#ari's hockey edits
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yankstrash · 1 year ago
rylie x will 🤎
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✰ will and rylie
✰ mood board
✰ tag (mini fics + blurbs & asks)
✰ au description
they met each other in class. will had a little crush on rylie for a while but she didn't like him because of his hockey rep
they got assigned to work together on a project, and although rylie wasn't particularly happy to be working with him, there was nothing she could do about it
after working together for a while and really getting to know will, he showed her that he wasn't some cocky jock and that he was actually a really nice guy
they ended up working really well together and got to know each other fairly well
they're very different people as far as what they like to do, but will showed her how much he liked her by studying what she likes and familiarizing himself with her world
after the project ended will asked her out (post a few rejections) and she agreed
their relationship was a bit of a slow burn, but it was all worth it <3
✰ rylie
rylie l/n
freshman at boston college
majoring in art with a minor in education
originally from massachusetts
her birthday is april 5 (aries queen!)
her taylor swift era is folklore
she's 5'1
she's sweet, not necessarily quiet but keeps to herself a bit
would rather hangout with 1 or 2 friends rather than a big group
mostly hangs out with her art friends
✰ will
will smith
freshman at boston college
forward for the boston college mens ice hockey team
drafted #4 overall to the san jose sharks in the 2023 nhl draft
originally from lexington, massachusetts
his birthday is march 17 (pisces man!)
✰ imagines
jealous will
jealous will pt. 2
✰ daily thoughts
✰ relationship dynamics
✰ insta edits
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astrologys-the-life · 2 years ago
My Astrology observations: Aries edition
Every Aries sun express themselves very differently and they don’t have as many consistent themes compared to other signs. That is because they often have very strong interests or hobbies, each individual will have different likes , hobbies or interests. Therefore, depending on what they like, those topics will be emphasized.
For example there might be an Aries who likes hockey and another Aries who enjoys cooking. The One who likes hockey will emphasize that as a part of their personality by wearing sports jerseys everyday and often going to games multiple times within a week. On the other hand the aries who enjoys cooking might enjoy partaking in cooking competitions and watching cooking shows every night. Although they are very different personalities, they both strongly show off their interests. Which is why it is harder to find consistent themes with Aries suns since each one has different interests.
Overall Aries suns are very high energy, social people who can make long lasting genuine connections. They do have a tendency to be immature or childish when they are around loved ones, they aren’t childish in a toxic way, but more in a competitive way. Meaning they might want everything their friends have, or may get jealous if they didn’t get something their siblings have. This is often because Aries wants to feel special and important, because the people in their lives mean a lot to them. They sometimes need extra validation or attention from the people they love, the people in their lives mean everything to Aries and they will always make sure to have their back. If you’re looking for loyalty, then Aries would be your perfect match.
Aries moons are one of the most common placements I’ve experienced within my lifetime as I’ve probably had more than 10+ long term friendships with Aries moons.
Aries moons have a dominating energy about them, this type of energy isn’t everyone’s cup of tea which can cause issues within their personal relationships, whether family, friend, romantic. This is something that Aries moons will get better with accepting over time. Aries moons often take a long time to mature and develop due to selfishness & immature thinking. When underdeveloped they often have bad attitudes towards the people that love them, they may also expect prince/princess treatment from loved ones leading them to have a spoiled/rotten way of seeing things. They also are extremely volatile if they do not get their way, they will stoop extremely low and expect no consequences for their actions as well. If there are consequences to their actions they often times can not handle the reciprocated energy. They may have a tendency to bully the people in their lives if it means they will get what they want, and aren’t afraid to step on others to get their way. They have a harder time with expressing sadness or deeper emotions which leads to a lot of anger being expressed especially through teenage years.
A developed Aries moon is much different than an underdeveloped Aries moon. They are the life of the party, they can make even the most mundane tasks a bunch of fun. They are risk takers who push beyond their boundaries and the boundaries of others who are capable of evolving themselves to higher levels of life, money, experiences. They also are the most honest friend you’ll ever find, they’ll make sure to tell you if your breath stinks or if your hairs a mess. They don’t mind giving a little tough love, which is such a fresh of breath air. They are very open about what their thoughts and opinions are, so you will always know where they stand. No questioning with them. They enjoy close friendships and prioritize their friends, they love going on adventures with their friends whether it’s to the beach, the pool, a party, or the park they always make sure to have a good time and love making the most out of their memories. They are reliable and creative people full of lots of love. They will always stand up for their friends, and make sure to protect them if it’s ever needed, However, since Aries moons take longer to develop they may not reach this point of healthy development until much later in their lives, usually around their late 20’s or early 30’s.
Having an Aries mars is a blessing as long as the energy is used correctly, Aries mars is such a strong placement that it needs a healthy outlet or else it can be self destructive. Aries mars needs to channel their energy into energizing activities that require physical movement that will benefit them such as weight lifting, dancing, cooking, sports, etc. they need these healthy outlets because they have large quantities of energy with good stamina that must be burned off, especially since not everyone can keep up with such high energy. If not channels in a healthy way this can lead to them being annoyed easily by others, creating unnecessary arguments, starting fights for fun, because there is so much strong energy that isn’t being used properly it will linger around and cause unnecessary harm to others. Aries mars can go very far since they don’t burn out easily, this can get them very ahead in whichever area of life that they want to put their all into. Anything is possible with this placement. As long as their hotheadedness doesn’t get in the way, if an Aries mars is ever mad it’s definitely intense but it will leave just as quickly as it came so don’t expect people with this placement to hold grudges over silly things. However, if you made a huge mistake with an Aries mars they will declare war and they won’t be backing down until they feel justified.
Aries mercuries are hard to come across, they enjoy talking with many different types of people. They are very straightforward with their thinking and mostly see things black or white. They don’t think much of the consequences of their words so don’t be surprised if they accidentally hurt your feelings. Don’t expect much of an apology either because they mean what they say. They are good conversationalist and the convos are never dry with them. Lots of fun, lots of laughs.
Anyone with an Aries Venus may struggle within their personal relationships, family, friends and romantic relationships because they always make sure to put themselves first. Although prioritizing yourself isn’t a bad thing, but when it comes to identifying other peoples wants and needs they may choose to ignore the other persons needs/wants/ expectations from the relationship since they are so focused on themselves. They may feel as if they don’t owe the other person anything, and that the other person shouldn’t expect anything from them. They have a bad tendency to prioritize themselves over their relationships/friendships. This is often due to fear of true intimacy, being intimate and close with others may be scary and uncomfortable for them so they’d rather avoid it all together by making sure to focus on themselves. Whatever relationships they choose to have with others will force them to face themselves in ways they may not want to, so the relationships may not be long lasting. They may prefer surface level relationships that don’t dive too deep. If they choose to get over these fears they make very protective loyal and loving partners who would move mountains for your happiness, however this may take quite sometime as it really depends on what level of comfortability they are within themselves.
Aries risings are very lucky people, all areas of life for them tend to be easier in various ways. They may have been born with a talent, born with wealth, born with beauty, whatever it is they can have easy lives if they choose. Depending on their character this can make them really lazy since life is easier for them, it can cause lazy tendencies. If used positively they can make quite an impact on the world and do something really big with their lives. An example of an Aries rising would be Rihanna, she made a huge impact on the makeup industry by adding diversity for various shades of makeup skintones from dark to light changing the makeup industry forever by making it more inclusive. Overall Aries risings hold quite some power!
Please keep in mind these are my observations based off of my personal experience. Everyone is different ant these may not apply to you. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post :)
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savoies · 3 years ago
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*brings out her decent photoshop skills, and gets herself maybe one of her favorite umich group photos*
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three-headed-monster · 4 years ago
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manifesting 🙏
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morgansyorkie · 5 years ago
ok so fmk with tk carter and nolan. i know you would probably marry carter. what about the other two? (ari)
Well fuck my life Ari! Obviously marrying my boo thing Carter no brained there and again I gotta fuck both TK and Patty can’t any of these idiots, this team seriously can get it (except for a select few)
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sticktaps · 6 years ago
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Off-season Team Appreciation [5/8] - Arizona Coyotes S C R A T C H I N’   A N D   C L A W I N’
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unmotivatedwrit3r · 4 years ago
Don't Mess With a Wayne
Damian Wayne x reader
college athlete!batfam AU
(A/N): This is inspired by Ari (@prettylittlebrownskingyal )'s Jason hockey AU which you can read here. Mine focuses on Damian, so the two aren't similar and this isn't exactly a series (though i could do other things in this verse in the future possibly) but the hockey thing, I got from her.
Also, I know nothing about hockey and this has merely mentions of the sport.
warnings: minor character injury, mention of injury to others
in this AU: Bruce played professionally and was a legend. He attended Gotham U and broke every hockey record in existence. Dick quit when he got to college then graduated with a bachelors and now teaches hockey to kids. Jason made it to pro and then was injured and had to leave, Tim played for MIT and then dropped it, and Damian is on track to go pro as well.
It’s later than you hoped it would be when you arrive at Damian’s apartment, and you wrap your arms tighter around yourself to try to stave off the Gotham winter chill. It isn’t even that late in the fall, but the temperatures are dropping quickly at night, and the days are getting shorter.
When you check your watch before knocking on the door, the illuminated screen says it's already nine pm. You feel kind of bad that you’re so late; you got caught up with work at the library. On the plus side, your essay is done and you just need to edit it before you hand it in.
You hear rustling behind the door before it opens inward, and you smile at Damian’s roommate as he opens the door. You like Jon very much; he and Damian have been best friends for years, and when he came into your life, so did Jon by default. He’s wilder and more lighthearted than Damian, plays baseball instead of Damian’s hockey, and is overall one of the sweetest people on the planet. You’ve met his parents —his mom is a world famous journalist and his dad plays professionally for the Metropolis baseball team— and they are some of the most genuine people you’ve ever met. You also know for a fact that Jon eats the weirdest food combinations and is pretty smart under all the funny he displays outright.
“Hey Jon.” You peer to the side of him, into the living room. Usually the TV is on at this hour, and either one or both of them is watching something on it, either their own game plays (whether to critique their own performances or watch each other’s games) or something more along the lines of action TV shows. “Where’s Damian?” Jon’s eyes widen at your question, and his facial expression contorts into one that tells you he knows something that you’re not going to be happy with Damian about.
“Did he not tell you?” he asks, backing into the apartment. You close the door quickly behind you as you follow him, eyes narrowing.
“Tell me what?” Jon retreats, heading towards the kitchen to pull out an ice pack. You’re pretty sure it’s not for him. Baseball season isn't even close to it’s start date, so unless he tripped down the stairs, (which has happened before, but he’s moving fine and there are no bruises on his arms) it’s for Damian, who just became the youngest Captain to date of the Gotham University hockey team a couple weeks ago. You cut off Jon’s path around the kitchen table. “What happened?”
Jon’s eyes don’t meet yours, instead looking at the tiled floor. You spare it a glance. One of his socks has a hole in it. “Jon, tell me. I’m not mad at you.” Jon sighs and hands you the icepack.
“I promised him I wouldn’t tell anyone, and he should probably tell you. He’s in his room.” You nod and thank Jon, dropping your jacket and boots on the couch and the side of the door respectively before throwing your backpack back over your shoulder and grabbing the ice pack, heading to Damian’s room.
The lights are dim when you enter, and the light grey walls look darker then they usually do because of it. The room isn’t pitch black, though, so you can see that the only other person in the room is sitting on his bed, the TV on low volume in front of him.
Damian’s head turns towards you as you enter, and you stand by the light switch, closing the door softly behind you.
“Can I turn on the lights?”
You push the dimmer switch up to full brightness and gasp when you see his face, rushing across the room to sit on his bed beside him. Damian’s lip is split in two places and a shiner decorates the underside of his right eye; a cut is held together by two butterfly bandages over his left eyebrow. He’s wearing a Gotham Paladins hockey t-shirt, probably one of his dad’s, and you can see a brace wrapped around his right elbow.
“Jeez, Dami, what happened?”
He winces as your thumb brushes over his split lip, your hand cradling his face.
“Couple of the bigger guys thought it would be funny to try and prove that a nineteen year old wasn’t meant to be captain.” He chuckles bitterly. “All they learned is not to mess with a Wayne.”
“You reported them, right?” Damian shrugs.
“I reported the so-called brains behind their plan. The others were just followers. Took a couple cheap shots and then ran when Harris went down.”
You run the name through your head. Harris is a large, mean senior who thought he was on track to lead the team that year, before Damian took the Captain title. He did have a bit of a following of younger players, but more and more had been pulling away since Damian became Captain, and the practices had been running better than ever before.
“What happened?” you ask, handing Damian the ice pack before you stand up to put your backpack by his desk chair, plugging your computer in on the desk. “What did they do to you?”
Damian shrugs. “Grabbed me, tried to force me down.” He lifts the shoulder to the arm with the bandage on the elbow. “It’s sprained.” Damian winces as the cold pack meets the bruise on his face. “I’m sure it was an attempt at intimidation.”
“And?” you ask, hoping for the answer of what he did to them in turn.
“Tt. Didn’t work, obviously.”
You can’t help but huff a laugh. “I know it didn’t. I didn’t think it would. I was just wondering what you did to them.”
Damian laughs. “Harris is in the hospital, if that’s what you were asking about. Black eye, broken wrist, and possibly bruised ribs, I can’t be sure. The rest of them took one good punch each before running. And even if Harris could play the season, there’s talk of expulsion, and he’s off the team.”
You shrug, walking back to the light switch to lower the brightness back to where it was before returning to Damian’s bed to sit beside him. “He deserved it, though. The guy’s an ass.”
Damian smiles at you, and a bloom of warmth shoots through your chest. He doesn't smile often, usually only in front of you or Jon or his family on rare occasions, and you think it’s the most beautiful thing in the world. “He is.”
You tuck Damian’s back against your chest and feel his head come to rest against your shoulder.
“But if you ever withhold information that involves your well-being from me again, you will regret it, you understand?”
You can hear Damian’s smirk in his words, but you both know you're not entirely joking. “Yes, of course, beloved.”
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rutgersmcgroarty · 3 years ago
favourite/most interesting things i've found out about the top prospects boys via the game program – team red edition
luca del bel belluz:
- nickname is "del bel" which is literally just his last name shortened
- favourite movie is tasm
josh filmon:
- won a performing arts award in gr.7
- manitoba provincial AAA baseball champion
david goyette:
- won his school's math award in gr.8
- aspires to a career in finance
- describes himself as a good ping-pong player
jordan gustafson:
- named to the honour rolls in school every year since middle school
- named athlete of the year in middle school
- played varsity basketball
- enjoys playing cards
hunter haight:
- has a passion for cars and aspires for a career in the automotive industry
- played competitive soccer
- played on his school's basketball & volleyball teams
- favourite actor is tom holland (we stan a man with taste)
fraser minten:
- names to the honor rolls every year of high school
- likes reading
- plays the guitar and the piano and describes himself as a good piano player
matthew poitras:
- brother adam play D1 lacross at the university of Loyola
- named to the honor rolls every year of high school
- aspires to be lawyer
matthew savoie:
- named to the honor rolls in gr.10 & 11
- nickname is sav, despite all of us (us as in q, ari & i) thinking it was savy
matthew seminoff:
- has climbed the great wall of china
- scholastic player of the year in midget
- aspires for a career in buisness
- likes to read
- learning how to play the guitar
shane wright:
- likes reading
- plays the guitar
- lists one of his nicknames as "shane" (bestie i hate to break it to you but your name does not count as a nickname)
- played competitve soccer
danny zhilkin:
- moved to canada from russia in 2013
- named to honor rolls in gr.10 & 11
- aspires for a career in tech
- enjoys cooking
michael buchinger:
- aspires for a career in architecture
- enjoys reading
- describes himself as a good chess player
jorian donovan:
- wears 75 because it's his dads birth year
- ran 5k at ofsaa
- favourite actress is trie donovan who im assuming he is related to
- favourite movie is titanic (who hurt him 😭)
isaiah george:
- played competitve lacross (he probably knows owen power through that)
- names to the honor roll every year of high schoo
- aspires for a career in forensic science
- enjoys reading
kevin korchinski:
- seattle thunderbirds 2020-21 academic player of the year
- likes playing piano
- loves playing cards
mavrik lamoureux:
- one his nicknames is "lamou", which is basically "l'amour," the french word for love
- likes reading
- enjoys fashion
- was an elite level lacross player with the north shore kodiaks
- can juggle
- favourite movie is avengers (taste)
ty nelson:
- aspires to be a buisness owner
- loves listening to country music (are we even surprised)
- he has an espresson before every game as a superstition
- strives to bring more awareness to autism (we love it)
- won mvp in the ontario ball hockey championships
- claims to be skilled at remenbering song lyrics
reid dyck:
- has been names to the honor roll twice
- wants to earn a diploma in agriculture
- work on a farm daily from ages 13-16
- favourite player is carey price (as it should be)
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quasar-concept · 3 years ago
Hello and Welcome, Friends!
I'm Persea (they/them) and this is my blog!
I'm a writer (fan fiction and original stuff!) and an occasional artist, and I have way too many things i'm in love with but what can you do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ /pos
To have a look at some more things that I like to post, check out my Tag Masterlist!
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if you feel so inclined, please check out my Redbubble store! (i don't currently take commissions, so this is the best way to financially support me at the moment!)
More about me and my writing under the cut!
Fast Facts:
not really into astrology but my star sign: Libra ☾ Libra ☀ Aries ↑
i play the drums! (7+ years)
i love jazz music
i love astronomy and space
i also love rock and alt music
i follow ice hockey and volleyball!
my favourite galaxy is messier 82
About my writing
I often write a lot of fanficiton, which you can read over on Archive of Our Own, some of which I really like, and none of which is edited lol.
At the moment, you can't read my original works anywhere, but you can send me asks about them!
Original Projects
DAMN MY BLOOD | novel | fantasy
Characters: Darius, Rentaro, Lahra and Cordelia
While preparing for an expedition, the first prince of a matriarchal kingdom is kidnapped by pirates, including the guy he hooked up with, despite promising his sister he wouldn’t.
Things are more complex than they seem as Darius unravels a convoluted plot to restore the pirate’s lost treasure.
PARALLAX | novel | science fiction
Characters: Artemisia, Luna, Jackson, and Anakin
A covert group of specialised undercover agents join a growing rebellion against the ruling government. They uncover a shocking plot that derails their plans, and in the midst of the fighting they receive orders that may put the group in even more danger than simply being behind enemy lines.
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matbaerzal · 4 years ago
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I’ve had this blog for a year now and I’m so glad I stumbled upon this world. I wanted to give some love to my friends and some of my favorite blogs!
Here’s me trying my best to express my feelings even though I’m terrible at it. So, excuse the occasional keysmash or the excessive use of exclamation marks, but I love you guys sm! 
@tkachukme Samantha, you are so dear to me! You hype me up whenever I need it and I’m so honored to get to be your hype person too. I appreciate you so much and you deserve the world, my love! I love you so so much, you’re like the tito to my mat, the tk to my nolan. 💖
@idontgiveaflyinggrayson69 Nat, you’re so wonderful and talented! You inspire me to continue developing my own writing. I was honestly a little intimidated by you when I first stared following you, because your blog’s just so great and dhasjklf but you’re seriously one of the nicest people I know, I love you!💕
@thirteenisles Ko, you are the Mom™️ of tumblr! You’re a badass with a heart of gold, and I appreciate and love youuu. You’ve brought a smile to my face countless times, either by just seeing you on my dash or when you’ve checked in with me. 🥰
@bluebarriemuzzins Freddie, you’re one of my dearest friends on this site! I love our chats and you’re so creative and talented in more than one way. You’re so kind and funny and wholesome. I love you 💜
@zuucc SILJE!! du er bare så kul og talentfull, jeg digger deg! Your fics are all masterpieces, and you should expect me to be first in line at your future book signings.. Also you’re welcome for me bringing Mat into your life :) I LOVE YOU 💕
@yeeehaw-hockey Hannah, du er seriøst best, og drit morsom og altfor snill!! I’m so grateful for you, your feedback gives me life and just your tags in general are amazingggg! I love youu grinch 💚
@95er Vanessa, the talent POPPED OUT in this one!! Sometimes I get like a ‘friend crush’, where I just want to be someones friend so bad, and I had that with you hahah. You’re so sweet and I adore and love you! 🧡
@ethan-bears / @shesasupergeek EMMA! You’re one of the first friends I made on here and I appreciate you so much. Both your blogs have excellent content, and you’re so sweet and kind. You’re the resident thunderbirds blog, and I’ve said this before, but I think of you every time I see thunderbirds content on my dash. love you!💙💚
@shirarihena You’re a delight to see on my dash and we don’t talk that much anymore, but I always smile when I see you in my notes or on my dash. You’re also one of the first friends I made on here and I appreciate you sm! ILY 🧡💙
@fraction-of-a-flying-puck  Laur I love you sm. You’re so sweet and I love chatting with you! I’m sorry we haven’t talked that much lately, but pls know that I smile whenever I see you on my dash. ❤��
@doublebarrzal you’re one of the funniest people I know, Dean. From your love for mullets to Barzy’s nostrils and everything in between. Thank you for fueling me whenever I feel chaotic lmao (#neverforget #matmendes) I love youuu! 💖
@captainkreider My brock anon lmao 🥺 Kathleen, I’m really glad you’re on this site, you spread so much positivity and you’re the nicest, sweetest person. ILYSM!! 🥰 
@generallybarzy / @generallylyss Lyss, I love you! You’re my number one Barzy bitch and you’ve kept my Barzy obsession well fed. You are so talented and I appreciate you so much.💕
@charlie-theangel / @charlie-theangelwrites You seriously are an angel!! You’re so so kind and lovely, and as if that wasn’t enough you’re also so fucking talented. My heart rate rises when I read your writing and I’m so glad you share it with us. ILY ❤️
@powerblais Erin, you are an absolute sweetheart! You’re so talented and I honestly don’t know how you do it. All your projects amaze me, and you’re a really great friend. I appreciate and love you! 💙
@softgrantaire Sometimes I just scroll through your blog whenever there’s any type of discourse going on, for pure entertainment. Your video edits are amazing and you are so hilarious!! Whenever I see you on my dash late at night I feel like telling you to go to bed, then I remember I’m an hour ahead so really I’m the one that should be going to bed.. (ngl it’s 4am as I type this out) anyways, I love you, Alex!! 💛 
@jamiedrysdales​ Ari, you are such a cutie!! you’re so kind and I appreciate you so much! Love you! 💚
@swedeonmarky I love your content so much and you are so sweet and lovely! ILY 💖
@allyz​ / @barzzal I’m really happy you’ve joined our little corner of tumblr! you’re so sweet and your writing is amazing! ilysm💕 
@shadowsandmoonlight You’re so much fun to speak to whenever we talk and I’m so glad we’re friends! I appreciate you so much. love you! 💜 
@tysojost​ You are such a joy! I LIVE for your tags (your #look at that dog is just the cutest thing ever) and your fic feedback is just *chefs kiss* and I appreciate and love you sm💙
@softboybarzal You are so so sweet and thoughtful. I am really thankful for you and your kind words have brought a smile to my face more than once. I love youu! 🧡
@suchalilyofthevalley​ / @kerwritesthings​ I appreciate you so much, you’re so kind! I want to thank you in advance for the help with my musician barzy fic because I’m probably going to need it and it was so sweet of you to offer! ILY 💖
@spacegirlsgang​ Mary, every time I see you on my dash my mind just goes “friend!!!”. Your content is always top tier and you are such a sweetheart. I love you❤️
@ahoswhiskers​ Kinga, you are so sweet and I feel like you bring so much positivity to this site! and Milla is literally the cutest! I love you 🥺💕
@princessphilly you’re so lovely and I your content is *chef’s kiss* !! I might have to convince you to write for Vince Dunn again 👀 ILY 💕
@barzyredsnapback I love seeing you on my dash, and the few times we’ve interacted you have been so so lovely! ily 💖
I have probably forgotten someone, and I’m so so sorry if I did, but there’s so many lovely people on here it’s hard to keep track sometimes. I love you all and thank you for following me and being a friend. 
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ofcallums · 4 years ago
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CALLUM MARCHER ( BEN LEVIN ) is an EIGHTEEN year old from TORONTO, CANADA. HE is known around the island as THE GUARD because he is PROTECTIVE and DEDICATED but can also be GRUMPY and CLOSE-MINDED. HE reminds of bandaged knuckles, skates gliding over ice, and hunched shoulders.
NAME: Callum Kai Marcher
NICKNAMES: Cal even if he doesn’t like it, would prefer being referred to by his last name
BIRTHDAY: November 15
AGE: 18
HOMETOWN: Toronto, Canada
BIRTHPLACE: Toronto, Canada
RELIGION: Atheist but will stand around (respectfully) at the temple while his mom does her ‘Buddhist stuff’ now and again
ETHNICITY: Half Asian/Half Caucasian
EDUCATION: High School Senior
HEIGHT: 6′3″
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
BUILD: Broad, muscular
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Big ass bruise on his back that’s still healing because someone broke a chair over him recently (he’ll say it was a hockey injury though)
NOTABLE FEATURES:  Bandages on his hands over his knuckles (says he slipped on the ice fist first even if that doesn’t make sense)
PHYSICAL DISABILITIES: His left shoulder is a bit fucked at the moment because he was rammed into a bar counter not too long ago
HOBBIES: Playing hockey, preparing and eating comically large meals, adding to his snapback collection, photography, gaming on his PS4.
LIKES: Spearmint flavored gum, Vancouver Canucks (rip 🙃), quiet places, eating (like genuinely, he’s made it a personality trait smh).
DISLIKES: Loud people, obnoxious people, people with really long coffee orders, vegans, people who wear patterned or bright colored shirts, people who wear chains and locks around their neck???, guys who wear eyeliner, people who wear sweater vests 🤮. But mostly, he hates the fucking Gen Z hand expressions/culture (particularly the Debby Ryan and the fucking pointing when talking). Legend has it, a friend sent him this TikTok and he got so pissed off he threw his phone on the ground. He had to explain that to his Asian mother, got berated for an hour, and now uses an old Nokia phone she had stored away until he can afford another iPhone. Oh, and also capers. He fucking hates capers. Edit: he also fucking hates guys who wear dangly earrings. It’s worse when it’s just one ear. Like if you’re going to commit a fashion crime, go all out and do both ears.
QUIRKS: Has a habit of putting his hands on his hips when he’s pissed off, standing with his arms crossed over his chest, communicating in grunts rather than actual words when he’s hangry or upset, staring with narrowed eyes because he wants you to feel judged
STRENGTHS: Good team player, athletic, disciplined, very caring and loyal to those he’s close to, willing to push himself to the limit for success
WEAKNESSES: Anger issues, doesn’t like new people, used to eating a large amount of food everyday so he’s very moody and irritable due to the lack of proper sustenance
POSITIVE TRAITS: Protective, Dedicated, Hardworking
NEGATIVE TRAITS:  Grumpy, Impatient, Closed-Off
ZODICAC BIG 3: Scorpio Sun, Aries Moon, Leo Rising
His little sister went missing 6 years ago at a local fair his family attended and he feels like it’s his fault even though he was just a kid himself when it happened. Growing up, he’s overcompensated by being extremely protective of his friends/family.
Can kill a large slice of pizza in 3 bites. He’s got that Matt Stoney chomp and his meals lowkey look like a 10,000 calorie YouTube challenge. He is Not Doing Well™ with just eating nuts and berries, fam. Might kill a person for real food.
9 times out of 10 is wearing a cap because he can’t be fucked to do his hair. Most times he wears it front-facing, only wears it backwards when he’s working out or at home studying (yes, he wears caps indoors). Unforch, the cap he was wearing on the flight became fish food during the ‘crash’.
Hates being in front of the camera. Though, a good friend of his has a fairly popular YouTube channel and Callum makes appearances in a couple of their mukbang videos because he’ll do anything for free food, especially large amounts of free food. Lowkey, he’s pretty good at reviewing food and is very proud of the ‘bring Callum back’ comments he’s managed to earn with his word choice and palate.
Callum’s prized possession is this necklace that his sister gave him when he turned 12. He leaves it hung on the bedpost of his headboard so he doesn’t lose it. Every night before he falls asleep, he touches it and says good night. Knowing he’d be gone for a long weekend, he took the necklace and wore it under his shirt. He always does this when he’s going to be away from home.
1x Nike SB Icon Pro snapback in olive
1x plain gray t-shirt his mom got from Walmart
1x Reigning Champ tiger fleece zip-up hoodie in black
1x black pants
1x pair of Air Jordan 1 Mid in olive
1x Under Armour boxer briefs in navy blue
1x black ankle socks
1x plain black belt
1x bearclaw necklace his sister gave him (under his shirt)
1x pack of Extra spearmint flavored gum with 12 sticks left in it
1x pack of Lay’s ketchup flavored chips that he got from the Toronto airport
1x 3oz tube of extra strength Icy Hot pain relief cream
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art-and-the-hockeys · 5 years ago
Tagging System
Hello everyone!
Thank you for sticking with me and continuing your amazing support through this patch of sporadic updating and having requests closed.
I just want to tell you that I have created a tagging system to help give more specific results.
This is only applicable for wallpapers and on my blog.
Lemme explain:
1. If you want to see the wallpapers available of a specific player...
Just simply add the player’s last name + “wp” to the backslash after “tagged”
So it’ll look like this:
➡︎ art-and-the-hockeys.tumblr.com/tagged/lastnamewp
For a real-life example:
I want just Nolan Patrick wallpapers, so I’m gonna type this:
➡︎ art-and-the-hockeys.tumblr.com/tagged/patrickwp
wp meaning “wallpaper”
no nicknames to avoid confusion
it does not matter if two players share the same last name, all players with the same last name fall under the one, same tag
accents on last names are not taken into account
2. If you want to see the wallpapers available of a specific team...
Just simply add the team’s abbreviation + “wp” to the backslash after “tagged”
So, it’ll look like this:
➡︎ art-and-the-hockeys.tumblr.com/tagged/teamabbrivationwp
For a real-life example:
I want just Philadelphia Flyers wallpapers, so I’m gonna type this:
➡︎ art-and-the-hockeys.tumblr.com/tagged/phiwp
Team’s abbreviations:
Anaheim Ducks: ana
Arizona Coyotes: ari
Boston Bruins: bos
Buffalo Sabres: buf
Calgary Flames: cgy
Carolina Hurricanes: car
Chicago Blackhawks: chi
Colorado Avalanche: col
Columbus Blue Jackets: cbj
Dallas Stars: dal
Detroit Red Wings: det
Edmonton Oilers: edm
Florida Panthers: flr
Los Angeles Kings: lak
Minnesota Wild: wild
Montreal Canadiens: habs
Nashville Predators: nsh
New Jersey Devils: njd
New York Islanders: nyi
New York Rangers: nyr
Ottawa Senators: ott
Philadelphia Flyers: phi
Pittsburgh Penguins: pit
San Jose Sharks: sjs
St. Louis Blues: stl
Tampa Bay Lightning: tbl
Toronto Maple Leafs: tor
Vancouver Canucks: van
Vegas Golden Knights: vgk
Washington Capitals: wsh
Winnipeg Jets: wpg
3. If you want to see the wallpapers available of a specific style for a specific team...
Just simply add the team’s abbreviation + the style’s abbreviation to the backslash after “tagged”
So, it’ll look like this:
➡︎ art-and-the-hockeys.tumblr.com/tagged/teamabbstyleabb
For a real-life example:
I want just Philadelphia Flyers with cute aesthetic wallpapers, so I’m gonna type this:
➡︎ art-and-the-hockeys.tumblr.com/tagged/phica
Styles’ abbreviations:
cute aesthetic: ca
minimalism: min
texture: texture
dark: dark
holiday: holiday
4. If you want to see the wallpapers available that have been requested and completed for a specific team...
Just simply add the team’s abbreviation + "request” to the backslash after “tagged”
So, it’ll look like this:
➡︎ art-and-the-hockeys.tumblr.com/tagged/teamabbreviationrequest
For a real-life example:
I want to see just requested Philadelphia Flyers wallpapers, so I’m gonna type this:
➡︎ art-and-the-hockeys.tumblr.com/tagged/phirequest
Other tags normally placed:
player’s full name
example: nolan patrick
full team name
example: philadelphia flyers
example: nhl
team abbreviation 
example: phi
style of wallpaper
example: cute aesthetic
example: edit, wallpaper
requested (if applicable)
For baseball wallpapers: 
the team name abbreviations are not used. Instead, replace with “baseball” or “mlb” 
For best requests, use the player’s last name + wp or the player’s first and last name
For IHFF/Olympic hockey wallpapers:
use the team’s country’s name in place of the team name’s abbreviations
examples: USA, Canada, Germany
For junior hockey wallpapers:
the team name abbreviations are not used. Instead, replace with “chl” or the league’s specific name.
For best requests, use the player’s last name + wp or the player’s first and last name
For minor hockey wallpapers:
use the parent team’s abbreviation
Example: no lehigh valley phantoms abbreviation + wp, just "phi” + wp or style’s abbreviation or “request”
I hope this all makes sense! If not, do PM me or comment on this post!
Thank you!
-Katt 😊
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savoies · 3 years ago
fratboy! briss.
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◇☆mini playlist☆◇
stoked by weston estate.
can you hear the moon by grady.
sheesh! by surfaces.
no more by prettymuch.
wannabe by spice girls.
iv. sweatpants by childish gambino.
way too sexy by drake.
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three-headed-monster · 4 years ago
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here's the form where you can vote for who you want to move onto the next week of all of our bachelorette seasons! if you didn't listen to what we decided to do on our podcast, we thought it'd be a fun off-season activity to cast who WE would want on a season of the bachelorette! we made some ground rules which you can hear about in our latest episode, but basically we decided to create a sort of bracket challenge to see who would move on week by week and eventually win the bachelorette. the form is linked above if you want to vote and see who ends up stealing all of our hearts at the end of it 😂
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okidontcareanymore1001 · 5 years ago
Thank you Melinda @richiestoeshurt Ive never done one of these so this should be fun
Name: Mackenzie
Nickname: most my friends and even a few theachers call me Mackan, it’s Swedish for sandwich
Zodia sign: Aries
Height: 5,3 or 5,2 can’t really remember
What time is it: 07:46
Favorite musician: Billie Eilish, falling in Reverse and YUNGBLUD, emo ikr (not including Billie)
Favorite sports team: Brynäs, It’s a hockey team in Sweden
Other blogs: i dont realt have any:/
Do I get asks: no, I only have a hundred and sixty or so followers and mainly reblog shit so no one really asks me anything
How many blogs do i follow: about a hundred and fifty/sixty smth
Any tumblr crushes: ah hell nah
Lucky number: idk it was 6 but now it’s 17 But I think but I’ll probably go with 6 (there’s a story behind 17 but I don’t feel like explaining)
What am I wearing right now: a black hoodie and tshirt with a gold necklace with an M on it, and a pair of black cargo pants
Drink of choice: there’s an Aloe Vera drink here in Sweden of which I am obsessed with. No joke I have about eleven empty bottles in my locker because I don’t like throwing them away
Dream car: i don’t really care for cars and don’t know anything about them sooooo next!
Dream vacation: oooOoOo probably California
Favorite food: idk maybe...... pasta... yes definitely pasta
Languages: I am fully fluent in Swedish and English but prefer to speak English even though I grew up and live in Sweden
Instrument: I used to play the guitar but that got boring so now I do nothing
Celebrity crush: Finn Wolfhard
Random facts: I really enjoy taking pictures and I’ve started getting Into to editing which I also really enjoy. I’m a super slow reader, as in it takes me almost an hour to read sixty pages of a normal sized book. Also my spirit animal is apparently a turtle so
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I’m transgender (ftm) but shhhh no one knows... yet.
Tagging @beebofrank13, @incorrect-reddie-quotes, @agressivebabyslug
Idk if y’all have already done it tho:/
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snapbackslide · 2 years ago
→ DAILY CLICK FOR PALESTINE 🍉 & help these families
💫 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅, 𝒅𝒆𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅, 𝒉𝒐𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒚 & 𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒄 𝒐𝒃𝒔𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅 💫
reference, easy access & get to know me all-in-one ↓
disclaimer: i struggle with chronic mental health issues, mainly social anxiety and depressive episodes. please do not interact with ill intentions. feel free to reach out for any concern, or if you need someone to vent to. i am always happy to help 🫶
follows/likes are from eli-x-ir
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favourite teams
HOCKEY [nhl] montreal canadiens [ahl] laval rocket [national] canada | sweden [pwhl] montreal
[live blog] in the format [nickname] [lb] (most used: habs) live posting in arena: live from the bc [events] olympics | all-star | draft | 4 nations
a comprehensive layout;
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(been here since 2016.. baggage has accumulated)
WRESTLING [wwe] lb
FOOTBALL (rare) [national] argentina | canada [clubs] cf montreal | fc barcelona
AMERCIAN FOOTBALL (extra rare) [cfl] alouettes
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favourite players
HABS e. heineman | n. suzuki | a. xhekaj | k. guhle | b. gallagher [ 13 | 14 | 15 | 20 | 21 | 51 | 72 | 77 | 92 ♥️ future's bright ]
OTHERS m. duchene | t. jost | t. toffoli | j. skinner
feel free to block their tags as i post about them often. no disrespect or hatred will be tolerated.
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all tags
TEAMS [atlantic] BOS | BUF | DET | FLA | MTL | OTT | TBL | TOR [metro] CAR | CBJ | NJD | NYI | NYR | PHI | PIT | WSH [central] CHI | COL | DAL | MIN | NSH | STL | UHC | WPG [pacific] ANA | CGY | EDM | LAK | SJS | SEA | VAN | VGK [inactive] ARI (rip gone but not forgotten 🙏)
PLAYERS each player is tagged in the format [firstname] [lastname] usually with common roster name - e.g.: mitch marner instead of mitchell marner usually without diacritics, for simplification - e.g.: slafkovsky instead of slafkovský
MISC [my reposts] pictures | videos | gifs | articles | memes [my original posts] pictures | videos | edits [categories] hockey | memes | fics | spotify | rants | commentary [personal] asks | reblogs | digital diary | tv | books | art | tags | astrology | important | miscellaneous
triggers are marked in the format [tw: ...]
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get to know me
almost trilingual immigrant, still not over the 2021 glory days because i simply never move on ever 🤠
random facts, because why not:
i've interacted with my two favourite hockey players, side hugged nick suzuki, and made brendan gallagher & artturi lehkonen laugh. i already won at life.
haha jk i'm a curse to my faves... they score hat tricks when i'm not watching, get traded/waived/demoted or simply leave, retire before winning a championship, get injured when i have tickets to see them, and oh yeah, my teams lose in the finals, or in some other brutal way! ッ
music is my world ♥ fav artists include twenty one pilots, camila cabello, patrick droney, the maine, young the giant, zara larsson, wrabel, abba, and linkin park
been a hockey fan since i moved to canada, but january 2016 is when the obsession started, thanks to brendan gallagher 😝 my first favourites were roberto luongo and carey price (had a thing for goalies)
previous urls: ga11agirl (lol 2016 don't judge), sassyjosty, wildjost, habsjost
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