#arguments can be made for about 87% of the TCF cast being aro or ace or both
"Cale is THE AroAce of TCF"
I (extremely respectfully, keep on sharing those delightful headcanons gang) disagree.
Choi Han is THE AroAce of TCF. No, I'm serious. Give me a few paragraphs of your time?
Cale is not Currently the AroAce of TCF... By virtue of how Cale hasn't thought about his sexuality or romantic alignment due to the partial curse he was under for 36 years (loving and immediately losing doesn't give you much wiggle room to categorize) and he hasn't had time to start now. He's either plotting for the survival of his family or disassociating. Cale is by virtue of not even assuming one way or the other while calling nearly everyone he likes that he meets handsome, pretty, beautiful, or making elves look like squids, still in the process of Questioning. He also excels in the art of lying to himself about love. Love that he basically gave himself a mental illness to trick the curse inside him.
I can see him ending up AroAce of course, but for now, he is using his favorite coping mechanism of Not Looking At It. That's called Questioning or Avoidance in my experience.
Meanwhile, Choi Han, who has been asked by his disassociating liege to break the bed, sneak into his room, and strip, has not once thought about sex or romance. He's not in the habit of remarking on the appearance of anyone with interest outside battle or general wellbeing... Or insults. Although he has forgotten much about his upbringing, he knows different forms of love as he was clearly raised with so much of it. He also is deeply aware of the fact he will live so much longer than other humans ever will, or most other races for that matter. The knowledge that the loss he thinks of is always friends and family, never the great angst of having a lover and losing them.
Raon is his great soulmate, the one he will live to the exact millisecond of life's end. Basically, he dedicated his lifespan to his favorite nephew! (As proven by the latest chapters of Vol 2, sorry Jung Soo.) He has no regrets about this- in part because it helped Cale, but also because he didn't want himself or Raon to live alone. Not for one second. And it never crossed his mind that in the future he might fall in love, to ask for that prospective future partner's lifespan instead. Or children of his own.
So, Choi Han is AroAce.
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