swtorizz · 4 years
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I swear I posted this before but apparently that was just a fever dream. Anyway here are all eight of my canon characters! Random info about each under the cut.
Alignment: Dark
Romanced: Scourge
Birthplace: Tython
Alliance involvement?: She is loyal to the Republic, but is often conflicted. Subject to change.
Alignment: Light
Romanced: Felix and Tharan (poly)
Birthplace: Coruscant
Alliance involvement?: Yes, she and Felix join early on and Tharan joins later.
Alignment: Light
Romanced: Corso
Birthplace: Nar Shaddaa
Alliance involvement?: No
Alignment: Light
Romanced: Aric
Birthplace: Tatooine
Alliance involvement?: Yes, along with Havoc.
Alignment: Light
Romanced: Vette
Birthplace: Corellia
Alliance involvement?: Yes, but she’s often attending to other business outside of the Alliance.
Alignment: Neutral
Romanced: N/A
Birthplace: Wild Space
Alliance involvement?: He leads it!
Alignment: Light
Romanced: Mako
Birthplace: Nar Shaddaa
Alliance involvement?: He’s been involved, but officially remains neutral.
Alignment: Neutral leaning Light
Romanced: Vector
Birthplace: [Redacted]
Alliance involvement?: [Redacted]
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swtorizz · 4 years
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Thanks for the tag @gothwarlocks​!! :D
Most of these are self explanatory, but I’ll clarify the few that aren't:
Hanadre: dresses up at her wife’s insistence.
Ashe: goes just to see everyone else dressed up.
Demânio and Mavisra: scare children 24/7, and are just using the holiday as an excuse.
Sayeed: half thinks the idea’s hilarious, half wants a kickass demon minion.
my goth ass is def summoning demons while watching horror movies
here’s the template for anyone else that wants to do this!
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swtorizz · 4 years
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I had to do this I am so sorry
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swtorizz · 4 years
I decided to do this whole “Force Abilities” thing for my Outlander even though I wasn’t tagged (I’m a lonely bitch) so here ya go :)
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Force Sense (generic ability to connect with the Force)
Force Empathy (ability to know what other people are feeling. Easier with Force sensitives than civilians)
Telepathy (what it says on the tin. Easier with Force sensitives than civilians)
Thought shield (What it says on the tin. It blocks both of the above skills.)
Mind Trick (Ability to influence people’s thoughts. You know, the “There are not the droids you’re looking for.”)
Force Stealth (Ability to mask your presence from other Force-sensitives)
Farsight (the ability to evoke visions of events happening in other places)
Force Meld (A technique where in battle a number of Force users join their minds together through the Force, drawing strength from each other)
Precognition (Passive ability used in combat to have premonitions of where danger is coming from)
Instinctive Astrogation (Ability that allows you to find a route through hyperspace without the help of a navigation computer or astromech droid)
Comprehend Speech (Ability to understand the spoken language of any sentient, though it does not necessarily mean you can speak said language)
Animal Friendship (what it says on the tin)
Plant surge (Ability to channel life energy into plants)
Force Body (Ability to enhance your body, allowing you you jump mad heights, move super fast, survive otherwise mortal blows, etc.)
Force Healing (what it says on the tin)
Telekinesis (what it says on the tin)
Force Lightning
Pyrokinesis (Ability to burn stuff)
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swtorizz · 4 years
OC Voice Meme: Arkandri
Thank you so much for the tag @gothwarlocks​ ilu ♥♥♥
Bold what applies to your muse, italicize situational ones. Feel free to add your own suggestions and carry it on.
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country │ backwoods │ sailor │ noble │ foreign speaker | The Queen’s English with a dash of cockney | socal surfer | brash New Yorker | uncertain 
educated │ uneducated │ don’t use conjunctions │ shortens words │ just make up their own words! │ old English │ doesn’t use contractions | mispronounces big words | street smart |
loud │ soft │ room volume │ high pitched │ low pitched │seductive │ velvety │ speech impediment │ abrasive │ gruff │ shrill │ booming │ matter-of-fact │ toneless │ husky │gravelly │ breathy │ nasal │ barking │ chatty │ condescending │ musical │ suave │ world-weary │ brash │ authoritative
refers to self in third person plurals │ incorporates different languages/terms/sayings │ uses gender-specific terms │ adapts to audience │ changes pitch around animals or children │ shifts tone when lying │ gives others nicknames │ uses terms of respect towards others │ uses terms of affection towards others 
Nothing fancy, I think the VA in swtor matches him perfectly :)
Anyone who sees this and wants to do it please do so and tag me!!
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swtorizz · 4 years
🌉 & 🏠 & 💕!
🌉 which muse is most consumed by wanderlust
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After running away from home at 16 (mostly to get away from her family, but also to see the galaxy), I think it’s safe to say Zheaptia is absolutely sick with wanderlust. There’s a reason her flagship seems more lived-in than her home.
🏠 which muse is a happy homebody
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Despite constantly being on the move for the Alliance and his loved ones, Ark would definitely stay home all day to read crappy romance novels and watch mindless holodramas if the galaxy allowed it.
💕 which muse falls in love too easily
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You’ll never get him to admit it, but Loch is a romantic at heart. At this point, I think Mako has gone from amused to outright annoyed at the number of emails Loch has received that contain some form of the request, “we dated once, send me money.”
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swtorizz · 4 years
For the emoji OC asks, 🩺 and 🌋 for Arkrandri? (also a) oh my gods Arkrandri's backstory is so sad why must you make me feel things this early in the morning, and b) the theme on your OCs page is so cool!!) ~@dragonheart-swtor
Thank you!!! I feel bad for putting him through so much sometimes but it’s shaped him into who his is, ya know? And I’m actually in the process of redoing my OC page because it’s so annoyingly difficult to update and add characters to haha. Very pretty but such a pain :P
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🩺 - Does your OC accept help easily? Are they willing to admit when they need help? 
It is extremely difficult for Ark to ask for help, to the point where he will suffer in silence for years before acknowledging a problem. As for acceptance of it, it depends on the person. Someone he barely knows he will rarely want to trouble with his issues, but a good friend like Lana will be his emotion dump. I don’t think she minds :)
🌋 - What’s your OCs temper like? Are they a slow boil, or an instant explosion?
In his early days as a Sith, just out of slavery, Ark definitely had a temper. He was quick to anger and quicker to draw his weapon. Nowadays, though, he can rarely be goaded into violence (raising five rowdy children will do that to you)--but he is prone to emotional outbursts due to the way he bottles everything up. Like everything about him, he’s complicated.
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swtorizz · 5 years
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Finally I can make a post with Ark (my Outlander) and all five of his kids! They are half Zabrak/Pureblood.
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swtorizz · 5 years
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I made a thing lmao
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swtorizz · 6 years
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I couldn’t resist
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swtorizz · 6 years
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Just some of my high/max level characters. Click for higher res!
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swtorizz · 6 years
1, 8, 15
Hey I’m sorry I didn’t answer this sooner I just noticed this was in my inbox and I apologize!
OC Relationship Questions
1. What OC has the biggest family? How do they get along? Ark definitely has the biggest family with a (now ex) wife and five kids. They don’t all get along quite so swimmingly, honestly. Too much drama to keep up with when you’ve got one jedi and two sith kids, lol.
8. Which OCs are an old married couple (literally or figuratively)? That’s a tough one…the only way I could consider any of them a figurative old married couple is when Hanadre and Ark bicker endlessly about strategy. Lana may also be involved.
15. Whch OCs get along the worst with each other? If Mavisra and Hallelle were in a room together I think they’d kill each other. They are just such polar opposites with everything I could see them being nemeses. 
Thank you for the ask♥
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swtorizz · 4 years
Love Quiz
Thank you so much @hothian-snow for tagging me!! Here’s the quiz and here are my boys’ answers :)
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Arkandri (AKA The Outlander):
Carefully, like a gentle rain on dry Earth
You've been left beaten down and by someone you really trusted and loved, so now love doesn't come easy for you. You want it to. You want to love and be loved, but you're not sure you remember how. So you need someone else to take the lead. They have to be gentle and sweet and patient. They have to watch out for you, and make sure you’re doing okay, because most days you feel a little fragile, if not totally shattered. But someone will come along who will put those pieces back together again.
(Thoughts: Incredibly accurate. Ever since his wife left him he’s been lost to love, but as usual he ignores the problem until it’s rearing it’s ugly head again. 10/10)
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Recklessly, like a horse running as fast as he can
You've been told that the way you love can never last, and that heartbreak is inevitable. But you don't want to love carefully. You want to love with reckless abandon. You want to love with everything you have, and you want to be loved the same way. You don't want them to worry about tomorrow. Make today worth living for.
(Thoughts: also surprisingly accurate! Loch is very “in the moment” and his love life reflects that. He’s scared to commit, but at the same time, what else is there to love for? 9/10)
I’m a lame-o who doesn’t really have anyone to tag, but if you see this post and decide to make your own please tag me so I can see!
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swtorizz · 8 years
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tbh my favorite part of 16 was this face
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