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barrrracuda · 2 months ago
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my oc Aikina 🩵
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miayamyre · 5 months ago
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Будем оживлять канал, Ариралы в студию
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sao1011 · 9 months ago
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I've been waiting for this summer all school year, but when it came, I didn't feel the same joy as always, 80% of the time I'm just licking on the couch and scrolling through the page in tublr🥰, periodically going outside so as not to lose contact with the outside world😵‍ 💫
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prizmbot · 1 year ago
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haven't been doing many fanarts lately. have this absurd sketch of a Ariral from Voices of the Void
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doublegoblin · 1 year ago
So I just reached a story event that had a very funny outcome. Given the spoiler nature it's under the cut~
It's day 29 and the Ariral spawns at Papa and is heading toward the base. I grab my camera out because I want to get a photo or two of it, like I know it's cloaked and so it very well might not show up, but for recording purposes I had to.
I'm watching the radar and it finally gets close. It looked like it was near the garage so I open that up and back up a bit...nothing...well other than the mannequin who was just lurking.
I close the door and head back inside, knowing there was only 1 other entrance I go to the front hall, and sure enough the door is now unlocked. So I throw it open and back the hell up as the Ariral looms in the doorway. They get close to me, like, inches. Staying in some kind of character I just freeze.
The Ariral grabs the camera from my hands
And beans me right in the head.
I stay on the ground crouched.
They are still for a moment.
Then they rush over and push me down onto the ground before booking it out of the base, I hear the door open and close behind them.
God I love this game.
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barrrracuda · 6 months ago
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"this is going to hurt"
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barrrracuda · 11 months ago
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more shrimps 🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐
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sao1011 · 11 months ago
Guys, it's my first story, and first time when I post it somewhere, I choose tumblr, sorry if you don't like it, again, it's my first one😭🥰😼
Chapter 1: Arrival at the base
Stewart, a young scientist from Ukraine, arrived at the base
"Heavenly Star Ray" to take part in a project to study cosmic signals. He felt excitement and curiosity, anticipating new discoveries in the unknown depths of space. Arriving at the base, Stuart felt a sudden loneliness, emptiness around and an incomprehensible sense of mystery that covered every corner of the base with his gaze. Having settled into his temporary home, he began to familiarize himself with the equipment and infrastructure of the base, preparing to begin work.
Chapter 2: Mysterious objects and instructions
The second day at the base began with Stuart discovering strange objects scattered throughout the territory. Among them were boxes with incomprehensible contents, debris and unnecessary parts lay everywhere. On his way, he came across mannequins, each of which stood on a special stand, giving the impression that they were being used for some kind of experiments. At the same time, Stewart received instructions from his superiors about working at the base. He had to master the process of working with signals and hash codes, as well as monitor equipment and reporting. He also received notice from his boss to handle the base with care and maintain safety in his work.
Chapter 3: Finding Patterns
Stewart began analyzing the data and searching for patterns in the incoming space signals. He spent many hours behind the monitor screen, delving into research and trying to understand
the meaning of mysterious signals.
His mind was consumed by the analysis of digital data and the continuous search for hidden patterns in the flow of information. Despite the difficulty of the task, Stewart was persistent and purposeful, ready to go to the end in his research to uncover the secrets hidden in the abysses of space.
Chapter 4: Strange Disappearance
After five days at the base, Stewart was absorbed in his work and research, not paying much attention to his surroundings.
However, two days after this, he noticed something strange - all the mannequins that had previously stood in their places suddenly disappeared.
This impressed him, because he did not expect such a development of events. Stewart began to ask himself questions: where could the mannequins have disappeared and why did this happen now? This mysterious disappearance only increased his sense of mistrust of his surroundings.
Chapter 5: Facing the Unknown
One gloomy evening, when the base seemed especially deserted and ominous, Stewart decided to go for a short walk around the perimeter. His attention was drawn to a strange shadow floating among the contours of the gloomy corridors. At first he decided that it was just a figment of his imagination, caused by stress from incomprehensible events at the base. But as the shadow approached, he realized that this was not imagination. The creature that emerged from the darkness was unlike anything he had ever seen. It was gigantic, with four legs and sparkling red eyes covered in long bristles. His skin was shiny and black, as if made of darkness itself. Stuart froze in place, not knowing what to do. Нe just looked at him, without moving, like a cat in ambush, about to jump… Stuart felt adrenaline pumping through his blood and instead of facing the unknown, he decided to run and hide on the roof. There, exhausted and frightened, he fell asleep, and in the morning, when he woke up, the creature had already left.
Chapter 6: Deciding to Become a Protector
Stuart realized that his life was at risk and he had to take on the role of protector of the research base.
He began to explore his surroundings
environment and look for ways to protect himself from the mysterious creatures that surrounded him. After weighing all his options, he decided to begin strengthening the base's defenses and developing a survival strategy. Despite the fear and uncertainty, he felt it was his calling to protect those under threat and explore the secrets that the impenetrable space around him hides.
Chapter 7: Fight for Survival
Every day the base became more and more tense. Stewart felt his life was hanging by a thread and decided to leave the base while he still had the chance. However, when he decided to go beyond the base, he unexpectedly encountered an obstacle. The paths to freedom were blocked, and he realized that he would have to fight for survival right here at the base.
This unexpected trap forces him to take on the role of defender of the research station, ready to use all his skills and knowledge to survive this dangerous situation.
Chapter 8: Active Investigation
Stewart decided to launch a more active investigation. He delved into the study of CCTV footage, carefully reviewing sensor data and analyzing any available information, trying to unravel the mystery of the strange phenomena at the base.
However, despite all his efforts, the search did not bring clear answers, but only added new questions.
Stuart felt that time was working against him, and he needed to solve this mystery as quickly as possible before the situation got out of hand.under control.
Chapter 9: Return of the Mannequins
Stewart, leaving the base for a while, suddenly noticed that two mannequins appeared suddenly, as if out of nowhere. This strange phenomenon caused him bewilderment and anxiety. After he fixed all the servers and collected all the necessary hashes, he returned to base, believing that everything was fine. However, to his surprise, he found that the number of mannequins had increased to five. This return of the mannequins raised even more questions in his mind.
Stewart, immersed in research into this strange phenomenon, began analyzing data from surveillance cameras. He discovered that the mannequins began to move when no one was looking at them. This caused him surprise and some alarm. Studying each security camera image in detail, he noticed that the mannequins most often appeared in the northern part of the territory, where antennas and other equipment were located. This new information added to the mystery of what was happening. Stewart realized that he needed to do more research and solve the mystery of the mannequins' return.
Chapter 10: In Search of Truth
Stewart understood that time was against him, and that every minute of inaction could lead to irreparable consequences. He immersed himself deeply in work, refusing rest and sleep in order to concentrate on finding the truth. The fire of determination burned in his eyes, and he was ready to make any sacrifice to unravel the mysteries that surrounded him. Days turned into nights, and nights into days, but Stuart did not give up. He studied data, analyzed facts and conducted experiments, looking for any slightest hint or trace that could lead him to the truth. His tenacity was unshakable, his determination invulnerable. He did everything in his power to penetrate the veil of mystery and solve the riddle that was slowly but surely eating away at his mind. So every day Stuart continued his inexorable path, in search of the truth, ready to overcome any obstacles and overcome all difficulties to find the answers I've been looking for for so long.
Chapter 11: Feline Guests
Stuart dove into his work, trying to unravel the mysteries behind the mysterious signals that were coming to his base. From time to time, he looked up from the monitor, focusing on finding the key to the riddle that had become one of his main concerns. However, his thoughts disappeared the moment he heard whispers and laughter coming from the corridor near the front door. He paused for a moment, surprised by these unexpected sounds. Then, with a sense of determination, he stood up from his desk and headed to the door to check what was going on. Walking out into the corridor, Stuart looked around, but saw no one. The only thing that caught his attention was an object left on the floor - a small stopper made from aluminum caps. Stuart took the stopper in his hand, wondering about its origin.
Stewart returned to his laboratory and immediately turned to the CCTV monitors. His heart sank when he saw that the shadows he noticed in the corridor were some kind of extraterrestrial beings. They were tall, about 9 feet tall, and resembled cats, but with some differences.
Stuart closely watched the footage from the cameras, trying to understand what kind of creatures they were and how they got to his base. He decided to call them "cat girls" because of their resemblance to cats and their feminine grace.
Now that he knew about the existence of these mysterious
creatures, he realized that his task had become even more difficult. What are they? What do they want from me and, more importantly, how did they get inside the base? After all, all doors are digitally locked! These questions remained unanswered, but Stewart decided that he would have to solve this mystery before the situation got out of control.
Chapter 12: Mysterious Signal
Stuart went deep into his work, despite the feeling of an invisible threat that hovered in the air after the unexpected appearance of cat girls and strange creatures at the base. He was sitting at the computer, analyzing data from space sensors and intercepting signals coming from the depths of space. Suddenly his attention was attracted by an unusual signal, breaking into the routine of his research. The signal carried with it a mysterious message encrypted in Morse code. Stuart rushed to the decoder to decipher the mysterious symbols. When the last dot and dash were located on the screen, an amazing phrase suddenly cleared in front of him: “Stop it immediately! Otherwise, we will be forced to destroy your planet.” Stuart looked at the screen in surprise. What was this message and who did it come from? Questions swirled around his head, but one thing was clear: this was more than just a mistake or a random signal. It was a warning. He was shocked. All his space explorations, all the secrets and mysteries he encountered, seemed small to him in comparison with this mysterious message from the distant depths of space.
Chapter 13: It's not as easy as it seems
Stewart anxiously awaited a response from his superiors.after sending a mysterious signal from space. His heart beat faster when he saw the email notification on his computer. Pressing the keys nervously, he opened the message from his boss. The contents of the letter made him wince. "The gun and ammo are in the storage room behind the blue box. Guard the base at all costs!!!" – the message read. Stuart was dumbfounded. He instantly imagined a picture where he would have to defend a base from something that he could not yet fully understand or explain. Anxiously, he headed toward the storage room where his boss said the guns and ammo would be. He pulled back the blue drawer, expecting to see a gun and ammo, but instead found only a row of ammo, arranged in a neat stack. Stuart slowly raised his eyes from the cartridges, his gaze falling on the small note lying next to him. “Look for the gun yourself :),” the note read. Stuart slowly looked up from the note, his mind racing into overdrive. What could this message mean? And where was the gun? Questions swirled in his head, and the mysterious events at the base only made him stronger.
Chapter 14: This is something more than friendship!
Stewart, staring at the night sky, noticed a triangular alien ship that was slowly approaching the base. He wasn't too surprised, considering all the strange events that had been happening at the base lately. When the ship landed, the same two “cat girls” came out of it. They quickly pressed their watch, and in the blink of an eye they disappeared before Stuart's eyes. He was curious about what they wanted from him, but before he could figure it out, he suddenly heard a loud knock on the door. Stuart, boldly opening the door, saw the creatures running away from him, boarding their ship and disappearing from sight. As he looked around, on the threshold he noticed a small plush toy, similar to cat girls, only in a smaller size. Nearby was an envelope with a small heart and cooked shrimp. “I think I'm starting to understand,” Stewart said. "Are they flirting with me?"
Chapter 15: Nightmares
Stuart returned to base after a hard day filled with trying to solve the mysteries that surrounded him. He was hoping for a peaceful holiday, but his peace was disturbed by the unexpected return of the red creature. This time it was aggressive, and pursued Stuart even on the roof, where he tried to hide. In horror, he fled to the basement, where he spent more than half the night, until the footsteps finally died down. His heart was beating faster than ever, and his mind was filled with questions about the nature of these creatures and their purposes. When he calmed down a little and stood up, his gaze fell on a small human skull, which made him even more afraid. But next to the skull lay a soft toy, a small copy of the red creature. “Are they asking me to collect them?” - Stuart whispered, surprised by the unusual gift.
Chapter 16: Secrets Revealed
Stewart studied the messages carefully, trying to decipher their meaning. With every word, every symbol, he plunged deeper into the mysterious world of alien messages. Finally, he managed to unravel the meaning of some messages, and they opened up new horizons for him. It turned out that the alien ship had the ability to make itself invisible to the human eye, just like themselves, which explained how these creatures disappeared from the field so easily vision. It was a discovery that shocked and delighted Stuart at the same time. He now realized that behind all the mysteries and events at the base there was something incredibly powerful. He decided to continue his research and uncover all the secrets that this mysterious base hid for him. Mixed feelings of excitement and anxiety took possession of him, but his determination was unshakable. He was ready for any challenges that might arise on his path to the truth.
Chapter 17: Trapped in Space
Stewart, diligently following his ritual, set up the equipment for a new session of listening to space signals. He had already gotten used to the rhythm of their arrival and was expecting new discoveries. However, this time his attention was attracted by the signal of some strange system unit, randomly flying through the expanses of space. Involuntarily pressing the “download” button, Stuart felt excitement take over him. But the next moment it dawned on him - after all, his boss had clearly warned that the signals from this computer should be immediately deleted without saving them. However, it was too late - the system, having received the signal, suddenly stopped, as if frozen. Stuart felt horror when he realized that it was a NASA computer, which, having received the signal, decided that it was a hacking attempt and launched a virus. All the equipment and servers at the base were out of order, leaving Stuart alone with the chaos that he carried within himself. For three days he tirelessly restored everything to its place, without sleep or rest. At the limit of his strength, he finally collapsed on the bed and fell into a sleep that lasted a full 18 hours. However, even in his sleep, he saw only restless dreams filled with strange signals and viruses that threatened to defeat his issuance.research base.
Chapter 18: Opening Hearts
Stuart finally decided to investigate the mystery of the Cat Girls who constantly haunted him. He carefully studied the CCTV footage and discovered that their appearance was connected with his stay at the base. At first he felt scared and in danger, but gradually he realized that they were not a threat. While examining their behavior, he noticed that they appeared at different times, but always at moments when he was in certain areas of the base. Gradually it became clear to him that the Cat Girls were carrying some kind of message with them. He decided to call them, went to the place where they most often appeared, and waited for a long time. Finally, they appeared in front of him again. It turned out that they were sent from another planet and simply fell in love with him, trying to attract his attention. Stuart was amazed by the revelation, but also delighted. He realized that the Cat Girls were something warm and friendly, not a threat. Now he could continue his research in peace, knowing that they would always be there, watching over him. Stuart watched the Cat Girls from afar, carefully studying their behavior. He noticed that they did not come into direct contact with him, preferring to watch him from the shadows and avoid close communication. Despite this, each of them from time to time left small signs of attention for him - plush toys, sparkling stones or invisible messages on walls of the base. Stuart realized that this was their way of expressing their feelings without leaving their comfort zone. He began to return their attentions by leaving his own messages and gifts in return. This created a thin thread of communication between them, not requiring direct communication, but allowing them to understand each other. Thus, Stuart began to understand and appreciate the secret friendship that connected him with these mysterious creatures.
Chapter 19: Returning Home
After an agonizing 55 days at the base, Stewart finally decided to leave. His job was done, his base was secure, and his pay was generous. Having said goodbye to the Cat Girls, he left them an envelope with a letter of gratitude and a whole plate of cooked shrimp. Returning home, he was finally able to sleep peacefully. After receiving the money, he no longer had to worry about work and enjoyed a normal life.
From time to time, at night, the Cat Girls would fly to his window, turning off their invisibility to show their faces as a sign of gratitude for the time spent together. Thus ended their unusual story, leaving in Stuart's memory unforgettable memories of the adventures at the base! But unfortunately, no one has been able to solve the mystery of the red monster, and who knows? Maybe he just wanted a hug?
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