#arguably Hazel being dimensional is WAYYY more important but Adelaides proximity to Hazel ensures she needs that too
isaacathom · 8 years
also Duke Andy probably isn’t a great person, but he’s on the side of the greater population so noone’s really bothered. like, he’s not Erick, it what im saying. Erick was a man who didnt know badness if it shot him in the head, yknow. and it sorta did, so, yknow, Erick was ridiculously naive and overflowing with good vibes and happiness that most people only disliked him because a) they thought it was a front (it wasnt) and b) because his naivety made him a bad leader (absolutely and totally valid)
Andrew is far more likely to be skeptical. suspicious, extremely so, probably dislikes Adelaide’s throne on principle alone and then even more the further it gets and the more he scrutinises her actions. he’s not greedy, no, any motivation he has for removing Adelaide is either for Erick’s sake, bless his heart, or for the sake of the country. he’s not doing it to take the throne for himself, though he probably volunteered to act as Regent while Jackson grew up. but, again, he’s not doing it to take the throne for himself or to place his children on the throne. if anything, he’d be incredibly sad if the situation resolved to have him on the throne, given that he loved his brother and loves his brothers children, and to have it be that its him and his kids that must take the throne would probably break ol Andy’s bitter lil heart.
he doesnt really want it, but if he had to, he would (or make one of his kids take it, since like... idk how old his kids are, or even how old Andrew is, but his oldest kid is probably like.... 20? they could do it if they wanted. he’d make sure they were alright with that idea before ever abdicating in their favour). \
like. his public support for Jackson is because he doesn’t like Adelaide’s ruling. especially because he finds Adelaide dishonest as fuck. afterall, the whole idea was that she took the throne until Jackson was old enough. Andrew probably sees Jack like.... 5 times a year? he can get a decent read. Jack is mature. he’s 24. give him the fucking throne, Adelaide. she was sworn to the throne with the intent to abdicate for Jackson later, to essentially act as Regent but more official, to ensure stability in the bad shit that was happening. because she has basically refused to abdicate, Andrew probably sees it as her having Lied to obtain the throne.
Andrew won’t take that shit. his support for Jackson is on principle alone. Adelaide has lied, she will not answer questions regarding her presumably imminent abdication, officials say nothing has happened re: it. She has lied to obtain the throne, and Andrew will not have a liar on the throne. esp since Adelaide’s actions sorta tarnish the good reputation of her husband. Erick might have been stupidly naive, or too trusting for his own good, but he was a good man, and Andrew’s view is that his Precious Political Wife is not of his sort. Andrew doesn’t like Adelaide. he probably never did, but again, that probably started as a matter of principle. a political marriage? are you daft??? he saw it as stupid. probably criticised his brother for accepting that deal, another one of his dear brothers failings due to his trusting and hopeful nature. so he had to dislike Adelaide on principle, she was not married by love, there is absolutely no guarantees of her character beyond the overflowing hyperbolic praise of her kin. so before Andrew ever met her, he disliked her, on that principle, right.
then of course he probably didnt mind Adelaide? she was good at handling politics, she had a good mind, she was supporting of her husband and helped him when he had troubles, and was a good counterbalance to her husbands near blind trust, with her more sceptical nature. of course, she then took the throne, which Andrew probably already disliked because he felt that the throne should either remain within the bloodline or with parliament, and her being given the position, while it made sense, was also probably a stupid move. the 7 years that followed, in which Adelaide raised hell with their neighbours over Erick’s death only cemented Andrew’s dislike. like, ya, he probably felt some sort of catharsis from this brutal campaign, since, yknow, Erick was his fucking brother, right. BUT, he also has to step back objectively and go ‘thats fucking stupid and petty’, and then, of course, she won’t give the throne to Jack.
like, hooooneessttttllyyy if she hadn’t taken the throne Andrew would only dislike her on that principle, and only for the short time until he was able to meet her and determine for himself whether she was ‘a good person’ or not. Andrew is a pretty critical guy, all in all, which is probably partly because of a need to balance his brothers optimism, and probably just because he’s an individual human being. like, both Adelaide and Andrew are pretty critical people. howeeeeveeerrr, the key difference is that Adelaide always looks for the worst, which is why she was a good counterpart to Erick, because his ignorance of the worst and her ignorance of the best balanced out in most cases, right. but Andrew, he’s more.... neutral leaning worst. he can change his mind, is the thing. Adelaide doesn’t change her mind. the only reason Erick would win out in any discussion they had is because Erick, ultimately, has the power to make the choice. its just that Erick, being Erick, is far more likely to listen to her concerns than she to his. she won because he was willing to concede and she was not. she’s a woman of absolutes, that Adelaide.
this got really long but TL;DR Andrew is incredibly critical, especially of Adelaide, because he feels that Adelaide lied in order to obtain absolute control of the throne. He supports Jackson on that principle. he’s mostly an alright dude, though. like if he has a thought he will announce it, you cant shush this man, but he is capable of self reflection and admittance of wrong doing. Adelaide is critical but with a steadfastness of self that she will not back down from her views. The only people who can get her to change her mind are the Parliament (and then only because a refusal to agree due to principle will result in a forced abdication and she knows it) and Hazel.
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