#arin puts up with so much in our discord im just over here rambling ajskdkl
kate-m-art · 2 years
Okay, just kind of feeling it tonight soooo lore dump for legacy Legend and Maggie, and a bit of brainstorming how fairies work in their world
Okay so starting out i think great fairies gain power through connection with other life. They tend to isolate and stay away from the world to stay safe and be able to bless people for centuries, but i wanna say in exchange they often weaken without contact from those outside their haven. I've seen the hc before and love it that rupees, an object passed from person to person to person, hold the energy of many people with many stories and are a way for the fairies to strengthen their power.
It seems that although many Hylians are kind and there are some safe places near them, the vast majority of fairies hide. Are they shy or is it fear? I honestly can't see the world at large, filled with thieves and monsters, being kind to a creature of light with the inherent ability to heal. 
Fairies seem to be a being created of pure light magic from the goddesses who are meant to fill the world with their blessings. They can heal most ailments caused by natural means, but magical impairments are harder to fix. A normal fairy can't do much for those, especially if the ailment is caused by dark magic. A great fairy might be able to ease the ailment, but it takes a tremendous effort and if she's low on energy it may not end well for her. 
Tiny bit of backstory for Link, he was really sick as a baby and his parents ended up taking him to a great fairy fountain as a last resort to heal him. She was able to with great effort, and the residual magic turned his hair from its natural blonde to lttp fairy pink. Link's case was quite a hard one, cause it wasn't his body that had been damaged, but his spirit. Even that happened long before it was in him (as little sense as that makes,,, the failure of the hero of time really did a number on the heroes spirit and rip the hero of Legend is the next to carry it,,,) It's confusing for the fairies as well, and while the great fairy's gift lasted him many years, he's pushed himself hard enough to go through the strength of several lifetimes,,, long story short he's been tempting fate for too long and the gift he was given is fading (only streaks of pink are left in his blonde.) Luckily though, he meets someone soon who doesn't believe in fate. And she's willing to continue to heal him and boost his strength as many times as it takes to soothe his soul.
Moving back for a moment, why fountains..? I think there must be some kind of connection to the water there… I'm thinking it probably it creates a haven for smaller fairies and is perhaps a way to keep their magic as potent and flowing as possible. The caves they're found have a pretty hot and humid environment that fairies are adapted to, and they're most comfortable there, the outside world is pretty chilly to them. Great fairies especially, they're meant to stay there forever. Most are perfectly happy to exist this way but,,
 For Maggie the idea of existing in one spot for her entire life is terrifying, fate be damned. I think she's probably quite young for a great fairy,, and she's running. There's a fountain somewhere out in the world she was supposed to take over but its been long since abandoned (and rip there would be a lot of painful memories dug up if Link ever stumbled across it in his travels. If I had to guess it's a fountain rich with magic from many tear-filled nights) She's not even sure what she wants for herself but she hates the thought of living in a stone prison forever, so isolated from everything. She loves life. Since she spends her time out in nature, surrounded by flora and fauna she has no need for the residual life magic tied to rupees. I also like the thought that she chose the name Magnolia for herself, embracing her love of trees and flowers and life and rejecting something more fantastical and mystical "befitting" of a great fairy.
I think because of this desire to explore and find her own path, she wasn't very careful,,, not as much as she should have been at least. I wanna say this was after she met Link (perhaps she was traveling with him for a bit after their first couple of meetings), but i think one day she was captured by someone (evil hylian, wizrobe or monster?) who initially only met to abuse and extinguish her light magic. When they found out she was not only more powerful than a normal fairy sprite, but also seemed to have knowledge about and a bond with the hero, they locked her in an iron cage (probably a lantern of some sort.) I want to say maybe she was supposed to meet with Link (to talk? To heal? Who can say) and when she didn't show he realized quickly something was wrong and was able to find and save her before it was too late. However, because iron burns creatures made of pure magic she ended up pretty badly hurt. Her wings were singed from brushing up against the sides of her prison and the burns on her hands and arms from trying to escape with her life never quite healed right. From that point on she has a bit of a hard time with finer motor movement in them. I don't know that Link ever quite forgave himself,,, he felt if she hadn't had ties to him she wouldn't have been hurt so brutally (who knows though if that's true… monsters in Ganon's order will find excuse in anything to extinguish the light and lives of those blessed by the goddesses.)
I think perhaps before that, Link was okay with Maggie joining him sometimes on quests, her healing was stronger than that of a normal fairies and,,, he honestly just really enjoys her company (her laugh and smile and gentle conversation…) but after,, he felt selfish for wanting her there with him instead of somewhere safe.
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