lavender-z-love · 2 years
Knock On
Jaehyun X Black.FemReader
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☁️ Genre: Fluff, Confession, Idol Lovers
✨️ Warnings: Nothing I don't think, Let me know
☁️ A/n: This was supposed to be posed on December 15th but today is the 16th of January- Anyway I wanted to make something sweet so please enjoy
✨️ Wordcount: About 900
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"Wow! The moon is so pretty Tonight!"
Your jaw drops in amazement. The natural satellite, gleaming unusually brighter than usual. Such elegance and charming without it doing much. Jaehyun had brought you to the roof top of the SM's Parking-Lot building. Your fellow Idol friend, asking to spend time with you after a collab. Your friendship growing day by day, it was safe to say Jaehyun was more than ever a big supporter of yours.
He watched you lean against the cement wall/ledge, to get a better look. Your elbows placed on the small wall, you held your chin in the palm of your hands. The stars reflected in your beautiful doe eyes. Jaehyun had to face it, looked like you were more invested in the night sky than him. Jaehyun didn't complain about it though, still you looked absolutely breathtaking. The way the wind blows, as the moonlight glistens upon you. Your dress danced in the delicate wind, shining, giving an illusion you were an angel.
Your jet black hair..its satiny coils which stopped mid-black also had been carressed by the wind. Jaehyun hopped down from the hood of the car he'd been observing you from. As if it wasn't hard enough already to not constantly think about you..or bashful at the sight of you. Tonight he could feel it in his heart; there was no hope for sleep, you lived rent-free inside it. Now standing next to you, it honestly made him timid.
"How are you enjoying the view?"
You sighed in delight,"Oh it's wonderful!" Jaehyun wished you'd look at him like that. You turned to him, revealing a sincere smile. He knew it was genuine and that made him very happy. Your bronzed skin, smooth and airbrushed in the celestial body's light. "Oh! Jae-Sunbae! I hope you dont mind, but I brought you some wine as a gift!"
"Of course. Though, you didn't have to Y/n. Also, please! No need to be so formal with me."
"What? No! I don't mind! Besides, why not?". You playfully winked,"As a matter in fact, celebration is in order!" Jaehyun laughed, receiving his glass. His lips part as the wine glass slips between them. Infact this time, you too become flustered and not because of the wine. Your eyes quickly move back to the sky. Jaehyun hummed as a response,"Its really good!"
"No cheers first?",you laughed.
Jaehyun smiled wryly, and stopped drinking quickly. "Right, Sorry"..He said scratching the back of his neck.
"No, No- I was just teasing Sunbae",you said reassuring him. The both of you walk and take rest against Jaehyun's car, taking seat on top of the hood. Enjoying a nice evening ambience. Jaehyun eventually taking notice that you were shivering. In a swift motion, he takes his jacket off, draping it on your shoulders. You pulled the jacket together, amused,"Sunbae I appreciate the gesture, but aren'tyou cold?"
Jeahyun, scoots a bit closer. Helping you zip up the jacket. "No I'm fine. Though, this is nothing, Im capable of much more than you think, Y/n". He smiled, keeping his eyes on you. "Much more you say? Like what?",you asked as you adjusting the jacket. You were cute, asking him little questions.
"Oh well—cooking, cleaning, I'm a huge romantic.." Suprised to hear him playfully respond back. You were speechless, gazing back at him with a light pink hue. "Seems like, there was competition between me and the moon, for your attention."
"Mhm..Looks like Ive finally won too."
Hiding behind your hair, embarrassed by the things he's saying. Jaehyun's no idiot, the two of you have been working on a collaboration for a while if anything, he's come to have an idea of what your habits are. One of them being when you're shy, you use your hair to hide. His hand carefully reaching over to brush your locks out of your face and behing your ear.
"You're right Y/n, The moon is absolutely beautiful tonight", Jaehyun Sung. Realizing that, the phrase that Jaehyun just said had another meaning. "Sunbae!", You yelp gently pushing his shoulder. "You shouldn't say things like that!" You covered you mouth, shocked by his sudden confession. "Y-You've clearly had enough to drink", You declared soon attempt to take his glass away from him. Though when you placed your hand on the wine glass, Jaehyun stopped you. Placing his slender fingers on yours. There it was that Princely smile he'd given you many times before, but for some reason..this time was different.
Finding your reaction quite enjoyable, he soon spoke up,"Im serious Y/n..I'm not speaking to you as your 'Sunbae'..but as Yuno." Your eyes widened, shocked.. "But..Im-" you were swiftly cut off,"I don't mind one bit."
You averted your gaze, looking down at your fiddling fingers..You liked him, you did- "God you're embarrassing.."
Jaehyun blessed you with that cute angelic laugh. He was now standing in front of you. One hand on your left and the other on your right. He leans in a little,"So? What do you say?"
Why, why was he like this. Speaking of which...the atmosphere so beautiful when he asked you, almost like the universe had this planned for you. The moon illuminates his skin giving him such a glow. There was no pressure into anything you didn't want. You were just taking in this masterpiece in front of you.
Your answer was with certainly, you attempted to hide your bashfulness. "Yes, I-I'd love to."
A cheeky grin, from ear to ear. "Tell me if this is too bold of a move, I'll stop If you're uncomfortable.." He leans in, holding his hand up to your left cheek. Soft strokes with his thumb on your skin. His lips now, embedded on your right cheek. You were definitely flushed though because of the night sky, it went unnoticeable.
Jaehyun pulls away, slightly tugging at your hands. He placing them around his neck, and he went back to his previous position. Leaning forward with his hands on either side of you.
"What's our first deed as a couple?"
You look to the sky thinking,"Err..Um– promise me."
He raises his pinkie to you,"Of?" His action catches you off guard. 'He's so cute!' You thought to yourself. "Keep me happy...Treat me right." You raise your pinky, linking it to his.
"I, Jung Jaehyun, Promise to keep you happy...I'll keep you elated, I'll make you more than happy. I will treat you right, Y/n."
Your pinkies fall,"My turn, ditch the 'Sunbae' Jaehyun, Yuno, or a pet name will do."
He lifts his his opposite pinkie,"Um..Sunb–"
He stops you, waving his pinkie,"uh uh uh..Promise me." With your eyes semi-closed you glare at him. 'Hmm...I guess.' Now linking your pinkie with his again. "Okay then deal."
"Deal", your fingers fall. His eyes glow with endearment. He was willing and ready to make you happy. "What do you say we pick this up from tomorrow? Maybe with a date?"
You nod shyly,"Yes..I like the sound of that."
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Written on December 15th 2022
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cresneta · 1 year
A half joking prediction for CHAPTER 83:
Twilight will knock Yuri out, shove a random mask on his face, then take him back to his captain and be all "Oh hi captain, I am totally the real Yuri and I just caught Twilight for realz. Aren'tyou proud of me?" I think there are several ways things can go after this - maybe Twilight will just toss Yuri to the captain and runaway before he has the chance to respond or maybe he'll use his knowledge of Yuri to impersonate him for a while.
Any injuries sustained in this scenario can be written off as coming from the fight between the two. If Yuri managed to tag Twilight in roughly the same place that he got shot in the Red Circus arc, then Twilight can use that to make his act more believable and pretend the fight reopened that wound. If Yuri is the more injured of the two, making sure the SSS figures out the ruse early could ensure Yuri gets medical care while still sowing a bit more chaos for the SSS.
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hoodtrench · 3 years
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nex-ture · 3 years
Empty Promises
Kaeya x Knight!Gn!Reader
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As a knight you had to protect mondstadt from monsters like Hillichurls and Abyss Mages. These enimeis often built camps around the city so daily you had to go around and knock them down. Most days Kaeya would be with you, but since he was a captain he had his fair share of meetings to attend.
You had a few comissions to complete, nothing to difficult just destray some hillichirl camps and fight off some monsters, these things were simply tasks you did daily.
Hillichurls and Abyss mages weren't that hard to fight, just breakdown any sheilds they have and charge at them. This specific commission was up on a hill, a nice couple had told you about it and wanred your help so they could have a date there.
You were in a relationship yourself so you understood the small frustrations the couple had. You gladly accepted this comission and got started. Fighting the hillichurls were easy enough and the camp was taken down quickly. Though it apeared that a lot of monsters loved in this camp.
It was a pretty big camp so no doubt the was a dew ruin guards and a couple abyss mages. Though, there may have been too many for you to take on by yourself. As soon as you realized doing this on your own was a death wish you had to call for back-up.
As soon as the message got to a few knights it quickly made its way to some of the captains. Word got around quickly any many people evacuated back into the gates of mondstadt. Kaeya and a few knights of his quickly made their way to the location everyone was taking about.
The location didn't seem very lively, there were hillichurl bodys and brocken Ruin guards all around. Many knights were hoping for the good news that you had beaten them all. Surely if you beat a bunch of enemies on your own that were deemed a suicide mission you'd go up a few ranks, but the results weren't what many were expecting.
A trail of blood was lead past a few ruin guards and Abyss mages. Knights were fighting off the last of the enemies, as Captain Kaeya made his way following the bloody path. As he suspected it lead to your body, he got down on his knees and held you in his arms.
Many Knights got down on one knee atound him, you had sacrificed tour life for the safety of Mondstadt. "[Name], Darling...you can..you can wake up now." Fear was present in his voice as tears dripped down onto your lifeless body.
Kaeya was aware of what your fate was in the moment, but he wasn't ready to accept it. "This isn't funny anymore...love, get up." He spoke in a cold voice as he gently shook you. This was an order from your superior, you had to wake up. He has lost for to many people, and god damn it he wasn't about to loose you too.
Knights around him had hung their heads low as they watched Kaeya struggle to wake you up. "You promised...You promised you'd wake up every morning...Just to see me!" Kaeyas voice started to raise as angry grew in him for your reckless actions. It wasn't your time so why do you have to go.
"So then why aren'tyou waking up!" As his voice grew louder his actions became more violent. He was shaking you within an inch of you life, blood was just draining faster. "Darling...I can't loose you" screams, thats all that could be heard for miles.
Some knights that you had grown close with shed a few tears at the sight of you. The reaction Kaeya had of loosing another loved one, it seemed like he couldn't have anything.
"Why make a promise, you can't fucking keep."
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toziers · 4 years
why aren'tyou wearing pants?
pants are out of style
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drgideonfell · 7 years
Hey sun
Get the fuck back here! It's still the afternoon You coward, you slacker. What, aren'tyou willing to put in a full days work? Back in my day the sun rose when we got up and it set when we went to bed.
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lovejijones-blog · 5 years
to Donald@realdonaldtrumpyour son in law and you, are the rat and maggotsowners, he own the building's that house the maggotsand rats, your family are the contributors  aren'tyou proud of the name, you made for yourself!!
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haveyouseenmads · 11 years
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