#arghhh hate it in here
winryrockbellwannabe · 3 months
insomnia the night before my exam.... gotta love my life rn🫠
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peachyfnaf · 3 months
sometimes this app is a hellsite but i'll be damned if im not proud that we're pretty much unanimously agreeing this arc is shit IST8ST8A8AGIA
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paixarina · 1 year
i miss amino but i fucking hate medialab for taking away its charm and made it into another capitalistic shit that caters onto greedy corp money hungry rats.
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parisblood · 8 days
also helen, lucas & orion should be a trouple, I said what I said 😌
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dollrelicz · 3 months
retheme later ( like in 3 days )
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postmail · 9 months
bro this girl facetimes her parents every night, uninterrupted for an hour and an half, all but yelling into her phone, and we dont say anything, but when i try to call my dad for. six minutes i am continuously interrupted and spoken to. while i am on the phone! DUDE.
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vampiric-fangirl · 1 month
i feel like i've talked way too much about how i think lute feels about vaggie while not really touching on how i think vaggie feels about lute...this post is going to be an attempt to fix that*
*this actually ended up being a lot about lute too. pretty much just a whole thing about their relationship before vaggie got kicked out of heaven with a slight focus on vaggie. sorry
putting it under the cut because this one got away from me
ok so it's fairly obvious in canon that, in the present, she views lute with a sort of...passive disdain. she hates her, but she also doesn't really care. she probably doesn't think about lute very much at all, to be honest. and if she does, she moves on pretty quick once charlie gives her a little kiss (or something cute and gay like that). she doesn't obsess over getting revenge, but as we can see, if she is attacked first, she won't hesitate to fight back. 
back when she was an exorcist she probably cared significantly more. not as much as lute eventually did, i think, but more than she does in the present. i think she kind of...attached herself to lute, in a way. like she does with charlie, but in a simultaneously more healthy and less healthy. (less attached, but attached to a much worse person). and here's where our lack of exorcist lore gets annoying. like, seriously - we know SO little! we don't even know if the exorcists are heavenborn or not. i really hope this is one of those situations where it's being intentionally held back and not just disregarded because we just...we know NOTHING about the exorcists!!! practically everyone has a wildly different headcanon. 
this makes it really hard to guess what lute and vaggie's relationship was like before vaggie got left in hell. was lute made to be the lieutenant? did she have to work for the position? were lute and vaggie made/did they arrive in heaven around the same time, or is lute several years vaggie's senior? is VAGGIE several years lute's senior? if they were made, were they made as babies that grew up together - or even separately - or as adults? were they hatched from eggs?!? is lieutenant a position other exorcists can challenge lute for? was vaggie an outcast amongst the exorcists? was lute an outcast? were they both outcasts? was lute popular? were people jealous of lute? are the stripes on exorcist wings significant? is heaven (or even just lute herself) homophobic? the answers to all (most) of these questions would affect the likely nature of lute and vaggie's relationship significantly. but we have the answer to none of them, so we're just left with extremely vague speculation. arghhh
sadly none of these questions are probably going to be answered anytime soon because i hear season 2 is going to focus on stuff like alastor's backstory and vox is going to be the main villain. there's also probably going to be a bunch of angel dust and valentino stuff too, so there probably won't be a lot of time left over for exorcist/fallenwings lore. my only solace is that "more time will be spent in heaven", although most stuff done there will probably be directly related to the plot. i heard rumors about there possibly being a big lute solo, though, so i am crossing my fingers for that.
sorry i got really sidetracked there. anyway, anything beyond “attached herself to lute” is speculative. pure headcanon. which is, sadly, what the rest of this post is going to be. r.i.p my analyst heart
personally, i like to believe they were brought in to heaven around the same time (and that exorcists are winners with their personal memories erased), and that they formed an early bond as the ones who were most dedicated to training. vaggie because she wanted to prove her worth, and lute for the same reason and also because of her dedication to the cause itself. they probably had extremely homoerotic wrestling matches.
vaggie probably simultaneously admired lute’s dedication and strength and feared her passion and lethality. lute was probably intense from the beginning, even if she didn't start out as the violent extremist would later become. in the cold, unforgiving environment that was the exorcist army, lute would be the closest thing to a friend she had, though - so she latched on, like a planet orbiting a sun to avoid the freezing emptiness of space, even though it burns to stay so close to the scorching hot sun. sorry that was a really cheesy metaphor.
anyway, as her doubts about the extermination increase, she drifts away from lute. as lute’s belief in the exterminations increases (as she becomes increasingly radicalized by adam and her own guilt and doubts that she must bury), she drifts away from vaggie. they disagree on more and more things, and the atmosphere between them gets more and more tense. eventually, vaggie breaks up with lute, terrified of the change she is seeing in her and hating herself for not going through that change herself and having doubts and just all around extremely conflicted. after this, vaggie stays away from the other exorcists in general, strengthening her doubts through the power of not having the “goodness” of the cause shoved in her face 24/7. lute gets attached to adam (horrible for her mental health), strengthening her conviction. she becomes his lieutenant.*
*i think the position of lieutenant is one that has to be fought for, and is earned by challenging and beating the current lieutenant in a duel
a rivalry begins between them. lute hates vaggie for getting weaker and weaker, less committed to the cause, and worst of all for breaking up with her. vaggie just wants lute to leave her alone. she simultaneously believes that she is too good for lute and that lute is too good for her, both ideologies clashing and adding to her strong cognitive dissonance. they hardly train together now, and when they do, it's brutal - the average onlooker would assume it's a fight to the death.
it all comes to a head at the next extermination. beforehand, lute gives vaggie a warning. a warning that if she fucks up, she'll catch her, and punish her. vaggie, who is more uncertain of the cause and wary of lute than ever, tells her to calm down. she’ll do her job.
she doesn't do her job. she spares a child, and lute catches her doing so - as promised. and, in a fit of rage directed at vaggie (but fundamentally rooted in anger and frustration at herself for letting herself fall so far to the point where she sees someone as good and kind as vaggie as the enemy and hating that feeling and therefore hating vaggie for causing it), she mutilates her. (maybe also part of the reason she does it is to prove her loyalty to adam, maybe partially to herself? like, as a twisted way to prove that she’s over vaggie, and that adam is her everything now.) she takes her eye and her wings and her halo, she tosses her to the ground like carrion.
vaggie feels betrayed, to an extent, but also kind of expected this and mostly blames herself. she doesn't regret sparing the child, but she laments that she has been cursed with a conscience - that she’s a defect, a failure. only later, by spending time with charlie, will she become convinced that she was the one in the right.
for the first few months after her fall from grace, vaggie won't be able to help but miss lute, her absence like a void in her heart. it's an empty type of longing, one she knows is unjustified, but she can't stop herself from wishing she was back in heaven sometimes. from the moment she was “born” to the moment she was abandoned, that was her home, no matter how horrible and gruesome it was - and lute was always there with her, for better or for worse.
eventually, with charlie's help, she heals and begins to see heaven’s atrocities for what they are: atrocities. and after falling in love with charlie, and finding a new home in hell, she reaches her present state: a passive disdain, occasionally haunted by memories of lute and heaven.
oh my god i just wrote 1,300+ words of hazbin hotel theory/analysis
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obsessivevoidkitten · 4 months
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(Layla) This old fart is older than me in both human and cat years so I had this thing since birth
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(Luna) This fatass just eats and looks pretty doing it
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(Boo) Definition of top/dom female because this thing hates way too much, it's a lil shit that I love
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(Tuxie) SWEET BABY, NUMBER ONE BEST GIRL IN THE WORLD, also a midget just like Leo
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here's these two lovebirds
Been really depressed so this brightened my day.
Second pic looks so majestic and like a professional portrait.
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askinkiskarma · 1 year
OMGOMGOMGOMG NEW THE 1 CHAPTER??? i'm so excited i'm gonna cryyyyyyyy!!! whenever you can, please post a snippet??? pleasepleaseplease
ARGHHH I'M EXCITED YOU'RE EXCITED :(((( and you're in luck because i have 3.6k words written on it already bestie xx
The 1 Chapter 2 snippet below x
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“Fuck! Neteyam, you scared the shit out of me! What are you doing here?” 
Your heart almost jumped out of your chest as you took in the man sitting on your bed, that was way too big to comfortably fit in your tiny room, not that that’s ever stopped him in all the years you’ve known him. He looked almost out of place here now, so long after the last time, and you winced a little at the contrast between the memories in your mind and what was displayed so clearly in front of you. 
Neteyam looked lost in thought, almost unaware of your presence or your voice, glossy eyes fixed somewhere beneath your desk, on a specific box you wish he never got to see.
“This room hasn’t changed one bit in all this time. It’s so weird. Everything’s changed…” the sigh that tried him felt like it was expelled from deep within his soul, like a sigh he’s been holding for the last year and a half. “Everything… and yet this room, it’s like a portal to the past, like I woke up in a life that feels like a mere dream sometimes.”
You don’t interrupt his musings.
“The sheets, the books, the smell, the way the light flickers sometimes, the way the mattress dips on one side more than the other because you’ve always preferred the left side of the bed, and I always had to sleep on the right, even the broken vase I broke with my tail the night I left. It’s all the same.”
His gaze finally settles on you. He looks pained as he sees you, finally the human he remembers, that he loved. It hurts him being in this room. It hurts you, too. It was your turn to sigh, as you tried to remove the images of the past flashing in front of your eyes like a picture book, and tried to focus on the reality that was still weighing heavily on your heart, no matter how many counterweights you balanced it with. 
Your sigh matched his earlier one as you spoke, your eyes darting to the room that you spent less time in with each passing day, that felt as much of a relic of the past as you sometimes felt in his life. 
“Yeah. I guess nothing’s changed.”
He notices an ornate bow by the foot of the bed, clearly the make of a talented Omaticayan warrior. It annoys him to no end that he can recognise the work easily, having grown up seeing it, having been one of the few that could compare to his. It angers him further just how much the disdain doesn't seem to want to melt away, regardless of how much he's told himself to let it go, regardless of how he swore the reason he came here tonight had nothing to do with it. He had no right to pry, not anymore. No right to be jealous... not anymore.
“Well, at least some things have changed...”
You blush and he hates it, hates that you're even talking about it to begin with, hates that he has to hear this in the first place.
“Tarsem made it for me. It’s cute.” You didn’t know why, it’s not like you owed him anything, but you couldn’t help the next words, that stumbled unceremoniously out of your mouth in a panicked hurry. You didn’t owe him anything, but you still needed him to know. “And platonic.” 
“Yeah, so were we.” The words, and the bitterness in them, so thinly veiled despite what you assumed were his best efforts, shocked you. This wasn’t like Neteyam at all - Neteyam was kind, and careful with his words always, he was considerate and empathetic, and he was never mean, especially not to you. Especially not like this.
You swallowed the lump in your throat and the tears that threatened to spill, leaving his words to hang in the air, making it thick and heavy with heightened emotions you were both trying your best to suppress. 
“That’s not fair.”
“You’re right. It’s not.”
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"These streets are yours" - Matt Murdock x Vigilante!Reader
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SUMMARY: Relationships and vigilantes don't mix. You and Matt at the best proof of that. Old flames are lit once again when you come back to Hell's Kitchen for personal business and run into the man you claim you don't love anymore.
Based on: "These streets" - Bastille
Bastille is having a concert in my country and I'm not going, I had to drop my second major and was told my short story is boring. Life is ARGHHH at the moment
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Matt hated everything that smelled like berries. The fruity aroma made bile foam on his lips and tears stung his eyes: all because he knew that at the end of the metaphorical line, at the source of the heavenly fragrance, was everything except the sweet delight he yearned for; everything except for you.
There was a time when he was a drowning man holding on to a razor when he would meet up specifically with women that reminded him of you. But then, when morning came and the passion faded, he felt even more heartbroken than before, because none of those flings could quite hit the spot: they laughed differently than you did, they didn't make the same corny jokes, their jewellery didn't rattle the same way. It was all very desperate of him but Matt knew that and, as time passed, he began accepting it. He was a man ruined, looking for love lost in the shapes of other women.
You disliked New York. Not because of some genius loci of this place or the cursed traffic or even the people that only occasionally presented kindness. Ever since you parted ways with Matt, the Big Apple felt stained in a way as if those streets were suddenly paved with every memory and thought you had that revolved around that man. In every window and puddle, you swore you could see his face.
The visit to that dreaded city was far from something you took up happily but it was a matter of honour and reliability rather than a pastime: you had to do a small thing for someone who helped you recently and so you were left only with the prayer to every God that listened that you wouldn't run into Matthew Murdock. When you took the first step on the New York pavement, you already knew that those long nights of convincing yourself that you had no care for him were just that - poor attempts at lying to yourself. There was no telling what you were going to do if you were to meet him.
The God that listened, however, must have had very little sympathy for you.
Matt was doing his usual rounds, scouting all of Hell's Kitchen in search of any wickedness. He carefully listened to each sound inside the building, each step and heartbeat, planning his strategy.
Then, that dreaded aroma hit his nostrils and Matt swore he would die a happy man choking on it:
His voice trembled as he called out your name in an oddly questioning manner, a mixture of longing and excitement forcing his heart to beat faster than it should.
"Wasn't really expecting to run into you, Matt," you answered while walking toward him. The other thing you didn't quite expect was for him to change so much: he dressed differently and seemed to be more brooding than the last time you saw him. He looked sad or angry in the faint moonlight.
It sounded bizarre to say his name again and for him, it was completely weird to hear it again. Matt could never quite put his finger on it but there was something about the way you pronounced it that was unusual. A grimace appeared on his face for a second when he suddenly realized how much he missed hearing you say his name.
"What are you doing here?" he asked quietly. Despite thinking of that moment through many sleepless nights, at the moment he couldn't recall even one grand confession he had carefully thought of: it was just him and his heartache.
He was within an arm's reach, closer than he had been throughout the past few months and yet he felt miles away, cold and unreachable. Meanwhile, Matt fought against himself to not wrap his arms around you even if it was for the last time in his life. You noticed he was clenching and unclenching his fists repeatedly.
"I owe a favour to someone." You sounded so casual and Matt began to wonder whether he wasn't the stupider of the two of you to still dwell on the happy days drowned with love that he could no longer express. "I'll be gone before you know it."
"Maybe you could stay for a while?" Matt proposed. He didn't want to outright beg, although by the ache inside his chest he knew it wasn't out of the realm of possibilities. "There's plenty of crime to go around."
You chuckled at his words, although your thoughts were elsewhere: for a split second your mind wandered through the memories of the months you didn't dare dwell on - when it was the two of you versus the Big Bad like a hardly funny buddy-cop movie. Those were good times, you had to admit but as all minutes that make a heart swell, they too had to pass.
"No, Matt." You shook your head. In your own mind, you were doing him a favour in not giving him even a shadow of hope but, truthfully, it was a quite selfish action. "These streets are yours, you can keep them." You made a vague gesture towards the surrounding city. "I don't want them."
"I missed you," he confessed suddenly. You almost thought his voice broke.
"Don't worry, I won't show my face here anymore." A bitter laugh left your mouth. In your naive thinking, it was akin to mercy to not admit just how much you yearned for him too.
His sight pained you, along with the small distance between your bodies. The longer you remained in his presence, the more you felt like giving in to your desperation and heartache - something that never ends well. Nervously, you run your hand through your hair, ready to leave Matt as quickly as possible.
Before you could turn around and leave into the night, like a summer dream of berries and sunlight, Matt grabbed your arm. His grip was strong, unyielding in a way. Despite that, you couldn't think of that unexpected action as in any way aggressive; no, there was actually something comforting about being held by him once again.
Matt's face got closer to yours - closer than used-to-be lovers should. You felt his ragged breath on your face. He stood there silently for a moment as did you, both somehow unsure as to what ought to follow this bittersweet encounter.
He, however, made the first move to end the anxious silence, whispering words you could never admit you yearned to hear:
"There's a hole in my heart that's shaped like you and no one else can ever fit into it."
Then, in the uncomfortable coldness of the night, you felt the warmth of his lips on yours. Matt's hands moved to cradle your neck. A stray tear brought saltiness to your tongue but you weren't sure which one of you shed it.
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ajs-bookmark · 9 months
PJO episode 5. spoilers ahead. u have been warned.
my notes:
HES ALIVE I KNOW IT like i can’t even fathom this. what in the soulmate type shit
👋hi ! bro percy you cannot just pop up like that my man
ANNABETH LIKKKKKESSSSS HIMMMMMMMM it’s clearly so obvious !!!! but nonono of course she hasn’t liked him since they were twelve. gross. boys. blergh.
u hugged me ! 😐😐😐 annabeth fr said no sir that was not it. are you stupid.
we’re all gonna die eventually annabeths side eye was wild like HELLO sassabeth
ares totally just popped up AND ALSO HE LOOKS SO BADASS !! HIS COAT THING I WANT IT
twitter fight 💀💀💀 ares and his twitter ‘X’ fights were so funnyyy
ares’ rant and grover/annabeth/percy just looking at him like 😐😐
his little “great !” after percy agreed💀
watching a movie together perseus you sly dog
annabeth girlbossing as always with her knowledge
“it’s a little funny :)” you’re so right it was
“oh that’s so cool” “ANNABETHHHH” “sorry”
“im a fan !” ares was like wtf
is grover softening the god of war himself ??
in an orthodontists office PLSSS PERSASSY
the realization of his mom keeping him away oh my godssssssss
the reaching for annabeth 😭😭😭😭
ares hating kids HELP HES SO ME
*BAM* THANK YOU like bro it is not that deep
grover is such a GENIUS holy shit
she looks so sad to be leaving him i mgoing to cry
he. gave . her. riptide. 
you think you had to ask no fucking WAY
(the cgi is so good omgs?)
hephaestus !!!!! perfect casting arghhh
im not leaving here without my friend. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
she’s so precious and i love her so much and her facial expressions make me sob like fr leah was such a good choice. there is no other choice for annabeth.
lotus casino👀👀👀👀
king grover knowing who took it- and then of fucking COURSE a fucking CLIFFHANGER
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ellsieee · 12 days
I honestly don't know how Suk is going to end Seoul Blues. According to the pairing expectations and bl formula rules, Daeyoung should end up with Jeongha, but at this point, that feels like the least logical ending.
So Daeyoung was going to explain why he cheated...
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Except not. He's got nothing. Zip. Nada.
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All he does is tell his emo backstory. No saying that he loves Jeongha most, that the kiss was a mistake. No trying to win Jeongha back. No groveling. It's like he doesn't want Jeongha back...
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I cheered when Jeongha gave Daeyoung a piece of his mind. I think he hit the nail on the head. At that moment, if Dojin had asked Daeyoung to go back to him, Daeyoung would have taken him back in an instant. Side note: I think Seungjin's acting has improved! He was an awkward crier at best in Blue Boys, but his sad/crying face is much more natural in Seoul Blues.
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At first I thought Dojin was going to ask Daeyoung to take him back, but instead he chose violence.
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Arghhh. Wtf Dojin? Can't you speak nicely for once? He's always saying these harsh words, as if he doesn't care, and is just toying with Daeyoung, but his expressions say otherwise.
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Dojin looks so sad and full of regret! There must be something else going on that he's not telling Daeyoung. He must think that he's protecting him or doing what's best for Daeyoung by making him hate him.
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Because there's just no way that is the face of someone just playing with Daeyoung. Dojin looks absolutely devastated that he drove Daeyoung away. I want more of his backstory! I need to know why he ghosted Daeyoung, why he's back, and why he's purposely making Daeyoung hate him, but there's only one more episode and Suk will probably use it to bring Daeyoung and Jeongha back together. 😭
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You can't blame me for wanting Dojin Daeyoung endgame. They're cute together! Riu is collecting men like pokemon. Has any other kbl actor kissed more men? 🤭 Give me the uncut NOW!
My fairytale ending would be for Dojin to chase after Daeyoung (wrist grab and all 😂), and tell him that he still loves him. He ghosted because *insert good reason here*, but he did it all for Daeyoung.
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Dojin is famous now, so he will fulfill his promise and take care of Daeyoung. 😭
I think Daeyoung ending up alone would also be a fitting ending. He blew up two friendships and cheated twice. I think he deserves a time out.
The ending that would make the least sense to me is Daeyoung getting back together with Jeongha. During their break up scene, it was clear that Daeyoung wasn't over Dojin and would have gotten back together with him given the chance. So if he goes back to Jeongha now, it would only be because Dojin rejected him, which is... bad to say the least. I don't want Jeongha to be some consolation prize.
Watch Suk pull something crazy like giving us poly or having Daeyoung get back with Minji. 😂
This series makes me miss Nami, someone who could actually communicate.
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world0fmadness · 12 days
ted “ nocturno culto ” skjellum x reader
♡ general dating headcanons for nocturno culto!
୨୧ he is so so so cuteee! apologies if this isn’t the greatest, i haven’t had much sleep the past few days, hope you still like it anon <3
♡ requested by anon | view my metal masterlist here
reading music recommendations: in the trees by cemeteries - death rides out by bestial warlust
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♡ first of all, are you really going to date a guy called ted and not give him the nickname teddy?
୨୧ get the hell out of here, call this man teddy nowww! it’s so so so cute :(
♡ he’d absolutely act like he hates it at first but deep down, he loves it so much and after a while, he can’t even keep up the act of hating it!
୨୧ he damn near melts every time you call him teddy, it’s just one of those things that strikes him right in his heart and he can never say no to you when you call him it
♡ when you call him it in front of his friends, he doesn’t even get embarrassed! he might blush a little but he won’t cover his face or tell you to stop and if anyone mocks the nickname?
୨୧ he is so quick to throw them a glare and depending on who they are, he will tell them to be quiet or shut the fuck up immediately, despite him being quite an introvert
“ just be quiet… honestly, are you twelve? it’s a nickname for her to me, get over it man… ” ( he honestly kind of sees it as them mocking you and he will not take that at all, even if they’re actually mocking him for allowing you to call him such a fluffy and cute name )
♡ as i just mentioned, he is a bit of an introvert but he really opens up around you and talks a lot about new music he’s working on with fenriz, telling you that you should come to the studio with him sometime and hang out with them a little! he doesn’t like leaving you home alone, just waiting for him to come back plus fenriz likes you and always jokes around with you quite a bit
୨୧ and when it comes to people bugging you or really doing anything you don’t enjoy, he won’t hesitate to come to your defence! just because he’s an introvert does not mean he’s just going to sit by and be too quiet or shy to stand up and say something in your defence
♡ if you ever got a teddy bear and named it ted, he’d be so… i don’t even know how to describe it properly…
୨୧ i just think he’d be so sweet about it, absolutely the type of guy to act nonchalant about your plushies but quietly talk to them and treat them like humans the second you leave the room
♡ ted is his favourite one now, especially since you sleep with it whenever your actual teddy isn’t around to cuddle, he’s glad you have something that reminds you of him for whenever he’s away <3
୨୧ nocturno would probably love camping with you!
♡ i’ve never actually been camping but i just know camping with him would be so so so calm and peaceful :(
୨୧ cuddling up in a tent under the stars with him? burying your head into his neck or chest and tangling your legs together to keep warm as he mumbles some sleepy talk into your hair… but do not let his sleepy talk fool you, he never falls asleep before you! he needs to hear your breathing even out and your hands loosen around his waist, chuckling quietly at your soft snores before he can fall asleep too
♡ however, he’s always the first one up in the morning, trying so hard to not wake you when moving out of the tent to prepare you some coffee or some other hot drink for when you wake up
୨୧ when you do wake up, he likes to pull you down onto his lap before giving you your drink, giving you a gentle kiss on the lips as he mumbles a good morning, tightening his hold on you as you cuddle into him more, both of you admiring the sun as it slowly rises
“ morning, honey… you okay? get a good sleep, hm? c’mere, made you some coffee… ” ( arghhh i just know his morning voice would be so gruff and gravely, deep as he mumbles about how beautiful you look in the morning, bathed in the orange glow of the rising sun )
♡ not to mention the sex you guys have when camping too?
୨୧ oh my gosh… so good! telling him you feel a little cold in the tent will lead to very close cuddling which then leads him kissing up your neck which leads to sloppy making out and i could go on but you get the gist! having his body on top of yours as he thrusts into you at a steady pace, the tent filled with your shared moans and the hoots of owls in the surrounding forest trees, your bodies pressing together and creating body heat, warming you up just as you wanted
“ feel so fucking good, y’know that? so tight around me… fuck… ” ( his voice during sex too? wooof, so so so hot! he does not speak much during sex but when he does? he’s guaranteed to say something hot right into your ear )
♡ now i’m just really tempted to write camping headcanons for him…
୨୧ i feel like nocturno would love kissing you on your hand too! it’s so strangely romantic for him, even when he’s not trying to be romantic! it’s just a go to thing for him to take your hand and bring it to his mouth to plant a peck on the skin! he’ll do it before getting out of the car to fill it up with petrol, before getting out of bed, after sex and so on! he doesn’t even think about doing it, he just does it, it’s so second nature to him for some unknown reason
♡ because he is an introvert, he isn’t super into PDA at all…
୨୧ those cute little hand kisses are one of the few things he’ll do in public, along with some hugs and such! always expect some over dramatic whooping, hollering and whistling from fenriz whenever nocturno does anything like this, it’s doesn’t really bother nocturno too much though, he’ll just flip fenriz the bird and pull you into him
♡ i don’t think it really counts as PDA but he likes pulling your chair out for you and going to grab drinks for you too!
୨୧ it’s another thing that just comes as second nature to him, he could be talking to someone and without even looking at you or stopping his conversation, he’ll outstretch his arm and pull out the chair you’re going towards
♡ considering his name is ted and you nickname him teddy, i absolutely refuse to believe he wouldn’t be into cuddling!
୨୧ maybe not so much when in public but when you’re at home together? relaxing in bed or on the couch? he’s always the first to initiate cuddles! he’s just your big, blonde teddy bear
♡ he’ll do it so casually too, not even taking his eyes off the tv or book he’s reading as he throws an arm over your shoulders and pulls you into him, mumbling something down to you about making yourself comfortable
“ you comfy? stretch your legs out, honey… you look a little cramped up like that, here… ” ( literally, please just spread out atop of him, make yourself comfy, fall asleep if you want, he doesn’t mind )
୨୧ he seems like a pretty big and broad dude so honestly, you could damn near lay all or a little more than half of your whole body atop of his with your head in the crook of his neck whilst his hand strokes your back, always drifting down a bit further to gently grope your ass, smirking a little when you laugh about it
♡ he’s always grabbing at your ass when no one is looking so it’s nothing new nor anything crazy sexual, he just likes squeezing it <3
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bonesandthebees · 5 months
I see everyone is pissing on the poor again. But seriously, phone calls are the worst. I had to get info from a certain group of people, and I sent an email. Got redirected twice, had to sent at least 2 reminders to ask people if they could please look at my email I need this for a paper. And then finally got the bare minimum of an answer about a month after my first email. A phone call could have made this a lot faster because they just send you from one person to the next and are forced to deal with it RIGHT NOW. Which feels so invasive.
I hate making phone calls. I hate getting them. Or worse, having to wait for someone you know is going to call. It gives me social anxiety x10. The only person I ever call is my best friend, but then we spend hours on the video call and I don’t have to worry about social etiquette. I can just run around, get something to eat, interrupt her to show off my cats, I’ve straight up done my dishes and made dinner on a call once. But calling someone you don’t know? Absolute hell. I’m not calling for my dentist. I can make online appointments for my doctor. Why is it so efficient?! It’s so unfair!
literally I'm just sitting here like wow people really think I'm pissing on the poor huh (pls tumblr userbase learn reading comprehension)
YEAH THAT'S THE THING no one checks their email!! literally just today I had to make a call because someone didn't respond to an email I sent nearly a week ago and I really needed a quick response on it and the call was so easy and just arghhh pls
god I hate having to wait for someone to call me if it's like an appointment or something. like actually I'd much rather make the call myself then. I'm just sitting waiting like a trembling chihuahua
calls with friends are peak though I love those
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teabreakpancakes · 2 years
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Kinktober: Day Fourteen
Corrupt You Sweetly (Childe x Sub GN Reader)
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corruption kink, dacryphilia!
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You were naive, innocent, and untainted by everything; the Tsaritsa worked hard to keep it that way. Yet, here you were, all nervous and on the brink of tears on his lap.
"There there, it's alright little one, what we're about to do isn't scary at all" he reassured, caressing your cheek. He just wanted to make you feel good, that's all—he's been aching to do so for so so long.
"But, Ajax, y, you said you were gonna touch me down there, no one has ever touched me there" you pursed your lips, unsure of what to do.
His eyes softened, cupping your face with both of his hands. "Hey, we don't have to if you don't want to, I just wanted to be your first but if you aren't comfortable with it I won't continue, your feelings matter most to me" he whispered, pressing a soft kiss onto your temple.
Fidgeting with your hands, you lean against his chest. Ajax would never do anything to harm you and you knew that he'd stop if you asked him to. "I don't mind if you do it, j, just stop if I don't like it okay?" you mumbled, digging your face into his chest.
You could feel his heart rate pick up even more, "I'm so glad you trusted me with this" his whispered, tearing up slightly. "T, Then, can I remove your bottoms?" he asked, placing a finger under the waistband of your underwear.
You nod, watching his fingers gently tug your underwear down your soft thighs. The cool air hitting your intimate areas sends a shiver up your back. The ginger haired man gently slides one of your thighs to the side, watching your expression for any sign of discomfort.
"I'm gonna start touching you now okay?" he informs, giving a reassuring smile. He holds back a chuckle at the sharp gasp leaving your throat when he begins to gently caress your sex.
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"Right here? feels good right here?" he cooed, ramming into your sensitive spot. Tears ran down your rose tinted cheeks as you babbled his name like a mantra.
It's been hours. Ajax feels guilty but fuck, your crying face keeps on riling him up. "A, Ajax, 'm so full, sho full 'f you" they sobbed out onto his shoulder. A pleased smirk paints the harbingers face, loving the sound of you being so dazed from how good it felt.
He wanted to fuck you until you became his own little whore. Tainted only by your lovely husband, you were his and only his after all so he didn't see why he couldn't. Not when the Tsaritsa's already given him her blessing and certainly not when he's made it known to every single person in Snezhnaya that you were taken.
His sweet praises sent you over the edge, already sensitive from your previous orgasms. "I love you so much" he singsongs, fucking more of his cum into your cute little hole. Drool trickled down your chin, prompting him to lick it up with a soft groan.
The harbinger could hardly believe that you could make such an expression; looking so fucked out and ruined, and only for him. As much as he felt bad for ruining your innocence, he can only think of molding you into his slut to compensate.
The image of you begging for his cock seemed too good to pass on after all.
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istg, i hated tagging this, FFS WHY DOES HE HAVE SO MANY NAMES ARGHHH
Did i get off track? yep, i wanted to write more, but then my brain died
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muniimyg · 2 years
04 // series m.list
taglist request: send a request with the title of this fic “f2f” // please DO NOT comment here or on the series . it gets confusing and i prefer answering and tagging through asks
taglist: @bloopkook @pb-n-juju @taetaecatboy @ellesalazar @joonsjuice @firesighgirl @cursedcursives @whoa-jo @yoongukie-ff @jihopesjoint​
warning: oc throws up twice !
note: unedited :>
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 Nam Joon is an asshole but at least he is self aware. 
Unlike most of his friends who often come off pretentious, he has always tried to protect his peace with his rude exterior. It’s not like he didn’t respect others... It was more because it was the easiest way to push people away. 
That’s exactly what he knew he’d have to do with you.
Meeting you, as brief as it was; changed his life forever. 
Prior to meeting you, he had never felt his heart be moved. Not by beauty or by flowery words; but by a person’s simple smile and aura. It was you that moved him deeply. So much so that his feet felt like they were floating above the ground and if he didn’t act out to save himself from being too in his head; he’d be done for. 
If Nam Joon wasn’t so self aware; he would have confessed so long ago. Instead, he waited. Instead, he continued to be that annoying, smart-ass that you’d look for in friendgroup hangouts. He’d remain that friend you’d want approval from because he kept you humble. 
Yet, maybe humble is an understatement. 
Sometimes, his comments did go too far. Sometimes, he did make you feel dumb. But it never hurt your ego to the point where you’d hate him. No, it just felt like a middle school love affair. Like he was the boy that pulled your hair just to get you upset. Like he wanted you to cry only for him to comfort you instantly. 
It’s immature. 
It’s toxic. 
It’s Nam Joon.
Your expectations of him have always been low. He’s always been the kind to shy away from events, but everyone would want him there because if he showed up... It’d be valid. Having him tutor you has to be one of your smarter moves as it seems to be working well for you two. Nam Joon, aside from texting, has awfully been decently pleasant... It’s as good as it can get. 
The first time you two slept together was out of pure boredom. You were over at Jungkook’s and he happened to be there with the others. Everyone was busy playing games or cooking, meanwhile you and Nam Joon got buzzed. From there, he let a few words slip out of his mouth that led to you letting him slip his dick inside you. 
“It’s fucking irritating,” he sighed. 
“What is?” you nudged him, in attempt to pry for more of his words. He turned to you and looked at you deeply. It made your heart flutter from what you can remember. 
With shaky eyes, he exhaled; “how pretty you are. How bad I want you. How... You’re just... Everything. I think you’re perfect.”
To be frank, that night went by fast. You two scrambled to a bedroom upstairs, hit it and quit it. You two went back downstairs to join everyone after an hour and pretended like nothing ever happened. For a few weeks he avoided you and you brushed it off. Suddenly, then all at once, he acted normal again and so did you. 
Tonight, to Nam Joon, reminds him a lot of the first time you two slept together. 
Partly because the same people were around and partly because you look just as beautiful as that night. As he finds you sitting in the corner with your knees to your chest, he feels it again.
His heart moves and his feet float above the ground. 
He doesn’t know how he manages to get through the crowd and get to you. He just does. When he does, he crouches in front of you. 
Poking you, he begins to nag. “What are you doing here, dummy? You might get stepped on. Let’s go—”
“Arghhh,” you groan, pushing him away. He catches your wrists and holds you still. Lifting your head up, you greet him with a tired smile. “You?”
“Me,” he confirms with a soft tone. “Sorry to disappoint you.”
You shake your head profusely. “I’m happy you’re here.”
“You are?”
“Mhmm,” you gulp. “Hobi’s been ignoring me. I waved at him then he smiled and looked away. I drank like four of these, by the way!” 
Nam Joon’s eyes flicker to the empty red cups around you. He thinks to himself, shit. Of course Hobi would ignore you right now. You’re practically wasted and he’d actually die if his reputation was tainted with someone who was an inch short of perfection. 
Before Nam Joon can say anything, your body suddenly leans forward and crashes against his. Though he’s a little startled, he wraps his arms around you to hold you up. Your body slumps as your head continues to spin. 
“I need to throw up,” you choke. “I’m sorry.”
Nam Joon shakes his head, tucking your hair behind your ears. “Don’t be sorry, it’s okay. I’m here, ___. I’ll take care of you.”
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Nam Joon finds a bathroom for you and locks the doors as you kneel in front of the toilet. You begin to gag and as soon as the fluids come up, Nam Joon rushes to your side and holds your hair back.
He pats your back and looks away. In all honesty, he’s not grossed out. Throw up is throw up. It’s simple biology and he would rather that you throw up than for you to feel sick for the rest of the night and possibly tomorrow morning. 
As you finish up, you catch your breath and groan. After flushing, Nam Joon hands you toilet paper to wipe around your mouth. You sit still, eyes teary and lips puffy from everything. 
“Why are you being so nice to me? You’re usually meaner than this.”
Your curiosity gets the best of you. Leaning against the bathtub, you throw your head back and just stare at the ceiling. Partly to compose yourself and partly to avoid Nam Joon’s eyes. For some reason, it feels like you could cry.
“I’m always nice to you.”
You snort at his reply. 
“Where’s Hobi?”
“Avoiding you.”
You plop yourself up and glare at him. “See? Mean.”
Nam Joon chuckles and takes a seat next to you. You shift, making space for him. He points below your chin and out of instinct, you look down. He lifts his finger and tilts your chin up and grins. 
You roll your eyes, finding it hard to believe that you fell for that! 
“Why are you here?” you ask him. “It’s not like I’m in the mood to fuck and it’s not like you’re Hobi’s servant. What gives?”
He shrugs. “Can’t I just be a friend?”
Your eyes widen. “You are a friend! Just not... This kind.”
Nam Joon pouts at you. “I literally held your hair back while you threw up two days worth of food. Can’t you at least say thank you?”
“Thank you,” you snicker. “Thank you for being a decent friend for once.”
He salutes you. “Never again.”
With that, you both let out a light laugh. When it dies down, you let out a big sigh. “Okay, for real... What do you want, Nam Joon?”
Then, for the first time in a while, he really looks at you. He looks at you and it feels like he could get lost in your glossy eyes. He bites his bottom lip from letting any secrets spill out. He curls his hands into a fist and then relaxes them. Nam Joon feels the tightness in his chest increase but decides to digress. 
Tonight isn’t the night. 
Right now isn’t the moment. 
Perhaps, another time. Perhaps then, he’d tell you the truth. For now, he puts his heart aside and puts you first. 
You groan, not buying his bullshit. “What is it? You want me to tell you that you were right?”
He looks at you confused. 
“Right about what?” he questions, completely lost. 
You roll your eyes and cross your arms. “Even though Hobi ditched me tonight and left me with you, he was still trying to look out for me. Therefore, he’d be a good boyfriend, right?”
Nam Joon instantly feels hurt. It feels like you just disregarded his efforts for the sole purpose of saving Hobi’s face. He can’t hold his words back; “Hobi ditches you and you still think he’d be a good boyfriend?”
You shrug, “I don’t know.”
“What about me, then?” Nam Joon almost chokes on his own words. Too late to take them back, he presses forward; “___, I’m the one that held your hair back. I’m the one here with you. Do you still think the same? Do you still think I’d be an awful boyfriend?”
“I think I... Uh, Nam Joon—”
“—It’s yes or no, ___.”
You gulp, feeling a lump in your throat form. The uneasy feeling kicks in and you cover your mouth. Hurriedly, you cry; “... I have to throw up again.”
As Nam Joon holds your hair back for the second time tonight, he wonders if he’s that bad. He wonders if maybe he had distanced himself a little too far from you. He wonders if he pulls you closer from this moment on... Could you be his soon? Even throwing up and making excuses for his reputation sensitive friend—you’re perfect. 
You’re simply everything. 
It’s then that Nam Joon begins to feel sick himself. 
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