fallenhero-rebirth · 6 years
300 subscribers here we go...
Been writing a LOT lately, but it’s all game stuff. Still, I wanted to give you a little bonus something. SO I decided what the hell, have a peek at some of the alpha coding for one of the early fights in the game with Lady Argent. It will be spoilerific, but since it’s in chapter one I don’t feel too bad about sharing it. This is what I am working on right now. ALSO IMPORTANT! Alpha version, not proofed, not filled out, not grammar checked, this is what it looks like when I write, and I have not edited anything. So it will fill out and change.
*label argenthunter
Looks like she's been doing some hunting on her own. Not that you mind. Not really.
If there is one thing you know, it's that a fight between you and Lady Argent will give you better headlines than destroying the Handyman ever would. *if not(prepare_them)  You didn't wake up today planning to tangle with the Rangers, but since she seems to be here on her own, who are you to deny yourself a good fight? *if prepare_them  You didn't wake up today planning to tangle with the Rangers, but Lady Argent is a special case. Of all the heroes you have fought, she's the one you have judged closest to understand what is going on. To be ready to cross the line. There's no naivety in her mind, no illusion that the world is just, or that the people in power have anything but their best interest at heart.
 You could turn her. Maybe. If you play your cards right.
*if win  You beat her once, you can do it again.
*fake_choice  #"Are you going to come to the rescue of every two-bit hero in this town? Then you'll be busy."    "Are you going to come to the rescue of every two-bit hero in this town? Then you'll be busy." You straighten your back, making sure to strike a good pose for the hovering cameras.
   "Don't be absurd," she scoffs, looking as much at ease with herself as you do. "I'm not the one that set this up." She glances back at the Handyman,    *if not(handyassist)      who has pulled himself to his feet, arm wrapped around his ribs.    *if handyassist      who has stepped back, keeping the gun trained on you.    "He had a plan. I liked it."
   "It's not the first crook we've brought in together." His mouth is spotted with blood, but the grin on his face is from triumph. "I set them up, she knocks them down..."
   "...don't say it..." she mutters quietly, pressing two fingers to the bridge of her nose as he continues.
   "...gotta use the right tool for the right job." He gives her a weak little wave, before backing away behind her shielding form.
   "Why do they always feel the need to talk..." You can feel the waves of annoyance coming off her.
   "I get it," you scoff, causing her eyes to focus back on you. "He's the bait and the brains. You're just the muscle."    *if not(prepare_them)      That makes you feel a lot better about things, the last thing you need is to contend with someone else with half a brain in the Rangers. One you don't know and can't predict. Yet.    *if prepare_them      You're not sure if the statement is true, but a little bit of prodding never hurt anyone. Is Lady Argent more than a domesticated killer? Can she be more? Perhaps.    *if argent_sample      You still don't know what to make of Dr. Mortum's assessment of the sample you brought ${mhim}. Who is Lady Argent really? What is she?
   "If that's what you like to call it." She flexes her hands, the tips of her fingers elongating into her trademark razor-sharp claws. "I'm just here to bring you in."
   "Good luck with that."    *if argent_sample      Is it nails or skin that forms those claws? You've never seen her do any major shape-changing, and you didn't feel anything odd when you possessed her. Maybe if you could get a better sample you'd know more.
   "I won't need luck," she says with the sharpest of smiles, "I'm the hunter here. Not you."
 #"You know, if you wanted a fight you could just have asked," I say, cracking my knuckles.    "You know, if you wanted a fight you could just have asked," you say, cracking your knuckles. It's not even a lie, being called out for a duel might have been both flattering and a good opportunity to    *if not(prepare_them)      take her down.    *if prepare_them      test her mettle.
   "Really?" She raises her eyebrow in disbelief. "I got the impression you were afraid of a fair fight, considering your choice of opponents lately."
   "I'm willing to move you up on my list, even if I was saving the best for last." The Handyman is irrelevant. You can see him limping back behind her shielding form. He is irrelevant. She is not.    *if argent_cape      "Not to mention that I'd want my cape back."
     "It's right here." She touches the fabric almost tenderly. "All you have to do is come and get it."
     "That was the plan all along."
   "Oh that's cute, you think you're hunting me now?" Her fingertips have stretched into her trademark claws, tapping her thigh impatiently.    *if argent_sample      Is it nails or skin that forms those claws? You've never seen her do any major shape-changing, and you didn't feel anything odd when you possessed her. Maybe if you could get a better sample you'd know more.    "Come on then."
 #"All this for me? I'm flattered," I tease, glad that the helmet is hiding my smile.    "All this for me? I'm flattered," you tease, glad that the helmet is hiding your smile.
   "I am not the one that arranged this dance," she says, flexing her fingers as her razor-sharp claws starts growing.    *if argent_sample      Is it nails or skin that forms those claws? You've never seen her do any major shape-changing, and you didn't feel anything odd when you possessed her. Maybe if you could get a better sample you'd know more.
   "That would be me," the Handyman says, raising his voice. His mouth is spotted with blood, but the grin on his face is from triumph. "I knew you were looking into my business, and when I got that tip it wasn't hard to figure out that something was wrong and take relevant precautions."
   "Shut up. You're not the one I'm interested in dancing with." Your voice is a low growl. You don't like being played. Not even a little.
   "Get back," she orders, and he obeys, one limping step at a time. You can see from the way she's watching you that she's expecting you to go for him.
   "I told you I wasn't interested in him." It's a small step forward, but you can see the change it makes in her posture. "This is between us now."
   "Bold words." Her grin widens. "Come on then, let's dance."
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needtoprotect · 10 years
can you imagine allison being the only one to help scott if melissa died? i mean, stiles and isaac would be too depressed because it feels like loosing their mothers all over again, and while she would feel the same way, she'd want to stay beside him constantly because she knows how vulnerable and she doesn't want him to do something he'd regret later omfg hold me
Allison would probably visit him almost everyday. Scott would tell her that it's fine, she doesn't have to because she shouldn't have to sacrifice her free time, rehashing old memories, because he couldn't get himself together. But Allison has never been the type to back down easily. She would insist on being there for him to help him pick up the pieces and try to move on.
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therunawaybeta · 10 years
argenthunter liked your post:someone do something with me? to my knowledge i...
oh hi
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thetwistedargent · 10 years
punch in the face
Kate's head snaps back to face Allison, her features already morphed into their jaguar. She snapped her fangs. "That was your one and only free hit. The next one is going to cost you."
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arrxwqueen · 10 years
Send me a ♛ and I’ll rate your blog:
Theme:☆ | ☆☆ | ☆☆☆ | ☆☆☆☆its like rlly clean wowie | ☆☆☆☆☆
Icon:☆ | ☆☆ | ☆☆☆ | ☆☆☆☆ | ☆☆☆☆☆ she looks so cute omg
Posts:☆ | ☆☆ | ☆☆☆ | ☆☆☆☆ | ☆☆☆☆☆
Music:☆ | ☆☆ | ☆☆☆ | ☆☆☆☆ | ☆☆☆☆☆ i couldnt find any oop
Writing:☆ | ☆☆ | ☆☆☆ | ☆☆☆☆ | ☆☆☆☆☆ amaze
Overall:☆ | ☆☆ | ☆☆☆ | ☆☆☆☆ | ☆☆☆☆☆ A+
Do I rp with them? [] Yes [x] No sadly
Following? [] Yes [x] No, Sorry self conscious reasons apologies bae  [] Just followed [] Foreverrrr
Special note: ur super fab
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therunawaybeta · 10 years
♠ :What is the hardest thing about playing this muse?
She's very.... different. A lot of my girl muses aren't bold, but Erica is, which in general, i'm not. I'm very keep to myself until you really push the wrong button. Erica though is very 'imma kill a bitch' pretty fast. And not to mention how she always fucking horny of late.
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hadyouxbefore-blog · 10 years
(argenthunter) "I feel so helpless like this. I don't like it."
                                                          Baby RP StartersIt twists in the center of his chest, honestly, the way she describes what she's feeling as 'helpless'. For a girl as strong as Allison Argent, he doubts that she can equate anything that leaves her feeling less than strong as good, even though for Scott, this might be the best thing that's ever happened to him."Yeah?" He asks, and he pauses, hands moving to rest on her sides as he drops a kiss to her bare shoulder. "Well, for what it's worth, I think it's pretty badass. I think you're pretty badass."And he doesn't say it, but he hopes that she knows that he's never loved her more than he does right now. 
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showmcwhattodo · 10 years
(argenthunter) ☑ ♥ ☄ ❂
Send me a symbol
☑ - I want to RP ♥  - I want to RP a relationship ☄ - I want to RP an AU❂ - I want to RP angst 
yess!! I really need to get off my bum and reply to our thread!
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thetwistedargent · 10 years
(argenthunter) ❅
"You belong on the naughty list." No, wait, that didn't seem right. Kate definitely belonged on the naughty list, but Allison... not so much.
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gaelbattlechief-blog · 10 years
(argenthunter) "I can’t stop thinking about you. Every minute of every day. I could be standing in the shower or cooking breakfast, but you’re still the only thought on my mind."
"I feel the same way about you, Allison," he replied, walking closer to her.
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viixenx · 10 years
(argenthunter) "Listen.. listen t'me... I'm so proud of you..."
Tumblr media
                ’ hey, hey —-                 allison, stay with me — ’
                                  her bottom lip trembled,                                   keeping the hunter’s face                                   elevated with her shaking hands .
                                 ’ stay with me — allison!                                   a-allison?                                                                                                   alli? ‘
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smilingsam · 10 years
I am Divergent // argenthunter
Isaac took a deep breath, trying to prepare himself mentally for the test he was about to endure. When he'd attempted it before, he'd let himself take the Divergent way out. He'd told himself it wasn't real. He'd escaped. That was the kind of behavior that would get him killed here. Luckily for him, this time he wasn't going in alone. Allison, a girl already highly ranked in Dauntless, had offered to join to help him face his fears. She knew he was Divergent and yet she wanted to help him. "I'm ready." he murmured, eyeing the needle that was about to be jabbed into his neck.   
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heartofatruealpha · 10 years
“What?” Allison looked up from where she’d been staring blankly at the wall at Scott’s voice, her tone completely surprised - she honestly hadn’t even noticed the pain in her left shoulder. “Oh.. Isaac, uh.. he pushed me out of the way. Of the water.” she swallowed the lump in her throat.
"Scott… what if he dies because of this? Because he saved me?"
"Deaton or my mom will have to look at that." He wasn't about to try and put a dislocated shoulder into place. He offered a hand. "Do you need me to uh...side-effect free pain relieve in the meantime?" That wasn't strictly true. The side-effect was he'd have to feel it, but hey, he'd been impaled and shot before so...hopefully it wouldn't be any worse than that. He sat next to her. "We can't think that way. Until we know otherwise, he'll heal and that can take time."
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idfindaway-blog · 10 years
(argenthunter) ⌖
Starter meme.
⌖ — My muse’s reaction to accidentally shooting your muse.
He didn’t mean to, he didn’t know Allisonwould suddenly be in the way, and he deinitely didn’t think he was really goingto shoot. 
Running to Allison, Stiles kneeledby her side, looking at the wound."I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to shootyou. God… I’m going to call forhelp, I’ll take you to the hospital.”
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