#ari agbayani
kinjamin-art · 2 years
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Hey have a new Ned’s Lola (& Friends) drop!!! Sorry it took so long.. and SPOILER warning - the last cover is a 5 month spoiler from Doctor Strange 2 Wanted to celebrate ALL the Filipina/Filipino actors that have been in the MCU with Sakit Wars (homage to the first issue of ‘Secret Wars’, which is now an upcoming film in a future Marvel phase) (For ref: https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Marvel_Super_Heroes_Secret_Wars_Vol_1_1 ) This Includes: - Yssa Mei Panganiban, - the Black Widow Sonya from the flashback scene from Hawkeye. I’m assuming she is the best stick fighter among her sisters because it’s in her DNA.. - Eugene Cordero, -“Casey” from the Loki series. Potentially the most powerful one here since he can be running around pushing an office cart filled with Infinity Stones. - Mary Rivera as Ned’s Lola (obviously) (eternal thanks to @angielanikelly for letting her know these exist) - Ginger Gonzaga, -“Nikki” from the upcoming She-Hulk series on D+ - Jane Rumbaua, Ayla Perez, the Diplomat from Falcon & Winter Soldier on D+ — just assuming she was made an official SHIELD Agent after she helped Cap out. - Dave Bautista, as Drax - Hailee Steinfeld, as Hawkeye/Kate Bishop - Ned (obviously), using the Sling Ring - Wave, who I’m assuming will be in a future Marvel film at some point. In the meantime, my friend Iris is the ref - Ari Agbayani, the fil-am Captain America, who I also assume will be in the MCU in the future. Not shown yet: Nico Santos, who's in Guardians 3 -- uh but I have no idea what he looks like, he'll have to be in the next issue. Other notes: - In the comics, Ned Leeds becomes the Hobgoblin at some point, but I highly doubt that happens because of Lola - Finally figured out a casino/slot machine cover which would have been a big deal to my own Grandma, who loved going to Vegas (I wish she was still around when I was old enough to go)
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mei-mei-yu · 3 years
NEW CAPTAIN AMERICA Ari Agbayani : Filipino-American (but not Filipino) Representation
DISCLAIMER: I am in no way speaking for every Filipino. I'll just be sharing some thoughts and sentiments that me and my friends have about the new marvel superhero Ari (lol) Agbayani. It also isn't my intention to use this as a way to invalidate the experiences of the Filipino diaspora and imply that Filipino-Americans aren't Filipino enough.
So a new marvel superhero Ari Agbayani was recently unveiled as a Captain America (? sorry if I got the terminology or something wrong, I'm not that familiar with the new concept). Congratulations to the Fil-Ams who feel validated by this representation, especially because there's this whole history of fil-ams being othered and treated as foreigners depsite having lived in America their whole lives. Now there's a character whose whole existence is an acknowledgement of the Filipino-American identity.
That said, I hope you all remain respectful as well when you notice how some Filipinos find her to be a joke/alienating at best, and an offensive imperialist reminder at worst. Going into the Ari tag, especially on twitter, will NOT be your regular fun fandom experience. Here are some of the possible reasons:
Her name selection makes it seem like native Filipino speakers weren't consulted during the creation process. I can tell they did research (Agbayani isn't a super common last name and it has the word meaning 'hero' in it), but the whole "Ari" meaning 'genitalia' issue is just turning her character into a bit of a joke. On the bright side, characters like Dick Grayson survived for 80+ years so this isn't too bad.
Her skin tone - Some people definitely don't think she looks Filipino enough (whatever that means). I personally look like her, so I can't say that this is a point against her as Filipino rep per se. HOWEVER having her be dark skinned would be good representation in fighting against colorism.
Her costume - here's where it gets messy. Having her don the stars and stripes really makes her seem like she belongs in American military propaganda art, which is great for Captain America, but not so great at communicating a Filipino-American hero. There are no design elements to suggest a Filipino identity. Not only is it overwhelmingly American, it also feels tone deaf when thinking about the history of American Imperialism in the Philippines. Americans have slaughtered our people, raped our women, put our children in zoos, and much more under the guise of benevolence. Even today, with our current geopolitics, the consequences of American imperialism continue to haunt us (#imperyalismoibagsak). To many Filipinos, her taking of the most 'American' mantle represents this imperialism and violence.
Despite all the things I've talked about here, I do have faith that this will work out somehow. It's possible for the writers to explore her story in a way that mirrors Sam Wilson's reckoning with American racism before he became Captain America. I just hope that the implications of a Filipino-American as Captain America don't get swept under the rug.
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As a Filipino-American woman I love the concept of Arielle Agbayani because REPRESENTATION considering that I can count on my hands how many times Filipinos got any representation. Given that Marvel has had some head scratching attempts at representation especially given the… slang her nickname “ari” is associated with, I’m really glad to at least get some rep because up until Arielle I can’t even think about who were our champions. Like maybe Olivia Rodrigo being half (and not white passing let me make that clear cuz some of y’all don’t get it) or Bruno Mars who’s also half, oh and Darren Criss (who is also half). And despite those three most of you all didn’t even know that they were half. Then there’s Lea who’s the voice actress behind Milan and Jasmine’s singing voices but like, again, that’s still one hand of counts. Filipinos haven’t had a big name company like Marvel represent them in a MAIN role? Legendary.
(I say that because Marvel does have some Filipino rep but most of them are side characters or lesser names heroes that have hardly scratched the western market. Namely Wave, Sea Hunter, and Red Feather)
But I make this post because when some of y’all are talking about how she’s a Captain America, it sounds a little, oh what’s the word, racist. Like yes I get that the US was the third country to basically colonize the Philippines and lowkey screw up a lot of things even more from Japanese occupation and that’s why it’s a little head turning to see a Filipino American as a cap and I know the debate on whether America were saviors or not is a very real thing, some of y’all saying that you don’t like her sounds pretty racist. Like idk how but some people are bringing Sam into this like “oh I didn’t like black captain America he’s not representative of the US” (which is obviously problematic) and therefore relating that to Arielle by saying she isn’t either like the US isn’t made up of immigrants.
Like I can get not liking their character like of Sam’s too cocky for someone without the serum, Ari’s too young (she’s a college student) and therefore too naive, because those are personality traits of the character. But when people are saying “oh he/she doesn’t represent America or it’s values” that’s a little ignorant considering that not ever American is a blonde haired and blue eyed solider.
While I’d love to delve into the history of Filipino immigration history, long story short, a lot of us are here. We took on the jobs that no one wanted so we can send money back home to the Philippines, we worked hard here so we can sponsor our families to join us, we’re here. Do not talk about what represents America if you’re not American or if you haven’t done so much as walk outside in the previous month. But to say that Filipinos, a south East Asian nationality/ethnicity, don’t represent American ideals is a little ignorant and just a tad racist.
Or maybe I’m overthinking it and I’m just sad that the first main role Filipina we got in marvel has a nickname that’s slang for gentialia and people are trashing on her for no reason. I can get the actual significant criticisms of her because I agree with most, but when you’re saying that she doesn’t represent anyone at all that’s ignorant because I know that if I was a child who grew up on marvel and dc comics I would’ve absolutely loved to see a character who looked like me and WAS a Filipina
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alixero · 3 years
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I love her design! <3
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I think I'm a Capt fan now
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mangleschmidt · 3 years
Oh no
This is Arielle “Ari” Agbayani. Seems normal. She’s cute. Ari is a normal name. Very epic. Well, in Filipino, there’s a word “ari” in it.
Ari means “Genitals”
To make it worse, Agbayani is short for “Ang Bayani” which means “The Hero”
They said they have consulted Fil-Ams but to my knowledge, Fil-Ams generally don’t know any Filipino. There are some who knows of course but they should have consulted them instead.
I also don’t like the fact that her last name is literally Hero. It’s too on the nose and not very creative. They could have used ANY other last name like Delos Santos, Abellana, any American last name (considering she’s a Fil-Am, though her father could be the Filipino; mothers are usually the Filipino), hell maybe even “Pancit” (it’s a food) and “Jane” (pronounced as Hah-ne)
Now how to avoid this? Simple.
Do your research and consult people!
Let’s be more specific.
Do enough research and consult knowledgeable people! People who knows the language so that we can avoid naming our characters like “Coochie Hero” (unless you want to be ironic, I can’t stop you with that lmao)
I really don’t understand what’s going in the comic book industry right now honestly.
This just ain’t it chief.
Can’t wait for this to hit national news.
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veryvincible · 3 years
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Ari Agbayani, a new local Filipina-American Cap!
Not to be dramatic, but I have been grinning like a dumbass since I saw her. She looks like me! Exactly like me! And dresses like me! And she is what I am! Wild!!!!
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farsight-the-char · 3 years
I really like this design.
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New cap, and she's a bucky stan??? So true bestie
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theforswornelite · 3 years
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thisgirlisonfayeeer · 3 years
Okay, it was a good move for Marvel to have Sam Wilson as Captain America. I applaud them for that. But introducing a Filipino-American shieldbearer for "diversity" is nonsense if her costume is only emblazoned with American symbols. I get it that she draws inspiration from Bucky Barnes as Captain America (and i love that, btw!!) but if they really want to feature diversity, maybe let her embrace her Filipino side???
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Of course, it's all about Captain America, but there's no harm in incorporating Filipino elements/symbols in her costume. Because then what's the point of making her Fil-Am?
Also, good lord you could have chosen a much better name 😭💀. Her name is Ari Agbayani, and while 'Agbayani' translates to "to be heroic" in Filipino, 'Ari' translates to "GENITALS". HER NAME LITERALLY MEANS HEROIC GENITALS. 💀
I hope there will be redesigns to her costume and girl, maybe go by Ariana and not Ari 🥴
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someguywithglasses · 3 years
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-Ms. Ari Agbayani
-A college student and the first Filipino American and latest to take up the shield and mantle of Captain America in the Marvel Comics
-For me being a Filipino American this is really huge, I am a huge Captain America fan. I always loved the ideals and beliefs Steve Rogers, Isaiah Bradley, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson and many others who held the shield and mantle stood for. Now Ari Agbayani joins the long lasting Legacy of the Captain America Mantle, Captain America is part of the reason I joined the US Navy, I wanted be part of something bigger than myself.
-For me I'm not a Captain America because of Steve Rogers, no I'm a Captain America fan for what the shield and mantle stand for "Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness and the belief that All Men and Women are equal. That anyone and everyone regardless of religion, race, or creed can become an American citizen. To stand up and fight for one's beliefs" and that anybody who holds those ideals true to themselves can wear the stars and strips of Captain America as Ari Agbayani and countless others before her have done.
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smashpages · 3 years
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Peach Momoko variant cover for The United States of Captain America #4, featuring Ari Agbayani
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thedethklokmuse · 3 years
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dirtyriver · 3 years
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Arielle "Ari" Agbayani in The United States of Captain America #4, covers by Gerald Parel and Peach Momoko, character created by Alyssa Wong and Jodi Nishijima
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flannelflesh · 3 years
fucking CACKLING at the new fil-am captain america that marvel just announced. y'all sure you're naming them smth that translates to heroic cock/pussy?
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