designme2011 · 5 years
🌴Tango, milonga e habanera live nelle calde serate dell'estate mesagnese. Una delle cose che mi sorprende di più è vedere come quella che soltanto gli scorsi anni appariva una sfida difficilissima, si stia già trasformando in una "nostra tradizione". Ancora tutta da sviluppare ma già avviata ed esistente. Ogni giorno un evento affascinante per far conoscere meglio Mesagne, tanti spettacoli ed eventi gratuiti di danze e musica accessibile a tutti, inclusi scuole di ballo e artisti locali. Per questa serata le signore hanno sfoggiato i vestiti migliori e le scarpe più adatte e i loro compagni si sono trasformati in perfetti vecchietti milongueri. Anche se non eravamo in Argentina o a Buenos Aires ma a Mesagne (...o Mesangeles per dare un tocco americano) ed è necessario muoversi in pista rispettando determinate regole base, il viaggio è stato comunque bellissimo. L'atrio del nostro Castello si è trasformato in una pista da ballo a cielo aperto, qualcuno è uscito dal senso antiorario del giro, le più accaldate muovevano l'aria con il loro ventaglio quasi a nascondersi dietro a chissà quale intrigo amoroso, gli aspiranti miglioravo le proprie "praticas" e i novizi abbozzavano i primi passi della lezione non ancora assimilata. Insomma un viaggio in cui i sogni e le aspettative piano piano diventano realtà. 🌴 Mesagne in due tempi ( video intero link in bio) • • • • #visitmesagnecuordisalento #cuoreantico #altosalento #lacittadellamore #lacittadelcuore #designme #minuzzerie #mesagne #argentina #buenosaires #culture #travel #traveldesignme #eventi #tradizione #folklore #milonga #tango #tangoargentino #argentine_tango #танго #tangodance #tangotime #tangodance #tangofashion #tanguera #tangolesson #instatango #tangolove #passion (presso Mesagne) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1y9MQHAFjn/?igshid=1apqh911hvlbv
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Benefits of Dancing Argentine Tango
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There are a lot of people who are making a choice to engage in Argentine Tango dances all over the world and the game is gaining a lot of popularity in modern days. You will be able to get a lot of benefits when you make a choice to dance Argentine Tango and that is the main reason as to why there are a lot of people making the choice to participate in Argentine Tango Festival. To be able to dance the Argentine Tango you will need to have the needed skills and expertise meaning that you will have to go for classes where you will be equipped with the needed skills. The following are the benefits that you will be able to get when you make a choice to dance Argentine Tango.
The first benefit that you will be able to get when you make a choice to dance Argentine Tango is that it gives you flexibility. You will need to make sure that you keep your body flexible by doing different kinds of exercises and this will ensure that you have a healthy body. Before you can start to dance the Argentine Tango you will need to do some yoga poses which as a way to warm up. When you make a choice a choice to dance the Argentine Tango you will be able to keep your body flexible and the more you dance the more flexible you will be.
The second benefit that you will be able to get when you make a choice to dance the Argentine Tango is that it improves your confidence. To be able to survive and live a normal life where you are not afraid of people you will have to ensure that you have the confidence to face people and you will also have to believe in what you do. When you make a choice to dance the Argentine Tango you will be able to associate with people that you will be dancing with as the Argentine Tango is a social activity and this will be able to boost your confidence. Read here for more info.
The other benefit that you will be able to get when you make a choice to engage in Argentine Tango dances is that it helps to burn the calories that you have in your body. Having a lot of calories may lead to increased weight and having a lot of weight comes with a lot of problems starting with reduced confidence and low self-esteem. You will have to make sure that you find a better way that you will be able to get rid of the excess weight that you may be having if you have a lot of calories in your body. When you make a choice to dance the Argentine Tango you will be able to burn a lot of calories that you have in your body. To conclude the points that are discussed in the context above shows the benefits that you will be able to get when you engage in Argentine Tango dances.
Click on this link for more info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argentine_tango.
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