Armando watches Dorn work on the computer as he turns his head seeing his girlfriend being kidnapped in the video. He knows she’s alright. That girl was tough and knew how to defend herself. He remembers how she beat his ass once. They were on enemy sides at the time but in the end he won her heart and she betrayed her family to date him.
“Got it” Dorn says, showing everyone the warehouse they took the women too. “We have to get there fast. Who knows what those men have done to that girl” Marcus says with disgust thinking of all the horrible outcomes that could happen if they don’t get there fast enough.
Mike nodded at what Marcus said looking at Armando for a quick second. He noticed how his son couldn’t seem to stop looking at the women that were kidnapped. He has a suspicion he knows her but Mike didn’t question his son about it. He’ll question him when they get the girl out of there and home.
“Alright lady and gentlemen there’s a girl that needs saving. We have to do this fast and quickly” Mike tells out and everyone nods their heads as Armando smirks thinking how you didn't really need saving. If anyone needs saving it’s that kingpin and his underlings.
Everyone grabs their vest and weapons and goes into the car driving to the warehouse
Outside of the warehouse team AMMO could hear multiple gunshots, yelling, and fighting. Marcus and Mike look at eachother confused. Actually everyone was confused about what was going on. Armando just smirks as he goes to the warehouse with the rest of team AMMO behind him and goes into the warehouse just to witness you beating the shit out of some of the kingpin underlings.
Marcus and Mike gave a shock look watching how you effortlessly took out 6 of the kingpins underlings with just hands. You swiftly grab a gun from the enemies belt and shoot the others with persistent aim.
“Who the hell is this girl?!” Marcus says shocked watching you specifically take out everyone. Everyone else was questioning the same thing as Marcus except Armando.
You sigh as you drop the last enemy thinking how it wasn’t really a fight. You turn and smiles brightly seeing Armando and goes to him and hugs him tightly. “Armand!” She yells out and kisses him on the lips.
Mike looks at his son confused and shocked just like everyone else. Armando smiles and turns to his father and team AMMO. “Oh her. This is Y/N. My girlfriend” he says casually
“You're what!?” Everyone yells in shock. “Where the hell did you find her?” Marcus asked him. Armando thinks on what he’s going to say as he looks down at you seeing the smirk you had. “That’s a long story” he tells him. “Tell me I got time!” Marcus says following Armando as he walks out with you. “Armando tell us you got some explaining to do!” Mike yells chasing his son and you wonder how the hell yall met.
Kelly, Rita, and Dorn watch the four walk ahead still in shock. “Anyone know he had a girlfriend?” Dorn asks the two women next to him watching how Marcus and Mike chase you and Armando. Rita shakes her head no. “Nope,” Kelly says, popping the p. “Any guesses how he met her?” Rita asks the two. Dorn and Kelly look at each other then Rita. “Have no idea. But Armando has the story” Dorn says and goes to follow the four ahead of them. Hearing the yelling of Mike and Marcus demanding an explanation and watching how you and Armando ignoring the two talking to each other.
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greedyhoneyz · 3 months
Judgement Day
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.ೃ࿔* pairing: armando aretas x reader .ೃ࿔* synopsis: the aretas name carried weight in miami. it was a name which symbolised power and carried a notion of fear. to mess with an aretas, was a call to an early death. .ೃ࿔* wc: 3k words. .ೃ࿔* cw: angst. assault. violence. blood. harrassment. threats. .ೃ࿔* authors note: another fanfic for a piece of media i have yet to watch. this is long but i hope it doesn't come off juvenile.
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The hot Miami heat bared the warmth of a deep-emotion smile at dawn but as night fell, it raged into an inferno, chaotic and wild. It charred and blistered the abode floor, once chilled by seasonal rains and engulfed the city with a tragic blaze.
Even in the heatwave, Miami bustled with life, men and women toiled across the dancefloor, their bodies weary and scorched beneath yards of thin fabric. They jived and boogied to the setlist with as much passion as their drunken states could emote and drank to their hearts' content. At the end of the night, they busted through the doors into the artificial glow of street lamps, staggering, failing to hail an Uber or move on to the next attraction. In the charcoal night, Miami Beach weaved together crowds of partygoers and workers alike, as the early morning sunshine threatened to peek through the sky.
(name) hissed and hollered her way out of the nightclub as her heels clicked onto the pavement.
She had worn them for the sake of fashion. The open-toed stilettos were to die for; they matched perfectly with her mini dress and petite shoulder bag. But now as she waddled, her feet were paying the price. The four-inch stilettos were not meant for walking, the leather straps dug into her skin and the arch pinned tiny knives into her feet. Each step she took sent a shockwave of pain through her feet.
Adjusting her stride, (name) attempted to distribute her weight more evenly into the shoe. It made little difference but she would make it work– the night was young and she had a couple more hours in her.
Straightening her shoulders, (name) fixed her bag and quickened her pace, walking in conjunction with her friend.
“Where are we going?” She had spoken out between anxious breaths, inwardly wincing at the pressure dented into her toes.
“Um…..” Kayla stared into her phone. “Nightingale, Candace said she’ll meet us there.”
“How far is it?”
“Just a couple blocks down. We’ve been there before, remember?”
“I do,” (name) huffed. “It's just– my feet are killing me. I don’t know how much longer I can take this Kayla. I’m tired.”
Kayla stopped, causing (name) to falter in haste as she slowly turned. She faced her friend, boring her eyes into hers, her lips forming into a hard line. She gripped her friend’s arm, holstering her close and darted her pointer finger to her.
“You,” She began slowly, her voice was low at first but grew louder and more boisterous as she glared into (name). “Are not going anyway, do you understand? Today is our night, our night to go out, get drunk and do something stupid, okay? No shoe and no bitch is ruining our night, comprende?”
“Sí. Sí. I understand.” (name) replied shortly, hiding a smile between her teeth.
“Good.” Kayla nodded, tucking her arm around (name’s).
The pair beelined across the strip, accustoming themselves amongst the crowds of partygoers pulling and pushing their way across South Beach. They found Candace waiting by the entrance, looking radiant in a yellow, mini-dress, her wind-tousled hair fell over her shoulders.
“Hey!” She exclaimed, giving them each a hug. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
The bouncer let them in without hesitation, ushering the trio past the long, ascending line trickling across the street, and they made their way towards the bar. The music blared and pulsated from wall to wall and the stage lights flared and spun above them.
“So….where’s this boyfriend of yours at?” Candace asked inquisitively, sipping on her margarita. She wriggled her eyebrows playfully and passed a simple glance at (name’s) phone as she placed it on the bar, a picture of her boyfriend printed on her lock screen.
“Somewhere,” (name) shrugged. “He wasn’t home when I left for Kayla’s place.”
“So you snuck out?” Kayla jeered, propping her chin atop her hand. “You never told me that.”
(name) shook her head. “Nah, it's nothing like that–”
“Wait— this means you can stay out!” Candace bellowed happily.
“Of course I can–”
“No more talking, let’s dance!”
Candace shot up from her seat, slamming her drink on the bar counter, and reigned her hands around Kayla and (name). She wrung them out from their seats with the strength of a colossal giant and tugged the two towards the dancefloor, declaring the two move to the rhythm of the song.
It took a while – a couple of short seconds before Kayla and (name) joined Candace in dance. The three danced in conjunction with each other, keeping close to their circle with a light bounce from side to side and trigger fingers.
As the night wore on, the air grew thicker and (name) and her friends were tipsier. The club music had grown louder and more intense as the DJ turned to play Sexyy Red and the crowd had begun to surge forward in retort to the sharp change in tempo and pitch. The crowd was like a tide, rolling in and out, its rhythm intermittent to the beat.
No more did the throbbing of her feet cloud (name’s) mind; the blend of a rhubarb fizz and vitality was a deterrent. With her closest friends surrounding her, (name) felt at ease, her smile so wide and bright, that she feared it would become permanent.
She rocked her hips, her hands travelling across her thighs and slowly craned forward. She held onto her legs, shaking her thighs as motion rippled across her calves and ascended towards her ass. (name) shook her bottom with a smize, moving her cheeks with such fluid, curvaceous motions it left nothing to disguise that the skirt of her dress began to hike. Undaunted, she continued to move, placing a careful hand between her cheeks as the other tugged her dress down.
So young and so free, (name) craned herself upwards and placed her hands against her chest. She bopped from side to side, twirling her hips gingerly and scored her hands across her breasts and middle. She looked heavenward at the ceiling, the club roof clouded by bright, neon lights and flashes, she squeezed her eyes shut in retort. She dropped her head and opened her eyes, bouncing on the balls of her feet before letting out a raring shrill.
The night flew by in a blur of music, laughter and good company. And by 2 am, the club slowed and the crowd began to disperse. Exhausted but exhilarated, they left the club and amidst themselves between the sea of bodies flooding out from the club.
Letting out a refreshed sigh, (name) turned to her friends. Her hair was dampened, her hot-rod curls once full of life and shine, had dropped, now frizzy and weightless. The fabric of her dress had clung to her sticky skin and her bag was hung at the edge of her shoulder.
“I’m so lit right now,” she moaned, closing her eyes. She wobbled on her two feet, swaying from side to side, pressing her weight onto one shoe and when she threatened to stumble to the side, hauling her weight onto the other.
“Me too,” Kayla replied, stumbling over Candace. She clung onto the woman, grasping onto her dress and pressed herself against the wall.
“I….I think–” Candace couldn't help but giggle to herself, dropping her head.
(name) smacked her lips, her eyes slowly peeling open and peered at the two women. She swallowed deeply, curling her lips in practice before she spoke. “You girls….wanna head off to Oasis?”
Both Kayla and Candace hummed in agreement and staggered to height. They adjusted themselves, sheepishly picking at each other, one fixing the other’s hair and the other fixing her dress as (name) collected her belongings into her bag.
“Aye!” A voice began. It was deep and hoarse, breathy as his mouth approached a few more words. “Aye miss!”
Though inebriated, (name) couldn’t mask her quickening discomfort as his heavy footsteps rattled behind her.
She tensed, hiking her shoulders and carefully turned. She wore a tight smile on her face, a mask of politeness.
The man was tall, handsome, and smelt good. And yet, he failed to strike (name). As she stood before him, swaying from left to right, he grinned, bewitched by her charming features and supple figure.
He smiled at her, his eyes never leaving hers. “I just wanted to tell you that you looked good.”
(name) shook her head and waved her hand, feigning appreciation. “Thank you.”
“You know, I was watching you, inside, dancin’ and shit,” He laughed, tossing his head back. “You can shake that ass pretty good.”
“Thank you–”
“And I– lemme get your number.” His words were quick and sharp; his intent was clear.
“Oh,” she tittered, throwing a glance at her friends. “Well…I’m sorry but I’ve got a boyfriend–”
“You’ve got a boyfriend….” He repeated sullenly. He laughed heartily as if (name) had said the funniest thing ever and shook his head.
“Listen,” He began, swiping his tongue across his bottom lip. “I know it doesn’t seem like it, but I promise you I ain’t no weirdo. No bear here.”
Kayla was prompt in grabbing (name’s) hand, making no effort to hide her disgust. She moved from behind her, Candace following in tow, and attempted to pull the girl along. “C’mon (name) let's go.”
Like a colossal giant, both the man and his voice grew towers tall. He gripped (name’s) arm and jerked her back. “Aye, I wasn’t done talkin’!”
(name) yelped, stumbling over her feet and sharply jeered her head at the man. “What the fuck are you doing?!”
“Just give me your number.” He demanded, digging his nails into her skin.
(name) profusely shook her head, quickly sobering up and attempted to pull away. “Let go!”
No more did the nice guy act continue, the man once cheerful and hopeful, sneered at (name), puffing out her chest and flaring his nostrils. He was quick to insult her, hurling a hail of curses aimed at her figure as he fiercely yanked her backwards, swinging her frame towards him.
“Fucking bitch!” He cursed at the top of his lungs, splatters of spit flailing out from his mouth. “You bitches are always too full of yourselves! Wanna act all uppity when a man wants to talk to you!”
“Then fucking let me go! The fuck!” By then, amidst the chaos, a crowd had gathered. Like a mob of meerkats, they gawked, gasped and videoed in disbelief at the rage pelting from the colossal of a man. They watched, uttering words of discomfort and dismay as (name) attempted to rear herself away from the man, thrusting herself against Kayla as she pulled her forward.
“I didn't even want to holler at your ugly ass anyways!” He roared, his voice loud and menacing.
“Oh my fucking god! Let me go! I don’t want to fucking talk to your stupid ass!” (name) shrieked back. Her eyebrows furrowed together and her lips pulled into an irritated scowl.
“Nah you fucking listen to me, bitch!” His voice erupted out from the vessels of his throat like a disgorging volcano, propelling a warcry in the wake of a lava-filled avalanche, in the form of a fist.
In a few short seconds, the colossal revolved free his arm, balling his into a fist and drew it back. He reigned his fists forward, fuelled with fury and humiliation, and swung at (name), striking her in the jaw.
She staggered to her floor with a loud yelp, the contents of her purse pooling across the floor. Both Kayla and Candace circled (name) in protest, pulling into their embrace as the colossal hovered above, jeering.
Candace gasped, her eyes were wide, her mouth agape as she held (name’s) face between her palms. “(name)!” She cried, fretting her fingers across her face. “Are you okay?”
Sore but unharmed, (name) could manage a nod, nursing a hand to her swelling jaw. “I’m…I’m okay.”
Candace shot her head up and leered up at the colossal begrudgingly, shrieking. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
Rapidly, she climbed onto her feet, jumping between the colossal and her friend’s dazed figure, and glowering, waving her pointer finger and screeching like a banshee. “Do you like putting your hands on fucking defenceless women?! Huh! Do you think that’s okay?!”
“Aye, shut the fuck up! That bitch got what she fucking deserved—”
The neigh of engines and the screeching of hot tyres hailed across the strip, and the sound had bequeathed a play of silence across the beach.
The once vivacious party strip, nestled with drunk partygoers and deafening music, had quickly shimmered into silence. And all that sounded was the row of heavy footsteps mounting from the street onto the sidewalk. The footsteps marched into the crowd, dispersing the tide and began to section off each corner one by one as the clatter of a single pair of boots trotted forward.
Armando stared at (name), his face firm, and carefully crouched to his knees. It was a while before he spoke, his voice deep and guttural, his eyes boring into hers. “Are you okay?” Slowly, he brought his hands to her face and brushed his thumb against her jaw, the surface of her wound spreading purple with yellow blotches, and when she cowered back his expression darkened.
(name) could only utter a wary whisper, her eyes darting between him and the colossal behind him. “…yes.”
Inhaling deeply, Armando rose to height, hauling his girlfriend up to her feet. He held her hand in his, offering a forgiving glance and turned.
He clambered away from (name), his shoulders taunt and chin heavenward. Armando was angry– enraged. He did a good job of hiding it, but (name) knew the signs.
He wired his neck, rearing it from side to side and heaved slowly, his chest rising and falling. Every muscle on his face tightened, his eyes narrowed, and his chin jutted outward.
He approached the colossal, his arms pinned behind his back and gave him a once-over, sizing him up.
He blinked, parting his lips slowly, and then blinked again. “Do we have a problem?”
The colossal shook his head and feigned a hearty laugh, his pupils flared and mouth twisted. “Nah man, we’re cool–”
“Let me ask you again,” Armando snarled slowly, gritting his teeth together. “Do we have a problem?”
“Listen, man, I can assure you there’s no problem here–”
Armando sucked at the air like it had suddenly become thick and shut his eyes. He’d become deaf to his galling words, his rapid chatter professing a tale of ignorance and regard, a rapid back-tracking to his previously tough stance. And by then, his anger was irreversible.
He lunged at him; pummelling, hitting. Each hit landed with a sickening thud, the blow between skin and fist astounding. The man had swung back, wailing his fists in the air, but succumbed to the force of Armando’s blows. His movements were swift and silent, spectral. The pivot of his feet from place to place was incorporeal. He was impenetrable evading each wild blow before he swung again.
Armando flitted around the man, his movements a blur of speed and precision and winded his knee upwards. It prodded into his middle, driving into his chest, and sent him stumbling backwards, off-balance. His tumble left an opening, a gap between his face and Armando’s revolving leg.
He took the opening, rearing his leg upwards and swung it forward, striking. A rapid combination of punches and kicks followed, each came and landed with more precision and power till the colossal succumbed to near-coming death. He crumbled to the ground, in a grotesque mess of blood. His eyes were swollen over and bloody spit drooled from his slack jaws. He was now as revolting as he should be, finally, the outside reflected the spoiled man within.
Armando stood victorious over the bloody mess that was his adversary and sneered at him with such venom and disdain. He crouched down, his knuckles wounded with welts and stained with blood, not of his own, and grabbed his shirt, his grip like a vice.
He pulled him towards him, his face taut with rage and displeasure, and glowered over him. Under his grip, the man hung like cattle, his limbs astray as blood sputtered from out his mouth.
Armando rubbed his lips, swivelling on the balls of his feet, and gnashed his teeth together, chiding grimly. “You see..” he shook his head, his nostrils flared. “If it wasn’t for her…”
He turned to (name), lugging the man along and pointed. He leaned into his ear, his voice began small as a whisper and bubbled into a rue of senile and ghastly distaste. “…I’d kill you….”
“Consider this a warning–” Armando released his grip, the man flailing back onto the ground, and stood back on his feet. “You fuck with her, you fuck with me.”
He scowled, whipping his hands and leered at the crowd before him. In a stop-start fashion, one by one, the crowd fizzled out in groups of threes, fours, and fives. Song and chatter fizzled back across the strip in small bites and vivid hues flashed across the beach.
Armando turned to (name), his face closed up and extended his arm. He reached for her, placing her hand in his palm and grasped it tenderly. He held her hand to her face and wrapped her wound beneath her hand. He looked at her as her gaze trembled, her shoulders shivering and tugged her towards him. He held her in his arms, his tight embrace swelled around her middle and carefully coaxed (name) away.
Despite the return of vibrance and euphoria flooding across the party strip, an unsettling mist hung over. A monochrome of silver glanced over the black night. There was an uncharacteristically grim line etched across the faces of those among the dispersing crowd, a sense of sadness, remorse, dismay and dread.
Armando Aretas was not to be toyed with— and neither was she.
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ghettogirly · 3 months
how do you think armando would react if y’all had the most passionate sex and you left in the middle of the night, acted like nothing had happened at work
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-> synopsis. you and armando had the best night, yet, why do you still choose to pretend to not feel the same?
-> warning: heavy smut, slight dumbification, mix of bodily fluids, unprotected sex (wrap it up!!), angst, mature language, Selena is really annoying, Minors DNI.
-> authors note: thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy! this is probably my proudest work yet. If anyone wants to be apart of my taglist, comment below.
𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆: Screwin - Summer Walker ft. Omarion.
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𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐊 and red roses slowly glided off the duvet as he moves up and down, matching the male’s thrusts into the helpless girl beneath. Triads of gasps and moans filled the room as the two made love, slaps echoed throughout while the two lovers’ skin connected with each other.
The connections created a white ring around the latino’s cock, caused by the mix of juices between the woman and him. Selena’s back arched as she gripped on the man’s broad shoulders, giving him small, red scratches that would probably lift up by tomorrow.
“Fuck… just like that.” She breathed, running his hands through his hair as he continued to thrust into her.
“You like that?”
Selena doesn’t even have time to answer, the man diving into her neck. Kissing her soft, melanated skin while he leaves a trail of burgundy marks. He quickens his pace, pushing his whole length inside of her, bottoming her out causing her to whine out in pleasure and a little bit of pain. “Ohhh, fuck!”
“You’re taking me so well baby..”
He laughed at your whining, enjoying seeing you lose yourself further and further for him, seeing yourself get frustrated. “You’re so fucking wet..” biting her earlobe ever so gently as he speeds up his pace. His cock pistoning in and out of you cashing him to grunt, losing the ability to control himself more and more.
“Oh fuck baby, please please please..” Selena babbles, the pleasure now being the only feeling there as it clouds her mind. This being the only thing now controlling her cognition and behaviour.
“Agárrate por mí, nena, ya casi estoy ahí..”
“I can’t, i can’t!”
A random act stops her continuous period of babbling, feeling something enter her mouth. It was his thumb, he quickly pulled it out, it making a small ‘Pop!’ sound while a string of saliva comes with it. Dropping on the woman’s exposed torso. Too blinded by the pleasure going on within her, she fails to recognise what he’s just done, until she feels it.
Wet trails of just saliva lead from the top of her vagina to the clit as he slowly presses on it and starts running gently. Armando wraps his one arm around your shoulders as he now continues to pound into the hispanic woman while circling her clit, sending shockwaves through her body due to the temperature play demonstrated by the man. The hot sensation of your clit contrasts with the cool temperature of your man’s thumb, causing them little hairs on your body to stand up, generating goosebumps. Selena’s jet black hair sticks to the pillow as the sweat generating from her head creates a glue type consistency onto the silk pillow behind her.
Her eyes roll back and she stops clawing on the males back, instead throwing her arms to the sides of her. The emotions of arousal causing her to submit to them being too much for the poor girl. Pulsating on the latino’s dick, her lips part. “I can’t wait, i need to..”
The man looks into her eyes. Her heterochromatic eyes stare right back at him. A connection of lust, passion, and weirdly enough, love. Leaning forward, Armando embraces her into a kiss, roughly attacking her lips like a wild animal chasing its prey. Not getting enough of her taste. The woman engages with it just as hard, seeming as if though, she does not want to let him go either. His thrusts become more erratic, clearly reaching his climax too.
“Let’s do it together baby, i’m going to cum in you so fucking bad. i need to-“
“Oh fuck!!”
Without warning, a rush of pleasure cascades down the light-skinned girl, causing her toes to curl as she releases all her juices on him. The woman’s orgasm elicited a sense of relief from the latinx male as he too begins to move faster, his skin slapping against hers before releasing his load into her. His pace begins to slow down, his hips still jolting but dying down ever so slightly. “te sientes tan bien nena..” Armando whispered to the exhausted woman below.
“I fucking love you.”
𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 3 am in the morning. Selena looked to the left of her and saw a muscular arm over her stomach with the caramel toned male, nuzzling into her neck. His expression was unreadable but he seemed to be at peace with the slow, shallow breathing he did. Finally having a good nights sleep, the first in a while.
Still, even with the comfort of the man lying next to her, she felt ashamed to be here. Or yet, embarrassed. She slept with her boss’s son again. Only supposed to be a one time thing, yet, she foolishly agreed to be friends with benefits. However now, her feelings were involved. She was confused on what to do..
Sighing, she slowly removed his arm before throwing a shirt over her. Selena began to collect her things, guilt washing over her face as she looked back at the male.
He was still sleeping, his pink lips slightly parted as he begins to exhale out of his mouth too.
“I knew i shouldn’t have done this..” The woman whispered to herself, holding the silver crusted pendant that was hanging off her neck, the one Armando got her. Sadness began to creep down her as she basked in her thoughts, negative thoughts at that. “You’re leading him on, he deserves for you to tell him straight up.”
But, how was she leading him on if she loved him too?
How does she love him, if one day she pretends she hates him?
How do you love him if you feel like you’ve sinned after making love?
A deep voice suddenly breaks her train of thought as she hears a ruffle of sheets on the bed and someone clearing their throat. “What are you doing mamí..?”
Selena looks at him with regret filling her eyes, the brown iris now illuminating as the male turns on the lamp next to him.
“¿De verdad estás huyendo de nuevo?”
“I am not running away. Don’t fucking insult me like that. We haven’t even established what we are, are we lovers, friends with benefits or am i just a girl you use whenever you’re bored!”
“I just fucking said i love you, dejar de tratar de jugar a la víctima. To think that the first time you did this i thought you was overwhelmed because of how sudden it was.”
“You could’ve just said that in the moment-“
“SHUT UP!” Anger boomed from his voice as he shouted, knocking the lamp over in the process as he looked at you with rage but love in his eyes. “Do not try and manipulate me just because you are confused with what you want.”
That silenced her. At a loss for words, she didn’t even bother saying anything else. Was she really manipulative?
𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄. Not only was she ignoring Armando, still hurt about what he said, he was ignoring her too. Making her job easier, which only hurt her more. Was Selena upset because he was right? She loved him so much but why did she not show him that?
Every-time the group had to talk, they would sit apart from each other. Group celebrations were awkward too, Armando didn’t even glance at the poor girl, treating her as if she didn’t even exist. A game that she started, ended up being ran by the true player as she realised she could never beat him in his own game.
She noticed. As did everyone else too. It wasn’t until Kelly had to ask you what was wrong was where you just fell apart. “I fucked up so so bad Kelly. He hates me.” She sobbed into her hands, her hair a mess as sadness yet desperation hung over her head. All the other woman could do was comfort her as she cried into her arms.
Little did she know there was someone behind that door who heard it all.
However, footsteps trailed away from the door, leaving the love they had behind.
“Agárrate por mí, nena, ya casi estoy ahí”-Hold on for me, baby, i’m almost there
“te sientes tan bien nena..”- You feel so good baby..
“¿De verdad estás huyendo de nuevo?” - Are you really running away again?
“dejar de tratar de jugar a la víctima.” - Do not try and play the victim.
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xjaylyn · 2 months
PART 3 - Bad Boys: Second Chances
Pairing: Armando x Black! OC (Rya)
Warnings: blood, graphic, guns, death, mature, language (use of the n word), and some other stuff I probably forgot about sorry
Summary: Its been two years since Captain Conrad was framed. Another mission brings the team back together and new relationships are formed. It's said everyone deserves second chances and room to grow. So maybe this is that second chance
a/n: It's a really long chapter like 2 chapters long because I will be out of town for a few days and probably wont have time to update. But I will try if I have some free time. Chapter 4 will be shorter.
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"This is it,"
Mike pulls into an apartment complex. At a glance, you can tell it's a quiet place, slightly run down; not many people living here. Getting out of the car, the duo follows Armando to his unit. Unlocking the door, Armando steps inside and turns the light on, it flickering slightly for a second before focusing. His place is small, about the size of a hotel suite, with a small kitchen barely able to fit two people. Tight space but enough for someone who doesn't own much but himself anyway.
"I just need to pack some things and we can head out... don't touch nothing," Armando says while walking into his room. Still standing by the front door, Mike and Marcus look around the place.
"Barely looks lived in... well shit, at least he has a TV," Marcus says, walking towards the small couch to take a seat. Mike steps towards the kitchen, opening the small fridge to see barely anything in there: only a couple of water bottles and simple ingredients to make a sandwich, but that was it. Closing the door, he spots something in the corner on the counter: two small cut-out pictures. One of Armando's mother, Isabel, and one of him. Feeling his chest tighten, he gently places the photos back in the corner.
Hearing Armando walk back into the small space, he steps out of the kitchen. "Nephew, what games you play on here?" Marcus asks, pointing at the PlayStation lying next to the small TV.
Armando looks at the man, raises his brow, "why is that important?"
"Because if it's Call of Duty I'll whoop yo ass, what's your tag?" Adjusting the bag strap on his shoulder, Armando turns his body completely towards his uncle, "What's your rank?"
"Diamond 3 rank 2," Marcus says, crossing his arms.
Scoffing with a smirk on his face, Armando just shakes his head. Dropping his arms, Marcus furrows his brows, "what? What's so funny 'bout that?"
"Nothing, but you ain't whooping nobody ass with that weak ass rank," Armando says, walking up to the door.
"Oh, you a lil disrespectful motherfucker, alright, we gon' see 'bout that," Marcus follows behind him, pointing his finger at the young man walking out the door. "Mike, he just don't know how I do."
Four hours into the ride, the three of them sat in peaceful silence. Armando looks at the two in the front, Mike focused on driving and Marcus knocked out, snoring a little bit. Looking at his father, he decides to break the silence.
"What's the mission?" he asks.
Mike glances in the rearview mirror, "Apparently the biggest case the government has ever had... was told you might know something about it."
"I don't know why your people think I know it all, I only worked on what my mother told me to do... she's the one with the answers," Armando shrugs.
"Well, that's fine... we have someone that may know something to help us out... we're picking her up when we arrive in Miami."
Nodding his head, he looks down at the back seat noticing a file sitting beside him. "That's the case file, you can look through it and see if you find something you might recognize."
Picking up the file, he skims through everything. Besides the people he has worked with in the past, he's not sure about everything else. Shaking his head, he looks back up at his father, "Nah, I don't know."
Another silence falls upon the two. Clearing his throat, Mike decides to fill Armando in on the past 2 years. "Things have been normal since the last mission... thank you, by the way, for helping clear Cap's name-"
"I didn't have much of a choice," Armando interrupts, raising a brow.
"Yeah, well, thank you anyway..." Another silence falls between the two. Clearing his throat, Mike decides to try for a conversation again. "You have a baby sister," Mike mentions, glancing at Armando through the rearview mirror to see his face.
Armando looks up at him, making eye contact but doesn't say a word.
"Yeah, uh, she just turned one yesterday... cutest thing too... she loves anybody that gives her food," Mike laughs. Dropping his hand, he digs in his pocket for his wallet. Opening it up, he reaches back to give it to Armando.
Taking the wallet from him, Armando sees a picture of a baby girl. 'Cute.' Mike notices how Armando's face slightly softens. It wasn't a big facial expression, but you can tell it did something to him. Looking at the picture a little more, his attention looks down to another photo, it was old... one of him as a baby. Closing the wallet, he hands it back to his father.
"Congrats," Armando says, cutting the one-sided conversation to an end and looking out the window watching everything pass by.
Finally arriving at their destination, Mike pulls into the private base, security guarding every corner. Stopping at the gate, Mike and Marcus show their badges. The guard nods and lets them through. Getting out of the car, the three notice Chief Paul Nicola and a couple of guards walking towards them.
"Glad to see you all are here. This way, please," Paul extends his arm out, leading the small group into the private building. "For the past six months, we have kept our informant in max security... she was found in uniform so she is to be kept chained up as we do not know exactly what she is capable of. She has agreed to only speak to the people working with her to negotiate a deal," Paul says while scanning his ID to enter a private area in the building.
Stopping at a door, Paul turns to the trio. "Please don't fuck this up."
Allowing the men to step into the room, there's only one source of light from a small window making it dim. In the center of the room, they see a table and a person sitting down completely covered head to toe in chains that are bolted into the floor—securely fastened to ensure no way to escape.
The trio takes a seat at the table. A guard standing in the corner walks up to unlock the headlock. The sound of the metal mask dropping to the floor echoes through the room. She has a disheveled look to her: curly hair matted and covering some of her features, faded bruises on her face, and a busted lip. Looking into her eyes, they see she is scared and nervous. She stares at the men in front of her uncertainly.
Marcus clears his throat and softly speaks up, "Okay... I'm Detective Marcus Burnett and this is my partner Detective Mike Lowery and Armando." He points to his left and right where Mike nods at her and Armando just stares. "We know you know something that we need to know to get this shit together. So what is it that you need us to do for us to help each other?" Marcus asks, cutting straight to the chase.
The woman continues to stare at the men in front of her before nodding her head towards the guard behind her. "Get him out first."
Looking up at the guard, Mike waves his hand in a shooing motion. "We'll be good, sir," smiling at the guard who hesitates for a second before stepping out. Hearing the heavy door close, she starts, "I need one thing guaranteed to me."
"Layla Batiste... I need one of you to free her... she should be in the 7th cell on the right. Free her and give her anything she needs to make a living," the woman says, her voice shaking a bit.
"Okay, and who is this Layla? Why do we need to free her?" Mike questions.
"My sister... just agree to do that and we have a deal," she pleads, looking at Mike. "And write it down too so you don't forget... Layla Bat-"
"Batiste, 7th cell on the right. Yeah, I got it," Mike says, leaning back in his chair. "Done. Now, what do you know? Actually, what is your name before anything?"
Taking a breath, the woman sits back in her seat. "My name is Rya," she says.
"Okay, Rya, what do you know?"
"Do we have a deal?" Rya presses.
"Yes, we have a deal. We free Layla and you help us. Done. Sealed," Marcus says, leaning forward on the table. Armando just sits back with his arms crossed, watching the whole ordeal.
"You were captured by our military in a uniform... what were you doing in uniform?" Marcus questions.
Rya looks at Marcus then looks down. "I have been a prisoner since I was 10... a way for my parents to pay their debt... he sends us on missions as decoys... I was sent there as a distraction and ended up being caught."
Armando raises a brow at her wording, leaning forward to make his presence known. "Who's he?" he asks, looking at her with a hard expression.
Looking up, Rya makes eye contact with the brown eyes staring at her. She can tell he is studying her, looking for any reason not to trust her and her words. "A man named Sergio... he's dangerous and powerful. His family for decades has been a part of this big project to take over the world. For reasons I don't know... I just know his kind is powerful... and it's not just him. He has the military, doctors, scientists, judges, governments in different countries working for him. Any influence you can think of, he has someone there working for him. It's a world operation that has been growing nonstop... he's just the center of it."
The three men look at the girl in front of them and then at each other, taking in the information given to them. Mike looks back at the girl. "So why help us... what's in it for you?" he questions. She pauses for a second. "No one wants to be locked up and held captive for the rest of their life... this is my only chance and I can't do it by myself. I need your help." She looks at the men in front of her, tears starting to form in her eyes.
"Hey, we are here to help as long as you can help us... you said he has connections everywhere... is there any place that you know that we can look into to gather evidence or something?" Marcus asks. Rya nods her head, closing her eyes to hold the tears back. "He has these liquid drops he's creating that's a mixture of different drugs and chemicals... there's a place on the strip... an abandoned lot that no one looks into, that's where he makes some of it."
"You know the exact place and where these drops would be?" Mike asks. Rya nods her head yes.
Slapping his hands on the table, Mike stands up looking down at the young girl. "Well, let's take a look at his little operation and make some shit happen." The three men make their way out of the room. Paul, standing in the hall on his phone, looks up as he hears the door open. Quickly putting his phone away, he walks towards the trio. "So what do we got?" He asks, putting his hands in his pocket, looking back and forth at them.
"The man we're looking for is Sergio. His family is the center of this operation and has connections everywhere. She said there's a secret lab on the strip. Claims he's making liquid drops laced with different drugs. We're gonna check it out and build up the case," Marcus says.
"Okay, good, we have something... I'm going to release her to you guys. Make sure she is protected at all costs. We can't afford to lose her," Paul tells them before walking off.
"Well... now we're babysitting... great."
Walking out of the building, Paul and two guards on each side of Rya, her hands and feet cuffed. She looks up at the sky, squinting her eyes, and takes a deep breath, finally getting fresh air and light after being confined in a tight cell for 6 months. Looking down, she sees the three men from earlier standing by a car, waiting for her. She wasn't lying when she said Sergio is a dangerous man... his nickname to the people was "The Devil". With the type of connections he has, it's considered damn near impossible to take him down. But still, with the right people and enough evidence... there's a chance. She can only hope she made the right choice and that those three are the ones that can help her.
Feeling a slight tug, her body is forced to a stop. The guard on the right unlocks the cuffs on her feet. Leaving the handcuffs on, he hands the keys to Mike. "The hands are to remain locked." Mike nods, opening the back door to the car. Rya gets in, the door closing behind her. Looking out, she can see Paul exchange a few words with the men before the car doors open and they get in.
"We're going to the station to meet with the team. There you can change and we'll run down everything. Okay?" Mike says, looking back at her in the back seat.
Nodding her head, she feels eyes on her and turns her head to the right, seeing Armando staring at her. She looks him up and down, raising her brow when he doesn't look away. She hears Marcus speak from the front. "Don't worry about him," Marcus says, looking at the two in the back. "He's in his moody teenage phase where he hates his life and everyone in it..." He whispers to Rya. Furrowing his brows, Armando breaks their eye contact by slowly turning his head towards Marcus. "He'll get over it... eventually he tolerates you," Marcus winks at Rya and looks at Armando. "You ever eventually shut the hell up?" Armando asks, causing Mike and Marcus to look at him surprised. "Whoooa," Marcus exclaims, looking at his partner. Mike looks at Armando, "Hey, too much."
Armando rolls his eyes and looks at Rya one more time before he looks away and out the window. "You hear how he talks to me, Mike?... Just no respect for his elders!" Marcus whines from the front seat. "Yeah, I heard him..." The two continue to go back and forth. Rya raises a brow at the dynamic between the people she was put with. Glancing over at Armando, seeing him in his own world, she leans over into the corner of her seat, laying her head back. 'What the hell did I get myself into?'
...Miami Precinct...
Stepping out of the shower, Rya wraps her towel around her body and walks over to the locker room mirror. She was able to wash her hair and brush it out, leaving it down to air dry. Wiping the mirror, she looks a little more like herself. The scars and light bruises all over her body are still visible, serving as a reminder of what she had to go through. Shaking her head, she looks over at the folded clothes given to her and quickly puts them on. It's a simple Miami PD t-shirt and black cargos along with black socks, comfortable enough to move around in. Slipping on her shoes, she walks out into the foyer where everybody was waiting for her.
Looking up from the computer, Mike claps his hands and points to Rya. "Everyone, this is Rya, our informant. Rya, this is Rita, the boss, and Kelly and Dorn. They are our tech kids, formally known as AMMO," he says, pointing at everyone. They all wave at her with a small smile, causing her to nod her head in acknowledgment.
Marcus walks up to her with her handcuffs. "Sorry, but they said at all times," he looks at her apologetically, putting the cuffs on her.
"Alright, I have the map of the entire strip. I marked up the abandoned buildings. I just need you to point it out for us," Dorn says, walking up to the table in the middle and laying the map flat on it.
Rya skims over the map. "This one," she says, pointing at a building.
"You sure?"
"Yes, it's that one," she says, looking up at the team.
"Alright, here's the plan," Mike starts. "Rya, you are going to go in and grab a sample of the drops. Grab anything you think we might need that can be used as evidence."
Rya looks at Mike, her eyes widened. "By myself?!" she asks.
"No, uh, Armando will go with you to make sure nothing happens to you. The rest of the team will be watching on the drones, so there's no need to worry."
Calming down a little bit, Rya nods her head. "Okay."
"Armando, you good with that?" Mike asks, looking back at his son who was standing in the back of the room. Armando shrugs and walks off.
"Okay. Well, the plan is set. Let's get ready."
...3 Hours Later...
"Alright, can you hear me?" Dorn asks, looking at Armando and Rya who both wore protective gear and their earpieces. Both of them nod their heads as they make their way out of the truck.
"Alright, we'll be right behind you guys. Just grab a sample and get out safely," Rita says, looking at the two before closing the truck door.
Armando starts to walk toward the building, not paying Rya any attention. Rolling her eyes, Rya follows behind, picking up her pace to catch up to him. "Alright, we'll enter first to make sure it's clear," she heard Dorn say into the earpieces. Watching the drone fly into the building a couple of minutes later, she hears Dorn clear them to enter.
Walking into the building, there were broken pieces of glass and boarded-up openings. "You know where the stuff is at, right?" Armando questions, looking back at Rya.
"Yeah, it should be a little further down in a locked room," she replies. Making their way around the building, the two end up at a dead end.
"It's a dead end," Armando says, looking at the wall.
"No, it's just made to look that way," Rya corrects him.
Armando looks at Rya for a second before looking back at the wall. Stepping back a little, he kicks at the wall, and it easily crumbles, revealing a laboratory full of different substances. Skimming the room before stepping in, Armando picks up a bag full of white pills. "Opioids?" Armando mumbles, setting the bag back down. Watching Armando look around the place, Rya sneaks her still cuffed hands into her pocket, pulling out a flash drive. Looking around, she sees a desk off in the corner with a computer on it.
"Where are the drops?" Armando asks, looking back at her.
Quickly hiding the flash drive in her palm, she looks back at Armando and clears her throat.
"It should be in a case or one of these tubes," she says, stepping into the room.
Walking around, she makes her way towards the computer, quickly putting the flash drive in and pressing a button to turn on the computer. Looking back up to make sure Armando was still looking around, she presses around until she sees a downloading screen. Quickly walking away from the computer to look around.
"What are you doing?" She hears Armando question, staring at her.
"Looking for the drops, it should be around here somewhere," she replies, glancing around and noticing a small black case sitting on top of a shelf.
Lifting her cuffed hands, she points at the case.
"There, I think that's it."
Walking over, Armando picks up the case and places it on the counter. Unlocking it, he opens it to see a bunch of little tubes full of a liquid labeled 'OPP.M'. Glancing at Rya, who is looking at the tubes, he grabs one of the tubes and puts it in his pocket.
"Alright, let's go."
Suddenly, a beeping sound goes off.
"What is that?" Armando says, and Rya looks over at the computer.
Quickly walking over, she sees an error displayed on the screen.
"Shit," she mumbles, quickly grabbing the flash drive. She feels Armando grab her shoulder roughly, causing her to turn towards him.
"What the fuck is that?" His face hardens.
"Guys, we have people coming in," Kelly speaks into the earpiece.
All of a sudden, a man fully covered in black with a gold star stitched on his vest comes in firing at the two. Armando swiftly dodges, pulling Rya with him. Getting pushed under the counter, Rya watches as Armando grabs the man, making him stumble. Taking his gun away from him, Armando shoots the man.
More men in black come into the room. Armando fights each one coming at him. Watching him get outnumbered, Rya runs out, taking her cuffed hands and grabbing one of the men from behind, choking him with the chain.
Turning around, she takes the man with her, using him as a shield as one of the other men tries to shoot at her. Dropping his body, she drops to her knee, sliding across the floor, picking up a gun and shooting the men coming towards her. Running out of ammo, she runs up to one of the men, dodging the bullets before hitting him with the butt of the gun.
Grabbing one of the glass flasks on the desk, she breaks it and picks up the sharpest piece. A man comes up to her, throwing a punch. She strategically maneuvers, causing him to fall forward and land on the desk. Stabbing the man a few times in the back, she then turns around and slices the neck of another man coming towards her. A few minutes pass of her and Armando fighting, the last body dropping. She looks up at Armando, slightly roughed up and out of breath, already staring at her. Looking down at her bloody cuffed hands, she drops the piece of glass.
"What the fuck?" she hears Mike in her earpiece. Taking a breath, she looks back up at Armando.
"We got what we need, let's go," she says before turning around and walking out of the room, Armando following behind, glaring at her.
Making her way out of the building, she sees the doors of the truck open up, the team looking at her and Armando coming over. Stepping into the truck, she makes her way over to Dorn's computer and screens. "hey thats my seat" Dorn says pointing at her.
"What the fuck was that?" Marcus says, furrowing his brows and looking at Rya with his arms open.
Armando sits on the seat, unstrapping his vest. "Clearly your informant isn't just an informant," he says, glaring at her.
Rolling her eyes, she pulls out the flash drive from her pocket and swiftly inserts it into the computer, a bunch of files popping up. "Hey, who the fuck are you? Because that wasn't the same helpless girl that was crying and shit, pleading for us to help her back at the prison?!" Marcus says, pulling her shoulder back, forcing her to face the team, all looking at her with confusion apparent on their faces.
"You got some explaining to do," Mike says, crossing his arms.
Staring back at the team, Rya leans back in the chair. 'Well, shit.'
Tag List (lmk if you want to be added!):
@blackgirlmagicforever @believeinthefireflies95 @wizewhispers @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @sarcasticbitchsblog @maybepersuasivetom @d4rno
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fictionalreads · 3 months
This Was Never Meant to Be What It Feels Like
A/N: Hey y'all! I'm not really a writer so this is my first time posting any writing here on Tumblr, but I'm apparently incapable of not thinking about Armando (*Whatta Man by Salt-N-Pepa plays in my head) so this kind of...happened. I figured I'd share ☺️ Also, I know Armando thinks Aretas is his dad in the movies but I changed it a bit.
Title is from Satisfaction by SiR (if you haven't heard it do yourself a favor and go listen)
Pairing: Armando Aretas x Original Female Character
Fandom: Bad Boys Movies
Prompt: Shay (OC) wants to get to know Armando better and figures her best bet is to ask when he's...relaxed.
Warnings ⚠️: Uh...complicated parental relationships. Talk of smut, but no actual smut.
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“Tell me something.”
Shay kept her focus on drawing invisible shapes on Armando’s shoulder with her finger. Her blue stiletto shaped nails going down almost to his elbow before finding its way back up to his collar bone. It was something she did often after they had sex and she knew it calmed him much like it was now. His breathing had slowed into something calmer than the frantic breaths of ten minutes ago when he was trying to catch his breath. The open window blew in a decent ocean breeze, adding to the peaceful feeling in her bedroom. She tried to play it cool, like she wasn’t disturbing the moment, wasn’t asking him to do the one thing she knew he hated - opening up.
Shay had been seeing Armando for about three months now, and she knew next to nothing about the man. She knew it was a red flag, hell she knew he probably wasn’t a law abiding citizen, but she couldn’t help it. 
There was something so magnetizing, so sensual about his presence. He commanded attention even though she got the feeling he wanted nothing more than to blend in and be lowkey. She couldn’t help but notice the way he held himself, the way he spoke and moved with the confidence of a man who was sure of himself. Don’t get her started on the way he smelled - it was divine and pure man.
The point was basically this - he was a ten but he refused to tell her more about himself.
Shay was determined to get to know him better, because despite playing things close to his chest, she was in love with him. She didn’t know his last name, but she knew he would bring her flowers and food if she was having a bad day just to make her smile. She didn’t know what he did for a living - honestly, part of her was glad for this if it was illegal as she was imagining. Plausible deniability. - but she knew if she needed him to, he would fix anything she needed him to or at least find someone who could. She didn’t know what his crucible entailed that made him like this, but she knew he loved her like she was something precious.
So she was taking the risk that this would blow up in her face. “Tell me something about you that I don’t know.” She kissed his chest, like she was softening the blow of the question. Not that she needed to, it was an open ended question on purpose. The more freedom she gave about the topic, the more likely he was to answer.
He gently shifted her to the pillow as he lifted himself on his elbow, facing her with a suspicious look on his face. “Like what?” God, what she wouldn’t give to take whatever hurt that made him so distrustful of her just wanting to know him away. Who had betrayed him? Who took advantage of his trust and made him so wary of genuine love?
She thought over her answer, a million topics coming to mind but needing to pick one that wouldn’t have him shutting down immediately. Armando had let the conversation start but he could end it if she said the wrong thing.
“Your family.” She could feel him pulling away as if it was physically happening so she quickly explained her choice. “Did you grow up with siblings? Are your parents married?” Bare minimum. 
It seemed to have worked he looked at her as if debating what to say, if anything, before laying back down and staring at the ceiling. The relaxed man that was in her bed mere minutes ago, gone. Now he was tense, as if ready for a fight. She slowly and obviously resumed her previous position on his chest, giving him time to tell her no if he needed the space. Her nails went back to their drawings in the hopes of calming him enough to talk. He took a breath before, “I grew up an only child. My mom was my world, she taught me everything I knew.”
Her nails stopped moving. “Was?” It was the word that caught the most of her attention out of everything he just said.
“She passed away a few years ago.” His face was blank, as if he was just stating a fact of life rather than talking about the death of the person that raised him and whom he clearly loved.
Shay rubbed the shoulder she wasn’t laying on in an effort to comfort him.“I’m sorry to hear that.” Armando shrugged it off but she could tell it still hurt him. “What about your dad?”
“Our relationship is…complicated at best. He wasn’t around for most of my life. We were introduced a few months before my mom died. I didn’t even know who he was to me until my mom told me on her deathbed.” 
“You never asked your mom about him before?”
“If there was one thing I knew about my father growing up, it was that my mom hated him. She always told me that he left us behind and didn’t look back at all. As a kid I was curious but as I got older, I started to hate him too. I mean he was supposed to love my mom, and he turned on her and left me behind like I was trash. Fuck ‘im. Now I know it wasn’t so black and white.”
“How so?”
“The few times my mom spoke about him, she always heavily implied that he knew she was pregnant with me and left anyway. Looking back, she never said the words. When I confronted my father about it, he said they were a doomed couple that wasn’t ever going to last. They were both too selfish. Said he didn’t even know she had been pregnant until we met.”
“Sounds like he cares. I mean if he knew do you think he would have been around?”
“There’s no doubt in my mind he would have been there, raised me. I know he loves me, that he just wants what’s best for me, but I’m just having a hard time accepting it. I spent so much time hating him that reconciling this truth with this perception I’ve always had of him is hard.”
“Not to mention it means confronting that you didn’t know your mom as well as you thought you did. The woman she was to you isn’t the woman she was to others.”
“And she’s not here to explain it, which just makes me mad all over again. He’s usually the target of my anger.”
“Makes sense to me.” She shrugged in response to his questioning look. “He’s here. Add in the fact that he wasn’t there for so long its easy to blame him for a lot.”
“Yeah,” he agreed.
Like a flip had been switched, he once again moves her onto the bed and hovers over her.
“Enough about them. Talking is not exactly what I had in mind for us tonight,” he pleads. 
She could see the desperation and fear in his eyes. She had a feeling that being that honest with her scared him. He wasn’t exactly the vulnerable type and telling her all this put him on display in the most raw way, an unknown for him. It also meant he had to be honest with himself about he felt, something she didn’t think happened a lot. He wanted to escape the real hurt he was feeling about it all, he didn’t want to face what the truth might mean for his memory of his mother. If a reprieve is what he needed, she could do that for him. She would do that for him.
She bit her bottom lip, looking at him through her lashes, feeling herself get wet at his suggestive tone and slight touches. “What did you have in mind?”
The next morning she woke up alone, his side of the bed cold. This wasn’t an unusual occurrence as he often left before she woke. She was used to him leaving and coming back randomly, sometimes being gone for days. After their conversation and the way he seemed to just need her last night, she figured this was coming. Something told her him leaving was different this time, that she had pushed him too far. She had the sickening feeling that he wasn’t coming back.
Round two had been fast and rough, needy in a way. Round three had been teasing and playful, like he was apologizing for being so rough before. Round four was…slow and passionate, reverent almost.
It felt like a goodbye.
A/N: 🫣So how'd I do? Let me know in the comments. Likes and reblogs are always appreciated! OH AND HOW SHOULD I TAG THIS?! Anything I should add to get more people to see it?
Part 2 Part 3
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cuddl3s4shur1 · 3 months
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𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐎: What happens when Armando trys Protects Y/N
𝐀/𝐍:Had to rewatch Bad Boys for life just to see him
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Music: TELEKINESIS By Travis Scott, Future And Sza
Esa Mujer By Tony Vega
TGIF By Glorilla
Liquor By Chris Brown
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“Time to go in, we're going to get the girl, she is a fighter, she can repair people and shoot a gun 20 feet away” James would say signaling for people to go in the house.
Silently a group of 6 men would walk in the house, leaving no prints. 2 Men would walk into your bedroom to get you. Sleeping lightly you would feel their touch. You would pretend to sleep for a while, before shanking the man closest to you in the neck.
The guard would fall back causing the other man to drop you, while on the ground shanking him in the leg. Feeling around in the dark getting the dead man's gun. Getting the gun shooting the other guard down. Putting the gun on your side you stayed low. Another man would enter your room trying to find you. Seeing his leg, you pulled it causing him to hit his head on the way down. Shanking him in the neck now hearing his blood curdle as he tries to stay alive.
3 down and whoever to go
A fourth now entered the room, You would play dead, Hiding the gun to the side of your PJs The shank in your hand still.
“Boss we have a problem, She and 3 other guards are dead,” He says, he gets close and squats to your body, checking your pulse, you shank him in his foot and shoot him in the head. Getting up you would hide by the doorway. Fifth guy walks in instantly you shoot him in the head. The leader James walks in. “Y/nn” he would hum your name, “Your doing all this, but you don't want to kill me” he says looking around for you in this darkness.
“You see if you kill me I will have my guys hurt your parents and all the other elders who are in this retirement home” he says he squats down and grabs your chin. “So, what do you want to do hmm,” he says tilting your head at you. “I’ll go” you admit. He would give you an evil toothy grin. His hand would leave your chin. He would get up and so would you.
Armando was awake, he didn't make a move because he knew how dirty the man plays. “Te llevaré de vuelta a casa sano y salvo, (I'll take you back home safe and sound)”. He would try to whisper, his accent was thicker than you had heard. You would nod your head in acknowledgment.
James would send four people to get the dead bodies on the plane as they were going to dispose of them later. He would hear the rest of the plan, which was them going to be in the car and the plane was only for disposal. Armando watched as it all took place, trying to decide if he wanted to tell the team. He would waste anxiously thinking of a plan. He got no sleep after seeing it go down, he was hoping nothing would happen to you.
Sunlight would approach, throughout the blinds being bright. Practically shouting for people to wake up. Kelly and Dorn had woken up and were talking about the last night between You and Armando.
“They may dislike each other now, but I guarantee to give them like 2 months and they will be locked in,” kelly said, Dorn nodded his head in agreement. Mike and Marcus had got woken up by a phone call. Mike answers the phone to make the ringtone stop.
“Look its rita” they would smile at eavhother before answering. “Can you guys call y/n she's not answering her phone.” Rita tells them, they would look at each other. “That crazy shes hear with us” Mike tells her, Armando would come out of the room. “If your talking about y/n than your wrong. She got kidnapped last night” His thick accent would come out, and he would try to be cold but they knew he felt some type of emotion. “We have new info, and y/n isn't with us she was kidnapped” Marcus would get up and start pacing the room. Kelly and Dorn had eavesdropped and heard the news.
“Shit, they came into her home and know of us did shit to save her,” Marcus said he was slightly angry. “Why, why did she go” He would ask Armando as he was the only one who knew what happened. “The guy threatened to bomb an elderly home that had her parents and other people's parents, so she went. She did give a fight killing 5 with a shank and depending if how he checked her she still has her gun. “ Armando would say they listened and still were trying to figure out who it was.
“I just know they were white, that's all I know to be honest, so what are we going to do to get her back, I made her a promise and I don't break promises” He says to them, they nod arms were crossed as they were thinking. “Well you have to Id him and all of the files that caption has left us is at my home. But knowing whoever did this they probably set a trap somehow to get to those files” Dorn admits, they all nod in agreement, trying to figure out what they would do if they were the villains trying to stop people from catching them. “They probably did something to either her car or ours, so we gotta figure out which one” Kelly says. They all go get ready to start the day.
Marcus was in the kitchen trying to see if she had any junk food. “Ahh man, all this organic shit, her roommate ain't got no junk food either” he would whine as he had checked all the cabinets and fridge. “Marcus stop trying to find some stuff that's not for your diet,” Mike says, Marcus huffs and puffs and gets all together. They would leave her crib, Armando getting the keys to her house and the truck they stole. Mike had got the keys to her car.
They left her home like how it was before hand, cleaned they all got their tech devices and headed to the truck.They took a risk seeing which car was going to be trashy and they were right, it was the one they stole from the country ones, as soon as he started it up the back of tje truck would catch on fire. Armando jumped out in time so he wouldn't get hurt.
They would extinguish the fire before getting in her car. Armando would sit in the driver's seat as they realized her car had the same vibe as her house, “pretty in pink” The outside of her car was black, she had a black car and her windows were tinted. The inside had pink seat covers bedazzled cup holders and other items like tissue boxes and purse holders.
He would Bluetooth his phone to the car, playing some music, and his playlist would be on shuffle. Some Travis Scott would play, as the dorn would give the directions.
As he would continue to drive for a good 15 minutes his music would still play. Each time there was a turn, he would turn sharply; burning rubber as he drove. “Thats him“ he would admit to everyone, dorn would open his laptop quick to Id him. He would drive in reverse as the guy was obviously trying to crash into them. Flipping him off as he drove in reverse they would all hear muffled gun shots. Than they seen y/n come to front of the car shooting the body gaurd in the head leaving it between...
“James, His name Is James McGrath“ he would Armando would smirk, They could obviously see that You and James had a disagreement. He would leave from the driver seat letting the car go wherever, Marcus and Mike would start shooting the tires so the truck would slow down. You and James would roll out in the middle of the street. Cars and trucks would hunk in this madness.
James would pick you up and run on the sidewalk. Armando would hit you in the middle of traffic and switch lanes yet still be able to keep a view on you at all times. James would try and shoot at your car but he missed. This would continue down for blocks. Armando would adjust himself in the seat. He would stick his head out the window and shoot McGrath in the leg. You would bite the tape off of your wrists. Getting ready to run but James would pull your leg so you fell as well. The plane for James would land, and his other bodyguard you would run but he would pick you up and place you over his shoulder, you would kick and scream.
“Marcus where are your glasses” Mike asks, Marcus would side eye him of disapproval.
“Man I don't need no goddamn glasses, also I'm sorry lord” Marcus would say before putting hid together to pray again.
“You sure because all of those shots you just did was missed” Mike would laugh.
“Fine hand me my glasses” Marcus says as he excepted defeat. Mike pulled them out of his pocket as he stored them there because he knew Marcus was totally gonna need them
Kelly would begin to read the lips of James wondering why Y/n was still over there. “If you help me I’ll let you go and I won't hurt your family alright” he says as he started to beg and plead. “Let me see your phone “ she hold her hand out. He gives it to her obviously in plane. “HURRY THE FUCK UP” the pilot shouts. “ONE MINUTE” his horse voice says. “Now tell your guys to stop whatever their Doing evacuate the retirement home and make them go to another retirement home or the family home” Y/n would order to him, she would prop him up, against the wall. “Yall, don’t hurt the elders don’t bomb or nothing, i got the wrong person so cancel those plans alright” he says basically pleading.
“You got a shirt on under their” You asked james, He would nod in agreement, you took off his shirt, she still had a wife better on under it. Looking to see if children were around you would face him to take your tank top off.
“Ahh what the fuck is she doing” Marcus would yell.Everyone would look to see what was happening. They would see you rip your shirt in half . You put on James old sure and tied it in the back so it would fit you. “By what I am mouth reading, She’s going to fix his bullet wound” Kelly tells them. Armando Would grit his teeth, He didn't like you of all people in his… shirt. He also didn't like how you you had your chest all exposed basically to Miami but mainly James. His focus would be lost for a minute as he looked in awe on how effortlessly pretty you looked.
Looking both ways while still in hurry you managed to run across the street you your car. You would signal to whoever was the driver to roll down the window. “Princesa, ¿qué estabas haciendo sin camisa? (Princess, what were you doing without a shirt?)”, He would ask as you were in a hurry looking back to see what condition James was in to see if you should engage with his conversation.
“Ese va a ser su vendaje, Pop the trunk (That's going to be his bandage) “ you tell him he nods his head and does what he's told. You get your medical kit and this time you run through traffic not caring. Pushing back his jeans to see the bullet wound. You would stuff 3 gauze into the bullet wound. Getting your ripped tank top you tie it around his leg. Tying it tight you help him up so he can limp to the plane as he makes it on the plane the other body guards goy didn't shoot.
You made it back to the car banging on the car door on the driver's side. “Open the door” you shout at him. He opens the door questioning you “where am I gonna sit its pack in there” he says to you, I don't know I don't care people gon have to lap up or something “ you tell him, an idea would click in his mind. A smirk would creep on his lips. “Oh no whip that smirks off your lips I know your idea exactly, “you tell him he lets out a chuckle.
You stick your head in the car “Guys does someone want either lap up or be squished because I am not sitting on that one lap” You point directly at him, his eyes plead as he looks at people in the back “How about I drive and I and Marcus are in front, kelly and dorn get their own seats and Yall are going to have to lap up” Mike says, you think about this idea, realizing you still had to lap up with Armando You eye rolled. In the corner of your eye you totally seen Mike wink at Armando.
Kelly would open the passenger door to get out and Mike and Marcus would replace them. You would give Dorn and Kelly their own space As you would have to sit in his lap. “Before you start the car can I put on my Hot Girl summer playlist” You ask and plead. Armando would disconnect his phone from the blue tooth so you could play your music. You would connect your music. “I’m letting y'all know this music is really ratchet” you say making sure everyone understood.
“Wait, wait wait” Uncle Marcus would say, Mike would start driving at a chill tempo. “What is a hot girl summer” He asks you, looking back to make eye contact. “It's being carefree so you can have fun and bag men in the summer so you will be warm in winter, Like if you're in a relationship you can't have a hot girl summer, it's only for when you are single” you explain to them, they nod of understanding. Smiling you turn your music on.
Your playlist would start off calm starting of with upbeat but chill-tempo songs. After a while your music did in fact get ratchet with your top 10 songs playing.
“aye its 7 pm Friday 95 degrees I ain't got no nigga and nigga ain't got me” you pat your chest saying it with your full chest. Armando would put his hands on his waist and turn you to the side. Looking back at him to sing the next lyrics you change your mind. As so did everyone else, they all have you a deep side eye as the lyrics would continue. “Así que no me tienes (So you don't have me.)” he would ask you being dead serious. “Quiero decir, no eres mi hombre ahora, ¿eres tú? (I mean your not my man now are you” You ask him being funny.
“Enough enough, no more hot girl summer music, if you don't turn on chill summer music that's not talking about getting ratchet in the club, in gonna pop your in the mouth next time I hear you let out a peep of those lyrics” Marcus would let out, you would look down trying to look all sad before putting your hands together to plead. “Please Uncle I'm just young and turnt” you would say. His head would disagree and just lay back letting your “chill” summer music play instead of the “others”
After a while you would be knocked out of sleep, lying on Armando's chest. Everyone would give a quick glance from time to time seeing that all her adrenaline was gone. “So son you lucky she's sleep but don't be breaking no hearts alright, I know you my nephew but she's my daughter's friend and my goddaughter so if you hurt her you gon get fucked up” Marcus explains to him, Armando would understand and have no intentions to hurt her whatsoever.
“I understand and I won't let it happen“ He would say the two guys in the front would nod, After A good 30 minutes you guys where finally at Kellys and Dorns Shared Home. Armando would pick you up bridal style and you in still trying to not wake you up. He knew you were probably sleepy since you where up and kidnapped and had to stay at high alert for all of the hours. Yeah she was nurse but being kidnapped and being a a nurse are 2 different things. Plus she didn't get her full sleep amount that she usually does.
“Can I get everyones attention” Mike would call out, They would start to huddle around mike wanting to know what he was about you say. “Now that we know it's James McGrath we don't stop here, because we don't know how deep caption was to finding him, so we are going to check every file, read 1-2-3-4 times if we have to just to see if its a secret code, Alright. Were not this for ourselves were doing it for Captains legacy and for the department because at the end of day we are Bad Boys for life” Mike says every nods and goes to get tote with files minus Dorn he would be on the computer.
You would wake up a good 15 minutes later and touch base with Mike about what was going on and what you needed to do, You would get a clear understanding of it. And Go sit down with Armando to Help him.
“What you gonna do, what you gonna do when they come for you” Marcus would start to sing everyone would join in sounding like a beautiful harmonized melody.
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scftpcws · 2 months
omg can i request a jacob scipio Imagine where him and reader kinda get into an argument because of the reader being insecure and stuff😀 i want something angst but at the same time fluffy 🥹
A/n : Thanks for the request anon!! i am trash at writing angst but i tried my best 😭 Hope you enjoy !! <3
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Warning! Poorly written angst with a lil bit of fluff.
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She looked down at the tiny bikini that she had bought a few days prior while shopping with her friends. Y/n and Jacob were going on a trip to The Maldives in a week and she was packing her stuff waaay in advance, just to make sure she had everything.
The bikini seemed to taunt her as she thought about the way she looked when she tried it on. She hated it. Her friends said she looked great and she was convinced to buy 5 more. Now she was staring at them as she realised just how much she hated the way they made her look.
“Baby, what do you want for dinner? I was thinking pizza but i’m not so sure.” his voice was gentle coming from the doorway, his focus slowly shifting towards the piles and pules of clothes that littered their bedroom. He had then noticed that Y/n was sat on the edge of the bed, the hot pink bikini she had bought a few days ago held tightly in her hands.
“Babe?” he spoke again, trying to get her attention. she looked up at him trying desperately to fight back the tears that gathered in her eyes.
“Baby, whats wrong.” he panicked as he saw her eyes, so full of tears.
He moved towards her, kneeling and cupping her face in his palms. She bit back as sob as she looked deep into his eyes.
“I can’t do this Jacob.” her voice wavered as her bottom lip began to quiver. He looked down at the bikini top, his head cocking to the side in confusion. “Can’t do what, my love?” he answered softly, his thumb caressing her cheek and catching a stray tear.
“I can’t wear these stupid bikinis. I look awful in them!” she snapped, thinking about how she had looked in the bathroom mirror, after being convinced to buy them.
“I look like a whale in them! My arms look huge and my boobs don’t sit right in the top and don’t even get me started on my stomach. I look horrible, J!” she sobbed uncontrollably, spewing her opinions on how her body looked in the garments. Jacob almost cried with her.
“Don’t say that.”
“But it’s true!”
“No it isn’t.”
“I look disgusting.”
“Please don’t insult my wife like that.” was the final thing he said before she looked back up at him, seeing the hurt in his face. She couldn’t help the way she thought about herself. Sometimes she was kinder to her body, but times like this she wished it looked different, that she was different.
“Y/n, please look at me. I love you. And before you say anything just listen to me. Can you do that for me?” he asked, lifting her chin so that she could meet his eyes again. She nodded slowly, sniffing and blinking back her tears.
“You are the most beautiful woman i have ever met, and i’ll be damned if i let you talk about MY wife like that. My wife, the woman i chose to be with till death do us part. So what if your arms look huge or your boobs don’t sit right? You’re beautiful to me and always will be.”
“But people will stare at me.” she whispered, her eyebrows furrowing. “Well when you look as gorgeous as you do people are bound to stare. Your body is perfect to me and i hope that one day you’ll see yourself the way that i do.” he concluded, placing a sweet kiss on her forehead.
“Thank you, J. But i still don’t feel comfortable being so exposed.” she mumbled, shuffling a little. He placed his hand on hers and brought it to his lips, kissing the skin in reassurance. “Well then we will buy some new stuff, whatever it takes for my beautiful girl to feel as beautiful and sexy as she looks.” he smiled playfully, the soft glow of the setting sun peeking through the blinds and illuminating his face.
“What did i do to deserve you?” she smiled. their foreheads touching.
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cloveroctobers · 3 months
95 DEGREES — ARMANDO ARETAS x BLACK! Reader [Summer Randoms]
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A/N: because y’all have been showing love on my first drop and I’ve been thinking about little moments with him since!!! *sings* I’m sprungggg! This was also Inspired by Rihanna acting accordingly on insta to this song towards A$AP 🤭
SYNOPSIS: you’re a content creator who’s on livestream during your vacation with your man. it’s summer time, you’re fine and think it’s cool to act up so Armando reminds you just exactly who he is.
WARNINGS: language, mentions of a character from: power ghost ;) just for a side of messiness, mentions of being in the itty bitty titty community, a little steamy moment somewhere, & me possibly or most likely butchering some Spanish!
<- read my previous anthology piece here.
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This Cuban heat made you feel like you were in hell to be honest. That’s why you alternated between jumping in the pool and lounging on the pool chairs but you can only do that for so long. Not according to Armando though, he had no issue catching a nap or three right underneath the sun but not without you spraying him down. You didn’t play with the sun and neither did that little sun spot that always appeared like the shape of an orange on your right shoulder every summer.
He started to doze off just by you rubbing the sunscreen into his glowing skin and the longer you stared at him, looking like that, you decided to leave him be before diving into your monthly read. After forty-five minutes of doing that you checked on Armando and got to snacking on the spread of fruit while enjoying some peach Bellini’s on the side.
This vacation was deeply needed so you understood how exhausted Armando tended to be, considering that he barely slept. When you weren’t around it took hearing your voice across the phone to help him find slumber. Now? Far away from Miami (by boat at least) and Mexico City, he had no problem catching a few Z’s knowing that you were not far from him.
So you being you, you had to entertain yourself by going to the side of the pool setting up your tripod and phone. You thought about sitting along the trimming but knew it would be too damn hot, so you moved up ahead to the patio to grab one of the bistro chairs from the checkered outdoor table.
Logging onto Instagram live, you patiently waited for some viewers to show up, greeting a few users that you interacted with before, a few internet friends, and others that also sent their greetings in. It’s easy work for you, chatting and seeing what everyone is up to. You answered a few questions about your channel, with the main one being: if there’s been any vlogging going on after revealing you’re on vacation but not where.
~ ctej01: i see armando don’t know what to do wit all that. No way you’re on vacation looking good af n bored. ijs ~
Which set the comments off after that messaged appeared. Of course your ex, Cane Tejada had to be in your live and in your business.
“Don’t you have some other hoes to fuck around with instead of worrying about how much I’m thriving with my man? You must miss me so bad. You’re so used to screwing things up that you don’t even know what the good life looks like, boy bye.” You clapped back, being aware that you should never give this cheater this much attention but you had a little time.
However you knew better than to go back and forth with Cane. He was good at getting a rise out of you and always wanted the last say.
And he could have that because once you said your peace, you started to pay him dust ignoring his laughing emojis and whatever else he decided to throw into the comments. You ended up only talking to the people that mattered and supported you, not some dude who only cared about getting off with other women who can never give him love past the physical. He didn’t respect you so you didn’t have to respect him. That relationship’s been dead for a solid year, maybe even close to two—if you kept track—and here comes this man always lurking. It only amplified once it was revealed that you were no longer in the streets.
Deciding that it was too quiet at the villa you minimized your live to head over to your fav music app, shuffling a random hot girl summer playlist and went back to your live. Scrapping the chair back after you heard that heavy Memphis accent, you already knew you were about to get in your zone regardless of who tried to ruin it.
“It’s 7pm, Friday. Happy Friday y’all!” You grinned after holding up your pointer and thumb.
You fanned yourself with a sway of your hips, “it’s 95 degrees, hoo!”
Unbeknownst to you, Armando had woken up from his third or fifth nap and had sat up looking for you after spotting your sarong abandoned on the chair next to him. It didn’t take him long to find you on your phone, telling no other than your obsessive ex off. There was no doubt in Armando’s mind that you could handle yourself but he was growing tired of that New York native’s game. Armando can only imagine how you felt, it was petty stuff at first—Cane was three years younger anyway so no shock there, leaving comments online like a punk before he even took it further to start leaving voicemails almost threatening that he would come out to Miami.
Armando of course didn’t take that lightly since a lot of his time was now dedicated to AMMO and he always prioritized your safety, doing his own research to find out exactly the kind of guy Cane Tejada is. The dark web provided everything Armando needed (he still had his own style whether the team liked it or not) and it’s not like Cane scared him or anything, it’s the fact that he thought he could continue to be disrespectful even with the relationship being tossed in the dumpster where it belonged.
Armando had plans for him but he just wanted to enjoy his vacation with you first.
“I ain’t got no ni—and no ni—ain’t got me!” You pounded on your chest, fixing the strap to your bikini afterwards just in case of spillage—although you were part of the itty bitty but still they were reserved goods.
You swiftly turned to the side for the next line, which Armando admired just how nice it sat even from a profile view, arms folded as you ran a hand along the side of the shape of your ass, “I’m bout to show my ass—
And with that, you watched in horror as your phone was smacked right across the trimming of the stone pool. The device skidded from your tripod before plunking right into the pool water. Your mouth dropped in shock as you slowly glanced over your shoulder just to feel Armando right behind you.
His husky and straight forward voice hit your ears as he said, “Hope that’s waterproof.”
Sucking your teeth, you turn to the man who meets your eyes, “excuse you?!”
He shrugs his shoulders, biting into a plum as he slowly scans his eyes over your melanin that contrasts over the yellow and green floral set you had on, “what?” He chewed, “Something wrong?”
“Not you trying to rain on my parade to be turnt up with my n-ggas and my bitches.” You placed your hands on your hips in annoyance.
Armando blinks, “you could do that without showing your ass to Cane.”
You tilted your head to the side at this.
Armando was hardly the jealous type, he didn’t care much for anyone having their eyes on you because they should admire you but it was once they started being vocal or even trying to touch you that he had a problem with. Your ex was sitting behind a screen and Armando knew that if Cane really wanted to—if he wasn’t too caught up in his mommy’s business, he could pull up.
And Armando had something for his ass.
“I don’t give a shit about him.”
You’ve done everything by kicking him out of the life and blocking him along with future accounts but with a guy like him? He always found ways around any blockage.
“I know.” Armando kept his usual leveled tone as he held your stare while you molded your lips into your mouth, scratching at your second protective style for the season in confusion.
Clasping your hands together you exhaled, “then what the hell was that?”
Armando finished his plum, licking at his fingers and then his lips before he sat the remains on a table near by. When he turns back to you, he makes a show of getting up close and personal. Lightly gripping your forearms, the pad of his fingertips gently running over your famous sunspot, he flicks his eyes to yours.
“A what don’t got you?” He questioned.
Oh here we go.
You try not to roll your eyes but you’re oh so tempted, “it’s a song and it’s summer! Let me live.”
“And you can do that but not screaming that with your whole chest to viewers.” Armando debates.
Scoffing your reply, “I didn’t see you complaining so much when we were crip walking to ‘not like us,’ the first day we got here.”
Armando pauses, “…that was different.”
He doesn’t want to argue, so his hands just slide down to the sides of your ass. With his right hand his pats one side demanding, “jump.”
Armando raises his brows and huffs, “okay.” And takes it upon himself to bend and lift you right over his shoulder.
Yelping you quickly find something on his frame to hold onto as he starts walking, “Arman!” You scream just as he jumps into the pool with you in his arms.
When you both resurface, you flick water right at Arman who is smirking while floating towards you. “I told you to jump but since you want to be difficult, i did the honors.”
“Of what? Getting on my nerves?” You start swimming towards one of the edges where’s there’s seating and Armando doesn’t hesitate to follow you.
He snakes a hand across your waist, turning you to face him. His eyes scan all over your face, a faint dimple still playing on one side of his cheek as he soaks in your annoyance. Gently he’s pushing you elsewhere from the seating of the pool and to the wall.
Armando pressed his forehead against yours, “i thought you wanted to play since you were just doing that on Instagram. So how about i give you something to play with?”
His lips are smashed right to yours, his facial hair tickling against your chin. His kisses burn against your lips as he moves with speed, hands on your hips and your body doesn’t need to fight against your brain to understand what’s happening. Your legs wrap against his hips and your chest to chest with the possibility of your necklaces getting tangled but there’s no one else the both of you wanted to be close to in this moment.
Your nails are scratching along the shortened hair at the back but he knows you’ll be gripping the top once he’s inside. Normally his kisses are soft yet tender while his hands are rough and calculated but right now? Everything is scorching from the weather to simply Armando’s body heat. His ego doesn’t want to give you time to breathe but out of the decency of his heart he does yet that’s no relief because his fingers are at work now.
“Damn mami, I don’t even have to warm you up do I?” He quizzes with a glance downwards.
The pool wall is scratching against your back, the curling of his pointer and the pressing of his thumb that’s just a little higher is dirty work and he knows it. You don’t have time for his shit talking because you’re yanking him by the neck to shut him right up. He matches your speed with no hesitation tasting sweet like plums and mint, your tongues doing just the perfect dance against the Cuban heat. He grunts when you catch him off guard, getting your own feel in his swim trunks.
He pulls back with a pop of your lips, his own movements faltering for a second as you only caress but even that is just right. He pulls his fingers away and place them right at your lips, silently commanding what to do. And so you do, tongue running along the length before sucking, holding Armando’s dilated stare while gripping harder.
“Sweeter than plums, huh?” He asks, his other hand cupping the side of your face.
You hum, ready to slip a hand inside but his smacks your hand away from his waistband. He does the honors of pulling his trunks down just enough and once he gets his other hand back from your lips, his hands are hot on your hips as he lifts you up higher before pushing your own suit to the side to settle right where he belongs.
The moans that echoes through the both of your lips is music to your ears. Armando always gives it time, still in amazement of how you were made to feel around him. He’s panting as he brings his attention back to you but your eyes are closed, also trying to savor him.
“Eyes on me, mami.” He tells you lightly tapping the side of your jaw, “you good?”
You nod before your eyes open to meet his and you match his smirk or freak or whatever. And when he begins to move against you, stretching you so nicely, you have no choice but to bite down on his shoulder (to not scare the birds of course!) so you can recreate a similar spot on your own.
Half lidded you’re lounging on the bed in a robe, your eyes widen as knees knock against the side of the mattress. You lean back against your hand, peering up at Armando that’s softly grinning down at you. He holds out your chipped phone to you and says, “I got you and apparently…you got me too.”
He moves the material to peek at the teeth marks at the top of his own shoulder.
“Shut up,” you croak while Armando laughs bending down to place a chaste kiss to your brow before he crawls over to the back of you.
He loops a hand around you, pulling you right to his chest in a matching robe, letting you get your rest this time.
After at least two minutes passed you awake with a snore, making Armando crane his neck to look at down at you. You snuggle against his chest and whisper, “can you order some garlic parm nugs for later?”
Armando chest jumps with light laughter as he squeezes your shoulder, “yeah baby, whatever you want. It’ll be here when you wake up.”
“Kay,” you sigh, “l love you.”
Armando quirks up a small smile as he gently rubs your back soothingly, “Te quiero con todo mi corazón.”
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Continue with my anthology summer writings & prompts here.
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sunrisesfromthewest · 3 months
First Encounter
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|Summary: Your first encounter with Armando; based off of that one scene from bad boys ride or die. | Warnings: Getting shot at/slight suggestive language/Curse words/Slight Movie Spoilers | Trope: One sided interest or Enemies to Lovers| Notes: Hopefully you guys enjoy it's my first-time writing a x reader. | (Y/N/N=Your Nickname)
Here's all the parts I have so far: 1 2 3 4 5 6
After seeing the news about your dad, Uncle Mike, and some guy, you decided to leave work early. Confused on why there all the sudden wanted fugitives,you quickly drive over to Dorns place knowing that he’ll have answers.
Parking your car, you grab your purse and make your way towards his lake house. Since you hang out with him and Kelly 24/7 outside of work, you just walk in without knocking.    Which was a mistake on your end because not even a second later you’re being shot at, and you could hear a few people yell in shock.  Dropping to the floor you curse and yell "It's me stop fucking shooting it’s me Y/N!”  Looking up you see Kelly pointing the gun at the place you were just standing at with a shock expression.  “Girl what the hell you got going on” you said, scared to stand up.  Lowering her gun she said “OMG, Y/N, I’m so so—” Before she could finish you hear “Oh lord, you shooting at my baby!", recognizing the voice you look around to spot your father Marcus, running towards you with a worried look.
As he’s checking over you, you hear him sigh with relief after seeing you were fine. " Dad? what the fuck is going on!", standing up you dust off your nurse uniform, with a confused expression. 
Looking around the room you noticed shocked expressions from Dorn and Kelly who had put her gun down. Spotting Uncle Mike and the man that was with him on the news your eyes squint even more, Tryna put two to two together.    “Y/N/N, aren’t you supposed to be at work, "Marcus says confused on why his daughter was there.  Still shaking up from being shot at you say, “I was at work but when I was making my rounds with my patients, I seen you guys on the news ......but shit! I should be asking the questions! why are you, Uncle Mike and this dude, wanted fugitives …. matter of fact," turning towards the man, "Who are you?”.    Seeing the man smirk he says," Someone you can get well acquainted with.”  Just as you’re about to say something smart, your dad cuts in dramatically "Aye hell nah man! No hitting on my daughter, Mike get your son!” 
Shocked you run your eyes over the Latino man which you can now see have some of Mike's features, “Uncle Mike since when you have a son, and why the hell is he dressed up like a redneck.”  Running your eyes frantically over their forms you back up while pointing your hands at them and say, “matter of fact why are you all dress up like that.”  Feeling your dad pull you aside to calm you down, he explains everything that happened these past few days.    After getting the run down on what was going on, you rub at your eyes with a stressed sigh." So that’s Armando," you said shaking your head "I would’ve pulled my gun out as well if I’ve seen him, dad didn’t he almost kill you and Uncle Mike!", you said feeling frustrated about the situation.  “Y/n,I know this is awkward, but he has evidence to prove that Captain Conrad is innocent.”  Sighing again “Okay, fine but if he tries some shit just know Imma make him taste the rainbow.”  Hearing laughter you look back to see the Latino leaning against the kitchen counter looking at you with a smirk on his face.  Seeing your father look at you with a don’t do it expression made you huff and ignore Armando’s laughter.    Before you could move to grab your purse off the floor your dad stops you again and whispered, "How long Kelly and Dorn been messing around, "letting out a short laugh you say, “For a minute now”  Seeing your father smirk, and send a look to Mike, you knew they were up to no good but chose to ignore it.
Walking to the door to grab your purse and its spilled contents you feel eyes on you, gazing up you see Armando watching you with an unreadable expression. Rolling your eyes you pick up the rest of your stuff, but as you reach for your lip gloss, a hand grabs it.    Looking up your face to face with the Latino himself, annoyed you extend your hand out, while raising an eyebrow.  Watching his amused expression, you sigh and roll your eyes. 
“Boy if you don’t give me my stuff,Imma punch you in the throat." Hearing him chuckle made you more agitated, but you kept your cool. As he holds out the gloss to you with a smirk you huff and reach out to snatch it, only for him to pull it back in a teasing manner.
Looking at him as if he’s grown two heads, you’re about to cuss him out when he says”Demasiado bonita para una boca como esa”.  Furrowing your eyebrows you say “What?”    Armando’s smirk widens as he says, “I said to pretty for a mouth like that.”  Scoffing you snatch your lip gloss out his hands, putting it in your purse as you stand up and say, “First of all, my mouth is only like this because you almost killed my dad not too long ago, and secondly I can say whatever the fuck I want cause last I checked imma grown women.”  Watching his eyes glance down at your body, you hear a low whistle, "You sure are, but if you ever wanna fix that mouth of yours, "he pauses allowing his pretty brown eyes to trail back up to yours,”aquí estaré mami” (I’ll be here mommy) 
Shocked slightly at his boldness, you say “Boy if you don’t get out of m---,” but before you could finish, he was called over by Mike. At first Armando ignores him and continues to admire you until your dad says, “Boy get your ass over here," which made you break eye contact with him and look away.  
Glancing back up you couldn't help but admire his physique as well but as he reaches the others by the computer set up. He glances back to see you staring which resulted in him sending you a wink. Rolling your eyes you turn away with a smirk," You your daddy son for sure," you say to yourself with a smile.
Notes: Let me know if you guys want a part 2 :) and pls go see the movie it's so good
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nelo0wesker · 2 months
this with armando would be heaven, in the scene of them being at Kelly and dorns apartment and they have to share a room 😌✊🏽
also love ur writing
You belong to me!
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Y/N eyes widened hearing she had to share a room with Armando. “Woah woah woah why the hell do I have to share a room with a criminal!” She asks, pointing at Armando. He didn’t even look fazed by her. He looked at her with amusement. She saw something in his eyes that she couldn’t figure out.
Mike raised his hands up at Y/N getting close to her. “It’s only for the night okay Y/N” Mike tells her and she scoffs not happy. Armando just looks at her moving his eyes to look at her body. She didn’t notice but Mike did make him go over to him, pulling him away.
“Armando no” Mike tells his son trying to persuade him not to do what he’s thinking. “Why not? She’s very pretty” Armando tells his father while looking at you. “Cause Marcus will kick your ass! Got it! No flirting” he tells him hoping he’ll listen. “Okay okay no flirting” Armando says still looking at you as Mike sighs seeing this and hopes Armando will listen.
Y/N walks in the room after taking a shower ignoring Armando who is laying on the bed. He smirks at her, loving how she looks with her hair wet. She rolls her eyes at him as she brushes her hair. She looks at him and glares. “I’m not sleeping in the same bed as you” she tells him. She would rather sleep on the floor than be in the same bed as him.
Armando clicks his tongue and looks at her. “Come on, I'm not gonna do anything mami. You can trust me” he says with a smirk. His eyes had a look she couldn’t figure out. He gets up and moves towards her moving her bangs out of her face and then grabs her chin and gives her a devious look. He moves in closer as she looks at him and kisses her. She looked at him surprised by the kiss. He squeezes her ass making her yelp allowing him to deepen the kiss.
She moves her hands to his short hair and pulls on what she can to deepen the kiss. He pulls back with a string of saliva keeping them together and smirks. He moves his hand towards her face and moves his thumb over her lips rubbing them. He gets close to her ear and whispers. “You belong to me” makes her blush. He chuckles pulling her down to the bed and lays there not doing anything else letting her think about what just happened. She looks at him with a flushed look and glares. “Your such a tease” she grumbles and he laughs out.
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peaxhygirl · 1 month
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: ̗̀➛𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚊 𝙱𝙻𝙰𝙲𝙺 𝚏𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝙾𝙲
: ̗̀➛𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: Tensions are still high between Raven and Armando but will a turn in events and some insight from Mike shake some things up for them.
: ̗̀➛𝙰𝙽: Hey friends!! First things first, thanks for all the love and support! Also, this one is kinda long / filler because I need things to start shaking and moving in part 3. ENJOY!
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Armando and Raven found themselves staring daggers at each other just outside of Rita's office. They sat on opposite couches looking like mirrors of the other.
Arms crossed, posture tense, brows furrowed.
After hearing about the little mishap, Rita called in the head of Vice. Initially it was thought to be an argument bound to happen on the basis of professional courtesy and letting someone know about any investigations being held in case something like this were to happen; but, from the looks of it their conversation was rather calm.
The tension was coming from outside the office. "So, you're the guy who was on the run, huh? How'd you manage to get in here, I thought you were highly dangerous." She spoke the last statement with a taunting tone. "Still highly dangerous. You wanna test that? Be my guest." A smirk present on his face, which only caused Raven to rise right along with him.
"Yo, this is your last time threatening me, Rico Sauve." She held to fingers up pointing in the face of the male in front of her. "No, you're tough right, you wanted to test me so let's test it." Armando was not the type to hit a woman, but honestly something about Raven set a fire off inside of him. She reminded him way too much of someone, it was insufferable.
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"Damn Mike, she act like you." Marcus laughed while the two older men approached the bickering pair. "Well hell, I mean they both act like you. You sure you didn't have another kid with a fairy in Never Never Land or something? I mean, you already got the witch."
No matter what, Marcus would not let go of reminding everyone that Mike got tangeled up with that evil ass witch.
Raven's head jerked back. She quickly glanced between the two of them. She'd known that Armando was a fugitive, but no one filled her in on the fact that he was Mike's son. "Well, that makes sense. He's a drug dealer and you dress like one." She began to laugh before she could fully finish the statement.
Marcus began to laugh at the younger woman's words as well. Extending his hand for a high five that she cheerfully returned. When he glanced at Mike seeing his blank expression, he began to cough as if he wasn't just having a good ole chuckle. "I'm not a drug dealer." Armando's voice this time was tamer but there was still an edge to it.
A short silence fell between the four of them before Rita and Mario, the head of vice exited the office. "Rae, you're going to be working with AMMO for a while."
"What?!" Both her and Armando shouted looking at the heads of their teams. "Mario, I'm not going with them-- I wanna stay on vice." "And you are still on Vice, Raven. Rita and I were talking, and it looks like we've been on to the same guy for a while now. He's got his hands in all types of shit that we've had mutual investigations into. So, you'll be working together instead of separately." Armando and Raven looked at each other before looking back at those in front of them.
"No." They spoke in stubborn unison.
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Raven begrudgingly trudged up the path to the private plane they were boarding. Not only had she still been placed with AMMO but now they were on their way to Puerto Rico. From what they could put together, plus a few tips from a reliable source, they were certain their guy would be there, and he had something big coming.
Raven and Armando hadn't spoken to each other since their argument at the station. Ever since she'd call him a drug dealer, he'd been full blown ignoring her and quieter than normal. She kinda missed arguing with him.
"Hey, Raven." Mike tipped his head to her, motioning for he to sit beside him for the flight. This plane, or rather jet was big enough for everyone to have their own space, so why did he want her so close?
Nevertheless, she sat beside him. Soon, they were taking off.
"Hey, so uh. I know you and Armando aren't the best of friends, but can you not call him a drug dealer?" His voice was low while they spoke, by now everyone had fallen asleep. She also had a feeling that he was about to tell her something he didn't want anyone else to hear.
"I mean, he can be a little rough around the edges. But if we're being honest, hell.. So can you." He shifted in his seat, fully turning his attention to her. "He's trying, you know. He didn't have the best upbringing, got dealt a really shitty hand at life. I wasn't any help; his mother wasn't either. So, just cut 'em a little slack. I think if you two chilled out, you'd see you have more in common than not."
With that, Mike turned forward, laying his head back to rest his eyes. "Just think about it." And that's exactly what she did for the remainder of the flight, if Armando would be cool with her, she'd be cool with him.
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ghettogirly · 3 months
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-> synopsis: where he sees an unwanted man bothering you at the bar and decides to step in.
[🕷️] warnings: mature language, presence of guns, mention of violence, mention of alcohol.
[🕷️] authors note: this is my first time writing an imagine after three years so bear with me!! please reblog and like if you enjoy!
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It was a cool day in nighttime of Miami, the sky cascades with elements of black and dark purple as the day descends into the night. You walked into the club, Zillion, and a stone of lights automatically attacks your eyes. The neon colours and the loud music hits your ears as swarms of people dance around you.
Your friends encouraged you to come out with them for once as you always stay at home, loving the peace and comfort of your own house. However, you felt guilty neglecting them and decided to accept their offer.
“Isn’t this fun!”, your best friend, Selina squeals.
You try push out a smile but you can’t help but still not feel the excitement that runs throughout the cramped room. “This isn’t my vibe, i want to go home already.” You sigh, feeling an aching sensation in the side of your head.
Nevertheless, your friends drags you to a tiny booth, having a small table with a bucket of ice and champagne placed on it. They start dancing to the music a little bit while deciding what they’re going to drink, completely hypnotised by the energy surging throughout the room. You just stand there, trying to loosen up a bit.
Your eyes scan the room, looking over the crowd of people on the dance floor before landing on a balcony on the upper floor. The VIP section. Interested, you observe the people there noticing flamboyant men with chains and clearly a lot of wealth. Sleazy women were scattered around them as they entertained useless conversations and presented flattery to the men. However, there was one particular man who was sitting there, a glass of whiskey and ice in his hand, completely zoned out.
You was fascinated. From your angle you could only see certain details of him. He wore a black silk shirt and ripped jeans, his lips were full, pink and glossy with his right eyebrow having a scar stripped through it. His tan skin shone in the neon lights, the club lights flattering his skin as the purple light compliments his cool undertones.
He was clearly uninterested in the girls around him, his scowl present on his face as he ignores the countless efforts of conversations around him.
Time goes by and you lose focus of everything going around you: eyes glued onto him. Everything seemed to stand still, the world no longer being important unless-
“Hey! What you looking at?” One of your friends shout from across the booth, snapping you out of ogling of the mysterious man. “Nothing. It’s fine.”
“Okay well, can you get us some drinks from the bar? I want a vodka with coke and some shots for the table, get whatever you want it’s on me!” She shouts over the defeaning music, shooing me away.
“Looks like i have no choice,” I sigh.
Walking over to the bar, i sit on one of the wooden stools, waiting for a bartender to approach me. Tapping the table out of habit, i feel a presence behind me. “Hey pretty lady, what’s your name?” The unknown man whispers, i feel his hot breath on my ear, causing me to shiver.
“I don’t have a name.” I groan, not even bothering to turn around and engage with the clearly drunken man, already over with the situation. He sits down beside me nevertheless. “Everyone has a name angel, come on.. tell me.” His alcoholic breath floods my nose, i squirm at the thought of the amount of alcohol he’s consumed.
His hand reaches over to my hair, tucking it behind my ear which now causes me to turn to his direction but move my head back in retaliation from the bold move. “I said i don’t have one, leave me alone.”
Out of nowhere, he grabs my face and forces me to look at him. “Don’t make me ask again.” The force he inflicts on my face causes my eyes to water, unable to say anything due to the man’s blind rage, i try repeatedly tapping his arm to let go of me but the alcohol has clouded his sense of judgement.
A whistle is then heard behind the man. “Let go.”
I look up and it’s the same man i noticed sitting at the VIP booth, he holds a silver glock to creep’s head, his face undistinguishable. Moving to the man’s ear he whispers, “don’t make me have to tell you twice,” his accent thick and heavy.
The man instantly lets go of my face, clearly shaking at not only the presence of the foreign man but the gun to his head as well. I sit there in shock, my eyes flickering from man to man, frozen as to what’s going to happen next.
“Now you’re going to apologise to this pretty lady and leave this club, don’t let me see you again or i will kill you.” He states casually, before swiftly putting the man into a headlock, keeping the gun in the same position. “Trust me, i’ll make sure to do it slowly and painfully.” He holds him down harder before letting him go, the drunken man chokes out and wheezes before running out of the club side to side due to his incompetent state.
The foreign man now turns to me, a slight smirk on his face. “The names Armando. Drinks are on me.”
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xjaylyn · 2 months
PART 2 - Bad Boys: Second Chances
Pairing: Armando x Black! OC (Rya)
Warnings: blood, graphic, guns, death, mature, language (use of the n word), and some other stuff I probably forgot about sorry
Summary: Its been two years since Captain Conrad was framed. Another mission brings the team back together and new relationships are formed. It's said everyone deserves second chances and room to grow. So maybe this is that second chance.
a/n: Its a long chapter this one
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Walking into the precinct, the two partners were immediately met by their captain waiting for them at their desks. Rita nodded her head towards the conference room, causing them to look into the room. There stood four different department leads, all looking over and discussing whatever was in their files.
"What's going on? Why we got the whole government and they momma here?" Waving his hand toward the room, Marcus looked back at Rita, visible stress apparent on her face.
"That's what I'm figuring out now. All I know is that there are a few murders that we have to look into," Rita said, shaking her head and walking towards the conference room. The two detectives followed close behind.
"Well, ain't that what homicide is for? We investigate and handle narcotics."
Opening the door, the three officers stepped into the room, causing the group of leads to look at them. A tall middle-aged man stepped up and handed them all a file.
"Thank you for joining us. I'm Chief Paul Nicola of Homicide. Take a seat, please."
The three officers looked at each other for a moment before taking their seats at the table. "This is going to be a brief description of a case we have been investigating for the past 60 years," Paul said while walking to the end of the table.
A low whistle came from Mike, a confused look on his face. "60 years? And y'all ain't tell nobody? Why are we just getting involved?"
"We have only been studying, no action or busts have been involved. It's the most complex and biggest case we have ever worked on. Even the military is involved. Actually, every department of the law has been involved."
"What exactly is going on? No one has actually answered this simple question… why you bring us in?" Marcus backed his partner, dropping the file on the table.
Clearing his throat, Paul opened the file and took out an envelope of pictures, lining them up on the table. "For the past 60 years, there has been an increase in under-the-table deals. Criminals and serial killers have been on the rise, and taking of children and trafficking has become common. Technology and information have become more advanced and accessible."
Looking at the pictures, there were numerous photos of different faces, some they recognized from past cases they had worked on, others unknown. Some photos were of missing children, crime scenes, evidence, and locations. It was a mess of all the cases the government had worked on, all together in one file.
"Almost every case we have worked on for the past 60 years is somewhat connected. Mike and Marcus, the drug busts you both have operated for the past 20-plus years have all been connected to an even bigger case. Some wars our military has been in are all connected. The murders, the victims, the invasions, everything has been fucking connected this whole time. You understand what I'm saying?" Paul leaned on the table, looking at all the officers.
Stepping back to catch his breath, Paul scanned the room one final time, tilted his head down, pinched the bridge of his nose, and slightly chuckled. "We finally have someone from the inside working with us. She is willing to give us information as long as we help her with one thing."
"Now hold on," Marcus scoffed. "You telling me everything we all have ever worked on for the past 60 years is all tied together in one big-ass mess?" Marcus leaned back, waving his arms around, then leaned forward on the table. "And you have some random female saying she can help because she has 'information' with a case y'all have been studying for 60 years in exchange for something strange."
"She was captured by the military in the middle of a mission regarding this case. We know that she is involved with whatever is going on. This is the most we have come up with in 60 years, so yes, we are taking this chance, and you two will work with her."
"Oh wow, that's great. Work with an informant. We love that, don't we, Marcus?" Mike looked at his partner with a smirk on his face. Marcus just shook his head and leaned back in his chair.
"We will keep you all updated while we work this case. You can pick her up tomorrow." Paul and the others all nodded their heads and left the room. Closing the door, Rita looked at the two detectives.
"Well, we're going to need all the help we can get. I'll call in AMMO, and uh, Mike, you have business in Virginia to take care of. I'll give you the address," Rita said while pulling out her phone.
"Me? I don't got no business in Virginia," Mike denied, pointing at himself.
Looking up briefly, Rita nodded her head. "Yes, you do. Look, I'm not supposed to tell you, but AMMO and I have been tracking Armando. He's currently in Virginia, keeping a low profile. We need you to pick him up. He might know something, and he was a good help on the last mission. I sent you the address." Putting her phone back in her pocket, she grabbed a file off the table and walked out of the room.
"So a road trip to Virginia, huh?" Marcus looked at his partner, staring at nothing.
So he's alive and well…in Virginia…this whole time. Shaking his head, Mike could only think about how Armando might be doing. Is he back in the streets? Does he have somewhere to stay? Why do I only see him when we need help on a mission? It was like falling into a rabbit hole when it came to his son.
"Aye Mike, come on. You can ask all the questions when we get there."
"You coming in?"
"Nah, but get me a large chocolate shake with whipped cream and sprinkles and a uhhh patty melt with a large fry."
"Marcus, you not eating in my car. I'm going to the bathroom, and we out," Mike said, getting out of the car.
The two had stopped 30 minutes from their destination at a burger place on the side of the road. Walking in, Mike noticed only two people sitting down in the small place. Heading to the bathroom, he passed by a couple of booths.
After doing his business, he walked out and noticed a man sitting in the booth facing his way. Furrowing his brows, he kept walking, staring at the man, then he saw those eyes look up at him.
They stared at each other for a second before his son rolled his eyes, dropped his food, and leaned back into the booth. "How'd you find me?"
Sliding into the booth, Mike ignored the question. "How are you?" Feeling his chest tighten, he couldn't help but feel every emotion he had held in these past couple of years. He had sent his son on a raggedy boat, bleeding out with nothing.
"I'm alive…keeping low," Armando answered briefly. "How'd you find me?" he questioned one more time, squinting his eyes at the man in front of him.
"That doesn't matter. Have you been working? Got a place to stay? What do you mean by keeping low?" Mike pressed further.
Armando just stared at his father. He noticed a pattern early on. Mike only comes to him when he needs help on a job. Granted, that was a way to lessen his sentence, but he's on the run now. Why try to bring him back in if it will only land him back in jail?
"Why are you here?" Armando questioned, leaning forward.
Silence fell upon the two as Mike looked out the window. "We need your help on a mission."
There it is. Armando chuckled, nodding his head. "Yeah, I figured. The answer's no. I barely have anything here, but I'd rather this than go back in a fucking cell, and what, nine months off a life sentence?" he gritted, causing Mike to look at him.
"Listen, I know how it sounds, but son—"
"Armando," interrupting his father. Armando looked him in the eye with a straight face, irritation starting to form within him.
Mike sighed and dropped his hands on the table. Calmly picking up where he left off, "-Armando…we do this one last mission. If it's successful, you're a free man. I promise you, just trust me, this mission will drop it all and you can go wherever you want…you can live your life however you want."
"And if it fails?"
Mike stared back into his son's eyes. "I'll get you out. Before anyone can get you, you'll be long gone, and I won't bother you again, but you'll still be on the run…limited."
Falling back, Armando knew he could trust his father. The man has been trying to help him in every way he can. And if this mission succeeds, then he can start over. Fuck it. Picking up a fry, "Fine…but we need to stop at my place first."
"Ok, thank you. Pack up your food; you can eat in the car."
"Damn, is the man taking a shit? I knew we shouldn't have eaten those burritos. I told him his ass would be on fire," Marcus mumbled, shaking his head. Looking out the car window, he saw his partner with someone walking beside him toward the car. Squinting a little, he noticed the man as his nephew.
"Well, I'll be damned…the kid's alive."
The doors to the car opened, and Mike and Armando got into the car. Armando, noticing his dad's partner in the front seat, rolled his eyes, already knowing the man's antics.
"Well, I'm glad to see you too, nephew," Marcus smiled, then looked up at Mike. "See, I told you he'd be fine. He's just like his damn father, can't fucking die."
Armando listened to the two banter and opened his bag of food, taking out a fry and biting into his burger. All of a sudden, he heard Marcus dramatically gasp.
"Oh-ohhh, MIKE, HE EATING IN YO CAR!" Marcus yelled, pointing back at Armando, looking at Mike driving. Mike glanced at Marcus, "Yeah? So let him eat."
Marcus's mouth dropped, and he dramatically leaned back with his hand on his chest. "MICHAEL, SO HE CAN EAT IN YO CAR, BUT WHEN I TRY, IT'S A PROBLEM."
In the back seat, Armando smirked, watching his father and uncle go back and forth. Taking another bite of his burger, a piece of lettuce and sauce dropped on the seat.
"Marcus, shut the hell up. Give him a napkin. He can wipe it when he's done."
"Oh-oh, see, that's cold, Michael. That's some cold shit, Mike…we been boys since wayyy back, and I can't eat in your car?! I feel like we ain't boys no more," Marcus shook his head with a disgusted look on his face. "Some bullshit, I tell you…when you think you know someone," Marcus said, turning to look at the window.
Mike looked in the rear view to glance at Armando.
He's okay.
Tag list (lmk if you want to be added):
@blackgirlmagicforever @believeinthefireflies95 @wizewhispers
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